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The Option of Chronotherapy of Hypertension


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the present paper is to explore the option of chronotherapy of hypertension and its effectiveness in blood pressure (BP) lowering compared with its standard daily treatment. The treatment of BP has gone through many different schemes over the years. From no treatment in the early 1930s, to step care, to multiple drug combinations, or to single daily drug combinations with 2–3 drugs, still BP is not well controlled in a significant number of patients. Recently, the role of the circadian rhythm in the treatment of hypertension has been tested by several studies comparing the evening versus the morning drug administration with no clear evidence of superiority of either mode of drug administration. However, in cases of morning surge of BP, nocturnal hypertension, and renal disease, the evening drug administration has been more effective than the morning drug administration, and thus, more preferable. In order to get a better perspective on this approach of hypertension treatment, a Medline search of the English literature was contacted between 2010 and 2023 using the terms BP control, circadian rhythm, morning drug administration, evening drug administration, and 38 pertinent papers were selected for analysis. Careful review of the selected papers showed that chronotherapy of hypertension is effective. However, the overall effectiveness of evening drug administration compared with the morning administration is not significantly more effective compared to the morning administration and more work is needed in this field.
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Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cardiology in Review Volume XXX, Number 00, xxx 2024 | 1
ISSN: 1061-5377/24/XXX00-0000
DOI: 10.1097/CRD.0000000000000644
R A
*From the Department of Cardiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center, Oklahoma City, OK.
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
Correspondence: Steven G. Chrysant, MD, PhD, Department of Cardiology, Uni-
versity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 5700 Mistletoe Court, Oklahoma
City, OK 73142. E-mail:
Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Option of Chronotherapy of Hypertension
Steven G. Chrysant, MD, PHD*
Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to explore the option of chrono-
therapy of hypertension and its eectiveness in blood pressure (BP) lowering
compared with its standard daily treatment. The treatment of BP has gone
through many dierent schemes over the years. From no treatment in the early
1930s, to step care, to multiple drug combinations, or to single daily drug
combinations with 2–3 drugs, still BP is not well controlled in a significant
number of patients. Recently, the role of the circadian rhythm in the treatment
of hypertension has been tested by several studies comparing the evening ver-
sus the morning drug administration with no clear evidence of superiority of
either mode of drug administration. However, in cases of morning surge of
BP, nocturnal hypertension, and renal disease, the evening drug administra-
tion has been more eective than the morning drug administration, and thus,
more preferable. In order to get a better perspective on this approach of hyper-
tension treatment, a Medline search of the English literature was contacted
between 2010 and 2023 using the terms BP control, circadian rhythm, morn-
ing drug administration, evening drug administration, and 38 pertinent papers
were selected for analysis. Careful review of the selected papers showed that
chronotherapy of hypertension is eective. However, the overall eectiveness
of evening drug administration compared with the morning administration is
not significantly more eective compared to the morning administration and
more work is needed in this field.
Key Words: hypertension, chronotherapy, morning dose, evening dose,
(Cardiology in Review 2024;XXX: 00–00)
The treatment of hypertension has gone through several evolu-
tionary stages over the years. In the 1930s high blood pressure
(BP) was considered a benign and evolutionary condition and it was
“essential” for the maintenance of life, and prominent physicians of
the day did not recommend its treatment.1,2 However, later clinical
research studies of US veterans, demonstrated that hypertension was
not a benign condition and was associated with increased incidence
of cardiovascular (CV) and renal complications if left untreated.3,4
The results of the Veterans Administration studies resulted in the ini-
tiation of the Joint National Commission (JNC) guidelines for the
treatment of hypertension. The JNCs 1–3 focused on the treatment
of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) to <90 mm Hg recommending
the step-care approach starting with a diuretic and progressively
adding other drugs as necessary, stating that the benefits of treat-
ing the systolic BP (SBP) were not clear at the time.5–8 The subse-
quent JNC reports (JNC 4–7) recommended the treatment of SBP
as well as the DBP to <140/80 mm Hg since clinical evidence had
shown the benefits of lowering the SBP and recommended combina-
tion drug treatments.9–11 The JNC 7 report recommended even lower
BP < 130/80 mm Hg if tolerated.11 Later, the emphasis was focused
on treating the SBP, stating that SBP is all that matters especially in
older patients.12 Subsequent studies showed that more aggressive BP
control to <120/80 mm Hg was associated with a decrease in CVD,
stroke, and renal complications of hypertension.13,14 Based on the
results of these studies, new BP treatment guidelines were issued
by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-
tion (ACC/AHA) recommending BP reduction to <130/80 mm Hg15
and by the European Society of Cardiology/European Society of
Hypertension recommending BP reduction to <140/90 mm Hg for
adults ≥65 years of age and <130/80 mm Hg for patients <65 years
of age and in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary artery
disease, or chronic kidney disease (CKD).16 However, despite the
multidrug treatment of hypertension a significant number of patients
continue to have uncontrolled or resistant to treatment hypertension
in the United States and other countries.17–19 For better BP control,
a new approach to treatment of hypertension should be tried. Such
an approach could be the use of chronotherapy of hypertension. In
order to get a better perspective on this approach, a Medline search
of the English literature was contacted between 2010 and 2023 using
the terms BP control, circadian rhythms, chronotherapy, evening
drug administration, morning drug administration, and 38 pertinent
papers were selected. The findings from these papers in combination
with collateral literature will be discussed in this concise review.
