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Five Questions To Explore in the Nursery for Optimizing Subsequent Field Success

  • USDA Forest Service
  • Western Forest Products
  • NurseryToForest Solutions

Abstract and Figures

This paper is based on questions from an audi-ence participation discussion with the author S. Grossnickle during the Joint Annual Meeting of the Forest Nursery Association of British Columbia and the Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association (Sidney, BC, September 30-October 2, 2019). The five question topics presented herein were, by consensus, the most discussed questions presented by the audience of nursery practitioners and foresters. Topics explored in this paper relate to nursery hardening practices, irrigation management to promote stress resistance, cultural strategies to promote vigorous root growth, storage practices for hot-lifted seedlings, and storage length for overwin-ter stored seedlings. The following answers to these specific topics are the authors’ combined views on these nursery cultural practices.
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112 Tree Planters’ Notes
This paper is based on questions from an audi-
ence participation discussion with the author S.
Grossnickle during the Joint Annual Meeting of the
Forest Nursery Association of British Columbia
and the Western Forest and Conservation Nursery
Association (Sidney, BC, September 30-October
2, 2019). The ve question topics presented herein
were, by consensus, the most discussed questions
presented by the audience of nursery practitioners
and foresters. Topics explored in this paper relate to
nursery hardening practices, irrigation management
to promote stress resistance, cultural strategies to
promote vigorous root growth, storage practices for
hot-lifted seedlings, and storage length for overwin-
ter stored seedlings. The following answers to these
specic topics are the authors’ combined views on
these nursery cultural practices.
Nursery cultural practices have a direct impact on
seedling quality and subsequent eld performance
(Dumroese et al. 2016, Grossnickle 2012, Grossnickle
and MacDonald 2018a, Mattsson 1997, Sutton 1979).
Culturing seedlings requires specialized knowledge
and skill to produce adequate quantities of high-qual-
ity plants from appropriate genetic seed sources in
a timely manner. This process starts with a partner-
ship between the client and the nursery manager to
determine plant specications that are matched to
the outplanting site (Dumroese et al. 2016). These
plant specications include species, seed source, and
stocktype, as well as particular morphological and
physiological characteristics that will maximize the
seedling potential to survive and thrive after outplant-
ing (Haase 2008).
For any given seedling crop, it is important to dene
and rene the path required to go from start to nish.
Plants are biological organisms and must be treated as
such; they are not widgets in a factory. Morphology
is relatively easy to see and measure, and most target
specications are based on these measures. Nonethe-
less, physiological function must also be considered
because seedling physiological responses to the envi-
ronment determine their survival and morphological
development (Grossnickle 2000).
Plants’ physiological function is ever changing and
responding to their external environment. Thus,
constant monitoring of seedling development in the
nursery is essential, especially for identifying and
addressing any problems (Duryea 1985, Grossnickle
and MacDonald 2018b). Throughout the process,
growers must manage risks to maximize yield and
performance. Without good quality upon leaving the
nursery, seedlings with the best genetics cannot do
well in the eld.
This paper explores ve questions about seedling
ecophysiology and nursery culturing raised during the
2019 Joint Annual Meeting of the Forest Nursery As-
sociation of British Columbia and the Western Forest
and Conservation Nursery Association.
Question 1 – What Are the Best
Cultural Hardening Practices To
Maintain Physiological Quality?
Cultural hardening practices that improve seedling
“physiological quality” have long been considered
important for increasing survival and growth potential
after eld planting for both bareroot (Wakeley 1948,
1954) and container-grown (Landis et al. 2010, Lav-
ender and Cleary 1974, Tinus 1974) seedlings. This
is because hardened seedlings usually have quality
Seedling Ecophysiology: Five Questions To Explore in
the Nursery for Optimizing Subsequent Field Success
Steven C. Grossnickle, Steven B. Kiiskila, and Diane L. Haase
Consultant, NurseryToForest Solutions, North Saanich, BC; Crop Manager, Arbutus Grove Nursery, Victoria, BC;
Western Nursery Specialist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Portland, OR
Volume 63, Number 2 (Fall 2020) 113
attributes necessary to become established after plant-
ing on restoration sites (Grossnickle 2012, Grossnickle
and MacDonald 2018a). As nursery-grown seedlings
reach a desired morphological size, cultural practices
to modify daylength, temperature, watering, and fertil-
ization can be applied to harden seedlings (Landis et al.
1999, Landis 2013, Tinus and McDonald 1979).
Stress resistance is not considered to be related to plant
age (e.g., freezing resistance [Sakai and Larcher 1987];
drought resistance [Teskey et al. 1984]), but rather to
its morphological, physiological, and phenological state
(Fuchigami et al. 1982, Lavender 1985). Changes in
phenological and physiological parameters are known
to occur in parallel (Fuchigami et al. 1982, Fuchigami
and Nee 1987, Lang et al. 1985) with stress resistance
varying seasonally with plant development (Bigras
1996, Burr 1990, Grossnickle 2000) in temperate
zone tree species (gure 1). In addition, root growth is
related to seasonal shoot dormancy patterns, decreasing
as shoot endodormancy (regulated by internal factors)
intensies in the fall and increasing as seedlings move
toward ecodormancy (regulated by environmental
factors) (Ritchie and Dunlap 1980, Ritchie and Tanaka
1990). This knowledge of plant acclimation in relation
to the phenological state can be used for scheduling
hardening practices during the last stages of a nursery
cultural program, thereby improving seedling quality
and enhancing subsequent eld performance (Landis et
al. 2010, Lavender and Cleary 1974, Tinus 1974).
Acclimation of seedlings is based on the concept of
“slowly increasing stresses to induce physiological
adjustments in plants” (Kozlowski and Pallardy 2002);
thus, cultural practices that enhance stress tolerance or
avoidance can help seedlings develop morphological
and physiological protection from potentially limiting
eld site conditions (Landis et al. 1999, Lavender and
Cleary 1974, Tinus 1974, Wakeley 1954). The follow-
ing sections describe cultural practices of modied
daylength (photoperiod), temperature, and fertilization
to promote seedling hardening while maintaining
Figure 1. Seedlings have distinct phenological cycles which can vary somewhat based on species, geographic seed source, and weather patterns. (a) Bud
dormancy (measured as days to budbreak) is high in the fall and declines through the winter and early spring, while stress resistance and cold hardiness peak in
winter. (b) Root and shoot growth follow different patterns. (a - adapted from Landis et al. 2010; b – adapted from Landis et al. 1999)
114 Tree Planters’ Notes
physiological quality. A detailed discussion on water-
ing as a seedling hardening cultural practice is de-
scribed in the answer to Question 2.
After the summer solstice, daylength shortens, pro-
moting development of endodormancy. With north-
ern-latitude tree species, the end of shoot elongation
and development of terminal buds is considered to
be the rst stage of fall acclimation to low tempera-
tures (Weiser 1970) and an overall increase in stress
resistance (Levitt 1980). Seedlings normally enter
the rst stage of fall acclimation to low temperatures
(Grossnickle 2000, Lang et al. 1985, Levitt 1980,
Weiser 1970) and develop increased drought resis-
tance (Abrams 1988, Teskey et al. 1984) in the latter
half of summer, when shoot elongation has ended
and terminal buds are developing (Burr 1990). As
seedlings develop a “hard bud,” they are considered
endodormant and will not break bud even if they are
exposed to optimal environmental conditions (see
Temperature section). In this state, they continue to
grow roots, though root growth is declining (Ritchie
and Dunlap 1980, Ritchie and Tanaka 1990).
