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An evaluation of different structures to age freshwater fish from a northeastern US river


Abstract and Figures

Abstract Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède), smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, and yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), were collected from the Hudson River, New York, USA, to compare the precision of age estimates derived from scales and otoliths. Similar procedures were used to compare otolith and spine ages from brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur). Overall percent agreement between readers ranged from 91% to 98% for otoliths compared with 38% to 67% for scales and spines. Disagreement rates associated with scales and spines increased as fish grew older. Average percent error between readers was about an order of magnitude higher for scales and spines than for otoliths. Ages estimated from scales and spines progressively decreased as age increased based on otolith examination. The use of scales and spines to age largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch and brown bullheads from the northeastern US was less precise and will likely lead to underestimation of age of larger and older fish.
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An evaluation of different structures to age
freshwater fish from a northeastern US river
Department of Fisheries, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
Abstract Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepe
`de), smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu Lacepe
and yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), were collected from the Hudson River, New York, USA, to compare
the precision of age estimates derived from scales and otoliths. Similar procedures were used to compare otolith
and spine ages from brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur). Overall percent agreement between readers
ranged from 91% to 98% for otoliths compared with 38% to 67% for scales and spines. Disagreement rates
associated with scales and spines increased as fish grew older. Average percent error between readers was about an
order of magnitude higher for scales and spines than for otoliths. Ages estimated from scales and spines pro-
gressively decreased as age increased based on otolith examination. The use of scales and spines to age largemouth
bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch and brown bullheads from the northeastern US was less precise and will likely
lead to underestimation of age of larger and older fish.
KEYWORDS: ageing, northeastern US, otoliths, precision, scales, spines.
Estimates of fish ages provide important demographic
parameters to analyse and assess fish populations.
Historically, scales have been widely used to age
freshwater fish, although otoliths have been found to
be more accurate and precise structures to age fish
(DeVries & Frie 1996). Ictalurids are routinely aged
using pectoral spines, but recent research (Buckmeier,
Irwin, Betsill & Prentice 2002) has found that otoliths
provide more accurate and precise age estimates for
channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque).
Ageing fish with otoliths was more accurate, showed
greater precision and provided higher estimates of age
compared with scales for various species in a number
of waterbodies in the southern US (e.g. Boxrucker
1986; Welch, Van Den Avyle, Betsill & Driebe 1993;
Besler 2001). However, in more northern latitudes
(>40N) in North America and Europe, mixed results
were reported when age estimates and precision of
scale and otolith ages were compared (Skurdal,
Vollestad & Qvenild 1985; Barbour & Einarsson
1987; Mosegaard, Appelberg & Nangstroem-Klevbom
1989; Robillard & Marsden 1996; Isermann, Meer-
beek, Scholten & Willis 2003). A comparison of spine
and otolith ages for ictalurids has only been conducted
in southern US waterbodies (Nash & Irwin 1999;
Buckmeier et al. 2002). The objectives of this paper
were to compare age estimates and reader precision
between scales and otoliths of largemouth bass,
Micropterus salmoides (Lacepe
`de), smallmouth bass,
Micropterus dolomieu Lacepe
`de, and yellow perch,
Perca flavescens (Mitchill), and between otoliths and
spines for brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesu-
eur), collected from the upper Hudson River located in
northeastern USA.
Materials and methods
Fish were collected from the upper Hudson River
north of Albany, New York, USA (4245¢N),
19–80 km north of the confluence with the Mohawk
River using DC electric fishing in June 2002 and 2004.
For largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and yellow
perch, scales were removed from below the lateral line
and behind the pectoral fin (DeVries & Frie 1996).
Pectoral spines were removed from brown bullheads
(Buckmeier et al. 2002). After scale and spine removal,
sagittal otoliths were extracted from the same fish
(Buckmeier et al. 2002). Some additional fish were
Correspondence: Michael J. Maceina, Department of Fisheries, Auburn University, 203 Swingle Hall, Auburn, AL 36849, USA (e-mail:
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2006, 13, 237–242
2006 The Authors. Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 237
collected in 2004 and otoliths were obtained, but scale
and spine samples were not taken.
Scale and spine processing and age enumeration
were conducted by experienced readers at Ecologic,
Inc. (Syracuse, NY, USA). Scales were placed between
two microscope slides or impressions were made onto
acetate. Some larger scales were briefly soaked in a 5%
acetic acid solution to facilitate softening and clearing
of the scale. Pectoral spines were sectioned just above
the basal recess using either a Dremel cutting wheel or
jewellers saw and were generally less than 0.5-mm
thick. Spine sections were soaked in a 5% acetic acid
solution for at least 24 h and placed between two
microscope slides.
Scales were magnified and viewed with a microfiche
projector. Spine sections were observed under either a
compound or dissecting microscope. For scale sam-
ples, we assumed that annulus formation was either
complete or was forming in June based on observa-
tions made by Maraldo & MacCrimmon (1979) for
largemouth bass in Canada. Thus, the outer margin
was considered to be the final annulus. Scales and
spines were aged independently by two readers; if
agreement of age assignment did not occur, then these
two readers re-examined the structure together and
reached concurrence. If an age could not be agreed
upon, a third interpreter assisted in making the final
age interpretation.
