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Tweets About Self-Driving Cars: Deep Sentiment Analysis Using Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM)


Abstract and Figures

Due to the extensive growth of social media usage, sentiment analysis 1 using social media data such as Twitter is an important task. The current study 2 presents an empirical investigation of consumer sentiment toward self-driving cars 3 or autonomous vehicles (AVs) based on the acquired self-driving car-related tweets. 4 Information retrieval in social media is a complex task that requires technical insights. 5 We used a hierarchical attention-based long short-term memory network (LSTM), a 6 popular deep learning tool, to classify sentiment-specific document representations. 7 The findings show that favorable attitudes toward AVs are associated with technologi-8 cal advantages and safety improvements, while more negative attitudes are associated 9 with self-driving car-related crashes, media coverage, and deployment uncertainty. 10 The results show that the estimated accuracy of LSTM is 85%. Our study indicates 11 the necessity of examining big social media data in understanding the perceptions of 12 end-users toward autonomous vehicles. 13
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Tweets About Self-Driving Cars: Deep
Sentiment Analysis Using Long
Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM)
Anandi Dutta and Subasish Das
Abstract Due to the extensive growth of social media usage, sentiment analysis
using social media data such as Twitter is an important task. The current study
presents an empirical investigation of consumer sentiment toward self-driving cars
or autonomous vehicles (AVs) based on the acquired self-driving car-related tweets.
Information retrieval in social media is a complex task that requires technical insights.
We used a hierarchical attention-based long short-term memory network (LSTM), a
popular deep learning tool, to classify sentiment-specific document representations.
The findings show that favorable attitudes toward AVs are associated with technologi-
cal advantages and safety improvements, while more negative attitudes are associated
with self-driving car-related crashes, media coverage, and deployment uncertainty.
The results show that the estimated accuracy of LSTM is 85%. Our study indicates
the necessity of examining big social media data in understanding the perceptions of
end-users toward autonomous vehicles.
Keywords Autonomous vehicles ·Sentiment analysis ·Opinion mining ·Deep
1 Introduction
Emerging technologies such as self-driving cars or automated vehicles (AVs) are sig-
nificantly transforming the transportation system. Companies like Tesla and Google
are competing to attract more people to purchase AVs. Vehicle autonomy is one of
the most controversial new technologies, and it is unfamiliar to many consumers. In
this context, the future market and strategic environment for deployment have had
A. Dutta
The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio 78249, USA
S. Das (B
Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Bryan 77807, USA
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
D. Gupta et al. (eds.), International Conference on Innovative Computing
and Communications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1165, 15-5113- 0_40
516 A. Dutta and S. Das
a significant foundation laid by customer perception. As AVs become more preva-
lent, authorities, automakers, and companies must investigate their consequences and
impacts [1]. To improve consumer knowledge and to facilitate a better understanding
of the associated benefits of AVs, researchers conduct robust measurement with the
help of sentiment mining.
Social media is a major platform for users to express their opinions and concerns
regarding AV technologies and other related subjects. Analysis of these sentiments
can enable automakers to monitor their product life-cycle and obtain a data-driven
perspective on consumer attitudes and feedback. Many studies conducted analysis
on the public’s perception of AVs using different survey tools such as polls, and
telephone interviews [2,3]. Most of these studies have categorized different types of
users’ opinions based on age, gender, location, and other socio-demographic char-
acteristics. For example, some studies have concluded a totally different level of
acceptance in men than in women. Despite the large number of studies in this field,
there is limited number of studies on social media mining and self-driving cars.
There is a need for an in-depth study on people’s acceptance level and perceptions
regarding AVs.
In the present study, we collected approximately 38,000 unique tweets associated
with self-driving cars. We used a hierarchical attention-based long short-term mem-
ory network (LSTM) to predict customer sentiments from the text narratives of the
collected tweets. The intent of this paper is to address two research questions: (1)
RQ1: What is the general sentiment trend of the end-users toward self-driving cars?
(2) RQ2: Are deep learning tools adequate in classifying sentiments from self-driving
car-related tweets?
