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Convergent evolution of sunbird pollination systems of Impatiens species in tropical Africa and hummingbird systems of the New World: Bird pollination of Impatiens species


Abstract and Figures

The bird pollination systems of the New and Old Worlds evolved independently, and differ in many aspects. New World plants are often presented as those adapted to hovering birds while Old World plants to perching birds. Most Neotropical studies also demonstrate that in hummingbird species rich assemblages, only a small number of highly specialized birds exploits the most specialized plants with long corollas. Nevertheless, recent research on bird–plant pollination interactions suggest that sunbird pollination systems in the Old World have converged more with the highly specialized hummingbird pollination systems than previously thought. In this study we focus on the pollination systems of the bird pollination syndrome Impatiens species on Mt. Cameroon, West Africa. We show that despite the high diversity of sunbirds on Mt. Cameroon, only Cyanomitra oritis appear to be important pollinator of all Impatiens species. This asymmetry indicates the absence of pair wise co-evolution and points to a diffuse co-evolutionary process resulting in guilds of highly specialized plants and birds; a situation well known from hummingbirds and specialized plant communities of the New World. Additionally, the herbaceous habits of Impatiens species, the frequent adaptations to pollination by hovering birds, and the habitat preference for understory in tropical forests or epiphytic growth, resemble the highly specialized Neotropical plants. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●●, ●●–●●.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Convergent evolution of sunbird pollination systems of
Impatiens species in tropical Africa and hummingbird
systems of the New World
1Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dukelská 135, CZ-379 82 Trˇebonˇ,
Czech Republic
2Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Vinicˇná 7, CZ-128 44
Praha 2, Czech Republic
3Center for Tropical Research, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, Los Angeles,
CA 90095, USA
Received 14 October 2014; accepted for publication 28 November 2014
The bird pollination systems of the New and Old Worlds evolved independently, and differ in many aspects. New
World plants are often presented as those adapted to hovering birds while Old World plants to perching birds. Most
Neotropical studies also demonstrate that in hummingbird species rich assemblages, only a small number of highly
specialized birds exploits the most specialized plants with long corollas. Nevertheless, recent research on
bird–plant pollination interactions suggest that sunbird pollination systems in the Old World have converged more
with the highly specialized hummingbird pollination systems than previously thought. In this study we focus on
the pollination systems of the bird pollination syndrome Impatiens species on Mt. Cameroon, West Africa. We show
that despite the high diversity of sunbirds on Mt. Cameroon, only Cyanomitra oritis appear to be important
pollinator of all Impatiens species. This asymmetry indicates the absence of pair wise co-evolution and points to
a diffuse co-evolutionary process resulting in guilds of highly specialized plants and birds; a situation well known
from hummingbirds and specialized plant communities of the New World. Additionally, the herbaceous habits of
Impatiens species, the frequent adaptations to pollination by hovering birds, and the habitat preference for
understory in tropical forests or epiphytic growth, resemble the highly specialized Neotropical plants. © 2015 The
Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133.
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Cameroon Cinnyris reichenowi co-evolution Cyanomitra oritis guilds
hovering nectar robbing rainy season.
Ornithophilous plants evolved independently in many
phylogenetic lineages of angiosperms both in the New
and Old Worlds (Cronk & Ojeda, 2008). Although
these plants share many similar traits, other features
of their pollination systems seem to be determined by
specific evolutionary history and/or environmental
factors in the different geographical regions. Conse-
quently we find plants specialized to hovering hum-
mingbirds in America, and many plants specialized to
perching sunbirds with blossoms providing a well
defined perch in South Africa and Australia
(Siegfried, Rebelo & Jones, 1985; Westerkamp, 1990;
Anderson, Cole & Barrett, 2005; Fleming &
Muchhala, 2007). Flowers visited by hummingbirds
are typically more phenotypically specialized, with a
less open flower mouth, than those pollinated by
perching birds (Willmer, 2011). Most ornithophilous
plants of the New World grow epiphytically, whereas
those pollinated by sunbirds are often trees and
shrubs (Fleming & Muchhala, 2007). Many studies
have shown that hummingbirds and ornithophilous
plant communities in the New World are structured
into individual guilds by different degrees of
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133. With 2 figures
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133 127
specialization, indicating a rather diffuse than pair
wise co-evolutionary processes (Feinsinger, 1976,
1978; Wolf, Stiles & Hainsworth, 1976; Stiles, 1981;
Arizmendi & Ornelas, 1990; Dalsgaard et al., 2008).
