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Evolution of Internet Address Space Deaggregation: Myths and Reality


Abstract and Figures

Internet routing table size growth and BGP update churn are two prominent Internet scaling issues. There is widespread belief in a high and fast growing number of ASs that deaggregate prefixes, e.g., due to multi-homing and for the purpose of traffic engineering. Moreover, researchers often blame specific classes of ASs for generating a disproportionate amount of BGP updates. Our primary objective is to challenge such widespread assumptions (“myths”) and not solely to confirm previous findings. Surprisingly, we find severe discrepancies between existing myths and reality. According to our results, there is no trend towards more aggressive prefix deaggregation or traffic engineering over time. With respect to update dynamics, we observe that deaggregated prefixes generally do not generate a disproportionate number of BGP updates, with respect to their share of the BGP routing table. On the other side, we observe much more widespread traffic engineering in the form of AS path prepending and scoped advertisements compared to previous studies. Overall, our work gives a far more positive picture compared to the alarming discourses typically heard: The impact of “bad guys” on routing table size growth and BGP churn has not changed for the worse in recent years. Rather, it increases at the same pace as the Internet itself.
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Evolution of Internet Address Space Deaggregation:
Myths and Reality
Luca Cittadini, Wolfgang Mühlbauer, Steve Uhlig, Randy Bush, Pierre François, Olaf Maennel
Abstract—Internet routing table size growth and BGP update
churn are two prominent Internet scaling issues. There is
widespread belief in a high and fast growing number of ASs
that deaggregate prexes, e.g., due to multi-homing and for the
purpose of trafc engineering [1]. Moreover, researchers often
blame specic classes of ASs for generating a disproportionate
amount of BGP updates. Our primary objective is to challenge
such widespread assumptions (“myths”) and not solely to conrm
previous ndings [1]–[3]. Surprisingly, we nd severe discrepan-
cies between existing myths and reality. According to our results,
there is no trend towards more aggressive prex deaggregation or
trafc engineering over time. With respect to update dynamics,
we observe that deaggregated prexes generally do not generate
a disproportionate number of BGP updates, with respect to their
share of the BGP routing table. On the other side, we observe
much more widespread trafc engineering in the form of AS path
prepending and scoped advertisements compared to previous
studies [1]. Overall, our work gives a far more positive picture
compared to the alarming discourses typically heard [1], [2], [4]:
The impact of “bad guys” on routing table size growth and BGP
churn has not changed for the worse in recent years. Rather, it
increases at the same pace as the Internet itself.
Index Terms—Routing table growth, update churn, address
deaggregation, trafc engineering
THE RESEARCH community is now accustomed to
alarmist discourse regarding the lack of scalability of
the current routing system. By now, full BGP routing tables
contain more 300,000 prexes and continue to grow super-
linearly [3]. This goes along with a steady increase in the rate
of changes to the routing and forwarding tables. Having to
handle big tables which need frequent re-computations, routers
waste more and more resources to maintain their routing tables
rather than to forward packets. Considerable efforts have been
made to quantify the evolution of routing table size and BGP
update rates [2], [4], to characterize the BGP routing table
growth [3] or to study the dynamics that can be observed in
Internet routing [5], [6].
Manuscript received ; revised .
Luca Cittadini is with the Department of Computer Science and Automa-
tion, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy (e-mail:
Wolfgang Mühlbauer is with ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (e-mail:
Steve Uhlig is with Technische Universität Berlin/Deutsche Telekom Lab-
oratories, Berlin, Germany (e-mail:
Randy Bush is with Internet Initiative Japan, Tokyo, Japan (e-mail:
Pierre François is with Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-
Neuve, Belgium (e-mail:
Olaf Maennel is with Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK (e-
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/JSAC.2010.1010xx.
Address space fragmentation, i.e., the use of a large num-
ber of small, potentially overlapping prexes in the routing
system, is widely seen as one major driving force behind
the ination of routing tables and high BGP update rates.
Fragmentation of the IPv4 address space can be caused by
either (i) the Regional Internet Registries (RIR), who allocate
small and unconnected blocks of IPv4 addresses to Internet
Service Providers (ISP), or (ii) ISPs who use the Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) to inject multiple more specic
prexes instead of, or in addition to, their assigned prex
For the latter case, the current routing system poses an
inevitable conict: While individual domains inject more
specics for what they perceive as legitimate reasons, e.g.,
to implement multi-homing or to better control how trafc
enters their own network1, other Autonomous Systems (ASs)
pay a fee, e.g., in terms of increasing convergence times, for
having to deal with an “inated” routing table. We believe
that a deeper understanding of the root causes of the Internet’s
routing scaling problems is urgently needed, in particular in
the light of recent interest in re-designing the Internet routing
architecture using “clean-slate” approaches [7].
We, in this paper, seek to shed light on the evolution of
address space deaggregation and of update dynamics. For
this purpose, we rely on BGP routing tables and update
traces from RIPE [8] and RouteViews [9], as well as on
the ofcial allocation les as available at the RIRs [10]. An
important contribution of our work is to extract information
about trafc engineering practices from observed routing data
and correlate this information with the deaggregation that we
can observe for prexes in BGP routing tables. Overall, our
primary interest is not just to conrm previous ndings [1]–
[3]. Rather we challenge wide-spread assumptions that are
frequently made whenever researchers discuss the root causes
of the current scaling problems. Amongst others, such “myths”
(i) There exists a large number of “bad guys”, i.e., ASs
that strongly contribute to routing table growth and high
update churn via aggressive use of prex deaggregation.
(ii) Recently, there has been a strong shift towards a more
widespread use of prex deaggregation. This can be
explained by an increasing number of multi-homed ASs
that apply trafc engineering.
(iii) With respect to BGP dynamics, there are differences
between various types of ASs. For example, BGP update
1Note that there exist more reasons why ASs may deaggregate their address
space. For example, ASs have announced sub-prexes (e.g., /24) of their
assigned prex block (e.g., /16) to protect themselves against prex hijacking.
0733-8716/10/$25.00 c
2010 IEEE
patterns differ depending on the business role of an AS,
e.g., transit provider vs. access network or stub vs. tier-1.
Our results reveal discrepancies between such myths and
reality. Surprisingly, there is no trend towards more aggressive
prex deaggregation or trafc engineering over time. Most
of the prexes advertised in BGP routing tables actually
match the address block that has been allocated by the RIRs.
Yet, there exists a roughly constant number of (“bad”) guys,
which (strongly) deaggregate their address space for possibly
legitimate reasons, e.g. insufcient support for trafc engineer-
ing [1] in the current Internet. With respect to BGP updates,
we cannot claim that a specic class of prexes or origin ASs
misbehave more than others. Similar to routing table size, we
cannot identify any trends, e.g., towards deaggregated prexes
causing a lot of churn and thus frequent re-computations of
routing tables. All in all, our analysis shows that the impact of
“bad guys” on routing table size growth and BGP churn has
not changed for the worse in recent years: rather, it increases
at the same pace as the Internet growth itself.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: We
start with a study of the allocations made by the RIRs
in Section II. Then, Section III turns to deaggregation as
observed only from static BGP data. In Section IV we
compare allocated with observed IPv4 addresses, before we
introduce in Section V a classication scheme to estimate the
prevalence of trafc engineering and correlate this information
with our results on prex deaggregation from the preceding
sections. Finally, Section VI explores whether specic classes
of prexes or ASs exhibit signicant misbehavior in terms of
BGP dynamics. This allows us to understand whether or not
high updates rates are a direct consequence of an increasingly
fragmented IPv4 address space. We summarize and conclude
in Section VIII.
