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IoT Past, Present, and Future a Literary Survey


Abstract and Figures

IoT is a thing that dispenses technically credible solutions to all the problems of our daily life. Due to IoT’s welfare, the present world has moved afar the scope of human ability. For good efficiency, the popularity of IoT is increasing much more than ever and its use in different sectors has increased. This has resulted in an unprecedented shift in investment in IoT and the total number of related IoT devices. The role of IoT is immense in this period of modern-day change and revolution. From the analysis of this paper, we can get the idea about the past, present, future of IoT, investment on IoT, and challenges that may be IoT face.
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IoT Past, Present, and Future a Literary
Md. Faridul Islam Suny, Md. Monjourur Roshed Fahim,
Mushfiqur Rahman, Nishat Tasnim Newaz,
and Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund
Abstract IoT is a thing that dispenses technically credible solutions to all the prob-
lems of our daily life. Due to IoT’s welfare, the present world has moved afar the
scope of human ability. For good efficiency, the popularity of IoT is increasing much
more than ever and its use in different sectors has increased. This has resulted in an
unprecedented shift in investment in IoT and the total number of related IoT devices.
The role of IoT is immense in this period of modern-day change and revolution.
From the analysis of this paper, we can get the idea about the past, present, future of
IoT, investment on IoT, and challenges that may be IoT face.
Keywords Internet of Things (IoT) ·Evolution of IoT ·IoT investments ·Ratio of
connected IoT devices ·Challenges of IoT
1 Introduction
The use of IoT in our quotidian life is undeniable. Two other terms correlated with
IoT are IoE (Internet of Everything) and IoNT (Internet of Nano-Thing). Among
these, IoT represents various devices of various sizes and potentiality that is attached
to the Internet. IoE represents anything that can be connected to the Internet and that
can be software or hardware. All nano-technologies or devices that are connected to
Md. Faridul Islam Suny (B)·Md. Monjourur Roshed Fahim ·M. Rahman ·
T. Md. N. U. Akhund
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka,
Md. Monjourur Roshed Fahim
M. Rahman
N. T. Newaz ·T. Md. N. U. Akhund
Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
M. S. Kaiser et al. (eds.), Information and Communication Technology
for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS 2020), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 190, 16-0882- 7_33
394 Md. Faridul Islam Suny et al.
a networking system across the Internet are represented by IoNT. And this has led
to the creation of a kind of networking system that has made a significant impact on
people’s personal, professional, and social fields. One of the topics covered in this
paper is the evolution of IoT, that’s mean the past, present, and possible future. The
thing that is inherently involved in the evolution, change, or expansion of something
is the investment in it and its broad sector. So this paper contains about IoT’s sector,
investment, and the growing number of devices. Now the question may arise that IoT
is evolving, contributing to daily life, but it is not facing any challenges or creating any
challenges? Yes, everything or its implementation has some of the other challenges,
so some of the challenges related to IoT will also be mentioned here.
Predominantly, IoT’s contemporaneous global dominance encourages research
into its progression and future potential alteration. As it has its convenience, in
exiguous cases its misuse is also causing evils. As dominant as it is to innovate new
technologies, it is major to ensure the best use of the latest technologies, principally
those that will make human life uncomplicated and more comfortable. Since its
invention, IoT’s wide-ranging impact has encouraged us to research on IoT. One of
the aims of this paper is to recognize how the use of IoT is discerning in almost all
parts of the world today and how it may ascendancy the future.
