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Abstract and Figures

For the past few years, technology has been steadily rising and leading to rapid change in the development process. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) approaches have been moving toward new development trends with a huge elevation of comprehension. Service providers are always seeking customer satisfaction and due to multiple essentials, clients prefer to migrate from one application to another. Newer software applications are being launched, but they are constricted within a defined scope and cannot perform functions of interoperable components. Therefore,the aim of this study is to facilitate clients with multiple services over a single platform and gain knowledge about cloud computing, service computing techniques to enable flexibility and interoperability between applications. This work proposes an STA-Vision19 cloud platform and Service Integration Bridge (SIB) as solutions. To validate methods, a basic prototype for the proposed framework STA-Vision19 and two applications E-Learning and Blogging System were implemented. In results, software evaluation parameters, and testing results are discussed, which indicates that the proposed system can collaborate two or more applications and it is beneficial to use as compared to an isolated system.
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Volume 14, No. 3, May-June 2023
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 5
ISSN No. 0976-5697
Syed Taimoor Ali
School of Computer Science and Engineering Central South University,
Changsha 410083, China
Abstract For the past few years, technology has been steadily rising and leading to rapid change in the development process.
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) approaches have been moving toward new development trends with a huge
elevation of comprehension. Service providers are always seeking customer satisfaction and due to multiple essentials, clients
prefer to migrate from one application to another. Newer software applications are being launched, but they are constricted within
a defined scope and cannot perform functions of interoperable components. Therefore,the aim of this study is to facilitate clients
with multiple services over a single platform and gain knowledge about cloud computing, service computing techniques to enable
flexibility and interoperability between applications. This work proposes an STA-Vision19 cloud platform and Service Integration
Bridge (SIB) as solutions. To validate methods,abasic prototype for the proposedframework STA-Vision19 andtwo applications
E-Learning and Blogging System were implemented. In results, software evaluation parameters, and testing results are discussed,
which indicates that the proposed system can collaborate two or more applications and it is beneficial to use as compared to an
isolated system.
Key Words: Service Orient Architecture; Cloud Computing; Service Computing; Integration; Web Service; Resource Sharing;
Information Technology (IT) is a wider field that
evolves with the advancement of knowledge. Over the years
methods of developing applications have been evolved by
adopting new Information & Communication Technology
(ICT) techniques. Technology like cloud computing brought
a massive change in the development process by increasing
data storage and computing power.
Usually, two approaches, centralized and
decentralized are considered to manage systems and their
functionalities. Term centralized considers the whole system
concerned with a central authority, while the term
decentralized is not concerned with the central authority, it
relies on all defined levels of an organization from the
middle to low [1].
In the life of software systems data is to be stored
on database servers, and most of the large-scale software
systems use the CDB approach (Centralized Database), the
database that is located, stored and maintained on a single
location [2].
In the current climate, organizations are standalone
and have defined domain boundaries. They are made to
perform specific functionalities, like “YouTube for video
streaming, “Facebook”,” WeChat” social networks for
communication purposes, and a lot of other systems with
their own aspects.
An application is considered as a service and the
service providers are always looking forward to
accomplishing the goal that satisfies the end-users. The
users over the web have multiple requirements, and they
access several applications to come into their needs. Clients
from one system cannotavail of services from another unless
collaboration is made.
When it is about integration then cloud computing
is the best solution. It is an environment that works with a
remote server to maintain applications and data. In cloud
computing, everything offered to the client is treated as
service and it is considered as a utility computing model
where services with a wide range can be offered to users on
Cloud technology is an evolution of virtualization
utility computing. It is a web space where computing
terminologies are pre-installed and provided to the clients as
a service which includes networks, servers, data, operating
systems, applications, storage, services, and processing
power. It can improve the availability of IT resources with
huge advantages where clients can use infrastructure with
pay per use on-demand and it saves the cost to buy required
physical resources.
The responsibilities of service providers increase
and become challenging when huge traffic of end-users
comes over a network. Like responding to client requests
within time, retrieval of accurate information, satisfying
customers withthe availability of services, system downtime
and so on. For that reason, numerous experiments and
researches are being conducted in laboratories to evolve and
make the efficient computational process, management of
software architectures and networks.
As time passes, things are moving towards modern
technology. The evolution of software architecture,
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 6
mechanism and maintenance have become a challenge for
service providers. The application developed with traditional
methods cannot compromise with the protocols of modern
frameworks while making collaboration.
Previously applications were monolithic in nature
and now techniques like web service and microservices are
being used, which made the computational process more
powerful, flexible and efficient than traditional.
Web service is a technology that works as a
communication means to integrate multiple applications.
Basically, web services are programed
methodologies implemented by programmers available at
the service provider hub. Most of the available paid services
are provided by AWS and Google. But programmers are
focused touseopen source web services, or they are
concerned to design own methodologies.
The trend of using web services is expanding,
because it reduces the cost of expenditures and makes
business efficient. That is the reason, big companies like
Google & Amazon are always using their own services and
not relying on others.
What else can be better if you get all in one
place?It is integral to develop such kind of a network-based
system, where all fully functional applications and their
services can be placed. This study proposes a Cloud-based
Content Management System (CMS) to integrate distinct
applications and services, thereby clients can be served with
available services from distributed servers over a network.
2. Research Challenges
Non-collaborative or Non-Integral frameworks have
numerous difficulties. In the present atmosphere, the
working frameworks are isolated and oversee process
separately. They have separate data centers, equipment,
teams, and operations.
Fig. 1. Access of Client on Distinct Systems
The Scenario in figure 1 illustrates the access of a
client over multiple applications. Each system is designed
and implemented to provide specified functionalities. By the
reason of requirement limitations, clients depart to different
Somehow, at the backend applications may have a
monolithic structure that may face numerous challenges
while having huge traffic of users over a network.
Furthermore, the drawbacks with isolated systems are
described as follow:
a. Inflexible with demand. One system may not
overcome all requirements of end-users. The
limitation of services lets the user move toward
other systems. This is often expressed when end-
user meet with an external business view of
b. Investment of larger expenditure on infrastructure.
c. The user registration process in an individual
system may cause the storage of repetitive
d. The systems are standalone and isolated. It is good
to work with small business operations. But in
large scale software, an isolated system may face
challenges [3, 4].
e. Extending a network will be challenging if isolated
applications are monolithic in nature.
f. The data of the separate system is localized within
their defined scope that couldn’t be used out of
boundaries. The information available on one
system cannot be accessed on others.
g. None of the applications will allow privileges to
use functions of one in another unless collaboration
is made.
h. Problems in the interoperability process due to
different standards and protocols.