The current IP addressing architecture requires central
coordination to ensure that different networks use unique
non-overlapping IP prexes. To this end, IP addresses are
allocated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
from pools of unused address space and delegated to the
appropriate Regional Internet Registries (RIR). An Internet
Service Provider (ISPs) that requests IP address space from
these registries2is called Local Internet Registry (LIR) [11].
By the end of 2008 some 75% of the total usable IPv4
address space have been allocated. Current estimates for
address space exhaustion are somewhere in 2011 for IANA
address space and 2012 for RIRs [12]. The goal of this section
is to investigate how the allocation policy adopted by RIRs has
accommodated the topological growth of the Internet and to
what degree it has promoted the ination of routing tables.
The data sources we use for our analysis are the ofcial
allocation les [10] provided by the RIRs. These les sum-
marize the current state of allocations and the assignment of
Internet number resources. Figure 1 presents the evolution
of the distribution of allocated blocks. The stacked area plot
shows for each year between 1982 and 2008 the number of
address blocks allocated up to and including that year.
2In the APNIC and LACNIC region IP address allocations are mainly
coordinated by National Internet Registries (NIRs)
Fig. 1. Breakdown of prex blocks allocated up to a certain year.
Overall, allocations are dominated by /24 and /16 blocks,
especially during the classful era of the Internet before 1994.
/24 allocations still represent more than 40% of all allocated
blocks today. Since 1994, the number of /24 and /16 blocks
has been rather stable, while intermediate sized blocks (/19,
/20 and /23) have been slowly increasing. This was made
possible by the introduction of Classless Inter-Domain Routing
(CIDR) [13] in 1993. Indeed, registries started to allocate
CIDR blocks around 1994/1995 and, with CIDR, could al-
locate blocks that actually matched the expected use of the
address space [14]: On the one hand, there was the fear that
the class B space (/16) would soon run out, since it was
consumed at a massive rate. On the other hand, some ISPs
were afraid of too many small allocations (/24) that would
tremendously inate their routing tables and induce high costs
for new router hardware. As a compromise, RIRs started to
allocate intermediate size blocks, e.g., /19.
We point out that shorter prex lengths correspond to
signicant fractions of the IPv4 address space although they
only account for a negligible number of allocations: at the
end of 2008, 50% of the total IPv4 address space has been
allocated in blocks of length between /8and/15.
In summary, the historical evolution of IPv4 address space
allocation indicates a shift towards intermediate sized pre-
xblocks(/19-/23) since 1994. We conjecture that RIRs
switched to a more parsimonious allocation policy to accom-
modate Internet’s growth. Various allocation policies which
are being discussed and adopted in the RIRs [15] envision
much smaller sized blocks, e.g., /24 to /29 in an attempt
to allow a long period of entry for newcomers despite the
depletion of the main free pool of IPv4 address space. This is
a change in the very conservative policies which attempted to
minimize routing table impact, but are believed to have created
barriers to entry.
We now turn to actually announced prexes and observed
deaggregation, an “avoidable” cause for the explosion of
routing table entries. We investigate if patterns of deaggre-
gation have changed recently (Section III-B) and if ASs of
different business types follow different strategies with respect
routing table
10.1/16 top
10.1.1/24 deaggregated
10.1.2/24 delegated
10.2/16 lonely
AS 10
AS 20
AS 30
Fig. 2. BGP prex classication.
to deaggregation of assigned prex blocks (Section III-C). To
this end, we classify prexes observed in BGP table dumps
according to the inclusion relationships between prexes, i.e.,
which one is more or less specic than another (Section III-A).
A. Prex Classication
To study the advertised IPv4 address space, we rely on BGP
table dumps from RIPE [8] and RouteViews [9]. Based on the
presence of overlapping prex blocks, we assign every prex
in the routing table of our observation points to one of the
following classes:
Lonely:aprex that does not overlap with any other
Top:aprex that covers one or more smaller prex
blocks, but is not itself covered by a less specic.
prex, and this less specic is originated by the same AS
as the deaggregated prex.
Delegated:aprexthatiscoveredbyalessspecic, and
this less specic is not originated by the same AS as the
delegated prex.
For illustration purposes, let us assume that the complete
Internet consists of only three ASs, see Figure 2. There is a
customer-to-provider (c2p) link between AS 10 and AS 20,
i.e., AS 20 is a customer of AS 10. Moreover, there is a peer-
to-peer (p2p) link between AS 10 and AS 30. Therefore, the
following prexes are observed at the observation point in
AS 20: 10.1/16 (origin: AS 10), 10.1.1/24 (origin: AS 10),
10.1.2/24 (origin: AS 20) and 10.2/16 (origin: AS 30).
Based on this information, we classify 10.2/16 as lonely,
10.1/16 as top, 10.1.1/24 as deaggregated and 10.1.2/24
as delegated. We point out that delegated corresponds to a
provider aggregatable (PA) addressing model: A customer AS
is reachable via its provider or, to put it differently, the AS path
observed for a delegated prex is going through the provider
from which the address space is sub-allocated.
One important difference between our classication and the
one presented in [1] is that we distinguish the case where the
AS that originates a more specicprex is not the same as the
AS that originated the covering prex. In that case, we talk
about delegation. This difference is important if one wants to
realistically quantify the portion of BGP routing tables that
Fig. 3. BGP prex classication distribution.
could be shrinked by aggregating more specicprexes. In
fact, we point out that delegated prexes cannot be aggregated
into their less specic without impairing the ability of some
ASs to be reachable via multiple providers.
B. Prex Deaggregation
We study multiple observation points for RIPE [8] and
RouteViews [9] data, but only nd trivial differences with
respect to our prex classication of Section III-A. In the
following discussion, we rely on an observation point from
RouteViews inside Level 3 (AS 3356). Since this router is
part of the default-free zone (DFZ) of the Internet, it provides
a representative picture of all globally-routable prexes.
Figure 3 shows the evolution of these four prex classes
from 2001 to 2008. About 40% of all prexes are of the lonely
type. Top prexes represent a stable 5% of the prexes in the
BGP routing tables. Delegated prexes account for 35% of the
prexes in 2001, declining to a bit more than 20% in 2008.
The decreasing fraction of delegated prexes is matched by an
increasing fraction of deaggregated prexes, which increase
from less than 20% in 2001 to more than 30% in 2008.
Clearly, it is possible to shrink routing tables by aggregat-
ing or ltering deaggregated and delegated prexes. Lonely
prexes, on the other hand, are not aggregatable based only
on the content of the BGP routing table. Consistent with other
studies [2], [4], we nd that, in theory, the current BGP routing
tables could be reduced by a factor of slightly more than 2 if
delegated and deaggregated were aggregated into top prexes,
leaving only non-overlapping prexes in the routing tables.
