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The breast lesion excision system (BLES): A novel technique in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of small indeterminate breast lesions?


Abstract and Figures

To investigate whether the breast lesion excision system (BLES) could render formal surgery unnecessary in patients with small indeterminate breast lesions. Following review board ethical permission and the consent of each patient, we aimed to perform a complete excision biopsy, with a margin, of small indeterminate breast lesions that measure less than 1 cm. 76 patients with small BIRADS type 3 breast lesions underwent a BLES biopsy. Mean radiological lesion size was 7.1 mm (range 2-10 mm). 61 lesions had a final benign diagnosis, 6 of which underwent subsequent surgery although only 1 showing residual lesion. 15 lesions were malignant but with residual tumour at re-excision present in only 5 cases. The BLES biopsy is an efficacious technique at excising small indeterminate breast lesions with a complete margin without the need for follow-up diagnostic surgery in the majority.
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The breast lesion excision system (BLES): a novel technique
in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of small
indeterminate breast lesions?
Steven D. Allen &Ashish Nerurkar &
Guidabaldo U. Querci Della Rovere
Received: 19 May 2010 / Revised: 29 September 2010 /Accepted: 8 October 2010
#European Society of Radiology 2011
Objective To investigate whether the breast lesion excision
system (BLES) could render formal surgery unnecessary in
patients with small indeterminate breast lesions.
Methods Following review board ethical permission and
the consent of each patient, we aimed to perform a
complete excision biopsy, with a margin, of small indeter-
minate breast lesions that measure less than 1 cm. 76
patients with small BIRADS type 3 breast lesions under-
went a BLES biopsy. Mean radiological lesion size was
7.1 mm (range 210 mm).
Results 61 lesions had a final benign diagnosis, 6 of which
underwent subsequent surgery although only 1 showing
residual lesion. 15 lesions were malignant but with residual
tumour at re-excision present in only 5 cases.
Conclusion The BLES biopsy is an efficacious technique at
excising small indeterminate breast lesions with a complete
margin without the need for follow-up diagnostic surgery in
the majority.
Keywords Breast .Biopsy .Vacuum .Breast cancer .
Small solid breast lesions that are radiologically indetermi-
nate sometimes yield an indeterminate histopathological
assessment following a radiologically guided biopsy.
Although some centres may wish to just follow these
lesions up, increasingly these are being treated using
radiological wire localisation followed by open surgery in
the form of a wide local excision. However many of these
are subsequently benign on final surgical pathology. More
recently there have been alternative radiological manage-
ment to excise biopsy proven benign lesions, usually
fibroadenomas, in women wishing to have them removed
[1]. This has been with vacuum assisted biopsy devices,
such as the mammotome(Johnson and Johnson Ethicon
Endo-Surgery Inc, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) Encor(C.R.
Bard, New York, USA) and Suros ATEC(Suros Surgical
Systems Inc, Indianapolis, USA). The advantages of these
more minimally invasive approaches to many women will
undoubtedly make this technique increasingly popular[2
5]. They can be performed usually in less than 30 min, with
only local anaesthetic and a minimal scar. Complication
rates are very low, and the procedures are extremely well
tolerated. These procedures are particularly suitable for
young women where risk of the lesion being non benign is
very low, and cosmesis is premium[25]. The obvious
limitation of this technique however, is that as it is only
able to remove lesions in a piecemealfashion. Such
excisions are unable to provide an assessment of margins of
the excision, thus there is no way of determining
completeness of excision and whether any residual lesion
is left behind. While this may not be particularly relevant if
the lesions excised are fibroadenomas, or other such similar
benign lesions, it will however obviate the vacuum assisted
excision from being utilised for many other more border-
S. D. Allen (*)
Department of Radiology, The Royal Marsden Hospital,
Downs Road,
Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT, UK
A. Nerurkar
Department of Histopathology, Royal Marsden Hospital,
Downs Road,
Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT, UK
G. U. Q. Della Rovere
Department of Surgery, Royal Marsden Hospital,
Downs Road,
Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT, UK
Eur Radiol
DOI 10.1007/s00330-010-2000-7
linelesions where completeness of excision and a full
margin status is desirable or essential.
Since 2001 the breast lesion excision system (BLES,
Intact Medical, Framingham, USA), has been used as an
alternative large biopsy device to other vacuum assisted
biopsy devices in over 40,000 cases in the USA. It has been
well validated as a safe and efficacious biopsy procedure [6,
7]. It however has the unique feature of using radio-
frequency cautery to excise a small but whole sample in
one piece with intact architecture and clear margins, as a
swift local anaesthetic outpatient procedure. Our unit is the
first in the UK where the BLES has been in operation since
August 2007.
The purpose of our study is to evaluate the capability of
the BLES to perform a complete excision biopsy (with a
margin) of sub centimetre indeterminate small breast
lesions, in the attempt to obviate the need for a surgical
operation which a number of these would inevitably go on
to require. As approved by the National Institute of Health
and Clinical Excellence, this technique is thus in accor-
dance with UK national guidelines for the management of
such breast lesions [8]. We describe our findings in this
technical report.
Full local hospital institutional board and medical device
committee approval was obtained for this evaluation with
the BLES. Patients with sub centimetre breast lesions that
were considered radiologically indeterminate (BIRADs 3)
at a formal radiological led multidisciplinary meeting and/
or whom had a prior indeterminate core biopsy result
(pathologically a B3 result) were considered potentially
suitable to undergo a BLES excision biopsy rather than
proceed to routine diagnostic surgical biopsy. They were
then prospectively recruited and formally written consented
for this procedure.
