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The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human microbiome



The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to affect the human microbiome in infected and uninfected individuals, having a substantial impact on human health over the long term. This pandemic intersects with a decades-long decline in microbial diversity and ancestral microbes due to hygiene, antibiotics, and urban living (the hygiene hypothesis). High-risk groups succumbing to COVID-19 include those with preexisting conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, which are also associated with microbiome abnormalities. Current pandemic control measures and practices will have broad, uneven, and potentially long-term effects for the human microbiome across the planet, given the implementation of physical separation, extensive hygiene, travel barriers, and other measures that influence overall microbial loss and inability for reinoculation. Although much remains uncertain or unknown about the virus and its consequences, implementing pandemic control practices could significantly affect the microbiome. In this Perspective, we explore many facets of COVID-19−induced societal changes and their possible effects on the microbiome, and discuss current and future challenges regarding the interplay between this pandemic and the microbiome. Recent recognition of the microbiome’s influence on human health makes it critical to consider both how the microbiome, shaped by biosocial processes, affects susceptibility to the coronavirus and, conversely, how COVID-19 disease and prevention measures may affect the microbiome. This knowledge may prove key in prevention and treatment, and long-term biological and social outcomes of this pandemic.
The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and
consequences for the human microbiome
B. Brett Finlay
, Katherine R. Amato
, Martin J. Blaser
Hiutung Chu
, Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello
, Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich
Naama Geva-Zatorsky
, Philippe Gros
, Karen Guillemin
,Fr´ed ´eric Keck
Margaret J. McFall-Ngai
, Melissa K. Melby
, Sven Pettersson
, Hendrik Poinar
Tobias Rees
, and Tamara Giles-Vernick
Edited by Lora V. Hooper, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, and approved December 14, 2020 (received for
review August 3, 2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to affect the human microbiome in infected and uninfected
individuals, having a substantial impact on human health over the long term. This pandemic intersects with
a decades-long decline in microbial diversity and ancestral microbes due to hygiene, antibiotics, and urban
living (the hygiene hypothesis). High-risk groups succumbing to COVID-19 include those with preexisting
conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, which are also associated with microbiome abnormalities. Cur-
rent pandemic control measures and practices will have broad, uneven, and potentially long-term effects
for the human microbiome across the planet, given the implementation of physical separation, extensive
hygiene, travel barriers, and other measures that influence overall microbial loss and inability for reinocu-
lation. Although much remains uncertain or unknown about the virus and its consequences, implementing
pandemic control practices could significantly affect the microbiome. In this Perspective, we explore many
facets of COVID-19induced societal changes and their possible effects on the microbiome, and discuss
current and future challenges regarding the interplay between this pandemic and the microbiome. Recent
recognition of the microbiomes influence on human health makes it critical to consider both how the
microbiome, shaped by biosocial processes, affects susceptibility to the coronavirus and, conversely, how
COVID-19 disease and prevention measures may affect the microbiome. This knowledge may prove key in
prevention and treatment, and long-term biological and social outcomes of this pandemic.
hygiene hypothesis
Humans are at a major crossroads of two major
biosocial processes affecting the microbes that col-
lectively inhabit us (our microbiome). The first process
is the continued loss of gut microbial diversity and
ancestral microbes among a large swath of the worlds
population. This loss of diversity has accelerated over
the past several decades, likely affecting the coexis-
tence between humans and our microbial residents
Michael Smith Laboratories, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada;
Humans and the Microbiome Program, Canadian
Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, ON M5G 1M1, Canada;
Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208;
Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Centre, Childrens Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P4, Canada;
Center for
Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8021;
Institut, University of Kiel, 24118 Kiel, Germany;
Department of Pathology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093;
Department of
Biochemistry and Microbiology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901;
Metagenopolis Unit, French National Institute for Agricultural
Research, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France;
Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 761000, Israel;
Division, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany;
Technion Integrated Cancer Center, Department of Cell Biology and
Cancer Science, TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Haifa 3525433, Israel;
Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3G
1Y6, Canada;
Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403;
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 75016 Paris,
Laboratoire dAnthropologie Sociale, Collège de France, 75005 Paris, France;
Department of Systems Biology, Irving Cancer Research
Center, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032;
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Irving Cancer Research Center, Columbia University,
New York, NY 10032;
Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822;
Department of Anthropology,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711;
Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721;
Lee Kong Chian School of
Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, 637715 Singapore;
Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4M4,
Transformations of the Human Program, Berggruen Institute, Los Angeles, CA 90013;
School of Biomedical Engineering, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada;
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T
1Z3, Canada; and
Anthropology & Ecology of Disease Emergence, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris, France
Author contributions: B.B.F., K.R.A., M.A., M.J.B., T.C.G.B., H.C., M.G.D.-B., S.D.E., E.E., N.G.-Z., P.G., K.G., F.K., T.K., M.J.M.-N., M.K.M., M.N.,
S.P., H.P., T.R., C.T., L.Z., and T.G.-V. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Published under the PNAS license.
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: or
Published January 20, 2021.
PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 6 e2010217118
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and human health through the development of noncommunica-
ble diseases, including obesity, asthma, cardiovascular diseases,
and brain diseases (1). The second process, the COVID-19 pan-
demic, is occurring at a breakneck pace across the planet, with
diverse consequences for its populations. Large-scale pandemics
entail widespread pathogen transfer between individuals and dis-
ruption of human activity, and they presumably affect microbial
diversity and richness in infected and uninfected individuals. The
interaction of these two processes is of critical importance for the
collective human microbiome and, more broadly, for human health.
The model in Fig. 1 outlines the process by which microbial
diversity is lost. Gut microbial richness results from a balance of
the acquisition and the loss of microbial species. The original hy-
giene hypothesis, first framed by David Strachan (2), has evolved
into new, more complex and explicit hypotheses that capture
many of the processes that influence gut microbial establishment
and extinction (3, 4). The most recent versions maintain that mul-
tiple changes among some of the worlds populations have occa-
sioned a loss of microbial diversity, which has accelerated over the
last century because of many processes and practices: increased
urbanization; overuse of antibiotics and other medications; birth
and infant feeding practices; intensified hygienic practices that
disinfect bodies, homes, and workplaces; reduced diversity in
global diets (especially declining intake of dietary fiber and in-
creased consumption of processed foods); and widespread use
of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs (57).
Reduced acquisition and increased depletion of microbes over
generations may lead to the extinction of microbial species
ancestrally associated with humans; species may be permanently
lost from the microbial pool unless reinoculation from other
sources occurs. First proposed by Blaser and Falkow (8) and inde-
pendently by Rook (9), this longer-term loss is known as the dis-
appearing microbiota hypothesis. Reduced microbial exposure
resulting from diverse social changes and associated increases
in host inflammation have been linked to rising rates of chronic
diseases, including obesity, diabetes, asthma, and various auto-
immune diseases (10). Disruption of the microbiome predisposes
us to multiple seemingly nontransmissible human diseases. Germ-
free animals, devoid of a microbiome, develop a high titer of IgE,
the antibody isotype associated with allergic inflammation (11);
loss of immune cells reacting to bacteria leads to severe allergic
inflammation (12). In humans, exposure to rural environments and
Fig. 1. A proposed model of how COVID-19 measures influence microbiota diversity during the lifetime of an individual. While some
environmental factors foster microbial diversity, others, such as intensive hygiene and antibiotics, negatively affect microbial diversity. COVID-19
measures prevent acquisition of microbiota diversity and accelerate microbiota loss.
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farm animals decreases the risk of allergy (13), whereas antibiotic
consumption during early age is associated with an increased risk
of developing allergic, autoimmune, and metabolic disease (4),
presumably by affecting the balance of acquisition and loss of
microbes. Notably, they may also heighten our susceptibility to
infectious disease, just as climate change, deforestation, factory
farms, and global connectivity intensify the likelihood of novel
infectious disease pandemics (14).
