Syariful Mubarok

Syariful Mubarok
Universitas Padjadjaran | UNPAD · Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta)



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Publications (133)
Mutations in the ethylene receptor gene (SlETR1), Sletr1-1 and Sletr1-2, are effective in reducing ethylene sensitivity and improving fruit shelf life. In this study the effect of Sletr1-1 and Sletr1-2 mutations was investigated in the F1 hybrid lines. These two mutants and control were crossed with four commercial pure-line tomatoes. The Sletr1-1...
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The development of coffee plants in Indonesia shows increasingly rapid growth to meet both domestic and foreign needs. However, certain farmers are yet to fully utilize their cultivation technology and market opportunities by employing post-harvest techniques to enhance value addition, primarily because of limited access to farming capital. Therefo...
The essential role of fertilization in the management of oil palm plantations cannot be overstated, with the understanding that effective strategies must be fine-tuned to accommodate the diversity of soil types present. The nuanced response of oil palm to fertilization under different soil conditions underscores the critical nature of this research...
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The present work disseminates a solid scientific meta-analysis method to investigate the impact of storage duration and temperature on vitamin C of citrus. This work is initiated by designing of the PICO framework, collecting, and organizing the articles, creating selection criteria, sorting articles, identifying factors influencing moderation effe...
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Tomatoes are climacteric fruits that experience a surge in respiration rate and ethylene production. This condition affects the fruits’ physiological deterioration, shortens their shelf-life, and degrades the quality of tomatoes. The study aimed to enhance the shelf-life of commercial tomatoes with different genetic backgrounds by utilizing the Sle...
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Red chili is an important commodity that is daily needed by the community. Non-central chili areas often experience deficits due to the high consumption volume and low productivity of chili peppers. To increase the productivity of chili in non-central areas, expand it in the medium land. This study aims to determine the productivity of two introduc...
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Potatoes are the third most consumed food in Indonesia. The availability of high-quality potato tuber seeds is still low which affects potato production. Potato planting in the highlands is limited, so it needs to be expanded into medium lands. The modification that can increase the production of G0 potato tuber seeds on medium lands is the use of...
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One of the internal factors that play an important role in seed quality is the level of the phytohormone auxin. Efforts to increase auxin in seeds include developing new varieties with increased indigenous auxin, such as those found in mutant tomatoes from Micro-Tom, namely iaa9-3 and iaa9-5 . This research was conducted to determine the germinatio...
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Numerous published studies have highlighted discrepancies in the duration and storage temperature used for preserving vitamin C content on various citrus genotypes worldwide. The present study aimed to analyze the variation in vitamin C content as influenced by citrus genotype, duration, and storage temperature using meta-analysis approaches. Data...
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Renowned for its leaf-spice attributes, kaffir lime has economic value that is worthy of intensifying amidst environmental threats, such as drought stress. This study aimed to analyze the morpho-physiological traits of kaffir lime in response to defoliation and drought stress. Kaffir lime was subjected to drought, defoliation, and a combination of...
Sappan wood plants are one of the medicinal plants in Indonesia. Considering the potential of Sappan wood plants in the health and industrial sectors, special cultivation techniques are required to ensure that Sappan wood plants can grow with a large stem diameter. A large stem diameter can be achieved by using the appropriate planting distance. Th...
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Betacyanin can be found in the peel or pulp of dragon fruit. As a natural pigment, betacyanin is unstable, so it requires encapsulation technology to maintain its quality. The stability of encapsulated betacyanin from dragon fruit peel compared to dragon fruit pulp has yet to be discovered. This study aims to compare the stability of encapsulated b...
The beef tomato is one of the most popular and valuable tomato fruits in Indonesia. Because of this tomato consumed as fresh fruit, therefore one of the problems is fruit shelf life. Generating new cultivar with longest fruit shelf life will be a challenge such as by the crossing with NIL-Sletr1-2. A NIL Sletr1-2 line has been established in order...
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Enhancing fruit quality and yield is the goal of creating superior tomato varieties. One area of concern for breeders is fruit shelf life. To produce better offspring, hybridization attempts to combine the traits of two parents, but the results can be unpredictable. Backcrossing can create stable offspring with desired traits and eliminate undesira...
