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Digital Livestock Farming 2030 and Beyond



As we approach 2030, the agricultural landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, with Digital Livestock Farming (DLF) at its epicenter. DLF integrates advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics to revolutionize traditional livestock management practices. This paradigm shift aims to address the mounting challenges of global food security, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. By 2030, DLF will enable real-time monitoring of individual animals, assessing health, behavior, and productivity through sensors, cameras, and wearable devices. These tools will provide farmers with actionable insights, allowing for timely interventions, optimized feed strategies, and personalized animal care. Machine Learning (ML) algorithms will predict disease outbreaks, reproductive cycles, and potential stressors, ensuring optimal animal welfare and reducing economic losses. Furthermore, the integration of blockchain technology ensures traceability, transparency, and accountability in the supply chain. Consumers will have access to detailed information about the origin, health, and treatment of livestock, fostering trust and promoting ethical consumption. Beyond 2030, DLF will pave the way for autonomous farms, where AI-driven robots assist in tasks such as milking, feeding, and monitoring. These advancements will not only enhance efficiency but also reduce the human labor requirement, addressing workforce challenges in the agricultural sector. In conclusion, Digital Livestock Farming 2030 and beyond promises a future where technology and traditional farming practices harmoniously intersect. This fusion aims to ensure food security, elevate animal welfare standards, and promote sustainable and environmentally-friendly livestock farming practices, setting a new benchmark for the global agricultural industry.
EasyChair Preprint
Digital Livestock Farming 2030 and Beyond
Suresh Raja Neethirajan
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November 6, 2023
Digital Livestock Farming 2030 and Beyond
Suresh Neethirajan1
1 Dalhousie University, Faculty of Computer Science & Agriculture, Halifax, Canada B3H
Abstract. As we approach 2030, the agricultural landscape is undergoing a trans-
formative shift, with Digital Livestock Farming (DLF) at its epicenter. DLF inte-
grates advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of
Things (IoT), and big data analytics to revolutionize traditional livestock man-
agement practices. This paradigm shift aims to address the mounting challenges
of global food security, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. By
2030, DLF will enable real-time monitoring of individual animals, assessing
health, behavior, and productivity through sensors, cameras, and wearable de-
vices. These tools will provide farmers with actionable insights, allowing for
timely interventions, optimized feed strategies, and personalized animal care.
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms will predict disease outbreaks, reproductive
cycles, and potential stressors, ensuring optimal animal welfare and reducing eco-
nomic losses. Furthermore, the integration of blockchain technology ensures
traceability, transparency, and accountability in the supply chain. Consumers will
have access to detailed information about the origin, health, and treatment of live-
stock, fostering trust and promoting ethical consumption. Beyond 2030, DLF will
pave the way for autonomous farms, where AI-driven robots assist in tasks such
as milking, feeding, and monitoring. These advancements will not only enhance
efficiency but also reduce the human labor requirement, addressing workforce
challenges in the agricultural sector. In conclusion, Digital Livestock Farming
2030 and beyond promises a future where technology and traditional farming
practices harmoniously intersect. This fusion aims to ensure food security, ele-
vate animal welfare standards, and promote sustainable and environmentally-
friendly livestock farming practices, setting a new benchmark for the global ag-
ricultural industry.
Keywords: Digital Livestock Farming (DLF); Artificial Intelligence (AI); In-
ternet of Things (IoT); Animal Welfare; Blockchain Technology; Autonomous
1 Introduction
1.1 Digital Livestock Farming
The dawn of the 21st century has ushered in an era of unprecedented technological
growth, touching every facet of human existence. From the way we communicate to
how we travel, work, and even consume, technology has reshaped our daily lives. One
of the sectors experiencing a profound transformation due to these advancements is
agriculture. Historically rooted in manual labor and traditional methodologies, the
agricultural sector is now at the cusp of a digital revolution, and Digital Livestock Farm-
ing (DLF) stands as a testament to this evolution.
DLF is not just a buzzword; it encapsulates the essence of integrating modern tech-
nology into age-old farming practices. It's the answer to the growing demands of an
ever-increasing global population and the challenges posed by climate change [1, 2],
dwindling resources, and the pressing need for sustainable practices. As the name sug-
gests, DLF focuses on the livestock sector of agriculture, which is of paramount im-
portance given the significant role livestock plays in the global food supply chain.
