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An Effective Time-Sharing Switch Migration Scheme for Load Balancing in Software Defined Networking

An Effective Time-Sharing Switch Migration
Scheme for Load Balancing in Software Defined
Thangaraj Ethilu 1,*, Abirami Sathappan 1, and Paul Rodrigues 2
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Annamalai University, India; Email: (A.S.)
2 Department of Computer and Engineering, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia; Email: (P.R.)
*Correspondence: (T.E.)
AbstractUsing distributed Software Defined Networking
(SDN)control, SDN delivers additional flexibility to network
management, and it has been a significant breakthrough in
network innovation. Switch migration is often used for
distributed controller workload balancing. The Time-
Sharing Switch Migration (TSSM) scheme proposed a
strategy in which multiple controllers are allowed to share
the workload of a switch via time sharing during an
overloaded condition, resulting in reduced ping-pong
controller difficulty, fewer overload occurrences, and
improved controller efficiency. However, it requires more
than one controller to accomplish, it has greater migration
costs and higher controller resource usage during the TSSM
operating time. As a result, we presented a coalitional game
strategy that optimizes controller selection throughout the
TSSM phase depending on flow characteristics. The new
TSSM method reduces migration costs and controller
resource usage while still providing TSSM benefits. For the
sake of practicality, the proposed strategy is implemented
using an open network operating system. The experimental
findings reveal that, as compared to the typical TSSM
system, the proposed technique reduces migration costs and
controller resource usage by approximately 18%.
Keywordsswitch migration, load balancing, coalitional
game strategy, time sharing switch migration, software
defined networking
The fast proliferation of cloud computing, big data
applications, the internet of multimedia things, and
increased data traffic have significantly raised network
management difficulties. The traditional network
architecture system consists of a data plane and a control
plane in each switch, with the former handling packet
processing and the latter handling decision making and
administration. As a result, upgrading the current
algorithms and policies to the switches is quite hard and
time consuming because all the related switches in the
given network must be updated one by one by system
administrators or workers [1].
Manuscript received December 22, 2022; revised February 20, 2023;
accepted May 11, 2023; published August 22, 2023.
Today, the software defined networking method
creates a distinct perspective of network administration in
networking applications by shifting the control plane in
switches to a central device known as the controller. As a
result, the controller may handle many switches in the
network. Monitoring and control of network switches are
simplified in this current method as compared to
traditional network management techniques, because the
controller unit can offer such information about the
Furthermore, by creating a set of rules in the controller,
the newest algorithms and control policies may be
quickly updated to the switches [2]. Aside from that,
SDN may support a broad range of applications, such as
(i) defending against cyber-attacks, (ii) recognizing
malicious access points, and (iii) offering anonymous
authentication, among others [37].
A single controller in a large network is a difficult
option because it creates a bottleneck in network
management performance. As a result, Distributed SDN
Control (DSC) is demanded in network applications, and
it acts as a promising solution in large network
management with many switches [8]. The DSC enables
many controllers to communicate with one another to
administer the whole network. Where each controller
manages a subset of switches (i.e., a subnet), and
processes may be transferred among controllers to
facilitate cooperation. Each controller is responsible for
dividing the workload for the subnets and reassigning the
burden of its switches through the periodical check-up of
each subnet, which is known as controller placement [9].
The controller placement is mostly focused on load
balancing and is carried out using a variety of techniques
such as work group control technique [10], deep
reinforcement learning technique [11], and so on. The
upshot of such control strategies may significantly alter
the switches in the subnet, causing the subnet to become
unstable via ping-pong operation. Furthermore, controller
placement strategies are not thought to be successful for
short-term flows such as distributed denial of service and
impulses [12].
Switch migration allows for a smoother change of
subnets in a shorter amount of time and addresses the
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
doi: 10.12720/jait.14.4.846-856
concerns. A switch migration approach examines the
workload state of each controller in the network in each
time frame (or time interval or period) to determine if
they are overloaded (busy) or lightly occupied (available
to share other works). If a network is overloaded, the
migration technique relocates a switch from the heavily
loaded controller subnet to the lightly loaded controller
subnet. Most existing switch migration methods follow
the smallest slice of the migration, which is one single
switch transferred at the start of the period. Once
migrated, the switch remains in the most recent sub-net
until the switch is picked for the following period. Most
crucially, these migration methods always need a
controller to supervise a single switch for the duration of
the migration. As a result, the controller in these systems
encounters ping-pong problems under elephant flow
situations (i.e., flow conveys numerous packets) and
faces the major problem of subnet instability [13].
The following outlines show the structure of the paper:
The literature review and problem definition of this study
are presented in Section II of this paper. Section III goes
through the fundamentals of the distributed SDN control
network, OpenFlow protocol rules, and network model.
Section IV discusses the proposed enhanced TSSM
scheme and matching algorithms, and Section V presents
the performance evaluation of the proposed approach.