2 Background
The term IoT first appeared in 1999 [1], although ideas, work, or research on IoT-
related topics have been around for a long time. Since then, IoT’s progress has been
continuous. IoT is not just a technology, it is one of the means of progress and
smoothness of daily life [2]. IoT basically connects between real life and virtual
activities. IoT usually consists of five levels. Namely—Business Layer, Perception
Layer, Application Layer, Network Layer, Middleware Layer [3]. And IoT architec-
ture is made up of three types of layers. Namely—application layer, network layer,
sensing layer [4]. The main components of IoT are computers, Internet sensors, and
similar devices. The progress of semiconductor and miniaturization technologies
has resulted in a significant depletion in computer size [5]. Besides, new sensors and
modernization make it easier to connect to the Internet, increasing usage. However,
enabled IoT to enable innovative applications, the development of sensors, and the
ability to analyze and share data through different platforms must be used properly
as an interconnection between all devices [6]. The terms related to IoT are M2M
(Machine-to-Machine) and WSN (Wireless-Sensor-Network). Thanks to IoT, there
will come a time when not only machines with humans but also machines with
machines will share information and develop. IoT has ushered in a new era of wire-
less devices [7]. Smartphones, smart homes, smart worlds are all benefits of IoT
technology [4]. IoT is a thing that connects everyone with everyone. ‘Albert Shum’,
Partner Director of Microsoft UX Design, says business models can create value-
based experiences, and customers can evaluate those experiences and the role of IoT
in renewing experience is immense [8]. IoT will become more influential day by day
IoT Past, Present, and Future a Literary Survey 395
and it will be in the limelight in the future [9]. Therefore, smart manufacturing may be
the main driving force of IoT [10]. The ‘US National Intelligence Council’ predicts
that by 2022, Internet nodes will be at a higher rate in everyday things [4]. IoT could
play a more powerful role in the future in a mix of RFID and WSN [11]. Therefore,
production and proper configuration of advanced devices for security is essential [2].
It is also important to use more advanced search engines and data storage systems to
keep up with the progress of properly balanced IoT [12]. Presumably, before 2025,
IoT will have a serious impact on daily life [13]. IoT can be used in Electronic Voting
[14], Electronic Identifications [15] and in Medical Field to Support Patients [16].
Robots are working in several sections using IoT [17]. Remote sensing Robots are
also Using IoT [18]. IoT based systems are widely used in Farming [19]. IoT systems
can protect crops and fruits [20]. IoT based robots are working in hospitals like a
nurse [21]. Disabled people can move with IoT based robots [22]. Data collection
Line followers are also using IoT [23]. Remote sensing robots are collecting data with
IoT protocols [24]. IoT based systems are using in covid-19 patients management
also [25].
3 Methodology
As IoT is one of the scorching topics in the world today, it has inspired us in this study.
In this context, we have collected some papers based on IoT’s history, evolution, and
issues related to IoT. Later we tried to gather some important particulars and ideas
from these papers and some websites and to make a paper based on the dominant
issues of IoT in our efforts.
4 Research Findings
This section will discuss about our findings. The Past, Present, and Future of IoT
are discussed here. The sectors of IoT and IoT connected devices statistics are also
discussed here. Table 1shows the Evolution of IoT.
4.1 Past of IoT
The advent of IoT was mainly to build networking systems between electronic devices
of different sizes and capacities and introduce themselves with ourselves. In this
new age of technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has the prospective to have a
widespread impact—Mark Weiser introduced the concept in the early 1990s. While
the terminology IoT is currently quite popular, but it is just about two decades old. The
terminology IoT came first in 1999 [1]. The idea about the term IoT was first given
396 Md. Faridul Islam Suny et al.
Tabl e 1 Evolution of IoT
Year Events
1990s The widespread impact of IoT introduced by Mark Weiser
1999 The Terminology of IoT came first
2005 Until this time IoT is considered to be its initial stage
2008 First IoT conference in Europe was held
2009–2011 Advent of Machine-To-Machine (M2M) Concept
2011 IPv6 was launched
2014 The journey of smart IoT technology started
2011–2020 The number of IoT connected devices increases from 13.65 Billion to 30.73 Billion
by ‘Kevin Ashton’ [1,26] the Co-Founder of MIT Auto-ID. It is also recognized by
him that RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) is requisite for IoT [27]. The period
from the invention of the IoT term until 2005 is considered to be its initial stage [5].
