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Neurosurgical Management of Patients With Lumbosacral Myeloschisis

  • Hachisuga Hospital


Myeloschisis is the most serious and complex congenital anomaly in spina bifida manifesta (cystica). However, with improvements in medical care and increased understanding of its pathophysiology, the associated long-term morbidity and mortality rates have been significantly reduced. This article reviews various issues associated with the neurosurgical management of patients with myeloschisis, such as perinatal management, repair surgery for myeloschisis, neurosurgical management of hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation type II, tethered cord syndrome and epilepsy, and intrauterine fetal surgery.
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50, 870 一一876, 2010
Neurosurgicα1 Mαmgeme皿意of Pα重ien意s
     With Lumbosacral Myeloschisis
Takato MORIOKA, Kimiaki HASHIGUCHI*, Nobutaka MUKAE,
           Tetsuro SAYAMA, and Tomio SASAKI“
        Department of Neurosurgery, Kyushu Rosai Hospital, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka;
’Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
Myeloschisis is the most serious and complex congenital anomaly in spina bifida manifesta (cystica).
However, with improvements in medical care and increased understanding of its pathophysiology, the
associated long-term morbidity and mortality rates have been significantly reduced. This article rev-
iews various issues associated with the neurosurgical management of patients with myeloschisis, such
as perinatal management, repair surgery for myeloschisis, neurosurgical management of hydrocepha-
lus, Chiari malformation type II, tethered cord syndrome and epilepsy, and intrauterine fetal surgery.
Key words: myeloschisis, myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation type ll,
tethered cord syndrome
Spina bifida manifesta (cystica) causes visible skin
lesions such as meningocele, myelomeningocele and
myeloschisis, which occur when the neural tube
fails to fold normally during postovulatory days 21
to 27.33) Myeloschisis is the most serious and com-
plex congenital anomaly in spina bifida manifesta.
However, with improvements in medical care and
increased understanding of its pathophysiology, the
associated long-term morbidity and mortality rates
have been significantly reduced. ln this article, vari-
ous issues in the neurosurgical management of
patients with myeloschisis are reviewed.
7剣 、鵡へ 一.繊3、
Fig.1 Various manifestations of myelomeningocele
and myeloschisis. (A) A placode is seen in the my-
elorneningocele. (B) ln the myelomeningocele, the ex-
posed placode is myeloschisis. (C) Myeloschisis, con-
sisting of a collapsed myelomeningocele, is a cleft spinal
cord arising from the failure of neural tube closure.
In clinical practice, it is difficult to distinguish
differences between myelomeningocele and my-
eloschisis (Fig. 1). Myeloschisis is a cleft spinal cord
arising from a failure of neural tube closure (Fig.
IC).i9・24・6e) The placode is defined as a plate of em-
bryonic epithelial cells constituting a primordial cell
group from which the spinal cord arisesi9・24) and is
often seen in a myelomeningocele (Fig. IA). ln a my-
elomeningocele, an exposed placode is often a my-
eloschisis (Fig. IB). ln other words, a myeloschisis is
a collapsed myelomeningocele (Fig. IC). When the
placode in the myelomeningocele sac is a cleft spinal
cord, this anomaly is classified as myeloschisis
rather than myelomeningocele.i9・24・60)
Perinatal Management
Recent advances in morphological examinations
such as ultrasonography3) and prenatal magnetic
resonance (MR) imaging3・iO・36・37) have made it possi-
ble to make a correct diagnosis of spina bifida
manifesta in the prenatal period. ln particular, half-
Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo T2-
weighted images, which provide useful diagnostic
images for structural abnormalities related to the
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Management of Myeloschisis 871
Fig. 2 (A) Prenatal half-Fourier acquisition single-shot
turbo spin-echo T2-weighted image at 29 weeks and 1
day of gestation showing ventricular enlargement and
myelomeningocele. A neural placode is noted in the my-
elomeningocele. (B) Constructive interference in
steady-state magnetic resonance image on the day of
birth clearly demonstrating a detailed anatomical
relationship between the neural placode and the ventral
roots. (C) Photograph of the baby at birth revealing a
large head and myeloschisis at the thoracolumbar area.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space such as spina bifida
manifesta, hydrocephalus and Chiari malformation
type II (CM II) in a reasonable time, are useful ad-
juncts to ultrasonography (Fig, 2A).,36,42)
  When the diagnosis is made prenatally, intensive
perinatal management is mandatory. The baby is
usually delivered by planned cesarean section to
prevent rupture of the sac and subsequent ascending
infection, although there is no evidence for these
problems,29・55) Optimally, the cesarean delivery will
be scheduled in a center that employs neurosur-
geons and pediatricians who are specialized in ne-
onatal intensive care. Once a child is born with my-
eloschisis, thorough systemic physical and radiolog-
ical examinations must be conducted to look for as-
sociated conditions, such as pulmonary or cardiac
abnormalities. Neurological examinations are also
performed to evaluate the level of diagnosis of spinal
  Neuroradiological examinations are important to
determine whether hydrocephalus and CM II are
present and to evaluate the morphology of the
myeloschisis.i9) However, it is thought that spinal
MR imaging is not always essential, because surgi-
cal repair is considered to be a priority and must be
performed as soon as possible.52) Furthermore, with
the recent advances in prenatal high-resolution MR
imaging, no additional information can be obtained
by postnatal MR imaging.i) However, in our institu-
tion, we perform both spinal and cranial MR imag一
ing.24・25・36) ln particular, three-dimensional heavily
T2-weighted images such as constructive interfer-
ence in steady-state images, which deliver excellent
contrast between the CSF and solid structures such
as the placode and spinal roots with a minimum
slice thickness of O.7 mm in any specified linear or
curved plane,i7,i8・35,38-40・47-49,56} clearly demonstrate
the detailed anatomical relationship between the
placode and spinal roots (Fig. 2B).i9) Three-dimen-
sional computed tomography is also performed to
evaluate the extent of the spina bifida and associated
bony anomalies such as kyphosis or bony septum in
  When CSF leakage or a thin sac is noted (Fig.
