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Effectiveness of bio-herbicides for management of weeds in wheat under field conditions


Abstract and Figures

Weed infestation is the one of key factors that reduces wheat yield. Indiscriminate and unchecked use of chemicals (herbicides) for controlling weeds may cause many serious environmental and health problems. Effective weed management programs must focus on environmental safety along with benefits to the farmers. Keeping this in view, research is planned to assess the comparative effectiveness of chemical and bio-herbicide for management of weeds in wheat under field conditions. Five treatments were maintained including a control without any herbicide (T1), chemical herbicide, i.e.; Atlantis (T2), extract of sorghum (T3), consortium of bacteria (T4) and extract of sorghum in combination with consortium of bacteria (T5) with same planting geometry. This experiment was conducted by following the randomized complete block design (RCBD) design and each treatment was replicated three times. Results indicated thatcombined use of the extract of sorghum (T3) and the consortium of bacteria (T4) decreased the weed density as well as fresh and dry weed biomass of Kalri botti (Spergula arvensis), Jangli haloon (Coronopus didymus), Khabal gas (Cynodon dactylon) and Dehla (Syperus rotundus) recorded after 15, 30 and 45 days of sowing as compared to control (T1). The combination of T3 and T4 also resulted in higher plant height and more grain yield as compared to T1. It can be concluded that the extract of sorghum in combination with the consortium of bacteria may result in more prominent growth and yield of wheat with improved weed control efficiency as compared to sole application of bacteria and the extract of sorghum.
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Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
Available online 1 October 2021
1049-9644/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Biological management of selected weeds of wheat through co-application
of allelopathic rhizobacteria and sorghum extract
Taqi Raza
, Muhammad Yahya Khan
, Sajid Mahmood Nadeem
, Shakeel Imran
Kashif Nazir Qureshi
, Muhammad Naeem Mushtaq
, Muhammad Sohaib
Achim Schmalenberger
, Neal Samuel Eash
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Sub-Campus Burewala, Vehari 61010, Pakistan
Land Resources Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, United Kingdom
Department of Soil Science, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Department of Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science, University of Tennessee, USA
Unravelling the role of microorganism
and allelopathic extract for weeds
Combined application of bacteria and
allelopathic extract reduced the weed
Highlighted the economic tness of
weed management by biological means.
Recent developments in bacteria and
allelopathy interactions for better crop
Biological management of weeds
Bacterial consortium
Sorghum allelopathic extract
Wheat production
Traditional methods of weeds management have caused serious environmental and health concerns. Therefore,
development of alternate strategies for effective management of weeds is becoming indispensable for sustainable
agriculture. In this study, the comparative effectiveness of chemical and bio-herbicides for the management of
weeds in wheat has been assessed under laboratory and eld conditions. Two effective allelopathic rhizobacteria
(6 K and 6) were selected from initial screening experiment which had abilities to suppress the growth of se-
lective weeds as well as had potential to improve the growth of wheat. Based on 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA)
gene sequencing, the selected allelopathic rhizobacteria were identied as Pseudomonas uorescens strain 6 K and
Bacillus sp. strain 6. Further, sorghum allelopathic water extract was also used in combination with selected
allelopathic rhizobacteria as a bio-herbicide. Five treatments used for the laboratory and eld experiments were
control (T1: without herbicide), chemical herbicide (T2: mesosulfuron methyl +idosulfuron methyl; Atlantis®
6WG), sorghum allelopathic extract (T3), consortium of two different allelopathic rhizobacteria (T4) and com-
bined application of allelopathic extract of sorghum and consortium of two allelopathic rhizobacteria (T5 =T3
* Corresponding authors at: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Sub-Campus Burewala, Vehari 61010, Pakistan.
E-mail addresses: (T. Raza), (M. Yahya Khan).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Biological Control
journal homepage:
Received 25 April 2021; Received in revised form 14 September 2021; Accepted 28 September 2021
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
+T4). Results of laboratory experiment showed that T5 signicantly suppressed the seed germination percentage
of four selected weeds i.e., Anagallis arvensis L., Phalaris minor Retz., Cynodon dactylon L. and Melilotus indicus L.
and the same treatment (T5) also signicantly improved seed germination of wheat as compared to all other
treatments. Further evaluation under eld condition showed that T5 signicantly decreased the weed density
and total weed biomass at 15, 30 and 45 days after sowing (DAS) of all weeds as compared to T1 (control). Field
trial results also indicated that T5 signicantly increased the wheat growth traits including the biological yield
(73%) and grain yield (53%) as compared to T1. Likewise, the economic analysis revealed that T5 improved the
net benets with a higher marginal rate of return than all other treatments. Our ndings indicated that combined
application of allelopathic rhizobacterial consortium and allelopathic extract of sorghum remained more effec-
tive for controlling weeds and improving the growth and yield traits of wheat as compared to their sole appli-
cation. Therefore, co-application of allelopathic rhizobacterial consortium and sorghum allelopathic water
extract could offer an economically viable lever for the biological management of weeds of wheat for sustainable
1. Introduction
Economically, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is recognized as one of
the important cereal crops. It is considered as a major source of proteins
and carbohydrates for humans and animals (Biel et al., 2020). Wheat
and wheat related activities largely generate income and jobs, especially
among the rural farming communities (Quinn and Carlisle, 2019).
Globally, the total wheat production was 765 million metric tons from
2019 to 2020 (FAOSTAT, 2020/21). In Pakistan, the area under wheat
cultivation in 2020 was 9.2 million hectares with an annual production
of 27 million tons (FAOSTAT, 2020/21). While wheat production is far
below the potential capabilities of the country. However, attempts to
increase per acre yield has received considerable attention from re-
searchers (Jabran et al., 2011). Yet, the average yield of wheat is very
low (Afelt et al., 2018). Several constraints are associated with low crop
yield (Khan, 2014), nevertheless weed infestation is the key threat to
production and sustainability of the wheat in Pakistan (Khan, 2014;
Shahzad et al., 2016). Weeds compete with wheat for soil nutrients,
light, water and they have been attributed to wheat yield reduction of
about 2540%, with an annual estimated loss of more than 10 billion
Pakistani rupees (Ahmed et al., 2020; Fahad et al., 2013). Weed infes-
tation imposes 3 to 4 times more uptake of nitrogen (N), potassium (K)
and magnesium (Mg) than wheat crop (Reddy et al., 2003). Weeds also
reduce the grain quality that leads to poor marketability of the main
crop (Guo et al., 2017). Thus, to condense the inconvenience due to
weeds and to increase crop production, it is essential to control and
manage weed infestations (Bromilow, 2004). Agro-chemicals (herbi-
cides and pesticides) have been widely used in Pakistan to control weeds
in several agroecosystem, and it has been predicted that pesticide use
will be increased by 8% from 2019 to 2024 (Farooq et al., 2020). The
cost associated with the chemicals used to control weeds has been
estimated about 349.5 million dollars in 2024 (Farooq et al., 2020). On
the other side, improper and over application of chemical herbicides has
led to serious health and environmental problems (Jabran et al., 2011).