This process of microbial diversity loss is occurring unevenly
across the planet. Clean water, soap, and sanitation are not
equally distributed to all people; access to and use of antibiotics,
however, are widespread in low- and middle-income countries
(LMICs), constituting a quick fix infrastructure,even for the
poorest populations (15, 16). Moreover, multiple vulnerable
populationsurban residents, racial and ethnic minorities, mi-
grants, low-income earners (17)disproportionately suffer from
certain chronic diseases linked to altered microbial functionality.
The COVID-19 pandemic itself is, of course, nested in a much
longer history of pandemics that have afflicted humankind. From
the Neolithic agricultural revolution, when larger human settle-
ments facilitated the circulation of pathogens between humans
and their domesticated animals, human history is punctuated with
the repeated suffering of large epidemics and their disruptive con-
sequences (18). Although notions of infection and practices of hy-
giene have varied across space and time, people have long used
certain practices to manage pandemics: fleeing endemic areas,
physical distancing, separating the sick from the healthy, andscape-
goating of certain groups, often the most vulnerable to falling ill
and dying. From the Black Death in the 14th century through small-
pox epidemics in the 18th century, cholera in the 19th century, and
the influenza pandemic of 19181919, pandemics have weighed
most heavily on the poor, migrants, and ethnic and racial minorities
(19). As with past pandemics, COVID-19 mirrors and exacerbates
existing inequalities, so that aging, poor, and chronically ill popu-
lations suffer much higher morbidity and mortality (20).
The collision of the current pandemic with our decades-long
process of hygienic and accompanying microbial changes, and
the recent recognition of the importance of establishing and
maintaining a healthy microbiome, provides a unique opportunity
to explore, in real time, several key questions about humans and
their microbiomes (Table 1). This moment can provoke investiga-
tion of how social inequalities, the human microbiome, and risk
factors such as age or chronic disease affect susceptibility to the
most serious outcomes of severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. It also allows examination
of how COVID-19 control measures interact with various human
practices and socioeconomic and ecological conditions that de-
termine and modify microbial composition, the stability of these
interrelations, and their capacity to establish or reestablish healthy
microbial composition.
In this Perspective, we explore, first, what we know about the
human microbiomes influence on COVID-19, and then examine
in greater depth the current pandemics potential effects on the
human microbiome. We draw lessons from these intersecting pro-
cesses and identify critical questions that should be tackled simul-
taneously by biomedical and social sciences researchers and
public health actors for our near- and longer-term futures.
COVID-19 and the Microbiome
At this writing, we have little direct evidence of interactions be-
tween the human microbiome and SARS-CoV-2 infection (21). We
do not know how the composition or metabolic activity of
microbial populations living on mucosal surfaces (airway epithelial
cells, gastrointestinal enterocytes) of the human body affect initial
susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection, subsequent pathogenesis,
or outcome. Some intriguing observations, however, make this
possibility difficult to ignore. Framing these unknown biological
interactions are demographic and socioeconomic factors
reflected in diet and other social determinants of healththat
render the elderly, racial and ethnic minorities, and those with
lower socioeconomic status more likely to suffer worse outcomes
from COVID-19 infection; these same groups have existing pa-
thologies that correlate with dysbiosis of gut microbiota (22).
Recent studies in small groups of COVID-19 patients have
identified major dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiome, with en-
richment by opportunistic bacterial (Coprobacillus, Clostridium
species) and fungal pathogens (Candida, Aspergillus species), and
depletion of beneficial symbionts (Faecalibacterium) that are
positively and inversely correlated with COVID-19 severity (23,
24). In addition, an inverse correlation was noted between
abundance of Bacteroides and SARS-Co-V2 load in fecal material
during the course of hospitalization of these patients. Recently,
there have been reports of viable virus particles in the stool (25,
26), although the significance and impact of these viral particles
on the gut microbiome and infection transmission is not known.
Recent demographic analyses of COVID-19associated mor-
tality rates (death/10
) in 122 countries have suggested that
inadequate sanitation and exposure to microbial diversity
(including Gram-negative bacteria) may be associated with re-
duced COVID-19associated mortality in developing and under-
developed countries. The authors noted an inverse correlation
between COVID-19associated death rates and water quality
scores, fraction of the population living in slums, and fraction with
diarrhea. With these data, the authors proposed that microbially
stimulated, innately enhanced levels of type I interferon (IFN) may
be protective against COVID-19 mortality in these populations (27).
In addition to certain microbial taxa correlating with severity of
COVID-19, several chronic conditions act as comorbidity factors
for COVID-19, including cardiovascular disease and associated
hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and asthma. Among these con-
ditions, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension are the most
important predisposing conditions for COVID-19 severe disease
(28). Changes in the microbiome at times may modulate genetic
susceptibility to these diseases in humans and animal models (29).
Recent data have shown that a major driver of the above-
mentioned phenomena is the host immune system. The gut
microbiome plays a major role in trainingthe immune system,
and changes in microbiome composition or activity may affect
activity of several immune cell types (lymphoid, myeloid) (29).
These effects may be mediated in part by direct exposure of
developing immune cells in situ in the gut, or by the production of
different microbial metabolites that can act in other organs distant
from the gut. COVID-19 fatalities are often associated with an
overwhelming and pathological inflammatory response in the
lungs (30), caused by overproduction of proinflammatory cyto-
kines (cytokine storm), as well as exhaustion of populations of
immune cells (CD8
T cells) (31). IFNs play an important role in the
antiviral host response (32), which could be influenced by micro-
biome composition. Might differences in gut microbiome and
associated immune cell programing influence individual host re-
sponses to SARS-CoV2 infection? Altering the microbiome com-
position through oral probiotics has been shown to alter the
course and severity of other respiratory infections, such as
influenza (33).
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The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human
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Finally, SARS-CoV2 infection may directly affect the gut and
airway microbiomes. The cell surface receptor for the virus (ACE2,
angiotensin converting enzyme 2) is expressed on airway epi-
thelial cells and on enterocytes along the digestive tract. Studies
are underway to characterize the respiratory microbiome and
COVID-19 infections. Although the data are limited, the pro-
biotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium appear depleted in the
intestines of COVID-19 patients (33), indicating an abnormal state
(termed dysbiosis). Moreover, hospitalized COVID-19 patients
may receive high-dose antibiotics, which dramatically alters mi-
crobial populations. More detailed knowledge of microbiota
changes during COVID-19 awaits further results.
Hygienic Measures during a Pandemic and Their Effects on
Microbiome Acquisition, Loss, and Reinoculation
Hygienehas long been associated with conditions and prac-
tices that promote health and prevent disease. Although hygiene
is not the same as sterilization,it can shade into other practices
that not only clean but can also reduce microbial load, as a review
of hand hygiene has noted (34). Hygiene is of crucial importance
in keeping people across the globe healthy. That said, the
COVID-19 pandemic has provoked radical and immediate
changes in hygienic measures, especially in high-resource coun-
tries, at individual and societal levels. Measures include deploy-
ment of personal protective equipment for health workers and
certain essential workers, extensive use of surgical masks, fre-
quent handwashing and application of hand sanitizer, and con-
tinuous cleaning with bleach in public areas and with disinfectants
in homes. Cleaning is essential in high-density public locations,
but we need more social investigations of the array of home
cleaning practices, which are likely undertaken together. From a
microbial perspective, these measures may affect microbiome
transmission (Table 1). Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, some
public recognition of these insights in high-resource countries
seemed to be loosening hygienic practices and accepting expo-
sure to varied microbes (35).
Implementing much stricter hygienic practices now to contain
COVID-19 transmission is necessary, but increased hygiene may
come at a microbial cost by decreasing microbial acquisition and
reinoculation following loss, although that cost is not yet known.
