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Adult spine deformity


Abstract and Figures

Adult spinal deformity may occur as the result of a number of conditions and patients may present with a heterogeneous group of symptoms. Multiple etiologies may cause spinal deformity; however, symptoms are associated with progressive and asymmetric degeneration of the spinal elements potentially leading to neural element compression. Symptoms and clinical presentation vary and may be related to progressive deformity, axial back pain, and/or neurologic symptoms. Spinal deformity is becoming more common as adults 55-64 years of age are the fastest growing proportion of the U.S. population. As the percentage of elderly in the United States accelerates, more patients are expected to present with painful spinal conditions, potentially requiring spinal surgery. The decision between operative and nonoperative treatment for adult spinal deformity is based on the severity and type of the patient's symptoms as well as the magnitude and risk of potential interventions.
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Adult spine deformity
Christopher R. Good &Joshua D. Auerbach &
Patrick T. OLeary &Thomas C. Schuler
Published online: 7 October 2011
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
Abstract Adult spinal deformity may occur as the result of
a number of conditions and patients may present with a
heterogeneous group of symptoms. Multiple etiologies may
cause spinal deformity; however, symptoms are associated
with progressive and asymmetric degeneration of the spinal
elements potentially leading to neural element compression.
Symptoms and clinical presentation vary and may be
related to progressive deformity, axial back pain, and/or
neurologic symptoms. Spinal deformity is becoming more
common as adults 5564 years of age are the fastest
growing proportion of the U.S. population. As the
percentage of elderly in the United States accelerates, more
patients are expected to present with painful spinal
conditions, potentially requiring spinal surgery. The deci-
sion between operative and nonoperative treatment for adult
spinal deformity is based on the severity and type of the
patients symptoms as well as the magnitude and risk of
potential interventions.
Keywords Spine deformity .Adult .Scoliosis .Kyphosis .
Spine surgery .Sagittal imbalance .Osteotomy .Posterior-
only surgery .Spine reconstruction
Adult spinal deformity is becoming increasingly prevalent
in the elderly population. Multiple etiologies may be
involved; however, symptoms are associated with progres-
sive and asymmetric degeneration of the discs, facet joints,
and other spinal elements potentially leading to neural
element compression. Symptoms and clinical presentation
vary and may be related to progressive deformity, axial
back pain, or neurologic symptoms. Spinal deformity is
defined as a curvature in the spine where the alignment is
outside of defined normal limits.
Adult spinal deformity may occur as a result of a number
of conditions, each of which ultimately lead to an
imbalance of the structural support of the spinal column.
Abnormal curvature may occur in the sagittal plane
(kyphosis, lordosis) causing imbalance to the patients front
or back or in the coronal plane (scoliosis) causing
imbalance to the patients right or left side. The magnitude
of the curvature of the spine is measured using Cobb angle
measurements. Axial plane deformity is measured by
degrees of rotation from the frontal or sagittal plane.
Curvatures may be defined as structural or compensatory.
Structural curves are defined as rigid inflexible curves, often
referred to as major curves. Compensatory curves occur in
response to structural curves as the body attempts to
maintain postural balance. Compensatory curves, also
called minor curves, are usually smaller and flexible on
dynamic x-rays. Spinal deformities usually progress and
C. R. Good (*):T. C. Schuler
Virginia Spine Institute,
1831 Wiehle Avenue,
Reston, VA 20190, USA
J. D. Auerbach
Department of Orthopaedics, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
1650 Grand Concourse, 7th Floor,
Bronx, NY 10457, USA
P. T. O Leary
Midwest Orthopaedic Center,
6000 N. Allen Rd,
Peoria, IL 61614, USA
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167
DOI 10.1007/s12178-011-9101-z
multiple factors may accelerate this process. Patients with
preexisting spinal deformity or with weakened vertebra
due to osteoporosis or osteopenia are at increased risk for
rapid curve progression as these factors decrease the
resiliency of the spine and increase the lever arm
amplifying the magnitude of the forces across the spine.
Osteoporosis may occur as the result of decreased bone
formation with associated continued or accelerated bone
resorption leading to relative decrease in overall bone mass.
In a more advanced setting, osteoporosis may lead to collapse
of the vertebral bodies which may lead to rapid progression of
spinal deformity. Increasing magnitude of the spinal deformity
leads to increasing stress on the weakened vertebral bodies.
This weakening or loss of support of the spine may also play a
role in the increased magnitude of the symptoms, related to the
spinal deformity. Additionally, paraspinal muscles typically
atrophy with age, thus further weakening any secondary
dynamic support for the aging spine.
Scheuermanns disease is a well known cause of thoracic
kyphosis that occurs as a result of loss of ventral vertebral
body height and narrowing of the disc interspaces.
Although the exact etiology is still unknown, spinal
deformity along with accelerated disc degeneration and
increased intradiscal pressure may lead to progressive
spinal deformity and pain.
Nonoperative treatment for adult spinal deformity
includes a physical conditioning program, spinal manipu-
lation, pharmacologic agents for symptoms management,
the use of orthotics or braces, and more invasive modalities
including epidural steroid injections and joint injections.
Operative treatment may be contemplated for patients with
progressive symptoms despite nonoperative conservative
treatment. Surgical treatment options usually include
decompression and instrumented stabilization with either
an anterior, posterior, or a combined approach. The details
of the surgical procedure must be based on the location of
the pathology and the symptoms for each specific patient.
The incidence of complication is significant and patient
comorbidities and risk for complications must be considered
when discussing potential for surgical intervention.
In the previous decades most attention was given to
treatment of scoliosis during childhood and adolescent
years with most surgeons avoiding surgical intervention for
adult spinal deformities. Treatment of adult spinal deformity
has been associated with increased perioperative morbidity
and higher incidence of neurologic deficits. In the past,
the risk/benefit ratio has trended toward nonoperative
conservative treatment for most surgeons, however;
recent advances in surgical technique, instrumentation,
neurologic monitoring, as well as improved diagnostic
imaging, perioperative anesthesia, and intensive care
have led toward increasing utilization of surgical
treatment for patients with adult deformity.
Evaluation and diagnosis
Adult spinal deformity is typically studied with standing
full length 36posterior-anterior, and lateral radiographs
and may need to be repeated over time to monitor for curve
progression. Cobb angles are measured on these radio-
graphs providing coronal and sagittal alignment and global
alignment is measured using plumb line. Dynamic radio-
graphs including flexion-extension views, supine, and
prone films also help to assess flexibility of curves and
the ability for adjacent segments to compensate. Additional
information relating to bony anatomy may be obtained in
CT scan, while magnetic resonate imaging of the spine
provides additional information about the neural elements,
discs and other soft tissues.
Selection of appropriate treatment can be challenging
because patients with adult spinal deformity may complain
of a heterogeneous group of symptoms. In addition,
multiple medical, social, and environmental factors must
also be evaluated to determine the best treatment option for
each particular patient. Patients with a history of tobacco
use, pulmonary, coronary, or vascular disease, diabetes,
nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis, psychiatric disease, or
lack of social support have been shown to correlate
with increased surgical risk and poor clinical outcomes.
When evaluating patients with spinal deformity, it is
always important to rule out other potential causes of
spinal deformity including traumatic, neuromuscular, or
inflammatory etiologies.
Non operative treatment versus operative treatment
Clinical management of patients with adult spinal deformity
is becoming increasingly important because of the increasing
number of the older patients in our population as well as
increased expectations for activity levels and function in these
patients. There has been increasing utilization of both
nonoperative and operative treatment for patients with adult
spinal deformity. The decision between operative and nonop-
erative treatment for adult spinal deformity may be difficult
for surgeons and patients. Decisions are based on multiple
issues including progressive deformity, pain, cosmesis, as well
as the magnitude of potential intervention. A decision for
surgical intervention can be based on clinical symptoms,
appearance, pain, functional limitations, and social issues.
These are weighed against the potential risks and limitations
related to the proposed surgical treatment [1].
Patients with poor general health and increasing risk for
surgical treatment are more likely to receive a recom-
mendation for nonoperative management. Patients with
increased body mass index (BMI) are also less likely to
receive surgical intervention. This may be related to
hesitancy on the part of the surgeon to undertake a
160 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167
major reconstruction procedure in an obese patient. This
may also be related to the fact that obesity may
somewhat hide the clinical appearance of the deformity,
therefore diminishing the concern or desire for surgical
intervention. Although many patients make their decisions
based on their level of pain, some studies have shown similar
levels of pain in patients who select nonsurgical and surgical
treatment [2]. In one study, Glassman, et al. found that
patients with components with radicular leg pain were more
likely to proceed with surgical treatment whereas patients
with back pain did not show a difference between surgical or
nonsurgical treatment. The study also noted that surgical
patients were more likely to report a change in their body
habitus over the past 10 years or to be dissatisfied with the
shape of their spine whereas nonsurgical patients were more
likely to report their deformity was stable and did not affect
personal relationships [3].
