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During the current crisis of extinction, if any collective human Intention can change the tide of Fascist psychosis, its “will” must be superconductive manifestation. It needs to happen fast! Our hypothesis is that solidarity of “Humanitarian Intention” is capable of reversing the trajectory of human psychosis and inaugurating a planetary culture of “conscience”—the planetary Soul. However, to be effective in attuning the Geosphere to harmonious electromagnetic frequencies that exist in coherent states with super-human “bandwidths”, humanitarians must recognize that the adversary is a preternatural force that intends the enslavement of humanity and the destruction of planetary Life. Because of their natural predisposition to authoritarianism—the “party” line—fascists approximate a superconductive laser-like focus which has been incomprehensible to more diversified progressive forces. Scholars are still trying to analyze the preternatural power of Nazi Germany which is represented by the Nordic “Will” rune, the swastika. The reason that evil predatory forces seem so successful in their efforts to enslave humanity and destroy the planet is that humanitarian forces still refuse to recognize this tool of electromagnetic superconductivity which—misused—instead generates the pandemics of lies and malice.
Stephen Brock Schafer
Humanitarian Solidarity
During the current crisis of extinction, if any collective human Intention can change the
tide of Fascist psychosis, its “will” must be superconductive manifestation.1 It needs to
happen fast! Our hypothesis is that solidarity of “Humanitarian Intention” is capable of
reversing the trajectory of human psychosis and inaugurating a planetary culture of
“conscience”—the planetary Soul. However, to be effective in attuning the Geosphere to
harmonious electromagnetic frequencies that exist in coherent states with super-human
“bandwidths”, humanitarians must recognize that the adversary is a preternatural force
that intends the enslavement of humanity and the destruction of planetary Life. Because
of their natural predisposition to authoritarianism—the “party” line—fascists approximate
a superconductive laser-like focus which has been incomprehensible to more diversified
progressive forces. Scholars are still trying to analyze the preternatural power of Nazi
Germany which is represented by the Nordic “Will” rune, the swastika.2 The reason that
evil predatory forces seem so successful in their efforts to enslave humanity and
destroy the planet is that humanitarian forces still refuse to recognize this tool of
electromagnetic superconductivity which—misused—instead generates the pandemics
of lies and malice.
Keywords: Coherent, Global Problematique, Humanitarian, Intention, Solidarity,
Dr. Aurelio Peccei, founder of the Club of Rome that sponsored the Meadows’ study,
The Limits to Growth (1972), struggled with the problem he named the suicidal Global
Problematique. During the early years—which included opposition to the war in
Vietnam, environmentalism, the peace movement, and civil rights—the humanitarian
struggle against preternatural Fascist psychosis was multi-form. But understanding the
power of the “media-sphere” and Quantum Field Theory (QFT) were incipient. In the
US, television was dedicated to entertainment and the inevitable “dumbing of America”,
string theory was ridiculed, and politics was mired in advertising and “business as
During that time of evolutionary transition, the status quo was “king”, but the
“humanitarian” revolution began to introduce transparency. The population began to see
that the emperor had no clothes. While evolutionary forces employed the tools of public
—often violent—demonstrations, predatory forces were learning from the experience.
An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an
abstract idea.
The swastika is a symbol of<good omen, a bringer of luck, prosperity, fertility, protection,
and<long life. It was employed also as a symbol of fire, lightning, and of the heavenly bodies and their
motions. It has a prominent place in the various forms of Buddhism, and in Hinduism and Jainism.
According to Hitler, the symbol had deep significance—the “swastika<signified<the<mission allotted to us -
the<struggle for<the<victory<of<Aryan mankind and at<the<same time<the<triumph<of the<ideal<of<creative
work”. Only now, with hindsight, can we begin to recognize the mystical-scientific power of blitzkrieg.
The first thing they discovered was the evolutionary power of the media which they
quickly began to subvert, limit, and control (opposition to PBS and Journalism in general
—especially investigative journalism—and the use of political propaganda or mediated
lies to subvert the common good).3
Responsible Human Participation with First Cause Evolution
At a point of global crisis when planetary survival depends upon humanity, a new order
of responsible participation becomes the human mandate. The scientifically affirmed
sentient quantum electrodynamic (SQED) reality demands an unprecedented personal
and collective responsibility—a moral obligation and accountability for something within
one’s power, control, or management. In-order to fulfill this sacred covenant, cultural
value structures will require serious adjustment in-order to incorporate a unified field
perspective in which physics, chemistry and bioenergetics are correlated with ancient
moral guidelines.
