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Short-term ethanol administration does not change the total pyramidal neuron number of the rat hippocampus: A stereologic study



In the hippocampus, short-term exposure to ethanol (EtOH) has been shown to inhibit some functions, and nitric oxide (NO) is an important modulator of physiologic processes. In this study, investigators explored the effects of EtOH on the total number of neurons in rat CA regions and the possible neuroprotective role of NO. The role of NO in rats given EtOH was examined with the use of a nonselective inhibitor of NOS (N[G]-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester [L-NAME], D[G]-nitro-Larginine methyl ester [D-NAME]), a central selective inhibitor of NOS (7-NI), and a donor of NO (L-arginine). Toward this end, rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: control (saline 3 g/kg intraperitoneal [ip]), ethanol (ethanol 3 g/kg ip), L-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + L- NAME 60 mg/kg ip), L-arginine (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + L-arginine 1 g/kg ip), D-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + D-NAME 60 mg/kg ip), and 7-NI (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + 7-NI 40 mg/kg ip). Blood ethanol concentrations were measured 90 min after EtOH administration. Means (value+/-standard deviation) of total pyramidal neuronal numbers in the right hippocampus were estimated using the optical fractionator counting method. Values were as follows: 446,558+/-6207, 483,517+/-20,311, 464,588+/-30,637, 479,688+/-10,780, 458,294+/-17,770, and 477,281+/-7641 in the control, ethanol, L-arginine, 7-NI, L-NAME, and D-NAME groups, respectively. No significant differences were observed between groups (P>.05). The results of the present study imply that short-term administration of EtOH does not affect total pyramidal neuronal number in the right hippocampus of the rat. Furthermore, NO does not change the effects of short-term EtOH on total pyramidal neuronal number in the right hippocampal CA regions of the rat. Additional studies are needed to clarify the role of NO and NOS inhibition in the effects associated with EtOH given on a short-term basis.
Short-Term Ethanol
Administration Does
Not Change the Total
Pyramidal Neuron Number
of the Rat Hippocampus:
A Stereologic Study
Ramazan Kozan, MD
Mustafa Ayyildiz, PhD, Assoc Prof
Department of Physiology
Ondokuz Mayis University School of Medicine
Samsun, Turkey
Orhan Bas, PhD, Assist Prof
Department of Anatomy
Afyon Kocatepe University School of Medicine
Afyon, Turkey
Süleyman Kaplan, PhD, Prof
Department of Histology and Embryology
Erdal Agar, PhD, Prof
Department of Physiology
Ondokuz Mayis University School of Medicine
Samsun, Turkey
In the hippocampus, short-term exposure to ethanol (EtOH) has been shown to
inhibit some functions, and nitric oxide (NO) is an important modulator of physi-
ologic processes. In this study, investigators explored the effects of EtOH on the
total number of neurons in rat CA regions and the possible neuroprotective role of
NO. The role of NO in rats given EtOH was examined with the use of a nonselec-
tive inhibitor of NOS (N[G]-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester [L-NAME], D[G]-nitro-L-
arginine methyl ester [D-NAME]), a central selective inhibitor of NOS (7-NI), and
a donor of NO (L-arginine). Toward this end, rats were randomly divided into
6 groups: control (saline 3 g/kg intraperitoneal [ip]), ethanol (ethanol 3 g/kg ip),
L-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + L- NAME 60 mg/kg ip), L-arginine (ethanol 3 g/kg ip
+ L-arginine 1 g/kg ip), D-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + D-NAME 60 mg/kg ip),
in Therapy®
Volume 24 No. 2
March/April 2007
Address correspondence to
Dr. Erdal Agar
Department of Physiology
Faculty of Medicine
University of Ondokuz Mayis
55139 Samsun, Turkey
©2007 Health Communications Inc
Transmission and reproduction of this material in whole
or part without prior written approval are prohibited.
and 7-NI (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + 7-NI 40 mg/kg ip). Blood ethanol concentrations were mea-
sured 90 min after EtOH administration. Means (value±standard deviation) of total pyramidal
neuronal numbers in the right hippocampus were estimated using the optical fractionator
counting method. Values were as follows: 446,558±6207, 483,517±20,311, 464,588±30,637,
479,688±10,780, 458,294±17,770, and 477,281±7641 in the control, ethanol, L-arginine,
7-NI, L-NAME, and D-NAME groups, respectively. No significant differences were observed
between groups (P>.05). The results of the present study imply that short-term administration
of EtOH does not affect total pyramidal neuronal number in the right hippocampus of the rat.
