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Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction against Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains)

  • University of Eswatini


Common bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli Smith (Xap) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscan Burkholder (Xapf) is the most serious biotic constraint of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production. Variables temperature and moisture are dominant climate factors that affect common bean growth as well as the development of CBB epidemics. Two sets of experiments were conducted in the Plant Pathology Laboratory of Haramaya University) to assess the effect of temperature and moisture on the resistance level of common bean in 2014 and 2015. In the first experiment, two common bean varieties (Gofta and Mexican 142) were inoculated with two bacterial strains (Xap and Xapf) and a control were incubated at four temperature levels (28°C, 30°C, 32°C and 34°C) in growth chambers. In the second experiment, three-soil moisture levels (100%, 75% and 50%) were employed to that of experiment one. The treatment combinations were arranged in factorial completely randomized design (CRD) in the growth chambers for both series of experiments. The disease rating was significantly (P<0.05) affected by common bean varieties and temperature levels at 17 days after inoculation (DAI). Higher disease rating was recorded on the variety Mexican 142 than on Gofta. The highest (1.75) mean disease rating was recorded at 28°C and the lowest (1.44) at 34°C. The mean disease ratings differed significantly among the moisture levels. The highest (2.01) mean disease rating was recorded from 75% moisture content, while the lowest (1.80) disease rating was obtained from 50% moisture content. The results of these series of experiments indicated that climate change effects above optimum level would not be favorable for CBB development in the arid and semi-arid agro ecologies unless new bacterial strains adapted to the drought tolerant common beans in the area.
Review Article Open Access
Hailu et al., J Plant Pathol Microbiol 2017, 8:9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000419
Journal of
Plant Pathology & Microbiology
ISSN: 2157-7471
Research Article OMICS International
Volume 8 • Issue 9 • 1000419
J Plant Pathol Microbiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2157-7471
Keywords: Common blight; Disease rating; Moisture; Phaseolus
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most widely produced
and consumed legume worldwide [1] and occupies an important place
in human nutrition. It belongs to the genus Phaseolus, with pinnately
compound trifoliate large leaves [2]. e dietary bre part of the
carbohydrate reduces cholesterol and prevents colon cancer [3], while
18% to 30% dry weight of common beans is protein [4]. It also contains
vitamin B and minerals (namely calcium, copper, magnesium, and zinc)
and sometimes referred to as a near perfect food [4-6].
Common bean production is limited due to dierent biotic and
abiotic factors. Among the abiotic constraints are inadequate total
rainfall, erratic rainfall distribution, periodic water stress, extended
dry spells during the crop critical growth as a result of climate change
[2,7,8]. Low soil fertility, shortage or excess of mineral salts and extreme
lower pH of soil are also the abiotic factors that limit common bean
production [9-11]. e major disease of common bean in east Africa,
especially in Ethiopia, that is targeted for the management is common
bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoloi
(Smith) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoloi var. fuscans
(Burkholder) [12-16].
Depending on susceptibility of common bean varieties and
environmental conditions, CBB may cause yield losses ranging between
10% and 40%, [17-20]. Because common bacterial blight is a warm
weather and higher humidity disease, it can cause the greatest damage
at warm temperature of 28°C to 32°C [21-23]. e bacteria survive at
the temperature ranges of 25°C to 35°C in the eld on infected seed and
plant debris [24-27].
e global surface temperature is projected to increase from 1.8°C
lower scenario to 4°C maximum scenario in 2050s [28]. In arid and semi-
arid agro-ecologies, the temperature is expected to be increased with the
maximum scenario. When temperature is increasing at an alarming rate,
water loss occurs through evapo-transpiration and results in reduction
of soil moisture content with increase in relative humidity. Increasing
temperature until the optimum level for bacterial strains, and increasing
relative humidity creates suitable condition for the development of
CBB epidemics in susceptible common bean varieties [26]. However,
at higher temperature, above the optimum level for bacterial blight
development, especially above 30°C, the heat tolerant, disease resistant
and drought resistant varieties adapt to high temperature and lower
soil water content [29-31]. e drought resistant and disease resistant
common bean varieties develop several adaptation mechanisms that
allow the plant survival during hot and dry conditions [7,32].
e high temperature causes water decit due to excessive
transpiration that could adversely aect the development and function
Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and
Its Resistance Reaction against Common Bacterial Blight (
Hailu N1*, Fininsa C2, Tana T2 and Mamo G3
1Department of Plant Sciences, Debreberhgan University, Debereberhan, Ethiopia
2School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
3Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Common bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli Smith (Xap) and Xanthomonas
axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscan Burkholder (Xapf) is the most serious biotic constraint of common bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production. Variables temperature and moisture are dominant climate factors that affect
common bean growth as well as the development of CBB epidemics. Two sets of experiments were conducted in
the Plant Pathology Laboratory of Haramaya University) to assess the effect of temperature and moisture on the
resistance level of common bean in 2014 and 2015. In the rst experiment, two common bean varieties (Gofta
and Mexican 142) were inoculated with two bacterial strains (Xap and Xapf) and a control were incubated at
four temperature levels (28°C, 30°C, 32°C and 34°C) in growth chambers. In the second experiment, three-soil
moisture levels (100%, 75% and 50%) were employed to that of experiment one. The treatment combinations were
arranged in factorial completely randomized design (CRD) in the growth chambers for both series of experiments.
The disease rating was signicantly (P<0.05) affected by common bean varieties and temperature levels at 17 days
after inoculation (DAI). Higher disease rating was recorded on the variety Mexican 142 than on Gofta. The highest
(1.75) mean disease rating was recorded at 28°C and the lowest (1.44) at 34°C. The mean disease ratings differed
signicantly among the moisture levels. The highest (2.01) mean disease rating was recorded from 75% moisture
content, while the lowest (1.80) disease rating was obtained from 50% moisture content. The results of these
series of experiments indicated that climate change effects above optimum level would not be favorable for CBB
development in the arid and semi-arid agro ecologies unless new bacterial strains adapted to the drought tolerant
common beans in the area.
