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Sarcopenia and physical function are associated with inflammation and arteriosclerosis in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: Sarcopenia reduces physical function, while chronic inflammation causes arteriosclerosis and decreases skeletal muscle. We conducted a cross-sectional study to elucidate the associations among sarcopenia, physical function, arteriosclerosis, and inflammation in community-dwelling people. Methods: We recruited 335 participants in an annual health checkup. We diagnosed sarcopenia based on appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (aSMI) assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis. We measured several physical function tests, blood pressure, and serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Results: After controlling for age, sex, and BMI, participants in the sarcopenia group showed lower performance in all measured physical tests than the normal group. Arteriosclerosis risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and hs-CRP, were significantly higher in the sarcopenia group than in the normal group. hs-CRP and total cholesterol levels were significant risk factors of sarcopenia. The aSMI, grip strength, and maximum stride length were negatively related to hs-CRP level. Conclusions: Community-dwelling people with sarcopenia had higher levels of hs-CRP and a higher risk for arteriosclerosis. The serum level of hs-CRP was an independent risk factor for sarcopenia and was associated with physical function. These findings indicate that chronic inflammation may relate arteriosclerosis and sarcopenia simultaneously.
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Modern Rheumatology
ISSN: 1439-7595 (Print) 1439-7609 (Online) Journal homepage:
Sarcopenia and physical function are associated
with inflammation and arteriosclerosis in
community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study
Tetsuro Hida, Shiro Imagama, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Akio
Muramoto, Kenyu Ito, Yoshimoto Ishikawa, Mikito Tsushima, Yoshihiro
Nishida, Naoki Ishiguro & Yukiharu Hasegawa
To cite this article: Tetsuro Hida, Shiro Imagama, Kei Ando, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Akio
Muramoto, Kenyu Ito, Yoshimoto Ishikawa, Mikito Tsushima, Yoshihiro Nishida, Naoki Ishiguro &
Yukiharu Hasegawa (2017): Sarcopenia and physical function are associated with inflammation and
arteriosclerosis in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study, Modern Rheumatology, DOI:
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Published online: 25 Jul 2017.
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Sarcopenia and physical function are associated with inflammation and
arteriosclerosis in community-dwelling people: The Yakumo study
Tetsuro Hida
, Shiro Imagama
, Kei Ando
, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi
, Akio Muramoto
, Kenyu Ito
Yoshimoto Ishikawa
, Mikito Tsushima
, Yoshihiro Nishida
, Naoki Ishiguro
and Yukiharu Hasegawa
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan;
Department of Rehabilitation, Kansai
University of Welfare Sciences, Osaka, Japan
Objectives: Sarcopenia reduces physical function, while chronic inflammation causes arteriosclerosis
and decreases skeletal muscle. We conducted a cross-sectional study to elucidate the associations
among sarcopenia, physical function, arteriosclerosis, and inflammation in community-dwelling people.
Methods: We recruited 335 participants in an annual health checkup. We diagnosed sarcopenia based
on appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (aSMI) assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis. We
measured several physical function tests, blood pressure, and serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive
protein (hs-CRP), total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Results: After controlling for age, sex, and BMI, participants in the sarcopenia group showed lower per-
formance in all measured physical tests than the normal group. Arteriosclerosis risk factors, including
blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and hs-CRP, were significantly higher in the sarcopenia group than
in the normal group. hs-CRP and total cholesterol levels were significant risk factors of sarcopenia. The
aSMI, grip strength, and maximum stride length were negatively related to hs-CRP level.
Conclusions: Community-dwelling people with sarcopenia had higher levels of hs-CRP and a higher
risk for arteriosclerosis. The serum level of hs-CRP was an independent risk factor for sarcopenia and
was associated with physical function. These findings indicate that chronic inflammation may relate
arteriosclerosis and sarcopenia simultaneously.
Received 15 February 2017
Accepted 12 June 2017
Atherosclerosis; C-reactive
protein; intimamedia
complex thickness;
sarcopenia; bioelectrical
impedance analysis
Humans lose 40%of their skeletal muscle mass by the age
of 70 years [1]. Sarcopenia, which is defined as a decrease in
skeletal muscle mass associated with aging, causes a decrease
in physical activity, and leads to falls and osteoporotic frac-
tures in the elderly [2]; it is also a potential cause of sys-
temic disorders. In recent years, sarcopenia has rapidly
emerged as an important topic in various medical specialties.
The number of patients with sarcopenia has been increasing
worldwide as a result of the aging population; there were 50
million patients in 2009, which is expected to increase to
200 million patients by 2050 [3].
Skeletal muscles are distributed not only in the loco-
motor system, where they are responsible for physical func-
tions, but also in various organs throughout the body,
which account for the majority of the bodys glucose metab-
olism. Decreased muscle mass causes deterioration of insulin
sensitivity, which is an underlying risk factor for arterio-
sclerosis [4].
The prevalence of arteriosclerosis is increasing and the
disease burden is becoming progressively more severe.
Morbidity and mortality due to arteriosclerosis has been
rapidly increasing during the last 20 years [5].
Arteriosclerosis is a disease affecting the blood vessels, which
results in the thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of
the arterial walls [6]; it affects arteries of the heart, brain,
and other internal organs, as well as skeletal muscles [7].
Previous studies have indicated that physical inactivity, obes-
ity, hypertension, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia are
causes of arteriosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular dis-
ease [8,9]. In addition, chronic inflammation has been
shown to be a risk factor for arteriosclerosis [10,11].
Sarcopenia not only causes hyperinsulinemia due to
decreased muscle mass, but also induces obesity because of
reduced physical activity [12]. Sarcopenia considerably
affects glucose and lipid metabolism in the elderly, and was
reported to be a cause of arteriosclerotic diseases [7].
Therefore, the treatment of sarcopenia may play an import-
ant role in the prevention of arteriosclerotic diseases.