Because temperate tree species respond to seasonal
decreases in daylength, short-day treatments have
been developed in northern-latitude container nurser-
ies to induce shoot growth cessation and bud forma-
tion (Landis et al. 1999, Tinus and McDonald 1979).
The typical short-day treatment for spring-planted
seedlings is initiated in August with an 8- to 10-h day
and 14- to 16-h night treatment for 10 to 12 days, with
variations depending on species and genetic sources
(Grossnickle 2000, Landis et al. 1999). Seedlings are
then placed under a cultural regime to maintain budset
(i.e., moderate water stress, shortened photoperiod,
and low N fertilization; Landis et al. 1999, Lavender
and Cleary 1974). During hardening, the reduction
of N fertilization is an optional practice that brings N
levels below their optimum range, with N levels re-
turned to their optimum range when limiting seasonal
environmental conditions ensure seedlings remain
endodormant and will not reush. These practices are
then maintained until they are lifted for storage in late
fall or early winter. For summer-planted (Grossnickle
and Folk 2003, Luoranen et al. 2006) and fall-planted
(Luoranen and Rikala 2015; MacDonald and Ow-
ens 2006, 2010) seedlings, short-day treatment (as
dened above) is initiated approximately 2 months
before seedlings are lifted and shipped to the eld to
allow for a 5- to 6-week exposure to seasonal short-
ening photoperiods and ambient temperatures. This
approach recognizes the annual seedling phenological
and physiological cycles (gure 1), and utilizes them
to promote budset development, dormancy, freezing
tolerance, and drought resistance (Colombo et al.
2001, Grossnickle 2000, Landis et al. 2010), thereby
producing hardened seedlings. The advantage of us-
ing photoperiod manipulation is that it allows for the
application of a uniform cultural treatment over the
entire crop (Landis et al. 1999).
As seedlings are exposed to cold fall temperatures
and accumulate chilling hours, they move through
the endodormancy phase, with maximum days to
budbreak in late summer and early fall decreasing
through the fall and into winter (Burr 1990, Fuch-
igami et al. 1982) and increasing stress resistance
(Grossnickle 2000) peaking in winter (gure 1).
When seedlings complete the endodormancy phase
and move into the ecodormancy phase, root growth
potential increases (Burr 1990, Ritchie and Tanaka
1990) and seedlings only remain inactive as long as
environmental conditions are unfavorable for growth
(Burr 1990, Fuchigami et al. 1982, Lang et al. 1985).
Chilling hours, rather than calendar date, are used by
nursery practitioners to track fall acclimation be-
cause temperate conifers require a period of chilling
to move through endodormancy and become ready
for overwinter storage. Chilling hours are quantied
based on specic temperature ranges. For example,
in the Pacic Northwest and Canada, chilling hours
are often recorded from 0 to 4.4 °C (32 to 40 °F)
(Timmis et al. 1994, van den Driessche 1977), or to
10 °C (50 °F) (Burdett and Simpson 1984, Ritchie et
al. 1985), while in the southern United States, chilling
hours are typically reported within the range of 0 to
8 °C (32 to 46.5 °F) (Carlson 1985, Garber 1983). In
some instances, temperatures above or below a cer-
tain level are given partial or negative chilling hours
(Haase et al. 2016, Harrington et al. 2010). Chill days
(O’Reilly et al. 1999), degree-hardening-days (Landis
et al. 2010), or hardening degree days (Carles et al.
2012) are sometimes reported when hourly data are
not available. As chilling hours increase, the days to
Volume 63, Number 2 (Fall 2020) 115
budbreak decrease and stress resistance increases for
a wide range of temperate tree species (Grossnickle
and South 2014) (gure 1).
Reduction, reformulation, or withdrawal of fertilizer
toward the end of the growing season is an effective
means to slow growth and induce bud formation
(Landis et al. 1999, Tinus and McDonald 1979). This
practice is sometimes done in concert with short-day
treatments at container nurseries. Typically, N fertil-
ization is reduced by 50 to 90 percent from rates used
during the rapid growth phase of seedling development
(Landis et al. 1989). Fall fertilization regimes, applied
after the hardening fertilization treatment, have been
developed to result in optimum nutrient levels available
for growth after outplanting (Dumroese 2003, Hawkins
2011, Landis 1985), while fall nutrient loading after the
completion of budset is designed to increase seedling
nutrient reserves to luxury consumption levels, thus in-
creasing eld performance potential (Dumroese 2003,
Grossnickle 2012, Grossnickle and MacDonald 2018a,
Hawkins 2011, Timmer 1997).
Question 2 – How Can Irrigation
Management Be Used To Promote
Stress Resistance?
Modifying irrigation practices to create water stress
events at the end of the growing season affects plant
development and can be used to increase stress resis-
tance and hardening. These water stress events result in
“physiological adjustments” in plants (Kozlowski and
Pallardy 2002), increased drought resistance (Teskey
et al. 1984), and induction of bud formation (Calme´ et
al. 1993, Lavender and Cleary 1974, Macey and Arnott
1986, Timmis and Tanaka 1976, Young and Hanover
1978). Drought resistance is a combination of drought
avoidance and drought tolerance (Abrams 1988, Tes-
key et al. 1984). Drought avoidance (i.e., postponement
of plant dehydration through reduction in water loss)
includes cuticular development (Grossnickle 2000),
stomatal sensitivity (Folk and Grossnickle 1997, Tim-
mis 1980), morphological balance (Mexal and Landis
1990, Thompson 1985), increased water absorption by
roots (Carlson and Miller 1990), and improved root
growth capacity (van den Driessche 1991). Drought
tolerance (i.e., capacity to undergo dehydration with-
out irreversible injury) includes osmotic and cell wall
elasticity adjustment (Joly 1985, Lopushinsky 1990,
Ritchie 1984, Timmis 1980) and chloroplast drought
resistance (Timmis 1980).
Exposing seedlings to water stress, in combination with
reduced photoperiod and fertilization, is used to harden
seedlings (Landis et al. 1999). Successful implementa-
tion of this cultural practice requires an understanding
of necessary water stress levels for the development of
seedling drought resistance. For example, loblolly pine
Pinus taeda
L.) seedlings developed drought re-
sistance during a 5-week reduced irrigation regime
(gure 2a) with a 50-percent increase in drought
avoidance (cuticular transpiration declined from 3.8
to 2.3 percent water loss h-1 after stomatal closure)
and a 100-percent increase in drought tolerance (os-
motic potential at turgor loss point that declined from
Figure 2. (a) Mid-day shoot water potential of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.)
seedlings changes in relation to the water content container capacity percent-
age (CC%). The arrows along the X-axis are hardening targets to progressively
lower the CC% to 40 percent over a series of weeks. (b) Drought resistance
is measured by drought avoidance (cuticular transpiration that declined from
3.8- to 2.3-percent water loss per hour after stomatal closure) and drought
tolerance (osmotic potential at turgor loss point that declined from -1.0 to
-2.0 MPa) during nursery hardening (i.e., reduced fertilization and watering)
(Grossnickle unpublished).
116 Tree Planters’ Notes
-1.0 to -2.0 MPa) (gure 2b). Other studies have also
found that restricted watering hardens loblolly pine
seedlings (Bongarten and Teskey 1986, Hennessey and
Dougherty 1984, Seiler and Johnson 1985). As loblolly
pine seedlings proceed through this drought-harden-
ing event, their shoot and root systems stop growing,
needle cuticular development occurs resulting in tactile
changes from a feather-like to a stiff feel when moving
one’s hand across the foliage, needle color changes
from lush green to light green, and root suberization
occurs resulting in a color shift from white to brown
(gure 3). These visual cues allow the nursery prac-
titioner a means to track seedling changes during the
drought hardening process.