In contrast, low dosage has been attributed to ineffectiveness of herbi-
cides for weed control (Lawrie et al., 2000). Correspondingly, many
weeds which were initially susceptible to herbicides have developed
resistance by changing genetic makeup (Weaver et al., 2016). Therefore,
it has been become necessary to develop methods those could not only
reduce the cost of production but would also improve the growth and
yield of wheat and should be ecologically friendly. The use of growth
suppressing, and growth-promoting activities of plant extracts and
phytotoxic microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) is an ecofriendly and
cost-effective strategy to control weeds (Abbas et al., 2020). Further, it
had also been useful in improving crop growth and yield (Kremer,
2006). Therefore, biological means are becoming the best alternative
ways to control the density of weeds within safer limits (Abbas et al.,
2020). Similarly, allelopathic plants including sorghum release toxic
chemicals (also known as allelochemicals) are used in controlling the
growth rate of specic weeds during the growing cycle of the crop
(Harker and ODonovan, 2013). Use of allelopathy is a natural and eco-
friendly approach for the control of weeds and ultimately growth and
yield of the crop increased (Mushtaq et al., 2020a). A single spray of
sorghum allelopathic solution suppressed 3040% of the weeds in wheat
and increased 14% of yield in wheat (Cheng and Cheng, 2015). Thus,
replacing conventional weeds control methods such as use of synthetic
agrochemical with biological methods is a potentially viable solution. It
is also ecofriendly and cost-effective method to achieve objectives of
sustainable agriculture. Rhizobacteria those have inhibitory effect on
the plant growth had been explored and term as allelopathic rhizobac-
teria (Majeed et al., 2018). Allelopathic rhizobacteria, a group of bac-
teria releases phytotoxic metabolic compounds in the rhizosphere that
suppress weeds growth (Kremer, 2006). These bacteria use a host spe-
cic as well as a non-host specic ways to suppress the plant growth.
Such type of allelopathic rhizobacteria exist throughout the life cycle of
weeds in the rhizosphere and impart a stress consistently on the growth
of plant (Kremer, 2006). Ultimately, render the growth of weeds and
unable them to compete with the crop plants. They also produce
different plant-growth regulators (Sarwar and Kremer, 1995) and
phytotoxic metabolites such as hydrogen cyanides (Zeller et al., 2007)
which may suppress the germination as well as the growth of the weedy
plants. Additionally, they may secret lytic agent (Kremer, 2007), anti-
biotics (Compant et al., 2005) and enzymes that degrade the cell
membrane and cell wall of plant cell (Trognitz et al., 2016). In result,
plant susceptibility to diseases and pathogen attack increased (Fre-
drickson and Elliott, 1985). Further, selectivity of allelopathic rhizo-
bacteria to kill the weed plants might be due to competitive root
colonization with non-host plant (Kennedy et al., 2001). The root
colonization of these rhizobacteria may be partial or optimal that
modify or reduce the formation of phytotoxic substances by altering the
availability of required substrates those are essential for phytotoxic
production (Saharan and Nehra, 2011). Similarly, plant species have
differential sensitivity to phytotoxic substance produced by the allelo-
pathic rhizobacteria (Owen and Zdor, 2001). These diverse character-
istics of allelopathic rhizobacteria give a direction to use bacteria for
biological control of pathogens and infestations of weeds in crops
(Flores-Vargas and OHara, 2006). Previously, these allelopathic rhizo-
bacteria were evaluated for their potential to produce phytotoxic sub-
stances as well as their supporting effects on the growth of wheat and
tested for the suppression of detritus weeds of wheat (Abbas et al.,
Many species of microorganism such as bacterial strains have been
isolated that have the potential to inhibit the germination and growth of
plants nonetheless their potential remained very limited due to unfa-
vorable conditions such as nutrient deciency (Li et al., 2003). Nutrients
are one of the key factors which play very important role in proper
functioning of such microorganism. Allelopathic extract of plants is
composed of many types of metabolites and other compounds ( ˙
Zak and
Kosakowska, 2016) which could work as growth regulator or source of
nutrients in very dilute forms (Li et al., 2020). Bacteria can utilize the
water extract of sorghum as a source of nutrients. Combined use of
bacteria and allelopathic water extract may work synergistically to
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
inhibit the growth of weeds because their individual use has been
proved effective for weed management (Cipollini et al., 2012; Mishra
et al., 2013) but with limited success. Keeping in view these properties of
sorghum allelopathic water extract (Naeem et al., 2018) and role of
allelopathic rhizosphere bacteria (Abbas et al., 2017), application of
bacteria in combination with water extract of allelopathic plants could
offer more sustainable strategy to suppress the growth of weeds.
Moreover, consortia of bacteria have the ability to increase the soil
fertility and to promote the growth of wheat crop (Banowetz et al.,
2008). Therefore, the current study was carried out to explore syner-
gistic relationship between selective allelopathic rhizobacteria and
allelopathic water extract of sorghum. Furthermore, this relationship
was evaluated for biological control for selective but not inclusive weeds
of wheat and its effectiveness for enhancing the growth and yield of
2. Materials and methods
This study was planned to assess the comparative effectiveness of
chemical and bio-herbicide for the management of weeds in wheat
under laboratory and eld conditions. A series of experiments was
conducted by following the standard procedures given below. Galaxy-
2013, a government approved variety of wheat was used as a test crop
throughout this study.
2.1. Isolation, characterization, selection, and identication of
allelopathic rhizobacteria
Rhizobacteria were isolated by following the standard procedure of
dilution plate technique from the rhizosphere of wheat and different
weeds (samples were collected from wheat crop grown in different
elds) as described by Abbas et al., (2020). Isolated rhizobacteria were
initially screened by using the standard procedures for their abilities to
produce hydrogen cyanide (Schwyn and Neilands, 1987), indole acetic
acidic (IAA; Sarwar and Kremer, 1995) and exopolysaccharides (Nic-
olaus et al., 1999). Selective isolates were further tested for growth
promotion or inhibition of wheat and selected four weeds (Anagallis
arvensis L., Phalaris minor Retz., Cynodon dactylon L. and Melilotus indicus
L) by growing on agar plates supplement with half strength Hoaglands
solution. Seed germination and growth (shoot length, root length and
plant dry biomass) of seedlings were observed after 14 days of germi-
nation on agar medium (data not given). One the basis of extensive
screening in laboratory experiments, two rhizobacterial isolates (6 and
6 K) were selected for further evaluation in combination with sorghum
allelopathic water extract. These selected rhizobacterial isolates were
also tested for different properties by following standard techniques like
motility of bacteria (Prescott et al., 1993), siderophores production
(Schwyn and Neilands, 1987), Gram staining (Prescott et al., 1993),
oxidase activity (Steel, 1961) and catalase (MacFaddin, 2000). Further,
method described by Simons et al., 1996 was adopted for observing the
abilities of selected rhizobacterial isolates (6 and 6 K) to colonize the
root system of wheat and selected weeds. Pure colonies of selected
rhizobacterial isolates (6 and 6 K) were sent to Macrogen Inc., Korea for
sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene. The sequences of
16S rRNA gene were compared with the known nucleotide sequences by
using BlastN accessed at: for
identication of rhizobacterial isolates.
2.2. Preparation of allelopathic water extract of sorghum
Mature sorghum plants were harvested, shade dried, and cut into 2
cm pieces with the help of a fodder cutter. Pieces of sorghum were
soaked in distilled water (1:10 w/v) by following the procedure adopted
by Cheema and Khaliq (2000) for 24 h (25 ±2 C) to prepare sorghum
water extract. Thereafter, sorghum extract was separated by ltering or
sieving the mixture through 10-and 60-mm sieves. This allelopathic
sorghum water extract was used for further experimentation.