2C), the baby is optimally operated on soon after
birth.9・i3,52) However, no relationship was demon-
strated between the timing of surgical intervention
and the eventual outcome.4) lt is generally accepted
that the operation can be postponed for up to 48 or
72 hours without any increase in meningitis. This
delay is particularly important for comprehensive
discussions, counseling and emotional support for
the upset parents in need of a decision-making
process before establishing consent for or against
surgical management of their newborn child.“) Prior
to the surgical intervention, the exposed myeloschi-
sis should be gently covered with sterile gauze. The
infant should be positioned prone or laterally to
avoid pressure on the placode.
Repair Surgery for Myeloschisis
Regarding intraoperative neurophysiological moni-
toring, both motor and sensory responses can be
recorded.‘4) To monitor the motor system, the pla-
code or roots in the operative field are stimulated,
and the evoked muscle responses (compound muscle
action potentials: CMAPs) from the external anal
sphincter and leg muscles such as the gastro-
cnemius, biceps femoris and tibialis anterior are
recorded (Fig. 3A-C).i9) To monitor the sensory sys-
tem, the posterior tibial nerve at the ankle is stimu-
lated, and the sensory responses (somatosensory
evoked potentials: SEPs) from the placode in the
operative field are recorded (Fig. 3D, E). ln many
patients with myeloschisis, stimulation of the pla-
code or roots evokes CMAPs of the legs (Fig. 3A, C).
In addition, we can record polyphasic SEPs on the
placode following stimulation of the posterior tibial
nerve (Fig. 3D). These findings indicate that the pla-
code is often functioning.“) Thus, the most im-
portant part of the surgery is preservation of the
function of the placode. Consequently, careful
dissection under an operating microscope and
neurophysiological monitoring are essential.
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50, September, 2010
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872 T. Morjoka et al.
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Fig. 3 (A, C) lntraoperative evoked compound muscle
action potentials (CMAPs) of the external anal sphincter
and leg muscles such as the biceps femoris, tibialis an-
terior and gastrocnemius following electrical stimula-
tion of the placode. After stimulation of the upper and
middle parts of the placode, CMAPs of the leg muscle
can be recorded. (B) The stimulation sites are indicated
on a photograph of the placode. (D, E) Somatosensory
evoked potentials (SEPs) recorded from the placode in
the operative field following stimulation of the left (D)
and right (E} posterior tibial nerves of the ankle. Poly-
phasic SEPs are recorded following stimulation of the
left posterior tibial nerve (D, arrow). (F, G) Schematic
drawings of reconstructive surgery for myeloschisis.
(H, 1) Operative photographs show careful dissection of
the placode under an operative microscope (H) and ana-
tomical reconstruction of the spinal cord into a tubular
structure (1).
Another important issue in the surgery is anatomical
reconstruction of the spinal cord, so as to retubulate
the placode. Pia-arachnoid to pia-arachnoid closure
of the placode into a tubular structure and suspen-
sion of the “re-made” cord in the CSF compartment
can establish a more normal environment (Fig. 3F,
G).i2・3i・52) Therefore, the surgery consists of (i) careful
dissection of the placode and complete untethering,
(ii) reconstructive surgery for the myeloschisis to
retubulate the placode, (iii) dural plasty or complete
dural closure, (iv) prevention of CSF leakage with a
paravertebral muscle or fascia flap, and (v) skin
  The infant should be placed in the prone position
on lateral rolls to prevent pressure on the abdomen.
The entire back, including the myeloschisis, is then
prepared with 10 × diluted lsodine. Under a surgical
microscope, the placode is separated from the inter-
mediate zone. All nerve roots, which usually
originate from the ventral side of the placode, should
be carefully preserved. The goals of separation of the
placode are to reduce the possibility of future tether-
ing and to enable subsequent reconstruction of a
normal neural tube.52) Thus, the caudal end of the
placode or terminal filum, if identified, can be
sectioned based on the results of electrical stimula-
tion.i2・52) Once the placode has been separated from
the intermediate zone, it should be carefully inspect-
ed so as to remove any potential tissue that could
form a dermoid at a later date (Fig. 3H).i2) The pla-
code can then be “reconstructed” into a tubular
structure by pia-arachnoid to pia-arachnoid closure.