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The ornamental plant is one of the important horticultural commodities in Indonesia, but its development differs from that of other horticultural commodities, such as vegetable and fruit plants. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has been ongoing since early 2020, apart from having an impact on health, has also positively impacted the ornamental plant bu...
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Gibberellin regulates the flowering and fruiting response of fruit-oriented citrus, but there are a lack of studies on the methods for boosting the production of leaf-oriented citrus. This study aimed to analyze the effects of exogenous gibberellins and pruning on the leaf production of kaffir lime. Kaffir lime seedlings, grafted into rangpur lime,...
‘JOP’ (jeruk Orange Parahyangan) merupakan salah satu varietas jeruk keprok (Citrus reticulata Blanco) dengan ciri utama adalah berwarna jingga pada kulit dan daging buahnya, sementara jeruk lokal umumnya berwarna kuning. Ciri lain dari keprok 'JOP’ yaitu menghasilkan banyak buah walaupun tanaman masih muda. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan tanaman akan...
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Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat yang ada di Indonesia. Bagian tanaman secang yang dimanfaatkan adalah empulur yang ada pada batang. Saat panen secang, batang ditebang, sehingga diperlukan replanting. Replanting membutuhkan bibit yang baik, untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan maka dapat diaplikasikan zat pengatur tumbuh (...
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Strawberry (Fragraria x ananassa Duch) cv. Tochiotome is nutrient rich. However, it has a short shelf life, especially at room temperature. Coating is one of the methods used to prolong fruit shelf life. Coating materials, such as nano chitosan (NC) and Aloe vera (AV) gel, are edible and safe to consume. The objective was to analyze the interaction...
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Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai jenis dan konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil dua kultivar tomat beef. Penanaman di Laboratorium Kultur Terkendali, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran dengan ketinggian ± 782 meter di atas permukaan laut (mdpl). Benih tomat yang digunakan yait...
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Fruits are important horticultural commodities because they provide nutrients that help human health. Fruits are mostly consumed as fresh products; however, there are challenges in retaining the freshness, such as the rapid ripening process that triggers fruit deterioration and reduces fruit quality and nutrient content. The postharvest quality of...
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With the rapid growth in global population and standards of living, improving food production and quality are the greatest challenges in agriculture. The application of biostimulant derived from moringa leaf extract (MLE) has attracted a great deal of interest to support these efforts in a sustainable approach. A field study was conducted using a r...
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Objective: Tomatoes are the most widely consumed fruit vegetable and are relatively easy to cultivate. However, an increase in temperature causes some plants to respond with a decrease in fruit production. So, it is necessary to develop plants resistant to extreme temperature changes. The tomato cv. Micro-Tom has genetic variations in the gene of...
Sappan wood is a useful woody plant from Brazil that could possibly be utilized as a natural dye. The generative proliferation of Sappan wood is hindered by its sluggish seed germination (dormancy), which necessitates greater efforts to break seed dormancy through the use of plant growth regulator (PGR) and organic matter as a planting media mixtur...
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Fruit set is one of the main problems that arise in tomato plants under heat-stress conditions, which disrupt pollen development, resulting in decreased pollen fertility. Parthenocarpic tomatoes can be used to increase plant productivity during failure of the fertilisation process under heat-stress conditions. The aim of this study were to identify...
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Citrus is popularly known as the source of beneficial and essential nutrients for human health, including vitamins. The current review revealed the content of multivitamins, not only vitamin C but also vitamins A, B, and E that are not widely acknowledged within Citrus. Numerous Citrus genotypes contain vitamin C, with the grapefruit (Citrus paradi...
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The presence of ethylene during postharvest handling of tomatoes can be the main problem in maintaining fruit shelf-life by accelerating the ripening process and causing several quality changes in fruit. Several researchers have studied the methods for improving the postharvest life of tomato fruit by controlling ethylene response, such as by mutat...
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Tomato is one of the most widely consumed horticultural products. However, tomato is very sensitive to changes in temperature. Daily average temperatures above 32 °C severely reduced tomato plant growth, development, and productivity. Therefore, climate change-induced global warming is a major threat to future tomato production. Good photosynthetic...