Then the period from 2005 to 2006 is basically called ‘the devices and connectivity
period’ [5]. During this time, words like device, connectivity, and interconnection
spreading more. Tiny board of Dallas Semiconductor, which was the technology of
that time and it was the world’s first commercial embedded device [28]. Then, as
the importance of IoT technology continues to extend, the first IoT conference on
Europe [2] was held in Zurich, Switzerland in 2008 [1]. Then, with the advent of
the concept of machine-to-machine communication between 2009 and 2011 [5], the
pace of expansion of IoT took on a new form. The IPv6 was publicly launched in
that time which was in 2011 [2], which helped to recover the billions of sensor IP
address shortages. After that, from 2012 to 2014, IoT started paving the way for more
advanced technology. Based on the advent of the machine-to-machine concept, IoT
began to take this advanced step.
4.2 Present of IoT
The journey of what we now know as smart IoT started after 2014. The concept of
IoT is currently being integrated with the massive form. One of the major reasons
for the development of IoT in recent times is the development of wireless sensor
networks (WSN). Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS (Global Positioning System), Zig-Bee,
and RFID are playing an important role in this [29]. For this, the importance of
concepts like big data, machine learning is increasing, and analyzing has increased.
At present, the types of IoT applications are changing depending on the environment
in which they are currently operating. IoT is reorganizing all industry technolo-
gies. The top institutions in the industries of infrastructure, telecom, networking like
Amazon Web Services, General Electric, IBM, Cisco, Fujitsu, AT&T, and Vodafone
among others, etc. are choosing the IoT platform to further expand their economies
IoT Past, Present, and Future a Literary Survey 397
[30]. Currently one of the most popular IoT companies is Atmel Corporation,
Samsara, Android Things, Zingbox, Uber, etc. The step that IoT is currently under-
taking is M2M (Machine-To-Machine) Communication. Although M2M (Machine-
To-Machine) technology is not yet widely used or expanded, its progress is quite
noticeable. M2M connections are increasingly important. IoT economic impact on
M2M (Machine-to-Machine), P2P (Person-to-Person), P2M (Person-to-Machine),
and M2P (Machine-to-Person). Proof of which are some applications—smart home,
healthcare, smart grid, etc. are notable. Finally, another example is—An M2M system
has been proposed where unmanned aerial vehicles with artificial intelligence will
be available in the form of CPS. And for road maintenance, for example, the cyber
transportation system has been mentioned [31].
4.3 Future of IoT
According to CISCO Internet Business Solution Group (IBSG), there will come
a period when more articles than people will be affixed to the internet [32]. IoT
will revolutionize in the near future. This will create a new environment in science-
technology and increase competition among the concerned companies. It is not doable
for anyone to utter for sure what will ensue in the future. But we can expect some
technologies basis on IoT in the future. They can be
Predictor of disaster: High-tech sensors and devices will collect data from nature
and analyze that information. According to that information, forecasts of major
natural disasters [3]. Given the prognosis of natural calamity, it will be realizable
to estimate the quantity of potential destruction in advance.
Mind-reader working robot: Those who are unable to work and unable to speak
or give guidance can greatly benefit from using it.
Medical and Healthcare: IoT’s latest innovations in the healthcare sector can
play an important role in saving the lives of patients by easily identifying various
difficult diseases and discovering their antidotes.
Agriculture: The combination of different sensors can create a networking system
through which the message will be conveyed to the farmer and the farmer will be
able to know how to take care of any part of the land.
Transport System: IoT can be able to provide a smart transport and traffic system
that will be based on smart and advanced intelligent technologies. This will reduce
traffic jams, road accidents, arriving delays, etc.
Security System: IoT can provide a smart security system for people that they
can monitor and maintain their assets and infrastructure easily.
Smart Space technology: Spacecraft is often launched to space for research
purposes, sometimes these spacecraft gets the error and destroyed. Spacecraft will
automatically predict and circumvent these unforeseen hazards. In this process
spacecraft can automatically perform the task by analyzing the data, eliminating
398 Md. Faridul Islam Suny et al.
Fig. 1 Sectors of IoT
4.4 Sectors of IoT
The impact of IoT is widespread. They are like health, transport, Manufacture,
Electronic, and others (Fig. 1).
