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Beneficial Effects of Chromium in People with Type 2 Diabetes, and Urinary Chromium Response to Glucose Load as a Possible Indicator of Status



No reliable method for the estimation of chromium (Cr) status is available yet. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of using urinary Cr response to glucose load as an indicator of Cr status. Seventy-eight non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients were divided randomly into two groups and given Cr supplements as brewer’s yeast and CrCl3 sequentially with placebo in between, in a double-blind, crossover design of four stages, each lasting 8 wk. At the beginning and end of each stage, subjects were weighed, their dietary data and drug dosage recorded, and blood and urine samples collected for analysis of glucose and urinary chromium (fasting and 2 h post-75-g glucose load) and fructosamine. The mean urinary Cr after the glucose load was significantly higher than the fasting mean at zero time (p<0.01). However, only 52 of the patients showed an obvious increase; the others showed a slight decrease or no change. Both supplements caused a significant increase in the means of urinary Cr and a significant decrease in the means of glucose and fructosamine. Only those subjects responding to Cr supplement by improved glucose control showed an increase in post-glucose-load urinary Cr over fasting level, after the supplement but not at zero time. Therefore, it was concluded that urinary Cr response to glucose load could be used as an indicator of Cr status.
Beneficial Effects of Chromium
in People with Type 2 Diabetes,
and Urinary Chromium Response
to Glucose Load as a Possible
Indicator of Status
1Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine
and Allied Sciences and 2Department of Mineral Resources
Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Received May 1, 2001; Revised June 23, 2001; Accepted July 1, 2001
No reliable method for the estimation of chromium (Cr) status is
available yet. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of using
urinary Cr response to glucose load as an indicator of Cr status. Seventy-
eight non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients were divided ran-
domly into two groups and given Cr supplements as brewer’s yeast and
CrCl3sequentially with placebo in between, in a double-blind, crossover
design of four stages, each lasting 8 wk. At the beginning and end of each
stage, subjects were weighed, their dietary data and drug dosage recorded,
and blood and urine samples collected for analysis of glucose and urinary
chromium (fasting and 2 h post-75-g glucose load) and fructosamine.
The mean urinary Cr after the glucose load was significantly higher
than the fasting mean at zero time (p<0.01). However, only 52 of the
patients showed an obvious increase; the others showed a slight decrease
or no change. Both supplements caused a significant increase in the means
of urinary Cr and a significant decrease in the means of glucose and fruc-
tosamine. Only those subjects responding to Cr supplement by improved
glucose control showed an increase in post-glucose-load urinary Cr over
Biological Trace Element Research 97 Vol. 85, 2002
© Copyright 2002 by Humana Press Inc.
All rights of any nature, whatsoever, reserved.
0163-4984/02/8502-0097 $13.25
*Author to whom all correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed.
Accelerated Article
fasting level, after the supplement but not at zero time. Therefore, it was
concluded that urinary Cr response to glucose load could be used as an
indicator of Cr status.
Index Entries: NIDDM patients; Cr status; urinary Cr response; glu-
cose load; Cr supplement.
The role of chromium (Cr) in maintaining normal glucose tolerance is
well documented (1–4). However, supplementation studies gave conflict-
ing results, with some showing beneficial effects on glucose control (5–8)
and lipid profile (7–10), and others showing a lack of response (11–13) or
even deterioration of measured parameters (14). This could be, among
other reasons, the result of the Cr status of the studied subjects. So far, no
reliable method reflecting status is available. The use of serum and 24-h
urinary Cr levels were suggested, as mean serum levels were reported to
be lower in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients
(15,16) and mean urinary Cr levels were reported to be higher (17,18).
However, there was a great degree of overlap between values for normal
and diabetic subjects, and the use of these measurements as indicators of
Cr status is questionable. Gürson and Saner (19) reported an increase in
urinary excretion of Cr following glucose load in normal but not in dia-
betic subjects and suggested that this increase can be used as an indicator
of Cr status. However, Anderson et al. (20), working on normal healthy
subjects, concluded that urinary Cr excretion after a glucose challenge was
not predictable and did not depend on Cr status. The type of subjects and
their diet as well as glucose load and method of urine collection differed
between the two studies. Furthermore, no other study could be found in
the literature to verify either of them. Therefore, this study was planned to
investigate the possibility of using urinary Cr response following glucose
load as an indicator of Cr status, by supplementing NIDDM patients with
two types of chromium, noting the ones showing improvement in glucose
control, and comparing their urinary Cr response before and after Cr sup-
plement to the response of those showing no effect of supplement.
Seventy-eight NIDDM patients (48 females and 30 males) ranging in
age from 36 to 68 yr were recruited into the study from the outpatient clin-
ics at King Abdulaziz University Hospital. All subjects gave informed con-
sent and the general research committee at King Abdulaziz University
granted ethical approval. Subjects were either of Saudi origin or Arabs
98 Bahijri and Mufti
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 85, 2002
with at least 10 yr residence in the country. Potential subjects were
excluded if they had a history of pituitary, thyroid, kidney, or liver disease,
digestive problems, chronic infection, pancreatitis, or hemochromatosis or
were taking mineral or vitamin supplements or chronically ingested yeast.
All subjects agreed to maintain their usual eating habits and health-related
behaviors throughout the study.