Recent studies on sunbird-pollinated plants from
Africa now show that they share more similar traits
with plants pollinated by hummingbirds from
America than previously thought. For example, they
have similar nectar volume, similar concentration
and sucrose content (Johnson & Nicolson, 2008;
Bartoš et al., 2012). Highly specialized plants in
South Africa are only pollinated by one specialized
sunbird Nectarinia famosa (Geerts & Pauw, 2009a),
which resembles the special guild of plants (e.g.
Heliconia species) and related specialized hermits in
America (Stiles, 1975). The first example of a native
African plant adapted to bird hovering, (similar to
many plants in America), was reported by Janecˇek
et al. (2011). Unfortunately, there is still very limited
knowledge on specialized sunbird-pollinated plants
in tropical Africa (e.g. Evans, 1996; Ley &
Claβen-Bockhoff, 2009) where paradoxically, the
highest diversity of sunbirds occurs (Cheke, Mann &
Allen, 2001).
In tropical Africa the genus Impatiens, has been
suggested to be highly specialized to sunbird pollina-
tion and to play an important role in sunbird-plant
co-evolution (Grey-Wilson, 1980; Janecˇek et al., 2011).
This hypothesis is so far, mainly supported by indirect
evidence. The early Pliocene and Pleistocene radia-
tions of the genus Impatiens (Janssens et al., 2009)
seem to be similar to those of some groups of sunbirds
(Fjeldså & Lovett, 1997). These Impatiens and
sunbird species are mostly found on the mountains
(Fjeldså & Lovett, 1997) where their distribution is
often restricted to small areas (Grey-Wilson, 1980;
Cheke et al., 2001). However, only the pollination
system of Impatiens sakeriana, a species endemic to
the Cameroonian mountains and Bioko, has been
studied in the field (Janecˇek et al., 2011, 2012). That
study showed a close relationship between
I. sakeriana and the Cameroon Blue-headed sunbird
Cyanomitra oritis, a bird species sharing the same
geographical area as I. sakeriana.
In this study, we focus on the pollination interac-
tions between sunbirds and Impatiens species of Mt.
Cameroon in West Africa and attempt to show to
which extent these interactions resemble those found
in hummingbird pollination systems. There are six
described Impatiens species bearing bird pollination
syndrome in this area (Grey-Wilson, 1980; Cable &
Cheek, 1998; Cheek & Fischer, 1999). Most of the
Impatiens species flower during the rainy season,
when access to the region is very challenging, thus,
very little information is so far known on their polli-
nation systems. Here we attempt to answer two main
questions I) Do we have guilds of highly specialized
sunbirds pollinating Impatiens species similar to
guilds of specialized hermits which pollinate special-
ized groups of plants in America? II) Are Impatiens
species pollinated by hovering birds as many hum-
mingbird plant species and are sunbird and/or plant
traits decisive for hovering?
Mt Cameroon is one of the richest biodiversity centres
in Africa (Myers, 1988; Küper et al., 2004) with a
unique vegetation zonation along an altitudinal gra-
dient (Hall, 1973; Cable & Cheek, 1998; Proctor et al.,
2007). The montane forest of this region is found at
relatively low elevations, generally above 800 m. On
the seaward southern slopes, montane species of trees
appear as low as 500 m, presumably because the
extensive cloud cover and frequent mists caused by
the proximity of the sea moderate temperatures
(White, 1981), and result in high rainfall (Graham,
Smith & Languy, 2005).
Our research was done along the trail from Mann’s
Spring (4.144°N, 9.121°E, 2280 m a.s.l.), where the
forest-grassland transition occurs, to Bakingili village
on the seacoast.
