Thomas Bausch

Thomas Bausch
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Unibolzano · Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility

Dr. rer. pol.


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The Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility is an institution of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and concentrates on applied research. One current focus is on consumers' understanding of sustainability and the role of this understanding in the destination image formation process. A second deals with the imapct of climate change on skiers behaviour and statistfaction in large ski resorts. Furthermore we are working on new methods to descibe the movement patterns of tourists in destinations.
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January 1986 - September 1992
Universität Augsburg
  • Research Assistant


Publications (78)
This article delves into the cognitive perceptions and affective responses of tourists when viewing destinaton photographs. This study involved 149 participants interested in a holiday in South Tyrol, Italy, who provided feedback on various types of destination photographs in a web-based qualitative study using QDC studio. These photographs feature...
Technical Report
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The discussion about the right amount of tourism is increasingly an issue in many highly developed destinations. The buzzword "overtourism" is always found in the media and public discussion when the local population has the impression that tourism is negatively affecting their lives at their place of residence and the extended living environment....
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Understanding local adaptation to climate change is critical for the overall success of adaptation practices in Europe and around the world. Although it becomes more urgent by the day, existing literature does not adequately touch upon the topic of climate adaptation in small municipalities. This article addresses this gap. It explores whether adap...
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“Sustainability” and “sustainable tourism” are widely debated concepts in tourism worldwide. However, the specific meaning of both concepts across different cultures has not been fully researched, and the terms are frequently assumed to have identical meanings to audiences from different cultures. We aim to close this research gap by studying how t...
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Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, scholars have presented publications discussing a shift of tourism towards a higher level of sustainability. Many argue that in 2020, people were not able to travel as usual and therefore could discover the added value of a sustainable vacation through new experiences in new, often domestic destinations....
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Research on sustainability and sustainable tourism has thus far avoided evaluating how tourists actually understand these terms. Instead, scholars have focused on the supply side, presuming a common and precise understanding of sustainability and sustainable tourism among all tourists and stakeholders. This study shows that most consumers link sust...
Weather can be a major concern for travelers when choosing a destination, preparing their trip and during their stay. Existing publications focus on explaining the role of weather based on one, or at most, a few parameters and usually for one season. This paper proposes a new approach covering all four seasons by connecting daily data from meteorol...
This book aims to explore and valorize marketing paradigms utilized by various western European countries in order to manage their tourism offerings and position them in the global tourism arena. The book aims to enhance tourism literature by examining and comparing contemporary marketing tools currently used in western- European countries' case st...
Between “untouched nature” and “mass tourism” - tourist perceptions of outdoor recreation pictures in South Tyrol Authors F. Ortanderl, V. Pizzuto, T. Bausch Keywords Tourist Gaze, landscape preference, crowding, perception photographs Background of the study Photographs are an essential tool in the creation and management of destination image...
Conference Paper
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Sustainable tourism is now an accepted and well-researched concept worldwide. However, its implementation is often neglected and limited. There are few practical recommendations for the industry, governance systems and for tourists. To successfully implement sustainable tourism practices, stakeholders urgently need to know how guests understand sus...
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Results from a study held end of September / begin of October 2020 about the intentions of skiers to visit ski resorts in the winter season 2020/2021 and their expectations concerning risks and risk preventions against SarsCoV-2. The presentation was held in German.
COVID-19 reaction policies have had the effect of putting the tourism economy into a form of forced hibernation. Currently there is speculation about what will happen as tourism begins to emerge from its dormant state. In this article, we use the concept of a system to analyze the potential research implications of COVID-19 effects on tourism. In d...
Winter tourism in the Alps has been dominated, both in marketing and in academic publications, by an almost exclusive focus on winter sports activities, primarily on skiing. This paper shows that there exist other substantial markets for winter tourism in the Alps that have largely been ignored. Using results from a nationwide survey of German tour...
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‘Flight shame’ describes an unease about the climate implications of air travel, and bears evidence of a change in social norms that have so far associated flying with social status. This paper discusses whether Fridays for Future demonstrations and ensuing flight shame have influenced social norms regarding the desirability of air travel, and whet...
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Developing pilgrimage tourism requires a set of unique attractors, as well as efficient destination governance structures that manage such attractors and balance stakeholder interests. This study analyses the development of pilgrimage tourism in Kavala (Northern Greece), a city with unique religious and cultural attractors connected to the Apostle...