In 2023 the National Institutes of Health convened a workshop
on precision medicine involving circadian rhythm and chronother-
apy of hypertension.20 The workshop demonstrated that a promising
emerging area of BP treatment is the translation of circadian biol-
ogy into the treatment of hypertension. The goal of this of circadian
medicine is to leverage the power of circadian biology for the better
control of BP and for the improvement of human health.21–23 The
circadian rhythm is the biological process that occurs on a 24-hour
basis, is coordinated by the light-dark cycle, is present in all ani-
mal species, and controlled by the circadian clock located in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus.24 The circa-
dian rhythm has a very important function, since it controls almost
all the mammalian physiological functions in all animal species,24
and has helped in the design of chronopharmacology, and the time-
depending drug dosing.21–23 It also aects the drug pharmacokinet-
ics regarding absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion,
which bear on the duration and level of activity of certain drugs.
Several studies have shown the importance of circadian rhythm and
the evening drug administration being more ecacious in normal-
izing the BP and in reducing the early morning surge of BP and
CV events.25–27 These beneficial antihypertensive and CV eects
of chronotherapy have been demonstrated with several antihyper-
tensive drugs that include calcium channel blockers, angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and
diuretics as well as other classes of drugs and depend on the chro-
notherapeutic drug delivery systems.28–32 Other studies have shown
that chronotherapy improves resistant hypertension by reversing the
nondipper status to dipper.27 The BP regulation follows a circadian
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Cardiology in Review Volume XXX, Number 00, xxx 2024
rhythm increasing during the active hours of the day, decreasing
postprandially and during sleep at night and increasing in the morn-
ing upon awakening.33 The subjects that show a 10–20% decrease
in the evening BP relative to daytime are considered dippers and
those that show less than 10% decrease in evening BP are called
nondippers. The best way to measure the circadian variations of BP
is through telemetry in experimental animals by placing catheters
in the common carotid arteries and monitoring the BP continuously
in real time and assessing the eects of antihypertensive drugs.20
In man, this can be done only through ambulatory blood pressure
monitoring (ABPM), but this method is not very useful because
it is cumbersome and does not allow continuous BP monitoring.
These diculties will eventually be overcome by the development
of accurate wearable cuess BP monitoring devices, which at pres-
ent are not accurate and not recommended for clinical use.34
Chronotherapy of hypertension is scarcely used today and
the reason for this is that most clinical trials for the treatment of
hypertension were conducted with the daily administration of anti-
hypertensive drugs. However, there are several trials with the night
administration of antihypertensive drugs based on the circadian
variation of BP with very good antihypertensive and CV protec-
tive eects.35–44 These studies are listed in Table 1 and they will be,
briefly, discussed here. The prospective study by Kasiakoglas et al,35
included 41 patients with hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea
mean age of 52 ± 9 years. The patients were treated with a single
dose of valsartan or a combination of valsartan with amlodipine in
the morning for 8 weeks and then given the same drug regimen in
the evening for 8 weeks. Compared with the morning administration
of the drugs, the 24-hour SBP and DBP were greater decreased by
the evening administration of the drugs by 4.4 ± 8.6 mm Hg in SBP
and by 2.9 ± 5.6 mm Hg in DBP, P = 0.007 and P = 0.006, respec-
tively. Jiang et al36 examined the eect of evening versus morning
administration of antihypertensive drugs on BP control in a review
and meta-analysis of 9 studies involving 10,157 patients. The results
demonstrated that bedtime administration of antihypertensive drugs
resulted in SBP reduction by 1.37 mm Hg [95% confidence interval
(CI), −2.49–0.14, P = 0.08] comparing with the morning admin-
istration Similarly, the review and meta-analysis by Sun et al,37
included 1566 hypertensive patients on the eects of evening admin-
istration of drugs on 24-hour ABPM, ages 54–60 years followed
from 8 weeks to 4.4 years. Bedtime administration of drugs resulted
in reduction of 24-hour SBP/DBP by 2.7/0.36 mm Hg and in the
evening SBP/DBP reduction by 6.32/3.17 mm Hg, P = 0.03/0.007,
compared with the morning drug administration. There was no sig-
nificant dierence in the diurnal mean SBP/DBP control from the
