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Fungal Root Endophytes



The peripheral root tissues form a morphologically, physically, and chemically complex microcosm that provides a broad selection of different habitats for a myriad of microorganisms: bacteria, actinomycetes, protozoa, nematodes, microalgae, and fungi. The boundary between roots and soil changes all the time because roots constantly modify the nearby soil structure by their mechanical and metabolic activity (Foster et al. 1983). The rhizoplane, the epidermis, and the outer cortex are colonized by microorganisms in a nonrandom manner. Heavy microbial growth can occur on some individual cells, while neighboring cells are almost devoid of microorganisms (Bowen and Rovira 1976). Patchiness of microbial root colonization probably reflects the uneven distribution of organic debris in the soil, which serves as food base for the microorganisms. Many soil bacteria and fungi are able to colonize inter- and or intracellularly the epidermal and the outer cortical cells (OCO) of healthy roots. Only a comparatively small number of organisms, for example, mycorrhizal fungi, endophytes, and pathogens, possess, however, the ability to cross the inner boundary of the rhizosphere and to colonize the inner of root tissues (Bazin et al. 1990).
I. Introduction
e peripheral root tissues form a morphologically, physically,
and chemically complex microcosm that provides a broad selec-
tion of dierent habitats for a myriad of microorganisms: bac-
teria, actinomycetes, protozoa, nematodes, microalgae, and
fungi. e boundary between roots and soil changes all the time
because roots constantly modify the nearby soil structure by
their mechanical and metabolic activity (Foster etal. 1983). e
rhizoplane, the epidermis, and the outer cortex are colonized
by microorganisms in a nonrandom manner. Heavy microbial
growth can occur on some individual cells, while neighboring
cells are almost devoid of microorganisms (Bowen and Rovira
1976). Patchiness of microbial root colonization probably reects
the uneven distribution of organic debris in the soil, which
serves as food base for the microorganisms. Many soil bacteria
and fungi are able to colonize inter- and or intracellularly the
epidermal and the outer cortical cells (OCO) of healthy roots.
Only a comparatively small number of organisms, for example,
mycorrhizal fungi, endophytes, and pathogens, possess, how-
ever, the ability to cross the inner boundary of the rhizosphere
and to colonize the inner of root tissues (Bazin etal. 1990).
An endophyte is literally dened as one plant living within
another organism. Applying the generally accepted ve-
kingdom system of Whittaker (1969), the term “endomycete”
would, thus, seem more appropriate for a fungus living inter-
nally in a plant. is term is, however, ambiguous because it
may lead to confusion with members of the Endomycetes, a
class introduced by von Arx (1967) to accommodate ascomyce-
tous yeasts and fungi with an yeast like growth phase. De Bary
(1866) coined the term “endophyte” to distinguish organisms
that invade and reside within host tissues or cells from “epi-
phytes,” those fungi living on the outer surfaces of plants.
Various plant/fungus symbioses constitute a continuum from
antagonism to mutualism, and the type of symbiosis may
change over time and space. Diseases caused by highly viru-
lent pathogens or well-developed ectomycorrhizae are imme-
diately obvious also to the nonspecialist, whereas the result
of a plant/fungus association in between these two extremes
may escape observation even by a specialist. e impossibil-
ity to unequivocally dene the behavior of an endophyte as
antagonistic or mutualistic becomes obvious by the ndings
of Freeman and Rodriguez (1993) who observed a fungal plant
pathogen to convert to a nonpathogenic, endophytic mutual-
ist by mutation at a single locus. us, a pragmatic denition
of endophytism should be applied, which includes all organ-
isms located within apparently healthy, functional root tissues
at the moment of sample collection. e currently available
methods to detect endophytes are destructive and, thus, the
addendum “at the moment of sample collection” was necessary
to account for the dynamic nature of plant–fungus interac-
tions. Only fungi will be considered in this chapter although
bacteria can live endophytically too (Chanway 1996; Schulz
et al. 2006). Endophytic bacteria have been shown to be of
vital importance in some symbioses, for example, actinorhi-
zal symbiosis between tree roots (Alnus spp.) and Frankia spp.,
symbiosis between sugarcane (Saccharum ocinarum L.) and
Acetobacter diazotrophicus, a nitrogen-xing bacterial endo-
phyte (Dong etal. 1994), or plant growth–promoting rhizo-
bacteria (Wei etal. 1994). e fungal partners in mycorrhizal
associations are clearly also endophytes because part or all
of their thallus is localized within the roots. Comprehensive
articles, reviews, and books have been provided for many of
Fungal Root Endophytes
I. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................38-1
II. Species and Hosts of Root Endophytes ..............................................................................38-2
Dark Septate Endophytes
III. Methods of Detection........................................................................................................... 38-4
IV. Root Endophytes of Herbaceous Plants .............................................................................38-5
Grass Endophytes • Orchid Endophytes • Other Herbaceous Plant Hosts
V. Root Endophytes of Woody Plant Species .......................................................................38-22
Root Endophytes of Woody Ericales • Root Endophytes of Pinales • Root Endophytes
in Other Woody Plant Species
VI. Conclusions and Outlook ...................................................................................................38-38
References .........................................................................................................................................38-38
Thomas N. Sieber
ETH (Swiss FederalInstitute
of Technology)
Christoph R. Grünig
Microsynth AG
© 2013 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
38-2 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
the groups of classical mycorrhizal associations, namely,
ecto-(ECM), ectendo-(EEM), or arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM)
and the ericoid, arbutoid, orchid, or monotropoid mycorrhi-
zae (Harvais and Hadley 1967; Read 1983; Mikola 1988; Allen
etal. 1991; Egger etal. 1991; Allen and Allen 1992; Currah and
Zelmer 1992; Read 1992, 1996; Brundrett 2004; Smith and
Read 2008; Brundrett 2009). Emphasis in this chapter will
be laid on root–fungus associations that are not regarded as
mycorrhizae in the classical sense although literally they also
form fungus–root entities of tightly interwoven fungus-
plant tissues. Fungal root endophytes are ubiquitous and prob-
ably more abundant than classical mycorrhizae because they
are not conned to the root tips and can occur everywhere
in the root system. ey are regularly isolated during studies
about classical mycorrhizae but are then rather regarded as
nuisance than interesting research objects. Since fungal root
endophytes have been largely neglected, information about
their functions is rare. Aer all, the number of publications
about fungal root endophytes started to increase exponentially
since about a decade ago, and there is hope that this group of
organisms will eventually obtain the attention it deserves. In
addition to mycorrhizae, root-colonizing obligate biotrophs
with a prolonged latent phase such as certain smuts (Garcia-
Guzman etal. 1996) or rust fungi, that is, Tranzschelia fusca
(G. Winter) Dietel in the rhizomes of Anemone nemorosa L.,
will not be discussed in this chapter.
is chapter is based in part upon information in several
previous reviews (which it does not supersede): (Melin 1923;
Pearson and Read 1973; Garrett 1981; Foster etal. 1983; Read
1983; Wilcox 1983; Duddrige 1985; Foster 1986; Deacon 1987;
Bazin et al. 1990; Petrini 1991; Newell 1992; Cannon and
Hawksworth 1995; Bills 1996; Wilcox 1996; Jumpponen
andTrappe 1998a; Sieber 2002; Addy etal. 2005; Mandyamand
Jumpponen 2005; Sieber and Grünig 2006; Grünig etal. 2008b;
Peterson etal. 2008; Newsham etal. 2009). Our referencing
is not comprehensive, but we tried to include key references
that can provide access to more literature on fungal root endo-
phytes. In this chapter, we will concentrate on the taxonomy,
diversity, physiology, and ecology of root endophytes and con-
clude with some ideas about interesting avenues for future
research. Nomenclature of fungal names follows the system
applied in the Index Fungorum (http://www.indexfungorum.
org/Names/Names.asp). If both the teleomorph (sexual repro-
ductive stage) and the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage)
are produced, the name of the teleomorph will be used. Names
of the anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of synonyms
provided for teleomorphs with known anamorph(s) in the
Index Fungorum.
Morphology of the endophyte–root symbioses is very variable
and changes over time. It depends on both host and endophyte
species; developmental stage of the tree, type, and age of the
roots; edaphic and climatic conditions; and the microbial com-
munity in the rhizosphere. Sections IV.A1, IV.B1, IV.C1, V.A1,
V.B1, and V.C1 about the histology of the endophyte–root inter-
face will be included into this chapter of each host taxon.
II. Species and Hosts
ofRoot Endophytes
Endophytic fungi were detected in the roots of all examined
plant species. Grasses, orchids, and species of the Ericaceae and
Pinaceae are the best-studied plants (Figure 38.1). Diversity, fre-
quency, and population density of endophyte species depend
on the edaphic and climatic conditions, on the heterogeneity of
habitats and niches present within the host tissues, and on the
competing organisms. Dark septate endophytes (DSE) probably
occur in the roots of any plant species. ey are the most fre-
quent and most widespread root endophytes (Stoyke etal. 1992;
Ahlich and Sieber 1996; Jumpponen and Trappe 1998a; Grünig
etal. 2008b; Figure 38.1). Species of Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium,
Gibberella, Ilyonectria, and Neonectria and the Sebacinales are
frequent non-DSE. Fungi of the Sebacinales form mycorrhizae
with ECM plants and orchids (OM) and associations of uncertain
status with many other plant species (Warcup 1988; Weiss and
Oberwinkler 2001; Weiss etal. 2011). e genera Microdochium
and Cryptosporiopsis comprise both DSE and non-DSE species.
Microdochium nivale (Fr.) Samuels & I.C. Hallett (anamorph of
Monographella nivalis (Schanit) E. ll.) and Microdochium
bolleyi (R. Sprague) de Hoog & Herm.-Nijh. are both endophytes
in grasses, but colonies of M. nivale are white changing to orange
where sporodochia form, whereas those of M. bolleyi are black.
A. Dark Septate Endophytes
DSE is a form taxon and serves primarily to dierentiate these
fungi from endophytes with septate, hyaline hyphae and from
fungi with sparsely septate, hyaline hyphae, which are character-
istic for AM fungi. However, the distinction based on the degree
of pigmentation is oen arbitrary because melanization varies
greatly in some species (Addy etal. 2005; Hambleton and Sigler
2005) especially that of mycelia in colonized roots (Yu etal. 2001;
Barrow 2003). We propose to dene DSE as those endophytic
fungi, which form either at least partly dark brown, dark gray, or
black colonies on 2% (w/v) malt extract agar (MEA) when incu-
bated at 20°C and/or distinctly melanized structures in roots.
Most DSE are ascomycetes, and consequently dematiaceous
ascomycetes that are able to colonize the interior of plant tissues
without inducing disease are potential DSE. However, the most
frequent root-colonizing DSE belong to the genera Microdochium
(anamorphic Monographella (Xylariales)), Periconia (anamor-
phic Pleosporales), Harpophora (anamorphic Gaeumannomyces),
Cadophora (anamorphic Helotiales), Cryptosporiopsis (anamor-
phic Pezicula (Helotiales)), Phialocephala, and Acephala (both
anamorphic Helotiales) (Figure 38.1). Some of the best-studied
DSE are Microdochium bolleyi, Periconia macrospinosa Lefebvre
& Aar.G. Johnson, Gaeumannomyces and Harpophora species,
Acephala applanata Grünig & T.N. Sieber, and Phialocephala
fortinii s.l. C.J.K. Wang& H.E. Wilcox. P. fortinii s.l. consists of
several morphologically indistinguishable but reproductively iso-
lated cryptic species (CSP) (Grünig 2004; Grünig etal. 2007) that
together with A. applanata form the P. fortinii s.l.A. applanata
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38-3Fungal Root Endophytes
species complex (PAC) (Grünig etal. 2008b). PAC are among the
best-characterized DSE. ey are very widespread and abundant
in roots of woody plants, especially conifers and ericaceous plants,
all over the Northern Hemisphere (Tables 38.4 through 38.6).
Section II.A1 is therefore dedicated to them (see below).
Host specicity of DSE is the exception, but some species pre-
fer certain host taxa. Microdochium, Periconia, and Harpophora
species prefer grasses, whereas Cadophora, Cryptosporiopsis,
and PAC species preferentially occur on orchids and woody
plant species (Grünig etal. 2008b; Figure 38.1). PAC seem to be
conned to forest ecosystems because reports about their pres-
ence in arable soils or in roots of plants growing in these soils are
very rare (Ahlich-Schlegel 1997; Brenn etal. 2008).
1.  Phialocephala fortinii s.l.–Acephalaapplanata 
Species Complex
A. applanata is the only morphologically distinct PAC species,
because its colonies on MEA dier from those of Phialocephala
fortinii s.l. by the absence of aerial mycelium (Grünig and Sieber
2005). e structures of conidiophores are similar among spe-
cies and highly variable within species and, consequently, do not
allow to discriminate species (Grünig etal. 2008a). Dierentiation
of PAC species is only possible using molecular methods. Seven
of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. species were formally described
based on population dierentiation and dierences at ve
sequence loci (Grünig etal. 2007, 2008a): Phialocephala fortinii
s.s., Phialocephala subalpina, Phialocephala letzii Grünig &
T. N. Sieber, Phialocephala uotilensis Grünig & T. N. Sieber,
Phialocephala turicensis Grünig & T. N. Sieber, Phialocephala
europaea Grünig & T.N. Sieber, and Phialocephala helvetica
Grünig & T.N. Sieber. Identication of members of PAC is pos-
sible using ITS sequencing (Grünig etal. 2008b). However, species
identication within PAC to the species level requires sequencing
of at least three of the sequence loci (Grünig etal. 2008a). Usually,
sequencing of the pPF-076, pPF-018, and beta-tubulin locus using
the primers listed in Grünig etal. (2007) is enough to identify
the species. Alternatively, identication can occur by multiplex-
polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR)-amplied microsatellite (MS)
loci using the primers developed by Queloz etal. (2008, 2010).
e geographical distribution of PAC species ranges from arc-
tic to subtropical regions throughout the Northern Hemisphere
(Piercey etal. 2004; Zhang etal. 2009; Queloz etal. 2011). e
wide geographic distribution of PAC contrasts with the results
obtained from baiting experiments, which provided no evidence
for aerial dispersal of PAC (Bachmann 2010). Nevertheless,
strains with identical inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) nger-
print and single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) haplotype were repeatedly found in forest stands situated
a few km apart, and migration rates measured between conti-
nents were low but still sucient to prevent speciation (Grünig
etal. 2004, 2011; Grünig and Sieber 2005; Queloz 2010). is is at
least surprising, since PAC do not or only rarely sporulate aer
prolonged incubation at low temperature, and germination of
conidia was never observed. Probably, anthropogenic gene and
genotype ow occurs by the movement of nursery plants colo-
nized by PAC locally and around the globe (Brenn etal. 2008).
Herbaceous plants
Woody plants
Cadophora spp.
Pezicula spp.
Cryptosporiopsis spp.
Ilyonectria spp.
Neonectria spp.
Cylindrocarpon spp.
Microdochium spp.
Gibberella spp.
Fusarium spp.
Gaeumannomyces spp.
Harpophora spp.
FIGURE 38.1 Simplied schematic display of the main taxa of root endophytes and the major groups of their plant hosts. e black upper box
indicates occurrence of DSE, the blank lower box occurrence of non-DSE; species of taxa positioned in the black box are DSE, those in the blank
box non-DSE; the genera Microdochium and Pezicula (Cryptosporiopsis) comprise both DSE and non-DSE species.
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38-4 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
Abundance distribution curves of PAC species in local com-
munities are hyperbolic with a few abundant species and many
“rare” species (Grünig et al. 2006), consistent with the com-
munity structures observed in many other biological systems
(McGill et al. 2007). In a recent study, 44 communities from
the Northern Hemisphere comprising more than 5000 PAC
strains were analyzed (Queloz et al. 2011). Species diversity
and community structure were neither correlated with the tree
community, geographical location, soil properties, manage-
ment practices, precipitation, nor temperature, supporting the
hypothesis of “everything is everywhere” (Baas-Becking 1934).
Indeed, it is known that host specicity of PAC species is low or
lacking because most species can be isolated from a broad range
of woody plant species (Grünig etal. 2008b). For example, the
most abundant PAC species, Phialocephala subalpina Grünig
& T.N. Sieber, was isolated from 16 plant species compared
to many fungal pathogens that oen have narrow host ranges
(Tables 38.4 through 38.6).
PAC species were shown to be a genetically highly variable on
a regional level (Harney etal. 1997; Grünig etal. 2001). Within
forest plots of 200 m
, PAC can form communities of up to 13
sympatrically occurring species (Grünig et al. 2004; Queloz
etal. 2010). More than 25 genets were present in an area of only
9 m
of forest soil, and this community remained stable for sev-
eral years (Queloz etal. 2005). More homogenous population
structures would be expected for these supposedly mitotic PAC
fungi. ere are at least two possibilities to explain this phe-
nomenon. Either the assumption of asexuality is wrong, and
PAC enjoy some hidden sex such as parasexuality, or it is a poly-
phyletic species complex, and what we see today is the result of
a convergent evolutionary process. From a molecular genetics
point of view, PAC meet the requirements for sex, because they
possess mating-type genes (Zaarano etal. 2010), and probably,
they are also functional because no gametic disequilibrium
can be found in PAC species based on single-copy RFLP data
(Grünig etal. 2007). Whereas mating-type genes of Acephala
applanata are organized in a homothallic fashion (MAT1-1 and
MAT1-2 in the same individual interrupted by a transposable
element), other PAC species are heterothallic possessing only
either the MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 idiomorph in their genomes
(Zaarano et al. 2010, 2011). Zaarano et al. (2010) showed
that in more than 80% of the populations of PAC species a 1:1
mating-type ratio and gametic equilibrium can be observed.
In addition, MAT genes were shown to evolve under strong
purifying selection. All three observations support the assump-
tion that cryptic sexual reproduction occurs in PAC species.
Moreover, the presence of sexual reproduction is also supported
by the nding of the teleomorphic state in Phaeomollisia piceae
T.N. Sieber & Grünig, a phylogenetically closely related species
(Grünig etal. 2009).
Another secret is whether PAC fungi are able to grow
through soil. PAC can readily be baited from forest soil using
Norway-spruce seedlings as bait (Ahlich et al. 1998; Trüssel
2011). However, it is not known if PAC actively grow through
soil toward host roots or are passively waiting as dormant
propagules, for example, microsclerotia in or on root debris,
until a susceptible root “grows past.” Trüssel (2011) tested myce-
lial growth through soil substrate in nonsterilized and gamma-
sterilized forest soil and peat–vermiculite. Norway-spruce
seedlings were used as bait separated from the PAC inoculated
substrate by a mesh screen that did not allow passage of roots.
Growth of mycelium occurred only in the sterilized substrates
and was slow with maximal distances of 2 cm covered in 3
months at 20°C, although the pH of 3.8 was optimal (Trüssel
2011). No growth occurred in nonsterilized forest soil probably
due to inhibition by other soil microorganisms. us, it remains
dubious if PAC can actively grow through soil or are transmitted
only by root contacts.
III. Methods of Detection
Isolation from plant tissues (1), histological examination (2),
assays of fungal-specic molecules, for example, ergosterol,
a sterol characteristic of fungal membranes (3), and culture-
independent DNA extraction and sequencing of specic loci
(4) are the four major groups of methods used to detect and
describe communities of endophytic fungi (Parsons 1981;
Savage and Sall 1981; El-Nashaar et al. 1986; Newell et al.
1988; Hampton etal. 1990; Newell 1992; Reissinger etal. 2001;
Sieber 2002; Schulz and Boyle 2005; Jumpponen and Jones
2009). Each of these methods has its advantages and disad-
vantages. Methods (1) and (4) but not (2) and (3) allow iden-
tication of the fungi. Only culturable fungi can be detected
with method (1), and the number and kind of species retrieved
depend on the strength of surface sterilization, the medium
used for incubation, and the sample size. With method (4),
it remains obscure whether the DNAs originated from liv-
ing or dead fungi, and consequently, the surface-sterilization
method used in combination with method (4) must not only
kill organisms on the plant surface but also remove their DNA.
Furthermore, method (4) strongly depends on the quality of
the databases used for sequence identication. Consequently,
only the application of several of these methods combined
allows obtaining a complete picture of the endophytic myco-
biota in a plant tissue.
Methods were developed to specically detect certain spe-
cies. Quantitative PCR was developed to detect and quantify
PAC in root tissues (Tellenbach etal. 2010). Quantication by
qPCR is, however, problematic because the amount of DNA is
measured and used to estimate biomass. Even if it is assumed
that each cell contains one nucleus, type and size of fungal cells
can vary considerably within and among isolates making esti-
mates inaccurate. For example, the method worked ne for PAC
strains that formed uniform, regular mycelia in the host but not
for those that produced lots of microsclerotia (Tellenbach etal.
2010). Although based on DNA, microsatellites provide an even
more sensitive detection and quantication method because
genets of the same species can be dierentiated and quantied
provided that genets possess dierent alleles at at least one locus
(Reininger etal. 2011b).
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38-5Fungal Root Endophytes
IV. Root Endophytes of
Herbaceous Plants
Agricultural plants are among the best-studied herbaceous
plants in regard to root endophytes. Nonagricultural herbaceous
plants have only rarely been examined, and the detection of non-
mycorrhizal root endophytes was mostly a by-product during
studies of OM or AM fungi.
