Tamara Scheer

Tamara Scheer
University of Vienna | UniWien · Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte

Adjunct Professor at Institute for East European History,University of Vienna/Pont. Inst. Santa Maria dell'Anima Rome


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September 2024 - January 2025
University of Hradec Králové
  • Visiting Professor
October 2017 - present
European University Institute
  • Fellow
January 2017 - May 2017
University of Vienna
  • Lecturer


Publications (92)
Online access: http://web.b.ebscohost.com.uaccess.univie.ac.at/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook/ZTAwMHhhdF9fNjMwOTQ4X19BTg2?sid=2bb8ece6-d695-45d4-9ba6-dcc98d56882b@sessionmgr103&vid=0&format=EB&lpid=lp_vii&rid=0
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Much has been written about Austria-Hungary under the state of emergency during the First World War. Historians have analysed many aspects of wartime government, among them the political, bureaucratic, and constitutional background since 1867. Emphasis has been placed on the legal regulations that underpinned the state of emergency and their wartim...
Die lange zurückreichende imperiale Prägung Österreichs führte zu einer starken Binnenmigration der nach Sprache, Ethnie und Religion so diversen Bevölkerung. Imperiale Autoritäten blickten oftmals auf eine wiederkehrende berufliche Migration, die dazu führte, dass die Ehefrau einer anderen Nationalität entstammte und die Kinder in den unterschiedl...
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Redaktionell betreut von Elisa Satjukow Die vorliegende geschichtswissenschaftliche Studie von Péter Techet zur Ge-schichte römisch-katholischer Konflikte in den an die Adria grenzenden mehr-sprachigen Teilen Österreich-Ungarns beweist eindrucksvoll, wie wertvoll eine Gegenüberstellung von Mikrostudien sein kann, um ein Verständnis für das große Ga...
Experiment Findings
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There is a brief project description in the word file - if you have any suggestion please contact me - best by mail: tamara.scheer@univie.ac.at
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Das Buch kann im Moment direkt beim Herausgeber im HGM bestellt: Hr. KERN Josef j.kern@hgm.at oder im Buchhandel über ISBN :-) You can download an English version here on academia or https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/57914#
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How to cite: Tamara Scheer, The Non-Uniformity of the Church: Language Diversity and the Roman Catholic Church Dioceses in Late Habsburg Austria, in: Annales. Seria Historia et Sociologia 33, 2, 2023, 278-298.
this is only the submitted version - published here: Tamara Scheer, Interwar Transatlantic Academic Cooperation: The Making of the Austrian and Hungarian Series of the Carnegie Endowment’s “Social and Economic Consequences of the Great War” (1918 – 1936), in: Alma Hannig, Claudia Reichl-Ham (Hrsg.), Zwischen Krieg und Frieden. Festschrift für Erwin...
Vollzitat: Tamara Scheer, Die Vielfalt der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee am Beispiel der Verpflegung (1867-1918), in: Josef Eberhardsteiner (Hg.), Verteidigungsforschung - Verteidigung forschen. Sinne, Intelligenz und Technologie im 21. Jahrhundert, Wien: BMLV 2022, 157-168.
Vollzitat: Tamara Scheer, Zwischen Kronen und Nationen: Die zentraleuropäischen katholischen Priesterkollegien in Rom zwischen Risorgimento und Zweitem Weltkrieg, in: Römische Quartalschrift 115 (2020), Heft 3-4, 159-171.
Throughout the long nineteenth century, the Habsburg Monarchy was characterized by a steady discussion on nation building, national identities, and the national characterization of already existing or newly founded public and private institutions. Almost every political issue brought up in public was immediately after transformed into one of nation...
For centuries, what is today the Pontifical Institute Santa Maria dell'Anima, founded in Rome during the Holy Roman Empire (of the German nation), was known as the German National Institute or National Church. The article questions the attribute ‘German’ and investigates alternative identities, especially in the context of the Habsburg Empire. Both...
