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Spatial assesment and impact of artisanal fisheries’ activity in Cap de Creus

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... They found a positive linear relationship between the species composition of fisheries offices and both latitude and longitude data. Albet (2010), focused on the region of Cap de Creus' fishing activities with a spatial assessment. A spatial distribution activity is presented with co mbin ing existing data of artisanal fisheries' components together with gathered substrate type and seabed composition. ...
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Fishing ports are the vital constituent of the fishery industry of Turkey. With governmental contribution, the number of the fishing ports reached to 366 alongside of the shores and the collected fish volume has been in increasing trend. However, there are differences in the location characteristics and technical infrastructure so that each facility’s success level is measured differently with convenient parameters. To increase the performance of fishing ports, for their better utilization, and also to understand which of them can be transformed to regional centers a classification is needed. With the transformation to the regional centers, i.e. the infrastructure improvements of the facilities and providing multiple services such as tourism and transportation activities; the efficiency of the ports can be increased. In this paper, a classification methodology is developed and it is tested. While applying the methodology, expert workshops are carried out to represent current fishery environment in Turkey. In the meetings, decision criteria are discussed by participating over 200 experts in the field. f-AHP and GIS/Spatial Analysis is used to analyze spatial suitability. Results of the study showed that the methodology is capable of dealing with spatial and non-spatial characteristics of the data-set and determine the convenient alternatives.
Conference Paper
Submarine canyons have long been considered important areas for marine life supporting especially abundant and unique communities of megafauna (including sometimes species not observed in other habitats). These emerged valleys provide also important habitats for various life stages of benthic and demersal fishes and invertebrates along continental margins. Indeed, submarine canyons are recurrent sources of habitat heterogeneity that may also serve as ‘keystone structures’. Besides this enhanced biodiversity, only few studies have reported the affinity between canyons and the aggregation of top predators (like marine mammals, sharks and tuna) in such areas. This work provides to underline the importance of canyons in the ecology of sperm whales inside the Mediterranean basin. Certainly this ‘isolated’ population, as Cuvier’s beaked whale which is also a deep diver cetacean, seems to use areas with special topographic features as habitat. In order to provide distribution and abundance estimates of the sperm whale population, ISHMAEL project financed by TOTAL Foundation have been developed by the Biology Department of the University of Genoa. More than 472 acoustic stations covering Ligurian and Corsican seas have been monitored using single omnidirectional hydrophone. Sperm whale has been detected in 12.7% of acoustic stations. Correlation between whale presence and some physical features of the area have been established. Whales distribution pattern suggest variable wide habitat used by this deep-diving species. In fact, preliminary results may indicate that sperm whale are distributed off the coast of Liguria, Corsica and Sardinia, concentrating mainly in correspondence of a selected number of submarine canyons and seamounts as well as in a limited number of ephemeral oceanographic structures. This study will help to define year round possible habitat areas of sperm whale inside the Mediterranean basin. The refuge role of submarine canyons may be especially important for protecting cetacean populations from extirpation in ecological cul-de-sacs.
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O presente estudo pretende contribuir para a definição da linha da máxima preia-mar de águas vivas equinociais (LMPMAVE) no litoral sul do Algarve, de modo a fornecer os elementos necessários para a delimitação física do leito e da margem das águas do mar enunciada na Lei nº 54/2005, de 15 de Novembro. Os resultados apresentados assentam em informação cartográfica à escala 1/2000 ou superior e em treze anos de observação e medições experimentais sistemáticas, que traduzem as condições morfológicas actuais. Como ponto de partida, foram desenvolvidas equações empíricas, baseadas em dados experimentais recolhidos no terreno do litoral sul do Algarve, para o cálculo da altura do espraiamento das vagas em condições de agitação média do mar. A solução empírica obtida para as arribas não alcantiladas tem a fórmula geral: cota LMPMAVE = 4m + 6.90 tan β. Da aplicação desta equação resultam cotas da LMPMAVE que oscilam entre os 5.2m e os 7.5m (ZH), para a gama de declives medida no terreno. No caso das arribas, onde não existe variação da morfologia, a aplicação das soluções no terreno é imediata, bastando, para tanto, associar a LMPMAVE à curva de nível correspondente à cota de espraio obtida na equação, para o declive da arriba em causa. A equação sintética, que permite calcular a cota da LMPMAVE (m-ZH) em função do declive médio (β) das praias, tem a forma: cota LMPMAVE = 4m + 15.0 tan β. As cotas da LMPMAVE, calculadas a partir da equação e do declive médio das praias, atingem valores máximos de 6.5m (ZH) nas praias mais expostas à acção da agitação marítima, onde a granulometria é mais grosseira, concentrando-se na vizinhança do cabo de Alfanzina (praia do Carvalho) e da ponta