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Data Manipulation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Enhancing Security Through Blockchain Integration with Proposal Mitigation Strategy



In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become integral in various applications ranging from environmental monitoring to defense. However, the security and reliability of these networks remain a paramount concern due to their susceptibility to various types of cyber-attacks and failures. This paper proposes a novel integration of blockchain technology with WSNs to address these challenges. Blockchain, with its decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger, offers a robust framework to enhance the security and reliability of sensor networks. The study begins by analyzing the current security threats and challenges faced by WSNs, emphasizing the need for a solution that can ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and network resilience. We then introduce blockchain technology and discuss its key features such as decentralization, immutability, and consensus algorithms, which are beneficial in creating a secure and reliable WSN environment. Subsequently, we present a detailed architecture of how blockchain can be integrated with WSNs. This includes the deployment of a lightweight blockchain protocol suited for the limited computational resources of sensor nodes. We also explore the use of smart contracts for automated, secure data handling and network management within WSNs. To validate the proposed integration, we conduct a simulations based on network attacks. The results demonstrate significant improvements in the security and reliability of WSNs when blockchain is implemented. This is evidenced by enhanced resistance to common attacks, such as data manipulation and node compromise and increased network uptime.
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Vol. 15, No. 2, 2024
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Data Manipulation in Wireless Sensor Networks:
Enhancing Security Through Blockchain Integration
with Proposal Mitigation Strategy
Ayoub Toubi, Abdelmajid Hajami
LAVETE Laboratory Hassan 1er University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Settat, Morocco
AbstractIn recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
have become integral in various applications ranging from
environmental monitoring to defense. However, the security and
reliability of these networks remain a paramount concern due to
their susceptibility to various types of cyber-attacks and failures.
This paper proposes a novel integration of blockchain technology
with WSNs to address these challenges. Blockchain, with its
decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger, offers a robust
framework to enhance the security and reliability of sensor
networks. The study begins by analyzing the current security
threats and challenges faced by WSNs, emphasizing the need for
a solution that can ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and
network resilience. We then introduce blockchain technology and
discuss its key features such as decentralization, immutability,
and consensus algorithms, which are beneficial in creating a
secure and reliable WSN environment. Subsequently, we present
a detailed architecture of how blockchain can be integrated with
WSNs. This includes the deployment of a lightweight blockchain
protocol suited for the limited computational resources of sensor
nodes. We also explore the use of smart contracts for automated,
secure data handling and network management within WSNs. To
validate the proposed integration, we conduct a simulations
based on network attacks. The results demonstrate significant
improvements in the security and reliability of WSNs when
blockchain is implemented. This is evidenced by enhanced
resistance to common attacks, such as data manipulation and
node compromise and increased network uptime.
KeywordsWireless sensor networks; blockchain technology;
network security; data integrity
In an era increasingly reliant on the Internet of Things
(IoT), the integrity and security of data in wireless sensor
networks (WSNs) have become paramount. As these networks
form the backbone of critical data collection and transmission
in various sectors, including environmental monitoring,
healthcare, and industrial automation, the threat of data
tampering looms large, undermining not only the reliability of
data but also the safety and efficiency of operations. This paper
delves into the burgeoning challenge of data integrity in
WSNs, specifically focusing on the vulnerability of these
networks to data tampering attacks. The exploration begins
with a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of
WSNs, highlighting their pivotal role and inherent security
weaknesses. It then transitions into a detailed examination of
data tampering scenarios, illustrating how these breaches can
occur and their potential impact on both the networks and the
sectors they serve. The core of this study introduces a novel
approach to mitigating these risks: the integration of
blockchain technology into WSNs. This integration promises a
transformative shift in securing sensor data, leveraging
blockchain's inherent characteristics of decentralization,
immutability, and transparency. Our proposal outlines a
mitigation strategy that encompasses the implementation of a
blockchain framework tailored for WSNs. Wireless sensor
networks have emerged as a cornerstone technology in a
plethora of applications. These networks, characterized by their
distributed nature and often operating in unattended
environments, are inherently susceptible to various security
threats, with data tampering being among the most critical. The
initial section of this paper illuminates the escalating threat of
data tampering in WSNs. It provides an analysis of recent
incidents, underscoring the sophisticated methods employed by
attackers and the resulting implications for data integrity and
network reliability.
A detailed exploration of the vulnerabilities in current
WSN architectures that make them prone to tampering is
essential. This part of the paper systematically categorizes
these vulnerabilities, ranging from hardware limitations to
software loopholes, and examines their role in facilitating data
tampering. The impact analysis extends beyond the technical
repercussions, considering the socio-economic consequences
of compromised data, thereby highlighting the urgency of
addressing this issue [21, 22].
The introduction of blockchain as a solution is more than
just a technical upgrade; it represents a paradigm shift in how
network security is approached in WSNs. This segment delves
into the fundamentals of blockchain technology, elucidating
how its key features - decentralization, immutability, and
consensus mechanisms - align perfectly with the needs of
secure, tamper-proof WSNs. The discussion also navigates
through the challenges and limitations of integrating
blockchain into existing WSN infrastructures, setting a realistic
foundation for the proposed solution. Building on the
theoretical underpinnings of blockchain technology, the paper
then presents a comprehensive mitigation strategy [17, 18, and
This strategy is not just a conceptual framework but a
blueprint for practical implementation. It includes architectural
models, protocol adaptations, and algorithmic solutions
tailored to the unique constraints and requirements of WSNs.
The proposed strategy also considers the scalability and energy
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efficiency aspects, ensuring that the integration of blockchain
is viable even in resource-constrained sensor networks which
spark a conversation about future directions in network
security. The integration of blockchain into WSNs, as
proposed, could set a precedent for how emerging technologies
can be harnessed to fortify digital infrastructures against
evolving cyber threats [23, 24, 25].
