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Colistin vs. the combination of colistin and rifampicin for the treatment of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator-associated pneumonia

Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Infection


SUMMARY The aim of this study was to compare the responses of colistin treatment alone vs. a combination of colistin and rifampicin in the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) caused by a carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii strain. Forty-three patients were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Although clinical (P = 0·654), laboratory (P = 0·645), radiological (P = 0·290) and microbiological (P = 0·597) response rates were better in the combination group, these differences were not significant. However, time to microbiological clearance (3·1 ± 0·5 days, P = 0·029) was significantly shorter in the combination group. The VAP-related mortality rates were 63·6% (14/22) and 38·1% (8/21) for the colistin and the combination groups (P = 0·171), respectively. Our results suggest that the combination of colistin with rifampicin may improve clinical and microbiological outcomes of VAP patients infected with A. baumannii.
Colistin vs. the combination of colistin and rifampicin for the
treatment of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
ventilator-associated pneumonia
Bulent Ecevit University Medical Faculty, Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology,
Zonguldak, Turkey
Bulent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Department of Microbiology, Zonguldak, Turkey
Bulent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Department of Biostatistics, Zonguldak, Turkey
Bulent Ecevit University, Medical Faculty, Department of Pulmonary Disease, Zonguldak, Turkey
Received 2 May 2012; Final revision 7 August 2012; Accepted 8 August 2012
The aim of this study was to compare the responses of colistin treatment alone vs. a combination
of colistin and rifampicin in the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) caused by
a carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii strain. Forty-three patients were randomly assigned to one
of two treatment groups. Although clinical (P=0.654), laboratory (P=0.645), radiological
(P=0.290) and microbiological (P=0.597) response rates were better in the combination group,
these differences were not significant. However, time to microbiological clearance (3.1¡0.5 days,
P=0.029) was significantly shorter in the combination group. The VAP-related mortality rates
were 63.6% (14/22) and 38.1% (8/21) for the colistin and the combination groups (P=0.171),
respectively. Our results suggest that the combination of colistin with rifampicin may improve
clinical and microbiological outcomes of VAP patients infected with A. baumannii.
Key words:Acinetobacter baumannii, adverse drug reaction, colistin, ventilator-associated
Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative cocco-
bacillus that has emerged over the past 15 years as a
cause of infections acquired in hospitals, particularly
in intensive care units (ICUs). In most institutions,
the majority of A. baumannii isolates are recovered
from the respiratory tracts of hospitalized patients
and the proportion of ICU-acquired cases of
ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) caused by
A. baumannii increases significantly with prolonged
ICU stay [1]. Outbreaks of multidrug-resistant and
pan-drug-resistant strains of this microorganism have
created major problems for infection control in hos-
pitals, with limited treatment options and high mor-
bidity and mortality rates [1, 2]. The high resistance
barrier of A. baumannii to available antimicrobial
agents has motivated researchers and clinicians to
search for alternative antimicrobial agents or to use
novel combinations of antibiotics for the treatment of
infections. Colistin is an old antibiotic that was used
until the early 1980s for the treatment of infections
due to Gram-negative bacilli but as alternative treat-
ment regimens became available, its use decreased
* Author for correspondence: H. Aydemir, M.D., Bulent Ecevit
University Medical Faculty, Department of Infectious Diseases and
Clinical Microbiology, 67600 Zonguldak, Turkey.
(Email :
Epidemiol. Infect., Page 1 of 9. fCambridge University Press 2012
because of its perceived adverse side-effects, which
included neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity [3, 4]. The
emergence of A. baumannii strains resistant to all of
the routinely tested antimicrobials has prompted
the revival of interest in colistin as a treatment option
[1] and several in vitro and animal studies have high-
lighted its synergistic activity with other agents par-
ticularly rifampicin [5–7]. However, data from
prospective studies about in vivo efficacy and side-
effects of colistin therapy are limited [8]. In this pro-
spective study our aim was to evaluate the efficacy
of colistin and the combination of colistin and
rifampicin for treatment of patients with VAP due to
carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB).
Patients and study design
This open, comparative, prospective, randomized,
single-centre study was conducted between March
2011 and March 2012 in Bulent Ecevit University
Teaching and Research Hospital, a 350-bed tertiary
care centre. This study was approved by the ethics
committee of the hospital and written informed con-
sent was obtained from patients’ legal representatives.
A preliminary power analysis was performed, and to
achieve a 5% type I error probability and 80 % prior
power with 0.60 effect size, the sample size was
determined to be 88 patients. Forty-three patients
met the inclusion criteria during the planned study
period, which had been approved by the local ethics
committee for 1 year. The eligibility criteria were :
(1) patients aged o18 years with a diagnosis of VAP
whose culture and antimicrobial susceptibility results
indicated infection with CRAB within 48 h after onset
of VAP; and (2) patients whose legal representatives
accepted and signed the informed consent form.
Exclusion criteria included the following : (1) patients
whose cultures were polymicrobial ; (2) patients who
had another infection site due to a different micro-
organism; (3) patients who had been diagnosed with
VAP due to CRAB in another centre and were trans-
ferred to our centre while receiving colistin treatment ;
and (4) patients who died within 72 h of colistin or
colistin+rifampicin treatment. Carbapenem resist-
ance was defined as resistance to imipenem and
meropenem [1].
The severity of the clinical condition of the patients
was evaluated with the Acute Physiological and
Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) scoring
system on the basis of the worst data point during the
first 24 h in the ICU [9]. Organ failure and severity of
multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome were evaluated
using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
(SOFA) score on the day of VAP diagnosis and dur-
ing the subsequent clinical course [10]. Main charac-
teristics of the patients, comorbidities, laboratory
findings, microbiological and radiological results,
type and duration of empirical and definitive anti-
microbial therapies, and duration of hospitalization
were also recorded. Renal function was monitored by
daily measurement of the serum creatinine level. The
creatinine clearance rate was calculated using the
equation of Cockcroft & Gault [2]. Liver function
was monitored by the daily measurement of alanine
transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase
(AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase (GGT), and total bilirubin levels.