*Corresponding author: Hailu N, Department of Plant Sciences, Debreberhgan
University, P.O. Box 445, Debereberhan, Ethiopia, Tel: 82-31-670-5420; E-mail:
Received September 05, 2017; Accepted September 22, 2017; Published
September 26, 2017
Citation: Hailu N, Fininsa C, Tana T, Mamo G (2017) Effects of Temperature
and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction against
Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains). J Plant
Pathol Microbiol 8: 419. doi: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000419
Copyright: © 2017 Hailu N, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Citation: Hailu N, Fininsa C, Tana T, Mamo G (2017) Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction
against Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains). J Plant Pathol Microbiol 8: 419. doi: 10.4172/2157-
Page 2 of 6
Volume 8 • Issue 9 • 1000419
J Plant Pathol Microbiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2157-7471
of its reproductive organs [30]. In drought resistant varieties, tissue water
content is kept high by restricting excessive vegetative growth and a large
reduction in water potential. e reduction in leaf water potential due
to water stress is linearly correlated with reductions in shoot extension
rate and leaf water content [7,32]. e reduction in shoot growth due
to stress contributes to a build-up of water-economizing traits, such as
specic leaf weight and succulence index [32].
Drought stresses induce genotypic variation of shoot biomass
accumulation, pod, seed number, and biomass partitioning index. In
general, drought resistance mechanisms can include drought escape;
drought avoidance; and drought tolerance [7,32]. Drought escape allows
plants to accelerate their cell cycle with an early owering and maturity,
and rapidly relocates metabolites to seed production [8,30] and away
from leaves and shoot tissues [33,34]. Drought avoidance is the capability
to keep high tissue water potential through increased rooting depth,
hydraulic conductance reduction, and radiation absorption reduction
in leaves, water-loss area reduction, reduced absorption of radiation by
leaf movement, and reduced surface evaporation [7,30,35].
During higher temperature and lower moisture, the disease
resistant varieties will reduce disease development due to mobilization
of resources into host resistance through various mechanisms, such as
reduced stomata density and conductance [30]. Common beans adapt
stress conditions of climate change variables through production of
greater accumulation of carbohydrates such as waxes, extra layers of
epidermal cells, increased ber content and pH change in their cell
cytoplasm [33,34]. Sallam [35] reported that the resistance might be
increased by change of pH of plant cell cytoplasm, due to the increase in
phenolic acid content, resulting in inhibition of pathogen development.
Hence, the accumulation of phenolic compounds at infection site
restricts the development of common bacterial blight causing bacterial
strains since such compounds are toxic to bacterial strains [35].
Changes in climate, such as increasing temperature and reducing
soil moisture, can potentially aect disease development and crop
production [21,36,37]. Crop production in Ethiopia is dependent
on rainfed agriculture, largely at a subsistence level. Hence, change
in weather patterns, particularly rainfall amounts and distribution
as well as temperature could be favourable to CBB development
and can devastate common bean production. e response of CBB
development to increased temperature and reduced moisture needs in
vivo investigation at dierent temperature and moisture levels [36,38].
Knowing the eect of temperature and moisture content on disease
development and resistance expression of common bean varieties enable
to setup resilience strategies of climate change for the management of
bacterial blight of common bean in the ever-changing climate in the
eld conditions.
e objective of this study, therefore, was to assess the eects of
temperature and moisture on disease development and on resistance of
common beans against common bacterial blight.
Materials and Methods
Description of the study area
Isolation, characterization, and identication of bacterial strains
as well as pathogenicity test were conducted in the Plant Pathology
Laboratory of Haramaya University during 2014 and 2015 from
February to June each year. Symptomatic leaves were collected from
the eld experiments of Babile and Haramaya research stations of
Haramaya University during 2014 cropping season. en the two sets
of experiments were conducted in thermoregulated growth chambers.
Pathogen isolation and culturing: Leaves with typical CBB
symptoms (irregular necrotic lesions with yellow borders and water-
soaked spots) were collected from the experimental elds and dried
between paper towels. For some sorts of leaf samples, tissues (0.16 mm2)
were excised from the lesion margin, placed in a drop of distilled water
on Petri dish and macerated with sterilized mortar and pestle. Loopfuls
of macerates were streaked onto nutrient agar (NA) and plates were
incubated at 28°C for 24 h. Yellow, mucoid, xanthomonad-like colonies
were selected from each leaf sample and subcultured on NA [20,36].
Loopfuls of subcultured samples from puried colonies were
streaked onto plates of Milk Tween (MT), a semi-selective media [36]
and of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv phaseoli (Xcp1) medium [39]. e
sample plates were visually assessed for the presence of typical colonies
of Xap and Xapf. e puried bacterial strains were inoculated to YDC
medium in the form of broth media and plate media. Parts of puried
culture were preserved for future use and part of it was inoculated to
the common bean seedlings to demonstrate for fullling the Kochs
Eect of temperature on resistance reactions of common bean
Experimental materials and procedures: Two common bean
varieties Mexican 142 (G11239) and Goa (G2816) were used in the
growth chamber experiment. Mexican 142 is susceptible to CBB, while
Goa is moderately resistant to CBB [40]. Seeds of the two common
bean varieties were disinfected with 2% sodium hypochlorite for
ve minutes and rinsed with three changes of distilled water. ree
disinfected seeds were planted to germinate in 10 to 13 cm diameter
plastic pots containing normal soils of clay, sand, and loam (1: 1: 2 v/v),
respectively [41]. e soil types were mixed, air dried, sterilized and
lled into the pots. e seedlings were thinned to one plant per pot aer
emergence in the growth chamber (Fitotron SANYO LE115XG, UK).
e growth chamber temperatures were maintained at 4 levels: 28°C,
30°C, 32°C and 34°C with 12 h light alternating with 12 h darkness by
modifying the methods used by Mkandawire et al. [41] since the day
and night duration is about 12 h for each.
Inoculation and incubation: e puried cell concentrations
were adjusted with a spectrophotometer to an optical density of 0.05
(600 nm), which corresponds to 107 cfu/ml using distilled sterile water
[41,42]. When the trifoliate leaves of common beans were fully expanded
(12 days old), 2 ml of bacterial suspension per plant was sprayed onto
the aerial parts of the emerged seedling leaves aer rubbing them with
carborandom. e inoculated seedlings were covered with transparent
polyethylene bags for 18 to 48 h aer inoculation to maintain the
required moisture disease development [36]. Inoculated seedlings were
arranged at room temperature with a photoperiod of 12 h of visible light
and 12 h of darkness and relative humidity of 95% [41,43].
Aer 48 h of inoculation, seedlings were arranged at 28°C, 30°C,
32°C and 34°C in a growth chamber at dierent times. Next morning,
they were uncovered, sprayed with a ne mist of water once every 3 h
and then covered again in the evening to maintain high humidity until
the appearance of typical CBB symptoms. Disease reactions (ratings)
were recorded 5 to 17 days aer inoculation (DAI) employed based on
1-4 disease scale by following the procedures of Lopez et al. [42] and
Popovic et al. [44].