This technique was originally described by McLone
in 1980.3i) Closure of the central canal and suspen-
sion of neural tissue in a pia-arachnoid-lined CSF
compartment establish a more normal microen-
vironment that is expected to prevent adhesion of
neural elements to the closure and subsequent
tethering of the spinal cord (Fig. 31).i2)
  Once the placode has been reconstructed, atten-
tion is turned to separating the dura from the
epidural space. Once the dura has been separated, it
should be reconstructed in a watertight fashion.
When a dural defect is noted, a pedunculated flap of
the fascia and muscle is used. Use of artificial
materials such as Gore-Tex is not recommended.
The dural surface can be covered with fibrin glue.
The closure should be tested by having the
anesthesiologist induce a Valsalva maneuver. A
watertight dural closure will reduce the risk of
postoperative CSF leakage and consequently reduce
the incidence of cord tethering.i2) The next layer to
be addressed is the muscle closure.’2) lf the lesion is
small, adequate muscle can often be obtained by
making lateral releases in the paravertebral muscles.
For larger defects, a pedunculated muscle flap can
be moved from the paravertebral muscles above the
Ievel of the lesion. Once the muscle has been closed,
the skin is examined to allow a primary closure. Skin
without subcutaneous tissue should be excised from
the skin margin. ln most cases, the skin can be
closed in a simple midline closure. ln some cases, a
flap mobilization is required. ln such cases, under-
lying muscle closure is important to obtain good
wound healing.52) There are many reports of plastic
surgical closures.26・27・4i,so)
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50, September, 2010
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Management of Myeloschisis 873
Neurosurgical Management
     of Hydrocephalus
The malority of children with myeloschisis have as-
sociated hydrocephalus.30, The pathophysiological
mechanism of the associated hydrocephalus is un-
clear. With CM II, the posterior fossa is small and
the intradural contents of the upPer cervical canal
are tight. The hydrocephalus may be related to an a-
queductal stenosis or caused by blockade of the out-
lets of the fourth ventricle.6〕In addition venous ab.
normalities resulting from a small posterior fossa
have been suggested as a mechanism for the
hydrocephalus.45〕Regardless of the cause, when
progressive hydrocephalus is present it should be
  Frequently, hydrocephalus is obvious during the
prenatal period〔:Fig.2A〕or at birth〔Fig.2:B, C〕. If
signs of increas.ed intracranial pressure are present,
shunt placement is performed at the same time as
the primary surgery for the myeloschisis.34〕
However, if the repair is delayed for morle than 36
hours, there is an increased incidence of shunt in費
fection.11)When signs of meningitis are present in
CSF obtained at the repair surgery or the baby has a
low birth weight, placement of an Ommaya CSF
reservoir and repeated CSF tap or external ventricu-
Iar drainage are recommended. There is increasing
evidence suggesting that the failure rate of en-
doscopic third ventriculolstomy〔ETV〕is high in in-
fants and that ETV should be performed when the
child is older.30・52・54〕
  Although ventricular enlargement is evident in
the vast majority of newborns with myeloschisis,
treatment of hydrocephalus is required in around
80%of patients.52〕It is interesting to note that shunt
treatment is usually required within the first month
of life, and not after 6 months.45・52〕
  Once a shunt has been placed, a more difficult
problem is the management of its malfunction.30)In
the majority of cases, the symptoms and signs are
the classical ones associated with increased sym-
ptoms such as headaches, vomiting and disturbance
of consciousness. In patients with myeloschisis,
blockage of the outlets of the fourth ventricle to the
central canal account for the common association of
syringomyelia. With the development of syrin-
gomyelia, compensation of the increased intraven-
tricular pressure can occur,7・16〕and the symptoms
and signs can be quite subtle. When the physiologi-
cal mechanisms for compensation have been ex-
hausted, sudden respiratory or cardiac arrest can oc-
  At the time of shunt revision, ETV is a considera-
tion.30〕An 80%success rate for managing shunt mal.
function by ETV was reported in children with my-
elo.meningocele and the following criteria identified
for predicting the effectiveness of the pro:cedure:ol-
der age, triventricular hydrocephalus, and scarcely
represented subarachnoid space.54〕However, recent
authors30・52}have provided arguments against ETV.
Specifically, a 20-30%failure rate and difficulties
were associated with assessing ETV failure even us-
ing MR imaging to assess stoma patency alld cine-
MR imaging to evaluate flow.30〕Although ETV may
eliminate the need for a mechanical device, it does
not always eliminate the need for a ventricular
shunt.30〕At the time of ETV, ventricular drainage
may be necessary to measure intracranial pressure
and for safety.30)Furthermore, if the ETV closes, the
symptoms and signs may again be quite subtle.5〕
Once the mechanical device has been removed the
family may think that there is no longer any need for
ashunt. Education in this regard is important be-
cause it can prevent unnec.essary death from ETV
  Recognition of shunt independence is another
problem.52〕Among 850 children affected by non-
tumoral hydrocephalus, obvious shunt indepen-
dence could be demonstrated in 3.2%of patients and
that 25%had a myelomeningocele.22)On the other
hand, the erroneous concept of shunt independence
in spina bifida patients was described and sudden
respiratory and cardiac arrest was caused by ex-
haustion of the physiological mechanisms for com-
pensation.46)In a more recent paper, strict monitor-
ing of patients who presented with imagin.g-
documented shunt anomalies found that patients ol-
der than 40r 5 years with very low cord lesions who
underwent shunt treatment within a few weeks of
birth and without a recent history of shunt revision to have higher chances of becoming in-
dependent of the shunt.52〕
Neurosurgical Management of CM II
Although most patients with myeloschisis have ana-
tomical CM II, only 10-30010 become symptomatic
and require surgery.i3) However, symptomatic CM II
is the most common cause of death in patients with
myelomeningocele or myeloschisis who are younger
than 2 years of age.32) The first step in managing a
symptomatic CM II is ensuring that a shunt, if
present, is working optimally or treating previously
untreated hydrocephalus.5i,52) A shunt malfunction
or untreated hydrocephalus can turn a radiographi-
cally evident C M II into a symptomatic CM II by in-
creasing the intracranial pressure with subsequent
downward herniation of an already caudally dis-
placed brainstem and cerebellum. Expeditious and
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874 T. Morioka et al.