A fundamental challenge for evolution into a global state of humanitarian responsibility
is the realization that human vision (physical and inspirational) is seriously limited. Most
of reality is invisible to the human eye, so the invisible is ignored in human problem
solving. However, modern science is on the verge of discovering the dynamics of
invisibility which should forever revolutionize the human moral perspective.
Researchers from Montreal’s National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) just
published a study in Optica detailing a new approach to invisibility cloaking. Their
device, called a spectral invisibility cloak, is the first to manipulate the color (or
frequency) of the light waves that interact with an object, rendering it invisible.”4
Starting with light, the SQED reality is based on the electromagnetic spectrum. This
spectrum contains all the different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation which
include X-rays, gamma rays, and radar. While X-rays are invisible, the human eye can
see one small range of frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum. We call this
visible light. Visible light is a range of frequencies separated into what we perceive as
colors, with violet at one end and red at the other. Broadband sources of light like the
sun contain more than one specific frequency. When the human eye “sees” something,
what it is really seeing is the interaction of these<light frequencies and the object. When
sunlight shines on a blue car, the car reflects the blue light frequency while all the other
color frequencies simply pass through the object. Our eyes detect the reflected blue
light, letting us see the blue car.
 !"
'Optical Society of America
Though this is well-established science, its implications are not being applied to
responsible human problem solving—especially the contemplation of invisible
“conscious” forces at work in the universe. In view of the pervasive experience with
media technology, this failure of human problem-solving has become ridiculous. One
barely retains the inclination to keep arguing the obvious. A salient example of the
“obvious” is COVID-19 which is an invisible pandemic that has its origins in
electrodynamic dimensions but is only being addressed biologically. Another salient
“pandemic” is the virus of mediated lies which is undermining planetary Life and
decimating civil governments throughout the world.
Certainly, it may be stipulated that human reality perceptions are based on metaphor,
and light (the longstanding metaphor of consciousness) but metaphor also reaches into
electromagnetic dimensions. It is not simply a metaphor that human individuals and
collectives must manifest more light, it is an electromagnetic fact that must be used to
solve the problem of “extinction”.
Superconductive Coherence as Soul Metaphor
Coherent states of being mark the Soul, and its presence supersedes technology. We
all know that technology is amoral. Amorality is even considered by some to be requisite
to good science. Worse, the world’s technology that has been developed so far is
entirely mind-based. Any supposed need for amorality in science is a canard but the
expulsion of the heart from science is supreme blasphemy perpetuated by preternatural
intent. The Global Problematique which the planet faces provides ample evidence of the
terrible consequences resulting from such preternatural amorality. The catastrophic
situation in the world today is evident to almost anyone, but the fact has also been
addressed by legions of conscientious scientists who warn of an impending crisis of
extinction—the dénouement of humanity and twilight of the Gods.5
Renewed interest in the importance of emotion (the holistic metaphor of blood or water
which has “circulation” as its fundamental quality) only hints at the scientific importance
of the heart as a primary human function and the vehicle of the Soul. This has been
known for a long time, but materialist scientists have chosen to ridicule the ancient
wisdom, so the entire trajectory of modern science must be recalibrated if the fatal flaws
of human hubris are to be avoided and science redirected. This redirection has already
begun, but the time needed to turn the behemoth of human “intention” onto its new path
is lacking. By normal standards, changing the trajectory from entropy to Light appears
impossible. Normalcy will prevail unless it is addressed with collective superconductive
human inspiration.
The dearth of time to achieve atonement becomes the primary reason for thinking in
terms of superconductive culture—a culture of the Soul. The primary characteristic of a
In<Norse mythology,<Ragnarök is a series of events, including a great battle, foretold to lead to
the death of a number of great figures (including the<gods<Odin,<Thor,<Týr,<Freyr,<Heimdallr, and<Loki),
natural disasters and the submersion of the world in water. According to this “circulation” metaphor (blood
or water) that symbolizes the heart, Ragnarok may have a positive meaning—life-giving or cleansing.
superconductive state is its immediacy6—as illustrated by the viral nature of the Internet
which should provide us with a cogent example of emergent new-order cultural patterns.
“Everything happens so fast” we say, but the phenomenon is based on the
superconductive nature of media frequencies, and no one will dispute the emergence of
a media age.
