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Distributed denial of service attacks in cloud: State-of-the-art of scientific and commercial solutions



Cloud computing model provides on demand, elastic and fully managed computer system resources and services to organizations. However, attacks on cloud components can cause inestimable losses to cloud service providers and cloud users. One such category of attacks is the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), which can have serious consequences including impaired customer experience, service outage and in severe cases, complete shutdown and total economic unsustainability. Advances in Internet of Things (IoT) and network connectivity have inadvertently facilitated launch of DDoS attacks which have increased in volume, frequency and intensity. Recent DDoS attacks involving new attack vectors and strategies, have precipitated the need for this survey. In this survey, we mainly focus on finding the gaps, as well as bridging those gaps between the future potential DDoS attacks and state-of-the-art scientific and commercial DDoS attack defending solutions. It seeks to highlight the need for a comprehensive detection approach by presenting the recent threat landscape and major cloud attack incidents, estimates of future DDoS, illustrative use cases, commercial DDoS solutions, and the laws governing DDoS attacks in different nations. An up-to-date survey of DDoS detection methods, particularly anomaly based detection, available research tools, platforms and datasets, has been given. This paper further explores the use of machine learning methods for detection of DDoS attacks and investigates features, strengths, weaknesses, tools, datasets, and evaluates results of the methods in the context of the cloud. A summary comparison of statistical, machine learning and hybrid methods has been brought forth based on detailed analysis. This paper is intended to serve as a ready reference for the research community to develop effective and innovative detection mechanisms for forthcoming DDoS attacks in the cloud environment. It will also sensitize cloud users and providers to the urgent need to invest in deployment of DDoS detection mechanisms to secure their assets.
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of
Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Aanshi Bhardwaja,Veenu Mangata,Renu Viga,Subir Halderband Mauro Contib
aUniversity Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
bDepartment of Mathematics, University of Padua, Padua 35121, Italy
Anomaly based detection
Cloud computing
DDoS attack
Economic denial of sustainability
Machine learning
Deep learning
Statistical methods
Cloud computing model provides on demand, elastic and fully managed computer system resources
and services to organizations. However, attacks on cloud components can cause inestimable losses
to cloud service providers and cloud users. One such category of attacks is the Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS), which can have serious consequences including impaired customer experience,
service outage and in severe cases, complete shutdown and total economic unsustainability. Advances
in Internet of Things (IoT) and network connectivity have inadvertently facilitated launch of DDoS
attacks which have increased in volume, frequency and intensity. Recent DDoS attacks involving new
attack vectors and strategies, have precipitated the need for this survey.
In this survey, we mainly focus on finding the gaps, as well as bridging those gaps between the
future potential DDoS attacks and state-of-the-art scientific and commercial DDoS attack defending
solutions. It seeks to highlight the need for a comprehensive detection approach by presenting the
recent threat landscape and major cloud attack incidents, estimates of future DDoS, illustrative use
cases, commercial DDoS solutions, and the laws governing DDoS attacks in different nations. An up-
to-date survey of DDoS detection methods, particularly anomaly based detection, available research
tools, platforms and datasets, has been given. This paper further explores the use of machine learn-
ing methods for detection of DDoS attacks and investigates features, strengths, weaknesses, tools,
datasets, and evaluates results of the methods in the context of the cloud. A summary comparison of
statistical, machine learning and hybrid methods has been brought forth based on detailed analysis.
This paper is intended to serve as a ready reference for the research community to develop effective
and innovative detection mechanisms for forthcoming DDoS attacks in the cloud environment. It will
also sensitize cloud users and providers to the urgent need to invest in deployment of DDoS detection
mechanisms to secure their assets.
1. Introduction
Cloud computing provides an on demand computing
paradigm to access services, resources and applications over
the Internet. It has led to a shift in functioning of IT com-
panies by moving from self-deploying and running of their
daily IT facilities to using cloud computing platforms for in-
frastructure, storage, and other services. The National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) enumerates five
key attributes of cloud, viz. services provided on-demand,
resource sharing, ubiquitous network access, quick elasticity
and pay as you go service [1] , [2]. Despite numerous advan-
tages, cloud platforms are vulnerable to various types of at-
tacks, e.g., malware injection attack, Virtual Machine (VM)
Escape, launch of malicious VM, DDoS, wrapping attack.
DDoS is one of the most notorious attacks out of these cloud
attacks, since it can cause service disruption, poor user ex-
perience, and severe economic losses leading to unsustain-
ability, for businesses using cloud computing. In a DDoS
attack, an attacker aims to deplete network infrastructure,
capacity or compute resources by overwhelming it with re-
quests. It compromises the cloud services and creates prob-
lem in responding to legitimate users. The main motivation
behind DDoS attacks can be blackmail, demonstration of at- (A. Bhardwaj); (V.
Mangat); (R. Vig); (S. Halder); (M. Conti)
ORCID(s): 0000-0002-0968-5718 (A. Bhardwaj)
tack capabilities, vandalism, political disputes, hacktivism,
business rivalry, distraction from exfiltration and other data
theft activities.
A representative DDoS attack scenario is illustrated
through Figure 1wherein different devices like mobile de-
vices, IP cameras, Digital Video Recorders (DVRs), laptops,
etc. are used to attack cloud infrastructure by turning the de-
vices into bots. Bots are connected devices that have been
compromised and are under the control of an external en-
tity. The external entity, called the bot herder or command
and control (C & C), directs these multiple bots to send an
overwhelming number of attack packets to a critical cloud
component, such as a victim server, leading to partial denial
of service initially, and complete denial eventually.
DDoS attacks in traditional networks are distinct from
DDoS attacks in cloud environment. This is because apart
from DDoS attack effects like disruption of service, mone-
tary loss caused by the downtime, negative impact on brand
reputation, costs of mitigating attack, etc., there are addi-
tional attack consequences in the cloud such as extra eco-
nomic costs incurred due to autoscaling, costs of the extra
energy consumed, collateral damages to cloud computing
elements, movement of data and services from one cloud
environment to another, and the negative effects due to co-
hosted VMs. DDoS in cloud leads to Economic Denial of
Sustainability (EDoS) attack [3]. In an EDoS attack, at-
tacker sends illegitimate traffic in an attempt to overburden
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 1 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
C&Cserver Differentbots
S2 S3 S4
S2 S3 S4
Fig. 1: Scenario of DDoS attacks in Cloud
the cloud resources which have been provisioned for the vic-
tim. This fraudulent usage leads to request for additional re-
sources. Since cloud computing employs a usage based dy-
namic pricing model designed to add more virtual resources
to maintain the defined QoS levels, the autoscaling leads to
drastic increase in billing usage costs. As more and more
resources get provisioned for the victim, eventually the in-
creased billing costs lead to economic unsustainability for
the victim. The pay-as-you-go and multitenancy features of
the cloud further exacerbate how the DDoS attack will affect
individual customers.
The main motivation for authoring this survey is the
trend of increasing number of sophisticated DDoS attacks
on cloud platforms in the last few years. According to [4], it
has been expected that DDoS attacks will double to 14.5 mil-
lion by 2022. A survey of security experts from France, Ger-
many, Italy, Spain, UK and the US by the Neustar Interna-
tional Security Council (NISC) in January 2019 has revealed
that DDoS attacks are perceived as the highest threat to orga-
nizations. As per a report by Verisign [5], the favourite tar-
gets of DDoS attacks are the organizations associated with
Cloud/IT Services. DDoS detection and responding times
are also increasing. A Cisco [6] report says that number of
DDoS attacks more than 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps) will in-
crease to 31.1 million by 2021. Imperva in 2019 has reported
currently observing DDoS attacks over 500 Gbps once every
week [7]. There is 217% increase in number of attacks de-
tected in Q2 2020 than in the same period of 2019 by Kasper-
sky DDoS Protection services [8]. According to NetScout
threat intelligence report in 2019, there was an astounding
8.4 million DDoS attacks. So, which means 670,000 at-
tacks per month, 23,000 attacks per day, and 16 attacks every
minute. Kaspersky’s DDoS Q2 2019 report also mentions an
increase of 18% in DDoS attacks in Q2 2019 as compared to
Q2 2018 [9]. Keeping in view this unabating trend of DDoS
attacks, it has become imperative for every organization to
have an effective DDoS detection and mitigation strategy.
1.1. Related Surveys
There are several other works in literature [10-20] which
have highlighted the requirements of detection of DDoS at-
tacks in cloud computing. In Table 1, we have summarized
and shown the various aspects that distinguish our survey pa-
per from existing related surveys. The columns indicate the
major contributions of our survey work. A value of indi-
cates that the corresponding aspect (given in column) has not
been dealt by the related survey (given in row), indicates
that the aspect has been dealt with partially or not up-to-date,
and indicates that the aspect has been dealt comprehen-
sively with sufficient level of detail and up-to-date. The last
row refers to our survey paper.
Literature on DDoS attacks and mitigation strategies has
been surveyed in [10]. Taxonomy of DDoS attacks and de-
fense mechanisms has been presented for attacks done till
Dec 2015. Categorisation of DDoS attacks into infrastruc-
tural level and application level attacks has been done. De-
ploying anomaly based detection mechanism at access points
has been proposed conceptually. Some detection methods
that use statistical and machine learning approaches have
been surveyed. In this paper, we attempt to identify more
categories of cloud DDoS attacks based on recent attacks,
and also provide a more comprehensive and detailed survey
of anomaly based detection methods discussed in literature
upto October 2020.
Authors of [11] have presented a detailed survey and tax-
onomy of solutions of DDoS attacks in cloud computing,
and a comprehensive set of performance and evaluation met-
rics. They have proposed a systematic design of a defense
solution involving five different levels of hierarchy viz. ap-
plication level, VM/OS level, Hypervisor level, cloud level
and ISP level. They have discussed specific features and as-
pects of the design at various levels. This survey paper is
significantly different from [11], since it provides a current
and comprehensive survey of anomaly detection, particu-
larly detailed discussion of machine learning based anomaly
detection methods. Additionally, this paper relates to several
different aspects like attack incidents, commercial solutions
and laws governing DDoS.
A survey and taxonomy of DoS and DDoS attacks, at-
tacker and cloud security have been discussed [12]. Coun-
termeasures have been explained with help of XML DoS and
HTTP DoS. An overall defense strategy has been provided
that includes detection, mitigation and security level archi-
tecture. It does not include detailed survey and discussion of
detection techniques.
A survey and taxonomy of DoS and DDoS attacks in
cloud environment has been presented [13]. Methods have
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 1
Comparison with Related Surveys
Reference DDoS Inci-
dents & Pat-
DDoS Use
of DDoS
of Anomaly
of Anomaly
Papers Cov-
Osanaiye et
al. [10]
✕ ✕ ✽✽✕2009-2015
Somani et
al. [11]
✕ ✕ ✕✕2003-2016
Bonguet and
Bellaiche [12]
✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ 2006-2016
Gupta and
Badve [13]
✽ ✽ ✕ ✕ ✕ 2001-2016
Agrawal and
Tapaswi [14]
✕ ✕ ✽✕✕2005-2016
Alzahrani et
al. [15]
✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ 2008-2017
Praseed and
Thilagam [16]
✽ ✽ ✕ ✽ 2003-2018
Hong et
al. [17]
✽ ✽ ✕ ✕ ✕ 2003-2018
Salim et
al. [18]
✕ ✕ ✕✕2004-2018
Dong et
al. [19]
✕ ✕ ✕✕✕2001-2018
Singh and Be-
hal [20]
✽ ✕ ✕ ✽ 2010-2020
Our Survey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2009-2020
- Detailed Study, - Limited Consideration, - No Discussion
been classified based on where detection mechanism is em-
ployed, viz. near source, near victim, intermediate, and
when it is employed viz. before, during or after the attack.
Information about various attack types, tools and datasets
has also been given. There is limited discussion of DDoS
attacks, no survey of anomaly detection techniques, and no
discussion of statistical, machine learning and hybrid meth-
ods. Additionally, use cases, laws and commercial solutions
of DDoS have not been mentioned.
The survey that has been presented in [14] discusses and
provides a comparison of low rate, signature based, anomaly
based, and EDoS defense mechanisms against different cat-
egories of DDoS attacks. It includes some work done upto
2016. As compared to this paper, [14] lacks discussion on
cloud DDoS incidents, attack use cases, laws, commercial
solutions, detailed discussion of machine learning methods,
and comparison of machine learning, statistical and hybrid
Various techniques to implement Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDSs) such as signature based, anomaly based,
Support Vector Machine (SVM) based, fuzzy logic, genetic
algorithm, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based tech-
niques have been discussed [15]. Host based, network based,
distributed, and hypervisor based IDSs have been compared.
Some DDoS detection techniques, upto 2016, have been
listed along with dataset, evaluation parameters, advantages
and disadvantages. There is no detailed discussion of detec-
tion using statistical and machine learning approaches, and
no discussion of other facets of DDoS attacks.
A survey of application layer DDoS attacks and their pre-
vention and detection mechanism has been presented in [16].
The surveyed detection mechanisms include those based on
statistical measures like entropy, covariance; machine learn-
ing methods like Naive Bayes (NB), SVM, Decision Tree
(DT); game theory; and chaos theory. They have discussed
how a specific class of features like protocol features, sys-
tem features, request features are suited for detection of a
particular class of application layer attacks. The paper [16]
deals with application layer attacks only and does not discuss
recent DDoS incidents, types of DDoS attacks, laws, com-
mercial solutions, taxonomy of anomaly detection and com-
parative analysis of statistical, machine learning and hybrid
A tracing method for identifying threats in the cloud has
been suggested [17]. Attacks in the cloud have been cate-
gorized using OWASP attack categories, mapped to threats
using STRIDE threat model, and then mapped to compo-
nents of cloud and their vulnerabilities. It has been con-
cluded that more research is required to understand the new
type of attack incidents to capture the threats that they pose.
This paper is significantly different from [17] since it dis-
cusses DDoS attacks in detail with respect to cloud DDoS
incidents, use cases, laws, commercial solutions, taxonomy
and detailed discussion of anomaly based detection methods
and subcategories.
Various mechanisms that can be implemented to pre-
vent, detect and mitigate DDoS attacks in IoT have been
surveyed [18]. Tools that can be used to form botnets and
launch DDoS attacks, types of attacks in IoT, and defense
mechanisms for IoT have been discussed. There is no in-
sight on use cases, laws, commercial solutions, investigation
of machine learning methods and comparison of statistical,
machine learning and hybrid methods.
DDoS attacks and their defense in application, control
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 3 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
and data plane of Software Defined Network (SDN) have
been presented [19]. The architecture of SDN and cloud
computing has been discussed. A brief overview of research
work and open problems in the area has been given. Simula-
tion tools for launching DDoS in SDN and cloud have been
listed. Our paper is significantly different from [19] as it dis-
cusses different aspects of DDoS in the cloud, namely, laws,
commercial solutions, anomaly based detection, investiga-
tion of machine learning methods and comparison of statis-
tical, machine learning and hybrid methods.
Authors in [20] reviewed DDoS detection and mitiga-
tion techniques in SDN. It discussed SDN architecture, var-
ious types of DDoS attacks in SDN and security challenges
in SDN. It provided DDoS detection techniques on the ba-
sis of detection technique and metric used. They have not
discussed DDoS use cases, its legal aspects, commercial so-
lutions and taxonomy of DDoS attacks and detection tech-
It is evident from Table 1that this survey paper attempts
to discuss DDoS in cloud computing with respect to fresh
aspects and in a comprehensive and up-to-date manner. The
increasing number of recent DDoS incidents with new at-
tack vectors and strategies, have precipitated the need for
authoring this survey paper. Our survey paper is intended
to serve as a ready reference for the research community to
develop effective and innovative detection mechanisms for
future DDoS attacks in the cloud environment.
The scope of this survey paper is to present a holistic
and current view of DDoS attacks in cloud environments
and state-of-the-art scientific and commercial solutions for
their detection. This includes presenting the recent threat
landscape and major cloud attack incidents, inferences and
patterns, taxonomy of cloud DDoS attacks, illustrative use
cases, laws governing DDoS attacks, comparative listing
of available commercial DDoS solutions, DDoS detection
methods and their categories, comprehensive survey of lit-
erature on anomaly based detection, in-depth investigation
of machine learning based detection, tools, platforms and
datasets. To the best of our knowledge, no other survey pa-
per provides complete and up-to-date information about all
these facets of DDoS attacks in the cloud environment.
1.2. Contribution and Organization of Survey
This paper contributes to the field by providing a sur-
vey of state-of-the-art DDoS attacks as well as scientific and
commercial solutions for their detection, which can be used
in cloud environment. The major contributions of the paper
Provides up-to-date listing of major attack incidents
on cloud infrastructure while inferring how the trends
in cloud DDoS attacks are evolving w.r.t. volume, in-
tensity and frequency of various categories of DDoS
Gives observations on upcoming DDoS attacks in fu-
ture. DDoS attacks are expected to increase in in-
tensity and frequency as more and more organiza-
tions move towards cloud platforms, adoption of IoT
increases and DDoS-for-hire services become easily
available. Multivector high volume attacks against
single/multiple targets from numerous devices are ex-
pected to increase. New attack vectors and attacks per-
petuated by nation states against critical infrastructure
systems are expected.
Enumerates alternative commercial DDoS solutions.
A detailed listing of the major commercial DDoS de-
tection solutions has been provided after studying the
available products in the DDoS detection and mitiga-
tion market space.
Presents a taxonomy of anomaly based DDoS detec-
tion methods. A detailed taxonomy of anomaly based
DDoS detection methods has been presented. Based
on recent research works that have been surveyed, new
elements have been added to existing taxonomies.
Explores the use of machine learning methods for de-
tection of DDoS attacks and investigates their fea-
tures, strengths and weaknesses, tools and datasets,
and evaluates results of the methods.
Presents comparative summary of statistical, machine
learning and hybrid methods.
Depicts sample illustrative DDoS attack scenarios.
The first use case depicts disruption of healthcare ser-
vices due to amplification attack, the second use case
shows EDoS due to multivector attack, and the third
use case depicts business loss due to stealthy attack.
