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Physical characterization of briquettes produced from paper pulp and Mesua ferrea mixtures


Abstract and Figures

This study was carried out to evaluate the physical and thermal characteristics of briquettes made from a mixture of paper pulp and Mesua ferrea leaves. Paper pulp/ground Mesua ferrea leaves mixtures prepared were of 80–20%, 60–40%, 50–50% ratio and 100–0% mixture which served as a reference briquette. The mixtures were densified at a room temperature of 28 °C under three different compression pressures; 5.1, 10.2, and 15.3 MPa. The characteristics of the briquette samples were assessed in terms of moisture content, density, shatter index and calorific value. The findings revealed the following range of values for all samples; moisture content (5.55–12.33%), density (0.24–0.37 g/cm³), shatter index (79.18–99.9%), and calorific values (15.77–18.99 MJ/kg). Specifically, 100–0% briquettes yielded the highest moisture content and the lowest calorific value as expected. In contrast, the 50–50% briquettes yielded the lowest moisture content, highest calorific value and lowest shatter index. The quality of these briquettes was found to be comparable to biomass briquettes produced from other agricultural waste. The novel contribution of this study was the use of garden waste to develop briquettes with appropriate physical and thermal qualities that could serve as alternate fuel sources for local applications.
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Physical characterization of briquettes produced
from paper pulp and Mesua ferrea mixtures
S. Y. Kpalo, M. F. Zainuddin, H. B. A Halim, A. F. Ahmad & Z. Abbas
To cite this article: S. Y. Kpalo, M. F. Zainuddin, H. B. A Halim, A. F. Ahmad & Z. Abbas (2019):
Physical characterization of briquettes produced from paper pulp and Mesua�ferrea mixtures,
Biofuels, DOI: 10.1080/17597269.2019.1695361
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Published online: 27 Nov 2019.
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Physical characterization of briquettes produced from paper pulp and
Mesua ferrea mixtures
S. Y. Kpalo
, M. F. Zainuddin
, H. B. A Halim
, A. F. Ahmad
and Z. Abbas
Department of Geography, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria;
Faculty of Environmental Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Serdang, Malaysia;
Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia
This study was carried out to evaluate the physical and thermal characteristics of briquettes made
from a mixture of paper pulp and Mesua ferrea leaves. Paper pulp/ground Mesua ferrea leaves
mixtures prepared were of 8020%, 6040%, 5050% ratio and 1000% mixture which served as a
reference briquette. The mixtures were densified at a room temperature of 28 C under three dif-
ferent compression pressures; 5.1, 10.2, and 15.3 MPa. The characteristics of the briquette samples
were assessed in terms of moisture content, density, shatter index and calorific value. The findings
revealed the following range of values for all samples; moisture content (5.5512.33%), density
(0.240.37 g/cm
), shatter index (79.1899.9%), and calorific values (15.7718.99 MJ/kg). Specifically,
1000% briquettes yielded the highest moisture content and the lowest calorific value as expected.
In contrast, the 5050% briquettes yielded the lowest moisture content, highest calorific value and
lowest shatter index. The quality of these briquettes was found to be comparable to biomass bri-
quettes produced from other agricultural waste. The novel contribution of this study was the use
of garden waste to develop briquettes with appropriate physical and thermal qualities that could
serve as alternate fuel sources for local applications.
Received 12 April 2019
Accepted 4 November 2019
Briquette; calorific value;
density; Mesua ferrea;
moisture content; paper
pulp; shatter index
Biomass is an organic material obtained from plant and
animal waste, which can be used for fuel. It is the largest
source of energy for three quarters of the global popula-
tion living in developing countries, and accounts for about
14% of the total global energy use [1]. Generally, biomass
is lignocellulosic in nature as it is comprised of lignin, cellu-
lose and hemicellulose. Lignocellulosic biomass has been
used in the production of biofuels such as bioethanol [2],
biogas [3] and briquettes [4,5]. Lignin from lignocellulosic
biomass can be used for heat and power production [6,7],
and its contribution to bulk density and durability of bri-
quettes made from different feedstock has been confirmed
[8]. Studies have reported that a pre-treatment process is
performed for lignocellulosic biomass to either increase the
accessibility of the crystalline fibrous structure maintaining
cellulose units enclosed within the tough lignin coat [9], or
to convert it into compatible energy fuels [10].