The false requisite of low-temperature physics to superconductivity has been invalidated
with robust research and is now a curiosity which is no longer adequate to contemplate
superconductive potentials. Robust research on holography, holonomy, coherence,
cognitive neurolinguistics, connectionism7 and Kohonen networks8, Transpersonal
consciousness research9, the Flow state10, and influences of plant11, animal, and
elemental (water crystals) sentience12 have amplified the physics of superconductivity.
This amplification provides overwhelming scientific reason for contemplating a
superconductive culture of “conscience” or Soul (Schafer, 2018a).
(Lack of an intervening or mediating agency;"the immediacy of television coverage".
immediateness. directness, straightness - trueness of course toward a goal; "rivaling a hawk in directness
of aim". Straight knowledge.
)An artificial intelligence approach to cognition in which multiple connections between nodes
(equivalent to brain cells) form a massive interactive network in which many processes take place
simultaneously. Certain processes in this network, operating in parallel, are grouped together in
hierarchies that bring about results such as thought or action.
Kohonen's networksare one of basic types of self-organizing neural networks. The ability to
self-organize provides new possibilities - adaptation to formerly unknown input data. It seems to be
the most natural way of learning, which is used in our brains, where no patterns are defined. Those
patterns take shape during
Transpersonal psychologyis the only school of psychology that studies the processes that
transcend individual identity and the states ofconsciousness. Within thisframework, people
studytranspersonal consciousnessbased on three broad developmental categories: the pre-egoic,
the egoic, and thetranspersonalor trans-egoic. The latter is considered to be the highest of human
potential. For 20 years, The Center for Consciousness Studies at theUniversity of Arizonahas held
global conferences that have brought together the perspectives of philosophy, the cognitive
sciences, neuroscience, the social sciences, medicine, and the physical sciences, the arts and
humanities, to move toward an integrated understanding of human consciousness.
*According to positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, what you experience in that
moment is known asflow state, defined as an "optimal stateof consciousness where we feel our
best and perform our best."
Plant consciousnessis the process of bio-communication inplantcells, which means
thatplantsare sentient life forms that feel, know, and areconscious.Consciousnessexists in
everything but manifests itself in different ways. With the reality that all matter is energy vibrating at
different frequencies, it is reasonable to say that all matter hasconsciousnessin its unique way,
since all matter comes from the same source and is comprised at its basics level of the same
building blocks.
Masaru Emoto said that water was a "blueprint for our reality" and that emotional "energies"
and "vibrations" could change the physical structure of water.[11]<Emoto's water crystal experiments
consisted of exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures, or music and then freezing and
examining the<aesthetic<properties of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography.[6]<He
claimed that water exposed to positive speech and thoughts would result in visually "pleasing"
crystals being formed when that water was frozen and that negative intention would yield "ugly"
frozen crystal formations.
What are the practical metaphysics for authentic life and morality in a superconductive
reality? The answer to this question may be ensconced in the dynamics of Jungian
dream analysis (Schafer, 2016a & b; all), heart-coherent healing and entrainment
(McCraty & Childre, 2016, 2010, 2005, ND), and research on dynamics of virtual
realities with Psychecology video games (Schafer, 2018d, all). In-order to contemplate
the potential of the complex science and relationships involved in generating a
superconductive culture, one must—to a degree--suspend disbelief. More accurately,
one must suspend prejudice and anachronistic thoughtforms while the new synthesis of
evidence has time to settle in the cognitive unconscious.
Global Neo Con Fascism
During the 60’s, the mentor of “Neo-conservatism”, Leo Strouse at the University of
Chicago, was beginning to establish the groundwork for creating the culture of delusion
—the pandemic of lies in which political lies—even those one did not believe—became
the popular “GOP” political dynamic which the Trump administration has perfected.
Strouse began theorizing and teaching devotees (billionaires, David and Charles Koch,
Sheldon Adelson, the Walton family, and in the George W. Bush administration, Paul
Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer, Dick Cheney and Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld) how to subvert democratic government. (Curtis, Adam)
Neo cons are not authentic “conservatives”—not the “loyal opposition”. Rather, they are
those who have made a bargain with the devil.
In the United States, Neo cons have inherited the ancient mantle of Fascist
Principalities that fosters chaos and slavery. Over a period of millennia, this
authoritarian curse has been enforced upon every conceivable group: Women, native
peoples throughout the world, animals, plants, the Jews, plantation blacks, losers in
military battles including Vikings, Gaels, Romans, Arabs, convicts, ad infinitum. All of
these are direct affronts to the “First Cause” principle of evolution that requires freedom
of “choice” and action on every scale of sentience in-order to pursue “learning” and
expanded “consciousness”. This fact is abundantly evident—both scientifically and
experientially—but those who persist in the fallacy that the universe is random will
persist in their ignorance and become allies of evil.
