Stevan Stankovski

Stevan Stankovski
University of Novi Sad · Faculty of Technical Sciences

Prof. dr.


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Publications (135)
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Wearable technology is a ubiquitous technology to monitor human beings or animals. It includes all the wearable devices, sensors in devices, communication protocols including Bluetooth, Zigbee and 3G/4G/5G, cloud computing, data fusion algorithms, and big data. The integration of all these technologies evolved an amazing technology with a huge attr...
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Unintentional electromagnetic (EM) emissions often include information about the data processed by electronic devices. Intrusion based on an unintentional EM emission leaves no evidence of an attacker’s activity, while the data owner is unaware that it has been lost. EM attacks can be performed without physically damaging a device that operates reg...
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With the growing trend of urbanization and the growing number of people migrating to cities, the demand for the development and construction of new buildings as well as the infrastructure has risen, meaning that the construction industry must adapt to the trends. The growing demands with shorter deadlines for an industry already known for high cost...
The objective of the present study was to provide insight into trends of sensors in postharvest of fresh produce. Patent portfolio of 881 patents obtained through a multistep refinement of the PatSnap patent database was analyzed. Intensive patenting activities started in 2014 with most patents originating from Asia, with China as the leading paten...
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A patent portfolio focusing on sensors for the measurement of fruit properties was generated and analyzed with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the trends in the development and application of sensors intended for measuring fruit properties and their changes. A patent portfolio of 189 patents, utility models and patent applicati...
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Mogućnosti primene veštačke inteligencije (VI) u izradi programskog koda za uređaje u automatizaciji su raznovrsne. Osim za generisanje programskog koda, VI se može koristi i za optimizaciju postojećeg koda, kao za testiranje, debagovanje i održavanje programskog koda za uređaje u automatizaciji. Budući da su softverske platforme koje nude primenu...
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Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems identify the computer network behavior which deviates from the statistical model of typical network behavior. Binary classifiers based on supervised machine learning are very accurate at classifying network data into two categories: normal traffic and anomalous activity. Most problems with supervised learni...
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Generative AI applications and tools can provide useful solutions for code generation for automation devices. These applications and tools are based on training from massive AI models and transforming IT with automated code generation. Generative AI generates code based on input parameters, and there are major concerns about the quality and securit...
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BACKGROUND Consumers all throughout the world enjoy kiwifruit. After harvest, there are as much as 20–25% of kiwifruit lost along the entire industrial chain. An intelligent flexible manipulator system based on flexible tactile sensing (IFMSFTS) was created to automatically and intelligently classify kiwifruit ripeness in order to minimize loss. R...
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Apstrakt-Naftovodi i gasovodi su neodvojivi deo energetskog sistema bilo koje države i zbog toga moraju da imaju adekvatan monitoring, u cilju zaštitite energetskog sistema i zaštite životne sredine u kojima se nalaze. Postoje različite metode za monitoring naftovoda i gasovoda, čiji je osnovni cilj da u realnom vremenu ima njihova stanja, pogotovu...
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Naftovodi i gasovodi su neodvojivi deo energetskog sistema bilo koje države i zbog toga moraju da imaju adekvatan monitoring, u cilju zaštitite energetskog sistema i zaštite životne sredine u kojima se nalaze. Postoje različite metode za monitoring naftovoda i gasovoda, čiji je osnovni cilj da u realnom vremenu ima njihova stanja, pogotovu u slučaj...
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A review of abilities in the domain of patent analysis accompanied by the creation of the portfolio technology space using International Patent Codes multidimensional clustering for patent portfolio in the field of blockchain application in the food supply chain is presented. Relatively small patent portfolio of 82 documents out of which 84% are pe...
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The storage of CO2 has become an important worldwide problem, considering that an excess of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere causes dramatic changes in its climate. One possible solution is to remove the excess of CO2 from the atmosphere, capture it in the process of creation, and store it safely, negating the possibility of its return into the atmosp...
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Post-ripening fruits need to be ripened to reach edible conditions, as they are not yet mature enough when picked. Ripening technology is based mainly on temperature control and gas regulation, with the proportion of ethylene being one of the key gas regulation parameters. A sensor’s time domain response characteristic curve was obtained through th...