For wealthier populations that can strictly adhere to hygienic
measures in this pandemic, this cost may compromise useful
microbiota functions. How hygiene measures affect the micro-
biome is a crucial research question. If loss of microbiome diver-
sity occurs, and potentially even microbial extinction, could these
microbial changes ultimately affect rates of asthma, obesity, or
diabetes and other diseases that have microbial links? More crit-
ically, are there possible measures that might be taken during
the pandemic to counterbalance the potential damage to the
microbiome and ultimately catalyze other diseases associated
with microbiome shifts? Over time, fear of pathogenic microbes
can be balanced with a more nuanced attitude recognizing that
taxonomically diverse microbiomes are known to strengthen im-
mune systems and provide other benefits.
At the same time, the consequences of COVID for hygienic
practices, and by implication microbiomes, differ across the
planet. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF esti-
mated in 2019 that one in three people around the world do not
have access to safe drinking water, and that at least 2 billion
people use water sources contaminated with feces (36). More-
over, a recent investigation in 16 sub-Saharan African countries
found that the poorest households have serious difficulties gain-
ing access to soap and water for washing (alcohol-based solutions
are out of the question), and only 33.5% of households with a
handwashing site had water and soap (37). An astonishing 60% of
the worlds population (4.5 billion) has no access to safe sanitation,
according to the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program for
Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene. Although these shortfalls
are concentrated in LMICs, even the wealthiest countries contain
Table 1. Societal practices affected by COVID-19 response measures that impact the microbiome
Practice Pre-COVID COVID response measures
Consequence (and most
affected populations)
Further research and possible
Hygiene Some wealthy populations:
loosening hygienic practices
Intensive disinfection and
hygiene in wealthy countries
Loss of microbial diversity How can we increase healthy
microbial exposure?
(outdoors, diet, etc.)
LMICs: access to clean water,
soap, sewage disposal
inaccessible or very uneven
Some in LMICs, but clean water,
soap, sewage disposal
remains inaccessible or very
May interact with food shortages
and antibiotics to lead to loss
of microbial diversity
Increase access to soap, clean
water, masks; long-term
investment in reliable sewage
Food Uneven, with existence of
double burden(malnutrition
and obesity)
Mixed in wealthy countries:
some healthier eating, but
also rising risk of obesity from
high processed food
consumption, inactivity
Loss of microbial diversity Healthier, balanced food
assistance (increased fiber);
Uneven in LMICs, with significant
malnutrition, including
double burden(malnutrition
and obesity)
LMICs: food production
disrupted, with rising
Loss of microbial diversity (poor,
vulnerable populations)
Healthier, balanced and more
widespread food assistance
Antimicrobial use
High High Loss of microbial diversity Discourage antimicrobial use
when not needed
Social interaction
and mobility
Intensive Mixed Loss of microbial diversity,
particularly among elderly,
very young
Permit interactions within social
bubbles; allow outdoor access
in urban areas
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populations with limited or no access to clean water and good
sanitation systems. Intensifying hygienic practices may have little
relevance for a sizeable proportion of the worlds people without
the means to follow recommended hygienic practices to prevent
COVID-19 transmission.
A potential consequence of COVID-19 across wealthy coun-
tries and LMICs is the use of antimicrobial treatments because of
misdiagnoses, treatment of secondary infections from COVID, or
self-medication (38). Early in the pandemic, hydroxychloroquine,
which has a lengthy history in Africa as an antimalarial, was pro-
posed as a possible COVID treatment. With the onset of the
global pandemic and the publication of a widely viewed video in
France and West Africa, West African pharmacies and street
sellers experienced skyrocketing demand for chloroquine and
hydroxychloroquine (39). Use of this drug to treat or prevent
COVID has continued in 2020 (40, 41). The drug has also been
shown to affect substantially gut microbiota (42). More generally,
increased use of antimicrobials during this pandemic (especially
during the early stages of the outbreak) may affect human micro-
biomes across the globe, although its effects remain unknown.
Feeding Ourselves and Our Microbiome during a
The COVID-19 pandemic and control measures have also affected
how the worlds populations are eating, although in different
ways, and with varied consequences for the gut microbiome,
human physiology, and health. These altered dietary practices
have resulted from disrupted food supply chains. Decreased
global trade, ruptured transportation networks, infection of food
workers, runs on specific foodstuffs, privateering, closures of
restaurants and food outlets, and increased home cooking have
all exerted huge stress on food supply chains at a time of in-
creased demand (43). The pandemic has thus profoundly trans-
formed food access and consumption patterns in a short time.
Depending on their economic status and location, some people
have increasingly relied on food retailers that provide locally
available foodstuffs (44). For some of those working from home,
snacking and eating frequency may have increased (45). Closures
of school cafeterias, decreased physical activity, and stress-
related consumption of processed, unhealthy foods seems to be
fueling obesity during the pandemic (46). Lockdowns and res-
taurant, caf ´e, and takeaway closures have also encouraged dietary
improvements through home cooking and reduced processed
food consumption in some locations and among some demo-
graphic groups (47).
Vulnerable populations include those facing food insecurity
from the economic effects of pandemic response, predisposing
conditions to COVID-19, and experiencing war, or other types of
pest and disease outbreaks. The Food and Agriculture Organi-
zation expects that, for vulnerable groups facing these challenges,
COVID-related lockdowns, economic declines, and uneven re-
coveries will exacerbate hunger and malnutrition: These pop-
ulations simply will not have the income to gain access to food, or,
elsewhere, may have to rely on expensive packaged and pro-
cessed foods (43). Foods available through food banks and do-
nation programs, and sometimes even schools, rarely meet the
dietary needs of people with conditions like obesity, diabetes,
and hypertension, and may even exacerbate them (48).
These changes in food consumption timing, quantity, quality,
and frequency may profoundly impact gut microbiome compo-
sition and function. At the physiological level, pandemic-induced
changes in dietary patterns may influence nutrients available to
gut microbiota, possibly tipping the balance from beneficial to-
ward detrimental gut bacterial functions and potentially contrib-
uting to intestinal inflammation and a host of chronic diseases (49).
To be sure, for specific populations, consumption of healthier,
fiber-rich diets may favor a better balance of gut bacteria and
greater resistance to the coronavirus (50). Understanding the mi-
crobial consequences of these COVID-19induced dietary shifts
and developing interventions, particularly for infants and children,
is important. It will be even more critical to do so in vulnerable
populations who do not have access to enough or sufficiently
nutritious diets during and after the pandemic. Chronic malnutrition
and stunting among sub-Saharan African children is associated with
gastrointestinal tract bacterial decompartmentalization,so that
oropharyngeal bacteria are displaced to pathways from the stom-
ach to the colon (51). Such markers are associated with lifelong
health problems, from susceptibility to further infection to psycho-
motor developmental delays. Moreover, a recent Lancet Com-
mission underscored the overlap of malnutrition and obesity,
increasingly a problem in LMICs (52). For many populations, then,
COVID-19 dietary changes may be exacerbating these already
serious conditions associated with microbiome-related dysbiosis.
Social Microbiomes
Social interactions, including mobility, are key contributors to gut
microbiota composition (53) and affect human health (Fig. 1).
What have been considered noncommunicable diseases(obe-
sity, diabetes) have important microbial causality (1). Microbial
transmission, then, may be facilitated by shared social practices
and interactions. COVID-19 control effortsincluding isolation,
physical distancing, the implementation of social bubbles, mo-
bility restrictions, and border closureshave all disrupted or
transformed social interactions and mobility patterns associated
with microbial transfer, and could potentially have a significant
impact on human microbiomes.