2 Related Work
In recent years, AV research has begun to focus more on the public perception of
AVs and the factors that can influence the likelihood of potential users adopting AVs.
In a recent study, Greig [4] conducted two surveys to determine public sentiment
toward the adoption of AVs. The study found that only one-fifth of the respondents
had positive feelings toward AVs, and a majority of them remained skeptical of AVs’
benefits. In another study, Zmud et al. [5] conducted an online survey in Austin,
Texas, to determine potential user intent toward AVs. The researchers classified
the respondents into four intent-to-use classifications. The ‘very unlikely’ category
contained 18% of respondents; 32% of respondents were in the ‘somewhat unlikely’
category; 36% were in the ‘somewhat likely’ category; 14% were in the ‘very likely’
A recent study by Merat et al. [6] focused on the social-psychological factors that
can influence people’s acceptance of SAE Level 4 shared AVs (SAVs). The study
found that the most effective pathway to the widespread acceptance and adoption
of AVs is an incremental and iterative stage-by-stage process that provides users
with hands-on experience throughout every stage. In another study, Regan et al. [7]
Tweets About Self-Driving Cars: Deep Sentiment Analysis 517
analyzed survey data from 5263 participants to measure public awareness of AVs
in Australia and determine people’s knowledge of AVs and the likelihood of them
adopting automated cars. In a similar Australian study, Greaves et al. [8] conducted
an online survey of 455 people to investigate consumer sentiment toward AVs. The
study found that young male respondents, less frequent drivers, and people open to
the idea of sharing their car were associated more highly with favorable attitudes
toward AVs. Negative attitudes were associated more with older female respondents,
those who drive more frequently, and those who are less open to sharing their car.
Liljamo et al. [9] examined the results from a large citizen survey of 2036 people
to determine the magnitude and type of concerns that people have in regard to the
adoption of AVs. The study found that the key perspectives that affect public approval
of AVs are traffic safety and ethical perspectives. Another study was conducted by
Nazari et al. [10]. This study jointly modeled public attention in both private AVs and
multiple shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs). In 2016, Sener et al. [11] conducted
a survey to examine the factors influencing people’s intent to use AVs in the future;
the survey included people in various Texas cities, including Dallas, Houston, and
Waco. The factors that had the most significant effect were attitudes toward self-
driving vehicles, execution expectancy, apparent protection, and community impacts.
Nordhoff et al. [12] conducted a survey with 10,000 participants to determine the
relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and people’s acceptance of
AVs. Asgari and Jin [13] employed a structural equations model with latent variables
to analyze consumers’ willingness to pay and adoption (WTPA) for different AV
categories. The model simultaneously regressed adoption and WTPA measures for
multiple variables, including demographic and socioeconomic factors, car ownership
and usage, and personal opinions or preferences.
3 Data Description
With approximately 500 million tweets per day, Twitter provides real-time textual
contents with a wide range of themes and topics. We used the open-source R soft-
ware package ‘twitteR’ [14] to collect relevant data. For tweet collection, users need
to collect data via Open Authorization (OAuth), an authentication mechanism that
allows Web tools to provide the user applicability to a Web service without allowing
an end user’s credentials to the client itself, was required for all Twitter-related data
To gather the relevant data, several keywords have been used during the
data collection process. The keywords include ‘driverlesscar, ‘driverlessvehicle,
‘driverless, selfdrivingcar, ‘selfdrivingvehicle, ‘autonamtedcar, ‘automatedvehi-
cle, ‘autonomouscar, and ‘autonomousvehicle.’ The dataset was collected over a
span of four months in 2019 (March 12, 2019–July 16, 2019). A total of 79,214
unique tweets were collected. These tweets were retweeted 211,090 times and are
associated with approximately 37,000 Twitter handles.
518 A. Dutta and S. Das
4 Methodology
4.1 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks
In 1977, Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber proposed long short-term mem-
ory (LSTM), which is a modified version of recurrent neural network (RNN) model.