Otoliths for largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and
yellow perch were processed and aged following the
procedures of Hoyer, Shireman & Maceina (1985),
Maceina & Betsill (1987) and Maceina (1988). For
black bass and yellow perch, whole otoliths were
soaked in a 1:1 solution of ethanol and glycerine for
about 4 weeks. Otoliths were examined independently
by two readers in whole view for fish displaying up to
six or seven annuli. In older fish, or where annuli were
not clearly visible, otoliths were sectioned (Maceina
1988) and annuli were counted by two readers.
Bullhead otoliths were sectioned, processed and viewed
independently by two readers following the procedures
of Buckmeier et al. (2002). Where disagreement in
enumeration of age occurred, an age was assigned after
concurrent viewing without the assistance of a third
reader. The outer edge was considered an annulus as
annulus formation was visible on some otoliths or
would be completed shortly if fish were not collected.
This assignment was consistent among scales, spines
and otoliths.
For scales, spines and otoliths, Pearson correlation
coefficients were computed between the age assign-
ments of the first and second readers. Percent
agreement among the range of ages examined and
total percent agreement were computed, and the
average percent error (APE) between readers was
derived using the formula presented by Beamish &
Fournier (1981):
APE ¼1
jxij xjj
where x
is the ith age determination of the jth fish, x
the average age calculated for the jth fish and Rthe
number of times each fish is aged.
The APE is not only sensitive to age disagreement,
but also to the magnitude in the difference in age
assignment between or among readers (Beamish &
Fournier 1981).
Percent agreement of ages between independent
readers was higher for otoliths than for scales and
spines (Table 1; Fig. 1). Percent agreement ranged
from 91% to 98% for otoliths compared with 40–
67% for scales and spines. For largemouth bass,
smallmouth bass and yellow perch, agreement
between scale age assignment was greater than 80%
for young fish (ages 1 to 3–4), but decreased to less
than 60% for fish older than age 7. Percent agreement
Table 1. Comparison of percent agreement rates, average percent error (APE), the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between reader age
assignment and agreement rates between scales/spines and otoliths from fish collected from the Hudson River
Percent agreement APE rbetween readers Percent agreement between
scale/spine and otolith
Scale/spine Otolith Scale/spine Otolith Scale/spine Otolith
Smallmouth bass 67 94 4.3 0.5 0.92 >0.99 43
Largemouth bass 57 91 7.3 0.5 0.80 >0.99 20
Yellow perch 65 98 5.4 0.2 0.91 >0.99 47
Brown bullhead 40 92 9.1 0.8 0.68 0.99 18
Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and yellow perched were aged using scales and otoliths and brown bullhead were aged with spines and
2006 The Authors. Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
between readers who examined brown bullhead spines
was generally low (<50%) for all ages except for age-
4 fish (Fig. 1). Percent agreement between readers for
otolith ages decreased with fish age, but overall
agreement over the range of ages were typically
greater than 90% (Fig. 1).
Average percent error in reader precision was about
an order of magnitude higher for scales and spines
than for otoliths (Table 1). Similarly, the correlation
coefficients between ages assigned by readers for scales
and spines were much lower than for otoliths
(Table 1).
Average agreed-upon age estimates for scales were
within 1 year of the agreed-upon otolith ages for
smallmouth bass and yellow perch estimated to be up
to 6–7 years old using otoliths (Fig. 2). For fish
estimated to be older than this from otoliths, scale
ages were less than otolith ages and these differences
progressively increased with older fish. For largemouth
bass, scale ages were greater than otolith ages for fish
43 >8876541–3
Percent agreement
Brown bullhead
Largemouth bass
Smallmouth bass
Yellow perch
Agreed-upon age (years)
Figure 1. Agreement rates between independent readers that assigned ages to scales and otoliths over a range of agreed-upon ages for four species of
fish collected from the Hudson River.
Difference in scale age (years)
(n = 83)s
Difference in scale age (years)
(n = 91)ssabhtuomllamS
(n = 183)hcrepwolleY
Difference in spine age (years)
(n = 65)daehllubnworB
Figure 2. Differences in mean age and the range in age differences determined from spines and scales compared with otoliths (spine or scale age
minus otolith age) for four species of sh collected from the Hudson River.
2006 The Authors. Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
that were estimated up to 9 years old with otoliths.
After age 11, average scale ages were lower than otolith
ages. For brown bullheads estimated to be older than
age 3 from otoliths, ages estimated from spines were
progressively less than otolith age as the fish grew
older. Agreement between scale or spine and otolith
ages was low and ranged from 18% to 47% among the
species examined (Table 1). Finally, for fish that were
less than 5 years old (with otoliths), agreement rates
between otolith and scale ages varied among species
and was 79% for smallmouth bass, but was only 52%
and 35% for yellow perch and largemouth bass
The maximum ages of fish aged with spines and
scales were 9, 10, 12 and 14 for brown bullhead,
smallmouth bass, yellow perch and largemouth bass
compared with maximum ages of 18, 14, 19 and
13 years old, respectively, estimated from otolith
examination of the same fish.
The opaque band formation on otoliths were not
validated as true annuli in fish from the Hudson River,
but otoliths have been verified as accurate ageing
structures for largemouth bass (Taubert & Tranquilli
1982; Hoyer et al. 1985; Buckmeier 2002) and small-
mouth bass (Heidinger & Clodfelter 1987) in locations
south of the Hudson River. Although otolith annulus
formation has not yet been validated for yellow perch
and brown bullhead, otoliths serve as accurate ageing
structures for other percids (Erickson 1983; Heidinger
& Clodfelter 1987) and ictalurids (Buckmeier et al.