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Pengembangan anggrek lokal merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang memiliki prospek menjanjikan khususnya di daerah Jatiangor yang merupakan kawasan lingkungan pendidikan, wisata serta banyaknya perkantoran dan perumahan yang memerluk Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di wilayah Desa Cileles Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang. Masih banyaknya lahan pekaran...
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A longer shelf-life for tomatoes without pleiotropic effects is one of the main goals of breeding programs in tropical countries. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of the Sletr1-2 mutant allele on flowering, fruit phenotype, shelf life, and yield-related traits in four F1 hybrids from four tropical tomato genetic backgrounds. The s...
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Potato is one of the most important vegetable crops in the world. In a tropical country such as Indonesia, potato is cultivated in highland that has low temperature. However, the extensification and intensification of potato cultivation cause environmental problems in the highland. Soil erosion is one of the common problems resulting from potato cu...
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Postharvest losses are a significant concern for tomato breeding associated with their short fruit shelf life. Sletr1-2 is a new ethylene receptor mutant that has a prominent character in a prolonged fruit shelf life. This research aimed to estimate the combining ability of Sletr1-2 mutant and determine the selection method for future breeding asso...
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Ensuring high-quality agricultural products has become important in agriculture since society’s standard of living has risen. Meanwhile, Moringa oleifera L. leaf extract (MLE) has been used as a plant biostimulant to improve product quality. The effectiveness of MLE is associated with its beneficial components, consisting of nutrients, phytohormone...
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AbstrakTanaman anggrek banyak digemari oleh masyarakat karena keanekaragamannya. Jenis anggrek yang paling populer adalah Dendrobium sp. Namun pertumbuhan tanaman anggrek cenderung lambat karena masa juvenil yang lama dan proses fotosintesis yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, upaya percepatan proses pertumbuhan sangat diperlukan. Salah satunya adalah ap...
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Mubarok S, Wicaksono FY, Nuraini A, Rahmat BPN, Budiarto R. 2022.S hort Communication: Agronomical characteristics of sweet corn under different plant growth regulators during the dry season. Biodiversitas 23: 3091-3098. Sweet corn (Zea mays convar. saccharata var. rugosa)is one of the important horticultural crops. Increasing sweet corn production...
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Suminar E, Budiarto R, Nuraini A, Mubarok S, Ezura H. 2022. Morpho-physiologicalresponsesof iaa9 tomato mutants to different levels of PEG simulated drought stress. Biodiversitas 23: 3115-3126.This study aimed to analyze the morphological and physiological responses of iaa9 mutants and its WT-MT to different levels of drought stress in in vitro gro...
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Lady Finger’ banana is one of the most-produced bananas in Indonesia. Unfortunately, it has a short fruit shelf life, which became a major problem in post-harvest handling. Shelf life in climacteric fruits can be improved through the inhibition of physiological processes such as ethylene production, respiration, and transpiration by the application...
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Kegiatan pengabdian ini merupakan bagian yang terintegrasi dengan riset yang dilaksanakan di Desa Pasigaran Kecamatan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Sumedang yang yang berlokasi dekat lokasi-lokasi tempat wisata yang saat ini ramai dikunjungi. Kegiatan yang mengangkat tema tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis stroberi yang banyak dibudayakan di I...
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Microgreen is a functional plant that is beneficial for human health. Microgreen is a type of cultivation that can be harvested at the nursery stage. In fact, another issue is that it is increasingly difficult to find agricultural land owned by the community, especially in urban areas, so that only a few people cultivate crops. This problem can be...
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Produksi benih kentang di dataran medium dapat menjadi pilihan lain sekaligus dapat menghindari kerusakan lingkungan dan terbatasnya areal per tanaman di dataran tinggi. Sedangkan, benih merupakan kunci sukses budidaya kentang. Salah satu upaya untuk peningkatan produksi benih kentang generasi ke-0 (Go) adalah pemberian pupuk NPK dan zat pengatur t...
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Pandemi COVID-19 menimbulkan ancaman krisis pangan di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Program budidaya sayuran di lahan sempit pekarangan menjadi upaya Pemerintah untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan dalam mengantisipasi ancaman krisis pangan pasca pandemi COVID-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem budidaya hidroponik ya...