We targeted Impatiens species bearing bird pollina-
tion syndrome i.e. plant species with red flowers and
bucciniform lower sepals (Grey-Wilson, 1980). Six of
these species have been recorded on Mt. Cameroon
(Grey-Wilson, 1980; Cable & Cheek, 1998), Impatiens
sakeriana Hook.f. is a terrestrial herb; Impatiens
hians Hook.f and Impatiens niamniamensis Gilg., can
both grow on the ground and epiphytically; Impatiens
grandisepala Grey-Wilson, Impatiens etindensis
Cheek & Eb. Fisch., and Impatiens frithii Cheek only
grow epiphytically.
Six camps were established along the transect at
different elevations (approximately 2200, 1800, 1500,
1100, 650 and 300 m a.s.l) from Mann’s Spring to the
Bakingili trail, and short trips were conducted at
these camp sites to find Impatiens species. At each
elevation, we selected five or six plants of each species
if present.
Sunbirds were observed using remote video systems
during the rainy season (24 July to 2 September
2013) when all the Impatiens species were in flower.
The objective was to observe each plant for 2 days
(from 6:00 am to 6.15 pm). However, errors in video-
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© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133
taping sometimes occurred or we were not able to
take the video systems away after 2 days because of
logistic hurdles resulting in some video recordings
differing in duration (full duration of video records
from individual plants is given in Supporting Infor-
mation, Table S1). We systematically recorded the
changes in flowers during each minute of the obser-
vational period (i.e. changes as the flowers fall down
or as the plants start to flower); individual visits of
sunbirds, (if the visit was legitimate, i.e. sunbird
makes contact with reproductive organs; or illegiti-
mate, i.e. sunbird steals nectar by piercing the flower
spur), and if sunbird visits flower by perching or
hovering. We then calculated the frequency of visits,
proportion of legitimate/illegitimate visits and propor-
tion of hovering/perching behaviour for each plant.
We used non-parametric permutation analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) in the program PERMANOVA+ for
PRIMER (Anderson, Gorley & Clarke, 2008) in the
analyses as the data on visitation frequency from
individual sunbird species on individual plants as
well as data on proportions of legitimate visits and
proportions of hovering behaviour did not fulfil the
assumption of a normal distribution (there were
many zeros in the data set).
Apart from I. grandisepala, we found all the Impa-
tiens species bearing bird pollination syndrome pre-
viously known from the region. In total, we recorded
1230 h of videos and 630 visits of sunbirds on 53
plants (the observed altitudinal ranges of Impatiens
and sunbirds are given in Supporting Information,
Fig. S2). All of the observed plant species bearing
bird pollination syndrome were shown to be
pollinated by sunbirds. Small bees or ants were
occasionally observed sitting on the flowers or
consuming nectar from holes in the spur which were
probably pierced by nectar robbing sunbirds, but
without contact with the reproductive organs. Of the
total sunbird visits, seven sunbird species visited
just one plant species, while only three species
visited more than one plant species: Cinnyris
reichenowi (16 plants of three species), Cyanomitra
oritis (35 plants of five species) and Cyanomitra
obscura (nine plants of three species). Five of the
seven sunbird species were young birds and/or adult
females of the genus Cinnyris and were unidentifi-
able at the species level. One plant of I. hians was
only visited by Cinnyris ursulae and one plant of
I. frithii by Cinnyris johannae.
Total visitation frequency and frequency of legiti-
mate visits were affected by both plant and sunbird
species (Table 1). Cyanomitra oritis was the most
frequently observed sunbird dominating visits on
I. niamniamensis,I. frithii and I. hians. Both
Cyanomitra oritis and Cinnyris reichenowi
co-dominated visits on I. sakeriana and I. etindensis
(Fig. 1).
Proportions of legitimate visits differed among indi-
vidual sunbird species as well as plant species. Indi-
vidual sunbirds behaved differently on different
Impatiens species (see Plant × Sunbird species inter-
action in Table 1). Whereas all visits of Cyanomitra
oritis were legitimate, two sunbirds, Cyanomitra
obscura and Cinnyris reichenowi more or less often
visited flowers illegitimately by piercing the spur
without making contact with stigma or anthers
(Fig. 1.).