3. Related Works
Different approaches have been discussed for
software development and system integrations. Some of
these are discussed below:
Hohpe G. and B. Woolf [3], applications are
isolated. But they need to be linked with each other because
applications can work better if they are integrated. Since
distinct culture applications may face some challenges while
collaborating, they should reduce their restrictions to make
integration without facing many problems. The applications
are made with different technologies and programming
languages, they must have the flexibility to make
Dror G. Feitelsonet al [5], Some software systems
are determined and have specified scope. Their deployment
is scheduled at the initial stage, but if it is about creating
large scale applications, the development will be continued
due to limitless scope.
Linux OS since 1994 and Google since 1997 [6, 7],
Many software systems have been launched in the past and
still being used. The applications with long term evolution
are available in multiple fields, i.e. Facebook is being
evolved since May 2004.
Mukhtiar Memon et al [8], proposed the solution
for agriculture research organizations, which enables
scientists to share scientific research information among
distinct organizations. The author implemented a prototype
for agriculture research organizations where scientists of
different organizations are working in a collaborative
Stephanie Lang et al [9], Companies are always
looking for customer satisfaction. Initially, Amazon was
implemented to sell books and today it’s a second big e-
commerce company trying to provide all user requirements
over web-like hardware, media, services, technologies and
many more.
John Jung WoonYooet al [16], proposed a Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) framework to collaborate
healthcare services. The proposed framework reduces the
medical expenditure of clients and increases the revenue of
the healthcare service provider.
Swati Gupta [17] discussed distributed database
systems and mechanisms. Hardware, software placed at
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 7
different systems can make coordination and their stored
data be accessed through network-based applications by
passing messages. Moreover, the author also discussed the
Pros and Cons of the distributed database system.
Yan Cao et al [18]., described that organizations
have different environments and having isolated application
systems. In this scenario sharing information in the business
process is much important.
Cloud Computing and Big Data are widely used
technologies to combine different platforms by
virtualization. Feng Yu et al [19]., proposed an improved
and efficient heterogeneous cloud architecture which
includes multifunction of big data and cloud computing.
Abdulsalam Ya’uGitalet al [20]., Proposed a cloud
architecture framework for the collaborative virtual
environment (CVE) to enable users from distinct systems to
share internet resources and make cloud business process
Suhail Madoukh and RebhiBaraka[21]., purposed a
system for data integration of Palestinian e-Government
technical framework and transformed the central database
model of Palestinian government into SOA framework
focused on interoperability and flexibility using Web
The contributions of this research are as follows:
a. This work proposes an interactive SOA based
cloud architecture STA-Vision19, that enables
collaboration among distributed systems.
b. Cloud infrastructure for STA-Vision19 and a basic
prototype was implemented. Moreover, for the
interoperability experiment, two more SOA based
applications E-Learning & Blog Applications were
c. This work discusses the given solution Service
Integration Bridge (SIB) for cloud interoperability,
SIB mechanism, service publishing, service
consuming, trust mechanism and load balancing.
d. In results, simulation for load balancing algorithm,
general evaluation, functional, non-functional
testing and real-time unit testing of implemented
components are discussed.
At the end of this practice, a survey was done to evaluate the
designed prototype. 15 students of the different level group
by 5, including bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. were
considered for testing.
4. Research Design & Methods
This research was conducted to gain knowledge
about the adoption of modern technologies and propose a
collaborative framework for non-integrated software
systems. To overcome the challenges defined above in
section 2, we have investigated some Information &
Communication Technologies (ICT) approaches and
proposed a novel SOA based collaborative framework
As discussed before, various services are situated
in various application areas, since we have proposed a
framework and built up a prototype to incorporate different
applications and their services which has brought numerous
domains and related applications over a single platform.
CMS (Content Management System) technology is adopted
which facilitates end-users to perform CRUD (Create, Read,
Update, Delete) operations. Simultaneously we have used
cloud computing technology to design the infrastructure of
the system and SOA Web Services to make integration
possible among distinct applications. Furthermore, for
interoperability experiments, we have designed and
implemented two SOA based applications “E-Learning” and
“Blog App”.
4.1 Proposed Collaborative System (STA-
The STA-Vision19 is a solution for the non-
integrated application systems. It is a vision that brings all
distinct applications and services at a single integrated
environment, where defined domains and related
applications are loosely coupled and can share information
and services through the network.
Figure 2illustrates the architecture of STA-
Vision19, where clients can access virtual & collaborative
environments using an application framework. According to
the architecture illustrated in figure 2, currently, we have
multi-flavored domains and related applications. Each
domain can have one or more sub-domains / applications,
that can be configured and stored over virtualized servers by
using an administrative tool of STA-Vision19. It facilitates
clients with a variety of services that are loosely coupled.
Fig. 2. Proposed Collaborative System (STA-Vision19)
All required applications and their services are
subordinate to the system. A variety of domains like
Entertainment, Social Networks, E-Business, E-Education,
E-Billing, E-Medical, E-Reservations, Gamming, Blogging
and many more can be embedded into this system and make
the system pleasing to the users.
STA-Vision19 enables distinct applications to store
their service descriptions into the repository of service
integration Bridge (SIB), which enables integrity and
interoperability between multiple applications.
STA-Vision19 works as a central authority and
governs all subordinate applications that are linked with it.
The proposed framework can be extended up to the Nth
number of domains, applications, and virtual servers as
illustrated in figure 2.
To overcome the challenges characterized in
section 2, initially, we have implemented a fundamental
model that is illustrated in figure 2.Itis a cloud-integrated
platform that consists of several domains, applications, and
cloud services. Moreover, we have additionally
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 8
implemented two SOA based applications “E-
Learning”&“Blog App” to validate integration methods.
In the designed framework “STA-Vision19”, users
are divided into 3 categories.The privileges and access
controls of the categorized users, that are defined as follows
in section 4.2.
4.2 User Access Control
Applications contain some protected information.
For the reason of information security and access control,
authentication is necessary. Both terms authentication and
access control are often used together in applications.