However, the association between sarcopenia and arterio-
sclerosis risk factors in community-dwelling people is
insufficiently understood. Therefore, we conducted a cross-
sectional study aiming to evaluate sarcopenia in community-
dwelling elderly people and the associations between
sarcopenia, physical function, inflammation, and
CONTACT Shiro Imagama Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya,
Japan, Address: 65, Tsurumai, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8550, Japan
ß2017 Japan College of Rheumatology
Subjects and methods
Our institution has performed epidemiological studies col-
lectively called The Yakumo Studyin the Yakumo town of
Hokkaido, Japan, since 1983 through annual public health
checkups [1316]. The current study was conducted on
community-dwelling people aged 40 years who participated
in the health checkup in 2013. Participants with inflamma-
tory diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, collagen disease, current
malignant tumor and infection were excluded. In total, 335
subjects (mean age, 64.9 years) were analyzed. All partici-
pants provided written informed consent, and the study
protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (No. 2014-
0207), and the study procedures were carried out in accord-
ance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Muscle mass measurement and diagnosis of sarcopenia
Appendicular skeletal muscle mass was measured using bio-
electrical impedance analysis (BIA) (Inbody 720; Biospace
Co., Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea), which measures body
composition according to the differences in electric imped-
ance among biological tissues such as fat, muscle, and bone
[17]; the accuracy of this method is comparable to that of
the computed tomography cross-sectional area [18].
Moreover, it enables separate measurement of muscle mass
in the upper and lower extremities, and the trunk.
Therefore, the BIA is a simple, easy, and non-invasive
method for measuring muscle mass [19]. The appendicular
skeletal muscle index (aSMI) was calculated using the fol-
lowing formula: aSMI ¼arm and leg skeletal muscle mass
)[20]. Reference values for the diagnosis of
sarcopenia for Japanese people were reported by Tanimoto
et al., and included an aSMI of <7.0 kg/m
and 5.8 kg/m
men and women, respectively, as measured using BIA; these
values were determined from the mean ±2 standard devi-
ation values of 1719 Japanese volunteers aged 1839 years
[21]. Participants were diagnosed with sarcopenia according
to these Japanese criterion values and in accordance with
the European guidelines for the diagnosis of sarcopenia [3].
Participants who did not meet the criteria of sarcopenia
were assigned to the normal group.
Assessment of physical function
We determined back muscle strength as the maximal iso-
metric strength of the trunk muscles in a standing posture
with 30lumbar flexion using a digital back muscle strength
meter (T.K.K.5002; Takei Co., Niigata, Japan) [22]. The test
was performed once on 334 participants (124 men and 210
women). Grip strength was measured bilaterally in the
standing position using a handgrip dynamometer (Toei
Light handgrip dynamometer; Toei Light Co., Ltd., Saitama,
Japan). Both hands were tested once, and the average value
was used to characterize the grip strength of the subject
[23]. We evaluated the 10-m fastest walking speed as a
reflection of the mobility of participants [2]. Participants
walked the 10-m straight course once at their fastest pace,
and the walking speed was calculated. The 3-m timed up
and go (3mTUG) test measured the time it took a subject to
rise from a standard chair (46-cm seat height from the
ground), walk a distance of 3 m, turn around, walk back to
the chair, and sit down [24]. Each subject performed the test
twice, and the quickest score was recorded. The maximum
stride was measured as follows: a participant in the standing
position was instructed to put his/her right foot forward as
far as he/she could, then to bring the left foot up to the
right foot without touching the hands on the floor or the
knees. This was repeated with the left foot forward. The best
value was used to characterize the maximum stride of the
subject [25].
Assessment of risk factors for arteriosclerosis
Blood pressure in the right arm was measured while the
individual was in a seated position after at least 5 min of
rest. Chronic inflammation was assessed by measuring
serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
in blood samples using immunoagglutination assay with
latex beads (N-Assay LA CRP-T, Nittobo Medical Co., Ltd,
Tokyo, Japan). The lowest detectable concentration was
0.02 mg/dL, and the intra-assay coefficient of variation was
less than 5%.
We also measured other risk factors of arteriosclerosis,
including total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol from the same blood samples.
Biochemical analyses of the blood samples were performed
using an autoanalyzer (JCA-RX20; Nihon Denshi, Tokyo,
Japan) on the day of the health checkup.
Statistical analysis
The prevalence of sarcopenia in men and women was ana-
lyzed using the v
test. The subjects were divided into the
sarcopenia and normal groups. The measurements of vari-
ous arteriosclerosis risk factors were compared by perform-
ing an analysis of covariance using the Studentst-test and
the generalized linear model (GLM). The analysis was
adjusted for the sex, age, and body mass index (BMI), which
are known factors related to sarcopenia [26]. To determine
the risk factors associated with sarcopenia among the
parameters that exhibited significant differences in the anal-
yses conducted after GLM adjustment, logistic regression
analysis with the step-wise method was performed using the
aforementioned significant values as covariates, in addition
to age, sex, and BMI. To examine the relationships between
the level of hs-CRP and the aSMI and physical function
measurements (grip strength, back strength, fastest walking
speed, 3mTUG, and maximum stride length) were set as the
dependent variable in each separate multiple linear regres-
sion models. The hs-CRP level, age, male sex, and BMI were
set as covariates in all models. Statistical analyses were per-
formed using SPSS, version 22 (IBM SPSS Inc., Armonk,
NY), and p<.05 was considered significant.
The baseline data of the participants are shown in Table 1.
A total of 146 men (mean ages of 66.8 years) and 189
women (mean ages of 63.4 years) were included in this
study. Table 2 shows the muscle mass measurements of all
subjects as well as the prevalence of sarcopenia diagnosed
based on the aSMI. All muscle measurements, including arm
muscle mass, leg muscle mass, aSMI, arm SMI, and leg SMI,
were higher in male participants than in female participants
(all p<.001) The prevalence of sarcopenia in men and
women was 21.2%(31 of 146) and 30.7%(58 of 189),
respectively (p¼.052).
Physical functions measured in the sarcopenia and normal
groups after controlling for age, sex, and BMI are shown in
Table 3. All of the measured functions, including grip
strength, back muscle strength, walking speed, and maximum
stride length, showed a significant deterioration in the sarco-
penia group as compared with the normal group.
Various arteriosclerosis risk factors controlled for sex,
age, and BMI are shown in Table 4. The mean systolic and
diastolic blood pressures, and levels of total cholesterol, LDL
cholesterol, and hs-CRP, were significantly higher in the sar-
copenia group than in the normal group.