The proportion of hovering behaviour was also
different on individual Impatiens species (Table 1).
Hovering behaviour was observed on three of the
five Impatiens species (Fig. 2). The most frequent
was Cyanomitra oritis on I. frithii (86%). Cyanomitra
oritis and Cinnyris reichenowi also frequently
hovered on I. sakeriana (34 and 25% respectively).
Less frequent hovering by these two species
was also observed on I. etindensis. In contrast
Table 1. Differences in behaviour of three common sunbirds on Impatiens species. Permutation ANOVA with plant and
sunbird species as factors
Visit frequency
(all visits)
Visit frequency
(legitimate visits)
Proportion of
legitimate visits
Proportion of
df Fps pperm df Fps pperm df Fps pperm df Fps pperm
Plant species (Pl) 4 6.8 <0.001 4 7.4 <0.001 4 6.0 0.001 2 8.7 <0.001
Sunbird species (Su) 2 7.5 <0.001 2 10.1 <0.001 2 11.5 <0.001 4 3.0 0.083
Pl × Su* 8 2.5 0.017 8 2.4 0.017 4 5.4 0.003 2 3.3 0.038
*Term for Proportion of legitimate visits and Proportion of hovering has empty cells.
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133
I. niamniamensis and I. hians were only visited by
perching (Fig. 2).
Our study supported the hypothesis that sunbird
assemblages in Africa evolved guilds of highly spe-
cialized birds pollinating highly adapted plants,
similar in hummingbird assemblages in America.
Despite the high sunbird diversity on Mt Cameroon
(about 22 species, Cheke et al., 2001; Bayly &
Motombe, 2004), very few are involved in this system
resulting in extremely high specialization on Impa-
tiens species. This was especially true for the three
long-spurred plant species found in middle and lower
elevations, I. niamniamensis,I. frithii and I. hians
which were only pollinated by C. oritis. This speciali-
zation is however highly asymmetrical. Only two
sunbirds visited Impatiens species frequently and
only C. oritis seems to be principal pollinator of all the
Impatiens species. As C. oritis as well as the other
sunbirds are long-billed bird species, it is highly prob-
able that Impatiens species may have coevolved with
the long-billed sunbirds.
Interestingly, a similar trend in altitudinal gradient
has been shown for hummingbird-pollinated flora,
where the highly specialized plants of genus
Heliconia are found in the lowlands and the less
specialized plants in higher elevations (Stiles, 1981).
In contrast with C. oritis, we observed more or less
frequent nectar robbing behaviour of Ci. reichenowi
and C. obscura. Similar nectar robbing behaviours
have been observed in bird pollination systems in
America (Araujo & Sazima, 2003), South Africa
(Geerts & Pauw, 2009a), and Australia (Paton & Ford,
1977). Similarly, (e.g. see studies by Lara & Ornelas,
2001; Geerts & Pauw, 2009a) the nectar robbing
behaviour in our systems seems to be the consequence
of a mismatch between plant and sunbird traits.
Cinnyris reichenowi mostly visited flowers of
I. sakeriana and I. etindensis whose spur lengths
overlap with its bill length. The birds just robbed
nectar on long-spurred I. niamniamensis. Not only
can spur length limit visitation by some sunbird
species, long pedicels and peduncles could do also (see
Supporting Information, Movie S3), which are also
typical for plants pollinated by hovering humming-
birds in the New World (Rocca & Sazima, 2010).
Figure 1. Frequency of legitimate and illegitimate visits of sunbirds on individual Impatiens species observed on more
than one plant. Cobs,Cyanomitra obscura;Corit,Cyanomitra oritis;Creich,Cinnyris reichenowi.