knowledgeable evaluation and prompt surgical
decompression of the hindbrain can prevent serious
morbidity and mortality in such patients, especially
those younger than 2 years of age.5i) Patients with
CM II whose conditions are not cured by a shunt
treatment must undergo a decompressive proce-
dure. A symptomatic CM II in an older child often
presents with more subtle findings but rarely in
aCute crisis.43,51,58)
  In decompressive surgery for CM II, suboccipital
craniectomy is extended from the foramen magnum
as far as the torcular herophili, since the posterior
fossa is usually small, and associated with a laminec-
tomy that is adequate to expose the lower level of the
cerebellar tonsil and vermis.5i) The dural sac is wi-
dened as much as possible using a dural patch, but
the arachnoid layer and neural structures are left un-
dren with myelomeningocele or myeloschisis should
be followed, ideally in a multidisciplinary clinic, by
neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and urologists
who are aware of this condition.2i)
Management of Epilepsy
Epilepsies in patients with myeloschisis are recog-
nized as relatively common occurrences and their
relationships with associated hydrocephalus and
ventricular shunting have well been documented.53)
We have described that the epileptogenesis in
patients with myeloschisis seems to be correlated
with coexisting cerebral abnormalities such as poly-
microgyria (or stenogyria)23) rather than a ven-
triculoperitoneal shunt.60) Since the epilepsies in
these patients can be well-controlled with medica-
tion, epilepsy surgery is not indicated.60)
Neurosurgical Management of
Tethered Cord Syndrome (TCS)
TCS is a stretch-induced functional disorder of the
spinal cord. The mechanical cause of TCS is an in-
elastic structure anchoring the caudal end of the spi-
nal cord that prevents cephalad movement of the
lumbosacral cord. Stretching of the spinal cord oc-
curs in patients when either the spinal column
grows faster than the spinal cord or the spinal cord
undergoes forcible flexion and extension.59)
  Approximately 10-30010 of children will develop
TCS following repair of a myelomeningocele or my-
eloschisis. Since essentially all children with repair
surgery will have a tethered cord, as demonstrated
on MR images., the diagnosis of TCS is made based
on clinical criteria.52) The six common clinical
presentations of TCS are increased weakness (550/o),
worsening gait (540/o}, scoliosis (510/o), pain (32010), or-
thopedic deformity (1101o), and urological dysfunc-
tion (60/o).2i) The average age for TCS has been
reported to be 6-8 years,20・52) although the possibility
that even adults may require detethering is increas-
ingly reported in recent papers.i4・28)
  The primary goal of surgery is to detach the spinal
cord where it is adherent to the thecal sac, thereby
relieving the stretch on the terminal portion of the
cord.2i) Early diagnosis and prompt surgical release
of the tethered cord results in stabilization or im-
provement in most cases.2i) After detethering of the
cord, pain relief and motor improvement are fre-
quently obtained. However, it is difficult to obtain
recovery of urinary dysfunction, scoliosis and ortho-
pedic signs, although these symptoms and signs
cease to progress.52) Since TCS may present with or-
thopedic and/or urological signs or symptoms, chi1一
Intrauterine Fetal Surgery
Intrauterine fetal surgery for myelomeningocele or
myeloschisis merits future investigations.8) Clinical
trials have already been carried out at selected in-
stitutes in the United States, but have not been per-
formed in Japan because of socio-ethical problems.
Intrauterine surgery decreases the incidence of hin-
dbrain Chiari malformation and shunt-dependent
hydrocephalus, but increases the incidence of
premature delivery.2) Fetal surgery reduces shunt-
dependent hydrocephalus in patients with lesions
below L3 before 25 weeks of gestation.57) However,
prospective parents should be cautioned .not to ex-
pect any improvement in leg function as the result of
such fetal surgery. The potential benefits of fetal sur-
gery must be carefully weighed against the potential
risks of premature birth.8)
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Address reprint requests to: Takato Morioka, M.D., Ph.D.,
    Department of Neurosurgery, Kyushu Rosai
    Hospital, 1-3-1 Kuzuharataka皿atsu, Kokura-
    mina血i-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 800-0296, Japan.
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... We resected the surrounding margin of the neural placode and approximated with pia-arachnoid sutures, followed by multiple-layer closure, including the dura mater and muscle layer. [18] Postoperatively, the patient's neurological function did not change from the preoperative level. At 3 months, she presented with mild hydronephrosis detected on ultrasonography. ...