A. Grass Endophytes
Members of the Clavicipitaceae are the best-known grass
endophytes. They have received a lot of attention in the past
due to their beneficial effects upon their hosts (Clay 1988;
Schardl 2010). Some function as biocontrol agents against
insects and other herbivores, others produce growth-pro-
moting metabolites. Most effects are based on various kinds
of alkaloids produced by these endophytes. Clavicipitaceous
grass endophytes are considered to colonize their hosts sys-
temically. However, roots are usually not colonized. Azevedo
and Welty (1995) inoculated axenically grown tall fescue
(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) seedlings with Neotyphodium
coenophialum (Morgan-Jones & W. Gams) Glenn, C.W.
Bacon & Hanlin but could not observe direct penetration
of the fungus into intact root cortex cells. Consequently,
improved growth and biomass accumulation of roots as well
as altered root morphology of infected plants grown at low
nutrient availability (e.g., phosphorus) are mediated by the
endophyte activity in the aerial plant parts (Malinowski
etal. 1998; Malinowski and Belesky 1999). However, roots of
grasses are habitats for many non-clavicipitalean endophytes
(Table 38.1).
e most frequent genera of grass-root endophytes are
Fusarium, Gaeumannomyces, Gibberella, Harpophora,
Microdochium, Monographella, and Periconia (Figure 38.1).
For example, Riesen and Sieber (1985) and Sieber etal. (1988)
isolated more than 100 species from roots of winter wheat.
Fusarium culmorum (W.G. Sm.) Sacc., Fusarium oxysporum
Schltdl., Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch, Microdochium bol-
leyi, Monographella nivalis, Periconia macrospinosa Lefebvre
& Aar.G. Johnson, and Phaeosphaeria nodorum (E. ll.)
Hedjar., the causal agent of glume blotch, were the dominant
fungal species. M. bolleyi was also regularly recovered from the
roots of healthy eld-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats
(Avena sativa L.), and pasture grass (Murray and Gadd 1981).
Stoyke and Currah (1991) isolated DSE from an unidenti-
fied grass species in an alpine habitat of the Rocky Mountains
in Alberta, Canada. Similarly, dark septate endophytic
hyphae were observed in grasses collected on various islands
of the Southern Atlantic Ocean and the Antarctic Peninsula
(Christie and Nicolson 1983), and Upson et al. (2009) iso-
lated 243 DSE strains from the roots of Deschampsia ant-
arctica E. Desv. and Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl.
(Caryophyllaceae) collected from 17 sites across a 1470 km
transect through maritime and sub-Antarctica. Most DSE
belonged to the Helotiales. Leptodontidium orchidicola Sigler
& Currah, Pezoloma ericae (D.J. Read) Baral, and species
of Tapesia and Mollisia could be identified by ITS sequence
comparison. Li etal. (2005) detected considerable coloniza-
tion of roots of several grass species collected in Kunming,
China, by DSE.
Grass and cereal roots are often colonized by dark sep-
tate Gaeumannomyces species and relatives. Take-all, caused
by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici J. Walker and
Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae (E.M. Turner) Dennis,
is the most important root disease of wheat and oat world-
wide (Freeman and Ward 2004), but many Gaeumannomyces
species are nonpathogenic (Deacon 1981; Sieber 1985; Deacon
1987; Skipp and Christensen 1989; Blaschke 1991; Crous etal.
1995; Gutteridge etal. 2007). Gaeumannomyces species pos-
sess Phialophora-like anamorphs, which have been accom-
modated in the genus Harpophora by Gams (2000). Whereas
it is accepted that Harpophora graminicola (Deacon) W. Gams
is the anamorph of Gaeumannomyces cylindrosporus Hornby,
Slope, Gutter. & Sivan. (Ward and Bateman 1999; Freeman and
Ward 2004), there is some debate about other Harpophora
Gaeumannomyces connections, especially when it comes to
the anamorphs of the various varieties of G. graminis (Sacc.)
Arx & D.L. Olivier. A Harpophora species isolated by McKeen
(1952) from corn roots was described as Harpophora radicic-
ola (Cain) W. Gams by Cain (1952). Some workers interpreted
H. radicicola as the anamorphic state of G. graminis var.trit-
ici (Lemaire and Ponchet 1963; Simonsen 1971). However, this
was considered not tenable by Walker (1981). In fact, identity
of H. radicicola with Gaeumannomyces graminis var. maydis
J.M. Yao, Yong C. Wang & Y.G. Zhu, the maize take-all fungus
from China (Yao etal. 1992), was demonstrated using molec-
ular genetics methods (Ward and Bateman 1999). In addition,
the same authors found H. radicicola to be almost identical to
Harpophora zeicola (Deacon & D.B. Scott) W. Gams, which
was described as a weak parasite of drought or otherwise
stressed maize plants in South Africa and France (Deacon
and Scott 1983). G. graminis var. maydis was also observed
in the roots of three alpine grasses (Deschampsia caespitosa
(L.) P. Beauv., Festuca pumila Chaix, and Poa alpina L.) grow-
ing at timberline (1900 m asl.) in Bavaria (Blaschke 1991).
Colonization of roots of Deschampsia flxuosa (L.) Trin. by
an unidentified DSE increased with increasing temperature
under a global warming scenario but was not affected by ele-
vated CO
levels (Olsrud etal. 2010; Table 38.1).
1. Anatomy
Epidermal and cortical root cells of cereal and grass roots lled
with heavily melanized microsclerotia are characteristic for
colonization by M. bolleyi (Murray and Gadd 1981). In con-
trast, inter- and intracellular hyphae of this fungus are hyaline.
Colonization of the stelar tissues of healthy roots does usually not
occur. ese patterns of colonization correspond well with those
observed by Rasmann etal. (2009) for M. bolleyi in tomato roots
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38-6 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.1 Endophytes in Grasses (Family: Poaceae), Sedges (Family: Cyperaceae) and Bromeliads (Family: Bromeliaceae)
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Acremonium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Acremonium strictum Hypocreales Not DSE Ammophila arenaria Poales Grass In vitro exp a Hol etal. (2007)
Alternaria sp. Pleosporales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Alternaria sp. Pleosporales DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Aspergillus sp. Eurotiales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Bipolaris sp. Pleosporales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Campanella sp. Agaricales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Chaetomium funicola Sordariales Not DSE Hordeum vulgare Poales Grass In vitro exp b Vilich etal. (1998)
Chaetomium globosum Sordariales Not DSE Hordeum vulgare Poales Grass In vitro exp b Vilich etal. (1998)
Cladorrhinum foecundissimum Sordariales N.A. Elytrigia repens Poales Grass Isol & in
vitro exp
c Gasoni and Stegamn de
Gurnkel (2009)
Cladosporium cladosporiodes Capnodiales DSE Bothriochloa macra Poales Grass Isol White and Backhouse (2007)
Cladosporium cladosporiodes Capnodiales DSE Hyparrhenia hirta Poales Grass Isol White and Backhouse (2007)
Coniothyrium sp. Pleosporales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Crous etal. (1995)
Cryptosporiopsis rhizophila Helotiales DSE Deschampsia exuosa Poales Grass In vitro exp d Zijlstra etal. (2005)
Curvularia inaequalis Pleosporales DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Cylindrocarpon didymum Hypocreales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber (1985)
Dictyochaeta fertilis Chaetosphaeriales Not DSE Lolium perenne Poales Grass Isol Skipp and Christensen (1989)
Drechslera sp. Pleosporales DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Embellisia chlamydospora Pleosporales DSE Carex stenophylla Poales Sedge Isol Graf, pers. comm. (2008)
Epicoccum sp. Pleosporales Not DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Fusarium culmorum Hypocreales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Bothriochloa macra Poales Grass Isol White and Backhouse (2007)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Hyparrhenia hirta Poales Grass Isol White and Backhouse (2007)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Lolium perenne Poales Grass Isol Skipp and Christensen (1989)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Oryza sativa Poales Grass Isol Fisher and Petrini (1992)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Fusarium redolens Hypocreales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010), Khidir
etal. (2010)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales DSE Sporobolus cryptandrus Poales Grass Isol Khidir etal. (2010)
Fusarium spp. Hypocreales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Gaeumannomyces cylindrosporus
Magnaporthaceae DSE Poa pratensis Poales Grass Isol Saleh and Leslie (2004)
Gaeumannomyces cylindrosporus
Magnaporthaceae DSE Various grass species Poales Grass Isol e Deacon (1981)
Gaeumannomyces cylindrosporus
Magnaporthaceae DSE Vulpia ciliata Poales Grass In vitro exp f Newsham (1999)
Gaeumannomyces graminis var.
Magnaporthaceae DSE Oryza sativa Poales Grass Isol Saleh and Leslie (2004)
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38-7Fungal Root Endophytes
Gaeumannomyces graminis var.
Magnapothaceae DSE Lolium perenne Poales Grass Isol Skipp and Christensen (1989)
Gaeumannomyces graminis var.
Magnaporthaceae DSE Zea mays Poales Grass Isol Cain (1952)
Gaeumannomyces graminis var.
Magnaporthaceae DSE Zea mays Poales Grass Isol Ward and Bateman (1999)
Gaeumannomyces sp. Magnaportaceae DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Gibberella avenacea Hypocreales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Crous etal. (1995)
Gibberella zeae Hypocreales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Harpophora oryzae Magnaporthaceae DSE Oryza sativa Poales Grass Isol Yuan etal. (2010)
Idriella lunata Helotiales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber (1985)
Leptodontidium sp. Helotiales Not DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Meliniomyces variabilis
Leotiomycetes DSE Hordeum vulgare Poales Grass Isol Narisawa etal. (2004)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Elymus farctus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2008)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Poa alpigena Poales Grass Isol Väre etal. (1992)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass In vitro &
eld exp
g Reinecke (1978)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Riesen and Sieber (1985)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass In vitro exp h Kirk and Deacon (1987)
Microdochium sp. Xylariales DSE Andropogon gerardii Poales Grass In vitro exp i Mandyam etal. (2010)
Microdochium sp. Xylariales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Microdochium sp. Xylariales DSE Grasses Poales Grass Isol Mandyam etal. (2010)
Microdochium spp. Xylariales DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Mollisia sp. Helotiales DSE Deschampsia antarctica Poales Grass Isol Upson etal. (2009)
Moniliophthora sp. Agaricales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010), Khidir
etal. (2010)
Moniliophthora sp. Agaricales DSE Sporobolus cryptandrus Poales Grass Isol Khidir etal. (2010)
Monodictys sp. Dothideomycetes DSE Carex stenophylla Poales Sedge Isol Graf, pers. comm. (2008)
Monographella nivalis Xylariales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Monographella nivalis Xylariales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Monosporascus sp. Xylariales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Neurospora sp. Sordariales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Paraphaeosphaeria sp. Pleosporales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010), Khidir
etal. (2010)
Paraphaeosphaeria sp. Pleosporales DSE Sporobolus cryptandrus Poales Grass Isol Khidir etal. (2010)
Paraphoma meti Pleosporales DSE Vulpia ciliata Poales Grass In vitro exp f Newsham (1994)
Penicillium sp. Eurotiales Not DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Penicillium sp. Eurotiales Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Andropogon gerardii Poales Grass In vitro exp j Mandyam etal. (2010)
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38-8 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.1 (continued) Endophytes in Grasses (Family: Poaceae), Sedges (Family: Cyperaceae) and Bromeliads (Family: Bromeliaceae)
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Bothriochloa macra Poales Grass Isol White and Backhouse (2007)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Hyparrhenia hirta Poales Grass Isol White and Backhouse (2007)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Andropogon gerardii Poales Grass In vitro exp k Mandyam etal. (2010)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Grasses Poales Grass Isol Mandyam etal. (2010)
Periconia macrospinosa Pleosporales DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Periconia sp. Pleosporales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Phaeocytostroma plurivorum Pezizomyc incert N.A. Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Phaeosphaeria nodorum Pleosporales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Phaeosphaeria nodorum Pleosporales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Deschampsia exuosa Poales Grass Isol Tejesvi and Ruotsalainen (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Deschampsia exuosa Poales Grass In vitro exp l Zijlstra etal. (2005)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Poa alpigena Poales Grass Isol Väre etal. (1992)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Poa alpigena Poales Grass Isol Väre etal. (1992)
Phialocephala sp. 8 Helotiales DSE Carex aquatilis Poales Sedge Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Phialophora sp. N.A. DSE Carex curvula Poales Sedge Isol Haselwandter and Read (1982)
Phialophora sp. N.A. DSE Carex rma Poales Sedge Isol f Haselwandter and Read (1982)
Phialophora sp. Helotiales N.A. Deschampsia exuosa Poales Grass Isol Tejesvi and Ruotsalainen (2010)
Phialophora sp. Helotiales N.A. Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Phialophora sp. 1 Helotiales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Rooden, unpublished
Phialophora sp. 1 Helotiales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Rooden, unpublished
Phoma sp. Pleosporales DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Isol Herrera etal. (2010)
Phoma glomerata Pleosporales DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Crous etal. (1995)
Podospora sp. Sordariales Not DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Polymyxa sp. Plasmodiophoraceae Not DSE Sorghum bicolor Poales Grass In vitro exp Galamay etal. (1992)
Pyrenochaeta sp. 1 Pleosporales DSE Holcus lanatus Poales Grass Isol Sánchez Márquez etal. (2010)
Rhizoctonia sp. Cantharellales DSE Carex curvula Poales Sedge Isol Haselwandter and Read (1982)
Rhizoctonia sp. Cantharellales DSE Carex rma Poales Sedge Isol f Haselwandter and Read (1982)
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38-9Fungal Root Endophytes
Rhizoctonia sp. Cantharellales DSE Carex lasiocarpa, C.
Poales Sedge Isol ormann etal. (1999)
Rhizoctonia spp. Cantharellales Not DSE Triticum aestivum Poales Grass Isol Sieber etal. (1988)
Tapesia sp. Helotiales DSE Deschampsia antarctica Poales Grass Isol Upson etal. (2009)
ielavia appendiculata Sordariales Not DSE Stipa grandis Poales Grass Isol Su etal. (2010)
Trematosphaeria clarkii Pleosporales DSE Oryza sativa Poales Grass Isol Fisher and Petrini (1992)
Trematosphaeria clarkii Pleosporales DSE Oryza sativa Poales Grass Isol Fisher and Petrini (1992)
Unidentied DSE DSE Arrhenatherum elatius Poales Grass Micros Deram etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Bouteloua eriopoda Poales Grass In vitro exp Barrow etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass ITS Green etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Bouteloua gracilis Poales Grass Micros Medina-Roldan etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Cynodon dactylon Poales Grass Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Cyperus rotundus Poales Grass Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Deschampsia exuosa Poales Grass Open-top
in forest
m Olsrud etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Deuterocohnia
Poales Bromelia Micros Lugo etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Digitaria cruciata Poales Grass Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Dyckia spp. Poales Bromelia Micros Lugo etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Paspalum distichum Poales Grass Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Phragmites australis Poales Grass Micros Dolinar and Gaberscik (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Poa annua Poales Grass Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Tillandsia spp. Poales Bromelia Micros Lugo etal. (2009)
Genus, species and order (family) names according to index fungorum (, December 20, 2011). If both the teleomorph (sexual reproductive stage) and
the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage) are produced, the name of the teleomorph is given. Names of anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of the teleomorphs synonyms provided in the index. e
next lower taxon is given if the fungus Order is not known with certainty (“incertae sedis”).
Isol, isolation from surface-sterilized roots; in vitro exp, fungus used in in-vitro experiment(s); ITS, detection by DNA extraction, sequencing of the ITS regions and sequence comparison with sequence
databases; Micros, detection by microscopy.
Special eect details: (a) Plant growth stimulation; improved sand stabilizing role of host in coastal dunes; control of nematodes. (b) Growth stimulation of roots; control of Blumeria graminis. (c) Biocontrol
of damping-o, root and stem rot, caused by anatephorus cucumeris, in cotton. (d) Enhanced nitrogen uptake. (e) Control of Gaeumannomyces graminis. (f) Plant growth stimulation. (g) Control of
Phaeosphaeria nodorum, Fusarium and Gibberella species. (h) Control of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Gaeumannomyces cylindrosporus. (i) Plant growth stimulation by one isolate. (j) Plant growth
stimulation by two of three isolates. (k) Plant growth stimulation by one of two isolates. (l) Increase of nitrogen uptake. (m) Increased colonization at higher temperatures, but not at elevated CO
Anamorph: Harpophora graminicola.
Anamorph: Harpophora radicicola.
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38-10 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
(Figure38.2A). Microsclerotia like those formed by M. bolleyi
were also observed in roots of Poa alpina (cited as Poa alpi-
gena) in Spitsbergen (Väre etal. 1992).
Colonization by Harpophora spp. (anamorphic
Gaeumannomyces spp.) is usually recognized by dark septate
runner hyphae growing on the root surface. e surface myce-
lium of some species also possesses hyphopodia that can be
lobed or unlobed (Deacon 1981), a feature that is considered suit-
able to discriminate the varieties tritici, avenae, and maydis of
G. graminis, which possess simple hyphopodia from the variety
graminis that has lobed hyphopodia (Freeman and Ward 2004;
Figure38.2B). Depth of penetration into the root cortex and the
stele and, thus, virulence depend on the fungus and host species,
the environmental conditions, and the age and type of roots.
G. graminis var. maydis forms a net of stout brown runner
hyphae with lateral hyphopodia on the root surface (McKeen
1952). Infection of the cortical cells of primary, seminal, and
adventitious roots occurred by slender colorless microhy-
phae, but the roots appeared usually healthy. Sometimes indi-
vidual cells were completely lled with enlarged fungus cells
that later assumed thick, brown walls typical for microscle-
rotia (McKeen 1952). Skipp and Christensen (1989) observed
microsclerotia similar to those observed by McKeen (1952)
in cortical cells of roots of Lolium perenne L. from various
sites in New Zealand. Isolations from surface-sterilized root
segments conrmed presence of G. graminis var. maydis. G.
cylindrosporus is a nonpathogenic endophyte (Deacon 1987).
Mycelia of G. cylindrosporus and G. graminis develop similarly
on roots, but G. cylindrosporus does not penetrate the vascular
system. Whereas in young regions of the roots, the dark, lysis-
resistant runner hyphae of G. cylindrosporus are conned to
the root surface and the fungus penetrates only little into the
cortex, on older regions, the runner hyphae grow intercellu-
larly deep within the cortex (Deacon 1987).
Intracellular pycnidia of Phoma meti Brunaud were observed
in the root cortex of the annual grass Vulpia ciliata Dumort
(Newsham 1994). Intracellular sporulation may be ecologically
advantageous because conidia can spread rapidly right aer rup-
ture of the cell wall in sloughed-o cortical cells.
Galamay et al. (1992) observed blackberry-like sclero-
tia of an endophyte in the epidermal and hypodermal cells
of nodal and rst-order lateral roots of Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench. e fungus was tentatively identied as Polymyxa
sp. (Plasmodiophoromycetes). Since tissues internal to the
(A) (B)
60 μm,
FIGURE 38.2 (A) Multicellular microsclerotia of Microdochium bolleyi lling single cortex cells in a tomato root. (From Rasmann, C. etal.,
Appl. Soil Ecol., 43, 22, 2009.) (B) Hyphopodia of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis wild-type strain JH2033 formed on Mylar lms.
(From Money, N.P. etal., Fungal Genet. Biol., 24, 240, 1998.) Scale bar = 20 μm. (C) Intracellular spherical to pear-shaped chlamydospores of
Piriformospora indica in cortical cells of a barley root. (From Waller, F. etal., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 102, 13386, 2005.) (D) Morphology and
fungal colonization (most probably Inocybe sp.) of coralloid rhizomes of the orchid Epipogium aphyllum. Magnication detail of infected cells with
view of elongated fungal pelotons cut transversally in P1 and longitudinally in P2 (n, orchid cell nucleus, is, inorescence shoots). (From Roy, M.
etal., Ann. Bot., 104, 595, 2009.) Scale bar = 50 μm. (E) Squash mount of mycorrhizal root of Calypso bulbosa stained with chlorazol black showing
sclerotium-like structures of a DSE in cortical cells. (From Currah, R.S. etal., Am. J. Bot., 75, 739, 1988.) Scale bar = 13 μm. (F) Epidermal micro-
sclerotium (*) of Phialocephala fortinii s.l. (CSP 12, strain UAMH 9525) in a root of Asparagus ocinalis. (From Yu, T. etal., Can. J. Microbiol., 47,
741, 2001.) Scale bar = 15 μm.
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38-11Fungal Root Endophytes
hypodermis were never colonized, it was assumed that the hypo-
dermis functions as a barrier to protect the inner tissues from
colonization by the fungus.
In substrate inoculated with Piriformospora indica Sav.
Verma, Aj. Varma, Rexer, G. Kost & P. Franken, the fungus
entered barley (H. vulgare L.) roots primarily via root hairs
and proceeded intracellularly into rhizodermal cells and later
on into the root cortex (Waller etal. 2005). It forms spherical
to pear-shaped chlamydospores in both root hairs and cortical
cells (Figure 38.2C). Hyphae were detected neither in the central
part of the roots beyond the endodermis nor in stems or leaves.
2. EndophytePathogen Interactions,
Biological Control
Antagonism between Phaeosphaeria nodorum and M. bolleyi
was observed by Reinecke (1978) and Reinecke and Fokkema
(1981). M. bolleyi behaved also as an antagonist against Fusarium
species (Reinecke 1978; Sieber 1985) and was reported to
reduce damage to or colonization of cereal roots by G. graminis
var. tritici (Kirk and Deacon 1987). Similarly, G. cylindrosporus
controlled pathogens in Vulpia ciliata (Newsham 1999) and
gave signicant control of take-all by competition for senescing
root tissues (Deacon 1981). G. cylindrosporus is found in rela-
tively low amounts on cereal roots unless the cereal crop fol-
lows 1 or 2 years of grass (or cereal crop) (Deacon 1987). Crop
rotation, a very eective form of disease management with a
long tradition, seems to be disadvantageous for G. cylindrospo-
rus and, thus, for control of take-all. Several other endophytic
fungi possess antagonistic activity against G. graminis var.
tritici (Macia-Vicente etal. 2008): Acremonium blochii (Matr.)