Furthermore, NO does not change the effects of short-term EtOH on total pyramidal neuronal
number in the right hippocampal CA regions of the rat. Additional studies are needed to
clarify the role of NO and NOS inhibition in the effects associated with EtOH given on
a short-term basis.
Keywords: hippocampus; ethanol; nitric oxide; neuron, stereology
The effect of ethanol (EtOH) has been associated with significant damage to the
heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and brain.1-3 Human and animal research studies
have provided evidence that the central nervous system (CNS) is vulnerable to the
damaging effects of EtOH exposure, as indicated by neurochemical,4electrophysio-
logic,5and neuroanatomic studies.6One particular form of neuroanatomic damage
is neuronal loss. EtOH administration is known to cause substantial neuronal loss in
several regions of the brain, such as a decrease in retinal ganglion cells in primates
after prenatal exposure to EtOH.7In particular, the hippocampal formation is vul-
nerable to the effects of EtOH exposure that occurs during the early postnatal peri-
od in the rat.8
A free radical gas known as nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in a diverse
range of physiologic processes.9,10 NO is synthesized from the precursor L-arginine
by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which transforms L-arginine into NO and cit-
rulline.10 NO is produced throughout the CNS in response to N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) receptor activation and other stimuli; it is an unconventional neurotrans-
mitter that freely diffuses across biologic membranes.11 It is known that NOS exists
in 3 isoforms: inducible (iNOS), endothelial (eNOS), and neuronal (nNOS).12 In the
adult rat or human hippocampus, nNOS expression can be detected in pyramidal
cells and interneurons throughout the CA1–CA3 region and in the granular cell
layer of the dentate gyrus.13 A recent study indicates that NO may play an important
role in dependence on substances such as opioids, nicotine, and EtOH.10 Bonthius et
al14 reported that NO limits EtOH-induced neuronal death in the CNS. Pharma-
cologic manipulations that decrease NO production can worsen the neurotoxic
effects of EtOH both in vitro and in vivo.14 Evidence suggests that NO-dependent
pathways modulate the acute effects of EtOH in vivo.15 It was found that intrahip-
pocampal injection of NOS inhibitors enhanced the anxiolytic effects of EtOH in
rats. Moreover, intrahippocampal administration of NO donors reduced the anxi-
olytic effects of EtOH.15 These findings suggest that NO may play a protective role
against the toxic effects of EtOH.
R. Kozan, et al
Effects of Ethanol on Rat Hippocampus
Investigators in this study used a nonselective inhibitor of NOS (N[G]-nitro-
L-arginine methyl ester [L-NAME], D[G]-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester [D-NAME]),
a central selective inhibitor of NOS (7-NI), and a donor of NO (L-arginine) to exam-
ine the effects of EtOH on total pyramidal neuron number in the right side of the
hippocampus and the role of NO in rats given EtOH. Few studies have used unbi-
ased stereology to assess alterations in total neuronal number in the CA region of
rats acutely exposed to EtOH.
All experiments were conducted according to institutional guidelines. Animals
were treated in accordance with ethical principles (Principles of Laboratory Animal Care
[NIH publication no. 86-23, revised 1985]), and the institutional Ethics Committee
on the Use of Live Animals in Research approved the experimental protocol.
Appropriate measures were taken to minimize pain and discomfort. All rats were
housed 1 per cage with wood bedding and were given standard laboratory chow. Rats
were maintained on a 12 h:12 h light/dark cycle, and room temperature was main-
tained at 21±2ºC.
After 1 wk of acclimation, 36 male Wistar white rats weighing 195±25 g were ran-
domly divided for cell counting into 6 groups as follows: control (saline 3 g/kg
intraperitoneally [ip]), ethanol (ethanol 3 g/kg ip), L-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip +
L-NAME 60 mg/kg ip), L-arginine (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + L-arginine 1 g/kg ip),
D-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + D-NAME 60 mg/kg ip), and 7-NI (ethanol 3 g/kg ip
+ 7-NI 40 mg/kg ip). Animals in study groups, other than controls, were given
EtOH as a single dose at 3 g/kg ip. Blood ethanol concentrations were determined
from tail blood samples drawn 90 min after EtOH was administered to separate
groups of rats (n=18).
Animals were deeply anesthetized with urethane (1.25 g/kg ip) and, 3 h after
EtOH exposure, were perfused via the left cardiac ventricle with 0.9% NaCl and 10%
formaldehyde that were preheated to 37ºC before use. Thereafter, the brain was
immediately removed from the cranium and was stored in the same fixative for at
least 2 wk.
