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Psychiatric Complications in Cerebral Palsy



Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of motor and posture impairment resulting from brain injury prior to completion of cerebral development. It affects 2 to 3 per 1000 individuals. CP is also associated with sensory, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional sequelae. Few systematic studies of psychiatric comorbidities in children and adolescents with CP have been conducted, as the main focus of concern has been on the physical disabilities. This has diverted attention from treatable psychiatric syndromes. Proper psychiatric evaluation of children with CP is an important task, as appropriate interventions can help them reach their full potential and enhance the quality of their lives and those of their families. We report the case of an individual with CP with behavioral and emotional symptoms to illustrate the diagnostic complexity involved. The case highlights the importance of engaging in a comprehensive diagnostic psychiatric evaluation process to assess and suggest treatment options for accompanying comorbid psychiatric conditions.
Psychiatric Complications in Cerebral Palsy
Taliba Foster &Aanmol I. K. Rai &Ronald A. Weller &
Thomas A. Dixon &Elizabeth B. Weller
Published online: 13 March 2010
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of motor and
posture impairment resulting from brain injury prior to
completion of cerebral development. It affects 2 to 3 per
1000 individuals. CP is also associated with sensory,
behavioral, cognitive, and emotional sequelae. Few systematic
studies of psychiatric comorbidities in children and
adolescents with CP have been conducted, as the main
focus of concern has been on the physical disabilities.
This has diverted attention from treatable psychiatric
syndromes. Proper psychiatric evaluation of children
with CP is an important task, as appropriate interventions
can help them reach their full potential and enhance the
quality of their lives and those of their families. We
report the case of an individual with CP with behavioral
and emotional symptoms to illustrate the diagnostic
complexity involved. The case highlights the importance
of engaging in a comprehensive diagnostic psychiatric
evaluation process to assess and suggest treatment
options for accompanying comorbid psychiatric conditions.
Keywords Cerebral palsy .Mood disorders in cerebral
palsy .Organic causes of mood disorders .Psychosis
in cerebral palsy .Psychiatry and cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of motor impairment
resulting from brain injury prior to the completion of
cerebral development [1]. CP is one of the most common
childhood physical disabilities. It affects 2 to 3 per 1000
individuals [2]. This nonprogressive, but not unchanging,
disorder of movement and posture is a consequence of
lesions or anomalies of the brain arising in the early stages
of its development [3]. The most important risk factors for
CP are low birth weight, intrauterine infections, and
multiple gestations [4]. About 20% to 30% cases have no
known cause [5], but the most common etiology is
periventricular leukomalacia associated with prematurity
[6]. Brain development continues during the first 2 years of
life, and any brain insult during the prenatal, postnatal, or
perinatal period can later result in CP [7].
About 70% to 80% of patients with CP have spastic
clinical features [8] and present with increased deep
tendon reflexes, muscular hypertonicity, and scissor gait.
The athetoid or dyskinetic type of CP occurs in 10% to
20% of CP patients and is characterized by abnormally
slow writhing movements of the extremities [8]. The
rarest form is ataxic CP, which impairs balance and
coordination [8].
T. Foster (*):A. I. K. Rai :T. A. Dixon
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania,
3440 Market Street, Suite 200,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
A. I. K. Rai
T. A. Dixon
R. A. Weller
Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania,
3600 Market Street, 7th Floor,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
E. B. Weller
The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2010) 12:116121
DOI 10.1007/s11920-010-0096-8
CP traditionally has been viewed as a disorder of motor
impairment. Thus, treatment focus has been mainly on aspects
of its physical disability. Treatable psychiatric syndromes in
this population have been a neglected area of study. To date,
only a few systematic studies of psychiatric comorbidities in
children and adolescents with CP have been conducted. This
is of concern because children with CP have a higher-than-
expected rate of psychiatric disorders [1].
Psychiatric conditions related to CP include adjustment
disorder, personality disorders, depressive symptoms,
parentchild relational problems, difficulties in temperament,
emotional lability, irritability, impulsiveness, attention
deficits, and limited problem-solving skills [5]. Increased
depressive symptoms are significantly associated with
physical disabilities and family environment [5]. Separation
anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder, and attention deficits
are much more common in children with CP [5]. In addition,
major psychiatric diagnoses (eg, mood disorders) may also
co-occur [5]. Two CP patients with juvenile-onset bipolar
disorder were reported by Craven et al. [9].