... e present case had MMC, which was located caudal to the segmental dysgenesis. Considering that the embryopathogenesis of MMC is the primary neurulation failure, [16,18] if the abovementioned chordomesoderm cells cannot properly act as a neural inducer at the lower segment, the primary neural tube may not have closed properly, resulting in an ONTD in the present case. ...
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Background Severe type of segmental spinal dysgenesis (SSD) is a rare and complex anomaly in which the spinal cord completely disconnects at the portion of the spinal dysgenesis. Although closed spinal dysraphisms have been associated with SSD, to the best of our knowledge, the association between open neural tube defect (ONTD) and SSD is significantly rare, with only one case being reported to date. Case Description We report a case of an infant with severe SSD and a disconnected spinal cord and spinal column at the thoracolumbar junction associated with myelomeningocele (MMC) in the lumbosacral region. The patient presented severe neurological deficits in the legs and impaired bowel function. The spinal column of L1–L3 was absent. The lower spinal segment consisted of neural placode at the L5–S1 level and no connecting structure between the upper and lower spinal cords. A repair surgery for MMC, including cord untethering and dura plasty, was performed. Histopathological findings revealed a neural placode consisting of a neuroglial tissue and leptomeninges. Conclusion The management of severe SSD during the perinatal period is more challenging when it is associated with ONTD. We report detailed neuroradiological, intraoperative, and histological findings of such a case and discuss the embryopathogenesis of the associated ONTD and the treatment strategies.
... Subsequently, multiple-layer closure, including the dura mater and muscle layer, subcutaneous tissue, and skin, with skin flap when required, was performed as described previously. [12,16] For intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM), we recorded evoked compound muscle action potentials from the external anal sphincter, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius muscles by direct electrical stimulation of the NP, CM, and nerve roots as described previously. [12] Pre-and postnatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including 3D-heavily T2-weighted image (3D-hT2WI), was performed as described in the previous reports. ...
... [12,16] For intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM), we recorded evoked compound muscle action potentials from the external anal sphincter, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius muscles by direct electrical stimulation of the NP, CM, and nerve roots as described previously. [12] Pre-and postnatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including 3D-heavily T2-weighted image (3D-hT2WI), was performed as described in the previous reports. [7,8] Of the 24 MMC patients, 18 patients required resection of parts or margins of the neural structures to perform complete untethering of the cord. ...
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Background Development of dermoid or epidermoid cysts in myelomeningocele (MMC) sites is generally thought to occur in a delayed fashion due to implantation of dermal elements during initial repair surgery. Another theory is that dermal and dermoid elements may already be present within dysplastic neural structures at birth. Methods We experienced histopathological presence of dermal elements in resected tissues at initial repair surgery in four out of 18 cases with MMC who required resection of parts or margins of the neural structures to perform cord untethering. Since one of these cases has already been reported, we describe the clinicopathological findings for the remaining three cases. Results In Case1, cryptic dermoid elements were discovered in the terminal filum-like structure (FT-LS) caudal to the open neural placode (NP). The FT-LS had histopathological characteristics similar to the retained medullary cord. In Case 2, dermoid elements were discovered in the caudal margin of the dysplastic conus medullaris. In Case 3, a thin squamous epithelial layer overlapped the rostral margin of the NP where the NP was located near the skin. Case 1 developed an epidermoid cyst at 1 year and 2 months of age, which was totally resected. Conclusion Prenatally existing cryptic dermoid elements in the caudal portion of neural structures and remnants of dermal elements overlapping the rostral margin of the NP are associated with delayed occurrence of dermoid/ epidermoid cysts. Postoperative histopathological investigation of the resected specimens is recommended. Once dermal elements are revealed, repeated imaging examination and additional surgery should be considered.
... The prenatal imaging hallmark of saccular LDM is the visualization of a stalk that links the cord and sac, 11,14,15) while that of MMC is the presence of neural placode in the sac continuous from the cord. [16][17][18][19] Although prenatal MRI sequences such as HASTE or fast imaging with steady precession allow the acquisition of diagnostic images within a reasonably short time, their shortcoming is the necessity to increase the slice thickness. 11,19) The 3-to 5-mm-thick sections obtained by prenatal MRI in the present study provided sufficient image of the thick stalk in patient 1 and the prenatal diagnosis of LDM was possible; however, the details of the slender stalks in patient 2 were insufficient. ...
... 11,19) The 3-to 5-mm-thick sections obtained by prenatal MRI in the present study provided sufficient image of the thick stalk in patient 1 and the prenatal diagnosis of LDM was possible; however, the details of the slender stalks in patient 2 were insufficient. 11) Complication of hydrocephalus and Chiari malformation are common in patients with MMC [16][17][18][19] but rare in those with LDM. 11) However, the complications of these pathologies on prenatal MRI do not deny the diagnosis of LDM, as demonstrated in patient 2 who had subependymal nodular heterotopias in addition to these anomalies. ...
