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Plasma exosomal miR-21 and miR-181a differentiates follicular from papillary thyroid cancer



Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common endocrine malignancy and its incidence has increased over the last few decades. As has been revealed by a number of studies, TC tissue’s micro-RNA (miRNA) profile may reflect histological features and the clinical behavior of tumor. However, alteration of the miRNA profile of plasma exosomes associated with TC development has to date not been explored. We isolated exosomes from plasma and assayed their characteristics using laser diffraction particle size analysis, atomic force microscopy, and western blotting. Next, we profiled cancer-associated miRNAs in plasma exosomes obtained from papillary TC patients, before and after surgical removal of the tumor. The diagnostic value of selected miRNAs was evaluated in a large cohort of patients displaying different statuses of thyroid nodule disease. MiRNA assessment was performed by RT-qPCR. In total, 60 patients with different types of thyroid nodal pathology were included in the study. Our results revealed that the development of papillary TC is associated with specific changes in exosomal miRNA profiles; this phenomenon can be used for differential diagnostics. MiRNA-31 was found to be over-represented in the plasma exosomes of patients with papillary TC vs. benign tumors, while miRNA-21 helped to distinguish between benign tumors and follicular TC. MiRNA-21 and MiRNA-181a-5p were found to be expressed reciprocally in the exosomes of patients with papillary and follicular TC, and their comparative assessment may help to distinguish between these types of TC with 100 % sensitivity and 77 % specificity.
Plasma exosomal miR-21 and miR-181a differentiates follicular
from papillary thyroid cancer
Roman Samsonov
&Vladimir Burdakov
&Tatiana Shtam
&Zamira Radzhabovа
Dmitry Vasilyev
&Evgenia Tsyrlina
&Sergey Titov
&Michail Ivanov
&Lev Berstein
Michael Filatov
&Nikolay Kolesnikov
&Hava Gil-Henn
&Anastasia Malek
Received: 5 December 2015 /Accepted: 1 May 2016
#International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM) 2016
Abstract Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common endo-
crine malignancy and its incidence has increased over the last
few decades. As has been revealed by a number of studies, TC
tissues micro-RNA (miRNA) profile may reflect histological
features and the clinical behavior of tumor. However, alter-
ation of the miRNA profile of plasma exosomes associated
with TC development has to date not been explored. We iso-
lated exosomes from plasma and assayed their characteristics
using laser diffraction particle size analysis, atomic force mi-
croscopy, and western blotting. Next, we profiled cancer-
associated miRNAs in plasma exosomes obtained from pap-
illary TC patients, before and after surgical removal of the
tumor. The diagnostic value of selected miRNAs was evalu-
ated in a large cohort of patients displaying different statuses
of thyroid nodule disease. MiRNA assessment was performed
by RT-qPCR. In total, 60 patients with different types of thy-
roid nodal pathology were included in the study. Our results
revealed that the development of papillary TC is associated
with specific changes in exosomal miRNA profiles; this phe-
nomenon can be used for differential diagnostics. MiRNA-31
was found to be over-represented in the plasma exosomes of
patients with papillary TC vs. benign tumors, while miRNA-
21 helped to distinguish between benign tumors and follicular
TC. MiRNA-21 and MiRNA-181a-5p were found to be
expressed reciprocally in the exosomes of patients with pap-
illary and follicular TC, and their comparative assessment may
help to distinguish between these types of TC with 100 %
sensitivity and 77 % specificity.
Keywords Thyroid cancer .Exosomes .MicroRNA .
Thyroid cancer (TC) is a common endocrine malignancy with
a low death rate but increasing incidence. Differentiated TC,
which includes papillary and follicular types, comprises the
majority (90 %) of all malignant thyroid nodules and deter-
mines the increase of TC incidence. Despite relatively good
curability and a low mortality rate, challenges still exist in the
management of patients with differentiated TC. Improved ap-
proaches are required for screening patients with asymptom-
atic thyroid nodules [1,2], for differential diagnostics between
histological sub-types of TC [3,4] and for the TC patients
following up during and after therapy [5].
Micro-RNAs (MiRNAs) are small, non-coding single-
strand RNAs that regulate the expression of multiple
protein-coding genes at the post-transcriptional level and are
implicated in the regulation of virtually all signaling circuits
within a cell. Alteration of miRNA expression or regulatory
functions plays an essential role in the development and pro-
gression of human malignancies [6]. Assessment of the
*Anastasia Malek
Oncosystem Ltd, Hoshimina 11/1-207, Saint-Petersburg 194356,
NN Petrov Institute of Oncology, Leningradskaya 68,
Saint-Petersburg 197758, Russia
FSBI Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute,
Gatchina, Saint-Petersburg 188300, Russia
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Polytechnicheskaya 29, Saint-Petersburg 195251, Russia
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS, Lavrentieva 8/
2, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee, Bar-Ilan University, Henrietta
Szold 8, Safed 13100, Israel
Tumor Biol.
DOI 10.1007/s13277-016-5065-3
miRNAsexpression profile in tumor tissues is being actively
explored as a promising approach for personalized cancer
therapy [7]. Specific alterations of the cellular miRNAsex-
pression and function have been reported in the case of TC [8,
9]. Recent investigations in these areas present significant ef-
fectiveness for improving diagnostics and the management of
this disease [10,11].
In addition to intra-cellular regulatory functioning, miRNA
can be secreted by cells into interstitial spaces to shuttle the
regulatorysignal to neighboring and distant cells. Detection of
tumor-derived miRNA in various bodily fluids may also be
useful for both early cancer diagnostic and therapeutic man-
agement [12]. Thus, over-representation of miRNAs Let-7e,
miR-151, and miR-222 in the serum of patients with papillary
TC (PTC) have been reported by Yu et al. [13]. The relevance
of circulating miR-146b and miR-222 for the persistence of
PTC was demonstrated in another study performed by Lee
et al. [14]. Recent investigations have revealed the diagnostic
potency of circulating miR-95, miR-146b, miR-190, and miR-
155 for discrimination between benign lesions and PTC [15,
16]. However, all cited studies dealt with total circulating
miRNA, which, in fact, consists of different fractions:
miRNAs associated with components of RISC (Ago2),
miRNAs loaded into extracellular vesicles (exosomes,
ectosomes, apoptotic bodies), and miRNAs coupled with
high-density lipoprotein particles. Although the biological sig-
nificance of these variously packaged forms of circulating
miRNAs is still unclear, the diagnostic and disease prognostic
potentials of exosomal miRNAs continue to attract growing
attention [17]. By now, miRNAs secreted by tumor cells with-
in exosomes are being considered as an important factor of
disease progression as well as promising disease markers in
various cancer types including breast [1820], colon [21],
lung [22], pancreatic [23,24], and other cancers [25]. The first
evaluation of miRNA content in PTC-derived exosomes in
vitro was recently performed [26]; however, circulating
exosomal miRNA in patients with TC has to date not been
The aim of the present study was to explore whether anal-
ysis of miRNA isolated from the plasma exosomes of patients
with PTC could provide clinically useful information and
whether they have the potency for the development of a new
diagnostic approach. First, we profiled cancer-associated
miRNAs in plasma exosomes obtained from PTC patients
before and after surgical removal of a tumor and selected
miRNAs with well detectable and reduced after surgery ex-
pression levels. Next, the diagnostic values of these miRNAs
were evaluated in a large cohort of patients with different
thyroid nodal pathologies. The design of the study is schemat-
ically presented in Fig. 1. This approach allowed us to define
miRNAs over-represented in plasma exosomes of patients
with PTC or follicular TC (FTC), compared to those with
benign thyroid adenomas. More importantly, we were able
to define miRNAs with a reciprocal change of representation
in plasma exosomes of patients with PTC and FTC.
Comparative assessment of miR-21-5p/miR-181a or
miR-221/miR-181a amplification ratios allowed us to
distinguish patients with FTC from patients with PTC
with 100 % sensitivity and 77 or 87 % specificity, re-
spectively. Test specificity might be improved up to 87 % by
analysis of both ratios in parallel. These results demonstrated
that analysis of exosomal miRNA may provide clinically rel-
evant information and present a promising approach for per-
sonalizing TC therapy.