2.3. Treatment plan
Five treatments {T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical Herbicide; meso-
sulfuron methyl +idosulfuron methyl: Atlantis 6WG at recommended
dose), T3 (Extract of Sorghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial iso-
lates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combination of T3 and T4)} were used with
three replications of each treatment. Same treatment plan was adopted
for seed germination experiment under laboratory conditions and for
layout of eld experiment.
2.4. Preparation of bacterial consortium
Selected isolates (6 K and 6) of allelopathic rhizobacteria were
cultured in 1 L Erlenmeyer ask containing Kings B broth media and
incubated at 28 ±2 C for 72 h in an orbital shaking incubator at 120
rpm. Bacterial suspension of about 10
for each rhizobacterial
isolates were prepared and 1 mL of that suspension from each rhizo-
bacterial isolate was inoculated in another 500 mL Erlenmeyer ask
containing Kings B broth medium. After 72 h incubation population
density of consortium was checked by measuring optical density (OD) at
λ550 nm with spectrophotometer and population counts were adjusted
2.5. Formulation of treatment 5 (T5; mixture of allelopathic
rhizobacterial consortium and allelopathic extract of sorghum)
Bioherbicide (Treatment T5) was formulated by culturing selected
rhizobacterial isolates (6 K and 6) in lter sterilized (0.22 µm) allelo-
pathic water extract of sorghum. Survival of each selected rhizobacte-
rium was measured individually as well as in combination. Both isolates
were found able to grow in sorghum water extract by using it as a nu-
trientssource. Nutrients play an important role in the potential and
performance of the bacteria either as growth promoting or suppressing
agents. Allelopathic extract of plants is a rich source of metabolites and
other nutrients. Keeping in view these properties of allelochemicals, a
bioherbicide was formulated consisting of a combination of allelopathic
rhizobacterial consortium and allelopathic extract of sorghum. Bacterial
consortium of 10 mL (population counts 10
) was trans-
ferred into 2.5 L Erlenmeyer ask containing one litter of lter sterilized
(0.22 µm) sorghum allelopathic extract under aseptic environment. This
ask was shifted into an orbital shaker for 24 h for maximum growth of
the bacterial culture. Population counts of bacterial suspension in alle-
lopathic water extract of sorghum were adjusted to 10
This formation was used as T5 in the laboratory experiment (seed
germination test; sprayed at the rate of 1 mL per Petri plate) and also in
the eld experiment at the rate of 307 L ha
2.6. Seed germination experiment
Seed germination experiment was carried out in the laboratory to
evaluate the herbicidal and growth promoting effects of treatments on
germination of selected weeds and wheat seeds. Petri plates were
autoclaved, and sterilized lter paper was placed at the bottom of each
Patri plate. Ten seeds of each selected weeds and wheat were separately
placed on the wet lter paper in the Petri plates. Seed germination
experiment was performed by following the complete randomized
design (CRD) with three replications. All the treatments were applied by
spraying a mist on the Petri plates containing weeds and wheat seeds. A
piece of similar size of sterilized lter was placed over the seeds in the
Petri plates and wetted with distilled water to maintain the moisture in
the Petri plates. Petri plates were tagged and placed in the incubator for
testing germination. Petri plates were incubated at 28 ±2 C and
germination percentage was recorded for every 48 h till seven days of
placing seeds in the Petri plates (Khan et al., 2013; Al-Barakah and
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
Sohaib, 2019).
2.7. Field experiment
The experimental site was plowed, harrowed, leveled, ridged, and
then divided into plots with a net size of 3.96 m ×8.25 m. Distance
between each plot was maintained 0.5 m. The experiment was con-
ducted by following the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with
three replicates. A total of ve treatments {T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical
herbicide; Atlantis at recommended dose), T3 (Extract of sorghum), T4
(Consortium of rhizobacteria isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combination of
T3 and T4; formulated as per procedure given in section 2.5)} were used.
Wheat seeds were sown in rows at recommended plant to plant distance
with help of manual planter. In T1, normal recommended agronomic
practices were followed except weed management. While in T2, along
with all other recommended agronomic practices, chemical-based her-
bicide (Atlantis®) was used by following the recommendations of its
application. In case of T3, allelopathic extract of sorghum was applied in
two different ways; i) by soaking the wheat seeds in the extract for two
hours and ii) by spraying the extract at 7, 15, 30 and 45 DAS. Similarly,
in case of T4, inoculum of selected allelopathic rhizobacteria was also
applied in two different ways; i) by soaking the wheat seeds in the
inoculum (population counts 10
) for two hours and ii) by
spraying the inoculum (population counts 10
) at 7, 15, 30
and 45 DAS. Likewise, T5 was also applied in two different ways as T3
and T4 were applied and in this treatment allelopathic rhizobacteria
were co-cultured in sorghum water extract. Wheat seeds were sown by
soaking in this formulated mixture (population counts 10
for two hours and this mixture was also applied by spraying at 7, 15, 30
and 45 DAS. One liter of extract, inoculum, and suspension of allelo-
pathic rhizobacterial consortium was sprayed in respective desired plots
of T3, T4 and T5 having size of 3.96 m ×8.25 m using hand sprayer (the
corresponding volume for each treatment was 307 L per hectare). All
other agronomic practices were kept same. Four selected weeds- Cat
weed (Anagallis arvensis L.), Wild oat (Phalaris minor Retz.), Bermuda
grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) and Sanji (Melilotus indicus L.) were evalu-
ated in response to above mentioned treatments at 15, 30 and 45 DAS.
Weed density (m
) was observed just before spraying the treatment in
each plot. The assessment of weeds was recorded from each plot by
taking independent sampling from pseudo-replicates through a quad-
rant (made of iron rods) of 1 m
. The quadrant was randomly thrown
three times in each plot and observations were taken and averaged to
consider as one replicate. Selected weeds were sampled from each plot
with the help of quadrant and weed density (number of weed plant per
) was recorded by counting each of selected weed. Entire weed plants
of selected four weeds were uprooted (with some care for minimum
damage to the roots) at soil moisture slightly more than eld capacity
and total biomass (above and below-ground biomass) was taken. The
samples were brought to the laboratory, washed with tap water to
remove adhering soil, shade dried, and total weed biomass (g m
) was
recorded by weighing on electric balance. Further, data regarding
growth and yield contributing attributes of wheat was also recorded at
physiological maturity of wheat. Quadrant of 1 m
was randomly
thrown three times in each plot and above ground part of wheat plants in
an area of 1 m
were cut and harvested for recording the observations of
the growth and yield contributing attributes of wheat. The observations
of three pseud-replicates of each plot were averaged to consider as one
observation per 1 m
. Plant height (cm plant
), number of tillers (m
spikelet length (cm plant
), number of spikelets per spike, total number
of grains per spike, 1000 grains weight (g), total grain yield (kg ha
and biological yield (kg ha
), total dry straw biomass (kg ha
), harvest
index (%) and economic analysis were recorded through standard pro-
cedures. The observations of 1 m
were used as a base unit to calculate
per hectare total grain yield, biological yield, and total dry straw
biomass. Harvest index was calculated by the following formula:
Harvest index(%) = Economic yield(kg ha1)
Biological yield(kg ha1)×100
2.8. Economic analysis
The aim of economic analysis was to calculate the total traditional
cost of production against input costs of all the treatments. Total cost of
experiment was calculated by economic analysis through determining
the current market prices of variables (Variable cost) and commodities.
