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Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in Life-Threatening Pediatric Asthma: Description of an Acute Asphyxial Subgroup


Abstract and Figures

Acute asphyxial asthma (AAA) is well described in adult patients and is characterized by a sudden onset that may rapidly progress to a near-arrest state. Despite the initial severity of AAA, mechanical ventilation often restores gas exchange promptly, resulting in shorter durations of ventilation. We believe that AAA can occur in children and can lead to respiratory failure that requires mechanical ventilation. Furthermore, children with rapid-onset respiratory failure that requires intubation in the emergency department (ED) are more likely to have AAA and a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation than those intubated in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). An 11-year retrospective chart review (1991-2002) was conducted of all children who were aged 2 through 18 years and had the primary diagnosis of status asthmaticus and required mechanical ventilation. During the study period, 33 (11.4%) of 290 PICU admissions for status asthmaticus required mechanical ventilation. Thirteen children presented with rapid respiratory failure en route, on arrival, or within 30 minutes of arrival to the ED versus 20 children who progressed to respiratory failure later in their ED course or in the PICU. Mean duration of mechanical ventilation was significantly shorter in the children who presented with rapid respiratory failure versus those with progressive respiratory failure (29 +/- 43 hours vs 88 +/- 72 hours). Children with rapid respiratory failure had greater improvements in ventilation and oxygenation than those with progressive respiratory failure as measured by pre- and postintubation changes in arterial carbon dioxide pressure, arterial oxygen pressure/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio, and alveolar-arterial gradient. According to site of intubation, 23 children required intubation in the ED, whereas 10 were intubated later in the PICU. Mean duration of mechanical ventilation was significantly shorter in the ED group versus the PICU group (42 +/- 63 hours vs 118 +/- 46 hours). There were significantly greater improvements in ventilation and oxygenation in the ED group versus the PICU group as measured by pre- and postintubation changes in arterial carbon dioxide pressure and arterial oxygen pressure/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio. AAA occurs in children and shares characteristics seen in adult counterparts. Need for early intubation is a marker for AAA and may not represent a failure to maximize preintubation therapies. AAA represents a distinct form of life-threatening asthma and requires additional study in children.
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DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-0294
V. Connolly, William G. Harmon, John S. Sullivan and Jeffrey S. Rubenstein
Frank A. Maffei, Elise W. van der Jagt, Karen S. Powers, Stephen W. Standage, Heidi
Description of an Acute Asphyxial Subgroup
Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in Life-Threatening Pediatric Asthma:
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Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in Life-Threatening Pediatric Asthma:
Description of an Acute Asphyxial Subgroup
Frank A. Maffei, MD; Elise W. van der Jagt, MD, MPH; Karen S. Powers, MD; Stephen W. Standage, BS;
Heidi V. Connolly, MD; William G. Harmon, MD; John S. Sullivan, MD; and
Jeffrey S. Rubenstein, MD, MBA
ABSTRACT. Objective. Acute asphyxial asthma
(AAA) is well described in adult patients and is charac-
terized by a sudden onset that may rapidly progress to a
near-arrest state. Despite the initial severity of AAA,
mechanical ventilation often restores gas exchange
promptly, resulting in shorter durations of ventilation.
We believe that AAA can occur in children and can lead
to respiratory failure that requires mechanical ventila-
tion. Furthermore, children with rapid-onset respiratory
failure that requires intubation in the emergency depart-
ment (ED) are more likely to have AAA and a shorter
duration of mechanical ventilation than those intubated
in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).
Methods. An 11-year retrospective chart review (1991-
2002) was conducted of all children who were aged 2
through 18 years and had the primary diagnosis of status
asthmaticus and required mechanical ventilation.
Results. During the study period, 33 (11.4%) of 290
PICU admissions for status asthmaticus required me-
chanical ventilation. Thirteen children presented with
rapid respiratory failure en route, on arrival, or within 30
minutes of arrival to the ED versus 20 children who
progressed to respiratory failure later in their ED course
or in the PICU. Mean duration of mechanical ventilation
was significantly shorter in the children who presented
with rapid respiratory failure versus those with progres-
sive respiratory failure (29 43 hours vs 88 72 hours).
Children with rapid respiratory failure had greater im-
provements in ventilation and oxygenation than those
with progressive respiratory failure as measured by pre-
and postintubation changes in arterial carbon dioxide
pressure, arterial oxygen pressure/fraction of inspired
oxygen ratio, and alveolar-arterial gradient. According to
site of intubation, 23 children required intubation in the
ED, whereas 10 were intubated later in the PICU. Mean
duration of mechanical ventilation was significantly
shorter in the ED group versus the PICU group (42 63
hours vs 118 46 hours). There were significantly greater
improvements in ventilation and oxygenation in the ED
group versus the PICU group as measured by pre- and
postintubation changes in arterial carbon dioxide pres-
sure and arterial oxygen pressure/fraction of inspired
oxygen ratio.
Conclusions. AAA occurs in children and shares char-
acteristics seen in adult counterparts. Need for early in-
tubation is a marker for AAA and may not represent a
failure to maximize preintubation therapies. AAA repre-
sents a distinct form of life-threatening asthma and re-
quires additional study in children. Pediatrics 2004;114:
762–767; acute asphyxial asthma, rapid onset near-fatal
asthma, respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation.
ABBREVIATIONS. AAA, acute asphyxial asthma; GCHaS, Gol-
isano Children’s Hospital at Strong; PICU, pediatric intensive care
unit; RRF, rapid respiratory failure; PRF, progressive respiratory
failure; ED, emergency department; Pao
, arterial oxygen pres
sure; Fio
, fraction of inspired oxygen; A-a, alveolar-arterial;
, partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
he prevalence of asthma continues to rise, with
5% to 10% of all children estimated to be af-
Five percent of these children will be
hospitalized during childhood
; of these, an even
smaller number require intensive care. Respiratory
failure is uncommon, occurring in only 8% to 24% of
children who have asthma and are admitted to in-
tensive care units.