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Saccular limited dorsal myeloschisis (LDM) is characterized by a fibroneural stalk linking the saccular skin lesion to the underlying spinal cord. Since untethering surgery during the early postnatal period is often indicated to prevent sac rupture, saccular LDM should be distinguished from myelomeningocele (MMC) during the perinatal period. We treated two patients with the spinal cord deviation from the spinal canal to the sac, which mimicked a prolapse of the neural placode into the MMC sac. In patient 1, pre- and postnatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed that the spinal cord was strongly tethered to the thick stalk. During surgery, the dorsally bent cord and stalk were united, and the border between these two was determined with intraoperative neurophysiological mapping (IONM). In patient 2, the spinal cord was tethered to two slender stalks close to each other, which was visible with the combined use of sagittal and axial postnatal three-dimensional heavily T2-weighted imaging (3D-hT2WI). The preoperative MRI hallmark of saccular LDM is the visualization of a stalk that links the bending cord and sac. Complete untethering surgery to return the cord into the spinal canal and correct its dorsal bending is recommended.
... Surgery was performed at the age of 12 months. For neurophysiological monitoring, we recorded evoked compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) from the external anal sphincter, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius muscles, as was described before [1,2,5,6,9,10]. The dural and meningocele sacs were exposed through the existing sacral dysraphism below S2 (Fig. 2(b-1)). The caudal cord in the dural sac entered and ended in the meningocele ( Fig. 2(b-2, c-1)). ...
... Although it should be careful to ensure that this portion was completely nonfunctional [12], additional laminotomies were needed to expose further rostrally to find the functional portion. Based on our experience of electrophysiology in surgeries for RMC [10] and other spinal dysraphism [1,2,5,6,9], the cord was severed at 5 mm rostral from the dural-meningocele sac junction, since the main aim of the surgery was untethering the cord [11]. The caudal end of the RMC together with the meningocele tissue was resected solely for histological examination. ...
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Background: A retained medullary cord (RMC) is a rare closed spinal dysraphism with a robust elongated neural structure continuous from the conus and extending to the dural cul-de-sac. Four cases of RMC extending down to the base of an associated subcutaneous meningocele at the sacral level have been reported. Clinical presentation: We report an additional case of RMC, in whom serial MRI examination revealed an enlargement of the meningocele associated with RMC over a 3-month period between 8 and 11 months of age, when he began to stand. At the age of 12 months, untethering of the cord was performed. Histologically, the presence of ependyma-lined central canals in the dense neuroglial cores was noted in all cord-like structures in the intradural and intrameningocele sacs and at the attachment to the meningocele. Conclusion: It is conceivable that the hydrodynamic pressure with standing position and the check valve phenomenon were involved in meningocele enlargement. We should be mindful of these potential morphological changes.
Spinal dysraphism represents a wide range of congenital anomalies that are mainly derived from a defect in the developmental process of the neural tube during the embryological period. Generally, congenital spinal malformations are not rare and you can see many cases during your career. As a neurosurgeon, being well aware of these malformations is very important to commit to a proper approach with better outcomes. Depending on a specific anatomical or pathophysiological malformation congenital lesion, the symptoms could appear including motor and sensory pathways, bladder and bowel dysfunction, and deformity of bones. Usually, it is necessary to correct these anomalies by surgical intervention to address the defect and limit its development. Furthermore, these deformities can be associated with other anomalies such as hydrocephalus and Chiari II malformation, necessitating proper assessment and treatment. Mainly, congenital spinal malformations are classified into two main categories: spina bifida Aperta and spina bifida occulta. The first category (spina bifida Aperta) includes myelomeningocele, meningocele, or myeloschisis.
A neurological spinal cord syndrome occurs when spinal cord tissue attachments limit the movement of the spinal cord within the spinal canal, causing abnormal elongation of the cord. This is associated with spina bifida, which is a congenital defect of the spinal cord. About 20–50% of spina bifida children require surgical treatment to untether the spinal cord.
Background Few reports have described open spinal dysraphism in triplets or higher-order pregnancies, making details on the clinical course and the outcome of these cases scarce. Case reports Among 61 neonates who underwent repair surgery for myelomeningocele (MMC) in our institutions, there were two cases of MMC occurring in one neonate from a fraternal triplet birth. Case 1 was a girl weighing 2086 g, born at 35 weeks of gestation by cesarean section prompted by the disabling abdominal protuberance of her mother. She had severe motor weakness in her lower extremities and other congenital malformations. Case 2 was a boy weighing 1573 g, born at 32 weeks of gestation by emergency cesarean section because of preterm rupture of membrane. He had respiratory disorders requiring continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) management in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for 51 days. Both patients underwent successful surgical repair of MMC, followed by placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. In both cases, the other members of the triplet were low-birth-weight infants, with two of them requiring CPAP management in the NICU for 17–18 days due to pulmonary immaturity. Conclusion The incidence of triplet pregnancies has been increasing. Because triplets are at an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight, perioperative management of triplets with MMC requires careful procedures to manage blood loss, hypothermia, and cerebrospinal fluid leakage. The other members of the triplet may also be affected by prematurity and congenital anomalies that require management in NICU. The birth of triplets with MMC may overwhelm perinatal medical departments. The cases presented in this paper demonstrate that although management of a triplet with MMC is challenging, cooperation within the multidisciplinary medical team can result in favorable outcome.