Variable cost mean the cost which varied among the treatments
including cost of machinery, labor and purchased inputs etc. (Byerlee
et al., 1988). Similarly, the net benet of each treatment was calculated
through subtracting the total cost of variables from the gross benets of
a treatment. While the MRR (marginal rate of return) was calculated by
dividing the MNB (marginal net benets) by MC (Marginal Cost). The
MRR is expressed by the percentage (%). Similarly, loss of wheat grain
yield was calculated by the following equation:
Yield loss(%) = MY YT
MY ×100
Where, MY =maximum yield of wheat from treatment and YT =yield
from a particular treatment.
While the marginal rate of return (MRR) was calculated by the
following formula:
2.9. Statistical analysis
Data regarding weed density and total weed biomass were statisti-
cally analyzed with the software R version 4.0.3 (R Core Team, Vienna,
Austria; R Core Team, 2019). Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
was used by following randomized complete block design (RCBD) for
data regarding weed density and total weed biomass at different time
intervals. Data pertaining to seed germination experiment, wheat
growth and yield attributes were analyzed by statistical software (Sta-
tistix 8.1®; Analytical Software, Tallahassee, FL, USA). One-way
ANOVA was used by following a completely randomized design (CRD)
for seed germination experiment. While one-way ANOVA was also
applied with randomized complete block design (RCBD) for wheat data
of eld experiment. Tukeys honest signicant difference (HSD) test (P
< 0.05) was applied to compare the treatment means. Graphs regarding
weed density and total weed biomass were generating by using software
R version 4.0.3, whereas other graphs were generated by using Microsoft
Excel 2016® (MS Ofce 365, Microsoft Cooperation, USA).
3. Results
In this study, chemical herbicide was compared with various
MRR =Difference between benefits of each treatemnt comapred with control
Difference between costs of each treatemnt comapred with control ×100
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
biological based herbicides for the management of selected weeds of
wheat. For this purpose, a series of experiments was conducted under
laboratory and eld conditions. The results of these experiments are
given as under.
3.1. Isolation, characterization, screening, root colonization and
identication of allelopathic rhizobacteria
Around 150 rhizobacteria were isolated from rhizosphere of weeds
and wheat. Among them, 58 (38.66%) rhizobacterial isolates were
found able to produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN), auxins as indole acetic
acid (IAA) equivalents and exopolysaccharides. From screening of these
58 rhizobacterial isolates; 20 (34.48%) isolates were recorded as growth
inhibitors of all tested weeds as well as wheat, 10 (17.24%) isolates were
observed as growth promoters for all tested weeds and wheat, 23
(39.65%) isolates were examined as neutral having neither positive nor
negative effect on all tested weeds and wheat. Whilst only 5 (8.6%)
isolates had the ability to suppress the growth of all tested weeds with
growth promoting and/or neutral impact on wheat plants (complete
data not given). From these 5 rhizobacterial isolates, only 2 allelopathic
rhizobacteria (6 K and 6) were selected for further evaluation in labo-
ratory and eld experiment for checking the suppressing impression on
the growth of weeds without being harmful to the wheat. The selected
allelopathic rhizobacteria were further characterized for various traits
(Table 1) and from these, 6 K was computed as Gram negative and 6 as
Gram positive. Both selected allelopathic rhizobacterial isolates were
positive for siderophores production, oxidase activity and for motility
test. Allelopathic rhizobacterium 6 K produced 30.33 ±0.88 µg mL
IAA equivalents and rhizobacterium 6 produced 12.67 ±1.20 µg mL
of IAA equivalents. Root colonization potential of allelopathic rhizo-
bacterium 6 was highly variable for different weeds and wheat plants
(Table 1) and it was 10.86 ±0.74 ×10
for wheat, 12.72 ±
0.99 ×10
for Anagallis arvensis L., 25.56 ±0.94 ×10
for Phalaris minor Retz., 16.83 ±0.54 ×10
for Cynodon
dactylon L. and 14.83 ±0.76 ×10
for Melilotus indicus L.
Though, root colonization of 6 K was 22.86 ±0.17 ×10
wheat, 7.04 ±0.38 ×10
for Anagallis arvensis L., 5.56 ±0.9 4
for Phalaris minor Retz., 06.83 ±0.54 ×10
Cynodon dactylon L. and 04.83 ±0.76 ×10
for Melilotus
indicus L. Furthermore, selected allelopathic rhizobacteria 6 K and 6
showed more than 98% similarity with Pseudomonas uorescens and
Bacillus sp., respectively, based on 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene
sequencing. Hence, they are identied and named as Pseudomonas u-
orescens strain 6 K and Bacillus sp. strain 6.
3.2. Comparative effect of chemical and bio-herbicides on seed
germination of selected weeds and wheat under laboratory conditions
The effectiveness of treatments on the seed germination of wheat and
weeds is given in the Table 2. The ANOVA showed statically signicant
(p < 0.05) effect of treatments for each of the selected weed and wheat
seeds. Data depicted that highest germination percentage of wheat seed
was recorded in response to T5 (86%) and lowest seed germination was
attributed to T2 (57%). Seed germination of Melilotus indicus L. was
suppressed up to 44% by T5 and T3. In case of Anagallis arvensis L., T5
and T2 were computed statistically at par with each other and showed
maximum reduction in seed germination percentage (up to 45%), and
both treatments were recorded statistically different from T1, T3 and T4.
Seed germination of Cynodon dactylon L. was suppressed by 38% in
response to T5 and it was found statistically signicant as compared to
all other treatments. However, the effect of treatments was noticed
highly variable regarding seed germination of Phalaris minor Retz. as
compared to their effects on other weeds. Maximum suppression in seed
germinations of Phalaris minor Retz. were recorder with T2 and T3 (up to
34%), while 50% seed germination was with the application of T5.
3.3. Bioherbicides decreased the weed density and total weed biomass of
selected weeds of wheat under eld conditions
The comparative effectiveness of bioherbicide treatments and a
chemical herbicide treatment on weeds density of four different selected
weeds at different intervals is given in Fig. 1. Results of two-way ANOVA
indicated that all the treatments applied at certain DAS and their
interaction were statistically signicant, inuencing the weed density of
Anagallis arvensis L., Phalaris minor Retz. and Cynodon dactylon L. except
Melilotus indicus L. where interaction of treatments and DAS was statis-
tically recorded non-signicant (p =0.0546). At 15 DAS, T5 reduced
weed densities of Melilotus indicus L., Anagallis arvensis L., Phalaris minor
Retz. and Cynodon dactylon L. up to 32.44, 64.72, 14.58 and 14.22%,
respectively, compared to T1 (Fig. 1). At 30 DAS, weed densities were
reduced up to 66.90, 73.07, 32.21, and 86.17% of Melilotus indicus L.,
Anagallis arvensis L., Cynodon dactylon L. and Phalaris minor Retz.,
respectively, in response to T5 as compared to T1. At 45 DAS, weed
densities of Melilotus indicus L., Anagallis arvensis L., Phalaris minor Retz.
and Cynodon dactylon L. were reduced up to 76.48, 88.55, 67.37 and
92.69%, respectively, by T5 as compared to T1.