The BLES consists of a biopsy wand, measuring
approximately 6 gauge, which is passed through a small skin
incision to the edge of the anaesthetized target under
ultrasound or stereotactic guidance. 5 metallic prongs (wand
size depending) with their tips connected by an extensible
cutting radiofrequency ring wire then pass from the wand and
envelop an area of tissue ranging from 10 to 20 mm in
diameter (depending on wand size) in only 8 s. The prongs
pass RF waves into surrounding tissue in order to excise and
allow haemostasis, but not to the extent of damaging the
sample (Fig. 1). Wand sizes vary, with the smallest having a
final capture diameter of 10 mm, the largest 20 mm. We
utilised 15 mm and 20 mm wands. Wherever possible we
utilised stereotaxis as the breast immobilisation was felt to
allow a more accurate acquisition.
BLES can be used in most patients and in many breast
lesions, but there are a number of clear contraindications.
Patients fitted with a cardiac pacemaker or other radio-
frequency devices are not suitable as the RF waves can
potentially interfere with or damage these devices. It is not
recommended for patients who are pregnant. As with other
large biopsy devices caution has to be given to anti-
coagulation and clotting disorders, but this procedure can
be considered as equivalent to a vacuum assisted biopsy in
its invasiveness and hence its protocol in this regard. Due to
the RF wave emanating from the metallic prongs during the
biopsy, and the risk of a thermal burn and possibly skin
necrosis, careful attention has to be paid to the location of
the lesion in relation to the skin surface and chest wall prior
to performing a BLES procedure. A number of deep and
superficial lesions as well as its use in the axilla are
excluded. Tolerance to the procedure was assessed by a
simple pain scoring questionnaire performed at least a week
later in a proportion of the cohort.
Image guidance can be using mammography or ultra-
sound with visualisation of the BLES using ultrasound
being straightforward, largely given its size (Fig. 2). What
can be more difficult is keeping in view the target lesion,
especially if it is more of a distortion than a mass, and
especially when surrounded by 20 ccs of local anaesthetic.
In addition the BLES, not being sharp ended, may push
away a mobile lesion, and this can be difficult to get into an
optimal position for an excision biopsy. Mammographic
guidance using stereotaxis although not real-timeallows
immobilisation of breast and lesion and therefore possibly
offers more control in excision accuracy. The BLES is
activated at the touch of a button, the metallic prongs
protrude under direct vision and encircle the target lesion.
The whole wand with sample is then removed, and
following a specimen radiograph, the samples placed in
formalin and sent to histopathology. The specimens were
then inked on the external surfaces and sections were taken
perpendicular to the longest axis of the specimens. These
sections were serially embedded and examined using
standard pathological analysis as well as advanced patho-
logical evaluation such as immunohistochemistry which
was routinely performed.
Since August 2007, we have used this device in 92
patients with indeterminate (BIRADs 3) breast lesions. The
first 10 cases were excluded from meaningful analysis as
this was considered the minimal technical learning curve in
obtaining a clear excision biopsy. 6 further patients were
excluded from analysis as this was employed to obtain a
diagnostic sample in larger lesions rather than an excision
biopsy of a small lesion., 76 patients were included in the
final study group, which consisted of lesions that were
radiologically indeterminate (mammographically M3, or
ultrasonically U3), 55 of these also having a pathological
Eur Radiol
B3 biopsy result. 21 patients had no prior core biopsy
performed but opted for a BLES procedure when given all
the biopsy options following recall with an abnormal
mammogram. All cases included in this technical study
were performed by just one of the authors, S.A. The
radiological and pathological size was recorded for these
lesions as well as pathological diagnosis, follow-up surgical
excision and imaging. All pathology was performed by one
of two dedicated breast pathologists, both with more than
10 years of breast pathology experience.
All procedures were well tolerated at the time of the
procedure, with moderate to minor discomfort experienced
in most patients for the 8 s of sample acquisition, but
passing very shortly afterwards in all cases. This was
formally evaluated with a simple pain scoring questionnaire
performed on follow up. Only one patient suffered more
than moderate discomfort during the procedure, and no
patients had more than mild discomfort in the time period
immediately following the 8 s of the acquisition. Median
pain score during the procedure was 3 (out of 10). Median
satisfaction score 1 week following the procedure was 9.5
(out of 10). Median satisfaction score for the scar was 9
(out of 10) [9]. One patient had a delayed haematoma but
this was managed conservatively. No post procedure wound
infections have yet occurred.
45 procedures were conducted with 20 mm wands, 31
procedures were conducted with 15 mm wands. 20
procedures were performed under ultrasound guidance, 56
using stereotaxis on a prone table. Mean largest radiological
lesion size was 7.1 mm (range 210 mm). Pathological
specimens all yielded pathology appropriate to the target
lesions, with minimal diathermy effects (<1 mm). Our
pathologists found the specimens far faster and easier to
analyse than equivalent sized vacuum assisted biopsy
Fig. 1 The breast lesion exci-
sion system (BLES) biopsy sys-
tem and wand. (a) The
equipment consists of an elec-
tronically operated base system
with attached lightweight hand-
held piece where removable
wands are inserted (arrow). (b)
Handheld component and re-
movable wand. (c) We have
measured the wands to be 6-
gauge in diameter and are
passed through typically a
10 mm skin incision to the edge
of the anaesthetized target under
ultrasound or stereotactic guid-
ance. 4 or 5 metallic prongs
(wand size depending) with their
tips connected by an extensible
cutting radiofrequency ring wire
then pass from the wand and
envelop an area of tissue in only
8 s. The prongs pass radiofre-
quency waves into surrounding
tissue in order to excise and
allow haemostasis, but not to the
extent of damaging the sample.
(d) Wand sizes vary, with basket
diameters ranging from 10 mm
to 20 mm. Sample sizes accord-
ingly fluctuate with the basket
sizes. The sample is removed
from the basket by cutting the
prongs with sharp scissors
Eur Radiol
specimens. This is in line with the USA experience [10].