Discusses laws governing DDoS attacks in major na-
The organization of the remainder of the paper is as fol-
lows. Section 2provides an overview of the threat landscape
and major cloud attack incidents from June 2014-June 2020.
Some inferences about the evolution of DDoS attacks in last
6 years and estimates of future attacks are presented. Sec-
tion 3discusses the categories of DDoS attacks in cloud and
lists some observations and inferences regarding the nature
of attacks. Section 4presents a comparative listing of pop-
ular commercial DDoS solutions. Section 5describes the
DDoS detection process, taxonomy and survey of anomaly
based methods, followed by an in depth discussion on sta-
tistical, machine learning and hybrid methods. It provides
an investigation of machine learning methods based on fea-
tures and datasets being used for training the models, plat-
forms/ tools employed, strengths and weaknesses. A com-
parative summary of the categories of methods is also pre-
sented. Section 6depicts three representative use cases for
DDoS attacks and lists the laws governing DDoS in leading
nations. Section 7presents open research issues and gives
recommendations for future work. Section 8summarizes
the observations and inferences regarding DDoS attacks and
their detection in cloud environment.
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
2. Overview of Threat Landscape and Attack
Incidents on Cloud Infrastructure
In this section, we present an overview of the threat land-
scape and major DDoS attack incidents on cloud infrastruc-
ture. In particular, we discuss major recent incidents of
DDoS attacks (from June 2014-20) along with their impact
in Section 2.1. A thorough study of these attack incidents has
lead to observations about the nature of the attacks as well as
few inferences about future attacks, which are stated in Sec-
tion 2.2. Estimates for future DDoS attacks based on tech-
nical and research reports are presented in Section 2.3. This
discussion highlights the recent trend of increasingly sophis-
ticated DDoS attacks and emphasises the need for conduct-
ing research to develop more effective DDoS detection and
mitigation mechanisms.
2.1. Incidents of DDoS Attacks in Cloud
There has been a spate of DDoS attacks recently. Cloud
anti-DDoS vendor Link11 in its report of DDoS statistics
for Europe has registered 11,177 DDoS attacks on targets
in Europe in Q1 2019. The number of hyper-scale attacks of
over 80 Gbps has doubled in Q1 2019 compared to Q4 2018.
The most common type of attack was using DNS reflection
amplification vector in Q1 2019, followed by the Connec-
tionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (CLDAP),
which is used to increase bandwidth. Multi vector attacks in-
creased to more than 46% with most attacks containing 2 or 3
vectors. The longest attack lasted 718 minutes. Peak attack
bandwidth witnessed a 30% increase compared to Q4 2018
with values of 224 Gbps [21]. The main actors in the threat
landscape are cyber terrorists, hackers, rival nation states,
competing companies, naive customers and unwitting indi-
Amazon Web Services (AWS) which provides on de-
mand cloud computing services was hit by largest DDoS at-
tack in 2020. It was a record breaking attack of 2.3 Tbps
for almost three days. The biggest social media sites Face-
book, Instagram and Whatsapp experienced issues globally
with users being unable to access images and videos for 9-10
hours on July 3, 2019. Whatsapp, Messenger and Instagram
were also down for several hours on 12th March 2019. Peo-
ple around the world were not able to login to their accounts.
Many network security experts confirm that outage was due
to DDoS attack but Facebook denies it and claims that is-
sues related to server configuration were the reason behind
the outage. Two other major DDoS attacks occurred in April
2019 and Jan 2019 with attack sizes peaking at 580 million
pps and 500 million pps respectively. These were success-
fully mitigated, albeit with a large cost. Attackers flooded
the network with large and small SYN packets using botnets
to generate an excessively large number of packets. A large
number of attacks occurred in 2018 [22] and major ones are
listed in the Table 2.
Another major DDoS attack was experienced at Github
code hosting website on February 28, 2018 [23]. The peak
attack size was recorded at 1.35 Tbps. The attack was
a memcached amplification attack. Amplification attacks
use a compromised server to redirect traffic to the attacked
server. The size of the packet is increased by the amplifi-
cation factor before being redirected to the attacked server.
The amplification factor of various vectors are- NTP: 556.9,
DNS: 179, and chargen: 358.8. Memcached over UDP has a
massive amplification factor of up to 51,000. On 21 October
2016, the most impactful and noteworthy DDoS attack was
experienced at Dyn [24]. Due to this attack more than 60
large scale organizations like Spotify, CNN, Visa, Amazon,
Netflix, Twitter etc. were taken down. The attack source was
Mirai botnet which is a malware that finds unprotected IoT
devices to infect them for launching DDoS attacks. Gart-
ner forecasts that 14.2 billion connected IoT devices will be
in use in 2019, and this number will increase to 25 billion
by 2021 [25]. The IoT devices such as DVRs, CCTV cam-
eras, baby monitors, smart appliances, Routers and Servers,
can be easily be turned into bots. Various botnets avail-
able for launching DDoS are Wirex, Mirai, Sartori, Okiru,
Masuta, Reaper, Omni, Jenx, Chalubo, etc. A new DDoS
launch platform called 0x-booter which infects devices us-
ing a variant of Mirai called Bushido, surfaced in late 2018.
There is a trend of newer Botnets, like DemonBot, which
target Hadoop clusters. These Hadoop clusters are cloud in-
tegrated and connected to numerous IoT devices, which in
turn, can significantly boost DDoS attacks in the cloud en-
vironment [26].
Table 2presents the major DDoS incidents on cloud plat-
forms in the last six years.
2.2. Observations and Inferences
The recent DDoS attacks on cloud demonstrate a power-
ful increase in attacker’s capabilities. A comparison of the
recent severe DDoS attacks of 2019 (Jan and April) with the
most severe DDoS attacks of 2018 (Feb and March) reveals
some interesting points. The 2018 attacks that reached 1.7
Tbps and 1.35 Tbps were memcached amplification attacks.
The generated attacks mainly consisted of large packets and
a relatively low pps rate. The GitHub report confirms a peak
of 129.6 million pps. These large packets had a single source
port (port 11211) and originating service address on differ-
ent servers. Therefore it is possible to mitigate these attacks
by using a network mitigation appliance or mechanisms like
Access Control Lists (ACLs) for traffic filtering. On the
other hand, the DDoS attacks in 2019 were aimed at gener-
ating a large number of pps, upto 580 million pps, to exhaust
the CPU and memory resources of servers, and to increase
the mitigation cost of network hardware and other resources.
Dyn attack in 2016 using Mirai was a multi vector high vol-
ume TCP and UDP flood and it generated compounded re-
cursive DNS retry traffic. It involved at least 100,000 ma-
licious end point devices. It was also aimed at throttling
the bandwidth of the network. Mitigation efforts included
traffic-shaping of incoming traffic, rebalancing of incoming
traffic by modifying DNS querying anycast policies, appli-
cation of internal filtering, and scrubbing. The attack vectors
were known attack types, but the flexible DDoS generation
system and segmented Command and Control which enables
launching of simultaneous attacks against multiple targets,
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 2
Major DDoS Incidents on Cloud Platforms
Target Attack date Impact
European Bank [27] June 21, 2020 Biggest pps DDoS attack of 809 million packets per second
AWS [28] February, 2020 Largest DDoS attack till now of 2.3 Tbps
Wikipedia [29] September 7, 2019 Site was unavailable in many parts of the world for around 3 days
Telegram [30] June 12, 2019 Service disruption, user experience degradation
Electrical Grid in LA, Utah (U.S.) [31] March 5, 2019 Interruptions in electrical grid operations
Imperva Client [7] January 10, 2019 Service disruption, user experience degradation
Cambodia ISPs EZECOM, SINET, Tel-
cotech, Digi [32]
November 2018 Sharp decrease in Internet speeds for over a week
Square Enix Co, Ubisoft [33] October 4, 2018 Poor connections to games, increased server latency globally, online payments unavailable
ABN Amro and ING Dutch Banks [34] May 24-25, 2018 Inaccessible online and mobile banking accounts, delayed response
Danish Railways [35] May 13, 2018 App, ticket system and website crashed, email and phone lines disrupted
DNS Service Neustar [36] March 2018 Broadcast storm leading to delayed response
Arbor Networks Client [37] March 5, 2018 Delayed response
Github [23] February 28, 2018 Github site blocked
Business Wire [38] January 31, 2018 Huge delays in web service
ABN Amro, ING, RABO Banks and
Dutch Revenue Office Online [39]
January 27-28, 2018 Online banking, websites and e-commerce payment platform unavailable
Electronic Health Systems, Latvia [40] January 1, 2018 Inaccessible patient records, online prescriptions and medical certificate service halted
Crypto market IOTA [41] January 2018 More than 3.94 million dollars stolen
DreamHost [42] August 24, 2017 Disruption in hosting, lo cked virtual private servers, reduced email performance
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)[43] August 17, 2017 CDNs and content providers were down
Melbourne IT [44] April 13, 2017 Disrupted web hosting, reduced email performance, blocked access to the Console
Imperva Incapsula Network [45] Decemb er 21, 2016 Service degradation
Liberia Lonestar Cell MTN [46] November 2016 Internet access crippled, huge revenue losses and high mitigation cost
Dynamic Network Services Company
October 21, 2016 Amazon, Tumblr, Paypal, Netflix, Twitter unavailable
OVH Cloud Hosting [47] September 2016 Hosting service down
KrebsOnSecurity website [48] September 2016 Website down
BBC website [49] December 31, 2015 BBC websites offline and unavailable
Ukraine Power Grid [50] December 23, 2015 Power outages for about a quarter-million people for a period from 1 to 6 hours
Linode [51] December 25, 2015 DNS hosting outages, Linode Manager outages
Cloudflare CDN [52] February 11, 2014 Unavailable servers, service disruption
Sony and Microsoft Gaming Servers
December 25, 2014 Disrupted gaming service
Rackspace [54] December 21, 2014 Increased latency, packet loss,connectivity failures
Codespace [55] June 17, 2014 Data deletion
was the defining feature. This can have far-reaching conse-
quences in a multitenant cloud system where VMs are co-
hosted on same physical machine for different clients. It can
be inferred that trends of DDoS attacks are evolving more
towards increasing attack intensity, measured in pps, as well
as increasing volume, as measured in bandwidth. The latter
category, by itself, is relatively easier to mitigate.
2.3. Estimates for DDoS Attacks
It has been more than 30 years since the first DDoS at-
tack was witnessed. In 1988, Robert Morris wrote a self-
replicating worm which quickly spread and consumed sys-
tem resources. In September 1996, a DDoS attack occurred
on New York’s Internet Service Provider (ISP), Panix. The
SYN flood based DDoS attack put the ISP offline for sev-
eral days and affected 20 million users who were online
at that time. Since then, several governments and nations,
small and big commercial organizations, social organiza-
tions, banks, etc. have become targets of DDoS attacks,
which have increased in size, frequency and complexity.
As per Corero [56], the average DDoS attack size will
increase to 1 Gbps and number of DDoS attacks will grow
to 17 million by 2020. The previous years did not experience
too many high pps attacks as a large number of resources are
required to generate effective attacks. But with the prolifer-
ation of IoT devices, most of which are unsecured, there is
an increasing trend towards high intensity attacks. There is a
trend towards multivector attacks launched through Botnets,
like Mirai, Brickerbot, Reaper, etc. These attacks morph
over time which makes detection and mitigation a difficult
task. Attackers are using increasingly powerful botnets com-
prising misused cloud servers, hijacked IoT devices and em-
bedded devices.
The popularity of DDoS for hire services or booters has
increased. These services provide tools to malicious users
for anonymously targeting anyone and can be availed by pay-
ing a nominal price. These services have been advertised on
the dark web mostly, but recently hackers have started ad-
vertising them blatantly using social media. An example is
the Cayosin botnet that has been advertised using YouTube
and available on Instagram in February 2019. In April 2018,
Europol cracked down service, which was
the biggest market for hiring DDoS services. The service
had around 150,000 users and was responsible for launch-
ing between four and six million attacks over the past three
years. Security vendor Nexusguard has reported that booter
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 6 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00%
Honk Kong
Great Britain
Others Q2 2019
Q1 2019
Fig. 2: Trends in Geography of DDoS Attack Targets
websites more than doubled in Q1 2019 as compared to Q4
It has been predicted by Radware that the public cloud
services market will grow by 17.3% to $206 billion by
2020 [57]. This shows that organizations are rapidly shift-
ing to cloud platforms leading to more threats and vulnera-
bilities. This will make cloud platforms a major target for
attackers. Attacks directed at nation-states, as well as per-
petuated by them, are also expected to increase. This may
be done by causing internet outages, service outages, supply
chain attacks, healthcare systems attacks, etc. Attempted at-
tacks against critical infrastructure networks are expected to
Figure 2shows distribution of DDoS attack victims
country-wise in Q2 as compared to Q1 of 2019. China is
the most targeted DDoS country even though there is a re-
duction in attack percentage from 67.89% to 63.80%. The
percentage of attacks in US in Q2 2019 is almost the same
as compared to Q1 2019, which is almost double of the statis-
tics for US in Q4 2018. The figure also shows DDoS attack
percentage for other countries like Netherlands, Australia,
Canada, Hong Kong etc.
3. Categories of DDoS Attacks
In this section, we provide a categorisation of DDoS at-
tacks from a cloud computing perspective. This examination
is useful in order to appreciate how the various DDoS attacks
can impact the cloud environment and to be able to design ef-
fective detection mechanisms for the same. The well known
categories of DDoS attacks are mentioned first. This is fol-
lowed by discussion on DDoS attacks by categorising them
based on which part of the cloud is attacked. Section 3.1
discusses DDoS attacks on cloud infrastructure components,
Section 3.2 discusses attacks on cloud services, and Sec-
tion 3.3 discusses attacks on cloud customers.
DDoS attacks can be targeted towards depleting band-
width or depleting resources of a network or a combina-
tion of both these approaches. The categories of DDoS at-
tacks are: volumetric (Gbps), protocol (pps) and applica-
tion layer (rps) attacks. Volumetric attack or floods target
the bandwidth of the network and can be launched through
botnets or amplification. Protocol attacks target the com-
pute and memory of servers and intermediate devices and
often work at layers 3 and 4 of the OSI model on network
devices like routers. Most attacks can be categorized de-
pending on the vector and packet size, and the categories
often overlap. Detailed description of DDoS volumetric and
protocol attacks and their corresponding detection methods
has been discussed in [58]. Application layer/layer 7 attacks
are also viewed as a resource based attacks. These type of
attacks target servers hosting some kind of a web applica-
tion. The attackers in most cases make legitimate requests
like a website user, and require very few bots to attack which
makes it difficult to detect such type of attacks. As a conse-
quence, these attacks displays much smaller traffic spikes.
Application layer attacks are computed as requests per sec-
ond (rps) or the number of requests made to an application.
Detailed description of application layer attacks, and their
corresponding detection methods has been discussed in [16].
DDoS attacks result in service disruption which is the
primary effect. Service downtime/disruption leads to eco-
nomic losses and short or long term business reputation
losses. DDoS attacks in cloud might not always result in ser-
vice downtime due to auto scalability feature of cloud. Auto
scalability is one of the characteristics of cloud which au-
tomatically adds or removes computational resources based
on usage at that instant. But it has the negative impact of in-
creased billing costs for the cloud users. Additionally, since
co-hosted VMs on a single physical server may be shared
amongst different cloud users (multitenancy), there is col-
lateral damage to non targets by disrupting their service and
causing autoscaling of their resources as well. Fraudulent re-
source consumption results in economic losses to cloud users
and reputation loss to cloud providers. Figure 3depicts the
various DDoS attack categories from a cloud computing per-
spective. The attacker attacks different components of cloud
according to the intent and existing vulnerability. The vari-
ous cloud components that come under DDoS attacks are -
Cloud Infrastructure (VMs, Hypervisor, Cloud Scheduler),
Cloud Services (SAAS and web services) and Cloud Cus-
tomers (Cost accountability component).
3.1. Attacks on Cloud Infrastructure
The attacks on cloud infrastructure are as follows:
Flooding Attacks: It is a denial of service attack in which a
service is put down by overwhelming it with a large amount
of traffic. The attacker floods the target with incomplete
connections which consumes resources of target, and as a
result, the genuine packets are not processed. Examples of
flooding attacks are ICMP Flood, TCP SYN Flood, UDP
Flood, ACK Fragmentation Flood, HTTP Flood.
Carpet Bombing: It is a new variant of common flooding
or reflection attack. Instead of attacking a specific IP
address, the attacker attacks multiple systems which are a
part of subnet or CIDR blocks. Flooding CIDR blocks also
overwhelms the mitigation system. The other issue is that
detection systems usually rely on destination IPs but not on
the subnets or CIDR blocks. This hinders the timely and
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
HTTPFlood Coercive
Fig. 3: Categories of DDoS attacks in Cloud
accurate detection of attack.
Yo Yo Attack: This attack exploits auto scalability mecha-
nism of cloud. The attacker sends periodic bursts of traffic
which triggers the auto scaling process to alternate between
scale up and scale down cycles. Rather than suffering from
complete denial of service, the cloud users suffer from
economic damage, i.e., the extra cost which has to be paid
due to fraudulent packets causing the auto scaling process
to scale up.
VM Sprawling: VM sprawling indicates the over abun-
dance of resource draining VMs in the cloud environment,
some of which may be obsolete. They are open to attack
due to vulnerabilities that have not been patched up since
the VM was last used.
Multi Vector: It is a new attack type in which the attacker
combines different attack strategies to intensify the attack
and make it difficult for systems to detect and mitigate
the attack. The attacker may combine different types of
flood attacks or may blend different amplification attacks or
amplification attacks with traditional attacks.
Smurf & Fraggle: Smurf and Fraggle are amplification at-
tacks. These attacks exploit the characteristics of broadcast
networks. Smurf attack uses spoofed ICMP ping message to
broadcast address, prompting each host to reply back, which
further results in huge amount of traffic towards the victim.
Similarly in Fraggle attack, the attacker sends spoofed UDP
packets instead of ICMP packets.