Material and methods
Patients and clinical samples
The study had Ethical Committee of N.N. Petrov Institute of
Oncology approval. Informed consent was obtained from all
individual participants included in the study. First group of
patients (n=10) included those who underwent radical thy-
roidectomy for PTC in the N.N. Petrov Institute of Oncology
from June to December 2014. All patients had a papillary
thyroid tumor not extending beyond thyroid gland capsule
and had neither regional nor distant metastases (T
All pathological findings (tumor histology, staging) were con-
firmed after surgery. Patients with metabolic, immune, or
blood-related diseases were excluded. Patients characteristics
are summarized in Table 1. Second group of patients (valida-
tion group, n=50) was recruited retrospectively and included
patients diagnosed with a different status of either benign or
cancerous thyroid nodules and treated in the N.N. Petrov
Institute of Oncology from 2011 to 2014.
Fig. 1 Study design
Tumo r Biol.
From the patients of the first group, blood was collected
twice 12 days before surgery and 710 days after. From the
patients of second validation group, blood was collected once
before surgery and onset of any kind of therapy. Blood was
collected in a violet-top blood collection tubes treated with
EDTA, centrifuged at 1500gfor 15 min at 4 °C. Plasma was
carefully isolated, frozen, and kept at 80 °C until use.
Surgical specimens of PTC and non-cancerous tissue of the
contralateral lobe were obtained from the patients of the first
group, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen within 15 min from
thyroidectomy, and kept at 80 °C until use.
Exosomes isolation and characterization
and diluted by cold PBS up to 4 ml. All further centrifugation
steps were performed at plus 4 °C. The diluted plasma sam-
ples were first centrifuged at 17,000×gfor 30 min to remove
cell debris. The supernatant was collected and exosomes were
pelleted by ultracentrifugation at 110,000×gfor 70 min. The
exosome pellet was washed in 1 ml of PBS and centrifuged
again at 110,000×gfor 70 min. Exosomal pellet was finally
diluted in either de-ionized water or lysis buffer depending to
further applications.
Size determination of isolated exosomes was performed
using a Microtrac S3500 particle analyzer (Microtrac Inc) ac-
cording to the manufacturers instructions. Atomic force mi-
croscopy has been used to visualize exosomes. Purified
exosomes were diluted in de-ionized water and adsorbed to
freshly cleaved mica sheets, fixed with 0.5 % glutaraldehyde,
rinsed with de-ionized water, and air-dried. The samples were
scanned in the air by a semi-contact method with a scanning
microscope of Solver Bio series (NT-MDT, Russia) equipped
with silicon test probe (type NSG01 (NT-MDT)), with a char-
acteristic stiffness of 5.5 N/m and a typical radius of curvature
of the tip (less than 10 nm). The initial amplitude of scanning
was set to 16 nA in current terms; SetPoint was adjusted to
half of the amplitude. Scanning was performed with a fre-
quency of 1.01 Hz. The images were processed using standard
software package (Image Analysis Nova).
Western blotting
Pellets of exosomes isolated from plasma were lysed in lysis
buffer (0.05 M Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 0.15 M NaCl, 1 mM EDTA,
1 % NP-40, 0.1 % SDS, and 0.5 % (w/v)Na-deoxychotale
supplemented with protease inhibitors) on the ice for 30 min
and then centrifuged at 17,000gfor 20 min. The protein ex-
tracts (20 mg) were normalized using Bio-Rad DC Protein
Assay (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc, USA), separated by SDS-
PAGE, and transferred to the polyvinyl membrane. The mem-
branes were blocked and incubated with primary antibodies
against TSG101 (sc-7964), CD63 (sc-15363), Alix (sc-
49268), and β-Actin (sc-47778) at dilution 1:200 followed
by incubation with corresponding fluorescent-labeled second-
ary antibodies. Blots were evaluated with Odyssey CLx
Infrared Imaging System (LI-COR Biosciences, USA).
RNA extraction
RNA extraction from pelleted exosomes or tissue was per-
formed with RNA isolation Kit (BioSilica, Russia) in accor-
dance with manufactures protocol based on conventional
spin-column technology. The RNA concentration and purity
were confirmed using absorbance measurements at wave-
lengths of 260/280 nm ratio with a NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo
Scientific, USA).
MiRNA profiling by RT-PCR
To profile tumor-derived miRNA in plasma exosomes, meth-
od of universal miRNA reverse transcription followed by
miRNA-specific qPCR was applied. The RNA was first
polyadenylated and reverse transcribed using miRCURY
LNA Universal RT microRNA Polyadenylation and cDNA
synthesis Kit (Exiqon, Denmark). Then, quantitative PCR
was performed using Cancer Focus microRNA PCR Panels
and ExiLENT SYBR Green master mix (both from Exiqon,
Denmark) on CFX96 TouchReal-Time PCR Detection
System (Bio-Rad, USA). UniSp6 synthetic oligos was
used as a standard for absolute quantification; relative
Tabl e 1 Characteristics of
patients included in the study Diagnosis Stage Age (averaged) Gender (F/M) Number
Preliminary screening
1. Papillary thyroid cancer T
54.5 8/2 10
Validation groups
2. Benign thyroid adenoma 53.4 7/1 8
3. Follicular thyroid cancer T
42.8 8/0 8
4. Papillary thyroid cancer T
53.0 9/1 10
5. Papillary thyroid cancer T
54.0 7/3 10
6. Papillary thyroid cancer T
49.8 11/3 14
Tumor Biol.
quantification was performed using either hsa-miR-191-5p or
Ct value averaged through the panel as reference [27].
Both methods gave similar results. Two samples from
one patient were assayed twice; inter-plate result vari-
ability did not exceed 5 % of miRNA expression level after
normalization using Ct value averaged through each panel as
reference. Each of other 18 samples was assayed by single
Assessment of selected miRNA by RT-PCR
To assay individual miRNAs, reverse transcription was per-
formed using miRNA-specific stem-looped primers.
Afterwards, cDNA was diluted and amplified using two
PCR primers (miR-specific and universal) and Taqman probe.
This approach is supposed to be more sensitive comparing to
one used for screening [28]. Primers and probes were de-
signed and synthesized by JSC BVector-Best^(Vector-Best,
Russia); sequences are listed in Table 2. All assays were done
in triplicate and results were averaged. Data relative quantifi-
cation was performed using either U6 snRNA or Ct value
averaged through all assays as reference [27]. Using the
above-mentioned method, we averaged results of 200 assays
to evaluate miRNA expression in tissues (20 tissue sam-
ples × 10 miRNAs) and 500 assays to evaluate miRNA ex-
pression in plasma-derived exosomes (50 plasma sam-
ples × 10 miRNAs).
All statistical calculations were performed by GraphPad soft-
ware. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test was applied to
compare miRNAsexpression in groups of paired samples
(PTC, microscopically normal thyroid tissue); the Mann
Whitney nonparametric test was applied to compare exosomal
miRNA expression between groups of patients.
