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Monitoring of Indoor Radon Levels Around an Oil Refinery Using CR39Based Radon Detectors


Abstract and Figures

Contribution of radon and its decay products towards the total effective dose has been reported to be more than 50% and is a second leading cause of the lung cancer after cigarette smoking. It is an established fact that besides soil and rocks, naturally occurring radio nuclides are also associated with the petroleum extracted from the sedimentary deposits. Therefore, radon measurement around oil refineries is desirable. In this regard, an indoor radon measurement study was carried out in 40 dwellings which were situated in the vicinity of an oil refinery in the Rawalpindi district using CR-39-based radon detectors. For comparison, indoor radon levels were also measured in 40 dwellings situated at a greater distance (>2 km) from the refinery. The maximum measured indoor radon concentration was found to be 190 ± 6 Bq·m−3 whilst the minimum recorded concentration was 12 ± 7 Bq·m−3. The mean radon concentration in the dwellings surveyed was 57 ± 29 Bq·m−3. No significant difference was observed in the average indoor radon levels in the dwellings situated near the oil refinery premises when compared with those further away. From the measured radon concentrations, an annual effective dose was calculated to be 0.9 ± 0.1 mSv which is below the ICRP recommended value.
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Indoor and Built Environment
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DOI: 10.1177/1420326X11410583
2012 21: 452 originally published online 28 June 2011Indoor and Built Environment
S.U. Rahman, F. Malik, Matiullah, T. Nasir and J. Anwar
Monitoring of Indoor Radon Levels Around an Oil Refinery Using CR-39-Based Radon Detectors
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Case Report
Indoor and B
Indoor Built Environ 2012;21;3:452–457 Accepted: April 19, 2011
Monitoring of Indoor Radon
Levels Around an Oil
Refinery Using CR-39-Based
Radon Detectors
S.U. Rahman
F. Malik
T. Nasir
J. Anwar
Department of Medical Physics, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology and Radiotherapy Institute (NORI),
Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad, Pakistan
Physics Division, PINSTECH, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Physics, Gomal University, D.I. Khan, Pakistan
Key Words
Internal dose ENatural radiation sources EEffective
dose ECR-39-based radon detector
Contribution of radon and its decay products towards
the total effective dose has been reported to be more
than 50% and is a second leading cause of the lung
cancer after cigarette smoking. It is an established fact
that besides soil and rocks, naturally occurring radio
nuclides are also associated with the petroleum
extracted from the sedimentary deposits. Therefore,
radon measurement around oil refineries is desirable.
In this regard, an indoor radon measurement study was
carried out in 40 dwellings which were situated in the
vicinity of an oil refinery in the Rawalpindi district using
CR-39-based radon detectors. For comparison, indoor
radon levels were also measured in 40 dwellings
situated at a greater distance (42 km) from the refinery.
The maximum measured indoor radon concentration
was found to be 190 6Bqm
whilst the minimum
recorded concentration was 12 7Bqm
. The mean
radon concentration in the dwellings surveyed was
57 29 Bqm
. No significant difference was observed
in the average indoor radon levels in the dwellings
situated near the oil refinery premises when compared
with those further away. From the measured radon
concentrations, an annual effective dose was calculated
to be 0.9 0.1 mSv which is below the ICRP recom-
mended value.
Radon (
Rn) is a radioactive noble gas and is
generated from the decay of
U. It is a colourless,
odourless, electrically uncharged gas but hazardous. It
emits alpha radiation and decays with a half-life of 3.824
days. Radon is present in trace amounts almost every-
where in the earth’s crust. Its concentration in the
atmosphere varies, depending on the place, time, height
above the ground and meteorological conditions. Radon
production rate from the soil depends upon the geological
ßThe Author(s), 2011. Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1420326X11410583
Accessible online at
Department of Medical Physics, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology and Radiotherapy
Institute (NORI), Islamabad, Pakistan. Tel. þ92 3008309821, Fax þ92 51 9260616,
at UNIV CALGARY LIBRARY on May 30, 2012ibe.sagepub.comDownloaded from
characteristics of the soil itself and its underlying
geological strata. A fraction of radon emanated from the
soil (and sometimes also from water, in which it may be
dissolved) can find its way into the buildings through
cracks in the foundations. After entering into the indoor
atmosphere, it accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms to
levels which may pose a significant health risk to the
occupants [1–9]. Rates of radon emission from the soil
may vary markedly over time, even for a single location. In
addition to the daily variations, radon levels in buildings
are also season-dependent. Some of the influential factors
on indoor radon include content and porosity of the soil,
building structure, whether the house has a basement,
insulation and heating system of the house and ventilation
habits [10–12].
