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Abstract and Figures

The study examined the adsorption of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] from aqueous solution by acidically prepared rice husk carbon (APRHC). APRHC was characterized in terms of surface area, micropore area, micropore volume, average pore diameter and surface morphology. The effects of pH, contact time, initial Cr(VI) concentration and adsorbent dose on the adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution were investigated. Batch adsorption tests showed that Cr(VI) adsorption depends on initial concentration, contact time and pH. Equilibrium adsorption was achieved in 120 min, while maximum Cr(VI) adsorption occurred at pH 2. An artificial neural network (ANN) was used to model Cr(VI) adsorption. The Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) training algorithm was found to be the best among the 11 backpropagation (BP) algorithms tested, with a lowest mean square error (MSE) of 8.8876 and highest coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.987. Adsorption of Cr(VI) by APRHC followed pseudo-second order kinetics. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations were fitted to the equilibrium adsorption data; the former isotherm yielded a better fit. The thermodynamic results indicate that the process of Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC was endothermic in nature. Desorption of Cr(VI) was very low, i.e. in the range from 0.1 to 9%. Cr(VI) adsorption capacity by APRHC was compared with that of various adsorbents. APRHC showed a high capacity for adsorption of Cr(VI). APRHC can be employed as an effective adsorbent and substitute for commercially available activated carbon for the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions and wastewater systems.
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Cr(VI) adsorption from aqueous solution by an
agricultural waste based carbon
Taimur Khan,
Mohamed Hasnain Isa,*
Muhammad Raza Ul Mustafa,
Ho Yeek-
Lavania Baloo,
Teh Sabariah Binti Abd Manan
and Mohamed Osman Saeed
The study examined the adsorption of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] from aqueous solution by acidically
prepared rice husk carbon (APRHC). APRHC was characterized in terms of surface area, micropore area,
micropore volume, average pore diameter and surface morphology. The eects of pH, contact time,
initial Cr(VI) concentration and adsorbent dose on the adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution were
investigated. Batch adsorption tests showed that Cr(VI) adsorption depends on initial concentration,
contact time and pH. Equilibrium adsorption was achieved in 120 min, while maximum Cr(VI) adsorption
occurred at pH 2. An articial neural network (ANN) was used to model Cr(VI) adsorption. The
LevenbergMarquardt (LM) training algorithm was found to be the best among the 11 backpropagation
(BP) algorithms tested, with a lowest mean square error (MSE) of 8.8876 and highest coecient of
determination (R
) of 0.987. Adsorption of Cr(VI) by APRHC followed pseudo-second order kinetics.
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations were tted to the equilibrium adsorption data; the former
isotherm yielded a better t. The thermodynamic results indicate that the process of Cr(VI) adsorption by
APRHC was endothermic in nature. Desorption of Cr(VI) was very low, i.e. in the range from 0.1 to 9%.
Cr(VI) adsorption capacity by APRHC was compared with that of various adsorbents. APRHC showed
a high capacity for adsorption of Cr(VI). APRHC can be employed as an eective adsorbent and substitute
for commercially available activated carbon for the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions and
wastewater systems.
1. Introduction
The discharge of heavy metals to the aquatic environment
caused by rapid industrialization, urbanization and techno-
logical advancement has gained signicant attention from
many researchers due to their toxicity and carcinogenic eects.
Continuous exposure to chromium beyond permissible limits
causes severe health risks such as digestive tract and lung
cancers, nausea and hemorrhages.
Large amounts of chro-
mium bearing wastewater are generated by a variety of indus-
trial processes such as paint and pigment manufacturing,
stainless steel production, corrosion control, textile dyeing,
leather tanning, chrome electroplating, wood preservation and
A small-sized electroplating industry (i.e. volume
of wastewater < 10 000 gal per day) can produce euents
contaminated with chromate in concentrations ranging from 10
to 500 mg L
The most common forms of chromium are
Cr(0), Cr(III), and Cr(VI). In industrial wastewater, chromium is
primarily present in the form of hexavalent Cr(VI) as chromate
) and dichromate (Cr
). According to the Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry,
Cr(VI) shows higher
mobility than Cr(III) and hence it is considered more toxic to
The US EPA allowable concentrations of Cr(VI)in
drinking water and inland surface water are 0.05 and 0.1 mg
, respectively.
The Malaysian limit for discharge of Cr(VI)
into inland water is 0.05 mg L
It is therefore necessary to
reduce Cr(VI) concentrations in water and wastewater to an
acceptable level, prior to discharge into receiving waters.
Several conventional methods have been applied in the
removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater. These include chemical
precipitation, electrochemical treatment, ion exchange and
evaporative recovery. These methods may be inecient or
expensive when initial heavy metal concentration is in the range
from 10100 mg L
. Another disadvantage associated with
these methods is incomplete removal of Cr(VI). Some of these
methods produce sludge containing high concentrations of
chromium, hence nal disposal is still a problem.
It is
observed that in several states of Malaysia, there are no desig-
nated landll sites for hazardous sludges/chemicals and most
of the landlls are not designed with a proper leachate collec-
tion system. As a result, industries either store the hazardous
sludge on their premises or dispose it in open areas, which may
contaminate soil, surface water, groundwater or other
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia. E-mail:
Sustainable Resource Mission Oriented Research (SUREMOR) Centre, Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Cite this: RSC Adv.,2016,6, 56365
Received 3rd March 2016
Accepted 22nd May 2016
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra05618k
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 RSC Adv.,2016,6, 5636556374 | 56365
RSC Advances
components of the environment. Proper management of
hazardous sludges/chemicals is still inadequate. Hence, there is
a need to develop treatment methods, which are simple,
economical and address local resources and constraints.
Adsorption is one of the most eective methods due to its
simplicity of design, sludge free operation, ease of handling,
ease of regeneration and ability to remove heavy metals at low
concentration levels.
Activated carbon is the most widely used adsorbent due to its
high surface area, microporous structure, high adsorption
capacity and high degree of surface reactivity. However, the high
price of commercially available activated carbon limits its use
on a large scale and has led to cheaper substitutes being
explored. Consequently, a number of low-cost adsorbents have
been prepared for Cr(VI) removal.