This study offers a range of significant contributions to the
field. Primarily, it introduces the integration of blockchain
technology into wireless sensor networks, significantly
boosting their security. We begin by methodically identifying
and addressing privacy and security concerns at each layer in
Sensor Node applications. This is followed by an in-depth
exploration of how Sensor Nodes can be effectively integrated
with blockchain technology, assessing its capability to resolve
these privacy and security challenges [19].
A key focus of our research is the detailed examination and
discussion of the security-enhancing aspects of blockchain
technology. By implementing blockchain within wireless
sensor networks, we enable data authentication through a
decentralized or distributed system, thus enhancing network
integrity. The principal contributions of our research are
twofold: firstly, introducing blockchain technology as a
powerful tool to fortify the security framework of wireless
sensor networks, and secondly, ensuring the operational
efficiency and reliability of these networks through this
innovative technological integration in this paper, we will
present the related work (see Table I) in the Section II, Section
III will address challenges in privacy protection and security in
wireless sensor networks, Section IV presents the
methodological model, Section V presents the analysis results
and discussion, and a conclusion is present in Section VI.
Research Area
Proposed Solutions to Overcome
A survey on security and privacy
issues in Internet-of-Things
IoT Security and Privacy
Lack of comprehensive
security frameworks - Privacy
Developing robust security protocols -
Enhancing privacy-preserving
Internet of Things: A survey on the
security of IoT frameworks
IoT Security Frameworks
Fragmentation in IoT
frameworks - Inadequate
security measures
- Standardization of IoT security
frameworks - Integration of advanced
security measures
A survey on IoT security: Application
areas, security threats, and solution
IoT Security Solutions
Diverse security threats across
applications - Complexity in
solution architectures
- Tailored security solutions for specific
applications - Simplification of security
Genetic algorithm-based optimized
leach protocol for energy efficient
wireless sensor networks
WSN Energy Efficiency
Energy consumption in WSNs
- Inefficient data transmission
- Use of genetic algorithms for protocol
optimization - Development of energy-
efficient protocols
Blockchain based secure data
handover scheme in non-orthogonal
multiple access
Blockchain in
Security vulnerabilities in data
handover - Inefficiency in
access methods
Blockchain for secure data management
- Optimization of access methods
Blockchain-enabled spectrum access
in cognitive radio networks
Blockchain in Cognitive
Radio Networks
Spectrum access
inefficiencies - Security issues
in spectrum management
Blockchain for decentralized spectrum
access - Enhanced security protocols
Data sharing and tracing scheme based
on blockchain
Blockchain for Data
Lack of transparency in data
sharing - Inefficient tracing
Blockchain for improved transparency
and efficiency - Advanced tracing
A consensus and incentive program for
charging piles based on consortium
Blockchain in Energy
Inefficient management of
charging infrastructure - Lack
of consensus mechanisms
Consortium blockchain for management
and consensus - Incentive programs for
Data collection for security
measurement in wireless sensor
WSN Security
Challenges in secure data
collection - Inadequate
security measurement
Improved data collection methods -
Enhanced security measurement
Security attacks and countermeasures
in surveillance wireless sensor
WSN Security in
Prevalence of security attacks
- Ineffectiveness of current
Development of robust security
countermeasures - Research on attack
prevention strategies
The most prevalent model in today's network software
applications is the centralized system. This model exercises
direct control over each unit and handles signal processing at
each centralized hub. In this setup, the management of rights
by the central entity is entirely dependent on individual nodes,
with the entire network infrastructure operating to receive and
transmit data based on these rights. In contrast, a distributed
network system is exemplified by the peer-to-peer (P2P)
model. P2P networks, used extensively in online file sharing
and live streaming services, include applications like Torrent
file downloading.
Blockchain technology, following the footsteps of
BitTorrent, also operates on a peer-to-peer network protocol. In
this network, all nodes are of equal status, functioning
independently of a centralized control system or an
intermediary for transactions. Nodes have the flexibility to join
or leave the network at any time and can simultaneously offer
and utilize services. Each node in this network acts both as a
server and a client. The overall strength of the system, in terms
of processing capability, data security, and resilience to
damage, grows with the number of nodes. Bitcoin, a well-
known application of this technology, also operates on the P2P
protocol. Unlike traditional financial systems where trusted
central institutions act as intermediaries, Bitcoin's operations
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are direct between users, facilitated by the peer-to-peer
network protocol, as referenced in [5, 6].
A comprehensive blockchain system encompasses various
components: data blocks for storing information, cryptographic
signatures, system logs, a peer-to-peer network infrastructure,
methodologies for system maintenance, computational tasks
for data mining, rules for proof-of-work, mechanisms for
transmitting anonymous data, ―Unspent Transaction Output‖
(UTXO) models, Merkle trees, among other technical aspects.
Leveraging these technological advancements, blockchain
creates a continuous, decentralized network powerhouse,
facilitating services like transmission, verification, and record-
keeping, as detailed in study [7].
This approach allows for the creation of a sensor data
record derived from the transaction history of a blockchain. In
a typical blockchain network, a new block is generated
approximately every ten minutes, consisting of a header and a
body. The header of each block includes several key elements:
the current block number, the starting block's hash value, a
timestamp, a random number (nonce), the hash value of the
current block, and a Merkle tree. The body of the block is
primarily where the sensor data are located. Each sensor data
entry is securely stored in the block of the research system’s
record, readily accessible to authorized users. The Merkle tree
within the block ensures the integrity of each piece of sensor
data by digitally signing it, thereby preventing duplication.
Upon gathering all sensor data, the system utilizes the Merkle-
tree hash method to generate "Merkle-root" values, which are
then included in the block’s description section [8].
Reference in [9] presents data security protocols
specifically tailored for wireless sensor net-work environments.