A summary of the logistic regression analysis for risk fac-
tors of sarcopenia is shown in Table 5. Covariates included
age, sex, BMI, and factors associated with arteriosclerosis
that were significantly different between the two groups in
the GLM analysis. This analysis showed that serum levels of
hs-CRP (odds ratio [OR] ¼277.5; p<.001) and total choles-
terol (OR ¼1.02, p<.001) were significant risk factors for
sarcopenia. The results of the multiple linear regression
analysis revealed that the aSMI, grip strength, and maximum
stride length were negatively related to the levels of hs-CRP
(Table 6).
This study is the first to examine the associations between
sarcopenia, physical function, and arteriosclerosis risk fac-
tors, including chronic inflammation, in Japanese commu-
nity-dwelling subjects. We found that the majority of
Table 2. Muscle mass measurements.
Total Male Female pvalue
Arm muscle mass (kg) 4.32 ± 0.64 5.50 ± 0.46 3.42 ± 0.30 <.001
Leg muscle mass (kg) 12.65 ± 1.45 15.13 ± 1.13 10.74 ± 0.82 <.001
aSMI (kg/m
) 6.77 ± 1.05 7.62 ± 0.83 6.13 ± 0.67 <.001
arm SMI (kg/m
) 1.72 ± 0.38 2.03 ± 0.29 1.48 ± 0.23 <.001
leg SMI (kg/m
) 5.05 ± 0.70 5.59 ± 0.58 4.65 ± 0.48 <.001
Prevalence of sarcopenia 26.6% 21.2% 30.7% .052
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
aSMI: appendicular skeletal muscle mass index; SMI: skeletal muscle mass
Table 1. Demographic data of the participants.
Total Male Female
Number of participants 335 146 189
Age (years) 64.9 ± 9.3 66.8 ± 8.8 63.4 ± 9.5
Height (cm) 157.1 ± 8.6 164.1 ± 6.0 151.6 ± 5.9
Weight (kg) 59.0 ± 11.3 65.7 ± 10.9 53.9 ± 8.5
BMI (kg/m
) 24.0 ± 3.6 24.5 ± 3.7 23.1 ± 3.5
Waist circumference (cm) 83.3 ± 9.5 84.1 ± 9.3 82.6 ± 9.6
Hip circumference (cm) 92.1 ± 7.0 93.4 ± 6.7 91.1 ± 7.1
% body fat (%) 26.5 ± 7.0 21.8 ± 5.5 29.2 ± 6.4
Systolic blood pressure (mm/Hg) 128 ± 19 129 ± 18 127 ± 19
Diastolic blood pressure (mm/Hg) 71 ± 12 74 ± 13 69 ± 11
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 213 ± 34 204 ± 30 220 ± 36
LDL-cholesterol (mg/dl) 123 ± 31 119 ± 28 127 ± 33
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 99 ± 61 111 ± 78 89 ± 40
hs-CRP (mg/dl) 0.09 ± 0.13 0.11 ± 0.15 0.08 ± 0.10
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
BMI: body mass index; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; hs-CRP: high-sensitive
C-reactive protein.
Table 3. Physical function measurements.
Normal Sarcopenia pvalue
Number of participants 246 89
Grip strength (kg) 33.5 ± 0.2 25.2 ± 0.4 <.0001
Back strength (kg) 75.6 ± 1.4 55.1 ± 2.4 <.001
FFD (cm) 2.30 ± 0.68 1.38± 1.14 .518
Fastest walking speed (m/s) 1.99 ± 0.02 1.86± 0.03 .018
3mTUG (s) 8.19 ± 0.05 7.10 ± 0.08 <.0001
Maximum stride length (cm) 117.8 ± 0.6 110.5 ± 1.0 <.005
Values were controlled for age, sex, and body mass index with general linear
model, and expressed as mean ± standard error.
FFD: floor-finger distance; 3mTUG: 3-m timed up and go.
Table 4. Risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Normal Sarcopenia pvalue
Number of participants 246 89
hs-CRP (mg/dl) 0.073 ± 0.008 0.135 ± 0.014 <.0005
Systolic blood pressure (mm/Hg) 126 ± 1 133 ± 2 .003
Diastolic blood pressure (mm/Hg) 70 ± 1 74 ± 1 .005
HbA1c (%) 5.86 ± 0.04 5.84 ± 0.07 .836
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 209 ± 2 223 ± 4 .005
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 98 ± 4 101 ± 7 .705
LDL-cholesterol (mg/dl) 120.1 ± 2 131.2 ± 3.6 .011
Values were controlled for age, sex, and body mass index with general linear
model, and expressed as mean ± standard error.
hs-CRP: high-sensitive C-reactive protein; HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c; LDL: low-
density lipoprotein.
Table 5. Summary of logistic regression analysis for risk factors of sarcopenia.
95% Confidential
interval pvalue
hs-CRP (mg/dl) 5.63 277.5 23.63261.1 <.00001
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 0.016 1.02 1.011.03 <.001
Age (years) 0.11 1.12 1.071.17 <.00001
BMI (kg/m
)0.67 0.51 0.430.61 <.00001
The dependent variable was the presence of sarcopenia. Covariates were age,
male sex, BMI, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and levels of
total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and hs-CRP.
BMI: body mass index; hs-CRP: high-sensitive C-reactive protein.
Table 6. Summary of multiple linear regression analysis.
Dependent variables
aSMI (kg/m
)0.132 <.001
Grip strength (kg) 0.118 <.001
Back strength (kg) 0.067 .102
Fastest walk speed (m/s) 0.034 .526
3mTUG (s) 0.017 .78
Maximum stride length (cm) 0.097 .039
Analysis was performed on each dependent-variable model. The covariates
were hs-CRP, age, male sex and BMI.
hs-CRP: high-sensitive C-reactive protein; aSMI: appendicular skeletal muscle
mass index; BMI: body mass index; 3mTUG: 3-m timed up and go.
physical functions were poorer and risk factors of arterio-
sclerosis (including blood pressure and the levels of hs-CRP,
total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol) were worse in the
sarcopenia group than in the normal group after controlling
for age, sex, and BMI. We also found that the hs-CRP and
total cholesterol levels, as well as age and BMI, were signifi-
cant risk factors for sarcopenia. In multiple linear regression
models, chronic inflammation was associated with low
muscle mass and poor physical function (grip strength and
stride length).
