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Enhanced Coverage of Insect Neuropeptides in Tissue Sections by an Optimized Mass Spectrometry Imaging Protocol


Abstract and Figures

Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) of neuropeptides has become a well-established method with the ability to combine spatially resolved information of immunohistochemistry with peptidomics information of mass spectrometric analysis. Several studies have conducted MSI of insect neural tissues, however; these studies did not detect a neuropeptide complement comparable to that obtained with conventional peptidomics. The aim of our study was to improve sample preparation so that MSI provides comprehensive and reproducible neuropeptidomics information. Using the cockroach retrocerebral complex, the presented protocol produces enhanced coverage of neuropeptides at 15 µm spatial resolution, confirmed by parallel analysis of tissue extracts using electrospray ionization MS. Altogether, more than 100 peptide signals from 15 neuropeptide precursor genes could be traced with high spatial resolution. In addition, MSI spectra confirmed differential prohormone processing and distinct neuropeptide-based compartmentalization of the retrocerebral complex. We believe that our workflow facilitates incorporation of MSI in neuroscience-related topics, including study of complex neuropeptide interactions within the CNS.
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Enhanced Coverage of Insect Neuropeptides in Tissue Sections by
an Optimized Mass-Spectrometry-Imaging Protocol
Alice Ly,*
Lapo Ragionieri,*
Sander Liessem,
Michael Becker,
Soren-Oliver Deininger,
Susanne Neupert,*
and Reinhard Predel*
Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Fahrenheitstraße 4, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Department for Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Cologne, 50674 Cologne, Germany
SSupporting Information
ABSTRACT: Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) of neuropeptides has become a
well-established method with the ability to combine spatially resolved information
from immunohistochemistry with peptidomics information from mass spectro-
metric analysis. Several studies have conducted MSI of insect neural tissues;
however, these studies did not detect neuropeptide complements in manners
comparable to those of conventional peptidomics. The aim of our study was to
improve sample preparation so that MSI could provide comprehensive and
reproducible neuropeptidomics information. Using the cockroach retrocerebral
complex, the presented protocol produces enhanced coverage of neuropeptides at
15 μm spatial resolution, which was conrmed by parallel analysis of tissue extracts
using electrospray-ionization MS. Altogether, more than 100 peptide signals from
15 neuropeptide-precursor genes could be traced with high spatial resolution. In
addition, MSI spectra conrmed dierential prohormone processing and distinct
neuropeptide-based compartmentalization of the retrocerebral complex. We believe that our workow facilitates incorporation
of MSI in neuroscience-related topics, including the study of complex neuropeptide interactions within the CNS.
Neuropeptides are structurally diverse signaling molecules
that control and regulate essential physiological
functions in vertebrates and invertebrates, including growth,
feeding, reproduction, and environmental-stress tolerance. A
major source of neuropeptides is the central nervous system
(CNS), where neuropeptides can act as transmitters or
neuromodulators. Alternatively, neuropeptides can be pro-
duced in neurosecretory cells within the CNS and released as
peptide hormones into circulation, mostly from neurohemal
organs which function as hormone repositories. The large
number of neuropeptides and neuropeptide receptors generally
hamper decoding of coordinated peptide actions. Some
neuropeptide precursors may result in mature peptides that
activate dierent receptors (e.g. melanocyte-stimulating-
hormone precursors of vertebrates and CAPA precursors of
which further complicates the full recognition of
neuropeptide actions.
Mass spectrometry has increasingly been used to analyze the
neuropeptidome of the CNS, even to the single-cell level.
Although the aim of many of these approaches is to decipher
neuropeptide relationships or compensation strategies, a
number of limitations persist in the study of such complex
neuropeptide interactions. In insects, which include notable
model organisms in neuropeptide research, such as the fruit y
Drosophila melanogaster and the honeybee Apis mellifera, small
tissue sizes, low peptide abundances, and complex cellular
patterns of peptidergic neurons still necessitate the extensive
use of immunohistochemistry (IHC) to complement neuro-
peptidomic studies. IHC has traditionally been used to
investigate neuropeptide distributions in the CNSs of insects,
but it has limited abilities for visualizing neuropeptides from
dierent precursors in the same sample, even when using
uorochrome-coupled secondary antisera. IHC also usually
fails to discriminate between sequence-related precursor
products. In insects, this problem is evident for numerous
RFamides, which are both processed from single precursors
(up to 20 extended FMRFamides) and encoded by additional
genes, such as myosuppressin,sulfakinin,short neuropeptide F,
and long neuropeptide F. In this context, matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-
MSI) could be an ideal alternative technique for studying the
spatial distribution of neuropeptides in the nervous system.
MALDI-MSI been successfully employed for analyzing the
brain peptides of crustaceans.
Few studies have so far used
MALDI-MSI for the detection of insect neuropeptides, and the
reported tissue preparations and spatial resolutions (30 μm
and greater) are usually not sucient to discriminate small
structures within the insect nervous system.
A study using
prototype MSI instrumentation examined lipid distributions in
20 μmD. melanogaster whole-body sections with pixel sizes
ranging between 5 and 10 μm and also reported several mass
matches with neuropeptides.
In all of these studies, however,
Received: September 20, 2018
Accepted: January 3, 2019
Published: January 3, 2019
Cite This: Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
© 2019 American Chemical Society 1980 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
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mass spectra did not detect neuropeptide contents in a manner
comparable to that obtained with the analysis of single
dissected neurons or with direct tissue proling.
We investigated the suitability of MALDI-MSI for the
analysis of neuropeptide distributions in the retrocerebral
complex (RCC) of the American cockroach, Periplaneta
americana, a model organism in neuropeptide research, and
developed an optimized MSI protocol to analyze as much of
the neuropeptidome as possible. The RCC is the major
neuroendocrine organ in insects, comparable to the pituitary
gland of vertebrates. A recent MALDI-MSI study was able to
detect several neuropeptides in 30 year old paran-embedded
RCC samples.
In comparison with insect brains, whose
complexity hampers easy recognition of specic areas by MSI,
the organization of the RCC is easier to reconstruct and
facilitates reproducibility.
Figure 1 is an overview of the P. americana RCC and its
connections to key neurological structures. The RCC consists
of a pair of corpora cardiaca, which are fused posteriorly to a
pair of corpora allata. Whereas the corpora allata synthesize
sesquiterpenoids (juvenile hormones), the corpora cardiaca
exclusively release peptide hormones. Each corpus cardiacum
is subdivided antero-dorsally into a glandular part that
produces the insect equivalent of glucagon, the adipokinetic
hormones (AKHs);
the remaining parts of the corpora
cardiaca serve as neurohemal release sites of numerous peptide
hormones from the brain and subesophageal ganglion (SEG).
These hormones reach the RCC via dierent nervi corporis
cardiaci (NCC) and nervi corporis allati-2 (NCA-2).
Axons from NCA-2 as well as a number of axons from
neurosecretory cells of the brain cross the corpora allata and
contribute to neuropeptide detection along these glands. The
RCC is connected to the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS)
by way of the nervi cardiostomatogastrici (NCS). The
products of a large number of neuropeptide genes of insects
can be found in the RCC,
but the exact neuropeptide-
based compartmentalizationoftheRCCisstilllargely
Our data demonstrate the extent to which MALDI-MSI with
commercially available instrumentation can be used to
reconstruct the distribution of neuropeptides in an insect
nervous system. With the described protocol, we obtained
good coverage of the neuropeptides expected to be present in
the RCC. In addition, the spatial distributions of further
neuropeptides could be veried for the rst time in the RCC.