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Hovering behaviour during feeding by C. oritis and
Ci. reichenowi on I. sakeriana has already been
reported from the Bamenda Highlands, Northwest
Region of Cameroon by Janecˇek et al. (2011). In this
study, C. oritis was shown to hover frequently, a clear
indication of the special ability of this species to
hover. Although our results concur with others
(Geerts & Pauw, 2009b; Wester, 2013a, b), that the
hovering behaviour of sunbirds is largely affected by
plant traits, we also show that, possibility of hovering
on individual plant species can differ between indi-
vidual sunbird species. For example, among our
plants, I. frithii represented the most adapted to
sunbird hovering with a mean proportion of hovering
per plant by C. oritis greater than 85 percent (see
Supporting Information Movie S4). The perching
behaviour of C. oritis species was only detected on one
plant where the surrounding vegetation served as a
perch (see Supporting Information, Movie S5). This
high frequency of hovering is unprecedented and
could be related to higher precision of pollen place-
ment (Bartoš & Janecˇek, 2014). It has already been
shown that plants pollinated by hovering humming-
birds are often able to place pollens more precisely
than plants pollinated by perching birds (Rocca &
Sazima, 2010).
In this study we have demonstrated that the polli-
nation systems of Impatiens species are in many
respects, similar to those of hummingbird-pollinated
plants in America. New World ornithophilous plants
such as herbs growing near the forest floor (Snow &
Snow, 1972) or epiphytes (Buzato, Sazima & Sazima,
2000; Araújo, Sazima & Oliveira, 2013) are similar to
Impatiens species growing on Mt. Cameroon.
However, contrary to the results of Cotton (1998), who
studied co-evolution in an Amazonian hummingbird
plant community, we did not find any evidence of pair
wise co-evolution, but rather asymmetric relation-
ships where one sunbird was the main pollinator of
all Impatiens species on Mt. Cameroon. This indicates
a rather diffuse co-evolution resulting in guilds of
highly specialized plants and guilds of highly special-
ized birds. Such guild structure is also well known
from America (Stiles, 1975), and more recently from
South Africa (Geerts & Pauw, 2009a). Moreover we
provide evidence to further support the hypotheses
Figure 2. Proportions of perching and hovering behaviour of sunbirds on individual Impatiens species observed on more
than one plant. Cobs, Cyanomitra obscura;Corit, Cyanomitra oritis;Creich, Cinnyris reichenowi.
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133
that plants adapted to hovering not only evolved in
America but also in the Old World (Janecˇek et al.,
2011). Although we still lack a complete understand-
ing of the general patterns of co-evolution between
plants and their bird pollinators, this preliminary
study expands our knowledge of the pollination
systems of ornithophilous plants in tropical Africa.
We thank Luma Francis Ewome, Jakques Esembe
and Moki George Mbonde for their assistance in the
field and David Horˇák and Ondrˇej Sedlácˇek for logis-
tic support. The study was supported by the Czech
Science Foundation (project no. P505/11/1617), the
National Geographic Foundation (project no. 923012)
and the long-term research development project RVO
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Table S1. Observation periods of individual plants.
Fig. S2. Altitudinal distribution of Impatiens species and sunbirds observed on Mt. Cameroon. Vegetation belts
(1–5) following Cable and Cheek 1998 with small modifications according to our field experiences. 1, montane
grassland; 2, montane forest; 3, open canopy forest disturbed by forest elephants; 4, evergreen transitional to
littoral Atlantic forest; 5, Oil Palm plantations. Photo by Šteˇpán Janecˇek (1–5; A–G) and Ondrˇej Sedlácˇek (H).
Movie S3 Cinnyris reichenowi robbing nectar in Impatiens sakeriana.
Movie S4 Cyanomitra oritis hovering in front of Impatiens frithii flowers.
Movie S5 Cyanomitra oritis perching on surrounding vegetation when feeding on Impatiens frithii.
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115, 127–133
... Despite these barriers, birds can bypass them through robbing behavior, piercing the corolla without touching the plant's reproductive organs (e.g., Janeček, Bartoš, & Njabo, 2015). Long and wide flowers are more prone to robbing (Navarro & Medel, 2009;Sakhalkar et al., 2023). ...
... Thus, more ornithophilous plants in flower were reported during the wet season of Mt. Cameroon (Janeček, Bartoš, & Njabo, 2015;Klomberg et al., 2022). Furthermore, sunbird-plant networks were more specialized during the wet season, coinciding with the blossoming of specialized ornithophilous plants . ...