baseline with the evening and morning drug administration, but a
significant decrease in nocturnal SBP/DBP by 4.72/3.57 mm Hg,
(P = 0.01/0.05) with the bedtime drug administration. There was no
evidence of publication bias by a funnel plot. The study by Hjork-
jaer et al38 is a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study of
24 patients with T1DM and CV autonomic neuropathy with non-
dipping BP mean age 60 ± 7 years, on the eects of evening drug
administration on BP dipping. These patients were randomized to
20 mg enalapril in the morning and placebo in the evening and fol-
lowed for 12 weeks. Then the treatment was reversed for another
12 weeks. Treatment of BP with evening administration of enalapril
resulted in increase of SBP dipping by 2.4% compared to morning
administration of enalapril. There were no changes in left ventricu-
lar function. The reduction in dipping of SBP could result in long-
term CV beneficial eects. The eect of evening administration of
antihypertensive drugs on BP and renal function was examined by
Wang et al,39 in 3752 patients with hypertension and CKD. They
found that evening administration of antihypertensive drugs was
associated with a significant reduction of nondipper hypertension
in 40% of patients, risk ratio (RR) (95% CI, 0.43–0.84) compared
to morning administration. It also resulted in a significant reduction
in nocturnal SBP, MD −3.17 mm Hg (95% CI, −5.41 to −0.94) and
nocturnal DBP, MD −1.37 mm Hg (95% CI, −2.05 to −0.69), and
a significant decrease in awake SBP, MD −1.15 mm Hg (95% CI,
0.10−2.19). In addition, evening drug administration improved renal
function by significantly increasing the eGFR (P = 0.042). However,
there was no significant dierence in all-cause and CV mortality
between the evening and morning drug administration. The study
by Luo et al,40 is a review and meta-analysis of 19 RCTs involving
1215 hypertensive patients on the eects of time administration of
amlodipine on BP. Amlodipine given in the evening compared to
the morning administration, significantly decreased the night BP,
RR 2.04 (95% CI, 1.27–2.81, P < 0.00001), and also, decreased
the nondipping BP, RR 0.51 (95% CI, 0.41–0.63, P < 0.00001).
Hermida et al41 investigated the eects of evening drug adminis-
tration compared to morning administration in 2156 hypertensive
subjects mean age 56 ± 14 years, in the Monitarizacion Ambulato-
ria para Prediction de Eventos Cardiovasculares (MAPEC) study.
These patients were taken most of their medications in the morning
TABLE 1. Beneficial Antihypertensive Effects of Evening Drug Administration
Study Patients Age F-U Results
Author (Type) (No) (Years) (Weeks) Δ SBP mm Hg E/M
Kasiakoglas et al35 Prosp 41 52 16 −4.4 P < 0.007
Jiang et al36 Rev-Meta 10,157 NA NA −1.17 P = 0.08
Sun et al37 Rev-Meta 1566 54–60 8–238 −6.32 P = 0.03
Hjorkjaer et al38 Prosp 24 60 24 +2.4% dipping P = 0.03
Wang et al39 Prosp 3732 NA NA −3.17 nocturnal P = NA
Luo et al40 Rev-Meta 1215 NA NA −SBP RR 2.04 P < 0.001
Hermida et al41 Prosp 2156 56 5.6 years −SBP 62% vs 34% am
Hermida et al42 Prosp 19,084 61 6.3 years −SBP/CVE P < 0.001
MacKenzie et al43 Prosp 21,104 65 5.2 years −1.8 P < 0.0001
Zhao et al44 Rev-Meta 5433 39–67 NA −3.39, Nocturnal–6.70
CVE indicates cardiovascular events; E/M, evening vs morning; F-U, follow-up; NA, not available; Prosp, prospective; Rev-Meta, review and meta-analysis.
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Cardiology in Review Volume XXX, Number 00, xxx 2024 Chronotherapy of Hypertension
© 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. | 3
and ≥1 of them in the evening. Their BP was monitored by ABPM
and their activity by actigraphy. After 5.6 years of follow-up, eve-
ning administration of medications resulted in a decrease of ABP
by 62% compared to 53% with the morning drug administration
and decreased the nondipping status by 62% compared to 34% for
the morning drug administration. In addition, evening drug admin-
istration decreased significantly the CVD events, HR 0.39 (95% CI,
0.20–0.51, P < 0.001) compared to morning drug administration.
In another prospective endpoint multicenter study Hermida et al,42
investigated the eects of chronotherapy on CVD risk reduction in
19,084 hypertensive patients mean age of 61 ± 14 years. The patients
were instructed to take ≥1 medication at bedtime, or all of their
medications in the morning. The BP was measured by ABPM for
48 hours at every visit. After 6.3 years of follow-up, the SBP and
the primary CVD outcomes were significantly decreased, HR 0.55
(95% CI, 0.50–0.61, P < 0.001). Also, all the single components of
the primary outcomes (CVD death, MI, coronary revascularization,
HF, or stroke) were significantly decreased (P < 0.001) compared
to the morning drug administration. There were no significant dif-
ferences in the incidence of adverse eects between the treatments.