The COVID-19 pandemic response has entailed restrictions on
an unprecedented scale, although most control measures are not
new. Broadly denoting restrictions on movement of people, ani-
mals, and goods to curtail infectious disease, quarantine first
emerged in Dubrovnik in the late 14th century. It eventually
comprised multiple measures (sanitary cordons, isolation, laza-
rettos, restrictions, and sometimes reprisals against those seen as
responsible for the epidemic) imposed over time to curtail plague
and, in subsequent centuries, to limit smallpox, cholera, and yel-
low fever, and, more recently, Ebola and SARS transmission (54).
COVID-19 measures around the world draw from this long history
of social and mobility constraints. State-imposed constraints, self-
imposed isolation, and socializing in social bubbleslead to fewer
social contacts; the result may be microbiomes that resemble those
of other household members or socializing partners (55).
The pandemic therefore offers an opportunity to examine the
diverse consequences of reduced social contacts, isolation, and
physical distancing on human microbiomes. Even within a
household, the consequences of these social measures may be
multiple. For working adults, shift work affects the microbiome via
circadian rhythms (56), so would restructuring of day and night-
time routines influence those remaining at home in isolation?
Does isolationindividual, with families, or in social bubbles
reduce diversity of the microbiome? How might stress and anxiety
borne of social isolation influence the microbiome (57)? What
might be the gendered consequences of lockdown and stress
for the microbiome within households? Although men are more
likely to die from COVID-19, women suffer disproportionately the
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secondary effects of this pandemic: They face greater income
insecurity as lower-wage, part-time workers, are often home
caregivers, and may be subject to domestic violence, and their
needs for sexual and reproductive health tend to be deferred (58).
Not all people are able to implement physical distancing for
extended periods, and it would be important to examine the
consequences of their living and working conditions for the
microbiome. Essential workers, including health workers and la-
borers in meat and poultry processing plants, must go to their
workplaces and carry out duties under hazardous conditions (59).
Those living in crowded, poor neighborhoods in LMICs and
wealthy countries across the planet also face enormous difficulties
adhering to lockdowns, physical distancing, and isolating the sick;
investigations ranging from Dakar to Detroit reveal important in-
tersections between race, poverty, and difficulties of physical
distancing (60). Not only do workers, racial and ethnic minorities,
and other at-risk populations tend to live in households with family
members suffering from preexisting conditions and thus at high
risk for COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, but they frequently
have less access to health care, and, in some countries, have no
health insurance (61). Is it possible under such circumstances to
communicate a dysbiotic microbiome to those living in close
proximity? If so, what possible measures could be taken to me-
diate the impacts on the microbiome?
COVID-19 restrictions to limit short-distance movements, re-
duced train and car travel, shuttered airports, and border closure
will limit diverse environmental exposures and likely impact hu-
man microbial diversity during multiple pandemic waves and their
aftermath. Hence, examining the variable effects of COVID-19
mobility restrictions on human microbiomes is an important re-
search question, but depends, in part, on implementation and
experiences of these restrictions. Implementation of these mea-
sures has varied substantially across countries. In the winter and
spring of 2020, stricter controls were imposed in, for instance,
China, Italy, and France, whereas fewer controls were put in place
elsewhere, including Niger, Japan, Tanzania, Sweden, and some
US states.
Another consideration is how these restrictions affect preex-
isting microbiome diversity among different populations. Pop-
ulations with differential use of and exposure to disinfecting
products, consumption of healthy or processed foods, and access
to outdoors would clearly experience diverse impacts on their
microbiota (62). Gut microbial composition differs across the
worlds populations, with highest diversity observed among
people living in more isolated rural settings, consuming high
quantities of fibers and very little or no sugar, processed foods, or
antimicrobials (63, 64).
Mobilityfrom globe-crossing business travelers to pastoral-
ists herding their cattle to graze in seasonal pasturelandscan
offer exposure to microbial species that may be missing in ones
microbiome (65). Travel restrictions imposed to prevent COVID
transmission might be a missed opportunity, and lost diversity
may not be easily recoverable (66). Nonetheless, long-distance
travelers also risk acquiring antimicrobial drug-resistant bacteria
in their journeys, and migrants from certain settings have experi-
enced rapid declines in microbial diversity (67, 68). How different
kinds of movement affect the microbiomes of different social
groups and populations merits additional attention.
Impacts of Hygiene on Microbiomes of the Young and the
Early and later life constitute critical periods when the microbiome
exerts particularly important influences on health, translating into
lifelong health and disease concerns and potential disparities in
mortality and morbidity. COVID-19 has significantly, although
differentially, affected children and seniors. Its influences on the
microbiomes of young and old should be further investigated and
Early Life/Infants. Birth and early infancy are critical periods for
microbiome establishment and development. Newborns are col-
onized by maternal microbes acquired during vaginal delivery and
through skin-to-skin contact, and their microbiomes are sup-
ported by prebiotic oligosaccharides and microbes provided in
breast milk (69). Research in model animals has shown that the
maternal immune system shapes the healthymicrobiome of
early life, and that this strategy spans across the animal kingdom
(70). Moreover, a functionally and taxonomically diverse micro-
biome is key for infant immune system development. Yet, across
the planet, early life microbiomes are changing due to increased
antibiotics, Caesarean section rates, and formula feeding, and,
among wealthy populations, increased hygiene as well as indoor
and screen time. Being born by Caesarean section, for instance,
increases the risk of later allergy, asthma, and obesity rates (71)
through mechanisms that appear to be mediated, at least in part,
by microbiome dysbiosis during infancy.
The effects of COVID-19 among mothers on pregnancy out-
comes remain unclear, although vertical transmission in severe
cases has been reported (7274). We know even less, however,
about how efforts to control COVID transmission affect an infants
microbiome during this critical developmental period. Altered
hospital, healthcare, and home care practices for infants and
children can interrupt the seeding and feedingof their micro-
biomes. These changes merit further investigation. Higher Cae-
sarean section rates may result from lower tolerance for
transmission risks (75), and more home births may be a conse-
quence of desires to avoid hospital exposure during the pan-
demic. Despite guidance from the WHO to support immediate
postpartum motherinfant contact and breastfeeding, including
for mothers with COVID-19 (using appropriate respiratory pre-
cautions), some hospitals have implemented infection prevention
and control policies that impose separation and discourage or
prohibit breastfeeding (76). Other jurisdictions are promoting
early hospital discharge for healthy dyads and suspending post-
partum home visits by public health nurses, thereby limiting lac-
tation support for new mothers. Although data are still emerging,
current evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 transmission via
breastfeeding is unlikely (77). For nonbreastfed infants, formula
hoarding/shortages may also affect feeding practices.
At home, increased sanitization practices and limited social
interactions could reduce infant contact with normalenviron-
mental microbes. Stress caused by the pandemic could alter the
maternal or caregiver microbiome, which could be transmitted to
the infant. Infants are falling behind in their regular vaccination
schedule, either because caregivers want to avoid health care
structures or because health services are overwhelmed (78). Some
families may avoid emergency rooms and health care visits, and
potentially not receive needed treatments, thereby affecting the
microbiome through, for instance, diarrheal or vaccine-preventable
diseases. Young children who normally attend school may be se-
questered at home, significantly decreasing their contacts with
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others. The state of the home (e.g., fastidious cleaning using dis-
infectants, part of an array of other cleaning practices), animal ex-
posure, and access to outdoors may also shape the childs
microbiome. Conversely, it is possible that mothers working from
home may permit them to sustain breastfeeding longer than would
otherwise be possible, and some families may spend more time
outdoors or with pets, increasing contact with healthy microbes.
One major unanswered question concerns the long-term im-
pact of COVID-19 infection on the early life microbiome. Infant
and childhood mortality due to COVID-19 is extremely low, but
the effects of asymptomatic carriage on the infant microbiome
are unknown.