Access control is a technique that controls who can
view or use the resources in a system. In the modern
scenario, applications may have multiple types of users and
each type of user has been assigned a role on what basis he
performs the operation. It is a process to identify appropriate
user and privilege right access to the right user. Thus, STA-
Vision19 has categorized users into three different panels
which are portrayed as beneath:
4.2.1 Super Administrator:
SuperAdministrator is capableof managing,
creating, updating, and deleting users, defined domains and
related applications and data. The super administrator works
as a manager for STA-Vision19 and it can import and
configure the new virtual host, application, related files and
database over the system. An external application can also
be embedded with the system “STA-Vision19”. STA-Vision19 App Management
The super administrator is the main authority of
this system. Management operations of the proposed system
are arranged into three distinct segments, that are discussed
as follows:
(a) Domain Management
In domain management, a super administrator can
search existing domains, add new domains, modify or
update the information and delete existing domains.
(b) Sub Domain or Application
In this section, a super administrator can search
existing applications, configure or add new applications in
domains, manage application resources, update or modify
existing applications, and delete applications. In this part,
the external application can be embedded in the system that
is located at distinct servers.
(c) User Management
In this section, a super administrator can manage
the remaining categories of users, update or modify user
information, enable, or disable users and create the new sub-
administrators for sub-domains or applications.
4.2.2 Sub Administrator:
Sub-Administrator is responsible for managing
sub-applications. Each application may have one
administrative authority, as in the current scenario we have
two applications “E-Learning” and “Blog app”, thus we
have two Sub-Administrators.
In this system, sub-administrators are enterprise
managers for applications or sub-domains. They are enabled
to perform the cross-platform operations and provide or
avail cloud services to STA-Vision19 and to the other
subordinate applications. (Managers of E-Learning and Blog
4.2.3 Registered Client:
Clients can access multiple applications and
services according to their needs. Available applications are
loosely coupled so the information of one application can be
shared in another, and that flexibility makes users attracted
to the system.
The registered users from STA-Vision19 can
migrate from one app to another with the same user
credentials. Encoded JSON data is generated and sent
through POST (HTTP Protocol), and at the receiving end
system decodes the information and executes the
authentication process.
4.3 Implementation of SOA based E-Learning
E-Learning involves the use of a computer or
electronic devices to provide training, educational or
learning materials to support education via the internet. It
supports services for learning and teaching that are delivered
and enhanced through digital technologies and electronic
media. To analyze experimental results, the E-Learning
application was implemented and configured in the
proposed framework “STA-Vision19”, the structure of the
application is illustrated in figure No 3.
Fig. 3. E-Learning Application
Figure 3 illustrates an architecture for E-Learning
Application, where services of E-Learning can be accessed
by using an application framework. It consists of services
that facilitate users to view, download and share electronic
data and manage their personal portfolio. While sub
administration service allows the application manager to
upload, delete and modify the data.
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
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Fig. 4. Graphical User Interface of E-Learning App
Figure 4 illustrates the GUI of the designed application “E-
Learning” for central south university.
4.4 Implementation of Blog Application
The Blog application facilitates clients to create
discussion forums where they can easily discuss different
research issues, subjects, and related queries. It supports
collaboration among multiple users based on the discussion
forum in which information about multiple criteria can be
shared over a network using a web browser. Structure of
Blog application is illustrated as follow:
Figure 5 illustrates the structure of the blog
application. It includes services that help to Create, Delete,
Update, View and Manage discussion blogs, user portfolios,
data sharing, and view shared repositories.
Fig. 5. SOA based Blog Application
Fig. 6. Graphical User Interface of Blog App
Figure 6 is a graphical user interface of the
designed application “Blog App” for Central South
4.5 Integration of Applications
The data frameworks and application systems
normally refuse to compromise on the sharing of modules.
But for integration, they have to compromise. Multiple
services can be integrated over a common solution, which
can guide users to use services with desired functionalities.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) supports
interoperability among distributed systems. It is a
mechanism to bring distinct systems at a unique and
integrated environment, where systems can be
interconnected with a central entity so-called SOA
This work proposes a SOA based framework
STA-Vision19” to interconnect distinct applications and
servers, that support collaboration using SOA standard
STA-Vision19 was designed and implemented
based on SOA & cloud computing technologies. It is an
approach to deploy loosely coupled services and enables
cross-platform integration over the web. As illustrated in
figure 2, there are multiple domains and related applications,
and we considered two distinct domains “Blogging” and “E-
Learning” from the main system “STA-Vision19” and
implemented their child applications along with service as
illustrated in figure 3 & 5. After implementation, these are
configured into the main system “STA-Vision 19” to enable
applications to work in a virtual and collaborative
Fig. 7. Integration of Application
Figure 7 illustrates an integration mechanism for
two applications in STA-Vision19. Components of
applications are considered as services, in the above figure
both applications have some shared services and STA-
Vision19 performs a union operation between applications,
that enables the user to access multiple services and desired
functionalities through a single and central platform.
Services of both Blog app and E-Learning
applications are coupled over a service-oriented architecture
(SOA) platform. The integration of the applications can be
done by using the proposed method “SIB” solution. What is
SIB? and the mechanism of SIB is discussed next in section
Equation: EL = {S1, S2, S3, S4}
BS = {S5, S6, S7, S8}
Let’s consider “EL” as (E-Learning App) and “BS”
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 10
as (Blog App), both are two distinct applications along with
services S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5, S6, S7, S8.
“ED” (E-Learning Domain) &“BD” (Blogging
Domain) are two different Domains.“ED” contains multiple
sub-applications related to Electronic Education and BD”
contains applications related to Blogs.
Sub-domain EL” (E-Learning App) is a member
of domain “ED” (E-Learning Domain) and the sub-domain
“BS” (Blog App) is a member of domain “BD (Blogging
Domain). EL ED
Each system may have both private and public
services, the collaboration between the two systems is only
possible through public services.
Let’s consider“ELx” as a set for private services of
EL” having a service named S4”, and “BSx” as a set for
private services for “BS” having a service named “S7”.
ELx = {S4}
BSx ={S7}
To find out public services from EL and BS we will perform
complement operations for ELx and BSx.