The concept of DLF is born out of necessity. With the world's population projected
to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, the pressure on the agricultural sector to meet the
escalating food demand is immense. Traditional livestock farming practices, while ef-
fective to a certain extent, have their limitations. They often rely heavily on human
observation and intuition, making them susceptible to errors and inefficiencies. More-
over, these practices are resource-intensive, often leading to overutilization of water,
feed, and land. There's also the challenge of ensuring animal welfare, which is not just
an ethical obligation but also crucial for the quality of livestock products.
DLF offers a solution by marrying technology with traditional farming. Imagine a
farm where every animal is equipped with sensors that continuously monitor its health,
nutrition, and overall well-being. These sensors feed data into a centralized system [3,
4, 5] that uses advanced algorithms to analyze and predict any potential health risks,
nutritional deficiencies, or other issues. The farmer receives real-time updates and rec-
ommendations on their smart device, allowing them to make informed decisions. This
is not science fiction; it's the reality that DLF promises.
But why is the 2030 marker significant? As we approach this milestone, several
global initiatives and commitments, such as the United Nations' Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals (SDGs), are set for review. Agriculture, particularly livestock farming,
plays a crucial role in many of these goals, be it ensuring zero hunger, promoting good
health and well-being, or fostering responsible consumption and production. DLF, with
its potential to enhance productivity, reduce resource wastage, and ensure animal wel-
fare, can significantly contribute to achieving these targets.
However, like any transformative approach, DLF comes with its set of challenges.
The initial investment in technology, the need for training farmers to adapt to these new
tools, data privacy concerns, and the potential resistance from traditionalists are just a
few of the hurdles. But the benefits, ranging from increased productivity and reduced
costs to enhanced animal welfare and sustainable practices, far outweigh these chal-
As we stand at the intersection of tradition and technology, the emergence of Digital
Livestock Farming offers a glimpse into the future of agriculture. It's a future where
technology empowers farmers, ensuring food security, sustainability, and animal
welfare. As we journey towards 2030 and beyond, embracing and understanding DLF
becomes not just an option but a necessity.
2.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Livestock Management
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the agricultural sector, particularly
in livestock management, marks a significant leap towards modernizing traditional
farming practices. AI's transformative potential in this domain is vast and multifaceted,
offering solutions that were once considered beyond reach.
Predictive Analytics: At the heart of AI's contribution to livestock management is Ma-
chine Learning (ML). As a powerful subset of AI, ML thrives on vast datasets, learning
patterns, and making predictions based on them. In the context of livestock, ML algo-
rithms can predict disease outbreaks [6, 7, 8] by analyzing patterns in animal behavior,
physiological changes, or environmental factors. For instance, subtle changes in an an-
imal's movement, eating habits, or body temperature could be early indicators of a po-
tential health issue. By detecting these signs early, farmers can take proactive measures,
ensuring the well-being of the animal and preventing widespread outbreaks. Addition-
ally, ML can predict reproductive cycles, optimizing breeding strategies and ensuring
a consistent livestock yield. The economic implications of this are profound. By miti-
gating disease outbreaks and optimizing breeding, farmers can significantly reduce eco-
nomic losses, ensuring a steady and profitable yield.
Automation: Beyond predictive analytics, AI plays a pivotal role in automating vari-
ous aspects of livestock management. Advanced AI systems can handle tasks ranging
from optimal feed distribution based on an animal's specific nutritional needs to health
monitoring using visual recognition tools. For instance, AI-powered robots can distrib-
ute feed, ensuring that each animal receives a diet tailored to its specific needs, age,
health status, and reproductive cycle. Similarly, visual recognition tools can monitor
animals, detecting signs of distress, disease, or injury. This level of automation not only
ensures consistency in care but also frees up valuable human resources, allowing farm-
ers to focus on broader management strategies.