W. Gams, Acremonium furcatum (Moreau & V. Moreau) ex
W. Gams, Aspergillus fumigatus Fresen., Cyclindrocarpon sp.,
Dactylaria sp., Gibberella intricans Wollenw. (teleomorph
of Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc.), Ilyonectria radicicola
(Gerlach & L. Nilsson) Chaverri& C. Salgado (teleomorph of
Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zinsm.) Scholten), Phoma her-
barum Westend., P. leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen. A. blochii,
Aspergillus fumigatus, Dactylaria sp., G. intricans, and Phoma
herbarum reduced colonization of barley roots by this fungus.
Cladorrhinum foecundissimum Sacc. & Marchal, isolated from
the grass Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski, controlled root
and stem rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani in cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Gasoni and Stegman de Gurnkel
2009). Disease severity of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis
(DC.) Speer f. sp. hordei Jacz.) on primary leaves of H. vulgare
was reduced when seeds had been treated with spore suspen-
sions of Chaetomium globosum Kunze ex Fr. and Chaetomium
funicola Cooke (Vilich etal. 1998). Endophytic Acremonium
strictum W. Gams in roots of the grass Ammophila arenaria
(L.) Link was nematicidal and reduced the adverse eects of
nematodes (Hol etal. 2007).
3. EndophytePlant Interactions
Root inoculations with a Microdochium species (DSE)
and Periconia macrospinosa Lefebvre & Aar.G. Johnson
(DSE) from grass roots collected in a mesic tallgrass prai-
rie increased the biomass of the grass Andropogon gerardii
Vitman (Mandyam etal. 2010). Nitrogen uptake of D. flex-
uosa was enhanced by the DSE Cryptosporiopsis rhizophila
Verkley & Zijlstra and Phialocephala fortinii s.l. (Zijlstra etal.
2005). Presence of the DSE Phoma fimeti in the roots of the
annual grass V. ciliata increased root and shoot biomass, root
lengths, and tiller numbers (Newsham 1994). Similarly, G. cyl-
indrosporus increased tiller number and biomass production
of V. ciliata (Newsham 1999). Metacordyceps chlamydosporia
(H.C. Evans) G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora,
a clavicipitalean nematode parasite colonized barely roots
endophytically and promoted plant growth (Macia-Vicente
etal. 2008). Acremonium strictum was shown to increase root
biomass and the number of tillers in Ammophila arenaria
(Hol etal. 2007). Increased root fresh weight was observed
after seeds of barley (H. vulgare) were treated with spore sus-
pensions of C. globosum or C. funicola (Vilich etal. 1998).
Similarly, inoculations with Piriformospora indica enhanced
yield in barley (Waller etal. 2005).
B. Orchid Endophytes
Classical OM fungi of the Rhizoctonia-type are polyphyletic
and belong to several different orders of the Basidiomycotina
(Sebacinales, Ceratobasidiales, Tulasnellales) (Currah
and Zelmer 1992; Smith and Read 2008; Weiss etal. 2011).
Orchids, especially achlorophyllous, mycoheterotrophic ones,
often associate also with basidiomycetes that form ECM with
woody plants, for example, Inocybe, Hebeloma, Xerocomus,
Lactarius, or Thelephora species and, thus, probably indi-
rectly exploit the neighboring trees as carbon sources (Roy
etal. 2009; Table 38.2). In addition, many orchids host mem-
bers of the ascomycotina. Leptodontidium orchidicola Sigler
& Currah, Phialocephala fortinii s.l., Trichocladium opacum
(Corda) S. Hughes, and Trichosporiella multisporum Sigler
& Currah were frequently isolated from terrestrial orchids
(Currah etal. 1987, 1988, 1990; Currah and Sherburne 1992).
Tao etal. (2008) examined the endophytes of the terrestrial
orchid Bletilla ochracea Schltr. using denaturing gradi-
ent gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and random cloning analy-
sis and detected 10 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of
endophytic fungi. Two Mycosphaerella species, an unknown
ascomycete species, and an Alternaria species dominated.
Oidiodendron spp. may be significant symbionts in orchids
because they are also known to form endomycorrhizae with
ericaceous plants (Currah and Zelmer 1992). Vujanovic
et al. (2000) described Phialocephala victorinii Vujan. &
St-Arn., an orchid endophyte with dark septate hyphae.
Epiphytic and lithophytic orchids in the tropics often yield
large numbers of isolates of fungi belonging to the Xylariales
(Bayman etal. 1997; Table 38.2). Members of the Xylariaceae
are also the most frequently isolated endophytes of leaves
of tropical palms (Rodrigues 1996). Epiphytic orchids may,
thus, harbor the same endophytes as the trees they grow on.
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38-12 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.2 Endophytes in Orchids (Family Orchidaceae)
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Acremonium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Dendrobium loddigesii Asparagales Orchid Isol Chen etal (2010b)
Alternaria sp. Pleosporales DSE Oncidium warmingii Asparagales Orchid Isol and in vitro
exp with crude
a Vaz etal. (2009)
Alternaria sp. Pleosporales DSE Bletilla ochracea Asparagales Orchid Mol Tao etal. (2008)
Armillaria mellea Agaricales Not DSE Gastrodia elata Asparagales Orchid Isol Xu and Guo (2000)
Aspergillus spp. Eurotiales Not DSE Lepanthes spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Bayman etal. (1997)
Cadophora malorum Helotiales DSE Bletilla striata Asparagales Orchid Isol Chen etal. (2010a)
Cadophora sp. Helotiales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Cenococcum geophilum Dothideomycetes Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Colletotrichum sp. Sordariomycetes Not DSE Dendrobium nobile Asparagales Orchid Isol Yuan etal. (2009)
Colletotrichum sp. Sordariomycetes Not DSE Lepanthes spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Bayman etal. (1997)
Cryptococcus carnescens Tremellales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Cryptosporiopsis ericae Helotiales DSE Spiranthes sinensis Asparagales Orchid Isol Chen etal. (2010a)
Cylindrocarpon sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Cremastra appendiculata Asparagales Orchid Isol Zhang etal. (2006)
Cylindrocarpon sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Sophronitis fournieri Asparagales Orchid Isol Vaz etal. (2009)
Epicoccum nigrum Pleosporales DSE Maxillaria rigida Asparagales Orchid Isol and in vitro
exp with crude
b Vaz etal. (2009)
Exophiala sp. Chaetothyriales DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Fusarium chlamydosporum Hypocreales Not DSE Dendrobium crumenatum Asparagales Orchid Isol Siddiquee etal. (2010)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Anacamptis pyramidalis Asparagales Orchid Isol Gezgin and Eltem (2009)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Bulbophyllum involutum Asparagales Orchid Isol and in vitro
exp with crude
b Vaz etal. (2009)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Dendrobium loddigesii Asparagales Orchid Isol Chen etal. (2010b)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Isochilus linearis Asparagales Orchid Isol Vaz etal. (2009)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Ophrys fusca Asparagales Orchid Isol Gezgin and Eltem (2009)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Orchis sancta Asparagales Orchid Isol Gezgin and Eltem (2009)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Serapias vomeracea
subsp. orientalis
Asparagales Orchid Isol Gezgin and Eltem (2009)
Geopyxis sp. Pezizales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Gibberella fujikuroi var.
Hypocreales Not DSE Epidendrum secundum Asparagales Orchid Isol Vaz etal. (2009)
Guignardia mangifera Botryosphaeriales Not DSE Dendrobium nobile Asparagales Orchid Isol Yuan etal. (2009)
Gymnopus sp. Agaricales Not DSE Wullschlaegelia aphylla Asparagales Orchid Isol c Martos etal. (2009)
Hebeloma sp. Agaricales Not DSE Epipogium aphyllum Asparagales Orchid Isol Roy etal. (2009)
Hypocrea sp. Hypocreales not DSE Sophronitis longipes Asparagales Orchid Isol Vaz etal. (2009)
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38-13Fungal Root Endophytes
Hypoxylon sp Xylariales not DSE Dendrobium nobile Asparagales Orchid Isol Yuan etal. (2009)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Inocybe sp. Agaricales not DSE Epipogium aphyllum Asparagales Orchid Isol Roy etal. (2009)
Lactarius pubescens Agaricales not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Lactarius sp. Agaricales not DSE Epipogium aphyllum Asparagales Orchid Isol Roy etal. (2009)
Lecanora sp. Lecanorales not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Leptodontidium orchidicola Helotiales DSE Orchids Asparagales Orchid Isol Currah etal. (1987, 1988, 1990)
Leptodontidium orchidicola Helotiales not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Leptodontidium sp. Helotiales DSE Cephalanthera longifolia Asparagales Orchid Isol Abadie etal. (2006)
Leptodontidium sp. Helotiales DSE Dendrobium nobile Asparagales Orchid Isol and in vitro exp d Hou and Guo (2009)
Morchella sp. Pezizales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Mycena alphitophora Agaricales Not DSE Gastrodia elata Asparagales Orchid Isol Xu and Guo (2000)
Mycena sp. Agaricales Not DSE Wullschlaegelia aphylla Asparagales Orchid Isol c Martos etal. (2009)
Mycosphaerella sp. N.A. Bletilla ochracea Asparagales Orchid Mol Tao etal. (2008)
Penicillium griseofulvum Ascomycota
Not DSE Dendrobium nobile Asparagales Orchid Isol Yuan etal. (2009)
Penicillium spp. Eurotiales Not DSE Lepanthes spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Bayman etal. (1997)
Pestalotia spp. Xylariales Not DSE Lepanthes spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Bayman etal. (1997)
Peziza sp. Pezizales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Orchids Asparagales Orchid Isol Currah etal. (1987, 1988, 1990)
Phialocephala victorinii Helotiales DSE Orchids Asparagales Orchid Isol Vujanovic etal. (2000)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Calypso bulbosa Asparagales Orchid Isol Currah etal. (1988)
Phialophora sp. Chaetothyriales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Phialophora sp. Helotiales Not DSE Cypripedium spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Sheerson etal. (2005)
Resinicium sp. Aphyllophorales Not DSE Gastrodia similis Asparagales Orchid Isol c Martos etal. (2009)
Rhizoctonia spp. Cantharellales Not DSE Lepanthes spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Bayman etal. (1997)
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa Sporidiobolales Not DSE Acianthera hamosa Asparagales Orchid Isol Vaz etal. (2009)
Russula brevipes Agaricales Not DSE Limodorum abortivum Asparagales Orchid Isol Girlanda etal. (2006)
Russula chloroides Agaricales Not DSE Limodorum abortivum Asparagales Orchid Isol Girlanda etal. (2006)
Russula delica Agaricales Not DSE Limodorum abortivum Asparagales Orchid Isol Girlanda etal. (2006)
Russula exalbicans Agaricales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Russula lepidicolor Agaricales Not DSE Dipodium hamiltonianum Asparagales Orchid Isol Dearnaley and Le Brocque
Russula lilacea Agaricales Not DSE Dipodium hamiltonianum Asparagales Orchid Isol Dearnaley and Le Brocque
Russula sp. Agaricales Not DSE Cypripedium parviorum Asparagales Orchid Isol Sheerson etal. (2005)
Serendipita vermifera Auriculariales Not DSE Orchids Asparagales Orchid Isol & in vitro exp d Weiss etal. (2011)
Terfezia sp. Pezizales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Tetracladium sp. Helotiales DSE Cephalanthera longifolia Asparagales Orchid Isol Abadie etal. (2006)
Tetracladium sp. Helotiales DSE Orchis militaris Asparagales Orchid Isol Vendramin etal. (2010)
elephora sp. elephorales Not DSE Epipogium aphyllum Asparagales Orchid Isol Roy etal. (2009)
Titaea maxilliforme Helotiales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
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38-14 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.2 (continued) Endophytes in Orchids (Family Orchidaceae)
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Trichocladium opacum Sordariales DSE Orchids Asparagales Orchid Isol Currah etal. (1987, 1988, 1990)
Trichoderma asperellum Hypocreales Not DSE Epidendrum secundum Asparagales Orchid Isol Vaz etal. (2009)
Trichosporiella multisporum Helotiales Not DSE Orchids Asparagales Orchid Isol Currah etal. (1987, 1988, 1990)
Verpa conica Pezizales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Wilcoxina rehmii Pezizales Not DSE Gymnadenia conopsea Asparagales Orchid Isol Stark etal. (2009)
Wilcoxina sp. Pezizales DSE Cephalanthera longifolia Asparagales Orchid Isol Abadie etal. (2006)
Xerocomus sp. Agaricales Not DSE Epipogium aphyllum Asparagales Orchid Isol Roy etal. (2009)
Xylaria spp. Xylariales Not DSE Dendrobium nobile Asparagales Orchid Isol Yuan etal. (2009)
Xylaria spp. Xylariales Not DSE Lepanthes spp. Asparagales Orchid Isol Bayman etal. (1997)
Unidentied DSE DSE Maianthemum bifolium Asparagales Herb Isol Postma etal. (2007)
Genus, species and order (family) names according to index fungorum (, December 20, 2011). If both the teleomorph (sexual reproductive stage) and
the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage) are produced, the name of the teleomorph is given. Names of anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of the teleomorphs synonyms provided in the index. e
next lower taxon is given if the Fungus order is not known with certainty (“incertae sedis”).
Isol, isolation from surface-sterilized roots; in vitro exp, fungus used in in-vitro experiment(s); Mol, culture-free, molecular detection method.
Special eect details: (a) Antibacterial against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. (b) Antimycotic against pathogenic yeasts Candida krusei and C. albicans. (c) Food chain link between dead leaves
and orchid. (d) Plant growth stimulation.
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38-15Fungal Root Endophytes
Confirmation of this assumption would evoke the question
of whether the infection occurs by hyphae growing directly
from one host to the other or by inoculi (spores, conidia) on
each host independently.
1. Anatomy
In contrast to the complex globular masses (hyphal coils) or
pelotons of branched and anastomosed hyphae formed by
classical orchid mycorrhizae within cortical cells (Roy et al.
2009; Figure 38.2D), L. orchidicola and Phialocephala forti-
nii were observed to form small sclerotia (Currah etal. 1988;
2. EndophytePathogen and EndophytePlant
Crude extracts from Alternaria sp. (DSE) from the roots of
Oncidium warmingii Rchb. f. showed signicant antibac-
terial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
aureus (Vaz et al. 2009). Similarly, Epicoccum nigrum Link
(DSE) from Maxillaria rigida Barb. Rodr. and an unidenti-
ed Fusarium species from Bulbophyllum involutum Borba,
Semir & F. Barros controlled the human pathogenic yeasts
Candida krusei (Castell.) Berkhout and Candida albicans (C.P.
Robin) Berkhout (Vaz etal. 2009). A Leptodontidium species
associated with a subtropical Dendrobium species stimu-
lated growth of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. seedlings in vitro
(Hou and Guo 2009).
C. Other Herbaceous Plant Hosts
A plethora of fungi were detected in asymptomatic, healthy
roots of many non-graminiculous, non-orchid herbaceous
plant species growing in arctic, alpine (Christie and Nicolson
1983; Stoyke and Currah 1991; re etal. 1992; Ruotsalainen
etal. 2004; Schmidt etal. 2008; Lv etal. 2010), aquatic (Kai
and Zhao 2006), arid (Lugo etal. 2009), or neotropical habi-
tats (Lehnert etal. 2009; Table 38.3). Terrestrial Bromeliaceae
were colonized by both AM fungi and DSE except Bromelia
urbaniana (Mez) L.B. Sm., which was not colonized by either
one of them. In contrast, epiphytic Bromeliaceae were colo-
nized only by DSE (Lugo etal. 2009). AM structures were
observed in seven and DSE in four of 32 hydrophyte species
from lakes and streams in Southwestern China (Kai and Zhao
2006). The frequency of hydrophytes hosting AM fungi and/
or DSE was higher in water bodies of the Upper Parana in
South America where AM was detected in nine species and
DSE in 16 of 24 species (De Marins etal. 2009). Fourteen spe-
cies of endophytes were isolated from the roots of Saussurea
involucrata Kar. & Kir. collected at >2600 m asl in the
Tianshan Mountains in China. Species of Cylindrocarpon,
Phoma, and Fusarium dominated the endophytic fungal
community (Lv etal. 2010). Fernandez etal. (2008) detected
DSE in the roots of Lycopodium paniculatum Desv. ex Poir.
and Equisetum bogotense Kunth in a Valdivian temperate
forest of Patagonia, Argentina. DSE were also detected in
Gentianaceae Gentianella magellanica Gaudich., Gentianella
parviflora (Griseb.) T.N. Ho, Gentianella multicaulis (Gillies
ex Griseb.) Fabris, and Gentiana prostrata Haenke indig-
enous in Argentina (Salvarredi et al. 2010). Trichoderma
asperellum Samuels, Lieckf. & Nirenberg, Gliocladium virens
J.H. Mill., Giddens & A.A. Foster, and Hypocrea lixii Pat.
were endophytic in and epiphytic on banana roots (Xia etal.
2011), whereas Trichoderma brevicompactum G.F. Kraus,
C.P. Kubicek & W. Gams was isolated only from inside of the
roots. Genetic diversity of endophytic T. asperellum and G.
virens was lower than that of epiphytic ones, suggesting that
only selected genotypes are able to infect the etal.
(1992) studied the fungi associated with roots of 76 (72 herba-
ceous) plant species in Spitsbergen. Ectomycorrhizae and AM
fungi were absent from all herbaceous plant species, except
Pedicularis dasyantha Hadač that showed slight ectomycor-
rhizal colonization. In contrast, root endophytes were com-
monly isolated. As already mentioned earlier, Upson et al.
(2009) isolated 243 mostly helotialean DSE strains from the
roots of Deschampsia antarctica (grass) and Colobanthus
quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. (Caryophyllaceae) along a transect
across sub-Antarctica.
1. Anatomy
Rodríguez-Gálvez and Mendgen (1995) studied the ultrastructure
of the infection process by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum,
causal agent of tracheomycosis of species of the Malvaceae, for
example, cotton. High-pressure freezing of infected cortical cells
revealed that F. oxysporum penetrates and grows within the host
cells without inducing damages such as plasmolysis, cell degenera-
tion, or host necrosis. It was suggested, therefore, that F. oxyspo-
rum f. sp. vasinfectum has an endophytic, biotrophic phase during
colonization of the root tips.
e most frequently observed fungal structures in the roots of
30 of 72 examined herbaceous plant species in Spitsbergen were
inter- and intracellularly growing melanized, septate mycelia
(DSE) (Väre etal. 1992). In addition, cortical cells of Polemonium
boreale Adams, a herbaceous Ericaceae, were lled with dark
microsclerotia that resembled those formed by M. bolleyi and
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Similarly, Treu et al. (1996) detected
dark microsclerotia in root cells of various alpine plants collected
in Denali National Park, Alaska. A strain of P. fortinii s.l. CSP
12 (UAMH 9525) isolated from Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. formed
microsclerotia having a “puzzle-like” appearance in the roots
of Asparagus ocinalis L. similar to those observed in conifer
roots (Yu etal. 2001; Figure 38.2F). In the cortex of young roots
of Chinese cabbage, dark septate hyphae of Cladophialophora
(Heteroconium) chaetospira (Grove) Crous & Arzanlou were
abundant (Figure 38.3A), whereas the cortex of older roots was
lled with microsclerotia (Yonezawa et al. 2004). Similarly,
hyphae and chlamydospores of DSE were observed in primary
roots of Xenophyllum rosenii (R.E. Fr.) V.A. Funk (Asteraceae) col-
lected at 5389 m asl (Schmidt etal. 2008; Figure38.3B). Sclerotia
and hyphae growing very close to vascular bundles were also
observed in Equisetum pratense Ehrh. roots (Hodson etal. 2009).
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38-16 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.3 Endophytes in Other Herbaceous Plants
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Acremonium alternatum Hypocreales Not DSE Brassica oleracea var.
Brassicales Herb In vitro exp a Raps and Vidal (1998),
Dugassa-Gobena etal.
Acremonium strictum Hypocreales Not DSE Solanum lycopersicum Solanales Herb In vitro exp b Raps and Vidal (1996), Vidal
Aureobasidium pullulans Dothideales Not DSE Pteridium aquilinum Pteridophyta Perennial fern Isol Petrini etal. (1992)
Cladophialophora chaetospira Chaetothyriales DSE Brassica campestris Brassicales Herb In vitro exp c Narisawa etal. (1998)
Cladosporium sp. Capnodiales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Cylindrocarpon sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Discocistella grevillei Helotiales Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Brassica oleracea var.