The evidenced-based approach to clinical decision
making in medicine has expanded recently. As such,
attempts to compare the efficacy of surgical versus
nonsurgical treatment for patients with adult spinal
deformity have been undertaken. At this point, defini-
tive information regarding differential between the
treatments is still not available. At this time few studies
have attempted to determine to what extent adult
patients are helped with nonoperative and operative
treatment for spinal deformity.
The best comparative study at this time was conducted
by Bridwell and colleagues who studied patients with adult
to scoliosis treated with either nonoperative or operative
treatment to determine if treatment improved quality of life
at two-year follow-up. In this prospective multicenter
evidenced based medicine study [4••], they followed 160
consecutive patients for a period of 2 years after enrollment.
At the 2 year follow-up visit, 95% of operative patients and
45% of nonoperative patients were available for follow-up.
Quality of life measures including Oswestry Disability
Index (ODI) and Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) and
nonoperative patients did not improve during this time
period and a non-significant decline in quality of life
scores was common. Significant improvement in quality
of life measures were noted in the operative group. The
authors reported that it appeared that common nonoper-
ative treatment did not change quality of life measures
with adult symptomatic lumbar scoliosis at 2 year
follow-up. However, their conclusions were limited by
the fact that only 45% of the nonoperative group was
available at 2 year follow-up despite an extensive effort
to locate data for this group. Of note, the demographics
for the nonoperative patients who were followed versus
those lost to follow-up were identical on initial
enrollment into the study.
Non operative treatment
In general, asymptomatic patients with spinal deformities
do not require formal treatment although periodic follow-up
may be required to monitor for curve progression. Nonsurgi-
cal interventions include yoga, physical therapy, chiropractic
manipulation and other maintenance routines. However, these
treatments have unproven efficacy in patients with adult spinal
deformity. Pharmacologic agents may decrease pain and
increase quality of life but can be associated with adverse
effects. The use of narcotic analgesics must be carefully
monitored, especially given the potential need for long term
use of the medications. The use of spinal bracing may provide
benefit for temporary exacerbation of symptoms; however,
long term use has raised concerns for muscle deconditioning/
atrophy without any effect on curve progression.
In a recent systematic review of clinical studies
evaluating conservative treatment for adult spinal deformity,
Everett et al. [1] concluded that Surgeons are often very
conservative in the treatment of adult scoliosis because of
increased complication rate and marginal bone quality in this
patient population. At present there is currently a lack of
consensus on the indications for conservative treatments for
adult spinal deformity.They found that current evidence is
indeterminate with level 4 evidence on the role of physical
therapy, chiropractic treatment, and bracing and level 3
evidence on the use of injections for treatment of adult
Surgical treatment
Patients with spinal deformity present with a number of
different clinical presentations and surgical strategies
encompass a broad range of approaches and options.
Patients commonly have symptoms that result from a
combination of degenerative spondylosis, progressive
deformity, as well as neurologic symptoms. Each
surgical intervention must be tailored based on the
specific pathology that is symptomatic for each patient.
Careful preoperative planning is important to limit the
risks of perioperative complications and maximize the
chance for long term clinical success. In some cases
surgical management of spinal deformity and degenera-
tive disease cannot be accomplished with one single
procedure and in some cases long term management of
this medical condition may involve the need for
multiple surgical treatments [5].
Yadla et al. recently published adult scoliosis surgery
outcomes: a systematic review. In this review [6], they
performed a systematic review of 49 articles on patients
undergoing adult spinal deformity surgery. Data for 3,299
patients was included and average follow-up was 3.6 years.
Average curve correction with surgery was 26.6° (40.7%
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167 161
improvement) and mean total pre-op ODI was 41.2 with
average postoperative reduction to 15.7; mean pre-operative
SRS-30 equivalent score was 97.1 with mean postoperative
decrease of 23.1. There was 897 complications for 2175
patients (41.2%) and 319 pseudoarthroses (12.9%). Despite
the lack of randomized prospective date, this review did
conclude that surgery for adult scoliosis was associated
with improvement in clinical outcomes and radiographic
parameters at 2 years follow-up.
Adults 55 to 64 years of age are projected to be a fast
growing proportion of the U.S. population over the next
10 years and as the percentage of elderly in the United
States accelerates, more patients are expected to present
with painful spinal conditions, potentially requiring spinal
surgery. Spinal reconstructive surgery in the older age
group has been associated with increased complications [7]
with some reports indicating nearly two times greater
potential for complications than those undergoing surgery
without fusion. In addition, increasing age and increasing
number of levels fused have been found to be significant
risk factors for complications in patients over the age of
65 years [8].
In many cases, treatment of adult spinal deformity
requires a multilevel fusion procedure. These patients also
commonly require multilevel decompressive procedures for
stenosis or complex spinal osteotomies for correction of
spinal deformity. Surgical blood loss, surgical time, length
of hospital stay, and length of overall recovery are elevated
in these patients when compared with more common single
level degenerative conditions. Dobbs, et al. presented their
series of 46 patients over the age of 60 who underwent
thoracic or lumbar arthrodesis of five levels or greater with
a mean follow-up of 4.2 years. Average number of levels
fused was 9 (range 516) and overall complications in this
patient population was 37% with a major complication rate
of 20%. Increasing age was a significant risk factor, with
patients over the age of 69 years having higher
complication rates [9]. In their study, clinical outcome at
final follow-up was improved with ODI scores changing
from 49 to 25 for a mean improvement of 24 (49%, p-
value <0.00001). This study demonstrates the increasing
complexity and potential for complications in this patient
group while also demonstrating significant improvement
in patient reported functional outcomes for patients
undergoing these procedures [9].
The rate of complications reported by Dobbs is similar to
Benz,, who reported an overall complication rate of
40% with serious complication rate of 12% in patients
undergoing lumbar decompression over the age of 70 years
[10]. In a similar report, Smith et al. performed a
retrospective review of a multicenter database identifying
incidence of complications and outcome measurements of
adult patients undergoing spinal deformity reconstruction
surgery [11]. The study included 206 patients included
with minimum 2 year follow-up. Increasing complication
rates were noted with increasing age. Patients aged 24
44 years old had 17% complication rate; 4564 years old
had 42% complication rate; and patients 6585 years had
71% complication rate (p-value <0.00001). When all age
groups were examined together, significant improvement in
outcome studies were noted including ODI, SRS-22, back
pain, and leg pain at 2 year follow-up. Improvement in ODI
and leg pain were significantly greater amongst elderly
patients with greater improvement in SF12 and SRS-22
when compared to younger patients. This study demon-
strates the potential benefit for surgical treatment for adult
scoliosis and suggests that despite having greater risk for
complications, the elderly may obtain greater improvement
in pain and disability with surgical reconstruction.
Blood loss in adult spinal deformity spine surgery
Intraoperative blood loss is an important concern for patients
undergoing spinal deformity reconstructive surgery. Increas-
ing blood loss during surgery may lead to the need for whole
blood, platelet, and factor transfusions. Although blood
screening has improved the safety of these transfusions,
potential reactions and infectious risks persist. Large blood
loss can lead to increased surgical time and complications
associated with multiple blood transfusions including swelling,
increased surgical time, pulmonary edema, or shock.
Intraoperative administration of antifibrinolytic agents
has gained popularity as a means to manage intraoperative
blood loss. The antifibrinolytic agent Aprotinin is a serum
protein inhibitor first used to reduce blood loss in major
cardiac surgery. Use of Aprotinin in spinal deformity
surgery was shown to decrease blood loss. However, more
recently its use has become controversial due to the
association with significant postoperative complications
including renal failure, myocardial infarction, cerebral
vascular accident, and death. Other agents including
tranexamic acid (TXA) and aminocaproic acid (Amicar)
have been utilized to decrease intraoperative blood loss and
minimize complications. Tranexamic acid and Amicar have
been well tolerated [12].
Recent reports of the use of tranexamic acid and
aminocaproic acid have demonstrated that they are safe
and effective, potentially reducing not only transfusion
related complications but also operative expenses. Elwatidy
et al. found the prophylactic use of tranexamic acid led to a
49% reduction of blood loss and 80% reduction of blood
transfusion when compared to placebo after cervical and
lumbar surgeries with no complications related to the use of
TXA [13].