4.5 Investments and IoT-Connected Devices
In Fig. 1, we have manifested the different sectors of IoT through a diagram. The
utilize and demand IoT broadcasting devices are escalating day by day. So investment
in the IoT fields is escalating at a significant level. As the impact of IoT is far-reaching,
the use and production of IoT devices are increasing exponentially. In addition to
these areas mentioned in this paper, investment in IoT is constantly increasing day
by day (2015–2020) [33] due to the rapid change and development of IoT (Fig. 2).
Now, if we think about IoT connected devices after investing, it can be seen that the
number of IoT-connected devices was 12.5 billion in the year 2010 and it increased
to 15.23 billion in the year 2014. After that, the number of IoT-connected devices
was 15.41 billion in the year 2015 and it increased to 16.66 billion in the year 2019.
It can be estimated that with this rate increase, the amount of IoT-connected devices
will reach 75.44 billion by 2025 (Fig. 3). We represent here a graph for the amount
and growth rate of connected IoT devices for the period 2010–2025. We expect that
the number of IoT affixed devices will reach 140.94 billion by the year 2030, if the
growth rate of the number of connected IoT device remains the same as the year
from 2020 to 2025.
IoT Past, Present, and Future a Literary Survey 399
Fig. 2 Investment in IoT sectors
Fig. 3 Bar chart for number of connected IoT devices in previous years
4.6 Challenges of IoT
As IoT moves forward at a tremendous pace, it also poses some challenges. We will
mention here some challenges:
1. Those who create IoT equipment often think less about the user and more about
business. This can have an adverse effect on consumer demand.
2. As manufacturers focus more on making new devices, older devices often do
not receive enough updates. In many cases, hackers find bugs because they do
not get enough updates.
3. Rapid proliferation of IoT products is increasing the threat of cyber-attack [34].
4. Cybercriminals currently use more powerful technology. Therefore, if IoT
devices or applications are the victims of a cyber-attack, it is necessary to have
400 Md. Faridul Islam Suny et al.
an immediate response system through its own data analysis. For instance, if a
device or server is attacked, the owner needs to be apprised promptly.
5. If there is not enough security in IoT’s inter-networking system, there is a risk
of data leaks.
6. Internet speed is not the same everywhere in the world. So many times, it is not
possible to receive adequate services despite having an IoT device or application.
The term IoT has reached its present stage through various evolutions since its
advent. Everything has a positive and negative impact. It goes without saying that if
IoT maintains its ongoing progress by avoiding negative issues or obstacles, it will
be able to take us to the pinnacle of development.
5 Conclusion
Computers were linked all over the world in The Online Handbook learned by
futurist Ray Hammond in 1984 [35]. It has far-reaching implications: important
is the exchange of ideas, the dissemination of information, and the spread of knowl-
edge. This is how the next revolution took place in society. IoT is not an entirely
new technology, but rather an enhanced version of the Internet. IoT is constantly
influencing our daily lives. Thanks to IoT, the modern world is moving fast. At the
same time, with this progress, new challenges are coming and will come in the future
as well. If it is attainable to conquer these challenges and stir ahead properly, one day
the world will pursue to enjoy the ultimate convenience of modernization. Finally,
we would like to talk about some future plans in short
1. Research on automated space management can be considered.
2. Research can be done on Mind Reader Working Robot.
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... Alzheimer's affected people [ 19], disabled patients [ 20] can be helped with IoT. Restaurants [ 21] and numerous other divisions [ 22] are using IoT. Remote detecting makes a critical contrast in virus-affected individuals checking [ 23,24] with secure way [ 25]. ...
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... However, integrating these new devices in a standardized way and can benefit different scenarios simultaneously requires challenges regarding what we call the Internet of Things (IoT). Despite the various challenges and standardization problems, the investment in solutions that depend on IoT devices is constantly increasing every day due to its rapid adaptability, cost, and development [176]. A recent study suggests that, by 2025, global investments in industrial IoT should reach around trillions [177]. ...