Finally, in Section VI, the conclusion statement is
Several studies have been conducted throughout the
years to highlight the numerous difficulties in the DSC
network. Traditionally, dynamic controller placement
methods are used to achieve controller load balancing.
Chan et al. [14] presented a strategy for minimizing
service interruption time by easily moving the process
from one controller to another [15]. describes how a
lightly loaded controller can operate as a leader in the
event of a breakdown of the standard leader controller
unit. Controller placement approaches and issues are
discussed in [9], which emphasizes the need of
controllers maintaining fairness while sharing their tasks.
When compared to previous controller placement
methods, Hu and Zhang et al. [16] provided a dependable
deployment strategy with the goal of minimizing packet
loss and improving network stability. Kim et al. [17]
developed a strategy for improving the output of a
distributed datastore in an Open Daylight controller
cluster by regularly distributing shared leaders to cluster
members. Wang and Chang [18] described a system in
which controllers collaborate to redirect traffic to prevent
congestions during busy or overloaded periods on
switches. Nithya and Sangeetha et al. [19] proposes a
software defined cyber seeking system with a hybrid
controller for cloudlets and local networks. Sahoo and
Mishra et al. [20] presents prediction-based controllers,
which forecast network demand and conduct device
transfers based on prediction. The controller placement
research, such as the work group control approach and
the deep reinforcement learning technique provided
in [10, 11], where these strategies are ineffective during
impulses and distributed denial of service, etc. Aside
from the dynamic controller placement technique,
approaches for DSC workload balancing are classified
into three types: (i) switch migration, (ii) flow migration,
and (iii) flow splitting.
Switch Migration: To reduce burden, switch control
can be migrated from overloaded controllers to lightly
loaded controllers. Dixit and Hao et al. [21] discussed
switch migration in consideration of a controllers CPU
and memory allocation exceeding its threshold level, but
it does not define the method of selecting the targeted
controllers. Min and Hua et al. [22] discusses switch
migration utilizing the Q-learning approach, which has
lowered the standard deviation of the controller workload.
Cui et al. [23] utilized the controllers reaction time to
migrate switches. This strategy transfers the switch with
the greatest load of the controller in the shortest amount
of time. Sahoo et al. [24] suggested a strategy for
selecting targeted controllers for switch migration based
on CPU use, memory capacity, and bandwidth, among
other factors. Hu and Lan et al. [25] suggested a
simulated annealing algorithm for selecting the targeted
controller to reduce the cost of switch migration.
Flow Migration: Instead of migrating an entire switch,
the flow migration approach merely transfers the
hardness (i.e., flow beyond the threshold level) of the
flow. Hu and Wang et al. presented an approach in which
a super controller administers each controller in the
system and controls the flow controlled by them [26].
Lan and Li et al. [27] presented a game theory strategy
for managing each controller flow through task exchange.
When compared to standard flow migration methods,
Maity and Misra et al. [28] offered a traffic aware
consistent approach for minimizing flow migration
duration and obtained a 15% reduction in flow migration
time. Furthermore, using a traffic-aware flow migration
technique, Maity and Misra et al. [29] offered a method
to lower data plane load and obtained a 13% reduction
when compared to the two-phase update approach.
(a) Hierarchical method
(b) Flat method
Figure 1. Control methods for the DSC architecture.
Flow Splitting: This approach enables a switch to be
managed by many controllers at the same time. Gorkemli
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
and Tatlcıoglu et al. [30] presented a solution for flow
splitting utilizing virtual overlay on the data plane that
switches must negotiate with their controllers. Cheng and
Chen [31] developed a convex quadratic programming-
based solution for load balancing and decreasing new
switch-controller appointments by modelling the mapping
between controllers and switches.
Vikas and Samayveer [32] has proposed a self-
adaptive genetic approach-based particle swarm
optimization as a cluster-based routing to optimize the
control nodes in heterogeneous SDN-enabled free-space
optical under water wireless sensor networks. Moreover,
a novel fitness function is presented to balance the cluster
size by considering the most significant parameters
including energy and distance of network devices. It
shows that the proposed method improves stability period,
fitness value, etc. The control relation graph-based
controller placement method for Software-Defined
Networking (SDN) is presented in [33]. It demonstrates
that the proposed approach reduces management costs
through load balancing and response time in LEO
satellite networks. Zhang et al. proposed an SDN-based
space-terrestrial integrated network architecture. In
addition, it has presented an efficient dynamic controller
placement and adjustment algorithm for better load
balancing and response time [34]. Chen et al. proposed a
dynamical control domain division problem to reduce the
management cost. In addition, it has presented a heuristic
algorithm to choose the best controller for better load
balancing [35].
However, due to synchronization and the complexity
of the design, a switch cannot be operated by more than
one controller at the same time. As a result, flow
migration and flow splitting methods violate the
OpenFlow protocol and cannot be used in the real-time
controller platform.
As described in the literature section, most switch
migration solutions struggle with the ping-pong challenge.