Daily platelet, haemoglobin, and white blood cell
counts were also recorded. In patients with normal
renal function (serum creatinine level <1.2 mg/dl),
nephrotoxicity was defined as a serum creatinine
value of >2 mg/dl, which represented a reduction
in the calculated creatinine clearance of 50 % relative
to the value at the initiation of antibiotic therapy.
In patients with pre-existing renal dysfunction,
nephrotoxicity was defined as an increase of o50 %
from the baseline creatinine level, which represented a
reduction in the calculated creatinine clearance of
50% relative to the value before colistin therapy was
Administration of antibiotics
Patients were randomly assigned to one of the treat-
ment groups according to a computer-generated
random-number program. The groups were treated
either with sodium colistimethate (Colimycin
Kocak Farma, Turkey, each vial contained 150 mg
colistin base activity which is approximately equiva-
lent to 360 mg sodium colistimethate) intravenously
(i.v.) only or with a combination of colistin i.v. and
rifampicin (600 mg/day) nasogastrically. All patients
in the ICU were monitored by the infectious diseases
team by daily rounds. Colistin or the combination of
colistin+rifampicin treatment was started as soon as
a patient was suspected of having VAP and in whom
cultures grew CRAB within 48 h of VAP diagnosis. In
the combination therapy group, we planned to stop
rifampicin when we did not observe synergy in the
presence of rifampicin resistance. We adjusted the
2 H. Aydemir and others
colistin doses in patients with renal impairment ac-
cording to the manufacturer’s recommendations. For
all of the patients with normal renal function, the
dosage of colistin base activity was set at 300 mg/day,
which was divided into three i.v. doses ; for a serum
creatinine level of 1.3–1.5 mg/dl, the dosage was set at
230 mg/day divided into two doses and for a serum
creatinine level of 1.6–2.5 mg/dl, the dosage was set at
150 mg/day in one dose. If the serum creatinine level
was >2.5 mg/dl, the dosage was set at 100 mg every
36 h. No other drugs were used in combination with
colistin to treat A. baumannii infection during the
study period.
A diagnosis of pneumonia required a new or per-
sistent infiltrate on chest radiography plus two or
more of the following : abnormal temperature
(>38 xCor<35.5xC), leukocytosis (leukocyte count
>12 000 cells/mm
) or leukopenia (leukocyte count
<4000 cells/mm
), and purulent bronchial secretion.
Pneumonia was considered to be ventilator-
associated when the onset occurred 48 h after the
initiation of mechanical ventilation [2].
Isolation of A. baumannii was conducted using a
protected specimen brush (PSP) or a quantitative
tracheal aspirate. A. baumannii was considered to
be the aetiological agent of VAP if the PSP yielded
c.f.u./ml or if the tracheal aspirate culture
yielded >10
c.f.u./ml of the organism [2, 11]. Tra-
cheal aspirates having >25 neutrophils present and
f10 epithelial cells on the Gram stain were accepted
for culture. Blood cultures were also taken from all
patients included in the study. The infectious disease
specialist who conducted daily follow-up evaluations
of the patients decided the duration of the treatment.
Empirical antimicrobial therapy was initiated in all
patients as soon as the diagnosis of VAP was made
and definitive therapy was eventually modified within
48 h when the susceptibilities of A. baumannii strains
were available. The total length of ICU stay was
defined as the number of days spent in the ICU until
death, discharge or transfer to another unit. The
primary outcome was the clinical response of VAP.
The following criteria were considered indicative
of a clinical response : (1) resolution of fever or
hypothermia with the body temperature being
between 36 xC and <38 xC ; (2) disappearance of
tracheal secretions or the absence of purulence in the
tracheal secretion, with polymorphonuclear leukocyte
counts <25 cells/mm
in Wright stain smears of the
tracheal secretion ; (3) a PaO
ratio (the ratio
of partial pressure of arterial O
to the fraction of
inspired O
)>240, or mechanical ventilation no
longer needed; and (4) the partial or total resolution
of respiratory crackles, upon physical examination
[2, 11, 12].
The secondary endpoints were microbiological,
laboratory and radiological responses. All of the
patients included in the study were followed until
death or discharge. Cultures of bronchial secretions
and blood were taken at the time of diagnosis and on
days 3, 5, 7, and 10 after diagnosis during the follow-
up period and at the end of the course of therapy.
A microbiological response was considered to be
achieved if subsequent cultures were negative for
A. baumannii. If a patient exhibited a clinical re-
sponse, but the cultures were still positive, treatment
was stopped, and the case was considered to be colon-
ized. A laboratory response was defined as the
normalization of leukocyte counts (4000–10 000 cells/
), a decrease in the sedimentation rate, or a 40 %
decrease of the CRP levels at the time of diagnosis.
Partial resolution or absence of infiltration and
absence of pleural effusion, which was detected at
the time of diagnosis, and the absence of a new infil-
tration on chest X-rays were considered as a radio-
logical response to therapy [12]. VAP-related
mortality was defined as death during the treatment
period, or death that occurred when the signs and
symptoms of pneumonia were present, or death due
to septic shock [2].
Isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
A. baumannii clinical isolates were identified by con-
ventional techniques and confirmed by the BBL
Crystal enteric/non-fermenter identification system
(Becton Dickinson, USA). Susceptibility to anti-
biotics was determined by a disk diffusion method,
and results interpreted as recommended by the
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) [13].