Such adsorbents include
palm bers,
coconut coir,
wheat straw and barley straw,
hazelnut shells
and apricot stones.
However, since
the adsorption capacities of these adsorbents are not high or
their preparation is not easy, a new low-cost and eective
adsorbent is still needed.
Rice husk is an abundantly available agricultural waste. It
consists of cellulose (32.23%), hemicelluloses (21.34%), lignin
(21.44%) and mineral ash (15.05%);
with a high percentage of
silica (96.34%) in the mineral ash.
It is expected that rice husk-
based adsorbents would be eective in adsorbing heavy metals
from aqueous solution. However, the rice husk needs to be
modied or treated before being applied in the adsorption of
heavy metals.
Chemical or thermal treatment reduces cellu-
lose, hemicellulose and lignin crystallinity and results in an
increase in surface area for maximum adsorption.
Recently, articial neural networks (ANNs) have drawn the
attention of researchers as an alternative tool to determine
complex relationships between variables. Based on the poten-
tial of ANNs to precisely describe non-linear relationships, the
technique has been applied in many areas of environmental
However, only a limited amount of work is found
to have been devoted to the use of ANNs for the modelling of
heavy metal adsorption from aqueous solution. The present
study includes this aspect of ANN applications. The main
objective of this study was to develop a low-cost carbon adsor-
bent for inexpensive removal of Cr(VI). Acidically prepared rice
husk carbon (APRHC) was developed from a low-cost agricul-
tural waste (i.e. rice husk) by treatment with sulfuric acid
without any activation process. The eciency of the APRHC in
removing Cr(VI) from aqueous solution was tested and the
adsorption mechanism was investigated. The chromium(VI)
adsorption capacity of the APRHC was compared with that of
commercial activated carbon and other low-cost adsorbents.
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Preparation of APRHC
Rice husk was collected from a local rice mill. It was cleaned and
washed several times with tap water followed by distilled water
in order to remove dust and dried in an oven at 105 C for 24 h.
APRHC was prepared following the procedure described by El-
The washed and dried rice husk (20 g) was weighed in
a clean dry 500 mL beaker. 100 mL of 13 M sulfuric acid was
added to the rice husk and the mixture was heated at 175180
C for 20 min with occasional stirring. The resulting mixture
was then cooled and ltered through a B¨
uchner funnel by
vacuum suction. The residue was washed several times with
distilled water, dried in an oven at 120 C to a constant weight
and cooled in a desiccator. The resulting acidically prepared
rice husk carbon was ground to a ner size of 212500 mm and
used in adsorption tests.
2.2 Adsorption experiments
Batch adsorption experiments were conducted by stirring 100
mL of Cr(VI) solutions of desired concentrations with a known
amount of adsorbent (APRHC) in conical asks at room
temperature (22 C), using an orbital shaker at 150 rpm. Aer
pre-decided contact times, the asks were removed from the
orbital shaker and the supernatant was ltered through 0.45 mm
membrane lter paper. The residual concentrations of Cr(VI)in
the supernatant were determined using the Hexavalent Chro-
mium method 8023.
Batch experiments were carried out at
various pHs (26), contact times (5180 min), initial Cr(VI)
concentrations (2080 mg L
) and adsorbent doses (110 g
), followed by the determination of the adsorption capacity
for Cr(VI). The pH of the solutions was adjusted using 0.1 N
NaOH or 0.1 N HCl. The adsorption isotherms, kinetics and
thermodynamics were also studied.
2.3 Desorption test
Desorption was carried out by treating 0.1 g of the Cr(VI)-loaded
APRHC with 50 mL of 1 M H
, NaOH, HCl and KOH. The
mixtures were then shaken on an orbital shaker at 150 rpm for 2
h. Thereaer, the asks were removed from the orbital shaker
and the supernatant was decanted, ltered through 0.45 mm
membrane lter paper and measured for residual Cr(VI)
2.4 Articial neural networks
Articial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a recognized modelling
technique due to their accurate, fast and salient characteristics
in capturing the non-linear relationships existing between
variables (multi-input/output) in complex systems. Many
applications of ANNs are found in various elds of environ-
mental engineering
including some involving the prediction
of adsorption system performance. The inspiration of using
ANNs came from the primary concept of simulating the
processes of the human brain and nervous system.
is a data processing network which consists of several units
known as neurons or nodes. Neurons are arranged in layers and
between the layers; these neurons are interconnected by weights
and biases. The rst layer is called the input layer, while the last
layer is the output layer. Between these two layers is another
layer, which is known as the hidden layer. The number of input
neurons (l) in ANN architecture is equal to the number of input
parameters, whereas the number of output neurons (n) are the
desired output variables from the network. There is no specic
rule to determine the number of neurons (m) in the hidden
56366 |RSC Adv.,2016,6, 5636556374 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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layer. It depends on the complexity of the problem being
studied. Three stages need to be considered during ANN
applications, namely (1) training, (2) validation and (3) testing.
In training and validation stages both the input and target data
are introduced to the model, while only input data is considered
by the model in the testing stage.
The network architecture
used in this study is shown in Fig. 1, which consists of three
layers (input, hidden and output).
In this study, a three-layered backpropagation neural
network with a tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig) at the
hidden layer and a linear transfer function (purelin) at the
output layer was used. The neural network toolbox of MATLAB
R2013a soware was used to develop the ANN model to describe
Cr(VI) adsorption. Forty four experimental sets were used to
develop the ANN model. The data obtained from the batch
experiments were divided into input matrix [p] and target
matrix [t]. The input variables were initial pH, contact time,
initial Cr(VI) concentration and adsorbent dose. The corre-
sponding adsorption capacity was used as the target. The data
sets were divided for training (68%), validation (16%) and
testing (16%). These groups contained 30, 7 and 7 samples,
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Characterization of APRHC
The FTIR spectra of APRHC before and aer the adsorption of
Cr(IV) were used to determine changes in the vibrational
frequency of the functional groups in the adsorbent. The FTIR
spectra of APRHC and Cr(VI) loaded APRHC are shown in
Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively. The FTIR spectra of APRHC show
a number of absorption peaks, indicating the complex nature of
APRHC. The peaks at 3703 and 3780 cm
indicate the presence
of SiOH bonds in APRHC.