Experimental Design
Selected subjects were medically examined, given code numbers, and
asked to present themselves on a specific date for sample collection. They
were all requested to fast from the previous night for 10–12 h, void their
morning urine, and drink an 8-oz glass of water before coming for testing.
On arrival, total urine void samples were collected in Falcon polypropy-
lene specimen containers from all subjects. No special precautions were
taken for urine collection from female subjects. Ten milliliters of each urine
sample collected were transferred to polypropylene tubes containing 0.1
mL of sodium ethyl mercurithiosalicylate solution (1.25 g/L) (Sigma Co.,
England) as a preservative. The tubes were centrifuged for 5 min at 200g
to remove any detritus that may have been introduced from the urinary
tract (21). One hundred microliters of magnesium nitrate solution [0.186
g/L Mg(NO3)2· 6H2O] was then added to each tube as a matrix modi-
fier/ashing aid to minimize chemical interference in the graphite furnace
(22) and the samples were frozen at –20°C until needed for chromium
analysis. The weights and heights of all subjects were measured to calcu-
late body mass index (BMI). Blood samples were obtained while fasting
and 2 h after a 75-g glucose load and transferred into appropriate tubes for
analysis of glucose and fructosamine.
While waiting, a 24-h dietary recall and dietary history was obtained
from each subject and reviewed by a personal interview.
The subjects were divided randomly into two groups (A and B) in
preparation for the supplementation study. The study design was double
blind and crossover, with each stage lasing 8 wk. The three types of sup-
plement (brewer’s yeast, Torula yeast, or placebo, and CrCl3) were given
consecutively in the form of capsules similar in shape, size, and numbers.
Neither the subjects nor the treating physicians knew which type were
taken at any time, and there were four stages in all (Fig. 1). The chromium
chloride dose was 200 µg of Cr3+/d, whereas the brewer’s yeast supple-
ment provided a total of 23.2 µg chromium/d and torula yeast provided a
total of 0.54 µg/d, both verified by analysis in our lab. Patients were
instructed to attend the outpatient clinics as usual and to contact a given
number in case of any adverse effects. At the end of each stage, compliance
was monitored by counting capsules, and subjects were reweighed, their
dietary intakes and history recorded, and urine and blood samples col-
lected. Medications taken by the patients at various stages were obtained
from their medical records at the end of the study.
Urinary Cr as Indicator of Cr Status 99
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 85, 2002
100 Bahijri and Mufti
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Fig. 1. Experimental design of supplementation study and numbers of subjects remaining after various stages.
Plasma glucose was estimated on the same day of sample collection
by a fully automated method on a Hitachi system 705, employing the
“gluco-quant” reagent pack (Boehringer Mannheim). Quality control
checks were carried out at the beginning and end of each run. Serum fruc-
tosamine was determined by the nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) method
(23). Chemicals were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. and measure-
ment was carried out on a Beckman spectrophotometer model 42.
Chromium was measured using a Perkin-Elmer 5000 atomic absorption
spectrometer, which was equipped with a tungsten–halogen lamp for
enhanced background correction capabilities at the 357.9-nm chromium
line, a graphite furnace (Model HGA 500, Perkin-Elmer), and a strip-chart
recorder (Model 56, Perkin-Elmer). The method was based on work done
by Kayne et al. (24) and Veillon et al. (22) with slight modification. The
furnace program is shown in Table 1. Argon flow was interrupted at
atomization. After thawing urine samples, 3.0 mL of concentrated Aristar
nitric acid (BDH, England) was added to each sample, to dissolve any
precipitate, and the volume was made up to 25 mL using distilled, deion-
ized water, which contained no detectable chromium. A calibration graph
was prepared using urine pool treated exactly as samples and adding dif-
ferent concentrations of diluted certified atomic absorption K2Cr2O7stan-
dard (Fisher Scientific) to give final concentrations of 0–20 µg Cr3+/L.
Ten-microliter aliquots of the prepared standards were then pipetted into
the furnace to measure chromium and to construct the calibration graph
of the peak height against the concentration of the standards. Treated
replicate urine samples were pipetted in the furnace and the average peak
height obtained was compared to the calibration graph to obtain
chromium concentration.
Urinary Cr as Indicator of Cr Status 101
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 85, 2002
Table 1
Perkin-Elmer HGA 5000 Furnace Program for Chromium Determination
The use of the same urine pool to prepare calibration graphs with each
run allowed internal monitoring of accuracy and interassay reproducibil-
ity. The intra-assay coefficient of variation (CV) was 6.4% and the interas-
say CV was 9.8%.
Using the collected 24-h food intake data, total calories consumed per
day, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C
intakes were calculated for each subject using the nutrient values given in
various food composition tables (25–27), as well as dietary information
available with some of the packed foods consumed.
Statistical Analysis
Results are expressed as mean ±SD, and statistical analysis was by the
paired Student’s t-test. Significance was assigned at p<0.05.
Sixty-seven subjects completed the study, with excellent compliance
to therapy and no reports of adverse effects. Others either dropped out or
were excluded at various stages because of a lack of compliance. The mean
±SD for BMI at the start of the study was 31.04 ±8.41, indicating a high
percentage of obesity among the selected sample. Dietary intakes of total
calories and all calculated nutrients varied greatly in our subjects; how-
ever, all, except iron, were within or above the Recommended Daily
Allowance (RDA) at the start of the study. Iron was <77% RDA in some
female subjects. No significant change in BMI or calculated dietary intakes
was found at any stage of the study.