Further examination of security threats and their mitigation in
wire-less sensor networks, particularly those used in
monitoring applications, was suggested in [10]. In study [11],
the application of sensor fusion in wireless sensor networks is
explored for the purpose of detecting mobile intruders in
surveillance scenarios. Reference in [12] introduces a fusion-
based system for remote sensing applications, leveraging
wireless interactive media sensing devices.
One of the most appealing aspects of blockchain
technology is the level of privacy it offers. However, this can
sometimes result in transparency issues. The system self-
audits, frequently reviewing the digitized value ecosystems that
handle transactions, typically every ten minutes. This process
ensures transparency and the absence of corruption. In a block-
chain, associating a specific user with a public address set is
challenging, as the user’s identity is shielded behind a complex
encryption [13]. Various security-related studies in different
domains are mentioned below with corresponding references.
Research in [14] addresses the development of a blockchain
network for cross-domain image sharing. This network
employs a consensus blockchain to facilitate the sharing of
medical and radiological images among patients. The author
emphasizes consensus among select trustworthy institutions to
maintain a robust consensus mechanism, simplifying the
management of advanced security and privacy modules.
According to research in [15], the application of blockchain
technology has significantly improved the transfer of medical
records in Health 4.0 applications. This includes enhanced
compatibility of healthcare databases, easier access to clinical
documentation, prescription databases, and effective tracking
of medical devices. Additionally, the authors propose an access
control policy designed to optimize the sharing of medical
information across various healthcare providers.
Several studies have advocated for the implementation of
an ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV), a robust
routing protocol that leverages prior encoding to counteract
With the evolution of sensor node technology, applications
based on sensor nodes have begun to replace traditional ones.
Significant efforts have been invested in developing the
architecture and protocols for sensor node-based products.
However, as highlighted in study [1], privacy and security
issues within sensor node systems remain a primary concern.
These systems face inherent limitations and are susceptible to a
range of security threats, which have been systematically
categorized in a layer-wise manner for sensor node-based
The structure of sensor node applications, as discussed in
[2], involves multiple frame-works for building these
applications, each presenting its own set of security and
privacy challenges. Eight potential frameworks have been
identified, emphasizing the unique concerns in each for
securing and maintaining privacy. As noted in references [3,
4], security and privacy issues, particularly in the realms of
authentication and data protection, are among the most
daunting challenges in the design of sensor node applications.
The authors suggest innovative solutions, including the use of
blockchain, cloud computing, and advanced device analytics,
as potential methods to address these challenges. The sensor
node infrastructure is broadly divided into three layers:
physical, network, and application.
Each layer presents distinct security vulnerabilities that
need to be addressed to ensure the overall integrity and
confidentiality of the sensor node ecosystem [16].
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are fundamental in
numerous applications, ranging from environmental
monitoring to smart city infrastructures. However, their open
and distributed nature introduces significant privacy and
security challenges that must be ad-dressed to ensure their
effective and safe operation.
1) Vulnerability to external attacks: WSNs are often
deployed in unsecured environments, making them susceptible
to various forms of cyber-attacks. These include
eavesdropping, where attackers intercept sensitive
information, and more sophisticated attacks like node capture
and physical tampering, where the attacker gains control of a
sensor node.
2) Data integrity and authentication issues: Ensuring the
integrity and authenticity of the data collected and transmitted
by sensor nodes is crucial. Any tampering with data can lead
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to incorrect decision-making, with potentially catastrophic
consequences, especially in critical applications like
healthcare monitoring systems.
3) Privacy concerns: Sensor nodes often collect sensitive
information. Protecting the privacy of this data against
unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with data
protection regulations pose significant challenges.
4) Network security weaknesses: Due to resource
constraints in WSNs (like limited battery life and
computational power), implementing robust encryption and
other traditional security measures can be challenging. This
limitation makes WSNs more vulnerable to security breaches
compared to more resource-rich networks.
5) Internal threats and insider attacks: WSNs are not only
vulnerable to external threats but also to internal ones.
Compromised or malfunctioning nodes within the network can
lead to the dissemination of false data, disrupting network
6) Scalability and dynamic network topology: The
scalable nature of WSNs and their dynamic topology, with
nodes frequently joining and leaving, complicate the
implementation of comprehensive security protocols that can
adapt to changing network configurations.
7) Resource constraints and energy efficiency: One of the
defining features of WSNs is their limited resources in terms
of energy, memory, and computational power. Security
mechanisms, which often require substantial computational
resources, must be designed to be energy-efficient to prolong
the lifespan of the sensor nodes. Striking a balance between
security and energy efficiency is a critical challenge [17].
8) Secure data aggregation: In WSNs, raw data collected
by individual sensor nodes are of-ten aggregated to reduce
communication overhead and save energy. Ensuring the
security and integrity of this aggregated data is crucial, as
tampering or false data injection at this stage can have wide-
ranging implications.
9) Key management and distribution: Secure
communication in WSNs typically relies on cryptographic
methods, which in turn depend on effective key management
strategies. However, the dynamic nature of WSNs, combined
with resource constraints, makes key distribution,
management, and revocation a complex task.
10) Physical layer security: Given the likelihood of
sensor nodes being deployed in physically unsecured
locations, they are prone to capture and tampering. Protecting
the physical layer of WSNs and developing tamper-resistant
hardware are important aspects of ensuring overall network
11) Cross-layer security solutions: Traditional network
security solutions focus on specific layers of the network.
However, in WSNs, a cross-layer design approach where
security solutions are integrated across different layers of the
network protocol stack can offer more robust protection.
12) Trust and reputation systems: Implementing trust and
reputation systems within WSNs can help in identifying and
isolating malicious or compromised nodes. These systems,
however, must be lightweight and scalable to suit the
network’s constraints.
13) Legal and regulatory compliance: Adhering to
evolving legal and regulatory standards for data protection and
privacy, especially when WSNs are used in sensitive
applications, adds another layer of complexity. Ensuring
compliance while maintaining operational efficiency is a
significant challenge.