The prevalence of sarcopenia, as diagnosed by the aSMI
value, was 26.6%among all subjects in this study, whose
mean age was 65 years. This value is consistent with those
previously reported by other researchers in Japan and other
countries (22.735.7%for women in their 70s and 80s) [26],
as well as with the findings of our former survey conducted
on outpatients (22.7%in women in their 70s) [27].
Regarding the relationship between physical functions
and sarcopenia, the results from most parameters in the
physical function tests (grip strength, back strength, walking
speed, 3mTUG, and maximum stride) were worse in sub-
jects with sarcopenia than in those without sarcopenia. This
finding is consistent with those in previous reports [28,29].
Loss of physical function due to decreased muscle mass
leads to reduced mobility; this can cause falls and fractures
[30], which are potential risk factors for being bedridden in
the elderly [31]. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of
sarcopenia could be critical for improving the physical func-
tion of the elderly.
The systolic and diastolic blood pressures were higher in
subjects with sarcopenia than in those without sarcopenia.
In addition, the serum levels of total cholesterol and LDL-
cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol[32], were sig-
nificantly higher in subjects with sarcopenia than in those
without sarcopenia. These findings suggested that patients
with sarcopenia are at risk for developing arteriosclerosis.
We found that participants with sarcopenia had signifi-
cantly higher levels of hs-CRP than those without sarcope-
nia. In addition, multivariate analyses revealed that the level
of hs-CRP was an independent risk factor for sarcopenia.
The hs-CRP level was also negatively associated with phys-
ical function in multiple linear regression models. Physical
inactivity, diabetes, and obesity result in the development of
chronic inflammation [33]. Inflammatory cytokines, includ-
ing tumor necrosis factor-aand interleukin-6, which are
produced by inflammatory cells and adipose tissue, activate
nuclear factor-jB via receptors present in skeletal muscles
[33]. Furthermore, these cytokines accelerate muscle degrad-
ation by increasing the levels of ubiquitin kinases (i.e.
muscle RING-finger protein 1 and F-box protein 32) in the
ubiquitin-proteasome system, which is the main protein deg-
radation system in skeletal muscles [34,35]. The present
findings suggest chronic inflammation may directly relate to
Screening for chronic inflammation according to hs-CRP
levels has recently attracted attention as a method for the
assessment of arteriosclerotic diseases [36]. Chronic inflam-
mation is closely related to arteriosclerosis, and the serum
levels of inflammatory cytokines are often elevated in
patients with arteriosclerotic diseases [37]. Risk factors, such
as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, damage the
vascular endothelium, which consequently produces various
inflammatory cytokines [38]. These inflammatory cytokines
cause hematocytes, such as circulating monocytes, to adhere
to the endothelium, infiltrate the subendothelium, and con-
vert macrophages into foam cells [39]. This inflammatory
process is believed to be involved in the formation of
arteriosclerotic lesions (also called plaques) [11]. The present
findings suggest that chronic inflammation might be the
cause of both arteriosclerosis and sarcopenia. A vicious cir-
cle around sarcopenia, arteriosclerosis, and inflammation
may exit. Cutting out this negative circulation can be a key
for future sarcopenia and arteriosclerosis treatment. The
treatment of chronic inflammation through medicine and
exercise might be useful not only for the treatment of
arteriosclerosis, but also for sarcopenia.
The current study has some limitations. We diagnosed
sarcopenia based on anthropometric analyses via BIA.
Although we conducted several physical performance tests,
including the fastest walking speed test, we did not measure
normal walking speed. However, the current criteria for
diagnosing sarcopenia include a combination of muscle vol-
ume measurements and the assessment of grip strength and
normal walking speed [3,40]. Therefore, in future studies,
we will measure normal walking speed to evaluate sarcope-
nia. Furthermore, we did not analyze the confounders of
sarcopenia and inflammation such as osteoporosis, nutrition
status, insulin resistance, vitamin D level, and daily activities
[3]. These confounders possibly affect the analysis. Relation
between inflammatory and degenerative osteoarthritis is
becoming clear recently [41]. Status of osteoarthritis is a
potential bias to the systemic inflammation. Additionally, we
did not directly analyze arterial stiffness or plaque of vessels
with ultrasound or pulse wave velocity test. Although, we
performed blood test including levels of hs-CRP and choles-
terol and measured blood pressure for evaluation of risk fac-
tors of arteriosclerosis. We should take into account to
assess arteriosclerosis in detail for further study.
In conclusion, we revealed that community-dwelling peo-
ple with sarcopenia had elevated blood pressure and
increased serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol,
and hs-CRP. Multivariate analyses showed that the serum
level of hs-CRP was an independent risk factor for sarcope-
nia and was associated with physical function. These find-
ings indicate that chronic inflammation relates to
arteriosclerosis and sarcopenia simultaneously. In addition,
the measurement of serum hs-CRP level may be useful not
only for the assessment of arteriosclerosis, but also for the
screening of sarcopenia.
The authors wish to thank Ms Makiko Noda, Ms Marie Miyazaki, and
Ms Erika Takano for their assistance in data collection.
Conflict of interest
This study was funded by research grants from the Foundation for
Total Health Promotion in 2012, the Tateisi Science and Technology
Foundation in 2013 (No. 2031014), the Japan Osteoporosis Foundation
in 2013 and 2014, the Japan Orthopaedics and Traumatology Research
Foundation, Inc. (No. 307) in 2014, the Research Foundation for the
Electrotechnology of Chubu in 2015(R-27213), and the Chukyo
Longevity Foundation in 2015. The sponsors had no role in the study
design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of
the report. No benefits in any form have been or will be received from
a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this
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... 23 CVD stands as a leading cause of death in diabetic patients, and sarcopenia is closely linked to the risk of CVD. 27 Low muscle mass has been reported to be associated with coronary artery calcification and as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. 28 Furthermore, a study discovered that sarcopenia is linked to increased arterial stiffness in middle-aged and elderly men. ...