Resistance to imipenem and meropenem was verified
by determination of the minimal inhibitory concen-
trations (MICs) with E-tests (AB Biodisk, Sweden)
[13]. The MICs of rifampicin and colistin were deter-
mined using the broth microdilution method accord-
ing to CLSI recommendations. Standard powder
forms of rifampicin (Sigma Chemical Co., USA) and
colistin sulphate (Sigma Chemical Co.) were stored
at 2–8 xC until use. The stock solutions and serial
Colistin vs. colistin and rifampicin therapy in A. baumannii pneumonia 3
twofold dilutions of each drug (to at least double
the MIC) were prepared according to CLSI rec-
ommendations [13] and in-house prepared panels of
concentrations of 0.125–512 mg/ml were used. The
breakpoints for colistin resistance were defined by
CLSI recommendations (f2mg/ml for susceptible
and o4mg/ml, for resistant), while for rifampicin,
breakpoints established by the French Society for
Microbiology were used (f4mg/ml for susceptible
and >16 mg/ml for resistant) [14].
Synergy testing
Synergistic effects between colistin and rifampicin
were determined for all A. baumannii isolates by the
chequerboard microbroth dilution method. The stock
solutions and serial twofold dilutions of each drug (to
at least double the MIC) were prepared as above and
50 ml Mueller–Hinton broth was distributed into each
well of sterile microdilution plates. The first antibiotic
of the combination was serially diluted along the or-
dinate, while the second drug was diluted along the
abscissa. An inoculum equal to a 0.5 McFarland tur-
bidity standard was prepared for each A. baumanni
isolate in Mueller–Hinton broth and 10 ml of this
suspension (inoculum y5r10
c.f.u./ml) was added
to each well. The plates were incubated at 35 xC for
18 h under aerobic conditions. The MIC was defined
as the lowest concentration of an antibiotic that
completely inhibited visible growth of the organism.
A synergistic effect was indicated when the ratio of
the concentration of each antibiotic to the MIC of
that antibiotic was the same for all of the components
of the mixture. The total fractional inhibitory
concentration (gFIC) was calculated as follows :
gFIC=gFIC A+gFIC B, where FIC A was the
MIC of drug A in the combination/MIC of drug A
alone, and FIC B was the MIC of drug B in the
combination/MIC of drug B alone. The combination
was considered synergistic when the gFIC was f0.5,
indifferent when the gFIC was >0.5to<4, and
antagonistic when the gFIC was o4 [14]. The gFIC
was non-determined (ND) for some concentrations
of the combination if the MICs of each agent were at
the test range extremes (i.e. greater than the highest or
less than or equal to the lowest concentration tested),
and if the combination MICs were not at least four-
fold different. If the MIC interaction ranges did not
provide useful information, the test was repeated on a
newly designed concentration panel with appropriate
ranges [15].
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis
Analysis of the chromosomal DNA of the isolates
recovered before treatment was performed by PFGE
according to a published protocol [16]. The DNA
profiles on each gel were normalized to external ref-
erence strains and analysed using GelCompar soft-
ware (version 3.0; Applied Maths, Belgium) with a
1% band tolerance. Cluster analysis was performed
using the unweighted pair-group method using arith-
metic average (UPGMA) [17] and strains were cate-
gorized as indistinguishable, closely related, possibly
related or different according to the Tenover cri-
teria [18].
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS v. 18.0
software (SPSS Inc., USA). The distribution of data
was determined by the Shapiro–Wilk test. Continuous
variables were expressed as the means¡standard de-
viation, categorical variables as the frequency and
percent. Continuous variables were compared with
the independent sample ttest or Mann–Whitney
Utest, and categorical variables were compared using
Pearson’s x
test or Fisher’s exact x
test for two
groups. The correlation between two continuous
variables was evaluated by Spearman’s correlation
analysis. Pvalues of <0.05 were considered to be
statistically significant for all tests.
During the course of the study period, 69 patients
were diagnosed with VAP due to CRAB. The cultures
of six patients were polymicrobial and eight patients
had another infection site due to a different micro-
organism. One patient transferred to our centre was
already receiving colistin treatment and 11 patients
died within 72 h of colistin or colistin and rifampicin
treatment. These 26 patients were excluded from the
study and the remaining 43 patients were entered into
the study.
The demographic data, comorbidities and clinical
characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1.
Twenty-two patients were treated with colistin alone,
and 21 with a combination of colistin+rifampicin.
The mean ICU stay to diagnosis of VAP was 20 days
for the colistin group and 13 days for the combination
group. Although there were no statistically signifi-
cant differences between the APACHE II scores
4 H. Aydemir and others
(P=0.379) at the time of ICU admission between the
two groups, the difference between the SOFA scores
(P=0.044) of the two groups on the day of VAP di-
agnosis reached statistical significance ; SOFA scores
were higher in the colistin+rifampicin combination
group (8.2¡2.9) than in the colistin group (6.5¡2.6).
No statistically significant difference was found
between the duration of ICU stay for the two
groups (34.9¡26.0 days for the colistin group and
40.4¡26.4 for the combination group, P=0.368).