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Citation: Lužanin, O.; Gudurić, V.; Bernhardt, A.; Movrin, D.; Damjanović-Vasilić, L.; Terek, P.; Ostojić, G.; Stankovski, S. Abstract: Due to affordability, and the ability to parametrically control the vital processing parameters, material extrusion is a widely accepted technology in tissue engineering. Material extrusion offers sufficient contro...
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The dynamic nature of energy harvesting rate, arising because of ever changing weather conditions, raises new concerns in energy harvesting based wireless sensor networks (EH-WSNs). Therefore, this drives the development of energy aware EH solutions. Formerly, many Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols have been developed for EH-WSNs. However, opti...
Conference Paper
Effective monitoring of oil and gas pipelines is critical to the safety of both the energy infrastructure and the surrounding environment, making it an integral part of any nation's energy system. Protecting the energy system and the environment requires thorough monitoring of oil and gas pipelines, recognizing their indispensable role in a country...
Conference Paper
Enabling the traceability of food products is a must in developing markets. This is closely related not only to safety issues but also to food quality, regulations, and conditions that should be strictly checked and maintained in supply chains. Many new technologies can be of help in implementing traceability like automatic identification technolog...
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This paper will present the use of the frequency converter in the hydraulic system and simulation this system. The development of electronics creates new spaces for the development of hydraulics, not only in the field of component design, but also in systems of control and regulation. The application of electronics in hydraulics has been intensifie...
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In an effort to adapt the capacity of the pump in the hydraulic system to the requirements of the machine it drives, a large number of regulators, hydraulic-mechanical devices, often with electronic control, have been developed. Hydraulics and electronics have been intensively complementing each other in recent years, so that in a certain area of a...
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U okviru industrijskih upravljačkih sistema sve je veći broj sistema koji su zasnovani na arhitekture kao što su računarstvo u oblaku ili računarstvo na ivici. Ove arhitekture imaju mnoge prednosti, ali u industrijskoj praksi usvajanje ovih arhitektura ide sporo. Jedan od razloga je kako prevazići povezane rizike, posebno vezane za industrijsku inf...
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The quality of DEMs is especially being considered based on the spatial resolution of the created digital models and the type of terrain of the interest area. DEM analysis was performed specifically for LiDAR-based DEMs, as well as a comparison with results obtained using the radar recording method (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). The applicatio...
Conference Paper
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Mehatronika je multidisciplinarna inženjerska oblast u kojoj su sadržana znanja iz osnovnih inženjerskih oblasti, kao što su: mašinstvo, elektrotehnika, računarstvo i automatsko upravljanja, telekomunikacione tehnologije i industrijsko inženjerstvo. Sinergija ovih oblasti predstavlja osnov za uspešnu primenu koncepata Industrija 4.0 i Industrija 5....
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Organic production, as a sustainable food production system, is designed to implement all agroecological principles that enable the preservation of human and animal health, environmental protection, and positive impact on society and the ecosystem while achieving significant economic benefits. Demand for organic food products is constantly growing,...
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New ICT architectures enable a better response to constant pressure on the industry and services to improve their business performance and productivity, especially in data processing. At the same time, due to the growing number of sensor modules, the amount of data that needs to be processed, in real time, is growing. Delays in communication with t...
Conference Paper
Harvesting ambient energy has enabled the development of energy harvesting wireless sensor networks (EHWSNs). Solar is the most effective environmental energy source with high power density feature that makes it suitable for many WSNs applications. In these networks, the uncertainty in harvesting rate due to dynamic weather conditions drives the de...
States of emergency that occur as a consequence of epidemic and pandemic spread of the disease (influenza, Covid-19) negatively affect all human activities. In states of emergency, various measures can be applied in order to reduce the potential risks to human health and life to a minimum. The most common measures refer to the interdiction on the w...
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As one of the vital food, aquatic products help to improve diet structure and alleviate food pressure. Aquatics food has a tender taste, with protein, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), and other nutrients. At the same time, aquatic products are highly susceptible to spoilage due to their properties in processing, transportation, and storage, which...
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With the enhancement of consumers’ food safety awareness, consumers have become more stringent on meat quality. This study constructs an intelligent dynamic prediction model based on knowledge rules and integrates flexible humidity sensors into the non-destructive monitoring of the Internet of Things to provide real-time feedback and dynamic adjust...