Bajwa et al. [11], categorized biomass resources as
woody and non-woody biomasses based on properties or
agricultural residue, and harvested natural materials based
on sourcing. Biomass is one of the most important sources
of renewable energy in Malaysia. The use of environmen-
tally friendly, sustainable and viable sources of biomass
energy has been encouraged by the National Biofuel Policy
since 2006 [12]. The Seventh Malaysia Plan (RMK-7)
revealed that Malaysia is endowed with renewable energy
resources such as biomass, solar and wind, which are
however, costly to harness [13]. The Eight Malaysia Plan
(RMK-8) further emphasized the need to generate at least
5% of electricity from renewable resources by 2005 and
introduce it as the countrys fifth fuel source [14].
Fossil fuels are currently the most important source of
energy across the globe and they release tremendous
amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere during
combustion [15,16]. The growing demand and utilization
of fossil fuels, consequent increases in GHGs emissions, and
their adverse impacts, i.e. global warming and climate
change, have already endangered public health. The 2017
Lancet report noted that an estimated 7 million deaths
occur annually from air pollution, and 4.2 million of these
deaths are a result of ambient air pollution, much of which
is from burning of fuels [17]. About 3 billion people glo-
bally, rely on fuelwood, coal, charcoal or animal waste,
without access to healthy, clean, and sustainable cooking
fuel or technologies [18,19]. In recent times there has
been a remarkable growth of renewable electricity and a
gradual decrease in demand for coal. However, carbon
emissions have not reduced, due to the growth in use of
other fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas. Carbon emis-
sions increase the atmospheric temperature. Sustaining the
global average temperature rise to well below 2 C
demands among other things, a total decarbonization of
energy generation away from fossil fuels [19]. All these
along with increasing energy demand for household
cooking and heating has now necessitated the search for
alternative renewable resources to add to the energy mix.
Renewable energy offers several important potential
mechanisms for addressing climate change and improv-
ing health
CONTACT M. F Zainuddin
ß2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Among the abundant woody biomass in Malaysia is the
tree called Mesua ferrea (Figure 1). The tree, which is also
known as penaga lilin,Ceylon ironwood,Indian rose chest-
nut,orcobras saffron, belongs to the family Calophyllaceae
and is grown as an ornamental tree [20,21]. It is a tropical
Asian tree of moderate size that bears flowers from April to
July and fruits from October to November. Its leaves are
linear, 3-6.5 inches in length and have white flowers from
the top axils of the leaf. The leaves usually fall off the tree
branches to the ground and dry up to constitute a nuis-
ance, resulting in innumerable waste management prob-
lems. They are regarded as garden waste materials because
of their biodegradable inorganic fraction. According to
Khalib et al. [22], the traditional disposal method for this
type of garden waste is by open burning, which may cause
health problems due hazardous chemicals from incomplete
combustion. Another method is by dumping into landfills
or incineration processes, leading to the occupation of
valuable agricultural land and the production of large
amount of greenhouse gases. These means of disposal
can only contribute to environmental pollution and
degradation [23]. Using lignocellulosic biomass waste, a
second-generation feedstock [24], is becoming increasingly
important for energy production, either for domestic or
industrial applications. However, some types of waste have
very limited energy content due to their low density.
Densifying these wastes into briquettes produces homoge-
neous fuel with a high energy density. Several studies have
shown that leaves can be densified to produce bioenergy
instead of just burning as a means of disposal [2528]. This
action could, to a large extent, address the problem of dis-
posal, thereby reducing the effect of environmental pollu-
tion as well as helping to meet the energy demand for
cooking and heating [29].
Paper products constitute about 4045% of municipal
solid waste [30], and they become undesirable particularly
if they can no longer be recycled. The technology to
recycle paper involves the process of de-inking and
decontamination, which could be expensive [31]. The non-
recyclable paper products usually become waste and pre-
sent a significant source of energy. According to
Olorunnisola, [32], there have been past attempts to pro-
duce fuel from newspapers by rolling them up into logs,
but they were found not to burn properly. However, results
from recent studies suggest that quality briquettes can be
produced from a mixture of paper and other biomass
materials. [3336]. As reported in Lela et al. [31], paper has
a low Sulphur content and low nitrogen oxide emissions,
and it is not contaminated with non-combustible material.