Also, in a prospective, randomized, open-label, blind-endpoint trial,
MacKenzie et al43 investigated the timing of drug administration and
their eects on BP and CV events in 21,104 hypertensive patients
mean age 65 years. The primary composite endpoint was besides
BP, the incidence of vascular death, hospitalization from nonfatal
MI, or nonfatal stroke. After a median follow-up of 5.2 years, the
primary endpoint occurred in 362 of 10,503 (3.4%) patients receiv-
ing their medications in the evening, 0.69 events (95% CI, 0.62–
0.76) per 100 person-years and in 390 (3.7%), 0.72 events (95%
CI, 0.65–0.79) per 100 person-years in those receiving their medi-
cations in the morning. The mean morning SBP assessed by home
BP measurement was lower by 1.8 mm Hg (P < 0.0001) and the
mean DBP was lower by 0.4 mm Hg (P = 0.23) with the evening vs
the morning drug administration. Also, there were no statistically
significant dierences for the individual outcomes between the eve-
ning and morning doses. Drug-induced side eects such as dizziness
or lightheadedness were more common with the morning dose of
drugs. The study by Zhao et al,44 is a review and meta-analysis of
36 randomizes clinical trials involving 5433 hypertensive patients
ages 39–67 years. This study showed that evening administration of
antihypertensive drugs resulted in a reduction of 24-hour mean SBP
by 3.39 mm Hg (95% CI, −4.57 to −2.32 and mean DBP by 1.12 mm
Hg (95% CI, −1.70 to −0.53). It also reduced the nocturnal mean
SBP by 6.70 mm Hg (95% CI, −8.35 to −5.05) and the nocturnal
mean DBP by 3.54 mm Hg (95% CI, −4.46 to −2.63). In addition, it
reduced the CV events, RR 0.39 (95% CI, 0.25–0.60).
Besides the beneficial antihypertensive and CV eects of eve-
ning administration of antihypertensive drugs, there are several stud-
ies that show no dierence in these eects between the evening and
daytime administration of antihypertensive drugs.45–50 These studies
are summarized in Table 2 and they will be, briefly, discussed here.
The study by Lafeber et al,45 was a randomized 3-period crossover
trial of 78 patients with established CVD mean age 67 ± 8 years, on
the CV and BP eects in patients treated randomly with a polypill
containing aspirin 75 mg, simvastatin 40 mg, lisinopril 10 mg, and
HCTZ 12.5 mg given in the morning or evening. The polypill given
in the evening decreased the LDL-C by 0.2 mmol (7.7 mg) compared
with the morning administration. However, it resulted in no signifi-
cant dierence in the 24-hour BP reduction of 0.7 mm Hg (95% CI,
−2.1–3.4) by the polypill or the individual agents. Also, the adher-
ence to taking the polypill was similar between the morning and eve-
ning administration. The study by Zappe et al,46 was a multicenter,
randomized, double-blind study of 1093 hypertensive patients mean
age 62 years on the BP eects of valsartan and lisinopril. The patients
were randomized to valsartan 320 mg given in the morning or eve-
ning and lisinopril 40 mg given in the morning and HCTZ 12.5 mg
given as needed. After 26 weeks of treatment, the 24-hour ASBP
was decreased by 10.6 and 13.3 mm Hg at weeks 12 and 26 weeks,
respectively with the morning administration of valsartan and by 9.8
and 12.3 mm Hg, respectively with the evening administration of val-
sartan, which was not significant. Also, the 24-hour ASBP decrease
with lisinopril given in the morning was 10.7 and 13.7 mm Hg at
weeks 12 and 26, respectively, and was not dierent from valsartan.
In another randomized. double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Seri-
nel et al,47 investigated the morning and evening administration of
perindopril in 79 hypertensive patients with obstructive sleep apnea
mean age 52 ± 9 tears, on BP reduction. After 6 weeks of treatment,
the sleep SBP was reduced by 6.9 and 8.0 mm Hg, respectively with
the evening and morning administration of the drug, a dierence of
1.1 mm Hg (95% CI, −0.3–2.5). In contrast, morning drug admin-
istration resulted in a greater reduction of awake SBP by 9.8 ver-
sus 8.0 mm Hg with the evening drug administration, a dierence of
1.8 mm Hg (95% CI, 1.1–2.5). The prospective study by Fujiwara et
al,48 investigated the eects of morning and evening administration
TABLE 2. Higher Diastolic Blood Pressures Associated With the J-Curve Effect
Study Patients Age F-U DBP CAD J-C Event
Author (Type) (No) (Years) (Years) (mm Hg) (Existing) (Kind)
Klerman et al22 PC 902 55 6.1 80–90 Ye s MI
Cederroth et a23 PC 169 44 6.3 100–109 No MI
Douma and Gumz24 PC 2574 59 7.4 84 No MI
Kario25 PC 2145 51 4.0 86–91 Yes MI
Hermida et al26 PC 1765 51 4.2 84–88 Ye s MI
Bowls et al27 PC 686 52 12.0 81 Ye s MI
Schillaci et al28 PC 912 30–79 3-21 84 Ye s MI
White29 DB 4695 70 1-8 60–65 Ye s CVM
Sajan et al30 PC 10,355 52 30 <80 NO PCO
ACM, all-cause mortality; CAD, cardiovascular disease; CVM, cardiovascular mortality; DB, double-blind study; F-U, follow-up; J-C Event, J-curve event; MI, myocardial infarction;
PC, prospective cohort study; PCO, primary composite outcome (MI, CV death, stroke, hospitalization).