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Objective To investigate the impact of sarcopenia on the 10-year risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods This study included the clinical, laboratory, and body composition data of 1491 patients with T2DM who were admitted to the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Tianjin Union Medical Center from July 2018 to July 2023. The China-PAR model was utilized to evaluate cardiovascular disease risk. Associations between ASCVD risk and various clinical parameters were analyzed, and the relationship between body composition parameters and ASCVD risk was assessed using logistic regression. Results The analysis revealed that T2DM patients with sarcopenia had a higher 10-year ASCVD risk compared to those without sarcopenia, with reduced muscle mass independently predicting an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This association was significant among female T2DM patients, while male T2DM patients with sarcopenia showed a marginally higher median ASCVD risk compared to their non-sarcopenic counterparts. ASCVD risk inversely correlated with body muscle parameters and positively correlated with fat content parameters. Specifically, height- and weight-adjusted fat mass (FM, FM%, FMI) were identified as risk factors for ASCVD. Conversely, muscle parameters adjusted for weight and fat (ASM%, SMM%, FFM%, ASM/FM, SMM/FM, FMM/FM) were protective against ASCVD risk. These findings highlight the critical role of sarcopenia in influencing cardiovascular disease risk among Chinese patients with T2DM, as predicted by the China-PAR model. Conclusion This study highlights the importance of sarcopenia in T2DM patients, not only as an indicator of ASCVD risk, but possibly as an independent risk factor in this demographics.
... Among these factors, in ammation plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sarcopenia. Studies have shown that the in ammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) is negatively correlated with muscle strength and mass (17). Elevated levels of high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) are signi cant risk factors for sarcopenia(18). ...
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Introduction: Sarcopenia is a disease primarily characterized by age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength, and/or decline in physical performance. Sarcopenia has an insidious onset which can cause functional impairment in the body and increase the risk of falls and disability in the elderly. It significantly increases the likelihood of fractures and mortality, severely impairing the quality of life and health of the elderly people. This disease poses a heavy burden on the healthcare system and society in our country, and currently, there are limited clinical intervention strategies for sarcopenia. This study aims to explore the clinical efficacy and safety of electroacupuncture in treating sarcopenia. Methods and Analysis: In this parallel-design, randomized, sham-controlled trial, a total of 168 elderly sarcopenia patients will be randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either electroacupuncture (EA) or sham electroacupuncture (sEA) treatment. The acupuncture points used in the study are Hegu (LI4), Shousanli (LI10), Quchi (LI11), Binao (LI14), Futu (ST32), Liangqiu (ST34), Zusanli (ST36), and Jiexi (ST41). The participants will receive EA or sEA treatment three times per week for eight weeks. The primary outcome measure is the change in grip strength (GS) of the patients after the eight-week treatment. The secondary outcome measures include the changes in grip strength at the fourth and twentieth weeks, changes in appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (ASMI), the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) score, the physical activity level (PAL) assessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), assessment of expectations regarding the efficacy of acupuncture, patient subjective evaluation of efficacy, and evaluation of blinding efficacy of acupuncture. All statistical analyses will be conducted according to the intention-to-treat principle and as per the study protocol. Ethics and Dissemination: This study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of West China Hospital of Sichuan University (permission number: 2023-525). The participants will provide written informed consent to participate in this study. Trial Registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (, ChiCTR2300079294.
... Sarcopenia is the loss in muscle strength as well as muscle mass that occurs as muscle tissue ages [2]. Studies indicate that individuals with sarcopenia are more likely to have arterial stiffness than those without [3,4], suggesting a link between deterioration in muscle tissue quality and arterial stiffness. ...
... Например, в исследовании T. Hida и соавт. установлена положительная корреляция между высоким уровнем CРБ и СП у людей пожилого возраста [9], а в работе T. Tang и соавт. она не найдена [10]. ...
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Aim . To determine serological markers of sarcopenia (SP) for use in general medical practice in people aged 65 years and older living independently. Materials and methods . The study included 230 people aged 65 years and older (70 men and 160 women, median age 75 [68; 79] years) were consulted in a medical institution in St. Petersburg. The diagnosis of SP was made according to the criteria of EWGSOP2 (2018). The laboratory examination included clinical and biochemical blood analysis, determine the level of 25(OH)D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), C-reactive protein (CRP). Results . The risk of SP increased at levels 25(OH)D less than 21 ng/mL (odds ratio 4.989; 95 % confidence interval 1.321–12.626; р = 0.0420), total protein less than 65 g/l (OR 8.567; 95 % CI 2.658–27.617; р = 0.00032), serum CRP 6 mg/l or more (OR 14.279; 95 % CI: 3.511–58.071; р = 0.00020) and decrease in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 62 ml/min/1.73 m2 (OR 12.108; 95 % CI 3.944–37.170; р = 0.00001). Conclusion . Serological markers of SP, such as vitamin D, total protein, C-reactive protein in blood serum and eGFR can be used in general medical practice.
... Sarcopenia is the loss in muscle strength as well as muscle mass that occurs as muscle tissue ages [2]. Studies indicate that individuals with sarcopenia are more likely to have arterial stiffness than those without [3,4], suggesting a link between deterioration in muscle tissue quality and arterial stiffness. Muscle strength, which is considered by the latest guidelines as a core indicator of sarcopenia [2,5], also deserves attention because of its association with arterial stiffness and because it is more readily available and applicable for risk screening, disease prediction, and management. ...
... Regression analysis showed that normal total cholesterol levels were associated with the development of sarcopenia in cirrhotic patients. Previous studies have reported that obesity due to abnormal total cholesterol levels is a significant risk factor for the development of sarcopenia in cirrhotic patients 29 . BMI is an indicator to assess the nutritional status of the body. ...
