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Ontogenetic differences in the spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragons


Abstract and Figures

The early life-history stages of reptiles are extremely important to an individual's fitness, but in an ecological sense, among the most difficult to observe. Here, we used radio-tracking techniques to describe the differences in movement patterns, habitat use and home range between hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis on Komodo Island, Indonesia. The movement of hatchlings from their nests was largely linear and suggested a natal dispersal event. The movement patterns of juvenile Komodo dragons exhibited a greater spatial overlap than hatchlings, indicating greater site fidelity and thus use of a more defined activity area. The rates of daily movement were significantly less for hatchlings compared with juvenile dragons. The activity areas of hatchlings were significantly smaller than juvenile dragons. Both age classes preferred utilizing dry monsoon forest compared with other habitat types. Hatchlings were predominantly arboreal compared with juveniles and the degree of arboreal activity was strongly correlated with an individual's size. These distinct differences in spatial ecology between immature life-history stages suggest that different selection pressures may affect different size classes of Komodo dragons.
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Ontogenetic differences in the spatial ecology of immature
Komodo dragons
M. J. Imansyah
, T. S. Jessop
, C. Ciofi
& Z. Akbar
1 Conservation and Research for Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, Escondido, CA, USA
2 School of Environmental and Natural Resource Science, University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM, Bangi, Malaysia
3 Department of Wildlife Conservation and Science, Zoos Victoria, Parkville Vic., Australia
4 Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
spatial ecology; ontogenetic differences;
movement; activity; habitat use; Varanus
Tim S. Jessop, Department of Wildlife
Conservation and Research, Zoos Victoria,
PO Box 72 Parkville Vic., 3052, Australia.
Received 24 April 2007; accepted
5 July 2007
The early life-history stages of reptiles are extremely important to an individual’s
fitness, but in an ecological sense, among the most difficult to observe. Here, we
used radio-tracking techniques to describe the differences in movement patterns,
habitat use and home range between hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons
Varanus komodoensis on Komodo Island, Indonesia. The movement of hatchlings
from their nests was largely linear and suggested a natal dispersal event. The
movement patterns of juvenile Komodo dragons exhibited a greater spatial
overlap than hatchlings, indicating greater site fidelity and thus use of a more
defined activity area. The rates of daily movement were significantly less for
hatchlings compared with juvenile dragons. The activity areas of hatchlings were
significantly smaller than juvenile dragons. Both age classes preferred utilizing dry
monsoon forest compared with other habitat types. Hatchlings were predomi-
nantly arboreal compared with juveniles and the degree of arboreal activity was
strongly correlated with an individual’s size. These distinct differences in spatial
ecology between immature life-history stages suggest that different selection
pressures may affect different size classes of Komodo dragons.
Ontogenetic transitions through an animal’s life history are
often associated with large changes in their ecology (Stamps,
1983; Calder, 1984; Polis, 1984). This is particularly evident
in reptiles that may vary in mass by several orders of
magnitude over their lifespan and coincide with large
transitions in diet, habitat use and home range (Stamps,
1983; Shine, 2005; Herrel et al., 2006). The most dynamic
changes within an individual’s life history often occur in the
early life phases (e.g. post-natal and juvenile), often reflect-
ing greater selection pressures on survival. For example,
early post-natal movement, generally associated with peri-
ods of dispersal in reptiles, can range from relatively passive
movements, resulting in high natal fidelity (e.g. Prickly
forest skink, Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae, Sumner, 2006),
to highly irruptive movements (e.g. marine turtles) that
disperse offspring a considerable distance from their natal
site (Wyneken & Salmon, 1992). Similarly, shifts in habitat
use (e.g. terrestrial vs. arboreal) are often pronounced in
early periods of development and again may result from
multiple selection pressures acting on an individual, includ-
ing food availability, morphological constraints, microcli-
mate, predator avoidance and intraspecific aggression
(Stamps, 1983; Huey, 1991).
Despite being among the most dynamic phases in the life
history of reptiles, documentation of the ecological aspects
of these early life stages is often constrained by a reduced
capture probability (i.e. linked to small size, cryptic beha-
vior, arboreality, wariness or reduced survival) that limits
the collection of detailed ecological information at least via
mark–recapture methods (Fitzgerald, Shine & Lemckert,
2002). However, squamate reptiles such as boid snakes and
many varanid lizards, with their large offspring, are amen-
able for use with radio-telemetry techniques, allowing gath-
ering of more detailed information on the ecological habits
of early life stages (Wilson, Heinsohn & Legge, 2006). In this
study, we investigated both hatchling and juvenile Komodo
dragons Varanus komodoensis with respect to aspects of
their spatial ecology and habitat requirements, which, un-
like their older conspecifics, are poorly documented (Ciofi
et al., 2007). The Komodo dragon, a large monitor lizard
(up to 87 kg), is endemic to five islands in Eastern Indonesia,
where it occupies a niche as a top carnivore (Auffenberg,
1981). Previous research on the spatial ecology on Komodo
dragons has focused on preliminary descriptions of move-
ments and activity area of individuals using footprint
locations and sighting records Auffenberg (1981). More
recently, Ciofi et al. (2007) estimated activity areas and
the movements on five adult Komodo dragons with a
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London 1
Journal of Zoology. Print ISSN 0952-8369
snout–vent length (SVL) of 116–154 cm. Similar studies on
other varanid species have also described aspects of spatial
ecology (e.g. King & Green, 1999; Thompson, De Boer &
Pianka, 1999; Guarino, 2002; Ibrahim, 2002) and interac-
tions with physiology, reproduction and demography (see
Christian & Weavers, 1994; Phillips, 1995; James, 1996). In
this study, we conducted research by way of radio-telemetry
to understand three aspects of the spatial ecology of im-
mature Komodo dragons:
(1) Describing movement patterns of hatchlings following
emergence from their nest as a basis to gain an insight into
the initial natal dispersal tendencies in this species.
(2) Estimating differences in the movement capacity and
activity areas (i.e. a subset of home ranges used during a
defined time period; see Thompson et al., 1999) of hatchling
and juvenile Komodo dragons.
(3) Determining basic patterns of habitat use in hatchling
and juvenile Komodo dragons.
These three facets of study are considered to be important
in acquiring fundamental ecological information about this
species and are likely to contribute considerably to improv-
ing its management by increasing an understanding of its
habitat requirements. For Komodo dragons, which occupy
a limited geographical range and whose populations are
fragmented across islands, knowledge of hatchling and
juvenile dispersal could potentially be important in influen-
cing metapopulation dynamics. Similarly, habitat require-
ments throughout ontogeny are essential to understanding
those resources (e.g. food or habitat), which, if disturbed by
humans, could perturb population processes of Komodo
dragons, a priority conservation species in Indonesia.