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Although nearly half of the world population lives in rural small municipalities, research on climate change policy at this level is widely neglected. Frequently climate change adaptation is not a policy field in these small municipalities, which is both a problem and a risk. This paper aims at analyzing the climate policy of small and medium-sized...
This book on winter tourism consists of three parts. Part I is addressed to current challenges in winter tourism including regional planning, socio-cultural conditions, climate change and economic challenges. Part II gives an overview of behavioural research in winter tourism. The authors present case studies and methodological concepts for both un...
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: Research has dealt extensively with different aspects of climate change and winter tourism such as the impact on ski resorts and ski lift operators, adaptation strategies, governance at destinations and reactions of winter sports guests to changing snow conditions. This paper goes deeper into the question of destination choice and examines the ro...
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Long haul trips are an increasing sector of the travel industry. One among several drivers especially in the winter season are cruise trips in warm destinations. This article shows the extreme contributions of such trips to the carbon footprint of the tourism sector.
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Im Sommer 2017 startete das Umweltbundesamt das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben UFOPLAN FKZ 3717 48 107 0 „Folgen des Klimawandels für den Tourismus in den deutschen Alpen- und Mittelgebirgsregionen und Küstenregionen sowie auf den Badetourismus und fluss-begleitende Tourismusformen (z.B. Radwander- und Wassertourismus)“. Dieses Vorhaben wirft...
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The study aims at the identification of potential patterns of climate change induced reactions of German travellers. The focus is on short term (up to 4 days) and long-term holiday trips (5 and more days). The study investigates ex post concrete reactions of travellers on single extreme events or a creeping change of the climate in preferred destin...
Technical Report
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Die Folgen des globalen Klimawandels sind längst auch in den kleinen Gemeinden angekommen: kleinräumliche Überflutungen in Folge von Starkregen, hitzebedingte Belastungen oder die Dauer von Trockenperioden nehmen spürbar zu. Durch ihre unterschiedliche räumliche Lage und wirtschaftlichen Strukturen ist die Betroffenheit in den einzelnen Gemeinden u...
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The term ‚budget‘ often appears in conjunction with travel and tourism. An analysis of the literature on it shows that there is no clear definition of the term and that it is used in widely different contexts. What all usages of the term ‚budget‘ have in common is the reference to low-cost travel. For the German market, this article shows the funds...
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Globally destinations are exposed to so called mega-drivers: climate change, urbanization, demographic change or sharing economies. While research in the field of climate change impact is globally considered a major issue, demographic change seems to be of less importance. Looking at the dynamics of aging and the movement of the younger population...
Technical Report
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The brochure Winter Tourism and Climate Change analyses climatic changes in the Alps, identifies the motivation and reasons for holidaying in winter and puts forward suggestions and ideas on how affected communities can diversify their winter tourism offers and adapt them to climate change. Our ultimate goal is that these destinations develop attra...
Winter sports tourism is a key economic factor in many mountain regions worldwide. Research to date has concentrated on economic and environmental questions related to winter sports and winter outdoor activities, with the impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies being the dominant fields of discussion. An analysis of German winter holida...
Technical Report
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Based on the mandate adopted by the XIII. Alpine conference this report gives answers to the questions on how to valorise the culture and natural heritage and how to adapt Alpine tourism governance to support in a more efficient way the development and innovation of sustainable tourism products This report contains 2 sub-chapters of the final r...
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Winter tourism is without any doubts affected by climate change. This forces many traditional winter destinations to think about an adaptation strategy. The brochure offers to destination marketers and policy makers a brief overview about the winter holiday market of German travelers, the effects of climate change and proposes new ways for adaptati...
Technical Report
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Der Demographische Wandel verändert nicht nur gesellschaftliche Strukturen, sondern hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Flächennutzung einer Kommune sowie die Strukturen von Schlüsselöko-­ nomien, wie beispielsweise den Einzelhandel oder Tourismus. Zugleich kann vielfach eine Zunahme bei nicht geregelten Betriebsnachfolgen beobachtet werden. Eine Folge h...