Paper also has a binding ability because of its cellulosic
nature which contains proteinaceous materials with adhe-
sive property [36]. The non-toxic emissions and adhesive
property make it a feasible component for binding agricul-
tural residues for smokeless briquette production. The idea
of converting undesirable waste into valuable energy as
opined by [37] could increase the economic efficiency of
cooking, space heating and power generation. The main
aim of this study was to develop and characterize bri-
quettes from a mixture of paper pulp and Mesua ferrea
leaves. The objective, on the other hand, was to determine
Figure 1. Messua ferrea trees around UPM campus.
the physical and thermal properties of the briquettes as
alternative energy sources.
Materials and methods
Preparation of biomass and matrix materials
Mesua ferrea dried leaves and wastepaper used for the
experiment was gotten from within the Universiti Putra
Malaysia (UPM) premises and were chosen because of their
availability in large quantity. The leaves were screened to
remove dirt and sun-dried for seven (7) days to reduce the
moisture content to an average of 9.27% [38]. A grinder
was used to reduce the dried samples into small pieces,
which were then sieved through a 2 mm sieve size to get
the preferred particle size [39]. The waste papers were
shredded and soaked in water for two (2) days before con-
version into pulp by crushing in a grinder [40]. The paper
pulp was used as the matrix material as it had been found
to be an effective binder with good combustion property
[32,35]. The paper pulp and Mesua ferrea leaves were com-
bined at percentage proportions of 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, and
50:50 as samples before densification.
Production of briquette
The briquettes were produced using a manually operated
hydraulic piston-press at the dry laboratory of the Faculty
of Environmental Studies (UPM) (Figure 2). The mixture was
fed into a mould with 51 mm inner diameter and a height
of 48 mm (Figure 3). Three different pressures of 5.1, 10.2
and 15.3 MPa were applied during compaction at a room
temperature of 28 C. Compacted briquettes were held in
residence for 60 s [41] before ejection from the mould. The
produced briquettes were kept in a room with adequate
ventilation and left to dry for thirty (30) days (Figure 4).
The procedure for densification of each sample proportion
was replicated ten (10) times, and four (4) briquettes out of
each sample proportion were randomly selected for prop-
erties testing after drying.
Moisture content
Moisture content was determined by using oven-dried
methods in accordance with BS EN 14774-2, as obtained in
[42]. Each briquette was weighed and then oven-dried at
105 ± 3 C to constant mass in 24 hrs. The loss in mass,
expressed as a percentage of the final oven-dried mass,
was taken as the moisture content of the briquettes. The
moisture content was calculated by the equation:
MC ¼w1w2
100 (1)
where MC ¼moisture content, W
¼wet weight, and W
weight after drying.
The briquette density was calculated by dividing the mass
of the briquette by its volume. A Vernier caliper was used
to measure the diameter and the height of the sample,
while an electronic balance was used to measure the
weight. [43] The density of the biomass briquette sample
was calculated by the equation:
where q¼Density, m¼mass of biomass briquette, and V
¼volume of biomass briquette.
Figure 2. Mould of briquette.
Shatter index
Shatter index was measured according to ASTM standards
D440-86 [44]. The initial mass of each briquette sample
was weighed and recorded by using digital electronic
weighing scale. The briquette sample was subjected to the
fall of gravity and dropped on concrete floor from a con-
stant 2-meter height for three (3) times. The disintegrated
briquette was sieved through a sieve of size 2.36 mm. The
mass of the briquette retained on the sieve was recorded
[42]. The shatter index of each briquette was calculated by
the equation
B100 (3)
where K¼shatter index, Bz¼weight of briquette after
shattering, and B¼weight of briquette before shattering.
Calorific value
The calorific value of the briquette was determined by
using the IKA C2000 Basic bomb calorimeter in accordance
with ASTM standard D5865-13 [45]. The test was performed
at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Food Security
Results and discussions
Moisture content of briquettes
The briquette samples yielded different values of moisture
content due to the fibre/binder ratio and pressure applied
during the compaction process. Figure 5 shows that the
100% briquette yielded the highest moisture content range
decreasing from 12.33% to 11.11% under all pressures
applied. In contrast, the 5050% briquette samples yielded
the lowest moisture content range from 6.33% under low
pressure and decreasing to 5.55% under higher pressure.