Materials and methods
Study site
The study was conducted in the Loh Liang valley (9.4 km
on Komodo Island, (813304000 Sand119129 05100 E) in Komodo
National Park (KNP) (Fig. 1), East Nusa Tenggara,
Indonesia. Vegetation cover of KNP has been described
elsewhere (e.g. Auffenberg, 1981). Komodo Island is a
rugged, mountainous island covered predominantly by
savannah grassland. Deciduous monsoon forests dominated
by Tamarind tree Tamarindus indica are found in coastal
valleys, while closed evergreen forest persists on hills above
500 m altitude. The mean daily field temperatures (sourced
from a data logger located at sea level in Loh Liang valley)
during the period of this study averaged 29.5 0.1 1C and
varied within 1.5 1C between months and 0.2 1C between
Study animals
Five hatchling Komodo dragons with a mean SVL of
20.16 0.85 cm (SEM) (range 18.25–22.6 cm) and a body
mass of 0.11 0.01 kg (range 0.095–0.135 kg) were captured
following emergence from their nest. Hatchlings were cap-
tured by hand or in PVC pipe traps (10 cm diameter and
100 cm in length) on emergence from their nests. Seven
juvenile Komodo dragons (mean and SEM of SVL 55.81
2.97 cm and body mass of 3.03 0.56, range 1.4–5.7 kg)
were captured by hand or in baited box traps. We could not
determine the sex (i.e. a potential covariate underpinning
differences in spatial ecology) of these 12 individuals, as this
requires the use of genetic sexing techniques (Halverson &
Spelman, 2002), which currently have not been tested on our
sample set (C. Ciofi, unpubl. data).
Radio-telemetry techniques
This study was conducted between March and June over 2
years (2004–2005). In 2004, two hatchlings and four juve-
niles were radio-tracked, and in 2005 three hatchlings and
four juveniles were followed. Telemetry equipment con-
sisted of activity-sensitive AVM G31 V transmitters (AVM
Instruments Co. Ltd., Colfax, CA, USA), an AVM LA12Q
receiver and a three-element Yagi antenna. Transmitters
were attached to the dragon’s tail using duct tape.
Loh Liang Valley
0 500 1000 m
0 10 20 km
Figure 1 Location of the study site in the Loh
Liang valley on Komodo Island, the largest
island in Komodo National Park (inset). Con-
tours are at intervals of 100 m.
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London2
Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragons M. J. Imansyah et al.
After the transmitters were attached, hatchlings and
juveniles were released immediately. Each animal was
radio-tracked for 7–56 days (mean 31.42 5.05 days). Initial
observations showed that radio-tracked Komodo dragons
never moved during the night. To increase independence of
the data, individual daily observations were made in four
sessions, separated by a minimum daily time interval of
2–3 h. Daily positions and habitat-use observations were
made from 06:00 to 18:00 h across four time periods of
06:00–09:00, 09:00–12:00, 12:00–15:00 and 15:00–18:00 h.
Fixes were collected by either direct observation or by
triangulation (Samuel & Fuller, 1996; Fitzgerald et al., 2002;
Ciofi et al., 2007). Fixes were recorded using a Global
Positioning System (GPS; Garmin Etrex, Olathe, KS, USA),
and then recorded into an excel spreadsheet and visualized
onto digital topographic maps using ArcView 3.1 (Environ-
mental System Research Institute, Redlands, CA, USA).
Habitat use
To quantify, and compare, the habitat use of juvenile and
hatchling lizards, we collected data on habitat and shelter
site parameters concurrently with their positions obtained
during radio-tracking (Olupot & Waser, 2001). Four para-
meters were measured and defined as follows:
(1) Habitat strata defined as the use of either terrestrial or
arboreal strata.
(2) Habitat type defined as the presence of lizards in one of
three key habitat types including open deciduous forest,
closed dense forest and savannah grassland. These habitat
types were readily distinguished by canopy closure and
floristic composition.
(3) Shelter site included a description of resting or sleeping
location based on the use of vegetation (identified to species)
or substrate type. Further, with relation to vegetation,
particularly trees, tree diameter at breast height (Dbh) and
tree height were also recorded. Tree height and the Komodo
dragons’ height above ground were calculated using a
Suunto clinometer PM5 (Suunto, Finland).
(4) Elevation the elevation at which a lizard was located was
recorded alongside every positional fix.
Habitat selection
To identify broad-scale patterns of habitat selection in
Komodo dragons, we scored both the vegetation type
(closed forest, open forest and savannah grassland) and
elevation occupied by the dragon at each position as a
measure of habitat selection. These observed habitat char-
acteristics were then compared with a dataset of similar
measures drawn from 209 randomly generated locations
(each scored for habitat type and elevation) within the study
valley. We selected the number of random points based on
the average number of habitat fixes collected from both
hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons to ensure a ba-
lanced design for statistical purposes. Comparisons between
the observed and random habitat positions were used as a
basis to determine whether dragons utilized habitat in a non-
random manner.
Data analysis
Movement and orientation
Patterns of path movement (linearity) of Komodo dragons
were estimated using directionality and tortuousity analysis
(Nams & Bourgeois, 2004). Directionality was analyzed by
measuring the turning angle of movement on each point in a
compass direction (Claussen, Finkler & Smith, 1997). The
turning angles indicate the movement angles between two
consecutive points (Higham, Davenport & Jayne, 2001).
Tortuosity was measured by analyzing the fractal dimension
(D), whose values range between 1 and 2; at D=1, the
animal’s path of movement is straight. In contrast, when
D=2 (i.e. maximum), the animal’s path of movement is so
tortuous as to cover a plane completely (Nams & Bourgeois,
2004). To describe site fidelity, we ran the Site Fidelity Test
(with 1000 replications) to obtain the r
value; the lower the
value, the higher the site fidelity of an animal. Direction-
ality and site fidelity were computed using the Movement
Program extension (Hooge, Eichenlaub & Solomon, 1999)
and X Tools of ArcVIew 3.1 (ESRI), while fractal dimen-
sions were computed using the computer program Fractal
(Nams, 2004).
Komodo dragon movement distances were calculated as
the distance moved between two consecutive points (Samuel
& Fuller, 1996). The mean daily movement distance was
obtained by dividing the total distance of recorded move-
ments by the total number of radio-tracking days (Phillips,
1995; Fitzgerald et al., 2002; Ibrahim, 2002). These calcula-
tions were made using the Animal Movement Program
(Hooge et al., 1999) and X Tools extension of ArcView 3.1
Activity area
Activity areas were calculated using two methods: the 100%
minimum convex polygon (MCP) and the adaptive kernell
analysis (AKA) representing 95 and 50% of the probability
distribution of animal locations (Samuel & Fuller, 1996).
The 95% AKA is believed to be a very effective method
for estimating the internal structure of activity areas, and
provides one of the least biased estimates of home range
size (Samuel & Fuller, 1996). The 50% AKA has
been widely used to determine the core area or habitat use
in other reptiles (Kernohan et al., 1998; Fitzgerald et al.,
2002). In this study, the estimate from the 50%
AKA method was used to determine core areas within the
activity area of hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons.