Microbiological cure was observed in 13 (59.1%)
patients in the colistin group and in 15 patients
(71.4%) in the colistin+rifampicin group. The time
to microbiological clearance was significantly shorter
in the colistin+rifampicin group (3.1¡0.5 days,
P=0.029). Although the clinical (P=0.654), labora-
tory (P=0.645), radiological (P=0.290) and micro-
biological (P=0.597) response rates were better in the
combination group, these differences were not sig-
nificant (Table 2). The crude in-hospital mortality
Table 2. Outcomes of patients treated with colistin alone and in combination with rifampicin
Colistin group
group (n=21) P
Clinical response (%) 20 (46.5) 9 (40.9) 11 (52.4) 0.654
Laboratory response (%) 22 (51.2) 10 (45.5) 12 (57.1) 0.645
Radiological response (%) 18 (41.9) 7 (31.8) 11 (52.4) 0.290
Microbiological response (%) 28 (65.1) 13 (59.1) 15 (71.4) 0.597
Time to microbiological clearance (days),
In-hospital mortality (%) 29 (67.4) 16 (72.7) 13 (61.9) 0.666
VAP-related mortality (%) 22 (51.2) 14 (63.6) 8 (38.1) 0.171
VAP, Ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Table 1. Demographic data and clinical characteristics of ventilator-associated pneumonia patients treated with
colistin alone and in combination with rifampicin
Variables Total (n=43)
Colistin group
group (n=21) P
Gender (male/female) (%) 30 (69.8)/13 (31.2) 16 (72.7)/6 (27.3) 14 (66.7)/7 (33.3) 0.920
Age, mean¡S.D.61¡20 63¡17 58¡23 0.535
Diabetes mellitus (%) 12 (27.9) 7 (31.8) 5 (23.8) 0.806
Chronic renal failure (%) 4 (9.3) 2 (9.1) 2 (9.5) 1.000
Hypertension (%) 21 (48.8) 14 (63.6) 7 (33.3) 0.093
Congestive heart failure (%) 7 (16.3) 5 (22.7) 2 (9.5) 0.412
Malignancy (%) 5 (11.6) 2 (9.1) 3 (14.3) 0.664
Cerebrovascular disease (%) 4 (9.3) 3 (13.6) 1 (4.8) 0.607
Trauma (%) 6 (14.0) 4 (18.2) 2 (9.5) 0.664
Operation (%) 4 (9.3) 3 (13.6) 1 (4.8) 0.607
ICU stay before diagnosis, mean¡S.D.16
Total length of ICU stay, mean¡S.D.37
Duration of mechanical ventilation, before
diagnosis (days), mean¡S.D.
Duration of mechanical ventilation (days),
Prior receipt of carbapenem (%) 22 (51.2) 11 (50.0) 11 (52.4) 1.000
Presence of bacteraemia (%) 8 (18.6) 3 (13.6) 5 (23.8) 0.457
APACHE II scores, mean¡S.D.19
SOFA scores, mean¡S.D.7
Duration of treatment (days), mean¡S.D.9
ICU, Intensive care unit; APACHE, Acute Physiological and Chronic Health Evaluation; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure
Colistin vs. colistin and rifampicin therapy in A. baumannii pneumonia 5
rates were 72.7% (16/22 patients) in the colistin group
and 61.9% (13/21 patients) in the colistin+rifampicin
group (P=0.666). The VAP-related mortality
rates were 63.6% (14/22 patients) and 38.1 % (8/21
patients) for the colistin and the combination groups
(P=0.171), respectively. The time to start of definitive
therapy was the same in both treatment groups.
As all patients were treated with colistin, treatment
groups were not considered when evaluating the renal
toxicity of colistin. At the beginning of antimicrobial
therapy serum creatinine levels were 1.2¡1.0 mg/dl
for all patients and the highest creatinine level
recorded during therapy was 1.7¡1.2 mg/dl. Ten
(23%) patients developed nephrotoxicity during
colistin treatment and none had renal insufficiency
before treatment. The development of renal toxicity
did not result in the discontinuation of treatment or
the need for dialysis, but required adjustment of the
colistin dosage in all patients. None of the patients
developed hepatotoxicity due to rifampicin. No
neurotoxicity, such as dizziness, weakness, facial
paraesthesia, vertigo, visual disturbances, confusion,
ataxia, or an abnormal neurological physical exam-
ination finding was observed, but we were not able to
evaluate the patients electrophysiologically for the
development of polyneuropathy.
Nine different antibiotic resistance phenotypes of
A. baumannii were identified. All isolates were carba-
penem-resistant and susceptible to colistin. Fourteen
isolates were resistant to all of the other anti-
microbials tested and the remainder showed vari-
able susceptibility to these agents. Susceptibility to
rifampicin was not uniform. Eleven isolates (three
from patients in the colistin+rifampicin group)
showed elevated rifampicin MICs (256 mg/ml to
o512 mg/ml), Three isolates (one from the col-
istin+rifampicin group) showed intermediate MICs
(8–16 mg/ml), and the remainder were fully susceptible
(MIC f4mg/ml).
Synergy between colistin and rifampicin was
demonstrated for all isolates. It was not necessary to
repeat a new panel for the ND gFICs because all
combination MICs were fourfold less than the single
agent’s MICs, which was interpreted as synergy.
There was no correlation between gFICs and the
time to bacterial clearance (r=0.10, P=0.079).
PFGE analysis of 40 isolates revealed closely re-
lated DNA profiles comprising 10 different genotype
clusters. Genotype 1, which formed the largest cluster,
contained 13 isolates which was indicative of an out-
break strain.
The increasing rate of resistance of A. baumannii
strains to available antibiotics, particularly to carba-
penems, has rekindled interest in using colistin for the
treatment of these infections. Several in vivo studies
have investigated the effect of the use of colistin alone
or in combination with rifampicin for the treatment of
infections due to CRAB [2, 11, 19–22] but to the best
of our knowledge, this is the first prospective, random-
ized clinical trial to compare the response of colistin
treatment alone with the combination of colistin+
rifampicin to treat VAP patients infected with
CRAB. In a study conducted by Petrosillo et al.
[21] the clinical outcome of CRAB infections treated
with a combination of i.v. colistin+rifampicin was
evaluated, and 7/14 patients died from VAP due to
A. baumannii with a microbiological response rate of
64.3% (9/14). Another observational study on the
efficacy of colistin combined with rifampicin (i.v. and
aerosolized routes) in nine patients with bacteraemia
and in three patients with VAP due to multidrug-
resistant A. baumannii reported favourable clinical
outcomes for all patients [11]. Further, Bassetti et al.