... When robbing events were included, none of the bird attributes explained the complexity of visited plant traits. Flower morphology influences how pollinators extract and gain access to floral rewards.Short-billed sunbirds robbed from long-tube flowers (e.g.,Janeček et al., 2015;Padyšáková et al., 2013). Therefore, robbing is expected to be minimized in perfect trait-matching. ...
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The drivers behind plant-pollinator interactions still need to be fully understood. Previous research has suggested that observed interactions result from either neutral interaction between species based on their abundance or from niche-based processes, which are reflected in the adaptations of both plants and pollinators. Furthermore, the importance of both scenarios can differ depending on seasonal dynamics translated into differences in resource availability. Extensive research has been conducted on New-World hummingbirds (Trochilidae), whereas much less is known about Old World nectar-feeding sunbirds (Nectariniidae). Our study aimed to explore whether sunbird-plant interactions are explained by neutral and/or niche-based processes. Thus, we tested the effects of abundance, morphology, and nectar sugar content on the observed interactions and the link between sunbirds and plant traits. Moreover, we explored the effects of robbing on these mechanisms. Finally, we investigated the partitioning of bird pollination niches, based on floral traits. We used a dataset of sunbird-plant interactions collected at Mount Cameroon during two seasons (dry and wet seasons). Our study shows that sunbird-plant interactions are influenced by both neutral and niche-based processes. Neutral processes and nectar reward were the main mechanisms underlaying the observed interactions in the dry season. However, as more ornithophilous plants bloom during the rainy season, morphological trait-matching becomes more important. We found a correlation between bill length and floral tube dimensions and observed niche overlap among the sunbird species. Considering this and other research, we suggest that plant-pollinator interactions are influenced by a combination of both neutral and niche-based processes.
... Recently, studies of the pollination ecology of Impatiens species have been active (Kato, 1988;Tian et al., 2004;Janecek et al., 2015;Tokuda et al., 2015;Ruchisansakun et al., 2016). In Cameroon, a bird, Cyanomitra oritis, is an important pollinator of all Impatiens species (Janecek et al., 2015). ...
... Recently, studies of the pollination ecology of Impatiens species have been active (Kato, 1988;Tian et al., 2004;Janecek et al., 2015;Tokuda et al., 2015;Ruchisansakun et al., 2016). In Cameroon, a bird, Cyanomitra oritis, is an important pollinator of all Impatiens species (Janecek et al., 2015). A study of the floral variation and pollination of seven co-occurring Impatiens spp. in a Southeast Asian diversity hotspot reveals that typically several animals visit these plants, but the most effective pollinator differs depending on the structure of the flower (Ruchisansakun et al., 2016). ...
... It also has the required behavioral characteristics related to florae. Unlike Cameroon, for which a bird acts as a pollinator of Impatiens, I. furcillata in Korea it is a bee that is an effective pollinator (Janecek et al., 2015). A reason behind this pollinator difference can be found through a study that investigates floral variation and pollination of seven cooccurring Impatiens spp. ...
An effective pollinator was investigated based on visiting insects to confirm the pollination mechanism of Impatiens furcillata Hemsl. (cheo-jin-mul-bong-seon), an annual herb that is also a species endemic to Korea that has hardly been studied in relation to pollination ecology. The insects that visited the group of I. furcillata studied here consisted of four orders, 11 families, and 16 species; Hymenoptera had seven species (43.8%), Lepidoptera had four (25.0%), Diptera four (25.0%), and Hemiptera one (6.2%). Visiting insects were divided into those that took only nectar, those that took nectar and pollen, and those that took neither. Insects that are effective for pollination are judged considering the length and body type of their mouth parts, and Amegilla florea Smith (huin-jul-beol) is judged to be the most effective pollinator in the survey area. As a result of observing pollination behavior, when visiting a flower, A. florea , which extended its glossa, approached the front, landed on a wing petal of I. furcillata , crawled into the flower tube, and then backed up and reversed its steps, with pollen adhered to its back. The findings here present basic information about species biology related to both I. furcillata and A. florea .