Demonic Principalities should not be confused with the Hierarchy of Good which—in the
human framework—is reflected in the family structure that functions as George Lakoff’s
“Nurturant Parent Metaphor”. And though Lakoff’s “Strict Father Metaphor” defines the
conservative perspective on reality and politics, the neo con metaphor is more akin to
the reptilian family metaphor where the parents eat the young.
The predisposition to malice and the practice of enslavement with its consequences of
cruelty, poverty, human trafficking, moral perversion, and general terror is anathema in
an evolutionary electromagnetic field where all frequencies are shared. This anathema
—the fatal human flaw—can be traced back to the Garden of Eden, but—more recently
—it has become the metaphor defining the American Civil War. The ACW metaphor
reflects an infinity of historical and prejudicial misconceptions which are still being
exacerbated today, but the hope of this treatise is to cast light on the fundamental issue
of slavery vs. freedom from a more comprehensive perspective.
From the Ken Burns classic, The Civil War, certain documented impressions must be
re-emphasized (Part 3, the higher object). The oft-repeated impression is that when
abolition became a priority, the American Civil War “was no longer a question of the
union as it was but a union as it should be—a union washed clean of its original sin…a
great war of redemption.” The idea that the civil war had been ennobled by focusing its
purpose on “freedom” was expressed in many ways such as Lincoln’s Gettysburg
Address. Less known is John Stuart Mill’s observation that, “The American Civil War
is destined to be a turning point for good or evil in the course of human affairs.”
It is obvious that the ACW did not resolve the issues of morality. What we are seeing
today—the demonstrations in support of Black Lives Matter—notwithstanding its
intrinsic righteousness, goes far beyond racial contextuality to become a universal
watershed. The mandate to address the tyranny of police brutality against a specific
group may now be extended to cosmic scale where Life vs. death. Current science has
confirmed a universal reality which physics defines as a fractal universal
electromagnetic field that can be measured by the frequencies of light (color) and sound
—where “tension” is the vehicle of evolution and Cosmos at all scales of “frequency” is
“sentient” in some form.
This correlation with mystical ontology is the subject of robust discourse and research.
Within this evolutionary context, humanity is in the final stage of its evolution toward a
coherent state of being referred to as the Soul. The human Soul has purpose—
application of the benign intentional agency in which their choices between tyrannical
chaotic evil and righteous civility, justice, and cooperation will determine the trajectory of
not only planetary evolution but of Cosmic evolution and “First Cause Intent”. No one is
exempt from this responsibility.
The Wages of Political Chaos
World politics—specifically the Trump Administration—including grabs for political
power among the world’s authoritarian kleptocracies is increasingly chaotic but at the
same time focused on a single objective—DEATH. The forces of chaos remain locked
in the degenerative past. Chaotic “entropy”13 and death are synonymous terms in a
unified field universe that exhibits binary potential—either Life or death. The rationale for
this conclusion exists in the realm of a universal electromagnetic field where the vectors
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of interactivity are infinite. If the vectors are not coherent—they are incoherent.14 Politics
ruled by incoherent human-created vectors has always been chaotic.
Current affairs are moving with unprecedented haste along the DEATH trajectory as the
natural environment is being destroyed and longstanding norms, habits, policies, and
laws are increasingly ignored. This—at least—is certain but the determination as to
which outcome is “desirable” remains for the human collective to determine. Moreover,
human intention has always been susceptible to “error”. Precipitate haste (as opposed
to coherent superconductivity) generates global chaos like fire boils water, confusing
even the language that explains what is happening. For example, tyranny is often
thought of as strict order, but it is precisely the opposite. It has nothing to do with order.
Rather, tyranny is characterized by disorder that arises from unexpected random
actions. If chaotic forces are in authority, tyranny is what “they” intend. Blatant as it may
sound, the objective of tyrants is to enslave or annihilate Life. Chaos is psychotic.
Chaos is a totalitarian political strategy. Tyrannical “disorder” is complemented by fear
generated—for instance—by the fear that being Jewish will suddenly become criminal
and subject to the death penalty. Ironically, this fear reinforces tyranny because—as a
matter of last-resort—the vassals in the system begin calling for a “strong-man
government” to maintain some-kind of totalitarian order to lessen the chaos. Of course,
this will not happen because a so-called “strong man” (or oligarchy) has created the
chaos in the first place.