Chemicals and Reagents. α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic
acid (CHCA) and peptide calibration standard II were
purchased from Bruker Daltonik GmbH (Bremen, Germany).
HPLC-grade ethanol and acetonitrile were obtained from
Honeywell (Seelze, Germany). Triuoroacetic acid (TFA) was
purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Standard food-
grade gelatin purchased from local supermarkets (Dr. Oetker
Gelatin, white; Bielefeld, Germany) was used in this study. An
ELGA Purelab ex system (Veolia; Celle, Germany) was used
to generate deionized water.
Animal Model and Sample Preparation. The animals in
this study were treated pursuant to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Cockroaches were raised and maintained at a constant
temperature (28 ±1°C) under a 12 h lightdark cycle with
free access to food and water. For experiments, adult
cockroaches were kept at 4 °C for 30 min before RCCs
were dissected in insect saline (126 mM NaCl, 5.4 mM KCl,
0.17 mM NaH2PO4, 0.22 mM KH2PO4; pH 7.4), rinsed in
deionized water, and embedded in 100 mg/mL gelatin/water.
The gelatin was dissolved in deionized water, heated to 80 °C
for 5 min to ensure dissolution, and then kept at 50 °Cto
maintain viscosity. For tissue embedding, 400 μL of dissolved
gelatin was poured into a handmade aluminum-foil mold with
an 8 mm internal diameter and allowed to solidify at room
temperature for at least 30 min. Subsequently, the RCCs were
placed horizontally on the solidied gelatin and then slowly
covered with 200 μL of gelatin at approximately 30 °C. The
embedded tissue was snap-frozen at 50 °C immediately after.
RCC samples were cryosectioned (10 °C) at 14 or 20 μm
thickness with a 10-degree blade angle on a Microm 550
cryostat (Thermo Fisher; Walldorf, Germany), and thaw-
mounted onto indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides
(Bruker Daltonik). Finally, the samples were stored at 80 °C
until MSI measurement.
Prior to matrix application, the samples were removed from
the freezer, brought to room temperature, dried in a nitrogen-
rich environment using an ImagePrep device (Bruker
Daltonik), and stored under vacuum (300 mbar). Following
this, samples were either not washed at all or washed at room
temperature in 70% (v/v) ethanol/water and 100% ethanol for
20 s each with an interval of ve seconds drying time between
each wash. The latter probes were dried again under vacuum
(300 mbar) for 1 h at room temperature. After optical scanning
(TissueScout; Bruker Daltonik), the sections were coated with
5 mg/mL CHCA dissolved in dierent ratios of acetonitrile/
water/TFA using a SunCollect Dispenser System (SunChrom;
Friedrichsdorf, Germany). The matrix was sonicated and
ltered before being sprayed. SunChrom spray control
software v2.5 was used to deposit eight layers of matrix
using variable spray rates (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 μL/min; three
layers at 60 μL/min) at a speed of 900 mm/min. The line
Figure 1. Overview of the P. americana RCC (dorsal view) and its
junctions with brain and stomatogastric nervous system (SNS). The
black line indicates the area of the brain from which come the nerves
that supply the RCC with neurosecretion. Neurosecretory cells in the
pars intercerebralis and pars lateralis of the protocerebrum are
indicated by green and blue circles, respectively. Dotted lines
represent the respective pathways leading to the nervi corporis
cardiaci. NCC, nervus corporis cardiaci; NCA, nervus corporis allati;
NCS, nervus cardiostomatogastricus; SEG, subesophageal ganglion.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
distance (Y-direction) was set to 2 mm, and the spray-nozzle
height (Z-position) was 25 mm.
Immunohistochemistry. Samples were xed in 4%
paraformaldehyde diluted in phosphate-buered saline (PBS,
pH 7.2) at 4 °C for 30 min and subsequently washed three
times in PBS for 30 min. The samples were preincubated with
5% normal goat serum dissolved in PBS for 30 min and then
incubated for 12 h at 4 °C in rabbit anti-P. americana
corazonin serum (1:4000, kindly provided by J. Veenstra) and
mouse anti-Diploptera punctata allatostatin A-7 serum (1:200,
5F10 kindly provided by B. Stay) diluted in PBS. Following
washing (3 ×30 min), the samples were incubated with goat
anti-mouse Cy2 (1:500)- and goat anti-rabbit Cy3 (1:3000)-
tagged secondary antibodies (Jackson Immuno Research; West
Grove, PA) at 4 °C for 12 h. Finally, samples were mounted in
Entellan and stored at 4 °C.
Image Processing. Immunostainings were examined with
a confocal laser-scanning microscope (ZEISS LSM 510 Meta
system; Jena, Germany), equipped with an Apochromat 10×/
0.45W (NA 0.45) objective using the multitrack mode. Cy2
was excited at 492 nm and emission collected with a BP 505
530 lter, and Cy3 was excited at 543 nm and emission
collected via a LP 560 BP lter. Serial optical sections, each 0.9
μm thick, were analyzed and assembled into combined images
using the Zeiss LSM 5 image browser version 3. The nal
gures were exported and processed to adjust brightness and
contrast with Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software (Adobe Systems;
San Jose, CA).
Preparation of RCC Extracts. Extracts of P. americana
RCC were prepared as described.
Briey, a single P.
americana RCC was extracted in 20 μL of solution containing
50% methanol/water and 1% formic acid. Extracts were
sonicated for a few seconds and then centrifuged for 15 min at
13 000 rpm. Supernatants were transferred to fresh sample
tubes (0.5 mL) and either used for Quadrupole Orbitrap MS
or MALDI-TOF MSI. For MSI experiments, 0.3 μLof
supernatant was deposited on an ITO glass slide and allowed
to dry. Matrix was applied using the SunCollect sprayer as
described for imaging experiments. This procedure was
repeated three times to reduce batch eects, and the results
were compared. The extract was measured as a single spectrum
using the MSI-acquisition parameters as an imaged area
(average of 50 pixels per area).
MALDI-Mass-Spectrometry Imaging. MALDI-MSI was
performed using a rapieX MALDI-TOF Tissuetyper mass
spectrometer (Bruker Daltonik) in positive-ion-reector mode
over a mass range of m/z6003200, with a 15 μm laser-spot
size and a 15 μm lateral step size. For each measurement
position, 500 laser shots were accumulated using a Smartbeam
3D Nd:YAG (355 nm) at a frequency of 5000 Hz and a sample
rate of 1.25 GS/s with baseline subtraction (TopHat) during
acquisition. The instrument was calibrated using peptide-
calibration standard II spotted onto the matrix-coated ITO
glass slide, taking care that the spot did not obscure the tissue.
Ion images were generated using exImaging v. 5.0 and SCiLS
Lab MVS software version 2018a (Bruker Daltonik) with the
data normalized to the total ion count (TIC). Reduced data
(Bruker DAT les) were uploaded and preprocessed for a
time-of-ight (TOF) instrument in SCiLS and underwent
spatial-segmentation analysis using a bisecting-k-means-with-
correlation-distance approach.
The default pipeline was used
with the following modications: medium denoising and ±0.30
Da interval width. Ten RCC preparations with the
corresponding sections (35 sections of each RCC prepara-
tion) were analyzed using the MSI protocol.
Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry. The RCC
extract was analyzed with a Q-Exactive Plus (Thermo Fisher
Scientic; Waltham, MA) as described.