However, note that delegated prexes announced by multi-
homed ASs cannot be aggregated without losing the ability to
load balance incoming trafc among multiple providers.
From Figure 3 we learn that the combined fraction of dele-
gated and deaggregated prexes has remained approximately
constant over the years. However, there is a shift from dele-
gated to deaggregated prexes. We speculate that this trend
reects the increasing popularity of provider-independent (PI)
addresses, which avoid provider lock-in and renumbering
issues when changing the provider.
AS class Prex type #Prexes %ofprexes
in class
Customers (EC)
lonely 57,567 44.7%
delegated 35,819 27.8%
deaggregated 29,459 22.9%
top 5,893 4.6%
Hosting Provider
lonely 5,884 54.2%
delegated 1,260 11.6%
deaggregated 2,700 24.9%
top 1,008 9.3%
Small Transit
Provider (STP)
lonely 28,260 38.3%
delegated 13,206 17.9%
deaggregated 27,131 36.8%
top 5,147 7%
Large Transit
Provider (LTP)
lonely 5,456 50.2%
delegated 1,695 15.6%
deaggregated 2,505 23.1%
top 1,211 11.1%
C. Business Type of Originating ASs
According to [16] not all parts of the Internet grow at
the same rate. It is widely agreed that the Internet has a
tiered structure [17] which reects AS business relationships,
e.g., [17]–[19]. A few tier-1 ISPs form the core.Alarger
number of transit providers buy service from other providers,
including tier-1 providers, and provide connectivity to other
ASs. Stub ASs get their connectivity from transit or tier-1
providers and form the edge. Most of the growth of the AS-
level topology is due to networks at the edge [16]. Accord-
ingly, one might expect that deaggregation is also mostly due
to edge networks. To verify this, we now look closely at the
origin ASs where prexes of different classes are injected into
the routing system.
We rely on the classication of ASs according to their
business type taken from [16]. Based on manual classica-
tion, an initial training set and on machine-learning tech-
niques, Dhamdhere et al. distinguish between four different
types of ASs: Enterprise Customers (EC), Small Transit
Providers (STP), Large Transit Providers (LTP) and Con-
tent/Access/Hosting Providers (CAHP). Most of the ASs
(92%) are found to be EC ASs. For more details about this
classication, we refer to Section 4 of [16]. Generally, we will
assume that LTP and STP ASs form the “core” of the Internet
while CAHPS and ECs make up the “edge”. Yet, we point out
that this mapping is not strict in the sense that for example
certain parts of large LTP/STP networks are actually part of
the “edge”, e.g., DSL end-customers within large tier-1 ASs.
For each classied prex (see Section III-A), we check the
business type of its originating ASs according to the categories
of Dhamdhere et al. [16]. Table I shows the breakdown of our
four types of prexes into the four business classes of ASs.
The rst column gives the AS class as dened in [16], the
second the prexclassasdened above, the third column
the number of prexes originated by that class among those
originated by the ASs of the given type.
In Table I, we rst notice that the majority of prexes are
originated by EC and STP networks. Content/Access/Hosting
providers and large transit providers do not advertise a large
number of prexes. Thus, most prexes are advertised by
networks that are not in the “core.”
Irrespective of the business type of ASs, there is always a
large fraction of lonely prexes, then delegated and deaggre-
gated follow, and nally top prexes represent the smallest
fraction of prexes. Still there are differences. For example,
STPs show a bit more deaggregation than other AS types; EC
networks have slightly more delegated prexes than the other
AS types. CAHPs and LTPs do not have so many deaggregated
prexes. This smaller number is only due to the fact that
these AS types advertise less prexes. However, overall the
proportions between our four prex types are similar for every
AS type.
This nding is important as it shows that there are no
fundamental differences in how ASs of different business types
announce prexes in the Internet. In particular, it disproves the
widespread belief that edge networks, such as EC or CAHP
domains, tend to deaggregate more than other ASs. In this
respect, the predicted growth of the Internet at the edge [16]
does not worsen address space deaggregation as is widely
In the preceding two sections we have studied the frag-
mentation of allocated address space and the deaggregation of
announced prexes as separate phenomena. In this section we
aim to understand the combined effect of these two aspects
on the routing tables in today’s Internet. Consequently, we
now investigate to what degree individual ASs deaggregate
the allocations they obtained from the registries, possibly
announcing multiple prexes for each allocated address block.
Section IV-A denes categories that characterize the use of
allocated address blocks while Section IV-B presents the
results. Then, Section IV-C studies the ratio between the
number of announced prexes and the number of allocated
address blocks for each AS,
A. Use of allocated blocks – classication
We again rely on the ofcial allocation les [10], already
used in Section II. In addition, we obtain routing table
snapshots for AS 3356 for every November 1st between
the year 2001 and 20083. For each allocated address block,
we determine all the prexes from the routing tables which
overlap with that allocated block. If the routing table contains
at least one such prex, we classify the allocated block into
one of the following ve categories:
Only root: The complete allocated address block (called
“root prex”) is announced and nothing else.
root/MS-complete: The root prex and at least two sub-
prexes are announced. The set of all sub-prexes spans
the whole root prex.
root/MS-incomplete: The root prex and at least one sub-
prex is announced. Together, the set of announced sub-
prexes does not cover the root prex.
3This is the same data source as used in Section III, but we only rely on
the observation point in AS 3356.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fraction o
allocated/seen blocks
only root
no root/MS−complete
no root/MS−incomplete
Fig. 4. Use of address blocks allocated by year.
no root/MS-complete: The root prex is not announced.
However, there are at least two sub-prexes which to-
gether cover the complete root prex.
no root/MS-incomplete: The root prex is not announced.
There is at least one sub-prex. Taking all sub-prexes
together, they do not cover the complete root prex.
B. Is Deaggregation Popularity Increasing?
To study the use of allocated blocks we consider the time
between November of a specic year and November of the
previous year: for each address block that has been allocated
during that time, we compare against BGP routing tables
and classify the allocated block according to the categories
described in Section IV-A. Figure 4 shows the breakdown of
newly allocated blocks in fractions.
We observe that the majority (more than 60%) of address
blocks that have been newly allocated between 2001 and
2008 fall into the “only root” class. Then the “no root/MS-
incomplete” class follows. All the curves remain roughly con-
stant over time. Apparently, there are no signicant changes in
how newly allocated blocks are used by the people requesting
them. Moreover, Figure 4 even reveals that, in recent years,
we observe a slightly decreasing popularity of address space
deaggregation. In fact, the percentage of “only root” alloca-
tions is slightly increasing since 2001. Here we point out that
“only root” address blocks are almost exclusively announced
as “lonely prexes” when comparing the classication of
allocated blocks (Section IV-A) with the classication of pre-
xes (Section III-A). Overall, from a general perspective, we
cannot conrm a trend towards increasing fragmentation, with
more and more sub-prexes being announced for individual
allocated blocks.
C. “Bad” Guys
Results in the previous section show that most allocations
are announced exactly as received by RIRs. This must not
mislead us into thinking that address block deaggregation is
not a problem: even if the percentage of deaggregated blocks is
small, the corresponding number of prexes might be relevant.