Two-way ANOVA test results showed a highly signicant effect of
treatments (p < 0.001), DAS (p < 0.001) and their interaction (p <
0.001) on the total weed biomass of selected four weeds (Fig. 2). Data
depicted that at 15 DAS, T1, T3, T4 were statistically at par in inu-
encing the total weed biomass, whilst T2 and T5 caused signicant
Table 1
Characterization, root colonization and identication of selected allelopathic
Characteristic Isolate 6 Isolate 6 K
Gram staining +
Siderophores production + +
Hydrogen cyanide production ++ ++++
Motility + +
Exopolysaccharide production ++ +++++
Oxidase activity + +
Catalase activity +
IAA production (µg mL
)* 12.67 ±1.20 30.33 ±0.88
Root colonization of wheat (10
10.86 ±0.74 22.86 ±0.17
Root colonization of Anagallis arvensis L.
12.72 ±0.99 07.04 ±0.38
Root colonization of Phalaris minor Retz.
25.56 ±0.94 05.56 ±0.94
Root colonization of Cynodon dactylon L.
16.83 ±0.54 06.83 ±0.54
Root colonization of Melilotus indicus L.
14.83 ±0.76 04.83 ±0.76
Identity based on 16S ribosomal RNA
gene sequencing
Bacillus sp.
strain 6
Pseudomonas uorescens
strain 6 K
*Data are the averages of three
replications ±standard error
Table 2
Comparative impact of chemical and bioherbicide treatments on seed germi-
nation (%) of weeds and wheat.
Treatment Wheat Melilotus
indicus L.
arvensis L.
dactylon L.
T1 70C 90 A 90 A 80 A 60B
T2 57 D 67B 45 D 50C 34 D
T3 70C 44C 56C 50C 34 D
T4 78B 67B 67B 63B 84 A
T5 86 A 44C 45 D 38 D 50C
Where, T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate), T3
(Extract of sorghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5
(Combination of T3 and T4). Data are the mean of three replications and means
sharing the same letter(s) in a column do not differ signicantly according to
Tukeys HSD test (p < 0.05)
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
reduction in total weed biomass as compared to T1. However, effect of
T2 was observed more prominent and signicant as compared to T5.
Further, at 30 DAS, all the treatments were found signicant in
decreasing the total weed biomass as compared to T1. However, T3 and
T4 were computed statistically at par in their impact, while T2 and T5
were recorded statistically alike. Results showed that at 45 DAS, all the
treatments signicantly decreased the total weed biomass as compared
to T1, though, T2 caused maximum reduction followed by T5, T4 and T3
as compared to T1.
3.4. Impact of bioherbicide treatments on the growth and yield
contributing attributes of wheat
Results of ANOVA given in Table 3 indicated that all the treatments
signicantly inuenced number of tillers (p < 0.001), spike length (p <
0.001), number of grains per spike (p =0.0301), 1000 grain weight (p =
0.0301), total grain yield (p =0.0449), biological yield (p =0.043) and
percent yield loss (p =0.0305). However, the impact of treatments was
recorded insignicant for plant height (p < 0.1079), total dry biomass
(p < 0.1532) and percent harvest index (p < 0.9998). Data regarding
statistically signicant observations was subjected to post-ANOVA
Fig. 1. Comparative effect of chemical
and bioherbicide treatments on the
weed density (number of weed plants
) of selected weeds of wheat at 15,
30 and 45 days after sowing (DAS)
under eld conditions. Where, T1 (Con-
trol), T2 (Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @
recommended rate), T3 (Extract of sor-
ghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial
isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combination
of T3 and T4). Boxplots show the third
quartile and rst quartile (box edges),
median (middle lines are given for n =3
replicates based on independent eld
plots) and whiskers indicate the inter-
quartile range of the data. p value
resulting from Two-way ANOVA of
treatments, DAS, and interaction of
treatment ×DAS are also given for weed
density of each weed plant.
Fig. 2. Comparative effect of chemical
and bioherbicide treatments on the total
weed biomass (g m
) of selected weeds
of wheat at 15, 30 and 45 days after
sowing (DAS) under eld conditions.
Where, T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical her-
bicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate),
T3 (Extract of sorghum), T4 (Con-
sortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and
6 K) and T5 (Combination of T3 and T4).
Boxplots show the third quartile and
rst quartile (box edges), median (mid-
dle lines are given for n =3 replicates
based on independent eld plots) and
whiskers indicate the interquartile range
of the data. p value resulting from Two-
way ANOVA of treatments, DAS, and
interaction of treatment ×DAS are also
given for total weed biomass of weeds.
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
analysis by applying the Tukeys honest signicant difference (HSD) test
(p < 0.05) to compare the means.
Maximum spike length (14.1 cm) was linked with T5 shown in
Table 4. However, the minimum (7.8 cm) spike length was recorded
with control treatment (T1). T5 increased up to 51% spike length over
T1. Number of tillers in each plot was counted by 1 m
quadrant. Result
regarding the number of tillers indicated that it varied statistically
among the different treatments (Table 4). Their number was signi-
cantly inuenced by the application of treatments and highest numbers
of tillers were recorded in T2 followed by T5, T3 and T4, respectively,
over control (T1). However, the number of tillers in T2 and T5 were
observed statistically at par. Maximum increase in the number of tillers
was examined up to 54% (over T1) in T2 and it was 43% higher in T5
over the control (T1). Date regarding the number of grains per spike are
presented in Table 4. It revealed that the number of grains per spike
were signicantly inuenced by the application of treatments.
Maximum increase in number of grains per spike (up to 20%) was
recorded in T5 over the control (T1). Results pertaining to 1000 grain
weight of wheat are given in Table 4. Results showed that 1000 grains
weight was positively affected by the application of treatments. How-
ever, T5 signicantly enriched the 1000 grains weight of wheat as
compared to T1. The maximum increased in the 1000 grains weight was
recorded up to 56% in T5 as compared to control (T1). Data in Fig. 3
indicated that the total grain yield was also signicantly improved by
the bio-herbicidal treatments. Overall, all the treatments increased the
total grain yield (kg ha
) over control (T1), however, the highest total
grain yield (up to 53% more than T1) was recorded in T5 which was
statically signicant from T1 and T2, but remained at par with T3 and
T4. The highest biological yield was recorded (up to 73% higher than
T1) in T5 (Fig. 4), nonetheless remained statistically at par with all other
3.5. Comparative monetary returns of bio-herbicide over other treatments
While comparing the comparative loss of wheat yield due to weeds
infestation under different treatment applications, the lowest yield loss
(18.9%) was recorded in T5 as compared to the other treatments
(Table 5). Similarly, the highest loss in yield (77%) was examined in
control (T1). Economic analysis of wheat production with application of
treatments showed that all the treatments enhanced the net benets
over control (T1). The maximum variable cost was Rs. 3685 ha
, which
was calculated in T2 due to the higher price of chemical pesticides
(Atlantis). Similarly, the maximum net benet was calculated from
treatment T5 (Rs. 840047 ha
) having the cost of variables Rs. 1225
which was lesser than T2 and T4 treatments. Comparative mar-
ginal analysis of wheat production under different treatments showed
Table 3
Analysis of variance (NOVA) of the growth and yield contributing attributes of
wheat under the inuence of chemical and bioherbicide treatments.