CIDoS: Cloud Internal Denial of Service (CIDoS) attacks
are those in which VMs attack their host with the help
of covert channels. Each VM increases its resource con-
sumption to disturb the host machine’s ability to process
the increase in resource usage. These attacks are harder
to detect as the attack pattern is very similar to normal traffic.
3.2. Attacks on Cloud Services
The attacks on cloud web services and Software as a
Service (SAAS) are as follows:
HTTP Flood: The attacker send legitimate HTTP GET
or POST request towards the server. The attack GET and
POST requests are similar to the normal HTTP requests.
These volume of requests is so large that it consumes the
resources of the target, leading to denial of service.
Billion Laughs: It is also known as XML bomb or ex-
ponential entity expansion attack. The attacker targets
the XML parsers. The attacker may send a well formed
XML message with schema validation which consumes the
resources of cloud.
Cross Site Scripting: The attacker injects malicious
JavaScript code into the targeted website. The code gets
triggered when the user visits such websites. Upon execu-
tion of the code, the consumption of target resources jumps
up, resulting in denial of the services running on the target.
Coercive Parsing: The attacker intentionally includes large
number of namespace declarations, continuous open tags,
deeply nested XML structures, which clogs up the CPU
NTP, Memcached DNS Amplification: NTP is a re-
flection based amplification attack in which the attacker
exploits the functionality of NTP servers. The attacker
sends spoofed requests towards the NTP servers which
results in large response. Large number of such amplified
responses consume the target resources, leading to denial
of service. Similarly, in Domain Name Server (DNS) and
Memcached amplification attacks, the attacker exploits
DNS and Memcached servers for generating high volume
and high bandwidth consuming DDoS attacks.
Oversized Encryption Attack: The attacker crafts the
SOAP messages by including oversized digital signatures.
These digital signatures when processed consume a lot of
space in memory, leading to denial of service.
XML Attack: The attacker sends flood of XML messages
towards the target. These messages are complex and parsing
them is time consuming. The attacker manipulates some
fields of XML message which eats up large resources of
web services, ultimately breaking down the server.
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
3.3. Attacks on Cloud Customers
The primary attack that directly targets cloud customers
is as follows:
Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS): DDoS attack
is transformed to EDoS attack for cloud customers. The
attack targets the economic resources of the customers by
billing them for fraudulent resource consumption. The ille-
gitimate usage of cloud resources is caused due to autoscal-
ing of resources which has in turn arisen due to attack traf-
fic, and not the customer’s genuine traffic. This can lead to
potentially infinite billing costs for the customer, leading to
economic unsustainability for the cloud customer.
Inferences and Observations: At the network level, the
most common attacks are TCP, UDP and ICMP floods, fol-
lowed by reflective DNS, SNMP, SSDP floods. Fragmented
packet attacks such as IP Fragment and TCP Segment are
fairly common too. These attacks occur when reassembly of
IP or TCP packet causes CPU saturation as packet is mal-
formed with overlapping or missing values. They utilize
very less bandwidth of attack/incoming traffic making them
hard to detect. The common attacks at application layer are
repetitive GET, low and slow attacks using Slowloris and
its variants, slow read, and especially crafted stack/protocol/
buffer attacks.
4. DDoS Commercial Solutions
In order to protect against the DDoS attacks (as discussed
in Section 3), various vendors provide DDoS detection and
mitigation solutions globally. This section begins by outlin-
ing the main requirements for a useful DDoS detection and
mitigation solution, and then discusses popular commercial
solutions, along with their strengths and weaknesses. This
information is useful in determining the most suitable com-
mercial alternative to defend an organization against DDoS
Various vendors provide DDoS detection and mitigation
solutions globally claiming to keep operations of the client
enterprise secure and available 24×7. The main design goals
for a DDoS detection and mitigation solution are:
Reliable and accurate detection of attack traffic
Support for detecting multi-vector attacks
Real time detection and mitigation of threats. Three
time spans need to be minimized, viz. time from
launch to detection, time from detection to redirection/
mitigation, and time from detection to remediation
Threat Intelligence
Scalability to absorb volume of traffic as infrastructure
and services grow
Performance guarantee to keep up with rising attack
Web based GUI to give insight into the real-time traf-
fic analysis, showing blocked DDoS attacks, server
availability and providing metrics on current server re-
sponse times
Real-time monitoring dashboard to analyse applica-
tions, server behavior and incoming and outgoing traf-
Report generation of individual incidents and routine
Cost-effective and easy integration with minimum ex-
tra hardware required and maximum Return on Invest-
ment (RoI)
The popular vendors of anti-DDoS solutions and their prod-
ucts are discussed below. A listing of popular vendors and
their product offerings is given in Table 3.
Akamai: Kona Site Defender, Prolexic Solutions
products protect websites and APIs against DDoS.
They provide delivery through cloud and use automa-
tion in CDN-based and DNS components, and auto-
mated DDoS scrubbing. They are capable of dropping
malicious network layer attacks at the edge. Product
includes Web Application Firewall (WAF) and is scal-
able, supporting over 61 Tbps. Akamai DDoS pric-
ing is single charge and does not charge extra based
on size or frequency of attacks. Improvements can be
made in WAF features and dashboard look and feel. It
also needs more advanced application layer protection
against SQL injection, applied scripting. Mostly used
for securing financial services, commerce, broadcast-
ing, publishing, public sector, high-tech, SaaS, manu-
facturing, healthcare, energy and gaming companies.
Major clients are - Adobe, Airbnb, Cathay Pacific,
Benq, Fiat, Honda, Philips, Siemens, Verizon, Stan-
dard Chartered [59].
Amazon: AWS Shield Standard provides protec-
tion from layer 3 and layer 4 DDoS attacks. AWS
Shield Advanced includes intelligent real time detec-
tion and mitigation of application layer DDoS attacks
like HTTP floods or DNS query floods as well. It
provides DDoS cost protection and extensive visibil-
ity into attacks. It includes AWS WAF and is easy to
setup. However, AWS Shield Advanced is expensive
at $3,000 a month, with additional data transfer usage
costs. Major clients are - MedStar Health, MediData,
Illumina, Philips, Practo, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, British
Gas, Vodafone, Expedia [60].
Arbor DDoS: Arbor Cloud, Arbor Edge Defense
products provide on demand solution for low and high
bandwidth DDoS with upto 7.6 Tbps scrubbing capac-
ity. Arbor Edge blocks inbound and outbound mali-
cious communication. It can act on volumetric, TCP,
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 9 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
and application layer DDoS attacks. Arbor’s Pravail
Availability Protection System (APS) can specifically
handle application-layer and TCP state-exhaustion at-
tacks. Arbor products employ ATLAS global threat
intelligence, and reputation data from Arbor Security
Engineering and Response Team (ASERT). Delivery
can be through on-premises appliance, VM, or AWS
instance. It has a user friendly interface but is not
backward compatible with routers that do not support
NetFlow version. Also, it is expensive for small com-
panies. It is used by enterprises, government, financial
services and small and medium businesses (SMBs).
Major clients are - iWeb, Frost and Sullivan, neoTele-
com [61].
AT&T: AT&T DDoS defense offers cloud-based
monitoring of volumetric DDoS attacks, detailed traf-
fic analysis for anomalies, packet scrubbing, web
based GUI for status reporting, cloud signalling and
automated mitigation of DDoS. It also analyses net-
flow to filter traffic. It is expensive to use this product
with costs for mitigation going upto $3,500 per month.
Major clients are - Data Netw, State of Georgia, SMBs
in healthcare and manufacturing industry [62].
CDN77: CDN77 DDoS protection provides real time
protection against volume based and protocol attacks.
It is scalable with a large capacity network. It is pri-
marily used for improving loading speed on websites.
CDN77 is deployed successfully for website security
and acceleration, live streaming, gaming, and private
CDN. However, it may prove expensive for low use
users. Major clients are - Oracle, Hubble Space Tele-
scope, Bata, Avast, CentOS [63].
Checkpoint: DDoS protector shields application in-
frastructure against known and unknown emerging se-
curity threats. It has four modules for security which
are anti-DDoS, Intrusion Prevention system (IPS),
SSL attack protection and network behavioral analysis
(NBA). It provides vast range of mitigation and con-
nectivity capacity. The bandwidth mitigation capacity
ranges from 6 to 400 Gbps. Major clients are - Smart-
Wave Technologies, PFNiG, Unitel, MTN etc. [64].
CloudFlare: Argo tunnel protects web servers from
direct attack and Cloudflare Spectrum gives protection
for TCP and UDP service. These products automati-
cally detect and mitigate layer 3, 4 and 7 DDoS at-
tacks. These intelligent products automatically filter
bad traffic by learning from past attack data. Deliv-
ery can be through cloud. Pricing is competitive. Ba-
sic product is free for personal websites, professional
version is available for a fee of $20 per month per
domain, and business version costs $200. New prod-
uct launched in March 2019, CloudFlare Spectrum for
UDP, provides DDoS protection and firewalling for
unreliable protocols. The products can be improved
by including more open APIs. Mostly used by soft-
ware R&D companies. Major clients are - Nasdaq,
Netwrk, Udacity, Discord, Mapbox, Zendesk, Quizlet,
Digital Ocean [65].
Corero: Smart Wall Threat Defense System (TDS)
products detect large network layer, application layer,
and reflective amplified spoofed DDoS attacks (in-
cluding multivector and stealthy attacks). They utilize
modern DDoS mitigation architecture to detect and
filter DDoS attack traffic, while allowing legitimate
traffic to flow uninterrupted. They can be deployed in
various topologies like inline or scrubbing. They pro-
vide scalability with scrubbing capacity upto 4 Tbps
and good visibility of the inbound and outbound traf-
fic. Major clients are - Hyve, Streamline Servers, Liq-
uid Web, htp GmbH, InMotion Hosting, TeleSystem,
Jagex [66].
Fortinet: Forti DDoS 1200B is a hardware based sin-
gle solution for layer 3, 4 and 7 attacks that offers be-
havior based anomaly detection with ultra low latency.
FortiDDoS Cloud Monitoring service allows for visu-
alization of attack impact and services availability. It
is easy to deploy, and includes comprehensive analyt-
ical and reporting tools. The cost of base license is
around $ 4,050, in addition to the cost of the actual
appliance. Major clients are - British Telecommuni-
cations, Chunghwa Telecom, Richter Gedeon, Tigo,
EkoSistem [67].
Imperva: Products Behemoth 2 and Imperva Incap-
sula name server offer website and infrastructure pro-
tection for Web, SSH, FTP, Telnet, SIP, SMTP, UDP,
TCP, and DNS servers. They prevent direct-to-IP
DDoS attacks by hiding the IP of origin server. A
virtual firewall compatible with Microsoft Azure is in-
cluded in product. There is easy integration with other
devices. However, it is not possible to scale down and
the cost may be too prohibitive for small companies.
Business version costs $299 per site per month and
professional version costs $59. Mostly used by en-
terprises and governments. Major clients are - eToro,
NTT TechnoCross Corporation, NetRefer, PayMetric,
Vietnamese Govt., Keysone RV Company [68].
Kaspersky: Kaspersky DDOS protection defends
against high-volume and complex attacks using spe-
cial sensor software and advanced intelligence. It can
be seamlessly integrated with no additional hardware
required. Detailed post-attack analysis and reports are
also provided. Major clients are - Ferrari, Mosgaz,
Alfa-Bank, AZ-Sint Jan, Chemist Warehouse, Reso-
lute Mining [69].
Link11: DDoS protection Cloud offers protection
against DDoS attacks on Layer 3, 4 and 7 based on
self learning AI architecture.
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 3: DDoS Commercial Solutions
Vendor Product Name Strengths Weaknesses
Akamai [59] Kona Site Defender, Pro-
lexic Solutions Protects websites and API against
Drops network layer attacks at the edge
Includes WAF
Supports over 61 Tbps
WAF features, dashboard look and feel
can be improved
Needs more advanced application layer
Amazon [60] AWS Shield Real time detection of application layer
DDoS attacks like HTTP floods or
DNS query floods
DDoS cost protection
Cost of AWS Shield Advanced is pro-
Arbor DDoS
[61]Arbor Cloud, Arbor Edge
Defense On demand solution for low and high
bandwidth DDoS
Upto 7.6 Tbps scrubbing capacity
Arbor Edge blocks inbound and out-
bound malicious communication
Not backward compatible with some
Expensive for small companies
AT&T [62] AT&T DDoS Defense Cloud-based monitoring of volumetric
DDoS attacks
Detailed traffic analysis for anomalies
Very high mitigation costs
CDN77 [63] CDN77 DDoS Protection Real time protection against volume
based and protocol attacks
Large capacity network
Expensive for low use users
[64]DDoS Protector Does not block legitimate traffic
Reduced TCO of security management
Large number of security tools in one
Single management application
Expensive solution
[65]Argo Tunnel, Cloudflare
Spectrum Argo tunnel: protects web servers from
direct attack
Cloudflare spectrum: Protection for
TCP and UDP services
Competitive Pricing
More open APIs should be provided
Corero [66] Smart Wall Threat Defense
System Detects large network layer, applica-
tion layer, reflective amplified spoofed
DDoS attacks
Pricing plans undisclosed
Fortinet [67] Forti DDoS 1200B Hardware based single solution for
layer 3,4 and 7 attacks
Behavior-based DDoS protection
FortiDDoS Cloud Monitoring service
for visualization of attack impact and
services availability
Easy to deploy
Additional cost of hardware appliance
Imperva [68] Behemoth 2; Imperva In-
capsula Name server, web-
site and infrastructure pro-
Protects Web, SSH, FTP, Telnet, SIP,
SMTP, UDP, TCP, DNS servers Scaling down is not an option
Cost is prohibitive
Kaspersky [9] Kaspersky DDOS Protec-
tion Protection from high-volume attacks
Seamless integration with no addi-
tional hardware
Special sensor software
Advanced intelligence
Post-attack analysis and reports
Performance unknown against slow
rate attacks
Pricing information is undisclosed
Link11 [21] DDoS Protection Cloud Protection against DDoS attacks on
Layer 3, 4 and 7 based on self learn-
ing AI architecture
Pricing information is undisclosed
[70]Azure DDoS Protection Real time monitoring and automatic
Adaptive tuning
Integration with Azure monitor for an-
DDoS cost protection
Protection cannot be tailored for indi-
vidual resources
Standard tier protection is expensive
Sucuri [71] Sucuri Firewall Blocks layer 3, 4 and 7 attacks
Cost effective for websites Performance unknown against zero-
day attacks
Verizon [72] Verizon DDoS Shield Hosted, cloud-based DDoS protection
Intelligence driven security Interface is not very user friendly
Cost is high for small businesses
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 11 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
It employs fingerprint technology for intelligent threat
detection. Product includes secure DNS, WAF and CDN.
The pricing model is simple and allows for easy scaling. Ma-
jor clients are - Hermes, German Federal Office of Criminal
Investigation, CBC, top DAX companies [21].
Microsoft: Azure DDoS Protection offers real time mon-
itoring and automatic mitigation of DDoS threats. It uses
adaptive tuning and integrates with Azure monitor for ana-
lytics. DDoS cost protection is another attractive feature. It
is very easy to enable. However, protection cannot be tai-
lored for individual resources. Basic protection is included
with Azure service. Standard tier protection costs $2944,
plus data charges for upto 100 resources. Major clients are
- Telit, Clover Imaging group, Kodak Alaris, Mediterranean
Shipping Company [70].
Sucuri: Sucuri Firewall is a cloud based WAF that offers
protection against layer 3, 4 and 7 attacks, and improved per-
formance with its Anycast CDN. It uses machine learning
to effectively detect DDoS attacks. It also offers unlimited
malware removal service. It is cost effective for securing
websites with plans starting from $10/month. Major clients
are - iThemes, GoDaddy, Yoast, Cart66, Softwear Systems,
NYU, 24Digital [71].
Verizon: Verizon DDoS Shield offers hosted, cloud-based
DDoS protection and intelligence driven security. It pro-
vides hybrid DDoS mitigation by combining locally de-
ployed mitigation appliances with a cloud-based mitigation
service. Verizon product offers considerable capacity to
withstand high volume attacks. Verizon offers flat monthly
fees plan. The cost is unspecified, but known to be high
for small businesses. Moreover, the interface is not too user
friendly. Major clients are - U.S. military, utility companies,
healthcare companies [72].
5. Detection of DDoS Attacks
Having discussed the various types of DDoS attacks in
Section 3and anti-DDoS commercial solutions in Section 4,
in this section, we elaborate the actual methods and tech-
niques for detection of DDoS attacks based on a compre-
hensive survey of recent literature. Section 5.1 describes
the three types of DDoS detection methods viz. signature,
anomaly and hybrid detection. The rationale behind consid-
ering anomaly detection as the preferred method for thor-
ough study, is then discussed in Section 5.2. A taxonomy of
anomaly based DDoS detection methods is presented based
on recent works in Section 5.3. This is followed by an in-
depth investigation of each subcategory of anomaly detec-
tion method viz. statistical, machine learning, and hybrid
method in Section 5.4. The critical analysis of literature on
all subcategories of anomaly detection methods has revealed
a comparison of these methods. This comparative summary
is presented in Section 5.5. The cloud simulation-related
framework and datasets that are used by researchers to con-
duct experimental investigation on DDoS detection mecha-
nism in the cloud environment, are presented in Section 5.6.
This section provides complete technical details to enable re-
searchers to carry out experimental study of different DDoS
detection mechanisms in the cloud environment.
Nowadays, IPv6 protocol has been adopted due to in-
crease in number of IP addresses required by users. But
due to security vulnerabilities in IPv6 protocol it can easily
be exploited for launching DDoS attacks. A comprehensive
survey discussing IPv6 based DDoS attack categories and
defense solutions have been provided in [73].