For ELx’
ELx’ = EL - ELx
ELx’ = {S1, S2, S3, S4} - {S4}
ELx’ = {S1, S2, S3}
Now for BSx’
BSx’ = BS – BSx
BSx’ = {S5, S6, S7, S8} - {S7}
BLx’ = {S5, S6, S8}
Now for the integration of two applications and sharing
public services over a central framework, we will perform
union of ELx’ and BSx’ as:
SIB = ELx’ U BSx’
SIB = {S1, S2, S3} U {S5, S6, S8}
SIB = {S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S8}
As we have already described that EL” is a member () of
ED”andBS” is a member () of BD”, while ED” and
BD” are members () of the main system “STA-Vision19”.
STA-Vision19 = {ED, BD}
Hence, domains, both applications and their shared services
are members to STA-Vision19 as illustrated in figure 7.
Cloud computing technology highlights the
creation of services on demand and makes communication
between SOA and cloud computing deep. When service is
created, users do not depend on the knowledge of the service
creation. SOA exchanges data deploying protocols [10,11].
4.6 Proposed Service Integration Bridge (SIB)
Service Integration Bridge (SIB) is a designed
methodology paradigm, which works as a connector
between distinct systems. It connects multiple applications
with each other and is responsible to manage service
Fig. 8. Proposed Service Integration Bridge (SIB)
Figure 8 illustrates the proposed Service
Integration Bridge (SIB). It is a methodology that enables
services to communicate and interact using standard
messaging. It works as middleware between applications to
route service messages, transfer data, manage protocols and
security for transmitted information.
Service Integration Bridge (SIB) works as a
message carrier among distinct systems and it manages the
mechanism of routing messages and delivery. The messages
transferred between the systems are queued in Service
Integration Bridge (SIB), individual systems are not
responsible for message delivery, they are focused on the
development of web services rather than managing the
routing systems. The working mechanism of SIB is divided
into six segments, that are service protocols, service
publishing, service consuming, service retrieving, trust
mechanism and load balancing. These terms are discussed as
4.6.1 Service Protocols
The service-oriented architecture is implemented
using internet protocols referred to as web services, and web
services are often implemented using Representational State
Transfer (REST), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) or
JavaScript Object Notation Web-Service Protocol (JSON
The Protocols support machine to machine
interaction using standard messaging over HTTP. The
conversion among servers follows the standard messaging
protocol for invoking service using Universal Resource
Located (URL). The Transferred message contains input,
output to or from web service, it can also carry additional
entities like security information for authentication.
We have used JSON-WSP (JavaScript Object
Notation Web-Service Protocol) for service description
request and response. Communication among clients and
JSONWSP was done using an HTTP POST request and
response methods.
JSON is a data representation format like XML,
and protocols as SOAP that describes types and methods
according to given services. JSON WSP not only supports
the plain text but it can also transfer objects through HTTP
over client application. The client sends a request to the
server in text format and JSON WSP returns the object as a
response. In our designed system, we have focused on
designing our web services with JSON WSP because it is
lightweight and easy to read/ write and supports easy
integration with most languages.
4.6.2 Service Publication in Service Integration
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 11
Bridge Repository (SIBR)
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) supports
interaction, interoperability among systems using standard
messaging. The service provider publishes a service
description at the service registry, that contains
specifications about the usage of service. While a consumer
can avail service after going through the steps which are
described in the service description repository to embed web
service into an application.
Fig 9. Service Registry
Figure 9 illustrates the mechanism of publishing
services in the repositories. The blue circles show published
services in service integration bridge (SIB) repositories by
System A, while yellow circles are services that are
published by system B.
A green circle is a service that is provided by the
designed system STA-Vision19. It can be embedded in
different applications and authenticates users by using
credentials from STA-Vision19.
In experimental work, we have embedded service
in both E-Learning and Blog Application for authenticating
users and allow them access into the systems.
4.6.3 Service Consuming Through SIB
The mechanism of service consuming is illustrated
in Figure 10. It defines how services of one system can be
availed in another. There are two distinct applications (A &
B), that are interconnected with Service Integration Bridge
(SIB). SIB works as a service broker between system A and
System B, both systems can work as either a service
provider or a service consumer.
Fig 10. Service Consuming
Let's follow the steps and consider System A as a
service consumer and System B as a service provider:
Step 1: System B registers service into SIB repository as
discussed & illustrated in figure 9.
Step 2: System A finds service from Service Integration
Bridge (SIB) repository and makes a request for service.
Step 3: Service publisher and consumer, both Parties are
authenticated through the assigned token. If authenticated, it
moves towards step 4.
Step 4: Service Integration Bridge (SIB) sends a response
back to System A as a service description.
Step 5: System A follows instructions given in the service
description file and proceeds request again to Service
Integration Bridge.
Step 6: Service Integration Bridge (SIB) receives the
request, then executes and binds a connection between
System A and System B that allows both to be integrated.
We followed the above steps in our experimental
work to integrate our implemented applications E-Learning
& Blog Application or more, using our system STA-
4.6.4 Service Retrieving between distributed
In the distributed environment, data is stored on
different virtualized servers and to retrieve information at a
single point, there must be an integrated environment.
Google search engine is the biggest example of distributed
data retrieval. It is an integrated environment where multiple
distributed and virtualized servers are interconnected,
whenever a user searches any information using the
graphical user interface (GUI) of google search engine, it
retrieves data from multiple interconnected servers and
presents it over browser.
The distributed servers are configured as
virtualized servers which are often interconnected with a
central entity. In our proposed work there are some
virtualized servers that are connected to the central authority
STA-Vision19. Service Integration Bridge (SIB) is the
central entity in the proposed system, that connects multiple
servers to each other and enables interoperability between
them over the world wide web.
The main part of our designed system is Service
Integration Bridge (SIB), which works as a medium among
distinct servers as illustrated in figure 8. As designed
framework STA-Vision19 is focused to embed multiple
services over a single platform, so the information about
shared web services from distinct systems ispublished over
the SIB repository, which enables the users to search, embed
and consume services from distributed servers through an
integrated environment.
Embedded services authenticate administrator and
execute the query to bring information over an integrated
environment STA-Vision19 and make shared services
available over an application for clients. At the same time
service descriptions can be accessed for STA-Vision19 to
Sub-App or Sub-App to Sub-App integration.
Every system has two kinds of information
“shared” and “secure”. The collaboration among systems
can be done only with shared services. In this research, we
brought shared services of multiple systems over the STA-
Vision19 platform. The process of service publishing and
consuming is illustrated above in this section.