Treatments and experimental design: e experiment was
conducted on two common bean varieties (Goa and Mexican
142) against two strains of bacteria (Xap, Xap) and a control at four
temperature levels (28°C, 30°C, 32°C and 34°C). e control seedlings
were inoculated with 0.1% of saline solution. Twenty-four experimental
Citation: Hailu N, Fininsa C, Tana T, Mamo G (2017) Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction
against Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains). J Plant Pathol Microbiol 8: 419. doi: 10.4172/2157-
Page 3 of 6
Volume 8 • Issue 9 • 1000419
J Plant Pathol Microbiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2157-7471
e disease rating was highly signicantly (P<0.01) aected by
common bean varieties at 13 and 17 DAI. Higher disease rating was
obtained on variety Mexican 142 than on Goa. At 17 DAI, the mean
disease rating was lower by 12.6% on the Goa than on Mexican
142 (Table 1). Disease rating was signicantly (P<0.05) aected by
temperature at 13 DAI and (P<0.01) at 17 DAI. Signicantly, higher
mean disease ratings were recorded at 28°C and lower at 34°C at 13
and 17 DAI. ere was no interaction eect between strains of bacteria,
variety of common bean and among temperature levels.
Eect of temperature and moisture on resistance reaction of
common bean
e analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that disease rating of
CBB of common bean during 5-17 DAI responded signicantly to the
main eects of strain, variety, moisture and temperature. Disease rating
was also aected by interaction eect of strain and variety at 13 and 17
DAI, strain, and temperature at 17 DAI and strain and moisture at 13
Eect of CBB bacterial strains: e disease rating was highly
signicantly (P<0.001) aected by the main eect of bacterial strain
during all disease recording dates. At 5 DAI, the value of disease rating
caused by both bacterial strains was not signicantly dierent, while
both bacterial strains caused signicantly higher disease rating than
the uninoculated control. During 9-17 DAI, common bean varieties
had higher mean disease ratings caused by common blight strain than
fuscous blight strain. e mean disease ratings caused by bacterial
strains had similar trend of progress during 9-17 DAI.
Eect of common bean varieties, moisture and temperature on
CBB development: e mean disease rating of CBB was signicantly
(P<0.001) aected by the main eect of common bean varieties during
9-17 DAI. e variety Mexican 142 had signicantly higher mean
disease rating than the variety Goa. At 5 DAI, the mean disease rating
of both common bean varieties had no signicant dierence even if the
disease rate on Mexican 142 was higher than on Goa (Table 2). e
mean disease rating recorded on the variety Mexican 142 was higher by
17.3% than on variety Goa at 17 DAI.
e mean disease ratings diered signicantly among the moisture
treatment combinations were arranged in a factorial completely
randomized design (CRD), replicated three times, and repeated.
Eect of temperature and moisture on resistance of common
Treatments and experimental design: e experiment was
conducted on two common bean varieties (Goa, Mexican 142), two
bacterial strains (Xap, Xapf) and a control. e control seedlings were
inoculated with 0.1% of saline solution. Four temperature levels (28°C,
30°C, 32°C and 34°C) and three moisture levels (100%, 75% and 50% of
eld capacity), following the method of Emam et al. [21] were applied
in a factorial completely randomized design. Four factor factorial
combinations of strains (3 levels), varieties (2 levels), temperature (4
levels) and moisture (3 levels), totally 72 treatment combinations were
used. Each treatment combination was replicated three times and
repeated once. e three dierent moisture levels (100%, 75% and
50%) were obtained from the eld capacity (FC) of the soil used in the
experiment following the procedure described by Emam et al. [21] and
Abd El-Aal et al. [11]. e soil used in the experiment had the eld
capacity of soil of 40.9% on a volume basis.
Data collection
Disease, plant height and dry weight data: e disease rating was
recorded from the rst appearance of aerial symptoms four times at
four days intervals (5, 9, 13 and 17) days aer inoculation (DAI). e
reactions of common bean varieties to Xap strains were assessed as
diseased leaf area [41]. Disease rating and determination of resistance
reaction was evaluated based on a 1-4 scale (41). 1=no visual symptoms
or slight marginal necrosis; 2=water-soaking, chlorosis, or necrosis
(blight) in <25% of the inoculated area; 3=25 to 50% blight; and 4 ≥
50% blight. Above soil level plant heights were measured with ruler in
centimeters. Dry weights in grams (g) were measured aer the sample
plants were uprooted at 29 days aer planting (DAP) and oven-dried
(48 h in 75°C of temperature) on the methods described by Eman et
al. [21].
Data analysis
Disease ratings at dierent DAI, plant height (cm) and dry weight
(g) data were subjected to analysis of variance using the PROC GLM
procedure of SAS version 9.1 [45]. Homogeneity of variances was tested
using the procedure described by Gomez and Gomez [46] and as the
test showed homogeneity of variances, combined analysis of the two-
season data was performed. Dierences among treatment means were
compared using the Fisher’s Least Signicant Dierence (LSD) test at
5% level of signicance.
Eect of temperature on resistance expression of common
e evaluation of common bean varieties showed various levels of
resistance against the two bacterial strains of common bean blight. e
disease rating was highly signicantly (P<0.001) aected by bacterial
strains at 9, 13 and 17 days aer inoculation (DAI). Relatively higher
disease rating was recorded in fuscous blight strain than in common
blight strain at 13 and 17 DAI. During the entire disease recording
dates, the disease caused by common blight bacterial strain was more
or less similar with the disease caused by fuscous blight strain although
both bacterial strains had signicantly higher disease rating than
uninoculated controls.
StrainaDays after inoculation
5 9 13 17
Xap 1.19a1.46a1.62a1.81a
Xapf 1.21a1.46a1.65a1.83a
Control 1.00a1.00b1.00b1.04b
LSD (0.05) 0.14 0.21 0.18 0.2
Gofta 1.10a1.26a1.33b1.46b
Mexican 1.17a1.35a1.51a1.67a
LSD (0.05) 0.112 0.168 0.145 0.16
28 1.139a1.361a1.56a1.75a
30 1.194a1.361a1.42ab 1.53ab
32 1.111a1.306a1.44ab 1.53ab
34 1.083a1.194a1.28b1.44b
LSD (0.05) 0.16 0.24 0.21 0.23
CV (%) 9.82 12.99 10.52 10.67
aXap is Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, Xapf is Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. phaseoli var. fuscan, LSD is least signicant difference, CV is coefcient of
Table 1: Disease ratings of CBB caused (Xap, Xapf) on Gofta and Mexican 142
varieties at four temperature levels and during 5 to 17 days after inoculation.