Brains were coded in such a way that the experimenter was blind to the experi-
mental condition during cell counting. The right hemispheres of the brains, treated
through routine tissue processing, were embedded in Paraplast (Sigma-Aldrich,
Munich, Germany) and were sectioned at 40-µm thickness in the horizontal plane.
Slides were stored overnight in the oven (60ºC) and were stained with cresyl violet.
Stereologic Procedures: Estimation of Total Neuron Number
in the CA Region
Total pyramidal neuron numbers in the CA region of the right hemisphere were
estimated using the optical fractionator counting method. In all, 15 to 20 sections
were used to make an unbiased estimation of total cell numbers in the CA region
through selection of every fifth section, according to a systematic random sampling
procedure.16 A sampling area of 294/22,500 µm2was used. Dissector height was
10 µm, and a 5-µm zone at the uppermost part of the section was excluded from the
analysis at every step as the upper guard zone. Thus, a thickness-sampling fraction
Advances in Therapy®
Volume 24 No. 2, March/April 2007
of 10 µm/t was used, where trepresents mean section thickness. Stereologic analy-
ses of the CA region of the hippocampus were performed according to principles
described previously.17
At stereologic workstations that included a CCD (charge-coupled device) digital
camera (JVC, Tokyo, Japan), a personal computer with an image capture card
(FlashPoint 3D, Integral Technologies, Indianapolis, Ind, USA), a monitor (Hyundai,
Seoul, South Korea), a computer-controlled motorized specimen stage (Prior
Scientific, Rockland, Mass, USA), a microcator (Heidenhain, Traunreut, Germany),
and a light microscope (Leica DMR; Leica Microsystems, Inc., Wetzlar, Germany),
the total number of neurons in the CA region was estimated. A software program
(CAST-GRID\Computer Assisted Stereological Toolbox; Olympus, Copenhagen,
Denmark) was used to control, measure, and record stereologic data and to capture
digital images of all sections. This system reproduced microscopic images (obtained
through a 100×oil immersion objective, numeric aperture, 1.40) on the computer
monitor at a final magnification of 5140, which allowed accurate recognition and
counting of pyramidal cells in the CA region. Total neuron number in the sampled
sections was estimated using ‘’the unbiased counting frame’’ with 294 µm2in area.
A counting frame was placed onto sections in a systematic, uniform, randomized
manner,18 and appropriately sampled nuclei of neurons at the widest portion of the
counter were counted. Meander sampling of sectioned hippocampal profiles was
conducted over successive, systematically randomized steps. This ensured that all
locations within a sampled section were equally represented, and that all cell pro-
files had an equal probability of being sampled, regardless of shape, size, orienta-
tion, and location.
The total neuron number was estimated according to the formula given below:
ssf asf tsf
where ΣQ represents the total number of neurons counted in all optically sampled
fields of the hippocampus, ssf is the section-sampling fraction (1/5), asf is the area-
sampling fraction (294/22,500), and tsf is the thickness-sampling fraction (defined
by dissector height [10 µm] divided by estimated mean section thickness). The effi-
ciency of sampling and the convenient number of sampled cells were checked by
estimation of coefficient of error (CE). The coefficient of variation (CV) for each
group was also estimated to determine whether each group included an appropri-
ate number of animals.19
Comparisons between groups were carried out through 1-way analysis of vari-
ance with multiple comparisons performed according to Dunn’s post hoc method.
Statistical differences were significant at P<.05.
Blood ethanol concentrations were measured 90 min after EtOH administration
(in different groups, n=18). Values were: 0 mg/dL, 247.3 mg/dL, 252.8 mg/dL,
228.6 mg/dL, 247.4 mg/dL, and 231.5 mg/dL in the control, ethanol, L-arginine,
L-NAME, D-NAME, and 7-NI groups, respectively. The mean blood ethanol con-
centration value was 241.5 mg/dL in the groups to which EtOH was administered.
No significant difference was noted between groups given EtOH.
R. Kozan, et al
Effects of Ethanol on Rat Hippocampus
Means (value±standard deviation) of total pyramidal neuronal numbers in
the right hippocampus were estimated as follows after administration of a single
dose of 3 g/kg EtOH: 446,558±6207, 483,517±20,311, 464,588±30,637, 479,688±10,780,
458,294±17,770, and 477,281±7641 in the control, ethanol, L-arginine, 7-NI, L-NAME,
and D-NAME groups, respectively (Table). No significant differences were observed
between groups (P>.05) (Figure).