Unlike conventional neural feed-forward networks, LSTM has response links that
provide a ‘general-purpose computer’ capable of calculating anything a Turing
machine can [15,16]. By presenting Constant Error Carousel (CEC) units, LSTM
manages the problems regarding vanishing and exploding gradient. In theory, the con-
ventional RNN models can handle the long-term dependencies in the input sequences;
however, the dilemma emerges when the model is in computational nature. While
preparing a typical RNN model applying the method of back-propagation, the gradi-
ents that are back-propagated tend to zero or infinity due to the calculations associated
with the method that require precise numbers. Therefore, the flow may be altered,
resulting in a different outcome than expected [17].
4.2 Our Approach
A natural language processing or NLP tool that concentrates on distinguishing nega-
tive and positive opinions, evaluations, and emotions expressed in text data is referred
to as sentiment analysis. The common approach of performing sentiment analysis is
to compare the presence of a word in a document and assignment sentiments based
on some established sentiment lexicons [18]. There exist several existing sentiment
lexicons with sentiment scores assigned to a group of words. For example, Affective
Norms for English Words (ANEW) was one of the most common sentiment lexicons.
AFINN,’ which was used in this study, performs better than ANEW [19].
The usual practice in machine learning and deep learning is to divide the dataset
into several groups: training, test, and validation datasets. It is important to note
that we developed the model based on the training data and the performance of
the model will be tested and validated by the other two datasets. The training for
model building, the validation data for out-of-sample error measurement and model
selection, and the test data are used for final model performance evaluation. We used
several deep learning R packages to perform the analysis [20,21]. Before running
the deep learning models, we performed word embeddings [22]:
Word embeddings:Theword2vec is used to convert a sentence into its vector
representation. In the present approach, for a sentence S={w1,w
where nrepresents the count of words in S. Here, each word, wi, is related with a
D-dimensional vector embedding, XiRd. The word vector representations are
concatenated in their individual order, X1:n=X1X2...Xn, in which is the
Tweets About Self-Driving Cars: Deep Sentiment Analysis 519
concatenation operator. Additionally, each sentence is padded with zero-vectors
to a fixed length.
For the deep sentiment analysis, we used the complete set of 37,999 unique tweets.
These tweets were divided into three datasets: training (60%), validation (20%),
and testing (20%). The sentiment scores are divided into three categories: positive,
negative and impartial. Some of the parameters of the model development are: (1)
Layer embedding: Output dimension =32, (2) Embedding layer dropout rate =0.5,
(3) Layer LSTM: units =256, dropout =0.2, recurrent dropout =0.2, (4) Layer
Output: units =3, activation =‘softmax.’
For each of the datasets, ratio of positive and negative sentiment is approximately
3:1. This finding answers RQ1 by indicating that positive sentiments are higher
toward AV-related tweets.
5 Results and Discussions
The loss and accuracy values for different epochs are shown in Fig. 1.Weusedseveral
performance measures to examine the model performances. True positive (TP) and
false positive (FP) represent measures of accurate and inaccurate classifications per
real classification category, respectively. True negative (TN) and false negative (FN)
are measures of accurate and inaccurate rejections per real classification category,
respectively. Some of the common measures are the following:
Recall or sensitivity =TP
Specificity =TN
Fig. 1 Performances of the model for training and validation data
520 A. Dutta and S. Das
Prevalence =TP +FN
Positive Predictive Value =TP
Negative Predictive Value =TN
Accuracy =TP +TN
Balanced Accuracy =TP
TP +FN ×0.5+TN
TN +FP ×0.5
Detection Rate =TP
Detection Prevalence =TP +FP
Tables 1and 2list all performance measures calculated from the LSTM outputs.
The results show that the accuracy is 85.5% for train data (95% confidence range:
[85.1, 85.9%]), 82.6% for validation data (95% confidence range: [81.7, 83.4%]), and
82.8% for test data (95% confidence range: [81.9, 83.7%]). The findings answer RQ2
by providing evidence that deep learning tools are adequate in classifying sentiments
from self-driving car-related tweets.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we presented an application of deep learning-based method for sen-
timent classification of self-driving car-related tweets. This study demonstrates the
capability of obtaining hidden trends about the consumer opinions and sentiments
from Twitter posts with high accuracy. This paper introduces the concept of applying
deep learning tools to classify AV-related sentiments and specifically outlines how
the findings benefit the decision-making process of the future marketplace of AVs.