In order to take this into account, we dene the deaggre-
gation factor of an AS to be the ratio between the number
of announced prexes and the number of allocated address
blocks. We investigate if there exist ASs where the number
of announced prexes signicantly exceeds the number of
address blocks that have been allocated to it. Although we call
such ASs “bad guys”, it is not our objective to blame such
ASs for the scaling problems of the routing system. After all,
there may be legitimate reasons for them to deaggregate their
available address space (see Section V).
Rather, our goal is to quantify how much “bad guys”
contribute to the routing load in today’s Internet and to check
if the number and impact of “bad guys” has gone for the worse
or not over time.
Figure 5 shows the deaggregation factor for Enterprise Cus-
tomers (EC) and Large Transit Providers (LTP), respectively.
For a point (x,y)on the curve, the xvalue on the logarithmic x-
axis indicates the percentage of ASs that have a deaggregation
factor of more than y. As shown in Figure 5(a), some EC
domains do deaggregate their allocated space by a factor of
up to one hundred. About 1% of EC ASs split each allocation
into more than 10 more specics on average. More than
10% of all ASs deaggregate their allocations (i.e., they have
deaggregation factor greater than 1), with no notable trends
since 2001.
Figure 5(b) shows the completely different behavior of
LTP ASs: most of them advertise more than one prex
per allocation on average, but their deaggregation factor
never exceeds 10. We run the same analysis on Small Tran-
sit Providers (STPs) and on Content, Access and Hosting
Providers (CAHPs). We nd that STPs behave similarly to
LTPs, while CAHPs behave more like ECs.
According to our ndings, there exist only a few “bad guys
amongst EC and CAHP edge networks which deaggregate
their allocated address space a lot. Yet, we point out that this
situation has been the case since 2001, and probably even
earlier. A limited fraction of “bad guys” has existed since
quite some time and their total fraction has not signicantly
increased despite the natural growth of the Internet at the
edge [16]. Overall, the vast majority of edge ASs refrain from
deaggregation, with more than 80% of EC domains in the
Internet advertising their allocations exactly as received by
routing registries.
Figure 5 helps to identify heavy deaggregators, namely
our “bad guys”. But what is their impact on routing table
size? To this end, Figure 6 illustrates the contribution of the
top deaggregators in terms of the prexes they contribute to
the routing tables in today’s Internet. We sort all ASs by
decreasing deaggregation factor (x-axis) and display on the
y-axis the cumulative fraction of prexes for which the top
(a) Enterprise Customers (b) Large Transit Providers
Fig. 5. Deaggregation factor of ASs, differentiated by business type.
Fig. 6. Percentage of the IP prexes injected by heavy deaggregators. A
data point (x,y)means that the x% top deaggregator ASs are responsible for
injecting y% of the prexes in the routing table.
x% deaggregator ASs are responsible4.
We observe a skewed distribution: The 1% top deaggrega-
tors inject almost 10% of the prexes in the Internet. ASs
that deaggregate their address space, which account for more
than 10% of ASs, are responsible for almost half of the
routing table size. Overall, such top deaggregators make up a
considerable fraction of the routing table entries. This justies
the alarmist discourses about prex deaggregation. However,
we point out that the fraction of prexes announced by heavy
deaggregators has not strongly increased since 2001.
Our analysis contradicts the widespread belief that huge
prex deaggregation is more dominant today than it has
been in the past: over time, address block deaggregation is
not becoming more popular (Figures 4 and 5) and heavy
deaggregators are not inating routing tables at a growing
pace (Figure 6). We conjecture that the growth of the Internet
topology is actually the main factor that is the cause of the
widespread belief that the routing system is going worse than
4The y-axis does not span the 100% of prexes since the deaggregation
factor metric does not capture delegated prexes.
in the past.
It may be considered unacceptable that a limited fraction
of all ASs inates the routing tables, damaging the whole
Internet. If we are to mitigate the impact of such ASs,
we believe that the Internet community should discuss the
reasons why these ASs are relying on deaggregation, and nd
alternative ways for those ASs to do what they want without
such an impact on the routing system.
So far, we have been mainly concerned with understand-
ing the extent to which prex deaggregation is applied and
whether deaggregation has become more popular or more
intense recently. Many researchers consider trafc engineering
as the main driver that causes network operators to split
available address blocks into multiple prexes. For example, in
order to inuence where trafc enters its network, an ISP can
announce different sets of more specicprexes to different
In this section, we explore how prevalent such trafc
engineering actually is. An important contribution of our
work is to infer information about trafc engineering practices
from observed routing data and to correlate this information
with observed deaggregation, as discussed in the preceding
sections. Contrary to previous sections, we also consider AS
path information that is announced together with prexes. In
Section V-A we propose a classication scheme that we use in
Section V-B to estimate the prevalence of trafc engineering
in the current Internet.
A. BGP Trafc Engineering – Classication
While trafc engineering in its general sense is about how
to optimize the performance of a network, this section focuses
on mechanisms that BGP provides to control route selection
and thus trafcow to certain prexes. In this regard, BGP
routing data allow us to identify two different types of trafc
engineering activities: we refer to them as AS-path prepending
and scoped advertisements.
AS-path prepending adds consecutive repetitions of the
same AS number in the AS-path attribute. The goal is to make
BGP announcements less appealing for the BGP decision
process, which prefers routes with shorter AS-path length.
AS path prepending provides some degree of control over
inbound trafc, since an AS Acan induce a peering AS B
to prefer other shorter routes over the prepended one that is
announced by Ato B. We only consider prepending performed
by the last two distinct AS hops on the AS path. Many
origin ASs either perform prepending themselves, or ask their
upstream providers to do it on their behalf through BGP
communities [20]. Prepending made by other ASs on the path
is unlikely to be related to trafc engineering activities at the
origin AS.
Another trafc engineering technique are scoped adver-
tisements. Here ASs selectively announce distinct prexes to
different upstream providers. For example, some prexes are
not advertised to selected upstreams, such that trafc destined
to those prexes cannot be received via those upstreams. For
more details about BGP-based trafc engineering, see [21].
We are interested in understanding which ASs exhibit a
behavior that can be related to some form of BGP trafc
engineering. To this end, we investigate on a per-prex basis to
what degree the two trafc engineering techniques described
above are applied in the current Internet. The data source we
rely on are the same BGP routing tables as used in Section IV,
but we consider all RouteViews RIBs, not only the view from
AS 3356. Thus, our analysis is not restricted to only two
vantage points as in [1]. Yet, visibility provided by observed
BGP data is inherently limited [22]. To cope with this, we
rely on a threshold that considers that some paths may not be
visible from the data. Limited visibility is especially relevant
for scoped advertisements, so our threshold requires that we
see scoping across at least 80% of the prexes of an AS
before concluding that scoping is actually used. Overall, our
analysis provides a lower bound on the amount of actual trafc
engineering performed in the Internet.