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Online: https://botstiberbiaas.org/transatlantic-academic-cooperation-interwar/?fbclid=IwAR3byjh_jW07UBnEx0cocszeYn7vpqS3BFqZzdcNmZ5mAwbrysB7T8nwBmo Summary: The Carnegie Endowment's Series on the Social and Economic Consequences of the Great War, headed by James T. Shotwell, offers insight into scholarly work and academic cooperation in the 1920s...
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Blog Post: https://botstiberbiaas.org/only-a-myth/
Conference Paper
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Zwischen Kronen und Nationen: Die zentraleuropäischen Priesterkollegien in Rom vom Risorgimento bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg
Conference Paper
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Tagungsprogramm Die kontinuierliche Neuordnung der europäischen Staaten nach nationalen Grundsätzen im Verlauf des 19. Jahrhunderts, der Zerfall jahrhundertealter Reiche nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg sowie die Entstehung neuer angeblicher National-, aber dennoch multieth-nischer Staaten nach 1918 und der damit einherge-hende gesellschaftliche Wandel in...
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For citation: Tamara Scheer, Language Diversity in the Habsburg Army, 1868-1918, unpublished Habilitation Thesis, University of Vienna, Vienna 2020. ** This is the full text of my habilitation thesis, submitted at University of Vienna in January 2020, and approved in November 2020. ** Direct link to University of Vienna's Theses Repository: http://...
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Volume Brill Series: Central and Eastern Europe, Band: 9 Editors: Markian Prokopovych, Carl Bethke and Tamara Scheer Section Authors: Ágoston Berecz István Csernicskó Csilla Fedinec Jan Fellerer Pieter Judson Anamarija Lukić Irina Marin Rok Stergar Jeroen van Drunen Marta Verginella Matthäus Wehowski Publikationsdatum: 26 September 2019
Vollzitat: Tamara Scheer, Die Sprachenvielfalt in der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee während des Ersten Weltkriegs Mobilisierung und Kriegserfahrung, in: Marijan Bobinac, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Jelena Spreicer, Mehrsprachigkeit in Imperien. Multilingualism in Empires, Leykam, Zagreb, 2019), 231-260. Die Sprachenvielfalt in der österreichisch-unga...
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(Authors’ original) This book seeks to approach language diversity in multi-ethnic communities of the Habsburg Empire by focusing critically on the urban-rural divide and the importance of status for multilingual competence and language diversity in local governments, schools, the army, and the urban public sphere. Its aim is to offer the first com...
Tamara Scheer, Österreich-Ungarn Besatzungsregime in Südosteuropa im Ersten Weltkrieg und Albanische Fragen / Regjimet pushtuese Austro-Hungareze në Evropën Juglindore në Luftën e Parë Botërore dhe çështja shqiptare, In: Dorian Koçi, Marenglen Kasmi (Hg.), Austro-Hungaria dhe shqipëria/Österreich-Ungarische Monarchie und Albanien, 1916-1918 (Tirana...
Mit dem Konzept der Transdifferenz lassen sich konventionelle Differenzierungen in Bezug auf Gender, Ethnizität, Klasse, Generation, Nation und andere soziale Kategorien kritisch hinterfragen. Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger zeigen, dass transdifferente Momente auf die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten des modernen Individuums im gesellschaftlichen Umbruch...
* Aus rechtlichen Gründen befindet sich hier nur die Abgabe-Version vor dem Satz. Die Aussagen haben sich aber nicht mehr geändert. * Vollzitat: Tamara Scheer, „Kolonie“ – „Neu-Österreich“ – „Reichsland(e)“. Zu begrifflichen Zuschreibungen Bosnien-Herzegowinas im österreichisch-ungarischen Staatsverband, 1878–1918, in: Clemens Ruthner & Tamara Sch...
One day in late August 1918, the Habsburg soldier Walter Herburger—a wounded veteran of the Italian front—was reading the local newspaper, the Vorarlberger Wacht. After catching up on the day’s developments, he complained angrily in his diary about the Social Democratic press: “They shout ‘down with war,’ agitating for a civil war and insubordinati...