The difficulties encountered by mental health clinicians
in diagnosing and treating children and adolescents with CP
cannot be understated. To provide information regarding
the psychiatric complications associated with CP, a case of
CP seen at the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Complex
Diagnostic Clinic at the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
is discussed.
Patient BG
BG is a 15-year-old female in 10th grade with spastic
diplegia type CP. She was the result of her 33-year-old
mothers first pregnancy. BG was born at 31.5 weeks by
Caesarian section secondary to premature rupture of
membrane. She weighed 1470 g at birth with an APGAR
score of 5 at birth and 8 at 5 min. She required surfactant
and respiratory support in the neonatal period and remained
in the neonatal intensive care unit for 5 weeks.
BG made good physical progress and had no notable
issues with feeding or sleeping. However, she was
described as having a difficult temperament. At 6 months,
she could not sit up and bear the weight of her head despite
support. Gradually, other motor deficits became evident. By
1 year of age, she was diagnosed with CP, spastic diplegia
type and started on physical and occupational therapy.
BG did not have any speech or social delays and could
communicate verbally with her parents at 18 months of age.
She also underwent eye surgery for strabismus soon
thereafter. A sister was born when she was 21 months
old, and she adjusted well to the sibling. With the help of
occupational and physical therapy, BG walked at 3 years of
age and was toilet trained by 4 years of age.
She started preschool and attended 2 days per week. In
kindergarten, she required an aide to help her secondary to
motor delays. By first grade, she knew she was different
and was left outof various physical activities at school
and not invited to many social peer events.
Although her strabismus had been surgically corrected,
her visual problems worsened through early and middle
childhood, warranting multiple ophthalmologic consultations.
At 9 years of age, she was diagnosed with retinitis
pigmentosa. She had limited tunnel vision bilaterally
(correctable only to 20/70), decreased visual fields, and
poor depth perception.
BG received multiple physical accommodations in
school but fared well. Her second through seventh grades
at school were good.In seventh grade, her classmates did
not want her at the lunch table because the crutches took
up too much space.Her transition from a relatively small
middle school to a large and imposing high school in the ninth
grade was anxiety provoking as well as physically and
emotionally difficult. Despite these challenges, she achieved
a grade-point average of 3.694 in 10th grade. However, she
continued to struggle socially, and although she wanted to
have friends, she withdrew from all peers except one.
BG presented to our clinic at 15 years of age with a chief
complaint of four psychotic episodeswithin the past year.
Each episodewas described as having an acute onset
with sudden remission. She had been assessed by multiple
health providers, and her parents expressed hope that this
evaluation would help them understand the crazy
episodes.They also wished to obtain recommendations
that would help their daughter become a successful adult,
especially because she had developed social deficits and
seemed withdrawn.
BGs first behavioral concerns began 1 year prior to our
evaluation (ie, at age 14 years). At that time, she developed
a sudden change in her sleep pattern. She stopped
sleepingand slept for only 2 h in a 36-h period. In the
subsequent 48 h, BG did not show any signs of sleep
deprivation. However, she developed sudden onset of fast
and garbled speech; made paranoid statements (eg, the
world is after me); complained of frequent headaches,
body aches, and stomachaches; began talking about seeing
pink blobs; and was noted to be laughing hysterically. She
began complaining of feeling very cold, put on three or four
layers of clothing to keep herself warm, and took multiple
hot baths. She started watching Spanish TV channels even
though she did not understand any Spanish and incessantly
repeated phrases and sentences from the showsas well as
from other peoples conversationsover and over again.
During this episode, she did not display any changes in
level of consciousness; had no hypersexuality, grandiosity,
or any unusually risky behavior; and was oriented to time,
place, person, and situation. She underwent an evaluation at
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2010) 12:116121 117
her pediatricians office, and her vital signs were stable.
Blood tests for antinuclear antibodies and Lyme titers, in
addition to routine blood work, were negative. She was
referred to a neurologist, but no focal neurological deficits
were noted. She underwent a brain MRI and an electroen-
cephalogram (EEG). The EEG was abnormal but was not
consistent with seizure activity, and the changes were thought
to be baseline and secondary to CP. A confirmatory video
EEG was done but was unremarkable for any seizure-like
activity. The brain MRI was also unremarkable.
BG was admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of acute
change in mental status. She was started on risperidone,
after which her symptoms worsened. Risperidone was
subsequently stopped. Urinalysis and urine culture revealed
a urinary tract infection (UTI). After a course of antibiotics,
symptoms resolved and she returned to baseline. This
sudden behavior change had lasted 25 days.