Prior to injection, the
sample was desalted using self-packed Stage Tip C18 spin
columns. Using PEAKS 8.5 (PEAKS Studio, BSI; Waterloo,
Canada) and MaxQuant (v., MPI; Martinsried,
Germany), MS2spectra were compared to an internal database
containing known P. americana neuropeptides
and the newly
annotated neuropeptide-like precursor 1 (NPLP1,
MH837510). For both pipelines, the maximum number of
PTMs (sulfation of Tyr, C-terminal amidation, cystine
formation, oxidation of Met and Trp, pyroglutamyl formation
on Glu and Gln, and N-terminal acetylation of Lys) per
peptide was set at ve and no digestion mode was selected. For
analyses using MaxQuant, the rst-search peptide tolerance
was set at 20 ppm, and the main-search peptide tolerance was
set at 4.5 ppm. The false-discovery rate (FDR) was set to 0.01
for peptide-spectrum match, and only peptides with a P-score
>60 were considered for manual inspection. For the peptide
search using PEAKS, the parent-mass error tolerance was set at
10 ppm, and the fragment-mass error tolerance was set at 0.05
Da. FDR below 1% and fragment spectra with a peptide score
(10 log P) equivalent to a P-value of about 1% were selected
and manually reviewed.
Statistics. Paired ttests were used to calculate the eects of
dierent method parameters (GraphPad Prism (v. 5.04); San
Diego, CA).
Conceptualization of an Imaging Protocol for Insect-
Neuropeptide Analysis. To yield as much neuropeptidomic
information as possible, we tested dierent approaches for
sample preparation utilized throughout the MALDI-MSI eld
(for a review, see Buchberger et al.).
As a guide, we used the
neuropeptide complement from an RCC extract detected with
the same setup for sample preparation (including the matrix
sprayer, matrix composition, and matrix-application proce-
dure) and MALDI-TOF (the same mass analyzer, ionization
technique, sample-target device, and instrument settings) that
were used for the imaging experiments. No signicant
degradations of peptides in any of our experiments were
found, an obvious advantage of using insect-tissue samples.
Analysis of the tissue extracts revealed 60 mature neuro-
peptides that could be assigned to 15 neuropeptide precursor
genes of P. americana (Table S1). Assignment of ion signals to
neuropeptides of P. americana was supported by MS2data from
quadrupole orbitrap analyses of an RCC extract (Figure S1).
For our rst MSI experiments with RCC sections, we adapted
a protocol for MALDI imaging of the honeybee brain
with a matrix sprayer for deposition of CHCA instead of a
matrix spotter. This approach revealed peptidomic information
that was much less comprehensive than that obtained from
RCC extracts. In fact, only few abundant peptides were
detected with weak spatial distributions (data not shown).
Therefore, we re-evaluated each experimental step to reach an
optimized MSI protocol suitable for comprehensive analysis of
neuropeptides in RCC tissue sections (see also Figure S2).
Step 1: Dissection. To avoid excessive release of peptides
during dissection, we used a cold saline solution during
preparation of the RCC. Before embedding, the isolated RCC
was washed in ice-cold deionized water for a few seconds to
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
remove the saline solution and to avoid salt-crystal formation
during the embeddingfreezing steps. As a general rule, short
dissection times of less than 5 min and strict avoidance of
direct contact of the RCC tissue with the forceps resulted in
more consistent mass spectra along the complete tissue
sections. For the transfer, we used the nerves that leave the
RCC toward the periphery.
Step 2: Embedding. The small size of the RCC
(approximately 0.5 ×1 mm) made it necessary to embed
the tissue prior to sectioning. Gelatin is an embedding
substrate known to be compatible with MALDI-MSI.
Chen et al. used 100 mg/mL gelatin in water for MALDI-
MSI of crustacean-brain neuropeptides;
this concentration
also worked with the much smaller RCC tissue. We also tested
gelatin concentrations ranging between 80 to 120 mg/mL
without obtaining better results; sectioning quality decreased
with lower gelatin concentrations, whereas the increased
density of more concentrated gelatin reduced the ability to
properly embed the samples. Accurate horizontal placement of
the RCC, which consists of two mirror-imaged parts, facilitated
quality control by comparison of peptide distribution in the
two parts. We found that optimal positioning was achieved by
using two layers of gelatin. The RCC was placed and oriented
on the solid lower layer; any remaining water was carefully
removed around the RCC by using a glass capillary before the
sample was slowly covered with the uid (warmer) gelatin.
Step 3: Cryosectioning. MSI of whole RCC has previously
been reported,
but thicker tissues are not highly electrically
conductive, which can result in poor spectra.
In addition,
only peptides located at the outer margin of the RCC are likely
to be analyzed when performing whole-tissue proling
combined with matrix spraying. In order to obtain uniform
tissue sections with reproducible mass-spectrometry proles,
tests were performed using dierent section thicknesses (520
μm), cutting temperatures (20 to 10 °C), and blade cutting
angles (520°). The best section quality without folding or
squeezing tissue sections was achieved with a blade angle of
10°, a temperature of 10 °C, and a tissue thickness of 1420
μm; although cutting thinner sections was possible, it was
more dicult to maintain tissue integrity. Tissue sections were
serially collected on ITO glass slides using manual control of
cutting pace and stored at 80 °C. For optimal peptide
coverage in mass spectra, the samples were dried under
vacuum at about 300 mbar for at least 12 h after defrosting.
Shorter drying times (e.g., 1 h) decreased the peptide coverage
signicantly (p= 0.0006, Figure S3).
Step 4: Ethanol Washes of Tissue Sections. Neuropeptide
analysis by MSI from crustacean neuronal tissues was reported
without washing for whole tissues and sections prior to matrix
MSI of neuropeptides from whole Drosophila
sections was performed without washing the tissue sections,
but the complete animals were immersed in ethanol prior to
The use of ethanol washes has been reported to
remove lipids and salts that can interfere with peptide and
protein signals.
We observed statistically signicant lower
neuropeptide coverage and strong interference from lipid
species when washing was omitted (ttest, p= 0.0004, Figure
S4). Two consecutive ethanol washes using rst 70% (v/v)
ethanol/water followed by absolute ethanol for 20 s each
provided the best coverage of neuropeptides in the samples
(Figure S4). After washing, the sections were dried again for at
least 1 h at 300 mbar to ensure removal of ethanol. The
ethanol concentrations used in our MSI experiments have been
reported for the detection of intact proteins
and slightly
modied from those used in the detection of A. mellifera brain
For the comparison of peptide coverage,
we selected regions of interest (ROIs; 200 ×200 μm) within
corpora allata tissue that showed more uniform peptidome in
consecutive sections compared with other parts of the RCC.
The average number of peptides identied within the ROIs
was signicantly higher for washed samples (10.63 ±1.133, N
= 8) than for samples prepared without washing steps (4.625 ±
0.7055, N= 8). The good neuropeptide coverage in the mass
spectra obtained from the washed samples was accompanied
by a slight decrease in the resolution of MSI ion maps. For
those peptides that were detectable in sections without
washing (e.g., pyrokinins), we therefore used both approaches
in parallel. The obtained dierences in resolution indicate a
certain degree of delocalization of peptides during the washing.
Therefore, further decreasing the laser-spot size or the size of
the matrix crystals might have little eect in these samples.
Step 5: Matrix Application. We used CHCA, which is a
matrix preferred for the detection of peptides and small
and has been reported for detecting neuropeptides
in MSI experiments on honeybee brains
and atworms.
For high-spatial-resolution measurements, smaller matrix-
crystal sizes are desirable as large crystals can lead to analyte
spread and require more energy for ionization.
The spraying
device employed in this study has previously been used for
detecting small molecules,
N-glycans, tryptic peptides,
and insect neuropeptides.