Moreover, the paper reveals future customer needs in the context of AV deployment.
The current framework developed in this study contributes to the ongoing state-of-
the-art studies associated with application of sentiment analysis to understanding the
perception of people regarding AVs.
We applied deep learning tools to unearth the nature of public understanding
toward AV technology in the form of attitudes, sentiments, and opinions. The current
approach used in this study indicates that text narratives in self-driving car-related
tweets have significant key attribute measures that can be used in classifying different
types of sentiments. This study has some limitations. For example, all words are
Tweets About Self-Driving Cars: Deep Sentiment Analysis 521
Tabl e 1 Performance measures of train, validation, and test data
Data Measures Negative Neutral Positive
Train Sen 0.8135 0.3552 0.9547
Spe 0.9393 0.99056 0.759
PPV 0.8451 0.80404 0.8622
NPV 0.9252 0.93374 0.9139
Pre 0.2894 0.09829 0.6123
DR 0.2354 0.03491 0.5845
DP 0.2786 0.04342 0.678
BA 0.8764 0.67288 0.8569
Validation Sen 0.7734 0.29918 0.9321
Spe 0.9173 0.98879 0.7253
PPV 0.7904 0.73986 0.845
NPV 0.9094 0.92976 0.8693
Pre 0.2874 0.09632 0.6163
DR 0.2222 0.02882 0.5745
DP 0.2812 0.03895 0.6799
BA 0.8453 0.64398 0.8287
Tes t Sen 0.7675 0.31773 0.9339
Spe 0.9244 0.98564 0.7264
PPV 0.8071 0.6935 0.8452
NPV 0.906 0.9339 0.873
Pre 0.292 0.09276 0.6153
DR 0.2241 0.02947 0.5746
DP 0.2776 0.0425 0.6799
BA 0.8459 0.65169 0.8302
Note:Sen sensitivity, Spe specificity, PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive
value, Pre prevalence, DR detection rate, DP detection prevalence, BA balanced accuracy
weighted same for the sentiment scores. No specific weights were provided for high
influential and relevant words associated with the current format of datasets. The
same holds for negative words. Another potential improvement would be related to
the exposure of sentiment fluctuations over time. Currently, the study is limited to
four months in 2019, which is a short temporal window. Future research is needed
to improve the proposed approach and its effectiveness to future marketplace of AV
522 A. Dutta and S. Das
Tabl e 2 Accuracies and
p-values by train, validation,
and test data
Data Measures Val u e s
Train Acc 0.8549
95CI (0.8503, 0.8595)
NIR 0.6123
p-value <2.2e16
p-value (MT) <2.2e16
Validation Acc 0.8255
95CI (0.8168, 0.834)
NIR 0.6163
p-value <2.2e16
p-value (MT) <2.2e16
Tes t Acc 0.8282
95CI (0.8195, 0.8366)
NIR 0.6153
p-value <2.2e16
p-value (MT) <2.2e16
Note:Acc accuracy, 95CI 95% confidence interval, NIR no
information rate, p-value =p-value [Acc > NIR], Kkappa, p-value
(MT) mcnemar’s test p-value
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... The empirical study that aims to examine customer sentiment regarding self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles (AVs) through an analysis of tweets specifically related to self-driving cars is presented in [10]. Retrieving relevant information from social media requires technical expertise. ...
... Retrieving relevant information from social media requires technical expertise. To classify sentiment-specific document representations, the paper employed a hierarchical attention-based LSTM model [10]. The results indicate that positive attitudes towards AVs stem from technological advancements and safety enhancements, while negative attitudes are influenced by self-driving car accidents, media coverage, and uncertainty surrounding deployment. ...
Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a crucial task in understanding public opinions and perceptions towards emerging technologies. In this study, we focus on SA for a self-driving car dataset as it provides valuable insights into public perceptions and opinions towards a transformative technology. The dataset consists of textual reviews associated with sentiment labels, providing insights into how people perceive self-driving car technology. Our objective is to analyze the sentiments expressed in these reviews using Deep Learning (DL) models, namely, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Bidirectional GRU (BiGRU). We compared our results with an existing technique in the field of self-driving car sentiment classification, that implemented various Machine Learning (ML) and DL models, including Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), CNN, and LSTM. In our study, we expanded upon this research by evaluating the performance of ANN, BiLSTM, GRU, and BiGRU. Results reveal that BiLSTM, GRU, and BiGRU exhibit superior performance in sentiment classification within the self-driving car dataset. These findings offer valuable insights into public sentiment towards self-driving cars, contributing significantly to the advancement of SA techniques in the domain of autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the results are statistically tested and are statistically significant.
... With a flexible and ever-increasing network of users, Twitter offers transportation researchers promising possibilities concerning general information updates and exchanges while also fulfilling the demand for fast and immediate modes of communication. Twitter mining was used in several aspects of transportation engineering studies (35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48). Past studies of the use of conference hashtags indicate that this is a dynamic space where attendees share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas through the use of social media hashtags. ...
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Twitter, among other social media platforms, has become more popular over time. Social media platforms underpin the way scholars share ideas, propagate the latest emergence of evidence, and adopt new practices by providing a virtual platform for interacting, socializing, and sharing information from academic conferences with the outside world beyond the physical location. The Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Annual Meeting is the largest annual conference for transportation engineering and science, and the hashtag for the conference, #TRBAM, was used first in 2009. This paper aims to perform an observational study based on the interactions on Twitter surrounding this hashtag by collecting all original #TRBAM tweets for twelve years (2009-2020). A general trend in the data is that the quantitative measures (tweets, retweets, and favorites) are all much higher during the conference month compared to other months. Top trending topics included: transit, safety, bike or non-motorized mode of transportation, data, and freight. Overall, the communication pattern shows more dispersion than the central tendency. The findings of this study highlight the need to implement and improve strategies to help transportation research communities encourage continuous and active participation during and after conferences. More active engagement among attendees will help maintain the momentum of information sharing and expand the traffic safety platform globally.
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the lives of several people across the globe. Social distancing is considered a major preventive measure to stop the spread of COVID-19. The practice of social distancing has caused a sense of loneliness and mental health problems in society. The aim of this study is to consider global tweet data with social distancing keywords for analyzing the sentiments behind them. Classification of tweets as positive or negative is carried out using Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression.
Sentiment analysis (SA) is a widely used contextual mining technique for extracting useful and subjective information from text-based data. It applies on Natural Language Processing (NLP), text analysis, biometrics, and computational linguistics to identify, analyse, and extract responses, states, or emotions from the data. The features analysis technique plays a significant role in the development and improvement of a SA model. Recently, GloVe and Word2vec embedding models have been widely used for feature extractions. However, they overlook sentimental and contextual information of the text and need a large corpus of text data for training and generating exact vectors. These techniques generate vectors for just those words that are included in their vocabulary and ignore Out of Vocabulary Words (OOV), which can lead to information loss. Another challenge for the classification of sentiments is that of the lack of readily available annotated data. Sometimes, there is a contradiction between the review and their label that may cause misclassification. The aim of this paper is to propose a generalized SA model that can handle noisy data, OOV words, sentimental and contextual loss of reviews data. In this research, an effective Bi-directional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) based Convolution Bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network (CBRNN) model is proposed with for exploring the syntactic and semantic information along with the sentimental and contextual analysis of the data. Initially, the zero-shot classification is used for labelling the reviews by calculating their polarity scores. After that, a pre-trained BERT model is employed for obtaining sentence-level semantics and contextual features from that data and generate embeddings. The obtained contextual embedded vectors were then passed to the neural network, comprised of dilated convolution and Bi-LSTM. The proposed model uses dilated convolution instead of classical convolution to extract local and global contextual semantic features from the embedded data. Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) is used for the entire sequencing of the sentences. The CBRNN model is evaluated across four diverse domain text datasets based on accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score and AUC values. Thus, CBRNN can be efficiently used for performing SA tasks on social media reviews, without any information loss.