The second episodeoccurred 19 days later. During this
episode, BG began acting acutely bizarre and was fidgety
and irritable for periods that lasted 20 to 30 min four times
that day. Efforts to calm her down were of no avail. BG
then began to display odd behaviors such as screaming at
her mother, laughing incessantly, and alluding to being
electrocuted.Her parents described her as weird with
no sense of what was real.She had insomnia, began to drool
while awake and asleep, and displayed rapid mood shifts. In
the subsequent 48 to 72 h, she developed a fixed gaze in which
her eyes continually drifted down and to the right. A repeat
EEG was performed, and an abnormal spike pattern was
found in the occipital lobes. BG was rehospitalized, at which
point she developed bizarre posturing of her right hand. All
further medical work-up was unremarkable. Her parents were
told that the EEG changes in the occipital lobe and the new
onset of odd behaviors could have been related to a postictal
phase. Repeat EEGs were performed but were negative.
She was started on risperidone as an antipsychotic/mood
stabilizer, lorazepam for agitation and irritability, and
oxcarbazepine plus divalproex sodium for its anticonvulsant/
mood stabilization properties. She responded well to this
regimen and after 17 days returned to her baseline and was
discharged home on risperidone and oxcarbazepine.
Ten days later, the third episodeoccurred. BG again
developed odd behaviors with frequent crying spells. She
talked gibberish in a nonsensical language, rocked back and
forth for hours on end, and again displayed rapid mood
shifts ranging from extreme agitation to becoming morose
and withdrawn. She was assessed at an outpatient clinic,
and divalproex sodium was added to her regimen of
risperidone and oxcarbazepine for mood stabilization. Once
again, she responded and returned to baseline within
10 days of onset of symptoms.
She remained stable and asymptomatic for the next
8 months on these medications. The medications were
gradually tapered, and she remained asymptomatic for
2 months thereafter.
Then, however, she suddenly started acting odd again.
She began reading relentlessly, read out loud for hours,
made references that her food was poisoned, and believed
she was under surveillance. Her speech became bizarre and
cackling.Her moods shifted unpredictably and quickly
from being happy to weepy to defiant, irritable, and agitated
within minutes. She would intermittently become limp,
begin drooling, become unable to walk, and needed to be
carried around or required a wheelchair. Soon thereafter,
she had an episode of muscle twitching and developed a
feeling of being electrocuted.
This episodeevolved during a period of 48 h and
warranted her fourth hospital visit, during which she was
diagnosed with postictal psychosis and was restarted on
risperidone. Serial EEGs over the next few days were
unremarkable. A decision was made to do a cerebrospinal
fluid tap.
While awaiting lumbar puncture, she was assessed by a
psychiatrist for the first time. She was diagnosed with
psychotic disorder not otherwise specified. Recommenda-
tions included continuation of risperidone with addition of
divalproex sodium for its mood stabilization and antiseizure
She underwent another extensive medical work-up that
ruled out thyroid, infectious, or autoimmune etiologies. All
investigations were unremarkable, except for a fungal UTI.
Urology was consulted, and she was successfully treated
for her UTI. She was discharged after 2 days of
hospitalization on divalproex sodium and risperidone.
It was with this past history that she was referred to our
Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Complex Diagnostic Clinic for a psychiatric evaluation.
Her spinal tap was scheduled a week after our meeting.
During this evaluation, a family history of attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
alcoholism, anxiety, depression, and Aspergerssyndrome
was obtained. Social history revealed that she lived at home
with her biological parents and 13-year-old brother. She
attended 10th grade at a regular public school, had an
individualized education program that included physical
accommodations as well as a tutor to help her with academics,
and reportedly was a good student. Although she did not
report emotional, behavioral, or learning problems at the time
of the evaluation, parents were concerned about her poor peer
socialization because she had previously been popular at
school with many friends. Current review of systems was
negative except for motor coordination problems related to
CP, poor depth perception related to retinitis pigmentosa, and
recent UTI.
Mental status examination revealed a pretty, petite
15-year-old Caucasian girl who seemed younger than her
118 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2010) 12:116121
stated age. She was appropriately dressed and groomed and
had an extremely spastic and unstable gait. She needed help
with walking, and when walking unaided, she had difficulty
navigating corners and would often walk into the walls. Her
feet were inverted when sitting, and there was a mild inversion
at the knee joints. Her speech was regular in rate, tone, and
volume with a normal pitch with good clarity and articulation.