For a water-stress cultural practice to be successful,
one needs to increase water stress in a stepwise
Figure 3. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedling morphological development during drought hardening. Phase 0 (onset of hardening, week 0) is an actively growing
seedling with needles exhibiting a lush, green color, feather-like feel when moving one’s hand across the foliage, and more than 50 percent of the root system is
unsuberized with a white color. In Phase 1 (occurring by week 2), seedling needles start to lose their green luster and roots show initial stages of suberization on
the upper portions of the plug. Phase 2 (occurring by week 3 to 4) is characterized by light green needles that exhibit initial cuticle development and have a slightly
stiff feel; also, less than 25 percent of the root system shows an unsuberized white color. In Phase 3 (occurring by week 5), needles are light green and exhibit full
cuticle development with a stiff feel, plus 100 percent of the root system shows brown, suberized roots. (Photos by Steven C. Grossnickle)
Volume 63, Number 2 (Fall 2020) 117
progression as seedlings transition from the growing
phase into the hardening phase. For example, contain-
er-grown loblolly pine seedlings typically go through a
series of drying cycles (i.e., watered to saturation and
allowed to dry to a dened container weight) with an
initial dry down to 60-percent container capacity, fol-
lowed by progressively lower levels over 3 to 5 weeks
until reaching 40-percent container capacity and a
mid-day shoot water potential of -1.5 MPa (gure 2a).
These drying cycles are intended to expose seedlings
to drought stress that comes near, but does not exceed,
the shoot wilting point (Landis et al. 1999). A standard
operational monitoring practice for certain species is to
wait until 10 percent (Kiiskila, personal communica-
tion), 25 percent (Grossnickle et al. 1991), or even up
to 40 percent (Grossnickle, personal communication)
of the crop has shoot tip wilting before rewatering.
A minimum predawn water potential of -1.0 MPa
(Lavender and Cleary 1974) or daytime readings
between -1.2 and -1.5 MPa (Cleary 1978), or even
as low as -1.5 to -1.7 MPa (Landis et al. 1999, Tinus
1982) over a series of stress events was sufcient to
terminate shoot growth and develop stress resistance in
conifer species. When seedlings are fully hardened, the
crop will not show shoot system wilt during a drought
event (Grossnickle, personal communication). If water
stress is too severe or too rapid during these drying
cycles, it impedes the physiological development of
drought resistance (Cleary 1978). Avoiding rapid de-
velopment of water stress is critical to ensure this is an
effective cultural practice.
Vapor pressure decit is another environmental variable
related to the plant-water balance and can be used to
harden seedlings. Seedlings harden with exposure to the
combination of lower available soil water and higher
vapor pressure decit (Larcher 1995). These conditions
will cause moderate plant water stress and reduced pho-
tosynthesis (Grossnickle 2000, Kozlowski et al. 1991)
which can slow or stop seedling growth (Grossnickle
2000, Kozlowski 1982) and help harden seedlings for
reforestation site conditions (Landis et al. 1999).
The use of water stress is not always successful in
hardening seedlings within an operational nursery
environment (Landis et al. 1989). First, there is dif-
culty in implementing a uniform drought treatment
due to differences in irrigation coverage and variation
in individual seedling water use. Second, when stan-
dard peat-based growing media dry, they can become
hydrophobic, making it difcult to rewet and thereby
causing uneven exposure to the drying regime. To
avoid or overcome media becoming hydrophobic, it is
important to overwater after a drought-stress treat-
ment to ensure all cavities are fully saturated (Kiiski-
la, personal communication). Third, species differ in
development of drought resistance (Abrams 1988),
making it difcult to apply water stress as a univer-
sal hardening treatment across all species. Thus, it is
important to monitor water stress treatments to ensure
they are applied uniformly and result in successful
Question 3 – What Nursery Cultural
Strategies Promote Vigorous Root
A well-developed, functional root system is critical
for outplanting success (Grossnickle 2005, 2012;
Grossnickle and MacDonald 2018a). Quality root
systems readily uptake water and nutrients and give
structural support to the seedling. Measures of root
quality include mass, shoot-to-root ratio, form, length,
brosity, root growth potential, and nutrient/carbohy-
drate content (Davis and Jacobs 2005, Haase 2011a).
Although the root system is not easily observed com-
pared with the shoot due to its belowground nature,
attention to root morphology and physiology in the
nursery are imperative to help ensure good eld per-
formance. When working with growers, Landis (2008)
often referred to seedlings as a “root crop” to empha-
size the importance of good-quality root systems.
For the most part, nursery strategies for developing
vigorous seedling root systems are inextricably linked
with strategies for promoting overall plant quality. For
instance, root vigor is tied to the transfer of photosyn-
thates from the shoots (Binder et al. 1990, Philipson
1988, van den Driessche 1987). To achieve target
specications, the grower must consider the phenolog-
ical cycle for the species and seed source (gure 1),
along with environmental patterns at the nursery. As
such, growing regimes must be tailored to stocktype
(i.e., container type, size, depth, and density, seedling
age, and outplanting season) and its associated target
specications for the outplanting site conditions. For
example, some species (e.g., pine) are strongly taproot-
ed and tend to not generate lateral roots in the upper
part of the root system. In a nursery setting, however,
development of lateral roots and numerous root tips is
118 Tree Planters’ Notes
a primary goal for ensuring root egress and vigor after
outplanting (gure 4). In studies with overwintered
spruce (
spp.) seedlings, root hydraulic conduc-
tivity increased with new root growth because newly
developed roots have low root resistance and high
water uptake capability during the rst few weeks after
thawing (Colombo and Asselstine 1989, Grossnickle
1988). Thus, alleviation of planting stress depends on
the number of new roots a seedling develops just after
planting (Grossnickle 2005).
To encourage a quality seedling with well-devel-
oped roots, the grower must sow seed into a well-
drained container growing medium (or bareroot
seedbed) with adequate aeration (Landis et al. 1990)
during temperature and moisture conditions suitable
for germination and rapid root elongation. Irriga-
tion is one of the most useful culturing tools in any
nursery and can make all the difference between the
production of high-quality or low-quality plants.
Irrigation based on the plant’s transpirational de-
mands, target water content, and seedling growth
phase is far more effective and efcient than irriga-
tion on a set schedule (Dumroese et al. 2015). The
best irrigation programs always involve watering to
saturation and then allowing a dry down sufcient
to ensure good root aeration. High irrigation levels
tend to result in higher shoot-to-root ratio (Moser et
al. 2014) and proliferation of pathogens and other
pests (Dumroese and Haase 2018). Similarly, exces-
sive fertilizer, especially nitrogen, promotes exces-
sive shoot growth and an unbalanced shoot-to-root
ratio (Landis et al. 1989).
Proper timing of nutrient and water deprivation to
induce budset and hardening correlates with the
push to generate stem diameter and root growth in
the fall before temperatures drop and all growth
ceases. This phase is critical for achieving target
height-to-diameter and shoot-to-root ratios. Quali-
ty container-grown seedlings have root plugs with
good integrity such that the plug is readily extract-
able and stays together during, lifting, handling,
storage, and planting. Root development should
be adequate to ll the plug and hold the growing
medium, but care must be taken to not create a
rootbound condition (South and Mitchell 2006).