The following example explains the ping-pong difficulty
of the controller. Consider two controllers [ and ]
and three switches [ , , ] in a network with a
maximum manageable workload of 200 PIMs per second
for each controller. Switches , , and generate 120,
160, and 120 PIMS every period, accordingly.
manages switches and at time t, and controller
manages switch . Because 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜= 120 +
160 > (200 PIMS), is overloaded and requires
switch migration. In most switch migration strategies, an
overloaded controller will request and take over a switch
from other controllers for an extended period. As a result,
at time t+1, Switch is moved to controller s subnet.
However, if 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 = 120 + 120 > (200
PIMS) at period t+1, controller will be overloaded. As
a result, controller requests that take over a switch
again at time t+2, increasing the complexity of ping-pong.
Lai and Wang et al. [36] recently suggested a Time-
Sharing Switch Migration Technique (TSSM) that
mitigates controller ping-pong by spreading the burden of
a switch that is monitored by two controllers at the same
time during overloaded situations. It proposes a switch
migration approach in which the burden of the switch is
split across two controllers over a certain time period.
Using the preceding example, at time t+1, handles 40
PIMs of , while manages the remaining 80 PIMs via
migration. Both controllers and are regulating the
workload of switch currently. As a result, s
workload is 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 = 40 + 160 = (200
PIMS), while s workload is 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 = 120
+ 80 = (200 PIMS), indicating that neither controller
is overloaded (busy) in period t+1. Similarly, at time t+2,
processes 80 PIMs before sending the remaining 20
PIMs to the controller subnet. The TSSM technique
can effectively overcome the controllers ping-pong issue
using this strategy.
It provides an approach in which two controllers,
namely an overload controller (one) and a lightly loaded
controller (one), are merged and the switch is relocated
from an overloaded to a lightly loaded controller subnet
at an appropriate moment in time. When compared to
existing switch migration methods such as group-based
dynamical controller placement [10], churn-triggered
migration [30], and best-fit migration [32], the results of
this technique show that it significantly reduces overload
occurrences of controllers while effectively balancing the
workload of all controllers with improved controller
efficiency. Nonetheless, more than one lightly loaded
controller operation in the TSSM yields greater controller
efficacy than the original (i.e., stated in the research)
despite the additional switch migration cost. Furthermore,
because the migration switch is managed (i.e., controlled)
by more than one controller in the network, this technique
consumes additional controller resources during TSSM
As a result, we suggested an approach that optimizes
the lightly loaded controller selection during the TSSM
period and enables for more than one lightly loaded
controller to be used for switch migration during the
TSSM period without increasing migration cost. The
controller is chosen based on flow characteristics using a
coalitional game strategy algorithm, which decreases
controller resource consumption by lowering the number
of controllers involved in flow processing. The new
TSSM method reduces migration costs and controller
resource usage while also providing TSSM advantages.
For its feasibility, the proposed scheme is implemented
using the Open Network Operating System (ONOS),
which can respond to approximately one million flow
processing requests per second.
Figure 2. Switch transferring process in OpenFlow Protocol.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
In summary, Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
leads to an efficient administration process in network
management through easy updating of network policies
and the latest algorithms. Typically, distributed SDN is
adopted in network management, considering bottleneck
issues. Load balancing is a critical factor in the SDN, and
it can be managed through (i) the dynamic controller
placement method, (ii) switch migration, (iii) the flow
splitting method, and (iv) the flow migration method.
Considering the practical viability of Open Flow, a switch
cannot be controlled by more than one controller
simultaneously, considering synchronization and complex
design. Therefore, flow migration and flow splitting
methods are non-compliant with the OpenFlow protocol
and cannot be implemented on the real-time controller
platform. Considering the OpenFlow protocol and its
implementation in the real-time controller platform, the
dynamic controller placement method with switch
migration is a better solution for load balancing.
The conventional switch migration methods suffer
from ping-pong difficulty during the switch migration
process because the whole single switch is migrated in
the beginning period. It causes instability issues in the
switch migration. The ping-pong difficulty is rectified by
a time-sharing switch migration scheme. This method
significantly reduces the overload occurrences of the
controller, which leads to better load balancing. However,
the selection of controllers during the TSSM period is
random. So that it could increase the switch migration
cost and higher controller resource consumption during
TSSM operation since the migration switch is managed
by more than one controller in the network. Therefore,
our paper has proposed an improved TSSM scheme, and
it has the following merits: (i) It contains all the merits of
a conventional TSSM scheme, including the removal of
ping-pong controller action during the switch migration
process, a reduction in controller overload occurrences,
and better controller efficiency, (ii) The selection of
controllers during TSSM is specified and optimized
through the coalitional game strategy, which reduces the
switch migration cost and controller resource
consumption, (iii) It provides better controller efficiency
and load balancing compared with the conventional
TSSM scheme.