She made eye contact but had a blank stare most of the time
and could not track writing on paper. She had a euthymic
mood with congruent and stable affect and displayed
occasional animation of affect when talking about subjects
that interested her. Her thought process was logical and goal
directed, and thought content was appropriate to the current
situation. She was oriented to date, time, place, person, and
situation. She was able to concentrate and completed the serial
sevens test without any errors. She had good registration, as
well as good immediate and 5-min recall without any prompts.
She had a good fund of knowledge and was aware of current
events. She could abstract well. She denied any auditory,
visual, or olfactory hallucinations and stated that her last
visual hallucination was 10 months ago. She denied any
suicidal or homicidal thoughts or any such past thoughts,
plans, or acts. She had good judgment and was insightful
about having medical and social problems.
She was diagnosed as follows:
&Axis I: mood disorder due to (probable) seizure disorder
(rule out bipolar disorder)
&Axis II: none
&Axis III: CP, retinitis pigmentosa, UTI, abnormal EEG
with occipital spikes nonspecific in nature
&Axis IV: growing up with physical and visual handicap,
social isolation at school
&Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning, 70.
It was recommended that she continue antipsychotic and
anticonvulsant medications for symptom control and mood
stabilization and that future trials of tapering medications be
done under close monitoring of symptoms, preferably by a
child and adolescent psychiatrist.
It was further recommended that she receive individual
interventions that included components of supportive
directive therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy with a
focus on building independent skills, self-esteem, and
social repertoire. Socialization skills groups and mentoring
programs as a venue for improvement of peer relationships
were also suggested. The role of psychoeducation and
involvement of family members in support groups was
discussed with her parents. It was suggested that school-and
home-based interventions be geared toward maintenance of
daily routines and the earliest possible return to regular
schooling. In terms of her educational environment, it was
decided to review her already-existent individualized
educational program to determine if any changes or new
recommendations/accommodations were needed for the
This patient was born premature with a low birth weight.
Prematurity and low birth weight are known risk factors for
CP. Rates of subsequent development of CP are 25 to 31
times higher among infants with a birth weight less than
1500 g compared with full-sized newborn children [5].
Those whose weight is less than 2500 g make up one third
of all infants who later manifest CP [5].
CP usually becomes evident during the period of most
rapid brain growth and is associated with sensory, cognitive,
and behavioral manifestations [5]. Developmental disabilities
associated with CP include mental retardation, sensory
impairment of vision and hearing, learning disabilities,
language disorders, increased prevalence of seizures, cogni-
tive dysfunction, and perceptual disorders, which suggests
that these conditions may have common or related origins
[5]. Thus, CP is not a single entity, and the etiologies of its
multiple presentations are variable. The relative contributions
of prenatal, perinatal, and genetic factors are considered in
determining its etiology [5].
The nature of the illness heavily impacts temperament and
the normal phases of child and adolescent development,
which may interfere with parent-infant attunement [10]. Brain
damage, cognitive impairment, social stigma, and learning
disabilities increase the likelihood of psychiatric disorders
[5]. Brain damage in itself can be a vulnerability factor in the
occurrence of psychiatric disorders [5]. However, it is unclear
whether brain dysfunction leads directly to behavioral
disturbances or causes an increase in the childs vulnerability
to environmental stress [11].
The extent to which rehabilitation is possible is often
related to the psychological and psychiatric problems that may
coexist with CP [5]. Thus, a psychiatrist or psychologist has
an important role in assessing these children. Although
psychiatric syndromes can be difficult to detect in this
population, any of the following indicates the need for a
comprehensive mental health evaluation:
&Change in personality, such as new onset of sadness,
moodiness, increased irritability, or unusual elation
&Change in appetite, especially if associated with an
increase or decrease in weight
&Change in sleep patterns (eg, excessive sleeping,
difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in staying asleep,
decreased need for sleep)
&Loss of energy or increased energy levels
&Loss of interest in friends, play, activities, and sports or
absence of pleasure from relationships and activities
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2010) 12:116121 119
&Low self-esteem, frequently expressed through a negative
view of the self
&Difficulty with concentration
&Feelings of helplessness, occasionally expressed through
suicidal talk
&Aggression and hostility
&Loss of reality testing or hallucinatory phenomena
&Decline in academic achievement.
The psychiatric assessment of a patient with CP should
include an interview with the parents, other caregivers, and
the child. Teacher reports should be obtained whenever
possible. A family history of psychiatric disturbances and
developmental disorders in other family members are
pertinent [5]. Psychological and social factors that affect the
family should be assessed and may include financial stress,
marital stress, frequent absence from work, denial of insurance
or disability benefits, poor caregiver adjustment to the childs
needs, limited family support, and geographical hardships.