Following fixation in formalin the samples measured
approximately one gram and had a mammographic mean
size of 21 mm (range 1530 mm) × 10 mm (range 6
18 mm) × 9 mm (range 512 mm). They showed minimal
diathermy artefact at the edge of the sections, which was
invariably less than 1 mm in depth and very rarely
interfered with the histological evaluation (Fig. 3). In these
sections, apart from the diagnosis, the size of the lesion was
measured accurately as well as the adequacy of the excision
in all cases [11].
Final pathology is summarised in Table 1. 61/76 (80%)
lesions had a final benign pathology. A total of 18 patients
underwent subsequent surgical re excision. 6 of these were
in benign/borderline lesions where margins were not
complete or residual lesion was seen on the mammogram
immediately following the procedure (5/11). Only one of
these had residual lesion, with the BLES biopsy site
identified in all cases. Tumour was seen at the biopsy margin
in 8/15 malignant cases. On surgical re-excision of biopsy
margins, residual disease was present in 5/12 patients (two
having more extensive intermediate grade DCIS that was
mammographically occult, another three with microscopic
foci of DCIS at a distance from the excision). At histopath-
ological analysis of the surgical resections, the BLES biopsy
cavities were identified in all cases.
The 7 low grade DCIS cases with excision margins
of >1 mm and no residual mammographic target were
all discussed at the unit multidisciplinary meeting with
regards proposed further management. Follow up sur-
gery was offered in all but in these cases the volume
and grade of disease was considered so low in risk that
follow up only was offered as an alternative option.
These cases were not considered of sufficient risk to
Fig. 3 A haematoxylin and eosin stained slide showing a radial scar
within a BLES excision biopsy specimen that was completely excised
pathologically. There were no atypical features
Fig. 2 Ultrasound guided BLES excision biopsy in a 51 year old
woman. (a) An indeterminate lesion measuring only 6 mm is
identified in the left breast. (b) A 15 mm diameter BLES is introduced
under direct visualisation following the routine anaesthetic protocol.
(c) Following excision, a specimen radiograph shows the lesion
centrally placed in the sample and radiologically excised. This was
confirmed as a benign papilloma, and also shown to be excised
Eur Radiol
warrant radiotherapy. 3 patients subsequently elected to
decline a surgical margin excision when discussed at the
outpatient clinic. These 3 cases now have had at least
18 months mammographic follow up on their radiolog-
ically excised DCIS, and all are negative to date. The
four patients who did opt for margin excision surgery
We can validate the USA experience that the BLES biopsy is a
well tolerated large biopsy procedure, with few complications.
If used equivalently to a vacuum device just to sample rather
than excise a breast lesion, then both advantages and
disadvantages have to be considered. Although potentially
slightly faster and in providing a single piece specimen for the
pathologist, it is undoubtedly easier and more accurate to
analyse in the laboratory, many lesions and the smaller breasts
will not be suitable for this procedure. In addition the skin
incision required to introduce the BLES is significantly larger
than most vacuum needles. There is also the need to be
extremely accurate with the needle positioning as essentially
once the BLES is deployed, no further adjustments can be
made to the acquisition. Indeed in our unit we have two other
vacuum assisted biopsy machines which we also regularly use
with great effect, with the different biopsy systems being
complementary in our practice in differing radiological
However in our study we have evaluated the capability of
the BLES to perform excision biopsies which more measure
the procedure alongside diagnostic surgery, where there are
potential morbidity and cost advantages. The results very
much represent what can be achieved during the early stages
of using this new technique specifically for radiological
excision biopsies. Although having practised on phantoms
prior to in vivo use, as with any new procedure, technical skill
for both the stereotactic and ultrasound guided approaches
will develop with experience. Allowing for this, the results are
promising, with the procedure well tolerated in all cases.
Aside from a single haematoma, there were no immediate or
delayed complications and the specimens were excellent for
pathological analysis. Although current wand sizes limit
excision of many lesions, benign lesions of a suitable size
and location were effectively managed in essentially a one-
stop outpatient procedure. The BLES has been shown to be an
efficacious tool at excising small benign breast lesions with a
clear margin. In the majority of cases no residual radiological
target has further confirmed this and in the cases requiring
follow-up surgery, the majority have shown little in the way of
residual lesion, even in malignant cases.
The NHS breast screening programme in the U.K. has
been shown to save many lives every year, although it is
not without its critics, particularly from the viewpoint
that many women are over treated for non life threaten-
ing diagnoses. From this year it is extending, now to be
routinely screening women from 47 to 73 and undoubt-
edly in order to detect cancers at an early stage a larger
number of women have to be recalled from screening
than will actually have the disease. This ultimately
resultsinmanybenigncore biopsies and sometimes
diagnostic surgical biopsies. It is in the latter area that in
our opinion breast screening particularly falls down
improving this. A benign surgical biopsy is failure of the
non operative diagnosis of which the NHSBSP has a
minimum and desired standard, and although the use of
vacuum assisted biopsy has been used it is not optimal
for all cases [12]. A piecemeal radiological excision for
instance of a papilloma using a vacuum device, ignores the
fact that in the few lesions of this pathology where ductal
carcinoma in situ is associated, this is often present on the
edge of the lesion. Without having a complete margin of
excision in these lesions that are vacuum excised, there
will undoubtedly be cases where this is not fully removed
and the residual tissue may contain the ductal carcinoma in
situ on the edge of the lesion. Indeed the literature with
regards papilloma vacuum excision to date includes only
several small series of cases and short term follow up data
using this technique [13,14]. While recurrence of a benign
fibroadenoma following vacuum excision is problematic it
is not potentially life threatening, but if even low grade
malignancy is left behind following a vacuum excision of
a papilloma or other borderline lesion then the conse-
Table 1 Summary of final pathology
Lesion pathology BLES excision margin
of 1 mm or more
Residual lesion at
follow up surgery
Atypical ductal
4/4 n/a
Columnar cell change
with NO atypia
7/7 n/a
Columnar cell change
with atypia
3/3 0/2
Fat necrosis 3/3 n/a
5/5 n/a
Fibrocystic change 7/7 n/a
Foreign body reaction 1/1 n/a
Papilloma, papillary
13/15 1/2
Radial scar 7/12 0/2
Sclerosing adenosis 4/4 n/a
DCIS low grade 7/9 2/6
Other malignant
2/6 3/6
Eur Radiol
quences may be serious. Therefore extending vacuum
biopsies to indeterminate and potentially malignant lesions
is certainly contentious, as the absence of a defined margin
of excision will always be a criticism. The BLES clearly
circumvents this problem and in a way provides a small
but safe surgical margin.