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This paper studies users' perception regarding a controversial product, namely self-driving (autonomous) cars. To find people's opinion regarding this new technology, we used an annotated Twitter dataset, and extracted the topics in positive and negative tweets using an unsupervised, probabilistic model known as topic modeling. We later used the topics, as well as linguist and Twitter specific features to classify the sentiment of the tweets. Regarding the opinions, the result of our analysis shows that people are optimistic and excited about the future technology, but at the same time they find it dangerous and not reliable. For the classification task, we found Twitter specific features, such as hashtags as well as linguistic features such as emphatic words among top attributes in classifying the sentiment of the tweets.
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Shuttles that operate without an onboard driver are currently being developed and tested in various projects worldwide. However, there is a paucity of knowledge on the determinants of acceptance of driverless shuttles in large cross-national samples. In the present study, we surveyed 10,000 respondents on the acceptance of driverless vehicles and sociodemographic characteristics, using a 94-item online questionnaire. After data filtering, data of 7,755 respondents from 116 countries were retained. Respondents reported that they would enjoy taking a ride in a driverless vehicle (mean = 4.90 on a scale from 1 = disagree strongly to 6 = agree strongly). We further found that the scores on the questionnaire items were most appropriately explained through a general acceptance component, which had loadings of about 0.7 for items pertaining to the usefulness of driverless vehicles and loadings between 0.5 and 0.6 for items concerning the intention to use, ease of use, pleasure, and trust in driverless vehicles, as well as knowledge of mobility-related developments. Additional components were identified as thrill seeking, wanting to be in control manually, supporting a car-free environment, and being comfortable with technology. Correlations between sociodemographic characteristics and general acceptance scores were small (<0.20), yet interpretable (e.g., people who reported difficulty with finding a parking space were more accepting towards driverless vehicles). Finally, we found that the GDP per capita of the respondents’ country was predictive of countries’ mean general acceptance score ( ρ=-0.48 across 43 countries with 25 or more respondents). In conclusion, self-reported acceptance of driverless vehicles is more strongly determined by domain-specific attitudes than by sociodemographic characteristics. We recommend further research, using objective measures, into the hypothesis that national characteristics are a predictor of the acceptance of driverless vehicles.
Technical Report
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The Australia and New Zealand Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI), led by the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), is a consortium of more than 100 local and international partners from government, industry and academia that has come together to accelerate the safe and successful deployment of partly- and fully-automated (completely self-driving) vehicles in Australia and New Zealand. In late 2016, a sub-set of members of ADVI’s Scientific Research Group designed and conducted a public opinion survey to gauge Australian public awareness, understanding and likely acceptance of partly- and fully-automated vehicles, with the primary focus on cars. Undertaken across all Australian States and Territories, and weighted for demographic composition, this is the first Australian national survey of national public opinion about partly- and fully-automated vehicles. Responses from 5263 participants were collected and analysed in relation to their level of awareness of automated vehicles generally, and their opinions specifically about partly- and fully-automated cars: perceived risks associated with them, their willingness to pay for them, perceived potential benefits, trust in them, perceived concerns and likely acceptance. This report documents the first set of high-level findings from the survey. They are:  Most Australians are aware of automated vehicle functions, but very few have experienced them.  The community has concerns about many issues relating to fully-automated cars.  Less than half of all respondents are willing to pay more for fully-automated cars than for their existing car.  Most agree that there are many potential benefits from fully-automated cars.  Most people are comfortable with automated cars controlling most driving functions.  People are least comfortable with automated cars changing lanes by themselves and following cars ahead too closely.  People are more comfortable about taking control than giving control to partly-automated cars.  Most people would like to drive a fully-automated car manually, from time to time.  Less than half of people think that fully-automated cars could be safer than a car driven manually by a human.  Females and males think differently about fully-automated cars, on some issues.  People in different Australian States and Territories think differently about automated cars. Statistical analyses of the findings by gender, age and State of residency yielded the following findings: Gender Females and males think differently about automated vehicles.  