Isolation and characterization of plasma exosomes
Membrane micro-vesicles were isolated from plasma by ultra-
centrifugation. As was defined by laser diffraction particle size
analysis of 10 samples, the population of isolated particles
contained two major sub-populations with an averaged diam-
eter of 50 nm (±4.6) and 240 nm (±21.6). A representative
example of measurement is shown in Fig. 2a. We supposed
that the sub-population of particles with a hydrodynamic di-
ameter less than 100 nm was composed of plasma exosomes,
while particles larger than 200 nm may present an admixture
of shedding vesicles such as ectosomes. Atomic force micros-
copy revealed particles with an almost spherical form and size
Tabl e 2 Primers and probes used for miRNA-specific RT-qPCR
lp-126 gtcgtgtctgaggctcactgagacctattcgcacctcgacacgaccgcattatt
f-126 tctcactcgtaccgtgagt
ur3 ctgaggctcactgagacct
p-126 (r6g)-attcgcacc(t-bhq1)cgacacgaccgcattatt-p
lp-145 cgtgtcgccttgtagcacgaccttattcgcaccctcgacacgacagggattc
f-145 acacgtccagttttcccag
ur8 gccttgtagcacgacctta
p-145 (r6g)-ttcgcaccc(t-bhq1)cgacacgacagggattc-p
lp-146a gaggagaggtgaaccagacagacacaatcccacctcctctcctcaacccatg
f-146a aaccaaccatgagaactgaattc
ur5 gtgaaccagacagacacaa
p-146a (r6g)-tcccacc(t-bhq1)cctctcctcaacccatg-p
lp-150 gtcgtgtcgtgaagcagacagacacaatcgcacctcgacacgaccactggtac
f-150 cacactcatctctcccaacc
ur4 gtgaagcagacagacacaa
p-150 (r6g)-tcgcacc(t-bhq1)cgacacgaccactggtac-p
lp-155 gtcagagcgctcttctagcaccactctatcctaccctcgctctgacaccccta
f-155 cccagcttaatgctaatcgtga
ur10 gctcttctagcaccactcta
p-155 (r6g)-tcctaccc(t-bhq1)cgctctgacaccccta-p
lp-181a gaggagaggcctcacaccactaaccatcctcacctcctctcctcactcacc
f-181a ccgcaa+cattcaacgct
ur14 gcctcacaccactaacca
p-181a (r6g)-tca+cctcc(t-bhq1)ctcctcactcaccg-p
lp-206 gtcgtgtctgaggctcactgagacctattcgcacctcgacacgacccacacac
f-206 ccacagctggaatgtaaggaa
ur3 ctgaggctcactgagacct
p-206 (r6g)-attcgcacc(t-bhq1)cgacacgacccacacac-p
lp-21 gtcgtgtctgaggctcactgagacctattcgcacctgacacgactcaacatc
f-21 acgcagctagcttatcagact
ur3 ctgaggctcactgagacct
p-21 (r6g)-attcgca+cc(t-bhq1)gacacgactcaacatcag-p
lp-221 gtcgtgtctgaggctcactgagacctattcgcacctcgacacgacgaaaccca
f-221 cagcagctacattgtctgc
ur3 ctgaggctcactgagacct
p-221 (r6g)-attcgcacc(t-bhq1)cgacacgacgaaacccag-p
lp-223 gtcagagcgtcttctagcacgacttcatcctcacctcgctctgactggggtat
f-223 cactcatctgtcagtttgtcaa
ur6 gtcttctagcacgacttca
p-223 (r6g)-tcctcacc(t-bhq1)cgctctgactggggtat-p
lp-31 gtcgtgtctgaggctcactgagacctattcgcacctcgacacgacagctatgc
f-31 caagcaggcaagatgctg
ur3 ctgaggctcactgagacct
p-31 (r6g)-attcgcacc(t-bhq1)cgacacgacagctatgc-p
lp-u6 gtcgtgtctgaggctgactgagacctattcgcacctgacacgacggccatgc
f-u6 ggccgcatacagagaagatta
r-u6 ctgaggctgactgagacct
p-u6 (r6g)-attcgcacc(t-bhq1)gacacgacggccatgc-p
LP loop primer for reverse transcription, FPCR forward primer, UR
universal PCR reverse primer, PPCR probe
Tumo r Biol.
below 250 nm, which corresponds to established exosome
characteristics (Fig. 2b, c). As revealed by western blotting,
the protein content of isolated particles was enriched by
exosomal markers (components of ESCRT complex ALIX,
Tsg101, and exosomal tetraspanin CD63), compared to the
plasma as a whole (Fig. 3). These results indicated that the
population of isolated micro-vesicles predominantly com-
prises exosomes.
Profiling of cancer-associated miRNAs from the plasma
exosomes of PTC patients
To perform a preliminary screening and to determine whether
exosomal miRNA concentration changes can be associated
with PTC, blood was collected from patients (n.10) prior to
and 1 week after surgery. We assumed surgical removal of a
tumor to results in a reduction of the circulation of tumor-
derived exosomes, to be reflected by specific alterations in
the exosomal miRNA profile. All patients included in the
analysis had a similar clinical status (Table 1).
To focus our assay on cancer-associated changes of
exosomal miRNA profiles and to minimize detection of alter-
ations associated with surgical trauma, we applied Cancer
Focus microRNA PCR panels that allowed us to assay 84
human miRNAs related to cancer. In total, 20 samples obtain-
ed from 10 patients before and 710 days after surgery were
analyzed. A detectable level of miRNA expression was ob-
served in 36 % of cases (608 from 1680 (84 × 20)). From 17 to
50 miRNAs were detected in each RNA sample assayed. The
presence of detectable levels of each miRNA among the sam-
ples varied considerably: two miRNAs (miR-16-5p and miR-
186-5p) werenot detected in any of the 20 samples includedin
the analysis; 40 miRNAs were detected in less than half of the
samples (<10); and 42 miRNAs were detected in half or more
Fig. 2 Characteristics of
membrane vesicles isolated from
plasma. aThe size distribution of
vesicles was determined using the
Microtrac S2500 particle
analyzer. b2D images of vesicles
obtained by atomic force
microscopy (AFM). c3D images
of vesicles generated by Image
Analysis Nava software
Fig. 3 Western blot analysis. Equal amount of protein lysates obtained
from entire plasma and pelleted exosomes was assayed using antibodies
against exosomal markers Alix, CD63, and TSG101. Amount of beta-
actin was evaluated as loading control
Tumor Biol.
of the samples (10). Normalized expression levels of these
42 miRNAs are shown using a scatter plot in Fig. 4a.Error
bars on the graph indicate the standard deviation of the mean
value for each miRNA expression. Some of these miRNAs
exhibited quite stable expression levels, with little difference
between samples. Fluctuations in expression levels for most of
the other miRNAs had a rather random character. A decrease
in expression level following surgery was observed for several
miRNAs. Among them, nine miRNAs (miR-126-3p, miR-
145-5p, miR-146a-5p, miRNA-181a-5p, miR-206, miR-21-
5p, miR221-3p and miR-223-3p, miR-31-5p) have shown sta-
tistically significant (Pvalue varied from 0.2 to 0.5) surgery-
associated reduction and were selected for further analysis.
Analysis of selected miRNAs expression in papillary TC
associated miRNA; however, other tissues and cells affected
by cancerous disease or surgical intervention may also influ-
ence the profile of exosomal miRNAs in plasma. Тoconfirm
that selected miRNAs can originate from a tumor, we assayed
their expression in a tumor and in normal tissues of removed
thyroid glands.
Total RNA was isolated from 10 paired samples, and the
expression level of nine selected miRNAs was estimated by
miRNA-specific RT, followed by qPCR. All assays were com-
pleted in triplicate and results were averaged and normalized.
The expression level of selected miRNAs in PTC (n= 10) and
in macroscopically normal thyroid tissue (n= 10) was com-
pared using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test
(Fig. 4b). All nine miRNAs tested were over-expressed in
PTC tissue, while over-expression of only five miRNAs was
statistically significant: miR-31-5p, miR-146a-5p, miR-21-
5p, miR-221-3p, and miR-181a-5p. Based on these results,
we concluded that these five miRNAs were likely the content
of exosomes secreted by PTC cells and may therefore prove
the most reliable as disease markers.
Fig. 4 Cancer-associated
miRNA expression in plasma
exosomes and cancer tissue of
patients with PTC (n.10). a
Exosomal miRNA obtained from
10 PTC patients twice (before and
after surgery) was assayed by
Cancer Focus RT-qPCR Panel.
Results are normalized and
expression levels of 42 miRNAs
detected in more than half tested
samples are illustrated by scatter
plot. Expression fluctuations are
shown by error bars. MiRNA
whose expression level decreased
after surgical tumor removal are
indicated and marked as gray
spots.bExpression of these miRs
was evaluated in PTC and normal
tissue of removed thyroid gland.
Statistical significance of
observed over-expression in
cancer tissue was evaluated by
Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed
rank test and indicated as single
asterisk (<0.05), double asterisks
Tumo r Biol.
Analysis of selected miRNAs in the plasma exosomes
of patients with different thyroid nodular diseases
The goal of the study was to evaluate whether exosomal
miRNA profiles may reflect the development of TC and
whether its assessment may be of clinical relevance. With this
purpose in mind, the expression behavior of nine selected
miRNAs observed in a preliminary assay was explored among
a large cohort of patients with different nodular thyroid pa-
thologies. Thus, patients with benign thyroid adenomas (goi-
ter), FTC, small intra-nodal, locally extended, and metastatic
PTC were enrolled in the study (Fig. 1, Table 1).