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4 | © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cardiology in Review Volume XXX, Number 00, xxx 2024
of combination of valsartan/amlodipine 80/5 mg on the brachial and
central BP in 23 patients aged 68 years. After 16 weeks of treatment,
the dierence in the 24-hour brachial ASBP between the morning
and evening administration of drugs was −3.2 mm Hg (95% CI,
−6.8–0.4). Also, the dierence in the nocturnal central SBP was
−4.0 mm Hg (95% CI, −7.6 to −0.4). The upper limit of the 95%
CI was below the margin of 3.0 mm Hg for both the nocturnal bra-
chial and central SBP confirming the noninferiority of morning
and evening drug administration. The study by Poulter et al,49 was
a prospective crossover trial of 95 hypertensive patients mean age
of 62 years. The patients were randomized to take their customary
medications either in the morning or evening for 12 weeks and then
were crossed over to the opposite drug administration for another
12 weeks. The BP was monitored by 24-hour ABPM at baseline and
at weeks 12 and 24. Drug administration either in the morning or
evening resulted in similar reductions of 24-hour ASBP 129.65 mm
Hg and 129.75 mm Hg for morning or evening drug administration,
adjusted mean dierence 0.11 mm Hg (95% CI, −3.20–3.42) and
ADBP 7.7.24 mm Hg for morning and 7.7.99 mm Hg for evening
drug administration, adjusted mean dierence 0.77 (95% CI, −1.38–
2.91) regardless of age ≤65 or ≥65 years. Similarly, there were no
dierences in the daytime and nighttime BP between the morning
and evening drug administration. In another prospective study, Kuate
et al,50 investigated the morning and evening administration of 10 mg
of perindopril on BP and mean albumin/creatinine ratio in 20 type 2
diabetes mellitus subjects mean age of 57.5 years. The patients were
randomized to morning administration of perindopril for 28 days and
then were crossover to the evening administration of the drug for
another 28 days. The BP was monitored by 24-hour ABPM at base-
line and at days 28 and 56. In this study, there was no dierence in the
24-hour ABP lowering (P = 0.61), but the albumin/creatinine ratio
was reduced by both the morning and evening drug administration,
−41.7 (95% CI, −92.6–9.2) mg/g.
Circadian rhythms control all the functions of our body
including BP, HR, and CV variability through the circadian clock
located in the SCN in the hypothalamus.24,51,52 The circadian variation
of BP is associated with a lower BP in the evening (BP dipping)
and higher BP in the morning with occasional BP surges that are
responsible for the increased CV complications with the morning
surge after arising from sleep.53–56 Also, no-dipping of BP or reverse
nighttime dipping of BP is associated with increased incidence of CV
complications, stroke, and death.57–61 Therefore, chronotherapy of
hypertension with evening administration of antihypertensive drugs
to avoid these complications makes perfect physiologic sense. Also,
the best time to administer a drug is at a time when the activity of the
target of the event is at its highest, such as is the case with enzyme
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaril coenzyme A reductase (HMG co A) with
the production of cholesterol at night. Therefore, the administra-
tion of statins at night produces the best results, especially for the
short-acting statins.61–63 In contrast, the long-acting statins produce
similar cholesterol-lowering eects regardless of the time of admin-
istration. Similarly, aspirin administered at night, prevents the CV
complications that occur early in the morning when the aggregability
of platelets is the highest.64,65 Thus, the translation of circadian biol-
ogy in the treatment of hypertension and the prevention of CVDs
is gaining increasing interest and the development of a new field of
medicine, the “circadian medicine” with the leverage of the power
of circadian biology to improve human health.66–68 However, despite
the potential benefits of chronotherapy of hypertension, the current
United States15 and European16 BP treatment guidelines recommend
morning administration of antihypertensive drugs. The main reason
for this recommendation is based on the current available data from
the treatment of hypertension with the morning administration of
antihypertensive drugs. Data from the evening administration of anti-
hypertensive drugs are limited and based on small studies with short
duration of treatment. There are only 2 large long-term prospective
studies on the eects of chronotherapy on the reduction of BP and
cardiovascular diseases.41,42 However, these studies have been criti-
cized for several problems, regarding design and data reporting.69–72
These authors also, argue that the antihypertensive and CV benefits
of bedtime drug administration were very small and nonsignificant
compared to daytime administration. On a con side of this argument,
Hermida et al,73 state that many studies have shown better antihyper-
tensive and CV benefits with the bedtime administration of drugs.