In a recent meta analysis, Elgafy et al. reviewed 90
studies with 17 meeting inclusion criteria. They found a
162 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167
high level of evidence to support the use antifibrinolytic
medications to reduced blood loss and limit the need for
transfusion during and after adult spine surgery. Based on
their review, a recommendation was also made against the
use of Amicar in spine surgery due the increased
complications. The use of Cell Saver, Recombinant Factor
VIIa, activated growth factor platelet gel, and normovole-
mic hemodilution were all evaluated as methods to prevent
blood loss and were found to have very low evidence to
support their efficacy [14••].
Biologics in adult spinal deformity surgery
The use of biologic agents to stimulate spine fusion is a
major focus in current spinal deformity research. Many
surgeons are now trending away from the use of iliac crest
bone graft and using a combination of locally harvested
autogenous bone and allograft for posterior fusion. Harvest-
ing adequate iliac crest bone graft to achieve fusion is a
potentially major limitation, especially for larger multi-level
surgeries. The osteoinductive protein rhBMP-2 (Infuse;
Medtronic, Spinal and Biologics) has received FDA
approval for anterior lumbar interbody fusion and several
investigational device exemptions (IDE) and physician
directed studies have demonstrated promising outcomes
for posterior interbody and posterolateral spine fusion.
Cahill, et. al. published an initial study involving 46
patients who underwent posterolateral lumbar fusion with
the use of rhBMP-2. This technique yielded a 95% rate of
fusion when compared with 70% fusion rate with iliac crest
bone graft [15]. In the same year, Carreon et. al. reviewed
the use of rhBMP-2 versus iliac crest bone graft for lumbar
spine fusion in patients over 60 years of age. In this
randomized clinical trial, patients over 60 years old at the
time of the surgery were treated with decompression and
posterolateral fusion. Patients were randomized with either
iliac crest bone graft or rhBMP-2. Patients treated with iliac
crest bone graft had an increased rate of complications and
need for additional treatment including the need for
revision surgery when compared to rhBMP-2. A lower
clinical improvement and higher cost of treatment were
seen in patients who received iliac crest bone graft
compared with those who received rhBMP-2 for
posterolateral lumbar fusion [16].
The use of bone morphogenetic protein may carry the
most important benefit for patients undergoing long spinal
deformity fusion. One major spinal deformity center
published results for patients undergoing long spinal
deformity fusion to the sacrum. They report a pseudoarth-
rosis rate of 28% in patients who received iliac crest bone
graft versus only 4% of patients who were treated with
rhBMP-2 [17]. In another study, Dimar, et. al. published
their results for the use of BMP in 463 patients who
underwent scoliosis surgery. Radiographic fusion was
achieved in 96% of patients compared to 89% of patients
managed with iliac crest bone graft alone [18].
Multiple studies have reviewed the concerns for adverse
effects surrounding the use of bone morphogenetic protein.
The most commonly reported side effect includes transient
radiculitis, vertebral body bone resorption, sterile seroma/
fluid collection, and heterotopic bone formation. Many of
these local side effects are felt to be related to the dose of
BMP. More recent discussion has focused on the use of
lower doses of rhBMP-2 in an effort to potentially lower
the risk of local side effects. While much focus has
remained on the use of the osteoinductive protein, the use
of other bone graft substances, such as platelet-rich plasma
(PRP) and mesenchymal stem cells for bone healing have
been studied. Currently no studies have shown these
measures alone are sufficient to achieve spinal fusion.
Posterior-only surgery for adult spinal deformity
Combined anterior/posterior (A/P) fusion has traditionally
been used to treat severe adult scoliosis deformities. These
combined procedures include an anterior release with fusion
which is performed via a thoracotomy or thoracoabdominal
approach followed by a posterior spinal instrumentation and
fusion. This combined approach has been promoted to provide
increased fusion rates and better deformity correction [1921],
however, the anterior thoracoabdominal approach has been
shown to cause significant morbidity and complications in
the adult patient [22]. Anterior thoracotomy/thoracoabdomi-
nal approaches negatively impact pulmonary function, may
require additional operative time and anesthesia [2], and have
been associated with significant morbidity and complications
Posterior-only (Post-only) fixation with the use of
modern surgical techniques and implants has demonstrated
similar correction rates to that of anterior release and
posterior fusion in adolescent scoliosis [25]. It has also
been shown to have similar deformity correction as
combined A/P fusion for the treatment of adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis curves more than 90° [2628]. Post-
only surgery with thoracic pedicle screws has also been
shown to provide better curve correction in Scheuermanns
kyphosis, with less operating time, less operative blood
loss, and fewer complications than circumferential fusion
[29]. With the advent of new instrumentation techniques
and increasing experience with placing segmental pedicle
screws, coupled with multiplanar osteotomies and trans-
foraminal lumbar interbody fusion, our practice has trended
away from the use of multilevel anterior surgery for the
treatment of adult spinal deformity. In some cases anterior
lumbar interbody fusion performed through a small
retroperitoneal incision may be utilized to maximize
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167 163
lordosis and interbody fusion at the levels at greatest risk
for pseudoarthrosis (Fig. 1). At this point, many adult spinal
deformities are treated via an all posterior surgical
approach. This includes bilateral implant fixation at nearly
all levels, osteotomies, and transforaminal lumbar interbody
fusions as needed to correct deformities, and the use of
BMP-2 to augment posterior surgical fusions.
In a recent series, Posterior-only adult scoliosis surgery
was found to avoid the morbidity of a thoracoabdominal
approach while achieving similar correction to combined
anterior-posterior surgery with decreased blood loss, operative
time, and length of stay in the hospital. Complications,
radiographic and clinical outcomes were similar at over 2-
year follow-up [30].
Osteotomies in adult spinal deformity
A growing number of studies have compared various
osteotomy techniques for correction of coronal and sagittal
spinal deformities. The use of multiple posterior column
osteotomies, versus three-column osteotomies has been
reviewed. While it is clear that greater correction of the
deformity is achieved with three column osteotomy (pedicle
subtraction osteotomy/vertebral column resection) these
techniques are associated with increased complexity, higher
complication rate, and greater neurologic risk. The use of
multiple single column posterior osteotomy and three
column posterior osteotomy has grown, particularly in
relation to the surgical treatment of sagittal imbalance
where osteotomy has perhaps its greatest importance.
Controversy remains with regard to the impact of
thoracolumbar fusion extending up to the upper or lower
thoracic spine [31]. Long term evaluation of the choice of
distal fusion level for adult spinal deformity have shown
improved long term outcomes favoring an extension of
fusion to the sacrum versus stopping at the L5 level for
most of the adult population [32]. There are some situations
where long deformity fusions ending at L5 are clearly to be
avoided which include patients with spondylolisthesis,
previous laminectomy, spinal stenosis, or an oblique take-
off at the L5/S1 level. Long spinal deformity fusion down
to sacrum carries theoretical additional risks and morbidity
including prolonged surgical time, higher risk of pseu-
doarthrosis at L5/S1, greater blood loss, and higher risk of
fixation failure. However, including the L5/S1 level at the
time of the definitive surgery may alleviate the potential for
future breakdown and need for revision surgery.
The Scoliosis Research Studying Morbidity and Mortality
Committee recently analyzed rates of postoperative infection
across its members. 108,419 cases were identified with 0.8%
of superficial infection and 1.3% rate of deep wound infection.
The committee concluded that post surgical infection, even
amongst skilled spine surgeons, is an inherent potential
complication.Higher deep infection rates were noted in
patients with degenerative scoliosis and kyphosis.
Postoperative blindness has been noted to complicate long
spinal deformity surgery performed with patients in the prone
position at approximately 1:1000 (0.1%). This is a potentially
devastating complication. Current recommendations to mini-
mize risk include keeping the eyes positioned higher than the
rest of the body, maintaining all pressure off the eyes and face,
and avoiding prolonged periods of hypotension, and extensive
blood loss (Table 1).
Fig. 1 X-rays of a patient with
progressive adult idiopathic
scoliosis before and after
thoracolumbar reconstruction
T10-pelvis. Correction was
performed through anterior
lumbar interbody fusion L4-
Sacrum followed by segmental
posterior pedicle screw instru-
mentation with iliac screw
fixation and transforaminal
lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF).