These results are consistent with the findings from other
studies, which show that the amount of moisture content
is higher for briquettes with a higher binder content and
low pressure applied [31,46]. Overall, the briquette sam-
ples yielded moisture content in a range between 5.55%
and 12.33%, which is within the limits of 14.3% moisture
content, appropriate for storage and combustion capability
as recommended by Olorunnisola, [32]. The briquettes are
also suited for transportation because of increased physical
and mechanical resistance of briquettes with such low
Figure 3. Hydraulic piston press.
Figure 4. Paper pulp/Mesua ferrea briquettes.
moisture content [47,48]. Other studies also recommended
moisture content of less than 10% [49,50], however, bri-
quettes with extremely low moisture content will be too
dry and hence burn out easily [51]. Moisture content more
than 20% would result in considerable loss of energy
required for water evaporation during combustion at the
expense of the calorific value of the fuel [32,52,53].
Density of briquette
The density of briquette is an indication of its strength and
can be influenced by its moisture content [16] as well as
compaction pressure [54]. As depicted in Figure 6, the
results from the experiment show that pressure at 15.3 MPa
produced the highest densities for each ratio of briquettes,
while the pressure at 5.1 MPa produced the lowest den-
sities. In general, 80-20% briquettes at a pressure of
15.3 MPa had the highest density of 0.37 g/cm
, and the
lowest density of 0.28 g/cm
was seen in the 100% bri-
quettes at the same pressure. These values are slightly less
than the 0.63 g/cm
maximum and 0.54 g/cm
reported in Birwatkar et al. [27], and 0.56 g/cm
in Antwi-
Boasiako & Acheampong [42]. However, they are similar to
the lower density values of 0.31 g/cm
reported in Sotande
et al. [55], 0.38 g/cm
in (46), and 0.37 g/cm
, 0.35 g/cm
and 0.32 g/cm
for three different particle sizes in Mitchual
et al.,[56]. The results agree with the suggestions that a
hydraulic piston press produces briquettes that are usually
less than 1.00 g/cm
[42]. The differences in density could
be attributed to the type of binder and pressure applied
[46]. From the results, it can be implied that the greater
the pressure, the higher the density, which is also deter-
mined by the ratio of fibre and binder. Increase in density
improves the strength of the briquettes at least for the pur-
pose of handling characteristics [57], but could also com-
promise combustion properties like burning rate [58]
Shatter index of briquette
Borowski [59] observed that shatter index should attain a
value higher than 90% for easy handling and transporta-
tion. In the work of Birwatkar et al [27], the maximum aver-
age shatter resistance was found to be 94.46% in
25:25:40:10 ratio of dried mango leaves, dried acacia leaves,
saw dust and cow dung binder combination, respectively.
Figure 7 shows the shatter index (%) of briquettes of
Figure 5. Moisture content (%) in briquettes of varying mixture ratio at different pressures.
Figure 6. Density (g/cm
) of briquettes of varying mixture ratio at different pressures.
varying fibre/binder ratios at different pressures. The high-
est shatter index readings of >99% were seen in the
100% paper briquette and this was due to the excellent
binding of paper pulp. The higher the ratio of paper pulp,
the higher the percentage shatter resistance. The 5050%
briquettes had the lowest shatter index of <90% and sug-
gest that they may not be suitable for handling and trans-
portation. This latter result is consistent with the assertions
of Antwi-Boasiako and Acheampong [42] and Li and Zhang
[60], where they stated that greater shatter index is indica-
tive of high durability to gravitational deterioration
Calorific value of briquettes
The calorific value of any biofuel including briquette is an
important characteristic. It is a determinant of the amount
of heat energy present in a biomass material [61] and
could also influence market value in terms of price, as
stated in [42]. In this study, all the briquettes, except for
the 100% ratio, contained calorific values >18 MJ/kg at all
pressures applied. The lower values for the 100% briquettes
could be attributed to high moisture content and as such a
decreased calorific value [62]. However, the 5050% bri-
quette had the highest calorific values ranging between
18.84 and 18.99 MJ/kg (Figure 8), indicative of higher effi-
ciency as an energy source [63]. The values are also closely
comparable to 18.53 MJ/kg elephant grass briquette and
18.09 MJ/kg spear grass briquette [64] but fared better
than 17.83 MJ/kg rice straw and sugarcane leaves [65],
17.7 MJ/kg banana leaves briquette [26] and 16.68 MJ/kg
paper/sawdust briquettes [66]. The high energy density
may have been as a result of appreciable calorific values of
waste papers as reported by Bro
zek, [67]. The values
reported in this study can satisfactorily produce enough
heat required for household cooking and other commercial
applications [6871]. Results of the experiments revealed
that calorific value negatively correlates with moisture con-
tent (r¼0.98) but is relatively positive with density
(r¼0.56). Comparatively, the low correlation does not
affect the quality of the briquette except beyond a certain
limit. It is important that briquettes are produced with a
lower moisture content since they are so valued due to its
influence on calorific value, storage management and han-
dling properties [72]
Figure 7. Shatter index (%) of briquettes of varying mixture ratio at different pressures.