After outplanting, rootbound seedlings may have
poor root egress, root deformation, slowed growth,
instability, and/or reduced survival. This issue can
be avoided with careful attention to sow date, con-
tainer size, irrigation, and fertilization.
Root pruning is another tool to manipulate root
architecture and function. For container seed-
ling production, the use of containers with cop-
per-coated walls chemically prunes elongating
roots and increases the proliferation of a brous
root system within the plug (Sword-Sayer et al.
2009, Tsakaldimi and Ganatsas 2006). For bareroot
seedling production, nursery growers prune roots
horizontally (i.e., undercutting or wrenching) or
vertically (sidecutting) (Landis 2008, Riley and
Steinfeld 2005). When applied and timed properly,
bareroot root culturing results in a more compact,
brous root system at the time of lifting for both
conifer (Dierauf et al. 1995) and hardwood (Schultz
and Thompson 1997) seedlings. This practice is also
used to create a mild stress event to control height
growth (Buse and Day 1989), induce bud formation
(van Dorsser and Rook 1972), and mitigate soil
compaction (Miller et al. 1985).
Question 4 – When and How Long
Can Storage Be Used For “Hot-Lifted”
Hot-lifted seedlings used for summer or fall plant-
ing have usually developed a “hard bud” that will
not break even if the seedlings are exposed to
optimal environmental conditions (MacDonald and
Owens 2006, 2010), although they are still grow-
ing roots (Ritchie and Dunlap 1980, Ritchie and
Figure 4. Good quality seedlings have vigorous roots that egress rapidly after
outplanting, such as the Douglas-r container seedling. (Photo by Diane L.
Haase 2013)
Volume 63, Number 2 (Fall 2020) 119
Tanaka 1990) and developing drought resistance
(Abrams 1988, Teskey et al. 1984) and freezing
tolerance (Weiser 1970). Thus, hot-lift seedlings are
still physiologically active at planting and require
unique handling procedures.
In Western Canada and the United States, hot-lift-
ed seedlings are commonly planted in two distinct
periods: the rst being late June through July (sum-
mer planting), and the second being mid-August
through early October (fall planting). Seedlings for
both summer and fall planting programs are sub-
ject to the same cultural hardening practices at the
nursery (see Question 1) and are in a similar phe-
nological state at the time of planting. Thus, physi-
ological hardiness is similar between summer- and
fall-planted seedlings and any eld performance dif-
ferences are generally associated with environmen-
tal conditions during and after planting (Pikkarainen
et al. 2020).
Handling and storage practices can affect quality
of hot-lifted seedlings (Binder and Fielder 1995,
DeYoe 1986, Landis et al. 2010). In particular, tem-
perature conditions will inuence maintenance res-
piration; each 10 °C (18 °F) increase approximately
doubles the respiration rate (Kramer and Kozlowski
1979). The temperatures inside closed boxes can
quickly increase, causing hot-lift seedlings to use
more of their stored carbohydrates (Landis et al.
2010). Thus, hot-planted seedlings must be kept
cool to maintain their vigor. After harvest, hot-lifted
seedlings should be kept in a nursery cooler and/
or refrigerated trailer at 2 to 10 °C (35 to 50 °F)
prior to shipment, with 2° C (35 °F) being the ideal
short-term storage temperature (Grossnickle per-
sonal communication). Depending on seed source,
species, and nursery hardening regime, seedlings
in both summer and fall planting programs develop
some degree of cold hardiness after budset (Bigras
et al. 2001) and can easily withstand cold storage
temperature conditions.
Properly hardened summer/fall planted seedlings
can be safely cold stored for approximately 4 weeks
prior to outplanting without any chilling require-
ment (Jackson et al. 2012). Cultural practices to
induce hardening (i.e., water stress and low N)
resulted in container-grown loblolly pine seedlings
being able to withstand 4 to 6 weeks of cold storage
without prior chilling hours (Grossnickle and South
2014). While it is possible to safely hold hot-lifted
seedlings for a maximum of 4-weeks, it is contin-
gent on maintaining a 2 °C (35 °F) storage tempera-
ture; safe storage duration decreases with increasing
storage temperature (Paterson et al. 2001).
Shipping hot-lifted seedlings to the outplanting site
occurs in refrigerated trailers with temperatures
below 10 °C (50 °F) (Dunsworth 1997, Stjernberg
1997). Upon arrival at the planting site, seedlings
may be kept in a refrigerated trailer (gure 5) or
transferred to a eld cache in a shady location and/
or under a suspended tarp with boxes opened to
prevent heat buildup (Kiiskila 1999, Landis et al.
2010). During summer and fall months, moisture
stress might occur; therefore, seedlings need to
be monitored and irrigated if required (Landis et
al. 2010). Under these conditions, only enough seed-
lings for 1 day of planting should be transported
to the site. Alternatively, hot-lifted seedlings have
been stored at 4 to 21 °C (40 to 70 °F) in refriger-
ated trailers on the planting site for up to a week
(Dumroese and Barnett 2004), although lower
temperatures between 2 to 4 °C (36 to 39 °F) are
recommended (Landis et al. 2010). The full storage
duration for hot-planted seedlings includes time
spent in the nursery’s cold storage facility and time
spent in storage away from the nursery (e.g., in
refrigerated trucks or other off-site holding areas).
The combined length and care for all of these han-
dling and storage steps is critical to ensure quality
seedlings are outplanted.
Figure 5. Refrigerated trailers are required for transporting large quantities of
hot-lift seedlings from the nursery and are ideal for short-term cool seedling
storage prior to planting. (Photo by Steven B. Kiiskila 2010)
120 Tree Planters’ Notes
Question 5 – How Long Can Seedlings
Be Overwintered in Refrigerated
Overwintered spring plant seedlings are harvested
in the fall once dormant and most commonly held in
refrigerated storage until shortly before planting. Re-
frigerated storage is differentiated by temperature into
cooler (1 to 2 °C) or freezer (–2 to –4 °C) storage, with
the storage practice dependent on species’ tolerance to
freezing temperatures, available facilities, and expected
storage duration (Grossnickle and South 2014, Landis
et al. 2010).
Properly hardened and dormant seedlings (see Question
1) can be lifted in late fall and early winter and stored
well into the spring for planting (Camm et al. 1994,
Ritchie 1987). A dark and cold or frozen environment,
however, is an unnatural environment for seedlings.
The lack of light in storage prevents seedlings from
replenishing carbohydrates lost through respiration
(Ritchie 1987) and interrupts the seedling’s circadian
rhythm (Camm et al. 1994, Lavender 1985). Seedlings
lifted and stored correctly are rarely damaged by cold
or frozen storage, though some plant deterioration can
occur as storage time lengthens (McKay 1997). Both
cold and frozen storage conditions, when managed
properly, allow properly hardened seedlings to maintain
their physiological integrity required for good seedling
quality (Landis et al. 2010). This is critical because
quality seedlings typically have vigorous rooting at
planting, which is required to overcome planting stress
(Grossnickle 2005), thus increasing chances for suc-
cessful seedling establishment (Grossnickle 2012).
Cold storage is a cultural practice where seedlings are
held at 1 to 2 °C (35 to 36 °F) for no longer than 2
months (Landis et al. 2010, Ritchie 2004). Increasing
cold storage can result in decreases in days to bud break
(DBB), root growth potential (RGP), freezing tolerance,
and carbohydrates (Grossnickle and South 2014). Ex-
tended exposure to cold temperatures and high humid-
ity during cold storage creates conditions for storage
molds (Camm et al. 1994, Hocking 1971, Landis et al.