The classication scheme that we propose is along three
dimensions. In addition to scoped advertisements and AS-
path prepending, we check if an AS has a single upstream5
or multiple upstream providers according to the AS path
information from our BGP routing information. Altogether,
this results in the following six categories:
(i) No TE - single upstream: no AS-path prepending nor
scoped advertisements are identied and the AS has a
single visible upstream.
(ii) No TE - multiple upstreams: no AS-path prepending nor
scoped advertisements are identied, and the AS has
multiple visible upstreams.
(iii) Prepending - single upstream: some of the prexes origi-
nated by the AS are prepended, no scoped advertisements
are identied, and the AS has a single visible upstream.
(iv) Prepending - multiple upstreams: some of the prexes
originated by the AS are prepended, no scoped adver-
tisements are identied, and the AS has multiple visible
(v) Prepending and scoped advertisements - multiple up-
streams: some of the prexes originated by the AS are
prepended and scoped advertisements are identied.
5Note that the BGP data used can miss some upstream providers.
(a) All origin ASs
(b) Deaggregating origin ASs
Fig. 7. Quantifying BGP trafc engineering in observed routing data.
(vi) Scoped advertisements - multiple upstreams:noAS-path
prepending is identied and scoped advertisements are
B. Prevalence of BGP Trafc Engineering
Figure 7 quanties the extent of trafc engineering practices
we can identify from our BGP data. Each origin AS is assigned
to one of the six trafc engineering classes from above. While
Figure 7(a) considers the evolution over time for all origin
ASs, Figure 7(b) only takes into account those ASs that
advertise deaggregated prexes (according to the classication
in Section III-A).
As shown by Figure 7(a), approximately 20% of origin ASs
appear to be single homed. Despite some 80% of multi-homed
origin ASs, 50% of all origin ASs are multi-homed and do not
show evidence of applying any of the BGP trafc engineering
techniques introduced above. On the contrary, 30% of all ASs
fall into the categories related to trafc engineering, suggesting
that BGP-based trafc engineering plays a non-negligible role
in the Internet.
Contrary to [1] we take into account the evolution since
2001. Here, we observe that the proportion of origin ASs that
apply BGP deaggregation has only slightly increased from
11.3% in 2001 to 14.6% in 2008. Besides, we observe more
ASs with single upstreams and without trafc engineering,
possibly reecting the growth of the Internet at the edge [16].
Overall, our ndings contradict the widespread belief that the
importance of BGP trafc engineering has massively increased
and threatens to collapse the current routing system.
Given the results of the previous sections, we investigate
whether there is any correlation between prex deaggrega-
tion and trafc engineering. For example, is it true that
deaggregated prexes are deaggregated for reasons of trafc
engineering, e.g., to inuence where trafc enters the network?
The approach we take is to study how much trafc engineer-
ing is related to the different classes of prexes dened in
Section III-A. For this purpose, we generate in Figure 7(b) a
similar plot to Figure 7(a), but only consider those prexes
that are classied as deaggregated in Section III-A.
Comparing the two plots of Figure 7, it becomes evident
that there is a correlation between prex deaggregation and
trafc engineering. Around 80% of the ASs for which we see
deaggregated prexes in our routing tables fall into the trafc
engineering categories. This percentage is less than 40% for
2008 if we consider all ASs irrespective of the type of prexes
that they originate, see Figure 7(a).
Our analysis is not limited to deaggregated prexes only.
The 40% of lonely prexes (see Section III-A) are apparently
not affected by BGP trafc engineering as dened in this
section. As expected, we do not observe scoped advertisements
for delegated prexes, only prepending. This supports our
classication as scoped advertisements are expected to be
strongly related to deaggregation.
To sum up, given the differences in the two plots of
Figure 7, we conclude that trafc engineering is a signicant
driver for address space deaggregation. However, based on
the evolution since 2001, we cannot identify any sudden shift
towards a more aggressive and widespread use of prex deag-
gregation in order to achieve trafc engineering. This suggests
that it is not an increasing demand for trafc engineering that
inates routing tables: rather, ination is a consequence of the
topological growth of the Internet combined with the lack of
support for trafc engineering in the current routing system.
Large routing tables in the Internet are not only dangerous
per se, but also because they increase the likelihood that the
best routes frequently need to be recomputed. For this reason,
we now investigate the dynamics of routing information. Past
work has claimed the existence of highly unstable edge net-
works [6], [23]. Therefore, we aim at understanding whether
or not there are specic classes of ASs or prexes that generate
a disproportionate number of BGP messages. To this end,
we start in Section VI-A by studying the relationship of the
business class of originating ASs and update dynamics. In a
similar way, we explore whether specicprex classes (see
Section III) can be held responsible for a signicant fraction of
BGP update churn (Section VI-B). Finally, in Section VI-C we
focus our analysis on subsets of prexes that are responsible
for a high number of observed BGP updates and summarize
our ndings in Section VI-D.
Observation points
Absolute number of updates
500000 1500000 2500000
500000 1500000 2500000
Small Transit Providers
Large Transit Providers
Enterprise Customers
Content/Access/Hosting Providers
Fig. 8. BGP updates by the four AS classes of [16].
A. BGP update rate by business type of originating AS
Based on the classication of ASs by business type such
as LTP, STP, CAHP, and EC (see Section III and [16]), we
compute the number of updates seen for all prexes of each
class at a given observation point. The data we use are taken
from RIPE collectors [8]
and contain
routing updates recorded at 180 observation points in more
than 142 ASs. We analyze BGP updates for the rst week
in November of the years 2001 to 2008, but only present the
results for 2008, as the ndings for other years are very similar.
Figure 8 is generated as follows: We sort the observation
points by the number of prexes they receive along the xaxis.
For each observation point, we classify BGP prex updates
into four categories (EC, STP, CAHP and LTP) according to
the business type of the AS which originates the BGP update.
The y-value represents the total number of updates collected
at an observation point.
Figure 8 reveals that a large fraction of the updates (for
most observation points, more than 60%) are due to prexes
originated by enterprise networks (EC). This number is lower
for STP (around 30%). CAHP and LTP networks are respon-
sible for a small share, around 5% each. Unfortunately, not
all AS types are equally represented in publicly available data
sets. Most observation points are inside CAHP ASs, only 3
observation points are inside enterprise networks. However,
further analysis conrms that, irrespective of the location
of the observation point, most observed BGP updates are
originated by enterprise networks and small transit providers.
Since Internet domains that are either EC or CAHP belong
to the edge of the Internet, people may argue that the edge
of the Internet should be blamed for the scaling issues with
respect to BGP dynamics. However, we believe that such
statements over-simplify the root cause of the high BGP
update rates. After all, EC and CAHP networks together make
up 95% of the total number of ASs in today’s Internet and
this number is continuously increasing. Obviously, prexes
originated by these two types of ASs contribute considerably
Observation points
Fraction of updates
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 9. Fraction of BGP updates by prex type.
to BGP update churn due to their sheer number, but not
necessarily due to the fact that such prexes are more likely
to experience changes in routing policies or are subject to
more aggressive trafc engineering practices. With respect to
the topological growth in terms of ASs at the edge, core-edge
separation approaches [24] for the future Internet, if they come
to pass, can be hoped to contain the increase in update rates.