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With the advent and popularization of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, new possibilities for applications that use data extracted from the things we use in everyday life arise. Cars, wearables, health sensors, and home appliances will generate unprecedented amounts of data and bring insights that will revolutionize our daily routines. A potential scenario significantly impacted is Smart Cities (SC), which uses devices spread out on a large scale in an urban environment to extract traffic, weather, and equipment maintenance data to obtain insights acting on city management and disaster prevention. The network infrastructure currently available for these network applications uses proprietary communication technologies and is dependent on mobile phone companies. Their systems are proprietary, centralized, isolated from other databases, and constantly exposed to Single Point of Failure (SPOF). IoT applications are still primarily embryonic and do not provide reliable verification of the data source at the edge, as in the case of IoT devices, often with outdated firmware. Our work investigates the use in SC of a composition of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) and the popular Personal Area Networks (PAN), independence of mobile network providers, and Low Power consumption. For this, we used development kits with LoRa and BLE to verify the feasibility and possible problems in this integration, and we evaluated the scalability of LoRa using a simulator. Security gaps in IoT Apps in Smart Cities mainly come from the difficulty of knowing and trusting edge devices. The problem of standardizing and updating these devices during their lifetime justifies our search for using tools that support transparency, scalability, reliability, resilience, and implicit requirements of decentralized Blockchain networks that support Smart Contracts. For this, we present a network architecture using Fog Computing and Smart Contracts Blockchain, which, through API gateways, authorizes and authenticates edge communication from IoT devices previously known by their metadata and firmware. To provide standard and link data from Blockchain with existing Web datasets, we use and add new components to ontologies that model Ethereum entities. This approach allows us to use the semantic web for data consumption and linking, which exposes data from Ethereum networks in soft-realtime through middleware. This work investigates the potential use of Fog Computing in SC in Low Power networks, strategies to identify and authenticate IoT devices at the edges using Blockchain and Smart Contract, and consumption and data link of Blockchain with the current web using the Semantic web. The set of these resources used in Fog computing allows searching for a composition of independent SC network infrastructures, Low Power, with reliable information coming from the edges and integrable with other pre-existing data sets. As the main results, we show the limits of the LoRa network, using a simulator in single-gateway and multi-gateway scenarios. We present scenarios of mixed use of traditional using Blockchain as authentication and validation background, by API gateway in Fog Computing architecture, and we present the times in transactions per second of this approach considering signatures and validation of payloads using Ethereum Blockchain. We present a middleware to expose Ethereum data in soft-realtime using ontologies that model Ethereum in the literature and extended by our EthExtras ontology, providing classes and properties for links and queries.The main advances of this work are the models using the Fog Computing paradigm for Smart Cities, where we present its use as a mixing point of LoRa and BLE and the Blockchain API Gateway to validate data from IoT devices. In addition to our Middleware for extracting and consuming Ethereum data in soft real-time using our EthExtras and EthOn vocabulary.
... They have reported an average of 97.3% accuracy on the NUS-2 data-set and 85% on their data-set within 1m to 3m distances. IoT based systems and robots are helping mankind in remote monitoring [10], remote sensing [11], disabled patient management [12], virus affected people management [13] and so on in all times [14] in secure way [15]. Embedded systems and IoT are helping hospitals [16], Agricultural Systems [17], energy generation [18], electronic voting [19] and bio-metric [20] security systems. ...
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IoT-based robots can help people to a great extent. This work results in a low-cost posture recognizer robot that can detect posture signs from a disabled or virus-affected person and move accordingly. The robot can take images with the Raspberry Pi camera and process the image to identify the posture with our designed algorithm. In addition, it can also take instructions via Bluetooth from smartphone apps. The robot can move 360 degrees depending on the input posture or Bluetooth. This system can assist disabled people who can move a few organs only. Moreover, this system can assist virus-affected persons as they can instruct the robot without touching it. Finally, the robot can collect data from a distant place and send it to a cloud server without spreading the virus.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has positioned itself globally as a dominant force in the technology sector. IoT, a technology based on interconnected devices, has found applications in various research areas, including healthcare. Embedded devices and wearable technologies powered by IoT have been shown to be effective in patient monitoring and management systems, with a particular focus on pregnant women. This study provides a comprehensive systematic review of the literature on IoT architectures, systems, models and devices used to monitor and manage complications during pregnancy, postpartum and neonatal care. The study identifies emerging research trends and highlights existing research challenges and gaps, offering insights to improve the well-being of pregnant women at a critical moment in their lives. The literature review and discussions presented here serve as valuable resources for stakeholders in this field and pave the way for new and effective paradigms. Additionally, we outline a future research scope discussion for the benefit of researchers and healthcare professionals.