2.2 Internet of Things (IoT) and Real-time Monitoring
The Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping industries worldwide, and livestock farming
is no exception. By embedding sensors and devices in the farming environment, IoT
brings a level of connectivity and real-time monitoring [8, 9, 10] that was previously
Continuous Monitoring: The primary advantage of IoT in livestock management is
the ability to continuously monitor individual animals. Wearable devices, akin to the
fitness trackers used by humans, can be attached to animals, monitoring everything
from their heart rate and body temperature to their movement patterns. Cameras
equipped with advanced sensors can monitor larger groups, detecting behavioral
changes that might indicate stress, disease, or conflict. This continuous stream of data
ensures that no sign of distress goes unnoticed, allowing for timely interventions.
Data-driven Insights: The true power of IoT lies in the data it generates. This data, when
processed and analyzed, offers insights that can revolutionize livestock management.
For instance, by analyzing movement patterns, farmers can determine optimal grazing
strategies. By monitoring heart rates and body temperatures, they can detect early signs
of disease or stress. These insights enable farmers to make informed decisions, opti-
mizing feed strategies, medical interventions, and overall animal care.
2.3 Blockchain Technology for Traceability
While blockchain technology is often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, its
applications in the agricultural sector, particularly in livestock management, are trans-
Enhanced Traceability: One of the primary advantages of blockchain is its ability to
provide a transparent and immutable record. In the context of livestock management,
this means that every stage of an animal's life, from birth to slaughter, can be recorded
on a blockchain. This record is tamper-proof and transparent, ensuring that any inter-
ventions, be it medical treatments, dietary changes, or breeding details, are permanently
logged. This level of traceability is crucial, especially in an age where consumers are
increasingly concerned about the origins of their food.
Consumer Empowerment: Blockchain's transparent nature empowers consumers.
With each product, be it meat, milk, or any other livestock-derived product, consumers
can access detailed information about the animal's life [11, 12]. This includes details
about its diet, medical history, living conditions, and more. Such transparency fosters
trust, allowing consumers to make informed choices. It also promotes ethical consump-
tion, as consumers can choose products derived from animals that were treated hu-
manely and raised under optimal conditions.
The integration of AI, IoT, and blockchain technology in livestock management paints
a promising picture for the future of agriculture. As we approach 2030 and look beyond,
these technologies offer solutions that ensure animal welfare, economic profitability,
and sustainable practices, setting new benchmarks for the global agricultural industry.
3. The Future: Autonomous Farms and Ethical Consumption
The agricultural landscape is on the brink of a paradigm shift. As we venture deeper
into the 21st century, the vision of autonomous farms and a heightened emphasis on
ethical consumption is becoming clearer. This transformation is not just a testament to
technological advancements but also reflects the evolving consciousness of consumers
and stakeholders in the agricultural sector.
3.1 Rise of Autonomous Farms
The concept of autonomous farms, once relegated to the realms of science fiction, is
now within our grasp, thanks to the rapid advancements in AI and robotics. These farms
represent the next frontier in livestock management, offering a blend of efficiency, pre-
cision, and sustainability.
Efficiency: One of the most compelling arguments for the rise of autonomous farms is
the sheer efficiency they bring to the table. AI-driven robots, equipped with advanced
sensors and machine learning algorithms, are capable of handling a multitude of tasks
that were traditionally labor-intensive. For instance, robotic systems can now manage
milking operations in dairy farms, ensuring that each cow is milked at the optimal time
and with the right technique. Similarly, feeding robots can distribute feed based on the
specific dietary needs of each animal, optimizing nutrition and reducing waste. These
automated processes not only save time but also reduce the margin of error, ensuring
that each task is executed with precision.
Consistency: Human-driven operations, while effective, are subject to inconsistencies
arising from fatigue, oversight, or simple human error. Autonomous farms, on the other
hand, offer a level of consistency that is hard to match. Whether it's monitoring the
health of livestock, ensuring the cleanliness of their environment, or administering
treatments, automation ensures that each task is performed consistently, irrespective of
external factors like workforce shortages or human fatigue. This consistency is crucial
for maintaining the high standards of animal welfare and product quality that modern
consumers demand.
3.2 Ethical Consumption
In today's globalized world, consumers are more informed and conscious than ever be-
fore. They are not just concerned about the quality and safety of the products they con-
sume but also the ethical implications of their choices. Digital Livestock Farming
(DLF) plays a pivotal role in promoting ethical consumption by offering transparency
and ensuring animal welfare.