Activity area estimations were calculated using the
Animal Movement Program (Hooge et al., 1999) in Arc-
View 3.1 (ESRI). Individuals with o10 fixes (i.e. hatchling
64CDC09 and juvenile 6EDB3B7) were not included in this
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London 3
Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragonsM. J. Imansyah et al.
Statistical analysis
Pre-analysis, all continuous data were log transformed to
meet assumptions of parametric statistical tests (Zar, 1999).
Log-transformed data failing these assumptions were ana-
lyzed using non-parametric statistical procedures. Categori-
cal data were analyzed using w
statistical procedures.
Patterns of movement
During our study, hatchlings moved in a predominantly
linear fashion with little movement over previously occupied
areas (Fig. 2, animals a and b). In contrast, juvenile dragons
exhibited much more tortuous movement paths, reflecting
increased activity over the same area (Fig. 2 animals c and
d). Fractal analysis indicated that the movement paths
undertaken by hatchlings D= 1.11 0.009 were signifi-
cantly more linearly directed (i.e. strait) than that of juvenile
dragons (D= 1.39 0.05; Mann–Whitney Utest; Z=
2.56, P=0.011). Moreover, the degree of site fidelity in
hatchling (r
= 729 502.68) was significantly less than that of
juveniles (r
= 2 729 220.96; t-test; t
=39.12, P0.001).
Hatchlings were significantly less active than juvenile
dragons and, on average, moved 32.62 12.67 m day
compared with 129.14 41.71 m day
(t-test; t
P=0.015). Furthermore, the longest daily movements
recorded by hatchlings (163.99 22.96 m day
) were
significantly less than those of juvenile dragons
(509.87 73.32 m day
)(t-test; t
=5.24, P=0.001).
The daily activity of hatchlings was significantly less than
juvenile dragons (w
test; w
=51.68, P0.001) based on the
relative proportion of movement fixes compared with the
proportion of stationary fixes.
Activity area size
The activity areas of hatchling and juveniles ranged between
1.72–4.83 ha and 4.03–61.77 ha for MCP, 12.14–20.12 ha
and 5.49–33.23 for 95% AKA and 2.51–4.74 and
0.56–10.48 ha for 50% AKA, respectively (see Table 1 and
Fig. 3). Hatchlings used significantly smaller activity areas:
approximately eight times less than juveniles for the 100%
MCP (t-test; t
=3.658, P=0.006). However, there were
no significant differences in 95% AKA (t-test; t
P=0.177) and neither for 50% AKA (t-test; t
P=0.702). In five of six cases, the activity areas of juvenile
dragons overlapped with one (n= 4) or two (n= 1) conspe-
cifics and the extent of this overlap ranged from 4.84 to
91.00% or from 2.55 to 6.65 ha.
Habitat preferences
Hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons significantly dif-
fered in the parameters of habitat use. Hatchlings were
predominantly arboreal (97.7% arboreal vs. 2.30% terres-
trial), while juveniles were predominantly terrestrial
(28.96% arboreal vs. 71.04% terrestrial) (w
=239.22, P0.001; Fig. 4a). On average, hatchlings
remained on the same tree for 9.5 days (SEM= 3.17)
before moving to the next tree. Hatchlings were rarely
observed on the ground, except during long-distance move-
ments between trees (430 m). We observed an occasional
arboreal movement whereby hatchlings were able to move
between trees with overlapping canopy. Juveniles, on the
other hand, spent significantly less time on trees (average of
3.17 days SEM = 0.75) (t-test; t
=2.257, P=0.038).
Body size was a better indicator of habitat use, as there was
a highly significant negative linear relationship between
body size and amount of arboreal habitat use (%arboreal
119°29'50" 119°30'00" 119°30'10"
0 50 100 m
Figure 2 Examples of the movement pattern
of hatchling (a and b) and juvenile (c and d)
Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis. The
arrows indicate the direction of movements,
and circles represent nocturnal shelter sites.
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London4
Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragons M. J. Imansyah et al.
activity=2.070 SVL+139.244, r=0.965; ANOVA,
=108.423, P=0.001; Fig. 4b).
Both hatchling (w
test; w
=45.86, P0.001) and juve-
nile Komodo dragons (w
test; w
=85.04, P0.001) were
observed most frequently in open deciduous forest, com-
pared with either closed dense forest or savannah. There was
no significant difference in the frequency of observed habitat
preference use between hatchlings and juveniles (w
=1.89, P=0.389; Fig. 4c). However, immature Komodo
dragons were observed to occupy habitat types significantly
different from a randomly assigned distribution of habitat
locations (w
test; w
=25.45, P0.001; Fig. 4c). Relative
to the occupancy distribution of random locations among
habitat types, Komodo dragons were observed more preva-
lently to occupy open deciduous forest and less likely to
occupy either closed forest or savannah habitats.
With respect to elevation, there was a significant pre-
ference for hatchlings to be located in the lowest elevation
class (54.55% o25 m above sea level) (w
test; w
P0.001). Juvenile dragons (w
test; w
=9.26, P=0.002)
exhibited a significant preference for elevations between 25
and 50 m (36.17%) above sea level. Elevation use for
hatchlings and juvenile dragons was significantly different
test; w
=25.127, P=0.0001). Furthermore, elevation
preferences between hatchlings (w
test; w
P0.001) and juveniles (w
test; w
=29.736, P0.001)
differed significantly from a random selection of elevations
within their environment.
Shelter sites
Shelter sites were defined as those places used by hatchlings
and juveniles for resting (also as sites between movements
for juveniles only) or as overnight refuges. Hatchlings used
trees exclusively for shelter. They significantly used live
(84.71%) over dead trees (15.29%) (w
test; w
P0.0001). Among live trees (15 spp. recorded), there was
a significant tendency for hatchlings to occupy Tamarind
trees Tamarindus indica (45.37%) (w
test; w
P0.001). Juveniles used predominantly crevices under or
among rocks (51.77 5.72%) as shelters. These shelters
were found in forested area with significant granitic exfolia-
tion (i.e. rocky fields). Juvenile Komodo dragons, albeit
infrequent, used nine tree species for resting or basking.
