Tiago Novo

Tiago Novo
Federal University of Minas Gerais | UFMG · Departamento de Geologia


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Publications (53)
One of the most essential and valuable applications of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy is reservoir zonation and characterization. Establishing a hierarchical chronostratigraphic framework comprising sequences at mul�tiple scales is crucial to identify main reservoir heterogeneities that compartmentalize the fluid flow in the subsurface. In...
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O Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, localizado no Oceano Atlântico Sul Brasil, apresenta importantes contribuições para o entedimento não só da sua origem, mas também sobre a sua relação com os outros magmatismo alcalino presente na Margem Equatorial Brasileira (MEB) e com outros magmatismos alcalinos onshore e offshore que ocorre no nordeste do...
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Lithosphere of cratons and orogens generally reacts differently to tectonic events. Although these differences are mostly clear during the orogenic phases, understanding how they respond to tectonic reactivation is still challenging. Here, we report the first detailed apatite fission-track (AFT) study pinpointing the gradual transition between crat...
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Lithosphere of cratons and orogens generally reacts differently to tectonic events. Although these differences are mostly clear during the orogenic phases, understanding how they respond to tectonic reactivation is still challenging. Here, we report the first detailed apatite fission‑track (AFT) study pinpointing the gradual transition between crat...
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Article Information Publication type: Review Articles Low-temperature thermochronology focuses on the comprehension of the upper crust's thermal history, where morphotectonic processes take place. We present a robust compilation (1120 data in almost 30 years of research) of fission-track and (U-Th)/He studies and their implications to the understan...
Field observations and CA-LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages and Hf isotope compositions obtained from migmatitic orthogneisses and granitoids from the Belo Horizonte Complex, southern São Francisco Craton, indicate a major period of partial melting and production of felsic rocks in the Neoarchean. Our observations show that the complex is an important sit...
The Guanhães block is one of the basement units present in the context of the Neoproterozoic West Gondwana assembly. It was reworked as a basement inlier within the Araçuaí orogen, in the margins of the São Francisco-Congo (SF-C) paleocontinent. The Guanhães block's Rhyacian-Orosirian record is revealed for the first time by the Felício and the Mer...
The São Francisco Craton (SFC) and its marginal Araçuaí and Brasília orogens exhibit a significant diversity in their lithospheric architecture. These orogens were shaped during the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian amalgamation of West Gondwana. The rigid cratonic lithosphere of the SFC and the relatively weak lithosphere of the Araçuaí Orogen were disrupte...
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RESUMO: Low-temperature thermochronology focuses on the comprehension of the shallow crust's thermal history, where morphotectonic processes take place. We present a robust compilation of fission-track and (U,Th)/He studies and their implications to the understanding of the Brazilian morphology development. Brazil is a country with continental prop...
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Ancient exhumation of West Gondwana bedrocks are poorly understood by low-temperature thermochronology. The difficulties lie in the fact that data from low-temperature thermochronometers are very sensitive to reheating and are commonly thermally reset over time. Besides, the erosional product information is highly dependent on the preservation of t...
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We present a preliminary effort to solve the aliasing effect faced by aeromagnetic data processing and interpretation. The aliasing problem is caused by the survey arrangement and results in expressive magnetic artifacts after data interpolation. The spectral characteristics of the artifacts are similar to geological high-frequency magnetic feature...
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The South Atlantic passive margin along the south-eastern Brazilian highlands exhibits a complex landscape including a northern inselberg area and a southern elevated plateau, separated by the Doce River valley. This landscape is set on the Proterozoic to early Paleozoic rocks of the region that once was the hot core of the Araçuaí orogen, in Ediac...
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ABSTRACT Rio Itanguá Batholith (RIB) is a plutonic body located in the Northern border of Guanhães block, one of the various basement blocks reworked within the Araçuaí orogen, Eastern Brazil. Although its existence is known since the beginning of the 20th century, its tectonic history remains poorly understood. The RIB was mapped at 1:100,000 scal...
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O mapeamento geológico, uma das atividades da exploração mineral, está associado a riscos e investimentos e é fundamental para a criação de valor na mineração. A metodologia de sua execução se orienta para o desenvolvimento de soluções que garantam a confiabilidade dos recursos e reservas. Das geotecnologias aplicadas ao processo, a que tem se most...
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The evolution and denudation histories of passive margins around the world has been subject to many studies involving thermochronology over the last thirty years. This, mostly with emphasis on margins showing high elevation, low-relief plateaus. Thermochronology, and even more, multi-method thermochronology has hereby been proven to be an ideal too...
The investigation of ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphic rocks, and their corresponding (pressure)-temperature-time (P-T-t) history is critical to distinguish between arc- or collision-related metamorphism. This is a very challenging task if mineral assemblages are highly retrogressed and isotopic systems are disturbed. Garnet-free granulites l...
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Assembled during the Rhyacian-Orosirian boundary, the Congo-São Francisco palaeocontinent remained linked by a continental bridge from ca. 2 Ga to the Atlantic Ocean opening in the Cretaceous. To the south of that bridge, precursor basins and orogenic outcomes encompassed by the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Araçuaí-Ribeira orogenic system (AROS) and its...