These peaks disappear aer
adsorption of Cr(VI), indicating the involvement of these func-
tional groups in the adsorption process (Fig. 2(b)). The two
peaks at 1720 and 1174 cm
in the APRHC spectra are due to
the presence of the C]O bonds of carboxyl ester or amide
The C]O absorption peaks were observed to shito
1618 and 1105 cm
when APRHC was loaded with Cr(VI). This
shows that this functional group participates in metal binding.
The weak bands of C^C and C^N triple bonds or accumu-
lated C]C]Cand N]C]O double bonds at 20002500
also disappear aer the adsorption of Cr(VI), indicating
their involvement in the adsorption mechanism. New peaks at
3411 and 802 cm
were seen in the spectra of APRHC loaded
with Cr(VI), which did not exist before. This is probably due to
OH groups from CrOH that would be formed aer Cr(VI) binds
to the APRHC.
The functional groups whose peaks either
decrease in intensity or disappear aer adsorption reveal that
these functional groups are involved in the adsorption of Cr(VI)
The BET surface area, micropore area, micropore volume
and average pore diameter of APRHC are 58.54 m
, 14.53 m
Fig. 1 Articial neural network architecture.
Fig. 2 FTIR spectra of (a) APRHC and (b) Cr(VI) loaded APRHC.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 RSC Adv.,2016,6, 5636556374 | 56367
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, 0.007209 mL g
, and 45.46 ˚
A, respectively. The surface
morphology of APRHC and Cr(VI) loaded APRHC was investi-
gated using an SEM technique; the respective SEM images are
presented in Fig. 3(a) and (b). It can be noticed that APRHC has
an uneven surface with macro- and micropores which would
inuence Cr(VI) adsorption. In the SEM image of Cr(VI) loaded
APRHC (Fig. 3(b)), it is found that the APRHC surface
morphology changed, and that Cr(VI) is adhered in the form of
crystals on its surface. The SEM images show the adsorption of
Cr(VI) on the macro- and micropores of APRHC. Elemental
analysis of APRHC was obtained via a CHNS analyzer. The
elemental analysis results show that APRHC is composed of
39.23% carbon, 5.87% hydrogen, 1.027% nitrogen and 0.92%
sulphur. Sulphur groups are sobases and have chemical
anity towards metal ions; the presence of sulphur in APRHC
qualies it as an eective adsorbent.
In order to investigate the thermal behavior of APRHC,
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out using a ther-
mogravimetric analyzer. APRHC was heated from 25 C to 600
C in the presence of a nitrogen ow at a rate of 10 C min
Fig. 4 shows the TGA plot for APRHC; the weight loss can be
categorized in three stages. In the rst phase, a weight loss of
about 5% occurred when the temperature ranged from 25 Cto
200 C. This weight loss of APRHC may be attributed due to the
elimination of moisture content. In the second phase, i.e.
between a temperature of 200 C to 350 C, the weight loss was
Fig. 3 Scanning electron micrographs of (a) APRHC and (b) Cr(VI)
loaded APRHC.
Fig. 4 TGA plot of APRHC.
Table 1 Comparison of 11 BP algorithms with the optimum number of neurons in their hidden layer
Backpropagation (BP) algorithm Function
Optimum number of
neurons MSE IN R
Resilient backpropagation (Rprop) Trainrp 12 30.6247 25 0.956
FletcherReeves conjugate gradient
Traincgf 8 21.6459 49 0.971
ere conjugate gradient
Traincgp 12 21.8585 23 0.966
PowellBeale conjugate gradient
Traincgb 12 23.0215 22 0.964
LevenbergMarquardt backpropagation Trainlm 5 8.8876 14 0.987
Scaled conjugate gradient
Trainscg 12 22.5002 25 0.965
BFGS quasi-Newton backpropagation Trainbfg 4 18.4783 410 0.973
One step secant backpropagation Trainoss 10 29.5912 35 0.957
Batch gradient descent Traingd NA NA NA NA
Variable learning rate backpropagation Traingdx 4 19.8886 130 0.971
Batch gradient descent with momentum Traingdm NA NA NA NA
MSE, mean square error; IN, iteration number; R
, correlation coecient; NA, not applicable.
Fig. 5 Eect of pH on the adsorption of Cr(VI) by APRHC.
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14.8% and is due to the pyrolysis of lignin.
In the third stage,
starting from 350 C to 600 C, the weight loss occurred due to
the decomposition of carbonaceous materials.
3.2 Selection of backpropagation (BP) training algorithm
In this study, eleven BP training algorithms were studied to
determine the best training algorithm. For all BP algorithms,
a tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig) at the hidden layer
and a linear transfer function (purelin) at the output layer were
used. The optimization for all BP algorithms was done by
varying the number of neurons in the range from 4 to 30. Table
1 shows the optimum number of neurons based on low mean
square error (MSE), the maximum R-squared values for each BP
algorithm and the performance of the ANN models for the
entire training BP algorithm. It can be seen from Table 1 that
the LevenbergMarquardt backpropagation algorithm (LMA)
has the lowest mean square error (MSE) of 8.8876 and the
highest R
of 0.987 among the eleven BP algorithms tested.
Thus, the LMA was selected as the most suitable training
algorithm for the prediction of Cr(VI) adsorption in this study.
3.3 Eect of pH on Cr(VI) adsorption
Fig. 5 shows the eect of pH on Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC
from a 60 mg L
solution. Maximum adsorption occurred at
pH 2. Similar observations have been reported for adsorption of
Fig. 6 Eect of contact time and initial Cr(VI) concentration on the adsorption of Cr(VI) by APRHC and comparison between experimental and
predicted data.
Fig. 7 Eect of APRHC dose on the adsorption of Cr(VI) by APRHC and
comparison between experimental and predicted data.
Fig. 8 Pseudo-rst order kinetic plot of Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC.