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Upisom prve generacije 2002. godine, počelo je studiranje na studijskom programu Mehatronika na fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu (FTN). Uvođenjem ovog studijskog programa, FTN je postao prvi fakultet U Srbiji i regionu jugoistočne Evrope koji je studentima koji su izučavali gradivo iz oblasti Mehatronike i uspešno uradili sve predviđene obave...
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In conventional wireless sensor networks (WSNs), nodes are powered by small batteries which have a limited lifetime. The energy harvesting techniques enable the development of energy harvesting WSNs (EH-WSNs) that can harvest power from the surrounding environment using different energy sources to achieve sustainable node operation and perform diff...
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Industrial automation, requires connecting with many different devices (data sources), for collecting and storing the data, in order to improve the business performance of automated systems. This state completely fits in the concept of Industry 4.0. A different approach can be applied in order to fulfill increased demands for data processing. One o...
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Regarding already growing technological progress and the new industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, every day there is a bigger need of using security systems in Industrial Control Systems. Using closed or open architectures, which are connected locally or over the Internet, is much more vulnerable in terms of outside or inside attacks in terms of ga...
Conference Paper
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New ICT architectures enable a better response to constant pressure on the industry to improve its business performance and productivity, especially in data processing. In industrial data processing , one of the new ICT architectures is Edge computing. Edge computing is a networking architecture that bringing computing close to the source of data i...
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Increasing the processing power of edge computing components enables the development of new approaches for data processing and OT/ICT architectures. Edge computing components like IoT/IIoT/PLC have possibilities for new approaches in data processing that enable industrial systems to improve their business performance and productivity. In data proce...
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Wireless sensors networks (WSNs) are characterized by flexibility and scalability in any environment. These networks are increasingly used in agricultural and industrial environments and have a dual role in data collection from sensors and transmission to a monitoring system, as well as enabling the management of the monitored environment. Environm...
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The influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading up rapidly in many areas of automated industrial systems. As automated industrial systems are becoming more complex, the demand for production without faults is growing and it starts to be a huge issue to solve complex problems with limited human resources and knowledge and within a limited...
There is rich knowledge in expert systems that can be used to solve practical problems, but its promotion and application must rely on information facilities. The application of both computers and the Internet for Chinese farmers are not common, which leads to restrictions on the promotion and application of expert systems in rural areas of China....
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Intravenous (IV) infusion therapy allows the infusion fluid to be inserted directly into the patient’s vein. It is used to place medications directly into the bloodstream or for blood transfusions. The probability that a hospitalized patient will receive some kind of infusion therapy, intravenously, is 60–80%. The paper presents a smart IV infusion...
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The influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading up rapidly in many areas of automated industrial systems. As automated industrial systems are becoming more complex, the demand for production without faults is growing and it starts to be a huge issue to solve complex problems with limited human resources and knowledge and within a limited...
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We present a realization of a didactic robot environment for robot PUMA 560 for educational and research purposes. Robot PUMA 560 is probably the mathematically best-described robot, and therefore it is frequently used for research and educational purposes. A developed control environment consists of a robot controller and teach pendant. The advant...
Freshwater aquaculture is the main form of aquaculture in inland areas, and pollution is a significant challenge. The aim of this work was to propose an effective risk assessment method for aquaculture to predict pollutant bioaccumulation in fish tissue based on water environment variables. This method was designed to assess the risk of pollutant l...
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Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSN) are widely used in agriculture monitoring to improve the quality and productivity of farming. In this application, sensors gather different types of data (i.e., humidity, carbon dioxide level, and temperature) in real-time scenarios. Thus, data gathering, transmission, and rapid response to new circumstances...
Conference Paper
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Rezime: Svedoci smo kako industrijska automatizacija utiče na proizvodnju posebno na produktivnost, kvalitet i rad. Ovaj uticaj započeo je Prvom industrijskom revolucijom i nastavio se sve do Četvrte industrijske revolucije. Za prve tri revolucije možemo pronaći fizičke orijentire (parnu mašinu, elektromotor, računar), ali za industriju 4.0 to je n...