2010, Ritchie 2004). Treating seedlings with appropri-
ate fungicides prior to storage can improve seedling
storability (Barnett et al. 1988), though their benecial
effects diminish as cold storage lengths reach 2 or more
months (Grossnickle personal communication). Man-
agers holding seedlings in cold storage should monitor
stored seedlings regularly to detect problems.
Frozen storage is a cultural practice where seedlings
are held at -2 to -4 °C (25 to 28 °F). This below-freez-
ing storage temperature further slows physiological
changes in the seedlings, thereby allowing them to
be stored longer compared with cold storage. Frozen
storage temperatures should not drop below -5 °C (23
°F), however, because some species are susceptible
root damage at lower temperatures (Bigras et al. 2001,
Kooistra 2004). Seedlings harvested at the correct phe-
nological stage, and thus in a state of maximum stress
resistance, are usually freezer stored for 4 to 6 months
(Grossnickle 2000, Kooistra 2004), though seedlings
have been successfully freezer stored for up to 8
months (Helenius et al. 2005, Luoranen et al. 2012).
Once planted, seedlings are in a state of ecodormancy
whereby the chilling requirement has been met and
buds will break after exposure to favorable tempera-
tures and begin the yearly cycle of growth (Burr 1990,
Haase 2011b, Lavender 1985).
Two issues should be considered with regard to
freezer storage effects on seedling quality. First,
seedlings are still physiologically active (albeit at
a low level), which is reected in the decrease in
DBB, RGP, freezing tolerance, and carbohydrates
as the storage duration lengthens (Grossnickle and
South 2014, Landis et al 2010). Second, the low
humidity in freezer storage prevents storage molds
(Haase and Taylor 2012, Hansen 1990, Trotter et al.
1991) but can desiccate seedlings with excessive
storage duration, which may lead to reduced root
growth potential (Deans et al. 1990). Packaging
frozen-stored seedlings in a plastic bag or a po-
ly-lined paper bag inside a waxed box minimizes
seedling desiccation (Kooistra 2004), although
seedlings may still lose up to 10 percent water
content after 5 or more months in frozen storage
(Lefevre et al. 1991).
The thawing process prior to planting should also
be considered in conjunction with frozen storage
duration (gure 6). While frozen seedlings were
originally thawed slowly over a period of weeks, it
has been shown that slow thawing causes seedling
quality to decrease with increasing thawing duration
(Silim and Guy 1997), and rapid thawing within a
matter of days maintains seedling quality (Rose and
Haase 1997). Thus, thawing seedlings as quickly as
possible is now recommended (Landis et al. 2010).
Rapid thawing is also preferred because it prevents
Volume 63, Number 2 (Fall 2020) 121
storage molds (Rose and Haase 1997), minimizes
depletion of carbohydrates (Silim and Guy 1997),
and results in seedlings having later bud break and
greater frost hardiness at time of planting (Camm
et al. 1995). Seedlings can also be planted frozen
without thawing, but must be individually wrapped
at harvest such that seedling plugs can be separated
from one another while frozen (gure 7). Eliminat-
ing the thawing process requires more effort in the
nursery at lifting but offers operational exibility
during the busy planting window. Research to date
has shown no deleterious physiological effects
of planting frozen seedlings (Camm et al. 1995,
Kooistra and Baaker 2005), although limiting site
environmental conditions at the time of planting
such as dry cold soils can have a negative effect
(Helenius 2005).
Long-term frozen storage for “late” spring planting
may result in seedlings being initially out of sync
with the annual growth rhythms of the planting
site. That is, planted seedlings may have budbreak
patterns that do not reect that of natural seedlings
on the planting site (Grossnickle 2000). Seedlings
require sufcient time to complete the growth
processes initiated with budush and begin devel-
opment of hardiness before the onset of fall frosts.
The potential risk of fall frost damage to seedlings
at different planting dates can be estimated through
analysis of long-term climatic data (Hänninen et al.
2009). Delaying spring planting into early summer
increases the likelihood of bud break and shoot
elongation when the site environment has warm
temperatures, high vapor pressure decits, and dry
soils (Grossnickle 2005, Mitchell et al. 1990). As
such, the site may not be suitable for planting until
late summer/fall and may be more appropriate for
planting with hot-lifted seedlings (see Question 4).
Seedlings are not widgets; they are biological organ-
isms that respond to their surrounding environment.
Nursery cultural practices have a direct inuence
on the seedling environment, thereby inuencing
seedlings’ physiological function and subsequent
morphological development. This discussion shows
that all nursery cultural decisions, from hardening
practices, to strategies that promote vigorous root
growth, to storage practices affect seedling develop-
ment. Understanding how cultural practices affect
seedling performance will ensure that the nursery
practitioner develops sound practices that enhance
seedling quality and subsequent success of forest
restoration programs.
Address correspondence to—
Steve Grossnickle, Nursery
Forest Solutions,
1325 Readings Drive, North Saanich, BC, Canada,
V8L 5K7; email:; phone:
Figure 6. Rapid thawing of frozen seedlings in closed boxes can be done by
spacing stacked boxes in a warm location without direct sunlight and rotating
the boxes top to bottom. (Photo by Steven B. Kiiskila 2009)
Figure 7. One method to enable separation of frozen seedlings from one
another without damaging their roots is to place poly wrap around each seed-
ling’s root plug when bundled after lifting. (Photo by Steven B. Kiiskila 2010)
122 Tree Planters’ Notes
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... How long seedlings can be kept in cold storage is one of the key physiological questions for optimizing nursery production (Grossnickle et al., 2020). For example, more time in storage allows for the accumulation of chilling hours, which can lead to faster bud break and increased root growth after planting (Harris et al., 1993;Nanninga et al., 2017). ...
... For all cultivars, survival was high when the trees were planted into an irrigated, weeded environment. The managed planting site probably helped tree performance: stressful environmental conditions at the planting site are more likely to expose detrimental impacts from the nursery production process (Grossnickle et al., 2020). However, the consistent height growth in the field helps to rule out other detrimental effects of extended storage on physiological traits that we did not measure within the experiment. ...
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Plant nursery production systems are a multi-billion-dollar, international, and horticultural industry that depends on storing and shipping live plants. The storage environment represents potentially desiccating and even fatal conditions for dormant, bareroot, and deciduous horticulture crops, like orchard trees, forestry trees, ornamental trees, and grapevines. When tree mortality is considered within a plant hydraulic framework, plants experiencing water stress are thought to ultimately die from hydraulic failure or carbon starvation. We hypothesized that the hydraulic framework can be applied to stored crops to determine if hydraulic failure or carbon starvation could be attributed to mortality. We used deciduous trees as model species because they are important horticultural crops and provide a diversity of hydraulic strategies. We selected cultivars from six genera: Acer, Amelanchier, Gleditsia, Gymnocladus, Malus, and Quercus. For each cultivar, we measured stem hydraulic conductance and vulnerability to embolism. On a weekly basis for 14 weeks (March–June), we removed trees of each cultivar from cold storage (1–2°C). Each week and for each cultivar, we measured stem water potential and water content (n = 7) and planted trees to track survival and growth (n = 10). At three times during this period, we also measured non-structural carbohydrates. Our results showed that for four cultivars (Acer, Amelanchier, Malus, and Quercus), the stem water potentials measured in trees removed from storage did not exceed stem P50, the water potential at which 50% of stem hydraulic conductivity is lost. This suggests that the water transport system remains intact during storage. For two cultivars (Gleditsia and Gymnocladus), the water potential measured on trees out of storage exceeded stem P50, yet planted trees from all weeks survived and grew. In the 14 weeks, there were no significant changes or directional trends in stem water potential, water content, or NSC for most cultivars, with a few exceptions. Overall, the results show that the trees did not experience detrimental water relations or carbon starvation thresholds. Our results suggest that many young deciduous trees are resilient to conditions caused by prolonged dormancy and validate the current storage methods. This experiment provides an example of how a mechanistically based understanding of physiological responses can inform cold storage regimes in nursery tree production.