[20] observed high microbiological and clinical re-
sponse rates (76 %) in critically ill patients infected
with multidrug-resistant A. baumannii who were
treated with colistin+rifampicin and this rate was
superior to the foregoing studies [11, 21] and the cur-
rent investigation. However, the infection-related
mortality rate of 21 % was lower than our VAP-
related mortality rate of 51.2 % (22/43) for all patients.
This rate was lower in the colistin+rifampicin group
(38.1%) than in the colistin monotherapy group
In other published studies on the efficacy of i.v.
colistin therapy for nosocomial infections caused
by multidrug-resistant organisms, favourable clinical
response rates ranged from 57 % to 73 % [2, 19, 22].
We compared the clinical, microbiological, radiologi-
cal and laboratory response rates of the two treatment
groups and all responses including the clinical (52.4%
.9), microbiological (71.4% vs.59
.1%), labora-
tory (57.1% vs.45
.5%), radiological (52.4% vs.
31.8%) and mortality (38.1% vs.63
.6%) rates were
superior for the combination therapy group, despite
the significantly higher initial SOFA scores. The time
to microbiological clearance was significantly shorter
(y3daysvs. 5 days) in the colistin+rifampicin group.
In this study we used the oral form of rifampicin
because the parenteral form is not available in
6 H. Aydemir and others
Turkey. Although the absorption and the distri-
bution of orally administered rifampicin is good [23],
it has been shown that a higher metabolic ratio re-
sults after oral dosing than by the i.v. route [24].
Further, the use of inhaled colistin was not approved
by the Turkish Ministry of Health during the study
period. The low systemic and high local concentra-
tions of inhaled colistin support the use of this form
in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) infected with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but whether this applies to
non-CF patients with nosocomial pneumonia due to
CRAB is not known [25]. Nevertheless, limited ex-
perience with aerosolized colistin therapy suggests
that it may be an effective and safe adjunctive treat-
ment for critically ill patients with VAP caused
by CRAB [26]. In another retrospective study of
45 patients with VAP caused by CRAB, in whom
inhaled colistin was used, the microbiological cure
rate, clinical cure rate and mortality rate were re-
ported to be 33%, 58%, and 42%, respectively, and
no side-effects were observed [27]. It is therefore
possible that the outcomes of our study could have
been improved if the parenteral form of rifampicin
or the inhaled form of colistin had been available for
combination treatment.
Giannouli et al. [28] recently investigated the
mechanisms of rifampicin resistance in A. baumannii
isolates. They reported that no synergistic effect of
rifampicin and colistin was observed in the isolates
with elevated rifampicin MICs due to the mutations
in the rpoB target gene. By contrast, we found a clear
synergistic effect between rifampicin and colistin for
all A. baumannii isolates including those with elevated
rifampicin MICs. Oxa-58-producing strains became
endemic in our institution after the outbreak seen in
2005 [29]. Current isolates examined here may have
similar carbapenem resistance mechanisms to the
earlier strains and we did not plan to look for synergy
between colistin and carbapenems, but such an
investigation may be informative in strains with car-
bapenem resistance due to membrane-based changes
(porins and efflux pumps).
Renal toxicity developed in ten patients (10/43,
23%) during the treatment and all had normal
baseline creatinine levels. Similar results were re-
ported by Turkoglu et al. [30] who evaluated the
effectiveness of colistin in critically ill patients
with chronic renal failure and found 23 % of them
without renal impairment developed nephrotoxicity.
By contrast, two earlier studies did not observe
nephrotoxicity in patients with normal renal function
at the beginning of colistin therapy [19, 20]. How-
ever, in one of these studies renal function tests
showed further deterioration in three patients (3/29,
10%) who already had renal failure at the beginning
of colistin therapy [20]. Significant renal dysfunction
was not reported by Rios et al. [31] for VAP patients
treated with colistin. In our study, four patients
had previous renal impairment and high baseline
creatinine levels at the beginning of colistin treat-
ment. Initial colistin dosage was adjusted in these
patients according to their serum creatinine levels,
but none of them experienced further deterioration
of renal function during colistin therapy and none
required dialysis. For patients with normal renal
function, the dosage of colistin was 300 mg/day, and
this was adjusted for patients with renal impairment
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
By contrast, for patients with renal impairment,
Garonzik et al. [32] did not recommend larger
dosage intervals for colistin calculated according to
the serum creatinine levels.
This study has several limitations, including a
small sample size, the unavailability of i.v. rifampicin
and inhaled colistin, the performance of the study at
only one centre, and difficulty in the diagnosis of
VAP and in the evaluation of the clinical, radiologi-
cal, and laboratory responses in critically ill patients
with other underlying comorbidities. Nevertheless its
strengths are that it was a prospective, randomized
clinical trial and the performance of synergy testing.
Synergy between colistin and rifampicin was demon-
strated for all isolates included in the study and all
types of responses to treatment were evaluated in all
patients; and patients were followed up to identify
adverse reactions to the drugs.
Although not statistically significant, higher clini-
cal, laboratory, and radiological response rates and
a lower VAP-related mortality rate were observed in
the colistin+rifampicin group. These results warrant
further studies with a larger patient sample size to
further investigate the potential benefits of this
combination treatment. Although nephrotoxicity
developed in 23 % of the patients, a colistin dosage
adjustment was sufficient to compensate for this
toxicity, and discontinuation of treatment or dialysis
was not required. Because high mortality rates have
been reported for infections due to CRAB, future
prospective in vivo studies evaluating the efficacy of
different treatment regimens are needed to determine
the appropriate treatments necessary for better clini-
cal outcomes.