Later Life/Elderly. The most recent statistics on the first wave of
SARS-CoV2 infection indicate that the vast majority of severe
COVID-19 cases occur in the elderly, with people over age 70
accounting for >90% of mortality (79). Although higher mortality
might result from generally frail health status or living in
transmission-prone settings, the microbiome decreases in diver-
sity among the elderly (80) and may play a potential role in
COVID-19 severity and mortality. Most chronic diseases associ-
ated with aging have some link to the microbiome (81).
COVID-19 has dramatically affected the care, mobility, and
social interactions of elder populations. Hospitalized seniors or
those living in institutional settings have experienced limited or no
contact with family members, with consequences for their mental
and physical health. Seniors may have greater anxiety and fear for
their own health during this pandemic, but must simultaneously
cope with the absence of social support and physical and emo-
tional connection, for their own and othershealth. Isolation from
family members is generally associated with poor prognosis (82).
This isolation is not only social but has important sensorial
dimensionsjust as important at the end of life as it is in the
beginning. Anthropologists have emphasized the importance of
touch, which may have critical implications for reinoculation of
missing microbes from younger to older generations (83).
Are relatively high rates of COVID-19 disease and severity
among people living in institutionalized settings due primarily to
viral exposure, or could there be microbiome-mediated risk? Such
investigation should explore whether the elderly living in institu-
tionalized settings have a more impoverished microbiome com-
pared to those living at home with extended families. A host of
factors shape aging peoples microbiome: dietary differences;
institutional use of sanitizing products; different social exchange
of microbiome with similarly aged people in institutions compared
to younger people (e.g., grandchildren at home); and multiple
medicine use, including antibiotics and other antimicrobials to
manage preexisting chronic illnesses (84).
The microbiomes of aging people are also influenced by
communal interactions, leading us to wonder whether the se-
questering of care for the elderly and chronically ill have created
the conditions that facilitate viral transmission. Residing in vari-
ously sized built environments, the elderly interact with coresi-
dents suffering from comorbidities and engaging in high
medication use, as well as care providers. Does this form of
community dysbiosis contribute to high rates of mortality in care
homes, especially if there is little exposure to healthy family
members, the outdoors, and a healthy diet?
Elsewhere in low-income countries, where the elderly more
likely live in multigenerational households, we also wonder what
impact varied social contacts and interactions might have on their
microbiomes and on COVID-19 infection. Would these interactions
outweigh other chronic health conditions, including low nutritional
status (85)? At present, we do not have sufficient data to answer
these important questions.
The Communal Microbiome
COVID-19 sharpens our focus on how preventive health practices,
such as antimicrobial use, may have collateral damage on a col-
lective microbiome. Physical distancing and increased hygiene
measures reduce COVID-19 infections, but may also indirectly
reduce the general microbial reservoir and its transmission for
some, although not all, populations around the world. Populations
able to isolate from each other and to disinfect their living and
work spaces reduce their exposure to social and environmental
microbial pools; they are thus more likely to experience changes
in their microbiomes (86). These dynamics will likely further di-
minish collective microbial diversity, increasing dysbiosis in micro-
bial function, altered immune function, and, possibly, chronic
inflammation. An insult to the microbiome through, for instance,
antibiotic use, compounded by an already depleted collective mi-
crobial reservoir, will make it more difficult to reconstitute a healthy
microbiome. The consequence may be heightened susceptibility to
infection, more severe symptoms, and greater mortality.
We want to be clear: Preventing COVID-19 transmission is
necessary, and the hygienic transformations of the past 100 years
have resulted in major reductions in mortality from infectious
diseases. But the intersection of the past centurys hygienic
practices and recent COVID-19 pandemic control measures may
negatively affect the microbiome and thus human health across
multiple timescales. As morbidity and mortality increase in rela-
tion to these microbial changes, human evolutionary trajectories
may also change. Studies in mice, for instance, have shown that
once particular microbial taxa are lost from a population over
generations, they are difficult to recover (66). The associated loss
of microbial function can severely limit host ability to survive in
certain environments or to resist infections (66). A fundamental
question, then, is what microbial functions might we lose as a
result of COVID-19 prevention efforts? What are the conse-
quences as humans continue to encounter nutritional and immune
challenges in future generations, and what can be done to
mitigate them (Table 1)?
It is worth considering how to deploy physical distancing and
hygiene practices to prevent COVID-19 transmission, but also to
sustain and protect diversity of the microbiome. It is important to
understand more fully how these practices affect the microbiome,
and then, in response, to develop public measures and practices
that can, if appropriate, increase exposure to beneficial microbes
and simultaneously reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission. Public
measures could include those already associated with healthy
microbial diversity: keeping open urban parks but ensuring the
maintenance of physical distancing; offering remote support for
breastfeeding mothers and encouraging infant vaccination; and
ensuring the provision of healthy food assistance to low-income
families and children. Individual practices could include safely
spending time outdoors, gardening where possible, eating a
fiber-rich diet, avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, and encouraging
physical contact among coquarantined family members and pets,
all of which have been shown to facilitate retention and trans-
mission of beneficial microbes. In LMICs, expanding access to
clean water and soap and masks, tackling food insecurity, and
reducing easy access to antibiotics may effectively reduce trans-
mission; we hypothesize that these measures could also sustain
microbial variability (87, 88). Our knowledge of COVID-19 and the
Finlay et al. PNAS
The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human
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microbiome is incomplete, and we have only begun to explore
their interactions. Nevertheless, these suggested measures and
practices could prevent COVID transmission, simultaneously re-
duce the negative impacts of pandemic control measures on
human microbiomes, and, potentially, offer important health
benefits for future generations.
The current pandemic has disrupted the world as we knew it.
Despite the damage and turmoil that COVID-19 has already
caused worldwide, it also reminds us that we live in a microbial
world where microbes have a major impact on all facets of our
existence. This pandemic presents a significant opportunity to
study, in real time, the relationship between an infectious agent,
the microbiome, precipitous and uneven social and economic
changes, and their combined effects on health and disease. As we
track changes in the microbiome during COVID-19, we can apply
this knowledge to current pandemic control measures and re-
covery. These insights and new measures will provide a platform
to improve our management of the next pandemic disruption.
Data Availability. All study data are included in the article.
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... increasing separation from "nature" has had a substantial impact on physical and mental well-being. If health correlates with increased microbiome diversity (17,18), then much of the contemporary built environment (its form, materials, systems, construction, maintenance, and modes of occupation) reduces diversity and thus could lead to poorer health. In this context, therefore, our understanding of health is primarily about securing human health which includes the whole interactive ecology (19,20). ...
... We are still far from an understanding of what an unhealthy (dysbiotic) microbiome is, apart from reduced diversity. In addition, completely sterile environments are not optimal for developmental programs and optimal organ function to sustain health and longevity (18,46). ...
... Previous work has shown that microbial diversity in our bodies is crucial for health (9,10,18,43,49) and that all aspects of building design may influence human health outcomes. The way indoor spaces are conditioned conflict with promoting microbiome diversity. ...
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There is increasing evidence that interactions between microbes and their hosts not only play a role in determining health and disease but also in emotions, thought, and behavior. Built environments greatly influence microbiome exposures because of their built-in highly specific microbiomes coproduced with myriad metaorganisms including humans, pets, plants, rodents, and insects. Seemingly static built structures host complex ecologies of microorganisms that are only starting to be mapped. These microbial ecologies of built environments are directly and interdependently affected by social, spatial, and technological norms. Advances in technology have made these organisms visible and forced the scientific community and architects to rethink gene-environment and microbe interactions respectively. Thus, built environment design must consider the microbiome, and research involving host-microbiome interaction must consider the built-environment. This paradigm shift becomes increasingly important as evidence grows that contemporary built environments are steadily reducing the microbial diversity essential for human health, well-being, and resilience while accelerating the symptoms of human chronic diseases including environmental allergies, and other more life-altering diseases. New models of design are required to balance maximizing exposure to microbial diversity while minimizing exposure to human-associated diseases. Sustained trans-disciplinary research across time (evolutionary, historical, and generational) and space (cultural and geographical) is needed to develop experimental design protocols that address multigenerational multispecies health and health equity in built environments.