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Almost everywhere, organizations or individuals can adopt technologies that can be supportive to make decisions and get insight from data: artificial intelligence (AI) is an advanced new technology which is used to aid organizations in their business procedures, organizational factors, and human resources management. Employees are the nucleus of the organization. When employees leave an institution of their own volition, the company suffers greatly from various dimensions. Nowadays, we have seen a huge change in companies due to COVID-19; employees are getting fired or resigning voluntarily. It is a big issue to keep the productivity constant of a company or individual as human resources (HR) has to spend a lot of time, from the selection process to the training process. In these circumstances, minimizing the attrition rate is one of the primary concerns of the Human Resource department, which deals with staffing, development, and compensation. From this point of view, more research projects have been done through statistical analysis and applying various types of machine learning (ML) and data mining techniques such as Extreme Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, decision trees, etc. In this paper, a state-of-the-art boosting method, CatBoost, and a feature engineering process have been applied for detecting and analyzing employee attrition. Our detection system shows the utmost performance compared to the other existing systems and sorts out the significant reasons behind the attrition. It reveals the best recall rate of 0.89, with an accuracy of .8945.KeywordsEmployee AttritionMachine LearningCatBoost
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Nowadays, the Internet of things is spread everywhere. We can do a lot of tough work with IoT and robotics which are very difficult for people to do. This work presents a system that is an IoT-based robot, which can collect data from remote abstruse places and that place may be virus affected. The robot can be controlled with and smartphone via Bluetooth communication. The robot is capable of sending the data to a cloud server. From the cloud server, the collected data can be monitored from all over the world. An app is used to control the movement of the robot and another app has been build to monitor the data with smartphones. This works may help the virus-affected people.
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Disabled people and Virus affected patients can be helped through Internet of Things and Robotic systems in this modern era. Recently the whole world is suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic. The virus affected and disabled people are helpless because caregivers, doctors and other people are afraid of the contagious virus. This work will result in an IoT based Robotic agent which will be able to help disabled and virus affected people with low cost systems. The robotic agent will be able to recognize the patient's Gesture and follow instructions through it with 360-degree movement. Without image processing the system is made with MPU 6050 Accelerometer Gyroscope sensor for Gesture Recognition. Radio Frequency communication was used to make the system wireless.
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The modern era is Robotic and IoT era. Robots are reducing human works. Robots are broadly using in Restaurants, Farming, Hospitals and various fields now a days. This work results a low cost IoT Robot that can work like a waiter in a restaurant. The developed robot can follow line and avoid obstacles. The robot can take and serve orders to the customers. It reads RFID from tables to recognize particular orders from customers. The collected data will be saved in a cloud database. Taken orders by robots will automatically go to the chefs. Each order bill will also be generated on the robot. The robot will be able to take the bills also. The full system is made in very low cost than previously made systems. It will not increase unemployment problem too.
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In Bangladesh, paddy can be grown 2-3 times in a year. Paddy fields need to irrigate, once with nature's water and the rest of the times with machine for 1-2 times through water pump. This project name IOT Based Smart Farming monitoring system for paddy field is a smart system that can monitor the condition of a paddy field and automatically controls the water level of the field. The system has several sensors to measure the water level, moisture, temperature and humidity of the field. Then it will show the collected data to an LCD monitor. By the value of the collected data it will turn on or off the relay module to control the water pump. When the field need water then the motor will turn on automatically. If the field is not in need of water then the pump will be turned off. The automation will be done on the basis of the ambient temperature, humidity, water level and moisture level, which data were collected via the sensors.