First, we quantified selected miRNAs in plasma exosomes
isolated from patients with benign thyroid adenomas and pa-
tients with PTC. It was found that miR-126-3p, miR-145-5p,
and miR-31-5p were significantly over-expressed in plasma
exosomes of cancer patients (Fig. 5a). MiR-31-5p was shown
to be downregulated in benign thyroid adenomas compared to
surrounding tissues [29] while, in addition to our own re-
search, others [30] have reported over-expression of miR-
31-5p in PTC tissues. These results suggest that miR-31-5p
may be implemented in the regulation of malignant transfor-
mation of the thyroid goiter. Assuming thyroid nodules are a
source of exosome-enclosed miRNAs in plasma, exosomal
miR-31-5p assessment can be used for differential diagnostics
of benign thyroid adenomas and PTC. Interestingly,
miR-126-3p and miR-145-5p were shown to be down-
regulated in PTC tissues [9]; moreover, both of these
miRNAs appeared to play a tumor-suppressive role in the
context of thyroid cancer [3133]. Thus, over-representation
of these miRNAs in plasma exosomes of cancer patients
might reflect a difference between patterns of cellular and
exosomal miRNA due to the selective character of miRNA
incorporation into exosomes.
A comparison of groups of PTC patients at different dis-
ease stages did not reveal any miRNAs that could reflect
disease progression. A comparison of nine selected
miRNAsexpression in a group of patients with benign thy-
roid adenomas and FTC indicated miR-21-5p as a possible
marker for differential diagnostics between these two condi-
tions (Fig. 5b).
Finally, we aimed to explore whether two main histological
forms of differentiated TC (PTC and FTC) may be distin-
guished by exosomal miRNA profiling. To do so, we com-
pared the expression of nine selected miRNAs in correspond-
ing groups of patients. As shown in Fig. 6, miR-21-5p (and
miR-221-3p, though not statistically significant) was over-
expressed in the plasma exosomes of patients with FTC, while
miR-181a was over-expressed in plasma exosomes of patients
with PTC. This observation may reflect the reciprocal charac-
ter of these miRNAsexpression and their function in follic-
ular and papillary types of TC. Next, we analyzed the miR-21-
5p/miR-181a (miR-221/miR-181a) expression ratio in plasma
exosomes of patients with FTC and PTC. Thus, in a group of
42 patients (Table 1; nn.3,4,5,6) recruited for this study, follic-
ular types of cancer were distinguished from papillary types
with 100 % sensitivity and 77 % specificity using Ct (miR-21-
5p) < Ct (miR-181a) criteria. Analysis of the miR-221 and
miR-181a amplification ratio gave 100 % sensitivity and
76 % specificity; however, false-positive diagnostic results
(wrong diagnosis of FTC in the case of microscopically con-
firmed PTC) partially overlapped. Thus, the test specificity
may be improved up to 87 % by analysis of both the miR-
21-5p/miR-181a and the miR-221/miR-181a ratios and by
considering the coincidence of two negative results (Table 3).
This analysis gave the same results being performed by a com-
parison of normalized values as well as by a direct comparison
of the two miRNA amplification rates assessed in plasma
exosome sample of individual patient. It is practically impor-
tant, because an absence of reliable normalization methods and
reference miRNAs is considered as serious weakness in the
context of miRNA-based diagnostic approaches.
Fig. 5 Comparison of selected
miRNA representation in plasma
exosomes of patients with benign
thyroid adenomas (n.8) and
thyroid cancer (n.42). Statistical
significance is evaluated using
MannWhitney Utest and
indicated as single asterisk
(P< 0.05), triple asterisks
(P< 0.0005). aAdenoma vs.
papillary thyroid cancer. b
Adenoma vs. follicular thyroid
Tumor Biol.
MiRNAs, both cellular [34] and secreted [35], contribute to
nearly all aspects of carcinogenesis including tumor initiation,
morphogenesis of tumor-associated stroma, neo-angiogene-
sis, immune surveillance, invasion, metastasis, maintenance
of cancer stem cells, drug resistance, and disease recurrence.
In the field of TC, great efforts have been made to explore the
role of cellular miRNA. For instance, from more than 2500
known miRNAs,about 400 are expressed at a significant level
in the thyroid gland tissue [36] and the specific pattern of
miRNAs is being dysregulated during malignant transforma-
tion. Thus, over-expression of miR-146b, miR-155, miR-187,
miR-197, miR-221, miR-222, and miR-224 was shown to be
specific enough to be used as a diagnostic marker providing
with 100 % sensitivity, 94 % specificity, and 95 % accuracy of
cancer detection [37]. The clinical utility of the microRNA
expression panel was further evaluated, revealing that the de-
cision model based on the expression of miR-146b, miR-155,
and miR-221 had a validityof 97.7 % and reliability of 78.4 %
[38]. TC-associated changes of secreted (extracellular)
miRNA are also being intensively studied as well. For in-
stance, a significantly elevated level of Let-7e, miR-151-5p,
and miR-222 in the circulation of PTC patient vs. patients with
benign nodules or healthy donors was revealed in large-scale
study including 245 subjects (42). Authors of other investiga-
tions have indicated miR-146b and miR-155 as promising
markers of PTC (44). Another study showed that level of
miR-181a-5p was significantly increased in the plasma of
TC patients compared with both control donors and with pa-
tients with other types of cancer (43). However, in total, results
of investigations focused on circulating miRNAs appear to be
fewer and less consistent than results of tumor-specimen stud-
ies. One of the possible reasons for such discordance is the
very complex composition of circulating miRNAs arising
from different tissues and playing different biological roles.
Assessment of isolated exosomal fractions of circulating
miRNA presents a promising approach to improve specificity
and clinical relevance of extracellular miRNA analysis [39].
Exosomal miRNA attracts a special interest [17] due to the
advantages of assessment and result evaluation in comparison
with other components of exosomes. The correlation of the
circulating exosome amount and/or content with cancerous
disease progression or prognosis has been established for dif-
ferent malignancies including breast [40], lung [41], colon
[21], and other cancer types. In the field of TC research, one
single study focused on miRNA content of tumor cell-derived
exosomes has been published so far. Lee et al. [26]have
shown that cultured in vitro PTC cells release exosomes con-
taining miR-146b and miR-222. Since over-expression of
these two miRNAs in PCT cells was demonstrated by many
authors, secretion of these molecules within exosomes can be
expected. However, our study is a first attempt to estimate TC-
associated alteration of miRNA in exosomes derived from
plasma of patients. We demonstrated an elevation of exosomal
content of miR-126, miR-145, and miR-31 associated with
PTC and miR-21 associated with FTC. More interestingly,
the reciprocal character of miR-21-5p (miR-221-3p) and
miR-181a-5p expression in PTC and FTC was revealed.
These results have clinical relevance because they indicate
the possibility of distinguishing FTC from PTC through the
comparative assessment of two exosomal miRNAs.
Despite promising results, our study highlighted challenges
of exosomal miRNA analysis and obtained clinically mean-
ingful information from exosomal miRNA profiling. The
method of exosome isolation represents a crucial issue con-
sidered by one recent investigation of Tawaris group [42].
The authors performed parallel quantification of both
exosomes and miRNA molecule numbers in plasma. It was
Fig. 6 Comparison of selected miRNA representation in plasma
exosomes of patients with follicular (n.8) vs. papillary (n.34) thyroid
cancer. Statistical significance is evaluated using MannWhitney Utest
and indicated as single asterisk (P<0.05) and triple asterisks
(P< 0.0005)
Tabl e 3 Diagnostic value of
exosomal miR-21/miR-181a
(miR221/miR-181a) ratio in
distinguishing follicular from
papillary thyroid cancer
Sensitivity Specificity PPV False pos NPV False neg
1. Ct (miR-21) < Ct (miR-181a) 1 0,77 0,57 0,43 1 0
2. Ct (miR-221) < Ct (miR-181a) 1 0,76 0,44 0,55 1 0
3. B1^B2^1 0,87 0,66 0,33 1 0
Tumo r Biol.
shown that the ratio of individual miRNA molecules to
exosomes was significantly less than one, i.e., around 100
exosomes corresponded to only one copy of the given
miRNA. This revealed that most individual exosomes in stan-
dard preparations do not carry a biologically relevant number
of miRNAs. Assuming that plasma exosome populations are
quite dynamic and influenced by various physiological and
pathological factors, results by Chevillet and co-authors have
significantly challenged the diagnostic potency of exosomal
miRNA analysis [42]. In a screening assay included in our
study, we observed a high variability of cancer-associated
miRNA profiles in the plasma exosomes of patients with
PTC (Fig. 4a), which may reflect both the individual charac-
teristics of patients as well as not enough representative
exosome templates analyzed on each occasion. An approach
overcoming this obstacle appears to be selective isolation of
tumor-derived exosomes using immune-affine capturing of
tumor-specific proteins on exosome surfaces: HER2 [43],
TM9SF4 [44], and GPC1 [45].