... In reality, however, infection transmission rates and health benefits acquisition differ in sub-populations with different age structure, distribution of co-morbidities, or spatial structure and connectivity. For instance, children and youth may be more likely to suffer from microbiome depletion and loneliness during social isolation, and groups facing economic insecurity may experience an increased risk to suffer from anxiety and depression 17,18,36,48 . Future modelling may consider how populations heterogeneity affects the acquisition and loss of interaction-dependent health benefits, in addition to affecting the infection dynamics 57,58 . ...
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Avoiding physical contact is regarded as one of the safest and most advisable strategies to follow to reduce pathogen spread. The flip side of this approach is that a lack of social interactions may negatively affect other dimensions of health, like induction of immunosuppressive anxiety and depression or preventing interactions of importance with a diversity of microbes, which may be necessary to train our immune system or to maintain its normal levels of activity. These may in turn negatively affect a population’s susceptibility to infection and the incidence of severe disease. We suggest that future pandemic modelling may benefit from relying on ‘SIR+ models’: epidemiological models extended to account for the benefits of social interactions that affect immune resilience. We develop an SIR+ model and discuss which specific interventions may be more effective in balancing the trade-off between minimizing pathogen spread and maximizing other interaction-dependent health benefits. Our SIR+ model reflects the idea that health is not just the mere absence of disease, but rather a state of physical, mental and social well-being that can also be dependent on the same social connections that allow pathogen spread, and the modelling of public health interventions for future pandemics should account for this multidimensionality.
... Yet, this is far from the case, especially when it comes to human holobiont health and wellness. Calls for microbiome-first approaches to medicine and public health [1,2], and more inclusion of microbiome considerations in public health initiatives [3], have come during a period when holistic, personalized wellness has been institutionally and increasingly ignored. Other examples involve the lack of protection for microbiomes. ...
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The vast array of interconnected microorganisms across Earth's ecosystems and within holobionts has been called the "Internet of Microbes". Bacteria and archaea are masters of energy and information collection, storage, transformation, and dissemination using both "wired" and wireless (at a distance) functions. Specific tools affecting microbial energy and information functions offer effective strategies for managing microbial populations within, between, and beyond holobionts. This narrative review focuses on microbial management using a subset of physical modifiers of microbes: sound and light (as well as related vibrations). These are examined as follows: (1) as tools for managing microbial populations, (2) as tools to support new technologies, (3) as tools for healing humans and other holobionts, and (4) as potential safety dangers for microbial populations and their holobionts. Given microbial sensitivity to sound, light, and vibrations, it is critical that we assign a higher priority to the effects of these physical factors on microbial populations and microbe-laden holobionts. We conclude that specific sound, light, and/or vibrational conditions are significant therapeutic tools that can help support useful microbial populations and help to address the ongoing challenges of holobiont disease. We also caution that inappropriate sound, light, and/or vibration exposure can represent significant hazards that require greater recognition.
... B. bei einer genetischen Disposition für AN) oder Folge der Erkrankung (Epiphänomen bei verminderter Nahrungszufuhr und Nahrungszusammensetzung) ist. Es gibt Hypothesen, dass die COVID-19-Pandemie durch die Veränderung der Lebensgewohnheiten (veränderte Reisegewohnheiten, Desinfektionsmittelgebrauch, Ernährung, weniger Bewegung) ebenfalls das Mikrobiom beeinflusst haben könnte [25], wobei ein Rückschluss, dass dies zu einer veränderten Prävalenz der AN geführt habe, bei dem derzeit unzureichenden Wissensstand nicht gerechtfertigt wäre. ...
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Zusammenfassung Die Anorexia nervosa ist eine der häufigsten chronischen Erkrankungen des Jugendalters mit einer hohen Mortalität. Ihre Behandlungsbedürftigkeit hat während der COVID-19-Pandemie vor allem im Kindes- und Jugendalter zugenommen. Der Artikel zeigt neue Forschungsergebnisse zur Ätiologie der Erkrankung auf, insbesondere zur genetischen Disposition und zu metabolischen Veränderungen. Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden Behandlungszahlen während der COVID-19-Pandemie wird die Bedeutung der Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion diskutiert. Der zweite Schwerpunkt des Artikels bezieht sich auf neue Behandlungsmethoden. Neben dem experimentellen Einsatz biologischer Interventionen werden auch neue psychotherapeutische Behandlungsstrategien vorgestellt. Im Vergleich zur früheren Behandlung der Anorexia nervosa wird der intensiven Einbeziehung der Eltern in die Therapie eine hohe Bedeutung beigemessen. Dies zeigt sich insbesondere durch die Entwicklung der Behandlung zu Hause (Home Treatment). Die Konzeption der Anorexia nervosa als metabopsychiatrische Erkrankung ist mit der Hoffnung auf neue Forschungs- und Therapieansätze verbunden.
... While the biodiversity hypothesis/missing microbe theory is well-established in the context of human health (Blaser 2017, Finlay et al. 2021, Hanski et al. 2012, plant health has r eceiv ed less attention in this regar d. Ho w ever, the transformation of the plant microbiome in the Anthropocene , i.e . ...
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The Holobiont theory is more than eighty years old, while the importance of microbial communities for plant holobionts was already identified by Lorenz Hiltner more than a century ago. Both concepts are strongly supported by results from the new field of microbiome research. Here, we present ecological and genetic features of the plant holobiont that underpin principles of a shared governance between hosts and microbes and summarize the relevance of plant holobionts in the context of global change. Moreover, we uncover knowledge gaps that arise when integrating plant holobionts in the broader perspective of the holobiome as well as one and planetary health concepts. Action is needed to consider interacting holobionts at the holobiome scale, for prediction and control of microbiome function to improve human and environmental health outcomes.
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The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated research and innovation across numerous fields of medicine. It emphasized how disease concepts must reflect dynamic and heterogeneous interrelationships between physical characteristics, genetics, co-morbidities, environmental exposures, and socioeconomic determinants of health throughout life. This article explores how scientists and other stakeholders must collaborate in novel, interdisciplinary ways at these new frontiers of medicine, focusing on communicable diseases, precision/personalized medicine, systems medicine, and data science. The pandemic highlighted the critical protective role of vaccines against current and emerging threats. Radical efficiency gains in vaccine development (through mRNA technologies, public and private investment, and regulatory measures) must be leveraged in the future together with continued innovation in the area of monoclonal antibodies, novel antimicrobials, and multisectoral, international action against communicable diseases. Inter-individual heterogeneity in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 prompted the development of targeted therapeutics. Beyond COVID-19, medicine will become increasingly personalized via advanced omics-based technologies and systems biology—for example targeting the role of the gut microbiome and specific mechanisms underlying immunoinflammatory diseases and genetic conditions. Modeling proved critical to strengthening risk assessment and supporting COVID-19 decision-making. Advanced computational analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) may help integrate epidemic modeling, clinical features, genomics, immune factors, microbiome data, and other anthropometric measures into a “systems medicine” approach. The pandemic also accelerated digital medicine, giving telehealth and digital therapeutics critical roles in health system resilience and patient care. New research methods employed during COVID-19, including decentralized trials, could benefit evidence generation and decision-making more widely. In conclusion, the future of medicine will be shaped by interdisciplinary multistakeholder collaborations that address complex molecular, clinical, and social interrelationships, fostering precision medicine while improving public health. Open science, innovative partnerships, and patient-centricity will be key to success.