Our sample size is small, and in particular the analysis of
margins of malignant lesion excision, are not sufficiently
statistically powered. Indeed this technique is not marketed
or FDA approved for removal of malignant lesions, and it is
only by coincidence that essentially a handful of patients
with low grade non-invasive malignancy were managed
purely in this fashion in our study. However, the results
from this paper show that as wand technology improves,
this may one day be possible. An upgraded system has
recently been released, with FDA approval being consid-
ered for a more therapeutic remit. This will involve a larger
and perhaps more efficient sample acquisition which may
make margin negative excision of sub centimetre cancers a
reality. This however will result in even larger skin
excisions, which may not be cosmetically optimal, and
naturally the accuracy of the BLES excision will be
scrutinised much further. However, important future work
may be to embark upon a prospective therapeutic study of
this technique in its efficacy at achieving margin status in
malignant disease.
This technical report shows that indeterminate small breast
lesions can be managed successfully by using a BLES
biopsy. Lesions shown to be benign following this
diagnostic excision biopsy are in the majority completely
excised and thus the pathologists can be confident in their
diagnosis particularly in setting of many borderline lesions
where small foci of malignancy can be subtle.
Acknowledgements No funding has been obtained in relation to this
study and paper.
The authors state that there is no conflict of interest, financial or
otherwise, involved in the preparation or the submission of this article.
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Eur Radiol
... Among them are the preservation of lesion architecture in the sample, a smaller residual tumor in the surgical bed, and a lower reresection rate in subsequent surgical treatment. Such advantages have resulted in the introduction of radiofrequency (RF)-assisted breast lesion excision systems (BLES) [8,9]. ese systems may deliver samples with intact architecture and clear margins, allowing better histological review. ...
... As abovementioned, BLES is superior to surgical excisional breast biopsy and VAB. Although VAB is a wellestablished alternative to surgical biopsy, previous studies demonstrated the supremacy of BLES over VAB [8,9,16]. In the former method, lesions are removed without being fragmented into small parts, so the architecture remains intact. ...
... erefore, histopathological diagnosis can be made more accurately in suspicious lesions such as atypical ductal hyperplasia and ductal carcinoma in situ with lower underestimation rates [17]. In that context, the relative frequency for benign pathologies was 94.8%. is rate was lower (80%) in some earlier studies [8]. is difference was possibly caused by higher referral by clinicians to exclude a subtle focus of malignancy in possibly benign lesions in patients with known risk factors or due to patients' subjective concerns. ...
Full-text available
Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) excision system (BLES) as a primary method of diagnosis and removal of small breast masses. Methods: Ninety-six lesions in 95 patients with 50.5 ± 8.4 years of age were treated in a five-year period by a single operator. Inclusion criteria were as follows: size (<20 mm), depth (>10 mm), and indeterminate or suspicious radiological features (74 BI-RADS 3 and 22 BI-RADS 4). The procedure was performed under ultrasound (US) guidance using 6 G retriever probes with 12-, 15-, and 20-mm baskets. Results: Lesions were between 5 and 20 (12.3 ± 3.8) mm in length. They were removed at the first attempt in all but one case. The technical success rate was 98.95%, and the diagnostic success rate was 100%. Ninety-one lesions were histologically benign and five were neoplastic. Two lesions that were previously classified as BI-RADS 3 were diagnosed as neoplasia (atypical lobular hyperplasia), and nineteen lesions that were previously classified as BI-RADS 4a were diagnosed as benign. The complete excision rate (presence of tumor-free negative surgical margin) was 40% in neoplastic lesions. There were no major complications. The minor complication rate was 1.58%. No recurrence was observed during 18 months of follow-up. Conclusion: BLES delivers surgical quality specimens for confident histopathological examination and is a safe alternative to surgical resection in lesions with suitable size.
... There are a few reports suggesting that, in a diagnostic setting, up to 66% of invasive cancers are completely excised using the BLES, albeit these studies did not aim to excise the entire lesion, and where mainly performed under mammographic guidance [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
... In this study, we did not observe a single adequate excision of any lesion according to the Dutch Breast Cancer Guidelines (no more than focal margin involvement [22], even though lesions in this study were carefully selected through prior imaging. Previous studies have suggested that BLES could enable complete excision of small invasive lesions [9,11,12,15,[23][24][25], with a success rate of up to 62.5%. However, most of these studies had a diagnostic focus, without aiming to excise the entire lesion, and used a different definition of an adequate BLES resection. ...
... Based on our results and previous studies, we would advise to consider the BLES as a therapeutic device only in specific situations and for specific lesions. First, the BLES may be a good alternative for surgical excision of small benign lesions [11,18,33]. However, in recent years, vacuum assisted excision, which is more cost effective compared to the BLES, has become the standard of care for this indication [34]. ...