This section discusses the architecture of the
distributed SDN control network, the switch transfer
mechanism in the OpenFlow protocol, and network
A. Distributed SDN Control Network Architecture
In a distributed SDN control network, two popular
control methods are commonly used: (i) hierarchical
control and (ii) flat control, also known as circular chain
control [8]. In the hierarchical technique, the central
distributed controller (called the leader) has a global
perspective of the network and updates network
regulations and newest algorithms to the sub controllers,
as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The sub controller controls
(oversees) the subnet of its switches and transmits its
status to the leader. It should be emphasized that if the
original leader is broken down in the hierarchical
technique, a new leader will be chosen [15]. In the case of
circular chain control, controllers have information about
the networks local perspective and authority over its own
subnet. The associated controllers exchange information
in a distributed fashion, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
In this article, the hierarchical technique is used to
implement the suggested switch migration methodology.
The leader oversees monitoring the condition of each sub
controller and implementing the TSSM scheme to pick
the lightly loaded controller over the overloaded
controller during flow variations, flow traffic, impulses,
distributed denial of service, and so on. Following that,
two sub controllers (overloaded and lightly loaded) are
committed to sharing workloads and migrating the switch
as needed.
To avoid undesired switch migrations, the threshold
level of the sub controller is likewise established in the
leader. When the workload of the controller exceeds the
controllers threshold level, it is deemed overloaded, and
it is selected based on the controllers maximum capacity
and reserve capacity. Generally, network administrators
recommend that the threshold level be set between 90%
and 95% of the full capacity. The controllers threshold
level is also stated as its maximum workload, and it is
specified in Eq. (1).
B. Switch Transfer Process in Openflow
OpenFlow allows switch transfers between subnets and
establishes connections with many controllers. Each
related controller determines the following duties from
the perspective of switch .
OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL (Equal): This default
role grants controller complete authority to
switch and allows to send commands to
and receive status information. Similarly, when
is operating in this capacity, all controllers
have complete access to it.
OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE (Slave): When the
controller role is set to slave, can only
read the state of switch .
OFPCR ROLE MASTER (Master): It is similar
to an equal role, and controller has full power
over . It is insisted, however, that only one
controller (e.g., ) is considered a master
controller for a switch , and all other
controllers are considered slaves to switch .
The OpenFlow protocol defines the switching process,
which is seen in Fig. 2. The master controller initiates the
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
switch transferring operation since it has complete control
over the switch. For example, controllers and are
the master and targeted (slave) controllers for the switch
, respectively. It is insisted that overloaded controllers
use leader to move a switch to other controllers for
workload balance (controller). After receiving a directive
from the leader, the master controller ( ) sends a
transferring request for switch to the targeted
controller . Following that, controller requests that
the switch alter the role of control to master rather
than slave using the Role Request (Master) message, and
the switch responds to with the Role Reply
message (Master). After all, sends a notification
message to indicating the successful migration of
switch , and controller subsequently operates as a
slave controller for switch .
OpenFlow protocol versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5
enable switch migration (most recent version). It has been
discovered that OpenFlow regulation simply instructs
how to modify (migrate) the switches between controllers
for their tasks and exchange messages between
controllers. However, OpenFlow does not specify how to
choose target controllers and switches for migration. The
proposed enhanced TSSM method optimises controller
selection and determines when switch migration should
occur during the TSSM period.
C. Network Modelling
Let us imagine an SDN-based network with a
collection of switches and a collection of
controllers. A switch (e.g., ) in is controllable by a
controller in (e.g., ) with the model of one switch is
controlled by a controller concurrently advocated by
OpenFlow, i.e., acts as a master controller for and
may be altered after the switch migration.
Packet In messages (PIMs) sent from switches
determine each controllers workload. Switch workload
(󰇛󰇜) is calculated specifically by the number of PIMs
created by a switch during each period t. Following that,
controller workload capacity is defined as the maximum
number of PIMS that may be processed in each period.
For example, if controller manages switches to ,
the workload of controller is determined as follows:
In general, the controllers maximum workload ()
should be smaller than its maximum capacity ( ),
considering the need for reserve load under unwanted
scenarios such as flow fluctuation, sudden demand, and
so on. Hierarchical control of DSC architecture is studied
in this study; hence, the leader receives workload from all
controllers at each period and directs switch migration
across controllers, as necessary.
The controller placement technique or network
operators are used to set the network switches at the first
stage, with each switch managed by a master controller.
As described in the preceding section, conventional
switch migration methods include migrating a switch at
the start of the period as well as migrating the entire
switch even if it is not necessary. As a result, the link
between controllers and switches remains constant during
whole period.
It is used to locate the overloaded and lightly loaded controllers in the SDN domain.
Initially, it is sorting the overloaded and lightly loaded controllers based on their overloading and PIMS accessibility. After
that, it performs the whole switch migration from overloaded controllers to lightly loaded controllers.
It achieves optimized controller selection based on flow path through a Coalitional game strategy for the TSSM operation.
It performs the TSSM operation and achieves better load balancing.