Post-operative radiographs show
significant correction of the
deformity with excellent coronal
and sagittal imbalance
164 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167
Adult spinal deformity may occur as the result of a
number of conditions and patients may present with a
heterogeneous group of symptoms. Multiple etiologies
may cause spinal deformity; however, symptoms are
associated with progressive and asymmetric degenera-
tion of the spinal elements potentially leading to neural
Table 1 Complications of adult
spinal deformity surgery with
avoidance and management
Possible Complication Management
Hemorrhage Careful preoperative patient positioning
Meticulous hemostasis during exposure
Intraoperative blood salvage
Preoperative autologous blood donation
Intraoperative administration of antifibrinolytic agents
Cerebrospinal fluid leak Careful exposure / decompression
Repair primarily if possible
Onlay dural graft material
Fibrin glue derivatives
CSF diversion for continued leak
Screw malposition Maximize visualization of relevant anatomy
Intraoperative use of fluoroscopy / x-ray
Feel pedicle boarders through decompression
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Preoperative patient counseling
Careful prone positioning (eyes higher than the heart)
Avoid pressure on the face / eyes (Gardner Wells Tongs)
Avoid intraoperative hypotension / anemia
Cardiopulmonary Complications Preoperative medical optimization
Diligent multidisciplinary monitoring and management
Early mobilization after surgery
Pulmonary toilet
Thromboembolic Events Preoperative medical optimization
Removable IVC filter for high risk patients
Mechanical DVT prophylaxis intra and postoperatively
Pharmacological thrombosis prophylaxis for high risk
Early mobilization after surgery
Infection Preoperative antibiotics
Careful skin preparation
Irrigate with antibiotic solution frequently
Postoperative wound drainage
Layered wound closure
Excise damaged muscle tissue
Pseudoarthrosis Pre-operative behavior modification
Nicotine cessation
Osteoporosis management
Meticulous arthrodesis technique
Interbody arthrodesis at lower fusion levels
Consider biologic enhancement of fusion
Avoid anti-inflammatory agents
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167 165
element compression. Symptoms and clinical presenta-
tion vary and may be related to progressive deformity,
axial back pain, and/or neurologic symptoms. As the
percentage of elderly in the United States accelerates,
more patients are expected to present with painful spinal
conditions, potentially requiring spinal surgery. The
decision between operative and nonoperative treatment
for adult spinal deformity is based on the severity and
type of the patients symptoms as well as the magnitude
and risk of potential interventions.
In general, asymptomatic patients with spinal deformities
do not require formal treatment although periodic follow-up
may be required to monitor for curve progression. Nonsur-
gical interventions include yoga, physical therapy, chiro-
practic manipulation and other maintenance routines.
However, these treatments have unproven efficacy in
patients with adult spinal deformity. Multiple studies have
shown that reconstructive surgery for adult scoliosis does
lead to improvements in patient quality of life and pain
levels. Despite having greater risk for complications, the
elderly may obtain the highest levels of improvement in
pain and disability with surgical reconstruction.
CR Good: none; JD Auerbach: consultant for Paradigm
Spine, Synthes Spine, Medacta, MCRA, LLC; PT OLeary:
none; TC Schuler: none.
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
highlighted as:
Of importance
•• Of major importance
1. Everett CR, Patel RK. A systematic review of nonsurgical
treatment in adult scoliosis. Spine. 2007;32(19 Suppl):S1304.
2. Glassman SD, Berven S, Kostuik J, et al. Nonsurgical resource
utilization in adult spinal deformity. Spine. 2006;31:9417.
3. Glassman SD, Schwab FJ, Bridwell KH, et al. The selection of
operative versus nonoperative treatment in patients with adult
scoliosis. Spine. 2007;32:937.
4. •• Bridwell KH, Glassman S, Horton W, et al. Does treatment
(nonoperative and operative) improve the two-year quality of life
in patients with adult symptomatic lumbar scoliosis: a prospective
multicenter evidence-based medicine study. Spine. 2009;34(20):
217178. Prospective multicenter evidenced based medicine study
following 160 consecutive patients for a period of two years after
enrollment. Quality of life measures including Oswestry Disability
Index (ODI) and Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) and numerical
back and leg pain scores were followed. The nonoperative
patients did not improve during this time period and a non-
significant decline in quality of life scores was common.
Significant improvement in quality of life measures were noted
in the operative group. The authors reported that it appeared that
common nonoperative treatment did not change quality of life
measures with adult symptomatic lumbar scoliosis at two year
5. Baron EM, Berven SH, Bridwell KH, et al. Adult spinal deformity
focus issue: summary statement. Spine. 2006;31(19):S202.
6. Ylada S, Maltenfort MG, Ratliff JK, et al. Adult scoliosis
surgery outcomes: a systematic review. Neurosurg Focus. 2010;28
(3): E3. A systematic review of 49 articles on 3,299 patients
undergoing adult spinal deformity surgery. Average curve
correction with surgery was 26.6° (40.7% improvement) and
mean total pre-op ODI was 41.2 with average postoperative
reduction to 15.7 and mean pre-operative SRS-30 equivalent
score was 97.1 with mean postoperative decrease of 23.1. There
was 897 complications for 2175 patients (41.2%)and 319
pseudoarthroses (12.9%). Despite the lack of randomized pro-
spective date, this review did conclude that surgery for adult
scoliosis was associated with improvement in clinical outcomes
and radiographic parameters at the at least two years follow-up.
7. Deyo RA, Cherkin DC, Loeser, et al. Morbidity and mortality in
association with operations on the lumbar spine: the influence of
age diagnosis and procedure. J Bone Surg Am. 1992;74:53643.
8. Carreon LY, Puno RM, Dimar JR, et al. Perioperative complica-
tions of posterior lumbar decompression and arthrodesis in older
patients. J Bone Surg Am. 2003;85:208992.
9. Dobbs MD, Lenke LG, Cheh G, et al. Adult spinal deformity
surgery: complications and outcomes in patients over age 60.
Spine. 2007;32(20):223844.
10. Benz RJ, Ibrahim ZK, Afshar P, et al. Predicting complications in
elderly patients undergoing lumbar decompression. Clin Orthop.
11. Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Glassman SD, et al. Risk-benefit analysis
assessment of surgery for adult scoliosis: an analysis based on
patient age. Spine. 2011;36(10): 81724. A retrospective review of
a multicenter database identifying incidence of complications and
outcome measurements of 206 adult patients undergoing spinal
deformity reconstruction surgery.Increasing complication rates
were noted with increasing age. When all age groups were
examined together, significant improvement in outcomes were
noted including ODI, SRS-22, back pain, and leg pain at 2 year
follow-up. Improvement in ODI and leg pain were significantly
greater amongst elderly patients with greater improvement in
SS12 and SRS-22 when compared to younger patients. This study
demonstrates the potential benefit for surgical treatment for adult
scoliosis and suggests that despite having greater risk for
complications, the elderly may obtain greater improvement of
disability and pain with surgical reconstruction.
12. Urban MK, Beckman J, Gordon M, et al. The efficacy of
antifibrinolytics in reduction of blood loss during complex adult
reconstructive spine surgery. Spine. 2001;26:11527.
13. Elwatidy S, Jamjoom Z, Elgamal E, et al. Efficacy and safety of
prophylactic large doses of tranexamic acid in spine surgery.
Spine. 2008;33(24):257780.
14. •• Elgafy H, Bransford RJ, McGuire RJ, et al. Are there effective
measures to decrease massive hemorrhage in major spine fusion
surgery? Spine. 2010;35(95):S47-56. A Meta Analysis reviewing
90 studies with 17 meeting inclusion criteria. They found a high
level of evidence to support the use antifibrinolytic medications to
reduced blood loss and the need for transfusion during and after
adult spine surgery. The use of CellSaver, Recumbent Factor VIIa,
activated growth factor platelet gel, and normovolemic hemodi-
lution were all evaluated as methods to prevent blood loss and
were found to have very low evidence to support their efficacy.
15. Cahill KS, Chi JH, Day A, et al. Prevalance, complications, and
hospital charges associated with use of bone-morphogenetic
protein in spinal fusion procedures. JAMA. 2009;302:5866.
166 Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167
16. Carreon LY, Glassman SD, Djurasovic M, et al. RhBMP-2 versus
iliac crest bone graft for lumbar spine fusion in patients over
60 years of age: a cost utility study. Spine. 2009;34(3):23843.
17. Maeda T, Buchowski JM, Kim YJ, et al. Long adult spinal
deformity fusion to the sacrum using rhBMP-2 versus autogenous
iliac crest bone graft. Spine. 2009;34:220512.
18. Dimar JR, Glassman SD, Burkus JK, et al. Clinical and
radiographic analysis of an optimized rhBMP-2 formulation as
an autograft replacement in posterolateral lumbr spine arthrodesis.
JBJS. 2009;91:137786.
19. Bradford DS, Tay BK, Hu SS. Adult scoliosis: surgical indica-
tions, operative management, complications, and outcomes. Spine.