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AbstrakBudidaya sayuran pada lahan sempit di daerah perkotaan merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem budidaya tanaman bayam yang paling baik untuk diterapkan pada lahan sempit pekarangan di Kota Bekasi. Percobaan ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus hin...
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Semakin tingginya permintaan bahan baku kentang untuk french fries khususnya, perlu diimbangi oleh peningkatan suplai kentang dengan kualitas yang memenuhi persyaratan skala industri. Aplikasi dosis pupuk NPK yang tepat serta umur panen yang sesuai merupakan strategi dalam meningkatkan kualitas kentang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan dosis p...
Tomat beef merupakan salah satu jenis tomat eksklusif yang dapat menjadi peluang bisnis. Permasalahan pascapanen buah tomat adalah adanya lonjakan produksi etilen pada saat proses pematangan yang berakibat buah tidak dapat disimpan dalam waktu lama. Pematangan buah tomat dapat diperlambat salah satunya dengan cara menghambat produksi etilen dengan...
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Fruit development influences the metabolites contents and then its biological activity, however, such report is still limited in goldenberry (Physalis peruviana L.). This work aimed to evaluate metabolite variability and its correlation to antioxidant activity in several stages of fruit maturation in goldenberry originating from Sumedang, Indonesia...
Tanaman tomat umumnya dibudidayakan di Indonesia secara komersial, terutama di dataran tinggi. Kualitas buah tomat yang baik hanya dicapai pada ketinggian 800 mdpl. Auksin dan giberelin bekerja sinergis dalam pembentukan bunga dan buah pada tanaman tomat. Pemberian hormon auksin dan giberelin pada tomat kultivar Aichi First diharapkan dapat memacu...
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This research aims to create Augmented Reality about basic physics practicum tutorials on the Sound Wave Resonance module in the Department of Computer Systems at the Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) based on Android. The advantages of this technology can be used as a medium of online learning if there is an emergency that results in not imp...
Kunyit merupakan salah satu tanaman yang banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan baku obat tradisional juga bahan bumbu dapur serta zat pewarna alami sehingga kebutuhannya mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kunyit baik dalam maupun luar negeri diperlukan upaya untuk pengembangan bahan tanam kunyit yang bermutu...
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Buah tomat tergolong kedalam golongan buah klimaterik. Umur simpan buah tomat sangat dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan etilen. Tomat mutan NIL Sletr1-2 adalah generasi tomat insensitive etilen baru yang tetuanya berasal dari daerah tropis, yaitu tomat ‘Intan’. Buah dari tomat mutan NIL Sletr1-2 memiliki umur simpan yang lebih lama dari tomat komersial pa...
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Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a plant that has many benefits. Most people use turmeric as a cooking spice, food coloring, or as traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is needed as an alternative method in medical world. At present, a lot of research has been done to develop the use of turmeric. The active compound in turmeric is diferuloylmethane...
Cekaman suhu tinggi dapat menyebabkan perubahan pada kandungan prolin, klorofil tanaman tomat sehingga mempengaruhi produksi buah tomat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kandungan klorofil dan prolin sebagai respon fisiologi tanaman tomat mutan iaa9-3 dan iaa9-5, serta WT-MT terhadap kondisi cekaman suhu tinggi yaitu berkisar 40-45oC. Perlaku...
Perbanyakan durian klon baru Kamajaya secara vegetatif dapat dilakukan dengan teknik kultur jaringan sebagai teknik modern untuk konservasi plasma nutfah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi 2,4-D dan Kinetin terhadap pembentukan kalus pada daun durian Kamajaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Fakul...
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This study aimed to obtain the best calibration model from various spectra pre-treatment methods to assess sapodilla fruit firmness using vis-nir spectroscopy. Before the spectra data measurement, samples were treated with storage of 0, 5 and 10 days at room temperature. Spectra data measurement was carried out using the NirVana AG410 visible and n...
Violces (Saintpaulia ionantha) merupakan tanaman hias indoor yang cukup diminati karena memiliki bentuk bunga cantik dengan daun tebal yang ditumbuhi bulu halus pada permukaannya. Pemberian kombinasi konsentrasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (ZPT) auksin IAA dan sitokinin BAP serta penggunaan media tanam yang tepat penting dalam proses pertumbuhan pada perba...