Full-text available
PurposeTo assess the feasibility of completely excising small breast cancers using the automated, image-guided, single-pass radiofrequency-based breast lesion excision system (BLES) under ultrasound (US) guidance.Methods From February 2018 to July 2019, 22 patients diagnosed with invasive carcinomas ≤ 15 mm at US and mammography were enrolled in this prospective, multi-center, ethics board-approved study. Patients underwent breast MRI to verify lesion size. BLES-based excision and surgery were performed during the same procedure. Histopathology findings from the BLES procedure and surgery were compared, and total excision findings were assessed.ResultsOf the 22 patients, ten were excluded due to the lesion being > 15 mm and/or being multifocal at MRI, and one due to scheduling issues. The remaining 11 patients underwent BLES excision. Mean diameter of excised lesions at MRI was 11.8 mm (range 8.0–13.9 mm). BLES revealed ten (90.9%) invasive carcinomas of no special type, and one (9.1%) invasive lobular carcinoma. Histopathological results were identical for the needle biopsy, BLES, and surgical specimens for all lesions. None of the BLES excisions were adequate. Margins were usually compromised on both sides of the specimen, indicating that the excised volume was too small. Margin assessment was good for all BLES specimens. One technical complication occurred (retrieval of an empty BLES basket, specimen retrieved during subsequent surgery).ConclusionsBLES allows accurate diagnosis of small invasive breast carcinomas. However, BLES cannot be considered as a therapeutic device for small invasive breast carcinomas due to not achieving adequate excision.
... The procedure can be done under both mammography and US guidance. Also, the BLES technique can be used for excisional removal of benign or high-risk lesions as an alternative to conventional surgical excision in appropriate cases (1). In preliminary studies on the BLES technique, DCIS underestimation rates were 3%-21% (1,12,13) and recent studies reported the total excision rates in malignant and suspicious lesions as 30%-76.3% ...
... Also, the BLES technique can be used for excisional removal of benign or high-risk lesions as an alternative to conventional surgical excision in appropriate cases (1). In preliminary studies on the BLES technique, DCIS underestimation rates were 3%-21% (1,12,13) and recent studies reported the total excision rates in malignant and suspicious lesions as 30%-76.3% (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24). ...
... It is also a useful method for sampling suspect microcalcifications. A number of case series have shown that this method can be used in lesions detected by US (1,14). In recent studies, it is emphasized that suspect microcalcification areas that cannot be seen by US should be sampled and excised with mammography guidance (15,16). ...
Purpose: In this study, we aimed to investigate the breast lesion excision system (BLES) as a tool and a practical alternative technique to surgical biopsy and other percutaneous biopsy methods for suspicious lesions. We also wanted to share our initial experience with BLES and compare it with standard percutaneous biopsy methods. Methods: From July 2015 to December 2016, a total of 50 patients who had high-risk lesions which were diagnosed with core needle biopsy (CNB) or had lesions with radiology pathology discordance, or had high-risk factors, high-grade anxiety, or suspicious follow-up lesions were enrolled in the study. These lesions were classified as Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) 3 or 4, which are under 2 cm. Pathologic diagnoses before and after BLES were evaluated comparatively. The diagnostic and therapeutic success and the complications of CNB and BLES were analyzed. Results: After BLES, two cases were diagnosed as atypical lobular hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasia. Since the surgical margin was negative, re-excision was not required. Two cases were diagnosed as malignant, and no residual tissue was detected in the operation region. Total excision rates were reported as 56%. Minor hematoma was observed in only 1 out of 50 cases (2%), and spontaneous remission was observed. Two patients (4%) complained of pain during the procedure. Radiofrequency-related thermal damage to the specimen showed: Grade 0 (<0.5 mm) damage in 88%, Grade 1 (0.5-1.5 mm) in 10%, Grade 2 (>1.5 mm or thermal damage in diffuse areas) in 2%, and Grade 3 (diffuse thermal damage or inability to diagnose) in 0%. We found a significant positive correlation between classification of thermal damage and lesion fat cell content (r = 0.345, P = 0.015). Conclusion: BLES is a safe technique that can be effectively used with low complication rates in the excision of benign and high-risk breast lesions in selected cases. It may also provide high diagnostic success and even serve as a therapeutic method in high-risk lesions, such as radial scar, papilloma, and atypical lobular hyperplasia with high complete excision rates without fragmentation of lesions.
... As opposed to other breast biopsy devices, the aim of BLES is to excise and retrieve an intact breast tissue specimen, rather than to obtain fragmented samples [4][5][6][7], which may not only facilitate easier diagnosis but also might allow for minimally invasive resections. ...
... Five hundred eighteen articles were excluded because they did not use the BLES device or a prototype. We identified 19 full-text versions of studies that used the BLES as a diagnostic or therapeutic device and that fulfilled all the inclusion criteria [4][5][6][7][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. Figure 3 shows the results of the study search and identification of eligible studies. We did not retrieve any additional items after reference screening. ...
... Ten studies used stereotactic guidance during the BLES procedure [4,6,7,9,11,13,15,16,20,22]. Six studies used stereotactic or ultrasound guidance [5,10,12,14,21,23]; only Graham [17] performed all BLES procedures with ultrasound guidance. ...