The chosen parameters (spray
rate, spray-head speed, spray-head distance from sample, and
number of cycles) were selected on the basis of a combination
of visual inspection of matrix deposition (size, even
distribution, no convergence of droplets) during the cycles
and analysis of peptide yields in subsequent mass-spectrometry
experiments. For example, when altering spray speeds and
rates, we ensured that the sprayed layers were completely dry
before starting the next layer and compared how many
neuropeptide signals were detected. In order to ensure
reproducible results, an ITO glass slide was always coated
with matrix to test the functionality of the sprayer. For that, the
glass slide was weighed, coated with matrix, and weighed again
to estimate the amount of deposited matrix. Coating of
samples commenced if the matrix evenly covered the slide and
weighed between 0.91.0 mg. The initial matrix composition,
5 mg/mL CHCA dissolved in 70% ACN/H2O with 0.1% TFA,
was successively modied to 5 mg/mL in 50% ACN/H2O with
2% TFA. Increasing TFA concentrations resulted in higher
neuropeptide signal intensities in the MSI spectra and a
signicant increase in peptide coverage (p= 0.0167, Figure
S5). Using these spraying conditions, we obtained matrix
crystals of about 20 μm, which corresponds roughly to the 15
μm laser-spot size used in our analyses. Smaller laser-spot sizes
(510 μm) were tested but failed to generate a full peptidome
in subsequent mass spectra.
High-Spatial-Resolution MALDI-MSI of Multicopy
Peptides in the RCC. A number of mature insect neuro-
peptides are processed as multiple copies (paracopies) from
precursor proteins. These paracopies are usually processed in
equimolar ratios. Among the known cockroach neuropeptides
present in the RCC, allatostatin A (AstA) peptides, extended
FMRFamides (FMRFs), myoinhibitory peptides (MIPs),
sulfakinins (SKs), kinins, and pyrokinins (PKs) have several
paracopies ranging in number from two (SKs) to 21
These paracopies ideally show (1) constant
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
relative signal intensities in the MSI spectra and (2) identical
spatial distributions. Hence, analysis of paracopies in MSI
spectra provides information regarding spectra quality.
MSI ion maps from a single section consistently veried
similar distributions of the dierent FMRF paracopies, which
all have specic sequences in P. americana (Figure 2A). The
presence of FMRF ion signals was consistent in the mass
spectra of the MSI tissue sections (Figure 2B) and the extract
samples that had been spotted on ITO glass slides before being
analyzed with the same MALDI-TOF equipment (Figure 2C).
Analysis of all sections of single RCCs also revealed the overall
distribution of these peptides along the RCC. It has to be
noted that the distribution of FMRFs in the RCC was resolved,
although these peptides showed low signal intensities in the
mass spectra from the RCC extracts (Figure 2C).
Dierential Distribution of Neuropeptides in the
RCCSNS. Subsequent to the conrmation that MSI spectra
show reliable spatial distributions of neuropeptide paracopies,
we analyzed the distributions of all mature neuropeptides
detected in our MSI spectra. Altogether, we observed ion
signals of 57 mature neuropeptides, a number that matches
well the number of neuropeptide ion signals obtained by
extract analysis (Table S1). The number of observed peptides
exceeded 100 if additional precursor peptides (cleavage
products without known functions) were included.
Figure 3 exemplarily shows neuropeptide distributions in
two RCC sections. The local accumulation of peptides from
various neuropeptide genes within the RCC diered
dramatically and recalled some old neuroanatomical studies
that described distinct axonal pathways within the seemingly
uniform RCC.
The ion maps only partially matched the
few available immunostainings depicting the distribution of
neuropeptides in the RCC, but they correspond to the data
obtained by direct tissue proling of parts of the RCC and
A brief summary of the distribution patterns of
neuropeptides in the RCCSNS, as revealed by MSI, is given
Myosuppressin and sk genes are both expressed in neuro-
secretory cells of the pars intercerebralis in the protocerebrum
with projection into the RCC via NCC-1. The neuropeptides
from these genes showed distinct accumulations within the
RCC (Figure 3A,B) that were dierent from each other and
from those of the other RFamide peptides, such as short
neuropeptide F (Figure 3C), and FMRFs (Figure 3F). For
kinins and MIPs, which were found by IHC in cells of the pars
lateralis and pars intercerebralis,
we also observed dierent
distribution patterns. Kinin accumulation was restricted to the
corpora cardiaca, whereas MIPs were more abundant along the
SNS (Figure 3D,E). As shown for PK-3, PKs were most
abundant around the corpora allata (Figure 3G); a detailed
description of the distribution of PKs is given in the following
section on prohormone processing. The two AKH peptides,
which are products of dierent genes, were restricted to the
glandular antero-dorsal part of the RCC (Figure 3J). The only
peptide entirely restricted to the SNS was proctolin (Figure
3K), whereas CCAP was observed in the neurohemal part of
the corpora cardiaca only (Figure 3L).
We also observed the spatial distributions of neuropeptides
not previously described by mass spectrometry in the RCC of
P. americana, such as allatotropin (AT; Figures 3I and S6) and
FMRFs (see above, Figure 2). AT showed a distribution
dierent from all other neuropeptides. Prominent ion signals
were detected both in the SNS and in the corpora cardiaca but
rarely in the corpora allata (Figure 3I). It is unknown how AT
enters the RCC, but on the basis of the MSI information, it
seems possible that AT reaches the corpora cardiaca through
NCC-1. This assumption was substantiated by direct peptide
proling of isolated NCC-1 using conventional MALDI-TOF
mass spectrometry (Figure S7). In addition to known
cockroach peptides, multiple products of the neuropeptide-
like precursor 1 (NPLP1), not reported in P. americana so far,
could be identied. Peptides from NPLP1 precursors have
been found in the CNS and RCC in several insects.
mass signals of 13 NPLP1 peptides were detected with
distributions mostly restricted to the neurohemal part of
corpora cardiaca (Figures 3H and S1 and Table S1).
Corazonin and AstA peptides, both of which were detected
using IHC in cells of the pars lateralis of the protocerebrum
Figure 2. FMRF paracopies in mass spectra from RCC preparations.
(A) MSI from a single tissue section showing the distributions of four
FMRFs, suggesting identical spatial distributions of these peptides in
the RCC. Section: 20 μm, scale bar: 200 μm, ion-intensity bar: 100
20%. (B) Mass spectrum obtained by means of MSI. The analyzed
spot is indicated in (A) by an arrow. (C) Mass spectrum obtained by
means of MSI of an aliquot of an RCC extract spotted on an ITO
glass slide. The matrix-spraying and MALDI-TOF equipment were
exactly the same as those as used for (B). The accuracy of mass
matching for peptide assignment was settled at ±0.25 Da.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
with projection via NCC-2 into the RCC,
showed dierent
distribution patterns. Corazonin signals were highly abundant
in the neurohemal part of the corpora cardiaca, the nervus
cardiostomatogastricus, and adjacent parts of the SNS (Figure
S6) but mostly not detectable along the corpora allata. This
was the other way around with AstA signals, which were weak
in the mass spectra of the neurohemal part of the corpora
cardiaca but, in most preparations, distinct around the corpora
allata and the posteriorly directed part of the SNS (nervus
esophageus). These dierences were not expected according to
IHC analyses. We therefore performed AstAcorazonin IHC
double staining on peripheral RCC sections with less complex
axon pathways and compared the staining patterns with the
MSI images from consecutive sections (Figure 4). The
resulting data conrmed that AstA and corazonin indeed
have dierent spatial distributions along the RCC (see also
Figure S6).