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Interviews mit Saskia Etschmaier für orf.at Online unter: https://orf.at/stories/3084701/ https://orf.at/stories/3084681/
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Powerpoint folien für Vortrag bei Tagung: http://mehrsprachigkeit2018.de/programm/
Conference Paper
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Vortrags-Powerpoint zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs mit Beispielen aus der Habsburgermonarchie
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*proofs / NOT the published version *published in: Tamara Scheer, Similarities and Particularities of Habsburg Occupation Regimes during the First World War (with a special reference to Serbia), in: Wolfgang Höpken, Wim van Meurs, eds., , Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch "The First World War in the Balkans: Historic Event, Experience, Memory Peter Lang Verlag...
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The classificatory efforts, which accompanied the modernisation of the Habsburg state, were instrumental in establishing, promoting, and perpetuating national categories of identification. This was not an articulated position; most of it happened inadvertently and the results were often contrary to the intentions of the Habsburg bureaucracy. The st...
Conference Paper
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Mein Vortragsabstract: Manipulation von Nationalitäten-und Sprachenstatistiken: Das Beispiel der Regimentssprachen in der k.u.k. Armee, 1868-1914 Eine Konferenz im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Postimperiale Narrative in den zentraleuropäischen Literaturen der Moderne“ Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Zagreb, 19.-22. April 2018
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I t is fitting that a story about charitable donations and their provenance should begin with a gesture of gift giving. In 1849 a group of Habsburg subjects came together with the intention of raising money to purchase a gift for Josip Jelačić, general of the Habsburg army and Ban (Governor) of Civil Croatia. Jelačić was identified as one of the no...
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Nationalism played a role in almost all cases of denunciation that occurred in the Habsburg Monarchy during the First World War. But nationalism was never the only motive behind denunciation and the basis for decisions made by state authorities. Accusations were also influenced by the wartime food shortages, pre-war animosities and prejudices as we...
Table of Content: ● Introduction: Habsburg home fronts during the Great War Tamara Scheer & Nancy M. Wingfield ● Introductory remarks: space, chronology and the Habsburg home fronts Maureen Healy ● The wartime treatment of the Italian-speaking population in Austria-Hungary Alessandro Livio ● Galicia: a bulwark against Russia? Propaganda and violen...
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CV and Publications
HeindlWaltraud. Josephinische Mandarine: Bürokratie und Beamte in Österreich, vol. 2, 1848–1914. (= Studien zu Politik und Verwaltung, Bd. 107), Vienna: Böhlau, 2013. - Volume 47 - Tamara Scheer
Except 3 pages, free access on google books: https://books.google.at/books?id=-mBBDAAAQBAJ&pg=PR5&lpg=PR5&dq=tamara+scheer+habsburg+languages+at+war&source=bl&ots=2CotwBRb4j&sig=xUy-taGTogiV8LdHxQIVwiBWBtE&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjrwcOdhonNAhXJOxoKHfUADZMQ6AEIOTAE#v=onepage&q=scheer&f=false
Full Text: http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/7968-9;link=%2F0xc1aa500e_0x00349b24?frames=yes&doIdentify=true
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(Translation) Çeviri: Tamara Scheer, "BM, NATO ve AB’nin kuruluşlarından çok önce gerçekleşen bir dış ülke görevi: Yenipazar Sancağı'nda Avusturya-Macaristan Mevcudiyeti (1879-1908)", Çev. Çiğdem Dumanlı, Toplumsal Tarih, S.264 (Aralık 2015), s.50-57. Çevirinin aslı: Tamara Scheer, Österreich-Ungarns Präsenz im Sandschak von Novipazar (1879-1908...
During World War I, Serbia and Montenegro were under Austro-Hungarian occupation between late 1915/early 1916 and 1918. This article explores the attitude of the occupiers towards prostitution and venereal disease, among the indigenous population as well as among their own soldiers, officers and female support staff. The measures taken were primari...
Between 1911 and 1914, the conflicts between Italy and the Ottoman Empire, together with the Balkan wars that followed, transformed European politics. With contributions from leading, international historians, this volume offers a comprehensive account of the wars before the Great War and surveys the impact of these conflicts on European diplomacy,...