Males were more aware of automated vehicle functions and are more comfortable to allow a fully-automated car to perform all the functions.  Female respondents were more concerned about all issues regarding fully-automated cars than male respondents.  No significant differences were observed between male and female participants’ willingness to pay for a fully-automated car, perception of potential benefits and likely acceptance of use. State of residency People in different States and territories think differently about automated vehicles.  The Australian Capital Territory was the most aware State and South Australia was the least aware State regarding awareness of automated vehicle functionality.  South Australia had the most positive perception of the potential benefits of fully-automated cars and the Northern Territory had the least positive perception.  The Australian Capital Territory and South Australia were most agreeable to using fully-automated cars and Northern Territory and Tasmania were the least agreeable. Age Correlations were found between age and awareness, concerns, willingness to pay more, potential benefits and public acceptance of fully-automated cars. However, the effect sizes were found to be small.  Older people were less aware of automated vehicle functions but more willing to pay more for a fully-automated car.  Older people had a higher level of trust in fully-automated cars but also higher levels of concern about their safe performance and data privacy.  Older people had more positive perceptions of the potential benefits of fully-automated cars and exhibited a higher level of acceptance for the use of them in all conditions of interest. The research in this, and subsequent, reports deriving from the ADVI Public Opinion Survey, will be used to inform public policy, regulation, research, and design of autonomous vehicles in Australia. The survey is planned to be repeated every year or so to gauge changes in Australian community opinion about partly- and fully-automated vehicles that may come about as a result of increased awareness, understanding and exposure to them.
Results from a recent consumer survey were thoroughly analyzed in relation to willingness to adopt and willingness to pay (WTP) for different autonomous vehicle (AV) features. Four different levels of automation were considered including basic vehicles, adding advanced features, partial automation, and full automation. A structural equations model with latent variables was employed, which simultaneously regressed adoption and WTP levels against a variety of available variables including socioeconomic and demographic attributes, private car usage habits, and attitudinal preferences/personal opinions. To address the endogeneity in personal attitudes, these variables were added to the model as latent factors. Accordingly, the analysis revealed four major latent attitudinal factors, respectively labeled as “joy of driving,”“mode choice reasoning,”“trust,” and “technology savviness.” Model results indicated that those who enjoy driving were the hardest to persuade towards AV adoption or to pay for automated features. On the other hand, technology savvy people showed higher tendency towards AV adoption. When it comes to factors affecting mode choice including travel time, travel cost, and functionality, people are willing to pay more for automated features when they believe that these features and services will provide them better utility, in relation to time and cost savings, convenience, stress reduction, and quality of life, and so forth. Interestingly, individuals with trust concerns showed higher WTP values, which may indicate that the market believes autonomous vehicles will bring more privacy and protection, at least compared with existing shared mobility or public transit options.
Early consistent measurement of intent to use automated vehicles will help explore the public’s reactions, improve the knowledge base, and facilitate an understanding of the potential benefits that could be achieved. Adopting a car technology acceptance model (CTAM), online surveys were implemented in several Texas cities including 2016 survey of Dallas, Houston, and Waco, which is an extension of a prior 2015 survey study in Austin. Adding different geographic content provided an opportunity to assess trends and to obtain more robust results and different insights on the consumer acceptance and travel behavior impacts of self-driving vehicles. Following an extensive descriptive analyses, a multivariate model was estimated to examine the factors influencing intent to use in Texas cities. The results show an increase in intent to use from 2015 to 2016. Demographic variables mattered but to lesser extent compared to psychosocial variables of the CTAM, which were highly significant in predicting intent to use. Younger individuals, males and individuals with physical conditions that prohibiting them from driving had a higher likelihood of intent to use. Travel behavior characteristics were also important. For example, individuals owning a vehicle with highly automated features had a higher intention to use. The strongest associations with intent to use were observed for attitudes toward self-driving vehicles, performance expectation, perceived safety, and social influence. In moving forward, it will be important to continue to monitor and track the behavior with diverse populations, and build an evidence-based consensus through continuous measurement on intent to use automated vehicles.