Informed Decisions: The integration of blockchain technology in livestock manage-
ment is a game-changer. This decentralized and tamper-proof system provides consum-
ers with a transparent view of the entire lifecycle [1, 13, 14] of the livestock products
they consume. From the animal's birth, diet, and medical treatments to its living condi-
tions and eventual processing, every detail is recorded on the blockchain. This trans-
parency empowers consumers to make informed decisions. They can choose products
that align with their ethical standards, be it free-range, organic, or antibiotic-free. This
level of detail, previously inaccessible to the average consumer, fosters trust and pro-
motes responsible consumption.
Promotion of Animal Welfare: At the heart of ethical consumption is the concern for
animal welfare. DLF, with its emphasis on real-time monitoring and predictive analyt-
ics, ensures that livestock is treated with the utmost care. Advanced sensors continu-
ously monitor the health and well-being of animals, detecting early signs of distress,
disease, or discomfort. Predictive analytics can forecast potential health issues, allow-
ing for timely interventions. This proactive approach ensures that animals are not just
free from disease but also enjoy a quality of life that aligns with ethical standards. For
consumers, this means that the products they consume come from animals that were
treated humanely, reinforcing their commitment to ethical consumption.
As we gaze into the future of livestock farming, the vision of autonomous farms and a
world of ethical consumption is not just aspirational but attainable. The integration of
AI, IoT, and blockchain technology offers solutions that address both the operational
challenges of farming and the ethical concerns of consumers. These advancements
promise a future where farms operate with unparalleled efficiency and precision, and
consumers can enjoy products that align with their values. The journey towards this
future is filled with challenges, but the potential rewards, both in terms of economic
gains and ethical advancements, make it a journey worth undertaking.
Fig. 1. The Significance and Ethics of Digital Livestock Farming. Reprinted with permission
from MDPI. [1].
4. Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Livestock Farming
The evolution of Digital Livestock Farming (DLF) is a testament to the convergence of
technology and traditional agricultural practices. As with any transformative move-
ment, DLF presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Understanding these
is crucial for stakeholders, from farmers to policymakers, to navigate the future of live-
stock farming effectively.
Challenges in Digital Livestock Farming
Data Security: One of the cornerstones of DLF is the continuous generation and utili-
zation of data. From sensors monitoring animal health to AI algorithms predicting
breeding cycles, vast amounts of data are generated every second. This data, while in-
valuable for farming operations, is also susceptible to breaches. Unauthorized access,
data theft, or even accidental leaks can have severe repercussions, from economic losses
to potential misuse of sensitive information. Ensuring robust data security protocols,
encryption methods, and regular audits becomes paramount in such a scenario.
Infrastructure: The transition to DLF is not merely about adopting new software or
buying sensors. It represents a fundamental shift in how farming operations are con-
ducted, requiring significant infrastructural changes. For large-scale farms or those with
substantial financial backing, this transition might be smoother. However, small-scale
farmers or those in regions with limited technological access might find this shift daunt-
ing. The costs associated with upgrading to DLF-compatible infrastructure, training
personnel, and maintaining these systems can be prohibitive for many.
Integration Complexity: DLF is inherently interdisciplinary, combining elements
from animal science, computer science, data analytics, and more. Integrating these di-
verse components into a cohesive system can be complex. Ensuring that sensors, data
storage solutions, analytics platforms, and decision-making tools work seamlessly can
be a significant challenge.
Skill Gap: The rise of DLF also highlights a skill gap in the agricultural sector. Tradi-
tional farming skills, while still invaluable, need to be complemented with expertise in
data analysis, AI, and IoT. Training the existing workforce and attracting new talent
with these skills is a challenge that needs addressing.
Opportunities in Digital Livestock Farming
Enhanced Productivity: One of the most tangible benefits of DLF is the enhancement
in productivity. By optimizing resource utilization, from feed to medical interventions,
DLF ensures that each animal reaches its maximum potential. Predictive analytics can
forecast potential challenges, from disease outbreaks to environmental stressors, allow-
ing farmers to take proactive measures. This not only ensures animal welfare but also
reduces economic losses, leading to increased productivity.