Figure 3. Relationship among algorithms used in the improved TSSM scheme.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
In the case of TSSM, switch migration is enabled via
time-sharing, and switches in the network can
dynamically change their connections with the controller
at any moment. Furthermore, as mentioned in Section II,
the TSSM approach efficiently overcomes the controller
ping-pong challenge. Nonetheless, controller resource
consumption is greater during the TSSM time, which may
raise the methods migration cost when compared to
other migration techniques since it allows more than one
controller to share their (switch) loads during the TSSM
period. It is discovered that migration costs are
approximated based on the number of controllers and
switches used. As a result, this research suggested an
approach that greatly decreased the number of controllers
associated with switches during time sharing migration
depending on flow characteristics. We developed a
coalitional game strategy to establish the best possible
connection between switches and controllers during the
time-sharing migration phase, reducing the number of
controllers connected with the switch and, as a result,
controller resource consumption and migration cost are
reduced. The algorithms listed below are intended to
ensure the effective completion of the proposed switch
migration method and Fig. 3 briefs their relationships.
A. Algorithm 1: Identifying Overloaded and
LightlyLoaded Controllers
This algorithm ensures that all overloaded (referred to
as busy) and lightly loaded controllers (referred to as
assistant or target controllers) in the given network are
found, as represented by  and  , respectively.
The burden of each controller (e.g., ) is evaluated
using Eq. (2) by adding the loads of each switch in the
subnet (e.g., 
󰇛󰇜 
󰇛󰇜 ) and is specified in the
method code between 3 and 5 lines. Following that, the
controller workload (e.g., ) is compared to the
threshold level ( ), and if it is more than the threshold
level, the controller is deemed overloaded and included in
the overload controllers (described in lines 67) unit in
the leader. Then, in line 8, lightly loaded controllers are
chosen based on a lightly loaded coefficient ´´, with a
value between 0.8 and 0.85 (specified by network
managers). Following that, the lightly loaded coefficient
is multiplied by the threshold value, and if the workload
of the controllers is less than the multiply value, it is
regarded a lightly loaded controller and is added to the
leaders lightly loaded controller unit. It is required that
switch migration take place when both the  and
 controllers are not empty, as shown in line 10.
Algorithm 1: Identifying Overloaded and Lightly Loaded Controllers
Algorithm 2: Switch Migration Segment for Load Balancing
SORT ( , );
SORT (,   );
foreach ϵ do
SORT (, 
if= ø then
Cease this module;
Pick the optimized controllers [, ,...]from ;
(Controller-Switch Association Matrix) ← Algorithm 3 (Request PIM´s of Switch, Switches from )
(, [ , , …] , 󰇟 󰇠) ← Algorithm 4 ( , [, ,...]) ;
Transfer to [, ,...]’s subnet after [ , , …] units of time;
󰇟 󰇠;
   󰇟  󰇠 ;
   󰇟  󰇠 ;
if󰇟󰇠 × 󰇟 󰇠 then
, [, ,...];
SORT (,   );
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
Algorithm 3: Selection of Optimised Controller for TSSM Scheme
Input: Organised light and busy controllers ={}, {} obtained from Algorithm 2;
SORT ( 
󰇛󰇜, 
󰇛󰇜 
󰇛󰇜 );
Capacity and redundant load for each controller under a leader
Traffic Matrix: = []
Initialization: = [], = [
Every switch performs its most desired migration.
Initial migration pair : ;
for all controllers do:
if: ; and   : satisfy migration does not violate capacity constraint.
if migration value (, ) 0: consider a weight factor between control resource consumption and control traffic
Implement switch migration selection
Update = [
end if
end if
end for
Until no proposals have been made by the switches
Algorithm 4: Time to Switch Migration Estimating Segment
 min ( ) &  max (  ) ;
 and
 ;
foreach ϵ do
if 
󰇛󰇜  then
{ };
{ };
the last switch of
  󰇛󰇜 ;
the first switch of
then 
󰇛󰇜 
󰇛󰇜 and 
󰇛󰇜 
return (,  );
B. Algorithm 2:Ordering the Overloaded and Assisting
Controllers, as Well as Switch Migration
This algorithm goal is to distribute workload across
controllers by identifying a pair of overloaded and lightly
burdened controllers. The SORT function aids in the
organization of overloaded and lightly loaded controllers
in decreasing workload order. Line 1 of the code sorts the
overload controllers, whereas line 2 sorts of the
information about the lightly loaded controller. As a
result, a controller with very excess capacity will be
prioritized in contributing to the task of an overloaded
(busy) controller. The code in lines 317 tackles each
controller in the network using a for-loop, from the most
overloaded to the least overloaded. Line 4 arranges the
switches under management in decreasing order based
on their workload. The while loop on lines 516
continues to reduce the burden of the by moving a
switch until it reaches the threshold workload. However,
if there is no assistant controller to assist (i.e.,  is
empty) and there are still overloaded controllers in the
domain, Algorithm 2 ends as shown in lines 67.