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Sarcopenia is a disease characterized by decreased muscle mass and strength, affecting 20–70% of patients with cirrhosis, and is associated with poor prognosis, complications, and high mortality. At present, the epidemiological investigation of sarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis is relatively limited, and because of the differences in population characteristics, regions, diagnostic criteria and diagnostic tools, the prevalence of sarcopenia in various studies varies greatly. The definition of sarcopenia in this study adopted the criteria of the Asian Working Group on Sarcopenia (AWGS 2019), including muscle mass and muscle strength / physical performance. A total of 271 patients with liver cirrhosis were included in this cross-sectional study to explore the influencing factors of sarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis. The prevalence of sarcopenia was 27.7%, 27.3% in male and 28.4% in female. The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that age, physical activity, BMI, mid-upper arm muscle circumference, hepatic encephalopathy, nutritional status, alkaline phosphatase, albumin and total cholesterol were significantly correlated with the occurrence of sarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis. After adjusting for the potential influencing factors, it was found that the correlation between age and sarcopenia was weakened (OR = 0.870, 95% CI 0.338–2.239). The current findings show that sarcopenia is common in patients with cirrhosis and is independently associated with age, physical activity, BMI, nutritional status, and albumin, and serum alkaline phosphatase and total cholesterol are associated with the development of sarcopenia. Regular exercise may help maintain the grip strength of patients with cirrhosis and delay the deterioration of liver function.
... Regression analysis showed that normal total cholesterol levels were associated with the development of sarcopenia in cirrhotic patients. Previous studies have reported that obesity due to abnormal total cholesterol levels is a signi cant risk factor for the development of sarcopenia in cirrhotic patients [35]. ...
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The study investigated sarcopenia prevalence and associated factors in cirrhosis patients admitted from July 2021 to November 2022. Of 271 participants, 27.7% had sarcopenia. Prevalence was higher in ≥60-year-olds (38.3%) and those exercising <3 times/week (36.4%). Binary regression analysis identified factors linked to sarcopenia. Lower body mass index (BMI) (OR 0.663; 95% CI 0.551–0.799, p < 0.001), mid-upper arm muscle circumference (OR 0.833; 95% CI 0.716–0.969, p = 0.018), albumin (OR 0.831; 95% CI 0.762–0.907, p < 0.001), and total cholesterol (OR 0.389; 95% CI 0.230–0.659, p < 0.001) were negatively correlated with sarcopenia. Conversely, exercise <3 times/week (OR 2.498; 95% CI 1.063–5.874, p = 0.036), hepatic encephalopathy (OR 3.658; 95% CI 1.539–8.694, p = 0.003), high malnutrition risk (OR 2.579; 95% CI 1.127–5.898, p = 0.025), high alkaline phosphatase level (OR 1.007; 95% CI 1.003–1.011, p < 0.001), and age (OR 2.688; 95% CI 1.012–7.137, p = 0.047) were positively correlated with sarcopenia. Adjusting for gender weakened the age-sarcopenia link. In conclusion, sarcopenia was prevalent in cirrhosis patients, with age, physical activity, BMI, nutritional status, and albumin independently associated with it. Serum ALP and total cholesterol were linked to sarcopenia development. Regular exercise may help maintain grip strength and delay liver function deterioration in cirrhotic individuals.
... 29 Additionally, previous studies have shown that inflammatory factors are negatively correlated with muscle strength and mass. 30 Multiple in vitro investigations have shown that Vitamin D can inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue, thereby reducing its chronic inflammatory response. 31 Odds ratio for low muscle mass Odds ratio for low muscle mass Odds ratio for low muscle mass Odds ratio for low muscle mass negatively correlated with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. ...
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Background In the United States (U.S.) general population, the association between standardized serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration and risk of low muscle mass (LMM) remains unclear. Our research aimed to determine whether or not there was a relationship between serum 25(OH)D concentration and risk of LMM. Methods We analyzed the cross-sectional data of the US population that participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2011 and 2014. The relationship between serum 25(OH)D concentration and LMM risk was evaluated using restricted cubic spline (RCS) with multivariate logistic regression model and subgroup analysis. Results In all, we included 10,256 people in our analysis. The RCS plot demonstrated a U-shaped relationship between serum 25(OH)D concentration and risk of LMM (P for nonlinearity <0.05). At a Vitamin D concentration of 38.5 nmol/L, LMM risk was at its lowest. Based on analyses stratified by age, sex, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus (DM), serum 25(OH)D concentration and risk of LMM were U-curve correlated for those age 40 or older, male, with hypertension, or without DM. However, LMM risk was positively related to serum 25(OH)D concentration in those younger than age 40 or in women. Conclusion There is a U-shaped relationship between serum 25(OH)D concentration and the risk of LMM in the general U.S. population. Careful monitoring and appropriate Vitamin D supplementation might lessen the risk of LMM.
Objectives Sarcopenia has been demonstrated to be related to unfavorable clinical outcomes in patients with vascular diseases. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between sarcopenia and clinical results in patients with peripheral arterial disease who underwent endovascular therapy (EVT). Methods This single-center retrospective study involved patients with PAD who underwent peripheral EVT at Ankara City Hospital, between January 2018 and December 2021. Two groups of patients were created: sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic patients according to computed tomography angiography muscle measurements. Primary outcome measures were major and minor amputation and survival. Mortality, amputation, and clinical characteristics were compared between the two patient groups. Hazard ratios (HRs) for amputation were calculated for each risk factor via univariate and multivariate analyses. Secondary outcomes included length of hospital stay and post-procedural complications. Results The mean follow-up period was 29.9 ± 9 months for all patients. A total number of 100 patients (mean age 63.5 ± 9.2 years) were involved in the study cohort. A significant association was identified between mortality and sarcopenia (p < .001). The mortality rate in the group with sarcopenia was significantly higher than the other group; 65.7% (23 patients) versus (20%, 13 patients) (p < .001). The major amputation rate in the group with sarcopenia was 57.1%, the major amputation rate in the group without sarcopenia was calculated as 15.4%, revealing that the major amputation rate was detected to be significantly higher in the sarcopenia group (p < .001). Multivariate regression analyses showed that only sarcopenia (HR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.21–1.27; p = 0.15) was independently associated with major amputation in patients with PAD after EVT. Kaplan–Meier analysis revealed a statistically significant difference between the survival curves of sarcopenia and non-sarcopenia patients (p < .001). Conclusions Sarcopenia seems to be a possible risk factor associated with amputation in patients with PAD who undergo EVT. The results of this study imply that sarcopenia is a possible risk factor for overall survival in patients with PAD.