... This alleviated costs for transport and additional permitting and coordination efforts. As a result, we were able to ensure consistency in seed processing, storing, and other nursery cultural practices (Grossnickle et al., 2020). However, this did increase the burden on those government-run nurseries, especially when introducing species that are not normally grown. ...
... When analyzing seedlings according to the quality indices, it was noted that the 30% screenhouse environment positively influenced the quality of the seedlings according to H:D3 and DQI, since the cultural practices of the setting are factors that directly influence the growth and development of the species, acting on the physiology of the plant and as a consequence on its morphological development (Grossnickle et al. 2020). The plants produced in the 42%/50% greenhouse and those produced in the 30% screenhouse had the highest means for biometric data. ...
Background Oiti ( Licania tomentosa [Benth.] Fritsch) is an option for urban forestation and rural environments that require shading by plants, so studying the plant environment to obtain quality seedlings is essential. The present study aimed to evaluate oiti seedlings in different protected environments with or without reflective material on a cultivation bench. Methods The following protected environments were evaluated: an agricultural greenhouse covered with a low-density polyethylene film and a thermo-reflective screen with 42%/50% shading under the film; an agricultural screenhouse with an aluminized screen with 35% shading; an agricultural screenhouse with a black screen with 30% shading; and an agricultural screenhouse with a black screen with 18% shading. Production systems with and without photosynthetically active radiation-reflecting material (aluminized screen, Aluminet ® ) on the cultivation bench were assessed in each protected environment. Results There was no interaction between the environmental factors; however, the environments influenced height, stem diameter, root dry matter, and total biometric relationships and growth rates. The reflective material did not improve the quality of oiti seedlings. The ratio of shoot and root dry matter was, on average, 71% for the shoots and 29% for the roots. The photosynthetically active radiation received by oiti seedlings ranged from 600 to 1,100 μmol m ⁻² s ⁻¹ . Conclusions The greenhouse with 42%/50% shading screen under the film and the black screen with 30% shading were the best environments for the formation of Licania tomentosa seedlings. The reflective material on the cultivation bench did not result in better quality oiti seedlings.
... High quality seedlings are often a critical requirement for implementing forest and landscape restoration programs [1]. Nursery cultural practices directly affect the physiological functioning and subsequent morphological development of seedlings [2]. ...
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Seedling species with different architectures, e.g., mean leaf angles, are often subjected to the same irrigation management in forest nurseries, resulting in wasted water and fertilizer and reduced seedling quality. We aimed to evaluate whether irrigation volumes applied to tree seedling species with different leaf angles affect the physiological quality in forest nurseries and, consequently, performance after potting. We submitted nine seedling species with different mean leaf angles to four daily water regimes (8, 10, 12, and 14 mm). In the nursery, the following physiological attributes were considered to assess seedling quality: leaf water potential, daily transpiration rate, SPAD value, chlorophyll a and b, anthocyanins, carotenoids, and total nutrient content. After potting, we evaluated height and stem diameter over 120 days. Leaf angle can be used as a criterion for optimizing irrigation in forest nurseries, avoiding water and fertilizer wastage, and increasing physiological seedling quality. Leaf angle measurements combined with concurrent assessments of leaf traits are helpful in further understanding the effects of leaf angle variation and water regime on seedling quality. For positive leaf angles, an irrigation volume of 8 mm is sufficient to increase physiological seedling quality. Conversely, seedlings with negative leaf angles show the opposite response, requiring the largest irrigation volume (14 mm) to increase physiological seedling quality, except when the mean leaf area is small and concentrated in the upper half of the stem, which facilitates the access of irrigation water to the substrate and thus satisfies seedling water requirements. For all species, up to 120 days after planting in pots, the effect of the irrigation volume that provides greater growth and physiological quality at the end of the nursery phase is not overcome by other irrigation volumes applied.
... As depicted in Fig. 1, stress conditioning may include numerous cultural techniques that induce physiological or morphological plant characteristics that aid survival under future stressful conditions. Nursery-based cultural techniques designed to enhance seedling root systems, such as undercutting and wrenching (Rook 1971), air-and chemical-pruning of roots (Krasowski 2003;Tsakaldimi and Ganatsas 2006;Marler and Musser 2016), nutrient manipulations (Tan and Hogan 1997), and drought preconditioning by limiting water availability during seedling development (Sloan et al. 2020;Moler and Nelson 2021), have been employed to improve outplanting performance of economically and ecologically important tree species (Valliere et al. 2019;Grossnickle et al. 2020). And genome-wide association studies and other high-throughput genome-based lineage screening tools show promise for accelerating root system improvement in tree seedlings (Cobb et al. 2013;Cortés et al. 2020). ...
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We reviewed approaches for combining genetic and cultural tools to solve challenges associated with the improvement of tree seedling root systems for enhanced survival and growth. Literature regarding sources of variation in root traits, relationships between root traits and seedling growth and survival, and root trait heritability estimates from published studies were used to illustrate the utility of combining myriad approaches to enhance the efficiency of tree seedling improvement programs. We found that: (1) evidence exists for genetic variation in numerous root traits, (2) root traits tend to have intermediate heritability on average, and (3) evidence supports the possibility of harnessing maternal effects to modify root traits at least temporarily. Across eight root traits from 11 studies, median family narrow-sense heritability estimates (h2) were intermediate (0.25 ≤ h2 ≤ 0.50) for root diameter, root count, root biomass, the ratio of root-to-stem dry biomass, and projected root area, and low (h2 < 0.25) for root length, specific root length, and the ratio of total belowground-to-aboveground dry biomass. Findings from this review suggest that plant improvement pipelines can be optimized to harness root trait variation due to genetics, maternal effects, and nursery cultural regimes. However, the following related gaps in the literature emerged as fundamental obstacles to progress: What is the duration of root system responses to stress conditioning treatments? Which root traits correlate best with seedling survival and thus should be prioritized for improvement? Is it possible to reliably harness variation in root traits resulting from maternal effects?
... Thus, there is well established body of work that has addressed the importance of root system quality from the perspectives of defining attributes important for survival (Grossnickle 2012) and/or growth (Grossnickle and MacDonald 2018b). Interestingly, people working in nursery and forestry operations are still looking for new nursery practices to improve root system quality that optimize their chances of successful seedling establishment after outplanting (Grossnickle et al. 2020). Root development occurs in response to physicochemical constraints of the soil system and it adjusts accordingly to edaphic conditions (Kul et al. 2020). ...