No subject needed increased dosage of medication at any stage,
except for two subjects taking a combination of insulin and metformin.
These subjects stopped taking insulin shortly after starting the brewer’s
yeast supplement and depended on an increased dosage of metformin
only. Both of them went back to taking insulin after brewer’s yeast was
stopped. When CrCl3was given, only one of them stopped taking insulin
The glucose, fructosamine, and urinary chromium levels at all stages
of the study are presented in Table 2. Both types of Cr supplements, but
not torula yeast, caused a significant decrease in the mean glucose levels
in the fasting state and 2 h after the glucose load (p-value shown in Table
2). When both supplements were stopped and followed by torula yeast,
the fasting and 2-h postglucose means increased significantly (p<0.01 in all
cases) and became not significantly different to the zero time mean. Look-
ing at individual cases, it was noted that not all subjects were affected by
chromium supplements. After brewer’s yeast, 13 subjects (17.57% of total)
showed an improvement in glucose level (a decrease of 0.8 mmol/L)
while fasting or/and after glucose load, with no increase in drug dosage
102 Bahijri and Mufti
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or even a decrease. A similar improvement was noted in eight subjects fol-
lowing CrCl3supplement (11.9% of total at that stage). Other subjects
showed no or less significant decrease in glucose level, and two subjects
showed a slight increase (0.3–0.36 mmol/L), which was accompanied by
some reduction in their drug dosage. Similarly, brewer’s yeast and CrCl3
supplements caused a significant decrease in the mean fructosamine lev-
els. After stopping the two Cr supplements, the mean increased in both
cases and became not significantly different to the zero time mean. How-
ever, some subjects continued to have lowered fructosamine values by
15% of the zero time value when the placebo followed brewer’s yeast, but
not when it followed CrCl3supplement. Looking at individual cases, it
was noted that following brewer’s yeast, 14 subjects (18.92% of total in
group) showed a significant decrease in their fructosamine levels of 0.6
mmol/L (i.e., 15% of the zero time value), with no change or a decrease
in drug dosage. Nine of these subjects (13.43% of the group) showed a sim-
ilar decrease following CrCl3. Other subjects showed no or less significant
decrease in fructosamine level after either or both supplements. All sub-
jects (except one) showing a decrease following Cr supplements showed a
decrease in glucose level also at the same time.
Both types of supplement increased the mean urinary chromium
(fasting and post glucose load) significantly (p-values shown in Table 2).
However, the means following CrCl3supplement were significantly
higher than the means following brewer’s yeast (p=1.8×10–3 for fasting
and 7.8 ×10–4 for post-glucose-load). The means after stopping brewer’s
yeast and giving torula yeast decreased but remained significantly
higher than the zero time mean. However, when torula yeast followed
Urinary Cr as Indicator of Cr Status 103
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 85, 2002
Table 2
Effect of Different Types of Supplements on Glucose, Fructosamine,
and Urinary Chromium Levels (Mean ±SD)
n= number of subjects. A= group of subjects starting with brewers yeast. B= group of sub-
ject starting with placebo. P*= when comparing mean to zero time mean.
CrCl3, the means decreased significantly (p=9.1 ×10–4 for fasting and 7.7
×10–4 for post-glucose-load) and became not significantly different to the
zero time mean.
The individual urinary chromium concentration while fasting and
post-glucose-load were examined at all stages. At zero time, glucose load
caused an increase in urinary excretion of chromium (positive response)
above basal (fasting) level in 52 patients out of the total of 78. The increase
ranged from 115% to 145% (post-glucose-conc./fasting conc. ×100). Out
of the remaining patients, 14 showed no significant change (up to ±7%)
and 12 showed a slight decrease (between 8% and 10%) or negative
response. Urinary chromium values of those subgroups of patients are
show in Table 3. A significant increase in the mean 2 h after glucose load
was found only in the first subgroup. As can be seen from actuals ranges,
it was difficult to predict urinary response from the fasting value only
because ranges overlapped. However, no fasting values <0.270 µg/L
could be found among patients showing no change or a decrease in
chromium excretion post-glucose-load, whereas values as low as 0.185
µg/L were found among patients showing increased chromium excretion
following glucose load.
After the brewer’s yeast supplement, 10 of the patients showing a
negative urinary chromium response after glucose load at zero time
showed an increase ranging from 116% to 125%, and 4 of the patients
showing no change at zero time showed an increase ranging from 118% to
127%. In addition, all of the patients showing a positive response at zero
time; and remaining at this stage, continued to show an increase in
chromium excretion in response to glucose load. Thus, the total number of
patients showing a positive response to glucose load was 64 subjects, with
a mean increase of 121%. None of the remaining 10 subjects showed a sig-
104 Bahijri and Mufti
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Table 3
Urinary Chromium Values at Zero Time Divided According to Subjects’
Response to Glucose Load (µg/L)
aMean ±SD.
bActual range.
cpwhen comparing post-glucose mean to fasting mean.
nificant change in urinary chromium concentration in response to glucose
load (range: 98–103%).
When placebo (torula yeast) followed in the next stages, the effect of
brewer’s yeast on urinary response was lost in about half of the subjects
and some patients showed a small negative response to glucose load.