5.1. Methods for Detection of DDoS Attacks
Classically, detection of DDoS attack can be categorized
into three types: Signature based detection, Anomaly based
detection and hybrid detection. Signature based detection
technique uses a database of known attack rules. Traffic pat-
terns are monitored for finding malicious events by com-
paring the patterns against the database. If the pattern is
matched, the system raises alarm detecting attack. Signa-
ture based detection performs well in terms of detection ac-
curacy if the database of rules is regularly updated. This
technique fails to detect unknown attacks or zero-day at-
tacks which leads to high false negatives. Maintaining an
updated database of signatures is tedious and costly. The
DDoS attacks employing botnets like leet and Mirai, are
a prime example of cases where signature based detection
methods are ineffective. These attack methods access lo-
cal files and jumble or obfuscate their content to generate
randomized payloads through millions of compromised de-
vices. Since there is negligible similarity between packets,
signature based methods are unable to detect an attack.
Anomaly detection refers to the identification of patterns
that do not comply with expected behaviour [74]. The terms
‘anomalies’ and ‘outliers’ are most commonly used, some-
times also interchangeably, in the context of computer net-
works. Anomalies may be point, contextual or collective.
The network administrator prepares a baseline profile by rec-
ognizing network behaviour during non-attack period. The
main aim is to observe or find subsequent patterns that vary
from baseline profile.
First, information of malicious and non-malicious traffic
is collected and then it is sent to anomaly detection module
for detection of attack. On detection of anomaly, alert com-
mand is issued to network operator which mitigates or fixes
the attack. Hybrid based detection method is a combination
of anomaly based and signature based detection methods.
5.2. Inferences and Observations related to DDoS
Detection Methods
The major advantages of employing anomaly detection
techniques for DDoS attack detection in cloud environment
Anomaly detection techniques can detect new or un-
usual behaviours in the traffic in a timely fashion. This
can help prevent or, at the least, control the potential
widespread impact in terms of economic loss, reputa-
tion loss, service disruption, from affecting the multi-
tenant cloud users.
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 12 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Anomaly detection techniques lower the False Alarm
Rate (FAR) for known and unknown or zero day at-
It is difficult for attackers to know what actions can
be carried out without getting revealed since baseline
profile of normal behaviour is unknown to them.
Anomaly detection directly leads to outlier detection,
wherein a flag is raised whenever a user or server or
entity is acting significantly different from other enti-
ties of its type at a given time.
The major challenges in adoption of anomaly detection
techniques for detection of DDoS attacks in cloud environ-
ment are:
Given the large number and variety of users in a mul-
ticloud environment, it is very difficult to define a nor-
mal baseline profile that includes every possible nor-
mal behaviour. User behaviour analytics is needed.
Furthermore, it is strenuous to set a precise demar-
cation between normal and abnormal behaviour. The
demarcation is more of a hyperplane than a line. Ad-
ditionally, it is difficult to detect an event or reading
that is close to the boundary as normal or anomalous.
Anomaly detection needs to consider the variations
due to different time periods and trends in the base-
line profile, which is defined in terms of parameters
like throughput, web requests, user logins, etc., while
setting threshold values. Manually configuring alerts
for these fluctuating values is a challenging task.
Most of the anomaly based approaches build or learn
a normal traffic activity profile or model and detect
network traffic that deviates from baseline profile as
anomaly. Thus, they are able to detect new attacks
that deviate from normal traffic. False alarms can be
a challenge for these techniques since any new and
unseen traffic is detected as an attack. Training on
normal attack free datasets can help overcome this
challenge. Maintaining an updated normal profile in
evolving network conditions is a challenge for these
Anomaly based detection systems may give high false
positive rate when they encounter any legitimate but
unusual upward surge in network traffic. For example,
flash events are similar to high-rate DDOS attacks and
involve a sudden increase in requests per VM, network
bandwidth, response time, memory usage, etc. Addi-
tional information should be used to explain unusual
behavior that is not an attack.
The anomaly detection technique must be application
agnostic and in multicloud scenario, it should be cloud
agnostic as well.
There is a challenge of being able to identify anoma-
lous patterns across multiple and multivariate network
traffic streams.
The sheer volume of data in a cloud environment
poses a significant scalability challenge to anomaly
detection in real time. Trillions of data points from
several organizations and users of multitenant cloud
need to be handled by the anomaly detection tech-
The labelled data requirement for training and/or val-
idation of system is generally a substantial problem.
Traffic may contain noise that behaves in a similar way
to the actual anomalies, and hence it becomes tough to
differentiate and discard noise.
5.3. Taxonomy of Anomaly Based DDoS Detection
Anomaly based DDoS detection methods can be imple-
mented using machine learning, statistical or hybrid tech-
niques. Machine learning based anomaly detection methods
automatically learn anomalous behaviour patterns from the
attack dataset without the intervention of humans. Machine
learning methods are first trained by providing the informa-
tion about attack features. A model is prepared based on
the information gained in training. The model is then used
to identify anomalous patterns/attacks in the actual environ-
ment. The machine learning methods can be supervised or
unsupervised. Supervised method requires labelled training
dataset consisting of both normal and anomalous patterns.
The unsupervised method does not require labelled training
dataset and formulates the rules by analysing the dataset for
identifying attack patterns. Examples of machine learning
methods include Bayesian Network, Markov Model, Neural
Network (NN), Fuzzy Logic, DT, etc.
In statistical methods of anomaly detection, system pre-
pares a statistical model for normal behaviour of the traf-
fic. Data traffic is considered illegitimate if it does not fit
into statistical model on the basis of some test statistic. Ex-
amples of statistics that can be used are - profiles of hosts,
users, workstations, networks, user categories; and statisti-
cal measures like frequencies, means, standard deviations,
variances, covariances, etc. Statistical tests can be paramet-
ric or non-parametric. Parametric techniques have under-
standing of underlying data distribution and collect parame-
ters from the given data. On the other hand, non-parametric
approach does not have understanding of underlying data
distribution. The hybrid based anomaly detection method
combines the features of both statistical and machine learn-
ing methods in a multistep process. Figure 4presents a tax-
onomy of different approaches being used for anomaly based
DDoS detection.
5.4. Survey of Anomaly Detection Approaches
In this subsection, different approaches based on
anomaly detection for DDoS detection in literature have been
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 13 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Learning Statistical Hybrid
Fig. 4: Anomaly based DDoS Detection methods
investigated w.r.t. various aspects, namely, year of publish-
ing, technique used, viz. machine learning, statistical, or hy-
brid; dataset, features and tools. The strengths and weak-
nesses of each method have also been listed.
A survey of network anomaly detection techniques has
been presented in [75]. The concept of an anomaly and its
detection over a network has been explained. The use of
classification methods namely SVM, Bayesian, NN and Rule
based approach for anomaly detection is surveyed. Statisti-
cal approaches using signal processing, Principal Compo-
nent Analysis (PCA) and mixture model, information theo-
retic approaches such as correlation analysis using measures
like entropy and information gain, and clustering techniques
for detection of anomalies in networks, have been reviewed.
Information about available datasets for network intrusion
detection has also been provided.
The survey in this paper deals with DDoS detection
mechanisms particularly in case of cloud environment and
an attempt has been made to include all major recent works
upto 2020. The various approaches for anomaly based de-
tection of DDoS attacks are:
5.4.1. Machine Learning Approaches
Machine Learning approaches have been divided into su-
pervised and unsupervised depending on whether labelled
or unlabelled dataset is being used. This section discusses
anomaly based supervised and unsupervised machine learn-
ing methods in detail. Table 4and Table 5depict a sum-
mary of methods using supervised and unsupervised ma-
chine learning for anomaly based DDoS detection with their
features, approach, dataset, strengths, and weaknesses.
Supervised Machine Learning Approaches: A super-
vised NN based approach for anomaly detection has been
discussed in [76]. Cloud Trace Back (CTB) solution has
been used to identify the origin of attack. It is mainly placed
closed to the source of the cloud victim. The request is first
sent to the CTB which marks the IP header fields like ID and
reserved flag to track the attacker in case of attack. Algebraic
method is used for path reconstruction. Cloud Protector is a
trained back propagation NN which takes input data values
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 14 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
into a weighted network and adds them to check whether
they are above predefined threshold or not. It is placed after
the CTB to filter out the XML-DoS messages.
An anomaly based system to detect DoS attacks using
NB classification has been proposed [77]. The system is
primarily designed for transport layer, i.e., TCP and UDP
traffic. In the training phase, the system takes the traffic fea-
tures and the model calculates NB based probabilities for
various events and keeps it offline into a data structure. This
data structure information works as a deciding information
for determining the network as normal or anomalous during
the deployment stage.
Chonka and Abawajy [78] have developed ENDER
method, i.e., Pre-dEcisioN, advance Decision, lEaRning
system. This method detects HX-DOS (HTML and XML)
attacks in cloud. ENDER is made up of two algorithms,
i.e., CLASSIE and ADMU. First, source address and source
tag values are extracted. CLASSIE algorithm is based upon
DT which is applied to the extracted values to detect the
HX-DOS messages. After this ADMU method, i.e., Added
Decision Marking and Update is applied, that works based
on likelihood of already classified messages. A small 1-bit
mark is associated with the detected HX-DOS messages so
that RAD module, i.e., Reconstruct, and Drop, can withdraw
these messages prior to reaching the target.
A Web access pattern based method with components for
DDoS detection and prevention has been proposed by Ma-
sood et al. [79]. In the first stage, image or cryptographic
based challenge is given to users for limiting the number of
users entering second stage. The users who have correctly
solved the challenge will be given a hidden or secret port
for further communication so that number of requests at the
server is limited. The users are classified as good or bad
clients based on resource access patterns. This classifica-
tion is done with DT algorithm J48. Based on classification
results, amount of resources given to good clients are more
as compared to bad clients. An anomaly based back prop-
agation neural network based solution is provided against
ICMPv6 DDoS flooding attacks in IPv6 network [80]. First
the data is preprocessed and filtered to obtain data values
containing only Ipv6 packet type. Information gain ratio
(IGR) and principal component analysis (PCA) are used to
extract the most significant features amont the dataset. The
packets are aggregated containing number of ICMPv6 pack-
ets, source IP address, and destination IP address and these
aggregated packets are fed to ANN model using back propa-
gation technique for detection of attacks. Experiments show
that the proposed approach has reduced the time to detect
attack and acheived detection accuracy 98.3%.
Authors in [81] selected features related to packet and IP.
These selected features are given as input to various machine
learning algorithms for training and testing. The algorithms
used are NB, DT, SVM, Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) for
classification of DDoS attacks. The results showed that DT
gives the highest detection accuracy. Information Gain, Gain
ratio and Chi-Square methods have been used for feature se-
lection. Balamurugan and Saravanan [82] have developed
detection mechanism based on two algorithms, i.e., packet
scrutinization algorithm and hybrid algorithm which com-
bines normalized clustering algorithm with recurrent NN
(NK-RNN). The packet scrutinization algorithm analyzes
parameters given in Table 4. Based on this algorithm, port
scanning and initial flooding attack is detected. The normal-
ized clustering algorithm removes the non-genuine data by
calculating maximum and minimum values of cluster. Then
resulting clusters are given to RNN module which trains over
this reduced data and determines the malicious packets based
on intruder’s attributes. One Time Signature (OTS) based
algorithm is used for safe data access by users. Signature is
generated based on user ID and randomly generated private
An approach called DeepDefense based on deep learning
method was proposed [83]. The authors used Deep Recur-
rent NN (DRNN) for tracing malicious attack activities and
learning patterns from attack traffic. RNN is independent
of the input window size and can learn from long term se-
quence of data in shorter time as compared to conventional
machine learning methods. The proposed methods reduce
the error rate from 7.517% to 2.103% in larger data set.
Authors of [84] have used deep and machine learning
approaches for anomaly detection over CIDDS-01 dataset.
They have implemented and compared machine learning ap-
proaches viz. deep NN with 3 different architectures; stack-
ing with NB, Linear Discrimant Analysis (LDA) and OneR;
Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) to synthetically generate
minority class samples; Random Forest (RF); and voting on
oneR, NB and ExtraTree. Experimental results for two dif-
ferent cases have been reported, one with the original class
distribution, and the second with sampling to handle class
imbalance. It has been concluded that RF is an effective
method where sample size is small, and deep NNs are ef-
fective where larger training data is available.
Detection of DDoS attack in IoT networks through net-
work middleboxes has been done using machine learning
and flow characteristics of traffic data [85]. IoT specific flow
related stateless features, stateful features and handcrafted
features have been extracted. These are fed as input to five
classifiers, viz., 𝑘-nearest neighbour (KNN), DT with Gini
impurity, linear SVM, RF using Gini and NN. SVM gave the
worst performance, and all other methods gave similar per-
formance. The stateless features were found to be more in-
formative than the stateful ones indicating that this approach
is promising and lightweight for detecting IoT specific DoS
Imamverdiyev [86] proposed DDoS detection method
based on Gaussian Bernoulli type multi layer Restricted
Boltzmann Machine (RBM). The accuracy of the detection
method is improved by optimizing the hyperparameters of
the deep RBM model. The proposed method beats the detec-
tion results of SVM, radial basis, and DT machine learning
methods. Anomaly based approach using NN and Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been used for detection of
DDoS attacks in cloud space by Rawashdeh et al. [87].
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 15 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 4: Anomaly based supervised Machine Learning Methods for DDoS Detection
Reference Features Approach Dataset Strength Weakness
Chonka et
al. [76]NA Back Propagation
NN Generated
dataset from
StuPot project
Identify source of at-
tack within short inter-
Very large response vari-
et al. [77]TCP flags, payload size,
source/destination port number
and count, source/destination IP
address and count, inter-packet
time gaps, total connection time till
current packet, number of packets in
NB based DARPA and
SETS Lightweight solution
that can work in real
Sensitive to error propor-
tion and abnormal win-
dow count parameters
Chonka &
Abawajy [78]Source address and source tag values DT based StuPot dataset Addresses the problem
of digital signatures Attackers are aware of
being traced
Masood et
al. [79]Purchasing history, CPU processing
time, session information parameters DT algorithm J48
based KDD cup 2000 Make available more
resources to clients that
are in the good list than
in bad list
Image based cryp-
tographic challenge
consumes significant
Saad et al.
[80]Time, source IP, destination IP,
length, protocol, flags, destination
port, source port
ANN Real attack
traffic from
NAv6 labora-
Provided approach for
IPv6 based DDoS at-
Resuts not generalized to
other datasets
Meitei et
al. [81]Mean of inter packet arrival time
from same IP address, probability of
occurrence of an IP per 15 second, re-
source records, min packet size, max
packet size
algorithms DT,
MLP, NB, and
CAIDA Parameter reduction
methods improve the
Not suitable for en-
crypted packet headers
& Sara-
vanan [82]
Arrival Time, confidence level, flow
distribution and packet count NK-RNN NA OTS method for se-
cured access of data on
cloud is provided
RNN is computationally
Yuan et
al. [83]20 features of dataset DRNN ISCX2012 Reduces the error
rate from 7.517% to
2.103%, can detect dif-
ferent types of attack
Gives high accuracy
only if dataset is large
et al. [84]Source IP, source Port, destination IP,
destination Port, protocol, date, dura-
tion, bytes, packets, flags
RF, deep NN, Vot-
ing, Stacking CIDDS-01 High accuracy and DR,
low FAR for RF Results may not general-
ize to other datasets
Doshi et
al. [85]Packet size, inter packet arrival time,
bandwidth, IP address cardinality KNN, DT with
Gini impurity,
linear SVM, RF
using Gini, NN
Generated us-
ing Raspberry
Pi v3 devices
Stateful and hand-
crafted features
improved performance
of machine learning
Results need to be
validated against stan-
dard and/or real world
datasets involving more
IoT devices
& Abdul-
layeva [86]
38 features of dataset RBM based NSL-KDD Outperforms SVM, ra-
dial basis, DT type ma-
chine learning methods
Experimentation done
on small dataset gave
low accuracy
Rawashdeh et
al. [87]13 features like protocol, service, to-
tal packet, totalbyte, avg packet size NN with PSO Simulated traf-
fic generation Optimization improves
accuracy Computationally expen-
& Barik [88]192 features of attack traffic gener-
ated through HPing-3 LSTM ISCX 2012 Can be used for both
fog and cloud environ-
Works well for large
datasets only
Wani et
al. [89]Duration, protocol, source IP, desti-
nation IP, source port, packets, bytes SVM, NB and RF Tor Hammer
tool for attack
traffic genera-
Shows superior perfor-
mance of SVM in clas-
sification of attack traf-
Results are not validated
against standard dataset
Wang et
al. [90]Wrapper based sequential feature se-
lection MLP Generated
dataset from
and campus
Effective in selecting
optimal features when
network is complex and
Feedback mechanism
generates false positives
and false negatives
Velliangiri &
Pandey [91]Source-bytes, destination-bytes,
duration, logged_in, count,
srv_count, serror_rate, rerror_rate,
diff_srv_rate, same_srv_rate,
DBN and fuzzy KDD and
two simulated
Use of Elephant herd
optimzation outper-
forms state-of-the art
Computational cost ex-
Kasim [92] 25 features of dataset AE and SVM CICIDS2017
and NSL-KDD Lower FAR and im-
proved results due to
reduced feature set
given by AE
Computationally expen-
sive, not suitable for
large datasets
Elmasry et al.
[93]10 features of NSL-KDD and 25 fea-
tures of CICIDS2017 Double PSO with
DBN, DNN and
and NSL-KDD Detection rate in-
creased by 4% to 6%
compared to deep
learning models
Computationally expen-
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 16 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Sniffer collects the network traffic from virtual cloud en-
vironment and stores it as pcap files. The data collected is
then preprocessed, i.e., relevant features are extracted and
normalized to improve the efficiency of the classifier. The
ANN based classifier is trained with PSO for finding opti-
mal weights. The preprocessed data is then fed into the clas-
sifier for finding the anomalous behavior. A new dataset was
generated using TCP SYN flood and UDP attack packets for
the experimentation. The proposed scheme performs better
than ANN based model in respect to accuracy.
Deep learning method based on Long Short Term Mem-
ory (LSTM) has been used for detection of DDoS at-
tacks [88]. DDoS defender has been deployed using SDN
technology. 192 behavioural features have been extracted
from the dataset captured through CTU-13 botnet. SDN
blocks the infected packets from propagating to the cloud.