Totalitarians thrive on fear and trauma, and to them anything that resonates with
harmony, orderliness, justice, cooperation, mutual respect, or Love of any kind is their
target. Evil is subtle—it is not intelligent but clever with unscrupulous lies. In a chaotic
state, the minions of evil use Good against itself to further their objectives.
Philosophically, such “strategy” has always been linked with evil, and regardless of
one’s scientific, secular, or religious prejudices, correlating chaos with evil is both
practical and judicious—not politically incorrect. Therefore, addressing “intentional evil”
within a political system should become an issue of righteous indignation empowered by
Spiritual Will, and opposing the high crime of treason should be the humanitarian
' The secrets of asymmetrical “First Cause” morality and human responsibility (Pope, 2019) may
be embedded in experience with Cable-stayed bridges. Cable-stayed bridges are a recent development in
bridge structural design in which the cables meet the bridge deck at an acute angle rather than
perpendicularly. Some early cable-stayed bridges have exhibited large amplitude stay cable oscillations.
One such bridge, the Fred Hartman Bridge across the Houston Ship Channel in Texas displayed two
different modes of vibration: a local mode involving independent motion of individual cables and a global
mode, in which the cables vibrated collectively [superconductivity?] under certain wind and rain
conditions. This abrupt shift in mode as a function of a change in environmental parameters suggests
chaotic behavior. Analysis of the probability density function of maximum accelerations of the cables
typically showed a fractal power law distribution at lower values, but also some sharp changes in the tails.
The Lorentz Map plots of the data also indicated two regimes: a dissipative one at lower acceleration
values and chaotic behavior beyond a critical acceleration value. The plots also imply that the chaotic
system is nearly one-dimensional. The working hypothesis is that steady winds impose additional
stresses on the stay cables that push them over the boundary into the chaotic regime where random
impulses from falling raindrops become amplified into cable oscillations. (Livingston, 2006)
And what is treason? How can treason be recognized and adjudicated? All good things
in human reality are based on order: natural cycles, predictable laws, eternal verities,
the protections provided by a plethora of social structures, and continuity of fundamental
values. Accordingly, chaotic reality—even at cosmic scales—may be adjudged
“unnatural behavior” if it is characterized by lawlessness. lies, violence, and a plethora
of rottenness--the characteristics of psychotic disjointed narcissistic discord, pride,
dishonesty, disrespect, and disinterest in all Life forms.
It is not the mind but the heart that recognizes evil. So those who are not perfectly
attuned to their hearts will be confused. The technological media constantly amplified
and reiterates the lies of chaos, so—in a word—the “superconductive” strategy of chaos
is not being addressed by humanitarians with their own coherent “superconductivity”.
Notwithstanding the apologists for chaos, reasonable media commentators have been
perceiving chaos with such flatulent terms as “troubling”, “disconcerting”, and
“unbelievable”, and inquiring about the causes of evil in the domains of “incompetence”,
“ignorance”, or “psychological imbalance”. Such epithets are not helpful. They misdirect
humanitarian forces and disarm them. Such well-meaning but naïve progressive media
coverage waters down the seriousness of the evil attack, whereas the so-called
conservative media simply lies. The cause of evil is malice and hatred.
Tyranny knows exactly what it is doing and depends on the naivete of the progressive-
evolutionary adversary. The premise of the forces of tyranny is—unimaginable to most
—the destruction of humanity and Earth. So, the nature of chaos that generates tyranny
is characteristically underestimated and misconstrued by normal people because the
dire consequences of the premise are incomprehensible to them. Chaos has its own
logic which—due to its preternatural premise—is invisible to most humans. For
example, In the perverted logic of tyrants, any popular opposition in the form of peaceful
demonstrations are good. Why? Because such demonstrations can easily be framed as
lawless or disorderly and subjected to reactive authoritarianism like martial law, the tool
used by all tyrannies. Chaos is the mythic hall-of-mirrors where nothing is verifiable and
everything is illusion.
The evil of tyranny resides not in obsessive order, but in chaos. In large part, a normal
reaction to chaos results from another false premise—the faulty assumption that chaos
is sane and—for instance—will fear that its lies are discovered. But chaos does not care
if its lies are discovered because the lies have already served their purpose which is to
spread chaos. The media-sphere is the perfect context for amplifying chaos. The
current administration is doing just this by lying about EVERYTHING while—at the
same time claiming that truth is “false news”. Chaos has its own sick logic.