Figure 10 shows the collaboration of two distinct
applications through Service Integration Bridge (SIB) this
collaboration can be made up to the Nth node. The proposed
system STA-Vision19 is not only restricted to make
collaboration between two applications, but the Nth number
of applications can also be integrated as illustrated in figure
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 12
In STA-Vision19 relationships among applications
are classified as follows: Sub-App to Sub-App (One-to-One)
Fig 11 App to App Relation
Figure 11 shows the relation between 2 Sub-Apps.
It is the collaboration of two applications using the SIB
solution as illustrated in figure 10. Both systems P1 and P2
can work as either a service provider or a service consumer
by going through the steps defined above in section 4.6.3. STA-Vision19 to Sub-Apps (One-to-Many)
Fig 12 STA-Vision19 to App Relation
Figure 12 is the relation between the designed framework
and multiple applications. Multiple applications are
interconnected with STA-Vision19. Authentication service
from STA-Vision19 can be embedded in P1 up to Pn, which
enables access and route users towards multiple
applications. In the same manner, shared services from P1 to
Pn systems can be embedded in STA-Vision19, through
which multiple shared services from distributed systems can
be accessed over our proposed framework. Sub-Apps to Sub-Apps (Many-to-Many)
Distinct applications can publish service descriptions over
SIB repositories. At the other hand, distinct service
consumer follows the description steps and consume
available service over their applications.
Fig 13 Sub-Apps to Sub-Apps Relation
Figure 13 represents relationships between multiple
Sub-Applications through Service Integration Bridge (SIB).
4.6.5 Service Integration Bridge (SIB) Trust
To enable collaboration among multiple systems,
enterprise managers of distinct applications may make
registration over STA-Vision19. At the registration time,
STA-vision19 generates a unique code based on the current
date and time and sends it to the user via email in the shape
of token for confirmation and allows ownership of an
account to users, which lets the user access the system.
When different parties share information over a
network, an external source may try to temper or corrupt the
shared information. To secure communication messages and
resist vulnerability, encryption techniques are used. We have
used hash ‘encode64()’ encryption for data encryption, that
encrypted data is stored in temporary memory (variables)
and furthermore it is encrypted into JSON encoded format,
while the token is already generated with ‘md5’ encryption
to secure communication among applications. The data
transferred among distinct applications is transferred in an
encrypted format and the only authority that can decrypt it is
the one who has a secret key. The generated token is
assigned to each user at registration time, which is used as a
secret key whenever the system makes communication.
We considered date and time for generating token
value because date and time are continuously changing and
have unique specifications that can be calculated in seconds.
So, the generated token is a unique entity with each
enterprise manager that authenticates actual authority and
allows communication among applications.
Service Integration Bridge (SIB) is responsible for
managing all transactions of the system. The given unique
keys to different enterprise managers are stored in the STA-
Vision19 database. The integration of multiple applications
through SIB is done in a secure manner because SIB
authenticates both service consumer and service provider,
every time they make collaboration.
For each message, Service Integration Bridge (SIB)
authenticates both sides based on a given unique token and
allows communication between different servers. At the
time of integration, that token is passed through the
parameters when service consumer is requesting for service,
while token information of service provider is already
available at SIB, which was authenticated at service
publishing time. It makes integration possible only among
valid and authenticated parties. Each embedded application
will have a unique token provided by STA-Vision19 while
making registration, that unique token is used every time
when communication is made among distinct systems.
STA-Vision19 is a central authority that can be
considered as a token distributer among multiple
applications through which Service Integration Bridge (SIB)
enables them to make interoperability and perform cross-
platform operations over a web.
4.7 STA-Vision19 Cloud Environment
STA-Vision19 has focused on collaboration among
applications, its flexibility, interoperability, agility and
advance features can make it a priority for clients. If the
system can overcome the multiple needs of the end-user,
everyone will love to be a part of it, and that is the biggest
advantage of this system. Larger the number of clients over
applications includes a lot of benefits.
In STA-Vision19, information of the clients is
stored once in a database, the client user has no need to
make individual registration for each application. It resists
the storage of repetitive information. STA-Vision19 cloud
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 13
service modules are further described as following:
4.7.1 Software as a Service (SaaS)
Applications are released in the hosting
environment, which can be accessed by application clients
through the network. It provides an application STA-
Vision19 with GUI interfaces to the clients with a variety of
sub-applications and their services, in STA-Vision19 Super
administrator can host applications and make them available
to the clients.
Two kinds of applications can be embedded in
STA-Vision19. One that is launched by STA-Vision19 itself
and the other is an external application that is hosted
somewhere else but uses STA-Vision19 for service
4.7.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS is a service for consumers through which they
can create cloud services and make it available for clients.
STA-Vision19 can facilitate vendor (Sub-Administrator) to
manage applications without headache of maintaining the
infrastructure associated with hosting or launching of an
application. Consumers just need to make a subscription in
the main system and manage their application.
4.7.3 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
STA-Vision19 can provide access to fundamental
resources; like server, virtual machines, storage, and
network. Instead of purchasing hardware equipment, one
just needs to pay for what your application delivery requires.
STA-Visison19 is responsible to manage and govern
subordinate applications and it allows the super
administrator to host and manage an application in its own
data center and make it available for multiple clients over
the web. Any pre-launched application also can be a part of
it by contracting authority.
IaaS provides an environment for running user-
defined virtualized systems in the cloud. A cloud-based
CMS prototype is implemented that facilitates service
providers to upload configurations using GUI and it is
deployed to the clients within the environment. The internal
management of the system is managed by the super
4.7.4 Database as a Service (DBaaS)
Database services are accessible through the cloud
platform. STA-Vision19 can allow vender to access
databases available at the physical infrastructure of a service
provider, by making a subscription and consuming service
over their systems.
4.8 Virtualization
Virtualization in STA-Vision19 allows administrators,
vendors, and clients to work on distinct applications using
the same software (STA-Vision19 Prototype). It is a process
which virtualizes one server into multiple servers to carry
out results. It resists the need for physical hardware system
for separate applications. In STA-Vision19, we have
virtualized one resource server into two virtual servers as
illustrated in Figure 14. One for blog application and other
for E-Learning application.
Fig.14. Virtualization
4.9 Load Balancing
Load balancing is a technique to manage traffic
over a system. It is a middleware methodology between
client and server which is responsible for managing
transactions between networks and distribution of HTTP
traffic. In the proposed system, the Service Integration
Bridge (SIB) works as a broker among distinct cloud
applications. It is a system controller that is responsible for
the management of STA-Vision19’s framework mechanisms
like security, quality of service (QoS), inter-cloud
operability, etc.