Although few children have
life-threatening asthma episodes, these episodes are
associated with potential mortality, a high morbid-
ity, and a high cost of treatment. These life-threaten-
ing episodes can either present as a progressive ex-
acerbation refractory to escalating therapies or have
an abrupt onset with rapid deterioration to respira-
tory failure.
Acute asphyxial asthma (AAA), or rapid-onset
near-fatal asthma, is well described in adults. AAA
has a predilection for young male adults and is char-
acterized by a brief duration of symptoms (usually
6 hours), few identifiable triggers, and a rapid pro-
gression to respiratory failure.
Often, the patient
will present in extremis, cyanotic, with little to no air
movement, and obtundation.
Despite the severity
of presentation, response to therapy is prompt. When
mechanical ventilation is warranted, its duration is
usually short, as a result of rapid improvements in
gas exchange.
Near-fatal asthma episodes are known to occur in
There seems to be a subset of children
with near-fatal episodes whose presentation and
clinical course may be comparable to those seen in
AAA in adults.
We hypothesized that children who have rapidly
progressive asthma and require early mechanical
ventilation will have more rapid improvements in
gas exchange and require shorter durations of me-
From the Division of Pediatric Critical Care, Strong Children’s Research
Center of the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
Accepted for publication Apr 9, 2004.
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-0294
Reprint requests to (F.A.M.) Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, Geisinger
Medical Center, Division of Pediatric Critical Care, 100 N Academy St,
Danville, PA 17822. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2004 by the American Acad-
emy of Pediatrics.
762 PEDIATRICS Vol. 114 No. 3 September 2004
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chanical ventilation than children who have asthma
and slowly progress to respiratory failure. The need
for early intubation and a shorter duration of me-
chanical ventilation may serve as markers of AAA in
these children.
We identified and reviewed all charts of patients who were
between 2 through 18 years of age and had a primary discharge
diagnosis of asthma and required mechanical ventilation at Gol-
isano Childrens Hospital at Strong (GCHaS) during an 11-year
period (1991-2002). Children who were younger than 2 years were
excluded because of the significant overlap in the diagnoses of
asthma and bronchiolitis. The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)
at GCHaS is a 12-bed medical-surgical unit with 650 annual
admissions. It serves as the regional referral center in central
western New York State.
Before chart review, approval was obtained from the GCHaS
institutional review board. Two authors (F.M., S.S.) independently
reviewed all charts using a standardized approach. Children with
other preexisting respiratory diseases (eg, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, interstitial lung disease) or significant comorbidities
(eg, congenital heart disease, malignancy, sickle cell disease) were
excluded from the review.
The following data were collected (when available): patient
demographics, asthma history, preexacerbation therapies, dura-
tion of symptoms before exacerbation, exacerbation therapies (in-
cluding mechanical ventilation), duration of mechanical ventila-
tion, and results from arterial blood gases drawn immediately
before and after intubation.
Patients were grouped and analyzed in 2 ways: 1) time of onset
of respiratory failure and 2) site of intubation. By time of onset of
respiratory failure, we compared children with rapid respiratory
failure (RRF) with those with progressive respiratory failure
(PRF). RRF was defined as respiratory failure diagnosed en route,
on arrival to the emergency department (ED), or within 30 min-
utes of arrival to the ED. We defined respiratory failure as the
need for assisted ventilation as a result of cardiopulmonary arrest,
apnea, central cyanosis despite high flow oxygen, or progressive
When grouping children by site of endotracheal intubation and
initiation of mechanical ventilation, we compared clinical charac-
teristics of children who were intubated in the ED with those who
were intubated in the PICU. We chose this secondary comparison
to attempt to detect a difference in the threshold for the initiation
of mechanical ventilation on the basis of alternative practice ap-
proaches in the ED versus the PICU.
For assessing differences between groups, [chi]
analyses were
applied to categorical data and unpaired t tests were applied to
interval data. P .05 was used as the criterion for rejection of the
null hypothesis. A commercially available statistical program (Mi-
crosoft Excel 2000, Redmond, WA) was used for all calculations.
During the 11-year study period, there were 290
admissions to the PICU for severe asthma. Of these
admissions, 33 (11.4%) required mechanical ventila-
tion. The 33 episodes of mechanical ventilation oc-
curred among 32 children (12 girls, 20 boys); 1 girl
required mechanical ventilation on 2 occasions. The
mean age of the study group was 11.8 years with a
range of 2 to 18 years. There were no deaths among
the study group. No patient had a pneumothorax
before intubation or on the chest radiograph ob-
tained immediately after intubation.
Comparison by Time of Onset of Respiratory Failure
Thirteen children had RRF, and 20 children had
PRF. Of the 13 children who presented with RRF, 4
required bag mask ventilation or intubation en route
by emergency medical services as a result of pro-
found cyanosis, apnea, or cardiopulmonary arrest.
Two additional children were intubated immediately
on arrival for obvious respiratory failure, and 7 chil-
dren were intubated within 30 minutes of arrival
(mean: 8.5 minutes) as a result of respiratory failure
during initial treatment. All 7 of these children were
receiving a high-dose continuous inhalation of a
-agonist at the time of respiratory failure.