2002). Maraldo & MacCrimmon (1979) validated scale
annuli up to 7 years old for largemouth bass in a
Canadian lake (4502¢N), which was near the
Hudson River, but sample size was small (n¼8).
Scales, spines and otoliths have not been validated as
accurate ageing structures for these four species in the
northeastern US. In the nearby Delaware River basin
(4030¢N), percent agreement for scale readings of
American shad Alosa sapidissima (Wilson) ranged
from 34% to 49% for known age 3 to 6-year-old fish
(McBride, Hendricks & Olney 2005). In addition,
accuracy using scales from these fish declined to less
than 13% for known age fish older than 6 years old
and scales over- and underestimated the true age of
young and older fish respectively (McBride et al.
Age assignment from spines and scales was less
precise than from otoliths for fish collected from the
upper Hudson River, and scale ages were progressively
lower than otolith ages for older fish. Imprecise and
inaccurate age enumeration from scales has been
attributed to reabsorption, deposition of false annuli
due to stress and food limitation, and annuli becoming
obscure because scale growth tends to cease as fish
grow older (Beamish & McFarlane 1987; DeVries &
Frie 1996). Underestimation and lack of precision to
age ictalurids using spines may occur due to expansion
of the central lumen, which may obliterate early
formed annuli, the appearance of multiple growth
rings and poor sectioning techniques (Buckmeier et al.
2002). However, basal recess spine sections examined
for brown bullheads from the Hudson River may have
provided lower age estimates when compared with
sections made from the articulating process of the
spine (Nash & Irwin 1999). Nevertheless, otoliths
continue to grow and form annuli even as body
growth slows and asymptotic length is reached, and
annuli reabsorption does not appear to occur during
periods of food limitation or stress (DeVries & Frie
Reader agreement for ages compared between scales
and otoliths was high (>80%) for black crappie,
Pomoxis nigromaculatus (Lesueur), and white bass,
Morone chrysops (Rafinesque), less than 6–7 years old
from South Dakota, USA (Kruse, Guy & Willis 1993;
Soupir, Blackwell & Brown 1997). However, Soupir
et al. (1997) found annuli on white bass scales were
difficult to interpret after age 6. For yellow perch in
Pennsylvania, USA, percent agreement between read-
ers was 96% and 83% for otoliths and scales, but scale
age agreement was 59% for fish that were 4 years old
(Niewinski & Ferreri 1999), similar to the results in this
study. Also similar to results of this study, yellow perch
from Lake Michigan, USA, had a greater number of
annuli on their otoliths than on scales when more than
seven annuli were visible on otoliths (Robillard &
Marsden 1996). In addition, APE values between
readers were only about 16-25% less for yellow perch
otoliths compared with scales; thus, Robillard &
Marsden (1996) recommended otoliths be used to age
these fish from Lake Michigan.
Age agreement between scale readers was low and
scale ages were less than otoliths in long-lived walleye
Sander vitreus (Mitchill) populations in Canada
(Erickson 1983), similar to the results for black bass
and yellow perch from the Hudson River. For walleye
(<age 10) collected from South Dakota, Isermann
et al. (2003) found 51% age agreement between scale
readers, which was slightly less than that found for the
three species aged from scales in the Hudson River
(57–67%). Age agreement among readers using scales
of various ages of American shad in Pennsylvania,
USA, ranged from 50% to 77% (McBride et al. 2005).
2006 The Authors. Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Whole and sectioned otolith age agreement was
87–88% for walleye (Isermann et al. 2003), which
was also slightly less than otolith age agreement rates
for Hudson River fishes.
Reader precision was high for both scales and
otoliths obtained from roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), in
Sweden, but ages discerned from scales were much
lower than those observed from fish that were >10–
11 years old estimated from otolith examination
(Mosegaard et al. 1989). For brown trout, Salmo
trutta L., arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) and white
fish Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), scale-age esti-
mates were less than otolith ages for fish estimated to
be greater than 3–5 years old from otoliths (Jonsson
1976; Skurdal et al. 1985; Barbour & Einarsson 1987).
From these comparative studies in northern latitudes
(>40N) and the results collected from the Hudson
River, underestimation of age using scales likely occurs
at mid- to later-life stages of fish.
Spine and otolith age comparisons for precision or
bias have not been made for ictalurids in northern
latitudes, but in Alabama, USA, agreement in age
assignment for basal recess sections of spines was much
lower than for otoliths for flathead catfish, Pylodictis
olivaris (Rafinesque) (Nash & Irwin 1999), and channel
catfish (Buckmeier et al. 2002), which was observed for
brown bullheads from the Hudson River. After age 4,
ages estimated from basal recess spine examination
progressively underestimated age compared with
otolith estimates for a long-lived flathead catfish
population (maximum age 28 years; Nash & Irwin
1999), analogous to long-lived brown bullheads from
the Hudson River.
In conclusion, age determination from scales and
spines of largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow
perch and brown bullheads from the northeastern US
were likely less accurate and will probably lead to
underestimation of age of larger and older fish. Thus,
estimates of growth will be higher for older fish and
survival using catch-curve regression will be lower if
scales and spines are used to age fish from this region.