Brassicales Herb In vitro exp Davis (1967), Matta (1989)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Citrullus vulgaris Cucurbitales Herb In vitro exp d Davis (1967), Matta (1989)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Dianthus caryophyllus Caryophyllales Herb In vitro exp d Davis (1967), Matta (1989)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Linum usitatissimum Malpighiales Herb In vitro exp d Davis (1967), Matta (1989)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Lycopersicon esculentum Solanales Herb In vitro exp d Davis (1967), Matta (1989)
Hypocrea lixii Hypocreales Not DSE Musa acuminata Zingiberales Herb Isol Xia etal. (2011)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Pteridium aquilinum Pteridophyta Perennial fern Isol Petrini etal. (1992)
Leptodontidium orchidicola Helotiales DSE Colobanthus quitensis Caryophyllales Herb Isol Upson etal. (2009)
Leptodontidium orchidicola Helotiales DSE Pedicularis bracteosa Lamiales Herb Isol Currah etal. (1987)
Leptodontidium orchidicola Helotiales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Leptosphaeria sp. Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Meliniomyces variabilis LtVB3 Leotiomycetes DSE Brassica rapa Brassicales Herb In vitro exp e Ohtaka and Narisawa (2008)
Meliniomyces variabilis LtVB3 Leotiomycetes DSE Solanum lycopersicum Solanales Herb In vitro exp f Ohtaka and Narisawa (2008)
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Lycopersicon esculentum Solanales Herb Isol and Micros g Rasmann etal. (2009)
Mortierella sp. Zygomycota Not DSE Pteridium aquilinum Pteridophyta Perennial fern Isol Petrini etal. (1992)
Mycocentrospora acerina Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb In vitro exp h Wu etal. (2010)
Mycocentrospora acerina Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Phaeosphaeria avenaria Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Phialophora cyclaminis Chaetothyriales DSE Cyclamen persicum Ericales Herb Isol Schol-Schwarz (1970)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Pleosporales DSE Chrysanthemum
Asterales Herb Isol Aveskamp etal. (2009)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Pleosporales DSE Heteropappus
Asterales Herb Isol de Graaf (unpublished)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Phoma glomerata Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
Phoma sclerotioides Pleosporales DSE Saussurea involucrata Asterales Herb Isol Lv etal. (2010)
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38-17Fungal Root Endophytes
Piriformospora indica Sebacinales Not DSE Various spp. N.A. Various In vitro exp i Varma etal. (2001)
Tapesia sp. Helotiales DSE Colobanthus quitensis Caryophyllales Herb Isol Upson etal. (2009)
Trichoderma asperellum Hypocreales Not DSE Musa acuminata Zingiberales Herb Isol Xia etal. (2011)
Trichoderma virens Hypocreales Not DSE Musa acuminata Zingiberales Herb Isol Xia etal. (2011)
Trichoderma brevicompactum Hypocreales Not DSE Musa acuminata Zingiberales Herb Isol Xia etal. (2011)
Triscelophorus monosporus Pezizomycotina Not DSE Angiopteris evecta Pteridophyta Perennial fern Isol Raviraja etal. (1996)
Triscelophorus monosporus Pezizomycotina Not DSE Christela dentata Pteridophyta Small fern Isol Raviraja etal. (1996)
Unidentied DSE DSE Astragalus cf. arequipensis Fabales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Bartsia pumila Lamiales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Ceradenia spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Cochlidium serrulatum Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Elaphoglossum spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Equisetum bogotense Equisetales Herb Micros Fernandez etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Galium odoratum Gentianales Herb Isol Postma etal. (2007)
Unidentied DSE DSE Gramitis paramicola Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Hydrilla verticillata Alismatales Herb Micros Kai and Zhao (2006)
Unidentied DSE DSE Hygrophila cf. costata Lamiales Herb Micros De Marins etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Hymenophyllum spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Lellingeria spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Limnobium laevigatum Apiales Herb Micros De Marins etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Lycopodium sp. Lycopodiales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Lycopodium paniculatum Lycopodiales Herb Micros Fernandez etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Melpomene spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Mercurialis perennis Malpighiales Herb Isol Postma etal. (2006)
Unidentied DSE DSE Micropolypodium sp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Mnioides sp. Asterales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Myriophyllum brasiliense Saxifragales Herb Micros De Marins etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Oenanthe decumbens Apiales Herb Micros Kai and Zhao (2006)
Unidentied DSE DSE Pedicularis spp. Lamiales Herb Isol Li and Guan (2007)
Unidentied DSE DSE Perezia coerulescens Asterales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Plantago asiatica Lamiales Herb Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Polygonum spp. Caryophyllales Herb Micros De Marins etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Potamogeton tepperi Alismatales Herb Micros Kai and Zhao (2006)
Unidentied DSE DSE Rotala rotundifolia Myrtales Herb Micros Kai and Zhao (2006)
Unidentied DSE DSE Saxifraga aizoides Saxifragales Herb Isol j Ruotsalainen etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Senecio sp. Asterales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Sibbaldia procumbens Rosales Herb Isol j Ruotsalainen etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Solidago virgaurea Asterales Herb Isol j Ruotsalainen etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Stellaria nemorum Caryophyllales Herb Isol Postma etal. (2006)
Unidentied DSE DSE Stylidium productum Asterales Herb Isol Chambers etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Terpsichore spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
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38-18 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.3 (continued) Endophytes in Other Herbaceous Plants
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Unidentied DSE DSE Trichomanes spp. Polypodiales Herb Micros Lehnert etal. (2009)
Unidentied DSE DSE Trientalis europaea Ericales Herb Isol j Ruotsalainen etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Trifolium repens Fabales Herb Micros Li etal. (2005)
Unidentied DSE DSE Viola biora Malpighiales Herb Isol j Ruotsalainen etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Werneria orbignyana Asterales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Werneria sp. Asterales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Unidentied DSE DSE Xenophyllum rosenii Asterales Herb Isol Schmidt etal. (2008)
Genus, species and order (family) names according to index fungorum (, December 20, 2011). If both the teleomorph (sexual reproductive stage) and
the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage) are produced, the name of the teleomorph is given. Names of anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of the teleomorphs synonyms provided in the index.
e next lower taxon is given if the Fungus order is not known with certainty (“incertae sedis”).
Isol, isolation from surface-sterilized roots; in vitro exp, fungus used in in-vitro experiment(s); Micros, detection by microscopy.
Special eect details: (a) Control of diamondback moth and cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. (b) Control of nematodes and greenhouse whitey larvae. (c) Control of clubroot (Plasmodiophora
brassicae). (d) Induction of resistance. (e) Control of Verticillium longisporum. (f) Control of Fusarium wilt. (g) Increased colonization by Microdochium bolleyi like fungi in organically grown tomatoes. (h)
Stimulation of plant root development. (i) Plant growth stimulation. (j) No correlation with altitude.
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38-19Fungal Root Endophytes
2. EndophytePathogen, EndophyteNematode,
and EndophyteInsect Interactions
More than 70 formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum are
pathogenic on dierent hosts (Armstrong and Armstrong
1981). In general, each form causes symptoms only on one or
a few related plant species, whereas they occur as nonpatho-
genic endophytes in other plant species. Absence of adverse
eects of F. oxysporum isolates in infection experiments is in
line with this observation (Davis 1967; Gessler and Kuc 1982;
Rodríguez-lvez and Mendgen 1995). Nonpathogenic iso-
lates of F. oxysporum were shown to be able to penetrate and
colonize the tissues of carnation and tomato plants without
symptom expression (Postma and Rattink 1991; Hallmann and
Sikora 1994). Fusarium wilt disease is inhibited in plants inoc-
ulated with formae speciales of F. oxysporum to which they are
not susceptible prior to inoculation with forms to which they
are susceptible. is phenomenon is called “cross-protection”
or induced resistance” (Davis 1967; Matta 1989). Inoculation
of individual tomato, ax, carnation, cabbage, and watermelon
seedlings with any one of nine formae speciales of F. oxyspo-
rum markedly reduced susceptibility to forms that they are
susceptible to (Davis 1967). Similarly, resistance of cucumber
(Cucumis sativus L.) against F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumeri-
num J.H. Owen was induced by inoculation of formae spe-
ciales that are not pathogenic on cucumber (Gessler and Kuc
1982). Cross-protection can be based on an indirect mecha-
nism mediated by the plant or on direct interactions between
inducer and challenger (Matta 1989). Chitin synthasede-
cient mutants of the tomato root pathogen F. oxysporum f. sp.
lycopersici (Sacc.) W.C. Snyder & H.N. Hansen elicited plant
defense response and protected the plants against wild-type
infections (Pareja-Jaime et al. 2010). Fusarium solani colo-
nized tomato roots endophytically and protected them against
50 μm
FIGURE 38.3 (A) Scanning electron micrographs of cross section of a Chinese cabbage root infected by Cladophialophora chaetospira. Abundant
fungal hyphae developing in EPs and within OCO (arrowheads, appressorium-like swollen structures; ICO, inner cortical cells; VC, vascular cyl-
inder). (From Yonezawa, M. etal., Mycoscience, 45, 367, 2004.) Scale bar = 5 μm. (B) Dark septate endophytic fungi in roots of Xenophyllum rosenii
at 5389 m. (From Schmidt, S.K. etal., Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res., 40, 576, 2008.) (C) Gaultheria poeppiggi EP of hair root lled with sclerotia of the
Phialocephala type. (From Urcelay, C., Mycorrhiza, 12, 89, 2002.) Scale bar = 10 μm. (D) Roots of Pinus strobus colonized by Phialocephala fortinii
s.l. (strain UAMH 10266). Longitudinal section of colonized root showing surface hyphae (arrowhead) and Hartig net (arrows) and intercellular
hyphae. (From Peterson, R.L. etal., Botany, 86, 445, 2008.) Scale bar = 50 μm.
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38-20 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
the root pathogen F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici
Jarvis& Shoemaker (Kavroulakis etal. 2007). Vascular dis-
colorations were reduced compared to the controls when
wounded roots of tomato seedlings were treated with an
unidentied Acremonium species prior to inoculation with the
pathogen, F.oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Phillips etal. 1967).
Inoculations with nonpathogenic Fusarium forms can provide
protection not only against other forms of Fusarium but also
against other diseases. Metabolites of F. oxysporum can also
signicantly reduce growth of soilborne pathogens such as
Phytophthora cactorum (Lebert & Cohn) J. Schröt., Pythium
ultimum Trow, and anatephorus cucumeris (A.B. Frank)
Donk in vitro (Hallmann and Sikora 1996), and F. oxysporum
strain EF 119 was ecient against tomato late blight caused by
Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and inhibited growth
of Pythium ultimum and Phytophthora capsici Leonian (Kim
et al. 2007). Inoculations of tomato plants with nonpatho-
genic F. oxysporum strains signicantly reduced coloniza-
tion by the plant parasitic root-knot nematode Meloidogyne
incognita Kofoid & White without adversely aecting plant
health (Hallmann and Sikora 1994; Dababat and Sikora 2007;
Dababat etal. 2008). Similarly, endophytic F. oxysporum can
control the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis Cobb,
which is one of the key pests of banana (Athman etal. 2006;
Mendoza and Sikora 2009; Paparu etal. 2009).
Biological control of diseases, nematode, or insect pests was
also reported for root endophytes other than Fusarium spp.
Root inoculations of tomato plants with the soilborne endo-
phyte Acremonium strictum signicantly reduced the fre-
quency of root-knots induced by the nematode Meloidogyne
hapla Chitwood (Raps and Vidal 1996). Altered plant growth
of endophyte-colonized roots and direct parasitism of A. stric-
tum on the nematode eggs were assumed to be responsible for
nematode control. Culture ltrates of endophytic fungi isolated
from roots of tomato and banana plants in Kenya and Uganda
caused a signicant reduction of the activity of several nema-
tode species (Schuster et al. 1995). Mortality of greenhouse
whiteies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood [Homoptera])
on tomato plants inoculated with the endophyte A. strictum
was only increased if the plants suered from drought stress.
Interestingly, the insects were preferentially feeding on plants
with inoculated roots (Vidal 1996). Similarly, the insect also
preferred French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) inoculated with
A. strictum to uninoculated ones (Moll and Vidal 1995). In
0.5 mm
FIGURE 38.3 (continued) (E) Ectomycorrhiza formed by Acephala macrosclerotiorum on Pinus sylvestris. e mantle appears verrucous due to
characteristic, melanized wartlike sclerotia (arrowheads). (From Münzenberger, B. etal., Mycorrhiza, 19, 481, 2009.) (F) Cells of the phlobaphene
cork of a Norway-spruce (Picea abies) ne root lled with multicellular sclerotia composed of bubble-shaped, thick-walled, melanized cells of
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Scale bar = 10 μm. (Courtesy of O. Holdenrieder). (G) Section of root of axenically grown Salix glauca inoculated with
P. fortinii s.l. (CSP13, strain UAMH 8148). Transverse section of a lateral root with a patchy fungal mantle (arrows) associated with the epidermal
layer and Hartig net initials (arrowheads). (From Fernando, A.A. and Currah, R.S., Can. J. Bot., 74, 1071, 1996.) Scale bar = 10 μm.
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38-21Fungal Root Endophytes
addition, females laid more eggs on inoculated than on unin-
oculated plants, and performance of the larvae on endophyte-
infected plants was slightly better. e observed changes of
the sugar and amino acid composition of the phloem sap were
assumed responsible for the behavior of the insects.
Root inoculations of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var.
gemmifera DC.) with the soilborne endophyte Acremonium
alternatum Link had a signicant eect on the performance of
diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) (Dugassa-Gobena
et al. 1998; Raps and Vidal 1998). Larvae fed with leaves of
endophyte-inoculated plants experienced a higher mortality or
showed delayed growth, development, and pupation compared
to controls. e observed changes of the phytosterol composi-
tion of the host plants infected by endophytes were suspected to
confer control of the insect, because these changes altered the
suitability of certain phytosterols to be enzymatically dealkyl-
ated to cholesterol in insects. is subsequently interfered with
the molting processes of the larvae (Dugassa-Gobena etal. 1998;
Raps and Vidal 1998).
Sixteen endophytic fungal isolates from roots of Chinese
cabbage (Brassica campestris L.) almost completely suppressed
clubroot, caused by the soilborne fungus Plasmodiophora bras-
sicae Woronin, in sterile soil (Narisawa etal. 1998). Two of these
isolates were also eective in nonsterile soil and could be identi-
ed as Cladophialophora chaetospira (DSE), a species commonly
found on rotting wood in Europe (Ellis 1976) and isolated from
roots of Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Crous etal. 2007). Similarly, DSE
isolate LtVB3 from barley roots was shown to colonize roots
of Chinese cabbage and tomato endophytically and suppress
Verticillium yellows of Chinese cabbage and Fusarium wilt of
tomato (Narisawa etal. 2004). LtVB3 could meanwhile be iden-
tied as Meliniomyces variabilis Hambl. & Sigler (Ohtaka and
Narisawa 2008). Several endophytes (Phaeosphaeria avenaria
(G.F. Weber) O.E. Erikss., Leptosphaeria sp., Phoma chrysanthe-
micola Hollós, Cladosporium sp., and Cylindrocarpon sp.) iso-
lated from the roots of the alpine plant Saussurea involucrata
(Kar. & Kir.) Sch. Bip. in the Tianshan Mountains in China pos-
sessed antimicrobial activity against human pathogenic fungi
and bacteria (Lv etal. 2010).
Piriformospora indica Sav. Verma, Aj. Varma, Rexer, G. Kost &
P. Franken (Sebacinales, Basidiomycota), a fungus isolated from
an AM spore collected from desert soil in India, is able to colo-
nize the roots of various plant species as an endophyte (Verma
et al. 1998; Figure 38.2C). Inoculation with the fungus and
application of fungal culture induced resistance of their hosts
against biotic and abiotic stress (Varma etal. 2001; Deshmukh
and Kogel 2007; Sering etal. 2007; Achatz etal. 2010). Due to
its ease of culture, this fungus serves as a model organism for
the study of benecial plant–microbe interactions and a new
tool for improving plant production systems. Colonization was
inter- and intracellular with coils and branches or round chla-
mydospore-like structures and no arbuscules. Neither shoot nor
stelar tissues were colonized. Recently, sebacinalean endophytes
were found to be universally present as symptomless endophytes
in many liverworts, bryophytes, pteridophytes, and herbaceous
angiosperms, for example, wheat, maize, and the model plant
Arabidopsis thaliana (Weiss etal. 2011).
3. EndophytePlant Interactions
Chinese cabbage seedlings from seed treated with the two
C. chaetospira strains isolated by Narisawa etal. (1998) appeared
healthy, and inoculation with one of the isolates promoted
plant growth. Similarly, Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig)
Deighton, another DSE, promoted root development of
S. involucrata (Wu etal. 2010). Inoculation with Piriformospora
indica and application of fungal culture ltrate promoted plant
growth and seed yield (Varma etal. 2001; Deshmukh and Kogel
2007; Sering etal. 2007; Achatz etal. 2010).
Growth promotion and improved uptake of phosphorus were
observed also in cotton when the roots were colonized endo-
phytically by C. foecundissimum Sacc. & Marchal (Gasoni and
Stegman De Gurnkel 1997). Intercellular hyphae formed dense
layers on the distal (outer) side of the endodermis. e fungus
grew also intracellularly in root hairs.
4. EndophyteEnvironment Interactions
Inoculation of DSE (Cadophora and Rhizoctonia species)
onto aseptically grown seedlings of the alpine sedges Carex
curvula All. and Carex firma Host. resulted in a significant
increase of dry matter production in C. firma but not in C.
curvula compared to uninoculated controls (Haselwandter
and Read 1982). The authors concluded that the function of
the relationship between Carex roots and their DSE may be
comparable to that found between plants and AM fungi. Like
AM, DSE provided improved phosphorus supply to the plant.
DSE may replace AM in stressed environments. This hypoth-
esis is supported by the findings of Currah and Van Dyk
(1986) who observed roots growing in alpine soils with little
organic matter to have DSE and those growing in habitats
with visibly more organic matter to have AM. Three alpine
species of the Fabaceae (Astragalus alpinus L., A. vexilliflexus
E. Sheld., Oxytropis jordalii A.E. Porsild), a family that is usu-
ally endomycorrhizal in other habitats, lacked AM but were
colonized by DSE (Currah and Van Dyk 1986), an observa-
tion similar to that made by Christie and Nicolson (1983)
for two grass species in the Antarctic region. Conversely,
O’Dell and Trappe (1992) detected AM in Astragalus cottonii
M.E. Jones, Lupinus latifolius Lindl. ex J. Agardh, L. lepidus
Douglas ex Lindl., and Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC. from
alpine habitats. The two Lupinus species and O. campestris
were also colonized by septate endophytes, whereas A. cot-
tonii was not. One of the DSE observed in the roots of L. lati-
folius was later on identified as Phialocephala fortinii (O’Dell
etal. 1993).
AM fungi were absent in Xenophyllum rosenii (R.E. Fr.)
V.A. Funk and Perezia coerulescens Wedd. (both Asteraceae),
but roots of both plant species were heavily colonized by DSE
fungi at 5391 m asl in the Peruvian Andes (Schmidt etal. 2008;
Figure 38.3B). At slightly lower elevations (52405250 m),
AM fungi were present while DSE fungi were rare except in
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38-22 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
Bartsia pumila Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) and plants outside
of the Asteraceae. In Colorado at 4300 m asl, AM fungi were
rare, but all examined plants were colonized by DSE fungi
(Schmidt etal. 2008). Absence of AM fungi and presence of
dark septate hyphae were also observed for roots of various
herbaceous plant species collected in Arctic Canada (Bledsoe
etal. 1990). DSE occurred also in several alpine plants in the
Canadian Rocky Mountains (Stoyke and Currah 1991). In
contrast, Kohn and Stasovski (1990) found no DSE in roots
collected in arctic Canada, but AM was observed in one plant
species. Ruotsalainen etal. (2004) could not nd any consis-
tent correlation between the colonization of various Arctic–
alpine plants by AM or DSE and altitude in Northern Norway.
DSE might not only replace AM at high altitudes and latitudes
but also in acidic soils as suggested by Postma etal. (2007)
who found that colonization of herbaceous plants (Galium
odoratum (L.) Scop., Mercurialis perennis L., Stellaria nemo-
rum L.) by DSE increased with decreasing pH whereas colo-
nization by AM decreased. e same authors also detected a
positive correlation between leaf magnesium concentrations
and the presence of DSE in G. odoratum. DSE are probably the
most widespread root–fungus association in polar regions,
but their roles in plant nutrition and survival are still poorly
understood (Newsham etal. 2009). Li etal. (2005) detected
considerable colonization of roots of Trifolium repens L. and
Plantago asiatica L. by DSE. Colonization by DSE correlated
with relative humidity and sunlight hours but not with AM
colonization, temperature, rainfall, nitrogen, phosphorus
potassium, or organic matter content in the soil.
V. Root Endophytes of Woody
Plant Species
Many shrub and trees species belonging to various plant families
were examined for the presence of root endophytes (Tables 38.4
through 38.6). Members of the Cupressaceae (Lihnell 1939; Hennon
et al. 1990), Ericaceae (including Epacridaceae) (Oberholzer-
Tschütscher 1982; Widler and Müller 1984; Hutton etal. 1994;
Ahlich and Sieber 1996; Steinke etal. 1996; Hambleton and Currah
1997; Vodnik etal. 1997; Verkley etal. 2003; Ruotsalainen etal.
2004;Hambleton and Sigler 2005; Sigler etal. 2005; Grünig etal.
2009; Newsham etal. 2009; Bagyalakshmi etal. 2010; Kjoller etal.