Advances in Therapy®
Volume 24 No. 2, March/April 2007
Group ΣQ Step No. CE CV
Control, n=6 219 464 0.047 0.09
Ethanol, n=6 250 522 0.045 0.09
L-Arginine, n=6 234 491 0.046 0.14
7-NI, n=6 260 472 0.046 0.05
L-NAME, n=6 240 439 0.048 0.07
D-NAME, n=6 261 468 0.046 0.03
Mean Dissector Cell Number (ΣQ), Step Number, and CE and CV of Cell Estimation
(n=6) Ethanol
(n=6) L-Arginine
(n=6) L-NAME
(n=6) D-NAME
(n=6) 7-NI
Neuron Numbers
The effects of acute ethanol administration (3 g/kg ip) on the total number
of neurons in the right hippocampus of the rat.
No significant difference was noted between groups (P>.05): control (saline 3 g/kg ip), ethanol (3 g/kg ip),
L-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + L-NAME 60 mg/kg ip), L-arginine (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + L-arginine 1 g/kg ip),
D-NAME (ethanol 3 g/kg ip + D-NAME 60 mg/kg ip), and 7-NI (ethanol 3 g/kg ip +7-NI 40 mg/kg ip).
Data are expressed as mean±standard deviation (SD).
It has long been known that EtOH is easily administered in a noninvasive man-
ner, that it is rapidly absorbed, and that it produces neurodegeneration in specific
regions of the brain, including the hippocampus.20 Investigators in the present study
used a rat model and a nonselective inhibitor of NOS (L-NAME), D-NAME,
a central selective inhibitor of NOS (7-NI), and a donor of NO (L-arginine) to evalu-
ate the effects of a 3-g/kg single dose of EtOH on the total number of neurons seen
on the right side of the hippocampus, and to explore the role of NO.
In previous experimental studies, it was found that short-term administration of
EtOH results in many changes, such as a decrease in different types of cells in the hip-
pocampus.21,22 Nixon and Crews22 found that a 5-g/kg dose of EtOH decreased adult
neural progenitor cells by 40% at 5 h. They also reported that an acute dose of EtOH
decreased the number of BrdU+ cells in adult hippocampus 5 h after administra-
tion.22 In contrast to the results of Nixon and Crews22 and Cameron and McKay,21
investigators in the present study found that an acute dose of EtOH (3 g/kg) did not
significantly change the total number of neurons in the right hippocampus of the rat.
It should be noted that a higher dose (5 g/kg) of EtOH was used in earlier studies
than was used in the present study. It is also well known that the number of newly
created cells (ie, BrdU+ cells), when compared with the total cell number in the hip-
pocampus, is too low. Thus, the results suggest that even though EtOH decreased
the number of immunopositive cells in this region, this cell loss did not result in sig-
nificant cell death when compared with total outcomes. Berry and Matthews23
reported that a 2.25-g/kg dose of EtOH administered acutely selectively impaired
spatial memory, however, and that hippocampal formation is involved in the learn-
ing and memory process. Earlier investigators evaluated only the numbers of spe-
cific cell types such as BrdU+ or neural progenitor cells, whereas researchers in
the present study estimated the total number of cells. It is proposed here that EtOH
may change the numbers of cells in specific cell groups but may not cause a change
in the total number of cells.
It has been shown that alcohol inhibits NO production in vivo; thus, it may be
suggested that NO is of relevance in the pathogenesis of alcohol-induced brain dam-
age.24 Zhang et al25 reported that administration of an NO donor induces neurogen-
esis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Jang et al26 showed that acutely
alcohol-intoxicated rats produce a significantly reduced number of proliferating
cells and decreased NOS expression within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal
formation. They also showed that alcohol injection inhibits the number of BrdU+
cells and the level of NOS expression in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in a
dose- and duration-dependent manner.26 In contrast, administration of a nonselec-
tive inhibitor of NOS (L-NAME), D-NAME, a central selective inhibitor of NOS
(7-NI), and a donor of NO (L-arginine) did not significantly change the total num-
ber of cells in the right hippocampus of the rat. Ikeda et al27 reported, however, that
NOS activity in various brain regions of mice, such as the frontal cortex, striatum,
hippocampus, and cerebellum, remained similar to that seen in controls after short-
(3 g/kg) and long-term (3.3 g/kg/d; 3.5 d) administration of EtOH.
R. Kozan, et al
Effects of Ethanol on Rat Hippocampus
Study results presented here show for the first time that short-term EtOH admin-
istration did not affect the total number of cells in the right hippocampus of the rat.