Citation: Hailu N, Fininsa C, Tana T, Mamo G (2017) Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction
against Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains). J Plant Pathol Microbiol 8: 419. doi: 10.4172/2157-
Page 4 of 6
Volume 8 • Issue 9 • 1000419
J Plant Pathol Microbiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2157-7471
contents. On the average, 75% of soil moisture content showed
signicantly higher disease rating than 100 and 50% moisture level
during the entire disease recording dates. Relatively, higher mean
disease ratings were recorded from 100% moisture level than 50% and
a similar trend was exhibited during the entire experimental duration.
e mean disease ratings were in the order of 75%, 100% and 50% of
soil moisture level from the highest to the lowest (Table 2).
e mean disease rating was highly signicantly (P<0.001) aected
by temperature during 13-17 DAI and signicantly (P<0.01) diered at
17 DAP. Signicantly, the highest mean disease rating was recorded at
30°C and the lowest at 34°C during the entire disease recording dates.
Disease rating had similar trend in all temperature levels in the order of
30°C, 28°C, 32°C, and 34°C from the highest to the lowest, respectively
(Table 2). e resistance level of the common bean varieties increased
with increase in temperature and decrease in moisture.
Interaction eect of strain and temperature: e analysis of
variance revealed that the disease rating of CBB of common bean was
signicantly aected by the interaction eects of strain with variety
at 13 and 17 DAI, strain with moisture at 13 DAI and strain with
temperature at 17 DAI. e highest CBB disease rate (2.3) was recorded
in response to combined eect of the medium moisture content (75%)
with common blight strain at 13 DAI. At each moisture content level,
the highest disease rating was caused by common blight strain, followed
by fuscous blight strain and lowest disease rating was from the control
plants (Table 3).
e highest CBB rate at 13 and 17 DAI was recorded in response
to interaction eect of the common bean variety Mexican 142 with
common blight bacterial strain, followed by interaction eect of variety
Mexican 142 with fuscous blight strain. e lowest CBB rating occurred
in response to interaction eect of uninoculated control plants of both
varieties (Table 4). At each variety level, the highest disease was caused
by common blight strain, followed by fuscous blight strain and lowest
disease rate was from control plants (Table 4). At each strain level,
higher disease rate was recorded from the variety Mexican 142 than
variety Goa during 13 and 17 DAI.
e highest (2.6) CBB disease rating at 17 DAI was recorded in
response to interaction eect of the temperature level of 30°C with
common blight strain, while the lowest (1) CBB rating was occurred
in response to the interaction eect of uninoculated control plants with
the highest temperature level (Table 5). At each temperature level, the
higher disease rating was caused by common blight strain, followed
by fuscous blight strain and the lowest disease rating was from control
plants. At each strain level, the highest (2.6) disease rating was recorded
from temperature level of 30°C by common blight strain and the lowest
(1.9) disease rating from highest temperature level (34°C) by fuscous
blight strain.
Growth chamber evaluation of the susceptibility of common bean
varieties showed that the variety Goa was less susceptible to Xap
strains than the variety Mexican 142 although disease-rating values of
both bacterial strains were very similar in both varieties. e results
of this study showed that the variety Goa was less susceptible at all
temperature levels, with its mean disease rating value of 1.46, while the
variety Mexican 142 was more susceptible at all temperature levels with
disease rating value of 1.67 at 17 DAI in temperature eect experiment.
At higher temperature le vels, the variety Goa had more spiny structures
Variety 1-4 disease rating scale
5 9 13 17
Mexican 1.29a1.57a1.76a2.03a
Gofta 1.26a1.35b1.52b1.73b
LSD(0.05) 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.09
Moisture (%)
100 1.25b1.43b1.56b1.82b
75 1.39a1.54a1.81a2.01a
50 1.19b1.41b1.56b1.80b
LSD (0.05) 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.12
Temperature (°C)
28 1.33a1.56a1.72a1.98a
30 1.39a1.59a1.85a2.08a
32 1.21b1.40b1.56b1.80b
34 1.17b1.30b1.43b1.66b
LSD (0.05) 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.14
CV (%) 9.82 12.99 10.52 10.68
LSD is least signicant difference, and CV is coefcient of variation. Means
followed by the same letter for each factor are not signicantly different at 5%
level of signicance.
Table 2: Main effects of common bean variety, moisture content and temperature
levels on disease development of common bacterial blight of common beans (1-4
disease rating scale) during 5-17 days after inoculation (DAI).
Moisture (%) 1-4 disease rating scales by bacterial strains
aXap bXapf Control
100 1.9c 1.7d 1.1e
75 2.3a 2.1b 1.1e
50 1.8d 1.8d 1.1e
LSD (0.05) 0.12
CV (%) 21.14
aXap is Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, bXapf is Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. phaseoli var. fuscan, LSD is least signicant difference, and CV is coefcient
of variation. Means followed by the same letter for each factor are not signicantly
different at 5% level of signicance.
Table 3: Interaction effects of moisture content and bacterial strain on disease
development of common bacterial blight of common beans at 13 days after
inoculation (DAI).
Variety 13 days after inoculation 17 days after inoculation
Xap Xapf Control Xap Xapf Control
Gofta 1.8c 1.7c 1.1d 2.1c 2.0c 1.1d
Mexican 142 2.2a 2.0b 1.1d 2.6a 2.4b 1.1d
LSD (0.05) 0.11 0.1
CV (%) 21.14 17.12
Xap is Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, Xapf is Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. phaseoli var. fuscan, LSD is least signicant difference, and CV is coefcient
of variation.
Table 4: Interaction effects of common bean varieties and bacterial strains on
disease development of common bacterial blight (1-4 rating scale) of common
beans at 13 and 17 DAI.
Temperature (°C) 1-4 scale disease ratings caused by bacterial strains
Xap Xapf Control
28 2.5a 2.3a 1.1d
30 2.6a 2.5a 1.2d
32 2.2b 2.1b 1.1d
34 2.0b 1.9c 1.0d
LSD (0.05) 0.2173
CV (%) 17.72
Xap is Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, Xapf is Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. phaseoli var. fuscan, LSD is least signicant difference, and CV is coefcient
of variation. Means followed by the same letter for each factor are not signicantly
different at 5% level of signicance.