Otherwise, if we wish to pick a lightly loaded controller
for workload sharing, the time-sharing switch
migration technique must be enabled. Initially, Algorithm
3 is used to determine the best controllers [, ,...]
for TSSM in terms of controller resource usage and
migration cost. Following the discovery of the optimal
controllers, the TSSM scheme based on Algorithm 4 is
run. As seen in line 10, the result of Algorithm 4 gives
three output parameters. In which specifies the time
switch should migrate to other controllers, whilst
specifies the number of PIMs to be migrated to each
controller. Following that, workload updates of and
[, ,...] are performed in lines 11 to 13, and if [,
,...] exceeds the threshold level, these controllers are
removed from the lightly loaded controllers as shown in
line 14, otherwise these controllers are returned to the
lightly loaded controller unit as shown in lines 17 and 2.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
C. Algorithm 3: Optimization of the Controller for the
TSSM Scheme to Save Migration Cost
This algorithms goal is to produce efficient controllers
for TSSM operation. The optimized controller is chosen
based on flow characteristics to decrease controller
resource usage and, as a result, switch migration cost.
The coalitional game strategy [37] is used for optimal
controller selection and is shown in Algorithm 3. This
algorithm requires the PIMs of each switch in the
overloaded controller , as well as the controllers
threshold level, network topology map, and so on.
Between lines 3 and 12, the flow sort function evaluates
the total quantity of flow in each path and sorts it in
ascending order. Lines 46 execute and choose a
controller that covers most of the switches in the route.
D. Algorithm 4: Time to Switch Migration Estimating
After defining the best lightly loaded controllers (,
 ,...) using Algorithm 3, they are paired with an
overloaded controller to accomplish three tasks using
Algorithm 4. The tasks are as follows: (i) choose a switch
(from an overloaded controller) to share their burden with
lightly loaded controllers, (ii) compute the switch
migration time (), and (iii) calculate the number of PIMs
() that lighter loaded controllers will process. Line 1 of
Algorithm 4 is executed, with  representing the
remaining capacity of the lightly loaded controllers and
 representing the lowest amount of overload in the
overloaded controllers. Following that, switches in the
overloaded controllers are divided into two subnets,
, respectively; if the switch load is greater than
, it is sorted in
with decreasing load order, and
includes remaining switches in the overloaded controllers;
respecting codes are given in lines 27. In order to reduce
the number of migrations (executed in lines 89),
switches near  (might be the very last switch in
based on load sorting order) are selected in the
for migration. This is because a minimal amount of
overload in the overloaded controllers can easily be
placed in the lightly loaded controllers. The estimated
switch migration time is determined by the number of
PIMs generated in the switch, the  in the optimum
lightly loaded controllers, and the  in the switch. For
example, if  is half the value and the rate of
PIMs created is constant, the switch migration time is
expected to be half the period duration provided in
Eq. (3). If , switch migration happens at the start of
the period, as shown in line 13. Furthermore, once the
switches in the
subnet are empty, the
subnet is
evaluated for better load balancing even though it is not
overloaded, as seen in lines 11 and 12. This procedure
will be continued until all the controllers are load
balanced for each switch in the time-sharing scheme
using optimum controller finding (Algorithm 3) and then
returned to Algorithm 2.
The proposed switch migration strategys performance
is tested using time domain simulation analysis. As
illustrated in Fig. 4, the ONOS platform is used as the test
platform, and a hierarchical DSC design is used for the
experimental network, which contains 7 controllers and
24 switches. As a result, one controller acts as a leader,
and its major purpose is to oversee the other six
controllers in the network; however, it is not involved in
switch management; the secondary six controllers operate
their switches in their subnet. This test platform considers
simulation duration to be 250 seconds divided into 50
phases. Each secondary controller has a PIMs processing
capacity of 800,000 PIMs every 5 second interval.
Furthermore, the barrier for each controller is set at
640,000 PIMs every period. As a result, the overall
controller affordable load is estimated to be 3.84 106
PIMs each period. The switches loads are divided into
three levels: (i) light load, (ii) medium load, and (iii) big
load. Each switch generates roughly 17,000 PIMs per
second under mild load, whereas a switch producing
33,500 PIMs per second is considered medium load.
However, if a switch generates more than 51,000 PIMs
per second, it is considered a big load. If all switches are
lightly loaded, the overall controller affordable load is 2
106 PIMs per period, which is approximately 48% of
the total controller affordable load. However, if all
switches are deemed heavy loads, the overall load is 6.01
106 PIMs per period, which is significantly greater than
the total controller affordable load.
(a) network topology at 0 second
(b) network topology at 16th second
Figure 4. Network topology used in the simulation test platform.