2010; Tian etal. 2011), and Pinaceae (Bloomberg 1966; Parkinson
and Crouch 1969; Galaaen and Venn 1979; Kowalski 1982a,b;
Courtois and Ruschen 1987; Summerbell 1989; Courtois 1990b;
Danielson and Visser 1990; Kattner and Schönhar 1990; Fisher
etal. 1991a; Manka and Mroczkiewicz 1991; Heslin etal. 1992;
Holdenrieder and Sieber 1992; Kattner 1992a; Ahlich and Sieber
1996; Horton etal. 1998; Grönberg etal. 2006; Kaparakis and Sen
2006; Menkis etal. 2006; Brenn etal. 2008; Grünig etal. 2008b,
2009; Bachmann 2010; Kandalepas et al. 2010; Rivera-Orduna
etal. 2011; Wagg etal. 2011) are among the most intensively stud-
ied plant species. Some broadleaf tree and shrub species have been
examined as well (Currah and Van Dyk 1986; Domanski and
Kowalski 1987; Summerbell 1989; Sridhar and Bärlocher 1992;
Cother and Gilbert 1994; Fisher etal. 1995a, 1995b; Iqbal etal.
1995; Ahlich and Sieber 1996; Raviraja etal. 1996; Werner etal.
1997; Barrow etal. 2004; Beauchamp etal. 2005; Newsham etal.
2009; Bagyalakshmi etal. 2010; Kandalepas etal. 2010).
Since presence and function of fungal root endophytes have
most intensively been studied for members of the Ericales and
Pinales, Sections V.A and V.B will be dedicated to these two
groups of hosts.
A. Root Endophytes of Woody Ericales
Non-mycorrhizal endophytes are oen isolated from
ericaceous hosts in addition to the classical mycorrhi-
zal fungi Pezoloma (Hymenoscyphus) ericae (D.J. Read)
Baral (anamorph: Scytalidium vaccinii Dalpé, Litten
& Sigler) and Oidiodendron spp. Species of the genera
Acephala, Cryptosporiopsis, Cylindrocarpon, Meliniomyces,
Phialocephala, and Trichocladium are most oen observed
(Oberholzer-Tschütscher 1982; Widler and ller 1984;
re etal. 1992; Hambleton and Currah 1997; Vodnik etal.
1997; Verkley etal. 2003; Hambleton and Sigler 2005; Sigler
et al. 2005; Grünig et al. 2006; Grünig et al. 2008b, 2009,
2011; Queloz et al. 2010; Table 38.4). Phialocephala forti-
nii s.l. were present in 17 of 19 ericaceous hosts from boreal
and alpine sites in Alberta, Canada (Hambleton and Currah
1997), in Gaultheria shallon Pursh from coastal British
Columbia, Canada, and in Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull as well
as Vaccinium myrtillus L. from a subalpine site in Switzerland
(Ahlich and Sieber 1996; Grünig etal. 2006). A fungus iso-
lated by Vodnik etal. (1997) from the roots of Erica carnea
L. from Slovenia and deposited as Phialocephala fortinii at
UAMH as strain number 8433 could meanwhile be identi-
ed as Phialocephala subalpina Grünig & T.N. Sieber (Grünig
et al. 2008b). A hitherto unknown species of Phialocephala
was isolated from Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus and
V. uliginosum growing on permafrost soil in the Jura moun-
tains of Switzerland and described as Phialocephala glacialis
Grünig & T.N. Sieber (Grünig etal. 2009). Interestingly, the
same species was also detected in healthy needles of Norway-
spruce trees nearby. Allseven described species of P. fortinii
s.l. and A. applanata could be detected in roots of V. myrtillus
and other Vacciniumspecies in many countries in Europe and
some of them also in North America (Queloz 2010; Table 38.4).
Unidentied DSE were also isolated from Symplocos cochinchi-
nensis (Lour.) S. Moore and several other plant species from
shola vegetation in the Western Ghats region, southern India
(Bagyalakshmi etal. 2010).
Cryptosporiopsis species (anamorphic Pezicula species) are
regularly isolated from rhizomes and ne roots of ericaceous
plants. Cryptosporiopsis ericae Sigler from roots of Vaccinium
membranaceum Douglas ex Torr., V. ovalifolium Sm. and G.
shallon Pursh, and C. brunnea Sigler from G. shallon from
northwestern North America were described as new species
(Sigler etal. 2005), and a Cryptosporiopsis species was isolated
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38-23Fungal Root Endophytes
TABLE 38.4 Endophytes in Ericoid Plants (Family Ericaceae)
Endophyte Host
Type of
Special Eect
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Acephala applanata Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Acephala sp. 1 Helotiales DSE Cassiope
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Acephala sp. 3 Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Acephala sp. 7 Helotiales DSE Calluna vulgaris Ericales Woody shrub Isol Pietrowski (unpublished)
Cryptocline dubia Helotiales Not DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Cryptosporiopsis sp. Helotiales DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Cryptosporiopsis sp. Helotiales DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Oberholzer-Tschütscher (1982)
Cryptosporiopsis brunnea Helotiales DSE Gaultheria shallon Ericales Woody shrub Isol Sigler etal. (2005)
Cryptosporiopsis ericae Helotiales Variable Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Sigler etal. (2005)
Cryptosporiopsis rhizophila Helotiales DSE Erica tetralix Ericales Woody shrub Isol Verkley etal. (2003)
Cylindrocarpon didymum Hypocreales Not DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Cylindrocarpon didymum Hypocreales Not DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Oberholzer-Tschütscher (1982)
Cystodendron dryophilum Helotiales Not DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Gliocladium solani f. nigrovirens Hypocreales Variable Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Herpotrichia sp. Pleosporales DSE Vaccinium sp. Ericales Woody shrub Isol Müller (unpublished)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Vodnik etal. (1997)
Marasmius scorodonius Agaricales Not DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Meliniomyces sp. 3 Leotiomycetes Variable Gaultheria shallon Ericales Woody shrub Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces sp. 3 Leotiomycetes Variable Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Andromeda
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Kjoller etal. (2010)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Empetrum
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Kjoller etal. (2010)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Rhododendron
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Kjoller etal. (2010)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Kjoller etal. (2010)
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38-24 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.4 (continued) Endophytes in Ericoid Plants (Family Ericaceae)
Endophyte Host
Type of
Special Eect
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Microdochium bolleyi Xylariales DSE Polemonium
Ericales Herb Isol Väre etal. (1992)
Monodictys putredinis Dothideomycetes Not DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Oberholzer-Tschütscher (1982)
Oidiodendron griseum Dothideomycetes DSE Loiseleuria
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Stoyke and Currah (1991),
Hambleton and Currah
Oidiodendron griseum Dothideomycetes DSE Phyllodoce
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Stoyke and Currah (1991),
Hambleton and Currah
Oidiodendron griseum Dothideomycetes DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Stoyke and Currah (1991),
Hambleton and Currah
Oidiodendron griseum Dothideomycetes DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Stoyke and Currah (1991),
Hambleton and Currah
Oidiodendron maius Dothideomycetes DSE Various spp. Ericales Woody shrub Isol Hambleton and Currah (1997)
Pezoloma ericae Leotiomycetes DSE Calluna vulgaris Ericales Woody shrub Isol Read (1974)
Pezoloma ericae Leotiomycetes DSE Ledum
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Hambleton etal. (1999)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Polemonium
Ericales Herb Isol Väre etal. (1992)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Various spp. Ericales N.A. Isol Hambleton and Currah (1997)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Cassiope
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Kalmia
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Luteka pectinata Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala glacialis Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
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38-25Fungal Root Endophytes
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Empetrum
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Vodnik etal. (1997)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala turicensis Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala uotilensis Helotiales DSE Vaccinium
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialophora bubakii Chaetothyriales Not DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Oberholzer-Tschütscher (1982)
Rhizoctonia sp. Cantharellales DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Vodnik etal. (1997)
Trichocladium opacum Sordariales DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Trichocladium opacum Sordariales Not DSE Erica carnea Ericales Woody shrub Isol Oberholzer-Tschütscher (1982)
Varicosporium sp. Helotiales DSE Arctostaphylos
Ericales Woody shrub Isol Widler and Müller (1984)
Unidentied DSE DSE Empetrum
Ericales Woody shrub Isol a Ruotsalainen etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Symplocos
Ericales Tree Isol Bagyalakshmi etal. (2010)
Genus, species and order (family) names according to index fungorum (, December 20, 2011). If both the teleomorph (sexual reproductive stage) and
the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage) are produced, the name of the teleomorph is given. Names of anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of the teleomorphs synonyms provided in the index.
e next lower taxon is given if the Fungus order is not known with certainty (“incertae sedis”).
Isol, isolation from surface-sterilized roots.
Special eect details: (a) Colonization frequency positively correlated with light intensity.
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38-26 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
from C. vulgaris, Erica tetralix L., V. vitis-idaea, and V. myrtil-
lus in the Netherlands and described as C. rhizophila Verkley &
Zijlstra (Verkley etal. 2003).
Meliniomyces species seem to be widespread endophytes in
roots of Andromeda polifolia L., Empetrum hermaphroditum
Hagerup, Phyllodoce empetriformis (Sm.) D. Don, Rhododendron
albiorum Hook., V. membranaceum, V. uliginosum L., and
V. vitis-idaea in alpine heathlands and subarctic mires (Hambleton
and Sigler 2005; Kjoller etal. 2010).
Dark-colored, sterile, and slow-growing mycelia were also
isolated in Australia from Epacridaceae, a family close to the
Ericaceae but distributed in the Southern Hemisphere (Hutton
et al. 1994). Pectic zymogram analysis revealed that none of
the Australian isolates matched fungi known to be infective
with Ericaceae in the Northern Boreal and Alpine Zone, for
example, Pezoloma ericae and Oidiodendron spp., even though
all isolates appeared morphologically similar and had simi-
lar growth rates. Two-thirds of the endophytes isolated from
Leucopogon parviorus (H. Andrews) Lindl., another represen-
tative of Epacridaceae, were sterile and had slow growth rates.
Some of them were dark and similar to P. ericae. Inspection of
roots under the light microscope revealed that there were at least
two dierent fungi that consistently formed ericoid mycorrhizal
structures at these sites, possibly P. ericae and Oidiodendron sp.
(Steinke etal. 1996).
1. Anatomy
Dark septate inter- and intracellular hyphae and microsclerotia
were observed in epidermal cells (EPs) of ericaceous hair roots”
of Gaultheria poeppiggi DC. collected in the Cordoba mountains
of central Argentina (Urcelay 2002; Figure 38.3C). Similarly, DSE
were present in hair roots of Woollsia pungens (Cav.) F. Muell.
in New South Wales (Chambers etal. 2008). Phialocephala for-
tinii s.s. occurred as extensive wes of dark, septate hyphae on
the root surface and as intracortical sclerotia of compact, darkly
pigmented and irregularly lobed, thick-walled hyphae in axenic
seedlings of Menziesia ferruginea Sm. (Ericaceae) (Stoyke and
Currah 1991, 1993). Intracellular coils and colonization of the
vascular tissues were not observed. is association diers from
the ericoid mycorrhizal type, in which elaborate intracellular
hyphal branches are ensheathed by invaginations of the host
plasma membrane but represents a fungus–root association
that seems to be common in alpine plants. Similarly, the pattern
of root colonization of Rhododendron brachycarpum D.Don by
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. diered from that observed in ericoid
mycorrhizae (Currah etal. 1993). Phialocephala fortinii s.l. colo-
nized the EPs, in which it sometimes formed black sclerotia, but
was not able to colonize the thick-walled, phenol-rich exoder-
mal layer of hair roots. Intercellular colonization between epi-
dermis and exodermis layers was, however, common.
2. EndophytePlant Interactions
Presence of Phialocephala fortinii s.s. in axenic cultures of
M. ferruginea (Ericaceae) caused a 10-fold increase of seed-
ling mortality compared to mortality of control plants (Stoyke
and Currah 1993). Established plants and growth rates were,
however, not aected. Phialocephala fortinii-like DSE strains
were shown to dier in virulence against R. brachycarpum.
In resynthesis experiment, one strain had a signicant nega-
tive eect on dry weight accumulation of seedlings, but
plants looked healthy, whereas a second one had no eect
(Currah etal. 1993).
3. EndophyteEnvironment Interactions
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. was only rarely detected in erica-
ceous roots from an acidic wetland but occurred quite fre-
quently in roots from an alpine site in Alberta (Hambleton
and Currah 1997). Phialocephala subalpina and a Rhizoctonia
sp. were shown to be sensitive to heavy metals and mainly
occurred in roots of E. carnea growing in non-polluted soil,
whereas Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.) Link and Ilyonectria
radicicola were the fungi most frequently isolated from
plant roots originating from lead contaminated soil (Vodnik
etal. 1997). Stress levels along three abiotic gradients (pol-
lution, elevation, distance from seashore) on Kola Peninsula
in Russia had no effect on root colonization of crowberry
(E. hermaphroditum) by DSE, but distance to mountain birch
(Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) met-Ahti)
had an effect; colonization was higher outside the canopy
area (Ruotsalainen etal. 2010). Substitution of AM fungi at
higher altitude could not be observed for Trientalis europaea
L. and several other alpine plants collected along a gradient
from 0 to 1400 m at Mt. Paras, North Norway (Ruotsalainen
etal. 2004).
B. Root Endophytes of Pinales
Endophyte species diversity strongly depends on the degree of
surface sterilization and the sample size; the weaker the ster-
ilization and the more samples, the more species are detected.
For example, Holdenrieder and Sieber (1992) could detect 120
taxa in >500 serially washed Norway-spruce root segments.
However, if surface sterilization is applied, diversity of fun-
gal communities steeply decreases. Moreover, the diversity of
endophyte communities in roots is also much lower than that
of endophyte communities in aboveground plant parts (Sieber
1988, 1989, 2007; Sridhar and Bärlocher 1992; Kowalski 1993;
Sieber-Canavesi and Sieber 1993; Ahlich and Sieber 1996;
Menkis 2004; Rivera-Orduna etal. 2011). Only ve species of
endophytes (Alternaria sp., Cochliobolus sp., Penicillium sp.,
Phoma medicaginis, and a species of the Xylariaceae) could
be isolated from roots of Taxus globosa Schltdl. in Mexico,
whereas bark contained at least 17 dierent species (Rivera-
Orduna etal. 2011). More than 90% of the isolates collected
from root tips of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris L. belonged
to the genus Phialocephala (Menkis 2004; Table 38.5). Non-
mycorrhizal ne roots of healthy Abies alba Mill., Picea abies,
and Pinus sylvestris in Europe are heavily colonized by endo-
phytic fungi. Depending on the site, between 88% and 100%
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38-27Fungal Root Endophytes
TABLE 38.5 Endophytes in Conifers
Endophyte Host
Type of
Special Eect
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Acephala applanata Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Acephala applanata Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig and Sieber (2005)
Acephala applanata Helotiales DSE Pinus mugo Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Acephala applanata Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Acephala macrosclerotiorum Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Menkis etal. (2004)
Acephala macrosclerotiorum Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Münzenberger etal. (2009)
Acephala sp. 2 Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Acephala sp. 4 Helotiales DSE Pinus banksiana Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Alternaria sp. Pleosporales DSE Taxus globosa Pinales Tree Isol Rivera-Orduna etal. (2011)
Anguillospora liformis Pleosporales Not DSE Picea glauca Pinales Tree Isol Sridhar and Bärlocher (1992)
Aspergillus versicolor Eurotiales Not DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Courtois (1990a,b)
Cadophora nlandica Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Menkis (unpublished)
Cadophora nlandica Helotiales DSE Pinus resinosa Pinales Tree in vitro exp a Alberton etal. (2010)
Cadophora nlandica Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Wang and Wilcox (1985)
Cadophora malorum Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Sieber (unpublished)
Cadophora sp. 1 Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Cadophora sp. 2 Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Cadophora sp. 2 Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Bachmann (2010)
Chloridium paucisporum Chaetosphaeriales DSE Pinus resinosa Pinales Tree In vitro exp a Alberton etal. (2010)
Cladophialophora chaetospira Chaetothyriales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Crous etal. (2007)
Cochliobolus sp. Pleosporales DSE Taxus globosa Pinales Tree Isol Rivera-Orduna etal. (2011)
Coniothyrium sp. Pleosporales Not DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Cryptosporiopsis abietina Helotiales Not DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Kattner and Schönhar (1990)
Cryptosporiopsis radicicola Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Cryptosporiopsis radicicola Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Cryptosporiopsis sp. Helotiales DSE Chamaecyparis
Pinales Tree Isol Hennon etal. (1990)
Cryptosporiopsis cf melanigena Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Cryptosporiopsis ericae Helotiales Variable Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Sigler etal. (2005)
Cylindrocarpon aquaticum Hypocreales Not DSE Picea glauca Pinales Tree Isol Sridhar and Bärlocher (1992)
Cylindrocarpon didymum Hypocreales Not DSE Chamaecyparis
Pinales Tree Isol Hennon etal. (1990)
Cylindrocarpon didymum Hypocreales Not DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Cylindrocarpon obtusisporum Hypocreales Variable Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Didymella bryoniae Pleosporales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Didymosphaeria sp. Pleosporales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Brenn etal. (2008)
Gelatinosporium sp. Helotiales Not DSE Chamaecyparis
Pinales Tree Isol Hennon etal. (1990)
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38-28 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.5 (continued) Endophytes in Conifers
Endophyte Host
Type of
Special Eect
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Herpotrichia sp. Pleosporales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig (unpublished)
Humicolopsis cephalosporioides Pezizomycotina DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Courtois (1990a,b)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Variable Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Bachmann (2010)
Leptosphaeria sp. 1 Pleosporales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Bachmann (2010)
Macrophomina phaseolina Botryosphaeriales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Bachmann (2010)
Meliniomyces sp. 2 Leotiomycetes Variable Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces sp. 4 Leotiomycetes Variable Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Pinus resinosa Pinales Tree In vitro exp a Alberton etal. (2010)
Meliniomyces variabilis Leotiomycetes DSE Tsuga heterophylla Pinales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces vraolstadiae Leotiomycetes DSE Pinus resinosa Pinales Tree In vitro exp a Alberton etal. (2010)
Paecilomyces sp. Eurotiales Not DSE Pinus radiata Pinales Tree Isol Sieber and Langenegger
Penicillium nigricans Eurotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Courtois (1990a,b)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Larix kaempferi Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Picea glauca Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Pinus resinosa Pinales Tree In vitro exp a Alberton etal. (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Larix decidua Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Larix decidua Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Picea glauca Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Picea mariana Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Pinus cembra Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Pinus mugo Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Juniperus sp. Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Pinus leucodermis Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
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38-29Fungal Root Endophytes
Phialocephala sphaeroides Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Abies spectabilis Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Picea glauca Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Pinus mugo Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Pinus strobus Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Tsuga dumosa Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala turicensis Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala turicensis Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala turicensis Helotiales DSE Taxus baccata Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala uotilensis Helotiales DSE Abies alba Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala uotilensis Helotiales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2008a)
Phialophora melinii Helotiales Not DSE Chamaecyparis
Pinales Tree Isol Hennon etal. (1990)
Phoma sp. 1 Pleosporales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Bachmann (2010)
Phoma exigua Pleosporales DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phoma medicaginis Pleosporales DSE Taxus globosa Pinales Tree Isol Rivera-Orduna etal. (2011)
Phoma radicina Pleosporales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Bachmann (2010)
Phomopsis sp. Diaporthales Not DSE Pinus radiata Pinales Tree Isol Sieber and Langenegger
Rhizoctonia sp. Cantharellales Not DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree in vitro exp b Grönberg etal. (2006)
Sphaeropsis sapinea Pezizomycotina DSE Pinus radiata Pinales Tree Isol Sieber and Langenegger
Sporidesmium sp. Pleosporales Not DSE Chamaecyparis
Pinales Tree Isol Hennon etal. (1990)
Sydowia polyspora Dothideales DSE Pinus sylvestris Pinales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Trichoderma hamatum Hypocreales Not DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Kattner and Schönhar (1990)
Trichoderma polysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Kattner and Schönhar (1990)
Trichoderma viride Hypocreales Not DSE Picea abies Pinales Tree Isol Kattner and Schönhar (1990)
Genus, species and order (family) names according to index fungorum (, December 20, 2011). If both the teleomorph (sexual reproductive stage) and
the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage) are produced, the name of the teleomorph is given. Names of anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of the teleomorphs synonyms provided in the index.
e next lower taxon is given if the Fungus order is not known with certainty (“incertae sedis”).
Isol, isolation from surface-sterilized roots; in vitro exp, fungus used in in-vitro experiment(s).
Special eect details: (a) Plant growth stimulation at elevated CO
. (b) Stimulation of early root development.
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38-30 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
of the trees examined in Finland, Germany, and Switzerland
had roots colonized by endophytes, and DSE were most abun-
dant (Ahlich and Sieber 1996; Görke 1998). ey were present
in between 53% and 90% of the trees, and the majority of the
isolates belonged to PAC. Up to 70% of the ne roots of a single
root system of Norway spruce (Picea abies) can be colonized by
DSE (Holdenrieder and Sieber 1992). Taxodium distichum (L.)
Rich. seems to be an exception regarding dominance of DSE,
because DSE were very rare in roots of this tree species and
occurred in only 0.33% of the root samples (Kandalepas etal.
2010). Whereas DSE, especially PAC, dominate the endophyte
communities, species of Cryptosporiopsis and Cylindrocarpon
occur sometimes also quite frequently in conifer roots
(Courtois 1990a; Kattner and Schönhar 1990; Holdenrieder
and Sieber 1992; Ahlich and Sieber 1996; Table38.5). A special
community was observed in submersed roots of Picea glauca
(Moench) Voss (Sridhar and Bärlocher 1992). e commu-
nity was dominated by aquatic hyphomycetes, for example,
Anguillospora liformis Greath. and Heliscus lugdunensis Sacc.
& erry (Table 38.5).
Non-mycorrhizal endophytes are oen associated with ecto-
mycorrhizae of conifers. DSE, Umbelopsis isabellina (Oudem.)