Dierential Prohormone Processing. An advantage of
MSI is the capability of detecting dierential prohormone
processing. In P. americana,dierential processing is only
demonstrated for the PK precursor. Although the full set of
PKs is processed in cell clusters of the SEG with projections to
Figure 3. MALDI-MSI ion maps conrming the dierential distribution within the RCCSNS of neuropeptides from 12 dierent genes. (A) Pea-
SK, m/z1443.6 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (B) Myosuppressin (pQ), m/z1257.6 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (C) Short
neuropeptide F, m/z1315.7 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (D) Kinin-1, m/z949.5 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10040%. (E) MIP-2,
m/z1389.6 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10035%. (F) FMRF-15, m/z1159.6 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (G) PK-3, m/z996.6 ±
0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (H) NPLP-1, m/z1585.8 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (I) Allatotropin, m/z1366.7 ±0.25 Da,
ion-intensity bar: 10020%. (J) AKH-1, m/z973.5 ±0.20 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10010%. (K) Proctolin, m/z649.4 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar:
10020%. (L) CCAP, m/z956.5 ±0.25 Da, ion-intensity bar: 10040% (see Figure 1 for an overview of the architecture of RCCSNS). Scale bar
(white): 600 μm, section thicknesses: (AI) 20 μm and (JL) 14 μm.
Figure 4. Distribution of corazonin and AstA analyzed in serial RCC sections by (A) immunohistochemistry and (B) MSI (the more peripheral
section). Data obtained by both methods conrmed the dierent spatial distributions of corazonin and AstA, which are produced in cells of the pars
lateralis of the brain, along the RCC. Labeling on the RCC margin is likely due to autouorescence (detached gelatin). Scale bar: 200 μm, section
thickness: 20 μm. Ion-intensity bar: 10020%. The accuracy of mass matching for peptide assignment was settled at ±0.25 Da.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
the RCC via NCA-2, few cells in the brain with projections
into the RCC via NCC-1 do not process PK-1, and mass
spectra of NCC-1, therefore, did not show ion signals of this
MSI spectra from the RCC conrmed these data (Figure
5). In the anterior corpora cardiaca near the junction with
NCC-1, all PKs except PK1 were detectable, whereas all PKs
were prominent in the neurohemal part of the RCC near the
entrance of NCA-2 and in the corpora allata.
Two of the PKs (PK-1 and PK-3) have ion signals with
similar masses to those of sodium- and potassium-adduct ions
of AKHs. In MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, AKHs are
represented only by these adducts, but ion maps veried that
even a mass dierence of only 0.2 Da was sucient to
discriminate between these peptides (Figure S8). A previous
MSI study of whole RCC tissue showed similar ion-signal
Once the accuracy of our MSI analyses was conrmed, we
tested a bioinformatic approach based on the information
obtained in MSI experiments. Application of spatial-segmenta-
tion analysis to a single RCC section enabled the assignment of
the main compartments within the RCCSNS (Figure 6).
These regions correspond to the corpora allata and adjoining
nervi corporis allati-1, the corpora cardiaca glandular area, the
corpora cardiaca neurohemal area, and the SNS. This result
demonstrates statistical discrimination among the dierent
areas, independent from any a priori knowledge. Interestingly,
the neurohemal area within the corpora cardiaca is further
dierentiated in three subcompartments; an anterior part
surrounding the glandular tissue of the corpora cardiaca, a
posterior portion with nervi cardiostomatogastrici and
adjoining tissue, and the portion of the corpora cardiaca
located between these parts. The respective dendrogram shows
that the latter two compartments are more closely related to
each other than to the neuroglandular area or the SNS.
This study provides an MSI workow for analysis of
neuropeptides in insect neuroendocrine tissues that results in
a comprehensive neuropeptidome with high reproducibility,
ion-signal quality, and spatial resolution. Seemingly minor
changes of established protocols produced an overall view of
neuropeptide distributions with high-spatial resolution using
conventional MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry equipment.
Novelties included the distinct accumulation of dierent
neuropeptides in the RCCSNS, which even holds for
neuropeptides produced in dierent cell populations within a
cell cluster.
MSI experiments can potentially be incorporated in
neuroscience-related topics such as complex changes in the
neuropeptidome of insects that might be associated with
development or adaptations induced by environmental stress
(e.g., xenobiotics). The presented sample-preparation protocol
can certainly be used for other MALDI-MSI instrumentation,
including those with higher mass or spatial resolutions (e.g.,
MALDI-FT-ICR and AP-SMALDI-Orbitrap). Enhanced later-
al resolution may be possible particularly in combination with
spraying devices that result in smaller matrix-crystal sizes or
sublimation/re-extraction procedures.
Commonly used
washing steps prior to matrix application potentially result in
analyte spreading and therefore might neutralize attempts to
obtain better lateral resolution. For RCC tissue, alternative
Figure 5. (A) Ion maps of four PKs indicating dierential processing of the PK precursor. (B) Four PKs detected in the posterior part of the RCC,
which mostly contains PKs processed in cells of the SEG. (C) Anterior corpus cardiacum tissue, which receives neuropeptides from the brain,
showing no PK-1 ion signals. Section thickness: 20 μm; scale bar: 200 μm; ion-intensity bar: 10020%, except for m/z883.5 (10035%). The
accuracies of mass matching for peptide assignment were settled at ±0.25 Da for PK-2, -3, and -4 and at ±0.001 Da for PK-1. Tissue sections were
not washed with ethanol prior to matrix spraying.
Figure 6. Spatial segmentation analysis of MSI data from a single
RCC section. Dierent levels in the segmentation dendrogram
represent distinct regions of the RCC corresponding to the corpora
allata (CA) and nervi corporis allati-1 (NCA-1) and the glandular and
neurohemal corpora cardiaca (CC). The neurohemal part of the
corpora cardiaca is further subdivided into three subcompartments.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
tests without washes are rewarding, given that the peptide of
interest is detectable with spatial resolution. If peptidomics
information needs to include more extensive neuropeptide
complement, washing steps are indispensable. In this context,
the experiments presented in this study may serve as a guide
when starting with other tissue preparations.
SSupporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the
ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.anal-
List of mature neuropeptides from 15 precursor genes of
P. americana; quadrupole orbitrap MS2spectra of P.
americana neuropeptides; workow for MSI sample
preparation optimized for insect neuroendocrine tissue
(RCC); comparison of peptide coverage in tissue
sections dried for 1 or 12 h before washing; comparison
of peptide coverage in tissue sections with and without
successive ethanol washes; comparison of peptide
coverage in tissue sections after matrix spraying (5
mg/mL CHCA in 50% ACN/H2O) with matrix solution
containing 0.1 or 2% TFA; distribution of allatostatinA-
11, corazonin, and allatotropin in consecutive RCC
sections; MALDI-TOF direct tissue proling of a
dissected nervus corporis cardiaci 1; and discrimination
between mass-similar neuropeptides (PDF)
Corresponding Authors
*E-mail: Tel.: +49-221-470-5817
*E-mail: Tel.: +49-221-470-8267
*E-mail: Tel.:+49-421-220-54782 (A.L.).
*E-mail: Tel.: +49-221-470-
8592 (L.R.).
Lapo Ragionieri: 0000-0003-0099-2719
Sander Liessem: 0000-0002-7073-2659
Susanne Neupert: 0000-0003-1562-5743
Present Address
M.B.: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Company KG,
88397 Biberach an der Riss, Germany
Author Contributions
A.L. and L.R. contributed equally. All authors contributed to
the writing and have given approval to the nal version of the
interest(s): A.L. and S.O.D. were employees of Bruker
Daltonik GmbH for the duration of this study. M.B. was an
employee of Bruker for part of this study.