Of the 20 children with PRF, 10 developed respi-
ratory failure that required intubation late in their
ED course (34-120 minutes after arrival; mean: 72
minutes; median: 68 minutes) and 10 developed re-
spiratory failure that required intubation after trans-
fer to the PICU (2-24 hours after hospital arrival;
mean: 9 hours 6 minutes; median: 5 hours 35 min-
Children with RRF were older than those with PRF
(13.3 2.3 years vs 10.8 3.9 years; P .03). There
were no significant differences in gender, race, pre-
vious PICU admissions or intubations, or mainte-
nance asthma medications in the RRF group versus
the PRF group. No trigger for the asthma attack was
identified in 8 (62%) of 13 children with RRF versus
9 (45%) of 20 children with PRF. This difference was
not statistically significant (P .35)
Children with RRF had a significantly shorter
mean duration of mechanical ventilation than those
with PRF (29.2 43 hours vs 88.2 72 hours; P
.006; Fig 1). We also analyzed the data post hoc using
cutoffs of 5 (intubated on arrival or en route), 90, and
180 minutes; in all cases, the difference between
groups in duration of ventilation remained signifi-
cant, but the level of significance decreased (P .004,
.01, and .02, respectively).
Paired preintubation (30 minutes before intuba-
tion) and postintubation (30 minutes after intuba-
tion) arterial blood gas data were available in 6 of
13 children with RRF and in 14 of 20 children with
PRF. Although there were no differences between
groups in immediate preintubation oxygen satura-
tion (RRF 71% vs PRF 88%; P .12), preintubation
arterial oxygen pressure (Pao
)/fraction of inspired
oxygen (Fio
) ratio, preintubation alveolar-arterial
(A-a) gradient, or preintubation partial pressure of
carbon dioxide (Paco
), there were significant differ
ences between groups in improvements of gas ex-
change as measured by changes in Paco
ratio, and A-a gradients (Tables 1 and 2). The RRF
group had a mean reduction in Paco
of 46 mm Hg
versus a 1-mm Hg increase in the PRF group (P
.01). The RRF group had a mean improvement in
ratio of 260 versus 88 in the PRF group
(P .04). Similarly, the RRF group had a mean
decline of 327 in the A-a gradient versus a decline of
100 in the PRF group (P .006).
Comparison by Site of Intubation
Twenty-three children were intubated the ED ver-
sus 10 children in the PICU. There were no signifi-
cant differences between groups in age (mean: 12.1
years vs 11.0 years), gender, race, previous PICU
admissions or intubations, or maintenance asthma
medications. Children who were intubated in the ED
by guest on June 6, 2013pediatrics.aappublications.orgDownloaded from
had a shorter mean duration of mechanical ventila-
tion (41.9 63 hours vs 118 46 hours in children
who were intubated in the PICU; P .0008; Fig 2).
Paired pre- and postintubation arterial blood gas
data were available in 12 of 23 children who were
intubated in the ED and in 8 of 10 children who were
intubated in the PICU. Although there were no dif-
ferences between groups in immediate preintubation
oxygen saturations (ED 80.6% vs PICU 84.1%; P
.66), preintubation Pao
ratio, preintubation
A-a gradient, or preintubation Paco
, there were sig
nificant differences in improvement in ventilation
and oxygenation between groups (Tables 3 and 4).
The ED group had a mean reduction in Paco
of 35
mm Hg versus a 21-mm Hg increase in the PICU
group (P .004) and a mean improvement in Pao
ratio of 217 versus 43 in the PICU group (P
We found no differences in the duration of symp-
toms before presentation when comparing the RRF
and the PRF groups (35 hours vs 30 hours; P .61).
Likewise, there were no differences in the duration of
symptoms when comparing the ED group and the
PICU group (ED 32.4 hours vs PICU 31.8 hours; P
.95). We did note, however, a trend toward shorter
lengths of ventilation among children with duration
of symptoms of 6 hours or less. Among children who
were intubated in the ED, 9 with short symptom
duration (6 hours) had a mean length of ventilation
of 24 hours versus 54 hours in children with longer
symptom duration (P .1).
Using early intubation and a brief duration of me-
chanical ventilation as clinical proxies, we have iden-
tified a population of children who are likely to have
a disease process similar to AAA seen in adults.
Although several authors have described adolescents
with fatal and near-fatal AAA events,
tions of AAA events in younger children are lacking.
An Australian study identified 30 near-fatal asthma
episodes that occurred in children who were
younger than 15 years. Most cases were marked by
progressive respiratory distress, but 5 (17%) had sud-
den onset with rapid respiratory collapse.
though we found that children with RRF tended to
be older than those with PRF, a significant portion of
children in the present study who had RRF were
preadolescent; 4 (31%) of the 13 children with RRF
were 12 years or younger (age range: 10-18 years).
We chose to attempt to identify children with
AAA using the objective finding of respiratory fail-
ure evident on presentation or shortly thereafter
(during the ED course). Although prospective deter-
minants of respiratory failure could not be used,
evidence of true respiratory failure was clear in all
cases: requirement of assisted ventilation as a result
Fig 1. Duration of mechanical ventilation in
children with rapid respiratory failure versus
those who progress to respiratory failure.
TABLE 1. Mean Changes in Ventilation as Measured by
in Mechanically Ventilated Children With RRF Versus
Those With PRF (When Paired Blood Gas Data Available)
RRF (n 6) 102 55 46
PRF (n 14) 80 80 1
P .2 P .09 P .02
TABLE 2. Mean Changes in Oxygenation as Measured by Changes in Pao
Ratio and A-a Gradient in Mechanically Ventilated
Children With RRF Versus Those With PRF (When Paired Blood Gas Data Available)
A-a Gradient
A-a Gradient
A-a Gradient
RRF (n 6) 163 418 260 427 100 327
PRF (n 14) 166 253 88 399 265 134
P .96 P .02 P .04 P .66 P .002 P .006
by guest on June 6, 2013pediatrics.aappublications.orgDownloaded from
of cardiopulmonary arrest, apnea, central cyanosis
despite high flow oxygen, or progressive obtunda-
tion. Arterial blood gas data were not obtained in
many of these overt cases because of the need to
initiate therapy promptly. In these cases, patients
necessarily received a diagnosis of respiratory failure
on clinical grounds; obtaining blood gases would
have been injudicious and posed needless risk to
these patients. When blood gas data were available,
we used these data to examine improvements in gas
exchange quantitatively.