W. Gams, Penicillium spinulosum om, and Penicillium mon-
tanense M. Chr. & Backus were most frequently associated with
ectomycorrhizae of Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns &
Poggenb. (Summerbell 1989). Oidiodendron sp. considered non-
mycorrhizal on conifers, and DSE were most frequently isolated
from ectomycorrhizae of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.)
Carrière) in Irish forest mixed stands (Schild etal. 1988; Heslin
etal. 1992). Oidiodendron sp. and DSE appeared to be antag-
onistic. DSE were only abundant when Oidiodendron sp. was
rare and vice versa. Douglas-r seedlings preinoculated with
the ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon vinicolor A.H. Sm. and
outplanted on eastern Vancouver Island were to some extend
colonized by DSE aer one growing season (Berch and Roth
1993). DSE were shown to survive forest res as resident inocu-
lum and to colonize Pinus muricata D. Don seedlings right aer
germination (Horton etal. 1998). Eighteen percent of the seed-
lings sampled until 5 months aer germination were colonized
by AM fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi, and DSE simultaneously.
Except for members of the Epacridaceae, root endophytes of
woody plant species have not been examined intensively in the
Southern Hemisphere. is is especially true for conifers. Root
samples of Pinus radiata D. Don collected at four sites in Western
Australia revealed Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko & B. Sutton,
a fungus usually conned to pine needles in the Northern
Hemisphere, to be the main colonizer at two of the four sites
(Sieber and Langenegger, unpublished). A Paecilomyces sp. and
a Phomopsis sp. dominated at each one of the other two sites.
DSE are prevalent in roots of conifer seedlings in nurser-
ies and naturally regenerating seedlings in the forest. Primary
roots of 1-year-old nursery-grown Douglas-r (Pseudotsuga
menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were most frequently
colonized by DSE, Fusarium spp., and Cylindrocarpon spp.
(Bloomberg 1966). Similarly, DSE were among the earliest and
most abundant root colonizers of nursery-grown seedlings of
Pinus banksiana Lamb., Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon, and
Picea glauca (Moench) Voss (Danielson and Visser 1990). e
frequency of root segments of nursery seedlings of Picea abies
and Pinus sylvestris L. colonized by endophytic fungi in general
varied between 0.5% and 10% and that by PAC between 0% and
4%, that is, colonization density was signicantly lower than
expected from densities observed in spruce forests (Brenn etal.
2008). Interestingly, PAC could only be detected in plants from
nurseries situated directly in forests or very close to forests but
not in plants from nurseries on agricultural plots, because PAC
are very rare in arable soils (Ahlich-Schlegel 1997). Endophytic
fungi were isolated from 1- to 5-year-old seedlings of Pinus
nigra var. laricio Maire sampled in an area of natural tree regen-
eration (Parkinson and Crouch 1969). DSE were most frequently
isolated from roots of 5-year-old seedlings and Penicillium spp.
dominated in roots of younger plants. e frequency of coloni-
zation by DSE varied between 30% and 100% among plant indi-
viduals. DSE did not show any preference for specic parts in
the root system. Penicillium spp. were, however, most frequently
isolated from the upper tap and upper lateral roots, whereas
Ilyonectria radicicola showed a preference for the lower vertical
1. Anatomy
Structural features of the endophyte–root symbioses of conifers
are best studied for symbioses with PAC fungi. In contrast to
mycorrhizal fungi, PAC are not conned to the root tips but can
occur everywhere in the root system from root tips to the bark
of coarse roots at the stem base. First- and second-order laterals
of primary roots of Pinus contorta colonized by Phialocephala
fortinii s.l. were characterized by surface patches of sclerotia and
loose wes of hyphae growing along the root surface and hyphae
as well as sclerotia growing inter- and intracellularly in the
outer cortex (ODell etal. 1993). Occasionally, patches of inter-
cellular labyrinthine fungal tissue, similar to Hartig net tissue,
were formed on the surface of primary pine roots, and proxi-
mal portions of lateral roots frequently had a sporadic mantle.
Similarly, roots of Pinus strobus L. showed varying amounts of
surface hyphae, Hartig net structures, and intracellular hyphae
(Peterson etal. 2008; Figure 38.3D). Acephala macrosclerotio-
rum Münzenberger & Bubner, a recently described close relative
of PAC, formed thin mantles and a distinct Hartig net on Pinus
sylvestris and Picea abies (Münzenberger etal. 2009). A. mac-
rosclerotiorum forms characteristic, melanized wartlike scle-
rotia giving the mantle a verrucous appearance (Figure 38.3E).
DSE formed good mantles and Hartig nets on some of the best
nursery stocks of pines and white spruce (Danielson and Visser
1990). It persisted on the stock for as long as the seedlings were
in the nursery, but once outplanted, it was replaced by mycor-
rhizal fungi, especially elephora terrestris Ehrh. and E-strain
fungi. Hartig net structures could not be observed in resynthe-
sis experiments between Picea abies and various PAC strains,
and microsclerotia production was strongly strain dependent
(Tellenbach etal. 2010).
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38-31Fungal Root Endophytes
Colonization of ne roots (diameter <5 mm) of Norway
spruce and Scots pine by DSE was examined in eld samples
from Finland and Switzerland (Sieber, unpublished). Density
of surface mycelia and intracortical fungal structures are much
lower in eld samples than in roots from in vitro synthesis
experiments, and thus, the endophytes are more dicult to
locate. DSE were observed to colonize primary roots down to
the innermost cortical cells. Colonization of the endodermis
or the expanded pericycle did not occur. DSE most frequently
occurred as intra- and intercellular hyphae and small intracellu-
lar microsclerotia composed of cells with thin, melanized walls.
e rhytidome of older conifer roots is frequently colonized by
dark, septate hyphae down to the youngest layer of phellem cells.
Intensely colonized roots can be recognized already in the eld
by the black appearance of the rhytidome; sometimes, it is nec-
essary to remove the loose bark scales to see the more proxi-
mal phellem tissues (Grünig etal. 2008b). e black appearance
of the rhytidome is due to cells of the phlobaphene cork lled
with multicellular sclerotia composed of bubble-shaped, thick-
walled, melanized cells (Holdenrieder, personal communica-
tion, 1997; Figure 38.3F). ese sclerotia might serve as inoculi
and food bases from where mycelia can grow to colonize new
substrates. Holdenrieder (1989) presented excellent SEM pic-
tures of hyphal aggregations of DSE lling entire phellem cells of
Norway-spruce roots. Endophytic colonization of cells proximal
to the phellem has, so far, not conclusively been demonstrated
but is certainly possible considering the frequent colonization of
the xylem in forest trees by DSE (including PAC) (Görke 1998).
Intracellular colonization of Norway-spruce seedlings inocu-
lated with DSE and Cryptosporiopsis cf. abietina Petr., possibly
conspecic with C. radiciola Kowalski & Kehr, was observed in
root cortex cells (Haug etal. 1988). Whereas the infection by
DSE was conned to the cortex, C. cf. abietina colonized also
the vascular tissue and caused decline of the seedlings. e older
seedlings (5-month-old compared to 3-week-old) resisted for a
longer period of time. Interestingly, addition of malt caused DSE
to become pathogenic and to colonize the vascular tissues.
2. EndophytePathogen Interactions,
Biological Control
Some endophytes were demonstrated to confer biological
control against other microorganisms. Duda and Sierota (1987)
successfully used Trichoderma viride Pers., which was found
highly pathogenic on Norway-spruce seedlings (Forbrig 1989)
to control damping-o of Pinus sylvestris seedlings caused by
Fusarium oxysporum or Rhizoctonia solani. DSE were shown to
protect roots of Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, and Quercus robur L.
against other organisms, for example, F. oxysporum and R. solani
(Manka 1960; Manka and Przezbòrski 1978, 1987). DSE had only
an adverse eect onto the trees when these had been planted on
an unsuitable site or aer an Armillaria attack. Some isolates of
Phialocephala subalpina increased survival of Norway-spruce
seedlings inoculated with either one of the two root pathogens
Phytophthora plurivora T. Jung & T.I. Burgess (syn. P. citri-
cola Sawada) or Elongisporangium undulatum (H.E. Petersen)
Uzuhasi, Tojo & Kakish. (syn. Pythium undulatum H.E. Petersen)
(Tellenbach and Sieber 2012). Phialocephala subalpina seems to
confer an indirect benet to its host and might therefore be tol-
erated in natural spruce populations, despite negative eects on
plant performance.
Biological control seems to be eective not only among fungal
species but also among genotypes (strains) of the same species.
Pathogenicity is oen strain dependent (Tellenbach etal. 2011)
(see text in the following paragraph). Nonpathogenic PAC strains
signicantly reduced density of colonization of Norway-spruce
(Picea abies) roots by pathogenic PAC strains, attenuating adverse
eects on plant growth (Reininger etal. 2011a, 2012). is high-
lights the importance of high genotypic diversity of PAC fungi
colonizing the same root system.
3. EndophytePlant Interactions
DSE had very marked pathogenic properties toward Pinus syl-
vestris under pure culture conditions. However, DSE could
achieve dominance on root surfaces of healthy elongating roots
of pines growing under natural conditions, when its pathogenic
eects appear to be reduced (Robertson 1954). De la Bastide and
Kendrick (1990) treated white-pine seedlings (Pinus strobus)
with benomyl to reduce the pathogenic eect of DSE. Adverse
eects caused by DSE occurred also in experiments of Richard
etal. (1971) with Picea mariana, Wilhelm etal. (1969) with Pinus
pinea L. seedlings, Wilcox and Wang (1987) with Pinus resinosa
Aiton, Picea rubens Sarg., and Betula alleghaniensis Britton, and
Melin (1923) with Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies.
General health status as expressed by needle color, pres-
ence or absence of needle-tip chlorosis, mortality rate, and dry
weight of Norway-spruce seedlings used to bait DSE from for-
est soils was not correlated with the colonization of the roots
by DSE (mainly PAC) (Ahlich etal. 1998). Hennon etal. (1990)
frequently isolated DSE, Cryptosporiopsis sp., Gelatinosporium
sp., Sporidesmium sp., Cylindrocarpon didymum (Harting)
Wollenw., and Cadophora melinii Nannf. from healthy
and declining cedar roots during their studies on declin-
ing Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach in Southeast
Alaska. DSE were most frequently isolated. Healthy and
declining trees were equally frequently colonized. Except for
C. didymum, none of the fungi proved to be pathogenic in infec-
tion experiments with cedar seedlings. None of the seedlings
died. Similarly, DSE were isolated from diseased and healthy
seedlings of Norway spruce equally frequently and were not
pathogenic in infection experiments (Galaaen and Venn 1979).
is contrasts with Pythium sylvaticum W.A. Campb. & F.F.
Hendrix that was isolated almost only from diseased seedlings
and was highly virulent when inoculated onto axenically grown
seedlings. e endophytic mycobiota in roots of European silver
r (A. alba) seedlings was examined at a site with natural regen-
eration and another site where r did not regenerate (Kowalski
1982a). Ilyonectria radicicola (teleomorph of C. destructans)
was the most frequently isolated pathogenic fungus, especially
in young, 1-year-old seedlings. In natural regenerations, DSE
were very common and I. radicicola occurred only sporadically.
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38-32 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
Likewise, I. radicicola was demonstrated to be pathogenic on
r and pine seedlings in vitro (Dahm etal. 1987). Virulence
was aected by pH, temperature, light intensity, and also by
associated bacteria and actinomycetes. In contrast, Bloomberg
(1966) isolated DSE and Cylindrocarpon spp. more frequently
from healthy Douglas-r seedlings. e frequency of Fusarium
spp. did, however, not depend on the health status of the plants.
DSE, Trichoderma viride, and I. radicicola were pathogenic
when inoculated onto 2 to 3-week-old axenically grown seed-
lings of Picea abies (Forbrig 1987, 1989). T. viride and I. radici-
cola killed the seedlings rapidly. DSE were suspected to infect
only weakened trees. e interactions with Norway spruce of
more than 30 isolates of four dierent PAC species and from
three geographical regions were strongly isolate dependent
and ranged from neutral to highly virulent, but no strain had
a stimulating eect on plant growth (Tellenbach etal. 2011).
Variation in virulence was much higher within than among
PAC species, but only isolates of Phialocephala subalpina, one
of the most frequent PAC species, were highly virulent. Disease
caused by Phialocephala subalpina genotypes from the native
range of Norway spruce was more severe than that induced by
genotypes from outside the range. Virulence was not correlated
with the phylogenetic relatedness of the isolates but was posi-
tively correlated with the extent of fungal colonization as mea-
sured by quantitative real-time PCR. e results obtained by
Tellenbach etal. (2011) contrast with those reported by Peterson
et al. (2008) who observed the production of lateral roots of
Pinus strobus seedlings inoculated with Phialocephala fortinii
s.l. being greater than that of uninoculated controls.
Chloridium paucisporum C.J.K. Wang & H.E. Wilcox from
3-year-old nursery seedlings of Pinus resinosa was found to stim-
ulate Pinus resinosa seedlings growth (Wilcox and Ganmore-
Neumann 1974). e plant–fungus association was found to
be EEM but dierent from that of E-strain fungi. Jumpponen
and Trappe (1998b) showed that the culture system under which
an association is studied may also aect the host–fungus inter-
action. e eects of various glucose concentrations on Pinus
contorta seedlings inoculated with Phialocephala fortinii s.l.
were studied in an axenic and an open pot system. Inoculation
resulted in substantial increase of biomass in the axenic system,
and host biomass increased with increasing glucose concentra-
tion. Glucose alone did not signicantly aect host biomass. In
the open pot cultures, inoculation did not aect biomass. e
observed growth stimulation in the closed culture system was
probably due to CO
fertilization as a consequence of fungal
respiration (Jumpponen and Trappe 1998b). Growth stimula-
tion and inhibition were observed also in cell-free extracts of
endophytes. Culture ltrates of T. viride reduced and ltrates of
DSE stimulated elongation of excised roots of Pinus sylvestris,
whereas I. radicicola reduced formation of lateral roots (Turner
1962). Binucleate Rhizoctonia endophytes promoted formation
of adventitious roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) hypo-
cotyl cuttings (Kaparakis and Sen 2006). Similarly, Rhizoctonia
stimulated early seedling growth in a nitrogen-limited soil
(Grönberg etal. 2006).
4. EndophyteEnvironment Interactions
Knowledge about the inuence of environmental factors on
frequency and colonization of root endophytes is sparse.
Although some factors were identied in the past, more eorts
are needed to get a more complete picture of the key factors
and how they interact with each other and with the endo-
phyte–plant system. e proton [H
] concentration (pH) in
the soil and the type of biogeoclimatic zone were identied as
factors aecting root endophyte communities. Statistically
signicant correlations existed between soil pH and the fre-
quency of colonization by Cryptosporiopsis radicicola Kowalski
& C. Bartnik, Cylindrocarpon didymum, and DSE (Ahlich and
Sieber 1996). e correlations with C. radicicola and C. didy-
mum were positive, and the correlation with DSE was negative.
Some Cylindrocarpon species are well known to prefer alkaline
conditions (Matturi and Stenton 1964; Domsch et al. 1980;
Schönhar 1987). DSE were, however, considered not to be inu-
enced by soil pH according to Melin (1924). Although DSE were
absent in the soil samples of only 2 of 72 sites, DSE occurred
less frequently in soils with a high pH value (Ahlich etal. 1998).
Maximum isolation was from soils with pH values ranging from
3.5 to 4.5. Similarly, Manka (1960) gives pH 4 as the optimum
for growth of DSE. Danielson and Visser (1989) considered a pH
value of 3.1 the minimum for growth of DSE contrasting with
the results of Ahlich etal. (1998) who detected DSE in almost
90% of the root segments of the Norway-spruce seedlings used
to bait endophytes from a forest soil with pH 3.0. A relationship
between altitude and pH value was reported by Holdenrieder
and Sieber (1992) who found the most prominent dierence in
fungal associations in Norway-spruce roots to exist between
roots colonized mainly by I. radicicola from alkaline soils at low
altitude and roots dominated by DSE from acidic soil (peat bog),
as well as from alkaline soil at high altitude.
In Switzerland, Phialocephala fortinii s.l. proofed to occur
preferentially on high altitudes (Ahlich and Sieber 1996).
Trichoderma viride occurred preferentially in roots from
extremely acidic soils, T. hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier from
moderately acidic, and T. polysporum (Link) Rifai from weakly
acidic soils (Kattner and Schönhar 1990). Cryptosporiopsis abi-
etina (perhaps conspecic with C. radicicola) and I. radicicola
preferred a neutral environment. Liming reduced T. viride and
a Penicillium sp., whereas the frequency of DSE, Penicillium
spinulosum om, T. polysporum, and some Mortierella spp.
increased (Kattner 1992b). Inoculations with root endophytes
may enhance survival rates of seedlings planted at polluted sites.
LoBuglio and Wilcox (1988) inoculated Pinus resinosa seedlings
with Cadophora nlandica (C.J.K. Wang & H.E. Wilcox) T.C.
Harr. & McNew and planted them onto iron tailings in an old
iron mine. C. nlandica inoculated seedlings had a higher sur-
vival rate than uninoculated controls. In addition, mortality of
seedlings treated with C. nlandica was lower than that of seed-
lings treated with ectomycorrhizal fungi.
Data about the inuence of phosphorus (P) and nitro-
gen (N) availability on colonization by endophytes and plant
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38-33Fungal Root Endophytes
performance are sparse. Pinus contorta seedlings inoculated
with Phialocephala fortinii s.l. showed enhanced P uptake and
increased growth (Jumpponen etal. 1998). In addition, N uptake
was increased when Phialocephala fortinii s.l. inoculation was
combined with addition of N. N fertilization of a 20-year-old
stand of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.)
with urea did not change the total number of ne roots and
the number of basidiomycetous mycorrhizae (Kernaghan etal.
1995). However, Cenococcum geophilum mycorrhizae decreased
slightly, whereas those lacking mantels such as EEM and DSE
Pinus sylvestris seedlings inoculated with DSE (Phialocephala
fortinii s.l., Cadophora nlandica, Chloridium paucisporum,
Pezoloma ericae, Meliniomyces variabilis, and M. vraolstadiae
Hambl. & Sigler) accumulated on average 17% more biomass
than control seedlings under elevated CO
combined with N
limitation, indicating that DSE fungi increase plant nutrient
use eciency and are, thus, more benecial to the plant under
elevated CO
(Alberton etal. 2010).
5. Extracellular Enzymes and Fungicide Resistance
e production of biocidal metabolites, plant growth hormones,
exoenzymes, and siderophores or the resistance against noxious
substances can be advantageous when competing with other
soil microorganisms for space, nutrients, and/or infection sites
(Currah and Tsuneda 1993; Ahlich-Schlegel 1997; Caldwell etal.
2000; Bartholdy et al. 2001; Schulz etal. 2002; Grünig et al.
2008b). C. nlandica and several PAC isolates utilized cellulose,
laminarin, starch, and xylan as sole carbon source and pro-
teins and nucleic acids as sole nitrogen and phosphorus sources
(Caldwell et al. 2000). However, lignolytic activity was not
observed. T. viride, Mortierella nana Linnem., and DSE exhib-
ited higher pectolytic than cellulolytic activity, and the activity
was strain dependent (Dahm 1987). Trichoderma isolates were
the most active, DSE the least. Presence of cellulolytic activ-
ity of DSE was demonstrated by Gams (1963), Levisohn (1954),
and Melin (1923). e opposite observation by Schelling (1952)
may be due to the fact that she used neither trace elements nor
growth factors in her experiments. Ahlich-Schlegel (1997) tested
more than 200 DSE isolates for fungicide resistance and the
presence of extracellular enzymes and was able to demonstrate
that enzyme activity is strain dependent. One-third of all strains
produced proteases. Some Acephala applanata strains were able
to produce amylases, but other PAC species were not. Laccase
activity, an oxidase used to degrade lignin, was observed in all
A. applanata strains but was present only in half of the other
PAC strains. Most strains produced phenoloxidases, but activity
was much higher in A. applanata isolates. Similar observations
were made by Grünig etal. (2008b) who found A. applanata to
be a good producer of amylases, laccases, and proteases in con-
trast to other PAC species. Benomyl at a concentration of 10
mg L
inhibited all strains, whereas thiabendazole did so only
at a concentration of 100 mg L
(Ahlich-Schlegel 1997). At
10 mg L
thiabendazole, all A. applanata isolates were inhib-
ited; the reaction of the other DSE was variable. Cycloheximide
at 100 mg L
inhibited A. applanata, Phialocephala letzii,
Phialocephala helvetica, and Phialocephala subalpina the most
and Phialocephala uotilensis and Phialocephala turicensis the
least (Ahlich-Schlegel 1997; Grünig etal. 2008a,b). Toxins were
responsible for pathogenicity of I. radicicola but the high pec-
tinase and cellulase production of this fungus were assumed to
enhance virulence (Lyr and Kluge 1968).
Bartholdy etal. (2001) studied the siderophore proles of ve
PAC strains. Siderophores controlling the uptake of iron ions by
fungi play a crucial role in the infection process in some plant
fungus systems (Johnson 2008). e siderophore proles of two
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. strains were highly similar. ey pro-
duced almost exclusively ferricrocin. In contrast, a strain each of
Phialocephala subalpina and Phialocephala europaea possessed
unique siderophore proles and produced ferrirubin in addition
to ferricrocin, but the amount of ferricrocin produced was signi-
cantly lower in Phialocephala subalpina and signicantly higher in
Phialocephala europaea than in Phialocephala fortinii s.s. A strain
of CSP9 isolated from Larix decidua Mill. in Germany produced
the plant growth hormone IAA (Schulz etal. 2002). e vacuolar
system in hyphae of PAC strain UAMH_9608 (Phialocephala
fortinii s.s.) was investigated, and the presence of polyphosphate
in the vacuoles was conrmed (Saito etal. 2006). An endophytic
strain of Phialocephala scopiformis T. Kowalski & Kehr, a species
with high anities to the PAC, was recently reported to produce
rugulosin—a toxic metabolite against some herbivores of Picea
glauca needles (Miller etal. 2008; Sumarah etal. 2008). Whether
PAC members also produce secondary metabolites toxic to some
herbivores feeding on roots remains to be tested.