Figure 8. Calorific Value (MJ/kg) of briquettes of varying mixture ratio at different pressures.
Conclusions and future prospects
This study confirmed that the briquettes produced from a
mixture of paper pulp/Mesua ferrea dried leaves, which are
garden waste, exhibit great potentials for use as viable and
economical domestic fuel. The relatively high shatter index
suggests that the proposed briquettes can be handled and
transported with minimal concern for disintegration. The
moisture content of the proposed briquettes is within
acceptable limits and has minimal impact on its calorific
value. The briquettes exhibited calorific values that are con-
siderably high and comparable to agriculture waste bri-
quette. Furthermore, paper pulp was used in this study
both as raw material and as a binder with dried leaves,
without relying on food substances like starch. Additionally,
paper pulp enhances the briquette to be produced under
mild temperature and low-compaction pressure. This study
views vast opportunities for garden waste as suitable
source of biomass for briquette production. The lower car-
bon, sulfur and chlorine contents of biomass have a great
potential to reduce emissions formed during combustion.
However, to fully assess the quality of briquettes from the
biomass material used, the study recommends that other
compression conditions like temperature, and feedstock
properties like particle size be investigated in future works.
It also recommends the production and evaluation of bri-
quettes from leaves of other ornamental trees typically
planted in city parks. This would help reduce pollution on
the environment and possibly add to the energy mix.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This study is supported by UPM Insentif Putra (grant no. 9444400) and
UPM Geran Putra (grant no. 9608400). The authors would like to thank
Mr Abdul Ghafar and Mr Mohamad Azrul Gani for their support during
the completion of this study.
S. Y. Kpalo
M. F. Zainuddin
Z. Abbas
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... food supply make it an impractical option. In this regard, despite its poor fuel properties, wastepaper is a viable binder for biomass-based fuel briquettes due to its adhesive properties [25], low sulfur contents and nitrogen oxide emissions [26,27], and abundance. Hence, this study aims to explore the briquetting of TSW using wastepaper as a binder with desirable physical and thermal properties for alternative energy use in low-income communities. ...
... In this study, a manual press moulding machine designed to have 5 MPa [26] pressure with a cylindrical mould, having a 7 cm outer diameter and 20 cm height was used. Briquette preparations were conducted at the laboratories of the Department of Chemical Engineering, and the School of and sun-dried for one week to reduce their moisture content. ...
... Calorific value: Finally, the calorific values (CV) of each briquette sample were determined by bomb calorimetry (MFPM4000030) at Messebo Cement Factory PLC, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. The test was carried out following the ASTM method as described in [26]. ...
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The disposal of tannery solid waste (TSW) and the need for clean and affordable energy are two pressing issues. Converting TSW into briquettes could be a solution to both problems. This paper focuses on preparing and characterizing fuel briquettes from TSW using a wastepaper as a binder. Raw TSW samples were obtained from the nearby leather industry, sun-dried, treated, carbonized, and reduced to a size of less than 2 mm. The carbonized TSW was mixed with a wastepaper binder (WPB) in different combinations (100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80) and converted into briquettes using a hand-press briquette machine. Five briquettes were produced, and sun-dried for one week. The proximate analyses and calorific values of the resulting briquettes were determined in accordance with ASTM analytical methods. The briquettes had a moisture content of 1.30±0.01–5.30±0.10%, volatile matter of 4.01±0.09–10.21±0.18%, ash of 2.80±0.04–5.50±0.13%, fixed carbon of 79.00±0.54–91.90±0.36%, and calorific value of 20.48±0.08–21.09±0.04 MJ/kg. Results showed that a briquette comprised of 80% TSW and 20% WPB has a higher calorific value of 21.09±0.04 MJ/kg. This study demonstrates the feasibility of producing affordable and clean briquettes from an admixture of TSW and WPB. It also shows that briquette production can help reduce solid waste disposal in the tannery industry.