The method of miRNA quantification is another important
aspect that can crucially affect results of analysis. In our study,
we used two different RT-qPCT techniques where miRNA
either tailed with a common sequence and was then reverse
transcribed with universal primers or it was reverse tran-
scribed individually using miRNA-specific stem-loop primers
[28]. The first technique was applied for screening when a
number of amplicons (miRNA) were analyzed from a limited
amount of starting material. The second technique (miRNA-
specific RT) is considered to be more sensitive and was ap-
plied for the analysis of several selected miRNAs from a large
sample collection. In contrast to the screening assay, which
was enable to detect 36 % of miRNAs, this technique allowed
us to attain readable and comparable amplification rates in
more than 80 % of cases. This difference indicated the possi-
bility for optimizing a method of conventional RT-qPCR anal-
ysis. Moreover, new methods of absolute miRNA quantifica-
tion have become available. For example, droplet digital PCR
was recently explored by the Negrini group [46]. The authors
demonstrated that amounts of various miRNAs in the blood
flow are different, well distinguishable, and have specific fluc-
tuation amplitudes. Although this study was not focused on
exosomal fractions of circulating miRNA, the results infer that
the amount of specific miRNAs in the circulation is not ran-
dom and has a physiological range. Importantly, an increase of
miR-181a in the plasma of patients with TC compared to
patients with other cancer types was demonstrated in the re-
port of Ferracin et al. [46], which is in agreement with our own
results. In conclusion, the sensitivity of exosomal miRNA
analysis can be improved by the concomitant evaluation of
tumor-specific proteins on the exosome surface and exosomal
miRNA, as was recently demonstrated [47].
In addition to general methodological issues, exosomal
miRNA-based tests must be well integrated in existing
diagnostic and patient management algorithms to provide
clinically relevant decision-making results. Thus, the manage-
ment of patients with asymptomatic thyroid nodules, the dif-
ferential diagnostics of histological sub-types, and the identi-
fication of aggressive forms of differentiated TC still present
challenges in clinical practice. As has been revealed in a num-
ber of studies, thyroid nodule tissue miRNA profiles may
reflect the clinicopathologic [48,49] and prognostic charac-
teristics [10] of tumors, as relevant information is supposed to
be Benclosed^within tumor-derived exosomes. In our study,
we demonstrated the possibility of distinguishing FTC
from PTC through the comparative assessment of two
exosomal miRNAs: miR-21-5p (miR-221-3p) and miR-
181a-5p. Nevertheless, new investigations are required to re-
veal other clinically relevant correlations and to provide
with a basis for developing of new exosomal miRNA-
based diagnostic tools.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by Oncosystem Ltd. for
(to R.S. and A.M.) and by grants from the Helmsley Trust Fund (to
Compliance with ethical standards The study had Ethical Committee
of N.N. Petrov Institute of Oncology approval. Informed consent was
obtained from all individual participants included in the study.
Conflicts of interest None
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Tumor Biol.
... MiR-21 is a key miRNA involved in PTC pathogenesis. Its expression is altered in tumor tissues (Samsonov et al., 2016). Ortiz et al. revealed that hypomethylation of DNA leads to overexpression of miR-141b and miR-21, which results in reduced transcription of their target (Ortiz et al., 2018). ...
... Moreover, miR-21 has been widely investigated in thyroid cancers and has been identified as one of the miRNAs that could improve the diagnostic accuracy of PTC and is associated with TNM stage, metastasis, and tumor size. It can be used as a diagnostic marker to distinguish PTC from benign lesions Samsonov et al., 2016;Zhang et al., 2017). MiR-21 was negatively correlated with GGT, ALT, AST, TC, LDL, and CAP scores. ...
Full-text available
Background: Thyroid hormones (THs) signaling has profound effects on many physiological processes. The regulation of THs signaling in various tissues involves the action of microRNAs (miRNAs) on thyroid deiodinases and receptors. THs regulate the expression of certain miRNAs and their target messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in various tissues and cells. The modulation of miRNA levels by THs affects their functions in processes such as liver lipid metabolism, skin physiology, and muscle and heart performance. Aim: This research aimed to investigate miR-181b, miR-206, and miR-21 in the serum of patients with subclinical and overt hypothyroidism to determine their possible role in the diagnosis of the disease and their relationship to clinical disorders related to hypothyroidism. Methods: This study included ninety participants, divided evenly into three groups as follows: patients with overt hypothyroidism diagnosed clinically, radiologically, and by investigation, subclinical hypothyroid patients, and healthy volunteers. The patients had a thorough medical history and underwent a clinical examination. Laboratory tests included plasma cholesterol, LDL, HDL, TGs, liver and renal function tests, CBC, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, HbA1c, TSH, and free T4. The serum levels of miR-21, miR-206, and miR-181b were measured using qRT-PCR. Results: miR-206 and miR-181b levels were higher in the subclinical group, followed by the hypothyroid and control groups. For miR-21, there was a significantly lower mean value in both the hypothyroid and subclinical groups than in the control group, with no difference between the two groups. Both miR-206 and miR-181b showed a significant negative association with albumin and free T4 levels and a significant direct association with GGT, ALT, AST, creatinine, uric acid, TGs, TC, LDL, TSH, thyroid volume, and CAP score. The same correlation pattern was observed for miR-181b, except that it was not significantly correlated with the TGs. For miR-21 levels, there was a significant positive correlation with albumin, free T4 level, and kPa score and a negative correlation with GGT, ALT, AST, creatinine, uric acid, HOMA-IR, HbA1c, TC, LDL, TSH, and CAP score. Cases with F1 kPa score and S2 CAP scores had significantly higher averages for miR-206 and miR-181b, with a p -value of 0.05. Moreover, miR-21 levels were significantly lower in the S2 CAP score group. Conclusion: These miRNAs (miR-206, miR-181b, and miR-21) may be used as diagnostic biomarkers for hypothyroidism. They may be used as therapeutic targets to control dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis during hypothyroid disease.
... Ключевые слова: анаплатический рак щитовиднoй железы, микроРНК Введение МикроРНК -короткие молекулы РНК, регулирующие экспрессию генов на посттранскрипционном уровне. Важное значение микроРНК в развитии различных форм злокачественных новообразований щитовидной железы (ЩЖ) было показано в ряде отечественных [1] и зарубежных исследований [2,3]. На стадии внедрения в клиническую практику находятся несколько методов дифференциальной диагностики узловых образований ЩЖ, основанных на микроРНК-профилировании (Rosetta GXReveal, Rosetta Genomics) или комбинации анализа соматических мутаций и микроРНК (ThyGenX/ ThyraMIR, Interpace diagnostics). ...
... «druggable target»), диагностический потенциал методов анализа циркулирующей ДНК пока не понятен. Перспективной представляется разработка методов анализа циркулирующих нано-везикул, в частности оценка состава везикулярных микроРНК [1,31]. К настоящему моменту опубликованы результаты нескольких исследований, посвященных разработке методов диагностики дифференцированных форм РЩЖ. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: Malignant transformation of follicular epithelium of the thyroid gland is associated with specific alterations of miRNA profile. Evaluation of miRNAs expression changes is being applied for primary or differential diagnostic of thyroid nodes. Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is relatively rare form of thyroid cancer with high malignant potency and rate of lethality. Investigation of miRNAs role in ATC might provide with soul for development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Goal: To analyze expression profile of miRNA in ATC and to identify miRNAs involved in pathogenesis of ATC. Material and Methods: Samples of ATC (n.20) and normal thyroid tissue (n. 22) were included in the study, expression levels of 85 cancer-associated miRNAs were analyzed by RT-PCR. Results: Expression of miR-375, miR-1246 and miR-21 is activated while expression of miR-Let7b, miR-125b and miR-181a is suppressed in cells of ATC. Conclusions: Further investigation of miRNA involvement into carcinogenesis of ATC is needed for development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
... p < 0.01), affecting the activities of PI3K/Akt and MAPK/ERK, thereby inhibiting the apoptosis of TC cells and promot-ing cell proliferation and migration [32]. Also, plasma exosomal miR-21 and miR-181a differentiate FTC from PTC with 100% sensitivity and 77% specificity [33]. ...