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Background The social distancing measures implemented to curb SARS-CoV-2 transmission provided a unique opportunity to study the association between reduced human interaction and epidemiological changes related to human bacterial pathogens. While studies have indicated a decrease in respiratory infections during lockdowns, further description is needed regarding the changes in the incidence of bacterial populations. This study investigates the changes in strain richness of community infections with two bacterial species, Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus during the waning related to France’s social distancing measures, especially lockdown. Methods MALDI-TOF MS spectra analyses of routine clinical bacterial identifications were used as proxies for genomic analyses. Spectra from lockdown and reference periods were compared using unsupervised classification methods. A total of 251 main spectrum profiles of H. influenzae , 2079 main spectrum profiles of S. aureus for respiratory tract and blood samples, and 414 main spectrum profiles for skin samples of S. aureus were examined. Data were analyzed using hierarchical clustering, binary discriminant analysis, and statistical tests for significance. Results The strain mix of both bacteria during the lockdown was deeply altered, but with different further evolutions. H. influenzae exhibited a shift in spectra composition, with a subsequent return towards pre-lockdown diversity observed in 2021. In contrast, S. aureus exhibited a persistent change in spectra composition, with a gradual return to pre-lockdown patterns one year later. Conclusions Hindering inter-human transmission, as was done during the lockdown measures, was associated with significant alterations in bacterial species compositions, with differential impacts observed for H. influenzae and S. aureus. This study provides data on the putative relationship between genetic diversity and transmission dynamics during a public health crisis. Describing the dynamics of bacterial populations during lockdowns could contribute providing information for the implementation of future strategies for infectious disease control and surveillance.
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The intricate interplay between the gut microbiota and ocular health has surpassed conventional medical beliefs, fundamentally reshaping our understanding of organ interconnectivity. This review investigates into the intricate relationship between gut microbiota-derived metabolites and their consequential impact on ocular health and disease pathogenesis. By examining the role of specific metabolites, such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate and bile acids (BAs), herein we elucidate their significant contributions to ocular pathologies, thought-provoking the traditional belief of organ sterility, particularly in the field of ophthalmology. Highlighting the dynamic nature of the gut microbiota and its profound influence on ocular health, this review underlines the necessity of comprehending the complex workings of the gut-eye axis, an emerging field of science ready for further exploration and scrutiny. While acknowledging the therapeutic promise in manipulating the gut microbiome and its metabolites, the available literature advocates for a targeted, precise approach. Instead of broad interventions, it emphasizes the potential of exploiting specific microbiome-related metabolites as a focused strategy. This targeted approach compared to a precision tool rather than a broad-spectrum solution, aims to explore the therapeutic applications of microbiome-related metabolites in the context of various retinal diseases. By proposing a nuanced strategy targeted at specific microbial metabolites, this review suggests that addressing specific deficiencies or imbalances through microbiome-related metabolites might yield expedited and pronounced outcomes in systemic health, extending to the eye. This focused strategy holds the potential in bypassing the irregularity associated with manipulating microbes themselves, paving a more efficient pathway toward desired outcomes in optimizing gut health and its implications for retinal diseases.
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Gut microbes shape many aspects of organismal biology, yet how these key bacteria transmit among hosts in natural populations remains poorly understood. Recent work in mammals has emphasized either transmission through social contacts or indirect transmission through environmental contact, but the relative importance of different routes has not been directly assessed. Here we used a novel radio-frequency identification-based tracking system to collect long-term high-resolution data on social relationships, space use and microhabitat in a wild population of mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), while regularly characterizing their gut microbiota with 16S ribosomal RNA profiling. Through probabilistic modelling of the resulting data, we identify positive and statistically distinct signals of social and environmental transmission, captured by social networks and overlap in home ranges, respectively. Strikingly, microorganisms with distinct biological attributes drove these different transmission signals. While the social network effect on microbiota was driven by anaerobic bacteria, the effect of shared space was most influenced by aerotolerant spore-forming bacteria. These findings support the prediction that social contact is important for the transfer of microorganisms with low oxygen tolerance, while those that can tolerate oxygen or form spores may be able to transmit indirectly through the environment. Overall, these results suggest social and environmental transmission routes can spread biologically distinct members of the mammalian gut microbiota.
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic propelled immunology into global news and social media, resulting in the potential for misinterpreting and misusing complex scientific concepts. Objective To study the extent to which immunology is discussed in news articles and YouTube videos in English and Italian, and if related scientific concepts are used to support specific political or ideological narratives in the context of COVID-19. Methods In English and Italian we searched the period 11/09/2019 to 11/09/2022 on YouTube, using the software Mozdeh, for videos mentioning COVID-19 and one of nine immunological concepts: antibody-dependent enhancement, anergy, cytokine storm, herd immunity, hygiene hypothesis, immunity debt, original antigenic sin, oxidative stress and viral interference. We repeated this using MediaCloud for news articles. Four samples of 200 articles/videos were obtained from the randomised data gathered and analysed for mentions of concepts, stance on vaccines, masks, lockdown, social distancing, and political signifiers. Results Vaccine-negative information was higher in videos than news (8-fold in English, 6-fold in Italian) and higher in Italian than English (4-fold in news, 3-fold in videos). We also observed the existence of information bubbles, where a negative stance towards one intervention was associated with a negative stance to other linked ideas. Some immunological concepts (immunity debt, viral interference, anergy and original antigenic sin) were associated with anti-vaccine or anti-NPI (non-pharmacological intervention) views. Videos in English mentioned politics more frequently than those in Italian and, in all media and languages, politics was more frequently mentioned in anti-guidelines and anti-vaccine media by a factor of 3 in video and of 3–5 in news. Conclusion There is evidence that some immunological concepts are used to provide credibility to specific narratives and ideological views. The existence of information bubbles supports the concept of the “rabbit hole” effect, where interest in unconventional views/media leads to ever more extreme algorithmic recommendations.
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The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 pandemic has spread to Africa, where nearly all countries have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Although there are ongoing clinical trials of repurposed and investigational antiviral and immune-based therapies, there are as yet no scientifically proven, clinically effective pharmacological treatments for COVID-19. Among the repurposed drugs, the commonly used antimalarials chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have become the focus of global scientific, media, and political attention despite a lack of randomized clinical trials supporting their efficacy. Chloroquine has been used worldwide for about 75 years and is listed by the WHO as an essential medicine to treat malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is mainly used as a therapy for autoimmune diseases. However, the efficacy and safety of CQ/HCQ for the treatment of COVID-19 remains to be defined. Indiscriminate promotion and widespread use of CQ/HCQ have led to extensive shortages, self-treatment, and fatal overdoses. Shortages and increased market prices leave all countries vulnerable to substandard and falsified medical products, and safety issues are especially concerning for Africa because of its healthcare system limitations. Much needed in Africa is a cross-continental collaborative network for coordinated production, distribution, and post-marketing surveillance aligned to low-cost distribution of any approved COVID-19 drug; this would ideally be piggybacked on existing global aid efforts. Meanwhile, African countries should strongly consider implementing prescription monitoring schemes to ensure that any off-label CQ/HCQ use is appropriate and beneficial during this pandemic.