We chose intubation within 30 minutes of ED
arrival as a cutoff time in delineating RRF from PRF.
Although arbitrary, 30 minutes is a rough estimate of
the time for initiation of urgent rescue therapy
(nebulized, subcutaneous, and/or intravenous
-agonists). Children who remained in respiratory
failure (or deteriorated further) during this brief trial
period without mechanical support did have clinical
findings and blood gas data (when available) sup-
porting a rapidly progressive disease process.
We found that children who had asthma with
respiratory failure on presentation or shortly there-
after often had prompt normalization of gas ex-
change and brief durations of mechanical ventilation.
This is consistent with adult descriptions of AAA.
Plaza et al
prospectively studied 220 adults with
near-fatal asthma attacks and identified 45 as rapid-
onset and rapidly progressive attacks. Patients in the
rapid-onset group often presented in arrest and had
very brief durations of ventilation when compared
with the slow-onset group. Likewise, Wasserfallen et
found rapid recovery and short durations of
ventilation (mean: 34 hours vs 91 hours) in adults
who were characterized as having sudden asphyxial
asthma compared with those having a more gradual
development of respiratory failure.
An expected shorter duration of symptoms before
intubation was not seen in our children with RRF as
compared with those who developed respiratory
failure later. This may be explained by several limi-
tations to our study. First, the retrospective nature of
the study does not allow for standardized documen-
tation of historical data. The recorded onset and du-
ration of symptoms before presentation may have
been inexact. Historical documentation of symptom
duration was often approximated, varied according
to clinician (eg, resident note vs attending note), and,
Fig 2. Duration of mechanical ventilation in chil-
dren who were intubated in the ED versus those
who were intubated in the PICU.
TABLE 3. Mean Changes in Ventilation as Measured by
Changes in Paco
in Mechanically Ventilated Children Intubated
in the ED Versus Those Intubated in the PICU (When Paired Blood
Gas Data Available)
Site of
ED (n 12) 96 60 35
PICU (n 8) 72 92 21
P .2 P .09 P .004
TABLE 4. Mean Changes in Oxygenation as Measured by Changes in Pao
Ratio and A-a Gradient in Mechanically Ventilated
Children Intubated in the ED Versus Those Intubated in the PICU (When Paired Blood Gas Data Available)
Site of
A-a Gradient
A-a Gradient
A-a Gradient
ED (n 12) 165 382 217 396 148 248
PICU (n 8) 141 185 43 424 318 106
P .6 P .002 P .02 P .7 P .02 P .08
by guest on June 6, 2013pediatrics.aappublications.orgDownloaded from
at times, was lacking. Documentation of the onset
of symptoms was variable. Some historians docu-
mented the duration as beginning with any symp-
tom of an upper respiratory infection (eg, rhinorrhea,
cough), whereas others considered wheezing or
chest discomfort as the onset. Therefore, grouping
children according to duration of symptoms (rapid
onset vs slow onset) could lead to inaccurate conclu-
sions about differences between groups. Last, our
study may have lacked the number of patients nec-
essary to detect such a difference.
Another limitation of the study was lack of stan-
dardized preintubation treatment strategies. The lack
of a uniform treatment protocol may have had an
impact on the timing of the initiation of mechanical
ventilation. This would have a greater importance in
children who were intubated later in their hospital
course versus those who presented in respiratory
failure. Reviewing the treatment of the 20 children
who developed respiratory failure later in their hos-
pital course, we found that all children were receiv-
ing high-dose continuous inhalation
-agonist (albu-
terol 15-20 mg/hour) and intravenous steroids
(methylprednisolone 2-4 mg/kg/day) before intuba-
tion. Additional therapies before intubation were
used as follows: intravenous
-agonist (terbutaline
g/kg/min) in 18 (90%) of 20, inhaled ipra-
tropium bromide or atropine in 19 (95%) of 20, intra-
venous magnesium sulfate in 10 (50%) of 20, and
provision of a heliox gas mixture (70% helium:30%
oxygen) in 6 (30%) of 20. No child had a trial of
noninvasive ventilation attempted. Of note, the rate
of mechanical ventilation among children who had
asthma and were admitted to our PICU (11.4%) dur-
ing the study period was similar to or lower than that
reported previously.
AAA events may have a unique pathophysiology;
specifically, intense bronchospasm with a relative
absence of bronchial inflammation. The contribution
of mucus plugging to an AAA episode is unclear.
There have been clinical reports of a paucity of mu-
cus in adults with AAA during routine suction-
; however, postmortem examination of adults
who have died of AAA has revealed an increased
mucus gland area.
Several authors have described
a characteristic submucosal cellular profile in adults
who have died during an AAA event. Surprising,
neutrophils are the predominate cell type in cases of
AAA, whereas eosinophils predominant in slow-on-
set cases.
Several theories have been postulated
to explain these cellular differences. Neutrophil pre-
dominance in AAA may simply be a function of
time. In animal models, the recruitment of neutro-
phils by a specific stimulus may precede and, in fact,
lead to later eosinophilic infiltration.
Second, the
nature of the stimulus itself may lead to a specific
initial cellular response. Bacterial endotoxin and
certain environmental agents such as ozone have
been shown to cause neutrophil-mediated bronchial
Last, neutrophils may not
have been a primary component of the AAA event
and indeed were innocent bystander cells.
initial neurogenic event may have mediated intense
bronchospasm, independent of the submucosal cel-
lular profile. Alternatively, the predominance of
bronchial hyperresponsiveness with a relative lack
of bronchial inflammation may be a function of an
early therapeutic intervention (mechanical ventila-
tion) interrupting a pathophysiologic sequence of
events. This seems unlikely, as mechanical ventila-
tion has been known to induce proinflammatory
lung changes.