As radon is a human carcinogen, extensive data are
available extending into the range of general population
exposure [13–16]. Risk projections imply that radon is the
second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
Inhalation of radon decay products has been linked to
an increased risk of lung cancer. As mentioned above, over
85% of human total annual dose, averaged over the world
population, stem from natural sources, with about half of
it coming from radon decay products [17–23]. A survey of
120 schools situated in four districts of the Punjab
Province in Pakistan has been reported [24].
This article reports the measurements of indoor radon
levels in 80 selected houses in the vicinity of and at some
distance remote from an oil refinery located in the district
of Rawalpindi. The dwellings selected, which were within a
radius of 1 km from the main installations of the refinery,
were considered to be in the vicinity of oil refinery.
Dwellings located at a radius of 2 km or more from the
main refinery installations were considered as being
remote for comparison purposes. An increase in the
indoor radon level in the vicinity of the refinery was
expected due to the fact that the petroleum deposits would
usually occur in the areas consisting of sedimentary,
igneous and metamorphic rocks. The sedimentary and
igneous rocks would contain
U in varying quantities
and therefore act as sources of
Rn. Hence, it was
expected that crude oil will contain considerable amount
of the dissolved radon which in turn will result in higher
radon levels in the vicinity of the refinery.
Type of Houses
The types of houses surveyed were approximately
similar in both locations. Most of the houses in the
surveyed area were built from baked bricks, sand and
concrete with roofs made of concrete. These included both
single- and double-storey houses; however, most were
double storied. Each house contained at least two rooms
and one kitchen. CR-39-based radon detectors were
installed in bedroom and living room of each house. In
the case of double-storey houses, dosimeters were installed
at the ground floor. All the houses surveyed were detached
and semi-detached houses. The sizes of the rooms were
approximately 3.7 3.7 3.5 m
with one or two windows
and a door. Usually, the windows are not operational and
remained closed especially in living rooms with no
additional exhausting fans, which resulted in poor
ventilation conditions.
Rawalpindi is located at a latitude of 348200N and a
longitude of 738060E and at an altitude of 507 m above the
sea level. Map of the studied area is shown in Figure 1.
Weather of the Rawalpindi is highly variable due to its
location. The average annual rainfall is 990 mm, most of
which falls in the summer monsoon season. However,
frontal cloud bands also bring quite significant rainfall in
the winter. The temperature begins to rise in the area from
early April and reaches around 478C in June. The period
from December to February is cold and temperature drops
to a minimum of 48C.Table 1 gives the temperature and
rainfall monthly averages recorded [25].
Materials and Methods
In order to carry out indoor radon measurement in
dwellings in the vicinity and remote from the oil refinery,
CR-39-based radon detectors were used. In this regard,
introductory brochures were distributed amongst the
inhabitants wherein instructions about installation and
safety of the radon detectors were explained. Occupancy
factor plays an important role in the dose calculation.
Therefore, information regarding the indoor occupancy
was obtained by interviewing the dwellers during the
installation/collection of the dosimeters. Based on these
interviews, an average occupancy factor 0.5 was estimated.
Large sheets of CR-39 having 500 mm thicknesses,
supplied by the Page Mouldings, Ltd., UK were cut into
small pieces of size 1.5 1.5 cm
. These small-sized CR-39
detectors were fixed by double-sided solo tape at the
bottom of the dosimeters of National Radiological
Protection Board (NRPB, UK), now called the
Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection
Agency for radon measurements. From these detectors,
some samples were kept in refrigerator for background
Radon Levels Around an Oil Refinery Indoor Built Environ 2012;21:452–457 453
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purpose. Radon detectors were then installed in dwellings
at various locations in the vicinity of the oil refinery. All
the detectors were installed at head height and exposed for
a period of 6 months. After exposure, the detectors were
removed and subjected to a chemical etching process in
25% NaOH solution at 808C for 16 h. The tracks
produced in CR-39 were counted under an optical
microscope. The measured track densities were related to
the indoor radon concentrations (Bqm
) using calibra-
tion factor 2.7 trackscm
[6,26,27]. The
minimum detection limit was 2rof the background
divided by the minimum acceptable sensitivity of the
CR-39 detector. In this study, the average minimum
detection limit was found to be 4 Bqm
The NRPB dosimeters were also calibrated and our
values were within 16% of the above-mentioned factor. In
this regard, ore with known uranium content was locally
obtained. The secular equilibrium was confirmed by
Ra content of the ore samples using a
coaxial HPGe detector. The dried ore was placed in three
polyethylene terephthalate containers each having a
volume 5.4 10
. The NRPB radon detectors were
then placed in the above-mentioned ore-containing con-
tainers at a distance of 25 cm from the ore and the
containers were then hermetically sealed. The detectors
were exposed to radon for 3 weeks. After exposure, the
CR-39 detectors were chemically etched and counted
under an optical microscope. The observed track density
was divided by the radon concentration, as shown in
Equation (1), to provide a calibration factor as follows.