B. BGP update rates by prexclass
We now rely on the same BGP update trace as in Sec-
tion VI-A, but study the breakdown of the number of BGP
updates according to the four prex classes introduced in
Section III: lonely,delegated,deaggregated and top. Our goal
is to understand to what extent specicprex classes, e.g.,
delegated prexes used by stub networks, are more frequently
involved in update churn than others.
Figure 9 illustrates the breakdown according to our four
prex types in a manner similar to Figure 8: The observation
points are aligned along the xaxis, while the y-value represents
updates collected at an observation point. In order to directly
compare BGP updates with the data shown in Figure 3,
we normalize the number of updates for each type by the
total number of updates seen at the same observation point.
To avoid biases in the breakdown, we ltered out those
observation points which do not advertise the full BGP routing
We nd that slightly less than 50% of BGP updates occur
for lonely prexes, while delegated and deaggregated get
roughly 20% and 27%, respectively. Overall, the fraction of
BGP updates for each prex class is strongly related to the
fraction of prexes in each class (see Figure 3). Thus, no
class is responsible for a disproportionate number of updates.
Contrary to our expectations, deaggregated prexes do not
generate more than their share (see Figure 3) of BGP updates.
At a macroscopic level, deaggregated prexes behave similarly
as the other types of prexes.
However, we note that, if prex aggregation were enforced,
for example by aggregating some of the delegated and deag-
gregated prexes into their least specics (top prexes), BGP
updates could be reduced by up to 50%. Recall from Sec-
tion III that prex aggregation would also shrink the routing
table by a similar factor. One way to perform aggregation
of deaggregated or delegated prexes is to tag such routes
with BGP communities [20], [25] that tell the upstream ASs
whether the prex can or should be aggregated into a less
specic entry of the BGP routing table. Given the widespread
usage of BGP communities, the impact of such a technique
can be large. However, its success depends also very much
on the usage of route tagging by edge networks which may
be unwilling to do so. And we must take into account that
aggregation is basically just not done in the commercial
C. Prexes with high update rates
We now turn to a more detailed study of those prexes
for which we can observe a large number of updates within
a certain time period. Geoff Huston has repeatedly pointed
out that a few prexes are responsible for a large fraction
of BGP updates [2]. To conrm this, we rely on the same
BGP update data set as in Section VI-A, and compute the
number of updates observed for each prex. For each prex,
we consider the median number of updates observed across
our observation points, in order to avoid biases due to outlying
observation points.
Similarly to the results in [2], we nd that 98% of prexes
undergo less than one hundred updates during the considered
one month period, while a tiny fraction of prexes are respon-
sible for a huge number of updates.
In the previous section we observed that, when looking at
all prexes, there is no specic class of ASs that announce a
disproportionate number of prexes. An interesting question
is whether this property holds also for the subset of prexes
that account for a large number of routing updates. Again, we
rely on the median number of observed BGP updates across
our observation points for each prex. We rank the prexes by
decreasing values of the median number of observed updates,
and select the subsets corresponding to the top x%ofthe
ranked prexes, for x∈{0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2.5,5,10,25,50}.For
each subset, we break observed prex updates down into
classes, according to the deaggregation type of the prex(see
Section III-A).
In Figure 10 values at x=100 represent the breakdown
of BGP updates into deaggregation classes when considering
all prexes. Values at x=1 represent the breakdown when
only considering the 1% of prexes that generated the highest
number of updates.
According to Figure 10, even when restricting the analysis
to the prexes with the highest churn, there are only negligible
differences among different deaggregation classes. Moreover,
the fraction of BGP updates each class is responsible for is
highly correlated with the portion of the routing table that
class accounts for (see Figure 3). In particular, we point out
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Subsets of the x% prefixes accounting for most updates
Fraction of updates
0.1 0.25 0.5 1 2.5 5 10 25 50 100
Fig. 10. Prexes ranked by frequency of updates — Fraction of updates by
class. Each point on the x-axis corresponds to the subset of the x%prexes for
which most updates are observed. The y-axis shows the fraction of observed
updates by class.
that deaggregated prexes do not generate a disproportionate
number of BGP updates, even when we consider the small
subset of prexes that are responsible for a huge amount of
routing updates.
To check that the way prexes are classied does not
bias the results, we repeated the analysis of this section
with the classication introduced in Section IV-A. We do
not show these results due to space limitations, but found
no statistically signicant difference in the behavior of the
different prex classes. Only the “root/MS-complete” class
has lower worst-case behavior compared to other classes.
Otherwise, the distributions of the number of BGP updates
per prex class are extremely similar.
D. Summary
Our analysis of BGP updates conrms the ndings from
previous sections: we cannot claim that a specicclassof
prexes misbehaves more than others. In particular, deaggre-
gated prexes cannot be blamed for putting more stress than
their fair share on the routing system.
A large number of research projects [26]–[29] which are
concerned with routing architectures for the future Internet,
motivate their work with alarming numbers of the growth of
routing table size or rates of routing updates. In general such
numbers can be obtained from various sources, including [2],
[4], [8], [9], [30]. Probably, the most prominent source of
information is the Potaroo web page [2], [4]. Based on results
from [2], Huston concluded that the Internet grows “at a rate
which has, at a minimum, doubled in size each year” [31].
In the past, many publications studied the evolution of
the Internet topology, mainly with a focus on the AS-level
structure, e.g., [16], [22], [32]. One general insight, relevant
for this work, is that the Internet is predominantly growing at
the “edge”, i.e. the number of enterprise, access, or content
networks is increasing faster than the core.
Moreover, efforts have been made to quantify the growth
of routing tables, to understand the underlying causes, and
to make predictions for the future. Bu et al. [3] explore the
degree to which factors such as multi-homing or address
fragmentation contribute to routing table size. While their
study does not include data on either allocations or routing
dynamics, others [33] explore how IPv4 address allocation
practices affect the BGP table growth. Meng et al. [1] take
the step of correlating information about allocated blocks with
what is actually announced in BGP routing tables. Compared
to our classication of Section III-A and Section IV-A, their
analysis is more coarse-grained, since [1] solely distinguishes
between covered and covering prexes. Finally, work has
been done to explore BGP routing dynamics, e.g., [6], and
to identify prexes that signicantly contribute to routing
churn [23]. Despite the importance of interdomain trafc
engineering, to the best of our knowledge we are the rst
to quantify the popularity of AS-path prepending and scoped
advertisements based on observed routing data.
According to recent ndings [34] certain proportions be-
tween different measures are invariant in spite of the ongoing
growth of the Internet. For example, an estimation of the lower
bound on the number of active public IP addresses appears to
be consistent with a square law relationship with both the
number routing table entries and the number of ASs. The
ndings of this paper are similar in that certain patterns in
the Internet, such as usage of allocated blocks, have not and
do not signicantly change in the long term.
There is widespread belief in a high and fast growing
number of ASs that deaggregate prexes, e.g., for the purpose
of trafc engineering [1]. Moreover, researchers often blame
specic classes of ASs for generating a disproportionate
amount of BGP updates.