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Cr(VI) by activated carbons prepared from coconut coir,
tyres, tea waste and coconut husk,
treated oil palm bers,
and hazelnut shells.
In the present study, the dichromate anion (Cr
potassium dichromate was the source of Cr(VI) in aqueous
solution. In an aqueous solution, chromate (CrO
) and
dichromate (Cr
) exist in chemical equilibrium as follows:
O. The position of the equilib-
rium depends on both pH and analytical concentration of
chromium. The dichromate anion is the predominant ion in
acidic solution and the chromate ion is the predominant ion in
alkaline solution. The chromate ion is a weak base; HCrO
has a pK
¼ca. 5.9, but the hydrogenchromate ion
Fig. 9 Pseudo-second order kinetic plot of Cr(VI) adsorption by
Table 2 Pseudo-rst order and pseudo-second order reaction rate
constants for Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC
Cr(VI) concentration
order Pseudo-second order
(g mg
60 mg L
0.01 0.93 0.0028 0.95
80 mg L
0.02 0.89 0.0023 0.97
100 mg L
0.02 0.99 0.0037 0.99
120 mg L
0.01 0.97 0.0044 0.99
Fig. 10 Langmuir isotherm for Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC.
Fig. 11 Freundlich isotherm for Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC.
Table 3 Values of Langmuir and Freundlich constants
Langmuir constants Freundlich constants
(mg g
)b(L g
(mg g
47.62 0.018 4.23 0.42
Fig. 12 Plot of ln K
vs. 1/Tfor the estimation of thermodynamic
parameters for adsorption of Cr(VI) by APRHC.
Table 4 Thermodynamic parameters calculated for adsorption of
(C) K
(kJ mol
(J mol
25 0.42 0.64 33.56 115.23
35 2.30 2.31
45 3.35 3.20
60 5.49 4.72
56370 |RSC Adv.,2016,6, 5636556374 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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) is also in equilibrium with the dichromate ion;
O. The maximum adsorption of Cr(VI)
by APRHC at low pH, i.e. 2, may be attributed to the presence of
a large amount of hydrogen ions (H
) at such a pH level, which
neutralize the negatively charged adsorbent surface and thus
reduce hindrance to the diusion of HCrO
anions. On the
other hand, at higher pH values up to pH 5.9, the abundance of
hydroxyl ions (OH
) increased hindrance to the diusion of
anions and at pH 5.96.0 to the diusion of CrO
anions, thereby reducing the adsorption capacity.
As a conse-
quence, pH 2 was selected as the optimum pH for adsorption of
Cr(VI) by APRHC and all the subsequent adsorption tests were
conducted at pH 2. A comparison of the ANN model predictions
and the experimental data as a function of pH is depicted in
Fig. 5. The predicted values generated by the ANN model are in
good agreement with the experimental data.
3.4 Eect of contact time and initial Cr(VI) concentration
The adsorbate and adsorbent should be in contact for an
adequate length of time in order to allow adsorption to reach
equilibrium. For this purpose, the initial contact time was xed
in the range of 5180 min for four dierent Cr(VI) concentra-
tions of 60, 80, 100 and 120 mg L
, an APRHC dose of 2 g L
and pH ¼2. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that adsorption of Cr(VI)
depends on initial concentration and contact time. The
percentage adsorption of Cr(VI) increased with an increase in
contact time and decreased as the initial concentration
increases. Equilibrium adsorption was achieved in 120 min
with a percentage removal of 62.7, 56.3, 46.7 and 43.2% for 60,
80, 100 and 120 mg L
Cr(VI) concentrations, respectively. All
subsequent adsorption tests were conducted using a contact
time of 120 min. In terms of the relationship between the
experimental results and predicted values of Cr(VI) adsorption
by the model, Fig. 6 shows that the predicted values are very
close to the experimental results.
3.5 Eect of APRHC dose
In order to assess the eect of APRHC dose on Cr(VI) adsorption,
a test was conducted under the optimum conditions (contact
time 120 min and pH 2). The eects of APRHC dose (110 g L
on the percentage adsorption of Cr(VI) and uptake of Cr(VI) per
unit weight of adsorbent are shown in Fig. 7. The adsorption
was found to increase with APRHC dose and the maximum
adsorption of 99.9% for a 80 mg L
Cr(VI) concentration
occurred at 8 g L
. As the adsorbent dose was increased, more
area became available for Cr(VI) adsorption, while the amount of
Cr(VI) adsorbed (mg g
adsorbent) by APRHC decreased with
an increasing amount of adsorbent (g L
). Similar results have
been reported by Isa et al.
for the adsorption of Cr(VI)by
treated oil palm bers, which suggested that the relationship
between the amounts of adsorbent and Cr(VI) adsorbed was
close to a hyperbolic curve. Therefore, an optimum adsorbent
dosage, which limits the amount of Cr adsorbed, is a signicant
parameter to be considered in batch adsorption. Fig. 7 shows
that the predicted values are in good agreement with the
experimental results. Thus, an ANN model can predict the
adsorption of Cr(VI) signicantly.
3.6 Adsorption kinetics study
Two kinetic models viz., pseudo-rst order and pseudo-second
order were applied to t the experimental data.
The linear form of the pseudo-rst order model may be
written as in eqn (1),
logðqeqtÞ¼log qek1t
2:303 (1)
and the linear form of the pseudo-second order model as in eqn
where, q
and q
are the amounts of Cr(VI) adsorbed (mg g
equilibrium and at any time t, respectively, k
is the reaction
rate constant for pseudo-rst order kinetics (min
) and k
the reaction rate constant for pseudo-second order kinetics [g
(mg min)
The plots of pseudo-rst order and pseudo-second order
kinetics for the adsorption of Cr(VI) are shown in Fig. 8 and 9,
Table 5 Comparison of the Cr(VI) adsorption capacities of various adsorbents
Adsorption capacity
(mg g
) pH Reference
Coconut coir activated carbon 38.5 1.5216
Commercial activated carbon (F-400) 27.8 1.5216
Treated oil palm bers 22.73 1.5215
Boiled rice husk 8.5 2 43
Boiled saw dust 10.34 2 43
Palm pressed bers 14.0 1.5344
Hazelnut shells 17.7 2.0 37
Palm shells 12.6 3.04.0 5
Sugar beet pulp 17.2 2.0 45
Maize cob 13.8 1.5 45
Sugarcane bagasse 13.4 2.0 45
Lignocellulosic substrate 35.0 2.1 46
Acidically prepared rice husk carbon (APRHC) 47.61 2 This study
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respectively. The reaction rate constants for both models,
calculated from eqn (1) and (2), are shown in Table 2. The R
values as well as Fig. 8 and 9 indicate that the adsorption of
Cr(VI) by APRHC follows a pseudo-second order kinetic model,
strongly suggesting chemisorption or chemical adsorption.