This paper aims to jointly model public interest in private AVs and multiple SAV configurations (carsharing, ridesourcing, ridesharing, and access/egress mode) in daily and commute travels with explicit treatment of the correlations across the (S)AV types. To this end, multivariate ordered outcome models with latent variables are employed, whereby latent attitudes and preferences describing traveler safety concern about AV, green travel pattern, and mobility-on-demand savviness are accounted for using structural and measurement equations. Drawing from a stated preference survey in the State of Washington, important insights are gained into the potential user groups based on the socio-economic, built environment, and daily/commute travel behavior attributes. Key policies are also offered to promote public interest in (S)AVs by scrutinizing the marginal effects of the latent variables.
People’s mindset and attitudes exert a strong influence on how quickly a new technology is adopted, thus also affecting how well the benefits resulting from automated vehicles can be realised. In previous studies on people’s attitudes towards automated vehicles, the number of respondents surveyed has been small, or alternatively survey’s sample has not been representative. By describing the results of a large citizen survey (N = 2036), this study aims to fill this identified research gap and to reveal, whether people are ready for automated vehicles and what concerns people have that hinder the adoption of these vehicles. The study’s results indicate that people’s attitudes towards automated vehicles reflect the general adoption of technology well. We can assume that those who currently view automated vehicles positively are most likely to belong in the group of early adopters. We found that men, highly educated individuals, people living in densely populated area and those living in households without a car had a more positive attitude to automated vehicles than the other respondents did. The results indicate that traffic safety and ethical perspectives have a key role in the acceptance of automated vehicles. Developers of automated vehicles should also take into account the finding that currently most people consider that all automated vehicles must have the option of manual drive.
Fully automated self-driving cars, with expected benefits including improved road safety, are closer to becoming a reality. Thus, attention has turned to gauging public perceptions of these autonomous vehicles. To date, surveys have focused on the public as potential passengers of autonomous cars, overlooking other road users who would interact with them. Comparisons with perceptions of other existing vehicles are also lacking. This study surveyed almost 1000 participants on their perceptions, particularly with regards to safety and acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Overall, results revealed that autonomous cars were perceived as a “somewhat low risk“ form of transport and, while concerns existed, there was little opposition to the prospect of their use on public roads. However, compared to human-operated cars, autonomous cars were perceived differently depending on the road user perspective: more risky when a passenger yet less risky when a pedestrian. Autonomous cars were also perceived as more risky than existing autonomous trains. Gender, age and risk-taking had varied relationships with the perceived risk of different vehicle types and general attitudes towards autonomous cars. For instance, males and younger adults displayed greater acceptance. Whilst their adoption of this autonomous technology would seem societally beneficial – due to these groups’ greater propensity for taking road user risks, behaviours linked with poorer road safety – other results suggested it might be premature to draw conclusions on risk-taking and user acceptance. Future studies should therefore continue to investigate people’s perceptions from multiple perspectives, taking into account various road user viewpoints and individual characteristics.
Only humans can understand and comprehend the actual meaning that underlies natural written language, whereas machines can form semantic relationships only after humans have provided the parameters that are necessary to model the meaning. To enable computer models to access the underlying meaning in written language, accurate and sufficient document representation is crucial. Recently, word embedding approaches have drawn much attention in text mining research. One of the main benefits of such approaches is the use of global corpuses with the generation of pre-trained word vectors. Although very effective, these approaches have their disadvantages. Relying only on pre-trained word vectors may neglect the local context and increase word ambiguity. In this study, a new approach, Content Tree Word Embedding (CTWE), is introduced to mitigate the risk of word ambiguity and inject a local context into globally pre-trained word vectors. CTWE is basically a framework for document representation while using word embedding feature learning. The CTWE structure is locally learned from training data and ultimately represents the local context. While CTWE is constructed, each word vector is updated based on its location in the content tree. For the task of classification, the results show an improvement in F-score and accuracy measures when using two deep learning-based word embedding approaches, namely GloVe and Word2Vec.