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Purpose To outline the current status of and provide insight into possible future research on the breast lesion excision system (BLES) as a diagnostic and therapeutic device. Methods A systematic search of the literature was performed using PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane databases to identify relevant studies published between January 2002 and April 2018. Studies were considered eligible for inclusion if they evaluated the diagnostic or therapeutic accuracy or safety of BLES. Results Ultimately, 17 articles were included. The reported underestimation rates of atypical ductal hyperplasia and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) ranged from 0 to 14.3% and from 0 to 22.2%, respectively. Complete excision rates for invasive ductal carcinoma and DCIS ranged from 5.3 to 76.3%. Bleeding was the most frequently reported complication (0–11.8%). Device-related complications may arise, with an empty basket being the most common (0.6–3.6%). Thermal damage of the specimen, caused by the use of a radiofrequency cutting wire, was reported in eight of the included studies. Most thermal artifacts were reported as superficial and small (0.1–1.9 mm). Conclusions The BLES, an automated, image-guided, single-pass biopsy system for breast lesions using radiofrequency is designed to excise and retrieve an intact tissue specimen. It is an efficient and safe breast biopsy method with acceptable complication rates, which may be used as an alternative to vacuum-assisted biopsies. The variable rate of complete excision raises questions about the possibility to use BLES as a therapeutic device for the excision of small lesions. Further research should focus on this aspect of BLES.
... The known contraindications for the BLES procedure include patients with cardiac pacemakers or other RF devices because RF waves may potentially inhibit or damage the device. 15 It is not recommended for pregnant women, and caution is required for bleeding control in individuals taking anticoagulants or those with coagulation defects. Before BLES application, careful attention should be given to the relationship between the skin surface and the chest wall of the lesion localization because RF waves transmitted from the metallic spikes may cause thermal burns and possible skin necrosis during biopsy. ...
... Before BLES application, careful attention should be given to the relationship between the skin surface and the chest wall of the lesion localization because RF waves transmitted from the metallic spikes may cause thermal burns and possible skin necrosis during biopsy. 15 After lesion excision, a carbon-based absorbable tissue marker )BiomarC; Carbon Medical Technologies, Inc., St. Paul, MN, USA( was inserted using the same tract to identify the site in case further intervention was necessary. The mean absorption time of the marker was 6-months. ...
... Seror et al, 22 and Allen et al, 15 reported only one hematoma in prospective cohorts of 163 and 74 patients. Sie et al, 10 and Killebrew et al, 14 had larger retrospective cohorts. ...
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Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of the Breast lesion excision system (BLES) procedure as a primary excisional biopsy for the management of breast imaging-reporting and data system (BI-RADS) category 3, small, and solid breast lesions in women having severe breast cancer anxiety. Methods: A retospective study was conducted on 68 patients who underwent a BLES procedure. The study protocol was approved by the local ethical committee of Yeni Yuzyıl University in Istanbul, Turkey. The study was carried out according to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. Small breast lesions removed using a (12, 15 or 20 mm) wand from September 2011 to November 2014. These were category 3 lesions as determined by ultrasound (US) imaging according to BI-RADS. The radiological and pathological sizes of these lesions, the complete excision rates, the procedure durations, the pathological diagnosis, the complications, and the imaging findings before and after the procedure were all recorded. Results: All the patients had a benign pathology. The mean duration of procedure was 12 (range=8-22) minutes. There was no major complication during the procedure and in the following period. Only some small hematomas were determined in 3 (4.2%) patients, and no additional surgical intervention was performed. Conclusion: The BLES procedure is an optimal solution for the management of indeterminate BI-RADS category 3 breast lesions in women with severe anxiety.
... What differentiates these methods is the quality for the specimen. After a VAB breast biopsy the histopathological examination of margins of a removed lesion cannot be assessed due to the fragmentation of the specimen [7]. In the BLES system, the lesion is taken in one piece, which can ensure adequate margins and intact structure of the specimen. ...
... The BLES breast biopsy is already considered in the literature as a tool for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes comparable to the VAB breast biopsy [7]. However, there has not been a study comparing these methods in terms of pain associated with the procedure, discomfort of the procedure, side effects and aesthetic results. ...
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Introduction The vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB) and the Breast Lesion Excision System (BLES) are minimally invasive biopsy techniques, both used as diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The aim of the study is to compare these two methods and assess them in the context of discomfort, early and late complications and their diagnostic and therapeutic potential. Material and methods The study involved 173 patients who underwent a VAB or a BLES breast biopsy in the period between 2009 and 2016. Approximately 3 months after the biopsy, the patients completed a questionnaire in which they assessed the procedure for discomfort associated with the procedure and the final cosmetic outcome. The cosmetic effect of the biopsy was also assessed by a surgeon. Results The BLES and the VAB breast biopsies did not differ in terms of pain, duration, and discomfort of the procedure, breast bruising, breast tenderness about 24 h after the procedure or pain lasting over 3 months after the biopsy. Subsequently, the biopsies were evaluated in terms of the cosmetic effect assessed by the patient and by a surgeon and no differences were observed. There were no significant differences between the VAB and the BLES breast biopsies in the course of the procedure, early and late complications and cosmetic effect. Conclusions Since the BLES breast biopsy makes it possible to evaluate the margins, it is a good alternative to the open breast biopsy.