The same dose of EtOH may reduce the numbers of specific cell types such as NOS+
and BrdU+ cells, but not the total number of cells in the hippocampus. The inhibitor
of NOS and the donor of NO did not significantly change the numbers of cells pro-
duced. It is important to note that findings regarding the influence of NOS inhibi-
tion on the effects of EtOH are inconclusive. Additional studies are needed to clarify
the role of NO and NOS inhibition in the acute effects of EtOH.
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R. Kozan, et al
Effects of Ethanol on Rat Hippocampus
... In contrast to these findings, other researchers have found that an acute dose of ethanol (3 g/kg) did not significantly change the total number of neurons in the right hippocampus of the rat (37). However such reports are very rare. ...
... It has also been reported that an acute dose of ethanol decreased the number of BrdU+ cells in the adult hippocampus 5 hours after administration. Nevertheless the prior evidence suggests that acute alcohol consumption may first initiate programmed cell death, an effect that is then followed by passive non-programmed degeneration(35-37). ...
Full-text available
This research study is an attempt to examine whether the administration of ethanol after memory reactivation would modulate subsequent expression of memory in rats. Additionally, we examined whether this administration alters the density of Cornu Ammonis (CA)1 and CA3 pyramidal and dentate gyrus (DG) granule cells. In this experimental study, adult male Wistar rats (200-300 g) were trained in a fear conditioning system using two 1 second, 0.6 mA shocks with an interval of 180 seconds. Twenty four hours later rats were returned to the chamber for 120 seconds. Immediately after reactivation they were injected with ethanol (0.5, 1, 1.5 mg/ kg) or saline. 1, 7 and 14 days after reactivation, rats were returned to the context for 5 minutes. Seconds of freezing (absence of all movement except respiration) were scored. In the second experiment (described in the previous paragraph), after test 1, animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and perfused transcardially with phosphate buffer (10 minutes) and 4% paraformaldehyde (15 minutes). The brains were postfixed in phosphate-buffered 4% paraformaldehyde (24 hours) and 30% sucrose. 10-µm sections were stained with cresyl violet. Data were analyzed by 1-and 2-way ANOVA for repeated measurements by means of SPSS 16.0. Tukey's post hoc test was performed to determine the source of detected significant differences. P <0 .05 were considered significant. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Findings from the first experiment indicated that ethanol at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg significantly impaired recall of memory only in the first test. The density of CA1 and CA3 pyramidal and DG granule cells in the ethanol group was decreased (p< 0.01) compared with control group respectively 43.7%, 35.8%, and 37.8. The data demonstrate that ethanol exposure impairs post retrieval processes. Moreover, ethanol decreases the density of CA1, CA3 and DG cells. Presumably it would be a correlation between our behavioral and histological results.
... Moreover, we used chronically the same doses (3 and 9 g/kg) of ethanol in the penicillininduced epilepsy models in previous studies (Kozan et al. 2006, 2007a). We also found that the short term (3 h) ethanol (3 g/kg) administration did not affect the total number of cells in the hippocampus (Kozan et al. 2007b). Therefore, in the present study, the effects of acute ethanol intake and its withdrawal, at the doses of 3 and 9 g/kg, on epileptiform activity were investigated in the penicillin-induced epilepsy in rats. ...
... Moreover, we used chronically the same doses (3 and 9 g/kg) of ethanol in the penicillininduced epilepsy models in previous studies ( Kozan et al. 2006Kozan et al. , 2007a). We also found that the short term (3 h) ethanol (3 g/kg) administration did not affect the total number of cells in the hippocampus ( Kozan et al. 2007b). Therefore, in the present study, the effects of acute ethanol intake and its withdrawal, at the doses of 3 and 9 g/kg, on epileptiform activity were investigated in the penicillin-induced epilepsy in rats. ...
Full-text available
The present study was designed to investigate the influence of acute ethanol intake and its withdrawal on the anticonvulsant effect of alpha-tocopherol in penicillin-induced epileptiform activity. Ethanol-treated rats received a daily dose of 3 g/kg or 9.0 g/kg of 30% ethanol solution for 3 days. Thirty minutes after penicillin injection (500 units, i.c.) the most effective dose of alpha-tocopherol (500 mg/kg) was administered intramuscularly (i.m.). Acute administration of ethanol, in a dose of 3 g/kg, did not change either frequency or amplitude of penicillin-induced epileptiform activity, while dose of 9 g/kg ethanol significantly decreased the mean frequency of penicillin-induced epileptiform ECoG activity in the ethanol-treated group. Ethanol (9 g/kg) withdrawal also caused an increase in the amplitude of epileptiform ECoG activity in the withdrawal group. The results suggest that acute administration of high dose ethanol (9 g/kg) and alpha-tocopherol have some limited anticonvulsive effects in penicillin-induced epileptiform activity in rats.