14) User awareness and training: The human factor
plays a crucial role in the security of WSNs. Training users
and administrators to understand potential security threats and
to follow best practices is essential for maintaining network
The impact of privacy issues on the performance of
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a multifaceted concern.
Privacy challenges can affect WSNs in several ways, often
leading to compromises in their efficiency, effectiveness, and
overall functionality.
15) Increased overhead and reduced efficiency: To
address privacy concerns, additional layers of data protection
and encryption may be required. While these are crucial for
safe-guarding sensitive information, they also introduce extra
computational and communication overhead. This increased
load can strain the limited resources of sensor nodes, lea-ding
to reduced network efficiency and shorter node lifespans due
to faster battery depletion. Implementing privacy-preserving
mechanisms often involves complex algorithms and
processing, which can result in latency. In real-time
applications or scenarios where timely data transmission is
critical (such as in emergency response systems), this delay
can impair the overall performance of the WSN. Ensuring
privacy in WSNs becomes increasingly challenging as the
network scales. The larger the network, the more data is
transmitted, and the more nodes are involved, increasing the
risk of privacy breaches. Maintaining strong privacy protocols
in a scalable manner without impacting network performance
is a significant challenge. In some cases, to protect privacy,
data may be anonymized or aggregated before being
transmitted. While this is effective for privacy preservation, it
can sometimes lead to a loss of data granularity or specificity,
thereby reducing the utility or accuracy of the data for certain
applications. WSNs often need to balance resource allocation
between primary functions (like data collection and
transmission) and privacy-preserving functions. This can lead
to sub-optimal resource allocation, where either privacy or
primary functionality is compromised. Privacy breaches can
undermine the trust in a WSN's reliability.
If end-users or administrators believe that their data is not
being handled securely, it can lead to reduced adoption and
trust in these networks, thereby impacting their broader
application and effectiveness. Addressing privacy issues
requires careful planning and de-sign, which can increase the
complexity of WSN systems. This might lead to more
challenging implementation and maintenance, requiring more
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skilled personnel and resources, thereby impacting the cost-
effectiveness and practical deployment of WSNs. Adhering to
privacy regulations and standards can impose additional
constraints on the design and operation of WSNs. Navigating
these legal requirements can be complex and might limit how
WSNs are deployed and used, potentially impacting their
performance in certain scenarios.
Designing a model based on blockchain technology to
enhance security monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSNs) involves addressing (see Fig. 1) several key aspects:
the unique characteristics and constraints of WSNs, the
principles of blockchain technology, and the integration of
these two to improve security.
Fig. 1. Proposed model.
Here's a conceptual outline for our proposal model:
A. Architecture
1) Blockchain layer: This involves integrating a
lightweight blockchain with the Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN). The blockchain layer serves as the backbone for
secure data management, ensuring data integrity and
facilitating secure communications between nodes. Given the
resource constraints in WSNs, the blockchain technology used
must be lightweight enough to not overburden the network.
2) Sensor nodes: These are the basic units of WSNs and in
this model, they are equipped with minimal blockchain
capabilities. This means each sensor node can participate in
the blockchain network, contributing to data recording and
verification processes, while still performing their primary
function of sensing and data collection.
3) Edge computing: To alleviate the computational load
on sensor nodes, edge computing is employed. It involves
processing data at the edge of the network, closer to where it's
being generated. This approach handles computation-intensive
tasks, like data aggregation and preliminary analysis, reducing
the latency and conserving the energy of sensor nodes.
B. Integration
1) Data recording: Sensor data is recorded on the
blockchain, ensuring its integrity and immutability. This
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aspect is crucial for maintaining the trustworthiness of the data
collected by various sensors.
2) Node verification: Blockchain technology is utilized to
authenticate sensor nodes. This is essential to prevent
malicious or compromised nodes from entering and affecting
the network.
3) Smart contracts for automated responses: These are
self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement
between nodes written into code. They are used to trigger
actions automatically based on sensor data, enhancing the
network's responsiveness and automation.
C. Energy Efficiency
1) Lightweight consensus mechanism: Since traditional
blockchain consensus mechanisms (like Proof of Work) are
energy-intensive, a less energy-consuming mechanism, such
as Proof of Authority or a custom lightweight algorithm, is
proposed. This mechanism ensures network security and
integrity without draining sensor node resources.
2) Data aggregation: Before recording data on the
blockchain, it's aggregated at edge computing nodes. This
reduces the volume of data that needs to be processed and
stored on the blockchain, conserving energy and bandwidth.
D. Security Features
1) Tamper-proof data: Blockchain’s immutable ledger
ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be altered,
enhancing the security and reliability of the data.
2) End-to-end encryption: Secure communication
channels are established between sensor nodes, protecting the
data from interception or tampering during transmission.
3) Access control: Smart contracts are employed to
manage access to the data, ensuring that only authorized
entities can access or modify it.
E. Challenges and Considerations
1) Scalability: As the WSN grows, managing an
increasing number of sensor nodes becomes a challenge. The
system must be designed to efficiently scale, maintaining
performance and security.
2) Interoperability: The system should be capable of
working with different types of sensors and networks,
ensuring flexibility and adaptability.
3) Resource management: Balancing the resource
demands of blockchain (like storage and computational
power) with the limited resources available on sensor nodes is
critical. Efficient resource management strategies are required
to maintain network performance and longevity.
F. Key Elements in the Diagram:
1) Sensor nodes: Represents individual sensors in the
WSN with minimal blockchain capabilities for participating in
network security functions.
2) Edge computing node: A node that handles data
aggregation and preliminary analysis to reduce the load on
individual sensor nodes.
3) Blockchain layer: The core of the model, handling data
recording, node verification, smart contract execution, and
maintaining the consensus mechanism.
4) Security features: Ensuring the integrity and
confidentiality of the data through tamper-proof records,
encryption, and access control.