SIB mechanism governs requests and responses
between STA-Vision19 and distinct applications. In
distributed systems, servers are interlinked with each other
through a network if they are in the same warehouse. In that
scenario, data clones are stored on multiple servers such that
one of these servers will respond to an application’s request
if the destination server is having huge traffic. Storing clone
data on multiple servers may cause data duplication, but if
there isn’t any clone data stored, the fetching data will take
internal path among servers which may consume more time,
thus response time will be increased. In a scenario where
applications located on different warehouses are interlinked
with each other, they may never ever compromise on
sharing data with other applications and for this reason, web
services are used.
It is better to design a URL-based load balancing
mechanism that can forward HTTP messages to destination
servers. VM’s specification may be configured in a way that
can have less probability of server downtime instead of
storing data clones over multiple servers, which may cause
data duplication. Therefore, the request of the client can be
sent directly to the appropriate server and get a response
directly within time by applying efficient load balancing
Fig.15. Inter-cloud load balancing
In STA-Vision19, the load balancer routes HTTP
messages over distinct application servers as per request.
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 14
SIB repository makes the information available about using
services that are located at different servers and published
by distinct vendors. Users from different cloud apps utilize
the services just by following procedures described in a
published web service description file as illustrated in
Figures 9 and 10.
Services that are published over the SIB repository
have information about destination servers, so whenever a
request comes to the SIB Load balancer, it is examined and
forwarded towards destination servers to get a response.
There is a local load balancer at the application
cloud that is responsible for managing transactions for a
single application as illustrated in figure 15, Brokers contain
only information about how a service can be embedded and
used. The SIB load balancer is configured according to a
client’s request. Distinct cloud apps have their own load
balancer located in their applications. A user’s request from
the STA-Vision19 framework is moved towards SIBLB
(Service Integration Bridge Load Balancer), then it is
forwarded to APP-LB (Application Load Balancer). This
approach can be referred to as inter-cloud load balancing.
The published services over Service Integration
Bridge (SIB) repository contain the address of actual
servers, indicating where server data is located. Whenever a
client requests access for services, the SIB examines the
request and forwards it to the server using the URI
(Endpoint-IP) defining a unique address of the server.
Communication over the network is done using JSON-WSP
web services or Restful APIs.
4.10 Advantages
4.10.1 Shared Resources
Shared resources are also known as network
resources that can be referred to as computer data,
information that is hosted by one host and can be accessed
by others. In a collaborative system, distinct applications
and resources are centralized over a single platform which
enables clients to avail heterogeneous services.
4.10.2 Shared Services
The applications have some shared serviceswhich
can be accessed by clients in the same or in other
applications. The STA-Vision19 environment is a network-
based structure where services of multiple applications can
be shared with each other.
4.10.3 Data Sharing Web Service
This system has multiple applications,each has its
own functionality and kind of shared information. Clients
are enabled to share data from one application to another as
per requirement, shared data can be referredto as education,
scientific information, sports, news, business and so on.
Local Share: Term local sharing enables sharing within the
application boundary; like in the Blog App, the system has
multiple blogs inside. Data of one discussion blog can be
shared in another blog.
Global Share: Term Global share enables sharing among
distinct applications. Data of one application can be shared
in another application.
4.10.4 Memory Sharing Web Service
The database is the backbone of the application. In
a designed system, distinct applications and their databases
are linked. The proposed system works as a communication
bridge and allows distinct applications to share data from the
memory of one application to another.
4.10.5 Device Sharing Web Service
Machines available at the client-side are not much
efficient to perform high computation operations for data
processing and so the execution process and analysis
becomes slow and causes unnecessary delay. STA-Vision19
is a solution for that problem, where the client can send the
request and distinct linked server machines are performing
operations as per request.
4.10.6 Security
STA-Vision19 has secured infrastructure which does not
grant access to data without authorization. A highly
encrypted algorithm over the cloud is applied to minimize
security risks.
4.10.7 Data Monitoring
STA-Vision19 enables the super administrator to monitor
system and user activities by using monitoring services.
The design of the proposed system (STA-
Vision19) is not limited.It is not based on specific
functionality,but it has wider fields of interest.Multiple types
of applications can be implemented as it’s partas illustrated
in figure 2. Initially, the structure of the system along with
two applications; E-Learning and Blogging System, are
implemented to validate integration methods. Furthermore,
more applications will be added in the future.
5. Results
The objective of this study is to enable flexibility
and interoperability among applications. As in the current
climate, new tools and technologies like web services are
being used, especially Google and Amazon are the
companies that are trying to create varieties of web services
to facilitate clients in web network. This research proposed
the STA-Vision19 framework as a solution and Service
Integration Bridge (SIB), that can overcome client needs
from different aspects and enable integration between
applications. A Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based
Framework was proposed, and its basic prototype was
implemented as illustrated in figure 2. Moreover, to
integrate applications, Service Integration Bridge (SIB) was
proposed which enables distinct applications to work in a
collaborative environment and has the flexibility to share
data, resources, and services. The mechanism of the Service
Integration bridge (SIB) is also discussed in this work. The
proposed system facilitates toadd additional components
into the system and make it business efficient. In the current
scenario, domains like social networks, entertainment,
educational systems, billing systems, hospital systems, can
be implemented in the proposed system and users can access
a variety of domains and relate applications.
To validate results, multiple domains were added to
the system STA-Vision19. Designed methodologies were
tested on the implemented applications; E-Learning & Blog
application, and the results were carried out that
collaboration of two or more applications is possible in this
Having traffic of user's requests in a system is a
challenge for the cloud atmosphere. In the designed
methodology, we have applied a customized URL based
load balancing algorithm, as discussed previously in section
4.9& figure 15.
Before implementing the given load balancing
technique,for validation,a simulation was done. The
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 15
simulation parameters and performance analysis for load
balancing are described as follow:
The applied load balancing algorithm was
implemented using Cloud SIM 3.0, JDK 1.8.0_201 and
Eclipse 2019-3. And for simulation, Cloud Analyst is used.
Cloud Analyst is a GUI tool kit that works with Cloud SIM
for testing and simulating cloud infrastructure [22].