This project was supported by a European Commission
Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Grant 634361 (nEU-
ROSTRESSPEP); the German Research Foundation (PR 766/
11-1); and the Graduate School for Biological Sciences,
Cologne (DFG-RTG 1960: Neural Circuit Analysis of the
Cellular and Subcellular Level). We thank Susanne Hecht
(Bruker Daltonik GmbH) for help in sample preparation.
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Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04304
Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 19801988
... Here, based on previously published protocols for neuropeptidergic MSI analysis of invertebrate tissue samples (e.g. Chen & Li, 2010;Ly et al., 2019;Pratavieira et al., 2014), we optimized and further developed sample preparation steps for MALDI-MSI of ant brains, and evaluated their accuracy comparing TK immunostaining and MALDI-MSI ion signal patterns on consecutive brain sections. Overall, we were able to obtain molecular images for peptides encoded on 16 genes. ...
... Appropriate section thickness, cutting angle, and sample cutting temperature are crucial parameters for high quality, reproducible brain tissue sections (e.g. Buchberger et al., 2018;Ly et al., 2019;Yang & Caprioli, 2011). Therefore, we tested different tissue cutting angles (5° to 25°), cutting temperatures (−30°C to −5°C), and brain section thicknesses (10 to 25 µm). ...
... Therefore, we tested different tissue cutting angles (5° to 25°), cutting temperatures (−30°C to −5°C), and brain section thicknesses (10 to 25 µm). The most efficient neuropeptide detection was achieved in 14 µm brain sections produced with a cutting angle of 10° at −10°C, which was described as the optimal procedure for MSI analysis of cockroach neuroendocrine tissue (Ly et al., 2019). Using these parameters, we sliced the brain into 14 µm thick sections using a CryoStar NX50 and thaw-mounted them on indium tin oxide coated glass slides (ITO slides; Delta Technologies Limited). ...
Full-text available
Behavioral flexibility is an important cornerstone for the ecological success of animals. Social Cataglyphis nodus ants with their age‐related polyethism characterized by age‐related behavioral phenotypes represent a prime example for behavioral flexibility. We propose neuropeptides as powerful candidates for the flexible modulation of age‐related behavioral transitions in individual ants. As the neuropeptidome of C. nodus was unknown, we collected a comprehensive peptidomic data set obtained by transcriptome analysis of the ants’ central nervous system combined with brain extract analysis by Q‐Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and direct tissue profiling of different regions of the brain by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight (MALDI‐TOF) MS. In total, we identified 71 peptides with likely bioactive function, encoded on 49 neuropeptide‐, neuropeptide‐like, and protein hormone prepropeptide genes, including a novel neuropeptide‐like gene (fliktin). We next characterized the spatial distribution of a subset of peptides encoded on 16 precursor proteins with high resolution by MALDI MS imaging (MALDI MSI) on 14 µm brain sections. The accuracy of our MSI data were confirmed by matching the immunostaining patterns for tachykinins with MSI ion images from consecutive brain sections. Our data provide a solid framework for future research into spatially resolved qualitative and quantitative peptidomic changes associated with stage‐specific behavioral transitions and the functional role of neuropeptides in Cataglyphis ants. image
... The relative simplicity of the insect nervous system has made possible the unambiguous identification of neurosecretory cells and cell groups, and direct analysis of the contents of individual neurosecretory cell bodies and neurohemal organs has identified the neuropeptides and amines that they express (see Orchard and Lange, 1985;Copenhaver and Truman, 1986;Lange et al., 1988Lange et al., , 1989Predel et al., 2004;Neupert et al 2007;Ly et al, 2019). Interestingly, it is a characteristic of neurosecretory cells to have an opalescent blue-white appearance under reflected light that allows them to be visualized in living preparations. ...
... The molecular characterizations performed so far have focused essentially on two different molecular classes. Nevertheless, they have provided an extensive and reliable inventory of neuropeptides in brain sections of A. millifera, P. americana, and C. nodus [76][77][78] and lipid compounds in the body sections of D. melanogaster and A. stephensi [27,79,80] (Supplementary Table S1). In bees, for example, the localization and the concentration of neuropeptides AmTRP-5 and AmAST-1 in the brain depending on their age was associated with their task inside the hive and outdoor [81] ( Table 1). ...
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Classic metabolomic methods have proven to be very useful to study functional biology and variation in the chemical composition of different tissues. However, they do not provide any information in terms of spatial localization within fine structures. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) does and reaches at best a spatial resolution of 0.25 μm depending on the laser setup, making it a very powerful tool to analyze the local complexity of biological samples at the cellular level. Here, we intend to give an overview of the diversity of the molecules and localizations analyzed using this method as well as to update on the latest adaptations made to circumvent the complexity of samples. MALDI MSI has been widely used in medical sciences and is now developing in research areas as diverse as entomology, microbiology, plant biology, and plant–microbe interactions, the rhizobia symbiosis being the most exhaustively described so far. Those are the fields of interest on which we will focus to demonstrate MALDI MSI strengths in characterizing the spatial distributions of metabolites, lipids, and peptides in relation to biological questions.
... Also, due to the varying distribution of analytes across a tissue, the motion of constantly rastering across the tissue makes it difficult to be able to fragment a mass that was originally detected in a previous raster step. Thus, accurate mass matching followed by subsequent tissue extract ESI MS/MS analysis (Ly et al., 2019) have been common ways to identify analytes. With the development of modern instrumentation, such as the HRAM Orbitrap, identification of analytes with similar masses has become more reliable (Verhaert et al., 2010). ...
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Due to their involvement in numerous biochemical pathways, neuropeptides have been the focus of many recent research studies. Unfortunately, classic analytical methods, such as western blots and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays, are extremely limited in terms of global investigations, leading researchers to search for more advanced techniques capable of probing the entire neuropeptidome of an organism. With recent technological advances, mass spectrometry (MS) has provided methodology to gain global knowledge of a neuropeptidome on a spatial, temporal, and quantitative level. This review will cover key considerations for the analysis of neuropeptides by MS, including sample preparation strategies, instrumental advances for identification, structural characterization, and imaging; insightful functional studies; and newly developed absolute and relative quantitation strategies. While many discoveries have been made with MS, the methodology is still in its infancy. Many of the current challenges and areas that need development will also be highlighted in this review.
A thorough understanding of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of insecticide candidates is essential in insecticide development and structural optimization. Here, ADME of pyraquinil, a novel insecticidal GABA receptor antagonist, in Plutella xylostella larvae during the accumulation phase and depuration phase was investigated separately using a combination of UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap, HPLC-MS/MS, and MALDI-MSI. Five new metabolites of pyraquinil were identified, and a metabolic pathway was proposed. The oxidative metabolite (pyraquinil-sulfone) was identified as the main metabolite and confirmed by its standard. Quantitative results showed that pyraquinil was taken up by the larvae rapidly and then undergone a cytochrome P450s-mediated oxidative transformation into pyraquinil-sulfone. Both fecal excretion and oxidative metabolism were demonstrated to be predominant ways to eliminate pyraquinil in P. xylostella larvae during accumulation, while oxidative metabolism followed by fecal excretion was probably the major pathway during depuration. MALDI-MSI revealed that pyraquinil was homogeneously distributed in the larvae, while pyraquinil-sulfone presented a continuous enrichment in the midgut during accumulation. Conversely, pyraquinil-sulfone located in hemolymph can be preferentially eliminated during depuration, suggesting its tissue tropism. It improves the understanding of the fate of pyraquinil in P. xylostella and provides useful information for insecticidal mechanism elucidation and structural optimization of pyraquinil.