Background: In ultrasound-guided minimally invasive surgery (MIS) of tumours, it is crucial to discover the optimal scanning plane (OSP) and organise the MIS scalpel work trajectory in this plane. The OSP can be altered and is challenging to track when the scalpel interacts with deformed tissues. Therefore, tracking the OSP becomes critical in MIS. In master-slave control, virtual force is used to assist the operator in completing the task. However, most literature assumes that the environment is sufficiently stable. No specific method focuses on tracking the OSP of the lesion within largely deformed tissues. Methods: This paper used the improved artificial potential field method to establish the virtual force that could guide the operator to track the OSP. When tissue deformation occurred, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used to predict the target position, guiding the operator to find the new OSP. An experimental robot platform was built to verify the proposed algorithm's effects. Experiments to track the OSP were performed on a phantom. Results: The results showed that the presented method could reduce the trajectory redundancy of ultrasonic scanning, shorten the time of OSP discovery and tracking, and decrease the deviation between the ultrasonic scanning position and the OSP. Conclusions: This method has significance for the accurate localization and successful removal of tumours. Future work will focus on improving the adaptability of the proposed ANN prediction model in different phantoms. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Purpose This study aims to compare the feasibility of VAE and BLES in the treatment of intraductal papillomas. Material and methods Patients with a suspected intraductal papilloma who underwent a BLES or a VAE procedure were included in this retrospective study. The BLES procedures were performed between November 2011 and June 2016 and the VAE procedures between May 2018 and September 2020 at the Department of Radiology of Helsinki University Hospital (HUH). The procedures were performed with an intent of complete removal of the lesions. Results In total, 72 patients underwent 78 BLES procedures and 95 patients underwent 99 VAE procedures. Altogether 52 (60%) papillomas with or without atypia were completely removed with VAE, whereas 24 (46%) were completely removed with BLES, p = 0.115. The median radiological size of the high-risk lesions completely removed with BLES was 6 mm (4–12 mm), whereas with VAE it was 8 mm (3–22 mm), p = 0.016. Surgery was omitted in 90 (94.7%) non-malignant breast lesions treated with VAE and in 66 (90.4%) treated with BLES, p = 0.368. Conclusion Both VAE and BLES were feasible in the treatment of intraductal papillomas. In most non-malignant lesions surgery was avoided, but VAE was feasible in larger lesions than BLES. However, follow-up ultrasound was needed more often after VAE. The histopathologic assessment is more reliable after BLES, as the lesion is removed as a single sample.
Interventional radiological techniques play an increasingly integral role in the management of breast disease, both benign and malignant. Tissue diagnosis remains key in the diagnosis of malignancy and increasingly uses radiological guidance to obtain tissue samples. Continued improvements in the accuracy of imaging techniques have facilitated the detection of smaller, earlier stage, and more subtle disease. This is exemplified by the development of MRI as a diagnostic modality, which has inevitably led to the evolution of MRI-guided biopsy techniques. Newer technologies, such as vacuum- and cauterization-assisted biopsy, may be used in both the diagnosis and the minimally invasive treatment of breast disease. This review examines the range and utility of breast intervention techniques currently in use and in development.
An effective breast biopsy team requires detailed communication, particularly between radiologists and pathologists, to achieve the most accurate and useful diagnostic information from each minimally invasive breast biopsy procedure. A number of different biopsy devices are available and lend themselves to different imaging and clinical situations. The effect of biopsy size and number of biopsy fragments on diagnostic accuracy is discussed, with particular emphasis on biopsies directed at calcifications. In this context, differentiation of atypical hyperplasias from low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ depends not only on accurate targeting but also sufficient biopsy size. Some of the commonly used image-directed biopsy devices and site marking techniques are listed. Regular radiology–pathology correlation conferences foster collegial understanding of the strengths and limitations of each other’s analytical techniques and can lead to better patient care.
As intraductal papilloma (IP) includes both benign and malignant lesions, it is difficult to decide whether the patient should merely be followed up. The purpose of this study is to validate the ultrasound (US)-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy system (Mammotome) for diagnosis and minimally invasive excision of IP. Six women with breast cystic-solid lesions without nipple discharge underwent B-US-guided 8-gauge Mammotome biopsy. Interval US surveillance was performed at a median time of 7 months (range 5-12 months). All lesions were removed accurately and thoroughly with satisfactory cosmetic outcomes. All of them were histologically diagnosed as IP. No clinically significant hematoma developed. The US-guided 8-gauge Mammotome biopsy provides an accurate pathologic diagnosis and successful complete excision of cystic-solid breast lesions. This technique appears to be an alternative to surgical biopsy in IP patients without nipple discharge.
To review the outcome of vacuum-assisted removal of breast papillomas performed in the Bolton Breast Unit. Twenty-six benign breast papillomas were excised using an ultrasound-guided, vacuum-assisted technique under local anaesthetic over a 6-year period. An 8G Mammotome was used for 12 lesions, an 11G Mammotome for 13 lesions and a 7G EnCor for one lesion. The mean lesion size was 9 mm (range 3-17 mm). The mean number of cores taken per case was nine. One patient developed a post-procedure haematoma, which did not require treatment. There were no other short-term complications. None of the papillomas were associated with atypia or malignancy. Subsequent breast imaging (mostly routine screening mammography) was reviewed and evidence of recurrence recorded. To date, 16 patients have received at least one subsequent routine screening mammogram, with a mean follow-up to latest mammogram of 30 months. Mammographic evidence of papilloma regrowth has been observed in two patents, with a third patient presenting with recurrence of the original symptom of a palpable lump. All three recurrent lesions were surgically excised and confirmed to be benign papillomas. These lesions measured 6, 12, and 15 mm prior to the original vacuum-assisted excision. The findings suggests that vacuum-assisted removal is a satisfactory alternative to surgery for the majority of patients, but that particular attention should be paid to ensuring complete lesion removal in view of the relatively high recurrence rate in this series.
To evaluate the utility and economic costs of the 11-G vacuum-assisted biopsy probe under ultrasound (US) guidance as an alternative to surgical excision in patients with probably benign lesions. US-guided 11-G vacuum-assisted biopsy was performed in 102 probably benign breast lesions in 97 women who refused radiological follow-up. Complete removal of the lesion was intended in all cases. Open biopsy was done if questionable pathologic findings were present. Treatment was indicated if the diagnosis was malignant. Economic costs were estimated taking into consideration monetary expenses generated to the public health system, as well as expenses for the patients receiving percutaneous and open surgical biopsy. Median patient age was 42 years (range 18-77). Median lesion size was 14.7 mm (range 6-30 mm). Complete removal of the lesion seen at imaging was achieved in 72.5% of cases. Adequate tissue samples for histopathological evaluation were obtained in all cases. Surgical biopsy was recommended in nine cases. One patient diagnosed with mucinous carcinoma underwent immediate surgical treatment. The remaining 87 women with 92 lesions were included in a follow-up program. Economic cost of the 11-G vacuum-assisted percutaneous biopsy was 82% lower than the surgical biopsy (total savings in this series: 136,402.84 euros). Time spent for the patient was 71% less in percutaneous biopsy than in surgery. Ultrasound-guided 11-G directional vacuum-assisted breast biopsy is an accurate and less expensive procedure that can be used as an alternative to open surgical excision in a selected group of patients.