Chromium chloride supplement had a similar effect to brewer’s yeast
on urinary chromium response to glucose load; however, fewer subjects
responded to this type of supplement. Out of the total of 67 subjects, 51
subjects showed a positive response to glucose load, 10 of which showed
a negative response or no response at zero time. The remaining 16 subjects
showed no significant change in urinary chromium concentration follow-
ing glucose load (post-glucose-load conc./fasting conc. = 97–104%). This
effect was totally lost when torula yeast followed.
The patients showing positive response after chromium supplements
only were the same ones showing a decrease in their fructosamine value
by 15% of the zero time level. Subjects showing no change in chromium
concentration after glucose load following Cr supplements also showed no
improvement in glucose control reflected on blood glucose and fruc-
tosamine levels following these supplements. Those subjects had fasting
urinary chromium levels > 0.455 µg/L.
The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of using uri-
nary chromium response to glucose load as an indicator of chromium sta-
tus in the body. Two different types of supplement provided different
forms (organic and inorganic) and different amounts of chromium most
commonly cited in literature. The use of a double-blind, crossover design
has helped in minimizing most nonspecific variations (assay variations,
physiological differences, variation with time).
The lack of change in BMI and dietary intakes throughout the study
indicates that noted changes in biochemical parameters are the result of
the given Cr supplements, especially that placebo had no effect, and there
was no increase in dosage given to any of the subjects.
Both types of chromium supplement caused a significant improve-
ment in the control of blood glucose reflected on lower means of glucose
and fructosamine indicating the presence of Cr deficiency in the studied
population. However, not all subjects responded to the supplements.
Chromium is not a drug and will improve glucose control only in patients
with low status of the mineral originally. The dietary intake of our subjects
and their urinary excretion of the mineral varied greatly as noted from the
Results section. Therefore, the variations in response to chromium supple-
ments were expected. Subjects ingesting adequate amounts of chromium
are not likely to respond in any way to additional supplement of the ele-
ments, especially if their urinary excretion is low. On the other hand, sub-
Urinary Cr as Indicator of Cr Status 105
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 85, 2002
jects with inadequate kidney function, leading to excretion of large
amount of Cr in urine, are likely to have low chromium status and, hence,
will respond favorably to the given supplement, especially if the intake
was initially inadequate. It seemed that approx 18% of the subjects
responded to brewer’s yeast supplement by showing a significant
decrease in their blood glucose and fructosamine levels and, hence, were
likely to be Cr deficient initially. However, only approx 13% responded to
CrCl3supplement even though it provided a higher amount of Cr. This
could be the result of the different bioavailability and utilization of the two
forms in the body. The significant increase in urinary Cr following both
types of Cr supplement indicate proper absorption from both types and
that the lack of response of some subjects to CrCl3supplement is not the
result of defective absorption of Cr from this form. However, the higher
mean urinary Cr after CrCl3, followed by the decrease to zero time value
when the placebo was given in the following stage, compared with a per-
sistently higher mean when the placebo followed the brewer’s yeast sup-
plement suggests that the higher intake of Cr from CrCl3(200 µg/d) is not
equally well utilized or stored as the much lower amount provided by
brewer’s yeast (23.2 µg/d). Brewer’s yeast is said to contain biologically
active chromium or “glucose tolerance factor” (GTF) (28). Thus, it can be
suggested that Cr resulting form absorption of GTF or the products of its
digestion is more readily assimilated by the body, whereas the body pools
of inorganic Cr are quickly saturated and the excess after oral administra-
tion is excreted in urine. This will explain the maintained improvement in
some subjects when the placebo followed the brewer’s yeast supplement,
but not when it followed CrCl3. Another possibility is that some individu-
als cannot convert ingested inorganic Cr into a biologically active storable
form and, hence, will not respond to CrCl3supplement or will need a
higher amount of supplemental CrCl3to do so and, hence, will not
respond to CrCl3at the amount given. In fact, it could be possible that a
higher amount of both types of supplement might have given rise to
improvement in a higher percentage of subjects, as suggested by some
recent work (29,30).
The finding that only those patients showing improved glucose con-
trol following supplements also showed a change in their urinary response
to glucose load from negative or no response to a positive response indi-
cates that urinary chromium response is connected strongly to Cr body
status. Cr potentiates insulin action, and, hence, is expected to be released
from the body stores in response to glucose load in a similar way to
insulin, but only if stores have adequate amounts of Cr. This excess
amount in the blood is likely to be cleared by the kidney, once insulin
action is completed, and appears in urine as an increase over basal (fast-
ing) level. Therefore, a low status, as at zero time for some subjects, results
in negative or no urinary response, whereas after supplements, the Cr sta-
tus is improved and the urinary Cr response becomes positive. This
change in urinary chromium response following the supplement could not
106 Bahijri and Mufti
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be predicted just by examining the fasting or the post-glucose urinary
chromium, as can be deduced from Table 3. However, it was interesting to
note that all of the subjects showing no significant response to the given
supplement had fasting urinary chromium > 0.455 µg/L (i.e., on the higher
side of the range for all subjects). Hence, it could be postulated that those
subjects needed a higher amount of supplement than given to saturate or
replenish their Cr stores and, hence, still had marginal Cr status after the
supplements. A further study using higher amounts of supplemental
chromium will clarify this point.