Full-text available
Recent research has revealed the importance of miRNAs in the diagnosis and clinical evolution of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). We aim to identify a specific miRNA profile that could differentiate between specific subtypes of PTC. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, total RNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissues of 43 patients, 17 with an infiltrative follicular variant of PTC (iFVPTC) and 26 with a conventional variant of PTC (cPTC). Nine miRNAs were evaluated using qRT-PCR technology and specific miRNA assays. Results: We found specific patterns for cPTC and iFVPTC, such as miRNA altered in both types of tumours (miR-146b-5p, miR-181a-5p, miR-221-3p, miR-21-5p and miR-222-3p) and two miRNAs significantly expressed only in cPTC (miR-20b-5p, miR-21-5p). The iFVPTC group presented strong and moderate correlations between miRNA expression and clinical data. miR-221-3p, miR-195-5p, miR-181-5p, miR-146b-5p and miR-222 were correlated with age, tumour size (TS) or lymph node metastases (N), while only miR-20b-5p, miR-195-5p and miR-181-5p were correlated with TS, N and age in the cPTC group. Conclusions: The present study allowed the identification of a signature of two miRNAs to confirm miRNA differences between the two histological subtypes of TC. Our results provide advances in the molecular diagnosis of TC and could help to improve the diagnostic performance of already existing molecular classifiers.
... To date, the only published clinical data have come from studies of patients' serum/ plasma and these have shown the dysregulation of miRNA in PTC-derived sEVs, compared to benign sEVs [22]. The ability to distinguish between follicular thyroid cancer and hyperplastic nodules [23], follicular cancer and PTC [24], as well as between Graves' disease patients with and without Graves' orbitopathy and healthy controls [11] by measuring changes in miRNAs in thyroid tissues, serum/plasma and in sEVs has also been demonstrated. Detailed characterisation of thyroid-derived sEVs and their content is necessary to identify an miRNA signature characteristic of specific thyroid disease. ...
Full-text available
Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) contain microRNAs (miRNAs) which have potential to act as disease-specific biomarkers. The current study uses an established method to maintain human thyroid tissue ex vivo on a tissue-on-chip device, allowing the collection, isolation and interrogation of the sEVs released directly from thyroid tissue. sEVs were analysed for differences in miRNA levels released from benign thyroid tissue, Graves’ disease tissue and papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), using miRNA sequencing and quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to identify potential biomarkers of disease. Thyroid biopsies from patients with benign tissue (n = 5), Graves’ disease (n = 5) and PTC (n = 5) were perfused with medium containing sEV-depleted serum for 6 days on the tissue-on-chip device. During incubation, the effluents were collected and ultracentrifuged to isolate sEVs; miRNA was extracted and sequenced (miRNASeq). Out of the 15 samples, 14 passed the quality control and miRNASeq analysis detected significantly higher expression of miR-375-3p, miR-7-5p, miR-382-5p and miR-127-3p in the sEVs isolated from Graves’ tissue compared to those from benign tissue (false discovery rate; FDR p < 0.05). Similarly, miR-375-3p and miR-7-5p were also detected at a higher level in the Graves’ tissue sEVs compared to the PTC tissue sEVs (FDR p < 0.05). No significant differences were observed between miRNA in sEVs from PTC vs. those from benign tissue. These results were supported by Quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). The novel findings demonstrate that the tissue-on-chip technology is a robust method for isolating sEVs directly from the tissue of interest, which has permitted the identification of four miRNAs, with which further investigation could be used as biomarkers or therapeutic targets within thyroid disease.
... Other studies have shown that plasma exosomal miR-485-3p, miR-4433a-5p, and miR-5189-3p could be utilized as biomarkers to diagnose PTC [120,121]. Moreover, in a study by Smasonov et al. [122], the diagnostic utility of exosomal miRNAs was investigated in a large group of individuals with various thyroid disease statuses, such as PTC, FTC, and benign tumors. The research results revealed that the serum exosomes miR-31 level in PTC was dramatically increased and that exosomal miR-21 was increased in FTC. ...
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Thyroid cancer has become more common in recent years all around the world. Many issues still need to be urgently addressed in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of thyroid cancer. Liquid biopsy (mainly circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs), and circulating exosomes) may provide a novel and ideal approach to solve these issues, allows us to assess the features of diseases more comprehensively, and has a function in a variety of malignancies. Recently, liquid biopsy has been shown to be critical in thyroid cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in numerous previous studies. In this review, by testing CTCs, ctDNA, and exosomes, we focus on the possible clinical role of liquid biopsy in thyroid cancer, including diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers and response to therapy. We briefly review how liquid biopsy components have progressed in thyroid cancer by consulting the existing public information. We also discuss the clinical potential of liquid biopsy in thyroid cancer and provide a reference for liquid biopsy research. Liquid biopsy has the potential to be a useful tool in the early detection, monitoring, or prediction of response to therapies and prognosis in thyroid cancer, with promising clinical applications.
... Patients with breast cancer who had serum exosomal miR-148a down-regulation had worse clinical outcomes. Consequently, exosomal miR-148a in the serum may serve as a significant biomarker for the prognostication of breast cancer [131]. MiR-138-5p, a protein-coding gene, was transferred by exosomes from breast cancer cells to tumor-associated macrophages, where it reduced the expression of KDM6B. ...
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small, non-coding RNA molecules that have been shown to be involved in a wide range of biological processes, including cancer. miRNAs are known to regulate the expression of genes, and their dysregulation has been linked to the development of cancer. In recent years a great deal of attention is received by miRNAs due to their potential as biomarkers for cancer. Biomarkers are measurable indicators of a biological state, and they can be used to diagnose, monitor, and treat diseases. miRNAs can be detected in biological fluids such as blood and saliva. This makes them ideal candidates for early cancer detection and monitoring. We herein reviewed current methods for the isolation of circulating miRNAs. Provide the most recent update about clinical trials aiming at using miRNAs as biomarkers for cancer. Additionally, we highlighted some pitfalls that should be realized to take advantage of the massive potential of miRNAs as a cancer biomarker. However, the potential of miRNAs as cancer biomarkers is very promising but advancements in factors such as miRNA isolation methods, and the type of samples are critical to incorporate miRNA-based diagnostic and prognostic markers in modern-day treatment regimens for cancer. This review concludes that miRNAs have enormous clinical significance as cancer biomarkers and recommends carefully selecting methods for the isolation of miRNAs based on the type of sample, and the downstream applications to generate clinically relevant results.
... EV-derived hsa-miR-129-2 and hsa-miR-889 are potential biomarkers for predicting PTC (120). The comparative evaluation of plasma EV-derived miR-21 and miR-181a-5p could be used as a diagnostic marker for distinguishing follicular thyroid cancer from PTC (121). Plasma EV-derived miR-485-3p and miR-4433a-5p exhibit potential as biomarkers for PTC diagnosis, while miR-485-3p may also serve to differentiate high-risk and low-risk PTC (122). ...
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role of Extracellular vesicles (EVs) in both normal and pathological physiology. These natural nanoparticles are now recognized as a novel mechanism for intercellular communication, allowing cells to exchange of biologically active molecules such as microRNAs (miRNAs). As is well acknowledged, the endocrine system regulates bodily operations through the emission of various hormones. Although the discovery of EVs took place approximately 80 years later than that of hormones, circulating EVs have attracted considerable interest and are expected to be the frontier in the endocrine system. Interestingly, the interplay between hormones and EVs is a complex phenomenon that involves both synergistic and antagonistic effects. Moreover, EVs facilitate communication between endocrine cells and contain miRNAs that may serve as valuable biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis. This review aims to provide an overview of current research on physiological and pathological secretion of EVs from endocrine organs or tissues. Additionally, we examine the essential relationship between hormones and EVs in the endocrine system.