In addition, age estimates from these structures will
likely be less precise than for otoliths. However,
validation of otoliths as accurate ageing structures
has not been conducted for these species in the
northeastern US and warrants investigation. These
results also suggested that scales, in some instances,
may provide reasonable estimates of age for younger
fish, but validation of this structure using marked or
known-age fish should be conducted. Beamish &
McFarlane (1987) warned that scale ages may be
unreliable structures for ageing fish and these results
confirmed this observation.
This project was funded by General Electric Company,
Albany, New York. T. Vandevalk, T. Brooking and
M. Arrigo with Ecologic, Inc. processed and examined
scales and spines.
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2006 The Authors. Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
... The success of the two Oreochromis species in establishing viable populations demonstrates their adaptive capacity and ability to colonize new aquatic ecosystems. The study of life-history traits, such as growth and reproduction patterns, provides important information for fish population structure analysis and assessments (Maceina and Sammons 2006), allowing better management of target species for fisheries. To understand how a fish species can adapt and colonise new environments, an understanding of the life-history traits that allow rapid adaptation and invasion is required (Russell et al. 2012), comparing these traits with any related populations living in natural environments (Agostinho et al. 2016). ...
... Modelling population dynamics requires age estimations of sampled fish, using different calcified structures such as scales and otoliths (Abouelfadel et al. 2020). Scales are easy to collect and treat with no lethal effects, and have been used in several studies to estimate age (Abouelfadel et al. 2020;Maceina and Sammons 2006;Jiménez Badillo 2014;Mehanna 2005; Al-Wan and Mohamed 2019). However, fish older than age 4 may have age inaccurately estimated (Abouelfadel et al. 2020). ...
Life-history traits (LHT) of Oreochromis niloticus in the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah reservoir (BA reservoir) and Oreochromis aureus in the Nador Channel were studied and compared with those of other populations in the world. Specimens were collected between June 2018 and June 2020. Females of both species were smaller at first sexual maturity than males (O. niloticus: 204 vs. 255 mm, O. aureus: 147 vs. 158 mm). The age of maturity for each species was estimated from seasonal otolith growth marks, based on the von Bertalanffy growth function. The asymptotic length was higher in O. niloticus (males 296 mm and females 339 mm) than in O. aureus (males 171 mm and females 169 mm). Based on a literature survey and the results of this study, the type of ecosystem (reservoir vs. river) influenced growth performance indices (φ and φ′) in both species, with reservoirs leading to a higher asymptotic length in both O. niloticus and O. aureus than rivers. Moroccan populations presented the lowest growth index in the populations assessed. These observations suggest that while both invasive species were able to colonise and adapt to their new environments, this was at the expense of limiting their growth and reducing their size at first sexual maturity.
... Sobre todo en ejemplares adultos, se produce una subestimación de la edad, aparentemente debido a la reabsorción de los sectores periféricos de las escamas. Este mismo fenómeno ha sido registrado para otras especies, como Hoplias malabaricus en la Cuenca del Plata (Lozano et al., 2013), y Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieu y M. punctulatus en otros continentes (Long y Fisher, 2001;Maceina y Sammons, 2006;Taylor y Weyl, 2012). Para los primeros dos o tres años de vida, sin embargo, el uso de las escamas, en general, permitiría establecer adecuadamente la edad de los individuos, como lo demostraron para el sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) De Santana y Minte-Vera (2017). ...
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El presente informe incluye los resultados de la estimación de edades en sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) capturados durante las campañas de evaluación pesquera N° 41 a 44 (año 2017) en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación biológica y pesquera de especies de interés deportivo y comercial en el río Paraná, Argentina” (EBIPES). Se realizaron maniobras de pesca experimental en la llanura de inundación del río Paraná, en las provincias de Entre Ríos (Victoria y Diamante) y Santa Fé (Cayastá, Helvecia y Reconquista). La estimación de edades se realizó a partir de las marcas de crecimiento presentes en los otolitos lapilli y, complementariamente, en escamas. Se efectuaron diversos análisis de precisión en la asignación de edades, para conocer la confiabilidad de los datos. Se procesaron 812 otolitos, obteniendo un porcentaje de coincidencia entre lectores del 94,3% y un coeficiente de variación de 1,2%. No se registró el ingreso a la población de nuevas cohortes (individuos de edad 0). La cohorte 2015-2016 fue dominante numéricamente (65,7%), observándose esta dominancia en todas las localidades muestreadas. Dicha cohorte presentó un amplio rango de tallas (15-34 cm LE), y moda en 24 cm LE, con casi la totalidad de sus individuos por debajo de la TPCP. En peso, su porcentaje fue del 36% del total. La cohorte 2009-2010 acumuló el 18,6% del total de los individuos, también presentó un amplio rango de tallas (31-45 cm LE), con moda en 37 cm LE, y alcanzó un 42% en peso. Cayastá y Helvecia (valle santafecino) mostraron mayor abundancia de esta cohorte que los otros sitios muestreados. El análisis de la CPUE en peso discriminado por redes mostró que la cohorte 2015-2016 fue capturada principalmente por las redes de 105 y 105 3T, utilizadas para la captura de tararira (Hoplias spp), y que podrían generar la captura incidental de cantidades significativas de ejemplares de sábalo con tallas por debajo de las permitidas. Para la cohorte 2009-2010 las mayores capturas se obtuvieron con el uso de las redes de 1403T y 1603T. De acuerdo al rango de tallas observado, está casi plenamente explotada, y no es esperable el ingreso significativo de nuevos individuos de esta cohorte a la pesquería. La misma, sigue sosteniendo las pesquerías comerciales de la región. La información obtenida es de suma importancia para el diagnóstico de las poblaciones de sábalo, principal recurso pesquero de la región, y para la toma de decisiones respecto de su explotación responsable y sustentable.