Distinct ontogenetic differences in movement, activity area
and habitat use were evident between hatchling and juvenile
Komodo dragons in the Loh Liang valley on Komodo
Island. In particular, movements of hatchling dragons were
largely linear compared with those of juveniles that occupied
a defined activity area (i.e. a component of their home
range). The rate and distance moved by hatchlings within
their natal valley was up to 75% less than juveniles. Limited
spatial overlap (i.e. tortuosity) of movement and the re-
duced rates of daily movements would explain the much-
reduced activity areas estimated for hatchlings compared
with juveniles. Combined, these attributes of the post-natal
spatial ecology of hatchling V. komodoensis are evidence for
dispersal resulting in hatchlings moving as far as possible
away from their nests relative to the actual distance tra-
velled. Over the month-long period of radio-tracking,
hatchlings had moved up to 500 m from their nests. Other
studies in lizards have detected differences in natal dispersal
tendencies, with some species being relatively sedentary (i.e.
remain in close proximity to natal hatching/birth sites)
(Olsson & Shine, 2003; Sumner, 2006) to others being more
irruptive and moving away from their hatching/birth sites
(Doughty & Sinervo, 1994). Two major hypotheses are
suggested to explain the differences in natal dispersal ten-
dencies including avoidance of inbreeding and a reduction in
resource competition among conspecifics (Olsson & Shine,
2003). From our results, given the relatively small time
Table 1 Summary of results on the movements and activity areas of hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis
Animal ID (PIT tag) SVL
Mean daily
Longest daily
Activity area
100% MCP
area 95%
AK (ha)
area 50%
AK (ha)
of fixes
64E4218 22.6 983.39 70.24 191.19 4.82 20.12 4.73 14 50
63DFB2A 18.25 571.60 15.04 195.08 1.71 13.06 3.60 38 66
64D4C0E 18.30 692.91 23.09 96.62 1.95 13.47 2.51 30 51
63C1383 20.35 949.37 22.07 173.08 3.58 12.14 2.70 43 67
Mean 20.16 0.85 799.32 99.82 32.61 12.67 163.99 22.96 3.02 0.73 14.70 1.83 3.39 0.51 31.25 6.34 58.50 4.63
64CF2AO 61.85 2286.24 326.60 397.86 12.53 33.23 10.477 7 18
639E332 68.35 6308.95 143.38 791.58 32.37 16.34 2.327 44 39
643761C 58.05 350.71 43.84 334.34 4.02 5.49 0.558 8 18
64E2E95 55.45 2879.15 89.97 427.53 17.41 32.55 2.451 32 14
63DE6F1 51.15 5556.63 99.22 672.06 61.77 30.51 4.301 56 57
63D9C4B 44.45 3445.53 71.78 435.83 17.75 21.56 2.650 48 44
Mean 55.81 2.97 3471.20 892.46 129.13 41.71 509.87 73.32 24.31 8.38 23.28 4.49 3.79 1.42 32.5 8.52 31.67 7.15
SVL, snout–vent length; MCP, minimum convex polygon; AK, adaptive kernell.
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London 5
Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragonsM. J. Imansyah et al.
frame (1–2 months) used to follo w the animals, we were unable
to determine the termination of natal dispersal (i.e. the point at
which a hatchling begins to use a defined home range) and thus
cannot comment on what may be the predominant selection
pressure associated with these movements.
The highly arboreal nature of hatchling Komodo dragons
compared with the much more terrestrial-based activity of
juveniles is a clear indication of an ontogenetic habitat shift
between these two immature life phases. Arboreal habitat use
by hatchling Komodo dragons is considered to be of a
response to some of the selection pressures that trigger
ontogenetic habitat shifts observed in other lizards and snakes
(Stamps, 1983; Irschick, 2002; Keren-Rotem, Bouskila &
Geffen, 2006). In particular avoidance of larger conspecifics,
well known for intraspecfic predation (Auffenberg, 1981),
would seem an intuitive reason for Komodo dragon hatchl-
ings to remain predominantly arboreal. Similarly, prey avail-
ability which is likely to be determined by the relatively small
jaw gape of hatchlings could predispose arboreal activity to
obtain suitable sized prey such as geckoes (observed in this
study), skinks and large insects (Auffenberg, 1981). Other
than predation and food availability, intraspecific competi-
tion, thermoregulation, morphological constraints and shelter
sites are additional hypotheses that could necessitate arboreal
activity in hatchling Komodo dragons (Stamps, 1983; Huey,
1991; Keren-Rotem et al., 2006). Experimental manipulation
119°29'30" 119°30'30"119°30'00" 119°31'00"
119°31'00"119°30'00" 119°30'30"
500 1000 m
0 500 1000 m
119°31'00"119°30'00" 119°30'30"119°29'30"
119°31'00"119°30'00" 119°30'30"119°29'30"
Figure 3 Activity area overlap of six juvenile
Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis as cal-
culated by minimum convex polygon (a) and
adaptive kernell (50% hatched areas & 95%
outer line) (b). Numbers refer to juvenile ID as
follows: (1) 64CF2A0, (2) 639E332, (3)
64E761C, (4) 64E2E95, (5) 63DE6F1, (6)
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London6
Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragons M. J. Imansyah et al.
of these factors, although logistically difficult, could quantify
the relative importance of specific mechanisms to explaining
arboreality in hatchling Komodo dragons.
The ontogenetic transition to a more terrestrial based
activity appeared largely size dependent (Fig. 4b) and thus
individual Komodo dragons underwent a gradual shift
towards terrestrial activity rather than any discreet transi-
tion. Presumably, with increased body size, relaxation of
some selection pressures that necessitate arboreality (e.g.
conspecific avoidance) and the increasing need to acquire
larger terrestrial prey could underpin habitat use transitions
in juvenile Komodo dragons. As terrestrial activity in-
creased juvenile dragons occupied discreet areas of habitat
underpinning an activity area (i.e. a subset of their home-
range). The size of juvenile activity areas was estimated
(using MCP) at 24.31 8.38 ha, an area 800% larger than
hatchlings but only 5% of the activity area estimated for
adult Komodo dragons (Ciofi et al., 2007). Size related
differences in an individuals space use are well recognized
in reptiles and often linked with increased utilization
of resources (Christian & Waldschmidt, 1984; Perry &
Garland, 2002; Pearson, Shine & Williams, 2005). In most
instances there were some degrees of overlap in the esti-
mated activity areas of juvenile Komodo dragons. However,
within their activity areas, the 50% kernell analysis identi-
fied smaller more frequently used areas that were exclusively
occupied by a single individual. While we have not tracked
all individuals that could overlap with our focal animals, on
closer examination of their core movement areas, there was
often the presence of an individual’s overnight shelter area.
In an ontogenetic context, core areas, while frequently used
at particular points in time, are subject to change with age/
size or even seasonally, again depending on resource avail-
ability (e.g. King & Green, 1999). The individual’s sex
appears to be another important covariate underpinning
spatial ecology in adult reptiles (Perry & Garland, 2002). In
this study, however, sex could not be determined from either
external examination or on probing the cloaca for the
presence of hemipenes. Thus, we are unable to ascertain
whether sex was a significant covariate linked to spatial use
in immature Komodo dragons.