Neuropeptides (NPs), a unique class of neuronal signaling molecules, participate in a variety of physiological processes and diseases. Quantitative measurements of NPs provide valuable information regarding how these molecules are differentially regulated in a multitude of neurological, metabolic, and mental disorders. Mass spectrometry (MS) has evolved to become a powerful technique for measuring trace levels of NPs in complex biological tissues and individual cells using both targeted and exploratory approaches. There are inherent challenges to measuring NPs, including their wide endogenous concentration range, transport and postmortem degradation, complex sample matrices, and statistical processing of MS data required for accurate NP quantitation. This review highlights techniques developed to address these challenges and presents an overview of quantitative MS-based measurement approaches for NPs, including the incorporation of separation methods for high-throughput analysis, MS imaging for spatial measurements, and methods for NP quantitation in single neurons. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry Volume 15 is June 2022. Please see for revised estimates.
To our knowledge, this was the first study in which caffeic acid (CA) was successfully evaluated as a matrix to enhance the in situ detection and imaging of endogenous proteins in three biological tissue sections (i.e., rat brain, Capparis masaikai and germinating soybean seeds) by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI). Our results show several properties of CA, including strong ultraviolet absorption, super-wide MS detection mass range close to 200,000 Da, μm-sized matrix crystals, uniform matrix deposition, and high ionization efficiency. More high molecular weight (HMW) protein ion signals (m/z > 30,000) could be clearly detected in biological tissues with the use of CA, compared to two commonly used MALDI matrices, i.e., sinapinic acid (SA) and ferulic acid (FA). Notably, CA shows excellent performance for HMW protein in situ detection from biological tissues in the mass range m/z > 80,000, compared to the use of SA and FA. Furthermore, the use of CA matrix also significantly enhanced the imaging of protein on the surface of selected biological tissue sections. Three HMW protein ion signals (m/z 50,419, m/z 65,874, and m/z 191,872) from rat brain, two sweet proteins (mabinlin-2 and mabinlin-4) from Capparis masaikai seed, and three HMW protein ion signals (m/z 94,838, m/z 134,204, and m/z 198,738) from germinating soybean seed were successfully imaged for the first time. Our study proves that CA has the potential to become a standard organic acid matrix for enhanced tissue imaging of HMW proteins by MALDI-MSI in both animal and plant tissues.
Full-text available
The bed bug Cimex lectularius is a globally distributed human ectoparasite with fascinating biology. It has recently acquired resistance against a broad range of insecticides, causing a worldwide increase in bed bug infestations. The recent annotation of the bed bug genome revealed a full complement of neuropeptide and neuropeptide receptor genes in this species. With regard to the biology of C. lectularius, neuropeptide signalling is especially interesting since it regulates feeding, diuresis, digestion as well as reproduction, and also provides potential new targets for chemical control. To identify which neuropeptides are translated from the genome-predicted genes, we performed a comprehensive peptidomic analysis of the central nervous system of the bed bug. We identified in total 144 different peptides from 29 precursors, of which at least 67 likely present bioactive mature neuropeptides.C. lectularius corazonin and myosuppressin are unique and deviate considerably from the canonical insect consensus sequences. Several identified neuropeptides likely act as hormones as evidenced by the occurence of respective mass signals and immunoreactivity in neurohemal structures. Our data provides the most comprehensive peptidome of a Heteropteran species so far, and in comparison suggest that a hematophageous life style does not require qualitative adaptations of the insect peptidome.
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We describe an atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry imaging system that uses long-distance laser triangulation on a micrometer scale to simultaneously obtain topographic and molecular information from 3D surfaces. We studied the topographic distribution of compounds on irregular 3D surfaces of plants and parasites, and we imaged nonplanar tissue sections with high lateral resolution, thereby eliminating height-related signal artifacts. © 2017 Nature America, Inc., part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
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Tissue regeneration is a complex process that involves a mosaic of molecules that vary spatially and temporally. Insights into the chemical signaling underlying this process can be achieved with a multiplex and untargeted chemical imaging method such as mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), which can enable de novo studies of nervous system regeneration. A combination of MSI and multivariate statistics was used to differentiate peptide dynamics in the freshwater planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea at different time points during cephalic ganglia regeneration. A protocol was developed to make S. mediterranea tissues amenable for MSI. MS ion images of planarian tissue sections allow changes in peptides and other unknown compounds to be followed as a function of cephalic ganglia regeneration. In conjunction with fluorescence imaging, our results suggest that even though the cephalic ganglia structure is visible after 6 days of regeneration, the original chemical composition of these regenerated structures is regained only after 12 days. Differences were observed in many peptides, such as those derived from secreted peptide 4 and EYE53-1. Peptidomic analysis further identified multiple peptides from various known prohormones, histone proteins, and DNA- and RNA-binding proteins as being associated with the regeneration progress. Mass spectrometry data also facilitated the identification of a new prohormone, which we have named secreted peptide prohormone 20 (SPP-20), which is upregulated during regeneration in planarians.
Formalin-fixed neuroendocrine tissues from American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) embedded in paraffin more than 30 years ago were recently analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI), to reveal the histological localization of more than 20 peptide ions. These represented protonated, and other cationic species of, at least, 14 known neuropeptides. The characterization of peptides in such historical samples was made possible by a novel sample preparation protocol rendering the endogenous peptides readily amenable to MSI analysis. The protocol comprises brief deparaffinization steps involving xylene and ethanol, and is further devoid of conventional aqueous washing, buffer incubations, or antigen retrieval steps. Endogenous secretory peptides that are typically highly soluble are therefore retained in-tissue with this protocol. The method is fully ‘top-down’, i.e., without laborious in situ enzymatic digestion that typically disturbs the detection of low-abundance endogenous peptides by MSI. Peptide identifications were supported by accurate mass, on-tissue tandem MS analyses, and by earlier MALDI-MSI results reported for freshly prepared P. americana samples. In contrast to earlier literature accounts stating that MALDI-MSI detection of endogenous peptides is possible only in fresh or freshly frozen tissues, or exceptionally in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) material of less than 1 year old, we demonstrate that MALDI-MSI works for endogenous peptides in FFPE tissue of up to 30 years old. Our findings put forward a useful method for digestion-free, high-throughput analysis of endogenous peptides from FFPE samples, and offer the potential for re-investigating archived and historically interesting FFPE material, such as those stored in hospital biobanks.
The aggressiveness in honeybees seems to be regulated by multiple genes, under the influence of different factors, such as polyethism of workers, environmental factors, and response to alarm pheromones, creating a series of behavioral responses. It is suspected that neuropeptides seem to be involved with the regulation of the aggressive behavior. The role of allatostatin and tachykinin-related neuropeptides in honeybee brain during the aggressive behavior is unknown; thus, worker honeybees were stimulated to attack and to sting leather targets hanged in front of the colonies. The aggressive individuals were collected and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen; the heads were removed, and sliced at sagittal plan. The brain slices were submitted to MALDI-Spectral-Imaging analysis, and the results of the present study reported the processing of the precursors proteins into mature forms of the neuropeptides AmAST A (59-76) (AYTYVSEYKRLPVYNFGL-NH2), AmAST A (69-76) (LPVYNFGL-NH2), AmTRP (88 – 96) (APMGFQGMR-NH2), and AmTRP (254 – 262) (ARMGFHGMR-NH2), which apparently acted in different neuropils of honeybee brain, during the aggressive behavior, possibly playing the neuromodulation of different aspects of this complex behavior. These results were biologically validated performing aggressiveness-related behavioral assays, using young honeybee workers that received 1 ng of AmAST A (69-76) or AmTRP (88 – 96) via hemocele. The young workers that were not expected to be aggressive individuals, presented a complete series of the aggressive behaviors, in presence of the neuropeptides, corroborating the hypothesis that correlates the presence of mature AmASTs A and AmTRPs in honeybee brain with the aggressiveness of this insect.