Colistin vs. colistin and rifampicin therapy in A. baumannii pneumonia 7
We thank Associate Professor Dr Barıs¸ Otlu
(Department of Clinical Microbiology, Molecular
Microbiology Section, Faculty of Medicine, Inonu
University, Malatya, Turkey) for his kind contri-
bution of the PFGE analysis of the isolates. We also
thank the technical staff of the laboratory, and Eldan
Subası for her help with the MIC and synergy testing.
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Colistin vs. colistin and rifampicin therapy in A. baumannii pneumonia 9
... The guidance enabled medical practitioners treating infections caused by CRAB to be better informed, and also helped to support research. Seven randomized controlled trials have investigated possible roles for combination therapy in CRAB infections; the results indicate that combination therapy could provide benefits in such cases [6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. In addition, two large trials compared the effects of treatment using colistin plus meropenem with treatment using colistin alone, among patients with severe CRAB infections. ...
... Our results indicated that 7-day and 14-day mortality was not reduced by the addition of sitafloxacin to colistin-meropenem therapy. The all-cause mortality rate in the colistinmeropenem group in our trial was lower than that reported in previous studies [8][9][10][11]. This outcome might be explained by the younger ages of our participants and their lower APACHE II scores. ...
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Background: Carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB) hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP)/ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is now a therapeutic problem worldwide. Method: An open-label, randomized, superiority, single-blind trial was conducted in Rajavithi Hospital, a super-tertiary care facility in Bangkok, Thailand. CRAB HAP/VAP patients were randomly assigned to receive either sitafloxacin–colistin–meropenem or colistin–meropenem. Outcomes in the two groups were then assessed with respect to mortality, clinical response, and adverse effects. Result: Between April 2021 and April 2022, 77 patients were treated with combinations of either sitafloxacin plus colistin plus meropenem (n = 40) or colistin plus meropenem (n = 37). There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to all-cause mortality rates at 7 days and 14 days (respectively, 7.5% vs. 2.7%; p = 0.616, and 10% vs. 10%; p = 1). Patients who received sitafloxacin–colistin–meropenem showed improved clinical response compared with patients who received colistin–meropenem in terms of both intention-to-treat (87.5% vs. 62.2%; p = 0.016) and per-protocol analysis (87.2% vs. 67.7%; p = 0.049). There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to adverse effects. Conclusions: Adding sitafloxacin as a third agent to meropenem plus colistin could improve clinical outcomes in CRAB HAP/VAP with little or no impact on adverse effects. In short, sitafloxacin–meropenem–colistin could be another therapeutic option for combatting CRAB HAP/VAP.
... The guidance enabled medical practitioners treating infections caused by CRAB to be better informed, and also helped to support research. Seven RCTs have investigated possible roles for combination therapy in CRAB infections; the results indicate that combination therapy could provide benefits in such cases [7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. In addition, two large trials compared the effects of treatment using colistin plus meropenem with treatment using colistin alone, among patients with severe CRAB infections. ...
... We randomly assigned two patients to the same group, next to each other, due to misnumbering. 12 Future research should be encouraged to identify other appropriate treatment options for improving patient outcomes with respect to mortality and morbidity. ...
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Background: Carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB) hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP)/ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is becoming a globally therapeutic problem. Method: The open-label, randomized, superiority, single-blind trial was conducted in Rajavithi Hospital, a super-tertiary care in Bangkok, Thailand. We included CRAB HAP/VAP patients randomly assigned to receive sitafloxacin-colistin-meropenem compared to colistin-meropenem to assess mortality, clinical response, and adverse effects. Result: April 2021-2022, 77 patients were randomized and received combination treatment sitafloxacin-colistin-meropenem (n = 40) or colistin-meropenem (n = 37). Among two groups, the all-cause mortality rate was no significant difference at 7-days and 14-days (7.5% vs 2.7%; p = 0.616 and 10% vs 10%; p = 1, respectively). Patients received sitafloxacin-colistin-meropenem showed improved clinical response, compared patients receiving colistin-meropenem with both intentions to treat (87.5% vs 62.2%; p = 0.016) and per-protocol analysis (87.2% vs 67.7%; p = 0.049). The adverse effects were not different among 2 groups. Conclusion: Adding sitafloxacin as third agent in meropenem plus colistin could improve clinical in CRAB HAP/VAP with comparable adverse effects. Sitafloxacin-meropenem-colistin could be another option for combatting CRAB HAP/VAP
... Rifampicin is a promising antimycobacterial antibiotic for combination therapy, and colistin-rifampicin combination produces significant synergy for inhibiting and eradicating both planktonic and biofilms of colistinresistant A. baumannii (Petrosillo et al. 2008;lee HJ et al. 2013;wences et al. 2022). improvements of clinical, radiological, and microbiological responses were reported with the use of colistin-rifampicin combination in carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii-associated pneumonia (Aydemir et al. 2013) (table 1). Meanwhile, clinical trial comparing colistin monotherapy and colistin-rifampicin combination in colistin-resistant A. baumannii-associated pneumonia revealed that combination therapy produced better microbiological responses with negative culture conversion while having no significant differences in clinical outcomes (Park et al. 2019) (table 1). ...
Acinetobacter baumannii is a common pathogen associated with hospital-acquired pneumonia showing increased resistance to carbapenem and colistin antibiotics nowadays. infections with A. baumannii cause high patient fatalities due to their capability to evade current antimicrobial therapies, emphasizing the urgency of developing viable therapeutics to treat A. baumannii-associated pneumonia. in this review, we explore current and novel therapeutic options for overcoming therapeutic failure when dealing with A. baumannii-associated pneumonia. Among them, antibiotic combination therapy administering several drugs simultaneously or alternately, is one promising approach for optimizing therapeutic success. However, it has been associated with inconsistent and inconclusive therapeutic outcomes across different studies. therefore, it is critical to undertake additional clinical trials to ascertain the clinical effectiveness of different antibiotic combinations. we also discuss the prospective roles of novel antimicrobial therapies including antimicrobial peptides, bacteriophage-based therapy, repurposed drugs, naturally-occurring compounds, nanoparticle-based therapy, anti-virulence strategies, immunotherapy, photodynamic and sonodynamic therapy, for utilizing them as additional alternative therapy while tackling A. baumannii-associated pneumonia. importantly, these innovative therapies further require pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation for safety, stability, immunogenicity, toxicity, and tolerability before they can be clinically approved as an alternative rescue therapy for A. baumannii-associated pulmonary infections.