Parents should be evaluated individually to assess how the
childs illness has impacted their lives, with special focus on
assessing self-blame, depression, projection, dependency, and
substance use [5]. Special considerations during the interview
of the child with CP include accounting for the childs
developmental and emotional level; determining the most
effective means of communication with the child; and being
patient while relating to a child with a possible speech,
visual, social, or cognitive impediment [5].
The clinical diagnosis should be based on a systematic
developmental timeline review of data. In psychiatric
evaluations of similar cases, objective data can be obtained
using a variety of rating scales in addition to the clinical
interviews. These may include the Childrens Depression
Rating Scale-Revised, Young Mania Rating Scale, Yale-
Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, Abnormal Involuntary
Movement Scale, Simpson-Angus Neurological Rating Scale,
Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale, Revised Childrens Manifest
Anxiety Scale (What I think and feel), Conners-Wells
Adolescent Self-Report Scales, ConnersParent Rating Scale,
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for
School-Age Children (present and lifetime versions), and the
Childrens Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes (and the
parents version).
Parents are active participants in a childs care and often
function as co-therapists.Thus, when they leave the
clinicians office, they must have a clear understanding of
specific diagnosis and treatment goals. They should feel
hopeful, confident, and well informed about recommendations
[5]. If pharmacotherapy is to be used, the parents and the
child should be actively involved in the decision to use
medication. Parents should be educated about the psychiatric
conditions for which their child is at risk and be given
information regarding advocacy for their special needs child.
In this regard, we have found that imparting information
about the Parents Involved Network and directing families to,,and are helpful.
Children and adolescents with CP should be regularly
screened by health care providers for mental health issues
with a focus on emotional, behavioral, academic, and social
problems. Care must be taken in assessing and managing
children with CP to ensure that psychological problems are
not overlooked and potentially preventable risk factors are
identified and treated early and effectively [12••]. Family
functioning, physical difficulties, behavioral difficulties,
and motivation are important predictors of social/emotional
adaptation in children with CP [13]. Thus, these factors
should be explored in-depth. Also, the childs emotional
and developmental age is an important consideration in the
evaluation process, as this may not coincide with the
chronological age. Upon discovery of a psychiatric syndrome,
specific and clear recommendations for intervention should be
made. Treatment may include individual therapy, group
therapy, family work, or medication.
Most importantly, the child with CP and his or her
family should be supported. Using the childs personal
strength and the familys strengths in the treatment plan
goes a long way in offering hope, promoting self-esteem,
optimizing the childs participation in everyday life, and
aiding the family in adapting to their special needs child.
Disclosure Drs. Ronald and Elizabeth Weller are co-owners of the
Childrens Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes (and the parents
version) and have received annual royalties from copyright ownership
of this diagnostic interview. Dr. Elizabeth Weller was the principal
investigator for a grant from GlaxoSmithKline to investigate the
tolerability and efficacy of lamotrigine in children and adolescents
diagnosed with bipolar disorder. No other potential conflicts of interest
relevant to this article were reported.
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
highlighted as:
•• Of major importance
1. Goodman R, Scott S: Brain disorders. In Child Psychiatry.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1997:182186.
2. Brett EM, Scrutton D: Cerebral palsy, perinatal injury to the spinal
cord and brachial plexus injury. In Paediatric Neurology. New
York: Churchill Livingstone Publications; 1997: 291.
3. Mutch L, Alberman E, Haberg B, et al.: Cerebral palsy
epidemiology: where are we now and where are we going? Dev
Med Child Neurol 1992, 34:547551.
120 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2010) 12:116121
4. Odding E, Roebroeck ME, Stam HJ: The epidemiology of
cerebral palsy: incidence, impairments and risk factors. Disabil
Rehabil 2006, 28:183191.
5. Harris JC: Cerebral palsy. In Developmental Neuropsychiatry:
Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Developmental Disorders,
vol II. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1995: 127141.
6. Kuban KC, Leviton A: Cerebral palsy. N Engl J Med 1994,
7. Bass N: Cerebral palsy and neurodegenerative disease. Curr Opin
Pediatr 1999, 11:504507.
8. Krigger KW: Cerebral palsy: an overview. Am Fam Physician
2006, 73:91100.
9. Craven C, James A, Murphy M: Cerebral palsy and juvenile-onset
bipolar disorder: a preliminary report. Eur Child Adolesc
Psychiatry 2002, 11:134137.
10. Cox AO, Lambrenos K: Childhood physical disability and
attachment. Dev Med Child Neurol 1992, 34:10371046.