6. Stress Tolerance and Oligotrophic Growth of DSE
DSE are resistant against repeated thawing–freezing and against
permanent drought and are able to grow under oligotrophic
conditions. MEA discs and cellophane pieces colonized by PAC
isolates were frozen at 20°C and thawn and refrozen daily
(Ahlich-Schlegel 1997). Most isolates survived for at least 10 days.
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. survived on average longer than A. appla-
nata. One Phialocephala fortinii s.l. isolate survived for more than
50 days. Drought resistance was tested by putting cellophane sheets
colonized by PAC isolates in a desiccator. All isolates survived for
at least 8 months. PAC isolates were grown on nitrogen-free water
agar and subcultured four times every 21 days. Mycelium was very
sparse in all isolates, but growth was not reduced even aer the
fourth subculture. Colony diameters ranged from 29 to 43 mm
for Acephala applanata and 43–63 for Phialocephala fortinii s.l.
Growth under oligotrophic conditions was studied in plastic Petri
dishes that may have released some nitrogen into the medium.
us, the experiment should be repeated using glass Petri dishes.
C. Root Endophytes in Other
Woody Plant Species
Members of the Betulaceae, Fagaceae, and Salicaceae are the
best studied for the presence of root endophytes (Table 38.6).
Species of Cryptosporiopsis, Cylindrocarpon, Meliniomyces, and
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38-34 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.6 Endophytes in Other Woody Plants
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Acephala applanata Helotiales DSE Betula pubescens Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Acephala sp. 2 Helotiales DSE Sorbus aucuparia Rosales Tree Isol Grünig etal. (2009)
Alternaria alternata Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Alternaria chlamydospora Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Anguillospora liformis Pleosporales Not DSE Acer spicatum Sapindales Tree Isol Sridhar and Bärlocher (1992)
Anguillospora liformis Pleosporales Not DSE Betula papyrifera Fagales Tree Isol Sridhar and Bärlocher (1992)
Anguillospora longissima Pleosporales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Articulospora proliferata Helotiales Not DSE Mangifera indica Sapindales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Articulospora proliferata Helotiales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Ascochyta sp. Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Cadophora fastigiata Helotiales DSE Quercus robur Fagales Tree Isol Halmschlager and Kowalski (2004)
Cadophora sp. Helotiales DSE Quercus petraea Fagales Tree Isol Halmschlager and Kowalski (2004)
Cadophora sp. 3 Helotiales DSE Myricaria prostrata Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Graf, pers. comm. (2008)
Chaetomium cochliodes Sordariales Not DSE Aphelandra tetragona Lamiales Woody shrub Isol Werner etal. (1997)
Cladosporium tenuissimum Capnodiales DSE Alnus glutinosa Fagales Tree Isol Fisher etal. (1991b)
Clavariopsis aquatica Pleosporales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Coniothyrium sp. Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Cryptosporiopsis radicicola Helotiales DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Cryptosporiopsis radicicola Helotiales DSE Quercus petraea Fagales Tree Isol Halmschlager and Kowalski (2004)
Cryptosporiopsis melanigena Helotiales DSE Quercus petraea Fagales Tree Isol Kowalski etal. (1998)
Cryptosporiopsis radicicola Helotiales DSE Quercus robur Fagales Tree Isol Kowalski and Bartnik (1995)
Cylindrocarpon didymum Hypocreales Not DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Cylindrocarpon magnusianum Hypocreales Not DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Cystodendron sp. Helotiales Variable Quercus petraea Fagales Tree Isol Halmschlager and Kowalski (2004)
Embellisia chlamydospora Pleosporales DSE Myricaria prostrata Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Graf, pers. comm. (2008)
Flagellospora curvula Hypocreales Not DSE Mangifera indica Sapindales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Flagellospora curvula Hypocreales Not DSE Populus hybrida Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Flagellospora curvula Hypocreales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Flagellospora fusaroides Hypocreales Not DSE Mangifera indica Sapindales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Flagellospora fusaroides Hypocreales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Gibberella intricans Hypocreales Not DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Werner etal. (1997)
Fusarium oxysporum Hypocreales Not DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Mangifera indica Sapindales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Populus hybrida Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Fusarium sp. Hypocreales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Gibberella baccata Hypocreales Not DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Gibberella nygamai Hypocreales Not DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Haematonectria haematococca Hypocreales Not DSE Aphelandra tetragona Lamiales Woody shrub Isol Werner etal. (1997)
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38-35Fungal Root Endophytes
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Alnus glutinosa Fagales Tree Isol Fisher etal. (1991b)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Aphelandra tetragona Lamiales Woody shrub Isol Werner etal. (1997)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Betula pendula Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Not DSE Gynoxys oleifolia Asterales Tree Isol Fisher etal. (1995b)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Variable Quercus robur Fagales Tree Isol Halmschlager and Kowalski (2004)
Ilyonectria radicicola Hypocreales Variable Tilia petiolaris Malvales Tree Isol Schroers etal. (2008)
Nectria lugdunensis Hypocreales Not DSE Acer spicatum Sapindales Tree Isol Sridhar and Bärlocher (1992)
Nectria lugdunensis Hypocreales DSE Alnus glutinosa Fagales Tree Isol Fisher etal. (1991b)
Leptodontidium sp. Helotiales DSE Eucalyptus regnans Myrtales Tree Isol Tedersoo etal. (2009)
Leptodontidium sp. Helotiales DSE Nothofagus
Fagales Tree Isol Tedersoo etal. (2009)
Leptodontidium sp. Helotiales DSE Pomaderris apetala Rosales Tree Isol Tedersoo etal. (2009)
Libertella spp. Xylariales Not DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Lunulospora curvula Pezizomycotina Not DSE Populus hybrida Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Lunulospora curvula Pezizomycotina Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Meliniomyces bicolor Leotiomycetes DSE Nothofagus procera Fagales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces bicolor Leotiomycetes DSE Quercus robur Fagales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces sp. 1 Leotiomycetes Variable Betula pubescens Fagales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces vraolstadiae Leotiomycetes Variable Betula pubescens Fagales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Meliniomyces vraolstadiae Leotiomycetes Variable Betula pubescens Fagales Tree Isol Hambleton and Sigler (2005)
Monodictys arctica Dothideomycetes DSE Saxifraga oppositifolia Saxifragales Woody shrub Isol Day etal. (2006)
Oidiodendron sp. Dothideomycetes DSE Eucalyptus regnans Myrtales Tree Isol Tedersoo etal. (2009)
Oidiodendron sp. Dothideomycetes DSE Nothofagus
Fagales Tree Isol Tedersoo etal. (2009)
Oidiodendron sp. Dothideomycetes DSE Pomaderris apetala Rosales Tree Isol Tedersoo etal. (2009)
Penicillium pinetorum Eurotiales Not DSE Aphelandra tetragona Lamiales Woody shrub Isol Werner etal. (1997)
Penicillium restrictum Eurotiales Not DSE Betula pendula Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Penicillium restrictum Eurotiales Not DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Salix sp. Malpighiales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala europaea Helotiales DSE Sorbus aucuparia Rosales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Betula pendula Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Phialocephala fortinii s.l. Helotiales DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Ahlich and Sieber (1996)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Betula pendula Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Betula pubescens Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala fortinii s.s. Helotiales DSE Sorbus aucuparia Rosales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala helvetica Helotiales DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Helianthemum sp. Malvales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala letzii Helotiales DSE Sorbus aucuparia Rosales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
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38-36 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
TABLE 38.6 (continued) Endophytes in Other Woody Plants
Endophyte Host
Type of
Fungus Order
DSE/Not DSE Species Plant Order
Phialocephala sp. 9 Helotiales DSE Myricaria prostrata Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Graf, pers. comm. (2008)
Phialocephala sphaeroides Helotiales DSE Aralia nudicaulis Apiales Woody shrub Isol Wilson etal. (2004)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Betula pendula Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Betula tortuosa Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala subalpina Helotiales DSE Sorbus aucuparia Rosales Woody shrub Isol Queloz (2010)
Phialocephala turicensis Helotiales DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Queloz (2010)
Phoma prunicola Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Phoma variospora Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Phomopsis alnea Diaporthales Not DSE Alnus glutinosa Fagales Tree Isol Fisher etal. (1991b)
Phomopsis spp. Diaporthales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Pleospora herbarum Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Pleospora obrusa Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Pleospora phaeocomoides Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Pyrenochaeta sp. 1 Pleosporales DSE Caragana versicolor Fabales Woody shrub Isol Graf, pers. comm. (2008)
Serendipita vermifera Auriculariales Not DSE Tilia sp. Malvales Tree In vitro exp a Oberwinkler (1964)
Sesquicillium candelabrum Hypocreales Not DSE Betula pendula Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Sesquicillium candelabrum Hypocreales Not DSE Fagus sylvatica Fagales Tree Isol Görke (1998)
Sporormiella intermedia Pleosporales DSE Atriplex vesicaria Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Cother and Gilbert (1994)
Tetracladium marchalianum Helotiales Not DSE Mangifera indica Sapindales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Tetracladium marchalianum Helotiales Not DSE Populus hybrida Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Tetracladium marchalianum Helotiales Not DSE Salix babylonica Malpighiales Tree Isol Iqbal etal. (1995)
Trichoderma viride Hypocreales Not DSE Aphelandra tetragona Lamiales Woody shrub Isol Werner etal. (1997)
Triscelophorus konajensis Pezizomycotina Not DSE Coea arabica Gentianales Woody shrub Isol Raviraja etal. (1996)
Triscelophorus monosporus Pezizomycotina Not DSE Coea arabica Gentianales woody shrub Isol Raviraja etal. (1996)
Unidentied DSE DSE Atriplex canescens Caryophyllales Woody shrub In vitro exp Barrow etal. (2004)
Unidentied DSE DSE Daphniphyllum
Saxifragales Tree Isol Bagyalakshmi etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Elaeocarpus munronii Oxalidales Tree Isol Bagyalakshmi etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Euodia roxburghiana Sapindales Tree Isol Bagyalakshmi etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Syzygium arnottianum Myrtales Tree Isol Bagyalakshmi etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Syzygium montanum Myrtales Tree Isol Bagyalakshmi etal. (2010)
Unidentied DSE DSE Tamarix ramosissima Caryophyllales Woody shrub Isol Beauchamp etal. (2005)
Genus, species and order (family) names according to index fungorum (, December 20, 2011). If both the teleomorph (sexual reproductive stage) and
the anamorph (asexual reproductive stage) are produced, the name of the teleomorph is given. Names of anamorph(s) can be retrieved from the list of the teleomorphs synonyms provided in the index. e
next lower taxon is given if the Fungus order is not known with certainty (“incertae sedis”).
Isol, isolation from surface-sterilized roots; in vitro exp, fungus used in in-vitro experiment(s).
Special eect details: (a) Plant growth stimulation.
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38-37Fungal Root Endophytes
Phialocephala were most frequently isolated. Cryptosporiopsis
radicicola, a species oen isolated from roots of Quercus robur
(Kowalski and Bartnik 1995; Halmschlager and Kowalski
2004), was the dominant endophyte in roots of European beech
(Fagus sylvatica) in Switzerland (Ahlich and Sieber 1996), and
Cryptosporiopsis melanigena T. Kowalski & Halmschl. was
oen isolated from roots of Q. robur and Q. petraea (Kowalski
etal. 1998). According to Kowalski (1983), the wood and bark
endophyte Pezicula cinnamomea (DC.) Sacc., with its ana-
morph Cryptosporiopsis grisea (Pers.) Petr., can also spread
into the roots of dying trees. e main colonizer of Dryas
octopetala L. roots sampled at Spitsbergen was a Cryptosporiopsis
species (Fisher etal. 1995a). DSE (including Phialocephala forti-
nii s.l.) were demonstrated to be the most frequent endophytes
in apparently healthy xylem of roots of Betula pendula and F.
sylvatica in Germany (Görke 1998; Table 38.6). Similarly, DSE
were observed in 42% and 40% of the root samples from Iva
frutescens L. and Triadica sebifera (L.) Small, respectively, col-
lected in the southeastern marshes of Louisiana (Kandalepas
etal. 2010). DSE also dominated the endophyte community in
woody shrubs collected in Kailash-Manasarovar Region on the
Tibetan plateau at 4700 m (F. Graf, personal communication,
July 2008; Table 38.6). Desertication by wind and water erosion
is a serious threat in this region, and the mycelium of mycor-
rhizal and other endophytic fungi could have a stabilizing eect
(Burri etal. 2009).
However, DSE do not always dominate the non-mycorrhizal
endophyte community in roots of woody plants. DSE were absent
or rare in roots of Gynoxis oleifolia Muchler (Compositae) col-
lected in Ecuador at 3300 m asl. I. radicicola, Epicoccum nigrum
Link, Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, and Truncatella angustata
(Pers.) S. Hughes were the endophytic fungi most frequently
observed (Fisher etal. 1995b).
Very special endophyte communities are found on roots con-
stantly submersed in water (Sengupta etal. 1988; Fisher etal.
1991b; Sridhar and rlocher 1992; Iqbal etal. 1995; Raviraja
et al. 1996). Submersed roots are oen colonized by aquatic
hyphomycetes in addition to “terrestrial” fungi (Table 38.6). e
eects of aquatic hyphomycetes on their host are probably small.
Submersed roots may, however, constitute refuge and perma-
nent sources of inoculum for the aquatic hyphomycetes to per-
sist in streams (Raviraja etal. 1996). Two septate, dematiaceous
endophytes, a coelomycete and a Rhizoctonia-like fungus, were
frequently isolated from roots of some mangroves and saline-
resistant plants growing in the seabound delta region of West
Bengal (Sengupta etal. 1988). ey grew inter- and intracellu-
larly either alone or simultaneously with AM and formed sclero-
tia in culture. Absence of AM in some halophytes indicates that
endophytes may replace AM in extreme habitats, similar to what
has been observed for arctic and alpine herbaceous plants.
Some woody plant species were examined also on the Southern
Hemisphere. Roots of Nothofagus cunninghamii (Hook.) Oerst.,
Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell., and Pomaderris apetala Labill.
from Tasmania were colonized by species of Leptodontidium
and Oidiodendron (Tedersoo etal. 2009). ese helotialean fungi
are phylogenetically closely related to root endophytes and eri-
coid mycorrhizal fungi of the Northern Hemisphere, suggest-
ing strong ecological and evolutionary links. Seventy-one fungal
endophytes could be isolated from bladder saltbush (Atriplex
vesicaria Heward ex Benth.) in Southern Australia (Cother and
Gilbert 1994). Fusarium spp., Alternaria chlamydospora Mouch.,
Libertella spp., Phoma variospora Shreem., and Sporormiella
intermedia (Auersw.) S.I. Ahmed & Cain ex Kobayasi were iso-
lated as root endophytes for the rst time in Australia. Species of
known pathogenic genera (Ascochyta, Coniothyrium, Phomopsis,
Pleospora) occurred also quite frequently.
1. Anatomy
Phialocephala fortinii CSP 13 (CSP 13 according to Grünig etal.
(2008b)) formed a Hartig net and a thin, patchy mantle in axenic
culture with Salix glauca L. seedlings (Fernando and Currah
1996; Figure 38.3G). An interesting fungus–root association was
described by Sequerra etal. (1995). Penicillium nodositatum Valla
was observed to penetrate and colonize cortical cells of roots of
Alnus incana (L.) Moench and to induce myconodules similar to
those formed by actinorhizal bacteria (Frankia spp.). Host defense
was minimal, and the host plasma membrane, invaginated around
the endophyte, kept its integrity as it does in symbiotic associations.
Penicillium nodositatum was, thus, considered as a neutral micro-
symbiont similar to a compatible but ineective Frankia strain.
2. EndophytePathogen Interactions
Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium spp. were shown to control
Phytophthora cactorum root and crown rot of apple (Smith etal.
1990). Some isolates signicantly reduced root rot and increased
plant weight. DSE were shown to protect roots of Picea abies,
Pinus sylvestris, and Q. robur against other organisms, for
example, F. oxysporum and R. solani (Manka 1960; Manka and
Przezbòrski 1978, 1987).
3. EndophytePlant Interactions
Leptodontidium orchidicola caused a marked increase in host root
length but also invaded the stele, causing extensive cellular lysis in
axenic culture with Salix glauca seedlings (Fernando and Currah
1996). In pot monocultures with various subalpine plant spe-
cies, the eects of L. orchidicola strains on host dry weight were
strain and host specic (Fernando and Currah 1996). e eects
of Phialocephala fortinii CSP 13 were also host specic. In pot
combination cultures (Dryas octopetala, Picea abies, Potentilla
fruticosa L., and S. glauca in the same pot), the Phialocephala
fortinii s.l.–Potentilla fruticosa symbiosis resulted in a signicant
increase in shoot weight in contrast to the results of the same sym-
biosis in monoculture resynthesis. DSE isolated from mangroves
stimulated growth of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. in the absence of
easily available phosphorus (Sengupta etal. 1988).
4. EndophyteEnvironment Interactions
Caldwell etal. (2000) studied the utilization of major forms of
carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus commonly present in plant
litter and detritus for two dark septate, root endophyte isolates
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38-38 Root–Rhizosphere Interactions
from alpine Salix species. Both isolates utilized cellulose, lam-
inarin, starch, and xylan as sole carbon source and proteins
and ribonucleic acids as sole nitrogen and phosphorus sources.
However, lignolytic activity could not be detected.
VI. Conclusions and Outlook
e presence of non-mycorrhizal fungal endophytes in plant
roots is a worldwide phenomenon. ere is probably no plant
species without root endophytes. Species diversity of endophyte
communities in roots is low compared to the one in aerial tis-
sues. However, the within-species genotypic diversity of root
endophytes can be high. Fungi with melanized, septate hyphae
are prevalent in many of the communities. ese fungi usually
do not sporulate readily in culture and are, therefore, assigned to
the form taxon DSE. DSE are a very diverse group of fungi. ey
can be separated into two subgroups. e rst includes DSE,
which occur mainly on herbaceous plants such as species of
the Harpophora–Gaeumannomyces complex, Microdochium or
Periconia. e second subgroup is formed by PAC, which occur
preferentially in woody plant roots. PAC are rare or absent in
plant roots from arable soils or pastures. Antagonism with spe-
cies of the Harpophora–Gaeumannomyces complex and/or other
microorganisms could be the reason. Harpophora species were
shown to confer induced resistance (cross-protection) against
closely related species or varieties in agricultural plants, espe-
cially cereals. Similarly, PAC were shown to protect forest trees
in a similar way, for example, against oomycetous root patho-
gens. e system of induced resistance is expected to be even
more balanced in undisturbed forest ecosystems than in agri-
cultural systems because the microbial community in the rhi-
zosphere and in the roots was allowed to equilibrate for decades
if not centuries. e study of these systems is hampered by the
high genotypic variability of the organisms involved.
With the availability of many dierent molecular genetics
markers, it is now possible to identify and characterize species
and genets of PAC allowing experimentation with clearly dened
strains. Several strains are available from international culture
collections. e high variability of DSE and PAC also explains,
at least in part, the contradictory results obtained in endophyte–
plant interaction experiments. Whereas there are several exam-
ples of non-PAC DSE with benecial eects on plant growth, the
majority of PAC revealed no eect or only slightly positive eects.
More recent in vitro multi-strain experiments with dened PAC
strains indicate that PAC function along a continuum from neu-
tral to pathogenic. Plant growth promotion has not been observed.
However, though PAC are costly, they seem to provide control
of more serious pathogens and perhaps also herbivores. Future
experiments should be shied more toward natural conditions.
e genome of strain UAMH11012 of Phialocephala subalpina
was sequenced, and gene models are currently manually validated
and annotated. First estimates based on 10 Mbp manually vali-
dated gene models show that the Phialocephala subalpina genome
will include roughly 20,000 gene models. Special emphasis is given
to annotation of gene clusters related to secondary metabolites.
e availability of the annotated genome of Phialocephala subal-
pina will allow performing transcriptomic analysis of host–PAC
interactions and comparative genomic studies with ectomycor-
rhizal and pathogenic fungi in the near future. In addition, the
completely sequenced and annotated mitochondrial genome of
Phialocephala subalpina is already available (Duò et al. 2012).
Several mitochondrial loci proved to be suitable for species diag-
nosis in PAC and can be used for community studies.
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past nor which functions they will have in the future. We only
know that nature is a dynamic system. What we see today is one
picture in the evening-lling lm entitled “Evolution,but it is
fascinating to speculate about the next step.
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... Healthy roots of terrestrial plants host a plethora of various microorganisms, including fungal endophytes, which colonize plant tissues during some period of their life cycle, yet cause no symptoms of tissue damage to their hosts (Petrini 1991;Saikkonen et al. 1998;Schulz and Boyle 2005). A common form group of these root-associated non-mycorrhizal fungi is the so-called dark septate endophytes (DSEs) that are characterized by mainly melanized septate hyphae and microsclerotia (Jumpponen and Trappe 1998;Sieber and Grünig 2013). These fungi are common members of the root microbiome, and seem to be especially frequent in certain environments, e.g., in grasslands. ...