Because of the minimally invasive nature of biofluid collection, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have promising applications in the diagnosis, management, surveillance, and prognosis of malignancies. Emerging evidence has shown that EVs derived from biofluids can reflect their cells of origin and thus may be utilized as noninvasive cancer biomarkers. Many molecules in EVs differ significantly in biofluids from patients with cancer compared with those from healthy individuals, allowing for biomarker identification in many cancer types. EVs contain different forms of RNA, including mRNA, chimeric RNA, rRNA, and long and small noncoding RNA, such as microRNAs, tRNA fragments, piwi-interacting RNAs, vault RNAs, and Y RNAs. In addition to RNAs, EVs are enriched in tumor-derived DNA and proteins. Moreover, the presence of a membrane ensures that the EV molecular cargo is highly stable, thereby avoiding variation due to exogenous factors. In this chapter, we outline EV biomarkers in cancers of the digestive tract, mammary reproductive system, hematologic system, urinary system, and other types of cancer. This chapter provides an overview of the EV concentrations detected in clinical practice and challenges associated with the utilization of EVs as biomarkers in cancer.
The oncogenic effects of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase-antisense RNA1 (NNT-AS1) role in colorectal cancer (CRC) hasn't been sufficiently inspected in relation to the Homo sapiens (hsa)-microRNA (miR)- 485-5p/ heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) axis, clinically. qRT-PCR was performed to detect lncRNA NNT-AS1 and hsa-miR-485-5p expression levels in 60 Egyptian patients' sera. HSP90 serum level was quantified using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The relative expression level of the studied non-coding RNAs as well as the HSP90 ELISA concentration were correlated with patients clinicopathological characteristics and correlated to each other. The axis diagnostic utility in comparison with carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) tumor markers (TMs) was studied by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The relative lncRNA NNT-AS1 expression level fold change 56.7 (13.5-112) and HSP90 protein ELISA level 6.68 (5.14-8.77) (ng/mL) were elevated, while, for hsa-miR-485-5p 0.0474 (0.0236-0.135) expression fold change was repressed in CRC Egyptian patients' cohort sera, being compared to 28 apparently healthy control subjects. LncRNA NNT-AS1 specificity is 96.4% and a sensitivity of 91.7%, hsa-miR-485-5p showed 96.4% specificity, 90% sensitivity, and for HSP90 89.3%, 70% specificity and sensitivity, respectively. Those specificities and sensitivities were superior to the classical CRC TMs. A significant negative correlation was found between hsa-miR-485-5p with lncRNA NNT-AS1 (r = -0.933) expression fold change or with HSP90 protein blood level (r = -0.997), but, significant positive correlation was there between lncRNA NNT-AS1 and HSP90 (r = 0.927). LncRNA NNT-AS1/hsa-miR-485-5p/HSP90 axis could be a prospect for CRC development as well as diagnosis. Being correlated and related to CRC histologic grades 1-3, therefore, lncRNA NNT-AS1/hsa-miR-485-5p/HSP90 axis (not individually) expression approved clinically and in silico, could aid treatment precision.
Half of all people aged 50 and over develop a thyroid nodule in their lifetime, exclusion of cancer is required in each case. Nodule tissue sampling is performed by way of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), however a definite diagnosis in possible only in 30% of cases. The discovery of a diagnostic biomarker to discriminate between thyroid cancer and benign nodules would therefore greatly improve current clinical practice. Using the databases of Medline, Embase and Pubmed we identified 21 original research papers examining various microRNA as potential biomarkers. Currently, the most evidence supporting diagnostic utility exists for miRNA-222. It has been shown repeatedly to have potential in diagnosis of PTC & MTC as well as being linked with the most prognostic factors of all microRNA. To a lesser extent, evidence seems to support the diagnostic and prognostic utility of miR-146b, Let-7 family, miR-221 for PTC and miR-21 for PTC & FTC. MicroRNA appear to show promise as potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, however there is still not enough data to produce a consensus. Continued research should be undertaken with streamlined protocols.
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Exosomes are nano-sized vesicles of endolysosomal origin, released by several cytotypes in physiological and pathological conditions. Tumor derived exosomes, interacting with other cells of the tumor microenvironment, modulate tumor progression, angiogenic switch, metastasis, and immune escape. Recently, extracellular vesicles were proposed as excellent biomarkers for disease monitoring and prognosis in cancer patients. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has a poor 5-year survival rate due to the delay in the detection of the disease. The majority of patients are diagnosed in an advanced disease stage. Exosomes might be promising beneficial tools as biomarker candidates in the scenario of NSCLC, since they contain both, proteins and miRNAs. The clinical case reported in this manuscript is a proof of concept revealing that NSCLC exosomes and sorted miRNAs might constitute, in a near future, novel biomarkers. This review summarizes the role of exosomes in NSCLC, focusing on the importance of exosomal microRNAs in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis.
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One of the recent outstanding developments in cancer biology is the emergence of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs, which are small membrane vesicles that contain proteins, mRNAs, long non-coding RNAs, and microRNAs (miRNAs), are secreted by a variety of cells and have been revealed to play an important role in intercellular communications. These molecules function in the recipient cells; this has brought new insight into cell-cell communication. Recent reports have shown that EVs contribute to cancer cell development, including tumor initiation, angiogenesis, immune surveillance, drug resistance, invasion, metastasis, maintenance of cancer stem cells, and EMT phenotype. In this review, I will summarize recent studies on EV-mediated miRNA transfer in cancer biology. Furthermore, I will also highlight the possibility of novel diagnostics and therapy using miRNAs in EVs against cancer.
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Background: Although it has been long realized that eukaryotic cells release complex vesicular structures into their environment, only in recent years has it been established that these entities are not merely junk or debris, but that they are tailor-made specialized minimaps of their cell of origin and of both physiological and pathological relevance. These exosomes and microvesicles (ectosomes), collectively termed extracellular vesicles (EVs), are often defined and subgrouped first and foremost according to size and proposed origin (exosomes approximately 30-120 nm, endosomal origin; microvesicles 120-1000 nm, from the cell membrane). There is growing interest in elucidating the relevance and roles of EVs in cancer. Content: Much of the pioneering work on EVs in cancer has focused on breast cancer, possibly because breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. This review provides an in-depth summary of such studies, supporting key roles for exosomes and other EVs in breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis, stem cell stimulation, apoptosis, immune system modulation, and anti-cancer drug resistance. Exosomes as diagnostic, prognostic, and/or predictive biomarkers and their potential use in the development of therapeutics are discussed. Summary: Although not fully elucidated, the involvement of exosomes in breast cancer development, progression, and resistance is becoming increasingly apparent from preclinical and clinical studies, with mounting interest in the potential exploitation of these vesicles for breast cancer biomarkers, as drug delivery systems, and in the development of future novel breast cancer therapies.
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Background: Studies have suggested that microRNAs (miR) may be useful prognostic markers and are associated with aggressive clinicopathologic features in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). In this systemic review, we examined associations between miRs and aggressive clinicopathologic features in PTC. Methods: A literature search was performed within the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science and Scopus databases, for papers published prior to November 24, 2014. The search was performed by combining the concepts "thyroid tumor" with "microRNA" and by using "and" as the Boolean operator. Upon retrieval of candidate studies, full text publications were reviewed in their entirety and selected if they examined the prognostic significance between miR expression and established aggressive clinicopathologic features of PTC. Results: Fifteen studies from 13 unique groups that included 807 patients were reviewed. Most of the studies were retrospective and none included patients who had undergone routine central lymph node dissection. Expression levels of miRs-21, -34b, -130b, -135b, -146b, -151, -181b, -199b-5p, -221, -222, -451, -623, -1271, -2861 and let-7e showed significant association with at least one aggressive feature, such as large tumor size, extrathyroidal extension, multifocality, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node metastases, distant metastasis, advanced AJCC stage and BRAF V600E mutation. Herein we summarize the literature with regard to these associations. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to investigate whether miRs are independent predictors of aggressive clinicopathologic features before one recommends that miR expression levels should be incorporated into the management algorithm for patients with PTC. A well-designed prospective study is needed to assess these potential associations.