G. Simulation Parameters
Before detailing the simulation scenario we have explored
in this work, let's look at how data manipulation using the
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) involves an
adversary exploiting the protocol's functions to alter or
interfere with the transmission of data across a network. ICMP,
commonly used for sending error messages or operational
information in networks (like ping commands to check on the
availability of a host), can be an attack vector for malicious
1) Here's how it can be utilized for data manipulation:
ICMP Redirection Attacks: Attackers can use ICMP redirect
packets to manipulate the routing table of a host. By sending a
crafted ICMP redirect message, an adversary can convince a
host to route its traffic through an attacker-controlled machine,
allowing for the interception and potential alteration of data.
ICMP Tunneling: This technique involves encapsulating data
within ICMP echo request and response messages. An attacker
could leverage this method to bypass security measures like
firewalls that may not inspect ICMP packets as rigorously as
other protocol traffic, allowing data to be covertly
manipulated and extracted from a network.
2) ICMP flood attack: While not a direct method of data
manipulation, an ICMP flood attack can overwhelm a target
with a barrage of ICMP packets, potentially causing legitimate
responses to be lost or delayed. This can indirectly affect data
integrity if systems are relying on timely ICMP responses for
3) ICMP payload manipulation: An adversary might alter
the data carried within an ICMP packet's payload. Since ICMP
can transmit error messages and other network operational
data, manipulating this information can lead to misconfigured
network devices or misinformed network administrators.
Creating a scenario for an ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) attack with data manipulation involving 200 nodes
over the course of an hour would involve several steps and
considerations. Define a network topology with 200 nodes.
These could be servers, IoT devices, computers, etc., connected
in a specific arrangement (e.g., star, mesh, or a custom
topology). An ICMP flood attack would be simulated, where
one or more nodes (the attackers) would overwhelm the
network by sending an excessive number of ping requests to
one or multiple target nodes. The attack would last for one
During the attack, the network's throughput and energy
consumption of each node would be monitored. Measured in
bits per second (bps) or packets per second (pps), you'd record
the successful transmission rates of data across the network.
This data would likely decrease as the ICMP attack impacts the
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network's performance. Each node's power usage would be
monitored; typically increasing due to the processing of the
excessive ICMP re-quests.
4) Simulation tools: To simulate this scenario, we use
network simulation tools like NS3, OMNeT++ and Mininet
for a more controlled environment. These tools allow to model
the network, simulate the traffic and attacks, and collect the
necessary data.
We will use a Python script to generate throughput and
energy consumption data for 200 nodes over the course of an
hour (see Fig. 2). In the following section we will discuss and
analyze the results of the simulation and demonstrate the role
of blockchain in the security of WSNs.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Constants
NODES = 200
# Assume a normal distribution for throughput (in bps) and energy
consumption (in Joules)
throughput_mean = 10000 # average throughput
throughput_std = 2000 # standard deviation of throughput
energy_mean = 50 # average energy consumption
energy_std = 10 # standard deviation of energy consumption
# Randomly generate throughput and energy consumption data for
200 nodes
np.random.seed(0) # Seed for reproducibility
throughput_data = np.random.normal(throughput_mean,
throughput_std, NODES)
energy_data = np.random.normal(energy_mean, energy_std,
# Ensure that throughput and energy consumption are not negative
throughput_data = np.clip(throughput_data, 0, None)
energy_data = np.clip(energy_data, 0, None)
# Create a DataFrame to represent the array structure
data_array = pd.DataFrame({
'node_id': range(1, NODES + 1),
'throughput': throughput_data,
'energy_consumption': energy_data
# Save the complete DataFrame to a CSV file
csv_file_path = '/mnt/data/simulated_icmp_attack_data.csv'
data_array.to_csv(csv_file_path, index=False)
Fig. 2. Python script attack simulation.
The result depicted in the two graphs illustrates the
outcomes of a simulated ICMP attack on a network of 200
nodes, focusing on throughput and energy consumption.
The energy consumption graph (see Fig. 3) reveals a
relatively uniform distribution across the nodes, with most
nodes exhibiting energy consumption around the mean value,
though there are some variations. This indicates that the energy
usage during the ICMP attack was fairly consistent across the
network, with no significant outliers. This could suggest that
all nodes were similarly engaged in responding to the ICMP
requests, thereby consuming energy at comparable rates.
To formulate mathematical equation for generating energy
consumption data, as seen in the simulated ICMP attack
Energy Consumption (t) = Pbase + Pattack(t) (1)
Where: Pbase is the base power consumption of the node in
a normal state.
Pattack(t) is the additional power consumption due to the
attack at time t, which could be a function of the intensity of
the attack and the effort involved in running the block-chain-
based mitigation. Example Functions Network Efficiency
Function E(t) Could be a constant representing average
efficiency, say 0.9 (90% efficiency). Alternatively, a more
dynamic model could involve a time-varying function, possibly
sinusoidal to simulate daily variations. Attack Impact Function
A(t): A step function that increases sharply when the attack
begins and decreases as mitigation strategies take effect. For a
more nuanced model, this could be a sigmoid function to
represent a gradual increase and decrease in attack intensity.
Additional Power Consumption Function attack Pattack(t): A
function that increases from zero to a certain level when the
attack starts, reflecting the extra workload. This could also be
modeled as a step function or a gradual increase if mitigation
strategies ramp up over time.
The throughput graph depicted in Fig. 4, on the other hand,
displays a more varied pattern. The throughput for each node
varies significantly, with some nodes maintaining high
throughput rates while others drop lower. This variation could
be a result of the network's attempt to manage the excessive
traffic from the ICMP flood. Some nodes may have been more
successful in mitigating the attack and thus maintained higher
throughput, while others were more adversely affected,
resulting in reduced throughput. The peaks and troughs in the
throughput graph could also reflect the dynamic nature of
network traffic under stress conditions, where certain nodes
might be temporarily able to handle the traffic before being
To formulate mathematical equation for generating
throughput, as seen in the simulated ICMP attack scenario,
we'll define equations based on typical models used in
networking and energy consumption simulations.