The proposed method outperforms other conventional mod-
els in terms of accuracy.
In [89], authors have used their own rules which are for-
mulated based upon SNORT. The dataset has been generated
using Tor Hammer tool using ownCloud environment. The
classifiers: SVM, NB, and RF have been applied on the new
data set generated with the help of crafted rules. It has been
reported that SVM outperforms all other classifiers in terms
of accuracy. Authors [90] used MLP model as a classifier for
binary classification of attacks. It uses sequential backward
selection method (SBS) which is a wrapper based feature se-
lection method. Authors also devised a feedback mechanism
which recreate the model dynamically after considering the
detection errors. Authors in [91] presented an efficient Deep
Belief network (DBN) and fuzzy classifier for detection of
DDoS attacks. Taylor elephant-herd optimization is used for
optimizing the weights and biases of the network. Rigorous
computer simulations were performed and showed that the
proposed method is better than the state-of-the-art methods.
An effective deep learning based anomaly detection
method has been proposed against DDoS attacks in [92].
In this method, the preprocessed feature values are applied
to Autoencoder (AE) having optimal hyperparameters. The
output of the AE contains reduced feature set which is fed to
SVM for classification purpose. The author achieved 99.1%
accuracy on the virtual traffic generated with Kali Linux.
The authors in [93] proposed double PSO based method for
selection of relevant feature set and optimal hyperparame-
ters for the classification of attacks. The double PSO con-
sists of an upper level and a lower level. The upper level
helps to provide best feature set and lower level provides op-
timal hyperparameters for deep learning models for effective
classification. The effectiveness of three deep learning mod-
els, viz. DBN, DNN and Long Short-Term Memory Recur-
rent Neural Networks (LSTM-RNN) with pre-training using
PSO, has been compared. Experimentation on two datasets,
viz. CICIDS2017 and NSL-KDD shows improvement in de-
tection rate and reduced FAR.
Unsupervised Machine Learning Approaches: An in-
trusion detection system consisting of hierarchical clustering
and SVM has been proposed [94]. Firstly, the clustering al-
gorithm helps to prepare a reduced high quality dataset. This
dataset is the pure representation of all the data points in the
former dataset. The produced dataset is given for training
and testing to SVM on some selected parameters.
Chen et al. [95] have proposed a detection system to pro-
tect key components of cloud computing. This system con-
sists of monitoring agents to collect information from dif-
ferent log files like system, firewall, web; and router access
logs for behavioural analysis; and transmission of this infor-
mation to the cloud. Cloud infrastructure employs Hadoop
MapReduce and Spark to increase the speed of data process-
ing. K-means clustering algorithm is used for anomaly de-
tection, wherein the detection results are visualized in web
applications for better monitoring of security operations.
Authors have proposed a cognitive system having two-step
process for detection of DDoS attacks in mobile cloud com-
puting [96]. The two steps are multi-layer traffic screening
and decision-based VM selection. The multi-layer traffic
screening has two phases: profile-based screen and filter-
based screening. In first phase, profile based screening uses
client’s OS and location information to build a profile of
client. The second phase extracts inter delay between pack-
ets from incoming traffic. These two phases help in detect-
ing anomalous behaviour by analysing the incoming packets.
A combination of K-means clustering and DBSCAN called
KD algorithm is used to create optimal number of groups
which can enhance the phase 2 filtering process. Then, de-
pending upon the values received, the VM selection proce-
dure shifts the process to another VM to terminate any mali-
cious process. This process prevents the spread of malicious
process to other VMs.
5.4.2. Statistical Approaches
This section discusses the anomaly based statistical
methods provided by various authors in detail. Table 6de-
picts a summary of statistical methods for anomaly based
DDoS detection with their features, approach, dataset,
strengths, and weaknesses.
Authors proposed traditional wavelet analysis and
Isomap dimensionality reduction method for DDoS detec-
tion [97]. Isomap algorithm reduces the dimensionality of
the network traffic and also enhances the significance traffic
data. The proposed method enlarges hurst parameter value
for better detection of slow DDoS attacks. Then wavelet
analysis method is used to compute self similarity param-
eter. The comparison with the computed parameter detects
normal and abnormal traffic. The proposed method reduced
significantly the false positive and false negative in the ex-
Idziorek et al. [98] have proposed a detection approach
wherein web access logs are analysed and it is verified that
genuine web access patterns are in accordance with Zipf
distribution and Spearman’s footrule distance. The pro-
posed method detects anomalies based on web access pat-
terns training, which are not according to the mentioned pat-
Dou et al. [99] developed Confidence Based Filtering
method (CBF). This method is fast, requires less storage and
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 17 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 5
Anomaly based Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods for DDoS Detection
Reference Features Approach Dataset Strength Weakness
Horng et
al. [94]
Out of 41 features, 19 fea-
tures selected for detection of
Hierarchical Cluster-
ing and SVM
KDD cup Reduced dataset ap-
plied to SVM thus
decreasing training
Reconstructing tree in
hierarchical clustering
can be expensive if
threshold keeps chang-
Chen et al. [95] Source IP, destination IP ad-
dress, source and destination
port, packet length, package
K-means Clustering Real-world traffic of
Chicago Equinix Data
Hadoop and Spark
speeds up data pro-
Spark introduces pro-
cessing overhead if the
network is small
Dey et al. [96] Inter packet delay, user profile
based on OS and location in-
K means and DB-
SCAN clustering
Simulated data Reconfigurable ac-
cording to cloud
provider require-
New approach needs to
be applied to varied
has good detection accuracy. In non-attack period, the pro-
posed method first fetches the required attribute value pair of
IP and TCP header fields from traffic. Correlation value is
computed between the extracted fields. Then, the confidence
value is calculated for the number of occurrences of the at-
tribute pairs. In attack period, proposed strategy examines
CBF score to determine whether the packet is legitimate or
Koduru et al. [100] have proposed that Time Spent on
Web pages(TSP) can be used to detect anomalous behaviour
of attackers. TSP of attacker in case of flooding is negligible
or zero. Otherwise it is periodic or constant. Mean Abso-
lute Deviation (MAD) of TSP is considered as an important
factor to determine abnormal traffic.
Ismail et al. [101] have proposed a covariance matrix
based statistical method used for analysis of the behaviour
of network traffic. In the first step, a nominal profile is con-
structed for non-attack network traffic behaviour. In this
profile, the correlation between various IP header fields like
RST, FIN, TCP FIN and TCP retries flags is calculated and
converted into covariance matrix. The decision of whether
the incoming traffic is normal or abnormal is determined by
matching the computed covariance matrix of the initial step
with covariance of the traffic experienced. An entropy based
detection technique has been proposed by Zakarya [102] for
DDoS attacks in the cloud space. The entropy rate uses dis-
tribution ratio to identify attack flow. Attack packet dropping
algorithm is used for detection. Each ingress edge router has
anomaly detection system. If it is detected as a DDoS capa-
ble attack flow, then this traffic flow is sent to an adjacent
router for confirmation. After confirmation that DDoS at-
tack has been detected is received, the packets are discarded.
Vissers et al. [103] have stated that attacks on web ser-
vice consume resources by forwarding SOAP requests that
contain malicious XML content like oversized XML docu-
ment, oversized encryption, deeply nested XML structures,
spoofed Reply To and Fault To addresses. The defense
mechanism consists of a filter in the cloud architecture for
HTTP header inspection and XML content inspection. First,
normal profile is generated using Gaussian Model (GM) for
all entries containing SOAP action. To prevent HTTP flood-
ing, the number of requests is limited within a specified time
span. The system checks the HTTP header to determine
whether the SOAP action is correct or not. If the size of the
message exceeds a certain boundary, it is considered as out-
lier and the corresponding request is rejected. For XML con-
tent inspection, first features of XML content are extracted
using SAX. SOAP action is checked for spoofing and no il-
legal WS-addressing requests are made. Each extracted fea-
ture is evaluated with corresponding GM. Features are tested
for outliers. Finally, the request is forwarded as normal op-
Alqahtani and Gamble [104] have provided a method to
detect DDoS attacks at four different functional levels which
are service, tenant, application and cloud. Hash map sum-
marizes the data stream for detection of anomaly at the ser-
vice level. Alarm is raised for the possible malicious events
if the flow rate at the cloud increases heavily. Abstract in-
formation distance metric is compared with set threshold
to detect the suspicious flow. Flow is categorized as ma-
licious flow, if the calculated value is higher than the pre-
defined threshold. The requesters which are responsible for
high flow rate are discovered and marked as suspicious. The
computed hash map from service level is sent to tenant level,
where detectors combine these hash maps to detect possible
attackers. At application level, detectors detect the extent of
DDoS attacks by correlating DDoS attacks with flow rate for
evaluating performance deterioration of web based services.
The detection results from above two levels are directed to-
wards the last level, i.e., cloud level for confirmation of at-
Badve et al. [105] have suggested a statistical based
model for DDoS detection system in cloudspace. It uses
Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
(GARCH) model which is a non-linear time series model
that predicts the traffic states by predicting the value of vari-
ances and comparing real variance values to detect any po-
tential anomaly in the incoming packets. To further enhance
the DR, attack traffic is passed to ANN which categorizes
it into attack and normal traffic after removing undesirable
points smaller than the predetermined threshold.
Somani et al. [106] have suggested shrink-expand based
service resize method which reduces the resources of re-
source intensive targeted web servers to minimal resources,
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
thereby reducing attack area. Attack condition becomes true
if request response time is more than the acceptable request
time out at the client side, and if number of established con-
nections are greater than the maximum allowed connections.
Then established connections are cleared up by tuning two
TCP parameters- TCP fin timeout and TCP retries. This
method provides quick resources for mitigation from avail-
able resources in presence of attack. A lightweight method
for detection of TCP SYN flooding DDoS attack in SDN
called SLICOTS has been introduced [107]. It is a rule
based system installed on the control plane which blocks the
users making a large number of half open TCP connections
to prevent flooding by attackers. Experimental results over
various scenarios comparing SLICOTS with state-of-the-art
method Operetta, have shown that SLICOTS outperforms
other method in terms of detection accuracy, time and re-
sources utilized.
An approach for detection of Low rate DDoS (LDoS) at-
tacks based on a hypothesis test which computes t-statistic
has been proposed [108]. The presence of LDoS attack has
been detected by checking the probability distribution of
packet size values for incoming traffic assuming that packet
size values are more uniformly distributed in non attack traf-
fic than in attack traffic. DR, FPR and FNR have been com-
puted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
An increase in the value of significance level, leads to an
increase in the DR and decrease in the FNR. But the FPR
increases with increase in significance level. It has been
claimed that this approach gives satisfactory performance
over DARPA and CAIDA datasets with low computing over-
Zareapoor et al. [109] have proposed a two step method
for the detection of DDoS attacks. A nominal profile is con-
structed by extracting header fields. The detection system
compares the TTL value with IP to hot count value in order
to detect spoofed IP. If there is a mismatch, then the packet is
dropped. Then the extracted header fields of incoming pack-
ets are compared with nominal profile for attack detection.
Jensen-Shannon divergence is used for detecting the devia-
tion between nominal profile and the incoming header fields.
Netwag tool was used for generating DDoS attacks. Classi-
fiers like PART, RF, NB and Ripper were compared with
proposed system and the results showed that the proposed
model has better results in terms of accuracy and processing
A scheme which combines feature based and volume
based detection to shield against DDoS attacks has been
presented [110]. The proposed scheme applies Exponential
Moving Average (EMA) to two time series, one having en-
tropy scores and the other having amount of received pack-
ets. Hence, this approach integrates both volume-based and
feature-based detection. The two EMA indicators are ap-
plied to two different time series, one having a short period
and the other having a long period.
Conti et al. [111] have recently presented some
lightweight approaches for DDoS detection in SDN. These
approaches are - selective blocking against route spoofing
attacks, and periodic monitoring against resource depletion
attacks. Flow based detection techniques do not perform
well for stealthy and non link based DDoS attacks. Peri-
odic monitoring detects anomalies based on low values of
entropy measure and violation of rules related to low traffic
5.4.3. Hybrid Approaches
This section discusses anomaly based hybrid methods
provided by various authors in detail. Table 7depicts a sum-
mary of hybrid methods for anomaly based DDoS detection
with their features, approach, dataset, strengths, and weak-
Modi et al. [112] have developed a network intrusion de-
tection system (NIDS) that integrates Snort and Bayesian
Classifier in the cloud environment to detect anomalous be-
haviour in the cloud. It can detect both known and un-
known attacks. The experimental results showed that DR
is increased and it lowers false positives and false negatives.
Bayesian classifier has high accuracy as compared to other
classifiers like NN classifier, DT. Unlike [112], radial ba-
sis function NN (RBF-NN) has been used for classification
of attack traffic in [113]. In this work, 11 features includ-
ing statistical and flag features are used for training the clas-
sifier. Metaheuristic Bat algorithm has been used to opti-
mize the RBF-NN. Firstly, a pre-processing module is used
by the researchers [114] which removes the inessential data
having low correlation, then it goes to detection module
where SNORT detects known attacks by matching pattern
with known rules. To check whether the user is legitimate
or not, or to detect an unknown attack, a method C4.5 DT is
Entropy and classifier based method has been proposed
by authors for detection of DDoS attacks [115]. Firstly, en-
tropy of the incoming headers of the network packet is com-
puted using Shannon formula during a specified time win-
dow interval. The traffic is then pre-processed to drop the
data traffic whose average entropy is out of normal range.
This reduced traffic data is input to RF classifier for classi-
fying attacks. A feature construction module which extracts
raw features has been defined in [116]. Shannon entropy
is used on the raw features to form entropy based regular
features. Lyapunov exponent separation calculates rate of
separation between different features. Attack detection con-
sist of three classifiers, i.e., RNN, MLP, and Alternating DT
(ADT). Traffic is classified as attack and non attack traffic by
using simple majority, based on output of these classifiers.
The authors proposed a model in [117] which includes
entropy and SVM method for detection of attacks. Firstly
the process calculates entropy of tender features like count
of source IP address, source port number, destination IP ad-
dress, destination port number, packet type, and network
packets. Then the normalized entropy values are given
to SVM for efficient classification of legitimate and non-
legitimate users. A hybrid framework was proposed by [118]
for DDoS detection. The process in the framework has been
divided on the client side and proxy side due to limited re-
sources. At the client side, after data preprocessing best set
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 6
Anomaly based Statistical Methods for DDoS Detection
Reference Features Approach Dataset Strength Weakness
Lu et al. [97] NA Wavelet analysis using
isomap algorithm
KDD and DARPA Detects weak DDoS at-
Isomap iterations add
an extra computational
Idziorek et al. [98] Web activity nature,
resource usage, request
Zipf’s law, Spearman’s
Footrule and Overlap
NASA server webtraces
and attack generation
through bots
Deals with EDoS Cannot distinguish at-
tack clients and sud-
den legitimate requests
(Flash Crowd)
Dou et al. [99] TTL, protocol type,
source IP address, TCP
flag, destination p ort
Confidence based filter-
ing with correlation be-
tween features
C++ simulation pro-
gram for attack and
MAWI working group
traffic archive for nor-
Less processing speed
and requires less stor-
Parameters weight
adjustment not auto-
Anusha et
al. [100]
Time spent on web
pages (TSP)
Mean Absolute Devia-
tion (MAD) based
Normal traffic and bot
based attack towards
eucalyptus cloud
Deals with EDoS No automation for
monitoring of MAD
Ismail et al. [101] IP header flags – SYN,
FIN, RST, TCP retries
Correlation of features
in IP header
Hyenae tool for gener-
ating attack data
Suitable for large net-
Covariance matrix gen-
eration is time consum-
Zakarya [102] IP address and port no. Entropy method with
attack dropping algo-
Detection accuracy Good QoS and no over-
head of extra packets
Not suitable for large
Vissers et al. [103] Content length, no.
of elements, nesting
depth, longest element,
attribute, namespace
Parametric technique
with Gaussian model
Simulated different at-
No extra memory and
no considerable CPU
Protects only cloud
Alqahtani and
Gamble [104]
Flow rate of requests Four different func-
tional levels- service,
tenant, application and
NA Suitable for complex
cloud environments
Cannot distinguish be-
tween Flash crowd and
Badve et al. [105] Variance of entropy of
group of packets as
Generalized Autore-
gressive Conditional
(GARCH) Model based
Simulated data High DR Sensitive to size of bins
and threshold value
Somani et
al. [106]
Number of established
connections, request,
response time
Service resizing and
TCP tuning based
Generated real attack
instances on cloud
Minimizes overall
downtime, provides
required resources for
Overhead of resizing
and deciding when to
Mohammadi et
al. [107]
Source MAC, destina-
tion MAC, source TCP
port, and destination
TCP port
Rule based approach Simulated different at-
Does not block legiti-
mate packets
New approach needs
to be validated against
standard dataset and
other methods
Bhushan and
Gupta [108]
Source IP and packet
Hypothesis test based
on t-statistic
DARPA and CAIDA Detects low rate DDoS
Cannot be applied to
large networks
and Shamsol-
moali [109]
Source IP, TTL, des-
tination IP, ports, IP
Flags, length, TCP
Flags, ICMP Type and
UDP length
Jensen-Shannon diver-
Networking tool for
generating attack
Detection module re-
quires less storage
Accuracy is less than
RF, Ripper, PART and
Bojovic [110] Diversity of source IP
and packet rate
Number of packets and
CUSUM algorithm on
entropy time series
Academic computer
network for generating
normal traffic and
attack script file for
generating attacks
Detects both high rate
and low rate attacks
Not able to distinguish
denial of service at-
tacks from peer to peer
Conti et al. [111] Window size, entropy
Periodic monitoring
based on traffic analy-
sis statistics
CAIDA Reduction in band-
width consumption
and request processing,
gain in packet delivery
New approach needs
to be validated against
stronger attack scenar-
of features are selected for better training and performance.
Then divergence test is applied, if the results are greater than
threshold value appropriate action is done to prevent the at-
tack else the data is sent to proxy side. At the proxy side,
multiple classifiers NB, RF, DT, MLP, and KNN are used
for using the properties and benefits of above algorithms for
better performance. KNIME has been used for implementa-
tion of the proposed work.