11. Breslau N: Does brain dysfunction increase childrensvulner-
ability to environmental stress? Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990,
12. •• Parkes J, White-Koning M, Dickinson HO, et al.: Psychological
problems in children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional
European study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2008, 49:405413.
This European study is the most current comprehensive study
examining comorbid organic brain disease and psychiatric
disorders. It effectively emphasizes the need to recognize and
treat psychiatric conditions in children with comorbid CP.
13. Majnemer A, Shevell M, Rosenbaum P, et al.: Determinants of life
quality in school-age children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr 2007,
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2010) 12:116121 121
... Among the 25 studies that addressed depression and moodrelated difficulties, seven were focused on spina bifida (27,30,33,36,42,45,47), eight on juvenile arthritis (4,26,32,37,40,43,44,46), three on muscular dystrophy (29,34,35), five on cerebral palsy (31,38,39,41,48,49), and one on other conditions (28). Twelve of these studies reported on rates of depression and mood-related difficulties, which ranged from 7.8% to 53.0%. ...
... Among the two studies that addressed psychotic disorder, both were case studies focused on cerebral palsy (31,50). For example, one of the studies described a 15-year-old female with cerebral palsy that was diagnosed with psychotic disorder (not otherwise specified) after experiencing four psychotic episodes within one year (31). ...
... Three out of the ten studies (40,53,55) used a mixed-methods approach that included qualitative interviews. Six out of the ten studies used qualitative methods only (31,32,35,44,49,50), including semi-structured interviews and focus groups, and one study used sociodemographic information pertaining to mental health services received (36). In addition, most of these studies reported data on the entire sample (e.g., 2 papers reported on case studies of a young person with cerebral palsy and psychosis). ...
Full-text available
Aim This scoping review aims to better understand the extent and nature of research activity on the topic of mental health problems in young people with childhood-onset physical disabilities. Specifically, we document what has been investigated in terms of the occurrence and experience of mental health problems among young people with childhood-onset physical disabilities, and their access to mental health services. Methods We searched four databases (Medline, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Embase) for articles published between 2007 and 2019. Studies were included if they addressed: (1) young people between the ages of 13 and 24 with a childhood-onset physical disability, and (2) mental health assessment, treatment, or service access and use. Results We identified 33 peer-reviewed studies that focused mainly on young people with cerebral palsy, juvenile arthritis, and spina bifida. The most common mental health problems investigated were depression and mood related difficulties (73%), anxiety (39%), and social/behavioural issues (33%) and the most common age range was 13 to 17. Ten studies explored access, use, and experiences of mental health services; stigma; caregiver mental health; and value for comprehensive care, using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Conclusions Findings suggest the importance of developing integrated models of service delivery to identify and address the mental health needs of this population, and consensus on best practices for assessment and reporting rates of subclinical symptoms and psychiatric conditions.
... Prenatal exposure to β 2 -adrenergic agonists has been shown to increase the risk of cerebral palsy in female offspring (Li et al., 2018). Cerebral palsy is a common neurodevelopmental disorder in childhood and is reported to be associated with a high prevalence of mental health problems (Foster et al., 2010;Bjorgaas et al., 2013). Several studies have also revealed an increased risk for autism spectrum disorders in juvenile rats (Slotkin et al., 2003;Rhodes et al., 2004;Meyer et al., 2005;Zerrate et al., 2007) as well as among children (Croen et al., 2011) following early developmental exposure to some β 2 -adrenoceptor agonists such as terbutaline, depending on β 2 -AR agonist dose, duration of the exposure, and developmental period of β 2 -AR agonist used (Witter et al., 2009). ...
Neurotransmitters play critical roles in the developing nervous system. Among the neurotransmitters, norepinephrine (NE) is in particular postulated to be an important regulator of brain development. NE is expressed during early stages of development and is known to regulate both the development of noradrenergic neurons and the development of target areas. NE participates in the shaping and the wiring of the nervous system during the critical periods of development, and perturbations in this process can alter the brain's developmental trajectory, which in turn can cause long-lasting and even permanent changes in the brain function and behavior later in life. Here we will briefly review evidence for the role of noradrenergic system in neurodevelopmental processes and will discuss about the potential disruptors of noradrenergic system during development and their behavioral consequences.