However, our analysis of studies showed no significant dierence in
the reduction of BP between the bedtime and daytime administra-
tion of medications (Tables 1 and 2). The reason for this dierence
could be the availability of long-acting antihypertensive drugs, which
makes the time of drug administration not very important. Based
on these findings, the ACC/AHA guideline, the International Soci-
ety of Hypertension, and the European Society of Hypertension do
not emphasize the bedtime administration of antihypertensive drugs
and leave this decision up to the treating physician to decide when
is the appropriate time to administer the antihypertensive medica-
tions.74 However, conditions such as a nondipping pattern of noc-
turnal BP, increased CV risk, CKD, morning surge of BP, and sleep
disorders have shown better results with the bedtime administration
of antihypertensive drugs.75,76 Although bedtime drug administration
of antihypertensive drugs makes a physiologic sense, there are no
long-term randomized, controlled trials so far, to demonstrate the
superior benefits of bedtime drug administration. There are only 2
long-term studies available, the MAPEC and the HYGIA, but both
studies suer from several shortcomings and have been criticized
by some investigators.69–72 Also, the Hellenic-Anglo Research into
Morning or Night Antihypertensive Drug Delivery trial did not show
any dierence in the decrease of 24-hour nighttime or daytime ABP
in hypertensive patients using long-acting medications.49 Similarly,
the recently published Morning versus Evening (TIME) study did
not show any dierence in CV events and BP reduction between the
evening and morning drug administration.43 Hopefully, the ongoing,
randomized studies UK (TIME study),77 the BedMed78 and BedMed
Frail79 will provide the needed information regarding the best time of
drug administration.
The circadian rhythms control all the functions in our body
including BP, HR variability, and CVD through the circadian clock
located in the SCN of the hypothalamus. Interest in circadian rhythms
has increased lately and could introduce a new phase of medicine, cir-
cadian medicine. However, the experimental evidence so far is equiv-
ocal regarding the chronotherapy of hypertension, since evening and
morning administration of antihypertensive drugs does not show a
significant dierence in their antihypertensive eects. This could
possibly, be due to the small studies and short duration of treatment
and also, to the availability of long-acting antihypertensive drugs.
In addition, the unavailability of long-term, randomized controlled
studies is another reason. Two large outcomes studies (MAPEC and
HYGIA) have shown promising results despite some shortcomings.
Based on the current evidence, the ACC/AHA guidelines, Interna-
tional Society of Hypertension, and the European Society of Hyper-
tension do not emphasize the use of evening drug administration
for the treatment of hypertension, except in certain conditions such
as, nocturnal hypertension, nondipping hypertension, high CV risk,
CKD, and morning surge of BP. Hopefully, the currently ongoing,
randomized, long-term outcome studies BedMed78 and BedMed
Frail79 will provide the needed information when completed.
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Introduction BedMed-Frail explores risks and benefits of switching antihypertensives from morning to bedtime in a frail population at greater risk of hypotensive adverse effects. Methods and analysis Design : Prospective parallel randomised, open-label, blinded end-point trial. Participants : Hypertensive continuing care residents, in either long-term care or supportive living, who are free from glaucoma, and using ≥1 once daily antihypertensive. Setting : 16 volunteer continuing care facilities in Alberta, Canada, with eligible residents identified using electronic health claims data. Intervention : All non-opted out eligible residents are randomised centrally by the provincial health data steward to bedtime versus usual care (typically morning) administration of once daily antihypertensives. Timing changes are made (maximum one change per week) by usual care facility pharmacists. Follow-up : Via linked governmental healthcare databases tracking hospital, continuing care and community medical services. Primary outcome : Composite of all-cause death, or hospitalisation for myocardial infarction/acute-coronary syndrome, stroke, or congestive heart failure. Secondary outcomes : Each primary outcome element on its own, all-cause unplanned hospitalisation or emergency department visit, non-vertebral fracture and, as assessed roughly 135 days postrandomisation, fall in the last 30 days, deteriorated cognition, urinary incontinence, decubitus skin ulceration, inappropriate or disruptive behaviour a minimum of 4 days per week, and receipt of antipsychotic medication or physical restraints in the last 7 days. Process outcome : Proportion of blood pressure medication doses taken at bedtime (broken down monthly). Primary outcome analysis : Cox-Proportional Hazards Survival Analysis. Sample size : The trial will continue until a projected 368 primary outcome events have occurred. Current status : Enrolment is ongoing with 642 randomisations to date (75% female, mean age 88 years). Ethics and dissemination BedMed-Frail has ethical approval from the University of Alberta Health Ethics Review Board (Pro00086129) and will publish results in a peer-reviewed journal. Trial registration number NCT04054648 .