CF ¼Tracks cm2h1
CRn kBq m3
 ð1Þ
where his the effective exposure time in hours which was
obtained from Equation (2) of the following relation:
Teffective ¼t1et
 ð2Þ
where ‘‘’’ is the mean life of radon, i.e., 5.5 days, ‘‘t’’ the
total exposure length (days) and ‘‘’’ the
Rn decay
Fig. 1. Map showing the studied area of the district Rawalpindi.
Table 1. Monthly recorded average temperature and precipitation
in the district of Rawalpindi
Month Temperature Average
January 3 18 56
February 5 19 74
March 10 24 90
April 15 30 62
May 20 35 39
June 24 39 62
July 24 35 267
August 24 33 310
September 21 34 98
454 Indoor Built Environ 2012;21:452–457 Rahman et al.
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constant. The radon concentration ‘‘C
’’ was obtained
using Equation (3) of the following relation.
CRn kBq m3
where C
is the
Rn concentration in void space of the
container (Bqm
), F
the exhalation rate (Bqm
), a
the correction term for back diffusion and is equal to x
), xthe thickness of the layer of ore sample in
container (m), Athe surface area of the sample (m
), Vthe
volume of the air space of the container (m
), the
decay constant (s
), tthe exposure time (s). The radon
exhalation rate ‘‘F
’’ in Bqm
is obtained from
Equation (4) showing the following relation:
F0Bq m2s1
¼CRa Exð4Þ
where C
is the specific activity of
Ra (i.e. 1 ppm of
U¼12.3 Bqkg
1 226
Ra), qthe bulk density of the ore
sample (kgm
), Ethe emanation coefficient of the
sample and xthe thickness of the ore sample (m).
Results and Discussion
As mentioned earlier, indoor radon activity concentra-
tions have been measured at 160 locations (i.e. bedrooms
and living rooms) in 80 dwellings in the vicinity of and at a
distance remote from the oil refinery in the Rawalpindi
district. The results obtained are listed in Table 2.
Mean, minimum and maximum values are given in this
table. The radon levels in the bedrooms are seen to vary
from 12 7 to 161 11 Bqm
with an average activity
value of 51 24 Bqm
in the refinery environment and
remote from the oil refinery premises. The indoor radon
levels in the living rooms varied from 16 5to
190 6Bqm
with an average value of 62 34 Bqm
There is no significant difference in the radon concentra-
tion when comparing houses in the vicinity of the refinery
with those at a distance further away. The overall mean
average value was 57 29 Bqm
. The values of indoor
radon concentration for each of the houses in the vicinity
of and at a distance remote from the oil refinery are given
in Table 3.
The values obtained in these investigations are in good
agreement with the values reported in the earlier study
[22–24]. The average radon concentration in living rooms
and bedrooms of the studied area is above the world
average 40 Bqm
. Different reference levels have been
recommended by different countries for indoor
concentrations. ICRP recommends a maximum limit of
600 Bqm
[1], whereas the action level recommended by
US-EPA is 150 Bqm
[28]. In this study, the indoor
radon levels are within the acceptable limits of the ICRP
limits. Indoor radon levels of a few dwellings are above the
recommended limits of the US-EPA. The highest radon
levels were observed in living rooms. This may be due to
the fact that most of the time living rooms are closed and
only used when some relatives or family friends visit the
dwellers. This results in poor ventilations in the living
rooms and therefore radon concentrations in living rooms
are higher.