For the simulation of the load balancing algorithm,
we configured 4 user base stations as UB1, UB2, UB3, and
UB4 at different geographical regions along with a central
data center D1 using Cloud Analyst. The data center was
configured as 8086 architecture, Linux operating system,
Xen virtual machine manager, 204800 RAM (MB), 1000000
available bandwidths, TIME_SHARED VM scheduling
policy. Each physical machine is integrated with 5 virtual
machines. Each virtual machine is configured as follows:
10000 MB Image size, 512 MB memory, 1000 MB
Fig.16 Configuration of Simulation Parameters
Fig 17 Simulation Process
The configuration parameters were set using Cloud Analyst
GUI, as illustrated in figure 16,17 and the custom load-
balancing algorithm was embedded from cloud SIM to get
testing and simulation results of a cloud. After configuring
simulation parameters, performance analysis and simulation
results were carried out, that is described as following in
table 1,2,3 and figure 18, 19:
Avg (ms)
Min (ms)
Max (ms)
response time
Data Center
Avg (ms)
Min (ms)
Fig 18. Userbase Response Time per Hour
Avg (ms)
Min (ms)
Max (ms)
Fig.19 Data Center Request Per Hour (Hourly Loading)
According to simulation results, the data center can process
almost 2000 requests in an hour.
Software Testing is necessary before the software
is deployed. Various techniques are being used by
researchers to conduct software testing [12,13, 14, 15]. After
the simulation, we tested our designed systems and
We created a local environment and virtual servers.
The designed prototype, related applications, and databases
were hosted over virtualized servers at the local area
network. Application STA-Vision19 was operated from 15
different client nodes. Evaluation of system and surveys
User Base Response / 1
Response / Hour
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 16
were done by 15 students of the different level group by 5,
including bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. Moreover, after
examination, some quality frameworks were considered to
evaluate results. TABLE 4
Isolate application
has limited
functions to
has a variety of
domains and
Resources are
available at one
have Shared
Data Sharing
Isolated has local
data sharing,
sharing of data
within the
has both local &
global sharing.
because of a
wider boundary,
data can be
shared with
The structure of the
Isolate application
is designed for a
can extend the
system. More
domains and
applications can
be added.
Application with a
defined scope is
not capable to
come with all
requirements of
Varieties of
applications are
available, STA-
Vision19 can
come with most
of the user
Less amount of
Large amount for
data can be
Linked with a
single server
Multiple virtual
servers are linked.
Capable to work
with High-
Furthermore, the designed prototype is compared with
isolate system in the following tables and evaluated
parameters for both are summarized among all 10 based
sample space:
Isolate System
STA-Vision 19
Graphical summary for table 5 is illustrated as follows in
figure 20.
Fig.20. Functional Testing Results
In Table 5 & Figure 20, the system testing result is at the
same level in both, while other parameters are at upper
levels in STA-Vision19. After functional testing we
conducted non-functional testing illustrated as following in
table 6: TABLE 6
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 17
Table 6 & Figure 21 illustrate a comparison of isolate
systems and STA-Vision in the light of non-functional
software testing parameters. Availability, reliability,
portability & performance results are at the same level in
both systems, while efficiency, usability, flexibility, and
interoperability are more in STA-Vision19.
Fig.21. Non-Functional Testing Results
We have also conducted unit testing for STA-Vision19,
which is illustrated as follows in table 7.
Sign Up
Sign In
Form & Data Validation
Security & Access
Crud Operations
Web Services
The result illustrated in table 7 was collected in the real-time
environment, it indicates that units of STA-Vision19 are
working properly. Furthermore, testing results were
calculated according to human response, during the usage of
the designed system.
Fig.22 System is Complex
Figure 22 shows that 2 of 15 participants “strongly agreed”
with the above statement, 1 was “agreed”, 10 were
“neutral”, while 2 “disagreed”.
Fig.23. Frequent use of the system
Figure 23 illustrates that, 9 participants out of 15 “strongly
agreed” regarding frequent use of the system, while 6 were
marked as “agreed”.
Fig.24. Easy to use
Figure 24 illustrates 7 participants out of 15 “strongly
agreed” about the above statement and 8 were marked as
Syed Taimoor Ali, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 14 (3), May-June 2023,5-19
© 2020-2023, IJARCS All Rights Reserved 18
Fig.25. Need for Technical Person
Figure 25 illustrates 1 out of 15 participants “strongly
agreed” with the above statement, 4 were marked as
“agreed”, 4 as neutral”, 5 as “disagreed”, 1 as strongly
According to system functionalities, technical
support is only needed when an administrator embeds a new
application in the system using an administrative panel.
Other processes like enterprise account creation, service
publishing and consuming are done automatically with
dynamic methods.
Fig.26. Integration of Applications
Figure 26 illustrates that 7 out of 15 participants “strongly
agreed” about the statement that “Applications are well
integrated”, while 8 of them were marked as “agreed”.
Fig.27. Use of the proposed system
This question was asked at the end of the evaluations. Figure
27 illustrates that, 4 participants out 15 “strongly agreed”
with the above statement, 6 were marked as “agreed", 4 as
“neutral” and 1 as “disagreed”.
In this study, our focus was to propose a novel SOA
and Cloud-based framework STA-Vision19 to bring multiple
domains, related applications, and services over a virtual,
collaborative and integrated environment. Our work
proposes a new platform STA-Vision19 and Service
Integration Bridge (SIB), a basic prototype of that system
along with two sub-applications “Blog Application” & “E-
Learning” that were implemented to perform experiments.
The technical concerns like service publishing, consuming,
trust mechanism and load balancing were discussed in this
research. At the end of the study, designed methodologies
were tested in a real-time environment and results were
found that indicate: In STA-Vision19 two or more
applications can be integrated and work in a collaborative
environment. Different domains and sub-applications can be
added to STA-Vision19 that enables clients to access desired
services. Moreover, simulation, testing & survey results
illustrate that the proposed system is much more beneficial
to use as compared to isolated systems because it can
support flexibility and interoperability among the
applications which are heterogeneous by nature.
Future Work
As it is described above, we have implemented the
basic structure illustrated in figure 2and have also
implemented two distinct applications E-learning and
Blogging System to validate integration among applications
as our goal is to complete the whole project. Furthermore,
applications will be implemented in the future.
We will extend the STA-Vision19 network by
merging other networks with it. The design and management
of a huge network will be challenging.