With respect to patterns of broad-scale habitat use, both
hatchlings and juveniles were found to significantly utilize
open deciduous forest compared with either closed forest or
the more xeric savannah grassland. Among these different
habitat types, it is suspected that immature Komodo dra-
gons could encounter highly different regimes of prey,
shelter, predators, competition, parasites and temperature
(Dunham, Grant & Overall, 1989; Huey, 1991). These
differences are likely to strongly influence an individual’s
fitness (Huey, 1991). For example, aversion of savannah
grassland by immature Komodo dragons could be envi-
saged due to low densities of small prey but also that the
thermal environment is uniformly hot with little shade,
which might limit the capacity of small dragons to thermo-
regulate effectively. In contrast, the open deciduous forest
provides a mosaic of thermal conditions, higher prey pro-
ductivity and shelter, which are likely to be important
habitat elements influencing habitat use in small Komodo
dragons. The low-frequency use of closed forest by imma-
ture dragons is suspected of being negatively biased due to
the relatively low proportion of its availability (17.6%)
relative to the other two predominant habitat types (60.4
and 22.0% for open forest and savannah, respectively).
Radio-tracking of immature life stages of the Komodo
dragon revealed several key features of their spatial ecology.
Habitat strata
Terrestrial Arboreal
Frequency of use (%)
SVL (cm)
20 40 60 80
Frequency of arboreal activity (%)
Vegetation type
Closed forest Open forest Savannah
Frequency of habitat occupancy (%)
Random positions
Figure 4 Differences between hatchling and juvenile Komodo dra-
gons Varanus komodoensis with respect to terrestrial versus arboreal
habitat use (a), the relationship between their body size and arboreal
activity (b) and differences in habitat use (c).
Journal of Zoology ]] (2007) 1–9 c2007 The Authors. Journal compilation c2007 The Zoological Society of London 7
Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragonsM. J. Imansyah et al.
On emergence, hatchling Komodo dragons became arboreal
and moved in a largely linear fashion away from their nest.
The lack of overlap in their movements suggests that this
early life stage is associated with a period of natal dispersal.
At this stage, we have very limited direct evidence for how
far hatchlings might disperse. For example, from the hun-
dreds of marked hatchlings we have released to date as part
of a long-term population ecology study, only a single
individual has been recaptured and in this case the juvenile
had remained within its natal valley one year after its birth.
However, indirect information from population genetics has
indicated significant sub-structuring among valley popula-
tions, perhaps indicating that there may be limited dispersal
across all size classes over evolutionary time frames (Ciofi &
Bruford, 1999). With respect to the management and con-
servation of this species, given the strong reliance of im-
mature animals on open deciduous forest for food and
shelter, clearing of this habitat for agriculture or timber
would represent a major threat that would severely impact
the survival of immature Komodo dragons. At present,
within KNP, enforcement of habitat protection appears to
be adequate to prevent major changes in habitat structure.
We thank the KNP staff and volunteers (particularly Aris,
Dimas and Niken) for field assistance. Approval for re-
search was conducted under a collaborative program be-
tween the Zoological Society of San Diego, The Nature
Conservancy (Indonesia program) and the Indonesian De-
partment of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation
(PHKA). Financial support for this research was provided
by the Zoological Society of San Diego, National Geo-
graphic Society (7211-04) and the American Zoo Associa-
tion Komodo Dragon Conservation fund.
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Spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragonsM. J. Imansyah et al.
... This simple tooth shape provides a greater chance of capturing food since it allows for easy puncture of small prey, such as insects. Overall, the degree of arboreality appears to be related to size; thus, as the individual V. komodoensis grows, it gradually shifts its feeding behaviour and habitat to terrestrial, large mammals, with a few instances, the prey being similar in size to the adult Komodo dragon [1,6,43]. The fewer dental specializations observed in juveniles have also been found for V. exanthematicus with sharply pointed teeth similarly adapted to feeding on small insects, while adults show some interesting heterodonty [21]. ...
... When we broaden our analysis to some of the other members of the genus, we find that Varanus salvator (Asian water monitor) has delicate serrations on both tooth edges and appears to be primarily carnivorous [6]. Although this Asian water monitor normally feeds on larger prey [4,43], the serrations are not well-defined, with very small dentine cores overlayed by thick enamel. Compared to the Komodo dragon, the Asian water monitor produced fewer replacement teeth (up to two) and had slightly longer replacement rates (52 to 59 days). ...
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Dental developmental and replacement patterns in extinct amniotes have attracted a lot of attention. Notable among these are Paleozoic predatory synapsids, but also Mesozoic theropod dinosaurs, well known for having true ziphodonty, strongly serrated carinae with dentine cores within an enamel cap. The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis , is the only extant terrestrial vertebrate to exhibit true ziphodonty, making it an ideal model organism for gaining new insights into the life history and feeding behaviours of theropod dinosaurs and early synapsids. We undertook a comparative dental histological analysis of this extant apex predator in combination with computed tomography of intact skulls. This study allowed us to reconstruct the dental morphology, ontogeny, and replacement patterns in the largest living lizard with known feeding behaviour, and apply our findings to extinct taxa where the behaviour is largely unknown. We discovered through computed tomography that V . komodoensis maintains up to five replacement teeth per tooth position, while histological analysis showed an exceptionally rapid formation of new teeth, every 40 days. Additionally, a dramatic ontogenetic shift in the dental morphology of V . komodoensis was also discovered, likely related to changes in feeding preferences and habitat. The juveniles have fewer dental specializations, lack true ziphodonty, are arboreal and feed mostly on insects, whereas the adults have strongly developed ziphodonty and are terrestrial apex predators with defleshing feeding behaviour. In addition, we found evidence that the ziphodont teeth of V . komodoensis have true ampullae (interdental folds for strengthening the serrations), similar to those found only in theropod dinosaurs. Comparisons with other species of Varanus and successive outgroup taxa reveal a complex pattern of dental features and adaptations, including the evolution of snake-like tongue flicking used for foraging for prey. However, only the Komodo dragon exhibits this remarkable set of dental innovations and specializations among squamates.
... open deciduous forest and savannah woodland) commonly used by Komodo dragons. These trapping methods permit the capture of individuals from small juveniles (but not hatchlings) to the largest adults (Jessop et al., 2006;Imansyah et al., 2008). Each Komodo dragon captured was permanently identified using a passive integrated transponder (i.e. ...
... We discount predation risk as a significant selective force on seasonal hatchling emergence because of the absence of communal or highdensity nesting activities displayed by female komodo dragons (Jessop et al., 2004b). Instead, we propose that hatchling emergence during the late wet season coincides with a distinct resource pulse driven by substantive vegetative growth and productivity that would increase the invertebrate prey biomass consumed by hatchling Komodo dragons (Auffenberg, 1981;Imansyah et al., 2008). Across taxa, the phenology of offspring emergence is commonly synchronized by seasonal resource pulses to improve survival (Van Noordwijk et al., 1995;Møller et al., 2006;Lehikoinen et al., 2011). ...