In conclusion, we believe that AAA can occur in
children and can lead to early respiratory failure.
Our patients with RRF caused by asthma share many
key characteristics seen in adults, namely, severity of
presentation, rapid improvements in gas exchange
after initiation of mechanical ventilation, and subse-
quent brief durations of mechanical ventilation. As in
adults, AAA in children may represent a pathologi-
cally distinct form of asthma. Therefore, the need for
early intubation and a short duration of mechanical
ventilation may serve as proxies for AAA and may
not represent a failure to maximize preintubation
therapies. Prospective study will be required to clar-
ify further these hypotheses.
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injury: a perspective. J Appl Physiol. 2000;89:16451655
I recently gave 2 talks, both for quite decent fees, in which I was asked to speak
no longer than 25 or 30 minutes....Thefirst of my 2 talks was given to wealthy
country-club women. If theyre bored, they walk out, the very nice woman who
had arranged for me to be the days speaker told me, especially the younger
women. Henry James once called aristocracy bad manners organized, and plu-
tocracy is apparently not much better. But I suspect something other than mere bad
manners is going on here. What is going on, I believe, is a shortened national
attention span. People have lost patience, endurance, tolerance for the lengthy,
possibly even the leisurely, presentation of culture, teaching, entertainment, and
much else. Some say television has helped bring this about. When on their nightly
news major networks promise an in-depth report, they mean between 90 seconds
and 2 minutes....The half-hour lecture may soon be replaced by the 15-minute
Epstein J. Wall Street Journal. June 24, 2004
Noted by JFL, MD
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DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-0294
V. Connolly, William G. Harmon, John S. Sullivan and Jeffrey S. Rubenstein
Frank A. Maffei, Elise W. van der Jagt, Karen S. Powers, Stephen W. Standage, Heidi
Description of an Acute Asphyxial Subgroup
Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in Life-Threatening Pediatric Asthma:
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... In a 2004 regional US study, NIV was not used. 16 In a 2012 broad review of US asthma patients admitted to PICU, there were over twice as many patients intubated as those receiving NIV, 11 versus 4%, respectively. 15 Globally, there appear to be differences in the utilisation of NIV in patients admitted to PICU with asthma. ...
... This is similar or slightly lower than the rates reported in three recent US studies where 11% of PICU asthma patients were intubated and ventilated. 9,15,16 Studies from earlier eras in Australia reported an intubation rate of 13%. 2 Despite increasing rates of NIV, this suggests that our use of NIV is not replacing intubation in the majority of patients. Given the differing practices of NIV globally, it would be worthwhile to study its use in this patient group. ...
... 15 In a US study from 10 years ago, IV β2-agonist was used in 90% of asthma patients immediately prior to intubation. 16 Based on our study, IV β2-agonist use contributes to overall hospital, and in particular PICU, LOS. There is also no suggestion that IV β2-agonists reduce the use of ventilator support in this patient group. ...
Aim: The aim of this study was to characterise patients with asthma admitted to an Australian paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Methods: This was a retrospective review of patients with asthma admitted to a university-affiliated, 23-bed, tertiary PICU between January 2000 and December 2011, with a subset of pharmacotherapy and biochemical data from patients admitted between July 2007 and December 2011. Results: A total of 589 admissions (501 patients) with asthma over 12 years constituted 4.4% of all PICU admissions. Three patients died (0.6%). Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) was used in 104 (17.7%) admissions, and 41 (7%) were invasively ventilated. On 12 (2%) occasions, patients received both NIV and invasive ventilation. Over 12 years, there was a significant trend to increased use of NIV, 11-39% (P < 0.0001), and invasive ventilation, 6-14% (P < 0.001). All received steroids and nebulised β2-agonists. A total of 92% received intravenous (IV) β2-agonists, 65% of these for less than 12 h. PICU and hospital stay were proportional to the duration of IV β2-agonist infusion (P < 0.0001). A total of 47.1% received IV magnesium sulphate, increasing from 19 to 75% (P < 0.001). The majority (48%) were transferred directly to PICU from other hospitals. Median PICU stay was 1.04 days (0.72-1.63); hospital stay was 3.16 days (2.29-4.71), and both were unchanged. Conclusions: Intensive care length of stay (LOS) was unchanged over 12 years. Both invasive and NIV and IV magnesium sulphate use increased. LOS was directly related to the duration of IV β2-agonist. Asthma patients admitted to PICU typically have a brief stay and have a fairly predictable course. Prospective studies could explore the contribution of IV agents and the role of NIV.
... Despite the development of new therapies and guidelines for asthma management, some asthmatic patients still require admission to intensive care units and even intubation and mechanical ventilation. [1][2][3] Additionally, intubation and mechanical ventilation can be associated with significant adverse events in asthmatic patients, such as barotraumas, steroid/neuromuscular blocking agent-associated myopathy, mucus plugging, and atelectasis. 4 To avoid these complications, the use of intubation and mechanical ventilation should not be instituted unless the child's clinical condition is severe. ...
... In adult patients, Soroksky et al. 16 and Soma et al. 17 found clear benefits of NIV over conventional therapy, but a recent Cochranés review does not support the use of NIV in status asthmaticus (SA) because of a lack of definitive data. 18 A recent randomized controlled trial did not show superiority of 1 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. ...
Objective: Non invasive ventilation (NIV) has been shown to be effective in different causes of respiratory failure in both adult and pediatric patients. However, its role in status asthmaticus (SA) remains unclear. We designed a prospective study to assess the response of children with SA to NIV.