Name of parameters DF SS f value p value
Plant height (cm plant
) 4 467.388 2.7 0.1079
Number of tillers (m
) 4 11997.7 30.21 0.0001
Spike length (cm) 4 18.6427 16.58 0.0006
Number of grains per spike 4 251.394 4.71 0.0301
1000 grains weigh (g) 4 146.491 4.71 0.0301
Total grain yield (kg h
) 4 26136.5 4.01 0.0449
Biological yield (kg h
) 4 152,793 4.08 0.0430
Total dry straw biomass (kg h
) 4 52,658 2.25 0.1532
Harvest index (%) 4 1.598 0.01 0.9998
Yield loss (%) 4 9101.9 4.68 0.0305
Where DF is the degree of freedom and SS is the sum of square. p value more than 0.05
was considered as non-signicant difference of treatment
Table 4
Comparative effect of chemical and bioherbicide treatments on the number of
tillers (m
), 1000 grains weight (g), spike length (cm plant
)) and number of
grains per spike of wheat under eld conditions.
Treatments No. of
1000 grains
No. of grains per
T1 143.7d 46.7b 7.5b 51.1b
T2 221.7a 51.9ab 7.5b 58.0ab
T3 177.3bc 53.3ab 8.2b 59.8ab
T4 156.0 cd 53.6ab 8.0b 50.2ab
T5 199.0ab 56.1a 10.5a 63.5a
Where T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate), T3
(Extract of sorghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5
(Combination of T3 and T4). Data are the mean of three replications and means
sharing the same letter(s) in a column do not differ signicantly according to
Tukeys HSD test (p < 0.05)
ab ab
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Grain yield (kg ha-1)
Fig. 3. Comparative effect of chemical and bioherbicide treatments on the
grain yield (kg ha
) of wheat under eld conditions. Where, T1 (Control), T2
(Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate), T3 (Extract of sorghum),
T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combination of T3
and T4). Bars represented means of three (n =3) replicates and bars sharing the
same letter(s) do not differ signicantly according to Tukeys HSD test (p
< 0.05).
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
ah gk( dleiy lacigoloiB -1)
Fig. 4. Comparative effect of chemical and bioherbicide treatments on the
biological yield (kg ha
) of wheat under eld conditions. Where, T1 (Control),
T2 (Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate), T3 (Extract of sor-
ghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combi-
nation of T3 and T4). Bars represented means of three (n =3) replicates and
bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ signicantly according to Tukeys
HSD test (p < 0.05).
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
that T5 was the best and most economical treatment out of all other
treatments with a maximum marginal rate of return (MRR) of 4226.9 %
(Table 6).
4. Discussion
Wheat is the leading grain crop in which yield is often signicantly
reduced by weed infestation and traditionally coped with chemical
herbicides (Qari and Shehawy, 2020; Jahan et al., 2020). Chemical
based herbicides are causing serious problems related to health and
environment (Hasanuzzaman et al., 2020). Therefore, it is needed to
introduce the methods which not only reduce the cost of production but
also prove to be eco-friendly (Mehdizadeh and Mushtaq, 2020). There-
fore, our study is focused on the use of biological ways for the man-
agement of weeds and their potential for improving the growth and yield
of wheat. Hence, efcient allelopathic rhizobacteria and sorghum alle-
lopathic extract were comparatively evaluated as alternative to
chemical-based herbicide for management of selected weeds of wheat.
Melilotus indicus L., Anagallis arvensis L., Phalaris minor Retz. and Cyno-
don dactylon L. are amongst the most dominant weeds of wheat (Pala
et al., 2020; Usman et al., 2020). Biological means such as microor-
ganism mainly use of bacteria and allelopathic extract of plants which
had already been proved as efcient ways (Zuo et al., 2014; Farooq
et al., 2020) are amongst the best strategies to control the weeds. In this
study, several rhizobacteria were isolated from rhizosphere of weeds
and wheat plants. After screening in a series of tests in the laboratory,
two efcient allelopathic rhizobacteria which were effective for sup-
pressing the growth of selective weeds were selected for controlling
weeds of wheat. Further, rhizobacteria were found capable to improve
the seed germination of wheat in laboratory experiment. Kremer (2006)
reported that those allelopathic rhizobacteria inhibited the growth of
weed plants without negatively affecting crop plants can be considered
candidates for further testing as potential biological control agents.
These allelopathic rhizobacteria were effective against the Anagallis
arvensis L., Phalaris minor Retz., Cynodon dactylon L. and Melilotus indi-
cus L. It was observed in seed germination experiment, the roots of
seedlings were signicantly affected as compared to the shoot of
germinated seedlings. Therefore, it can be considered that roots were the
important basepoint to assess the phytotoxic effect of these rhizo-
bacterial strains. Our ndings are in line with the work of Horwath et al.
(1998), who reported that at germination stage, both root and shoot
parameters are important to determine the performance of deleterious
Moreover, efcacy of these allelopathic rhizobacteria was further
increased when they were used in combination with allelopathic sor-
ghum extract which was used as nutrition medium by the same. Appli-
cation of allelopathic rhizobacteria with allelopathic sorghum extract
not only resulted in suppression of weeds in laboratory and eld ex-
periments nevertheless their combination also potentially improved the
growth and yield of wheat under eld conditions. Weed density and
total weed biomass of selected four weeds was signicantly reduced by
the application allelopathic rhizobacteria in combination with allelo-
pathic sorghum extract at 15, 30, 45 DAS. However, at 45 DAS, the
Atlantis (chemical herbicide) maximally controlled the selected four
weeds and their total biomass as compared to control but results of
bioherbicide treatments were also signicant as compared to control.
Therefore, bioherbicide treatments could be considered as ecofriendly
alternative to chemical herbicides for management of weeds.
Suppression of weeds due to combined application of sorghum
allelopathic extract and allelopathic rhizobacteria indicated that this
mixture exhibited phyto-inhibitory effect on weeds plants besides being
neutral or growth promotor for wheat. Differential response of weed
plants and wheat to inoculated rhizobacteria might be linked to the facts
that various plants may also inuence the competitiveness of inocu-
lating bacteria, either directly by changing root colonization, growth,
and physiology, or indirectly by affecting the indigenous rhizosphere
microora that interact with the introduced isolates (Åstr¨
om and Ger-
hardson, 1989). The density of selected weeds was variable and this
could be associated with the differential genomic makeup or natural
variations in the seed bank of different weeds in the soil (Mushtaq et al.,
2020b; Shahbaz et al., 2018). Allelopathic bacteria use different types of
mechanisms to suppress the growth of plants including the over
Table 5
Economic analysis of the various treatments applied for the comparative evaluation of chemical and bioherbicide treatments for management of weeds of wheat under
eld conditions.
Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Remarks
Total grain yield 1641.3 2340.5 2204.9 1864.1 2871.1 kg ha
10 percent less 164.13 234.5 220.49 186.41 287.11 kg ha
Adjusted yield 1477.17 2106 1984.41 1677.69 2583.99 To bring at farmers level
Gross income 48746.61 69,498 65485.53 55363.77 85271.67 Rs.33 kg
Herbicide cost 3000 Atlantis expend per hectare: 3000
Cost of water extracts from sorghum 80 40 Rs. 80/10L
Cost of bacterial consortium 1000 500 Rs. 750 ha
Sprayer rent 60 60 60 60 Rs. 60 spray
Spray application cost 625 625 625 625 Rs.50 per sprayer
Cost that varies 3685 765 1685 1225 Rs. ha
Net benet 48,747 65,813 64,721 53,679 84,047 Rs. ha
Where T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate), T3 (Extract of sorghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combination of T3
and T4). Average exchange rate of USD in 2018 was121.5744 PKR.
Table 6
Marginal analysis of the various treatments applied for the comparative evaluation of chemical and bioherbicide treatments for management of weeds of wheat under
eld conditions.