Figures 2 and 3 comprise frequency distributions of
indoor radon concentrations in surveyed bedrooms and
living rooms, respectively. As may be observed in Figure 2,
most bedrooms (i.e. 60% and 65%) have indoor radon
levels ranging from 0 to 50 Bqm
in either location with
respect to distance from the oil refinery, whereas 27.5%,
10%, 2.5%, 22.5%, 10% and 2.5% bedrooms have indoor
radon levels in the ranges 51–100, 101–150 and 151–
200 Bqm
in the vicinity of and at a distance away from
the oil refinery, respectively. In the living rooms (Figure 3),
measured indoor radon levels of the ranges 0–50, 51–100,
101–151 and 151–200 Bq m
have been observed in 55%,
27.5%, 10%, 7.5% and 52.5%, 30%, 12.5% and 5% of
the houses situated in the vicinity of and at a distance
remote from the oil refinery premises, respectively.
Table 2. Indoor radon concentrations in bedrooms and living rooms in the vicinity of and at a distance remote from the oil refinery
Location Type of
Radon concentration (Bqm
) Annual effective
dose (mSvy
Min Max A.M
Vicinity of the oil refinery Bedrooms 40 12 7 159 75323 0.8 0.4
Living rooms 40 16 5 190 66135 1.0 0.6
Mean 14 6 174 65729 0.9 0.5
Remote from the refinery Bedrooms 40 15 6 161 11 49 25 0.8 0.4
Living rooms 40 17 5 176 76232 1.0 0.5
Mean 16 5 168 95628 0.9 0.4
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Dose Estimation
From the measured indoor radon concentration,
expected annual effective doses received by the residents
of the area surveyed have been calculated using Equation
(5), the UNSCEAR model [20]
where Cis the
Rn concentration (Bqm
), Fthe
equilibrium factor (0.4), Hthe occupancy factor (0.5 was
estimated for the studied dwellers), Tthe hours in a year
(8760 hy
) and Dthe dose conversion factor
(9.0 10
mSv Bqm
). Substituting the measured
average radon concentration values in Equation (5), the
annual effective doses due to the indoor radon were
estimated to be 0.8 0.4 and 1.0 0.5 mSv for bedrooms
and living rooms, respectively. The mean annual effective
dose was 0.9 0.1 mSv for the inhabitants living in the
studied area.
To conclude, indoor radon levels have been measured
in houses in the vicinity of and at a distance remote from
an oil refinery situated in the district of Rawalpindi. No
significant difference was observed in the indoor radon
levels in dwellings from either location. In this study,
higher indoor radon levels have been observed in living
rooms as compared to the bedrooms. From the measured
indoor radon concentrations, an annual effective dose
was calculated using UNSCEAR model with occupancy
factor 0.5 for the studied houses. The doses expected to
be received by the inhabitants of the studied area were
found to be less than the ICRP recommended values
3–10 mSvy
Table 3. Indoor radon concentrations in the houses surveyed in the
vicinity of and at a distance remote from the oil refinery
House no. Indoor radon
concentration (Bqm
Vicinity of
the refinery
Remote from
the refinery
H1 59 16 27 5
H2 32 8618
H3 23 11 68 16
H4 67 9368
H5 48 7387
H6 29 8257
H7 94 10 76 11
H8 44 12 81 13
H9 53 7276
H10 22 5485
H11 32 79319
H12 16 6399
H13 86 11 69 8
H14 21 9264
H15 45 13 88 12
H16 33 4297
H17 173 17 59 10
H18 25 61813
H19 61 15 31 7
H20 104 19 57 10
H21 30 7285
H22 27 11 137 14
H23 19 5 107 12
H24 64 8309
H25 154 16 98 13
H26 36 11 45 14
H27 134 15 28 3
H28 126 14 52 9
H29 27 84711
H30 81 10 146 13
H31 40 11 24 9
H32 68 93412
H33 41 5308
H34 14 7 118 12
H35 48 13 22 5
H36 109 17 42 6
H37 39 8216
H38 54 12 19 3
H39 22 5 151 12
H40 74 93711
Radon concentration (Bq m-3)
Number of observations
Bedrooms around an oil
Bedrooms away from an oil
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of radon in bedrooms.
Radon concentration (Bq m-3)
Number of
Living rooms around an oil
Living rooms away from
an oil refinery
Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of radon in living rooms.
456 Indoor Built Environ 2012;21:452–457 Rahman et al.
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... The current results showed that the concentration level of radon in the urine for the tested samples effective dose rate received by the person, it is important to take into account the conversion coefficient from the absorbed dose and the indoor occupancy factor. The annual effectiveness has been calculated from the measured radon concentration in all samples using the equation that is described in more details in the study of [26,27]. In addition, The highest values the concentration Radon in used Rad7 in samples urine for female with breast cancer (2830Bq/m 3 ) and used equation (2) . ...