... Colistin/rifampicin has not shown clinical benefit in randomized trials [108][109][110]. ...
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Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as a pressing challenge in clinical practice, mainly due to the development of resistance to multiple antibiotics, including colistin, one of the last-resort treatments. This review highlights all the possible mechanisms of colistin resistance and the genetic basis contributing to this resistance, such as modifications to lipopolysaccharide or lipid A structures, alterations in outer membrane permeability via porins and heteroresistance. In light of this escalating threat, the review also evaluates available treatment options. The development of new antibiotics (cefiderocol, sulbactam/durlobactam) although not available everywhere, and the use of various combinations and synergistic drug combinations (including two or more of the following: a polymyxin, ampicillin/sulbactam, carbapenems, fosfomycin, tigecycline/minocycline, a rifamycin, and aminoglycosides) are discussed in the context of overcoming colistin resistance of A. baumannii infections. Although most studied combinations are polymyxin-based combinations, non-polymyxin-based combinations have been emerging as promising options. However, clinical data remain limited and continued investigation is essential to determine optimal therapeutic strategies against colistin-resistant A. baumannii.
... Unsurprisingly, this study failed to show any difference in clinical and microbiological outcomes. Prior reports, such as those by Durante-Magnoni et al. [61] and Aydemir et al. [130], also questioned the clinical significance of adding rifampicin to colistin. ...
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The treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii infections remains a challenge for physicians worldwide in the 21st century. The bacterium possesses a multitude of mechanisms to escape the human immune system. The consequences of A. baumannii infections on morbidity and mortality, as well on financial resources, remain dire. Furthermore, A. baumannii superinfections have also occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. While prevention is important, the antibiotic armamentarium remains the most essential factor for the treatment of these infections. The main problem is the notorious resistance profile (including resistance to carbapenems and colistin) that this bacterium exhibits. While newer beta lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitors have entered clinical practice, with excellent results against various infections due to Enterobacteriaceae, their contribution against A. baumannii infections is almost absent. Hence, we have to resort to at least one of the following, sulbactam, polymyxins E or B, tigecycline or aminoglycosides, against multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) A. baumannii infections. Furthermore, the notable addition of cefiderocol in the fight against A. baumannii infections represents a useful addition. We present herein the existing information from the last decade regarding therapeutic advances against MDR/XDR A. baumannii infections.
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Acinetobacter pneumonia is a significant healthcare-associated infection that poses a considerable challenge to clinicians due to its multidrug-resistant nature. Recent world events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the need for effective treatment and management strategies for Acinetobacter pneumonia. In this review, we discuss lessons learned from recent world events, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, in the context of the treatment and management of Acinetobacter pneumonia. We performed an extensive literature review to uncover studies and information pertinent to the topic. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of infection control measures in healthcare settings, including proper hand hygiene, isolation protocols, and personal protective equipment use, to prevent the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens like Acinetobacter. Additionally, the pandemic highlighted the crucial role of antimicrobial stewardship programs in optimizing antibiotic use and curbing the emergence of resistance. Advances in diagnostic techniques, such as rapid molecular testing, have also proven valuable in identifying Acinetobacter infections promptly. Furthermore, due to the limited availability of antibiotics for treating infections caused A. baumannii, alternative strategies are needed like the use of antimicrobial peptides, bacteriophages and their enzymes, nanoparticles, photodynamic and chelate therapy. Recent world events, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, have provided valuable insights into the treatment and management of Acinetobacter pneumonia. These lessons emphasize the significance of infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, and early diagnostics in combating this challenging infection.
Purpose of review To update the management of severe Acinetobacter baumannii infections (ABI), particularly those caused by multi-resistant isolates. Recent findings The in vitro activity of the various antimicrobial agents potentially helpful in treating ABI is highly variable and has progressively decreased for many of them, limiting current therapeutic options. The combination of more than one drug is still advisable in most circumstances. Ideally, two active first-line drugs should be used. Alternatively, a first-line and a second-line drug and, if this is not possible, two or more second-line drugs in combination. The emergence of new agents such as Cefiderocol, the combination of Sulbactam and Durlobactam, and the new Tetracyclines offer therapeutic options that need to be supported by clinical evidence. Summary The apparent limitations in treating infections caused by this bacterium, the rapid development of resistance, and the serious underlying situation in most cases invite the search for alternatives to antibiotic treatment, the most promising of which seems to be bacteriophage therapy.
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This paper presents the form and validation results of APACHE II, a severity of disease classification system. APACHE II uses a point score based upon initial values of 12 routine physiologic measurements, age, and previous health status to provide a general measure of severity of disease. An increasing score (range 0 to 71) was closely correlated with the subsequent risk of hospital death for 5815 intensive care admissions from 13 hospitals. This relationship was also found for many common diseases.When APACHE II scores are combined with an accurate description of disease, they can prognostically stratify acutely ill patients and assist investigators comparing the success of new or differing forms of therapy. This scoring index can be used to evaluate the use of hospital resources and compare the efficacy of intensive care in different hospitals or over time.