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The presentation presents results from a qualitative (N1=63) and quantitative (N2=7650) survey done in the German source market. The focus is on traveling of the German population in the winter season (Nov-Mar) in general and more in deep concerning the Alps as an destination. Aspects are general motivation for traveling while the winter, general h...
Modernization theory has a direct link to development processes of states or regions. Therefore in regions where the tourism sector is a relevant factor of development it may contribute to modernization. By a comprehensive review of tourism and modernization literature this paper shows that there exist only few research about modernization and dest...
Technical Report
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Der Klimacheck für Kommunen in Bayern ist als interaktives PDF-Tool konzipiert, das Gemeinden bzw. kommunale Entscheidungsträger und Verwaltungsmitarbeiter schrittweise und systematisch über den Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen in Bayern informiert, sie bei der Ermittlung ihrer Betroffenheit unterstützt und ihnen Anpassungsmaßnahmen und Strategie...
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Europe’s population is ageing and decreasing. Demographic change is making not only regional and territorial adaptation necessary, but also new region-specific spatial planning and regional development. This publication focusses on demographic change and its implications for the economy and social systems in the Alpine areas, which differ widely fr...
In most of the Alpine states and regions demographic change is already part of the political agenda and therefore mostly a concern of spatial planning and regional development. Because of a differing understanding and different legislative frameworks of spatial planning and regional development it is not possible to provide one generalized adaptati...
Demographic change in the Alpine Space is part of an overall European phenomenon. Caused by different regional development conditions of high diverse territorial types as well as national and regional policies the change processes are very heterogeneous. The Alpine Space has a unique territorial structure because of the high mountain areas in its c...
One of the five identified territorial types of strategic importance to the Alpine Space was the type “tourism areas”. Especially in the core alpine area but also the surrounding rural areas tourism often is the key economy. Demographic change has a double impact to the tourism economy: outside the Alpine Space it leads to a change of the consumer...
Technical Report
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The needs of the population – elderly people, young people, tourists, immigrants and local people: DEMOCHANGE addresses the general needs of the changing population in Alpine areas; it also recognizes the reaction to changes within the population of certain areas with specific requirements. By involving stakeholders from local authorities, politici...
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The Green Belt along the former inner-German border hosts high species richness and forms a unique, interconnected system of valuable habitats. It thus also offers high recreation value for people. The aim of the testing and development project titled 'The Green Belt Experience' was to achieve sustainable touristic development of the Green Belt in...
The Green Belt along the former inner-German border hosts high species richness and forms a unique, interconnected system of valuable habitats. It thus also offers high recreation value for people. The aim of the testing and development project titled 'The Green Belt Experience' was to achieve sustainable touristic development of the Green Belt in...
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Il clima e il turismo sono strettamente collegati. Per esempio sciare senza neve a temperature non adeguate non è possibile. Per questo motivo negli ultimi anni sta crescendo l'interesse per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca sull'impatto che il cambiamento climatico ha sul turismo nelle zone montane. Il libro ClimAlpTour - Il cambiamento climat...
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Podnebje in turizem sta običajno tesno povezana. Smučanje brez snega in nizkih temperatur ni možno, če omenimo samo najbolj neposredno povezavo. Zaradi tega je bilo v zadnjih letih opravljenih veliko raziskav o vplivu podnebnih sprememb na turizem v gorskih območjih. In o tem govori knjiga ClimAlpTour. Podnebne spremembe in njihov vpliv na turizem...
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Das Grüne Band entlang der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze verfügt über einen besonders hohen Artenreichtum und stellt einen Verbund kostbarer Lebensräume dar. Gleichzeitig bietet es einen hohen Erholungswert. Ziel des gleichnamigen Erprobungs- und Entwicklungs-Vorhabens (E+E-Vorhaben) war es, das Grüne Band zu erhalten und als Erlebnisraum im Kon...
Technical Report
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Winterurlaub in den Alpen baut auf 1.299 abgeschlossenen Ergebnissen einer Online-Umfrage auf. Diese wurde auf den Internetseiten von fünf bayerischen Tourismusregionen (Oberstaufen, Bad Hindelang, Grainau, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Berchtesgadener Land) sowie auf der Seite der Fakultät für Tourismus an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften– F...