... Source: [8] "Processing rice husk charcoal into bio-briquettes is in one-way an effective way of packaging of Rice husk for charcoal briquettes and can be stored for energy use. Energy content of the rice husk charcoal briquettes can be increased by adding other kinds of biomass with high calorific values of energy" [11]. Improving the quality of briquettes can be done at the preparation stage of charcoal such as carbonization, grinding, formulating the optimum composition and the addition of appropriate adhesive material in appropriate levels. ...
... When briquettes are bonded, the shatter index is greatly minimized [20]. Also, higher ratio or composition of RHC resulted in a higher percentage of shatter resistance of briquettes [11,21]. ...
Combustion characteristics of rice husk and coconut shell briquettes have been investigated with a view of establishing its suitability as an energy source. The husk and shell were collected and carbonized in a furnace as rice husk charcoal (RHC) and coconut shell charcoal (CSC). These were further down sized and sieved to 2.5 mm particle size. The RHC and CSC were mixed in proportions of 50:45, 60:35, 70:25, 80:15, and 90:5% by weight respectively, and 5% cassava starch used as binder for all the compositions. The briquette samples were formed by thorough mixing and compaction in a metallic mold and extruded for drying and labelled 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A and 5 A respectively. Physical and mechanical as well combustion tests were performed to confirmed the viability of the briquettes. The results indicate that sample 1A had the highest calorific value (4886 cal/g). The other properties such as water content, ash content, density of briquettes also indicate their suitability as energy source.
... Orisaleye et al. [27] discovered that higher die temperature and hold time improved water resistance of corncob briquettes. Kpalo et al. [28] evaluated the properties of briquettes of paper pulp with Mesua ferrea leaves. The shatter index ranged between 79.18 and 99.9% with density reaching up to 370 kg/m 3 . ...
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Efficient utilization of biomass requires conversion into forms that can be optimally applied in energy generation. Briquetting involves compaction of biomass into solid blocks that are more efficient than raw biomass and provides for ease of transport and handling. These are improved when the briquettes possess high shatter index and compressive strength. Due to difference in nature and composition, it is imperative to define optimum conditions for the production of quality and durable briquettes for individual biomass compacted into briquettes. This study studied the effects of process variables on the strength and durability of biomass briquettes produced using Abura sawdust. The lateral compressive strength and drop shatter index were investigated whilst varying the temperature (100-150 °C), pressure (9-15 MPa) and hold time (15-30 min). The compressive strength ranged between 2.06 and 5.15 MPa whilst the shatter index was between 50 and 600. The pressure was significant to the determination of the compressive strength (p < 0.1) and the shatter index (p < 0.05). Mechanical characteristics of the binderless Abura sawdust briquettes can be improved by optimizing the densification variables during the briquetting process when moderate pressures are used for compaction.
... The values of shattering index of briquettes that have up to 50 -100% concentration of PPF were low. Among the briquettes produced from various proportion of BMS and PPF, briquettes with higher proportion of BMS as contained in samples A, B and C have higher shattering index and this indicate proper bonding of BMS in the composite (Kpalo et al., 2022). Therefore, shattering index of briquettes samples A, B and C falls within the acceptable range of DIN 51731 (17.7 -99.8%) for production briquette (Kaliyan and Morey, 2006). ...
... Several studies have reported the successes of processed biomass. They include biomass to pellet [26,28], biomass to briquette [27,29,30], biomass to sound absorption panel [31], biomass to biogas [32,33], etc. However, this paper is limited to the sustainable use of biomass as energy or fuel in improved cookstoves, as it is perceived as a measure of abating the emission of harmful gases to the environment and mitigating climate change. ...