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Background: Daily rhythms are observed in humans and almost all other organisms. Most of these observed rhythms reflect both underlying endogenous circadian rhythms and evoked responses from behaviours such as sleep/wake, eating/fasting, rest/activity, posture changes and exercise. For many research and clinical purposes, it is important to understand the contribution of the endogenous circadian component to these observed rhythms. Content: The goal of this manuscript is to provide guidance on best practices in measuring metrics of endogenous circadian rhythms in humans and promote the inclusion of circadian rhythms assessments in studies of health and disease. Circadian rhythms affect all aspects of physiology. By specifying minimal experimental conditions for studies, we aim to improve the quality, reliability and interpretability of research into circadian and daily (i.e., time-of-day) rhythms and facilitate the interpretation of clinical and translational findings within the context of human circadian rhythms. We describe protocols, variables and analyses commonly used for studying human daily rhythms, including how to assess the relative contributions of the endogenous circadian system and other daily patterns in behaviours or the environment. We conclude with recommendations for protocols, variables, analyses, definitions and examples of circadian terminology. Conclusion: Although circadian rhythms and daily effects on health outcomes can be challenging to distinguish in practice, this distinction may be important in many clinical settings. Identifying and targeting the appropriate underlying (patho)physiology is a medical goal. This review provides methods for identifying circadian effects to aid in the interpretation of published work and the inclusion of circadian factors in clinical research and practice.
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Blood pressure (BP) follows a circadian variation, increasing during active hours, showing a small postprandial valley and a deeper decrease during sleep. Nighttime reduction of 10–20% relative to daytime BP is defined as a dipper pattern, and a reduction of less than 10%, as a non-dipper pattern. Despite this BP variability, hypertension’s diagnostic criteria and therapeutic objectives are usually based on BP average values. Indeed, studies have shown that chrono-pharmacological optimization significantly reduces long-term cardiovascular risk if a BP dipper pattern is maintained. Changes in the effect of antihypertensive medications can be explained by circadian variations in their pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). Nevertheless, BP circadian variation has been scarcely included in PK-PD models of antihypertensive medications to date. In this work, we developed PK-PD models that include circadian rhythm to find the optimal dosing time ( Ta ) of first-line antihypertensive medications for dipper and non-dipper patterns. The parameters of the PK-PD models were estimated using global optimization, and models were selected according to the lowest corrected Akaike information criterion value. Simultaneously, sensitivity and identifiability analysis were performed to determine the relevance of the parameters and establish those that can be estimated. Subsequently, Ta parameters were optimized to maximize the effect on BP average, BP peaks, and sleep-time dip. As a result, all selected models included at least one circadian PK component, and circadian parameters had the highest sensitivity. Furthermore, Ta with which BP>130/80 mmHg and a dip of 10–20% are achieved were proposed when possible. We show that the optimal Ta depends on the therapeutic objective, the medication, and the BP profile. Therefore, our results suggest making chrono-pharmacological recommendations in a personalized way.
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Background: Studies have suggested that evening dosing with antihypertensive therapy might have better outcomes than morning dosing. The Treatment in Morning versus Evening (TIME) study aimed to investigate whether evening dosing of usual antihypertensive medication improves major cardiovascular outcomes compared with morning dosing in patients with hypertension. Methods: The TIME study is a prospective, pragmatic, decentralised, parallel-group study in the UK, that recruited adults (aged ≥18 years) with hypertension and taking at least one antihypertensive medication. Eligible participants were randomly assigned (1:1), without restriction, stratification, or minimisation, to take all of their usual antihypertensive medications in either the morning (0600-1000 h) or in the evening (2000-0000 h). Participants were followed up for the composite primary endpoint of vascular death or hospitalisation for non-fatal myocardial infarction or non-fatal stroke. Endpoints were identified by participant report or record linkage to National Health Service datasets and were adjudicated by a committee masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was assessed as the time to first occurrence of an event in the intention-to-treat population (ie, all participants randomly assigned to a treatment group). Safety was assessed in all participants who submitted at least one follow-up questionnaire. The study is registered with EudraCT (2011-001968-21) and ISRCTN (18157641), and is now complete. Findings: Between Dec 17, 2011, and June 5, 2018, 24 610 individuals were screened and 21 104 were randomly assigned to evening (n=10 503) or morning (n=10 601) dosing groups. Mean age at study entry was 65·1 years (SD 9·3); 12 136 (57·5%) participants were men; 8968 (42·5%) were women; 19 101 (90·5%) were White; 98 (0·5%) were Black, African, Caribbean, or Black British (ethnicity was not reported by 1637 [7·8%] participants); and 2725 (13·0%) had a previous cardiovascular disease. By the end of study follow-up (March 31, 2021), median follow-up was 5·2 years (IQR 4·9-5·7), and 529 (5·0%) of 10 503 participants assigned to evening treatment and 318 (3·0%) of 10 601 assigned to morning treatment had withdrawn from all follow-up. A primary endpoint event occurred in 362 (3·4%) participants assigned to evening treatment (0·69 events [95% CI 0·62-0·76] per 100 patient-years) and 390 (3·7%) assigned to morning treatment (0·72 events [95% CI 0·65-0·79] per 100 patient-years; unadjusted hazard ratio 0·95 [95% CI 0·83-1·10]; p=0·53). No safety concerns were identified. Interpretation: Evening dosing of usual antihypertensive medication was not different from morning dosing in terms of major cardiovascular outcomes. Patients can be advised that they can take their regular antihypertensive medications at a convenient time that minimises any undesirable effects. Funding: British Heart Foundation.