The objective of this research was to determine whether biopsy of the breast using a percutaneous intact specimen sampling device influences the underestimation rate of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) compared to a vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy (VACNB) device. This study was a retrospective comparison of two series of 800 consecutive patients that underwent stereotactic biopsy of the breast for mammographic lesions presenting as microcalcifications classified by our institution as Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) 4 or 5. In the first series of patients (n = 800), a VACNB device was used; in the second series (n = 800), a vacuum-assisted percutaneous intact specimen biopsy (VAPIB) device was used. Initial diagnoses were made from the histopathologic examination of the tissue retrieved at biopsy. Lesions presenting as DCIS or atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) after percutaneous biopsy were then compared to the histopathologic analysis of specimens retrieved at surgical biopsy. DCIS upgrades were defined as cases in which the diagnosis of the stereotactic biopsy was DCIS and the diagnosis of the subsequent surgical excision was infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC). ADH upgrades were defined as cases in which the diagnosis of the stereotactic biopsy specimen was ADH and the diagnosis of the surgical excision was DCIS, lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), or IDC. The lesions retrieved by both biopsy techniques yielded a similar pathology distribution. Underestimation of DCIS occurred less frequently (p = 0.06) in the biopsy samples taken using the intact biopsy device (1/31, 3.2%) as compared to biopsy samples taken using the core needle biopsy device (7/36, 19.4%). No significant adverse events were reported. Breast biopsy can be performed safely and accurately using a vacuum-assisted percutaneous intact specimen sampling device. In this study, such a device trended toward fewer underestimations of DCIS at biopsy compared to the vacuum-assisted core needle sampling biopsy method.
Percutaneous, vacuum-assisted, large-gauge core needle biopsy (VACNB) provides an alternative to open surgical biopsy as an initial diagnostic tool for breast lesions, yet rates of underestimating malignant diagnoses remain sufficiently high to warrant surgical biopsy in some cases. The current study was performed to determine if the Breast Lesion Excision System (BLES) provides a feasible alternative to VACNB. A retrospective review was conducted of 742 consecutive mammographic lesions with microcalcifications classified as Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) IV or V that had stereotactic percutaneous biopsy using BLES. Initial diagnoses obtained from the histopathologic examination of tissues retrieved at biopsy were compared with the histopathologic examination of tissues received from surgical excision or lumpectomy. Underestimation rates for atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) were recorded if open surgical biopsy revealed DCIS or invasive cancer, and invasive cancer, respectively. Of the 742 breast lesions, 34 displayed ADH upon biopsy with the BLES device. Two patients did not receive open surgical biopsy. Of the 32 patients who had open surgical excision, 3 (9.4%) had DCIS or invasive cancer. There were 119 diagnoses of DCIS upon biopsy with the BLES device. Four patients did not receive open surgical biopsy. Of the 115 patients who had open surgical excision, 6 (5.2%) had invasive cancer. Breast biopsy can be performed accurately using the BLES device. Compared with VACNB, it does not alter the need for surgical excision in women diagnosed with ADH or DCIS at core biopsy.
This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of complete removal and factors affecting the presence of a residual mass and complications after ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted percutaneous removal of benign breast lesions. We retrospectively evaluated ultrasound images and medical records of 263 breast masses from 199 patients that were removed with an ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted device. All lesions were assumed as benign on ultrasound imaging or had been confirmed as benign by a previous core needle biopsy. The influence of the size, distance from the nipple, number of lesions removed at a time, and pathologic diagnosis of all of the removed masses on the completeness of the removal and the presence of complications was analyzed. The Mann-Whitney U test was used in the statistical analysis. The complete removal rate for ultrasound imaging immediately after the procedure was 95.8%, and the rate at more than 6 months for follow-up ultrasound imaging was 92.3%. Larger lesions, lesions closer to the nipple, and cases in which multiple lesions were removed at a time showed the presence of more residual lesions. Lesions closer to the nipple and cases in which multiple lesions were removed simultaneously developed more hematomas (P < .05). Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted percutaneous excision showed high effectiveness for the removal of benign breast masses. However, more attention should be given to certain lesions to increase the efficacy.
To evaluate the feasibility and safety of vacuum-assisted resection of benign breast tumours using an 8 G handheld device. Over a 2-year period, 22 patients with 26 breast tumours diagnosed as benign using aspiration biopsy cytology were enrolled. The mean patient age was 38 years, and the mean maximal diameter of the tumour was 13 mm. A handheld Aloka SSD 6500 ultrasonography device with a linear-type 7.5 MHz transducer was inserted into the posterior aspect of the tumour with the patient under local anaesthesia, and the tumour was resected under ultrasonographic guidance. This method was employed successfully in all patients, and the mean operation time was 33 min. Post-procedure complications included subcutaneous bleeding in 12 cases and haematoma in one. The pathological diagnoses were fibroadenoma in 16 cases, mastopathy in six, and tubular adenoma and pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia in two cases each, respectively. Follow-up ultrasonography revealed residual tumours in four cases (15.4%). Although this method is feasible and safe without severe complications, it is necessary to select appropriate patients, and to obtain informed consent regarding the possibility of recurrence or residual tumour.