3.7 Adsorption isotherms
In a solidliquid system during adsorption, the distribution
ratio of the solute between the solid and the liquid phases is
a measure of the position of equilibrium. The preferential form
of representing this distribution is to express the quantity q
a function of C
at a xed temperature; the quantity q
being the
amount of solute adsorbed per unit weight of the solid adsor-
bent, and C
the concentration of solute remaining in the
solution at equilibrium. An expression of this type is known as
an adsorption isotherm.
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm is
represented as in eqn (3),
where, Qis the amount of solute adsorbed per unit weight of
adsorbent in forming a monolayer on the surface (monolayer
adsorption capacity) and bis a constant related to the energy of
The Freundlich adsorption isotherm is represented as in eqn
where, K
is the Freundlich constant (adsorption capacity) and
1/nrepresents the adsorption intensity or surface heterogeneity.
Isotherms for Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC were developed by
varying the initial Cr(VI) concentration, while other parameters
were kept constant.
Linear forms of the Langmuir isotherm (C
Q) (Fig. 10) and the Freundlich isotherm (log q
¼log K
+ (1/n)
log C
) (Fig. 11) were tted to the batch adsorption data. The
values of Langmuir constants Qand b, and Freundlich
constants K
and 1/nfor Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC are shown
in Table 3. Both the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms tted
well to the experimental data, with the former isotherm yielding
a better t as indicated by the high R
value. The applicability of
this isotherm suggests a monolayer coverage of Cr(VI) on APRHC
surface. The characteristics of the Langmuir isotherm can be
dened by a dimensionless constant, the equilibrium param-
eter R
which is expressed as:
where bis the Langmuir constant and C
is the initial Cr(VI)
concentration. The values of R
indicate whether the isotherm is
unfavorable (R
> 1), linear (R
¼1), favorable (0 < R
irreversible (R
From the bvalues (Table 3) and the range
of Cr(VI) concentrations (60200 mg L
) tested, it follows that
lies between 0 and 1 and thus, adsorption is favorable.
3.8 Thermodynamic studies
In order to conclude whether adsorption is spontaneous or not,
knowledge of thermodynamic considerations of the adsorption
process is required. The values of thermodynamic parameters
are actual indicators for the practical application of the
adsorption process.
To calculate the thermodynamic param-
eters, the amount of Cr(VI) adsorbed by APRHC at the equilib-
rium time at four dierent temperatures (25, 35, 45 and 60 C)
was investigated. Various thermodynamic parameters such as
change in free energy (DG), enthalpy (DH) and entropy (DS)
were determined using the following equations:
DG¼RT ln K
ln KC¼DS
RT (8)
where K
is the equilibrium constant, C
is the amount of Cr(VI)
adsorbed by APRHC at equilibrium (mg L
), C
is the equi-
librium concentration of Cr(VI) in the solution (mg L
), Ris the
universal gas constant and is equal to 8.314 J mol
and Tis
the operating temperature (K). The values of DHand DSwere
determined from the slope and the intercept of the plot of
log K
versus 1/T(Fig. 12). DGvalues were calculated from the
experimental values using eqn (7). The values of all thermody-
namic parameters are shown in Table 4.
The values of Gibbs free energy change are negative, indi-
cating that the adsorption of Cr(VI) on APRHC is spontaneous
and a feasible process. The positive value of DH(33.56 kJ
) indicates that the adsorption is endothermic. The
positive value of DS(115.23 J mol
) indicates the anity of
APRHC for Cr(VI) adsorption and an increase in randomness of
solidliquid interactions, most probably due to the release of
water molecules from the APRHC surface.
3.9 Desorption of Cr(VI)
In wastewater treatment, regeneration and recovery of adsor-
bents are important characteristics that need to be considered.
For this purpose, attempts were made to desorb Cr(VI) with
various desorbing agents. Cr(VI)-loaded APRHC was treated with
1 M HCl, H
, KOH and NaOH. The amount of Cr(VI) des-
orbed was 0.23, 0.1, 4 and 9% by HCl, H
, KOH and NaOH,
respectively. It was found that the desorption of Cr(VI) was very
low, i.e., 0.1 to 9%. Isa et al.
also reported only 9% Cr(VI)
desorption from treated oil palm bres using 1 N NaOH solu-
tion. Based on these results, it can be assumed that the reason
behind low desorption is the strong bonds between Cr(VI)
particles and the carbon surface; chemical (chemisorption).
3.10 Cr(VI) adsorption capacity of dierent adsorbents
The Cr(VI) adsorption capacity of APRHC was compared with
that of various adsorbents and commercial activated carbons
(Table 5). APRHC shows good capacity for Cr(VI) adsorption
compared with other adsorbents. Therefore, APRHC is
56372 |RSC Adv.,2016,6, 5636556374 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
RSC Advances Paper
a suitable substitute for commercially available activated
carbon for removal of Cr(VI) from water and wastewater.