The Araçuaí orogen developed between the São Francisco and Congo cratons, during the Western Gondwana amalgamation in Late Neoproterozoic time. Located in the eastern Araçuaí orogen, the Ediacaran Rio Doce magmatic arc includes a large amount of plutonic rocks (the G1 supersuite, ca. 630-580 Ma) spatially associated with a supracrustal succession,...
The Vista Alegre Meta-Ultramafic body is part of a cluster of meta-ultramafic occurrences located in the internal tectonic domain of the Araçuaí-West Congo orogen in southeast Brazil. They consist of several small northeast-trending bodies hosted by an orthogneiss basement and metasedimentary package tectonized and intruded by granites during the B...
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Poster presented at the 16th Gondwana International Conference in Bangkok. This poster shows the preliminary results of the Brazilian section (see abstract).
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The history of palaeocontinents alternates long fragmentation to drift periods with relatively short agglutination intervals. One of the products of a Rhyacian-Orosirian orogeny was a palaeocontinent that brought together the basement of the Araçuaí-West Congo orogen (AWCO) with regions now located in the São Francisco and Congo cratons. From ca. 2...
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This paper focuses on pressure- and temperature path analyses in paragneisses from a metasedimentary succession (MSS) in the south western Araçuaí orogen. The sampling area is limited by the Abre Campo shear zone (West) and the Rio Doce Magmatic Arc (East). This region is rich in ortho-derived metamorphic basement rocks (Mantiqueira and the Juiz de...
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O Grupo Rio Doce consiste numa unidade metavulcanossedimentar dominada por metapelitos e metawackes, com intercalações de rochas calciossilicáticas, metavulcânicas e metavulcanoclásticas que gradam para pacotes quartzíticos no topo. Caracteriza bacia relacionada ao Arco Magmático Rio Doce – Orógeno Araçuaí – com gênese e metamorfismo associados à O...
Described half a century ago, the Galiléia tonalite represents a milestone in the discovery of plate margin magmatic arcs in the Araçuaí-Ribeira orogenic system (southeastern Brazil). In the 1990’s, analytical studies on the Galiléia tonalite finally revealed the existence of a Late Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline magmatic arc in the Araçuaí orogen. M...
A região englobada pelas folhas Caldas e Poços de Caldas localiza-se no lobo setentrional da nappe Socorro-Guaxupé. Esta constitui uma pilha alóctone interpretada como representante do arco magmático Paranapanema, compondo parte do sistema de nappes do Orógeno Brasília Meridional cavalgado sobre o Cráton do São Francisco durante a Orogenia Brasilia...
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This paper focuses on magmatic episodes and their relations to the main regional deformation in thebackarc region of the Araçuaí Orogen (southeastern Brazil). The main tectonic event took placeduring the syncollisional stage (ca. 585-560 Ma) and imprinted the regional, solid-state foliation (Sn)in most rocks of this orogen. In the mapped region (18...
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RESUMO: A característica fundamental da região de Jequeri-Viçosa, situada no extremo sul do Orógeno Araçuaí, é a abundância de rochas metamórficas, ortoderivadas e paraderivadas, de fácies anfibolito alto e granulito. O embasamento paleoproterozóico é representado, a oeste, por ortognaisses tonalíticos a graníticos do Complexo Mantiqueira e, a lest...
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RESUMO: O Pico da Bandeira é o terceiro cume mais alto do Brasil com 2891,98 m de altitude. Localiza-se na Serra do Caparaó, divisa dos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo. Esta serra tem sido esculpida essencialmente sobre gnaisses e migmatitos de alto grau, ortoderivados, de composição diorítica a granítica, com encraves máficos, da Suíte Ca...
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A área de estudo situa-se na parte sul do núcleo cristalino do Orógeno Araçuaí, próximo à fronteira com o Orógeno Ribeira. A característica fundamental da região é a abundância de rochas de alto grau metamórfico, na transição de fácies anfibolito-granulito. Uma cobertura metassedimentar neoproterozóica é a unidade dominante e está representada por...
Conference Paper
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The Araçuaí orogen (SE Brazil) together with its counterpart located in Africa, the West Congo belt, represent a confined orogenic edifice, which evolved inside an embayment shaped into the São Francisco–Congo palaeocontinent. This embayment was partially floored by oceanic crust, as indicated by the occurrence of Late Cryogenian to Ediacaran ophio...
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(DOI: 10.1144/SP350.3, http://sp.lyellcollection.org/content/350/1/25.abstract) The Araçuaí orogen extends from the eastern edge of the São Francisco craton to the Atlantic margin, in southeastern Brazil. Orogenic igneous rocks, formed from c. 630 to c. 480 Ma, cover one third of this huge area, building up the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province...
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In Brazil, the third highest mountain peak, with 2891.98 m high, is called Pico da Bandeira. It is located at Caparaó mountain ridge, along the boundary between Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo states. This ridge has been shaped on the orthoderived, dioritic to granitic, granulitic gneisses and migmatites with mafic enclaves of the Caparaó Suite. Th...
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This paper focuses on the southwestern sector of the Araçuaí orogen in a region located close to the boundary with the northern Ribeira orogen. This region is rich in ortho- and para-derived metamorphic rocks of the high amphibolite and granulite facies. The Paleoproterozoic basement includes, to the west, tonalitic to granitic orthogneisses of the...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUCTION/ABSTRACT The Araçuaí orogen extends from the eastern edge of the São Francisco craton to the Atlantic margin in southeastern Brazil. Synthesis on the definition, stratigraphy, magmatism, tectonics and evolution of the Araçuaí orogen are found in Pedrosa-Soares et al. (2008, and references therein). Late Neoproterozoic to Cambro-Ordovic...


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