Throughput (t) =C × E (t) × (1−A (t)) (2)
Where: C is the maximum network capacity (in bps). E(t) is
the network efficiency at time t, ranging from 0 to 1. A(t) is the
impact of the attack at time t, ranging from 0 (no impact) to 1
(complete disruption). The network efficiency E(t) could be a
function that ac-counts for normal network variability, and A(t)
could be a function representing the intensity of the attack over
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Fig. 3. Energy consumption graph during ICMP attack.
Fig. 4. Throughput graph during ICMP attack.
Fig. 5. Latency and lower QoS scores during ICMP attack.
During the ICMP attack (minutes 20 to 40), the nodes
experience higher latency and lower QoS scores (see Fig. 5).
Outside of the attack period, the nodes have normal latency and
QoS levels.
1) Average network latency over time: This graph shows
the average latency across all nodes for each minute of the
hour. The red shaded area indicates the duration of the ICMP
attack (minutes 20 to 40). You can observe a significant
increase in latency during the attack period.
2) Average QoS score over time: This graph illustrates the
average Quality of Service (QoS) score across all nodes per
minute. Similar to the latency graph, the red shaded area
marks the ICMP attack duration. The QoS score noticeably
drops during the attack, indicating a degradation in network
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Designing a blockchain-based model to detect and mitigate
ICMP attacks requires leveraging the inherent characteristics of
blockchain technology, its distributed nature, immutability, and
consensus mechanisms. Below is a high-level design of such a
model: Block-chain Model for ICMP Attack Detection and
Mitigation. Network Configuration, each node in the network
operates as a blockchain peer. The blockchain network uses a
consensus protocol that is suitable for the network's scale and
transaction throughput needs, such as Proof of Work (PoW),
Proof of Stake (PoS), or a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT)
consensus mechanism.
Decentralized Consensus for Attack Detection, when a
node detects anomalous behavior, it proposes a block that flags
the potential attack. Other nodes validate the block by
executing the smart contract against their copy of the
transaction data. If the consensus is reached that an anomaly
exists, the network collectively identifies it as an ICMP attack.
Mitigation Protocol, upon detecting an attack, the smart
contract triggers a mitigation protocol. This protocol could
involve rate-limiting, automatically blocking traffic from
suspicious sources, Transaction and Block Structure, network
requests and traffic data are en-capsulated in blockchain
transactions. Each transaction includes metadata such as
timestamp, source, destination, and packet size. Blocks contain
multiple transactions and are linked to previous blocks,
creating a tamper-evident chain. Anomaly Detection Smart
Contract Deploy a smart contract on the blockchain that
defines the rules for normal net-work behavior. The smart
contract contains the logic to analyze transactions for signs of
an ICMP attack, such as excessive traffic from a single source
or high traffic volumes to a specific node. Nodes automatically
execute this contract as they process transactions, enabling
real-time monitoring or redistributing network load. Mitigation
actions are also recorded on the blockchain for accountability
and traceability. Continuous Learning, the smart contract can
be updated based on the attack patterns observed, which can be
done through a governance mechanism allowing node
operators to vote on updates. Machine learning algorithms
could be integrated to adaptively recognize new types of ICMP
attack patterns. Simulation and Testing before deploying
simulate the blockchain model in a controlled environment
using the previously obtained ICMP attack data. Adjust the
model parameters based on the simulation results to optimize
detection accuracy and mitigation effectiveness.
Implementation Considerations, Scalability the blockchain
must handle a large volume of transactions without significant
latency, which is critical for real-time attack detection and
mitigation. Privacy, Transaction data should be anonymized to
prevent leakage of sensitive network information.
Resource Usage, Blockchain and smart contract operations
consume computational re-sources, which must be balanced
against the energy consumption of the nodes.
By utilizing a blockchain-based approach, you can create a
distributed system that is resistant to tampering and centralized
failure points. The model's effectiveness will depend on its
proper configuration, smart contract logic, and the network's
ability to reach consensus quickly to respond to detected
Fig. 6. Expected impact of a Blockchain solution on network performance during and after an ICMP attack.
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Fig. 6 present changes in throughput and energy
consumption for the 200 nodes in the network, following the
implementation of a blockchain solution to detect and mitigate
ICMP attacks.
3) Throughput graph (Top): The 'Original Throughput' (in
red) shows the throughput before implementing the
blockchain solution. The 'Throughput' (in dark red) indicates
the expected changes after the blockchain solution is in place.
There is a significant drop in throughput around node 50,
representing the onset of the ICMP attack. Post node 100,
where the mitigation starts to take effect, the throughput
gradually recovers, although it does not fully return to the
original levels.
4) Energy consumption graph (Bottom): The 'Original
Energy Consumption' (in blue) represents energy consumption
before the blockchain solution. The 'Energy Consumption' (in
dark blue) shows an increase in energy consumption
beginning at node 50, coinciding with the start of the attack
and the increased processing demands of the blockchain-based
mitigation strategies. The energy consumption remains
elevated compared to the original levels, reflecting the
continuous operation of the blockchain mechanisms.
To incorporate a blockchain solution into this simulation
and analyze its impact on latency and QoS (Quality of
Service), we need to consider how blockchain technology
could influence these metrics (see Fig. 7). Typically,
blockchain can enhance security and integrity in network
communication, but it might also introduce additional latency
due to the time taken for consensus protocols and data
Fig. 7. Network performance with and without a blockchain solution.
Before Blockchain Implementation:
The network behaves as in the previous simulation, with
increased latency and decreased QoS during the ICMP attack.
After Blockchain Implementation:
Security Improvement: The blockchain solution
significantly mitigates the impact of the ICMP attack, reducing
its effect on QoS. Latency Increase: However, due to the
overhead of blockchain operations (like consensus
mechanisms), there is a slight increase in baseline latency
across the network, even outside of attack conditions.