do Castelo (praia do Evaristo). Nas praias mais abrigadas da agitação marítima dominante e onde a granulometria é mais fina, a cota da LMPMAVE é apenas 5.0m (ZH). Tal sucede na praia da Rocha, em parcelas da Meia Praia, da praia de Alvor e no sector a leste de Monte Gordo. Nas restantes praias, as cotas da LMPMAVE, calculadas a partir dos seus declives médios, atingem valores entre 5.5m e 6.0m (ZH). Da imprecisão de demarcação da LMPMAVE associada a uma curva de nível nas praias submetidas a alterações morfológicas resultou a necessidade de olhar para o problema de forma diversa, mais abrangente, tendo em mente o espírito da Lei e a necessidade da sua concretização no terreno. A alteração essencial reside na abordagem do domínio público marítimo numa perspectiva assente no ordenamento e na gestão do território, necessariamente condicionada pela dinâmica costeira associada aos fenómenos naturais, vista num intervalo temporal alargado da ordem de, pelo menos, uma década, compatível quer com o período de eficácia dos instrumentos de gestão territorial, quer com os ciclos de oscilação natural dos agentes mesológicos que condicionam a evolução das praias (marés, agitação marítima, precipitação). Assente no pressuposto temporal da ordem da década, os resultados recolhidos no terreno num período experimental de 14 anos permitem demonstrar que, em praias naturais, a LMPMAVE coincide com a base da arriba (em praias suportadas por arribas) ou com a base da duna (em praias suportadas por dunas). Nas barreiras arenosas acumuladas nas fozes de estuários temporários ou lagoas costeiras, onde existem cordões dunares, a LMPMAVE também coincide com os limites das dunas. Estas conclusões permitem a demarcação imediata da LMPMAVE, com base nos elementos físicos estáveis, no espaço e no tempo, e facilmente reconhecíveis no terreno e em fotografia aérea. Estes critérios de demarcação da LMPMAVE são válidos nas praias e barreiras que mantêm a sua morfodinâmica natural, sem interferência humana, e podem ser estendidos a todo o território nacional, independentemente do regime de agitação média do mar. No presente documento é, ainda, apresentado um conjunto de soluções para identificação da crista da arriba, em contextos morfológicos diversos, baseadas em critérios assentes na uniformidade litológica, na resistência e no tipo de perfil da vertente costeira. São, ainda, identificados elementos morfológicos particulares das arribas, nomeadamente os algares, os cones de detritos dos movimentos de massa e as fajãs e apresentada a respectiva solução para a demarcação da LMPMAVE e da margem. São também analisados e discutidos os critérios para demarcação da LMPMAVE e da margem nos ambientes confinados, nomeadamente lagunas, estuários permanentes, estuários temporários e lagoas costeiras, submetidos à inundação periódica das águas do mar. Nas praias em que a intervenção humana alterou a morfologia natural, por pisoteio das dunas, através de alimentação artificial ou na sequência de execução de obras de protecção costeira, o traçado da LMPMAVE deve reflectir essas alterações e deve ser analisado caso a caso. Para o litoral do Algarve sul são apresentadas soluções para a identificação da LMPMAVE e dos limites da margem, para todas as praias em que a intervenção humana alterou o traçado natural da área do domínio público marítimo.
The south-west region of Bangladesh has been experiencing water-logging at several places where the polders had been constructed. After getting disconnected from the upstream flow of Mathabhanga river, the Kopotaksho had become tidally dominated by its downstream and sedimentation rate become high in the dry season. Kopotaksho river adjacent people of Jhikargacha, Manirampur, Keshabpur upazila of Jessore district and Kalaroa and Tala upazila of Satkhira district had been experiencing a great deal of environmental and social losses due to the water-logging from the year 2000. The satellite image analysis revealed that over the years the water-logging problem had increased as in 1999, the water-logged area was about 865 hectares; in 2000, it rose to 12,867 hectares; in 2003 about 12,238 hectares; in 2006, it was about 11,723 hectares and in the last year,2008, it was about 19,467 hectares. The Kopotaksho Basin Area is under the peril of water-logging over the years due to natural (changing river geometry, channel migration and abandonment) and human interventions (construction of bridges and sluice gates, use of unsustainable fishing gear). The waterlogging problem arose as the drainage capacity of the Kopotaksho river had reduced so it couldn’t drain down the excess rainfall in the month of September and October. The natural environmental components were affected adversely as the water quality degrades, wetland ecosystem get affected by the stagnancy of water, terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity reduced due to the stagnancy of water for 3 or 4 months in the study area. The social life had also suffered with the similar problem, as the freshwater scarcity, outbreak of waterborne diseases and sanitation problem during water-logging had an effect on the social life. The income level reduces as the employment opportunities subsided due to water-logging. So, locally acceptable concept, Tidal River Management (TRM) with local people’s participation had been identified as the feasible long-term remedial option to diminish water-logging coverage at the Kopotaksho Basin Area. The alternate drainage routes to drain the excess water from the waterlogged area to the adjacent downstream rivers (Betna, Harihar and Buribhadra) were found another sustainable option to reduce the damage extent of waterlogging. An integrated approach of short-term, mid-term and long-term solutions will facilitate to revive the Kopotaksho river with reducing water-logging.