... Prompt extubation of some children with near-fatal asthma is an established practice, but clinicians may not be similarly inclined to pursue early liberation in children with bronchiolitis. 33 Without a clinician-driven goal of early extubation, the duration of to the PICU with bronchiolitis, randomization to HFNC vs CPAP was not associated with differences in PICU LOS or duration of ventilation. 35 Recent observational data supports that PICU LOS is similar between centers even when rates of MV usage differ widely. ...
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Background and Aims Bronchiolitis and asthma have a clinical overlap, and it has been shown that pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) patients with asthma undergoing endotracheal intubation in a community hospital emergency room (ER) have a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation (MV) and PICU length of stay (LOS) vs children undergoing intubation in a children's hospital. We aimed to determine if the setting of intubation (community vs children's hospital ER) is associated with the duration of MV and PICU LOS among children with bronchiolitis. Methods With IRB approval, data in the Virtual Pediatric Systems (VPS, LLC) database were queried for bronchiolitis patients <24 months of age admitted to one of 103 predominantly North American PICUs between 1/2009 and 1/2016 who had an endotracheal tube in place at PICU admission. There were no exclusion criteria. Extracted data included ER type (community/external or children's hospital/internal), demographics, and reported comorbidities. Outcomes analyzed were duration of MV and PICU LOS. Multivariable linear regression was used to evaluate if intubation location was independently associated with the outcomes of interest. Results Among 1934 patients, median age was 2.0 (IQR: 1.0‐4.8) months, 51% were admitted from an external ER, 41% were White, 61% were male, and 28% had ≥1 comorbidity. Median duration of MV was 6.6 (4.6‐9.5) days and the median PICU LOS was 7.0 (4.6‐10.6) days. Children who underwent endotracheal intubation in a children's hospital ER had a modestly longer duration of MV (6.7 [4.4‐9.4] vs 6.5 [5.2‐9.6] days, P < .001, Mann‐Whitney U) and longer PICU LOS (7.2 [4.8‐10.8] vs 6.9 [4.2‐10.1] days, P = .004, Mann‐Whitney U). After adjusting for confounding variables, we did not observe a significant association between the location of endotracheal intubation and duration of MV or PICU LOS. Conclusion In this cohort, and unlike outcomes of near‐fatal asthma, we observed that clinical outcomes of critical bronchiolitis were similar regardless of location of endotracheal intubation.
Asthma is a clinically heterogeneous inflammatory disorder characterized by variable and recurring symptoms of airflow obstruction. This chapter briefly describes the genetic and environmental factors that lead to development of various phenotypic expressions of asthma. An understanding of asthma pathophysiology is crucial to the evaluation, assessment, and treatment of the severe asthmatic patient. Accurate and focused evaluation of pediatric patients with acute asthma exacerbation guides medical management to improve outcomes. An algorithm containing three therapeutic tiers serves as a treatment guideline for the multidisciplinary team.
Management of the Difficult Pediatric Airway - edited by Narasimhan Jagannathan September 2019
Objectives: To describe asthma management, investigate practice variation, and describe asthma-associated charges and resource use during asthma management in the PICU. Methods: Children ages 2 to 18 years treated for status asthmaticus in the PICU from 2008 to 2011 are included in this study. This is a retrospective, single-center, cohort study. Data were collected by using the Intermountain Healthcare Enterprise Data Warehouse. Results: There were 262 patients included and grouped by maximal respiratory support intervention. Seventy percent of the patients did not receive escalation of respiratory support beyond nasal cannula or nonrebreather mask, and the majority of these patients received only first-tier recommended therapy. For all patients, medical imaging and laboratory charge fractions accounted for <3% and <5% of the total charges, respectively. Among nonintubated patients, the majority of these diagnostic test results were normal. Fifteen patients were intubated during our study period; 4 were intubated at our facility. Compared with outside hospital intubations, these 4 patients had longer time to intubation (>3 days versus <24 hours) and significantly longer median PICU length of stay (12.7 days versus 2.6 days). Conclusions: In our study, the vast majority of patients with severe asthma were treated with minimal interventions alone (nasal cannula or nonrebreather mask and first-tier medications). Minimizing PICU length of stay is likely the most successful way to decrease expense during asthma care.
Asthma has been recognized as a disease since the earliest times. In the Corpus Hippocraticum, Hippocrates used the term “ασθμα” to indicate any form of breathing difficulty manifesting itself by panting. Aretaeus of Cappadocia, a well-known Greek physician (second century A.D.), is credited with providing the first detailed description of an asthma attack [13], and to Celsus it was a disease with wheezing and noisy, violent breathing. In the history of Rome, we find many members of the Julio-Claudian family affected with probable atopic respiratory disorders: Caesar Augustus suffered from bronchoconstriction, seasonal rhinitis as well as a highly pruritic skin disease. Claudius suffered from rhinoconjunctivitis and Britannicus was allergic to horse dander [529]. Maimonides (1136–1204) warned that to neglect treatment of asthma could prove fatal, whereas until the 19th century, European scholars defined it as “nervous asthma,” a term that was given to mean a defect of conductivity of the ninth pair of cranial nerves.
Status asthmaticus is one of the most common admission diagnoses in the PICU. While studies suggest that the overall prevalence of asthma in children has leveled off in recent years, these same studies suggest that the severity of asthma is getting worse. Given the increasing prevalence of obesity and its association with asthma severity, the number of patients admitted to the PICU with status asthmaticus is likely to increase. A stepwise, but aggressive approach to management of these patients is recommended.