... Sobre todo en ejemplares adultos, se produce una subestimación de la edad, aparentemente debido a la reabsorción de los sectores periféricos de las escamas. Este mismo fenómeno ha sido registrado para otras especies, como Hoplias malabaricus en la Cuenca del Plata (Lozano et al., 2013), y Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieu y M. punctulatus en otros continentes (Long y Fisher, 2001;Maceina y Sammons, 2006;Taylor y Weyl, 2012). Para los primeros dos o tres años de vida, sin embargo, el uso de las escamas, en general, permitiría establecer adecuadamente la edad de los individuos, como lo demostraron para el sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) De Santana y Minte-Vera (2017). ...
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El presente informe incluye los resultados de la estimación de edades en sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) capturados durante las campañas de evaluación pesquera N° 44 a 50 (Dic. 2017-Sept. 2019) en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación biológica y pesquera de especies de interés deportivo y comercial en el río Paraná, Argentina” (EBIPES). Se realizaron maniobras de pesca experimental en la llanura de inundación del río Paraná, en las provincias de Entre Ríos (Victoria y Diamante) y Santa Fe (Cayastá, Helvecia y Reconquista). La estimación de edades se realizó a partir de las marcas de crecimiento presentes en los otolitos lapilli y, complementariamente, en escamas. Se efectuaron diversos análisis de precisión en la asignación de edades, para conocer la confiabilidad de los datos. Para los análisis se establecieron dos ciclos anuales en base a las fechas de las campañas efectuadas: Dic. 2017-Sept. 2018 y Dic. 2018-Sept. 2019. Se procesaron 1324 otolitos, obteniendo un porcentaje de coincidencia entre lectores del 93,5% y un coeficiente de variación de 2,46%. Se detectó el ingreso a la población de las cohortes 2017-2018 (primer ciclo anual) y 2018-2019 (segundo ciclo). Aunque la cohorte 2015-2016, ya consolidada en la población, tuvo una representación importante en las tallas superiores a la TPCP para la pesca comercial (34 cm LE) a partir de la campaña 49 (marzo 2019), recién alcanzó la moda en esta talla en la campaña 50 (junio 2019). Numéricamente, las cohortes 2017-2018 y 2015-2016 representaron el 94,9% en el primer ciclo anual, mientras que estas dos, más la incorporación de la cohorte 2018-2019 representaron el 91,6% en el segundo ciclo anual. En términos de peso, la cohorte 2015-2016 fue la más importante en la población, representando el 62,1% y 54,1% respectivamente para el primer y segundo ciclo anual. Las redes que obtuvieron mayores capturas en peso fueron las tres telas, pescando 1053T y 1203T principalmente sobre la cohorte 2015-2016, mientras que 1403T y 1603T sobre las cohortes 2009-2010 y 2014-2015. Se observó claramente, respecto de años anteriores en el valle de inundación, la menor abundancia relativa de la cohorte 2009-2010, blanco de la pesquería hasta el momento, ocupando este lugar actualmente la cohorte 2015-2016. La fuerza de las cohortes 2017-2018 y 2018-2019 deberá confirmarse en las siguientes campañas. La información obtenida es de suma importancia para el diagnóstico de las poblaciones de sábalo, principal recurso pesquero de la región, y para la toma de decisiones respecto de su explotación responsable y sustentable.
... Particularmente estas complicaciones se hacen más evidentes cuando se realizan lecturas en ejemplares de edades mayores, en los cuales generalmente se produce una subestimación de la edad, debido a fenómenos vinculados a la reabsorción de los sectores periféricos de las escamas o bien al solapamiento de marcas por disminución del crecimiento con la edad. Estos efectos han sido registrados en muchas especies, como Hoplias malabaricus en la Cuenca del Plata (Lozano et al., 2013), y Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieu y M. punctulatus (Long & Fisher, 2001;Maceina & Sammons, 2006;Taylor & Weyl, 2012). Sin embargo, el uso de las escamas permitiría establecer adecuadamente la edad de los individuos para los primeros dos o tres años de vida (De Santana & Minte-Vera, 2017). ...