5.5. Observations and Summary of Anomaly
Based DDoS Methods
Table 8depicts a summary of methods using machine
learning, statistical, and hybrid methods for anomaly-based
DDoS detection. These methods are compared using metrics
- accuracy, detection time, overhead, adaptability and scal-
ability. The column values Low, Medium and High, depict
the respective strength of the metric in the corresponding
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 7
Anomaly based Hybrid methods for DDoS Detection
Reference Features Approach Dataset Strength Weakness
Modi et al. [112] 17 out of 41 features of KDD
Snort and
Bayesian classi-
fier based
KDD Compatible with any
communication proto-
col, detects both known
and unknown attacks
Computation Overhead
& Pre-
malatha [113]
Source address, destination
address, packet type, packet
size, packet rate, average
packet size, inter arrival time
RBF-NN with
Bat algorithm
using statistical
Simulated at-
tack traffic
Speedy learning due to
Computationally com-
Zekri et al. [114] Protocol, Land, service,
TTL, flag
Signature and
DT based
Hping3 for
attack and
python scripts
for normal
Scalable and low compu-
tational cost
Cannot distinguish be-
tween Flash crowd and
Idhammad et
al. [115]
Connection definition fea-
tures, source/destination
IPs, source/destination
Theoretic En-
tropy and RF
public dataset
Better accuracy than
single classifier methods
FPR fluctuations in-
crease with increase
in noisy traffic and
detection time is higher
than DT
Koay et al. [116] Separation IP, separation
port, separation MAC, sep-
aration network, separation
Entropy and
multi classifier
ISCX’12 and
RNN provides higher
precision overall and
works well on sequenced
data. ANN can model
non linear and complex
data. ADT can handle
missing values well
Computationally com-
Yang [117] Source IP, source port num-
ber, destination IP address,
destination port number,
packet types, network pack-
Information en-
tropy and SVM
Suitable for large net-
Limited representation
range of entropy leads
to detection of attacks
in pre-defined range only
Hosseini et
al. [118]
Selected subset of features
via forward selection corre-
sponding to classifiers
Divergence Test
and NB, random
forest, decision
tree, MLP, KNN
dataset gener-
ated in [119]
Including multiple classi-
fiers detects vast range
of attacks
Overhead of selecting
feature subset for each
Table 8
Comparative Summary of Anomaly based DDoS detection methods
Approach Accuracy Detection Time Overhead Adaptive Scalability
Statistical Medium Medium Low Low Low
Machine Learning High High Medium High High
Hybrid High Low Medium High High
The review and analysis of anomaly based methods for
DDoS detection indicates that hybrid and machine learn-
ing methods give good accuracy as compared to statistical
methods. Accuracy of machine learning method heavily de-
pends on quality of training data and statistical methods may
not give good accuracy for unseen data. In terms of detec-
tion time, machine learning method performs the best since
the model is pretrained on training data and detection is fast
compared to statistical methods which have to compute the
statistical features and metrics on the fly. Hybrid methods
that involve a two stage detection scheme are the slowest.
In terms of overhead, machine learning and hybrid methods
involve more overhead of training the model and multistage
detection respectively as compared to statistical. Machine
learning and hybrid methods are adaptive as they can learn
new attack patterns from the new data. Machine learning
methods, particularly deep learning methods, are also more
scalable in terms of increasing input traffic and large num-
ber of input features. As machine learning gains popular-
ity, additional options like using distributed processing with
MapReduce, libraries for hardware acceleration like Tensor-
Flow.js, are becoming available for scalable real time de-
ployment of machine learning based solutions.
As discussed in Section 1, the utility computing model
and autoscalability features of cloud computing allow re-
source scaling and bring in additional economic losses. The
multitenancy feature of cloud may lead to collateral damages
to non-targets and co-hosted VMs. These factors differen-
tiate between a traditional network DDoS attack and cloud
targeted DDoS attack [120].
The methods detailed in Section 5above have been em-
ployed for detection of DDoS attacks targeted at the cloud.
The selection of optimal features, preprocessing of dataset,
and testing or profiling against the learned rules or pat-
terns, are the common set of tasks performed for detection of
DDoS attacks. The CSP monitors the network edge for any
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
anomaly in the traffic behavior or other performance met-
rics. The pattern of utilization of cloud resources by VMs is
also an important feature in detection of DDoS attack. The
hypervisor in virtualized servers can monitor the resource
usage of each VM on physical server. An attack can be de-
tected once VMs exceed the set resource utilization thresh-
olds. Detection of anomalies in resource usage of VMs by
applying virtual machine introspection has been proposed as
a method for the detection of DDoS attacks in [121].
DDoS attackers also use cloud infrastructure for launch-
ing attacks by installing botnets. In a cloud DDoS detection
scheme, there should be a mechanism to detect the internal
attack by VMs in the cloud network. Network level and VM
monitor level checks have been proposed to detect presence
of any attacker bots running inside hosted VM [122]. Au-
thors have proposed making a list of actions of VMs infected
by bots and then applying clustering to identify the mali-
cious VMs based on training [123]. A solution for detection
of DDoS attack launched through a cloud of bots has been
proposed in [124] wherein the CSP checks the traffic flow
and performs the anomaly detection using source traceback
techniques. A collaborative DDoS detection technique using
Hypervisor based checks to detect the vulnerabilities in the
guest VMs has been applied [125]. The dynamic autoscala-
bility feature of the cloud has been used for DDoS mitigation
in [126] wherein a DDoS aware resource allocation strategy
that segregates traffic and scales up resources based on de-
mands of the legitimate users in the cloud environment, has
been proposed.
5.6. Cloud simulation-related framework and
Researchers have used varied platforms for verifying re-
sults of methods for detection of DDoS attacks in cloud
environment. Survey of literature indicates that experi-
ments have been conducted using cloud simulators and/or
using cloud management software on different testbeds. Ta-
ble 9depicts following information about different cloud
simulation-related framework used for experimentation -
name and release year of cloud framework; its developer;
and a brief description. Researchers have used one of three
approaches for experimentation - simulators, emulators and
public/private clouds using Cloud Management Systems
(CMS). CMS is a software for operating and managing ap-
plications, data and services running through cloud. It en-
sures that cloud based resources are optimally working and
effectively interacting with other users. There are four pop-
ular CMSs that have been used for creating public, private
and hybrid clouds - Eucalyptus, OpenStack, CloudStack and
OpenNebula. The difference between these platforms lies in
their architecture, ease of installation, security and adminis-
Table 10 shows different datasets that have been used for
validating the results in DDoS field. The table provides in-
formation about the following aspects- year in which dataset
was created; category of dataset, i.e., whether it has been
generated in live environment or been captured through sim-
ulation; attack type whether HTTP, UDP, TCP, ICMP or
DNS; IP address- actual or mapped address; and availabil-
ity, i.e., whether it is publicly available or not. It has been
observed that many papers use KDD, CAIDA and DARPA
datasets as they provide the actual representation of the at-
tack scenario and include large number of features which
fully describes the attack scenario.
It is noteworthy to mention that different researchers
have used different datasets (real or synthetic), or different
subsets, or different combinations of same datasets, for ex-
perimentation. Hence, it is inappropriate to surmise about
performance of DDoS detection methods based on these
metrics. This type of a comparison is valid if the same
dataset is being used for different experiments. However,
there are some papers which cite the same dataset and report
common metrics. A comparison of these papers has been
presented in Table 11.
It can be seen from Table 11 that machine learning meth-
ods are giving promising results in detection of attacks. Ma-
chine learning based methods are favourable because they
can be applied on new attack data. Various methods like k-
means, NB, RF, SVM, DT, ANN, and clustering have been
used in literature, but DT and ANN have shown the best re-
sults. ANN and DT have given accuracy more than 99% on
DARPA, KDD and CAIDA datasets. RF has shown supe-
rior performance over CIDDS-01 dataset. There are differ-
ent datasets containing data for various types of DDoS at-
tacks, but most datasets are not available in complete form
due to security concerns. CAIDA is a well-known network
layer dataset in the field of DDoS. But after 2016, it has re-
stricted access to few countries only, namely USA, Australia,
Canada, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore and United
Kingdom. Also the datasets become outdated and are not
true representative of attack scenarios. So, researchers face
problems in validating results for DDoS detection in cloud
environment as there is no standard or benchmark dataset
available. They either have to simulate the attack and cap-
ture the data or they impute the data entries. Most of the
datasets available are unlabelled so it adds up the burden for
first labelling it and then applying machine learning meth-
6. Use Case Scenarios and Laws Governing
In this section, we outline some probable scenarios of
DDoS attacks in a cloud environment, their modus operandi
and the potential serious consequences in three critical sec-
tors, namely - healthcare, SMBs, and telecommunications.
Having highlighted the adverse effects of DDoS in these sce-
narios, we mention the laws that have been enacted in major
nations to act as a deterrent against launching of DDoS at-
6.1. Illustrative DDoS Attack Use Case Scenarios
This section documents three illustrative use case scenar-
ios which will provide deeper insight into the current DDoS
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 9
Cloud simulation-related framework
Framework Name Released Year Developer Description
Geni [127] 2004 National Science Foundation (NSF) Virtual lab for networking and distributed systems
Eucalyptus [128] 2008 Eucalyptus Systems Inc. Open source software creates public, private and hybrid
AWS compatible clouds
OpenStack [129] 2010 Rackspace and NASA Open source software for maintaining public, private and
hybrid clouds
GreenCloud [130] 2010 Team at University of Luxembourg Packet-level simulator for cloud communications with en-
ergy saving cloud data centres
Cloud Stack [131] 2011 Developed by, acquired
by Apache software foundation
Open source software for maintaining public, private and
hybrid clouds with abilities simulator to Amazon EC2
Savi [132] 2012 University of Toronto Multi-tiered SDN enabled cloud testbed
CloudSim (Version
4.0) [133]
2016 Cloud Computing and Distributed
Systems Lab
Framework for simulating cloud infrastructures and services
OpenNebula (Ver-
sion 5.4) [134]
2017 OpenNebula Community Open Source tool for maintaining public, private and hybrid
Qemu (Version
3.0) [135]
2018 QEMU team: Peter Maydell et al. Open source software for hardware virtualization
ownCloud (Version
10.2.1) [136]
2019 ownCloud Inc., founded by Markus
Rex, Holger Dyroff and Frank Karl-
Client server software for file hosting services
Table 10
Datasets used in DDoS area
Year Dataset Dataset Category Traffic Type IP address Availability
1998 FIFA World cup [137] Real HTTP Mapped Yes
1999 KDD [138] Real TCP Mapped Yes
2001 UCLA [139] Synthetic UDP Mapped Yes
2007 CAIDA [140] Real ICMP Mapped On Request
2009 WITS [141] Synthetic UDP Actual Yes
2009 DARPA [142] Synthetic TCP Actual Yes
2012 TUIDS [143] Synthetic ICMP, UDP, TCP Actual Yes
2012 UNB [144] Real HTTP Actual On Request
2014 Booter [145] Real DNS Actual Yes
2015 UNSW-NB15 [146] Synthetic ICMP, UDP, TCP Actual Yes
2017 CIDDS-001 [147] Synthetic HTTP Mapped Yes
Table 11
Comparison of Metrics for Different Approaches
Dataset Reference Method Accuracy FAR
[94] Machine Learning 95.72% 0.7%
[112] Hybrid 91.04% 0.12-1.67
[117] Hybrid 100% 0
NSL KDD [86] Machine Learning 73.23% 0.43%
[117] Hybrid 99.97% 0.05%
CAIDA [81] Machine Learning 96.9-99.3% 97.8-99.3%
[108] Statistical 99% TPR 15-30%
[77] Machine Learning 98.7% 1.8%
[108] Statistical 99% TPR 15-30%
[116] Statistical 50-99% 0.2-40%
[117] Hybrid Unspecified High
CIDDS-1 [115] Hybrid 99.54% 0.4%
[84] Machine Learning 99.99% le−4%
Use Case 1: Disruption of Critical Healthcare Service
due to Amplification Attack
Memcached attack is a recent new form of DDoS attack.
Memcached is a distributed caching system which temporar-
ily stores content in it and helps to hasten the loading of ap-
plication and website content. Memcached has been used
by attackers for launching a major DDoS attack wherein
the attacker spoofed requests and sends towards memcached
servers. There are millions of memcached servers dis-
tributed around the globe and are exposed without any au-
thentication. These servers receive the data and amplifiy it
before sending to the target server. The amplification factor
is massive which is upto 51200x. These unsecured servers
can be used to flood a large amount of traffic against critical
infrastructures like healthcare systems, powerhouses, finan-
cial organizations, etc. leading to tremendous losses.
Figure 5shows how an attacker can initiate a memcached
DDoS attack leading to delays and disruption of the health-
care system. Healthcare sector is particularly susceptible to
cloud based DDoS attacks since ailments are being increas-
ingly treated with cloud based monitoring services and vari-
ous IoT devices like infusion pumps, pacemakers, MRI ma-
chines, etc. are storing and relaying information over the
cloud. The illustrative EpicCare server provides services for
clinical care, decision support and streamlined processes. In
this scenario, the attacker spoofs a request and sends it to
a memcached server, which is a UDP server. The server re-
ceives the request, amplifies it and sends it to the server host-
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 23 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
XBytes 51200XBytes
Fig. 5: Disruption of Critical Healthcare Service due to Am-
plification Attack
ing the patient healthcare records and information. Since
the amplification is large, eventually, the server slows down
and service gets disrupted, and the server may become un-
responsive shutting down the healthcare system for legiti-
mate healthcare providers. Moreover, the attack can be a
ransomware having soft target, in this case, health and lives
of patients. The health care system stores complete Elec-
tronic Medical Records (EMR) of patients, case history, pre-
vious test reports, next appointments, specific case informa-
tion, etc. The outage on healthcare system can lead to serious
consequences for patients and doctors alike.
Use Case 2: Economic Denial of Service due to Mul-
tivector Attack
Multivector DDoS attack is a relatively new and complex
form of DDoS attack that is gaining notoriety these days.
This attack has lead to significant impact in recent incidents.
Instead of involving a simple attack technique, it combines
different techniques, which makes it harder to detect. For
example, it can have a blend of different types of amplifica-
tion attacks. Botnets like Mirai combine ten different kind
of DDoS attack vectors which can morph over time. This
makes detection a difficult task. The mitigation for such at-
tacks has to be multi-layered. Figure 6shows a sample multi
vector DDoS attack. In this figure, command and control
server infects vulnerable IoT devices - smart phones, home
security appliances, DVRs etc. and makes botnets. These
bots then launch multi vector DDoS attack. The attack is a
blend of volumetric attack, protocol exploitation attack and
application layer attack. The attack is targeted towards cloud
which has 4 servers, S1, S2, S3 and S4. The attacker attacks
S2 server for disrupting it services. When the S2 server dies,
the processes running on it may be migrated to new server
S3 depending on the VM migration policy, or alternatively,
there can be auto scalability in which new resources can be
added up to the existing server. In either case, due to the
billing and elastic provisioning policies in cloud computing,
DDoS then leads to EDoS attack as customers get charged
for extra resource comsumption.
Use Case 3: Business Loss to Communication Service
Provider (CSP) due to Stealthy Attacks
C & C Server
Cloud Servers
Volumetric attack
flood target with
too much traffic
Protocol Attacks
overwhelm routers,
firewalls or loaders Attack - TCP SYN
flood, Smurf DDoS
Application layer
attack targets
application servers
Attacks- ICMP flood,
DNS amplification
Attacks -HTTP Dos,
NTP amplification
Cost increases
due to EDOS
Fig. 6: Economic Denial of Service due to Multivector Attack
Low rate Denial of Service (LDoS) is a big threat to
cloud computing as it is stealthy in nature and appears simi-
lar to normal traffic. The data is sent towards the target after
a short interval of time for exploiting the TCP congestion
control mechanism. The process is repeated over intervals
leading to denial of service. A related type of attack mech-
anism used these days is a bit and piece attack, wherein at-
tacker sends attack traffic on several different IP addresses
to evade the detection system. The detection system can-
not decide which of these several addresses it should act on.
Figure 7depicts a scenario in which LDoS is combined with
bit and piece attack on infrastructure of a Communication
Service Provider (CSP). Disrupting CSP services will affect
business organizations and consumers that use CSP for com-
munication. Geographically dispersed attackers send bursts
of packets after a short interval of time. These packets target
different IP addresses instead of a single IP address. Hence,
this forms a stealthy attack which successfully dodges the
detection system and disrupts the CSP services causing busi-
ness and reputation losses to CSP as well as its customers.
6.2. Laws Governing DDoS Attacks
DDoS attacks are illegal and a criminal offence. In major
countries the attacker is subjected to criminal and civil lia-
bility which may include fine or imprisonment. It is consid-
ered unlawful by reputed organizations like National Crime
Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) etc. Most
countries have incorporated serious statutory measures to
deal with incidents of DDoS attacks and protect national se-
curity. Table 12 shows laws and regulations for DDoS of
some leading countries.The Tallinn Manual 2.0 is an analy-
sis by the International Group of Experts (IGE) of how in-
ternational law applies to cyber operations. According to
Tallinn Manual 2.0, any interference with an object enjoying
sovereign immunity is considered as a violation of interna-
tional law. DDoS attack is also constituted under violation
of sovereign immunity.
DoS attacks are considered a federal crime in the United
States of America, under the Computer Fraud and Abuse
Act (CFAA), with penalties that include years of imprison-
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 24 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Attack Packets
Attack Packets
Attack Packets
Attack Packets
Attack Packets
Attack Packets
Delay Delay
Service Provider
Legitimate Traffic
Legitimate Traffic
Fig. 7: Business Loss to Communication Service Provider
(CSP) due to Stealthy Attacks
ment. The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Sec-
tion of the US Department of Justice deals with cases of
DoS/DDoS. This act applies to any person or computer who
affects electronic communications regardless of whether the
person is located within US boundaries. The people that take
part in DDoS attacks run the risk of being charged with le-
gal offenses at the federal level, both criminally and civilly,
according to the law (Title 18 U.S.C., section 1030). The
criminal is prosecuted and may get up to 10 years imprison-
Budapest convention is the first multilateral treaty ad-
dressing the issue of computer related crimes. The Coun-
cil of Europe along with Philippines, Canada, Japan, South
Africa and the United States of America drafted this con-
vention. The convention promises that these countries will
change their local laws to get in line with rules and regu-
lations written in this cybercrime convention. Sixty three
states have ratified and four states have signed the conven-
tion upto March 2019.