Thus, and according to the above, it is suggested that urinary Cr
response to glucose load could be used as an index of Cr status, which vali-
dates the earlier suggestion by Gürson and Saner (19). The inconsistent
response to glucose load reported by Anderson et al. (20) might be the result
of their use of a urine sample collected 90 min after a glucose load (i.e., when
the glucose level is still not back to normal and Cr is still involved in poten-
tiating insulin action) or to the difference in the type of subjects used.
To conclude, our results indicate that chromium deficiency, corrected
by Cr supplementation, is present in our population and that different
forms of Cr are utilized to a different extent by the body, with Cr from
brewer’s yeast eliciting better glucose control (at a lower dose) in more
subjects. Results also indicate that Cr urinary response 2 h after glucose
load could be used as an index of Cr status.
We wish to thank the research committee at King AbdulAziz Univer-
sity for their financial support and Dr. Siraj Mira from the Department of
Internal Medicine for providing the samples and drug dosage of each
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30. R.A. Anderson, Chromium, glucose tolerance and diabetes, J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 17(6),
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Urinary Cr as Indicator of Cr Status 109
Biological Trace Element Research Vol. 85, 2002
... Volpe et al reported controversial results on the chromium supplementation have no effect on the insulin and C-peptide concentrations in both normal controls and diabetic population (21). Another study reported the serum chromium declines severely in diabetics with complications (24). The findings of low serum chromium of present study are in agreement with above study as we have analyzed serum chromium from chronic diabetics developed the complication long before. ...
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine and correlate the serum chromium in Carotid intima - media thickness (CIMT) in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) subjects. Materials and Methods: The present case – control study included 40 healthy controls and 45 T2DM subjects that were selected through non-probability (purposive) sampling by prior inclusion and exclusion criteria. Serum chromium (Cr) was detected and measured on inductively coupled “Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometer” (ICP- OES)- Carotid artery was examined with a 7.5-MHz linear-array transducer (Siemens Acuson x300) sonography. Data was analyzed by Student’s t test and Chi square test in the SPSS 22.0 (USA). Linear regression model was used for predicting carotid intima media thickness. Level of confidence interval of statistical significance was 95% (P≤ 0.05). Results: Serum Cr in controls and cases was noted 0.873 (± 0.162) and 0.281 (± 0.240) µg/ml (P= 0.001). Serum Cr proved negative correlation with random blood sugar (r= -0.145, P= 0.185), HbA1c (r= -0.145, P= 0.0001) and CIMT (r= -0.730, P= 0.0001). Multiple regression analysis model showed significant association of serum Cr (r= -0.730, P< 0.0001) and HbA1c (r= 0.754, P< 0.0001) with the CIMT. Conclusion: The present study reported serum Cr was inversely correlated with the carotid intima - media thickness that is a marker of atherosclerosis. Cr supplements may be advised to diabetics in clinical management.
... Randomized studies with results on glucose insulin, and/or ALC were collected by Althuis et al (2002). Bahijri et al (2002) investigatedthe effects of different forms of Chromium with a double blind cross-over design and concluded that fasting glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes improved after 8 weeks of daily dietary supplementation with brewer's yeast containing 23.2µg of Chromium. ...
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The present study has been summarized as per chapter wise distribution such as an introduction, historical account, material methods and experimental design, observations, discussion, summary and in the last conclusion followed by certain recommendation for the prevention of diabetes problem in man. India has more diabetics than any other country in the world, according to the international diabetes foundation, although more recent data suggest that china has even more. The disease affects more than 50 million Indians-7.1% of the nation's adults and kills about 1 million Indians a year. The high incidence is attributed to a combination of genetic susceptibility plus adoption of a high-calorie, low-activity lifestyle by India's growing middle class. It was only recently that zinc has started learning recognition as a useful component for diabetes treatment. First of all zinc has the antioxidant qualities, which protect the important body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Hence, the possibility of heart attacks in diabetes patients is reduced. One of the remarkable in vivo features of zinc is its insulin like actions and potential link with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Zinc plays an important role in insulin action and carbohydrate and metabolism. Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for various cellular functions. Oxidative stress has been considered as the major causative factor for diabetic cardiomopathy. Its deficiency was found to be a risk factor for cardiac oxidative damage and supplementation within provides signification prevention damage to the heart. Chromium is effective in reversing the diabetes caused by therapeutic use of glucocorticoids. The effects on chromium on blood glucose homeostasis are accomplished by increased activation of insulin receptors. Chromium has been established to be an essential trace element in mammals in regard to maintenance of normal carbohydrate metabolism. Studies in documented deficiency states noted improved glucose levels. Selenium is a universal essential trace element for mammals which is important for many cellular processes. Regarding selenium, a potential antioxidant element, its supplementation in the form of selenate resulted in decreased integrated glucose response by 40-50% and decreased plasma glucose levels. The serum was collected from all the group of albino rats on the 30 th days of post treatment and was subjected to the following biochemical studies. In the present experiment diabetes induced albino rats treated with doses of micronutrients (zinc, chromium and selenium). The observations revealed significant (P< 0.005) fall in glucose, glycogen, urea, creatinine and cholesterol level in blood serum in comparison to diabetic induced rats. (2022) Biochemical modulations in hypoglycemic albino rat along with micronutrients.