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Se realizó la validación del otolito lapillus como estructura de aposición para determinar la edad del sábalo P. lineatus. Los otolitos se obtuvieron entre 2007 y 2018, estacionalmente en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación Biológica y Pesquera de Especies de Interés Deportivo y Comercial en el Río Paraná, Argentina” (EBIPES) y mensualmente en monitoreos de desembarques de la pesquería artesanal en Victoria (Entre Ríos). Se aplicaron dos métodos: análisis de incremento marginal, para determinar la época y frecuencia de marcación de los anillos de crecimiento y análisis de progresión de longitudes modales contrastadas con edades asignadas por lectura de otolitos. Se verificó que la formación de los anillos tiene una dinámica anual, al menos entre el primer y el quinto año de vida, y que se produce en los meses de primavera. El recuento de anillos fue realizado de forma independiente por dos lectores con un porcentaje de coincidencias del 92,7 %. No pudieron asignarse con certeza edades a partir de la descomposición de las longitudes modales más allá de los 5 años debido al solapamiento entre distintas cohortes y a cambios en su frecuencia relativa. El uso de otolitos permite continuar registrando la presencia y abundancia relativa de cohortes de edades tan avanzadas como 20 años o más, confirmando que se trata de una especie más longeva de lo determinado previamente. Esto es relevante en su estrategia de vida y llama a repensar la aplicación de modelos pesqueros e índices considerados hasta la fecha que solo utilizan longitudes como criterios para el manejo de esta especie. Validation of the lapillus otolith as an apposition structure for determining the age of sábalo P. lineatus was carried out. Otoliths were obtained between 2007 and 2018, seasonally in the framework of the project "Evaluación Biológica y Pesquera de Especies de Interés Deportivo y Comercial en el Río Paraná, Argentina" (EBIPES) and monthly in landings monitoring of the artisanal fishery in Victoria (Entre Ríos). Two methods were applied: marginal increment analysis, to determine the time and frequency of growth ring marking, and modal lengths progression analysis contrasted with ages assigned by otolith reading. It was verified that ring formation has an annual dynamic, at least between the first and fifth years of life, and that it occurs in spring. The ring count was performed independently by two readers with an agreement rate of 92.7 %. Ages could not be assigned with certainty from the decomposition of modal lengths beyond 5 years due to overlap between different cohorts. The use of otoliths allows us to continue recording the presence and relative abundance of cohorts as old as 20 years or more, confirming that this is a longer-lived species than previously determined. This is relevant to its life strategy and calls for rethinking the application of fishing models and indices considered to date that only use lengths as criteria for the management of this species.
... Lastly, we selected otolith ages to compare with the matching dorsal spines to assess the comparability of the two structures because sagittal otoliths often provide more accurate ageing data for Micropterus spp. (Maceina et al. 2007) than other hard parts of fish (i.e., scales and spines; Maceina and Sammons 2006;Klein et al. 2017). If a fish was assigned as hatchery origin, then the estimated age using the otolith was compared to the stocking date. ...
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Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, a popular warm water sport fish, is routinely stocked in reservoirs throughout the USA to augment wild populations. Evaluating if these supplementations are successful requires distinguishing hatchery-sourced fish from their wild counterparts. From 2011 to 2019, over 467 000 largemouth bass fingerlings were stocked from multiple hatchery sources into a large southwestern reservoir (Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico, USA) to supplement the sport fish population. To identify hatchery-sourced largemouth bass, we measured strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) and determined ages using otoliths and dorsal spines. Otolith analysis of 169 fish classified 92.9% (n = 159) to the reservoir with few fish of hatchery origin (2 from Arkansas, 1.2%, and 1 from Montana, 0.6%). While stocking over 467 000 fingerlings across 8 years appears to reflect negligible stocking success, it is likely that low and variable stocking densities (average 3.0, range 0.29–7.77 fish·ha−1) contributed to the low stocking success in Elephant Butte Reservoir. Dorsal fin spines did not yield accurate age reconstructions and their 87Sr/86Sr values were affected by matrix interferences preventing source assignments.
... Age estimation of fish is a necessary first step in age-based fish population assessment and successful resource management (Maceina & Sammons, 2006). The ability to obtain precise age estimates is critical for estimating dynamic rate functions like mortality and recruitment . ...
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Introduction: Rita rita is a freshwater catfish under threat of extinction, mainly from loss of breeding and nursing grounds. A reliable method for age and growth estimation is needed by fishery managers. Objective: To identify the best body structure for age and growth estimation. Methods: We assessed estimates precision based on Average Percent Error (APE), Coefficient Variation (CV), and Percent Agreement (PA) between readers separately analyzed each calcified structure. We used 390 fish samples from three rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Ramganga, from September 2018 to August 2019. Results: The three indicators favored the use of vertebrae for age estimation; the growth band seems to be annual and formed from May to September. The growth equations were Lt = 90.19(1-e-0.145(t+0.51)) for Ganga; Lt = 91.19 (1-e-0.14(t+0.59)) for Yamuna and Lt = 89.63 (1-e-0.15(t+0.68)) for Ramganga. Conclusion: This species reaches moderate growth in these rivers, where vertebrae are the recommended age estimation structure, followed, in case of need, by sectioned otoliths, whole otoliths and opercular bones. Pectoral spines should be avoided, especially in older fish.