One of the most thoroughly studied insect species, with respect to locomotion behaviour, is the stick insect Carausius morosus. Although detailed information exists on premotor networks controlling walking, surprisingly little is known about neuropeptides, which are certainly involved in motor activity generation and modulation. So far, only few neuropeptides were identified from C. morosus or related stick insects. We performed a transcriptome analysis of the central nervous system to assemble and identify 65 neuropeptide and protein hormone precursors of C. morosus, including five novel putative neuropeptide precursors without clear homology to known neuropeptide precursors of other insects (Carausius neuropeptide-like precursor 1, HanSolin, PK-like1, PK-like2, RFLamide). Using Q Exactive Orbitrap and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, 277 peptides including 153 likely bioactive mature neuropeptides were confirmed. Peptidomics yielded a complete coverage for many of the neuropeptide propeptides and confirmed a surprisingly high number of heterozygous sequences. Few neuropeptide precursors commonly occurring in insects, including those of insect kinins and sulfakinins, could neither be found in the transcriptome data nor did peptidomics support their presence. The results of our study represent one of the most comprehensive peptidomic analyses on insects and provide the necessary input for subsequent experiments revealing neuropeptide function in greater detail.
Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a powerful tool that enables untargeted investigations into the spatial distribution of molecular species in a variety of samples. It has the capability to image thousands of molecules, such as metabolites, lipids, peptides, proteins, and glycans, in a single experiment without labeling. The combination of information gained from mass spectrometry (MS) and visualization of spatial distributions in thin sample sections makes this a valuable chemical analysis tool useful for biological specimen characterization. After minimal but careful sample preparation, the general setup of an MSI experiment involves defining an (x, y) grid over the surface of the sample, with the grid area chosen by the user. The mass spectrometer then ionizes the molecules on the surface of the sample and collects a mass spectrum at each pixel on the section, with the resulting spatial resolution defined by the pixel size. After collecting the spectra, computational software can be used to select an individual mass-to-charge (m/z) value, and the intensity of the m/z is extracted from each pixel’s spectrum. These intensities are then combined into a heat map image depicting the relative distribution of that m/z value throughout the sample’s surface. In order to determine the identity of a specific m/z value, tandem MS (MS/MS) fragmentation can be performed on ions from each pixel, and the fragments can be used to piece together the structure of the unknown molecule. Otherwise, the molecule can be identified based on its intact mass by accurate mass matching to databases of known molecules within a certain mass error range. Overall, the aim of this review is to provide an informative resource for those in the MSI community who are interested in improving MSI data quality and analysis or using MSI for novel applications. Particularly, we discuss advances from the last two years in sample preparation, instrumentation, quantitation, statistics, and multi-modal imaging that have allowed MSI to emerge as a powerful technique in various biomedical applications including clinical settings. Also, several novel biological applications are highlighted to demonstrate the potential for the future of the MSI field.
The pomace fly or fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is known as a cost-effective model organism widely used to study neurological diseases and metabolite-related diseases. Among these metabolites, lipids play important roles in energy homeostasis, metabolism, membrane structure, and signaling. Although the Drosophila lipidome has been described in previous studies, there is only a little information on the localization and distribution of the various lipid classes and species in the fly. In this work, high-resolution atmospheric pressure scanning microprobe matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (AP-SMALDI) mass spectrometry imaging was performed in order to determine the spatially resolved distribution of metabolites of D. melanogaster, with a focus on the tissue-specific characteristic regional distributions of identified compounds from 20 μm thick cryosections of the fly. We identified and characterized the anatomical distribution of a total of 97 lipids, 62 of them identified as glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids and 35 of them as glycerolipids, in three biological replicates of the fly with a consistent anatomical distribution using 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) as a matrix for soft ionization in positive-ion mode with a pixel size of 5–10 μm. Furthermore, we used para-nitroaniline as a matrix for both the positive- and negative-ion mode, enabling the identification of 89 deprotonated lipids in negative-ion mode. Among them, 48 have been identified in both positive- (protonated) and negative-ion (deprotonated) mode within the mass accuracy of ±3 ppm. All ion images were separated according to their localization principally into head, posterior region and whole body of the fly. The spatial identity especially of Drosophila brain metabolites, including lipids, small metabolites and neuropeptides, will provide the possibility of studying neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, we additionally mapped the distribution of neuropeptides in coronal Drosophila brain sections. Furthermore, several lipophilic male- and female-specific sex pheromones were identified, differentiated, and characterized according to their typical distribution pattern in mated and virgin flies. We report on an efficient method for the preparation of improved tissue sections after ethanol dehydration and 5% carboxymethylcellulose and gelatin embedding, capable of maintaining the tissue integrity of the whole fly, which was a challenge due to the hard cuticle and heterogeneous tissue types of this insect. Moreover, our instrumentation with a high spatial resolution, mass resolution and mass accuracy combined with on-tissue MS/MS imaging overcomes common limitations typically observed with low resolution mass spectrometric imaging, such as insufficient spatial resolution which cannot deliver precise and detailed information from the internal organ-specific tissues, and uncertainties of generated signals based on low mass accuracy and resolution. By using DHB, our approach allowed the identification of protonated, sodiated and potassiated lipid species within a mass accuracy of ±1 ppm and lipophilic pheromones within ±3 ppm with a spatial resolution set up within 5–15 μm at a high detection sensitivity of the instrumentation.
On-tissue digestion matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) is able to record spatially correlated molecular information from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections. In this work we present the in-situ multimodal analysis of N-linked glycans and proteins from the same FFPE tissue section. The robustness and applicability of the method are demonstrated for several tumors, including epithelial and mesenchymal tumor types. Major analytical aspects, such as lateral diffusion of the analyte molecules and differences in measurement sensitivity due to the additional sample preparation methods have been investigated for both N-glycans and proteolytic peptides. By combining the MSI approach with extract analysis we were also able to assess which mass spectral peaks generated by MALDI-MSI could be assigned to unique N-glycan and peptide identities.
This chapter focuses on proopiomelanocortin-based (POMC) opioid peptide. The major opioid peptide derived from POMC is P-endorphin (1-31). Its immediate precursor is β-lipotropin (β-LPH), which is processed to λ-LPH and β-endorphin. It is expressed in the pituitary and in various regions of the brain, notably the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus. Many of the areas that express β-endorphin have been implicated in the pain response, including the hypothalamic, limbic, raphe, and pontine nuclei. β-endorphin is also present in the median eminence, the ventromedial border of the third ventricle, the thalamus, midbrain, hippocampus, dorsal colliculae, the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of the caudal medulla, and the spinal cord. In the spinal cord some POMC-peptide expression is in neuronal processes of supraspinal origin, but some is in neurons intrinsic to the spinal cord. It contains the pentapeptide opioid sequence at its N-terminal, which is responsible for its analgesic potency and its roles in euphoria and drug dependence. The C-terminal dipeptide probably also confers biological activity, including trophic actions and reduction of muscle fatigue during exercise. β-endorphin can be processed in some tissues by C-terminal proteolysis to the biologically active derivatives β-endorphin and glycylglutamine.