Table 5: Interaction effects of temperature and bacterial strain on disease
development of common bacterial blight of common beans 17 days after inoculation
Citation: Hailu N, Fininsa C, Tana T, Mamo G (2017) Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction
against Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains). J Plant Pathol Microbiol 8: 419. doi: 10.4172/2157-
Page 5 of 6
Volume 8 • Issue 9 • 1000419
J Plant Pathol Microbiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2157-7471
on the stems and on the underside of leaves that might have contributed
to the less susceptibility of Goa than variety Mexican 142. Fininsa and
Tefera [40] found a similar result in earlier investigation of susceptibility
of some bean varieties to Xap under eld conditions where the variety
Goa was found resistant and the variety Mexican 142 was susceptible.
It can be concluded that the disease development is dependent on the
resistance level of common bean varieties, temperature and moisture
levels vis-à-vis all environmental conditions are constant.
e results of the present study showed 10% reduction in the
average dry weight of the two common bean varieties under the rapid
warming scenario (30°C to 34°C) and dry weight reduction by 2.5%
under lower case warming scenario (30°C to 32°C). e relationship
between temperature levels and crop yields was used to assess the eects
of changes in average weather on crop yields. e dry weight reduction
may have a similar trend to the ndings of Schlenker and Roberts [37]
who found important impacts under climate change for soybeans that
imply a 33% reduction in yields under the slower warming scenario. e
disease resistance and drought resistance levels of the common bean
varieties increased with increase in temperature and decrease in soil
moisture content. Particularly, increase in temperature and decrease in
moisture content reduced disease development due to mobilization of
resources into the host resistance through various mechanisms, such
as reduced stomata density and conductance in disease resistant and
drought tolerant varieties. e result of current study is in agreement
with the reports of Beebe et al. [7] who reported that common beans
adapt stress conditions due to climate change variables through
production and accumulation of carbohydrates, such as waxes, extra
layers of epidermal cells, increased ber content and pH change in their
cell cytoplasm. Beebe et al. [8] also dened drought tolerance as the
capability of plants to resist the stress by adjusting cell osmosis, cell
plasticity, and cell size. Sallam [35] reported that the host resistance
might be increased by change in pH of plant cell cytoplasm, due to the
increase in phenolic acid content, resulting in inhibition of pathogen
development. Hence, the accumulation of phenolic compounds at
infection site has been correlated with restriction of Xap development
since such compounds are toxic to Xap [35].
e results of the experiment indicated that the higher case scenario
climate change events above optimum level would not be favorable
for common bacterial blight development in common bean growing
agro-ecologies unless the adaptation of the pathogen to the stress
adapted common beans. ere might be risk of common bacterial
blight epidemic development during temperature increase due to
climate change at middle altitudes and highlands since higher scenario
of climate change events warm highland areas in the future. However,
common bacterial blight epidemic development could be minimized by
using drought tolerant and disease resistant common bean varieties. In
addition, eco-friendly integrated disease management strategies have to
be developed and implemented.
When bacterial strains were inoculated into fresh culture media,
there was no immediate increase in cell number until the inoculated
cells synthesized new cell components in the lag phase of bacterial
growth. During the exponential growth phase, common blight strain
grew at a faster rate than fuscan blight strain at regular intervals at the
same temperature. A wider variation in growth of bacterial strains was
observed at dierent temperature ranges during earlier exponential
phase and narrower variation in growth during stationary phase due to
depletion of essential nutrients and accumulation of wastes.
Growth chamber evaluation of the susceptibility of common bean
varieties showed that the variety Goa was less susceptible to Xap
strains than the variety Mexican 142. At higher temperature levels,
the variety Goa had more spiny structures on the stems and on the
underside of leaves that might have contributed to the less susceptibility
of Goa than variety Mexican 142. e disease resistance and drought
resistance levels of the common bean varieties increased with increase
in temperature and decrease in soil moisture content. Particularly,
increase in temperature and decrease in moisture content reduced
disease development due to mobilization of resources into the host
resistance through various mechanisms, such as reduced stomata
density and conductance in disease resistant and drought tolerant
We thank Haimanot Bizuneh, Yegle Gebremariam, Martha Wondimu,
Adisalem Ali and Abraham Negash for their assistance in laboratory works and
data collection. The project was nanced by Haramaya University Research Ofce
and Debere Berhan University.
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Citation: Hailu N, Fininsa C, Tana T, Mamo G (2017) Effects of Temperature
and Moisture on Growth of Common Bean and Its Resistance Reaction against
Common Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli strains). J
Plant Pathol Microbiol 8: 419. doi: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000419
... The results were similar to the findings of Shukla and Gupta (2005), as they indicated the rapid disease progression of bacterial spot of tomato at 25°C and 30°C. Simultaneously, Hallu et al. (2017) while observing effect of temperature on the development of bacterial blight of bean recorded significantly high disease progression between 25°C-30°C whereas moderate disease development was observed at 35°C. ...
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The study was conducted during May, 2020 to June, 2021 in the Department of Plant Pathology Laboratory of Dr. Y.S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, located in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, India to study the role of various epidemiological parameters on the development of common bacterial blight of French bean. The diseased samples were collected and the pathogen was isolated and purified on Luria Bertani (LB) agar plates. The pathogenicity test was performed on the potted plants as well as on the detached leaves using carborundum abrasion and pin prick method of inoculation. The incubation period on potted plants using carborundum abrasion and pin prick method revealed the initial symptoms after 117.60 h and 120.30 h, respectively, while on detached leaves they were visible after 72.30 h and 84.50 h of inoculation, respectively. Further to study the effect of different epidemiological factors on disease development, the leaves inoculated using carborundum abrasion were subjected to four temperature levels, five relative humidity levels and five different durations of leaf wetness under controlled conditions in relative humidity cum temperature control cabinet. The observations were recorded at different intervals and the data revealed that the pathogen caused severe symptoms on the leaves with high apparent rate of infection under 30°C temperature, 100% RH and a maximum of 24 h of leaf wetness. It was observed that the severity of disease decreased as the temperature raised from 30°C and increased with the rise in RH levels and leaf wetness duration.
... Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a source of food crop, grown primarily for its protein and energy-rich dry beans (Buruchara et al. 2011). In Ethiopia, common bean is mainly cultivated in areas between 1400 and 2000 m above sea level with the temperature range of 15-27 °C (Hailu et al. 2015a(Hailu et al. , 2017Hailu 2019a, b;Salcedo 2008). The average productivity of white and red market class common beans is 1.41 t ha −1 and 1.56 t ha −1 , respectively (CSA 2016). ...
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Common bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is a major production constraint in common bean in Ethiopia. Field experiments were conducted at Sirinka Agricultural Research Center during the 2018 and 2019 seasons to determine the effect of integrated management of common bean anthracnose and to determine yield losses caused by the disease. The experiment tested the yield of three common bean varieties such as Awash-1, Mexican 142, and Awash Melka, under four fungicide treatments such as Folpan, Mancozeb, Folpan + Mancozeb, and an untreated check. Higher anthracnose severity, higher AUDPC, and lower yield and yield components were recorded in 2019 compared to 2018. The highest severity , AUDPC, and the lowest yield and yield components were recorded on the Awash-1 while the lowest severity and the lowest AUDPC were recorded o Awash Melka. On average, the highest seed yield (2.49 t ha −1) was recorded for the Awash-1 variety while the lowest yield (1.92 t ha −1) was recorded for the Awash Melka variety. The estimates of single-point model showed that for each unit increase in percent of mean disease severity at 70 days after planting, there was a common bean seed yield reduction of 0.034 t ha −1 in Mexican 142 variety in 2018 and 0.033 t ha −1 in 2019.
... P. vulgaris es una leguminosa de amplia producción en el mundo, lo cual se debe a su consumo humano por el contenido proteico de sus semillas (Mendoza-Jiménez et al., 2018). Su productividad en el mundo se encuentra limitada debido a que este cultivo resulta afectado por factores ambientales bióticos o abióticos que le provocan estrés (Hailu et al., 2017). ...
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El cultivo de Phaseolus vulgaris L. se encuentra muy difundido en el mundo. La transformación genética vía Agrobacterium tumefaciens constituye una alternativa en esta especie para la obtención de cultivares con tolerancia o resistencia a condiciones ambientales desfavorables. Sin embargo, la condición cultivar dependiente y la baja regeneración del tejido transformado en los protocolos establecidos para P. vulgaris, han limitado el empleo de esta tecnología a un grupo reducido de cultivares. El objetivo de este trabajo fue regenerar brotes a partir de tejido transformado en P. vulgaris cv. 'ICA Pijao’ y 'BAT 93’. Se determinó el efecto de la concentración de la suspensión bacteriana, la infiltración por vacío, el periodo de co-cultivo sobre la regeneración de brotes. Además, se determinó la efectividad de la geneticina y el glufosinato de amonio durante la etapa de selección en la regeneración de brotes a partir de explantes inoculados con A. tumefaciens. Los explantes ½ NC-1 inoculados con una suspensión bacteriana ajustada a una densidad óptica de 0,1, sin infiltración con vacío y mantenidos por tres días en co-cultivo presentaron la mejor respuesta de regeneración. La geneticina y el glufosinato de amonio fueron efectivos para la selección de brotes. La regeneración de brotes a partir de tejido transformado vía A. tumefaciens en P. vulgaris cv. 'ICA Pijao' y 'BAT 93', no descrita en la literatura científica, resulta importante para su posterior aplicación en programas de mejoramiento genéticos de esta especie.
... At 75 percent relative humidity, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli on common bean had the highest disease incidence, whereas, at 50 percent relative humidity, it had the lowest (Hailu et al., 2017). Precipitation is an important weather parameter that has an indirect effect on temperature and moisture and a direct effect on disease development and spread. ...
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Purpose: Country bean (Lablab purpureus L.) is an important pulse crop consumed as a vegetable in the central and south-western regions of Bangladesh after eggplant and tomato. It promises to ameliorate nutritional demand from vegetables and has an excellent possibility for the world market. But the production is hampered due to infection of several diseases in field conditions. Research Method: This study was undertaken based on secondary data of existing literature from Bangladesh and other parts of the world. So far, many research works were done on this issue but those were not available to the policymakers, extension workers, and public in a systematic manner to date. Findings: In this paper, we tried to bring forth different aspects of phytopathological problems of country bean. It usually undergoes stresses from different soilborne to seed-borne pathogens and expresses symptoms from the seedling stage to maturity. Crop protection largely depends on the integration of host plants,seeds, agronomic practices, environmental footprints, and the use of appropriate agrochemicals basedon the epidemiology of target pathogens. Here, we have also described effective management strategies against respective pathogens of the diverse category. These microorganisms attack at different stages of crop growth and can affect the host plants enormously to cause maximum yield loss. Research Limitations: The study focused on the management of country bean diseases based on biological and chemical approaches. It presents limited information on specific technologies in different agro-ecological zones.Originality/ Value: This study identified research gaps among Bangladesh and other countries. It also provides information to combat country bean diseases to the economic threshold level for ensuring sustainable crop yield.
... At 75 percent relative humidity, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli on common bean had the highest disease incidence, whereas, at 50 percent relative humidity, it had the lowest (Hailu et al., 2017). Precipitation is an important weather parameter that has an indirect effect on temperature and moisture and a direct effect on disease development and spread. ...
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Purpose: Country bean (Lablab purpureus L.) is an important pulse crop consumed as a vegetable in the central and southwestern regions of Bangladesh after eggplant and tomato. It promises to ameliorate nutritional demand from vegetables and has an excellent possibility for the world market. But the production is hampered due to infection of several diseases in field conditions. Research Method: This study was undertaken based on secondary data of existing literature from Bangladesh and other parts of the world. So far, many research works were done on this issue but those were not available to the policymakers, extension workers, and public in a systematic manner to date. Findings: In this paper, we tried to bring forth different aspects of phytopathological problems of country bean. It usually undergoes stresses from different soilborne to seed-borne pathogens and expresses symptoms from the seedling stage to maturity. Crop protection largely depends on the integration of host plants, seeds, agronomic practices, environmental footprints, and the use of appropriate agrochemicals based on the epidemiology of target pathogens. Here, we have also described effective management strategies against respective pathogens of the diverse category. These microorganisms attack at different stages of crop growth and can affect the host plants enormously to cause maximum yield loss. Research Limitations: The study focused on the management of country bean diseases based on biological and chemical approaches. It presents limited information on specific technologies in different agro-ecological zones. Originality/ Value: This study identified research gaps among Bangladesh and other countries. It also provides information to combat country bean diseases to the economic threshold level for ensuring sustainable crop yield.