The Cybercrime Convention Committee of Europe crim-
inalizes DDoS attacks under T-CY Guidance Note 5. DDoS
attacks are covered by the conventions listed in Articles 2, 4,
5, 11 and 13. These articles are issued according to what an
attack actually does. Article 2 - Illegal access (computer sys-
tem may be accessed), Article 4 - Data interference (delete,
damage, deteriorate, suppress or alter data), Article 5 - Sys-
tem interference (hamper the functioning of the computer
system), Article 11 - Attempt, aiding and abetting (DDoS
attack may aid several other crimes like forgery, computer
related fraud, violation of copyright etc.) and Article 13 –
Sanctions (the criminals are punishable under this article ac-
cording to the type of DDoS crime).
In France, the Article No. 88-19 of 5 January 1988 on
software fraud covers the criminality of hacking and DDOS
attacks. This act was amended in 2004 and 2013 and, more
recently, by the Act no. 2015-912 of 24 July 2015. Subse-
quent amendments in 2004, 2013 and by the Act no. 2015-
912 in July 2015 doubled some fines and increased all appli-
cable penalties.
In Germany, Hacking/DDOS attacks are often consid-
ered as criminal offence according to Section 202a of the
German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch – StGB) (data es-
pionage), section 303a StGB (alteration of data), and/or sec-
tion 303b StGB (computer sabotage). Particularly, section
303b applies to DDoS attacks. The provision states that a
person who causes considerable data processing interference
by rending unusable, removing or altering a data processing
device, thereby causing financial loss, criminal activity or
compromising critical infrastructures, is liable for imprison-
ment penalties of up to 10 years.
The UK legal system under the Computer Misuse Act
(CMA) 1990, makes it illegal to hamper the operation of a
computer system or impair access to programs/data unless
the person is authorized. DDoS attacks are thus treated as a
criminal offence under Section 3 of the CMA- unauthorized
acts with intent to impair the operation of a computer. Dis-
tributing DDoS launch tools is also treated as an offence. In
England and Wales, the maximum penalty is 12 months in
prison and 6 months in Scotland but may go up to 10 years if
the case goes to full trial in a Crown Court before a jury. The
statutory maximum fine by magistrate’s court is £5,000. The
Police and Justice Act 2006, which amended Section 3 of the
Computer Misuse Act 1990, particularly outlaws denial-of-
service attacks and sets a maximum penalty of 10 years in
Under Article 286 of the Criminal Law of the People’s
Republic of China, DDoS attack is considered as the crime
of disrupting computer information systems and imprison-
ment of more than 5 years may be given in serious cases. In
Australia, DDoS attack is recognized as a type of high tech
crime offence defined in Commonwealth legislation within
Part 10.7 – Computer Offences, as codified in the Criminal
Code Act 1995. It is criminalized under section 477.3 of the
Code. DDoS attack comes under the jurisdiction of Aus-
tralian police when the affected computer, system, or server
is in Australia, or there is an Australian citizen among the
persons involved. The maximum penalty for carrying out
DDoS attack is 10 years imprisonment. Electronic Commu-
nications and Transactions Act (ECT) of South Africa con-
siders DDoS attacker guilty under article 86 section 5. The
criminal is punished with imprisonment for a term of upto 5
years or can be charged with a heavy fine. In Brazil, under
the Criminal Code (Law No. 2,848/1940), the act of attack-
ing a computing device, whether connected to the internet or
not, by breach of a security mechanism and for the purpose
of collecting, altering or destroying data or information or in-
stalling vulnerabilities to obtain an illegal benefit is deemed
as crime.
According to the Information Technology Act 2000 in
India, if a person causes denial of access to the owner of
the systems, it qualifies as hacking and is punishable with
imprisonment for a term upto 3 years and/or fine upto INR
500,000. DDoS attacks may be also be charged under “theft”
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 25 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
Table 12
Laws Governing DDoS
Country Law Year Article/Section Penalty
Australia [148] Criminal Code Act 1995 Commonwealth legislation
within Part 10.7 – Computer
Imprisonment of upto 10 years
Brazil [149] Brazilian Criminal
1940 266 Imprisonment of 3 years and may be doubled in the case of public
Canada [150] Criminal Code 1985 342 Fine and imprisonment upto 10 years or punishable on summary con-
China [151] Criminal Law 1997 286 Imprisonment of more than 5 years given in serious cases
France [152] French Criminal
1994 323-2 Imprisonment of 5 years and fine up to £150,000; imprisonment of
7 years and fine up to £300,000 when government or public system
India [153] Information Tech-
nology Act
2000 66F Imprisonment upto life
South Africa
Electronic Commu-
nications and Trans-
actions Act (ECT)
2002 86-5 Fine (not specified) or imprisonment upto 5 years
UK [148] Computer Misuse
1990 3 England and Wales - Imprisonment upto 12 months; Scotland - im-
prisonment from 6 months upto 10 years if the case goes to full trial;
Statutory maximum fine by magistrates court is £5,000
USA [155] CFAA 1984 1030 Imprisonment upto 10 years
and “criminal trespass” under Indian Penal Code, 1860 and
are punishable with imprisonment and/or fine. DDoS at-
tacks are illegal in Canada under section 342 of the Crim-
inal Code with a liability of imprisonment not exceeding 10
years. DDoS attacks are also covered by Section 430(1.1) –
Mischief of computer data- to obstruct, interrupt or interfere
with the lawful use of computer data, to obstruct, interrupt
or interfere with a person in the lawful use of computer data
or to deny access to computer data to a person who is entitled
As the global data protection landscape continues to
evolve, it is expected that more nations will adopt stringent
laws and penalties to deter attackers from launching DDoS
attacks in future.
7. Future Research Directions
In this section, we discuss some of the open research is-
sues in DDoS detection in a cloud environment and recom-
mend possible future research directions.
7.1. Research Area: Attacks using IoT devices
IoT devices are prone to attacks since they are always
connected, often poorly configured, and lack basic security
protocols. Due to constrained resources, IoT devices cannot
run memory or computation intensive machine learning al-
gorithms. Authors of [18] have provided a survey of DDoS
defense solutions in IoT. There are few methods surveyed
that are tailored specifically for IoT devices and these are
based on machine learning.
Current research on attacks on cloud using IoT is still
in nascent stage with works focussing on handling a
particular type of attack only. A machine learning
based DDoS detection method for IoT has been pro-
posed in [85]. Feature selection using IoT-specific net-
work behaviour has been proposed, before applying
machine learning based classifier. It is proposed that
network middleboxes can be used to detect DDoS at-
tack sources based on flow characteristics of network
traffic in a lightweight and protocol independent man-
ner. Further research is needed to check the validity on
traffic from various IoT devices and real DDoS attack
There is no standard or benchmark dataset available
to validate the performance of proposed methods for
detection of DDoS launched using IoT devices.
Cloud DDoS detection methods need to be imple-
mented and tested against different attack vectors in
IoT environment. However, there is no standard test
bed or platform for IoT security.
Future Research Directions:
Examination of the evolving DDoS attacks that are
currently being launched by exploiting the vulnerabil-
ities in unsecured IoT devices.
Checking of the external validity of DDoS detection
methods for IoT devices by collecting and standardis-
ing large datasets.
Employing deep learning methods for detection of
DDoS related to IoT [85].
Investigation of whether some types of IoT device are
more responsive to anomaly based detection [85].
7.2. Research Area: DDoS and Software Defined
SDN offers decoupling of control and data plane, central-
ized control and traffic based network analysis, which makes
the cloud more dynamic, manageable and scalable. But SDN
can itself become target of DDoS attacks on - application
layer by attacking northbound API or application; control
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 26 of 32
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
layer by attacking controller, northbound/southbound/ east-
bound/westbound API; or infrastructure layer by attacking
switch or southbound API. Authors of [156] have proposed
CENSOR, a new secure and scalable cloud-enabled IoT ar-
chitecture over SDN paradigm, that includes an IoT con-
troller and an IoT agent component. An attacker can launch
DDoS on SDN controller and bring the entire network down.
To deal with this issue, CENSOR proposes an efficient hier-
archical (two level) software remote attestation to secure the
network, reduce bandwidth consumption and latency. Fog
computing IoT controllers at edge SDN switches pre-process
data for a secure and scalable IoT architecture by acting as
IoT gateways, which apply security checks. Since SDN it-
self is a new architecture, more work is needed to develop
this architecture and test its efficacy for DDoS defense in in-
tegrated IoT SDN environment.
Software Defined Networking requires lightweight so-
lutions to detect and mitigate the effect of DDoS at-
tacks [111].
SDN does not provide visibility into application layer.
So detecting application layer attacks using deep
packet inspection results in degradation of data plane
The tradeoff between availability and security of cloud
resources that arises out of auto-scaling, needs to be
Future Research Directions:
Development and validation of lightweight DDoS de-
tection solutions.
Development of detection methods for application
layer DDoS that can address performance versus se-
curity tradeoff.
Comparison of various deep learning models to detect
DDoS attacks in conjunction with SDN in the fog net-
work or at the edge of the cloud is another research
direction [88].
Detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks in a network
with multiple SDN controllers [158].
Development of intelligent and adaptive user centric
cloud pricing and resource provision models.
7.3. Detection of Multivector and New DDoS
Multivector attacks are a combination or chain of differ-
ent attacks such as multiple network-layer attacks or multiple
application-layer attacks. These attacks are perpetrated with
the intention of circumventing current DDoS defense mech-
anisms by changing the attack vector during the course of on-
going attack. An example is a blend of UDP flood with NTP
amplification. Multivector attacks are harder to detect than
single attacks because a single type of attack quickly begins
and ends. Even when it gets detected, by the time the DDoS
mitigation measures are initiated, the vector is changed to
next chained one, resulting in a large number of resources
being used for defense. Additionally, there are other new
sophisticated attack vectors such as stealthy attacks, carpet
bombing attacks, that are continually surfacing in the cloud
The increasing sophistication of DDoS on cloud ser-
vices, and cloud components like VMs, using new at-
tack vectors.
No study has been carried out on detection of multi-
vector attacks.
Future Research Directions:
Detection of application layer DDoS attacks since cur-
rent defense solutions are not widely adopted [16].
Investigation of attacks that can damage co-hosted
VMs such as Memory DoS attacks that can lead to
severe performance degradation and denial for co-
hosted VMs [159].
Development of a multithreaded approach for detec-
tion and mitigation of multivector DDoS attacks.
7.4. Multilayer Defense
As discussed previously, DDoS attacks in cloud are be-
coming increasingly sophisticated, often involving multiple
layer attacks and targeting multiple points of the cloud envi-
ronment. In order to defend against such attacks, the defense
solutions also have to be multilayer by including on-demand
cloud data scrubbing for volumetric attacks, as well as on-
premise and inline packet inspection based detection mech-
anisms for other attacks. The defense solutions have to be
a combination of on-premise perimeter based as well as in-
cloud based defense.
Modern organizations are moving towards multicloud
environments and virtualized data centers, due to
which, there is no single point of control and moni-
toring available to protect against DDoS.
Future Research Directions:
A broader level of protection and defense mechanism
is required to detect and handle threats. Multilayer
defense involving application level defense using VM
isolation in multitenant clouds; system level defense
using VM/OS, hypervisor security; and external level
defense using filtering at edge routers by ISPs [11]; is
the need of the hour.
8. Conclusion
Despite the numerous scientific and commercial solu-
tions that have been developed for detection of DDoS at-
tacks, the frequency and severity of these attacks has in-
creased in modern day multicloud computing environments.
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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Cloud: State-of-the-Art of Scientific and Commercial Solutions
These attacks often have devastating consequences, partic-
ularly for the users and providers of cloud-based services.
The defining characteristics of cloud environment, namely,
autoscaling, multitenancy and pay-as-you-go can worsen the
impact of such attacks. Furthermore, as organizations move
towards multiple cloud environments, the DDoS attack de-
tection systems need to be adapted further. There is a sub-
stantial need to relook into the existing solutions to miti-
gate the ill effects of DDoS. Anomaly based techniques for
detection of DDoS attacks hold the potential to solve this
problem as they can be improved to be intelligent enough
to handle unseen or unknown attacks as well as known at-
tacks and their derivatives. This paper presents a taxonomy
of DDoS attacks; list of emerging DDoS attacks in cloud
environment and their impact; use cases, laws, commercial
solutions, survey of anomaly detection techniques for DDoS
detection; challenges faced while deploying such techniques
and their advantages. Detailed survey and analysis of re-
cent attacks and detection techniques indicates that employ-
ing machine learning methods for anomaly based detection
of DDoS attacks in the cloud, is the most promising direc-
tion. This survey can guide in designing and implementing
an effective and intelligent solution to detect DDoS attacks,
particularly in the current day multitenant cloud space.
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Aanshi Bhardwaj received her Masters of Engi-
neering in Information Technology from UIET,
Panjab University, India in 2014. She is currently
a Ph.D. Research Scholar at UIET, Panjab Univer-
sity, India. Her research interests include web min-
ing, machine learning, and security in cloud com-
puting. She has an experience of 5 years in teach-
Veenu Mangat received her Masters of Engineer-
ing in Computer Science and Engineering from
Punjab Engineering College (PEC) in 2004 and
Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology (Computer
Science) in 2016 from Panjab University, India.
She is currently working as Associate Professor in
Information Technology at UIET, Panjab Univer-
sity. She has a teaching experience of more than 15
years. Her areas of research include data mining,
machine learning, privacy and security. She is co-
Principal Investigator in research projecton ‘Moni-
toring of Active Fire Locations and Precision in Al-
lied Agricultural Activities using Communication
Technologies’ funded by Ministry of Electronics
IT of Government of India worth Rs. 75.75 lakhs
from 2020-2022. She has also worked on research
project entitled ‘Pedestrian Detection from Ther-
mal Imaging’ funded by Design Innovation Centre
of Ministry of HRD and consultancy project in the
area of machine learning. She has edited 2 inter-
national volumes and authored 1 book in the area
of data mining and machine learning. She has suc-
cessfully guided 21 Masters of Engineering disser-
tations and is currently guiding 7 Ph.D. scholars.
Renu Vig received her Ph.D. degree in Engineer-
ing and Technology in the field of Artificial Intel-
ligence and Neural Networks from Punjab Engi-
neering College in 1997. She is ex-Director, UIET
and currently working as Professor of Electronics
and Communications Engineering at UIET, Pan-
jab University, India. She has guided more than
12 PhDs and successfully completed several re-
search projects funded by the Government of India
and corporate sector. She has published more than
120 research papers in reputed journals and con-
ferences. Her research interests include fuzzy sys-
tems, artificial intelligence, neural networks and
next generation networking technologies.
Subir Halder received his M. Tech. and Ph.D. de-
grees in computer science and engineering from
Kalyani Government Engineering College and In-
dian Institute of Engineering Science and Tech-
nology, India in 2006 and 2015, respectively. He
is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at Univer-
sity of Padua, Italy. Prior to that, he was Assistant
Professor in the Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering Col-
lege, India. His research interests include security
and privacy in next generation networking includ-
ing WSN, IoT, connected car, network modeling
and analysis, and performance evaluation and opti-
mization. He has co-authored more than 35 papers
in reputed international peer-reviewed conferences
and journals in his field.
Mauro Conti is Full Professor at the University of
Padua, Italy, and Affiliate Professor at the Univer-
sity of Washington, Seattle, USA. He obtained his
Ph.D.from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, in
2009. Af ter his Ph.D., he wasa Postdoc Researcher
at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
In 2011 he joined as Assistant Professor the Uni-
versity of Padua, where he became Associate Pro-
fessor in 2015, and Full Professor in 2018. He has
been Visiting Researcher at GMU (2008, 2016),
UCLA (2010), UCI (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017),
TU Darmstadt (2013), UF (2015), and FIU (2015,
2016, 2018). He has been awarded with a Marie
Curie Fellowship (2012) by the European Com-
mission, and with a Fellowship by the German
DAAD (2013). His research is also funded by com-
panies, including Cisco, Intel, and Huawei. His
main research interest is in the area of security
and privacy. In this area, he published more than
250 papers in topmost international peer-reviewed
journals and conference. He is Area Editor-in-
Chief for IEEE Communications Surveys Tuto-
rials, and Associate Editor for several journals,
including IEEE Communications Surveys Tutori-
als, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics
and Security, IEEE Transactions on Dependable
and Secure Computing, and IEEE Transactions on
Network and Service Management. He was Pro-
gram Chair for TRUST 2015, ICISS 2016, WiSec
2017, and General Chair for SecureComm 2012
and ACM SACMAT 2013.
Aanshi Bhardwaj et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 32 of 32
... The latest year of article [24] Wireless sensor network 2007 [129] Software-defined network 2014 [4] Software-defined network 2015 [21] IoT network 2018 [13] IoT network 2017 [3] Cloud networks 2018 [20] 3GPP 5G network 2019 [14] Cloud networks 2021 [131] Software-defined network 2024 Our survey Enterprise network 2024 made significant progress in developing machine learningbased methods and systems to enhance the security of various networks [18]. These relevant prior works are wide in scope and objectives, providing valuable insights to the research community. ...
... J. Cao et al. [20] summarized the security challenges, requirements, and gaps in 3GPP 5G networks. A. Bhardwaj et al. [14] surveyed solutions developed by academia and industry to combat DDoS attacks on cloud networks. ...