... Randomized studies with results on glucose insulin, and/or ALC were collected by Althuis et al (2002). Bahijri et al (2002) investigatedthe effects of different forms of Chromium with a double blind cross-over design and concluded that fasting glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes improved after 8 weeks of daily dietary supplementation with brewer's yeast containing 23.2µg of Chromium. ...
The present study has been summarized as per chapter wise distribution such as an introduction, historical account, material methods and experimental design, observations, discussion, summary and in the last conclusion followed by certain recommendation for the prevention of diabetes problem in man. India has more diabetics than any other country in the world, according to the international diabetes foundation, although more recent data suggest that china has even more. The disease affects more than 50 million Indians-7.1% of the nation's adults and kills about 1 million Indians a year. The high incidence is attributed to a combination of genetic susceptibility plus adoption of a high-calorie, low-activity lifestyle by India's growing middle class. It was only recently that zinc has started learning recognition as a useful component for diabetes treatment. First of all zinc has the antioxidant qualities, which protect the important body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Hence, the possibility of heart attacks in diabetes patients is reduced. One of the remarkable in vivo features of zinc is its insulin like actions and potential link with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Zinc plays an important role in insulin action and carbohydrate and metabolism. Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for various cellular functions. Oxidative stress has been considered as the major causative factor for diabetic cardiomopathy. Its deficiency was found to be a risk factor for cardiac oxidative damage and supplementation within provides signification prevention damage to the heart. Chromium is effective in reversing the diabetes caused by therapeutic use of glucocorticoids. The effects on chromium on blood glucose homeostasis are accomplished by increased activation of insulin receptors. Chromium has been established to be an essential trace element in mammals in regard to maintenance of normal carbohydrate metabolism. Studies in documented deficiency states noted improved glucose levels. Selenium is a universal essential trace element for mammals which is important for many cellular processes. Regarding selenium, a potential antioxidant element, its supplementation in the form of selenate resulted in decreased integrated glucose response by 40-50% and decreased plasma glucose levels. The serum was collected from all the group of albino rats on the 30 th days of post treatment and was subjected to the following biochemical studies. In the present experiment diabetes induced albino rats treated with doses of micronutrients (zinc, chromium and selenium). The observations revealed significant (P< 0.005) fall in glucose, glycogen, urea, creatinine and cholesterol level in blood serum in comparison to diabetic induced rats. (2022) Biochemical modulations in hypoglycemic albino rat along with micronutrients.
... Randomized studies with results on glucose insulin, and/or ALC were collected by Althuis et al (2002). Bahijri et al (2002) investigatedthe effects of different forms of Chromium with a double blind cross-over design and concluded that fasting glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes improved after 8 weeks of daily dietary supplementation with brewer's yeast containing 23.2µg of Chromium. ...
... Chromium (VI) is the most toxic one as compared to chromium (III) which is less toxic due to immobility, important for human at low concentration for glucose and fat metabolism and can also be bind to organic matter making complex (Gustafsson et al., 2014;Ball and Izbicki, 2004). Bahijri and Mufti (2002) also checked the chemistry of chromium (III) that showed that it was also insoluble, that is one of the reasons of its lower toxicity. According to the European Union and the U.S. EPA, the permissible limit for chromium to be hazardous for the water is below 0.05 mgL−1, whereas the range for total chromium is below 2 mg L−1 (Baral and Engelken, 2002). ...
The main threats to human health and agriculture from heavy metals are associated with exposure to chromium, lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic. Among the metals, Chromium is one of the most lethal heavy metals because of its toxicity and hazardous nature. It affects biological activities in soil and metabolism of animals, plants, and human health. Among various forms of chromium, trivalent Cr (III) and hexavalent Cr (VI) are more stable in nature. The higher concentration of Cr (VI) in soil may affect many biochemical and physiological processes and consequently inhibits plant growth. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are involved in regulation of seed germination, growth promotion, metabolic rate, and other physiological activities of plants. PGPR may reduce toxic effects of Cr (VI) on plant growth through reducing Cr (VI) to Cr (III). Many recent reports describe the application of heavy metal resistant-PGPRs to enhance agricultural yields without accumulation of metal in plant tissues. This review provides information about the mechanisms possessed by heavy metal resistant-PGPRs that ameliorate metal stress to plants and decrease the accumulation of these metals in plant, and finally gives some perspectives for research on these bacteria in agriculture in the future.
... The different oxidation states of chromium range from divalent to hexavalent with Cr(III) and Cr(VI) being the most stable states. Trivalent chromium (Cr III), when taken in moderate amounts, is an essential trace element [1], whereas Cr(VI) is highly toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic [2][3][4]. Anthropogenic sources of chromium contaminating the environment are industries that involve electroplating, steel production, leather tanning, wood treatment and textile dyeing activities which release large amounts of chromium in its effluent [5,6]. ...