4. Conclusions
Acidically prepared rice husk carbon (APRHC) was found to be
eective in the adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution and
maximum adsorption occurred at 120 min and pH 2. Complete
removal of 80 mg L
Cr(VI) was achieved at 8 g L
dose. A pseudo-second order kinetic model shows a better tto
the experimental data, indicating chemisorption. Langmuir
constants Qand bwere 47.62 and 0.018, and Freundlich
constants K
and 1/nwere 4.23 and 0.42, respectively. The
Langmuir isotherm model tted better to the experimental data
than the Freundlich isotherm model with a high R
value. A
thermodynamic study revealed that the adsorption process was
endothermic in nature. APRHC showed a high capacity for the
adsorption of Cr(VI) compared to commercial activated carbon
and various adsorbents reported in the literature. However,
once adsorbed, it is dicult to desorb Cr(VI) ions from the
adsorbent. This suggests the suitability of APRHC as a single
use adsorbent. APRHC can be employed as an eective adsor-
bent and substitute for commercial activated carbon for the
removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution and wastewater systems
in developing countries as a low-cost treatment material.
A three layer backpropagation neural network with a tangent
sigmoid transfer function (tansig) at the hidden layer and
a linear transfer function (purelin) at the output layer was used
to predict Cr(VI) adsorption by APRHC. The LevenbergMar-
quardt backpropagation algorithm (LMA) produced the lowest
mean square error (MSE) of 8.8876 and highest R
of 0.987
among the other 11 BP algorithms tested. The ANN results show
that neural network modelling could eectively simulate and
predict the adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution.
The authors are thankful to the management authorities of the
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia and the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UTP for
providing facilities and technical support for this research.
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... The same applies to experiments on isotherms, kinetic models, and breakthrough adsorption curves using AC and nanoparticles. Table 1 summarizes the literatures on adsorption experiments for leachate (industrial, sanitary, and landfill) and aqueous solution treatments from Turkey [29], Greece [28], Brazil [61], China [39,47], and Malaysia [25,31,43] in comparison with current research. Agricultural waste AC as adsorbent were processed from Malpighia emarginata D.C. seed fiber microparticles [61], banana pseudo-stem [31,39], rice husk [43,47], and banana frond [25]. ...
... Table 1 summarizes the literatures on adsorption experiments for leachate (industrial, sanitary, and landfill) and aqueous solution treatments from Turkey [29], Greece [28], Brazil [61], China [39,47], and Malaysia [25,31,43] in comparison with current research. Agricultural waste AC as adsorbent were processed from Malpighia emarginata D.C. seed fiber microparticles [61], banana pseudo-stem [31,39], rice husk [43,47], and banana frond [25]. Meanwhile, others used geo-earth materials such as red mud [29] and palygorskite [28]. ...
... Although kinetics and isotherms studies on AC from banana pseudo-stem has been reported from China, the test was conducted in aqueous solution reflecting textile wastewater (methylene blue). Prediction models such as response surface methodology (RSM), and artificial neural network (ANN) have been reported by Geyikçi et al. [29] (red mud: RSM and ANN), Khan et al. [43] (rice husk: ANN), and Ghani et al. [31] (banana pseudo-stem: RSM). The application on banana pseudo-stem from Malaysia has only focused on process optimization model, RSM for the leachate treatment. ...
This study investigated the efficiency of activated carbons (ACs) produced from banana pseudo-stem, iron oxide nanocomposite (IOAC), and iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) for chemical oxygen demand (COD, mg/L), dissolved organic carbon (DOC, mg/g), and color (mg/g) removal from landfill leachate. A continuous-flow bed column study was conducted to ascertain behavioral pattern of the adsorbents during adsorption experiments (variables: bed column height, flow rate, and influent concentration). Kinetics (pseudo-first (PFO) and pseudo-second (PSO) orders) and isotherms (Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin) models were used to describe adsorption trends of pollutants. An artificial neural network (ANN) was used to model the adsorption process. Risk assessment analysis on the treated effluent was determined based on risk quotients (RQ) from COD standards for sewage and effluents. The bed column study showed that percentage removal of COD, DOC, and color increased with increasing the bed height while empty bed contact time (EBCT) increased from 1.6 to 4.7 min as the column bed height increased from 7.5 to 12.5 cm respectively. The adsorption kinetics for all treatments were well-fitted with the PSO kinetic model suggesting that the removal rate of COD, DOC, and color is dependent on the availability of the sorption sites. The adsorption process was observed to have good linearity in the three isotherm models with an overall R2> 0.90. The values from for each dataset of AC, IOAC, and IONPs fit the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) training algorithm with best validation performance, lowest mean square error (MSE) of 0.19789 at epoch 8 and highest coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.99215. The IONPs treatment showed the lowest RQ (0.5732 to 0.4723) from all dosages of adsorbents indicating medium risk to aquatic organisms.
... The WB powder was then soaked in H 2 SO 4 (mass ratio of 1 : 1) for 24 h at room temperature with intermittent stirring to ensure complete carbonization. [68] The obtained carbon was repetitively washed with DI to eliminate excess acid and vacuum dried at 373 K obtained material termed raw carbon (WB-RC). Finally, the fine powder of WB-RC was activated under N 2 flow at 773 K for 2 h with a heating rate of 20 K per minute in a tube furnace. ...
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This work reports an efficient method for facile synthesis of hierarchically porous carbon (WB‐AC) utilizing wheat bran waste. Obtained carbon showed 2.47 mmol g⁻¹ CO2 capture capacity with good CO2/N2 selectivity and 27.35 to 29.90 kJ mol⁻¹ isosteric heat of adsorption. Rapid removal of MO dye was observed with a capacity of ~555 mg g⁻¹. Moreover, WB‐AC demonstrated a good OER activity with 0.35 V low overpotential at 5 mA cm⁻² and a Tafel slope of 115 mV dec⁻¹. It also exhibited high electrocatalytic HER activity with 57 mV overpotential at 10 mA cm⁻² and a Tafel slope of 82.6 mV dec⁻¹. The large SSA (757 m² g⁻¹) and total pore volume (0.3696 cm³ g⁻¹) result from N2 activation contributing to selective CO2 uptake, high and rapid dye removal capacity and superior electrochemical activity (OER/HER), suggesting the use of WB‐AC as cost effective adsorbent and metal free electrocatalyst.