Sustainable Practices: The environmental impact of livestock farming has been a
point of concern for many. DLF, with its real-time insights, offers a solution. By mon-
itoring everything from water consumption to waste production, farmers can adopt
practices that reduce their environmental footprint. Precision feeding, for instance, en-
sures that animals receive the exact nutrients they need, reducing waste. Similarly, real-
time health monitoring can reduce the overuse of antibiotics, addressing concerns of
antibiotic resistance.
Economic Viability: While the initial investment in DLF might be significant, the
long-term economic benefits are substantial. Reduced wastage, optimized resource uti-
lization, and enhanced productivity ensure that farms become more economically via-
ble. Additionally, as consumers become more conscious of their choices, farms that
adopt DLF and its associated ethical and sustainable practices can command premium
Strengthened Supply Chains: DLF's emphasis on data and transparency can signifi-
cantly strengthen supply chains. With blockchain technology, for instance, every stage
of the livestock product's journey, from farm to table, can be recorded and verified.
This not only reduces inefficiencies and fraud but also builds trust with consumers and
5. Conclusions
The dawn of the Digital Livestock Farming (DLF) era, looking towards 2030 and be-
yond, represents a transformative phase in the agricultural sector. This evolution is not
merely about integrating technology into farming but about reimagining the very es-
sence of livestock management. The convergence of traditional farming wisdom with
cutting-edge technological advancements paints a picture of a future that is both prom-
ising and sustainable.
As global populations continue to rise, the pressure on the agricultural sector intensi-
fies. The dual challenge of meeting the ever-growing food demands while ensuring
minimal environmental impact requires innovative solutions. DLF, with its data-driven
insights, predictive analytics, and real-time monitoring, offers a way forward. It ensures
that every resource, from feed to water, is utilized optimally, reducing wastage and
enhancing productivity. This efficiency is not just about economic gains but also about
ensuring that the planet's resources are conserved for future generations.
Animal welfare, often a point of contention in traditional farming, finds a staunch ad-
vocate in DLF. With continuous health monitoring, predictive disease management,
and tailored nutrition plans, the well-being of livestock is placed at the forefront. This
not only aligns with ethical standards but also resonates with the evolving conscious-
ness of consumers who are increasingly demanding transparency and ethical practices
in their food choices.
Furthermore, DLF's emphasis on sustainability goes beyond environmental concerns.
It encompasses socio-economic sustainability, ensuring that farmers, irrespective of the
scale of their operations, find economic viability. The transparency and traceability of-
fered by technologies like blockchain empower consumers, fostering trust and promot-
ing a culture of ethical consumption.
However, as with any transformative journey, the path of DLF is laden with challenges.
From data security concerns to infrastructural shifts, there are hurdles to overcome. But
the collective will of stakeholders, combined with technological advancements, prom-
ises to navigate these challenges effectively.
Digital Livestock Farming 2030 and beyond is not just a vision but a roadmap for the
future of agriculture. It signifies a commitment to harmonizing technology with nature,
efficiency with ethics, and productivity with sustainability. As we stand at this pivotal
juncture, DLF emerges as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a future
where the global agricultural industry thrives, setting new benchmarks for excellence,
ethics, and environmental stewardship.
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Full-text available
Simple Summary: This study explores the potential of digital phenotyping, a technological innovation , to transform the broiler industry. It aims to address industry challenges such as productivity, animal welfare, and environmental impacts. The research focuses on the use of 'digital twins' in broiler genomics and the development of a digital phenotyping platform for health monitoring. Despite potential technical, economic, and ethical challenges, the study concludes that digital phenotyping could revolutionize the industry, striking a balance between productivity and sustainability. The insights from this study could guide future research and development, leading to a more robust and sustainable broiler industry. Abstract: In response to escalating global demand for poultry, the industry grapples with an array of intricate challenges, from enhancing productivity to improving animal welfare and attenuating environmental impacts. This comprehensive review explores the transformative potential of digital phenotyping, an emergent technological innovation at the cusp of dramatically reshaping broiler production. The central aim of this study is to critically examine digital phenotyping as a pivotal solution to these multidimensional industry conundrums. Our investigation spotlights the profound implications of 'digital twins' in the burgeoning field of broiler genomics, where the production of exact digital counterparts of physical entities accelerates genomics research and its practical applications. Further, this review probes into the ongoing advancements in the research and development of a context-sensitive, multimodal digital phenotyping platform, custom-built to monitor broiler health. This paper critically evaluates this platform's potential in revolutionizing health monitoring, fortifying the resilience of broiler production, and fostering a harmonious balance between productivity and sustainability. Subsequently, the paper provides a rigorous assessment of the unique challenges that may surface during the integration of digital phenotyping within the industry. These span from technical and economic impediments to ethical deliberations, thus offering a comprehensive perspective. The paper concludes by highlighting the game-changing potential of digital phenotyping in the broiler industry and identifying potential future directions for the field, underlining the significance of continued research and development in unlocking digital phenotyping's full potential. In doing so, it charts a course towards a more robust, sustainable, and productive broiler industry. The insights garnered from this study hold substantial value for a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the broiler industry, setting the stage for an imminent technological evolution in poultry production.