To make matters more difficult, anyone who opposes chaos must not do anything to
foster chaos in the sensitive electromagnetic reality where all negative frequencies have
a negative effect. Thus, the biblical axiom, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult
with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing” (1 Peter 3:9) provides
very practical advice for use of the humanitarian media. In order to avoid
providing comfort to the enemy, one must maintain solemnity and stay in
close touch with the language of the heart. These are not mystical skills but
skills that can be developed and measured in terms of heart-coherence and
“entrainment”. (McCraty, 2010, 2005, ND)
Unified Field Theory (UFT) defines the physics of “intention”, but lately the physics has
been increasingly associated with psychological tension. In the context of tension,
mythical, historical, and current scientific illustrations may be deduced as factual. Just a
few instances of the mythic are: The war in “heaven” between Satan and God, the war
between Ahriman15 and Ahura Mazda, the Norse battle between Loki and Odhinn16, the
battle between Good and evil of Kurukshetra (Bhagavad Gita), or the battle between
Self and not-self of both Aboriginal and modern psychology (Smith, Huston, pp. 366-
383, 1958; Jacoby, 1973; Jung, 1933).
In historical/current contexts we have seen the careless murder of the natural planet
and all its Life, Nazi concentration camps, massacres such as Albania and Rwanda,
perennial warfare, willful destruction of the innocents, pandemic torture, debt-
enslavement of the human population of the planet, poverty, heartless animal
experimentation, comprehensive willful poisoning of the planet, vicious political
opposition to any spiritual principles of Good, and staunch opposition to all benign
alternatives for energy production, transportation, and governance—THESE THINGS
Opposing evil with Humane Solidarity
Understanding of the dynamics of chaos is essential to opposing tyranny. Most often,
massive protest demonstrations have been non-violent and incredibly benign, but such
peaceful demonstrations can be portrayed by tyranny as lawless and demonstrators as
terrorists. A common strategy of evil is to employ covert operatives to generate
violence in peaceful demonstrations. The wholesale murder of peaceful demonstrators
is commonplace worldwide, so simply being non-violent is not the entire solution. The
longstanding tactics of malicious perversity ought to be very evident and should not be
confusing. Nor should excuses used to misdirect and create “alternative facts” be
treated as if they have any validity. Any assumption that evil is rational should be
disavowed in the knowledge that murderous chaos is the objective of evil. If one’s
Ahriman<is the evil spirit in Early Iranian<Religion,<Zoroastrianism, and<Zorvanism, Lord of
Darkness and Chaos, and the source of human confusion, disappointment, and strife. He is also known
as Angra Mainyu (evil spirit or dark spirit) and exists in opposition to Spenta Mainyu (good spirit or bright
spirit) also known as<Ahura Mazda<and Ormuzd. In the early polytheistic Persian<religion, Ahura Mazda
was the king of the gods and creator of the world, and Angra Mainyu/Ahriman, lord of the legions of
demons, his opponent. After the reforms of<Zoroaster<(c. 1500-1000 BCE), resulting in the monotheistic
religion of Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda became the one true god, and all the other deities emanations
and avatars of his power, but Ahriman remained the source and embodiment of evil. (Mark, Joshua j,
( Ragnarok is the cataclysmic destruction of the<cosmos<and everything in it – even the<gods.
When Norse mythology is considered as a chronological set of<tales, the story of Ragnarok naturally
comes at the very end. For789"/!$"9#,!$##,
objective is to dismantle the administrative state; i.e. complex socio-political order that
took ages to build, then almost any idiotic behavior can accomplish the goal and
generate chaos.
It is essential to understand that tyranny is insane. Evil is not based in any common
understanding of logic or of morality. The classical metaphysical view of good and evil
is that order is good and chaos is evil. Without going into the vast
theological/philosophical discourses, common sense verifies the classical view. Why?
Because human experience has instantiated the differences in quality and outcomes
that characterize Good and evil. It may be stipulated that all aspects of Good in human
experience are dependent upon a high degree of orderliness: the sun rises and sets,
the seasons are cyclical, plants grow from seeds, social orders are governed by law,
and moral order is governed by universal religious precepts that espouse non-violence,
mutual respect, truth, integrity, and service in social contexts. Without a degree of order,
such critical human needs as hope, love, expectation, and even the sense of self
disappear. The collective defines the individual at both conscious and unconscious
levels, and this involves the existence of—largely invisible—orderly correlations
between quantum-cosmic and social levels of reality.