Technical Report
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The Alpshealthcomp Project is part of the EU INTERREG III B Alpine Space Programme.Due to the unique nature of health and wellness products in the Alpine Space, appealing to new target groups holds great potential. New ways of securing a living are opening up in the sparsely populated regions in particular, e.g., in the peripheral valleys set apart...
Technical Report
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ALPSHEALTHCOMP Report is based on 1,607 telephone interviews (CATI) which were part of a random sample survey carried out in January 2007 representing the population. The respondents are inhabitants of the Republic of Germany 14 years of age and over. The field research was carried out by MARPLAN, Offenbach. Survey preparation and data analysis wer...
„Erfolgskonzepte im Tourismus – Regionalmarketing, Großveranstaltungen und Marktforschung“: Dieser Titel bringt wiederum zum Ausdruck, welche Themen derzeit von der Tourismuswirtschaft im Besonderen diskutiert werden. Im Mittelpunkt des ITB-Fachkongresses 2004 standen folgende Themenschwerpunkte: Tourismus und Regionalmarketing – eine Symbiose? Gr...
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The Alpine Space Prospective Study was commissioned by the Alpine Space Interreg IIIB Programme Management and prepared by a transnational group of independent experts from all Alpine countries (‘Expert Group’) aiming at a survey on Sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space and the securing of joint and effective activities towards lo...
"Erfolgskonzepte im Tourismus - Finanzierung, Kundenzufriedenheit und Content-Management": Dieser Titel bringt zum Ausdruck, welche Themen derzeit von der Tourismuswirtschaft im Besonderen diskutiert werden und wo nach erfolgreichen Modellen Ausschau gehalten wird. Die touristische Märkte sind durch weitreichende Globalisierungstendenzen und geände...
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PC-gestützte Datenanalyse mit Fallstudien aus der Marktforschung / von Thomas Bausch u. Otto Opitz. - München : Vahlen, 1993. - IX, 215 S. + 2 Disketten (5,25")
The increase of statistical software applications for PCs is caused by decreasing hardware costs and dramatically enhanced PC performance. Whereas in the past the domain of statistical computing has been reserved to mainframe solutions, a great number of new software packages for PCs have come out in the last five years. Therefore, the producers of...
In direct marketing the list of customers often can be assumed to be well known. In this situation the instruments of marketing policy entail market responses which can be explained as results of dichotomous processes. Methods for analysing these processes have been developed in medicine or engineering and are summarized as Survival Analysis. The a...
One of the most important intentions of marketing planning is inferring about the entire customer population from customer samples. In many cases relevant data from recent marketing tests concerning small, representative customer samples are being used. Response bias may occur due to nonresponse or delay in customer responses. This article supposes...
Parameter extrapolation in marketing research / T. Bausch & M. Schwaiger. - In: Analyzing and modeling data and knowledge / Martin Schader (ed.). - Berlin u.a. : Springer, 1992. - S. 3-10
Statistical software packages for PCs : a market survey / Thomas Bausch ; Udo Bankhofer. - In: Statistische Hefte. 33. 1992. S. 283-306
Vahlens großes Marketinglexikon / hrsg. von Hermann Diller. [Mitarb.: Thomas Bausch ...]. - München u.a. : Beck u.a., 1992. - XV, 1356 S.
Gewinnoptimale Kundenselektion im Direkt-Marketing. - In: Marketing. 13. 1991. S. 86-96
Stichprobenverfahren in der Marktforschung. - München : Vahlen, 1990. - VIII, 154 S. - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 1989
Green and Tull define marketing research as ”the systematic and objective search for and analysis of information relevant to the identification and solution of any problem in the field of marketing” (Green, Tull 1970). The study of markets by sample surveys is a possible instrument for the search of primary informations. The population for the samp...
A market research case study called for the elaboration of a database typology concerning about 3 million clients. When using clustering algorithms the selection of a relatively small multivariate sample (1000) is necessary. As the most common sampling techniques aim at univariate cases, criteria of goodness for multivariate samples shall be define...
Nachdem zur Klassifikation größerer Datenmengen in den 60er und 70er Jahren Austauschverfahren und dazu verwandte Heuristiken entwickelt wurden, mehren sich in jüngster Zeit die Versuche, Klassifikationsprobleme exakt zu lösen. In vielen Fällen wird dazu ein binäres lineares Programm formuliert, wobei die Nebenbedingungen den Typ des “Klassifikatio...


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