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Terrestrial animals in global wet-dry tropical ecosystems experience year-round high temperatures but concentrated summer rainfall. This highly seasonal precipitation is expected to have major evolutionary and ecological consequences for animals. We considered how strong seasonal patterns of rainfall might influence the environment and biological attributes of the world’s largest predatory lizard, the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). We predicted that annual variation in rainfall or temperature may influence the seasonal phenology of vegetation, and in turn, the phenology of Komodo dragon reproduction and hatchling emergence. Similarly, seasonal environmental differences may affect Komodo dragon rates of somatic growth, body condition, survival and daily movement. Our results indicated evidence of strong seasonal variation in mean monthly rainfall and leaf area index for open deciduous forest and closed dense forest. These environmental variables were significantly correlated with female Komodo dragon nesting activity and hatchling emergence. Neither Komodo dragon somatic growth rate nor body condition exhibited seasonal differences. There was, however, increased daily movement rates of Komodo dragons during the dry season. This suggests dry season associated life-history activities or thermoregulatory efficiency might explain increased daily movement. Ultimately, the Komodo dragon showed differential sensitivities in its biology to seasonal environmental variation.
... open deciduous forest and savannah woodland) commonly used by Komodo dragons. These trapping methods permit the capture of individuals from small juveniles (but not hatchlings) to the largest adults (Jessop et al., 2006;Imansyah et al., 2008). Each Komodo dragon captured was permanently identified using a passive integrated transponder (i.e. ...
... We discount predation risk as a significant selective force on seasonal hatchling emergence because of the absence of communal or highdensity nesting activities displayed by female komodo dragons (Jessop et al., 2004b). Instead, we propose that hatchling emergence during the late wet season coincides with a distinct resource pulse driven by substantive vegetative growth and productivity that would increase the invertebrate prey biomass consumed by hatchling Komodo dragons (Auffenberg, 1981;Imansyah et al., 2008). Across taxa, the phenology of offspring emergence is commonly synchronized by seasonal resource pulses to improve survival (Van Noordwijk et al., 1995;Møller et al., 2006;Lehikoinen et al., 2011). ...
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Terrestrial animals in global wet-dry tropical ecosystems experience year-round high temperatures but concentrated summer rainfall. This highly seasonal precipitation is expected to have major evolutionary and ecological consequences for animals. We considered how strong seasonal patterns of rainfall might influence the environment and biological attributes of the world's largest predatory lizard, the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). We predicted that annual variation in rainfall or temperature may influence the seasonal phenology of vegetation, and in turn, the phenology of Komodo dragon reproduction and hatchling emergence. Similarly, seasonal environmental differences may affect Komodo dragon rates of somatic growth, body condition, survival and daily movement. Our results indicated evidence of strong seasonal variation in mean monthly rainfall and leaf area index for open deciduous forest and closed dense forest. These environmental variables were significantly correlated with female Komodo dragon nesting activity and hatchling emergence. Neither Komodo dragon somatic growth rate nor body condition exhibited seasonal differences. There was, however, increased daily movement rates of Komodo dragons during the dry season. This suggests dry season associated life-history activities or thermoregulatory efficiency might explain increased daily movement. Ultimately, the Komodo dragon showed differential sensitivities in its biology to seasonal environmental variation.
... Adult Komodo dragons walk, run, and rest on the ground, while hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons live in the trees to avoid predation by adults [14]. They live for 1-2 years in the trees [15] and prey on small animals in trees, such as geckos, lizards, bird eggs, and insects [16]. The juveniles that can start living primarily on the ground but still climb the trees will remain sleeping on the tree to avoid predation. ...
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The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, is an endemic species protected by Indonesian law, mostly due to its population size and limited distribution. The natural distribution of the Komodo dragon is limited to Komodo National Park and several areas on the island of Flores and its surroundings. However, increasing population and tourism in its natural habitat might increase the conflict between the Komodo dragon and humans. To study the impact of human activities on the behavior of the Komodo dragon, we constructed an ethogram to catalog the behavioral inventories of the Komodo to enable future quantitative comparison. The Komodo dragon ethogram was obtained from observations in Loh Buaya and Loh Baru Resorts, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park. Observations were made on 10 adult males, 13 adult females, 12 sub-adult, and 3 juvenile Komodo dragons. Data were collected during July-September 2019, February-March 2020, and June-September 2020. Based on observations, observed behavior was grouped into 9 categories based on their function. Among them are sexual behavior, parental behavior, antagonistic behavior, ingestion/egestion, maintenance, movement, resting, and investigative.
... Komodo merupakan hewan terestrial dengan habitat berupa padang rumput savana dan hutan musiman. Secara ontogeni, komodo muda bersifat arboreal akan berubah menjadi terestrial seiring bertambahnya umur dan ukuran tubuh [5]. Dengan demikian, komodo muda menggunakan kakinya untuk memanjat pohon, dan berjalan di daratan sewaktu dewasa. ...
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Komodo dan biawak air merupakan hewan yang memiliki kekerabatan yang dekat namun memiliki peran ekologi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati komparasi anatomi ekstremitas kaki depan komodo (Varanus komodoensis) dan biawak air (Varanus salvator) serta hubungan dengan perilaku alamiahnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa os scapula dan os coracoidea pada komodo menyatu menjadi os coracoscapula, sedangkan pada biawak air terpisah oleh syndesmosis. Pada komodo, terdapat crista deltiodea yang diduga berhubungan dengan perilaku menggali liang komodo yang lebih besar dibandingkan liang biawak air. Komodo memiliki dua buah crista pectoralis sedangkan biawak air hanya memiliki satu buah crista pectoralis. Perbedaan ini diduga berhubungan dengan sifat arboreal pada komodo muda yang tidak ditemukan pada biawak air. Komodo memiliki olecranon yang berkembang, sedangkan biawak air memiliki olecranon yang relatif kecil. Pada ossa carpi komodo, terdapat dua buah os pisiforme sedangkan biawak air hanya memiliki satu buah os pisiforme. Perbedaan ini diduga untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas pergelangan kaki depan komodo saat berburu sedangkan biawak air tidak terlalu membutuhkan perilaku berlari untuk mengejar mangsanya.
... The hominins hunted megafauna including stegodon, rhinoceroses, cervids, suids, and varanids, which suggests the islands were mosaics of grassland, open woodland, and tropical forests ( Figure 6). Stegodon likely thrived in dense closed canopy tropical forests (Ma et al. 2019;Zhang et al. 2017), while varanids tend to inhabit more open woodlands, savannah grasslands, and, particularly, dry deciduous rainforest (Imansyah et al. 2008). Several cervid remains associated with H. luzonensis display cutmarks, akin to that produced using bamboo knives (Manalo 2011), which may further suggest explorations of tropical forest. ...
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This paper is a cross-comparative examination of how tropical forested islands were populated by humans. It first describes the unique ecological conditions of these environments, how they fluctuated during glacial cycles, and the challenges and affordances they provided people. The paper then explores the global archaeological record, classifying modes of colonisation that led insular tropical forests to be populated. These modes include terrestrial colo-nisation followed by insularisation (Mode A), maritime colonisation followed by major landmass reconfiguration (Mode B), maritime colonisation of uninhab-ited islands that always remained insular (Mode C), and maritime colonisation of already inhabited islands (Mode D). Finally, the paper discusses how, amongst Homo sapiens, ongoing dynamism between human adaptive behaviours and environmental flux stimulated processes of diversification, speciali-sation, and connectivity in these crucial ecologies; by contrast, archaic hominins like Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, and Homo luzonensis may have found changes associated with forest expansion and insularity extremely challenging.