Treatments Cost that vary (Rs.) Net benet (Rs.) Marginal cost (Rs.) Marginal net benet (Rs.) Marginal rate of return (%)
T1 0 48,747 ———————— ———————— ————————
T3 765 64,721 765 15,987 2089.8
T5 1225 84,047 460 19,444 4226.9
T4 1685 53,679 460 ———————— ————————
T2 3685 65,813 2027 12,124 52.81
Where, T1 (Control), T2 (Chemical herbicide; Atlantis @ recommended rate), T3 (Extract of sorghum), T4 (Consortium of rhizobacterial isolates 6 and 6 K) and T5 (Combination of T3
and T4). Average exchange rate of USD in 2018 was121.5744 PKR.
T. Raza et al.
Biological Control 164 (2021) 104775
production of IAA, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, toxic volatile com-
pounds, dimethyl disulde and some other growth-inhibiting metabolic
compounds (Egamberdieva, 2009; Kim and Rhee, 2012; Popovic et al.,
2013). Several reports have highlighted the use of these inhibiting
mechanisms of bacteria in agriculture for the suppression of the weed
populations without posing a threat to the environment and human
health (Boyette and Hoagland, 2015). The sorghum allelopathic water
extract contains a sorgoleone as an active compound having herbicidal
properties along with presence of other secondary active metabolites
which had highest phytotoxicity (Barbosa et al., 2001). Further, allelo-
pathic rhizobacterial might use the allelopathic sorghum water as a
nutrients source and it is very likely that synergy between allelopathic
rhizobacteria and allelopathic sorghum extract might resulted in sup-
pression of weeds and improvement in wheat growth.
The growth and yield attributes of wheat were positively affected by
sorghum allelopathic water extract and allelopathic rhizobacteria either
applied alone or in mixture. It is very likely that improvement in the
growth and yield attributes of wheat could be due to less density of
weeds in the eld (Shahbaz et al., 2018) because it was suppressed by
the applied treatments. Similar results were disseminated by Abbas et al.
(2017) who reported that antagonistic bacterial strains inoculation
improved the growth, NPK contents and yield of wheat due to weed
suppression trend of deleterious bacteria. The mixture of allelopathic
rhizobacteria grown in allelopathic sorghum extract possessed both
growth suppressing as well as growth supporting activities that might
had an impact on the growth and development activities of weeds and
wheat plants. The ndings of Sturz and Christie (2003) suggested that a
synergistic relationship exists between the allelochemicals of crops and
bacteria. Therefore, it is depicted that the improvement in growth and
yield attributes of wheat might be due to the existence of this synergistic
relationship (Bhattacharya et al., 2010). The ndings of our study are
also in line with the reports of Banowetz et al (2008) who argued that
promoting effect of bacterial consortium improved the growth, devel-
opment and wheat yield (Banowetz et al., 2008). Similarly, the ndings
of Jabran et al. (2011) support our results who concluded that growth
suppressing activities of allele-chemicals reduced the density of weeds
and improved wheat growth alternatively (Jabran et al., 2011). In
another study, Kumar et al. (2016) mentioned that instead of single use
of bacteria, consortium application of bacteria or with any nutrients
amendments, improved the efciency of bacteria. The study further
suggested that the combined application consortium of bacteria with the
nutrient amendment is an acceptable and eco-friendly method to
improve plant performance. Thus, our ndings are also in line with Haq
et al. (2010) who reported that the better management of weeds in
wheat improved the growth attributes and ultimately increased the
grain yield (Haq et al., 2010). Likewise, allelopathic rhizobacteria and
sorghum extract combination produced 72.41% and 27.7% higher net
benets as compared with control (no spray) and recommended dose of
synthetic herbicide, respectively. Moreover, the same allelopathic
combination gave 4226.9% marginal rate of return, while synthetic
herbicide resulted in only 52% marginal rate of return. Higher net
benets and marginal rate of return indicate the economic tness of this
weed management strategy, which is very crucial for its possible wide-
spread use by end-users, the farmers. The recommendation of any weed
management strategy for large-scale adoption by farmers should only be
made after critical economic analysis and cost-effectiveness calculation
(CIMMYT, 1988).
5. Conclusion
It can be concluded from the ndings that combined application of
allelopathic rhizobacteria and sorghum allelopathic extract could be
used as an eco-friendly alternative to chemical herbicides for effective
biological management of weeds as well as improvement of wheat
growth and yield. It might be further established that there could be
existence of synergy between allelopathic rhizobacteria and allelopathic
water extract of sorghum which ultimately may be used for the formu-
lation of bioherbicides with multiple bioactive agents.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Taqi Raza: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing
original draft. Muhammad Yahya Khan: Conceptualization, Supervi-
sion, Writing original draft. Sajid Mahmood Nadeem: Data curation,
Supervision. Shakeel Imran: Visualization, Investigation. Kashif Nazir
Qureshi: Validation. Muhammad Naeem Mushtaq: Visualization,
Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Muhammad Sohaib: Meth-
odology, review & editing. Achim Schmalenberger: Writing - review &
editing. Neal Samuel Eash: Writing - review & editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
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Weed infestation is among the main biotic factors affecting growth and yield of various crops. This issue is more drastic for cereal crops like wheat which is the staple food crop of over 2.5 billion population of the world. One the control strategy is the investigated the distribution pattern of weeds under field conditions. In this regard, a survey study was conducted to investigate the distribution pattern of weed species in wheat crop during 2016-18 in district Khanewal, Punjab Pakistan. Thirty-six weed species distributed among fifteen different families collected from the study area. Family Poaceae was dominant with 10 species while family Asteraceae was the second most dominant family with four weed species. Cynadon dactylon was the most frequently found specie with frequency value 79.1% while Paspalum distichum had the highest importance value index (6.96) among the weeds of the study area.
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Conventional weed control practices have generated serious issues related to the environment and human health. Therefore, there is a demand for the development of alternative techniques for sustainable agriculture. The present study performed a large-scale screening of allelopathic bacteria from the rhizosphere of weeds and wheat to obtain biological weed control inoculants in the cultivation of wheat. Initially, around 400 strains of rhizobacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of weeds as well as wheat that grows in areas of chronic weed invasions. A series of the screen was performed on these strains, including the release of phytotoxic metabolites, growth inhibition of sensitive Escherichia coli, growth inhibition of indicator plant of lettuce, agar bioassays on five weeds, and agar bioassay on wheat. Firstly, 22.6% (89 strains) of the total strains were cyanogenic, and among the cyanogenic strains, 21.3% (19 strains) were inhibitory to the growth of sensitive E. coli. Then, these 19 strains were tested using lettuce seedling bioassay to show that eight strains suppressed, nine strains promoted, and two strains remained ineffective on the growth. These 19 strains were further applied to weeds and wheat on agar bioassays. The results indicated that dry matter of broad-leaved dock, wild oat, little seed canary grass, and common lambs' quarter were reduced by eight strains (23.1-68.1%), seven strains (38.5-80.2%), eight strains (16.5-69.4%), and three strains (27.5-50.0%), respectively. Five strains suppressed the growth of wheat, nine strains increased its dry matter (12.8-47.9%), and five remained ineffective. Altogether, the strains that selectively inhibit weeds, while retaining normal growth of wheat, can offer good opportunities for the development of biological weed control in the cultivation of wheat.