20. Byrd III JA, Scoles PV, Winter RB, et al. Adult idiopathic
scoliosis treated by anterior and posterior spinal fusion. J Bone
Joint Surg Am. 1987;69:84350.
21. Dick J, Boachie-Adjei O, Wilson M. One-stage versus two-stage
anterior and posterior spinal reconstruction in adults. Comparison
of outcomes including nutritional status, complication rates,
hospital costs, and other factors. Spine. 1992;17:S3106.
22. Horton WC, Bridwell KH, Glassman SD, et al. The morbidity of
anterior exposure for spinal deformity in adults: an analysis of
patient-based outcomes and complications in 112 consecutive
cases. Paper 32, Presented at the Scoliosis Research Society 40th
Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, October 2005.
23. Lapp MA, Bridwell KH, Lenke LG, et al. Long-term
complications in adult spinal deformity patients having
combined surgery a comparison of primary to revision
patients. Spine. 2001;26:97383.
24. Newton PO, Faro FD, Gollogly S, et al. Results of preoperative
pulmonary function testing of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.
A study of six hundred and thirty-one patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am.
25. Luhmann SJ, Lenke LG, Kim YJ, et al. Thoracic adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis curves between 70° and 100°: is anterior
release necessary? Spine. 2005;30:20617.
26. Dobbs MB, Lenke LG, Kim YJ, et al. Anterior/posterior spinal
instrumentation versus posterior instrumentation alone for the
treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliotic curves more than 90
degrees. Spine. 2006;31:238691.
27. Schwab F, Lafage V, Farcy JP, et al. Surgical rates and operative
outcome analysis in thoracolumbar and lumbar major adult
scoliosis: application of the new adult deformity classification.
Spine. 2007;32:272330.
28. Watanabe K, Lenke LG, Bridwell KH, et al. Comparison of
radiographic outcomes for the treatment of scoliotic curves greater
than 100 degrees: wires versus hooks versus screws. Spine.
29. Lee SS, Lenke LG, Kuklo TR, et al. Comparison of Scheuermann
kyphosis correction by posterior-only thoracic pedicle screw
fixation versus combined anterior/posterior fusion. Spine.
30. Good CR, Lenke LG, OLeary PT, Pichelmann M, Keeler KA,
Bridwell KH, Baldus C, Koester L. Can posterior only surgery
replace combined anterior (thoracotomy/thoracoabdominal) /pos-
terior approaches for adult scoliosis? Spine. 2010;35(2):2108. In
a matched cohort analysis comparing A/P surgery versus
posterior surgery alone for primary adult scoliosis, Post-
only fusion provided the same deformity correction with
similar complications, radiographic and clinical outcomes at
over 2-year follow-up. OR time, EBL, and hospital LOS were
significantly lower in the Post-only group.
31. OLeary PT, Bridwell KH, Good CR, Lenke LG, Buchowski
JM, Kim YJ, Flynn J. Risk factors and outcomes for
catastrophic failures at the top of long pedicle screw
constructs (FPSC): a matched cohort analysis performed at
a single center. Spine. 2009;34(20):213439. A matched
cohort analysis evaluation 13 patients who developed fractures
at or above pedicle screw constructs found that factors that
increased the risk of FPSC included obesity and older age.
Osteopenia increased the risk as evidenced by BMD (based on
17 patients) and the older age of these patients. Neuro deficits
were severe.
32. Bridwell KH, Anderson PA, Boden SD, et al. Specialty
update: whats new in spine surgery. JBJS. 2010;92:2017
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med (2011) 4:159167 167
... ASD can arise from an integration of factors, including aging, decreasing bone density, and atypical posture, which as suggested in this research can be brought on by vision impairment. Although there may be several etiologies, symptoms are associated with asymmetrical and progressive degeneration of the facet joints, discs, and other spinal components that may cause compression of the neural elements [7]. Spinal deformity is defined as a curvature in the spine where the alignment is outside of defined normal limits [7]. ...
... Although there may be several etiologies, symptoms are associated with asymmetrical and progressive degeneration of the facet joints, discs, and other spinal components that may cause compression of the neural elements [7]. Spinal deformity is defined as a curvature in the spine where the alignment is outside of defined normal limits [7]. A surgical intervention decision can be based on clinical symptoms, appearance, pain, functional restrictions, and social issues. ...
... The degree of spinal deformity increases due to stress on the weakened vertebral bodies. This weakening or inadequate spine support may also contribute to the severity of the symptoms associated with the spinal deformity [7]. ...
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The role of vision in maintaining postural stability is crucial, and its loss, whether congenital or acquired, can significantly impact sensory-motor interactions, leading to musculoskeletal abnormalities and defective gait patterns. This case report discusses the complex interplay between visual impairment, post-traumatic kyphosis, and the development of spinal deformity in a 79-year-old blind patient. The patient sustained a simple fall resulting in an L1 compression fracture in 2016. Despite conservative treatment for the fracture, progressive spinal deformity became evident both clinically and radiographically. Further assessments, including evaluation of bone healing, facet arthroplasty, disc degeneration, and canal compromise, were performed. The patient's altered gait and postural abnormalities were indicative of the impact of visual impairment on postural stability. After addressing osteoporosis through endocrinology consultation and medical management, the patient underwent posterior spinal instrumentation and deformity correction, leading to a successful post-operative recovery with a return to baseline functional status. Visual impairment disrupts postural stability by limiting sensory input and prompting compensatory mechanisms, which may increase postural sway and instability. This abnormal gait further contributes to spinal deformities, and the fear of falling can exacerbate postural instability, limiting mobility. Over time, persistent postural imbalance leads to the creation of a state of continual asymmetric stress related to the spinal axis, which can progress to the development of spinal deformities, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. This case underscores the significance of vision in postural stability and the adverse effects of visual impairment on spinal alignment. The development of spinal deformities in visually impaired individuals, especially in the presence of risk factors like osteoporosis, emphasizes the need for early intervention and postural training to prevent irreversible deformities. Decisions regarding surgical or non-surgical interventions for spinal deformities in visually impaired patients must consider multiple factors, including clinical symptoms, appearance, pain, functional limitations, and social issues. Future research should explore effective interventions for improving postural stability in visually impaired individuals and preventing the development of spinal deformity.
... Although surgical results are encouraging, sometimes not all patients evolve properly. The results depend on factors associated with the patient, such as body mass index, depression/ anxiety status, smoking, pain severity, presence of comorbidity and deformity severity 7,8 , as well as factors inherent to the surgeon that performs the procedure, such as skill and experience. Older patients, with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure, are more likely to evolve inappropriately 7,9,10 ; the complication rate increases to 71% in patients older than 65 years 7 . ...
... The results depend on factors associated with the patient, such as body mass index, depression/ anxiety status, smoking, pain severity, presence of comorbidity and deformity severity 7,8 , as well as factors inherent to the surgeon that performs the procedure, such as skill and experience. Older patients, with comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure, are more likely to evolve inappropriately 7,9,10 ; the complication rate increases to 71% in patients older than 65 years 7 . ...
... Patients with degenerative spinal deformity usually report significant improvement at 2 years of follow-up 7 . ...
... In recent years, prevalence of ASD with sagittal imbalance has increased due to the high proportion of the elderly patients [2]. Surgical treatment should be considered to maintain sagittal balance and when the patient's activities of daily life are affected [3]. ...
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Purpose Kyphosis in the lower lumbar spine (L4-S1) significantly affects sagittal alignment. However, the characteristics of the spinopelvic parameters and compensatory mechanisms in patients with lower lumbar degenerative kyphosis (LLDK) have not been described in detail. The objective of this retrospective study was to analyze the morphological characteristics in patients with sagittal imbalance due to LLDK. Methods In this retrospective study, we reviewed the clinical records of consecutive patients who underwent corrective surgery for adult spinal deformity (ASD) at a single institution. We defined LLDK as (i) kyphotic deformity in lower lumbar spine (L4-S1) or (ii) inappropriate distribution of lordosis (lordosis distribution index < 40%) in the lower lumbar spine. Global spine parameters of ASD patients and MRI findings were compared between those with LLDK (LLDK group) and without LLDK (control group). Results A total of 95 patients were enrolled in this study, of which the LLDK group included 14 patients (14.7%). Compared to the control, LLDK presented significantly higher pelvic incidence (62.1° vs 52.6°) and pelvic tilt (40.0° vs 33.4°), larger lordosis at the thoracolumbar junction (12.0° vs -19.6°), and smaller thoracic kyphosis (9.3° vs 26.0°). In LLDK, there was significantly less disc degeneration at L2/3 and L3/4. Conclusion LLDK patients had high pelvic incidence, large pelvic tilt, and a long compensatory curve at the thoracolumbar junction and thoracic spine region.