... These fungi are common members of the root microbiome, and seem to be especially frequent in certain environments, e.g., in grasslands. Their role in the ecosystem and their effects on host plants are still enigmatic (Mandyam and Jumpponen 2005;Newsham 2011;Porras-Alfaro and Bayman 2011;Mayerhofer et al. 2013;Sieber and Grünig 2013). Recent findings of The genus Laburnicola in Didymosphaeriaceae was originally described with four species: Laburnicola centaurea, L. dactylidis, L. hawksworthii, and L. muriformis (Wanasinghe et al. 2016). ...
... The shape of these occasionally produced conidia resembles the peanut-or oval-shaped thalloconidia of L. rhizohalophila (Yuan et al. 2020); however, we did not observe conidial chains in the case of the L. nematophila isolates in our in vitro experiments. Ascomata were neither detected for L. rhizohalophila nor for the two Laburnicola species described here, similarly to other DSE fungi (Jumpponen and Trappe 1998;Sieber and Grünig 2013;Knapp et al. 2015;Vohník et al. 2019;Yuan et al. 2020;Zheng et al. 2020;Pintye and Knapp 2021;Romero-Jiménez et al. 2022). It was not possible to induce ascomata formation despite considerable efforts. ...
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Fungal root endophytes, including the common form group of dark septate endophytes (DSEs), represent different taxonomic groups with potentially diverse life strategies. During surveys of DSE communities and of nematode cysts colonizing fungi, isolates representing Laburnicola ( Didymosphaeriaceae , Pleosporales ) lineages were discovered. Here we carried out a comprehensive study of the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of fungi collected from plant roots in Hungary, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan and from eggs of the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi in Turkey. In addition to the study of the morphology and culture characteristics of the strains, four loci (internal transcribed spacer, partial large and small subunit regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha) were used to infer the molecular phylogenetic relationships of the strains within Laburnicola . The isolates were found to represent two distinct lineages, which are described here as novel species, Laburnicola nematophila and L. radiciphila . The interaction of the strains with plants and nematodes was examined using in vitro bioassays, which revealed endophytic interactions with the plant roots and parasitic interactions with the nematode eggs. Analyses of similar ITS sequences found in public databases revealed that members of the genus Laburnicola are widely distributed characteristic members of the plant microbiome, and they are reported as parasites of plant parasitic cyst nematodes here for the first time.
... sections, inter-and intracellular melanized hyphae and microsclerotia, typical features of dark septate endophytes (DSEs) [19,20], were also observed. Subsequent studies have highlighted the presence of other endophytic fungi in the roots of the host and also detected Lulwoana sp. ...
... Typical fungal structures of dark septate endophytes (DSEs) described by [20,30], such as inter-and intracellular melanized hyphae and microsclerotia, were detected in all the asymptomatic roots of the host, thus confirming their first detection [17]. Similar fungal structures were also detected in rhizomes. ...
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The presence of endophytic fungi in the roots, rhizomes, and leaves of Posidonia oceanica was evaluated in different localities of the Sicilian coast. Samples of roots, rhizomes, and leaves were submitted to isolation techniques, and the obtained fungal colonies were identified by morphological and molecular (rRNA sequencing) analysis. Fungal endophytes occurred mainly in roots and occasionally in rhizomes and leaves. Lulwoana sp. was the most frequent of the isolated taxa, suggesting a strong interaction with the host. In addition, eight other fungal taxa were isolated. In particular , fungi of the genus Ochroconis and family Xylariaceae were identified as endophytes in healthy plants at all sampling stations, whereas Penicillium glabrum was isolated at only one sampling station. Thus, several organs, especially roots of Posidonia oceanica, harbor endophytic fungi, potentially involved in supporting the living host as ascertained for terrestrial plants.
... Here, we define DSE as fungi that colonize living plant roots by melanized septate (ascomycetous) hyphae and sometimes microsclerotia (Box 1, Figures 1 and 2). DSE is an ambiguous form group and may represent several orders within ascomycetous fungi [5]. Recent studies have also found DSE to be characterized with a marked proportion of saprotrophic genes in their genomes [6][7][8]. ...
... In addition, microsclerotia, intraradical resting structures of the fungus, are characteristic to DSE (see Figure 2 in the main text). DSE cannot be identified based on root colonization morphology alone; therefore, investigations using laboratory and molecular techniques are needed [5]. However, a distinctive hyphal morphology inside young, healthy roots without visible symptoms in host plants is considered indicative of DSE colonization. ...
Plant roots are abundantly colonized by dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi in virtually all ecosystems. DSE fungi are functionally heterogeneous and their relationships with plants range from antagonistic to mutualistic. Here, we consider the role of by-product benefits in DSE and other root–fungal symbioses. We compared host investments against symbiont-derived benefits for the host plant and categorized these benefits as by-products or benefits requiring reciprocal investment from the host. By-product benefits may provide the variability required for the evolution of invested mutualisms between the host and symbiont. We suggest that DSE could be considered as ‘a by-product mutualist transitional phase’ in the evolution of cooperative mycorrhizal symbionts from saprotrophic fungi.
... Micromorphological features of the reproductive structures of the isolated strains on each coverslip were observed under a light microscope of ZEISS Axio Scope. A1 (Carl Zeiss AG, Germany), and images were used to distinguish DSE from non-DSE, as described by Sieber and Grünig (2013) and Rodriguez et al. (2009). Molecular identification of target fungi was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using the universal primer pairs ITS1 (5 0 -TCCG TAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3 0 ) and ITS4 (5 0 -TCCTCCG CTTATTGATATGC-3 0 ) (Gharsallah et al., 2020). ...
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This study aims to evaluate the tolerance of endophytic fungi isolated from the fibrous roots of Polygonatum kingianum to arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) and their physiological response mechanisms. Five isolated strains were obtained with EC50 values for As(V) ranging from 421 to 1281 mg/L, while the other three strains tolerated Cd(II) with an EC50 range of 407–1112 mg/L. Morphological and molecular identification indicated that these eight strains were Cladosporium spp. belonging to dark septate endophytes (DSEs). The contents of metal ions in mycelium sharply increased, reaching 38.87 mg/kg for strain MZ‐11 under As(V) stress and 0.33 mg/kg for fungus PR‐2 under Cd(II). The physiological response revealed that the biomass decreased with increasing concentrations of As(V) or Cd(II), and the activity of superoxide dismutase significantly improved under the corresponding EC50‐concentration As/Cd of the strains, as well as the contents of antioxidant substances, including metallothionein, glutathione, malondialdehyde, melanin, and proline. Taken together, the filamentous fungi of Cladosporium spp. accounted for a high proportion of fungi isolated from the fibrous roots of P. kingianum and had a strong capacity to tolerate As(V) or Cd(II) stress by improving antioxidase activities and the content of antioxidant substances, and immobilization of metal ions in hyphae.
... Roots harbor a diverse community of fungal endophytes Vandenkoornhuyse et al. 2002), but the nature of the relationship is poorly understood (Newsham 2011;Porras-Alfaro and Bayman 2011). Knowledge of root endophytic fungal diversity is increasing (Kia et al. 2017;Knapp et al. 2018;Sieber and Grünig 2013), but the focus has mostly been on rootcolonizing communities of grassland ecosystems (Jumpponen et al. 2017;Knapp et al. 2019Knapp et al. , 2012Li et al. 2018;Mandyam et al. 2010;Porras-Alfaro et al. 2008). Studies of root endophytes in some regions of the Eurasian steppe belt (Khidir et al. 2010;Knapp et al. 2019Knapp et al. , 2012 have revealed that those in grass roots form communities similar to other grassland regions of the world. ...
In this study, DNA sequence data were used to characterize 290 Fusarium strains isolated during a survey of root-colonizing endophytic fungi of agricultural and nonagricultural plants in northern Kazakhstan. The Fusarium collection was screened for species identity using partial translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) gene sequences. Altogether, 16 different Fusarium species were identified, including eight known and four novel species, as well as the discovery of the phylogen-etically divergent F. steppicola lineage. Isolates of the four putatively novel fusaria were further analyzed phylogenetically with a multilocus data set comprising partial sequences of TEF1, RNA polymerase II largest (RPB1) and second-largest (RPB2) subunits, and calmodulin (CaM) to assess their genealogical exclusivity. Based on the molecular phylogenetic and comprehensive morphological analyses, four new species are formally described herein: F. campestre, F. kazakhstanicum, F. rhizicola, and F. steppicola.
... This intimate association of symbiosis with host plants is insinuated to play critical roles in the biological interrelationships that underlie all ecosystems [11]. Furthermore, the establishment of a particular fungus-plant association can confer thermotolerance, drought resistance, and other important benefits that enhance survival, primary productivity, and plant community structure [12,13]. ...
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Endophytic fungi isolated from plants under drought stress have been evidenced to confer hosts adaptive benefits to withstand drought. In this study, endophytic fungi associated with five typical desert shrubs in different tissue from extremely arid desert in Northwest China were investigated based on ITS sequence analysis. A total of 158 endophytic fungal stains were isolated from 1088 tissue segments of 12 samples, and 28 taxa represented by 25 species and 15 genera were identified as Ascomycetes. Alternaria sp. was the dominant genus with generic abundance ranging from 20% to 65%. The colonization rate of root was significantly lower, but the root-endophytic fungi (19 species) conversely presented a higher diversity than stem and leaf (11 and 7 species, respectively). Endophytic fungi had pronounced relative host and tissue preferences, while tissue explained more endophytic fungal variation than plant species. Additionally, soil pH, organic carbon, and phosphatase elicited significant responses from fungal species, which significantly affected the species richness of Fusarium redolens, Alternaria chlamydospore, Didymella glomerata, and Xylariales sp. This research provides a basis for the further understanding of the ecological distribution of endophytic fungi associated with xerophytic plants and their potential application for vegetative restoration and agricultural cultivation in drylands.
... In more recent decades, non-mycorrhizal fungal root endophytes have also been scrutinised for their impacts on root systems in natural and agricultural settings (B. Schulz, 2006;Sieber, 2002). ...
The root systems of sugarcane (Saccharum L. spp. hybrids) host a variety of symbiotic fungal organisms including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and dark septate endophytes (DSE). AM/DSE symbioses are widely reported to influence the productive capacity of a range of agricultural crops via enhanced nutrient assimilation and plant stress tolerance. Presently, the biological and functional characteristics AM/DSE in sugarcane have only been examined superficially and remain poorly understood. Before the potential benefits of AM/DSE symbioses can be exploited through management strategies, characterisation of the temporal changes in AM/DSE colonisation over the sugarcane crop cycle is required. This study investigated the colonisation dynamics of AM/DSE in sugarcane roots during 1st and 2nd ratoon crop phases. A field study was undertaken at two proximal sites with different cropping histories to assess AM/DSE colonisation of sett and shoot roots over 28 weeks of crop growth. At each observation, the functional structures produced by AM (arbuscules, hyphae, spores and vesicles) were delineated and quantified. Significant differences in the rate of AM/DSE colonisation over time and between root types were observed. There were no significant differences in AM sett root colonisation between sites. For both fungal types, differences in shoot root colonisation between sites were not significant. DSE sett root colonisation was significantly lower in the 2nd ratoon compared to the 1st ratoon crop. For both fungal types, sett root colonisation was significantly higher than for shoot roots at both sites. Maximum AM/DSE sett root colonisation occurred between 5–7 weeks, prior to the establishment of shoot roots and rapid developmental period of ratoon crops. While AM sett root colonisation was consistent across ratoon phases, there is a need to account for the differences in DSE sett root colonisation levels between 1st and 2nd ratoon crops. The composition of total AM colonisation at both sites was dominated by arbuscules and hyphae with comparatively lower levels of spores and vesicles. A diversity of AM fungal morphologies previously undocumented in sugarcane was observed co-occupying individual root systems. These data provide a basis for the development of appropriate sampling regimes in future studies investigating management impacts on AM/DSE symbioses in sugarcane cropping systems.
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In this study, we investigated two distinct new phylogenetic lineages of root-colonizing dark septate endophytic fungi colonizing wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) roots from a long-term agricultural experimental site in Hungary. According to four-locus (internal transcribed spacer, partial large and small subunit regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA, and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha) phylogenetic analyses, the isolates belong to the Lentitheciaceae and Didymosphaeriaceae of the Pleosporales ( Dothideomycetes ). We studied the morphology and culture characteristics of the strains. We carried out in vitro resynthesis pot experiments with their original hosts and found no overall negative effect of the inoculation with different isolates of the new taxa. One of the lineages belonged to the genus Poaceascoma ( Lentitheciaceae ) and represented a novel species described here as Poaceascoma zborayi . We could describe conidia-like structures from this species. Isolates of the other lineage represented a monotypic novel genus in the Didymosphaeriaceae . Accordingly, the new genus, Agrorhizomyces , represented by the species A. patris , is introduced. Sterile, globose structures resembling immature sporocarps were detected. Sequence similarity searches indicated that P. zborayi might be widely distributed, while no sequence similar to A. patris was found outside the sampling area.
Endophytes are endosymbiotic microorganisms colonizing the internal tissues of healthy host plants [1] and possess the ability to improve the quality and growth rate of theirrespective hosts [2]. Their colonization does not produce any disease symptoms or morphological changes like gall formation of plant tissues [3]. Most of the plants on earth arehost to one or more types of endophytes [4]. These endophytes can be either bacteria or fungi [5,6]. Their population density in a host plant can vary from hundreds to more than 9 x 109 bacteria per gram of plant tissue [7,8, 9]. They can be either obligate or a facultative and the obligate types cannot be cultured due to their specificity of growth conditions. On the other hand, facultative endophytes can be cultured outside the plant tissue using artificial nutrient media [10, 11]. Endophytes form an important part of the micro-ecosystem inside plant tissues [12]. The most explored endophytes are non-pathogenic fungi that provide a number of useful characteristics to their host plant. However, bacterial endophytes remain an unexplored group [13]. Any bacteria which could be isolated from a surface-sterilized plant or extracted from its tissues can be called an endophyte if it does not affect the plant negatively. Bacteria can positively promote plant growth whereas studies show that plants are able to select these beneficial bacterial members in their microbiome including those inside the plant tissues [14, 15, 16]. There is no shred of evidence suggesting that these bacteria take advantage in this relationship [17], but certainly, they get protection from pathogens in adverse times. They could also communicate much better than the rhizospheric bacteria at times of stress [18,19]
There is a need to increase food productivity due to the ever-increasing human population worldwide. Modern agriculture practices including extensive application of synthetic chemicals for crop production and protection have led to decreased soil fertility and other hazards to the environment. However, the exploration of a wide range of microorganisms inhabiting the soil can improve crop growth and productivity. The plant–microbe interaction forms an important network in agriculture. The beneficial soil microorganisms including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), nutrient-solubilizing bacteria, cyanobacteria, some groups of protozoa, and nematodes have a crucial role in plant’s growth promotion, nutrient acquisition, imparting tolerance against different environmental stresses, and improving soil structure. Some of the important mechanisms involved in soil microbe-mediated processes are improved plant growth including phytohormone production, nutrient solubilization, and suppression of phytopathogens. The development of bioinoculants using efficient microbial consortiums can reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers and could enhance crop productivity even under stressful conditions in an eco-friendly and cost-effective manner. In addition, soil health is strongly related to sustainable agriculture as the diversity and activity of soil microorganisms form a vital part of soil health. Therefore, in this chapter, we highlight the diversity of beneficial microbes in the pedosphere and their role in sustainable agriculture production.
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A new fungus isolate was discovered in an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore from a desert soil in India. It could easily be cultivated on various synthetic media, and formed pear-shaped chlamydospores. Inoculation of maize showed that the fungus colonized the root cortex. Since it did not resemble any known fungus based on morphology and ultrastructure, a new genus was described. For its characteristic spore structure the isolate was named Piriformospora indica. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of typical dolipores with continuous parenthesomes, which indicated that P. indica belongs to the Hymenomycetes (Basidiomycota). DNA was extracted and the 5′ end of the 18S rRNA was amplified and sequenced. Comparison with sequences from the Genbank data base indicated that P. indica is related to the Rhizoctonia group.
Utilization of major forms of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus commonly present in plant litter and detritus was determined for cultures of Phialophora finlandia, Phialocephala fortinii and five dark-septate, root endophyte isolates from alpine plant communities. All cultures utilized cellulose, laminarin, starch and xylan as sole carbon source. Protein and ribonucleic acids were hydrolyzed by all cultures as sole nitrogen and phosphorus sources, respectively. The fatty acid ester, Tween 40, was hydrolyzed by all cultures. None of the cultures decolorized two polymeric dyes used as presumptive tests for lignolytic activity. These hydrolytic capabilities suggest that these dark-septate root endophytes, either as biotrophs or saprotrophs, are able to access major organic detrital nutrient pools.
A new hyphomycete Phialocephala victorinii sp. nov. is an endophyte isolated from living roots of the terrestrial orchid Cypripedium parviflorum. Phialocephala victorinii is typical of the genus in morphology and ecology, but clearly different from other known species of Phialocephala in having characters not previously described: slow growing colony, dark brown to golden brown on malt agar, and sporulating readily on corn meal agar, bearing regular conidiophores, sterile lateral protuberances present on hyphae in fertile region and not on the conidiophores, stipe base and apex subhyaline, collarettes extremely expanded, and conidia of two kinds: dark brown, obovoid or lunate, and light brown, allantoid conidia. Its sensitivity to cycloheximide suggests an affinity inside Phialocephala and no teleomorph connection with Ophiostoma. The taxonomic placement of the new species and a key to the members of Phialocephala are given.
On the eastern coast of central Ellesmere Island, adjacent to Alexandra Fiord (78°53′N, 75°55′W) is a lowland arctic oasis with relatively lush and diverse vegetation compared to the polar desert and ice fields that cover most of the surrounding area. Twenty-four species of plants were sampled at this site and their roots examined for fungal colonization. Although 19 species showed some irregular, interor intracellular colonization by rhizosphere fungi or endophytes, only 11 species could, by the morphology and extent of the fungal colonization, be classified as mycorrhizal. Dark-walled, septate endophytes and Cenococcum-type mycorrhizal infections were not observed in our samples. Colonization classified as ectomycorrhizal was observed in Salix arctica, Dryas integrifolia, Pedicularis capitata, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Cassiope tetragona, and Kobresia myosuroides. Colonization classified as ericoid mycorrhizal was observed in Vaccinium uliginosum, Cassiope tetragona, and possibly in Carex nardina and Silene acaulis. Arbutoid mycorrhizae were observed in Pyrola grandiflora. Endomycorrhizae, with non-septate hyphae and arbuscles, but no vesicles, were observed in only one species, Dryopteris fragrans. The paucity of VA-mycorrhizal colonization in herbaceous species was notable at this site, especially when compared to reports for the same species from other arctic and alpine sites.
Endophytes were isolated from leaves, stems and roots of Dryas octopetala sampled in Switzerland and Spitsbergen. Endophyte assemblages from different sites and at different sampling times were diverse. Seventy-three species were isolated in the four sites examined and 38 had frequencies of more than 10% in at least one sample. Samples from the subalpine region were generally richer in species than those collected in the alpine or Arctic regions. Leaves tended to host more endophyte taxa than twigs or roots.
Plant roots may not only be colonized by mycorrhizal fungi, but also by a myriad of bacterial and fungal root endophytes that are usually not considered by the investigators of classic symbioses. This is the first book dedicated to the interactions of non-mycorrhizal microbial endophytes with plant roots. The phenotypes of these interactions can be extremely plastic, depending on environmental factors, nutritional status, genetic disposition and developmental stages of the two partners. The book deals with diversity, life history strategies, interactions, applications in agriculture and forestry, methods for isolation, cultivation, and both conventional and molecular methods for identification and detection of these endophytes. The comprehensive reviews demonstrate the high diversity of interactions and will provoke further studies to better understand the mechanisms which determine whether a plant-microbial interaction remains asymptomatic, leads to disease or to a mutualistic interaction.
Ectomycorrhizal colonization of container-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii inoculated with Rhizopogon vinicolor was determined after cold storage and after one growing season. Inoculated Douglas-fir seedlings were taller than noninoculated controls when outplanted but, perhaps because of browse damage, no growth differences were found after one field season. Rhizopogon colonized almost half of the control and 10% of the inoculated seedlings before outplanting. After one field season, inoculated and control seedlings were colonized by 15 ectomycorrhizal fungi each, only eight of which were found on both. -from Authors
Cephalosporium maydis is an important plant pathogen whose phylogenetic position relative to other fungi has not been established clearly. We compared strains of C. maydis, strains from several other plant-pathogenic Cephalosporium spp. and several possible relatives within the Gaeumannomyces-Harpophora species complex, to which C. maydis has been suggested to belong based on previous preliminary DNA sequence analyses. DNA sequences of the nuclear genes encoding the rDNA ITS region, β-tubulin, histone H3, and MAT-2 support the hypothesis that C. maydis is a distinct taxon within the Gaeumannomyces-Harpophora species complex. Based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles, C. maydis also is distinct from the other tested species of Cephalosporium, Phialophora sensu lato and members of Gaeumannomyces-Harpophora species complex, which supports its classification as Harpophora maydis. Oligonucleotide primers for H. maydis were developed that can be used in a PCR diagnostic protocol to rapidly and reliably detect and identify this pathogen. These diagnostic PCR primers will aid the detection of H. maydis in diseased maize because this fungus can be difficult to detect and isolate, and the movement of authentic cultures may be limited by quarantine restrictions.