In the last two decades two underground storage facilities were constructed by leaching caverns in salt domes in Poland. Although the storage facilities appeared successful, many wrong ideas about geological and technical problems connected with the underground storage in salt caverns are still popular. Therefore, the paper presents a brief review of the most important aspects of this subject along with history of underground storage in salt caverns, types of storage facilities and geological and technical conditions to be met in selection of the site. Moreover, the problems of water supply and brine recycling or disposal are also discussed and issues connected with spacing, shape and size of caverns and tightness and operation pressure ranged are presented.
Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazowe (PGNiG) is planning to construct underground gas storages at Kosakowo near Gdynia. The storages, encompassing 10 caverns (total volume 25 x 107 m3) and situated at a depth of 800-1600 m, will be located about 4 km onshore from the Puck Bay. The gas storages will be created by drilling of boreholes and leaching of rock salt (approx. 5.6 x 106t). The concentration of brine will reach up to 250 kg/m3 (salinity 250 PSU), and its discharge will attain a rate of 300 m3/h (0.083 m3/s). Due to the unique biological significance of Puck Bay (the Natura 2000 region), the location of brine discharge and the system of its release required detailed analysis. One of the most important criteria of the project was to ensure that brine spreading occurs to such an extent that salinity increase in the near-field does not exceed 0.5 PSU. The discharge system (dijfuser) was designed by Przedsiȩbiorstwo Projektowo-Wdrozeniowe Emporium, while investigations of nozzles were carried out by the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery PAS. A nalysis of brine dilution in the Puck Bay was conducted by IBW PAN in co-operation with Deltares (the Netherlands) and was carried out in the following steps: 1) determination of kinematic parameters of brine stream coming from a single nozzle; 2) determination of mixing conditions of a single stream in the surrounding water; 3) spreading of brine in the near-field of diffuse and 4) spreading of brine in Puck Bay. Based on the analysis of the near-field dilution of brine, the following solution was selected: 48 nozzles (0.008 m each) located in 16 heads (3 nozzles per head, distributed every 120°). The stream of brine will be directed 45° towards the free surface, while the nozzles will be located 3 m above the bottom. The brine stream will move about 2 m towards the free surface, and later downwards. When reaching the sea bed the stream will be about 7.5 m from the head axis; the surface covered by diluted brine will reach a circle of 2 m diameter. After initial dilution in the near-field of the diffuser, and upon reaching the sea-bed, this mixture does not behave as a stream; further mixing takes place, in accordance with advection-diffusion equations. For modeling of brine spreading in Puck Bay (far field) the 3D hydrodynamic model, set-up based on Delft3D-FLOW, was applied. Calculations were carried out for 4 sites (accepted by Maritime Office in Gdynia) where depth increases from 8 m to 34.5 m with increasing distance from the shore. In all the considered cases, similar near-field discharge of brine in the Puck Bay was assumed. Based on the results of the calculations, the following conclusions were reached: 1) applicability of the proposed technical solution will lead to limited salinity increase in the near-field of diffusers (not exceeding 0.5 PSU); 2) in any of the sites considered, salinity increase will not exceed 0.5 PSU, regardless of hydro-meteorological conditions. Even under the most unfavorable conditions, i.e. those of long-term of wind and in the site located at 8 m depth, salinity will increase by a maximum of 0.5 PSU.
Desalination plants are being widely used in the inland areas of many countries to supply water for domestic purposes. When these areas are far from the shorelines of salt-water bodies, the opportunity to dispose of the reject brine (also known as concentrate, reject water, or wastewater) back into these water bodies no longer exists. In such instances, the use of evaporation ponds is very significant, both economically and environmentally. Other alternatives for brine disposal may also be very effective in some instances. Under certain conditions, brine from desalination plants can have useful applications. Potentials for such applications are addressed in this paper along with a critical review of current innovative concepts for the disposal of reject brine from inland desalination plants. This paper will also assess the present status of disposal mechanisms of brine from desalination plants and outline future research areas that could be pursued for effective, economical, and environmentally sound means for brine disposal from such plants.
Fisheries on coral reefs are highly complex, can be very productive, but typically have little or no management. Use of marine reserves has been suggested as an approach. Protective management potentially has several important benefits including protection of spawning stocks; provision of recruits to replenish fishing grounds; enhancement of catches in adjacent unprotected areas through emigration; minimal requirement for information on biology of stocks; and ease of enforcement. We evaluate the evidence available to test whether reserves function as predicted on theoretical grounds. In general, field studies from widespread sites around the globe support predictions of increases in abundance and average size of fishes in protected areas. However, evidence for enhanced catches in adjacent areas is more limited. Protective management appears to hold much promise for low-cost management of reef fisheries. -from Authors
Marine environments are currently experiencing intense pressures from both natural and anthropogenic impacts. Marine policy makers are therefore searching new ways to manage the sea in a sustainable way. This thesis describes the development and application of a biological instrument that can be used for marine management, and more specifically for marine spatial planning. A biological valuation methodology was developed that compiles all available biological information of a certain area in one indicator for biological value. The methodology is widely applicable, transparent and objective and the resulting valuation maps can be used as a warning signal during spatial planning. The possibilities of using this methodology for the implementation of certain European Directives concerning marine nature conservation, are also described.