... Memory impairment caused by EtOH depends on dose and duration (Gomez and Luine, 2014). Short-term EtOH exposure does not affect total pyramidal neuronal number in the Hip of rats (Kozan et al., 2007) and the expression of Ntf3-TrkC-pERK (Fig. 5), so it has little effect on NOR memory of rats. However, female rats are inferior to males in Hip-dependent tasks (Yagi and Galea, 2019), and females have higher BECs than males when they consume EtOH of equal body weight (Fig. 2), so the excitatory effect of EtOH interferes with spatial recognition ability of females. ...
Aims: Ethanol ingestion affects cognition and emotion, which have been attributed to the dysfunction of specific brain structures. Studies of alcoholic patients and animal models consistently identify reduced hippocampal mass as a key ethanol-induced brain adaptation. This study evaluated how neuroadaptation in the hippocampus (Hip) produced by ethanol contributed to related behavioral deficits in male and female rats. Methods: Effects of acute, short-term and long-term ethanol exposure on the anxiety-like behavior and recognition memory on adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were assessed using elevated plus maze test and novel object recognition test, respectively. In addition, in order to investigate the direct effect of ethanol on hippocampal neurons, primary culture of hippocampal neurons was exposed to ethanol (10, 30 and 90 mM; 1, 24 and 48 h), and viability (CCK-8) and morphology (immunocytochemistry) were analyzed at structural levels. Western blot assays were used to assess protein levels of NT3-TrkC-ERK. Results: Acute and short-term ethanol exposure exerted anxiolytic effects, whereas long-term ethanol exposure induced anxiogenic responses in both sexes. Short-term ethanol exposure impaired spatial memory only in female rats, whereas long-term ethanol exposure impaired spatial and recognition memory in both sexes. These behavioral impairments and ethanol-induced loss of hippocampal neurons and decreased cell viability were accompanied by downregulated NT3-TrkC-ERK pathway. Conclusion: These results indicate that NT3-TrkC-ERK signaling in the Hip may play an important role in ethanol-induced structural and behavioral impairments.
... Bezugspunktes, wie der oberste Punkt einer Zelle, entscheidend für die Erzielung eines korrekten und erwartungstreuen Ergebnisses einer stereologischen Untersuchung (Sterio 1984;Howard und Reed, 2005;Kozan et al., 2007). ...
In pre-clinical Parkinson's disease research, analysis of the nigrostriatal tract, including quantification of dopaminergic neuron loss within the substantia nigra, is essential. To estimate the total dopaminergic neuron number, unbiased stereology using the optical fractionator method is currently considered the gold standard. Because the theory behind the optical fractionator method is complex and because stereology is difficult to achieve without specialized equipment, several commercially available complete stereology systems that include the necessary software do exist, purely for cell counting reasons. Since purchasing a specialized stereology setup is not always feasible, for many reasons, this report describes a method for the stereological estimation of dopaminergic neuronal cell counts using standard microscopy equipment, including a light microscope, a motorized object table (x, y, z plane) with imaging software, and a computer for analysis. A step-by-step explanation is given on how to perform stereological quantification using the optical fractionator method, and pre-programmed files for the calculation of estimated cell counts are provided. To assess the accuracy of this method, a comparison to data obtained from a commercially available stereology apparatus was performed. Comparable cell numbers were found using this protocol and the stereology device, thus demonstrating the precision of this protocol for unbiased stereology. Source: Ip, C. W., Cheong, D., Volkmann, J. Stereological Estimation of Dopaminergic Neuron Number in the Mouse Substantia Nigra Using the Optical Fractionator and Standard Microscopy Equipment. J. Vis. Exp. (127), e56103, doi:10.3791/56103 (2017)
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Ethanol (ETH) delays myelination in the sciatic nerve of rat following fetal exposure. It has been suggested that melatonin (MLT), a naturally occurring indole, may be a potential protective agent for ETH toxicity, possibly due to its protective effects against free radical damage in experimental models. However, the precise mechanism of MLT protection in the development of the rat sciatic nerves and their myelination is unclear. In this study, the effect of ETH, MLT and ETH+MLT on the myelin thickness, axon number and axonal area of rat sciatic nerve were investigated. Pregnant rats were injected with either 25% ETH (dosage 2g/kg body weight), 25% ETH plus MLT (dosage 2g/kg and 10 mg/kg, respectively), MLT (dosage 10 mg/kg) or physiological saline (dosage 1 ml/kg) at 7, 15 and 20 days post-conception (first, second and third trimesters, respectively). At postnatal day 14, sciatic nerves of offspring were dissected out and processed for stereological analyses. Our results demonstrated that the myelin thickness was increased by exogenous MLT, and decreased by acute ETH, during first and second trimesters. It was found that MLT was protective to developing myelin thickness following fetal exposure during the first trimester, whereas it was toxic to myelin thickness during the third trimester. The presented study is the frst stereological study indicating that exogenous MLT has a toxic efect on the myelin thickness of rat sciatic nerves during the third trimester. Based on our findings, we suggested that exogenous MLT, given during the third trimester as an antioxidant agent, as well as acute ETH, given in the first and second trimesters, may alter the normal development of sciatic nerve myelination.