... Distributional patterns of pest 1 were driven by temperature-humidity interactions (i.e., vapor pressure) and terrain features (i.e., topographic roughness) known to facilitate the proliferation of phytopathogenic nematodes specialized in citrus crops (i.e., Tylenchulus semipenetrans) [46]. Pest 2 responded to the existence of places prone to flooding (i.e., direction of flow accumulations) and low exposition to sunlight (i.e., sun radiation), where canker-producing bacteria (i.e., Xanthomonas axonopodis) can survive for days [47,48]. Pest 3 was inspired by fungal diseases (i.e., Phytophthora sp. ...
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Site-specific pest management (SSPM) is a component of precision agriculture that relies on spatially enabled agronomic data to facilitate pest control practices within management zones rather than whole fields. Recent integration of high-resolution environmental data, multivariate clustering algorithms, and species distribution modeling has facilitated the development of a novel approach to SSPM that bases zone delineation on environmentally independent subfield units with individual potential to host pest populations (eSSPM). Although the potential benefits of eSSPM are clear, methods currently described for its implementation still demand further evaluation. To offer clear insight into this matter, we used field-level environmental data from a Tahiti lime orchard and realistic simulations of six citrus pests to: (1) generate a series of virtual (i.e., controlled) infestation scenarios suitable for methodological testing purposes, (2) evaluate the utility of nested (i.e., within-cluster) partitioning essays to improve the accuracy of current eSSPM methods, and (3) implement two biological clustering validators to evaluate the performance of 10 clustering algorithms and choose appropriate numbers of management zones during field partitioning essays. Our results demonstrate that: (1) nested partitioning essays outperform zoning methods previously described in eSSPM, (2) more than one clustering algorithm tend to be necessary to generate field partition models that optimize site-specific pest control practices within crop fields, and (3) biological clustering validation is an essential addition to eSSPM zoning methods. Finally, the generated evidence was integrated into an improved workflow for within-field zone delineation with pest control purposes .
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Phytopathogenic bacteria not only affect crop yield and quality but also the environment. Understanding the mechanisms involved in their survival is essential to develop new strategies to control plant disease. One such mechanism is the formation of biofilms; i.e., microbial communities within a three-dimensional structure that offers adaptive advantages, such as protection against unfavorable environmental conditions. Biofilm-producing phytopathogenic bacteria are difficult to manage. They colonize the intercellular spaces and the vascular system of the host plants and cause a wide range of symptoms such as necrosis, wilting, leaf spots, blight, soft rot, and hyperplasia. This review summarizes up-to-date information about saline and drought stress in plants (abiotic stress) and then goes on to focus on the biotic stress produced by biofilm-forming phytopathogenic bacteria, which are responsible for serious disease in many crops. Their characteristics, pathogenesis, virulence factors, systems of cellular communication, and the molecules implicated in the regulation of these processes are all covered.
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Temperature and relative humidity are factors that affect the microbial profile and brix value of coconut sap. High temperature and relative humidity tend to support microbial growth. On the other hand, high relative humidity will reduce the brix value and total coconut sap sugar. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between agro-climatic conditions with microbial profile, brix value and total sugar in organically run coconut sap in Gandatapa Village. This research is expected to provide benefits for those who need coconut sap as a source of S. cerevisiae and as a raw material for the manufacture of brown sugar. Coconut sap samples were taken using a simple random technique. Temperature and relative humidity were recorded for each sampling. 250 ml of coconut sap was put into a sterile plastic bottle and then using an ice box, it was taken to the Agricultural Technology Laboratory for analysis. The analysis carried out included total microbes, total yeast, total bacteria, yeast percentage, brix value and total coconut sap sugar. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation to determine the relationship and the degree of closeness. The results showed that temperature and relative humidity were positively correlated with the microbial profile of organically dissolved coconut sap. At an air temperature of 28.4oC and an air humidity of 81%, the total microbes of organically run coconut sap were 6.45 logs, the total yeast was 4.28 log cfu/ml, the total bacteria were 2.52 log cfu/ml and the yeast percentage was 72, 75%. Brix values and total sugar under the same conditions were 16.7% and 8.25%. The value of brix and total sugar of coconut sap is negatively correlated with temperature and relative humidity. There is a strong relationship between temperature and total microbial, brix value and total sugar. The correlation coefficient is 0.71, respectively; -0.81 and -0.78. Strong correlations were also observed between relative humidity and total microbial, total yeast and brix values. The correlation coefficient is 0.85, respectively; 0.82; and -0.83.
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Common bean anthracnose is a major production constraint in bean growing regions of Ethiopia. This study aimed to determine whether foliar sprays of mancozeb, folpan and mancolaxyl or antagonistic bioagents; Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescens could reduce anthracnose symptoms and consequently, increase yield and yield components. A total of seven treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Statistical analysis showed significant differences among treatments. Anthracnose incidence, severity, infected pods per plant and the area under disease progress curve were highest in the control plots compared to the fungicide sprayed and bioagent treated seed plots. The highest percentage of infected pods per plant, 78.9 and 55 were recorded on the control and mancozeb sprayed plots respectively. The highest AUDPC value resulted in the lowest yield of 1.01 t/ha in the control plots compared to a highest yield of 3.33 t/ha from the sprayed plots with folpan and 1.79 t/ha from plots treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens. Relative yield losses of 69.67, 46.25 and 22.82% were recorded from the control, seed treated plots with P. fluorescens and sprayed plots with mancolaxyl respectively. Economic analysis revealed that the highest rate of return of 8,740 was obtained from Pseudomonas fluorescens seed treatment and the highest net benefit; 43,154 on folpan foliar spray treatment. The results of the present study support the novel possibility of using folpan foliar spray and Pseudomonas fluorescens seed treatments to decrease anthracnose symptoms in bean plants and consequently, achieve greater yield.
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Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) is an economically important disease of common beans (Phaseolus uulgaris L.). Since there is no satisfactory chemical control for CBB, the use of resistant cultivars is an important management strategy. In the present study, twenty nine lines and one cultivar of common bean were evaluated for their reaction toXap under greenhouse and field conditions. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete blocks with three replications. Reaction to Xap was assessed as diseased leaf area (DLA) and the number of spots on the leaves. Data analysis indicated that cultivar Khomein and the Ks21479 and Ks31169 lines were the most susceptible, while Ks51103, BF13607 and BF13608 lines were the most resistant. The data obtained from greenhouse and field experiments were in agreement. None of the evaluated lines and/or cultivars was immune for CBB; however, the three resistant lines were identified for use in cultivation or as sources of resistance to CBB in plant breeding programs.