Study objectives (1) To determine the frequency ofrapid-onset asthma attacks (ROAAs) and slow-onset asthma attacks(SOAAs) in adult patients with acute, severe disease (18 to 50 yearsold), who presented to an emergency department (ED); and (2) toestablish whether ROAA patients differ from SOAA patients in terms ofclinical and spirometric characteristics; and (3) in terms of theresponse of treatment. Subjects and methods Fourhundred three patients (with peak expiratory flow [PEF] or, FEV1 of < 50% of predicted value) with acuteexacerbations of asthma were enrolled in the trial using a prospectivecohort study. Asthma attacks were classified as an ROAA (< 6 h ofsymptoms) or an SOAA (≥ 6 h). All patients were treated withalbuterol, four puffs at 10-min intervals (100 μg per actuation),delivered by metered-dose inhaler with a spacer device during 3h. Results On the basis of previously determinedcriteria, 11.3% of patients were classified as having a ROAA. Malepatients comprised 53.6% of the ROAA group (p = 0.03). In ROAApatients, the exacerbation was less likely to be attributed torespiratory tract infection (p = 0.001) and more likely to have noidentifiable cause (p = 0.0001). Also, ROAA patients had lowerpulmonary function (FEV1) at presentation (mean difference,−0.13; 95% confidence interval [CI], − 0.22 to − 0.04 L; p = 0.04) than SOAA patients. At the end of treatment, ROAA patientshad an overall 48.0 L/min (95% CI, 14.1 to 81.8 L/min) greaterimprovement in PEF and a 0.31 L (95% CI, 0.08 to 0.54 L) greaterimprovement in FEV1 than SOAA patients. Also, ROAA patientspresented with less accessory muscle use (p < 0.05) and higheroxygen saturation (p = 0.005). Finally, SOAA patients showed anincreased incidence of hospital admission (relative risk, 3.89; 95% CI, 1.01 to 15.0). Conclusions Data from this studysupport the notion that ROAAs constitute a distinct but uncommon acuteasthma ED presentation, with a predominance of male patients. Upperrespiratory tract infection was not believed to be a significanttrigger factor in these patients, and ROAA patients had rapiddeterioration of their conditions followed by a more rapid response totreatment and a lower hospital admission rate than SOAA patients. Thus, we have identified a subgroup of patients who appear to have commoncharacteristics with patients with sudden-onset near-fatal/fatalasthma.
Hospital admissions for childhood asthma have increased during the past few decades. The aim of this study was to describe the need for mechanical ventilation for severe asthma exacerbation in children in Finland from 1976 to 1995. We reviewed medical records and collected data retrospectively from all 5 university hospitals in Finland, thus covering the entire population of about 5 million. The endpoints selected were the number of admissions and readmissions leading to mechanical ventilation, duration of stay in the hospital, and mortality. Moreover, asthma medications prescribed prior to admission and administered in the intensive care unit (ICU), as well as the etiology of the exacerbation associated with mechanical ventilation were examined. Mechanical ventilation was required in 66 ICU admissions (59 patients). This constituted approximately 10% of all 632 admissions for acute asthma to an ICU. The number of admissions decreased from 1976 to 1995: 41 admissions between 1976 and 1985 vs. 25 admissions during the next 10‐year period. The mean age at admission to the ICU was 3.6 years, and 46% of the patients were boys. Prior to the index admission, 70% of the patients had used asthma medication such as oral bronchodilator (50%), inhaled bronchodilator (20%), theophylline (38%), inhaled glucocorticoid (18%), oral glucocorticoid (5%), and cromoglycate (7%). Respiratory infection was by far the most common cause of all the exacerbations (61%), followed by food allergy (8%) and gastroesophageal reflux (3%). In 28% of cases the cause of the severe asthma exacerbation could not be identified. In the mechanically ventilated patients readmissions occurred 38 times between 1976 and 1985 vs . 5 times between 1986 and 1995. Five of the patients who received mechanical ventilation died, and in 3 of these patients asthma was the event causing death. In conclusion, there has been decrease in the number of first and repeat ICU admission for asthma requiring mechanical ventilation between 1970 and 1995. This trend occurred despite a simultaneous 5% yearly increase in hospital admissions for childhood asthma during these 2 decades. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2001; 31:405–411. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
We have examined the proinflammatory cell influx as well as the levels of eosinophil and neutrophil-derived granule proteins in BAL fluid obtained from monkeys undergoing acute and late-phase (dual) or single acute bronchoconstriction following antigen inhalation. Prior to antigen inhalation, there was a significantly higher number (and percentage) of eosinophils in BAL fluid from dual responder monkeys as compared with single responders. The late-phase response (LPR) (6 to 8 h postantigen) was associated with a decrease in the number of BAL eosinophils and an increase in the levels of BAL fluid EPO that returned to baseline levels by 24 h postantigen inhalation. In contrast, the number of BAL neutrophils prior to antigen inhalation were low. Concurrent with the LPR, the number of BAL neutrophils and the concentration of EPO in BAL fluid were significantly increased above that occurring in single responders. Chronic treatment (7 days) with dexamethasone significantly reduced the number of BAL eosinophils and the BAL levels of EPO prior to antigen inhalation in dual responder (LPR) monkeys and significantly blocked the dual response and both the associated neutrophil influx into the airways and an increase in BAL fluid EPO during the LPR. We conclude that, in this primate model, eosinophil activation and a large influx of neutrophils into the airways is associated with the occurrence of the antigen-induced late-phase airway obstructive response.