Sari Perbanyakan tanaman stroberi secara konvensional dilakukan dengan menggunakan stolon, tetapi kurang efektif serta kualitas bibit yang dihasilkan kurang baik akibat adanya akumulasi penyakit. Budidaya stroberi memerlukan adanya perbanyakan bibit secara massal, tetapi tidak mengubah kualitasnya. Multiplikasi in vitro menjadi solusi untuk penyedi...
Tomat merupakan salah satu komoditas tanaman hortikultura penting di Indonesia. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, sudah banyak dikembangkan varietas tomat baru yang mempunyai karakter-karakter yang diinginkan antara lain tahan akan penyakit, produktivitas tinggi tinggi, kandungan nutrisi tinggi dan lain-lain. Penerapan teknologi melalui pendek...
Sweet corn is an important crop with high economic value but lower productivity is not fulfilling the current requirement which could be attained by optimizing plant fertilizer. This study was conducted during the wet season of 2020 at Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia to find out the effect of compost and phosphate dosage...
The quality of chrysanthemum cuttings is influenced by ethylene. During postharvest storage, ethylene accelerates the quality loss of cutting by enhancing chlorophyll degradation. Application of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) or Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) can be used as an approach to inhibit unfavourable ethylene effects. The objective of this study...
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Cut roses is one of the important ornamental cut flowers. Many factors affect the loss of postharvest life quality of cut flower, such as temperature, humidity and the presence of ethylene during postharvest storage. In ethylene sensitive roses, ethylene enhances petal discoloration, chlorophyll degradation, petal efflorescence and increase in peta...
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Cucumber fruit quality can be detected by the non-destructive method such as NIR Spectroscopy. NIR determines the content quality of the product rapidly, precise, and accurate. This study aims to predict the quality component of cucumber cultivars Bandana and Wulan by a non-destructive method using portable NIR. The experiment was conducted at Post...
Kondisi cekaman kekeringan pada tanaman tomat dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat menurun. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan perakitan varietas tanaman baru yang tahan terhadap stress biotik dan abotik dengan menggunakan metode in vitro. Beberapa hasil mutasi (gen IAA) pada tom...
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Dragon fruit is one of the fruit commodities included in the type of cactus which can grow in arid areas and less productive land such as in Pangandaran Regency. Knowledge of the surrounding community about dragon fruit is good, but knowledge about cultivation and propagation of dragon fruit is still lacking. So that the supply of plant material th...
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Perkembangan teknologi budidaya tanaman saat ini sudah berkembang dengan cepat. Salah satu teknologi yang sedang dikembangkan adalah teknologi budidaya tanaman tanpa tanah atau dengan menggunakan system hidroponik. Banyak jenis hidroponik yang salah satunya adalah metode Nutrient Film Technique (NFT). Tujuan dilakukanya kegiatan ini adalah untuk me...
Tomat beef disukai karena ukuran buahnya yang besar dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Permasalahan tomat di dataran medium yaitu peningkatan gugur buah sehingga menurunkan persentase fruit set. Permasalahan suhu tinggi di dataran medium yang menimbulkan kegagalan fertilisasi dapat diatasi dengan aplikasi zat pengatur tumbuh (GA3 and 4-CPA)....
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Cekaman suhu tinggi (heat stress) merupakan salah satu cekaman abiotik utama yang membatasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman tomat. Heat stress menyebabkan kegagalan perkembangan serbuk sari dan rendahnya viabilitas polen. Heat stress juga menyebabkan perubahan anatomi salah satunya stomata pada daun. Pada penelitian ini diuji dua tanaman tomat...
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Guava fruit is one of the most popular horticulture products because it has various health benefits. Once fruit is harvested, the fruit is still carrying out the respiration process during storage which results in changes in physical and chemical properties. One of chemical properties that is concerned by consumers is the total soluble solids, whic...
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Perkembangan teknologi budidaya tanaman saat ini sudah berkembang dengan cepat. Salah satu teknologi yang sedang dikembangkan adalah teknologi budidaya tanaman tanpa tanah atau dengan menggunakan system hidroponik. Banyak jenis hidroponik yang salah satunya adalah metode irigasi tetes dengan media tanam berupa arang sekam. Tujuan dilakukanya kegiat...