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Chromium (VI) is one of the toxic heavy metals causing various human ailments like asthma to severe forms of cancer; hence, its removal from industrial effluents is essential. The present study demonstrates ameliorating techniques for the removal of Cr(VI). A chromium-reducing bacterium (CRB) identified as Ochrobactrum pseudintermedium ADV31 through 16S rRNA gene sequencing, was found to remove concentrations of Cr(VI) up to 600 mg/L in nutrient medium. Calcium alginate (CA) and polyurethane foam (PUF) were the two different materials used for the immobilization of Ochrobactrum pseudintermedium ADV31. The efficiency of the immobilized cells and free form of bacterial cells with inoculum concentrations of 1% and 5% were compared for the removal of Cr(VI). Calcium alginate with 5% inoculum concentrations showed removal of 82% of 600 mg/L in 5 days, while PUF with 5% inoculum size showed removal up to 86% of 600 mg/L in 5 days. Free form of bacterial cell was able to remove 36.7%. The bacterium was able to tolerate a wide range of pH ranging from 6 to 9 and had an optimum temperature of 45 °C. The results confirmed that both forms of immobilization methods are equally effective for the removal of hexavalent chromium and can be used for various biotechnological processes for the metal bioremediation.
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This study evaluated the nature of refuse and heavy metals concentrations in the refuse dump soils at the University of Benin and the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria. Waste characterization was done by sorting the refuse, while the concentrations of heavy metals were determined by collecting soil samples at the randomly selected refuse dumps at 15cm depth using an auger which were taken to the laboratory for analysis. Different types of refuse were encountered such as paper, plastic, rubber, bottles, polythene bags, diapers, foam, food remnants and other combustible miscellaneous waste materials. The findings showed that paper, polythene bags, food remnants, plastics, diapers and glasses were among the most common. It also revealed that Cadmium (Cd) was above the permissible limit of WHO and FEPA in refuse dumps 5, 8 and 9. The concentrations of Zinc were higher than the WHO acceptable limit in all the samples while Chromium in all the samples exceeded FEPA threshold of 0.20 mg/kg. The refuse found in the refuse dumps had the potentials to be recycled and the concentrations of some of the heavy metals found have potentials for health hazards to humans. Therefore, relevant authorities of the institutions should ensure that safe management of refuse is practiced for a safer environment.
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Globally, as of 2010, an estimated 285 million people had diabetes, with type 2 making up about 90% of the cases. Its incidence is increasing rapidly and by 2030, this number is estimated to almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in the more developed countries. All forms of diabetes have been treatable since insulin became available in 1921 and type2 diabetes may be controlled with medications. Insulin and some oral medications can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugars). Both types 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that cannot be cured. In healthy control group microphotographs of liver tissues showed normal architecture of hepatocytes, sinusoids and hepatic central vein. Photomicrograph of diabetic liver treated with micronutrient Zinc showed portal vein and congestion in sinusoid, treated with micronutrient Selenium showed increased pycnotic nuclei, atrophy and Kupfer cells were also seen and treated with micronutrient Chromium showed normal portal vein and slight necrosis and degeneration. In liver sections, hepatocytes have lost their normal architecture and a number of hepatocytes showed marked cytoplasmic vacuolization. After 30 days expose the dilated portal vein were shown. (2023) Hepato-pathological alterations in hyperglycemic albino rats treated with micronutrients.
Insulin was first discovered in extracts of vertebrate pancreas during a focused search for a therapy for diabetes. Subsequent efforts to discover and isolate a similar active principle from yeast and plants driven by the hope to identify insulin-like/mimetic molecules with critical advantages in the pharmacokinetic profile and expenditure of production compared to authentic human insulin were not successful. As a consequence, it has generally been assumed that hormones evolved exclusively during course of the evolution of vertebrate endocrine organs, implying a rather recent origin. Concomitantly, the existence and physiological role of vertebrate hormones in lower multi- and unicellular eukaryotes have remained a rather controversial subject over decades, albeit there is some evidence that hormones and hormone-binding proteins resembling those of vertebrates are expressed in fungi and yeast. Past and recent findings on the existence of insulin-like and mimetic materials, such as the glucose tolerance factor, in lower eukaryotes, in particular Neurospora crassa and yeast, will be presented. These data provide further evidence for the provocative view that the evolutionary roots of the vertebrate endocrine system may be far more ancient than is generally believed and that the identification and characterisation of insulin-like/mimetic molecules from lower eukaryotes may be useful for future drug discovery efforts.
Trivalent chromium (Cr) is essential to human health. The essentiality of Cr has been known since the late 1950s from animal studies, and conclusive documentation in humans was not provided until 1977, when it was reported that a lady on total parenteral nutrition developed severe signs and symptoms of diabetes that were refractory to insulin.1 Addition of Cr to her total parenteral nutrition solution led to a normalization of the signs and symptoms of diabetes, and exogenous insulin was no longer required. This work has subsequently been verified in the literature on three separate occasions.2-4 Since these studies, there have been numerous studies documenting the role of Cr in human and animal nutrition, and the reader is urged to consult recent reviews5-7 as well as those that question the essentiality and safety of Cr.8,9 Human studies suggest the following: 1. Healthy normal subjects with good glucose tolerance do not respond to supplemental Cr. This is to be expected because Cr is a nutrient and not a therapeutic agent and will, therefore, only be of benefit to those who are showing signs of deficiency.