Background. Congenital spinal lipomatous malformations (spinal lipomas, lipomyeloceles, and lipomyelomeningoceles) are closed neural tube defects over the lower back. Differentiation from some other closed neural tube defects in this region can be problematic for pathologists. Materials and Methods. This review is based on PubMed searches of the embryology, gross and histopathologic findings, and laboratory reporting requisites for retained medullary spinal cords, coccygeal medullary vestiges and cysts, myelocystoceles, true human vestigial tails, and pseudotails for comparison with congenital spinal lipomatous malformations. Results. Embryology, imaging, gross and histopathology of these closed neural tube lesions have different but overlapping features compared to congenital spinal lipomatous malformations, requiring context for diagnosis. Conclusion. The lipomyelocele spectrum and to some degree all of the malformations discussed, even though they may not share gross appearance, anatomic site, surgical approach, or prognosis, require clinical and histopathologic correlation for final diagnosis.
Background: Lumbosacral spinal lipomas and lipomyeloceles are usually identified in early childhood. Terminology, histopathology, and diagnosis for these malformations can be confusing. Materials and Methods: This is a PubMed review with comparison of embryology, gross, and histopathology, and reporting requisites for these and related closed spinal malformations. Results: The spinal lipoma group (congenital spinal lipomatous malformations) includes subcutaneous, transdural, intradural, and noncontiguous malformations stretching through the entire lower spinal region. This lipomyelocele trajectory overlaps the embryonic tail’s caudal eminence. Histopathologically, the lipomyelocele spectrum is a heterogeneous, stereotypical set of findings encountered from dermis to spinal cord. Diagnosis requires detailed correlation of images, intraoperative inspection, and histopathology. Conclusions: Appropriate terminology and clinicopathologic correlation to arrive at a diagnosis is a critical activity shared by pathologist and clinician. Prognostic and management differences depend on specific diagnoses. Familial and genetic influences play little if any role in patient management in closed spinal malformations.
Tethered cord syndrome is a clinical condition characterized by signs and symptoms secondary to conus medullaris dysfunction and abnormally low spinal cord, resulting in functional alterations of motor and sensitive neurons due to conus or spinal cord traction. It usually presents as a neuro-orthopedic syndrome with neurological, orthopedic, and urological symptoms and signs. The main pathologies related to tethered cord syndrome are congenital due to spinal dysraphism. We present a didactic and simplified view of key embryological processes related and describe the most common causes of tethered cord syndrome and its management.
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A female baby was born at 37 weeks and 6 days gestation by vaginal delivery with omphalocele, exstrophy of the cloaca, and imperforate anus, indicating the presence of OEIS complex, a rare combination of defects consisting of omphalocele (O), exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal deformity (S), associated with lumbosacral lipoma. The most common associated spinal deformity is terminal myelocystocele, and spinal lipoma is rare. Constructive interference in steady-state magnetic resonance imaging clearly revealed double lipomas, a dorsal-type lipoma, located dorsal to the low-lying conus medullaris, and a filar-type lipoma, revealed by a thickened and fatty filum terminale. After recovery from abdominogenital repairs, debulking of the dorsal-type lipoma and untethering of the spinal cord by sectioning of the filar-type lipoma were performed at the age of 14 months. Neurosurgical treatment for occult spinal dysraphism should be undertaken after recovery from the initial series of major abdominogenital procedures.
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The aim of this study was to evaluate three-dimensional Fourier transformation-constructive interference in steady-state (CISS) imaging as a preoperative anatomical evaluation of the relationship between the placode, spinal nerve roots, CSF space, and the myelomeningocele sac in neonates with lumbosacral myeloschisis. Five consecutive patients with lumbosacral myeloschisis were included in this study. Magnetic resonance (MR) CISS, conventional T1-weighted (T1-W) and T2-weighted (T2-W) images were acquired on the day of birth to compare the anatomical findings with each sequence. We also performed curvilinear reconstruction of the CISS images, which can be reconstructed along the curved spinal cord and neural placode. Neural placodes were demonstrated in two patients on T1-W images and in three patients on T2-W images. T2-W images revealed a small number of nerve roots in two patients, while no nerve roots were demonstrated on T1-W images. In contrast, CISS images clearly demonstrated neural placodes and spinal nerve roots in four patients. These findings were in accordance with intraoperative findings. Curvilinear CISS images demonstrated the neuroanatomy around the myeloschisis in one slice. The resulting images were degraded by a band artifact that obstructed fine anatomical analysis of the nerve roots in the ventral CSF space. The placode and nerve roots could not be visualized in one patient in whom the CSF space was narrow due to the collapse of the myelomeningocele sac. MR CISS imaging is superior to T1-W and T2-W imaging for demonstrating the neural placode and nerve roots, although problems remain in terms of artifacts.
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A female baby was born at 37 weeks and 6 days gestation by vaginal delivery with omphalocele, exstrophy of the cloaca, and imperforate anus, indicating the presence of OEIS complex, a rare combination of defects consisting of omphalocele (O), exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal deformity (S), associated with lumbosacral lipoma. The most common associated spinal deformity is terminal myelocystocele, and spinal lipoma is rare. Constructive interference in steady-state magnetic resonance imaging clearly revealed double lipomas, a dorsal-type lipoma, located dorsal to the low-lying conus medullaris, and a filar-type lipoma, revealed by a thickened and fatty filum terminale. After recovery from abdominogenital repairs, debulking of the dorsal-type lipoma and untethering of the spinal cord by sectioning of the filar-type lipoma were performed at the age of 14 months. Neurosurgical treatment for occult spinal dysraphism should be undertaken after recovery from the initial series of major abdominogenital procedures.