As a result, in this simulation research, the simulation
begins with a minimal load in all switches, and the load is
randomly raised in the switches using the cbench tool as
simulation duration advances, to evaluate the
performance of the switch migration approach. For
example, at the 16th second time, ten switches (S1, S3,
S4, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S22, S23,) are creating about
17,000 PIMS/s, eight switches (S2, S5, S11, S12, S15,
S18, S21, S24,) are generating 33,500 PIMs/s, and the
remaining switches (S13, S14, S16, S17, S19, S20) are
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
carrying 51,000 PIMs/s, As a result, the total controller
workload is 3.772 106 PIMs each period, and switch
migration must occur using both the traditional (full
switch) and TSSM schemes. Three examples are studied
for assessing the performance of the suggested method:
(i) work loads of controllers, (ii) overload events, and
(iii) controller resource consumption.
A. Test 1: Workload of Controllers
As previously stated, each controller may process up to
640,000 PIMs every period, and if the controller has
processed more than 128,000 PIMs/s, it is deemed
overloaded. Two standards approach, (i) OpenFlow, and
(ii) TSSM schemes, are studied in this test, and their test
results are compared with the proposed method for
assessing performance.
Figure 5. Comparison of workload of controllers: (a) OpenFlow method,
(b) Conventional TSSM, (c) Proposed method.
Because switch migration is not done in the OpenFlow
technique, controllers C4, and C5 are significantly
overloaded, as seen in Fig. 5(a), based on PIMs generated
in the switches. During this time, controllers C4 and C5
must handle about 932,000 PIMs every period, which
exceeds their maximum capacity (800,000 PIMs per
period) and causes unforeseen challenges in the
networking domain. In the case of the TSSM scheme, it
distributes workload across controllers via time sharing
migration and ensures that all controllers are under their
threshold limits, as illustrated in Fig. 5(b). Furthermore,
the Ping-Pong problem (no high leaps, and often
transmitted switches are treated as nil) is not detected in
the test results. The suggested switch migration schemes
test results are shown in Fig. 5(c). When compared to the
TSSM scheme, load sharing between controllers is
substantially flatter (i.e., almost all controllers are sharing
around similar load, which improves efficiency and
reduces downtime or maintenance activities).
B. Test 2: Number of Overload Occurrences
This test is important for determining the performance
of the switch migration technique by evaluating the
number of overload occurrences for the controllers for the
whole duration (250S). Fig. 6 shows a comparison of
overload occurrence for all three approaches. It
demonstrates that the OpenFlow method provides a high
number of over-load occurrences because there is number
of switch migration action, and thus controllers C1, C2,
C3, and C6 are in the lightly loaded range, whereas C4,
and C5 are highly loaded, and these controllers are
completely overloaded during the given period.
Figure 6. Comparison of number of overload occurrences in
conventional and proposed method.
In the case of TSSM, it has considerably decreased the
number of overload events for the controller since it
avoids the ping-pong problem and so switches that are
repeatedly moved are ignored. When compared to the
TSSM system, the proposed method reduces the amount
of overload incidents even more. During time sharing
migration, the suggested technique employs more than
one optimal controller as a lightly loaded controller,
which may minimize the frequency of overload events.
Because, in the conventional TSSM method, if one
controller is not sufficient to share the load of the switch
(this controller may be considered initially as excess in
this situation), then it is necessary to find another
controller for switch sharing. This may occur when the
requirement of load sharing is high in the over-loaded
controller and lightly loaded single converters are
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023
insufficient to handle this load. The proposed strategy, on
the other hand, selects more optimal controllers based on
load sharing and minimizes unnecessary processing and
overload situations.
C. Test 3: Controller Resource Consumption
This test could be utilized to determine the migration
cost of switch migration techniques based on controller
resource usage. Controller resource consumption
describes how many controllers and switches are used. It
should be noted that minimizing the number of
controllers associated with the switches minimizes the
networks switch migration cost. Because OpenFlow is
not conducted during the switch migration event, it is
excluded from this assessment research. When compared
to alternative switch migration methods, the standard
TSSM has a lower migration cost. However, it is greater
when compared to the proposed switch migration
technique since the proposed approach selects the
appropriate controllers for workload sharing based on
flow characteristics, which minimizes controller resource
consumption and switch migration cost. Fig. 7 depicts the
control resource usage of the switch migration strategy.
When compared to the conventional TSSM system, the
suggested switch migration approach saves
approximately 18% on switch migration costs. The
overall effectiveness of the proposed method with
existing methods is given in Table I.
Figure 7. Comparison of controller resource consumption between
TSSM and proposed switch migration method.
This research offered an enhanced TSSM methodology
that addresses the issue of higher switch migration cost in
the standard TSSM method by locating several optimum
target controllers throughout the time-sharing period. It
used flow characteristics to determine the best controllers
using a coalitional game strategy method. Furthermore,
the suggested switch migration strategy provides TSSM
benefits that have overcome the ping-pong controller
challenge. The ONOS platform was used to evaluate the
performance of this study, and it was discovered that the
modified TSSM scheme outperformed the standard
TSSM approach in terms of controller workload sharing,
number of overload events, and controller resource
consumption. When compared to the typical TSSM, it
decreases controller resource use by 18%.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Thangaraj Ethilu: data collection, implementation, and
making output. Abrami Sathappan: supervision of the
project work. Paul Rodrigues: proofreading of the paper.