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A white female, now age 40 and receiving total parenteral nutrition for more than 5 years, developed unexpected 15% weight loss after 3 1/2 years of regimen, together with peripheral neuropathy confirmed by nerve conduction measurements. An intravenous glucose tolerance test showed that the fractional rate (K) had decreased to 0.89%/min (normal greater than 1.2). There was observed during this glucose infusion a borderline normal insulin response with a fall in plasma free fatty acids and in plasma leucine. During daily infusion of well over 400 g of glucose, the respiratory quotient was 0.66. Chromium balance was negative. Chromium levels were, in blood 0.55 ng/ml (normal 4.9 to 9.5) and in hair 154 to 175 ng/g (normal greater than 500). Regular insulin daily (45 micron) in the infusate nearly maintained euglycemia but despite this, and even with further glucose intake to restore weight loss, intravenous glucose tolerance test (K) and respiratory quotient were unchanged. Administration of insulin was then stopped and 250 microng of Cr added to the daily total parenteral nutrition infusate for 2 weeks. After this the intravenous glucose tolerance test (K) and respiratory quotient became normal (1.35 and 0.78, respectively). Over the next 5 months insulin was not needed and glucose intake had to be reduced substantially to avoid overweight. In this period nerve conduction and well-being returned to normal. With a maintenance addition of chromium to the total parenteral nutrition infusate (tentatively this addition is 20 microng/day) the patient has remained well for 18 months (to July 1976). These results suggest that relatively isolated chromium deficiency in man, hitherto poorly documented, causes 1) glucose intolerance, 2) inability to utilize glucose for energy, 3) neuropathy with normal insulin levels, 4) high free fatty acid levels and low respiratory quotient and, 5) abnormalities of nitrogen metabolism.
The realization that acrodermaitis enteropathica (AE) was a zinc-responsive syndrome (Moynahan and Barnes 1973) provided the archetype of severe human zinc deficiency which aided the recognition of sporadic severe zinc deficiency accompanying total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in adults (Kay et al. 1976) and children (Arakawa et al. 1976) and in a variety of other conditions. This chapter outlines the features of severe zinc deficiency and the various conditions in which this has been observed.
The nutrient composition of seventeen cooked dishes commonly consumed in the Arabian Gulf States was chemically examined. Five dishes were analysed for proximate constituents, vitamin and mineral compositions. It was found that they contained little amounts of water soluble vitamins and iron. Twelve dishes were analyzed for proximate composition alone. Generally, most of the dishes analyzed here could supply an appropriate amount of protein and calories if consumed in sufficient quantity.
Eighty-five free-living Canadian women 59–82 years of age participated in a double blind, 10 week study to determine the effect of supplementation with chromium (200 ug as CrC13) or placebo (distilled water) on glucose tolerance and serum immunoreactive insulin values. In addition, chromium intakes were measured by instrumental neutron activation analysis of 24 hour duplicate diet composites.Sixty-two percent of the women reported the use of medications which night affect glucose tolerance. No clear cut effects of chromium supplementation on glucose tolerance or serum insulin values were observed in these women. On the other hand, non-medicated subjects at risk of impaired glucose tolerance (i.e., having initial 2 hour glucose values>100 mg%) showed a significant (p=0.03) mean decrease in 2 hour glucose values after chromium supplementation. Such an effect was not observed in women with initial 2 hour glucose values after glucose challenge<100 mg% (low risk). Non-medicated at risk women receiving placebo (n=3) showed a similar decrease, which was not significant. The small number of subjects in this group makes this finding difficult to interpret. Serum insulin values tended to decrease only in non-medicated at risk women after chromium supplementation, suggesting an increased insulin sensitivity in this group. Furthermore, median chromium intakes were significantly lower in the at risk non-medicated group compared to the non-medicated low risk women and lower than the median chromium intake for the study group as a whole. These findings suggest that the non-medicated at risk women were chromium depleted and benefitted from chromium supplementation.
Trivalent chromium, an essential trace element for maintenance of normal glucose tolerance in the rat, was administered to diabetics and subjects with normal glucose utilization. Oral supplementation with 150 to 1000 μg. of chromium (III) per day for periods of 15 to 120 days was associated with an improved glucose tolerance in 3 out of 6 diabetics. Short term administration of the element was ineffective. Normal glucose tolerance was not influenced. It is suggested that in the human, as in the rat, chromium is required for optimal glucose utilization.
Chromium is required for maintenance of normal glucose tolerance. After complete bowel resection and five months of total parenteral nutrition, severe glucose intolerance, weight loss, and a metabolic encephalopathy-like confusional state developed in a patient. Serum chromium levels were at the lowest normal level. Supplementation of 150 microgram of chromium per day reversed the glucose intolerance, reduced insulin requirements, and resulted in weight gain and the disappearance of encephalopathy. The low levels of chromium and response to chromium supplementation suggest that chromium deficiency can arise in long-term total parenteral nutrition.
This study was designed to investigate the effect of oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) on urinary chromium excretion in normal individuals, in individuals belonging to diabetic families, and in diabetics. The results can be summarized as: 1) eight of the 10 normal adults showed a significant increase both in terms of chromium per minute and chromium/creatinine (Cr/Cre) ratio after OGTT, and the difference between the mean values before and after OGTT was significant, 2) Of the 13 individuals from diabetic families, only five increased their chromium excretion and chromium/creatinine ratio after the glucose challenge (39%). However, the mean values for the group before and after OGTT remained statistically unchanged, 3) three of eight overt diabetic subjects (38%) showed moderate increase the chromium excretion and Cr/Cre ratio after OGTT, but the mean values were not effected. The creatinine values in urine remained constant before and after OGTT in all groups. These results suggest that a positive Cr/Cre response is more likely to occur in groups of normals than in groups of diabetics, and in individuals from diabetic families.