Full-text available
Background: The basic components of the environment, such as air, water, and soil, typically contain radioactive materials in naturally occurring circulation. Typically, a variety of techniques are used to convey radioactive materials to people, animals, and plants. The residence time of radioactive elements in the environment and the transit of these elements to the human body are both affected by the carriers' various physical and chemical properties Materials and methods: In this current work, radon concentration in cancer-sick urine samples in Kirkuk was measured using a Rad-7and CR-39. CR-39 detector 400 μm thick and area (1 × 1) cm 2. Chemical editing of the alpha particle traces was captured using the CR-39 track detector. "Alpha rays" or "alpha radiation" coming from the radon listed in the models. This study was conducted on 60 urine samples from people of different ages (between 22 and 80 years old), all of whom had cancer problems. Results: The result showed that the highest radon concentration using a detector Rad7 (3240Bq/m 3) Average concentration (1492.07 Bq/m 3) and radon concentration when using CR-39 detector (3066 Bq/m 3), average radon concentration (1404.13 Bq/m 3), concentration uranium (9.77ppm), radioactivity (0.093Bq) and highest annual impact dose (81.74mSv/y). In addition, the results showed that the concentration of radon gas. Concentration uranium was varied from person to another, depending on the allergy of that person to the radiation. Conclusion: There is evidence of health problems and evidence of the relationship between radiation and cancer. In general, the obtained results were above than of the normal levels.
... This is due to the low ventilation rate of ground floor, and its close proximity to the soil. Thus, emanation rate of radon gas from the soil (ground) also contributes to increased rate of indoor radon gas [16]. Average annual dose equivalent to the bronchial epithelium varies from 0.98 to 1.86 mSv. ...
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Inhalation of radon (222 Rn) and daughter products are a major source of natural radiation exposure. Measurement of indoor radon concentrations were performed in the two hundred rooms for the 25 apartments in Erbil city by using long term technique (CR-39 SSNTDs) for 90 days exposure time and short term technique (radon monitor) for 2 hours exposure time. The higher value of average indoor radon concentration for long and short term techniques was found in Office rooms 56.72±14.72 Bq/m 3 and 48.64±12.52 Bq/m 3 , respectively and lower value was found in Drawing rooms 42.11±10.82 Bq/m 3 and 34.45±8.66 Bq/m 3 , respectively. The mean annual estimated effective dose was received by the residents of the studied area was 1.14 mSv. The highest indoor radon concentrations was found in ground floor for all apartment comport with the first, second and third floors. The rate indoor radon concentration in different type rooms depended of the ventilation rate and the age of the building.
... For the purpose of estimating the annual effective dose rate received by the person, it is important to take into account the conversion coefficient from the absorbed dose and the indoor occupancy factor. The annual effectiveness has been calculated from the measured radon concentration in all samples using the equation that is described in more details in the study of Rahman et al. [20,21]. ...
... This is due to the low ventilation rate of ground floor, and its close proximity to the soil. Thus, emanation rate of radon gas from the soil (ground) also contributes to increased rate of indoor radon gas [16]. Average annual dose equivalent to the bronchial epithelium varies from 0.98 to 1.86 mSv. ...
Inhalation of radon (222 Rn) and daughter products are a major source of natural radiation exposure. Measurement of indoor radon concentrations were performed in the two hundred rooms for the 25 apartments in Erbil city by using long term technique (CR-39 SSNTDs) for 90 days exposure time and short term technique (radon monitor) for 2 hours exposure time. The higher value of average indoor radon concentration for long and short term techniques was found in Office rooms 56.72±14.72 Bq/m 3 and 48.64±12.52 Bq/m 3 , respectively and lower value was found in Drawing rooms 42.11±10.82 Bq/m 3 and 34.45±8.66 Bq/m 3 , respectively. The mean annual estimated effective dose was received by the residents of the studied area was 1.14 mSv. The highest indoor radon concentrations was found in ground floor for all apartment comport with the first, second and third floors. The rate indoor radon concentration in different type rooms depended of the ventilation rate and the age of the building.