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Root development is critical to successful establishment after seedlings are outplanted on a forest restoration site. There is an array of practices nursery practitioners and foresters use to ensure seedlings develop quality root systems to aid in outplanting success. To this end, a select number of topics are examined on how they effect root system quality and the linkage between these culturing practices (i.e., nursery root culturing practices), good root morphological and physiological quality and successful field establishment. The following discussion first describes why root development is critical for seedlings to avoid planting stress and successfully transition into field establishment. This is followed by reviewing the seasonality of root growth patterns, and how nursery cultural practices that create optimum levels of nutrients and non-structural carbohydrates affect root growth. Bareroot and container-grown stocktypes are discussed in relation to how their ability to grow roots affects seedling establishment. Lastly, nursery practices related to bareroot root culturing and container type selection for container-grown seedlings are examined on how they can affect seedling root form and field establishment. By focussing on these topics, the intent was to gain a renewed perspective on the importance of root system quality to ensure seedling establishment after outplanting on a forest restoration site.
... Delivering high-quality seedlings requires nursery managers to not only understand how to grow seedlings in nursery beds or in containers in the greenhouse, but also how to lift, pack, store, and deliver seedlings while maintaining quality. Although physiological and biological rationales are well established for these processes (Grossnickle et al. 2020, Haase et al. 2016, Ritchie 1984, very little research has been conducted to verify the relationship between chilling hours, subsequent seedling quality, and field performance (Haase et al. 2016). Transferring these rationales to nursery operations will empower nursery managers in making the best decisions for providing high-quality seedlings for forest regeneration programs. ...
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To determine the effect of nursery lifting dates on field performance of containerized Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) seedlings, we lifted and stored seedlings from 2 seed lots on 9 dates from late October 2019 to early March 2020. We planted the seedlings in a field test and in large pots in April 2020. All seedlings broke bud and grew vigorously. No mortality occurred in the pots, and less than 6 percent mortality occurred in the field test. Bud burst was slightly faster for seedlings lifted after mid-January than for those lifted on earlier dates. We found consistent differences in phenology and growth between seed lots, representing seeds collected from the same seed orchard at different years. Seed lot effects were confounded, however, by differences of sowing time and dor-mancy induction and must be studied further.
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Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) is an important species in the Pacific Northwest including California forests. Due to the increasing need for reforestation in this region after widespread disturbances related to changes in climate (i.e., drought, megafires, beetle mortality), it is necessary to examine the factors that contribute to performance and survival of planted seedlings in reforestation projects. While most conifer planting in northern California is done in spring, fall planting is also an alternative practice used. With the recent increase in demand of seedlings for reforestation projects beyond which the current infrastructure is capable of, particularly in spring, expanding the fall planting season has potential to mitigate this and constraints to the spring labor force. Here, we studied the first-year performance of both spring and fall planted Douglas-fir seedlings for different seed sources and nursery cultural timings at a single site in northern California. We found that the fall planting can be successful in October or November, while planting earlier requires immediately favorable temperature and soil moisture conditions. Later sowing and blackout regimes also resulted in increases in height growth and bud development while also reducing damage due to spring freezes. For spring planting, early sow and blackout resulted in earlier bud break, while later sow, blackout, and lift dates benefited the first-year growth of height and diameter.
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A água é um recurso estratégico para os seres humanos porque, além de seu ciclo natural, assegura a vida na Terra e sustenta a biodiversidade e a produção de alimentos. Como resultado, tanto as civilizações atuais quanto as futuras necessitam lutar pela manutenção da água no planeta, visando provê o desenvolvimento econômico e cultural, assim como, a sobrevivência econômica e biológica. Ratifica-se assim que, a água é fundamental para a vida no planeta, tendo em vista que garante a sobrevivência da espécie humana, sustenta as economias locais, nacionais e continentais e, é essencial para a produção agrícola mundial. Portanto, entender a água como substância primordial e seu papel ecológico, econômico e social no planeta, é indispensável. Por conseguinte, há evidências de que ao longo da história, a água desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da vida, da humanidade, da sustentabilidade e da biodiversidade do planeta de forma mais ampla. No entanto, deve-se ter cuidado para garantir que seu uso seja razoável e sustentável. Isso significa superar os desafios de implementação de boas práticas de gestão, incluindo multiuso, ausência de poluição, de eutrofização, e de redução dos impactos negativos sobre os recursos hídricos. O vol. 1 do livro Ciências e Tecnologia das Águas: inovações e avanços em pesquisa, traz à baila várias temáticas, a saber: tratamento físico-químico e microbiológico de águas de torres de resfriamento; biosorção de cádmio e cobre a partir de amostras aquosas pela carapácia de braquiura; pegada hídrica de comunidades heterogêneas; a cobrança como instrumento de gestão de recursos hídricos; análise de risco de barragens utilizando fuzzy analytic hiearchy process (FAHP); caracterização de bacias e análises de dados pluviométricos; avaliação da relação entre capacidade do sistema instalado e demanda de água para abastecimento público; indicadores biológicos como ferramenta para a gestão da qualidade da água; estudo de disponibilidade hídrica por meio de sensoriamento remoto; tecnologia de membranas para o tratamento de águas residuárias na indústria farmacêutica; e, modelagem hidrológica e hidrodinâmica de rios e canais aplicada a arqueologia de ambientes aquáticos fluviais. Além destas temáticas, a obra aborda ainda acerca das fontes alternativas de água no meio urbano e o aproveitamento de água de chuva em edifícios escolares; sistemas de abastecimento de água; as massas de águas profundas do oceano austral e as condições oceanográficas de altas latitudes na conservação dos ecossistemas; os desafios e oportunidades na gestão ambiental e o papel dos municípios e das parcerias na conservação dos recursos hídricos; tratamento de efluentes, sistemas convencionais e avançados e os desafios e perspectivas para sustentabilidade; e, bioindicadores ambientais e a contribuição brasileira na conservação dos recursos hídricos. Esta obra está constituída por um processo colaborativo entre pesquisadores, docentes e discentes, essencialmente de graduação e pós-graduação, que buscam qualificar as discussões neste espaço formativo. Advém ainda, de movimentos interinstitucionais e de ações de incentivo à pesquisa e à extensão que congregam pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas do conhecimento e de diferentes Instituições de Educação Superior, públicas e privadas de abrangência nacional e internacional, conciliando também ações interinstitucionais nacionais e internacionais de redes e de grupos de pesquisa que tenham como enfoque, promover a socialização de conhecimentos, saberes e múltiplas vivências e experiências, sendo possível orientar estratégias de conservação e equilíbrio dos recursos hídricos e a proteção de mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos, contribuindo assim, para o progresso e para a manutenção econômica das sociedades. Nesta ótica, uma variedade de atividades humanas que reduzem a quantidade e a qualidade dos recursos hídricos criam padrões complexos de degradação, alguns dos quais, levam a uma deterioração grande e muitas vezes, irreversível. Esses impactos nos ciclos econômicos regionais, na saúde humana e no desenvolvimento devem ser determinados por especialistas, e seus resultados necessitam ser publicizados para conhecimento da sociedade em geral. Sendo assim, à medida que as sociedades se desenvolvem economicamente e se tornam mais complexas, tornando maior diversidade e diferentes possibilidades de uso da água. A gestão da água é um ato de alto valor técnico, pois, essa diversidade exige otimizar os múltiplos usos da água da maneira mais eficiente e econômica. Portanto, parabenizamos todos os autores pela dedicação, precisão e contribuição para o desenvolvimento e finalização desta obra. Esperamos que este livro sirva como princípio norteador e ferramenta operacional para a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico de estudantes, professores, ambientalistas, pesquisadores, hidrólogos, hidrógrafos, agricultores, movimentos socioambientais e demais interessados nos temas aqui abordados.