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The introduction of statins ≈30 years ago ushered in the era of lipid lowering as the most effective way to reduce risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Nonetheless, residual risk remains high, and statin intolerance is frequently encountered in clinical practice. After a long dry period, the field of therapeutics targeted to lipids and atherosclerosis has entered a renaissance. Moreover, the demonstration of clinical benefits from the addition of ezetimibe to statin therapy in subjects with acute coronary syndromes has renewed the enthusiasm for the cholesterol hypothesis and the hope that additional agents that lower low-density lipoprotein will decrease risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Drugs in the orphan disease category are now available for patients with the most extreme hypercholesterolemia. Furthermore, discovery and rapid translation of a novel biological pathway has given rise to a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, the proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin-9 inhibitors. Trials of niacin added to statin have failed to demonstrate cardiac benefits, and 3 cholesterol ester transfer protein inhibitors have also failed to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk, despite producing substantial increases in HDL levels. Although the utility of triglyceride-lowering therapies remains uncertain, 2 large clinical trials are testing the influence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on atherosclerotic events in hypertriglyceridemia. Novel antisense therapies targeting apolipoprotein C-III (for triglyceride reduction) and apo(a) (for lipoprotein(a) reduction) are showing a promising trajectory. Finally, 2 large clinical trials are formally putting the inflammatory hypothesis of atherosclerosis to the test and may open a new avenue for cardiovascular disease risk reduction.
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The introduction of statins ≈30 years ago ushered in the era of lipid lowering as the most effective way to reduce risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Nonetheless, residual risk remains high, and statin intolerance is frequently encountered in clinical practice. After a long dry period, the field of therapeutics targeted to lipids and atherosclerosis has entered a renaissance. Moreover, the demonstration of clinical benefits from the addition of ezetimibe to statin therapy in subjects with acute coronary syndromes has renewed the enthusiasm for the cholesterol hypothesis and the hope that additional agents that lower low-density lipoprotein will decrease risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Drugs in the orphan disease category are now available for patients with the most extreme hypercholesterolemia. Furthermore, discovery and rapid translation of a novel biological pathway has given rise to a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, the proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin-9 inhibitors. Trials of niacin added to statin have failed to demonstrate cardiac benefits, and 3 cholesterol ester transfer protein inhibitors have also failed to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk, despite producing substantial increases in HDL levels. Although the utility of triglyceride-lowering therapies remains uncertain, 2 large clinical trials are testing the influence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on atherosclerotic events in hypertriglyceridemia. Novel antisense therapies targeting apolipoprotein C-III (for triglyceride reduction) and apo(a) (for lipoprotein(a) reduction) are showing a promising trajectory. Finally, 2 large clinical trials are formally putting the inflammatory hypothesis of atherosclerosis to the test and may open a new avenue for cardiovascular disease risk reduction. (Circ Res. 2016;118:732-749.
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Sarcopenia-related falls and fractures among women with osteoporosis are becoming an emerging problem because of rapid aging worldwide. We aimed to investigate the association between sarcopenia, given by the muscle mass of the arms and legs, and osteoporotic vertebral fracture (OVF) among female patients. This cross-sectional study examined 216 women with fresh OVF (OVF group) diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging and 1,608 women from an outpatient clinic who did not have a OVF [non-fracture (NF) group]. We performed whole-body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to analyze body composition, including skeletal muscle mass index (SMI; lean mass/height(2)) and bone mineral density (BMD). We used stepwise logistic regression analysis to determine the risk factors associated with OVF. After controlling for age, the OVF group showed lower appendicular SMI (5.62 vs. 5.97 kg/m(2), P < 0.001), lower arm SMI (1.36 vs. 1.42 kg/m(2), P = 0.004), lower leg SMI (4.27 vs. 4.55 kg/m(2), P < 0.001), and higher prevalence of sarcopenia (42.3 vs. 25.9 %, P < 0.001), compared with the NF group. Reduced leg muscle mass and presence of sarcopenia were independent risk factors for acute OVF in multivariate analysis (odds ratio = 1.4, P = 0.002; odds ratio = 1.96, P < 0.001, respectively). We found higher prevalence of sarcopenia and lower leg muscle mass among patients with acute OVF compared with patients who did not have an OVF. These results suggest that sarcopenia may be a risk factor for OVF.
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Sarcopenia, an aging-induced generalized decrease in muscle mass, strength, and function, is known to affect elderly individuals by decreasing mobile function and increasing frailty and imbalance that lead to falls and fragile fractures. Sarcopenia is a known risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, infections, and early death in some specific situations. The number of patients with sarcopenia is estimated to increase to 500 million people in the year 2050. Sarcopenia is believed to be caused by multiple factors such as disuse, malnutrition, age-related cellular changes, apoptosis, and genetic predisposition; however, this remains to be determined. Various methods have been developed, but no safe or effective treatment has been found to date. This paper is a review on the association between sarcopenia and its related-fractures and their diagnoses and management methods to prevent fractures.
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Chronic inflammation is associated with normal and pathological ageing. Here we show that chronic, progressive low-grade inflammation induced by knockout of the nfkb1 subunit of the transcription factor NF-κB induces premature ageing in mice. We also show that these mice have reduced regeneration in liver and gut. nfkb1(-/-) fibroblasts exhibit aggravated cell senescence because of an enhanced autocrine and paracrine feedback through NF-κB, COX-2 and ROS, which stabilizes DNA damage. Preferential accumulation of telomere-dysfunctional senescent cells in nfkb1(-/-) tissues is blocked by anti-inflammatory or antioxidant treatment of mice, and this rescues tissue regenerative potential. Frequencies of senescent cells in liver and intestinal crypts quantitatively predict mean and maximum lifespan in both short- and long-lived mice cohorts. These data indicate that systemic chronic inflammation can accelerate ageing via ROS-mediated exacerbation of telomere dysfunction and cell senescence in the absence of any other genetic or environmental factor.