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Water plays a vital role in different physiological functions like maintenance of turgidity, nutrient uptake and metabolic processes in plants. The application of groundwater has been adopted for crop cultivation in many water-scarce areas. However, the quality of groundwater is deteriorating day by day due to urbanization and industrialization.. Therefore, a five-year (2015-2020) study was conducted to assess the fitness of groundwater being used for field application in different tehsils of Rawalpindi District. A total of 559 samples were collected in six tehsils of Rawalpindi, analyzed and categorized according to suitability criteria set by FAO (2013). Mean data showed that 70% of the total samples were fit, 9% marginally fit and 21% were found unfit for irrigation purposes. It was also recorded that a maximum (37%) of total unfit samples belonged to Gujar Khan tehsil whereas, the majority of samples of Taxila tehsil were fit compared to other Tehsils of Rawalpindi District. About 14.7% of water samples were recorded unfit due to Electrical Conductivity (EC), 5.9% due to Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), 11.4% due to Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), 19.4% due to EC+RSC, 14% due to EC+SAR, 8% due to SAR+RSC, and 11.8% were unfit in terms of EC+RSC+SAR. Depending upon water quality, farmers were advised to use good quality water for crops. Suitable remedial measures for marginally fit/unfit water samples were suggested considering the salinity or sodicity of the samples.
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The concentration of radon gas (222Rn) and thoron gas (222Rn) has been measured using the passive method CR-39 in people's houses in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency. The measurement aims to determine the effective dose received by the population in the area. Measurements of radon gas and thoron gas were carried out using 50 CR-39 detectors installed at 3 locations for 3 months. The results of the measurement of the smallest radon gas concentration were 7 ± 0.50 Bq/m3 to the largest 37 ± 2.65 Bq/m3 with an average of 14 ± 0.99 Bq/m3, while the smallest thoron gas concentration was 3 ± 0.18 Bq/m3 and the largest is 25 ± 1.78 Bq/m3 with an average of 6 ± 0.45 Bq/m3. The results of the concentration of radon gas and thoron gas obtained are still below the limit recommended by UNSCEAR in 2008 which is 300 Bq/m3. The estimated effective doses received by the population due to exposure to radon gas and thoron gas are 0.94 mSv/year and 0.63 mSv/year. The effective dose value obtained does not exceed the threshold recommended by PERKA BAPETEN No. 4 article 23 paragraph 1 of 2013 which is 1 mSv/year
A continuous passive measurement of indoor and outdoor radon , Rn-222 concentration is carried out in the nearby residential areas surrounding a high capacity gas-fired power station. The mean value for indoor measurements was 26.5 ± 1.75 Bq/m3 that is below the worldwide indoor mean of 40 Bq/m3 and for outdoor was 39.4 ± 4.04 Bq/m3 which is higher than the worldwide average outdoor radon concentration of 10 Bq/m3. The annual estimated effective doses were found to vary from 0.54 to 1.05 mSv/y with an average value of 0.67 ± 0.04 mSv/y for indoor dose and from 0.23 to 0.57 mSv/y with an average value of 0.37 ± 0.03 mSv/y for outdoor dose with an overall mean annual effective dose of 1.03 mSv/y. Furthermore, the measured and modeled radon excess levels due to plant operation, both, show that the effect of power plant emission on atmospheric radon levels in the surrounding region is not significant.
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Present work, described the risk of indoor radon concentration on the women ʾs body tissue, such as bladder, gonads, and uterus. Minimum and maximum annual effective dose A. E. D. to uterus and many tissues were found 2.39 m Svy-1 and 32.28 mSvy-1 , respectively. The lowest radon concentration detected was found in the living room 94.883 Bq m-3 , and the highest radon concentration detected was found in the kitchen 364.412 Bq m-3. The distribution of indoor radon concentration was high in many houses and many pose health risk affected on women fertility causative the infertility and cancer in gonads. The large variation of the indoor radon activity between different dwellings can be explained depending on the age of the house, ventilation conditions and the type of building materials, nature of the soil underneath, and geological considerations. Majority of the houses had poor ventilation attributed to the absence of ventilators. Dose is higher in old houses than in new ones because the ventilation rates in new houses are higher than those in old houses. The results showed significant difference (p value < 0.001) found between kitchen and living results, where concentration of radon in kitchen had higher results medians than results of living. Significant difference (p value < 0.001) found among organs in living room, where the gonads are the organ with highest concentration while bladders were the lowest, also significant difference (p value < 0.001) found among participants organs in kitchen room
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This research describes the results that have been obtained from the alpha particles after carrying out the present study. The study was conducted on 60 urine samples taken from women, who were either infertile, had weak fertility. The age of those women ranged between (21-43) years. They further belonged to different locations in Iraqi Kurdistan region. The the main of track densety and concentration result obtained was 20.884 track mm −2 and 0.330 ppm in Sulaimania, and The the main of track density and concentration result obtained was 23.457 track mm −2 and 0.0.371ppm in Erbil which is near The higher concentration and the annual effective dose values were calculated for all women. Such a step was done by examining 20 ml of the women's urine samples.. The range of alpha particles in the surface of urine samples and CR-39NTDs was calculated using SRIM program. The average absorption of doses was 0.4754 mSvy-1 , which is lower than the normal level, 3-10 mSvy-1 l, reported by the ICRP. This denotes that there is no evidence of health problems.