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Author’s Information:
Syed Taimoor Ali received his BSIT(Hons) &
MSIT(Hons) from Sindh Agriculture University
Tandojam, Pakistan. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D.
Computer Science & Engineering at Central South
University, Changsha, China. His research interests
include Software Engineering, Web Technology,
Cloud Computing, Service Computing.
Availability of data and materials:
The implemented system has confidential data that cannot
be shared. After publication,theproject data will be
hosted at remote server of an authorized organization.
Competing interests:
I declare that authorhas no conflict of interest.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
While collaboration is becoming increasingly critical in many industries to maximize revenue and minimize cost by taking advantage of other’s expertise, healthcare industry has hardly utilized the advantages of collaboration. This paper proposes a framework for collaborative healthcare services. The proposed framework is based on Service Oriented Architecture using web services and utilizes a medical coding system, Current Procedure Terminology (CPT), for interoperability. The framework is designed to facilitate collaborations among healthcare service providers, and is expected to reduce medical expenditure of patients and increase revenue of healthcare service providers. In order to verify the performance of the proposed framework, a simulation study is conducted. The experimental results show that the framework contributes to utilization increase and treatment lead time decrease in healthcare services.
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Data Integration presents a core issue in the Palestinian e-Government Technical Framework. The currently used data integration model relies on the Integrated Central Database which lacks quality attributes such as: interoperability and flexibility. We purpose a SOA-based approach for data integration that achieves the above attributes. We present and analyze the current architecture and implementation of the Palestinian e-Government Integrated Central Database model. We transform the current model into a SOA framework that is realized using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Web Services. The proposed framework offers database replication and connectivity functionalities for the Central Database. The proposed framework is evaluated using a scenario-based software architecture evaluation method and proves that it achieves the framework goals of quality attributes: interoperability and flexibility. Moreover, a prototype of the framework is implemented and validates the framework correctness. A specific usage is presented and further proves that the framework accomplishes its functionality and quality attributes.
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Service oriented architecture (SOA) is one of the latest software architectures. This architecture is created in direction of the business requirements and removed the gap between softwares and businesses. The software testing is the rising cost of activities in development software. SOA has different specifications and features proportion of the other software architectures. First this paper reviews SOA testing challenges and existing solution(s) for those challenges. Then that reports a survey of recent research to SOA systems testing, that covers both functional and non-functional testing. Those are presented for different levels of functional testing, including unit, integration, and regression testing.
Conference Paper
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WS-BPEL applications are a kind of service-oriented application. They use XPath extensively to integrate loosely-coupled workflow steps. However, XPath may extract wrong data from the XML messages received, resulting in erroneous results in the integrated process. Surprisingly, although XPath plays a key role in workflow integration, inadequate researches have been conducted to address the important issues in software testing. This paper tackles the problem. It also demonstrates a novel transformation strategy to construct artifacts. We use the mathematical definitions of XPath constructs as rewriting rules, and propose a data structure called XPath Rewriting Graph (XRG), which not only models how an XPath is conceptually rewritten but also tracks individual rewritings progressively. We treat the mathematical variables in the applied rewriting rules as if they were program variables, and use them to analyze how information may be rewritten in an XPath conceptually. We thus develop an algorithm to construct XRGs and a novel family of data flow testing criteria to test WS-BPEL applications. Experiment results show that our testing approach is promising.
Software evolution is widely recognized as an important and common phenomenon, whereby the system follows an ever-extending development trajectory with intermittent releases. Nevertheless there have been only few lifecycle models that attempt to portray such evolution. We use the evolution of the Linux kernel as the basis for the formulation of such a model, integrating the progress in time with growth of the codebase, and differentiating between development of new functionality and maintenance of production versions. A unique element of the model is the sequence of activities involved in releasing new production versions, and how this has changed with the growth of Linux. In particular, the release follow-up phase before the forking of a new development version, which was prominent in early releases of production versions, has been eliminated in favor of a concurrent merge window in the release of 2.6.x versions. We also show that a piecewise linear model with increasing slopes provides the best description of the growth of Linux. The perpetual development model is used as a framework in which commonly recognized benefits of incremental and evolutionary development may be demonstrated, and to comment on issues such as architecture, conservation of familiarity, and failed projects. We suggest that this model and variants thereof may apply to many other projects in addition to Linux.
Conference Paper
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) is a kind of concurrent programming languages with several special features that raise special challenges for verification and testing. This paper proposes a graph-search based approach to BPEL test case generation, which effectively deals with BPEL concurrency semantics. This approach defines an extension of CFG (Control Flow Graph) - BPEL Flow Graph (BFG) - to represent a BPEL program in a graphical model. Then concurrent test paths can be generated by traversing the BFG model, and test data for each path can be generated using a constraint solving method. Finally test paths and data are combined into complete test cases.
The attractive feature of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is that pieces of software conceived and developed by independent organizations can be dynamically composed to provide richer functionality. The same reasons that enable flexible compositions, however, also prevent the application of some traditional testing approaches, making SOA validation challenging and costly. Web services usually expose just an interface, enough to invoke them and develop some general (black-box) tests, but insufficient for a tester to develop an adequate understanding of the integration quality between the application and the independent web services. To address this lack we propose an approach that makes web services more transparent to testers through the addition of an intermediary service that provides coverage information. The approach, named Service Oriented Coverage Testing (SOCT), provides testers with feedback about how much a service is exercised by their tests without revealing the service internals. In SOCT, testing feedback is offered itself as a service, thus preserving SOA founding principles of loose coupling and implementation neutrality. In this paper we motivate and define the SOCT approach, and implement an instance of it. We also perform a study to asses SOCT feasibility and provide a preliminary evaluation of its viability and value.
Conference Paper
At present, most enterprises have a heterogeneous environment of legacy application, which lead to many “information isolated islands”. Enterprises become more and more eager to share data in business processes over different systems. Traditional Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) methods usually integrate applications from peer to peer which has many defects. In This paper, a kind of EAI framework based on Web Services (WSEAI) has been put forward, which has nothing with any platform and programming language, so it can make the enterprise applications integrated together without gap. We have been successfully putting the EAI framework in one logistical company’s WebGPS system and realized the integration based on Web Services.
Centralized vs Decentralized organizations
  • Chantal
Chantal (July 19, 2012) Centralized vs Decentralized organizations.