... X is not the only Hong Kong patient I have encountered who suffers from both cerebral palsy and severe dissociative symptoms. Given that psychological problems have been found to be a fairly common challenge for patients with cerebral palsy (Davies, Heyman, & Goodman, 2003;Foster, Rai, Weller, Dixon, & Weller, 2010;Parkes et al., 2008)-and that cerebral palsy oftentimes results in physical limitations, interpersonal communication difficulties (Parkes, Hill, Platt, & Donnelly, 2010), parenting problems (Ketelaar, Volman, Gorter, & Vermeer, 2008), and early-life medical treatments that could be traumatic-it could be argued that individuals with cerebral palsy are more likely to develop trauma-related pathological dissociation than those without cerebral palsy. Future studies should be conducted to determine whether cerebral palsy is frequently a risk factor for pathological dissociation as well as to determine the prevalence of dissociative disorders, including DID, in a variety of clinical and nonclinical population samples in Hong Kong. ...
This article provides a case report of a Chinese-Cantonese female with both cerebral palsy and dissociative identity disorder. To my knowledge, this is the first report of a case with dissociative identity disorder from Hong Kong, as well as the first report of a case with both dissociative identity disorder and cerebral palsy in the literature. Large-sample studies should be undertaken in the future to investigate the prevalence of dissociative disorders in a variety of populations in Hong Kong, including individuals with diagnosed brain diseases.
Este libro aborda la relación entre la fonoaudiología y el deporte adaptado, boccia, a través de la presentación de cinco estudios de caso realizados por estudiantes de último semestre de fonoaudiología, donde se especifican las intervenciones realizadas con practicantes de boccia que tienen como diagnóstico parálisis cerebral. En cada estudio de caso se presentan los marcos teóricos desde los cuales se realizó el abordaje fonoaudiológico; se presenta el caso del o la deportista y se muestran los resultados obtenidos en cada etapa de abordaje. Finalmente se plantean conclusiones y recomendaciones encaminadas a mejorar la interacción comunicativa de los deportistas dentro de cada uno de los contextos en los que participan. Este es un libro que pretende visibilizar el rol del fonoaudiólogo en un campo que hasta ahora ha sido poco explorado por esta disciplina, el campo del deporte adaptado, en el cual participan personas con diversos tipos de discapacidad y que pueden beneficiarse de un trabajo interdisciplinar que incluya a la fonoaudiología.
»: Mental health and psychosocial factors play a critical role in clinical outcomes in orthopaedic surgery. »: The biopsychosocial model of disease defines health as a product of physiology, psychology, and social factors and, traditionally, has not been as emphasized in the care of musculoskeletal disease. »: Improvement in postoperative outcomes and patient satisfaction is incumbent upon the screening, recognition, assessment, and possible referral of patients with high-risk psychosocial factors both before and after the surgical procedure.
Many patients with cerebral palsy (CP) will undergo surgery at some point, often orthopedic procedures. Patients with more severe involvement (GMFCS IV and V) are most likely to need surgery and are also the group most likely to have other medical conditions that can complicate their surgery and post-op recovery. This chapter addresses the most common of these complications, including how to assess and treat them.
Objective The journey into adulthood is a critical phase of profound psychological and social change, especially for children with long-term care needs, including those with intellectual disability (ID). In this paper, we aim to describe the clinical picture of patients with mild to profound ID during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Method We explored the prevalence of all comorbidities in 53 patients with mild to profound ID before and after transition. We collected information on the services taking care of the person at the time of follow up and about the actual occupation, if any. Results Out of the whole sample of patients, 79% were in touch with an adult health service after transition and about one fifth required care from more than one institution. 81% were currently employed in centres managed by health services. Transition to adulthood was characterized by the emergence, as main diagnosis, of psychiatric disorders, as well as by a slight increase of frequencies of comorbidities. Conclusions After transition from childhood to adulthood a change in epidemiology was observed. This may reflect a clinical evolution or a discontinuity in the use of diagnostic labels between paediatric and adult committed services. We proposed suggestions for better management of the transition phase.
Previous research has shown that children with physical conditions involving the brain are at increased risk for psychopathology. It is unclear whether brain dysfunction leads to disturbance directly or whether it does so by increasing the children's vulnerability to environmental stress. I examined the vulnerability hypothesis in a sample of 157 children with cerebral palsy, myelodysplasia, or multiple handicaps and in 339 randomly selected controls. Data on psychopathology came from direct interviews with the children; data on the family environment came from mothers' reports. Physical disabilities were associated with significant increases in depressive symptoms and inattention. Family environment had a significant main effect on depressive symptoms; effect on disabled children was not significantly different from effect on controls. Family environment had no significant effects on symptoms of inattention in disabled children. The findings provided no support for the hypothesis that brain dysfunction renders children vulnerable to environmental stress.