Recent years have seen a substantial increase in interest in using biomass as a renewable energy source due to concerns about sustainability and energy security. However, using biomass alone as a fuel source has its own drawbacks such as lower bulk density, low heating values, high moisture, and ash content. Therefore, a promising solution is the co-firing of biomass with coal in the form of briquettes which improves these properties. This study assesses the effectiveness of making coal-biomass briquettes using Shahrigh coal obtained from Balochistan, Pakistan, sugarcane bagasse as the biomass component, clay as the binder, and slake lime as the desulfurizing agent. Proximate analysis along with ignition efficiency, water boiling test, emission analysis, and sulfur determination was carried out on the samples following different American Standard of Testing Materials (ASTM) procedures. The results showed that briquettes have an average moisture content of 4.36%, ash content of 33.92%, volatile matter of 29.77%, and fixed carbon of 31.95%. The calorific value of the briquettes was measured to be 18.215 MJ/kg, while the emission analysis revealed nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) values to be 7 ppm and 518 ppm respectively. The sulfur content was found to be between 4.9 and 5.2%, while the ignition time and water boiling time were 309 s and 18.32 min respectively. The coal–sugarcane bagasse briquettes exhibited promising characteristics in terms of their physiochemical properties, indicating their potential as an alternative fuel source. This research improves understanding of sugarcane bagasse utilization in coal-biomass briquettes for renewable energy production.
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Turning biomass waste into briquettes using densification techniques is one of the most promising steps toward mitigating biomass waste pollution and fuel issues in developing countries. Despite the continuous growth of scientific output over the past few decades, only a limited amount of information is available in the literature on biomass briquette optimization and mathematical modeling, as well as the physiochemical characterization of biomass feedstocks and briquette operating variables. In light of this gap in the current literature, this study summarizes the current state of the art and recent advances in biomass-based briquettes generated from agro-residues as an alternative source of clean energy. The primary research method for this study is literature review and conceptual modeling. First, many densification processes, such as piston press, screw press, roller press, hydraulic press, and quality variables such as ash content, calorific value, moisture content, density, compressive strength, shatter index, etc., are thoroughly discussed and compared. Then characteristics of different biomass wastes are studied, together with process parameters, including temperature, type of binder used, particle size, and influence on densification process choice. The current evaluation concentrated on the mathematical modeling and optimization of the briquetting technology and the usefulness of briquettes in applications for heating, cooking, and energy production. Overall, this manuscript will help new researchers understand the basic methodology, classification, limitations, and future perspective of briquetting technology in the production of solid biofuels.
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Biomass is currently the most widespread form of renewable energy and its exploitation is further increasing due to the concerns over the devastative impacts of fossil fuel consumption, i.e., climate change, global warming and their negative impacts on human health. In line with that, the present articles reviews the different sources of biomass available, along with their chemical composition and properties. Subsequently, different conversion technologies (i.e., thermo-chemical, biochemical, and physicochemical conversions) and their corresponding products are reviewed and discussed. In the continuation, the global status of biomass vs. the other renewable energies is scrutinized. Moreover, biomass-derived energy production was analyzed from economic and environmental perspectives. Finally, the challenges faced to further expand the share of biomass-derived energy carriers in the global energy market are presented.
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The study relates to a compact briquetting machine developed in the Philippines that can compress and produce cylindrical briquettes having a hole at the center using biomass and urban wastes with the aid of a hydraulic jack and is semi-automatically returned to start position using a pulling device. The machine can compact 16 cylindrical briquettes in one pressing or about 200 to 240 pcs/hr. The quality of the three types of briquettes produced using waste paper, sawdust and carbonized rice husk, slightly varied. Parameters analyzed like bulk density, heating value, moisture, N and S closely met or has met the requirements of DIN 51731.
Using waste biomass materials offers the potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. Torrefaction is very useful for improving the fuel properties of biomass in order to better match those of coal. The aim of this work is to compare the properties of torrefied low quality biomass bri-quettes against coal equivalents. The composition of the briquettes was characterized by 13 C CP/MAS, proximate analysis, and X-ray diffraction and the results were compared with equilibrium calculations. In addition to these techniques, we report for the first time on the use of XmCT for characterizing such materials. The XmCT analysis showed that the briquette structure contains carbon, binder and inorganic matter, with quartz retained from the original feedstock in torrefied biomass and coal briquettes. The CO 2 reactivity of pulverized briquettes was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis. Results showed that the inorganic matter influences the reactivity less than the organic composition and porosity. Importantly from a technological standpoint, the increase in binder concentration and replacement of starch with resin binder did not influence the reactivity and calorific value of a pulverized briquette.