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The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with a 3-fold increase risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality partly due to increased arterial stiffening. We compared the effects of aerobic exercise training on arterial stiffening/mechanics in MetS without overt CVD or Type 2 Diabetes. MetS and healthy controls (Con) underwent 8 weeks of exercise training (ExT; 11 MetS and 11 Con) or remained inactive (NonT; 11 MetS and 10 Con). The following measures were performed pre and post intervention: radial pulse wave analysis (applanation tonometry) was used to measure augmentation pressure and index, central pressures, and an estimate of myocardial efficiency; arterial stiffness was assessed from carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV, applanation tonometry); carotid thickness was assessed from B-mode ultrasound; and peak aerobic capacity (gas exchange) was performed in the seated position. Plasma matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), and CVD risk (Framingham risk score) were also assessed. cfPWV was reduced (p<0.05) in MetS-ExT (7.9+0.6 to 7.2+0.4 m/s) and Con-ExT (6.6+1.8 to 5.6+1.6 m/s). Exercise training reduced (p<0.05) central systolic pressure (116+5 to 110+4, mmHg), augmentation pressure (9+1 to 7+1, mmHg), augmentation index (19+3 to 15+4%), and improved myocardial efficiency (155+8 to 168+9) but only in the MetS group. Aerobic capacity increased (p<0.05) in MetS-ExT (16.6±1.0 to 19.9±1.0) and Con-ExT (23.8±1.6 to 26.3±1.6). MMP-1 and 7 were correlated with cfPWV and both MMP-1 and 7 were reduced post-exercise training in MetS. These findings suggest that some of the pathophysiological changes associated with MetS can be improved after aerobic exercise training thereby lowering their CV risk.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has been used to estimate skeletal muscle mass, but its application in the elderly is not optimal. The accuracy of BIA may be influenced by the expansion of extracellular water (ECW) relative to muscle mass with aging. Multi-frequency BIA (MFBIA) can evaluate the distribution between extracellular and intracellular water (ICW), and thus may be superior to single-frequency BIA (SFBIA) to estimate muscle mass in the elderly. A total of 58 elderly participants aged 65-85 years were recruited. Muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) was obtained from computed tomography scans at the mid-thigh. Segmental SFBIA and MFBIA were measured for the upper legs. The index of the ratio of ECW and ICW was calculated using MFBIA. The correlation between muscle CSA and SFBIA was moderate (r = 0.68), but strong between muscle CSA and MFBIA (r = 0.85). ECW/ICW index was significantly and positively correlated with age (P < 0.001). SFBIA tends to significantly overestimate muscle CSA in subjects who had relative expansion of ECW in the thigh segment (P < 0.001). This trend was not observed for MFBIA (P = 0.42). Relative expansion of ECW was observed in older participants. The relative expansion of ECW affects the validity of traditional SFBIA, which is lowered when estimating muscle CSA in the elderly. By contrast, MFBIA was not affected by water distribution in thigh segments, thus rendering the validity of MFBIA for estimating thigh muscle CSA higher than SFBIA in the elderly.
Background: Several studies showed that sarcopenia and visceral obesity are associated with arterial stiffness. Thus, their coexistence may be a crucial risk factor of arteriosclerosis. However, little is known about the cross relationships among muscle mass, visceral fat mass, and arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: We recruited 97 postmenopausal women with T2DM and examine the association of muscle mass and visceral fat mass with brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV). Relative skeletal muscle mass index (RSMI) and %trunk fat were evaluated by whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Subcutaneous and visceral fat areas were measured by computed tomography. Results: Multiple regression analyses adjusted for age, duration of T2DM, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, HbA1c, serum creatinine, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, uric acid, and the usage of anti-hypertensive drug showed that RSMI was negatively associated with baPWV (β=-0.40, p=0.027), while %trunk fat and visceral fat area were positively associated with it (β=0.29, p=0.004 and β=0.51, p=0.001, respectively). Moreover, after additional adjustment for RSMI, %trunk fat and visceral fat area were positively associated with baPWV (β=0.26, p=0.010 and β=0.46, p=0.003, respectively) although the association between RSMI and baPWV became marginal after additional adjustment for %trunk fat or visceral fat area (β=-0.30, p=0.146 and β=-0.30, p=0.085, respectively). Conclusions: Reduced muscle mass and increased visceral fat are independently associated with increased arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women with T2DM.
Sarcopenia, a newly recognized geriatric syndrome, is characterized by age-related decline of skeletal muscle plus low muscle strength and/or physical performance. Previous studies have confirmed the association of sarcopenia and adverse health outcomes, such as falls, disability, hospital admission, long term care placement, poorer quality of life, and mortality, which denotes the importance of sarcopenia in the health care for older people. Despite the clinical significance of sarcopenia, the operational definition of sarcopenia and standardized intervention programs are still lacking. It is generally agreed by the different working groups for sarcopenia in the world that sarcopenia should be defined through a combined approach of muscle mass and muscle quality, however, selecting appropriate diagnostic cutoff values for all the measurements in Asian populations is challenging. Asia is a rapidly aging region with a huge population, so the impact of sarcopenia to this region is estimated to be huge as well. Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS) aimed to promote sarcopenia research in Asia, and we collected the best available evidences of sarcopenia researches from Asian countries to establish the consensus for sarcopenia diagnosis. AWGS has agreed with the previous reports that sarcopenia should be described as low muscle mass plus low muscle strength and/or low physical performance, and we also recommend outcome indicators for further researches, as well as the conditions that sarcopenia should be assessed. In addition to sarcopenia screening for community-dwelling older people, AWGS recommends sarcopenia assessment in certain clinical conditions and healthcare settings to facilitate implementing sarcopenia in clinical practice. Moreover, we also recommend cutoff values for muscle mass measurements (7.0 kg/m(2) for men and 5.4 kg/m(2) for women by using dual X-ray absorptiometry, and 7.0 kg/m(2) for men and 5.7 kg/m(2) for women by using bioimpedance analysis), handgrip strength (<26 kg for men and <18 kg for women), and usual gait speed (<0.8 m/s). However, a number of challenges remained to be solved in the future. Asia is made up of a great number of ethnicities. The majority of currently available studies have been published from eastern Asia, therefore, more studies of sarcopenia in south, southeastern, and western Asia should be promoted. On the other hand, most Asian studies have been conducted in a cross-sectional design and few longitudinal studies have not necessarily collected the commonly used outcome indicators as other reports from Western countries. Nevertheless, the AWGS consensus report is believed to promote more Asian sarcopenia research, and most important of all, to focus on sarcopenia intervention studies and the implementation of sarcopenia in clinical practice to improve health care outcomes of older people in the communities and the healthcare settings in Asia.