All authors had approved the final version.
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Software-defined satellite-ground integrated vehicular networks have emerged as indispensable infrastructures that provide rural area coverage and diverse vehicular services. However, previous research on control domain division mostly focuses on data center networks. To address these issues, we formulate the dynamical control domain division (DCDD) problem to minimize the total management cost. Since the DCDD problem is NP-hard, we propose an approximation algorithm RDCA based on the randomized rounding. We formally analyze the performance of the RDCA algorithm. Guided by the rounding procedure, we propose a heuristic algorithm HCA to greedily choose the best controller at each time slot. Two kinds of switch migration operations are designed to further minimize the total management cost. Extensive simulations show that our HCA algorithm outperforms related schemes in terms of management cost, response time and controller load balancing.
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In this paper, we present a traffic-aware flow migration approach, which reduces data plane load in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) during a network update. SDN update involves rerouting of multiple traffic flows to accommodate new flows. An unplanned flow migration schedule overloads the data plane by burdening the data links and flooding the rule-space of capacity-constrained SDN switches. The overload of data links and switches blocks the update process, and the network fails to address the Quality of Service (QoS) demands of the traffic flows, especially latency-sensitive flows. Prior approaches migrate flows without considering load reduction of the data plane along with QoS demands of the flows. In this work, we propose a load reduction strategy that prioritizes traffic flows based on QoS demands and aims to avoid link congestion and rule-space overflow during flow migration. The proposed scheme significantly reduces the maximum data link bandwidth usage. In particular, the maximum data link bandwidth usage is 13.22% less than the two-phase update approach.
Free-space optical (FSO) wireless sensor network is rapidly growing for underwater communication applications. However, the high-energy loss and propagation distance are the key concerns during data transmission in SDN-enabled underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs). In addition, long-distance free-space data transmission in UWSNs relies heavily on FSO communication. Thus, FSO communication is integrated with SDN-enabled UWSNs to maximizing the network lifespan called SDN-enabled free-space optical underwater wireless sensor networks (FSO-UWSNs). Furthermore, clustering and routing can effectively balance the network load for energy-efficient data delivery in SDN-enabled FSO-UWSNs. However, choosing the optimal control nodes (CNs) in clustering is considered as an NP-hard problem. Accordingly, self-adaptive genetic approach-based particle swarm optimization (SAGA-PSO) is proposed as a cluster-based routing to optimize the CNs in heterogeneous SDN-enabled FSO-UWSNs. The proposed hybrid model of metaheuristics and genetic mutation, in which the native PSO is amended with the self-adaptive inertia weights and genetic mutation operation to identify the CNs based on genetic diversity dynamically. In addition, a novel fitness function is proposed to balance the cluster size by considering the most significant parameters like energy and distance of network devices. The SAGA-PSO is simulated using the ns-3 simulator, and SDN policies are controlled via the ONOS controller. Moreover, the proposed nature-inspired SAGA-PSO approach outperforms the existing state of arts by considering the performance metrics such as; alive nodes, stability period, average residual energy, the packet transmitted to CS, average delay, and fitness value.
Software-defined networking (SDN) makes network management easier by using a controller to govern all switches, but the controller may become a performance bottleneck. Distributed SDN control is a promising solution, which lets multiple controllers divide the work, where each controller manages a part of the network. Switch migration is one common means to the load balance of controllers, which transfers some switches to different subnets based on the workloads of their controllers. The paper proposes a time-sharing switch migration (TSSM) scheme to provide more refined load sharing for controllers, which allows two controllers to share a switch’s load sequentially in the same period. When a controller is overloaded, TSSM finds assistant controllers to share its workload by selecting proper switches for migration and also deciding the time to perform migration. In this way, the workload of each controller can be kept below a given threshold. We implement the TSSM scheme on the open network operating system (ONOS) to attest to its feasibility. Experimental results show that TSSM can reduce 98% of the occurrences of overload for controllers as compared with the original OpenFlow method. Moreover, TSSM can save about 78% of the migration cost than the churn-triggered migration method.
The term “SDN” represents a significant evolution in networking technology and draws attention and support from network operators, vendors, researchers and industry regulators. Contrary to popular belief that SDN is a recent invention, or is related only to IP technologies, the concept of network programmability and control/data plane separation has its roots in the 1960s and 1970s when the telephone network started its transition to digital. Many iterations followed, leading to applications in packet networks and today’s Internet. In this article, we review a number of early works on network programmability that illustrate how several features of SDN emerged progressively over several decades. Our review starts from the early concepts of network control in the telephone network and continues to examine a prolific period of research advancements in the 1990s and early 2000s that led to a number of startup companies that followed, IEEE’s own efforts in standardizing network programmability, and finally the arrival of the OpenFlow standard. We study the importance of this architectural transformation and its influences on modern cloud computing and next-generation networking.