... Concomitant conditions can worsen the potential outcome of any treatment and must be correctly diagnosed to best treat the patient 4) . Adult spine deformity (ASD: scoliosis >20°, sagittal vertical axis >5 cm, pelvic tilt >25° (reduced distal lumbar lordosis) or thoracic kyphosis >60°) can cause or complicate neck and shoulder pain and should be addressed by the astute clinician 14,15) . ...
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Purpose] To present the dramatic improvement in posture, radiographic parameters and the alleviation of neck and severe shoulder pain related to shoulder injury associated with vaccine administration (SIRVA) after a COVID-19 injection with a shoulder mobility and posture rehabilitation program. [Participant and Methods] A middle-aged male presented complaining of severe left shoulder pain evolving since receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. The pain was severe and throbbed into the neck. Posture analysis showed a chronic stooped posture with forward head posture and thoracic hyperkyphosis. Treatment included 42 sessions of Chiropractic Biophysics ® technique and a shoulder rehabilitation program using three-dimensional vibration. [Results] At 4-months, the patient reported no neck or shoulder pain. There was a 60% decrease in neck disability. The forward head decreased 34 mm, thoracic hyperkyphosis decreased 13°, and T1-T12 forward lean decreased 73 mm, among other radio-graphic parameters. Re-assessment after 26-months showed maintenance of the treatment induced posture/x-ray corrections and shoulder pain relief. [Conclusion] This case demonstrates immediate and long-term improvement in a patient suffering from COVID-19 vaccine SIRVA, concomitant with neck pain and disability as well as significant radiographic postural/spinal deformity. These conditions all improved and were maintained at a 2 year follow-up without further treatment.
... Adult spinal deformity (ASD) arises from various etiologies that lead to abnormal curvature of the spine in the coronal or sagittal plane. The progression of this abnormal curvature may be accelerated due to agerelated factors such as pre-existing deformity or osteoporosis [1] . With increasing life expectancy and a growing elderly population, spinal deformity is estimated to affect approximately 27.5 million elderly individuals [2] . ...
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Background The incidence of correctional surgery for adult spinal deformity (ASD) has increased significantly over the past 2 decades. Pelvic incidence, an angular measurement, is the gold standard pelvic parameter and is used to classify spinal shapes into Roussouly types. Current literature states that restoration of the spine to its original Roussouly classification optimizes outcomes. We propose a new pelvic parameter, pelvic index, as a length measurement to complement pelvic incidence in more accurately characterizing Roussouly types. Methods This study is a retrospective evaluation of sagittal spinal radiographs of 208 patients who were assessed by a single fellowship trained orthopedic spine surgeon between January and December 2020. Measurements included pelvic incidence, sacroacetabular distance, and L5 vertebral height. Pelvic index was calculated as the ratio of sacroacetabular distance to L5 height. Each spine was also classified into one of the Roussouly types: 1, 2, 3 anteverted pelvis (AP), 3, or 4. The 2 pelvic parameters were compared between groups to assess their ability to differentiate between Roussouly types. Results Of the 208 patients included, 103 (49.5%) were female and 105 (50.5%) were male. The mean pelvic incidence was 54.9 ± 12.3° and the mean pelvic index was 3.99 ± 0.38. The difference in mean pelvic index was statistically significant between types 1 and 2 (0.15; p=.046) and between types 1 and 3 AP (0.19; p=.029). It was not statistically significant between types 3 and 4 (0.05; p=.251). However, in terms of pelvic incidence, the mean difference was statistically significant only between types 3 and 4 (10.4; p<.001). Conclusions Pelvic index is the ratio of the sacroacetabular distance to the height of the L5 vertebra. In conjunction with pelvic incidence, pelvic index can help to distinguish between Roussouly types 1 and 2 and between types 1 and 3 AP, the low-pelvic incidence types.
Study Design In-vitro cadaveric biomechanical study. Objectives Long posterior spinal fusion is a standard treatment for adult spinal deformity. However, these rigid constructs are known to alter motion and stress to the adjacent non-instrumented vertebrae, increasing the risk of proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK). This study aimed to biomechanically compare a standard rigid construct vs constructs “topped off” with a semi-rigid construct. By understanding semi-rigid constructs’ effect on motion and overall construct stiffness, surgeons and researchers could better optimize fusion constructs to potentially decrease the risk of PJK and the need for revision surgery. Methods Nine human cadaveric spines (T1–T12) underwent non-destructive biomechanical range of motion tests in pure bending or torsion and were instrumented with an all-pedicle-screw (APS) construct from T6–T9. The specimens were sequentially instrumented with semi-rigid constructs at T5: (i) APS plus sublaminar bands; (ii) APS plus supralaminar hooks; (iii) APS plus transverse process hooks; and (iv) APS plus short pedicle screws. Results APS plus transverse process hooks had a range of motion (ie, relative angle) for T4-T5 and T5-T6, as well as an overall mechanical stiffness for T1-T12, that was more favourable, as it reduced motion at adjacent levels without a stark increase in stiffness. Moreover, APS plus transverse process hooks had the most linear change for range of motion across the entire T3-T7 range. Conclusions Present findings suggest that APS plus transverse process hooks has a favourable biomechanical effect that may reduce PJK for long spinal fusions compared to the other constructs examined.
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Introduction Postoperative anaemia is prevalent in adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery in association with unfavourable outcomes. Ferric derisomaltose, a novel iron supplement, offers a promising solution in rapidly treating postoperative anaemia. However, the clinical evidence of its effect on patients receiving spinal surgery remains inadequate. This randomised controlled trial aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ferric derisomaltose on postoperative anaemia in ASD patients. Methods and analysis This single-centre, phase 4, randomised controlled trial will be conducted at Department of Orthopaedics at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and aims to recruit adult patients who received ASD surgery with postoperative anaemia. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to receive ferric derisomaltose infusion or oral ferrous succinate. The primary outcome is the change in haemoglobin concentrations from postoperative days 1–14. Secondary outcomes include changes in iron parameters, reticulocyte parameters, postoperative complications, allogeneic red blood cell infusion rates, length of hospital stay, functional assessment and quality-of-life evaluation. Ethics and dissemination This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Peking Union Medical College Hospital and registered at Informed consent will be obtained from all participants prior to enrolment and the study will be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The results of this study are expected to be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and academic conferences. Trial registration number NCT05714007 .
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Spinal robotics have the potential to improve the consistency of outcomes in adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery. The objective of this paper is to assess the accuracy of pedicle and S2AI screws placed with robotic guidance in ASD patients. The PubMed Central, Google Scholar, and the UCSD library databases were queried until May 2023. Articles were included if they described ASD correction via robotic guidance and pedicle and/or S2AI screw accuracy. Articles were excluded if they described pediatric/adolescent spinal deformity or included outcomes for both ASD and non-ASD patients without separating the data. Methodological quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Primary endpoints were pedicle screw accuracy based on the Gertzbein-Robbins Scale and self-reported accuracy percentages for S2AI screws. Data were extracted for patient demographics, operative details, and perioperative outcomes and assessed using descriptive statistics. Five studies comprising 138 patients were included (mean age 66.0yr; 85 female). A total of 1,508 screws were inserted using robotic assistance (51 S2AI screws). Two studies assessing pedicle screws reported clinically acceptable trajectory rates of 98.7% and 96.0%, respectively. Another study reported a pedicle screw accuracy rate of 95.5%. Three studies reported 100% accuracy across 51 total S2AI screws. Eight total complications and four reoperations were reported. Current evidence supports the application of robotics in ASD surgery as safe and effective for both pedicle and S2AI screw placement. However, due to the paucity of data on the topic, a comprehensive assessment cannot be made, and further work using expanded cohorts is merited.
Study Design: Retrospective case analysis and systematic literature review. Objective: To comprehensively review minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for post-traumatic kyphosis. Methods: A systematic PubMed search was conducted for MIS and kyphotic deformities were published between 2012 and 2022. Sixteen patients between 2017 and 2021 met the criteria. Demographic data, surgical characteristics, and full-length radiographic parameters were collected pre- and post-operatively, and at final follow-up. Results: Twenty-three articles were included. The mean age was 67 years, and the mean follow-up was 17 months. The mean operative time was 331 min and blood loss was 252 ml. Pre-operative radiographic outcomes were as follows: Lumbar lordosis (LL), 16.84± 26.40[Formula: see text]; pelvic incidence (PI), 48.95± 14.34[Formula: see text]; PI-LL mismatch, 32.11± 31.92[Formula: see text]; pelvic tilt (PT), 32.74± 10.41[Formula: see text]; and sagittal vertical axis (SVA), 95.33± 59.62 mm. At the final follow-up, LL was 19.98± 16.16[Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text] = 0.51229), PI was 50.82± 10.19[Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text] = 0.61438), PI-LL mismatch was 30.84± 17.18[Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text] = 0.74696), PT was 27.14± 10.28[Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text] = 0.00386), and SVA was 49.73± 25.51 mm ( [Formula: see text] = 0.00465). The mean ODI and VAS scores for back pain at baseline and at 96 months follow-up were 33.2–19.7 and 8.4–2.5, respectively. Conclusion: Age-adjusted MIS provides correction of sagittal alignment for posttraumatic kyphosis that satisfies patient demand.