Conference Paper
[A revised and extended version of the paper has been published and is available in open access: "Ethnic Boxes: The Unintended Consequences of Habsburg Bureaucratic Classification," Nationalities Papers 46, No. 4 (2018), 575-591; https://doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2018.1448374] After the Compromise of 1867, the Austro-Hungarian Common Army was one o...
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During the First World War, Austria-Hungary implemented a state of emergency with several emergency laws overseen by the kaiserlich und königlich (k.u.k.) Kriegsüberwachungsamt (war surveillance office, abbreviated KÜA). Although it presided over both halves of the empire, the KÜA never had an impact on the Hungarian state of emergency. It was impo...
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Online unter: https://books.google.at/books?id=JScbBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA186&dq=Tamara%2BScheer&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0CC0Q6AEwA2oVChMIpOeswauIyQIVBGAPCh0WEQ96#v=onepage&q=Tamara%20Scheer&f=false
During World War I, Serbia and Montenegro were under Austro-Hungarian occupation between late 1915 / early 1916 and 1918. This article explores the attitude of the occupiers towards prostitution and venereal disease, among the indigenous population as well as among their own soldiers, officers and female support staff. The measures taken were prima...
Conference Paper
PODCAST ZUM NACHHÖREN: http://www.ikgs.de/czernowitz-zum-nachhoeren Zerrissene Loyalitäten: Politische und kulturelle Orientierung im Ersten Weltkrieg Bukowina, Galizien, Bessarabien Nationale Jurij-Fedkowytsch-Universität Tscherniwzi/Czernowitz, Ukraine 28.-30. Mai 2015
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This international conference aimed to approach the issue of multilingual and multiethnic urban societies of the Habsburg Empire in a larger European context. Multilingualism was one of the fundamental everyday practices of the Habsburg Empire and has attracted much scholarly attention in the past decades. Most of the research, however, concentrate...
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This international conference aimed to approach the issue of multilingual and multiethnic urban societies of the Habsburg Empire in a larger European context. Multilingualism was one of the fundamental everyday practices of the Habsburg Empire and has attracted much scholarly attention in the past decades. Most of the research, however, concentrate...
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Austria-Hungaty incorporated parts of the Balkans and the Adriatic coast where it had long faced the Ottoman Empire only to have the Ottoman opposition replaced by Italy, Russia, and Serbia during the nineteenth century. Austria-Hungary occupied Montenegro as well as parts of Serbia and Albania during the First World War. In the occupied countries...
Conference Paper
Conference paper is online on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqgszCrZF2c
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper online on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krCxN7hQGls
Inhaltsverzeichnis Dankesworte 9 Einleitung: Politische und politisierte Geschichte einer europäischen Region 15 Forschungsstand, Quellenlage und Arbeitsmethoden 23 Anmerkungen zur Begriffsverwendung und Schreibweise 26 Zur Bezeichnung als k.u.k. Präsenz 26 Geographische Bezeichnungen 27 Ethnische Zuschreibungen 28 I. Politik, Verträge und Öffentli...
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Dank und Vorwort ................................................................................................. 5 1. Einleitung ..................................................................................................... 7 2. Planungen: Ausnahmsverfügungen und Kriegsüberwachungsamt für die österreichische Reichshälfte...
 1. Einleitung 13 2. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs von Österreich-Ungarn besetzte Gebiete 19 2.1 Polen („Kongresspolen“) 19 2.2 Serbien 27 2.3 Montenegro 35 2.4 Albanien 38 2.5 Rumänien 42 2.6 Italien 45 2.7 Ukraine 49 3. Militärverwaltung: Grundlagen – Entwicklung – Einrichtungen 55 3.1 Einrichtungen der Militärverwaltungen 57 3...
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I am co-author together with Erwin Schmidl/Wolfgang Etschmann. Published 2006. Unfortunately the file is to large for upload, but you can download the whole book (with the courtesy of the Vehling Verlag) from here: http://www.lbihs.at/Scheer-Schmidl-Etschmann_An_der_Grenze_1956.pdf


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