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Understanding the level of drought tolerance of the varieties available in each country is of paramount importance for breeding common bean for drought adaptation. The goal of this study was to evaluate 25 common bean genotypes of which 24 were released/recommended varieties for production by farmers and one was a drought tolerant check. The genotypes were planted at two sites in Ethiopia, Hawasssa and Amaro, using variable sowing dates, one that was early to avoid drought and one that was late to expose the crop to drought. The experiments were repeated over two years in Hawassa and one year in Amaro. This resulted in treatments with high and low total seasonal rainfall and six environments for analysis. The impact of drought stress on the trait expression of the varieties was not uniform across traits assessed and varieties tested. The effect of drought on photosynthate translocation and partitioning traits was much greater than on yield component traits in the varieties studied. This indicating less breeding efforts has been made in improving the varieties ability to mobilize photosynthate to the developing grain as compared to the yield component traits. Drought tolerant varieties like Hawassa Dume maintained better photosynthate translocation and partitioning than the drought sensitive varieties like Brown Speckled bean. Hawassa Dume also showed better yield stability and performed well under both drought stress and nonstress conditions. Our results indicate the relevance of high levels of photosynthate translocation and partitioning as an effective selection objective for improving drought tolerance in common bean. The information generated on the drought tolerance of the available varieties should help in the design of a breeding strategy that incorporates adaptation traits with commercial characteristics preferred by common bean farmers for varieties to be grown in diverse environments.
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This presentation is a concept review paper dealing with a central dilemma in understanding, designing, and acting upon crop plant improvement programs for drought conditions. The association among yield potential (YP), drought resistance (DR), and water-use efficiency (WUE) is often misunderstood, which in turn can lead to conceptual oversight and wrong decisions in implementing breeding programs for drought-prone environments. Although high YP is the target of most crop breeding programs, it might not be compatible with superior DR. On the other hand, high YP can contribute to yield in moderate stress environments. Plant production in water-limited environments is very often affected by constitutive plant traits that allow maintenance of a high plant water status (dehydration avoidance). Osmotic adjustment (OA) is a major cellular stress adaptive response in certain crop plants that enhances dehydration avoidance and supports yield under stress. Despite past voiced speculations, there is no proof that OA entails a cost in terms of reduced YP. WUE for yield is often equated in a simplistic manner with DR. The large accumulation of knowledge on crop WUE as derived from research on carbon isotope discrimination allows some conclusions on the relations between WUE on the one hand, and DR and YP on the other, to be made. Briefly, apparent genotypic variations in WUE are normally expressed mainly due to variations in water use (WU; the denominator). Reduced WU, which is reflected in higher WUE, is generally achieved by plant traits and environmental responses that reduce YP. Improved WUE on the basis of reduced WU is expressed in improved yield under water-limited conditions only when there is need to balance crop water use against a limited and known soil moisture reserve. However, under most dryland situations where crops depend on unpredictable seasonal rainfall, the maximisation of soil moisture use is a crucial component of drought resistance (avoidance), which is generally expressed in lower WUE. It is concluded that the effect of a single 'drought adaptive' gene on crop performance in water-limited environments can be assessed only when the whole system is considered in terms of YP, DR, and WUE.
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A simple, quick and easy protocol was standardized for extraction of total DNA of the bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. The DNA obtained by this method had high quality and the quantity was enough for the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) reactions with random primers, and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with primers of the hypersensitivity and pathogenicity gene (hrp). The DNA obtained was free of contamination by proteins or carbohydrates. The ratio 260nm/380nm of the DNA extracted ranged from 1.7 to 1.8. The hrp gene cluster is required by bacterial plant pathogen to produce symptoms on susceptible hosts and hypersensitive reaction on resistant hosts. This gene has been found in different bacteria as well as in Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (9). The primers RST21 and RST22 (9) were used to amplify the hrp gene of nine different isolates of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli from Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, and one isolate, "Davis". PCR amplified products were obtained in all isolates pathogenic to beans.
Inoculum sources of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum significantly influenced anthracnose incidence and severity levels during the early growth of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). There was high anthracnose incidence and severity in plots inoculated with infested debris and reduced seed yields were obtained. The number of seedlings that emerged from plots inoculated with infested soil was lower than from plots inoculated with infested debris or planted with infected seed.
An estimated 60% of common bean (Phaseo- lus vulgaris L.) production worldwide is at risk of drought. A breeding program was devel- oped at the International Center of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) to create drought resistant breeding lines with varietal potential in the small red, small black, cream (mulatinho) and cream-striped (carioca) grain classes. Breeding populations were created from triple or double crosses. Field screening under terminal drought was performed at Palmira, Colombia in the dry season in F2, F3:5, and F6:8 generations over two cycles of recurrent selection in the small red and small black classes, and one cycle in the mulatinho and carioca classes. Drought resis- tant lines yielded signifi cantly more than com- mercial check cultivars under drought in all color classes. Some outyielded the respective checks by 15 to 25% (depending on color class and trial) in one or more of three favorable envi- ronments, or in the combined analysis across favorable environments, and were also earlier to mature. Drought resistant lines presented up to 36% greater yield d-1 in favorable environ- ments. Some also expressed superior yields in a phosphorus-limited environment. Thus, selec- tion for drought resistance has improved yield potential and plant effi ciency across different environments. It is suggested that selection under drought stress reveals genes that correct ineffi ciencies inherited from the wild Phaseolus vulgaris, and are key to yield improvement of common bean.
In snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), flower and pod abscission causes yield reduction under high-temperature conditions. A high temperature enhances transpiration and thus may induce temporal water deficiency in plants in the daytime. The objective of this study was to clarify the effect of a high temperature on the water status of floral organs at their most heat-sensitive stage. We compared the water potential and its components as well as gas exchange between the heat-tolerant cultivar, Haibushi, and heat-sensitive cultivar, Kentucky Wonder, grown under optimal (control) and high-temperature conditions. Haibushi showed higher pollen fertility under high temperature than Kentucky Wonder. Transpiration was enhanced under a high temperature, causing decrease of water potential in leaves and flower buds. The deterioration of water status in floral organs was larger in Kentucky Wonder than in Haibushi. We conclude that temporal deterioration of the water status in flower buds is one of the factors causing pollen damage.