The relationship between time of surgical intervention and eventual outcome was examined in 110 newborns with myelomeningocele. Numerous earlier reports have cited a significant increase in mortality and morbidity associated with delay of surgery beyond 48 hours. Within the study population of infants, 52 infants (47%) had "early" surgery within the first 48 hours of life, 32 infants (29%) had "delayed" surgery between 3 and 7 days of age, 12 infants (11%) had "late" surgery between 1 week and 10 months of age, and 14 infants (13%) never had surgery by parental decision. Survival rates were similar between those with early, delayed, or late surgery as 92%, 94%, and 100%, respectively, were alive at age 10 months. Also, no significant association existed between time of surgery and development of ventriculitis, developmental delay, or worsening of paralysis. From these observations, it is concluded that there is no urgency in surgical intervention for the initial management of newborns with myelomeningocele. Rather, there is time for comprehensive discussions, counseling, and emotional support for those parents in need of a decision-making process before establishing consent for or against surgical management of their newborn.
It is possible to diagnose hydrocephalus prenatally based on the morphological appearance of the fetus on neurodiagnostic images; however, the prognosis of this disease shows wide variation. The authors previously proposed a classification system for the prediction of postnatal outcome based on progression of hydrocephalus and affected brain development, known as the "Perspective Classification of Congenital Hydrocephalus (PCCH)." In this study the authors have used their classification system to analyze long-term follow-up results obtained in each clinicoembryological stage of fetal hydrocephalus. Sixty-one fetuses with hydrocephalus were examined to predict postnatal outcome by using this newly developed classification. The authors' recently developed method of using heavily T2-weighted imaging with a superconducting magnet clearly delineated the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space and the malformed brain and spinal cord. Imaging was achieved in less than 1 second per slice and required no sedation of the fetus. The technique appears to be simple and good at delineating intrauterine anatomy. Hydrocephalus was diagnosed in two fetuses at PCCH embryological Stage I (8-21 gestational weeks), in 28 fetuses at Stage II (22-31 weeks), and in 31 fetuses at Stage III (32-40 weeks). Among these 61 fetuses, clinicopathological typing showed that 19 had primary hydrocephalus (nine in Stage II and 10 in Stage III), 34 had dysgenetic hydrocephalus (two in Stage I, 16 in Stage II, and 16 in Stage III), and eight had secondary hydrocephalus (three in Stage II and five in Stage III). When the hydrocephalic state developed during PCCH Stage I or II, the prognosis was very poor, and only one of 18 fetuses with dysgenetic hydrocephalus and none of three fetuses with secondary hydrocephalus had an acceptable postnatal outcome. Even within the same category or subtype of fetal hydrocephalus, such as primary hydrocephalus in its simple form, or hydrocephalus with spina bifida aperta (myeloschisis), the postnatal outcomes differed depending on the time of onset of hydrocephalus. When the diagnosis of hydrocephalus was made during PCCH Stage II, the fetuses had a poorer postnatal outcome compared with those at Stage III (p < 0.05). It is emphasized that postnatal prognosis is not simply a function of the form of the diagnosis but is also dependent on the progression of hydrocephalus and the degree to which that process affects neuronal development. Early decompressive procedures, conventionally performed after but, hopefully, performed before birth, are indicated to obtain the optimal postnatal prognosis of fetuses with hydrocephalus diagnosed at PCCH Stage II.
This review article discusses prenatal screening and diagnosis of neural tube defects (NTD). High detection rates occur in countries operating ultrasound screening programmes because classical two-dimensional ultrasound cranial signs (lemon shaped head, banana cerebellum, ventriculomegaly) are important diagnostic clues to the presence of spina bifida. Careful evaluation of both the spine and a search for other abnormalities is warranted. Important prognostic information for spina bifida relates to the lesion level, with a "watershed" between L3 and L4 marking a very high chance of being wheelchair bound with the higher lesions. Three-dimensional ultrasound using multiplanar views can achieve diagnostic accuracy within one vertebral body in around 80% of patients. There are high rates of pregnancy termination for spina bifida in many European countries, but the use of new imagining techniques allow better prediction of outcome, and consequently a refinement of prenatal counselling.
The incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs) has declined in recent decades, however myelomeningocele and encephalocele still represent one of the commoner prenatally diagnosed congenital malformations. Improved perinatal and post natal care mean that the mortality associated with these conditions has also fallen. Advances in the multidisciplinary management of children with myelomeningocele have led to significant improvements in functional outcome for many with this condition. However, there remains a substantial population of patients born with NTDs whose life expectancy is substantially reduced and who suffer significant cognitive and physical disability remaining wholly or partially dependant on the care of others into adult life. This article aims to outline the contemporary early management of these conditions and examine the prospects for functional outcome where possible, attempting to show how early anatomical features of these conditions can help predict where, along the wide spectrum of outcome, a given individual may lie. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.