The production of cellulase with enhanced enzyme activities has been a challenge for the biofuel industries. In this work, to prove the technical feasibility of using an alternate source of cellulose for cellulase production, a novel lignocellulosic mixture of waste surgical cotton and packaging cardboard, and a cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma harzanium ATCC® 20846™, were employed. After a 9 day Solid State Fermentation (SSF), FPase activities were, 2.405 IU/mL, 3.145 IU/mL, 3.230 IU/mL for untreated, dilute acid pre-treated, and ammonia pre-treated substrate mixtures, respectively. After a 120 -h Submerged Fermentation (SMF), the enzyme activities were: FPase 1.94 IU/mL, CMCase 12.47 IU/mL, beta Glucosidases 3165.4 IU/mL, and xylanases 756.6IU/mL. The biomass yield coefficients (Yx/s, Yx/O2); Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR); maintenance coefficients (mO2); mass transfer coefficient (KLa); Oxygen Transfer Rate (OTR); the effects of viscosity and sugar accumulation, have been studied for the submerged fermentation process. A basic financial analysis has been presented.
An optimized innovative biological pretreatment (avoiding the generation of inhibitors) of a novel mixture of surgical waste cotton and card board was performed for 14 ± 0.5 days using a fungi Paecilomyces inflatus ATCC® 32919™ resulting in 76 ± 0.14% and 25 ± 0.009% lignin and hemicellulose degradations, respectively. SEM analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, and FT-IR spectroscopy revealed changes in the pretreated biomass mixture. Saccharification (57.09 ± 1%) was achieved for the pretreated mixture using in-house cellulases. Fermentation of the enzymatically saccharified hydrolysate using Saccharomyces cereviseae RW143 yielded 51.24 ± 1.2 g/L ethanol, with a cellulose conversion of 58.42 ± 1%. The biological pretreatment was 80% cheaper than conventional pretreatments giving a fermentation yield of 0.42 ± 0.08 g ethanol/g of glucose. A total of 90% (v/v) with 180 proof purity (twice the volume percentage by US standard) ethanol was obtained. A total of 96 ± 1.4% of diesel fuel’s cylinder pressure was achieved in an internal combustion engine testing for the produced ethanol’s blend with diesel.
In this work, the production viability, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of briquettes produced from mixtures of coffee shrub residues and pinewood, were evaluated. The densification was carried out under constant operating conditions (temperature of 120 °C, pressure of 8.27 MPa) in a piston-press type laboratory-scale briquetting machine. Coffee shrub residues were mixed with pinewood in ratios of 25%, 50% and 75%. In addition, reference briquettes of pure pinewood and of each type of coffee shrub residue were produced. To characterize the raw material, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon together with the calorific value of produced samples, were measured. To characterize the suitability of the briquettes produced: apparent density, energy density, tensile strength, and equilibrium moisture content were determined. The highest values of energy density (19133–19899 MJ m ⁻³ ), tensile strength (415–569 kgf), apparent density (1107–1163 kg m ⁻³ ) and favorable values of equilibrium moisture content (9–11 wt %) were obtained from a mixing ratio of 75% of pinewood. The novel contribution of this research was to develop briquettes with appropriate physical and mechanical parameters from new raw materials that could serve as sustainable fuel sources for local firing systems.
Ethanol production from waste biomass using a slightly modified bio-refinery approach was performed in this work to cater to the increasing need of alternate fuels and fuel additives globally. A surgical waste cotton and waste packaging cardboard mixture after a 15% v/v ammonia pre-treatment showed 70% lignin removal. An optimized saccharification using In-house Cellulases produced from Trichoderma harzanium ATCC 20846 had a percentage saccharification of 45% and percentage yield saccharification of 94.6%. An optimized fermentation using Saccharomyces cereviseae strain RW143 resulted in the yield of 0.4 g ethanol/g glucose from the 15% (v/v) glucose in the enzymatically saccharified hydrolysate loaded. The distilled ethanol had 90% (v/v) concentration and180 proof (twice the amount of concentration percentage in v/v) purity. 1 kg biomass mixture when processed as mentioned would yield 120 mL ethanol. Two diesel-ethanol blends (E-10 and E-20) and a commercial Diesel control were used to rate an IC engine's brake power.