... The vibrations of C=O and C=C present in the aromatic ring are identifiable at wave numbers 1638 to 1680 cm À 1 and indicate the presence of hard carbon components. Aromatic COÀ and phenolic À OH bonds were also observed in the waste tea adsorbent at 1156 cm À 1 , [18][19][20] Polysaccharides can be identified at bending wave numbers of 1167 cm À 1 for CÀ H, 1054 cm À 1 for CÀ OÀ C, and 722 cm À 1 for CÀ OH. [21,22] Symmetric bending of CH 3 was also observed in waste tea adsorbent at 1516 cm À 1 . [8] Interestingly, a significant change in various characteristic peaks, including À OH, C=O and À NHÀ of waste tea, was observed after the adsorption process, indicating that these groups are involved in electrostatic interaction with the metal ions. ...
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This study examined the potential of waste tea as an adsorbent for the removal of Pb²⁺, Cu2+, and Zn²⁺ ions from contaminated water. The study analyzed the effect of various factors, including adsorbent dose (1–6 g), NaOH concentration (0.5–1.5 %), pH (3–8), shaking time (1–4 h), shaking speed (220 rpm and 320 rpm), temperature (25–50 °C), and particle size (300–710 μm), on the adsorption of ions on waste tea. The experiment‘s findings revealed that the removal of Pb⁺² with a waste tea‐derived adsorbent was more significant than that of Cu2+, and Zn²⁺. Instrumental techniques such as FTIR, SEM, XRD, TGA, and ICPMS were used to characterize the adsorbent. Additionally, Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherm models were employed to explain the equilibrium isotherm data of Pb²⁺, Cu²⁺, and Zn²⁺ ions. Furthermore, the adsorption kinetics data for these heavy metal ions were found to fit a pseudo‐second‐order model. The study found waste tea to be a low‐cost, eco‐friendly, and easily obtainable natural adsorbent for eliminating heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. Additionally, the study showed that waste tea was effective in removing 98.43 % of Pb²⁺, 73.22 % of Cu²⁺, and 88.37 % of Zn²⁺ ions from aqueous solutions.
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Adsorption of hexavalent chromium (CrVI) by chemically carbonized Hevea brasiliensis sawdust (CCHB) was investigated using a batch adsorption system. Cr(VI) adsorption in a batch adsorption process is highly influenced by operating parameters such as concentration, pH, time, and adsorbent dose. The maximum adsorption capacity of 37.33 mg/g was found at a pH of 2.2. When the experimental data were analyzed using the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin adsorption isotherms, the Langmuir and Temkin models proved to be the best fit, with a correlation coefficient of 0.994 for the current adsorption system. This study presents an experimental modeling approach for the adsorption process based on ANN. First, concentration, contact time, adsorbent dose, and pH were selected as the main factors for bulk investigation, and consequently, adsorption capacity and percent removal were taken into account. An ANN model was trained and validated using data from adsorption experiments. A significant correlation (R² = 0.9968) was found when comparing model data and experimental data; this shows that the ANN model can accurately describe the adsorption process. The kinetics of the adsorption study can be well described by the pseudo-first-order model and pseudo-second-order model. According to thermodynamic analysis, the process is spontaneous, viable, and endothermic. Characterizations of CCHB sawdust were carried out using FTIR, BET surface area analyzer, SEM, XRD, and EDX before and after the adsorption of Cr(VI) ion. The study’s contribution is the use of CCHB to adsorb Cr(VI), which illustrates a creative strategy to raise adsorption efficiency. The understanding of biomass-based adsorbents for Cr(VI) removal is advanced by this integrated approach. Graphical abstract
Soil-water cocontamination with heavy metals and nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) raises widespread concerns. Coexisting NAPL pollutants like toluene can antagonize the chemical processes employed for removing target heavy metals. This study investigates the impact of toluene on Cr(VI) adsorption by pumice-supported nano zerovalent iron (P-nZVI). The experiment was performed by passing a 10 mg/L Cr(VI) aqueous solution through a fixed-bed column in two batches, one without and the other with toluene. Results showed that toluene's copresence caused a 71.3% drop (3.14 to 0.9 mg/g) in P-nZVI adsorption capacity for Cr(VI). In toluene's absence, a Cr(VI) concentration in the effluent appeared after 60 h, while in its copresence, a Cr(VI) concentration appeared within 10 h. The average Cr(VI) concentration of the effluent increased from 5.05 mg/L in the first batch to 8.64 mg/L in the second batch. Breakthrough curve mod-eling demonstrated that the Thomas model best described the adsorption kinetics for the first case (R 2 = 0.999), followed by the Yoon and Nelson and the Clark models with R 2 = 0.996 and 0.994, respectively. Under toluene cocontamination, both the Thomas and the Yoon and Nelson models showed the best fit (R 2 = 0.996). The inverse numerical analysis determined adsorption isotherm parameters (K s , β, η) and confirmed that the reaction followed Langmuir behavior (β ≃ 1) with slight linearity under individual Cr(VI) presence. The results from this adsorption study, supported by adsorbent characterization before and after the reaction, demonstrated the unfavorable effects of coexisting contaminants on the removal of contaminants of concern.
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The objectives of this study were to determine the selected physicochemical properties of two biochars, one commercially produced from rice husks and the other from oil palm empty fruit bunches, and to evaluate their adsorption capacities for Zn, Cu, and Pb using a batch equilibrium method. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the carbon content of biochars formed from empty fruit bunches (EFBB) and rice husks (RHB). However, the EFBB did present higher quantities of O, H, S, N, and K, compared to the RHB. Although the EFBB had a much lower surface area than the RHB, the former adsorbed much more Zn, Cu, and Pb than the RHB. The higher adsorption capacity of the EFBB over the RHB was a result of the EFBB having higher amounts of oxygen-containing functional groups, a higher molar ratio of O/C, and a higher polarity index [(O + N)/C]. This suggests that the biochar’s chemical properties were more important than its surface area in the adsorption of Zn, Cu, and Pb.
Four organic wastes were tested as potential adsorbents for hexavalent chromium. The results showed that this type of material could certainly be considered for this purpose with the best results being achieved at pH values of 1·5–3·0. The results showed that cellulosic materials which had been subjected to some degree of anaerobic biodegradation were better adsorbents than fresh cellulosic material.