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This technical note critically evaluates the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sensor technologies in the swiftly evolving dairy livestock export industry. We focus on the novel application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in long-distance livestock transportation, particularly in livestock enumeration and identification for precise traceability. Technological advancements in identifying behavioral patterns in 'shy feeder' cows and real-time weight monitoring enhance the accuracy of long-haul livestock transportation. These innovations offer benefits such as improved animal welfare standards, reduced supply chain inaccuracies, and increased operational productivity, expanding market access and enhancing global competitiveness. However, these technologies present challenges, including individual animal customization, economic analysis, data security, privacy, technological adaptability, training, stakeholder engagement, and sustainability concerns. These challenges intertwine with broader ethical considerations around animal treatment, data misuse, and the environmental impacts. By providing a strategic framework for successful technology integration, we emphasize the importance of continuous adaptation and learning. This note underscores the potential of AI, IoT, and sensor technologies to shape the future of the dairy livestock export industry, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient global dairy sector.
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The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in animal husbandry, particularly in pig interaction recognition (PIR), offers a transformative approach to enhancing animal welfare, promoting sustainability, and bolstering climate resilience. This innovative methodology not only mitigates labor costs but also significantly reduces stress levels among domestic pigs, thereby diminishing the necessity for constant human intervention. However, the raw PIR datasets often encompass irrelevant porcine features, which pose a challenge for the accurate interpretation and application of these datasets in real-world scenarios. The majority of these datasets are derived from sequential pig imagery captured from video recordings, and an unregulated shuffling of data often leads to an overlap of data samples between training and testing groups, resulting in skewed experimental evaluations. To circumvent these obstacles, we introduced a groundbreaking solution—the Semi-Shuffle-Pig Detector (SSPD) for PIR datasets. This novel approach ensures a less biased experimental output by maintaining the distinctiveness of testing data samples from the training datasets and systematically discarding superfluous information from raw images. Our optimized method significantly enhances the true performance of classification, providing unbiased experimental evaluations. Remarkably, our approach has led to a substantial improvement in the isolation after feeding (IAF) metric by 20.2% and achieved higher accuracy in segregating IAF and paired after feeding (PAF) classifications exceeding 92%. This methodology, therefore, ensures the preservation of pertinent data within the PIR system and eliminates potential biases in experimental evaluations. As a result, it enhances the accuracy and reliability of real-world PIR applications, contributing to improved animal welfare management, elevated food safety standards, and a more sustainable and climate-resilient livestock industry.
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Thermal imaging is increasingly used in poultry, swine, and dairy animal husbandry to detect disease and distress. In intensive pig production systems, early detection of health and welfare issues is crucial for timely intervention. Using thermal imaging for pig treatment classification can improve animal welfare and promote sustainable pig production. In this paper, we present a depthwise separable inception subnetwork (DISubNet), a lightweight model for classifying four pig treatments. Based on the modified model architecture, we propose two DISubNet versions: DISubNetV1 and DISubNetV2. Our proposed models are compared to other deep learning models commonly employed for image classification. The thermal dataset captured by a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) camera is used to train these models. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed models for thermal images of various pig treatments outperform other models. In addition, both proposed models achieve approximately 99.96–99.98% classification accuracy with fewer parameters.