Full-text available
Enterprise networks that host valuable assets and services are popular and frequent targets of distributed network attacks. In order to cope with the ever-increasing threats, industrial and research communities develop systems and methods to monitor the behaviors of their assets and protect them from critical attacks. In this survey, we systematically survey related research articles and industrial systems to highlight the current status of this arms race in enterprise network security. First, we discuss the taxonomy of distributed network attacks on enterprise assets, including reconnaissance attacks probing vulnerable enterprise hosts and servers, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks aiming to paralyze network services hosted within an enterprise network. Second, we review existing methods that leverage either static configurations or dynamic network graphs to monitor network behavior of enterprise hosts, verify their benign activities and isolate potential anomalies. Third, state-of-the-art detection methods for distributed network attacks sourced from external attackers, such as proprietary rules in commercial firewalls and community signatures in open-source software tools are elaborated with highlights on their merits and bottlenecks. Fourth, as programmable networks and machine learning (ML) techniques are increasingly becoming adopted by the community, their current applications in network security are discussed. Finally, we suggest several research gaps on enterprise network security to inspire future research.
... These packets are then sent to the broadcast address of a large network. This results in all the hosts on that network responding to the ICMP request and flooding the spoofed IP address (the victim) with echo response traffic [25]. The amplification effect of using broadcast addresses consumes significant bandwidth and overloads victim resources [26]. ...
... Application layer DDoS attacks target web server resources, databases, APIs, and applications that run on the infrastructure [25]. They attempt to crash applications by depleting resources such as CPU, memory, sessions, and concurrency. ...
Full-text available
Keywords Deep learning IoT DDoS Feature fusion IDS Cybersecure threats A B S T R A C T The explosive growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has led to escalating threats from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Moreover, the scale and heterogeneity of IoT environments pose unique security challenges, and intelligent solutions tailored for the IoT are needed to defend critical infrastructure. The deep learning technique shows great promise because automatic feature learning capabilities are well suited for the complex and high-dimensional data of IoT systems. Additionally, feature fusion approaches have gained traction in enhancing the performance of deep learning models by combining complementary feature sets extracted from multiple data sources. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive literature review focused specifically on deep learning techniques and feature fusion for DDoS attack detection in IoT networks. Studies employing diverse deep learning models and feature fusion techniques are analysed, highlighting key trends and developments in this crucial domain. This review provides several significant contributions, including an overview of various types of DDoS attacks, a comparison of existing surveys, and a thorough examination of recent applications of deep learning and feature fusion for detecting DDoS attacks in IoT networks. Importantly, it highlights the current challenges and limitations of these deep learning techniques based on the literature surveyed. This review concludes by suggesting promising areas for further research to enhance deep learning security solutions, which are specifically tailored to safeguarding the fast-growing IoT infrastructure against DDoS attacks.
... These botnets, which are remotely operated by attackers, may take over a target's server or network, causing a denial of service to genuine traffic. Gen V attacks, characterized by their capacity to cause extensive data breaches and service destruction (DeOS), represent a paradigm shift in the severity and sophistication of cyber threats [4][5][6]. ...
Full-text available
The persistent evolution of cyber threats has given rise to Gen V Multi-Vector Attacks, complex and sophisticated strategies that challenge traditional security measures. This research provides a complete investigation of recent intrusion detection systems designed to mitigate the consequences of Gen V Multi-Vector Attacks. Using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), we evaluate the efficacy of several different intrusion detection techniques in adjusting to the dynamic nature of sophisticated cyber threats. The study offers an integrated analysis, taking into account criteria such as detection accuracy, adaptability, scalability, resource effect, response time, and automation. Fuzzy AHP is employed to establish priority weights for each factor, reflecting the nuanced nature of security assessments. Subsequently, TOPSIS is employed to rank the intrusion detection methods based on their overall performance. Our findings highlight the importance of behavioral analysis, threat intelligence integration, and dynamic threat modeling in enhancing detection accuracy and adaptability. Furthermore, considerations of resource impact, scalability, and efficient response mechanisms are crucial for sustaining effective defense against Gen V Multi-Vector Attacks. The integrated approach of Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS presents a strong and adaptable strategy for decision-makers to manage the difficulties of evaluating intrusion detection techniques. This study adds to the ongoing discussion about cybersecurity by providing insights on the positive and negative aspects of existing intrusion detection systems in the context of developing cyber threats. The findings help organizations choose and execute intrusion detection technologies that are not only effective against existing attacks, but also adaptive to future concerns provided by Gen V Multi-Vector Attacks.
... Hybrid systems [7,[49][50][51] in intrusion detection combine multiple detection techniques to enhance overall system robustness. By integrating both anomaly-based and signature-based detection, hybrid systems are capable of recognizing both known threats and unusual behaviors that may indicate new attacks. ...
... tersebut, keamanan pada front-end memegang peran sentral dan menjadi kunci utama dalam memitigasi risiko yang dapat terjadi [5]. Pentingnya penerapan keamanan front-end tidak bisa diabaikan, terutama mengingat berbagai ancaman yang dapat mengintai, seperti SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) [6], serangan DDoS [7], dan Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) [8]. Pada tahap ini, fokus utama adalah melindungi tampilan visual dan elemen interaktif yang diakses langsung oleh pengguna. ...
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Front-end dalam konteks website melibatkan semua elemen yang dapat terlihat dan diakses oleh pengguna, mulai dari tampilan visual hingga interaksi antarmuka pengguna. Sisi visual dan interaktif ini menjadi fokus utama, namun keamanan di latar belakang memiliki peran krusial dalam melindungi data dan mencegah akses yang tidak sah oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab atau berupaya meretas website. Keamanan front-end berfungsi untuk melindungi komponen-komponen dalam website dari berbagai serangan dan ancaman eksternal. Ini mencakup upaya pencegahan akses yang tidak sah, perlindungan terhadap peretasan, dan pengamanan terhadap pencurian data sensitif. Meskipun begitu, masih banyak front-end developer yang lebih fokus pada aspek visual tanpa memahami pentingnya integrasi keamanan. Kurangnya pemahaman ini dapat berdampak negatif pada tingkat keamanan suatu website. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi dan pemahaman terkait praktik-praktik menjaga keamanan di sisi front-end suatu website. Dengan harapan bahwa front-end developer dapat menjadi lebih proaktif dan kompeten dalam memastikan keamanan website yang mereka kembangkan, sehingga dapat memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang aman dan terpercaya.
... Recent studies have showcased the effectiveness of ML models in accurately distinguishing legitimate network traffic from malicious attacks [7]. However, as the DDoS landscape evolves with the rise of lowrate and zero-day attacks, the availability of features for model training becomes increasingly restricted [8][9][10]. posing challenges to the model's adaptability and efficacy against evolving attack tactics. ...
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Software Defined Networks (SDN) offer dynamic reconfigurability and scalability, revolutionizing traditional networking. However, countering Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks remains a formidable challenge for both traditional and SDN-based networks. The integration of Machine Learning (ML) into SDN holds promise for addressing these threats. While recent research demonstrates ML’s accuracy in distinguishing legitimate from malicious traffic, it faces difficulties in handling emerging, low-rate, and zero-day DDoS attacks due to limited feature scope for training. The ever-evolving DDoS landscape, driven by new protocols, necessitates continuous ML model retraining. In response to these challenges, we propose an ensemble online machine-learning model designed to enhance DDoS detection and mitigation. This approach utilizes online learning to adapt the model with expected attack patterns. The model is trained and evaluated using SDN simulation (Mininet and Ryu). Its dynamic feature selection capability overcomes conventional limitations, resulting in improved accuracy across diverse DDoS attack types. Experimental results demonstrate a remarkable 99.2% detection rate, outperforming comparable models on our custom dataset as well as various benchmark datasets, including CICDDoS2019, InSDN, and slow-read-DDoS. Moreover, the proposed model undergoes comparison with industry-standard commercial solutions. This work establishes a strong foundation for proactive DDoS threat identification and mitigation in SDN environments, reinforcing network security against evolving cyber risks.
... Cloud-based DDoS protection services can help absorb and dissipate attack traffic, while on-premise solutions can provide granular control and visibility. Moreover, implementing robust network architecture, such as redundancy and load balancing, can enhance resilience against DDoS attacks [36,37]. ...
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Cyber warfare has emerged as a critical aspect of modern conflict, as state and non-state actors increasingly leverage cyber capabilities to achieve strategic objectives. The rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape demands robust and adaptive approaches to protect against advanced cyberattacks and mitigate their impact on national security. Traditional cyber defense strategies often struggle to keep pace with the rapidly changing threat landscape, resulting in the need for more robust and adaptive approaches to protect against advanced cyberattacks. This paper presents a novel cyber warfare modeling framework, Social Engineering, Malware, Ransomware, and Distributed Denial-of-Service (SMRD), capturing the interactions and interdependencies between these core components. The SMRD framework offers insights for enhancing cyber defense, threat prediction, and proactive measures. A mathematical model consisting of a system of nonlinear differential equations is proposed to quantify the relationships and dynamics between the components.
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a stubborn network security problem. Various machine learning-based methods have been proposed to detect such attacks. According to our survey, the features used to characterize the attack are usually selected manually according to some personal understanding, and the detection model is expected to perform good generalization performance in practical detection all the time. Therefore, how to select the optimal features that perform the best performance is a critical problem for constructing an effective detector. Meanwhile, as network traffic gets increasingly complex and changeable, some original features may become incapable of characterizing current traffic, and detector failure could occur when traffic changes. In this paper, we chose the multilayer perceptrons (MLP) to demonstrate and solve the proposed problem. In our solution, we combined sequential feature selection with MLP to select the optimal features during the training phase and designed a feedback mechanism to reconstruct the detector when perceiving considerable detection errors dynamically. Finally, we validated the effectiveness of our method and compared it with some related works. The results showed that our method could yield comparable detection performance and correct the detector when it performed poorly.
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A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to partially or completely shut down the targeted server with a flood of internet traffic. The primary aim of this attack is to disrupt regular traffic flow to the victim’s server or network. DDoS attacks are volumetric attacks, and non-legacy IoT devices with low security such as webcams, baby monitoring devices and printers are compromised to form a botnet. High traffic from compromised IoT devices is rerouted to servers to disrupt their regular services. DDoS attacks are to an extent covered in the research literature. However, existing research do not discuss all DDoS attacks on general servers and botnet attacks on IoT devices and suggest few detection and mitigation solutions which are limited to addressing attacks on the cloud environment. Existing survey focuses either on the cloud layer or the IoT layer. A complete survey of DDoS attacks for both IoT and the cloud environment is not present in the current literature. Our survey is a comprehensive approach which includes general DDoS attack motivations and specific reasons why attackers prefer IoT devices to launch DDoS attacks. Various attack methods to compromise IoT devices and tools used to deploy botnet-infected IoT devices for DDoS attacks on the cloud layer are presented. A detailed attack classification on IoT devices and the cloud environment is presented considering that IoT devices are first compromised and then used by attackers against their primary targets on the cloud layer. Various state-of-the-art defense measures in the current literature for defense against DDoS attacks are present. Suggestions to implement an essential first line of defense for IoT devices are suggested. Our paper, to the best of our knowledge, is first to provide a holistic study of DDoS attacks from IoT devices to the cloud environment.
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Recently, Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Cloud Computing have been widely adopted by researchers as well as industry. However, widespread acceptance of these novel networking paradigms has been hampered by the security threats. Advances in the processing technologies have helped attackers in increasing the attacks too, for instance, the development of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks which are seldom identified by conventional firewalls. In this paper, we present the state of art of the DDoS attacks in SDN and cloud computing scenarios. Especially, we focus on the analysis of the SDN and cloud computing architecture. Besides, we also overview the research works and open problems in identifying and tackling the DDoS attacks.
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A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on any of the major components (e.g., controller, switches, and southbound channel) of software defined networking (SDN) architecture is a critical security threat. For example, the breakdown of controller could disrupt the data communication in the whole SDN network. A possible way to perform DoS is to generate a large number of new, but short length traffic flows. These flows will trigger malicious flooding requests to overload the controller and causes overflow in flow tables at SDN switches. In this paper, we propose two lightweight and practically feasible countermeasures against two different types of DDoS attacks called Route Spoofing and Resource Exhaustion in SDN networks. For Route Spoofing attack, we introduce a technique called “selective blocking”, which stops an adversary node from maliciously using other users active communication routes. To countermeasure Resource Exhaustion attack, we propose a solution called “periodic monitoring”, which detects adversary nodes based on the traffic analysis statistics that are gathered within a time window. We implement and perform result analysis of the attacks and their proposed countermeasures. When using our proposed countermeasures in the target SDN scenarios, the simulation results indicate an adequate reduction in bandwidth consumption and processing delay of new request, and it also depicts substantial gain in packet delivery rate. Additionally, we present the receiver operating characteristic curve, which shows the sensitivity and specificity of our countermeasures along with their detection accuracy.
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Fog computing (FC)is a contemporary computing paradigm that gives additional support to cloud environment by carrying out some local data analysis in edge of the devices, facilitating networking, computing, infrastructure and storage support as backbone for end user computing. Still enterprises are not convinced to use this as security and privacy are most of the open and challenging issues. Availability among the security requirements is the one which is about rendering on demand service to different client applications without any disruptions. It can often be demolished by Denial of service (DoS)and distributed denial of service (DDoS)attacks in fog and cloud computing environment. In this paper we propose a novel Source based DDoS defence mechanism which can be used in fog environment as well as the cloud environment to mitigate DDoS attacks. It makes use of Software Defined Network (SDN)to deploy the DDoS defender module at SDN controller to detect the anomalous behavior of DDoS attacks in Network/Transport level. The proposed work provides deep learning (DL)based detection method which makes use of the network traffic analysis mechanisms to filter and forward the legitimate packets to the server and can block the infected packets to cause further attacks.
The number of devices connected to the Internet is increasing day by day. This increase causes cyber-attacks to be larger and more complex. It is important to sdetect the anomalies rapidly when there is a cyber-attack. In detecting anomalies, high false positive rate is obtained by using feature extraction based on statistical calculations and machine learning algorithms. In proposed approach, the measured values obtained from the network are normalized between 0 and 1. These values applied to autoencoder model trained with optimum hyper parameters. This model contributes to feature learning and dimensional reduction. Support vector machines effectively differentiate between normal and DDOS attack traffic by using these features. The CICIDS dataset and virtually generated DDOS traffic are used to validate the proposed approach and measure its performance. The results show that the proposed approach speeds up training and testing times and performs better classification performance metrics than most previous approaches. The novelty of the study is that AE-SVM trained with CICIDS successfully captures virtually generated DDOS traffic data. Despite the unbalanced data set, 99.1% test success was achieved in detection of DDOS traffic which is produced with Kali Linux. This success contributed to the solution of the high false-positive problem compared to other models.
Many security solutions have been proposed in the past to protect Internet architecture from a diversity of malware. However, the security of the Internet and its applications is still an open research challenge. Researchers continuously working on novel network architectures such as HTTP as the narrow waist, Named Data Networking (NDN), programmable networks and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for designing a more reliable network. Among these, SDN has emerged as a more robust and secure solution to combat against such malicious activities. In SDN, bifurcation of control plane and data plane provides more manageability, control, dynamic updating of rules, analysis, and global view of the network using a centralized controller. Though SDN seems a secured network architecture as compared to the conventional IP-based networks, still, SDN itself is vulnerable to many types of network intrusions and facing severe deployment challenges. This paper systematically reviews around 70 prominent DDoS detection and mitigation mechanisms in SDN networks. These mechanisms are characterized into four categories, viz: Information theory-based methods, Machine learning-based methods, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) based methods and other miscellaneous methods. The paper also dowries and deliberates on various open research issues, gaps and challenges in the deployment of a secure SDN-based DDoS defence solution. Such an exhaustive review will surely help the researcher community to provide more robust and reliable DDoS solutions in SDN networks.
Cloud computing environment support resource sharing as cloud service over the internet. It enables the users to outsource data into the cloud server that can be accessed remotely from various devices distributed geographically. Accessing resources from the cloud causes various security issues as the attackers try to illegally access the data. The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is one of the security concern in the cloud server. DDoS is a kind of cyber attack which disrupt normal traffic of targeted cloud server (or any other servers). In this paper, we propose an effective fuzzy and taylor-elephant herd optimization (FT-EHO) inspired by deep belief network (DBN) classifier for detecting the DDoS attack. FT-EHO uses taylor series and elephant heard optimization algorithm along with a fuzzy classifier for rules learning. The performance of the proposed FT-EHO is evaluated through rigorous computer simulations. Three standard benckmark databases, namely, KDD cup, database1 and database2 are used during simulations. Four quality measures such as accuracy, detection accurarcy, precision and recall are considered as a performance metrics. FT-EHO’s performance is compared against the state-of-the-art methods considering the evaluation metrics. Results reveals that the proposed FT-EHO showed significantly higher value of evaluation metrics (accuracy (93.811%), detection rate (97.200%), precision (94.981%) and recall (93.833%)) as compared to other methods.
The prevention of intrusion is deemed to be a cornerstone of network security. Although excessive work has been introduced on network intrusion detection in the last decade, finding an Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) with potent intrusion detection mechanism is still highly desirable. One of the leading causes of the high number of false alarms and a low detection rate is the existence of redundant and irrelevant features of the datasets, which are used to train the IDSs. To cope with this problem, we proposed a double Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based algorithm to select both feature subset and hyperparameters in one process. The aforementioned algorithm is exploited in the pre-training phase for selecting the optimized features and model’s hyperparameters automatically. In order to investigate the performance differences, we utilized three deep learning models, namely, Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM-RNN), and Deep Belief Networks (DBN). Furthermore, we used two common IDS datasets in our experiments to validate our approach and show the effectiveness of the developed models. Moreover, many evaluation metrics are used for both binary and multiclass classifications to assess the model’s performance in each of the datasets. Finally, intensive quantitative, Friedman test, and ranking methods analyses of our results are provided at the end of this paper. Experimental results show a significant improvement in network intrusion detection when using our approach by increasing Detection Rate (DR) by 4% to 6% and reducing False Alarm Rate (FAR) by 1% to 5% from the corresponding values of same models without pre-training on the same dataset.