In conclusion, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are
crucial in various applications, ranging from environmental
monitoring to industrial automation and healthcare. However,
their open and distributed nature makes them susceptible to
various cyber-attacks, notably data manipulation and Denial of
Service (DoS) attacks like ICMP flooding. These attacks can
significantly impair the network's functionality, compromising
the integrity and availability of the data. Data manipulation
attacks can alter or fabricate sensor data, leading to incorrect
decisions or actions based on this compromised data. In our
simulation, an ICMP flood attack caused significant spikes in
network latency and a notable degradation in Quality of
Service (QoS). Blockchain technology, with its inherent
characteristics of decentralization, transparency, and
immutability, offers a compelling solution to enhance the
security of WSNs. By integrating blockchain, each data
transaction or sensor reading can be verified and recorded in a
tamper-resistant manner. In the simulated scenario, network
experienced high latency and low QoS during the ICMP attack,
indicating vulnerability to such attacks. There was an overall
increase in baseline latency due to blockchain's computational
overhead. However, during the ICMP attack, the block-chain-
enabled network showed a smaller increase in latency and a
significantly lesser decrease in QoS. This resilience can be
attributed to the blockchain's ability to maintain data integrity
and network operation even under attack conditions. About
Mitigation Strategy, Implementing a lightweight blockchain
protocol, optimized for WSNs, to ensure data integrity and
resilience against manipulation attacks. Hybrid Security
Approach combines traditional security measures (like
firewalls and intrusion detection systems) with block-chain to
provide a layered defense mechanism. Optimization for
Latency develops and integrates blockchain protocols
specifically optimized for low latency to mitigate the in-
creased baseline latency introduced by blockchain. Dynamic
Adaptation implement a system that dynamically adjusts
blockchain's security level based on real-time threat analysis,
balancing between optimal performance and security.
Continuous Monitoring and Updating regularly monitor
network performance and security, updating the block-chain
protocol as needed to address new vulnerabilities and maintain
efficiency. Energy Efficiency Considerations given the limited
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energy resources in WSNs, tailor the block-chain solution to be
energy-efficient, possibly through consensus mechanisms that
require less computational power.
Integrating blockchain into WSNs presents a promising
approach to enhance security against data manipulation attacks.
While it introduces challenges like increased latency and
demands on energy, these can be mitigated through careful
design and optimization. The proposed strategy aims to
leverage the strengths of blockchain while addressing its
limitations, ensuring robust, secure, and efficient operation of
Wireless Sensor Networks.
The authors wish to thank LAVET Laboratory Hassan 1er
University Faculty of Science and Technology Settat, Morocco
for support.
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The energy consumption of the routing protocol can affect the lifetime of a wireless sensor network (WSN) because tiny sensor nodes are usually difficult to recharge after they are deployed. Generally, to save energy, data aggregation is used to minimize and/or eliminate data redundancy at each node and reduce the amount of the overall data transmitted in a WSN. Furthermore, energy-efficient routing is widely used to determine the optimal path from the source to the destination, while avoiding the energy-short nodes, to save energy for relaying the sensed data. In most conventional approaches, data aggregation and routing path selection are considered separately. In this study, we consider the degrees of the possible data aggregation of neighbor nodes when a node needs to determine the routing path. We propose a novel Q-learning-based data-aggregation-aware energy-efficient routing algorithm. The proposed algorithm uses reinforcement learning to maximize the rewards, defined in terms of the efficiency of the sensor-type-dependent data aggregation, communication energy and node residual energy, at each sensor node to obtain an optimal path. We used sensor-type-dependent aggregation rewards. Finally, we performed simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed routing method and compared it with that of the conventional energy-aware routing algorithms. Our results indicate that the proposed protocol can successfully reduce the amount of data and extend the lifetime of the WSN.
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Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly attractive to the next generation, as it is uniquely suited to the information era. Blockchain technology can also be applied to the Internet of Things (IoT). The advancement of IoT technology in various domains has led to substantial progress in distributed systems. Blockchain concept requires a decentralized data management system for storing and sharing the data and transactions in the network. This paper discusses the blockchain concept and relevant factors that provide a detailed analysis of potential security attacks and presents existing solutions that can be deployed as countermeasures to such attacks. This paper also includes blockchain security enhancement solutions by summarizing key points that can be exploited to develop various blockchain systems and security tools that counter security vulnerabilities. Finally, the paper discusses open issues relating to and future research directions of blockchain-IoT systems.
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It is difficult for the bat algorithm (BA) to retain good performance with increasing problem complexity and problem. In this paper, an ensemble BA is proposed to solve large-scale optimization problems (LSOPs) by introducing the integration ideas. The characteristics of six improved BA strategies are taken into account for the ensemble strategies. To fuse these strategies perfectly, the probability selection mechanisms, including the constant probability and dynamic probability, are designed by adjusting the odds of different strategies. To verify the performance of the algorithm in this paper, the proposed algorithm is applied to solve numerical optimization problems on benchmark functions with different dimensions. Then, the best ensemble BA is selected by comparing the constant probabilities and dynamic probabilities. The selected algorithm is compared with other excellent swarm intelligence optimization algorithms. Additionally, the superiority of the proposed algorithm is confirmed for solving LSOPs.
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises of huge amount of sensing nodes being used for collecting the data in different situations. WSN finds applications mostly to gather information from remote places such as in environment monitoring, military, in transportation security and so on. The main problem in WSN is the availability of limited energy resources. For enhancing energy efficiency with the lifespan of sensor nodes, in this research, an energy effective routing protocol, low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) along with optimization algorithm genetic algorithm (GA) has been presented. LEACH is a hierarchical protocol which converts the sensor nodes into cluster heads (CH), and CH gathers and compress the data and send it to the target node. Genetic algorithm helps to find the optimal route by using its fitness function. After simulating the code in MATLAB, the energy consumption rate up to 17.39% has been reduced when GA is used. At last, comparison between proposed work and existing work is performed to determine the efficiency of the proposed work.