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Cereals are the main source of carbohydrates in the human diet, providing the major source of energy and contributing significantly to protein intake. Cereals make up the bigger part of crop production. The chemical composition of cereals depends on agrotechnical factors that affect the quality of grain. Naked oat has the highest protein content. The analysis of crude fat in the grain revealed that the highest values were identified for naked oat and the lowest-in the triticale. The study showed the differences in the profile of amino acids of grain of wheat, triticale, barley and oats. The content and composition of dietary fiber are factors determining the quality of cereal and cereal products. The content of different fiber fractions is also varying in each other cereals. Cereal grain is a source of numerous mineral compounds. Consumption of whole grain cereal products is associated with higher diet quality and nutrient-dense foods.
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Background: Identification of the allelopathy-interrelated metabolites from the allelopathic rice rhizosphere is crucial to understand the allelopathic mechanism of rice, which in turn can promote its applications to farming. In this study, the metabolites from the rhizosphere soil of five different rice lines, including allelopathic rice accession PI312777 (PI) and non-allelopathic rice accession Lemont (Le) as well as their genetic derivatives (e.g., phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) gene overexpression transgenic lines of PI and Le, namely, PO and LO respectively, and PAL RNA interference line of PI, namely, PR) were identified and comparatively analyzed to explore the positive compounds that are involved in the process of rice allelopathy. Results: The results showed that 21 non-polar compounds and 21 polar compounds differed in content in the rhizosphere soil of PI and Le, which include several volatile fatty acids and long-chain fatty acids. The relative contents of fatty acids also differed between PAL overexpressing or RNA interference (RNAi)-silenced line and their wild-type respectively. Acetic acid content also differed among groups, i.e., it is higher in the high allelopathic potential rice. Further analysis showed that different metabolites from the ADS8 resin-extracted phase were more abundant than that those from the ADS21 resin-extracted phase, suggesting that the allelochemicals in root exudates of allelopathic rice are mainly non-polar substances. KEGG annotation of these differential metabolites revealed that these compounds were related to nutrient metabolism, secondary metabolite synthesis, signaling substance synthesis, and toxin degradation. Conclusions: Rice allelochemicals deposited in the ADS8 resin-extracted phase were more abundant than those in the ADS21 resin-extracted phase. Allelochemicals in root exudates of allelopathic rice are mainly non-polar substances, and long-chain fatty acids are considered as allelopathy interrelated metabolites.
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Aphid species are the most common insect pest infesting wheat plants. The LC values of imidacloprid against aphid spp., ISSR‐PCR molecular markers, and biochemical parameters in a wheat plant in the present study were carried out. The LC50 of imidacloprid on Rhopalosiphum maidis, Rhopalosiphum padi, Sitobion avenae, and Schzaphis graminum were 71.626, 85.853, 91.05, and 115.806, respectively. While, the biochemical parameters in treated wheat plants including; total protein, RNA, and DNA contents increased in all experimental groups. Moreover, total carbohydrates and soluble sugar also increased in treated wheat seedlings. Also, the genetic diversity studies revealed that among six ISSR primers produced 36 amplified DNA fragments in a molecular weight range of (480–1545 bp). About 28 fragments were monomorphic, and 8 fragments were polymorphic. It can be concluded that the effectiveness of imidacloprid against sucking insects in treated wheat plants may due to few genetic variations and some metabolic changes in the T. aestivum . Practical applications The current study indicated that the potent efficacy of imidacloprid against different aphid spp. which were the most insect pest in wheat plants. As well as the application of imidacloprid as seed dressing insecticide, significantly increase carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, and RNA content in T. aestivum plants. While there was no significant increase in DNA in treated one. The recorded increase in these biochemical parameters may due to the increase in the gene expressions as a result of the application of such pesticides. These results explain the extra mechanism of the effect of imidacloprid against sucking insects. Also, the conducted results explain the effect of imidacloprid as a seed dressing insecticide in wheat crop protection from sucking insects and increasing seed germination, increasing seed wheat, and the number of seeds/spike.
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Weeds are undesired plants that are of no economical use and are hard to manage by farmers. Weeds affect the growth and development of crops and therefore limit their productivity (Ani, Onu, Okoro, & Uguru, 2018). In the agricultural system, weeds compete with crop plants resulting in the loss of their yield (Gaba, Reboud, & Fried, 2016). They limit the accessibility of light, moisture, space to crops and deteriorate their quality (Guglielmini, Verdú, & Satorre, 2017). In view of these features, it has become necessary to check its growth. However, with the beginning of agriculture, the most prominent weed control approaches include an application of herbicides and hand/motorized weeding (Jabran, Mahajan, Sardana, & Chauhan, 2015; Young, Meyer, & Woldt, 2014). These approaches have a remarkable contribution to the improvement of crop production; but various hurdles are associated with them, as well. However, wide utilization of herbicides to check the growth of weeds has led to severe ecological and environmental problems like herbicide resistance, a shift in weed flora, and environmental pollution and health hazards due to their toxic residues in soil, water, and food chain. The harmful effect of commercial herbicides makes it suitable to explore various other weed management alternatives (Nirmal Kumar, Amb, & Bora, 2010) and allelopathy seems to be one of the options (Rawat, Maikhuri, Bahuguna, Jha, & Phondani, 2017). Allelopathy is an eco-friendly weed management tool, which is practiced to combat the impacts of environmental pollution. Allelopathy is a chemical method that allows the plant to compete for a narrow range of resources (Gioria & Osborne, 2014).
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Natural Remedies for Pest, Disease and Weed Control presents alternative solutions in the form of eco-friendly, natural remedies. Written by senior researchers and professionals with many years of experience from diverse fields in biopesticides, the book presents scientific information on novel plant families with pesticidal properties and their formulations. It also covers chapters on microbial pest control and control of weeds by allelopathic compounds. This book will be invaluable to plant pathologists, agrochemists, plant biochemists, botanists, environmental chemists and farmers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.
"A compelling agricultural story skillfully told; environmentalists will eat it up." Kirkus Reviews "In the age of start-ups and tech crazes, it might seem counterintuitive to call something as ancient as grain 'revelatory.' Nevertheless, Bob Quinn's quest to recapture the value of our food system through grain is just that—a revelation. Liz Carlisle and Bob Quinn have unlocked the key to kickstarting change—Grain by Grain is one big kernel of truth." Dan Barber, chef/co-owner, Blue Hill, and author of "The Third Plate" "Grain by Grain is a book for our times, one that demonstrates alternatives to help diversify agriculture, develop more resilient systems, and stimulate rural economies in a future with uncertain economic and climatic conditions. It is a must-read resource for those in agriculture who suffer from the pains of trade wars and tariffs, negative environmental spin-offs from chemical technologies, and narrow focus on a few major commodity crops. The book outlinesa thoughtful entrepreneurial process for designing and implementing a diverse and economically viable future for agriculture and rural areas." Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems "Farmer and plant biochemist Bob Quinn's passionate story makes it impossible to go on farming (or eating) as usual. A must-read for anyone who wants to understand why our food system is so unhealthy and how we can fix it." Daphne Miller, MD, author of "Farmacology: Total Health from the Soil Up" "Long before anybody heard the term social enterprise, a few untrained businesspeople started small, unconventional companies to solve problems for their neighbors—and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. This is the story of one such entrepreneurial effort, which demonstrates how a green economy rooted in regenerative organic agriculture and renewable energy can help rebuild struggling communities in rural America." Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia "A compelling personal story that takes the wind out of the war on wheat and charts a course for getting rural America off the agrochemical treadmill." David R. Montgomery, author of "Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life"