Adsorption of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions on tea wastes and coconut husk has been studied. The effect of experimental parameters like contact time, adsorbent dosage, initial metal ions concentration and pH has been investigated. The percentage removal of chromium ions increases with the increase in contact time and dosage of adsorbent. Adsorption of Cr (VI) shows maximum adsorption capacity of 34.25 mg/g and 21.59 mg/g with tea waste and coconut husk respectively at pH 2. The removal of Cr (VI) increases with the increase in adsorbent dosage, the optimum dosage being 8 mg/L. The percentage removal of Cr in tea waste and coconut husk is found to be 86% and 82% respectively. Adsorption data have been modelled with the Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms and various first order kinetic equations. These isotherms are found to be applicable. The various kinetic models used are Natarajan-Khalaf equation, Lagergren equation, Bhattacharya and Venkobachar equation, and the Intra-particle diffusion model. An excellent fit is obtained by the Lagergren equation. Thus, adsorbents prepared from tea waste and coconut husk could be used for the removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions.
Activated carbon was prepared from coconut coir and its ability to adsorb Reactive Yellow 15 (RY15) dye examined. Batch adsorption tests showed that the extent of dye adsorption depended on the initial dye concentration, the contact time and the pH value of the solution. Equilibrium adsorption was attained within 240 min, with maximum adsorption occurring at a pH value of 2. The adsorption capacity of the activated carbon towards the dye was evaluated and compared with that of a commercial activated carbon. Equilibrium adsorption data for the coconut coir activated carbon (CCAC) and the commercial activated carbon (CAC) were well described by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, and indicated the higher adsorption capacity of CCAC. The adsorption of RY15 by CCAC and CAC followed pseudo-secondorder kinetics. The results indicate that activated carbon prepared from coconut coir is more effective than CAC for the adsorption of RY15. Hence, CCAC would be a suitable substitute for CAC in the removal of Reactive dyes from aqueous solution.
In this study, the adsorption of lead(II) ion from an aqueous solution, using poly(thioureaimine) (PTUI) functionalized chelating resin and its optimization, were investigated. Solution pH (6.5), initial lead(II) ion concentration (300 mg/L) and temperature (38 °C) were found to be optimum for lead(II) ion adsorption by RSM. An ideal experimental design was carried out, based on the Box–Behnken design using response surface methodology (RSM). Based on the ANOVA statistical value, the adsorption of lead(II) ion onto PTUI has been found to be highly significant, with very low probability (p) values (<0.001). The kinetic experimental data were examined, using the pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, Elovich and intraparticle diffusion models. The adsorption kinetic results show that the experimental data fits well with Ho's pseudo-second order kinetic model. The thermodynamic studies indicate that the adsorption process is endothermic in nature. Isosteric studies show that PTUI has a heterogeneous surface.
Activated carbon was prepared from an agricultural waste, coconut coir, and its characteristics were compared with that of a commercial bituminous coal-based activated carbon. The activated carbon possessed higher surface area, micropore area, micropore volume and average pore diameter, and well-developed meso- and micropores. Batch test on adsorption of chromium(VI) by the coconut coir activated carbon showed that the extent of chromium(VI) adsorption was dependent on chromium(VI) concentration, contact time, pH and activated carbon dose. Maximum adsorption occurred at pH 1.0–2.0 and equilibrium adsorption was attained in 2.5 h. Chromium(VI) adsorption followed pseudo second-order kinetics. Equilibrium chromium(VI) adsorption data for the coconut coir activated carbon and the commercial activated carbon were described by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and indicated higher chromium(VI) adsorption capacity of the coconut coir activated carbon. Chromium(VI) adsorption capacity of the coconut coir activated carbon was compared with that of activated carbon prepared from different waste material and bituminous coal. The coconut coir activated carbon showed high limiting capacity for adsorption of chromium(VI). Coconut coir activated carbon is a suitable substitute for commercial activated carbon in the adsorptive removal of chromium(VI) from water.
Estimation of suspended sediment discharge in rivers has a vital role in dealing with water resources problems and hydraulic structures. In this study, a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) feed forward neural network with four different training algorithms was used to predict the suspended sediment discharge of a river (Pari River at Silibin) in Peninsular Malaysia. The training algorithms are Gradient Descent (GD), Gradient Descent with Momentum (GDM), Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG), and Levenberg Marquardt (LM). Different statistical measures, time of convergence and number of epochs to reach the required accuracy were used to evaluate the performance of training algorithms. The analysis showed that SCG and LM performed better than GD and GDM. While the performance of the superior algorithms (i.e., SCG and LM) is similar, LM required considerably shorter time of convergence. It was concluded that both training algorithms SCG and LM could be recommended for suspended sediment prediction using MLP networks. However, LM was the faster (1/7 of SCG convergence time) of the two algorithms.
Low-cost activated carbon with high surface area was prepared from lignin of papermaking black liquor (BL) by KOH activation with pre-carbonization method. The effects of lignin/KOH ratio, activation temperature and activation time on the BET surface area were investigated. In addition, the adsorption capacity of Ni(II) on BLAC was also studied. Through BET surface area, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and thermo gravimetric analysis, the BL-activated carbon (BLAC) was discovered to have porous structure with a high surface area up to 2943 m2/g. The results showed that the lignin/KOH ratio was the main factor influencing the surface area and the maximum surface area activated carbon was obtained at lignin/KOH ratio of 3:1, the activation temperature of 750 °C and the activation time of 1 h. The sorption experiments indicated that the pseudo-second-order model was well fitted the kinetic data and the adsorption equilibrium data were better simulated by Langmuir model. The adsorption ability of Ni(II) increased with increasing pH, indicating the electrostatic attraction mechanism.
Four organic wastes were tested as potential adsorbents for hexavalent chromium. The results showed that this type of material could certainly be considered for this purpose with the best results being achieved at pH values of 1·5–3·0. The results showed that cellulosic materials which had been subjected to some degree of anaerobic biodegradation were better adsorbents than fresh cellulosic material.