Our primary objective is to challenge such widespread
assumptions (“myths”) and not just to conrm previous
ndings [1]–[3]. Surprisingly, we nd severe discrepancies
between existing myths and reality. According to our results,
there is no trend towards more aggressive prex deaggrega-
tion or trafc engineering over time. With respect to update
dynamics, deaggregated prexes generally do not generate a
disproportionate number of BGP updates with respect to their
share of the BGP routing table.
We stress that our work should not be used as an argument
to deny that there exists a problem with address space deag-
gregation. Instead, what our results reveal is that the global
impact of “bad guys” on Internet address space deaggregation
and BGP churn has not changed for the worse in recent years.
These problems have been present for a long time and have
not become more prevalent recently. This is a far more positive
picture of the behavior of IPv4 address space and its dynamics
compared to the alarming discourses typically heard [1], [2],
Our ndings indicate that the growth of routing table and
BGP dynamics is due to the growing edge of the Internet. In
this light, core and edge separation, as advocated by clean-
slate approaches [7], could be an approach worth exploring to
improve routing dynamics.
The research results presented herein are partly funded
by a grant from Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, from Tril-
ogy (, a research project (ICT-
216372) partially funded by the European Community under
its Seventh Framework Programme, as well as from G-lab
(, a research project (support code
01 BK 0805) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany. The views
expressed here are those of the author(s) only. The European
Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the
information in this document.
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Luca Cittadini received his master degree from
Roma Tre University in 2006, and a PhD degree in
Computer Science and Automation from the same
institution in 2010. During his PhD he was a teach-
ing assistant in the computer network research lab.
His research activity is primarily focused on inter-
domain routing, including theoretical analysis of the
protocol as well as active and passive measurements.
Wolfgang Mühlbauer is a senior researcher in
the Communication Systems Group at ETH Zürich,
Switzerland since November 2009. He received a
diploma degree from the Technische Universität
München, Germany, in 2005, and a PhD degree
in Computer Science (Informatik) from Technische
Universität Berlin, Germany, in 2009. Between 2006
and 2009 he was a research assistant and teach-
ing assistant in the network architectures groups,
rst at Technische Universität München and then
at Technische Universität Berlin/Deutsche Telekom
Laboratories. His current research interests include inter-domain routing,
active and passive network measurements, and the design of network testbeds
and of distributed systems.
Steve Uhlig received the PhD degree in Applied
Sciences from the University of Louvain, Louvain-
la-neuve, Belgium, in 2004.
He is currently a Senior Research Scientist at
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (T-labs) and Tech-
nische Universität Berlin, Germany. Prior to this,
he was at Delft University of Technology (2006-
2008) and was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Belgian
National Fund for Scientic Research (2004-2006).
His main research interests are focused on the
large-scale behavior of the Internet and network
measurements. His current research topics include trafc characterization,
interdomain routing, trafc engineering, DNS usage, geolocation, and network
topology modeling.
Dr. Uhlig serves as an editor for Computer Communications journal. He
was the recipient of the annual IBM Belgium/F.N.R.S. Computer Science
Prize 2005.
Randy Bush is a Senior Researcher and Network
Operator at Internet Initiative Japan, the rst com-
mercial IPv6 deployment in the world. He special-
izes in IPv6 deployment, network security, proto-
cols, and network measurement especially routing.
Randy has been in computing for 45 years, and
has a few decades of Internet operations experience.
He was the engineering founder of Verio, which
is now NTT/Verio. He has been heavily involved
in transferring Internet technologies to developing
economies for over 20 years.
He was a chair of the IETF WG on the DNS for a decade and served as
a member of the IESG, as co-chair of the IETF Operations and Management
Area for six years. Randy was the rst Chair of the NANOG Steering
Committee, a co-founder of AfNOG, on the founding Board of Directors
of ARIN, helped start AfriNIC, and has participated in APNIC, RIPE, et alia
since each was founded.
Pierre François is a Postdoctoral Fellow of
the ”Fonds national de la recherche scientique”
(FNRS), Belgium. He obtained his Ph. D. from the
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in 2007,
Belgium. His Ph. D. thesis was supported by Cisco
Systems. He obtained his MS degree in computer
science from the University of Namur, Belgium, in
2003. He received the IEEE Infocom best paper
award in 2007. His research interests include intra-
and interdomain routing.
Olaf Maennel is a lecturer at Loughborough Univer-
sity in the United Kingdom since September 2009.
Before that he was at Deutsche Telekom Labora-
tories and Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.
From 2005 until 2008 he was a senior researcher
at the School of Mathematical Science of the Uni-
versity of Adelaide in South Australia, working
with Matthew Roughan on robustness of Internet
Routing. Dr. Maennel obtained his Ph.D. (Dr. rer.
nat.) in computer science in 2005 from the Technical
University of Munich, Germany, and his Diploma
(master) in 2002 from the Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany. His
research interests are routing, active measurements, next generation internet
technology, as well as conguration management. He is also serving in the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
... Many popular BGP guidelines recommend the rigorous filtering of prefixes that encompass only a few addresses [11,12,29,33,34,49,50] and, hence, those prefixes have been shown to propagate neither far nor reliably [51]. While the possible reasons for announcing these types of prefixes are broad and range from traffic engineering over multi-homing configurations to prefix-hijack prevention [7,17], the boundary for announcements which are deemed "widely acceptable" are usually considered to be a /24 prefix in IPv4 and a /48 prefix in IPv6. ...
... After discussing our results with thirteen operators from different types of networks, we believe that the limited filtering is often a result of popular customer requests. The operator of a major transit network told us that their network recently (throughout Summer 2020) changed from the filtering of all IPv4 HSPs to only filtering prefixes more specific than /28; this shift enabled (especially new and small) customer networks to perform basic traffic engineering despite a limited address allocation 7 . ...
... Meng et al. report in 2005 that even newly assigned address space is deaggregated and that the deaggregation rate of prefixes increases over time [31]. In 2010, Cittadini et al. [7] report that more than 10 % of ASes deaggregate their prefixes while around 1 % of ASes announce more than 10 prefixes for each address block they got assigned. Lutu et al. present a simulation model that estimates that origin ASes can reduce their transit cost by 5 % by using more-specific announcements [26][27][28]. ...
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Autonomous Systems (ASes) exchange reachability information between each other using BGP---the de-facto standard inter-AS routing protocol. While IPv4 (IPv6) routes more specific than /24 (/48) are commonly filtered (and hence not propagated), route collectors still observe many of them. In this work, we take a closer look at those "hyper-specific" prefixes (HSPs). In particular, we analyze their prevalence, use cases, and whether operators use them intentionally or accidentally. While their total number increases over time, most HSPs can only be seen by route collector peers. Nonetheless, some HSPs can be seen constantly throughout an entire year and propagate widely. We find that most HSPs represent (internal) routes to peering infrastructure or are related to address block relocations or blackholing. While hundreds of operators intentionally add HSPs to well-known routing databases, we observe that many HSPs are possibly accidentally leaked routes.
... New Prefix stands for BGP messages that result in new entries in the RIB, thus increase its size. These BGP messages signal the reachability to a new IP prefix or the fragmentation of known IP prefixes into smaller prefixes [3], [4]. Hierarchical taxonomy for BGP update messages. ...