Guided by the general consensus that human morality is dedicated to the common
welfare and the evolution of Life, it is not an over-simplification to say Good and evil
may be defined in terms of Coherence (harmony) and Chaos or incoherence. It may be
stipulated that everything good about planetary and human reality is characterized by
harmony, orderliness, and a coherence that constitutes quintessential and measurable
The logical premise underlying political chaos is that lawlessness and chaos, itself,
generates success. Success in evil designs is very different than civilized design, and
evil thrives on all forms of negativity, degeneration, disease, and deterioration.
Specifics as to how this dynamic works are over-abundantly evident in the actions of the
Trump administration in the United states. In despite of their counter-intuitive nature, the
Trump psychosis has managed to radically undermine global civility (alliances, trade
agreements, treaties, global environmental initiatives), the rule of law (obstruction of
every law and overt criminal behavior), and failure to do anything positive about global
health (COVID-19).
The administration has committed treason on-a daily basis, so that good citizens tend to
forget the scope of offense. However, even if the offenses are remembered, evil must
be addressed without negative intention or behavior because—in a unified field—any
negativity translates simultaneously to the “Butterfly Effect” of physics wherein the
smallest input has gigantic output within complex systems. Chaotic evil understands
this and counts on it in-order to advance its nihilistic objectives. Because rumor and
slander are other instances of the evil dynamic, absolute Truth must be maintained—
even if it goes against one’s own prejudices. Logically and in accordance with the lives
of the Saints and Rishis, the greatest care must be exercised relative to thoughts,
words, and deed. The careless are already in league with the devil.
The current crisis is a life-and-death matter of cosmic proportion, so how can tyranny
based on chaos be addressed? Firstly, never be confused by the outer form that
chaos takes; look for the source and turn chaos upon itself. What does this mean
in practical terms? There is no definitive answer to this question because contexts are
kaleidoscopic. However, it is advisable to abjure selfishness and myopia, narrow
perspective, ignorance, blame, excuses, defensiveness, and the whole array of puerile
self-centered behavior.
Firstly, whenever high character is recognized, support it. High character—
whether expressed individually or by organizations—includes service, honor,
truth, harmlessness, cooperation, etc. Amass cooperative forces and employ the
legal system in timely (immediate) unerring response to lawlessness. We can see
these dynamics at work already in the longstanding strategy of citizen action such as
Citizens United, Common Cause, Amnesty International, The World Health
Organization, the Civil Liberties Union, environmental, and myriads of social-justice
Secondly, understand and employ the cognitive dynamics of the media in which
the current battle is being waged. No serious discussion of values and morality can
evade issues of Good and evil. The daunting complexity and random-contextual
applications of the terms good and evil have been clarified by recent discoveries in
cognitive sciences that verify the spiritual teachings of millennia. For example, science
has verified the theological axiom that human reality is not “real”; reality is a grand
illusion as defined by Einstein’s E = mc². This axiom of illusory appearance was nearly
impossible to understand without access to modern physics and psychology. With the
use of neuro-imaging technologies such as EGG, MRI, fMRI, and MEG, cognitive
scientists have made substantial progress in discovery of the source of ontological
reality-illusions that are derived from quantum-archetypal patterns of the personal and
collective unconscious.
Moreover, science has verified the fact that these energy patterns are correlated with
neuro-biological patterns. So, the ancient axiom and principle of microcosm/macrocosm
has been well-established by research in numerous modern scientific fields. (Meijer,
Dirk KF & Geesink, Hans, 2019, 2018, ND; Gaiseanu, F., 2019a & b; Lakoff, George,
2002 & 2008; Hameroff, Stuart & Penrose, Sir Roger, 2014; McCraty, Rollin & Schafer,
Stephen, 2016; Radin, Dean, 2006; Lipton, Bruce, 2005;Baars, Bernard J., 1997; Radin,
Dean, 1997; Bohm, David, 1987; Peat, F. David, 1987; Pribram, Karl, 1977; Jacoby,
Jolande, 1973; Jung, Carl, 1933; Pribram, Karl, 1969)
Thirdly, always keep cooperation with known allies unsullied by words without
meaning. Even if minor disagreements evolve, sustain cooperation and common
cause at all costs. The war against chaos is not an LGBT issue, nor a feminist,
abortion, religious, political, economic, or racial issue. If anything, it is an environmental
issue. Chaos undermines everything that can be considered beautiful or civilized. We
must realize—In the US and globally—that our leaders are dreamlike projections of our
own internal structures.