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Number of particles in an organ or region is a valuable data as well as the volume. Many techniques have been developed for the estimation of total number or numerical density of cells in tissues and organs. The quality and reliability of each method has constantly been increased compared to its predecessors. Numerical density is one of the parameters that is used to assess the association between a structure and its function. It should be kept in mind that reliability of biological comments derived from the data is dependent on the method that is used for quantitative estimation of parameters. As stated previously, one of the most important morphometric parameters in biological studies is the 'number'. Since the 'number' has no-dimensions (i.e. is not bounded by any dimensional property) it could not be directly estimated using a 2D section plane. A good alternative is to use a volume probe generated by two consecutive sections, which is called the disector. The disector counting method that was developed by Sterio in 1984 is the most efficient and unbiased solution for particle counting. In this review, we will summarize the basic principles of the disector approach and give some examples focused especially on some basic topics in neuroscience research.
The superior efficiency of systematic sampling at all levels in stereological studies is emphasized and various commonly used ways of implementing it are briefly described. Summarizing recent theoretical and experimental studies a set of very simple estimators of efficiency are presented and illustrated with a variety of biological examples. In particular, a nomogram for predicting the necessary number of points when performing point counting is provided. The very efficient and simple unbiased estimator of the volume of an arbitrary object based on Cavalieri's principle is dealt with in some detail. The efficiency of the systematic fractionating of an object is also illustrated.
The superior efficiency of systematic sampling at all levels in stereological studies is emphasized and various commonly used ways of implementing it are briefly described. Summarizing recent theoretical and experimental studies a set of very simple estimators of efficiency are presented and illustrated with a variety of biological examples. In particular, a nomogram for predicting the necessary number of points when performing point counting is provided. The very efficient and simple unbiased estimator of the volume of an arbitrary object based on Cavalieri's principle is dealt with in some detail. The efficiency of the systematic fractionating of an object is also illustrated.
SUMMARYA description is given of a family of test-frames for obtaining an unbiased estimate of the numerical density of arbitrary profiles on a section. The counting rule pertaining to the test-frame is simple and requires no corrections based on other estimated quantities.
Ethanol was orally administered once per week to 54 gravid pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) in doses of 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.5 or 4.1 gm/kg from the 1st week in gestation or in doses of 2.5, 3.3 or 4.1 gm/kg from the 5th week. Mean maternal peak plasma ethanol concentrations (MPPEC's) ranged from 24 ± 6 mg/dl at the 0.3 g/kg dose to 549 ± 71 mg/dl at the 4.1 g/kg dose. Thirty-three live born infants were assessed for abnormalities of physical and behavioral development. Ocular pathology, neuropathologic and neurochemical assessments were done on 31 animals at 6 months postnatal age. Microphthalmia was noted in three of the 26 animals exposed to ethanol. Retinal ganglion cell loss was significantly associated with intra-uterine ethanol exposure. Microphthalmia and retinal ganglion cell loss was observed in both the delayed and full-gestational exposed animals. No structural anomalies were found in the brains via gross inspection or light microscopy. Chemical abnormalities in the striatal nuclei were identified. Striatal dopamine concentrations increased with increasing MPPEC exposure (0–249 mg/dl) among animals exposed weekly to ethanol throughout gestation. Striatal dopamine concentrations decreased with increasing MPPEC exposure (260–540 mg/dl) among animals whose weekly exposure to ethanol was delayed until the 5th week of gestation. The same pattern of association was also noted between MPPEC and ultrastructural alterations in the caudate nucleus. The extent of ultrastructural alterations increased with increasing MPPEC among the fullgestational exposed animals and decreased with increasing MPPEC among the delayed-dose animals.
Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that the ontogenic development of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (γ-GTP) activity is delayed by the in utero administration of alcohol. γ-GTP is responsible for the degradation and recycling of glutathione (GSH) via the γ-glutamyl cycle. In this study, we examined the effects of the in utero administration of alcohol on GSH levels in gestational age 21-day-old (g21) rats. Pregnant rats were placed on a liquid diet containing either 35% ethanol-derived calories (35% EDC) or a pair-fed (PF) diet or a lab chow (LC) diet starting on day 1 of gestation and maintained on their respective diets until gestational day 21. On gestational day 21, the pups were delivered by Cesarean section and brains and livers removed and prepared for analysis of GSH, γ-GTP, or γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCSyn). GSH levels in brain and liver were found to be significantly lower in the offspring of the 35% EDC-treated mothers than from the PF and LC controls. γ-GTP activity was higher in brain and liver of the 35% EDC group than the PF group. γ-GCSyn, the enzyme involved in the rate-limiting step of GSH synthesis, was not affected in liver, but was found to be decreased in brain of the 35% EDC and PF groups when compared with the LC group. GSH is involved in many cellular reactions that appear to protect the cell from damage. The depletion of GSH by alcohol during development may make the developing fetus more susceptible to the toxic effects of alcohol or the free radicals generated by its metabolism.
Magnetic resonance imaging was conducted on six children and adolescents with fetal alcohol syndrome and seven matched normal controls. Detailed volumetric analyses demonstrated significant reductions in the cerebral vault, basal ganglia, and diencephalon in the children with fetal alcohol syndrome, compared with control children. In addition, the volume of the cerebellar vault was smaller than controls in 4 of the 6 children with fetal alcohol syndrome, although the group difference did not reach significance. When the basal ganglia were divided into the caudate and lenticular nuclei, both of these regions were significantly reduced in the children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Finally, when the overall reduction in brain size was controlled, the proportional volume of the basal ganglia and, more specificatly, the caudate nucleus was reduced in the children with fetal alcohol syndrome. These results may relate to behavioral findings in both humans and animals exposed to alcohol prenatally.
The adult rodent brain is capable of generating neuronal progenitor cells in the subventricular zone, and in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, throughout the life of the animal. Signals that regulate progenitor cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration are not well known. We report that administration of a nitric oxide donor, (Z)-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl) aminio]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETA/NONOate), to young adult rats significantly increases cell proliferation and migration in the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus. Treatment with DETA/NONOate also increases neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. Furthermore, administration of DETA/NONOate to rats subjected to embolic middle cerebral artery occlusion significantly increases cell proliferation and migration in the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus, and these rats exhibit significant improvements of neurological outcome during recovery from ischemic stroke. Administration of DETA/NONOate significantly increases cortical levels of guanosine monophosphate both in ischemic and nonischemic rats, supporting the role of nitric oxide in promoting cell proliferation and neurogenesis. Thus, our data indicate that nitric oxide is involved in the regulation of progenitor cells and neurogenesis in the adult brain. This suggests that nitric oxide delivered to the brain well after stroke may have therapeutic benefits.
Numerous experimental data reviewed in the present article indicate that free radical mechanisms contribute to ethanol-induced liver injury. Increased generation of oxygen- and ethanol-derived free radicals has been observed at the microsomal level, especially through the intervention of the ethanol-inducible cytochrome P450 isoform (CYP2E1). Furthermore, an ethanol-linked enhancement in free radical generation can occur through the cytosolic xanthine and/or aldehyde oxidases, as well as through the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Ethanol administration also elicits hepatic disturbances in the availability of non-safely-sequestered iron derivatives and in the antioxidant defense. The resulting oxidative stress leads, in some experimental conditions, to enhanced lipid peroxidation and can also affect other imporant cellular components, such as proteins or DNA. The reported production of a chemoattractant for human neutrophils may be of special importance in the pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis. Free radical mechanisms also appear to be implicated in the toxicity of ethanol on various extrahepatic tissues. Most of the experimental data available concern the gastric mucosa, the central nervous system, the heart, and the testes. Clinical studies have not yet demonstrated the role of free radical mechanisms in the pathogenesis of ethanol-induced cellular injury in alcoholics. However, many data support the involvement of such mechanisms and suggest that dietary and/or pharmacological agents able to prevent an ethanol-induced oxidative stress may reduce the incidence of ethanol toxicity in humans.