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The purpose of the present work is to make a Robot that will work like a nurse in a hospital with the facilities of IOT. It can go to a particular patient with wireless controlled systems such as Bluetooth or line following with obstacle avoiding features. Now it has the ability to recognize the particular patient with RFID and able to collect the temperature, pulse rate, ECG sensor data of the patient and saves them in local database with micro SD card. It can also send the result in any mobile phone through SMS via GSM module. The robot is able to get the instructions from the mobile through the Bluetooth module HC-05, control the robot wheels with L298 driver IC, moves it in all direction by your instruction via Bluetooth from android phone, uses optical pulse sensor to read heart rate and ECG, uses LM-35 IC to read temperature, uses Arduino RTC shield to track the time, then via SIM-900 GSM module sends the collected data through SMS, Reads patient RFID tag with MRFC 522 RFID module, Uses SD card module to save data in Micro Sd at last.
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Gesture recognition can be done with many systems like image processing, motion and angle detection. In my system I have designed a low-cost Microcontroller Based Gesture Recognition system without image processing. This can move a robot in 360 degree. This system is cheaper than image processing. I have used MPU 6050 Accelerometer Gyroscope sensor for measuring the gesture of a human hand. Then the collected data will be sent to the robot via Radio Frequency communication and the robot will move forward, backward, left and right direction by following the hand gesture. This system can be helpful for disable persons.
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This project is to make a robot which will be helpful for mankind. This robot will collect data from remote place and able to send those data to a remote IoT cloud database. This robot will be controlled via android mobile phone. We can control the movement of the robot by sending instructions via Bluetooth from our android phone. The robot will receive the instruction via the HC-05 Bluetooth module and process the data with Arduino microcontroller. Then it will move the robot in all direction with the help of motor driver L298N by following the instructions received from android mobile phone. Then the robot will collect data of temperature and humidity from that place with the sensor DHT11 and send those data via Wi-Fi to the cloud database with the help of node MCU ESP8266. Then the data will be shown as well as the remote place can be monitored from anywhere in the globe from the internet server used. The system is made in very low cost.
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Internet of things is a telecommunication market with a variety of significant and affirmative approach of connecting everything into one single dimension. Going through the need to connect these objects to one another RFIDs are being considered for unique identification on a self-proposed gain CoAP is used as a protocol submit a wide range. Here, we are providing the application variance, areas where IoT has gained its importance and self-proposed ideas to implement them in some axis. It also speaks of travelling the importance of IoT in the present scenario and future experiences. IoT forms easy and efficient implementation at the cost of time specific and device compatibility. To apply effective semantic analysed technology on the physical data, the dynamic and resource-constrained nature of the IoT requires a special design to be considered. The basic drawback behind IoT implementation at greater extent is the absence of compatible devices, user privacy and security issues. This paper constitutes all the semantic study of real-world examples of present scenario in IoT and future presences that can be taken into play for a better and digitalised environment.
The integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) with real-time data from the Internet of Things (IoT) devices presents a powerful paradigm for applications to improve construction and operational efficiencies. Connecting real-time data streams from the rapidly expanding set of IoT sensor networks to the high-fidelity BIM models provides numerous applications. However, BIM and IoT integration research are still in nascent stages, there is a need to understand the current situation of BIM and IoT device integration. This paper conducts a comprehensive review with the intent to identify common emerging areas of application and common design patterns in the approach to tackling BIM-IoT device integration along with an examination of current limitations and predictions of future research directions. Altogether, 97 papers from 14 AEC related journals and databases in other industry over the last decade were reviewed. Several prevalent domains of application namely Construction Operation and Monitoring, Health & Safety Management, Construction Logistic & Management, and Facility Management were identified. The authors summarized 5 integration methods with description, examples, and discussion. These integration methods are utilizing BIM tools' APIs and relational database, transform BIM data into a relational database using new data schema, create new query language, using semantic web technologies and hybrid approach. Based on the observed limitations, prominent future research directions are suggested, focusing on service-oriented architecture (SOA) patterns and web services-based strategies for BIM and IoT integration, establishing information integration & management standards, solving interoperability issue, and cloud computing.