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In recent years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained significant attention in both industry and academia. In WSNs, each sensor node is normally equipped with a small-size battery with finite capacity. Hence, energy-efficient communication is considered a key factor for the extension of network lifetime. Formerly, a large number of medium ac...
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Industry 4.0 is a paradigm that enhances industrial automation systems with the recent advances in the domain of the Internet of Things (IoT), gaining new possibilities and providing new services. Traditional industrial machines do not have IoT capabilities, and in order to integrate such a machine into Industry 4.0, there is a need for an intermed...
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Leafy vegetables are consumed in most daily diets worldwide. As living standards improve, food quality, safety requirements, and nutrition are becoming increasingly important to consumers when purchasing leafy vegetables. This study proposes an evaluation and traceability method that can be used to track the nutritional quality of leafy vegetables....
In this study, a cotton disease diagnosis method that uses a combined algorithm of case-based reasoning (CBR) and fuzzy logic was designed and implemented. It focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and control of diseases affecting cotton production in China. Conventional methods of disease diagnosis are primarily based on CBR with reference to user-...
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Agribusiness industry and food production are dealing with perishable products, unpredictable production and supply chain management variations, tendency to maximize waste reduction and adherence to strict regulations related to food safety. The Internet of Things (IoT) includes several technologies that can be put into practice, in order to respon...
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Increasing the performance of all computing components enables the development of new architectures and platforms for data processing, sharing, distribution and storage of data. Speed, security and reliability of data transmission are essential parameters in industrial automation and therefore only those architectures/concepts that successfully mee...
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Augmented Reality (AR) is a way of looking at the real environment in which the computer-generated environment is located. The use of augmented reality changes the way we interact with the real environment. In the past few years, with the development of technology, augmented reality is gaining in importance and becoming closer to everyday users. Ma...
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In order to reduce noise and limit air pollution, there is a trend of limiting or prohibiting entry by motor vehicles in urban areas. This has a major impact on the delivery of food in urban zones with classic delivery vehicles (trucks, vans, cars, etc.). The cargo bikes can carry loads of up to 100 kg in large front-mounted boxes that are suitable...
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In the last decade the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been growing in all manufacturing plants, but in the last couple of years connectivity has taken a startling leap forward. Connecting sensors to a plant-wide network enables control engineers and plant managers to monitor the entire plant on a set of SCADA/HMI screens from a central lo...
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This paper deals with identification of the most influencing input attributes related to the accuracy of the prediction model. It is assumed that the prediction model may be represented by any machine learning-based models, including artificial neural networks, fuzzy models, etc. Selection of influencing attributes is based on particle swarm optimi...
Conference Paper
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Traffic accident prediction; Feature selection; Swarm optimization; Neural network This paper deals with identification of the most influencing input attributes related to the accuracy of the prediction model. It is assumed that the prediction model may be represented by any machine learning-based models, including artificial neural networks, fuzzy...
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The number and diversity of machine learning applications causes an increasing need for understanding computational models and used data. This paper deals with a framework design of easily interpretable rules of the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy model. The proposed framework aggregates TSK fuzzy rules and association rules by calculating overlappi...
China is the largest worldwide producer of table grape, and table grape production has expanded throughout the country with technology advance. However, the vineyards in different regions show discrepant performance due to the multiple natural, locational, economic and technological conditions. This paper aims to develop a WebGIS-based suitability...
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In this multidisciplinary research, an LCA/LCC model is developed for assessing the costs, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during the pump unit lifecycles in drinking water distribution systems (WDS). The presented methodology includes the pump, motor, and variable frequency drive monitoring as a system (pump unit), through t...
Against the background of the depletion of fossil fuel energy sources and environmental degradation, solar greenhouses represent an efficient and sustainable agricultural production method in China. The precise measurement and control of the position of the rolling shutter and rolling film is not only one of the core issues in the modification of t...
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Developers of new products and services need to do thorough analysis of information available in patent databases, since this is of most important in order to have a contemporary status on defined topics of interest and determination of the possibility to protect rights. Beside developers, companies also analyse patent data and use collected inform...
Analysis of plant disease images can increase disease detection accuracy. Successful extraction of lesions can provide a good precondition for research on the feature analysis (texture, color and shape) and detection of occurrence area and severity for cucumber powdery mildew. This paper proposes a new Otsu algorithm based on three-dimensional hist...