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Internet of things (IoT) is the next era of communication. Using IoT, physical objects can be empowered to create, receive and exchange data in a seamless manner. Various IoT applications focus on automating different tasks and are trying to empower the inanimate physical objects to act without any human intervention. The existing and upcoming IoT applications are highly promising to increase the level of comfort, efficiency, and automation for the users. To be able to implement such a world in an ever growing fashion requires high security, privacy, authentication, and recovery from attacks. In this regard, it is imperative to make the required changes in the architecture of IoT applications for achieving end-to-end secure IoT environments. In this paper, a detailed review of the security-related challenges and sources of threat in IoT applications is presented. After discussing the security issues, various emerging and existing technologies focused on achieving a high degree of trust in IoT applications are discussed. Four different technologies: Blockchain, fog computing, edge computing, and machine learning to increase the level of security in IoT are discussed.
Wireless sensor networks are widely applicable in surveillance applications for intruder detection. Many research articles in the literature have focused on to generate an inference about the intruder detection and evaluated this in terms of detection probability and false alarm rate. In this paper, we have solved the problem of passive mobile intruder detection using two modalities i.e. acoustic signal model and sensing probability model. A three-level hierarchy is proposed to generate an inference about the presence of a mobile intruder. At base level the deployed sensor nodes are grouped together using k-mean clustering. For both modalities the distance between the sensor nodes and intruder is computed. At cluster head, the received signal strengths or sensing probabilities reported by the sensor nodes are employed for binary hypothesis testing. The cluster heads transmit their decisions to the fusion center for the generation of accurate inference about the intruder detection after performing Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) on the fused decisions. Numerical analysis of received signals identify the optimum threshold value for detection probability computation. The derived fusion rule maximizes detection probability with respect to the allowable false alarm rates. The accuracy of proposed fusion rule is depending on the number of actual detections reported by the deployed sensor nodes. Simulation results also show that the derived fusion rule performs better as compared to other fusion rules in terms of sensor count, speed of mobile intruder, detection probability and detection accuracy.
Modern healthcare systems are characterized as being highly complex and costly. However, this can be reduced through improved health record management, utilization of insurance agencies, and blockchain technology. Blockchain was first introduced to provide distributed records of money-related exchanges that were not dependent on centralized authorities or financial institutions. Breakthroughs in blockchain technology have led to improved transactions involving medical records, insurance billing, and smart con- tracts, enabling permanent access to and security of data, as well as providing a distributed database of transactions. One significant advantage of using blockchain technology in the healthcare industry is that it can reform the interoperability of healthcare databases, providing increased access to patient medical records, device tracking, prescription databases, and hospital assets, including the complete life cycle of a device within the blockchain infrastructure. Access to patients’ medical histories is essential to cor- rectly prescribe medication, with blockchain being able to dramatically enhance the healthcare services framework. In this paper, several solutions for improving current limitations in healthcare systems using blockchain technology are explored, including frameworks and tools to measure the performance of such systems, e.g., Hyperledger Fabric, Composer, Docker Container, Hyperledger Caliper, and the Wireshark capture engine. Further, this paper proposes an Access Control Policy Algorithm for improving data ac- cessibility between healthcare providers, assisting in the simulation of environments to implement the Hyperledger-based eletronic healthcare record (EHR) sharing system that uses the concept of a chain- code. Performance metrics in blockchain networks, such as latency, throughput, Round Trip Time (RTT). have also been optimized for achieving enhanced results. Compared to traditional EHR systems, which use client-server architecture, the proposed system uses blockchain for improving efficiency and security.
An ad hoc network is build up from the cooperative engagement of an accumulation of wireless mobile nodes and is capable of operating without the support of any fixed infrastructure. For a self-starting network having a dynamic nature, routing protocol has the ability to provide optimal communication capable of unicast, broadcast, and multicast routing protocol. An efficient dynamic routing is a challenge in such a network. To develop on-demand routing protocol, ad hoc networks have been widely utilized due to its effectiveness and efficiency in terms of performance factor. So far, a significant amount of research work has been done on routing in ad hoc networks. It is well-known that an Ad hoc network has no fixed routers that mean all nodes are capable to move dynamically be connected in an arbitrary manner. These nodes can act as end system and router at the same time. Transmission power of the nodes and location of MNs are two important factors on which the topology of the ad hoc network depends and may change with time. Since mobile ad hoc networks change their topology frequently, routing in such networks is a challenging task. This research work presents and highlights the significance of Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol, Load Balancing AODV, Modified AODV, and Adaptive Secure AODV. It also provides a comparative analysis of the mentioned protocols. To improve the performance of AODV protocol, a new multipath routing protocol (MAODV) has been used in the research work to discover path simultaneously for transmitting data, balancing load with energy efficiency and packet delivery ratio, and securing the routing in the wireless network.
Charging piles are used for charging electric vehicles and are directly accessible to users in an energy internet entrance, while playing an important role in energy consumption. Currently, each enterprise constructs the center of operation and maintenance of their systems independently, along with their respective APP payment programs. This results in high operating costs, poor user experience, and low utilization rate of the pile, which limits the promotion and popularization of electric vehicles. To overcome this limitation, there is a need for a multi-center, fair, and transparent consortium blockchain, which can conform to the application requirements of a unified payment system and accommodate a range of diverse enterprise charging piles. In this paper, the design for a consensus and incentive program for consortium blockchain is presented. First, the application status of blockchain in an energy internet is described. Then, the logical structure and hierarchical model of the consortium blockchain are analyzed. Next, multicycle accounting and limiting the amount of accounting nodes in each round is presented to ensure the overhead of consensus remain constant. Finally, the accounting incentive mechanism and the bidding encouragement strategy based on "electric beans" are designed.