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The effect of indoor radon on the fertility of women was studied for the first time in Kurdistan. The Lowest radon was 99.94 Bq.m-3 94.883 Bqm-3 and highest radon concentrations were 360.112 Bq.m-5 and 357.832 Bq.m-3 in kitchens and living rooms in Sulaymania. Lowest radon was 97.886 Bq.m-5 and 95.113 Bq.m-3, and the highest concentrations were 360.112 Bq.m-3 and 357.832 Bq.m 3 in kitchens and living rooms in Erbil, respectively, which were significant (p<0.001). This result is above the normal limits and the action level provided by the international environmental organizations of 148 Bq.m -3. The indoor radon concentration in Iraqi Kurdistan was high in many houses, which affects women's fertility.
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Background: In this study, measurement of indoor radon and its progeny levels was carried out in Gas Turbine Power Station in Haryana (India), where natural gas is used as fuel. For comparison, the results of a study carried out in thermal power plant in Haryana are also presented. Radon being a ubiquitous air pollutant has global impact and its monitoring in the environment at work places is essential from health and hygiene point of view. Materials and Methods: LR-115, Type- II (Kodak Pathe, France), plastic track detectors commonly known as solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) were used to measure the radon concentration over long integrated times. Alpha particles emitted from radon cause radiation damage tracks, which were subsequently revealed by chemical etching in NaOH. These alpha tracks registered were counted by optical microscope at suitable magnification and converted into radon concentration. Results: The radon levels measured at various locations were moderate to high and thus unsafe from health point of view. The potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC), radon levels (EEC), annual exposure, annual effective dose in the Gas Turbine Power Plant varied from 4.14 mWL to 26.7 mWL, 38.3 Bq m-3 to 247.6 Bq m-3, 0.17 WLM to 1.10 WLM and 0.66 mSv to 4.25 mSv respectively. Conclusion: In gas turbine power plant, the radon levels were found to be lower as compared with thermal power plant. In thermal power plant a lot of coal is being burnt which contains radionuclides. Coal fired plants release more radioactive waste which is hazardous into the air than gas power plants of equivalent capacity. Iran. J. Radiat. Res., 2003; 1(3): 133 - 137
Indoor radon concentration levels were measured in a number of cities in Jordan using CR-39 based cup dosemeters and were found to vary from 27 to 88 Bq.m-3. The natural radioactivity in soil was also determined. The radon concentration levels were found to be dependent on the 226Ra content in the soil. The average radium equivalent activities in soil were found to be within the limit set by OECD countries but according to the present 1 mSv.y-1 dose limit, Jordanian soil is not acceptable as a construction material.
Measurements concerning radon and its daughter products' concentration levels have been performed in 42 selective houses of the Tsukuba Science City (Japan) using CR-39 and LR-115 nuclear track detectors. These included both single story houses and flats in multi-storied buildings. Four CR-39 and four LR-115 detectors were put into a zippable polyethylene bag and a number of such bags were prepared. These detector loaded bags were then installed in two bedrooms of each of the houses/flats and were exposed for a period of three months during the winter season (i.e. from December to February). These radon exposed samples were then processed, analyzed and related to the Bq/m3. These studies indicated that the radon levels are very low in the houses surveyed and-do not pose any serious threat to the occupants.
An indoor radon survey has been carried in 120 schools situated in four districts of the Punjab province, namely Attock, Chakwal, Jhelum, and Rawalpindi. In each season, a total of 360 CR-39-based radon detectors were installed in the selected schools. After exposure the detectors were etched in 6M NaOH at 80°C solution for 16 h and tracks densities, which are related to the radon concentration, were measured. Indoor radon concentration varied from 18 ± 7 to 168 ± 5 Bq·m-3 with an average value of 52 ± 9 Bq·m-3. High indoor radon concentration values were found in the summer season, whereas lower values were recorded in autumn season. The mean annual radon effective dose equivalent was estimated to be 0.49 mSv per year. Present indoor radon concentration values are higher than that of the world average value of 40 Bq·m-3, but lower than the action level recommended by the ICRP.