... Saurian in particular represents the lesser known group within reptiles with only 5% (28/564) of genera being studied (Crane et al., 2021). The lack of knowledge on the spatial ecology of reptiles prevents smart conservation measures (e.g., protection of habitat particularly suited to the physiological needs of a species) (Imansyah et al., 2008;Böhm et al., 2013), which could benefit a whole range of biodiversity, especially when targeting umbrella species (Roberge and Angelstam, 2004). ...
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The knowledge of a species’ spatial ecology is essential for its conservation as it helps to implement targeted protection measures to suitable habitats. In 2011 and 2013, two French populations of ocellated lizards Timon lepidus were monitored through very high frequency (VHF) radio telemetry in two distinct Mediterranean habitats: a 77 ha scrubland (n = 8) and a 1590 ha semi-arid steppe (n = 11) corresponding to a heterogeneous and homogeneous habitat respectively. The variability in spatial estimates for the seasonal habitat use of the ocellated lizard was compared within the two sites using the Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimation (AKDE). Recursive movement patterns and spatial repartition of shelters were further assessed to study the habitat influence on the species’ space use. No significant differences between sexes or sites were identified in the computed AKDE ranges. This inter-site approach demonstrated higher shelter revisits in core-areas than in the rest of estimated home ranges for both sites. A higher shelter density was observed in the core areas of the lizards than in the rest of their home-ranges for the Mediterranean scrubland but not for the semi-arid steppe. Such findings might attest to the species’ adaptive capabilities within two distinct Mediterranean ecosystems.
... Furthermore, variation in habitat use may indicate that, despite being a specialist insectivore, the giant armadillo may use food (prey) from distinct sources, potentially resulting from individual variation on feeding preferences. Individual variation in resource use can be related to heterogeneous availability of resources along the space, variation in individual physiology and resource requirements along a species life cycle (Schupp 1995;Imansyah et al. 2008;Bartolino et al. 2011), and/or sex related behavioral strategies (i.e. reproductive strategy; Main et al. 1996;Bartelt et al. 2004;Saïd et al. 2012). ...
Understanding of resource requirements of vulnerable species is key for conservation planning. Here, we used stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) of hair from giant armadillos (Priodontes maximus) to understand individual resource use. We collected hair from 19 giant armadillos analyzing 34 samples from the Brazilian Pantanal and compared the resource use between sexes and age classes. We also assessed the relationship of isotopic values with individuals’ body mass and the habitat type used. We observed a wide variation in resource use by giant armadillos, showing that individuals consume prey that feeds on distinct resources and occupies different habitat types, indicating that there is individual variation in foraging behavior. Most giant armadillos presented a mixed diet (C3/C4 resources, forests/open areas), but a quarter of individuals had strictly C4 diets (open areas). Males are more prone to forage on C4 resources, presenting an isotopic niche 2.6‐times larger than that of females. Subadults presented diets more associated with habitats with high arboreal cover (C3 resources, forests), while adults foraged more in open areas (C4 resources). This result is mirrored by the positive relationship between δ13C values and body mass, suggesting that larger giant armadillos tend to feed more in open areas. We observed that δ13C values decreased as individuals increased the use of habitats with high arboreal cover. We stress the importance of conserving the natural mosaic in the Pantanal landscape for the species persistence, given that giant armadillos require all habitat types to fulfill their dietary, spatial, and developmental needs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
... It is evident that in some instances wild Komodo dragons ranging between 16 and 22kg may travel distances on average of 2.5km per day. On occasion radiotelemetry has demonstrated that this species may travel as far as 11km per day, often over steep terrain (Imansyah et al. 2008). Similar data has been collected for a range of other varanid species. ...
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Crocodile monitors are impressive canopy dwellers; these large lizards are an apex predator of the tropical forests of the island of New Guinea. Being highly active and energetic animals, they offer an interesting option for a tropical habitat in any zoological institution. Moreover, this charismatic animal is an excellent ambassador to highlight the rampant habitat destruction in their native forests, the threats posed by the illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, and the need for further conservation efforts. However, crocodile monitors are considered difficult to manage and breed in captivity. Furthermore their lifespan in captivity is presumably shorter than their wild counterparts. Therefore only a few zoological institutions dare to include them in their collection plans. Over recent years, substantial efforts have been placed in improving the captive management of this species resulting in new research and breeding successes that indicate an overall improvement of the knowledge of this species. These EAZA Best Practice Guidelines were developed with the objective of improving the evidence-based knowledge of this species and provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information for Zoological Institutions to ensure their animals have access to the best care. The aspirational aim of this guide is to provide an overview of the critical components that need to be considered when keeping a large arboreal tropical lizard, to guarantee positive welfare experiences and correct physical development. By doing so, we expect to increase the breeding rate and lifespan in captivity and thus reduce the need or desire to remove this species from the wild. Improved understanding and appreciation of this species in captivity will also allow zoos to play an increased role in supporting and informing ex situ conservation efforts for this species. Additionally, we aim to raise the profile of the species as a suitable candidate for tropical exhibits in zoos across the EAZA members.
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Context. Management actions that suppress introduced predator densities can benefit the population recovery of native species. Nevertheless, ensuring that predator management produces measurable population-level benefits can be influenced by multiple factors affecting species detection. Monitoring designs using multiple survey methods may perform better than increasing sampling effort with single-method protocols. Aims. This study aimed to estimate individual and cumulative detection probabilities and site occupancy estimates from the use of five different monitoring methods to survey a native mesopredator, the lace monitor (Varanus varius). Second, we assessed the effect of lethal red fox (Vulpes vulpes) baiting on lace monitor detection probabilities and site occupancy estimates collected from each monitoring method. Methods. Multi-method sampling for Varanus varius occurred at 76 sites across lethal fox baited and non-baited habitats in East Gippsland, Victoria. Bayesian site occupancy models were used to estimate the effects of detection method and fox-baiting treatments on Varanus varius detection probability and site occupancy. Key results. Method-specific detection probabilities (P = 0.00-0.12) and site occupancy estimates (Ψ = 0-0.53) varied considerably among methods, but combinations of multi-method monitoring improved lace monitor detection probability (P = 0.11-0.18) and site occupancy (Ψ = 0.87 ± [0.66-0.93]−0.91 ± [0.76-0.97] mean ± [95% credible intervals]) above any single method. However, there was extreme heterogeneity in the size and direction of the introduced predator baiting effect on method-specific lace monitor detection. Three methods (box traps and two different visual search surveys) all indicated lace monitor detection probabilities increased in fox-baited sites. However, sand pads reported a decrease in lace monitor detection at fox-baited sites, whereas pipe traps obtained no detections. Conclusions. Combining detection data from all methods led to the inference of a positive fox-baiting effect, albeit with a smaller magnitude and better certainty than that estimated using a reduced method monitoring design, which had fewer detection data after excluding biased detection from sand pads. Implications. Using a multi-method monitoring approach improved lace monitor detection and reduced sampling effort. However, depending on sampling methodology, the management effects on lace monitors can change.