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Appreciation of the optimal management of skeletally mature patients with spinal deformities requires understanding of the natural history of the disease relative to expected outcomes of surgical intervention. Appropriate outcome measures are necessary to define the surgical treatment. Unfortunately, the literature lacks prospective randomized data. The majority of published series report outcomes of a particular surgical approach, procedure, or surgeon. The purpose of the current study was to systematically review the present spine deformity literature and assess the available data on clinical and radiographic outcome measurements. A systematic review of MEDLINE and PubMed databases was performed to identify articles published from 1950 to the present using the following key words: "adult scoliosis surgery," "adult spine deformity surgery," "outcomes," and "complications." Exclusion criteria included follow-up shorter than 2 years and mean patient age younger than 18 years. Data on major curve (coronal scoliosis or lumbar lordosis Cobb angle as reported), major curve correction, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) instrument scores, complications, and pseudarthroses were recorded. Forty-nine articles were obtained and included in this review; 3299 patient data points were analyzed. The mean age was 47.7 years, and the mean follow-up period was 3.6 years. The average major curve correction was 26.6 degrees (for 2188 patients); for 2129 patients, it was possible to calculate average curve reduction as a percentage (40.7%). The mean total ODI was 41.2 (for 1289 patients), and the mean postoperative reduction in ODI was 15.7 (for 911 patients). The mean SRS-30 equivalent score was 97.1 (for 1700 patients) with a mean postoperative decrease of 23.1 (for 999 patients). There were 897 reported complications for 2175 patients (41.2%) and 319 pseudarthroses for 2469 patients (12.9%). Surgery for adult scoliosis is associated with improvement in radiographic and clinical outcomes at a minimum 2-year follow-up. Perioperative morbidity includes an approximately 13% risk of pseudarthrosis and a greater than 40% incidence of perioperative adverse events. Incidence of perioperative complications is substantial and must be considered when deciding optimal disease management. Although the quality of published studies in this area has improved, particularly in the last few years, the current review highlights the lack of routine use of standardized outcomes measures and assessment in the adult scoliosis literature.
Study Design. A retrospective review of adolescents with main thoracic scoliotic curves surgically treated with either anterior release and posterior fusion or posterior fusion only. Objectives. To compare the radiographic and clinical outcomes of two surgical treatments: anterior-posterior spinal fusion (APSF) versus posterior spinal fusion (PSF) alone in patients with large 70° to 100° thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) curves. Summary of Background Data. Surgical treatment of thoracic AIS curves between 70° and 100° often consists of anterior and posterior fusion to improve the coronal correction and fusion rate, with the anterior release and fusion performed through either an open thoracotomy or by video-assisted thoracoscopy. Methods. All patients (n = 84) with main thoracic major AIS curves between 70° and 100° who underwent spinal fusion (APSF or PSF) at one center between 1987 and 2001 were included for analysis. The minimum follow-up was 2 years after surgery (mean, 4.5 years; range, 2.0–10.2 years). The mean age of patients was 13.8 years (range, 10.7–18.2 years), with 66 females and 18 males. Multiple radiographic measures were assessed. The primary and secondary statistical analyses performed were nonparametric analyses, using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests for the primary analysis of APSF and PSF groups. The PSF subgroup analysis was performed with the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results. There were 22 patients in the APSF (open ASF in 18, and video-assisted thoracoscopy in 4) group and 62 patients in the PSF group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups for gender, age, number of levels fused, Cobb measurement of preoperative coronal or sagittal thoracic curve magnitude, or coronal curve flexibility. The APSF group, when compared with the PSF group, had greater intraoperative correction of the coronal curve (48.3° vs. 38.7°, P = 0.0087) as well as final overall correction (47.2° vs. 34.2°, P = 0.0008). There were no significant differences seen in the sagittal alignment from T5–T12 (P = 0.3150) or the SRS outcomes data between the APSF and PSF only groups. Subanalysis of the PSF only group identified three distinct groups based on implants: hook-only constructs (n = 36), hybrid constructs of proximal hooks and distal pedicle screws (n = 15), and pedicle screw-only constructs (n = 11). Pedicle screw-only constructs corrected the coronal Cobb measurements more than the other two groups (47.5° vs. hooks 37.7° vs. hybrid 34.4°, P = 0.0110), and to a similar extent as to the APSF group with no statistically significant difference in coronal correction (PSF, 47.5°; APSF 48.3°; P = 0.9014), nor any other parameter except for sagittal T5–T12 changes. There were no reoperations for implant failure/pseudarthroses in any of the patients. Conclusion. APSF of large thoracic curves allows greater coronal correction of thoracic curves between 70° and 100°, when compared with PSF alone using thoracic hook constructs, but not with the use of thoracic pedicle screw constructs. Scoliosis surgeons not using pedicle screw constructs need to decide if the modest improvement in coronal correction with a combined approach justifies its routine use in this patient population.
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Systematic review. To determine the definition and incidence of significant hemorrhage in adult spine fusion surgery, and to assess whether measures to decrease hemorrhage are effective. Significant hemorrhage and associated comorbidities in spine fusion surgery have not yet been clearly identified. Several preoperative and intraoperative techniques are currently available to reduce blood loss and transfusion requirements such as cell saver (CS), recombinant factor VIIa, and perioperative antifibrinolytic agents, such as aprotinin, tranexamic acid, and epsilon-aminocaproic acid. Their effectiveness and safety in spine surgery is uncertain. A systematic review of the English-language literature was undertaken for articles published between January 1990 and April 2009. Electronic databases and reference lists of key articles were searched to identify published studies examining blood loss in major spine surgery. Two independent reviewers assessed the quality of the literature using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation criteria. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. A total of 90 articles were initially screened, and 17 ultimately met the predetermined inclusion criteria. No studies were found that attempted to define significant hemorrhage in adult spine surgery. We found that there is a high level of evidence that antifibrinolytic agents reduce blood loss and the need of transfusion in adult spine surgery; however, the safety profile of these agents is unclear. There is very low evidence to support the use of CS, recombinant factor VIIa, activated growth factor platelet gel, or normovolemic hemodilution as a method to prevent massive hemorrhage in spine fusion surgery. There is no consensus definition of significant hemorrhage in adult spine fusion surgery. However, definition in the anesthesiology literature of massive blood loss is somewhat arbitrary but is commonly accepted to entail loss of 1 volume of the patient's total blood (60 mL/kg in adults) in <24 hours. On the basis of the current literature, there is little support for routine use of CS during elective spinal surgery. Concerns related to the use of aprotinin were such that our panel of experts unanimously recommended against its use in spine surgery on the basis of the reports of increased complications. With respect to the antifibrinolytics of the lysine analog class (tranexamic acid and aminocaproic acid), on the basis of the available efficacy and safety data, we recommend that they be considered as possible agents to help reduce major hemorrhage in adult spine surgery.