Exposure to natural sources of radiation, especially 222Rn and its short-lived daughter products has become an important issue throughout the world because sustained exposure of humans to indoor radon may cause lung cancer. Therefore, indoor radon concentration levels have been measured in several districts of the Punjab Province. These included Gujranwala, Gujrat, Sialkot, Mandibahauddin, Hafizabad and Narowal districts. Twenty to 30 houses were carefully selected in each district. CR-39-based NRPB radon dosimeters were installed in living rooms and bedrooms of these houses and were exposed to radon for a period of three months (i.e. from September to December 2005). Radon concentration levels were found to vary from ∼40±5 to 173±4 and 38±5 to 193±4 in the living rooms and bedrooms, respectively. Annual effective doses were calculated. Using ICRP-65 conversion values, annual effective doses were found to range from 0.60±0.08 to . It ranged from 0.87±0.12 to when UNSEAR 2000 dose conversion values were used. Radon concentration levels and annual effective doses were found to be within recommended limits.
Indoor radon levels have been measured in several districts, namely Swabi, Mardan and Charsadda of the North West Frontier Province as well as in the Mohmand and Bajuar Agencies of the federally administered tribal areas, using CR-39-based radon dosimeters. In order to carry out this study, 200 houses were carefully selected and season wise indoor radon levels were measured throughout the year in four cycles. Seasonal correction factor was determined. Yearly arithmetic mean of 76±37 and was found in bedrooms and drawing rooms, respectively. Weighted arithmetic mean of the area was found to be . Yearly minimum values of 38±7 and were found in bedrooms and drawing rooms, respectively. A maximum value of was observed in the Charsadda district. Yearly weighted average minimum value of was found in the Mohmand agency and a maximum value of was found in the Charsadda district. Minimum indoor radon concentrations were found in the summer season whereas maximum levels were observed in the winter season. Seasonal correction factors for spring, winter, autumn and summer seasons were found to be 1.14±0.43, 0.89±0.47, 0.91±0.35 and 1.15±0.49, respectively. Weighted yearly average minimum indoor radon of 66±27 and were observed in the Swabi and Mardan districts and maximum level of was observed in the Bajuar agency. Using ICRP 65 conversion factor, minimum and maximum mean effective doses were found to be 0.46±0.20 and , respectively.
Indoor radon measurement survey has been carried out in properly selected houses of the city of Islamabad. In this regard, CR-39-based NRPB radon dosimeters were used. The dosimeters were installed at head heights in bedroom and living room of each house. For intercomparison purpose, houses having basements were also selected. In such houses, dosimeters were installed in basements, ground floor and first floor. All the dosimeters were exposed to radon for a period of three months. After exposure, CR-39 detectors were etched for 16 h in 6 M NaOH at and were counted under an optical microscope. The observed track densities were then related to radon concentration levels using a calibration factor of . Measured indoor radon concentration levels were found to vary from 11 to . The average radon concentration levels in bedrooms and sitting/living rooms in basements were found to be 40 and , respectively. In bedrooms and living rooms, on ground floor, the average radon concentration levels were found to be 30 and , whereas on first floor the average values were 29 and , respectively. The radon concentration levels found in this study are below the action level recommended by the ICRP.
A survey concerning measurement of the indoor radon levels has been carried out in 105 workplaces of the Rawalpindi region and Islamabad Capital Territory using CR-39 based radon detectors. The main objective of this study was to assess the health hazard due to the indoor radon. CR-39 based NRPB type detectors were installed in offices/rooms located on first floors, ground floors and basements and were exposed to indoor radon for six months. The measured indoor radon concentration in the buildings surveyed ranged from 12 ± 5 to 293 ± 19 Bq m−3 with an overall mean value of 64 ± 32 Bq m−3. The highest mean radon concentration (113 ± 48 Bq m−3) was observed in the offices located in basements of the Rawalpindi city. The overall average annual effective dose in the studied workplaces was estimated to be 0.61 ± 0.30 mSv. The mean annual effective doses in basements, ground floor and first floor were found to be 0.87 ± 0.34 mSv, 0.55 ± 0.28 mSv, and 0.47 ± 0.29 mSv, respectively. These values are less than the action level recommended by International Commission on Radiological Protection.