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Sea turtle hatchlings emerge from subsurface nests on oceanic beaches, crawl to the ocean, and swim out to sea. Once in the water, hatchlings at first swim almost continuously (a period called the frenzy). In this laboratory study, we compared the duration and diel pattern of frenzy and postfrenzy swimming activity among loggerhead, green turtle, and leatherback hatchlings from beaches in southeastern Florida. The frenzy of all species lasted one day (24 h). After the frenzy, hatchlings continued to swim during the day. Green and loggerhead hatchlings eventually became inactive at night, but leatherback hatchlings typically swam between 15-45% of the dark period. Because the frenzy is temporally similar in all species, its function may also be the same: escape from shallow waters near shore. Postfrenzy differences in diel activity may reflect contrasts among species in foraging, predator avoidance, and energy conservation strategies.
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Habitat selection is traditionally assessed by how much time the animal spends in each habitat type; however, one can obtain additional information by analysing the structure of the movement paths. We followed and mapped snow tracks of American marten, Martes americana (Turton, 1806). The new method used to test the movement paths for deviations from a correlated random walk model show that these paths fail the test. This has led to an analysis of fractal dimension versus spatial scale, which showed a natural break in fractal dimension at a scale of approximately 3.5 m, suggesting that marten displayed different responses to their microenvironment in two regions of spatial scale. Marten travel was more direct at scales <3.5 m than at scales >3.5 m. Path tortuousity was affected by habitats at smaller scales but not at larger scales, indicating different responses by marten to their environment at these two ranges of scale. Multiple regression identified canopy closure and presence of conifer in the understory as variables that affect movement patterns at the 1- to 3.5-m scale. Fractal analysis of movement patterns provides a unique approach to examining habitat use, as well as a means to identify the spatial scales at which an animal responds to its habitat.
Habitat use analyses have traditionally relied on telemetry relocation points as the primary source of data. Home-range estimations have generally been disregarded as a means of quantifying habitat use and availability. Seasonal habitat use of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)calculated from a home-range estimator using an adaptive kernel method was compared with relocation point data from Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota from 1 January 1993 to 27 June 1994, to determine if an adaptive kernel home-range estimator approximates traditional methods of quantifying habitat use. No differences between proportional area of seasonal home-ranges and point data were detected (P>0·05), indicating that habitat use calculated from an adaptive kernel home-range estimate was similar to habitat use calculated from relocation points. Potential benefits of home-range estimations include consideration of radio-telemetry error, biological independence of observations, and complete utilisation distributions. Given the success of home-range estimators at quantifying habitat use, a new alternative to habitat use analysis is offered. In situations where inherent telemetry error is unavoidable, using proportional area of home-range contours to define habitat use avoids the pitfalls associated with telemetry relocation point data.
A population of white-throated savanna monitor lizards (Varanus albigularis) in Etosha National Park, Namibia, was studied for 17 months. A total of 238 lizards was examined, of which 31 were radiotagged for periods up to 14 months. The hot/wet season (January-April) home ranges determined from radiotelemetry data were large and differed significantly between adult males (18.3 +/- 2.4 km(2)) and females (6.1 +/- 0.6 km(2)). During the cool/dry season (May-August) males and females utilized less than 10% of their wet season home range, except during the mating period (July-August), when males moved extensively while locating estrous females. When supplemental food was made available during the cool/dry season, male lizards increased their daily movements over 30-fold, suggesting that food, not seasonal differences in ambient temperature, limits activity. The largest adult lizards were males; however, there was no difference in wet season mass between males and females of similar snout-vent length. The apparent sex ratio varied dramatically by season, but this was a result of the different activity patterns between the sexes. Overall, the data suggest parity between the sexes. The biomass of V. albigularis at least rivaled that of any sympatric medium and large-sized mammalian carnivore species in the park.
The body temperatures and activity (time spent in translocation) of Varanus rosenbergi were measured by radio telemetry for a total of 78 lizard-days during summer, winter, and spring. These data, together with laboratory measurements of metabolism, allowed us to estimate the proportion of the total daily energy expended by animals in three types of behavior: resting in their burrows, sitting out of their burrows, and in activity. Although there was a seasonal variation in the total energy expended per day, the proportions spent in the three types of behavior were similar during summer and spring, but a smaller proportion was expended for activity during winter. Nevertheless, the lizards were not completely inactive during winter; they emerged from their burrows and spent several hours above ground, although the mean time spent in activity during this season was only 10.5 min/day compared to 47.6 and 22.2 min/day during summer and spring. We estimate the energy expenditure for the entire population to range from 23.6 kJ ha-1 day-1 during winter to 117.3 kJ ha-1 day-1 during summer. The time spent in activity by this species is strongly seasonal and is positively correlated to the daily solar radiation. However, even during summer, the season of greatest activity, the time spent in activity is not great (mean = 47.6 min/day; range = 12.3-141.3 min/day) compared to the tropical iguanas Conolophus pallidus (mean = 100 min/day) and Cyclura nubila (mean = 92 min/day) and the tropical varanid V. panoptes (mean = 228 min/day during the dry season, its season of greatest activity). Thus, it is inappropriate to generalize all varanid lizards as being extremely active.
Hatchling dispersal was measured from 1989-1991 in two populations of the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana, in central California. Hatchlings from eggs incubated in the laboratory were released on site and were recaptured throughout the summer and the following spring. Median dispersal was approximately five times greater at Los Baños than at Del Puerto Canyon, and was likely due to different spatial distributions of microhabitats. Body size did not affect dispersal distance at either site despite an experimental increase in the range of hatchling body sizes. At Del Puerto Canyon in the summer, dispersal distances were greater in males than in females, but were not affected by the time of hatching. At Los Baños in the summer, dispersal distances were greater in males and late season hatchlings. Most trends were not significant in the spring at either site. Overall, there were large overlaps in dispersal distributions for all factors studied indicating a large stochastic component to lizard dispersal.
The authors reanalyzed the relationship between range and lizard body size. Their analysis includes home ranges estimated with the convex polygon technique and a recently proposed method for eliminating sample size bias. When analyzed separately, neither insectivorous, carnivorous nor female herbivorous lizards had a significant regression of home range size against body mass; male herbivores had a marginally significant regression. Combining data for the different foraging types resulted in significant regressions for both males and females; the regression for the pooled data set (males plus females) was also significant. These regression equations differ significantly from previously published equations derived from home range estimates adjusted for sample size bias. Except for the intercepts of the female regressions, the equations do not differ significantly from earlier equations derived from unadjusted home range estimates. The analysis showed that home range size for the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana, could be accurately determined, without sample size bias, with an average of 13 resightings per lizard.