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COVID-19 is continuing as a big challenge for the globe and several types of research are continued to find safe and effective treatment and preventive options. Although there is a lack of conclusive evidence of their benefit, there is worldwide controversy to use anti-malarial drugs, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, for the treatment of COVID-19. FDA issued an emergency use authorization to the use of these drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. On the contrary to the FDA, the European Medicines Agency has warned against the widespread use of these drugs to treat COVID-19. Finally, the WHO declared that clinical trials on these drugs are halted after the devastating findings of the study published in the medical journal called The Lancet. Against this fact, there are several rumors about the irresponsible use of these drugs in Africa for the treatment of COVID-19. This work aimed to review the off-label use of these drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 in African countries against WHO recommendation. Data on the use of these drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 in African countries were searched from credible sources including Scopus, PubMed, Hindawi, Google Scholar, and from local and international media. The study showed that many African countries have already approved at the national level to use these drugs to treat COVID-19 by opposing WHO warnings. In addition to this, falsified and substandard chloroquine products started to emerge in some African countries. The health sectors of the African government should critically compare the risks and benefits before using these drugs. The WHO and African drug regulatory organizations should intervene to stop the off-label use practice of these drugs against the licensed purpose and distribution of falsified and substandard products in the continent.
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Pregnancy comprises a unique immunological condition, to allow fetal development and to protect the host from pathogenic infections. Viral infections during pregnancy can disrupt immunological tolerance and may generate deleterious effects on the fetus. Despite these possible links between pregnancy and infection-induced morbidity, it is unclear how pregnancy interferes with maternal response to some viral pathogens. In this context, the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can induce the coronavirus diseases-2019 (COVID-19) in pregnant women. The potential risk of vertical transmission is unclear, babies born from COVID-19-positive mothers seems to have no serious clinical symptoms, the possible mechanisms are discussed, which highlights that checking the children's outcome and more research is warranted. In this review, we investigate the reports concerning viral infections and COVID-19 during pregnancy, to establish a correlation and possible implications of COVID-19 during pregnancy and neonatal's health.
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Coronaviruses cause several human diseases, including severe acute respiratory syndrome. The global coronaviruses disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a huge threat to humans. Intensive research on the pathogenic mechanisms used by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is urgently needed – notably in order to identify potential drug targets. Clinical studies of patients with COVID-19 have shown that gastrointestinal disorders appear to precede or follow the respiratory symptoms. Here, we review gastrointestinal disorders in patients with COVID-19, suggest hypothetical mechanisms leading to gut symptoms, and discuss the potential consequences of gastrointestinal disorders on the outcome of the disease. Lastly, we discuss the role of the gut microbiota during respiratory viral infections and suggest that targeting gut dysbiosis may help to control the pathogenesis of COVID-19.
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Day and night cycles are the most important cue for the central clock of human beings, and they are also important for the gut clock. The aim of the study is to determine the differences in the gut microbiota of rotational shift workers when working the day versus night shift. Fecal samples and other data were collected from 10 volunteer male security officers after 4 weeks of day shift work (07:00–15:00 h) and also after 2 weeks of night shift work (23:00–07:00 h). In total, 20 stool samples were collected for analysis of gut microbiota (10 subjects x 2 work shifts) and stored at −80°C until analysis by 16 S rRNA sequencing. The relative abundances of Bacteroidetes were reduced and those of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes increased when working the night compared to day shift. Faecalibacterium abundance was found to be a biomarker of the day shift work. Dorea longicatena and Dorea formicigenerans were significantly more abundant in individuals when working the night shift. Rotational day and night shift work causes circadian rhythm disturbance with an associated alteration in the abundances of gut microbiota, leading to the concern that such induced alteration of gut microbiota may at least partially contribute to an increased risk of future metabolic syndrome and gastrointestinal pathology.
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Background: We examined whether the greater severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) amongst men and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) individuals is explained by cardiometabolic, socio-economic or behavioural factors. Methods: We studied 4510 UK Biobank participants tested for COVID-19 (positive, n = 1326). Multivariate logistic regression models including age, sex and ethnicity were used to test whether addition of (1) cardiometabolic factors [diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, prior myocardial infarction, smoking and body mass index (BMI)]; (2) 25(OH)-vitamin D; (3) poor diet; (4) Townsend deprivation score; (5) housing (home type, overcrowding) or (6) behavioural factors (sociability, risk taking) attenuated sex/ethnicity associations with COVID-19 status. Results: There was over-representation of men and BAME ethnicities in the COVID-19 positive group. BAME individuals had, on average, poorer cardiometabolic profile, lower 25(OH)-vitamin D, greater material deprivation, and were more likely to live in larger households and in flats/apartments. Male sex, BAME ethnicity, higher BMI, higher Townsend deprivation score and household overcrowding were independently associated with significantly greater odds of COVID-19. The pattern of association was consistent for men and women; cardiometabolic, socio-demographic and behavioural factors did not attenuate sex/ethnicity associations. Conclusions: In this study, sex and ethnicity differential pattern of COVID-19 was not adequately explained by variations in cardiometabolic factors, 25(OH)-vitamin D levels or socio-economic factors. Factors which underlie ethnic differences in COVID-19 may not be easily captured, and so investigation of alternative biological and genetic susceptibilities as well as more comprehensive assessment of the complex economic, social and behavioural differences should be prioritised.
There is a significant difference between COVID 19 associated mortality between different countries. Generally the number of deaths per million population are higher in the developed countries despite better health care efficiency, drinking water quality and expected healthy life span (HALE) at the time of birth. Developing and underdeveloped countries on the other hand have lower mortality even with higher rural and slum populations along with incidence of diarrhea because of lack of sanitation. We analyzed data from 122 countries out of which 80 were high or upper middle income and 42 were low or low middle income countries. There was statistically significant positive correlation between COVID 19 deaths /million population and water current score, health efficiency, and HALE. Statistically significant negative correlation was observed with % rural population and fraction of diarrhea because of inadequate sanitation for all ages. Moreover analysis of 51 countries showed that there is significant negative correlation between COVID 19 deaths /million population and proportion of total population living in slums. We propose that high microbial exposure particularly gram negative bacteria can possibly induce interferon type I which might have a protective effect against COVID 19 since the countries with less mortality also tend to have lack of sanitation and high incidence of attendant diseases. So, far none of the predictive models have taken into account immune status of populations engendered by environmental microbial exposure or microbiome. There might be a need to look at dynamics of COVID 19 pandemic using immune perspective. The approach can potentially inform better policies including interventions.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has a direct impact on the gastrointestinal system, as up to 50% of fecal samples from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients contain detectable viral RNA despite a negative rhino-pharyngeal swab. This finding, together with an intestinal expression of angiotensin conversion enzyme 2 protein, suggests a possible fecal-oral transmission for SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common in COVID-19 patients including watery diarrhea, vomiting—particularly in children—nausea, and abdominal pain. Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infection presents significant similarities to those of some immune-mediated diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases or rheumatoid arthritis, leading to the hypothesis that targeted therapies used for the treatment of immune-mediated disease could be effective to treat (and possibly prevent) the main complications of COVID-19. In this review, we synthesize the present and future impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the gastrointestinal system and on gastroenterology practice, hypothesizing a potential role of the “gut-lung axis” and perhaps of the gut and lung microbiota into the interindividual differential susceptibility to COVID-19 19 disease. Finally, we speculate on the reorganization of outpatient gastroenterology services, which need to consider, among other factors, the major psychological impact of strict lockdown measures on the whole population.
Gut microbiota play a critical role in infant health. It is now accepted that breastmilk contains live bacteria from endogenous and exogenous sources, but it remains unclear whether these bacteria transfer to the infant gut and whether this process is influenced by breastmilk feeding practices. Here, we show that certain bacteria, including Streptococcus spp. and Veillonella dispar, co-occur in mothers’ milk and their infants’ stool, and co-occurrence is reduced when infants receive pumped breastmilk. The relative abundances of commonly shared species are positively correlated between breastmilk and stool. Overall, gut microbiota composition is strongly associated with breastfeeding exclusivity and duration but not breastmilk feeding mode (nursing versus pumping). Moreover, breastmilk bacteria contributed to overall gut microbiota variation to a similar extent as other modifiers of the infant microbiome, such as birth mode. These results provide evidence that breastmilk may transfer bacteria to the infant gut and influence microbiota development.