Cerebral palsy refers to a neurologic disorder of motor skills that is static in nature and is the result of injury to the brain before its development is complete. Many neurodegenerative or metabolic disorders have a slow rate of progression and can be misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy. Diseases that have been misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy are presented here to provide the clinician with framework for the complex evaluation of these patients. Curr Opin Pediatr 1999, 11:504-507 (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
. Cerebral palsy refers to a heterogeneous group of congenital and early acquired brain disorders. Children with cerebral palsy and other brain disorders have an increased rate of psychiatric disorder. The pattern of disorder is not particularly distinctive and no specific association has been found. We report two cases of spastic diplegia of prematurity comorbid with juvenile onset bipolar disorder, which highlight some of the diagnostic difficulties in these cases. An interesting association between the periventricular leucomalacia as an aetiological factor in cerebral palsy and the white matter lesions seen on magnetic resonance imaging in cases of bipolar disorder is noted.
The presentation of cerebral palsy can be global mental and physical dysfunction or isolated disturbances in gait, cognition, growth, or sensation. It is the most common childhood physical disability and affects 2 to 2.5 children per 1,000 born in the United States. The differential diagnosis of cerebral palsy includes metabolic and genetic disorders. The goals of treatment are to improve functionality and capabilities toward independence. Multispecialty treatment teams should be developed around the needs of each patient to provide continuously updated global treatment care plans. Complications of cerebral palsy include spasticity and contractures; feeding difficulties; drooling; communication difficulties; osteopenia; osteoporosis; fractures; pain; and functional gastrointestinal abnormalities contributing to bowel obstruction, vomiting, and constipation. Valid and reliable assessment tools to establish baseline functions and monitor developmental gains have contributed to an increasing body of evidenced-based recommendations for cerebral palsy. Many of the historical treatments for this ailment are being challenged, and several new treatment modalities are available. Adult morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, cancer, and trauma are higher in patients with cerebral palsy than in the general population.
Describing the epidemiology of cerebral palsy (CP), its impairments and risk factors. Literature review 1965-2004. Search terms: Cerebral palsy, incidence, prevalence, impairments, risk factors. In the last 40 years the prevalence of CP has risen to well above 2.0 per 1000 life births. In this time span the proportion of low-birthweight infants rose, the proportion of diplegia decreased, while the proportion of hemiplegia increased. CP is more prevalent in more deprived socio-economic populations. The majority of people with CP have the spastic syndrome of which the diplegic group is the smallest. Dependent on the subgroup of CP, 25-80% have additional impairments. A large proportion has some kind of cognitive impairment; the prevalence varies with the type of CP and especially increases when epilepsy is present. Epilepsy is present in 20-40%; it is most common among the hemi- and tetraplegics. Sensibility of the hands is impaired in about half. Chronic pain is reported by more than a quarter of the adults. Up to 80% have at least some impairment of speech. Low visual acuity is reported in almost three-quarters of all children. Half of all children have gastrointestinal and feeding problems. Stunted growth occurs in a quarter, while under- or overweight problems are present in half of the children. Almost 70% of people with spastic CP have abnormal brain CT findings; abnormal cranial ultrasounds is most strongly associated with hemiplegia, normal cranial ultrasounds with diplegia. The most important risk factors for CP are low birthweight, intrauterine infections and multiple gestation.
To characterize the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy from the parents' and children's perspectives. Ninety-five children were recruited; a parent, and when feasible, the child also completed the Child Health Questionnaire and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory. A range of predictor variables was measured relating to impairments, activity limitations, personal and environmental factors. Mean age was 9.3 +/- 2.1 years; 63.2% were male, and almost half had mild motor impairment (47% Gross Motor Function Classification System level I). Mean physical well-being (Child Health Questionnaire) was 39.6 +/- 16.9 with 50% <40; and mean psychosocial well-being was 43.0 +/- 11.3 with 53.8% <40. Similarly, with the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, 61% had summary scores <1 SD. Scores of parents and their children were significantly correlated (physical: r = .59, P < .0001; psychosocial: r = .39, P = .01); however, children rated themselves higher. Results indicate that quality of life is highly variable in children with cerebral palsy, with about half experiencing a life quality similar to typically developing children. Motor and other activity limitations are indicators of physical but not psychosocial well-being. Family functioning, behavioral difficulties, and motivation are important predictors of social-emotional adaptation. Determinants of life quality may guide resource allocation and health promotion initiatives to optimize health of the child and family.