Conference Paper
Analysis of patent databases is becoming everyday practice since the developers of new products and services need to get the contemporary trends on defined topics of interest. In addition, companies analyze patent data and use collected information for defining future research and development plans and market strategies. As food storage devic...
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In order to access trends on defined topics of interest, analysis of patent databases is becoming everyday practice. In addition, companies analyse patent data and use the obtained results for making market strategies and R&D plans. As food storage safety is one of the most arguable topics in the last decade, this paper shows qualitative and quanti...
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At present, due to their geographical distribution, environmental conditions and traditional monitoring technologies, the manual inspection of brine pumps in Qinghai Saline Lake can not be effectively carried out in real time, so the pumps have a high failure rate. This has seriously affected the chemical production of this saline lake. The paper d...
The transition from traditional to Big Data technologies has put new challenges in front of existing database modelling techniques. The ‘Design then implement’ approach to relational database modelling, could not be fully applied to ‘Discover and analyze’ databases with rapid data growth. In the context of Big Data, models have preserved a descript...
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Implementation of product traceability is in interest of every producer because it cuts production cost and provides better security booth for buyers and suppliers. To provide traceability of product parts it is needed to mark each part separately. Dot peen marking is technology where data is printed on product surface by stamping with carbide need...
The brine mining equipment failure can seriously affect the productivity of the salt lake chemical industry. Traditional monitoring and controlling method mainly depends on manned patrol that is offline and ineffective. With the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies, it is possible to develop more efficient online systems...
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The Internet-of-Things are new, but extremely promising multiple technologies that will revolutionize food supply chain and the way we are selecting and buying food. Combination of ubiquitous cellphone usage, ability to "communicate" with food packaging and transfer specific information regarding risks immediately at the any point on the globe is o...
Conference Paper
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Bespilotne letelice (eng. unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV) sve više postaju dostupne u civilne svrhe i često se upotrebljavaju u tandemu sa različitim tipovima kamera za dobijanje video zapisa. Pored toga, druga česta primena bespilotnih letelica je dostava paketa. U ovom radu je razmatran prilaz da se hvataljke za prenos predmeta koje se tradicionaln...
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The purpose of the paper is to introduce possibilities of implementation of augmented reality (AR) concept in disassembly process. Basic concept of AR implementation in various applications, as well as developed concept in disassembly system is presented. Main objective of this paper was to test the influence of implementation of AR in disassembly...
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The emerging engineering field of mechatronics has caught the attention of many engineering professionals, academics and government officials in recent years, nationally and globally. The main reason for this is that many modern products are no longer purely electrical and electronic or mechanical. Moreover, they are integrated multidisciplinary pr...
Conference Paper
This paper is a description of universal block created for the purpose of simplifying realization of control structure for anthropomorphous robots on FPGA chip. Block is realized in Matlab with installed DSP Builder used for programming Altera FPGA chips with FPGA Real Time Toolbox. In the paper are also provided prerequisites and control structure...
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Quadcopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be implemented in different applications. In paper it will be represented a development of a quadcopter system and potential application in which it can be implemented. Quadcopter structure model, basic components with block diagram, hovering stability, dimensions, and description of basic movemen...
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This paper describes the course Systems for Supervision and Process Visualization that is conducted at the undergraduate studies of Mechatronics at University of Novi Sad, the scope, tasks, labs and hands on activities. In addition, it presents the student evaluation of the course that provided valuable feedback for further improvements.
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The Internet-of-Things are new, but extremely promising multiple technologies that will revolutionize food supply chain and the way we are selecting and buying food. Combination of ubiquitous cellphone usage, ability to communicate with food packaging and transfer specific information regarding risks immediately at the any point on the globe is off...
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In this paper is presented realization of integral environment which consists of software and hardware components for the purpose of programming Altera DE boards. Software component is Toolbox FPGA Real Time which enables simple use of Mat-lab/Simulink with DSP Builder for the purpose of realization of control structures. Hardware component are Int...
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In this paper is presented new concept of programming for robot PUMA 560 based on existing methods of graphic programming using a simulator for the purpose of programming new FPGA-based controller. For the purpose of robot movement simulation was used RoKiSim, where as Matlab was used for the purpose of generating trajectory of robot base configura...


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