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Strain typing is an integral part of epidemiological investigations of nosocomial infections. Methods for distinguishing among bacterial strains have improved dramatically over the last 5 years, due mainly to the introduction of molecular technology. Although not all molecular techniques are equally effective for typing all organisms, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis is the technique currently favored for most nosocomial pathogens. Criteria to aid epidemiologists in interpreting results have been published. Nucleic acid amplification-based typing methods also are applicable to many organisms and can be completed within a single day, but interpretive criteria still are under debate. Strain typing cannot be used to replace a sound epidemiological investigation, but serves as a useful adjunct to such investigations.
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With increasing clinical emergence of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens and the paucity of new agents to combat these infections, colistin (administered as its inactive prodrug colistin methanesulfonate [CMS]) has reemerged as a treatment option, especially for critically ill patients. There has been a dearth of pharmacokinetic (PK) data available to guide dosing in critically ill patients, including those on renal replacement therapy. In an ongoing study to develop a population PK model for CMS and colistin, 105 patients have been studied to date; these included 12 patients on hemodialysis and 4 on continuous renal replacement therapy. For patients not on renal replacement, there was a wide variance in creatinine clearance, ranging from 3 to 169 ml/min/1.73 m(2). Each patient was treated with a physician-selected CMS dosage regimen, and 8 blood samples for PK analysis were collected across a dosage interval on day 3 or 4 of therapy. A linear PK model with two compartments for CMS and one compartment for formed colistin best described the data. Covariates included creatinine clearance on the total clearance of CMS and colistin, as well as body weight on the central volume of CMS. Model-fitted parameter estimates were used to derive suggested loading and maintenance dosing regimens for various categories of patients, including those on hemodialysis and continuous renal replacement. Based on our current understanding of colistin PK and pharmacodynamic relationships, colistin may best be used as part of a highly active combination, especially for patients with moderate to good renal function and/or for organisms with MICs of ≥ 1.0 mg/liter.
Recently, colistin has become a salvage therapy in the treatment of serious Intensive Care Unit infections owing to the emergence of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) bacterial isolates. This study aimed to show the effectiveness of colistin in critically ill patients with renal failure. A prospective case-control study of 94 patients admitted to medical intensive care units of a university hospital from December 2008 to June 2010 was conducted. All patients had infections with XDR Acinetobacter baumannii or Pseudomonas aeruginosa and received colistin. Cases comprised 39 patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and controls were other patients without CRF. Apart from the male dominancy in the CRF group, there was no statistical difference between the two groups regarding demographic characteristics, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, and site and type of infection. In patients who completed colistin therapy, bacteriological cure was seen in 87% of patients with CRF and 95% of patients without CRF (P=0.890). Mortality in patients with CRF was similar to that in patients without CRF (44% and 42%, respectively) (P=0.999). Nephrotoxicity developed in 23.6% of patients in the control group. Concomitant nephrotoxic agents and total defined daily dose of colistin did not affect the development of nephrotoxicity. The mortality rate was 38% in patients with nephrotoxicity, similar to the mortality rate in patients without nephrotoxicity (36%) (P=0.999). In conclusion, in critically ill patients with CRF, colistin therapy, although used at a reduced dosage, was as effective as in patients without CRF.
Use of rifampicin (RIF) in combination with colistin (COL) has been proposed for the treatment of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections owing to in vitro synergism. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the molecular epidemiology and mechanisms of RIF resistance in 57 clinical isolates of A. baumannii in two tertiary care hospitals in Naples (Italy) from 2006 to 2010. Amongst the collection, 36 isolates showed high RIF minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) (256 mg/L to ≥512 mg/L), 16 showed intermediate MICs (8-16 mg/L) and 5 had low MICs (4 mg/L). Of the 36 isolates with elevated RIF MICs, 35 were assigned to sequence type ST2 and 1 to ST78. Amongst the 57 isolates, 35 carried at least one mutation in rpoB, including H535L in 9 isolates and double mutations D525N and P544L in 7 isolates, whilst 22 showed no rpoB mutations. Treatment with the efflux pump inhibitor phenyl-arginine-β-naphthylamide (PAβN) of resistant isolates with no mutations in rpoB and different RIF MICs reduced the MIC by >10-fold and restored the synergism between RIF and COL in time-kill studies, whilst it had no effect on strains carrying rpoB mutations. In conclusion, the emergence of elevated RIF MICs in A. baumannii isolates from our geographical area was mostly caused by mutations in rpoB; low to intermediate RIF MICs were also caused by altered membrane permeability to the drug. The phenomenon was contributed by the selection of two prevalent clones both assigned to ST2 genotype. These data may have implications for the correct identification of cases with A. baumannii infection that would not benefit from addition of RIF to COL.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) due to multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii in critically ill patients presents an emerging challenge to clinicians. Administration of aerosolized colistin as an adjunctive therapy is one therapeutic option mentioned in limited evidence-based studies. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of adjunctive aerosolized colistin treatment for VAP due to MDR pathogens. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients who had received aerosolized colistin for treatment of VAP due to MDR A. baumannii in our hospital from August to December 2008. Forty-five patients were enrolled in our study. The mean age was 71 +/- 15 years. The mean Acute Physiological and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores on the day of intensive care unit admission and on the first day of aerosolized colistin administration were 22.5 +/- 6.7 and 18.9 +/- 5.7, respectively. The mean duration of intensive care unit stay was 34 +/- 16 days. The mean daily dosage of aerosolized colistin was 4.29 +/- 0.82 million IU, and the mean duration of administration was 10.29 days. Seventeen patients (37.8%) had a favorable microbiological outcome and 26 (57.8%) showed a clinical response. Mortality due to all causes was 42.2%. No adverse effects related to inhaled colistin were recorded. Aerosolized colistin may be considered as an adjunct to intravenous treatments in patients with VAP due to colistin-susceptible MDR A. baumannii in critically ill patients.