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The circadian clock is an evolutionarily highly conserved endogenous timing program that structures physiology and behavior according to the time of day. Disruption of circadian rhythms is associated with many common pathologies. The emerging field of circadian medicine aims to exploit the mechanisms of circadian physiology and clock–disease interaction for clinical diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. In this Essay, we outline the principle approaches of circadian medicine, highlight the development of the field in selected areas, and point out open questions and challenges. Circadian medicine has unambiguous health benefits over standard care but is rarely utilized. It is time for clock biology to become an integrated part of translational research.
The nondipping blood pressure (BP) pattern corresponds to a disruption in the circadian BP rhythm with an insufficient decrease in BP levels during night-time sleep as observed using 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring. Patients with nondipping BP pattern have poorer renal and cardiovascular outcomes, independent of their average 24-hour BP levels. The pathophysiology of nondipping BP is complex and involves numerous mechanisms: perturbations of (1) the circadian rhythm, (2) the autonomic nervous system, and (3) water and sodium regulation. This review provides an outline of the pathways potentially involved in the nondipping BP profile in different conditions. A recent hypothesis is also discussed involving the role of gut microbiota in the dipping/nondipping patterns, via the fecal diet-derived short chain fatty acids.
Healthy individuals exhibit blood pressure variation over a 24-hour period with higher blood pressure during wakefulness and lower blood pressure during sleep. Loss or disruption of the blood pressure circadian rhythm has been linked to adverse health outcomes, for example, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and chronic kidney disease. However, the current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches lack sufficient attention to the circadian rhythmicity of blood pressure. Sleep patterns, hormone release, eating habits, digestion, body temperature, renal and cardiovascular function, and other important host functions as well as gut microbiota exhibit circadian rhythms, and influence circadian rhythms of blood pressure. Potential benefits of nonpharmacologic interventions such as meal timing, and pharmacologic chronotherapeutic interventions, such as the bedtime administration of antihypertensive medications, have recently been suggested in some studies. However, the mechanisms underlying circadian rhythm-mediated blood pressure regulation and the efficacy of chronotherapy in hypertension remain unclear. This review summarizes the results of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute workshop convened on October 27 to 29, 2021 to assess knowledge gaps and research opportunities in the study of circadian rhythm of blood pressure and chronotherapy for hypertension.
Antihypertensive drug therapy is one of the most efficient medical interventions for preventing disability and death globally. Most of the evidence supporting its benefits has been derived from outcome trials with morning dosing of medications. Accumulating evidence suggests an adverse prognosis associated with night-time hypertension, nondipping blood pressure (BP) profile and morning BP surge, with increased incidence of cardiovascular events during the first few morning hours. These observations provide justification for complete 24-h BP control as being the primary goal of antihypertensive treatment. Bedtime administration of antihypertensive drugs has also been proposed as a potentially more effective treatment strategy than morning administration. This Position Paper by the International Society of Hypertension reviewed the published evidence on the clinical relevance of the diurnal variation in BP and the timing of antihypertensive drug treatment, aiming to provide consensus recommendations for clinical practice. Eight published outcome hypertension studies involved bedtime dosing of antihypertensive drugs, and all had major methodological and/or other flaws and a high risk of bias in testing the impact of bedtime compared to morning treatment. Three ongoing, well designed, prospective, randomized controlled outcome trials are expected to provide high-quality data on the efficacy and safety of evening or bedtime versus morning drug dosing. Until that information is available, preferred use of bedtime drug dosing of antihypertensive drugs should not be routinely recommended in clinical practice. Complete 24-h control of BP should be targeted using readily available, long-acting antihypertensive medications as monotherapy or combinations administered in a single morning dose.
Introduction Studies have suggested that different administration times may lead to different antihypertensive effects. This systematic review was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of evening versus morning drug administration for hypertension. Methods Eight databases were searched to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from database inception to August 2021. The RCTs compared the effects of evening and morning dosing on cardiovascular disease events, adverse events and reduction of blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed trial quality. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata 12.0 software. Results A total of 36 RCTs were included and analysed. The results showed that, compared with the morning administration, evening administration of hypertensives could decrease cardiovascular disease events (risk ratio=0.39, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.25 to 0.60), 24h/48h mean systolic BP (SBP) (mean differences (MD) =-3.39, 95% CI=-4.57 to -2.22), 24h/48h mean diastolic BP (DBP) (MD=-1.12, 95% CI=-1.70 to -0.53), nocturnal mean SBP (MD=-6.70, 95% CI=-8.35 to -5.05) and nocturnal mean DBP (MD=-3.54, 95% CI= -4.46 to -2.63), while diurnal mean SBP (MD=-0.53, 95% CI=-1.72 to 0.65) and diurnal mean DBP (MD=-0.31, 95% CI=-1.04– 0.42) showed no difference between two groups. Conclusion This meta-analysis indicated that evening administration was superior to morning administration in reducing asleep BP and the risk of cardiovascular disease events, especially for patients with essential hypertension, patients with renal hypertension and the non-dipper hypertensive patients. More evidence is needed to support this conclusion.