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Objective: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to play important roles in the diagnosis and prognosis of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), and they are useful in developing targeted therapies. However, there have been no studies on the existence of racial differences in miRNAs expression that could explain differential overall survival of PTC patients. Expression analysis of miRNAs in major racial groups would be important for optimizing personalized treatment strategies. In the current study, we assessed the differential expression of 8 miRNAs between normal and tumor tissues, and also assessed racial differences between African American (AA) and Caucasian American (CA). Methods: First, the miRNA expression profiling was performed using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue sections of tumor containing over 70% tumor cells. Normal and tumor sections of thyroid tissues were studied from AA and CA patients. The miRNA microarray profiling was done using miRBase version 18 (LC Sciences, Houston, TX, USA). Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to validate expression of 8 selected miRNAs. Results: Ingenuity pathway analysis showed involvement of target genes, such as Ras and NF-κB. Deregulated miRNAs such as miR-221 and miR-31 were found to be statistically significant between the two races. Using qRT-PCR, we found that miR-21, miR-146b, miR-221, miR-222, miR-31, and miR-3613 were up-regulated while miR-138 and miR-98 were down-regulated in tumors compared to normal tissues. Conclusion: Though sample size was small, we found several deregulated miRNAs having racial differences. The differential expression of miRNAs suggest that these miRNAs and their target genes could be useful to gain further mechanistic insight of PTC and their clinical implications, including miRNA replacement therapy or their knockdown strategies.
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Background: Previous studies have shown that microRNAs are dysregulated in thyroid cancer and play important roles in the post-transcriptional regulation of target oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes. Methodology/principal findings: We studied the function of miR-126-3p in thyroid cancer cells, and as a marker of disease aggressiveness. We found that miR-126-3p expression was significantly lower in larger tumors, in tumor samples with extrathyroidal invasion, and in higher risk group thyroid cancer in 496 papillary thyroid cancer samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas study cohort. In an independent sample set, lower miR-126-3p expression was observed in follicular thyroid cancers (which have capsular and angioinvasion) as compared to follicular adenomas. Mechanistically, ectopic overexpression of miR-126-3p significantly inhibited thyroid cancer cell proliferation, in vitro (p<0.01) and in vivo (p<0.01), colony formation (p<0.01), tumor spheroid formation (p<0.05), cellular migration (p<0.05), VEGF secretion and endothelial tube formation, and lung metastasis in vivo. We found 14 predicted target genes, which were significantly altered upon miR-126-3p transfection in thyroid cancer cells, and which are involved in cancer biology. Of these 14 genes, SLC7A5 and ADAM9 were confirmed to be inhibited by miR-126-3p overexpression and to be direct targets of miR-136-3p. Conclusions/significance: To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that miR-126-3p has a tumor-suppressive function in thyroid cancer cells, and is associated with aggressive disease phenotype.
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BACKGROUND: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a natural compound with anticancer and anti-angiogenesis activity that is currently under investigation as both a preventative agent and an adjuvant to breast cancer therapy. However, the precise mechanisms of DHA's anticancer activities are unclear. It is understood that the intercommunication between cancer cells and their microenvironment is essential to tumor angiogenesis. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that are important mediators of intercellular communication and play a role in promoting angiogenesis. However, very little is known about the contribution of breast cancer exosomes to tumor angiogenesis or whether exosomes can mediate DHA's anticancer action. RESULTS: Exosomes were collected from MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells after treatment with DHA. We observed an increase in exosome secretion and exosome microRNA contents from the DHA-treated cells. The expression of 83 microRNAs in the MCF7 exosomes was altered by DHA (>2-fold). The most abundant exosome microRNAs (let-7a, miR-23b, miR-27a/b, miR-21, let-7, and miR-320b) are known to have anti-cancer and/or anti-angiogenic activity. These microRNAs were also increased by DHA treatment in the exosomes from other breast cancer lines (MDA-MB-231, ZR751 and BT20), but not in exosomes from normal breast cells (MCF10A). When DHA-treated MCF7 cells were co-cultured with or their exosomes were directly applied to endothelial cell cultures, we observed an increase in the expression of these microRNAs in the endothelial cells. Furthermore, overexpression of miR-23b and miR-320b in endothelial cells decreased the expression of their pro-angiogenic target genes (PLAU, AMOTL1, NRP1 and ETS2) and significantly inhibited tube formation by endothelial cells, suggesting that the microRNAs transferred by exosomes mediate DHA's anti-angiogenic action. These effects could be reversed by knockdown of the Rab GTPase, Rab27A, which controls exosome release. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that DHA alters breast cancer exosome secretion and microRNA contents, which leads to the inhibition of angiogenesis. Our data demonstrate that breast cancer exosome signaling can be targeted to inhibit tumor angiogenesis and provide new insight into DHA's anticancer action, further supporting its use in cancer therapy.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding RNAs that modulate gene expression by negatively regulating the stability or translational efficiency of their target mRNAs. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of microRNA-145 (miR-145) in human papillary thyroid cancer and its potential function. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was performed to determine the expression level of miR-145 in ten papillary thyroid cancer and adjacent normal specimens. The function of miR-145 overexpression on the proliferation of human TPC1 thyroid cancer cells was conducted by MTT assays and by colony-formation assays. Western blot was used to validate the impact of miR-145 on the protein expression of the target gene. Luciferase reporter assays were employed to validate a putative target of miR-145. MiR-145 expression was relatively decreased in papillary thyroid cancer specimens compared with adjacent normal tissues (P<0.05). MTT assays and colony-formation assays showed that overexpression of miR-145 suppressed TPC1 cell growth. Luciferase assays using a reporter carrying a putative miR-145 target site in the 3' untranslated region of DUSP6 revealed that miR-145 directly targets DUSP6. Overexpression of miR-145 led to downregulation of DUSP6 at protein level as assessed by Western blot. Targeted knockdown of DUSP6 by siRNA significantly inhibited the proliferation of TPC1 cells. The overexpression of miR-145 inhibited TPC1 cellular growth by targeting DUSP6; this finding implies a better understanding of initiation and progression of papillary thyroid cancer.
The diagnosis of conventional and oncocytic poorly differentiated (oPD) thyroid carcinomas is difficult. The aim of this study is to characterise their largely unknown miRNA expression profile and to compare it with well-differentiated thyroid tumours, as well as to identify miRNAs which could potentially serve as diagnostic and prognostic markers. A total of 14 poorly differentiated (PD), 13 oPD, 72 well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas and eight normal thyroid specimens were studied for the expression of 768 miRNAs using PCR-Microarrays. MiRNA expression was different between PD and oPD thyroid carcinomas, demonstrating individual clusters on the clustering analysis. Both tumour types showed upregulation of miR-125a-5p, -15a-3p, -182, -183-3p, -222, -222-5p, and downregulation of miR-130b, -139-5p, -150, -193a-5p, -219-5p, -23b, -451, -455-3p and of miR-886-3p as compared with normal thyroid tissue. In addition, the oPD thyroid carcinomas demonstrated upregulation of miR-221 and miR-885-5p. The difference in expression was also observed between miRNA expression in PD and well-differentiated tumours. The CHAID algorithm allowed the separation of PD from well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas with 73-79% accuracy using miR-23b and miR-150 as a separator. Kaplan-Meier and multivariate analysis showed a significant association with tumour relapses (for miR-23b) and with tumour-specific death (for miR-150) in PD and oPD thyroid carcinomas. MiRNA expression is different in conventional and oPD thyroid carcinomas in comparison with well-differentiated thyroid cancers and can be used for discrimination between these tumour types. The newly identified deregulated miRNAs (miR-150, miR-23b) bear the potential to be used in a clinical setting, delivering prognostic and diagnostic informations.
Tumor-derived exosomes (TEX) are emerging as a new type of cancer biomarker. TEX are membrane-bound, virus-size vesicles of endocytic origin present in all body fluids of cancer patients. Based on the expanding albeit incomplete knowledge of their biogenesis, secretion by tumor cells and cancer cell-specific molecular and genetic contents, TEX are viewed as promising, clinically-relevant surrogates of cancer progression and response to therapy. Preliminary proteomic, genetic and functional profiling of tumor cell-derived or cancer plasma-derived exosomes confirms their unique characteristics. Alterations in protein or nucleic acid profiles of exosomes in plasma of cancer patients responding to therapies appear to correlate with clinical endpoints. However, methods for TEX isolation and separation from the bulk of human plasma-derived exosomes are not yet established and their role as biomarkers remains to be confirmed. Further development and validation of TEX as noninvasive, liquid equivalents of tumor biopsies are necessary to move this effort forward.