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Thermal pollution creates substantial challenges that alter energy demand and produce reactive oxygen species that damage fish DNA, proteins, and lipids. Rhamdia voulezi is a species of fish native to the Iguaçu river, Paraná, Brazil, that does not have scientific records of minimum (CTmin) and maximum (CTmax) temperatures required for survival. As it is a top predator species in the food chain and lives at temperatures below 22 °C, the loss of the species can cause functional problems in controlling the ecosystem and energy flow. The study evaluated the tissue metabolism of the brain, heart, and muscle of R. voulezi (n = 72) subjected to acute thermal stress of 31 °C for 2, 6, 12, 24, and 96 h after acclimatization to 21 °C. The biochemical markers SOD, GPx, MDH, HK, and CK of the brain, PCO of the heart and CAT, glycogen, G6PDH, and ALT of muscle were significant. PCA, IBR, thermal sensitive, and condition factor suggested that R. voulezi has different physiological strategies for acclimatization to 31 °C to mobilize and sustain the metabolic needs of oxygenation and energy allocation/utilization for tissue ATP production. Graphical Abstract
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El presente informe incluye los resultados de la estimación de edades en sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) capturados durante las campañas de evaluación pesquera N° 51 y 52 (noviembre 2019 y marzo 2020, respectivamente; ciclo anual 2019-20) y 53 (abril 2021; ciclo anual 2020-21) en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación biológica y pesquera de especies de interés deportivo y comercial en el río Paraná, Argentina” (EBIPES). Se realizaron maniobras de pesca experimental en la llanura de inundación del río Paraná, en las provincias de Entre Ríos (Victoria y Diamante) y Santa Fe (Cayastá, Helvecia y Reconquista), en el contexto de la bajante extraordinaria iniciada a mediados de 2019 y que continúa hasta la actualidad. La estimación de edades se realizó a partir de las marcas de crecimiento presentes en los otolitos lapilli y, complementariamente, en escamas. Se efectuaron diversos análisis de precisión en la asignación de edades para conocer la confiabilidad de los datos. Se procesaron otolitos de 758 individuos, obteniendo un porcentaje de coincidencia entre lectores del 91,2% y un coeficiente de variación de 2,7 %. Numéricamente la cohorte 2018-19 tuvo mayor porcentaje en el primer ciclo anual (34,7 %), aunque no fue claramente dominante respecto de las cohortes 2015- 16 y 2017-18. En el segundo ciclo, el mayor porcentaje fue para la cohorte 2015-16 (36,1 %), claramente mayor a las cohortes 2017-18 y 2018-19 que en conjunto representaron el 23,5 %. Se detectó una disminución de la abundancia relativa de las cohortes 2017-18 y 2018-19 en el segundo ciclo respecto del primero (ya observado desde la campaña 51 a la 52). Además, se registraron en este segundo ciclo rangos de LE más acotados y un mayor solapamiento entre estas cohortes respecto del anterior, así como un vacío en el rango 14-23 cm, donde era esperable encontrar, principalmente, individuos de la cohorte 2018-19. Asimismo, se detectó el ingreso a la población de la cohorte 2020-21, aunque con menor porcentaje que la 2015-16, sugiriendo una baja potencia de reclutamiento. La cohorte 2015-16 dominó en peso en ambos ciclos anuales con porcentajes muy similares, en torno al 50,0 %. Las cohortes 2017-18 y 2018-19 en conjunto representaron en ambos ciclos menos del 30 % del peso total, disminuyendo el porcentaje de un ciclo al otro. Se observó una disminución del factor de condición entre el primer ciclo y el segundo para la mayoría de las cohortes, siendo quizás una evidencia del efecto negativo de la bajante sobre la población de sábalo. La disminución de las abundancias relativas y los rangos de tallas de las cohortes 2017-18 y 2018-19 sugiere que el impacto de la bajante sobre ellas fue de gran magnitud, lo que podrá seguir evaluándose en futuras campañas. La cohorte 2015-16 sigue sustentando las pesquerías de valle de sábalo. En este escenario, es necesario adoptar un criterio precautorio respecto de la explotación de la especie dado que estaría dependiendo principalmente de una sola cohorte. La información obtenida es de suma importancia para el diagnóstico de las poblaciones de sábalo, principal recurso pesquero de la región, y para la toma de decisiones respecto de su explotación responsable y sustentable.
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This study examined important population parameters for S. mystus in the Asejire reservoir, Nigeria, which included asymptotic length, growth coefficient, length at maturity, optimum length, growth performance, and mortality rate. This study was necessitated due to the decline in captured fisheries and the need to understand the population structure of the species. For eight months, 306 samples of Schilbe mystus were collected using gillnet from fishermen every two weeks (December–July 2019) and morphometric parameters were taken, after which the samples were preserved in the deep freezer for further analysis. The Von Bertalanffy growth function was used in estimating population parameters obtained from length-frequency data. The length at maturity (Lm) was 14.0 cm, the asymptotic length (L∞) was 23.2 cm, the growth coefficient (K) was 0.66/year, the reproductive load (Lm/L) was 0.6, and the optimal length (Lopt) was 14.1 cm. The total mortality (Z) was 2.22, the exploitation rate (E) was equal to 0.35, and the 1.44/year for natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality was 0.78/year. A slow rate of growth caused by unfavourable environmental conditions is indicated by the overall growth performance(Ø) of 2.6, which was in order to improve the conservation and sustainability of Schilbe mystus and was attributed to adverse environmental factors. The result shows the need to modify the mesh size used for fishing on the water body for optimum exploitation.
Age and growth data are frequently used to monitor and manage important North American sport fishes like Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides. Continental and regional growth standards have been developed for the species to assess fish growth over time and across space. However, Largemouth Bass age and growth data are infrequently collected in Arizona and the reliability of age estimates derived from typical structures (e.g., scales, otoliths) in the Southwest is uncertain. Our objectives were to 1) compare precision and bias of age estimates from scales with those from otoliths and 2) estimate Largemouth Bass growth in several southwestern warmwater reservoirs using otoliths. We collected Largemouth Bass from three Arizona reservoirs (Alamo, Peña Blanca, and Roosevelt) using boat electrofishing in spring 2021. Scales and sagittal otoliths were removed from fish, prepared, and independently aged three times. Differences in precision and bias between scales and otoliths were compared using reader agreement percentages, confidence ratings, average coefficient of variation, and age-bias plots. We used age estimates from Largemouth Bass otoliths to calculate mean lengths-at-age at capture and relative growth indices based on published growth standards in each reservoir. Largemouth Bass scale age estimates were less precise, overestimated ages of younger fish, and underestimated age of older fish compared to otoliths. Growth was lower in Peña Blanca Lake than in the other two reservoirs according to mean length-at-age estimates, and relative growth indices suggested that Largemouth Bass growth in all three reservoirs was above average at younger ages, but less so at older ages. The results from this study add to a growing body of literature supporting the use of otoliths for estimating age and growth of Largemouth Bass.