With the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and immunohistology, the numbers of phenotypically distinct cells infiltrating lung tissue from 15 postmortem (PM) cases of fatal asthma were quantified and compared with 6 cases of cystic fibrosis (CF) (three postmortem, three transplant) and 10 nonasthmatic cases of sudden death matched for age and sex. Tissue eosinophilia was significantly greater (p less than 0.001) in the fatal asthma group than in the CF or sudden death controls. In asthma, approximately 40% of the eosinophilic infiltrate was EG2 positive (an indication of eosinophil activation and secretion of eosinophil cationic protein). The numbers of eosinophils and EG2 positive cells were significantly elevated in the subjects with acute severe asthma who had had a duration of terminal illness exceeding, as compared with less than, 24 h (p less than 0.05). When compared with the sudden death controls, there were increases in the numbers of Dako L C positive cells (i.e., CD45 positive "total leukocytes") in both fatal asthma and CF (p less than 0.01 and 0.05, respectively). The mean number of MT-1 positive (T) cells in the asthma and CF groups was approximately twice that of the control (p less than 0.05 and 0.01, respectively). The mean number of MB2 positive (B) cells was similar for both the asthma and sudden death control groups but was significantly increased in CF (p less than 0.05). The average T:B cell ratios were 6:1, 1:1, and 2:1 in the fatal asthma, CF, and control groups, respectively. The results support a role for the T lymphocyte in the pathogenesis of fatal asthma and CF.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
We have conducted a retrospective survey of 79 children out of a total hospital asthmatic patient population of 2,412, admitted over a 32 month period to the ICU for the management of severe status asthmaticus. All patients were in severe respiratory distress with CO2 retention; 19 required mechanical ventilation due to increasing fatigue and worsening bronchospasm, having failed to respond to either inhaled or IV bronchodilator therapy. All patients were ventilated at slow rates (less than 12 min) and their airway pressure (Paw) was deliberately kept below 45 cmH2O, while accepting a PaCO2 in the 45-60 mmHg range, as long as the pH was compensated. Although two patients developed pneumothoraces while on positive pressure ventilation, these were resolved without incidents. Five patients who had mediastinal or subcutaneous air leaks prior to intubation did not develop pneumothoraces. Following the initiation of mechanical ventilation, IV beta-agonist therapy was increased in order to reverse the bronchospasm and reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation. Mean duration of intubation was 42 hours. Fourteen of the 19 patients were weaned and extubated within 48 hours. All patients survived without sequelae. We conclude that a degree of controlled "hypoventilation" by deliberately choosing Paw less than 45 cmH2O can be successfully used to ventilate children with severe status asthmaticus with a reduced rate of pressure-related complications.
In the 7 years from 1982 to 1988, 10,639 children with acute asthma were admitted to the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. Of these, 262 children (2%) were treated in the Intensive Care Unit. Twenty-seven required mechanical ventilation on 34 occasions, being 0.3% of hospital asthma admissions. Five patients died, four due to brain death following respiratory arrest prior to intubation. The main complications were (i) barotrauma, which occurred in five patients on seven occasions (20%); (ii) a reversible myopathy which occurred in three patients treated with high dose corticosteroids and muscle relaxants. Follow-up of patients ventilated in intensive care revealed that all but one of the initial survivors was alive 1-5 years later, all patients required subsequent readmission to hospital for treatment of acute asthma and 78% had persistent rather than episodic asthma. Although uncommon, an episode of ventilation has a major impact on the family's understanding and future management of acute asthma.
This study analyzed the history, clinical characteristics, and acid-base data in relation to the speed of decompensation in 34 patients intubated and mechanically ventilated for severe asthma. Three patterns of decompensation were established according to the delay between the onset of symptoms and endotracheal intubation: Group I, rapid decompensation (less than 3 hours); Group II, gradual development of respiratory failure (9.2 +/- 7.7 days); Group III, acute exacerbation after unstable asthma (4.2 +/- 3.6 days). Patients who developed sudden asphyxia (Group I) showed features distinct from those with a gradual worsening. Sudden asphyxic asthma is more frequent in young men and is characterized by a severe mixed acidosis with extreme hypercapnia (mean PaCO2 = 112.8 +/- 43.9 mm Hg), a higher incidence of respiratory arrest, and silent chest upon admission. Recovery is more rapid, with a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation (33.7 +/- 25.3 h versus 91.4 +/- 64.1 h in Group II). Several arguments suggest that bronchospasm plays the primary role in the pathogenesis of sudden asphyxic asthma.
We retrospectively reviewed the time course of recovery of pediatric patients in status asthmaticus who were undergoing mechanical ventilation for life-threatening respiratory failure to evaluate the results with current medications and technology. Ten patients between 2 and 18 years of age underwent intubation on 20 occasions. Mechanical ventilation was maintained for a mean of 2 days. Positive end-expiratory pressure was introduced in the recovery phase to prevent hypoxemia. Twelve episodes (Group 1) involved intubation less than 48 hours; in eight episodes (group 2) the patients required ventilatory support greater than 48 hours. The two groups did not differ in regard to age, pharmacologic therapy, preintubation arterial blood gas data, or initial ventilator settings, but the rise in pH and fall in Paco2 differed significantly over the first 12 hours of therapy. In the group 2 patients, peak pressures were not increased greater than 60 cm H2O despite elevated Paco2 values, and aggressive sodium bicarbonate therapy for pH correction was not pursued. Complications were few and all patients survived. We conclude that asthma patients have variable resolution of airway obstruction during mechanical ventilation and that controlled hypoventilation can be a safe therapy for the patients with more severe obstruction.
We report the sudden death of a 16 yr old boy with asthma. At presentation, the patient had symptoms of active asthma, mild bronchoconstriction, severe airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, and increased variability of peak expiratory flow records. After the patient was placed on inhaled beclomethasone (1 mg b.i.d preceded by inhaled fenoterol 0.4 mg b.i.d) he rapidly felt better, lung function improved, but airway responsiveness remained severe. Four months later, on the day he died, he was well until a fatal attack of asthma occurred around midnight without identifiable precipitating factors. Taken to hospital, he was dead on arrival. Necroscopy and microscopy showed the characteristic features of asthma death. This case report suggests that; a) asthma death may occur suddenly and unexpectedly; b) asthma death may not be prevented by long-term treatment with high-dose inhaled beclomethasone; c) severe bronchial hyperresponsiveness, even in the presence of stable peak flow records, may identify asthmatic patients at risk of sudden death.