Retrospective review of a prospective, multicenter database. The purpose of this study was to assess whether elderly patients undergoing scoliosis surgery had an incidence of complications and improvement in outcome measures comparable with younger patients. Complications increase with age for adults undergoing scoliosis surgery, but whether this impacts the outcomes of older patients is largely unknown. This is a retrospective review of a prospective, multicenter spinal deformity database. Patients complete the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), SF-12, Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22), and numerical rating scale (NRS; 0-10) for back and leg pain. Inclusion criteria included age 25 to 85 years, scoliosis (Cobb ≥ 30°), plan for scoliosis surgery, and 2-year follow-up. Two hundred six of 453 patients (45%) completed 2-year follow-up, which is distributed among age groups as follows: 25 to 44 (n = 47), 45 to 64 (n = 121), and 65 to 85 (n = 38) years. The percentages of patients with 2-year follow-up by age group were as follows: 25 to 44 (45%), 45 to 64 (48%), and 65 to 85 (40%) years. These groups had perioperative complication rates of 17%, 42%, and 71%, respectively (P < 0.001). At baseline, elderly patients (65-85 years) had greater disability (ODI, P = 0.001), worse health status (SF-12 physical component score (PCS), P < 0.001), and more severe back and leg pain (NRS, P = 0.04 and P = 0.01, respectively) than younger patients. Mean SRS-22 did not differ significantly at baseline. Within each age group, at 2-year follow-up there were significant improvements in ODI (P ≤ 0.004), SRS-22 (P ≤ 0.001), back pain (P < 0.001), and leg pain (P ≤ 0.04). SF-12 PCS did not improve significantly for patients aged 25 to 44 years but did among those aged 45 to 64 (P < 0.001) and 65 to 85 years (P = 0.001). Improvement in ODI and leg pain NRS were significantly greater among elderly patients (P = 0.003, P = 0.02, respectively), and there were trends for greater improvements in SF-12 PCS (P = 0.07), SRS-22 (P = 0.048), and back pain NRS (P = 0.06) among elderly patients, when compared with younger patients. Collectively, these data demonstrate the potential benefits of surgical treatment for adult scoliosis and suggest that the elderly, despite facing the greatest risk of complications, may stand to gain a disproportionately greater improvement in disability and pain with surgery.
Retrospective matched cohort analysis. To determine if posterior-only (post-only) surgical techniques consisting of pedicle screws, osteotomies, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion, and bone morphogenetic protein-2 may provide similar results as compared anterior (thoracotomy/thoracoabdominal)/posterior surgical approaches for the treatment of adult spinal deformity with respect to correction, fusion rates, or outcomes. Combined anterior/posterior (A/P) fusion has traditionally been used to treat many adult scoliosis deformities. Anterior approaches negatively impact pulmonary function and require additional operative time and anesthesia. Twenty-four patients who had A/P fusion for primary adult scoliosis (16 staged, 8 same-day) were matched with a cohort of 24 patients who had post-only treatment. Anterior fusion was performed via a thoracotomy (n = 1)/thoracoabdominal (n = 23) approach. All post-only surgeries were under one anesthesia. Minimum 2-year follow-up included radiographic, clinical, and outcomes data. There were no significant differences between groups for age, gender, diagnosis, comorbidities, preoperative curve magnitudes, or global balance. Postoperative radiographic correction and alignment were similar for both groups except for thoracolumbar curve percent improvement which was statistically better in the post-only group (P = 0.03). The average surgical time was higher in A/P versus post-only group (11.6 vs. 6.9 hours, P < 0.0001) as was total estimated blood loss (1330 vs. 980 mL, P = 0.04). Hospital length of stay (LOS) was longer in A/P versus post-only group (11.9 vs. 8.3 days, P = 0.03). There were no significant differences between postoperative complications. Revision surgery was performed in 5 A/P and 2 post-only patients. Higher pseudarthrosis rates found in the A/P versus post-only (17 vs. 0%) were not significant (P = 0.11). SRS-30 and Oswestry scores reflected a similar patient assessment before surgery, and improvement between groups at follow-up. Post-only adult scoliosis surgery achieved similar correction to A/P surgery while decreasing blood loss, operative time, length of stay, and avoiding additional anesthesia. Complications, radiographic, and clinical outcomes were similar at over 2-year follow-up.
Comparative study. To compare the radiographic outcome of patients undergoing long spinal deformity surgery to the sacrum/ilium, using either rhBMP-2 without iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) or ICBG without rhBMP-2. rhBMP-2 has been shown to be more effective in promoting successful bone union in patients undergoing single level lumbar spinal fusion than ICBG. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that compare the efficacy of rhBMP-2 versus ICBG in long spinal deformity surgery. To obtain uniform background, we selected patients with adult spinal deformity who underwent primary spinal fusion from the thoracic spine to the sacrum/ilium and had a minimum 2-year follow-up. Fifty-five consecutive patients, consisting of 32 patients who underwent a fusion using ICBG without rhBMP-2 (ICBG group) and 23 patients who underwent a fusion using rhBMP-2 without ICBG (BMP group) were analyzed. The 2 groups were similar with respect to age, gender, smoking history, comorbidity, and body mass index. The average number of vertebrae fused (11.3 in both groups) and the degree of preoperative deformity (major Cobb angle 58.3 degrees in ICBG group vs. 54.2 degrees in BMP group) were also similar in both groups. All but 2 patients had both anterior and posterior surgery. Both groups were similar in terms of final deformity correction. The average total amount of rhBMP-2 used in the BMP group was 119.2 mg (anterior 11.6 mg/level; posterior 10.0 mg/level). Of the 32 patients in the ICBG group, 9 patients (28.1%) developed a pseudarthrosis, while only 1 of 23 patients (4.3%) in the BMP group developed a pseudarthrosis with the caveat that the follow-up period was shorter in the BMP group (average follow-up of 4.9 vs. 2.7 years). The pseudarthrosis rate in the BMP group compares favorably to pseudarthrosis rate in ICBG group, suggesting that the use of rhBMP-2 without iliac harvesting leads to a competitive fusion rate in long adult spinal deformity surgery, while avoiding ICBG harvest site morbidity.
Prospective observational cohort study with matched and unmatched comparisons. Level II evidence. The purpose of this study is to compare results of adult symptomatic lumbar scoliosis (ASLS) patients treated nonoperatively and operatively. This is an evidence-based prospective multicenter study to answer the question of whether nonoperative and operative treatment improves the quality of life (QOL) in these patients at 2-year follow-up. Only 1 paper in the peer-reviewed published data directly addresses this question. That paper suggested that operative treatment was more beneficial than nonoperative care, but the limitations relate to historical context (all patients treated with Harrington implants) and the absence of validated patient-reported QOL (QOL) data. This study assesses 160 consecutively enrolled patients (ages 40-80 years) with baseline and 2-year follow-up data from 5 centers. Lumbar scoliosis without prior surgical treatment was defined as a minimum Cobb angle of 30 degrees (mean: 54 degrees for patients in this study). All patients had either an Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) score of 20 or more (mean: 33) or Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) domain scores of 4 or less in pain, function, and self-image (mean: 3.2) at baseline. Pretreatment and 2-year follow-up data collected prospectively included basic radiographic parameters, complications and SRS QOL, ODI, and Numerical Rating Scale back and leg pain scores. At 2 years, follow-up on the operative patients was 95% and for the nonoperative patients it was 45%. The demographics for the nonoperative patients who were followed up for 2 years versus those who were lost to follow-up were identical. The operative cohort significantly improved in all QOL measures. The nonoperative cohort did not improve and nonsignificant decline in QOL scores was common. At minimum 2-year follow-up, operative patients outperformed nonoperative patients by all measures. It would appear from this study that common nonoperative treatments do not change the QOL in patients with ASLS at 2-year follow-up. However, operative treatment does significantly improve the QOL for this group of patients. Our conclusions are limited by the fact that we were only able to follow-up 45% of the nonoperative group to 2-year follow-up, in spite of extensive efforts on our part to accomplish such.
Retrospective review with matched-cohort analysis performed at a single institution. To determine risk factors and outcomes for acute fractures at the proximal aspect of long pedicle screw constructs. Acute fractures at the top of long segmental pedicle screw constructs (FPSC) can be catastrophic. Substantial surgical increase in lordosis may precipitate this problem. In relation to a matched cohort, we postulated that age, body mass index (BMI), and significant correction of lumbar lordosis would increase risk of FPSC and patients with FPSC would have lesser improvements in outcomes. Thirteen patients who sustained FPSC between 2000 and 2007 were evaluated. During this time, 264 patients aged 40 or older had a spinal fusion from the thoracic spine to the sacrum using an all-pedicle screw construct. A cohort of 31 of these patients without FPSC but with all pedicle screw constructs was matched for diagnosis of positive sagittal imbalance, gender, preoperative C7 sagittal plumb, and number of levels fused. There was a significant difference in age (P = 0.02) and BMI (P = 0.006) between the matched groups. There was no significant difference in preoperative/postoperative C7 plumb or change in lumbar lordosis between groups. Acute neurological deficit developed in 2 patients; both patients improved substantially after revision surgery. Nine patients underwent proximal extension of the fusion. For 7 of the 13 FPSC patients with bone mineral density data (BMD) available, average T score was-1.73; -0.58 for the matched group (10/31 with bone mineral density data) (P = 0.02). Factors that increased the risk of FPSC included obesity and older age. Osteopenia increased the risk as evidenced by BMD (based on 17 patients) and the older age of these patients. There was no statistical difference in clinical improvement between groups based on ODI, but the FPSC group did demonstrate a smaller improvement in ODI score than the matched cohort.