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The annual formation of otolith annuli was validated through age 5 for Florida largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides floridanus. Sectioned otoliths (sagittae) gave more reliable ages than whole otoliths. Beginning at age 2, at least one annulus was obscure in some whole- otolith mounts, a problem that worsened with fish age. By age 5, over 20% of the whole otoliths gave underestimates of true age; otoliths producing these errors came from fish with slower than average growth rates. Sectioned otoliths gave poorer regressions (lower coefficients of determination) of otolith radius on body length than intact structures because the sectioning plane varied slightly among otoliths. Nevertheless, back calculations of fish size and growth from sectioned and correctly aged whole otoliths were equally accurate. Otolith sectioning is the procedure of choice for age- and-growth analysis of Florida largemouth bass. Whole otoliths, however, require much less time for analysis than sectioned ones and may be used for rapidly growing fish and fish known to be age 3 or younger.
We compared the removal and processing times required when scales, sagittal otoliths, and dorsal spines were used as age estimation structures for 160 walleyes Stizostedion vitreum collected from six water bodies in South Dakota. Removal and processing times were calculated by 10 fish groups. Dorsal spines required the least amount of time for removal, followed by scales and otoliths. Whole-view otoliths required no further manipulation prior to estimating age, while the sectioning of dorsal spines and scale pressing required 12.5 and 16.6 min of additional processing time, respectively. Dorsal spines and scales also required significantly more time to read than otoliths. In terms of total processing time, whole-view otoliths proved the most time-efficient approach for estimating the age of walleyes. Scales were slightly more time-efficient than dorsal-spine sections, and sectioning otoliths would add additional processing time. Sectioning may not have been necessary in this evaluation because ages estimated by an experienced viewer from the sectioned otoliths agreed with ages estimated from whole-view otoliths 98% of the time (although reader inexperience could result in lower rates of agreement). The relative precision between readers was approximately five times greater with whole-view otoliths than with scales or spines. Reader agreement rates associated with whole-view otoliths were also significantly higher than rates for scales or spines. Based on our findings, otoliths provide the most time-efficient and precise approach for estimating the age of walleyes.
We examined changes in populations of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and bluegill Lepomis macrochirus associated with mechanical plant harvesting in a lake heavily infested with Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum. In Aug 1994, 18% of the total plant biomass in Fish Lake, Dane County, Wisconsin, was removed in a radial pattern of 2-m-wide channels. Largemouth bass and bluegill abundance, survival, growth, and length frequency were compared between pretreatment (1992–1993) and posttreatment (1995–1996) years. Following vegetation removal, mean abundance of largemouth bass and bluegill did not change significantly, but growth increased for age-2–4 largemouth bass and declined for age-5 largemouth bass and age-4–5 bluegills. Survival increased for age-2, −3, and −5 largemouth bass and age-4–6 bluegills. Population size structure increased for both species. We conclude that removal of Eurasian watermilfoil may increase growth and survival of some age-groups of centrarchid populations without altering the abundance of either species. However, this study lacked replication and control that is needed to separate effects of plant harvesting from effects of other biotic and abiotic factors.
The effects of different densities of vegetation on the foraging behavior of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, were examined in the laboratory. Prey encounter rates and handling times and the swimming velocities of the bass while searching for and handling prey were significantly influenced by changes in the amount of vegetation. An optimal-foraging model was then used to predict prey selection by the bass in two environment with identical prey communities but different densities of macrophytes. Consumption of prey by the bass corresponded closely with the predictions of the model. Diet breadths differed between environments, with bass in the sparse-vegetation habitat being more specialized. There was less variance in the foraging behavior of bass in sparse vegetation, and such fish adopted a particular diet more quickly than did their counterparts in dense vegetation.
We evaluated a bioenergetics model for largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, using independent field data on temperature, feeding, and growth of bass in Lake Rebecca, Minnesota. Model predictions of body mass based on observed temperatures and daily ration estimates fell within 2 SE of observed mean body masses on seven of nine sampling dates over a 4-mo period. We employed three statistical methods to evaluate the fit between predicted and observed growth. A lack-of-fit test detected no significant lack of fit between simulated and observed body masses; partitioning mean squared error showed that 76% of the variance was due to random variation rather than to systematic errors, and a reliability index indicated agreement between predicted and observed masses within a factor of 1.12. Growth simulations were relatively robust with respect to simulated errors in the input variables temperatures and swimming speed, but were sensitive to errors in initial body mass. The model used to observed growth to predict cumulative food consumption over the sampling season; the prediction was within 8.5% of an extrapolation from field data. Estimation of consumption rate as a constant proportion of maximum ration for the whole season was shown to be inappropriate; however, three intervals that used different constant proportions of maximum ration fit the data and corresponded to observed changes in bass diet.