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Water is the most important and most common chemical used in plant nurseries. It is also the most dangerous chemical used. Insufficient water, excessive water, and poorly timed irrigation can all lead to poor-quality crops and unacceptable mortality. Anticipated future declines of water availability, higher costs to use it, and continuing concerns about irrigation runoff harming the environment also spur interest in making more efficient use of water in nurseries. This article discusses water management in container nurseries and its influence on weeds, insects, and diseases. It also provides guidelines for minimizing pest issues with proper irrigation application and monitoring.
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In Nordic countries, tree planting of seedlings is mainly performed during spring and early summer. Interest has increased in extending the planting window throughout the unfrozen growing season. This study compared the success of one-year-old spring, summer and autumn plantings in practical forestry in Norway spruce ( (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine ( L.) in southern and central Finland. Planting success was based on the number of viable seedlings per hectare relative to a species-specific target density. The influence of different factors to poor planting results were determined, including quality of site preparation and planting, and sources of natural damage. Overall, in Norway spruce, 85, 69 and 84% and in Scots pine 53, 55 and 40% of spring, summer and autumn plantings succeeded. In Norway spruce, the planting results were consistent between the southern and central regions, whereas in Scots pine, the success was slightly lower in the south. The poor work quality and a low density of appropriate planting spots, contributed to poor planting results, regardless of planting season, region or tree species. Considering different damages, especially mammal damage contributed to the failure of Scots pine spring plantings, whereas in summer plantings, corresponding single failure reason could not be identified. Based on our findings, extending the planting season of Norway spruce could be recommended in both regions. For Scots pine, there is still significant uncertainty about the success of summer and autumn plantings, partially due to the limited number of plantings available for analyses. Picea abiesPinus sylvestris
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Since the early 20th century, silviculturists have recognized the importance of planting seedlings with desirable attributes, and that these attributes are associated with successful seedling survival and growth after outplanting. Over the ensuing century, concepts on what is meant by a quality seedling have evolved to the point that these assessments now provide value to both the nursery practitioner growing seedlings and the forester planting seedlings. Various seedling quality assessment procedures that measure numerous morphological and physiological plant attributes have been designed and applied. This paper examines the historical development of the discipline of seedling quality, as well as where it is today. It also examines how seedling quality is employed in forest restoration programs and the attributes that are measured to define quality. The intent is to provide readers with an overall perspective on the field of seedling quality and the people who developed this discipline from an idea into an operational reality.
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Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) seedlings from three nurseries in the Pacific Northwest United States were lifted on five dates from mid-October through mid-December 2006. Each nursery provided seedlings from a low-and a high-elevation seed lot. Photoperiod and accumulated chilling hours (calculated using two methods) were evaluated throughout the lifting period. Seedlings had typical patterns of fall cold hardiness development, with some indication that the high-elevation lot at each nursery was hardier than the low-elevation lot. Photo-synthetic yield measured on seedlings from one of the nurseries decreased with decreasing temperatures, thereby corresponding well to levels of tissue damage at each freezing test temperature over time. Seedlings were either cold-or freezer-stored until February 2007, then tested for physiological quality and planted into a garden plot. Overall, seedlings from earlier lift dates tended to perform poorly in all attributes compared with those from later lift dates. Low-elevation seedlings tended to have lower root growth potential after storage and also reduced survival and longer bud break in the garden plot compared with high-elevation seedlings, although low-elevation seedlings tended to have more height and stem-diameter growth. Freezer-stored seedlings tended to have greater survival compared with cold-stored seedlings, although storage type did not influence growth. This study exemplifies the many influencing factors that growers must consider when determining lift dates.
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Successful forest restoration requires planting quality seedlings with optimal growth potential. Thus, nurseries need to produce seedlings with plant attributes that favor the best chance of successful establishment once they are field planted. From the mid-twentieth century on, research foresters have critically examined plant attributes that confer improved seedling growth under various restoration site conditions. This review examines the value of commonly measured seedling quality attributes (i.e., height, diameter, root mass, shoot-to-root ratio, drought resistance, freezing tolerance, nutrient status, root growth potential, and root electrolyte leakage) that have been recognized as important in explaining why seedlings with improved attributes have better growth after planting. Seedlings with plant attributes that fall within the appropriate range of values can increase the speed with which they overcome planting stress, initiate growth, and become “coupled” to the forest restoration site, thereby ensuring successful seedling establishment. Although planting high quality seedlings does not guarantee successful seedling establishment, it increases chances for successful establishment and growth.
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Meeting forest restoration challenges relies on successful establishment of plant materials (e.g., seeds, cuttings, rooted cuttings, or seedlings, etc.; hereafter simply “seedlings”). The Target Plant Concept (TPC) provides a flexible framework that nursery managers and their clients can use to improve the survival and growth of these seedlings. The key tenets of the TPC are that (1) more emphasis is placed on how seedlings perform on the outplanting site rather than on nursery performance, (2) a partnership exists between the nursery manager and the client to determine the target plant based on site characteristics, and (3) that information gleaned from post-planting monitoring is used to improve subsequent plant materials. Through the nursery manager–client partnership, answers to a matrix of interrelated questions define a target plant to meet the reforestation or forest restoration objectives. These questions focus on project objectives; site characteristics, limiting factors, and possible mitigation efforts; species and genetic criteria; stocktype; outplanting tools and techniques; and outplanting window. We provide examples from the southeastern United States, Hawai‛i, and Lebanon on how the TPC process has improved performance of seedlings deployed for reforestation and forest restoration.
The relationship between moisture loss from bare-root 2-year-old seedlings of Colorado spruce (Picea pungens glauca Engelm.) and percent survival and performance after extended storage at 0°C (32°F) was investigated. Moisture loss was examined by percent weight loss and moisture content (g H2O/g FW) during postharvest handling and storage. To generate different levels of moisture loss, seedlings were stored in various packages that differed in water permeability with a 0 and 1 day delay at 20°C (68°F) prior to 5 or 7 months of storage at 0°C (32°F). Depending on treatment, percent weight loss of seedlings varied from 0 to 60% and seedling survival ranged from 0 to 100%. When percent weight loss was below 25% all bare-root seedlings survived 5 and 7 months storage. Seedlings expressed a great degree of tolerance to desiccation stress, as demonstrated by those few which survived nearly 60% weight loss. Between 20 and 40% weight loss there was no direct relationship between moisture loss and percent survival. Bare-root Colorado Spruce seedlings grew with 100% survival following 5 and 7 months storage at 0°C (32°F) if packaged in either unsealed perforated or nonperforated polyethylene film.
When bareroot Southern pine (Pinus) seedlings are lifted in the fall and placed in cold storage for more than one week, survival is generally lower than when seedlings are lifted and stored during the winter. The combination of root wounding at the time of lifting with the presence of Pythium in the soil, the cool, moist conditions in cold storage encourage Pythium growth that results in seedling mortality after outplanting. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) seedlings were inoculated with either Pythium dimorphum or Pythium irregulare, cold stored for 3 weeks, and placed in a hydroponic system (aerated aquariums). Seedling Root growth potential (RGP was measured as the number, length, volume, surface area, and diameter of new roots and survival was recorded 4 months after outplanting. Both Pythium species reduced the number of new roots and root length, root surface area, and root volume in slash pine. P. irregulare reduced the number of new roots, root length, and root surface area and P. dimorphum reduced the number of new roots on loblolly pine. Although, P. irregulare lowered RGP, it did not reduce loblolly pine survival. In contrast, P. irregulare inoculation did reduce the survival of slash pine seedlings after outplanting.