The collective citizenry of the United States created Trump with our own limitations,
divisions, and lack of understanding and cooperation. However, as in a dream, Trump
provides the necessary symbol for understanding our problems. Trump’s outrageous
behavior serves to alert us to meaningful recognition of cultural problems. Such alert is
needed to overcome apathy on the one side and belligerence on the other.
However, whatever alarm and warning he may provide, anyone that underestimates him
and expects sane action will be disappointed. Everything he does must be aggressively
opposed by those with eyes to see. Understanding that words are energy, authentically
polite but non-supportive words provide a profound tool for benign problem resolution in
social contexts. But the words must be supported with actions. However, the forces of
evil mentioned above are not polite, so if the primary weapon of evil is false and
malicious words and alternative facts, the primary weapon of Good is Truth and mutual
respect. Because evil understands the power of words, it employs them consistently as
lies and slander to set people against one another. One must be blind not to see this
dynamic at work in current politics and the mass media, and the debate about
“alternative facts” is a case in point. As Confucius said, we must understand the words
we use.
Another interesting word is “conspiracy”. Because evil is fundamentally conspiratorial.
Its strategy against the term “conspiracy” has been to make the term ridiculous—in
order to disarm those who recognize the existence of the evil conspiracy, those with evil
motives have slandered so-called “conspiracy theorists” as lunatics.
Chaos is much easier to create than order. Throughout the world, advocates of chaos
are consistently lawless and unapologetic. A true tyrant respects no law and suffers no
opposition. He seems to understand that as-long as he generates chaos, it serves his
purposes. The chaos being witnessed--whether due to incompetence or design—must
be addressed without hesitation.
Among some good-hearted readers, the above ideas may sound radical, negative, or
even naïve, but evil depends on this naysaying to accomplish its ends. It is easier to
defeat a “polite” enemy than one that is armed against such personal vanity as
politeness while maintaining civility. During WWI, the “gentleman’s war” soon
succumbed to the mayhem caused by mechanical weapons. Evil disclosed its true
impolite nature with poison gas and unbelievable slaughter. Evil has no compassion—
no honor that is understandable to normal people.
During the Midterm elections in the United States, progressive energy was vital and
diverse, and the House of Representatives was regained. At the beginning of the
current presidential electoral process, a gigantic field of eminently qualified progressive
candidates emerged. But on the eve of the election, progressive efforts have been
gradually diluted because they have opted for time-worn strategies that emphasize
elections and fund-raising instead of consolidation of superconductive mediated power
and intentional solidarity. This author has warned about the errors of both strategies.
Now it may be too late. Predictably, electoral politics have resulted in progressive allies
fighting among themselves and sub-optimizing their election possibilities. This strategy
actually-sounds ridiculous when everyone knows that Fascists have all the guns and all
the money, and that they will never relinquish power through elections. Traditionally,
they have pursued every dastardly covert and passively aggressive strategy for
“winning” their current position, and they have employed the same strategies over
decades. Gerrymandering, interference with voter turnout, a plethora of criminal efforts
to undermine democracy, and a perpetual tirade of lies have been used to confound the
will of the people. Most important, there can be no doubt as to the total unwillingness of
neo-con fascists to abide by any laws and principles of a democratic constitution.
Obstruction of all law has been undeniably blatant in the Trump administration. The
criminal nature of global Fascists is beyond doubt. Treason against the “general
wellbeing and evolution of planetary Life” has become so flagrant that the authoritarian
conspiracy operates in the open without fear of punishment.
This begs a question of the fundamental viability of “Democratic” government. Plato’s
observation that a democratic government with one value (money) is the absolute worst,
has now been irrefutably validated. However, a government of the people, by the
people, and for the people need not perish from the earth. (Lincoln) It just needs serious
refurbishing. A democracy of “conscience” requires dedicated mutual respect, free
flowing access for all to the blessings of natural life, and a sense of First Cause (heart-
coherent) responsibility in thought, word, and deed. (Schafer, 2019a-w, 2018a-e,
2016a-e) The most difficult task will be to expunge treachery from our own minds.
Gaiseanu, F. (2019a). Language Patterns and Cognitive Sentient Reality: Certainty/Uncertainty
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,!&Academia. $
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Collective Human Coherence in the Psychecology&?!/20BIGI Global.
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,!&Academia. $
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-Internaonal Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC), Susheel
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