Sari. Durian ‘Kamajaya’ merupakan salah satu jenis durian lokal yang keberadaanya hampir punah sehingga perlu dilakukan konservasi, salah satunya yaitu dengan perbanyakan menggunakan kultur jaringan. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam kultur jaringan durian ini salah satunya adalah metode sterilisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh metode st...
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The purpose of the research was to apply the visible-near infrared (vis-nir) spectroscopy and chemometrics approach to predict the water content of crystal guava rapidly and non-destructively. The absorbance spectra were collected from intact ‘crystal’ guava fruits in wavelength from 381 to 1065 nm. Spectra pre-treatment was used to enhance the pre...
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Ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) spectroscopy technique has been increasingly applied in sorting of agricultural products, especially fruits. This study aimed to evaluate the use of UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis to predict the surface color (L * , a * , and b * ) of ‘crystal’ guava. Wavelengths covering the U...
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The non-destructive method was used to predict the moisture content, firmness, total dissolved solids, and color values (including L*, a*, b*, h ⊘ and C*) of sapodilla fruit using near infrared spectroscopy with wavelength of 312 - 1050 nm. Irradiated and measured sapodilla samples were analyzed using partial least squares (PLS) algorithm of multiv...
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Musa acuminata Colla ‘Muli’ is one of the most popular banana variety in Indonesia. As a commodity that is consumed fresh, is important to regulate the ethylene production of climacteric fruit in order to extend the shelf life and reduce deterioration. 1-MCP (1-Methylcycloprophene) is a potential chemical that can effectively regulate ethylene prod...
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The growing medium is an important factor for plant growth and development. Many growing media are used for orchids, but their availability is limited and some are prohibitively expensive. Therefore, alternative growing media need to be studied. This study was conducted to investigate the potency of some alternative growing media for growing two De...
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Sari. Buah merupakan organ reproduktif yang memainkan peranan penting pada tanaman dalam proses perbanyakan tanaman dan penyebaran biji. Biji akan terbentuk akibat adanya proses polinasi dan fertilisasi. Pada beberapa jenis buah keberadaan biji tidak diinginkan, sehingga sekarang sudah banyak dikembangkan buah tanpa biji atau buah partenokarpi. Sec...
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Sari. Zukini merupakan sayuran buah yang banyak diminati oleh konsumen. Sayuran ini memiliki kadar air yang tinggi. Petani memerlukan teknik budidaya yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas buah zukini, diantaranya dengan penggunaan hormon giberelin (GA3) dan waktu panen yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan...
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Penurunan kualitas selama penyimpanan merupakan permasalahan yang seringkali ditemui pada pascapanen buah jambu kristal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penanganan yang tepat. Penanganan pascapanen yang umum digunakan adalah dengan penggunaan kemasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan berbagai kemasan dan masa simpan terhadap nilai k...
New ethylene insensitive mutant alleles, Sletr1-1 and Sletr1-2 which have a mutation at the first and second transmembrane domain of ethylene receptor gene of SlETR1, have a potential characteristic in improving postharvest life of tomato fruits. This study elucidates the impact of Sletr1-1 and Sletr1-2 mutation in alternating nutritional and antio...
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This study was aimed at determining the concentration of several types of cytokinins and auxin for the induction of turmeric shoots in vitro. The research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Seed Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor. The study was conducted from October 2017 to February 2018. The source...
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This study was aimed at obtaining the type and concentration of cytokines as well as the optimal concentration of auxin for the multiplication of turmeric shoots in vitro. The trial was conducted in September 2017 until February 2018 at the Tissue Culture Seed Technology Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University. The material...
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Shelf life is an important breeding trait in tomato, especially for the tomato production in subtropical and tropical regions. Previously we have isolated and characterized ethylene receptor mutants, Sletr1-1 and Sletr1-2 from mutant population based on Micro-Tom cultivar. Sletr1-1 showed insensitivity to ethylene while Sletr1-2 showed reduced sens...