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The emergence of precision and digital livestock farming presents an opportunity for sustainable animal farming practices that enhance animal welfare and health. However, this transformation of modern animal farming through digital technology has several implications for the technological , social, economic, and environmental aspects of farming. It is crucial to analyze the ethical considerations associated with the digitalization of modern animal farming, particularly in the context of human-animal relationships and potential objectification. This analysis can help develop frameworks for improving animal welfare and promoting sustainability in animal farming. One of the primary ethical concerns of digital livestock farming is the potential for a digital divide between farmers who have access to advanced technologies and those who do not. This could lead to a disparity in animal welfare and health outcomes for different groups of animals. Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence in digital livestock farming may lead to a loss of personal connection between farmers and animals, which could impact the animal's well-being. Another ethical concern of digital livestock farming is the potential for the objectification of animals as mere data points. The use of sensors and other monitoring technologies can provide valuable data on animal health and behavior, but it is important to remember that animals are sentient beings with complex emotional and social needs. The use of digital technologies should not lead to neglect of animal welfare or a lack of human responsibility toward animals. Furthermore, social context becomes essential while integrating technologies in livestock farming to overcome ethics. By considering the cultural and societal norms of different communities, we can ensure that the use of digital technologies does not undermine these values. To address these ethical challenges, the development of standards and codes of conduct for the adoption and implementation of digital livestock farming tools and platforms can help ensure that animal welfare and sustainability are prioritized. This can help alleviate the privacy concerns of stakeholders and improve sustainability in animal farming practices. Additionally , the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies can provide a way to enhance human animal interactions and provide more personalized care to animals, further promoting animal welfare.
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Sensor-enabled big data and artificial intelligence platforms have the potential to address global socio-economic trends related to the livestock production sector through advances in the digitization of precision livestock farming. The increased interest in animal welfare, the likely reduction in the number of animals in relation to population growth in the coming decade and the growing demand for animal proteins pose an acute challenge to prioritizing animal welfare on the one hand, while maximizing the efficiency of production systems on the other. Current digital approaches do not meet these challenges due to a lack of efficient and lack of real-time non-invasive precision measurement technologies that can detect and monitor animal diseases and identify resilience in animals. In this opinion review paper, I offer a critical view of the potential of wearable sensor technologies as a unique and necessary contribution to the global market for farm animal health monitoring. To stimulate the sustainable, digital and resilient recovery of the agricultural and livestock industrial sector, there is an urgent need for testing and developing new ideas and products such as wearable sensors. By validating and demonstrating a fully functional wearable sensor prototype within an operational environment on the livestock farm that includes a miniaturized animal-borne biosensor and an artificial intelligence (AI)-based data acquisition and processing platform, the current needs, which have not yet been met, can be fulfilled. The expected quantifiable results from wearable biosensors will demonstrate that the digitization technology can perform acceptably within the performance parameters specified by the agricultural sector and under operational conditions, to measurably improve livestock productivity and health. The successful implementation of the digital wearable sensor networks would provide actionable real-time information on animal health status and can be deployed directly on the livestock farm, which will strengthen the green and digital recovery of the economy due to its significant and innovative potential.
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Animal behaviour is an elastic trait that changes according to environmental circumstances and intrinsic properties, such as health or genetic background (i.e., breed). The term behaviour elasticity refers to the range of behaviour that an animal is capable to express. The evaluation of behaviour may be used to estimate either the adaptation capacity to a changing environment or the intrinsic properties, such as health status, temperament, etc. However, in order to identify changes in behaviour, it needs to be systematically and objectively assessed. This is because some changes in behaviour are only perceptible if it is monitored continuously, which was not feasible in traditional behaviour assessment using subjective human observations. Precision livestock farming (PLF) has emerged as a revolutionary tool to monitor different outcomes of farm animals including behaviour, physiology, functional capacity, welfare and/or performance measures. Importantly, PLF technologies have now made continuous and systematic behaviour assessment possible. Sensor technologies offer an enormous potential to monitor individual animal behaviour and to understand how and why animals react to their environment continuously. PLF sensors can be used to assess feeding, social and play behaviour and activity, from which many other phenotypical traits can be predicted and thereby create a linkage to genotypic parameters. Therefore, behavioural data can be used for many purposes including evaluation of animal's resilience to the environment, monitoring their performance and welfare and assessing the genetic merit of breeding animals.