... VI. RELATED WORK BGP has been widely studied by the research community. The scalability of BGP received a lot of attention, and in particular, the growth of routing tables [3] and BGP churn [1], [2]. BGP data has also been used in various monitoring systems. ...
... The network prefix length alone is however not sufficient to resolve the IP space bound to a path. IP space deaggregation [2,6] should also be taken into account. For example, a viewpoint reports the path 'X Y Z' for the prefix a.b.c.0/17 and the path 'X W Z' for the prefix a.b.0.0/16. ...
... That is the number of IP addresses corresponding to the advertised IP prefixes minus the number of IP addresses from covered prefixes (i.e. deaggregated and delegated prefixes [2]) that are not passing through v. In the rest of the paper this weighted version of BC is applied for the calculation of AS hegemony in IPv4, but as the relation between number of addresses and prefix size in IPv6 is more ambiguous we keep the classical BC definition for the calculation of AS hegemony in IPv6. ...
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Inter-domain routing is a crucial part of the Internet designed for arbitrary policies, economical models, and topologies. This versatility translates into a substantially complex system that is hard to comprehend. Monitoring the inter-domain routing infrastructure is however essential for understanding the current state of the Internet and improving it. In this paper we design a methodology to answer two simple questions: Which are the common transit networks used to reach a certain AS? How much does this AS depend on these transit networks? To answer these questions we digest AS paths advertised with the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) into AS graphs and measure node centrality (i.e. the likelihood of an AS to lie on paths between two other ASes). Our proposal relies solely on the AS hegemony metric, a new way to quantify node centrality while taking into account the bias towards the partial view offered by BGP. Our analysis using 14 years of BGP data refines our knowledge on Internet flattening but also exhibits the consolidated position of tier-1 networks in today’s IPv4 and IPv6 Internet. We also study the connectivity to two content providers (Google and Akamai) and investigate the AS dependency of networks hosting DNS root servers. These case studies emphasize the benefits of our method to assist ISPs in planning and assessing infrastructure deployment.
... Another reason for too specifics is leaked internal infrastructure address space or leaked more specifics of customer address space [98]. Possible reasons are misconfigured outbound filters by the feeder, which causes it to send its complete internal BGP data. ...
... However, this does not happen in practice for several reasons. First, the IPv4 addressing space is heavily fragmented [16,76]. As almost all IPv4 prefixes have been assigned, an AS that needs new IPv4 addresses buys small blocks of addresses from other ASes. ...
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The Internet use IP addresses to identify and locate network interfaces of connected devices. IPv4 was introduced more than 40 years ago and specifies 32-bit addresses. As the Internet grew, available IPv4 addresses eventually became exhausted more than ten years ago. The IETF designed IPv6 with a much larger addressing space consisting of 128-bit addresses, pushing back the exhaustion problem much further in the future. In this paper, we argue that this large addressing space allows reconsidering how IP addresses are used and enables improving, simplifying and scaling the Internet. By revisiting the IPv6 addressing paradigm, we demonstrate that it opens up several research opportunities that can be investigated today. Hosts can benefit from several IPv6 addresses to improve their privacy, defeat network scanning, improve the use of several mobile access network and their mobility as well as to increase the performance of multicore servers. Network operators can solve the multihoming problem more efficiently and without putting a burden on the BGP RIB, implement Function Chaining with Segment Routing, differentiate routing inside and outside a domain given particular network metrics and offer more fine-grained multicast services.
... In addition, as the number of zombies is increasing with the number of announced prefixes, an extensive use of prefix deaggregation [3] may be detrimental in terms of BGP zombies. Similarly, as we have shown that BGP churn is another important factor, the use of BGP optimizer that generates a lot of update messages may also be detrimental. ...
... In 2017, the FIB size exceeds 700k. 1 New forwarding rules emerge primarily because of the growth of the Internet itself, trends for advertising more specific routes [20] (e.g., for traffic engineering purposes [29]), or the increasing demand for virtual networks [6], [16]. The migration to IPv6 is not expected to mitigate the address space disaggregation problem [7]. The increasing memory requirement comes at a significant cost for ISPs [31], as this memory is expensive and power-hungry [21]. ...
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This paper studies the problem of compressing the forwarding information base (FIB), but taking a wider perspective. Indeed, FIB compression goes beyond sheer compression, as the gain in memory use obtained from the compression has consequences on the updates that will have to be applied to the compressed FIB. We are interested in the situation where forwarding rules can change over time, e.g., due to border gateway protocol (BGP) route updates. Accordingly, we frame FIB compression as an online problem and design competitive online algorithms to solve it. In contrast to prior work which mostly focused on static optimizations, we study an online variant of the problem where routes can change over time and where the number of updates to the FIB is taken into account explicitly. The reason to consider this version of the problem is that leveraging temporal locality while accounting for the number of FIB updates helps to keep routers CPU load low and reduces the number of FIB updates to be transferred, e.g., from the network-attached software-defined network controller to a remote switch. This paper introduces a formal model which is an interesting generalization of several classic online aggregation problems. Our main contribution is an O(w)-competitive algorithm, where w is the length of an IP address. We also derive a lower bound which shows that our result is asymptotically optimal within a natural class of algorithms, based on so-called sticks.
An earlier study observed that until 2008, the size of the BGP4 system for IPv4 appeared to have grown approximately in proportion to the square root of the host count of the globally addressable Internet. This article revisits this study by including IPv4 data until 2020 and adding IPv6 data. The results indicate that BGP4 for IPv4 is continuing to scale steadily even as IPv4 approaches its end of life, and that it is working as it should for IPv6, except for a slight concern that the number of announced routes is trending upwards faster as time goes on.
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In recent years, the size and dynamics of the global rout-ing table have increased rapidly along with an increase in the number of edge networks. The relation between edge network quantity and routing table size/dynamics reveals a major limitation in the current architecture; there is a conflict between provider-based address aggregation and edge networks' need for multihoming. Two basic direc-tions towards resolving this conflict have surfaced in the networking community. The first direction, which we dub separation, calls for separating edge networks from the transit core, and engineering a control and manage-ment layer in between. The other direction, which we dub elimination, calls for edge networks to adopt multi-ple provider-assigned addresses to enable provider-based address aggregation. In this paper, we argue that separa-tion is a more promising approach to scaling the global routing system than elimination, and can potentially be leveraged to bring other architectural improvements to today's Internet that an elimination approach cannot.
The Internet continues along a path of seeming inexorable growth, at a rate which has, at a minimum, doubled in size each year. How big it needs to be to meet future demands remains an area of somewhat vague speculation. Of more direct interest in the question of whether the basic elements of the Internet can be extended to meet such levels of future demand, whatever they may be. To rephrase this question, are there inherent limitations in the technology of the Internet, or its architecture of deployment that may impact on the continued growth of the Internet to meet ever expanding levels of demand?
This document is an informational snapshot taken by the IRTF's Internet Congestion Control Research Group (ICCRG) in October 2008. It provides a survey of congestion control topics described by documents in the RFC series. This does not modify or update the specifications or status of the RFC documents that are discussed. It may be used as a reference or starting point for the future work of the research group, especially in noting gaps or open issues in the current IETF standards.