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Organic and traditional cultivation techniques significantly affect the yield and quality of tomato fruit. To achieve the highest possible production of hybrid lines, the appropriate cultivation system is needed. The application of different cultivation systems was expected to improve the yield and fruit quality of three new tropical hybrid tomatoe...
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APPLICATION OF DRAGON FRUIT CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY FOR COASTAL AREAS IN KALIJAGA VILLAGE, HARJAMUKTI DISTRICT, CIREBON CITY. Dragon fruit is one of the growing fruit commodities and is widely known in Indonesia. The distribution process has reached all of Indonesia. The development of dragon fruit in West Java itself is still said to be low, so it...
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Ethylene receptors are key factors for ethylene signal transduction. In tomato, six ethylene receptor genes (SlETR1–SlETR6) have been identified. Mutations in different ethylene receptor genes result in different phenotypes that are useful for elucidating the roles of each gene. In this study, we screened mutants of two ethylene receptor genes, SLE...
Sari. Kopi merupakan salah satu produk perkebunan penghasil devisa negara. Saat ini tanaman kopi menjadi andalan beberapa daerah di Indonesia dengan kekhasannya. Namun demikian produksi kopi masih perlu ditingkatkan karena masih tidak sesuai dengan potensi produksi. Peningkatan produksi kopi dapat diawali dari pembibitan. Pengelolaan bibit yang bai...
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Ethylene will be a major problem in postharvest quality of fresh fruit such as Physalis peruviana L. that belongs to an important medicinal plant. This data article describes the alteration of fruit quality of P. peruviana L. during 21 days of postharvest storage as an effect of ethylene inhibitor, 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), at different concent...
Genetic gain (GG), heritability and contribution of the agronomic traits on Al tolerance are precious information for selection strategy in the breeding of Al-tolerant sorghum. The objectives of this study were (i) to estimate the GG of Al tolerance in sorghum and (ii) to determine the direct effect of agronomic traits on Al tolerance through path...
Ethylene regulates many aspects of plant growth and development. During the post-harvest handling of ornamental plants, ethylene presence must be minimized to prevent quality decrease of post-harvest life, such as petal abscission and leaf senescence. To minimize the ethylene effect, several prevention strategies were developed, such as inhibition...
Background and Objective: Dragon fruit is a popular cultivated fruit in Indonesia because of its nutritional value. Recently, farmers have begun to cultivate coloured varieties of dragon fruit such as yellow (Hylocereus megalanthus), red (H. polyrhizus), orange and black (H. Hybrid). However, the morphological characters of these varieties are yet...
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Sari Bunga potong krisan (Dendrathema grandiflora Tzvelev.) merupakan salah satu tanaman hias yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena keindahan, warna, dan ukurannya yang besar. Permasalahan pada bunga krisan potong salah satunya adalah kesegaran bunga yang singkat. Kesegaran bunga potong dapat dipertahankan dalam waktu yang lebih lama dengan p...
Sari Mangga arumanis merupakan salah satu komoditi mangga unggulan di daerah Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Para pedagang pada umumnya memasarkan buah mangga menggunakan keranjang anyaman bambu terutama dengan tujuan agar konsumen lebih mudah membawanya. Selain itu, harga keranjang anyaman bambu juga murah, sehingga kemasan keranjang anyaman bambu banyak...
Mericlone shoots are shoots of propagation using meristem explants which aim to produce seeds in a short time, large number, and disease-free seed. The aim of this experiment was to find out the best types and concentration of cytokinin to mericlone shoot multiplication of potato Jala Ipam variety. The experiment was carried out at Seed Technology...
In subtropical regions, asparagus is cultivated as a perennial crop; respectively one year old seedlings are transplanted to the field and spear harvesting starts in the spring of the second year. During the summer this crop grows leaves, producing plant reserves for growth and their winter dormancy. Such a crop possesses a production cycle of more...
Sari Penanganan pascapanen pada produk hortikultura sangat penting. Pengemasan yang tepat akan membantu produk hortikultura seperti buah mangga arumanis dapat mempertahankan kualitasnya selama proses distribusi. Salah satu jenis pengemasan buah mangga yang umum digunakan adalah dengan mengunakan keranjang anyaman bambu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini a...


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