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Modern animal scientists, industry, and managers have never faced a more complex world. Precision livestock technologies have altered management in confined operations to meet production, environmental, and consumer goals. Applications of precision technologies have been limited in extensive systems such as rangelands due to lack of infrastructure, electrical power, communication, and durability. However, advancements in technology have helped to overcome many of these challenges. Investment in precision technologies is growing within the livestock sector, requiring the need to assess opportunities and challenges associated with implementation to enhance livestock production systems. In this review, precision livestock farming and digital livestock farming are explained in the context of a logical and iterative five-step process to successfully integrate precision livestock measurement and management tools, emphasizing the need for precision system models (PSM). This five-step process acts as a guide to realize anticipated benefits from precision technologies and avoid unintended consequences. Consequently, the synthesis of precision livestock and modeling examples and key case studies help highlight past challenges and current opportunities within confined and extensive systems. Successfully developing PSM requires appropriate model(s) selection that aligns with desired management goals and precision technology capabilities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider the entire system to ensure that precision technology integration achieves desired goals, while remaining economically and managerially sustainable. Achieving long-term success using precision technology requires the next generation of animal scientists to obtain additional skills to keep up with the rapid pace of technology innovation. Building workforce capacity and synergistic relationships between research, industry, and managers will be critical. As the process of precision technology adoption continues in, more challenging and harsh, extensive systems it is likely that confined operations will benefit from required advances in precision technology and PSM, ultimately strengthening the benefits from precision technology to achieve short-and long-term goals.
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The field of animal science, and especially animal nutrition, relies heavily on modeling to accomplish its day-to-day objectives. New data streams (‘big data’) and the exponential increase in computing power have allowed the appearance of ‘new’ modelling methodologies, under the umbrella of artificial intelligence (AI). However, many of these modelling methodologies have been around for decades. According to Gardner, technological innovation follows five distinct phases: technology trigger, peak of inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, and plateau of productivity. The appearance of AI certainly elicited much hype within agriculture leading to over-promised plug-and-play solutions in a field heavily dependent on custom solutions. The threat of failure can become real when advertising a disruptive innovation as sustainable. This does not mean that we need to abandon AI models. What is most necessary is to demystify the field and placing a lesser emphasis on the technology and more on business application. As AI becomes increasingly more powerful and applications start to diverge, new research fields are introduced, and opportunities arise to combine ‘old’ and ‘new’ modelling technologies into hybrids. However, sustainable application is still many years away, and companies and universities alike do well to remain at the forefront. This requires investment in hardware, software, and analytical talent. It also requires a strong connection to the outside world to test, that which does, and does not work in practice and a close view of when the field of agriculture is ready to take its next big steps. Other research fields, such as engineering and automotive, have shown that the application power of AI can be far-reaching but only if a realistic view of models as whole is maintained. In this review, we share our view on the current and future limitations of modelling and potential next steps for modelers in the animal sciences. First, we discuss the inherent dependencies and limitations of modeling as a human process. Then, we highlight how models, fueled by AI, can play an enhanced sustainable role in the animal sciences ecosystem. Lastly, we provide recommendations for future animal scientists on how to support themselves, the farmers, and their field, considering the opportunities and challenges the technological innovation brings.
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Farm animals, numbering over 70 billion worldwide, are increasingly managed in large-scale, intensive farms. With both public awareness and scientific evidence growing that farm animals experience suffering, as well as affective states such as fear, frustration and distress, there is an urgent need to develop efficient and accurate methods for monitoring their welfare. At present, there are not scientifically validated ‘benchmarks’ for quantifying transient emotional (affective) states in farm animals, and no established measures of good welfare, only indicators of poor welfare, such as injury, pain and fear. Conventional approaches to monitoring livestock welfare are time-consuming, interrupt farming processes and involve subjective judgments. Biometric sensor data enabled by artificial intelligence is an emerging smart solution to unobtrusively monitoring livestock, but its potential for quantifying affective states and ground-breaking solutions in their application are yet to be realized. This review provides innovative methods for collecting big data on farm animal emotions, which can be used to train artificial intelligence models to classify, quantify and predict affective states in individual pigs and cows. Extending this to the group level, social network analysis can be applied to model emotional dynamics and contagion among animals. Finally, ‘digital twins’ of animals capable of simulating and predicting their affective states and behaviour in real time are a near-term possibility.