... Considering plants, a wide spectrum of growing forms and degrees of specialization (Fleming and Muchhala 2008) were recorded in both American and African flora. Hummingbirds and sunbirds interact with nonspecialized plant species, often canopy trees (Maruyama et al. 2014;Nsor et al. 2019;, and also with highly specialized ornithophilous plants, often herbs, shrubs, and epiphytes (Cronk and Ojeda 2008;Janeček et al. 2015;. Resource (i.e., avian pollinator) partitioning among plant species was documented in both systems (Stiles 1981). ...
... Specific flowering patterns of individual plant groups can also contribute to these patterns. For example, tropical trees (Janzen 1967;Bentos et al. 2008) and specialized ornithophilous herbs can predominantly bloom in certain seasons of the year (Janeček et al. 2015). In contrast, the dry season can be characterized by many open actinomorphic flowers (Klomberg et al. 2022). ...
... (2) Are the birds, plants and whole networks more specialized in the wet season? We hypothesized that a higher specialization can be expected, as many specialized ornithophilous plants bloom only in the wet season (Cruden 1972;Janeček et al. 2015), which can enable more precise niche segregation in that season (Abrahamczyk and Kessler 2010). Higher specialization can also be driven by lower nectar availability, as observed in hummingbird-plant networks (Tinoco et al. 2017). ...
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Differences in interaction specializations between nectarivorous birds and plants across continents serve as common examples of evolutionary trajectory specificity. While New World hummingbird-plant networks have been extensively studied and are considered highly specialized, knowledge on the network specialization of their Old World counterparts, sunbirds (Nectariniidae), remains limited. A few studies from tropical Africa indicate that sunbird-plant networks are rather generalized. Unfortunately, these studies are limited to dry seasons and high elevations at the tree line, environments where niche-based hypotheses also often predict lower resource partitioning. In our study, we explored the specialization of sunbird-plant networks and their spatiotemporal variability on Mt. Cameroon (Cameroon). Using a combination of automatic video recordings and personal observations, we constructed eight comprehensive sunbird-plant networks in four forest types at different elevations in both the dry and wet seasons. As reported in previous studies, the montane forest plants, birds and whole networks were highly generalized. Nevertheless, we observed a much higher specialization in forests at lower elevations. Except at the lowest altitude, the wet season was also characterized by higher specialization. While less specialized flowering trees dominated in the dry season networks, more specialized herbs and shrubs were visited by birds during the wet season. As our findings do not support the generally accepted assumption that Old World bird-plant networks are rather generalized, we need further studies to understand the differences in bird-plant specializations on individual continents.
... The flowers of I. sakeriana are visited by two sunbirds, Cyanomitra oritis (Cameroon sunbird) and Cinnyris reichenowi (northern double-collared sunbird), but not by insects Chmel et al., 2021;Sejfová et al., 2021). Cyanomitra oritis is a very effective pollinator, whereas Cinnyris reichenowi is not and often steals nectar by piercing the corolla tube (Janeček et al., 2011(Janeček et al., , 2015. The preferences of these two sunbirds were tested in an experimental cage where we placed, in addition to I. sakeriana, three other plant species that do not have bird pollination syndromes and are visited by other pollinators in addition to sunbirds in natural conditions . ...
... These suggestions concur with the findings of other studies that Cyanomitra oritis has a faster drinking speed (amount of time taken to consume nectar; Janečková et al., 2020) and can handle the flowers of I. sakeriana more quickly than Cinnyris reichenowi (Sejfová et al., 2021). The stronger relationship between Cyanomitra oritis and I. sakeriana was also indicated by the higher pollination effectiveness of the former (Janeček et al., 2011) and its strictly legitimate visits to the flowers (Janeček et al., 2011(Janeček et al., , 2015. ...
... Nevertheless, I. sakeriana was not preferred over N. congesta when both were presented to the mid-elevation forest sunbirds. This finding is interesting given that, according to previous studies, mid-elevation forest sunbirds also visit flowers with bird pollination syndromes (Bartoš & Janeček, 2014;Janeček et al., 2015). Consequently, the extremely low proportion of visits for I. sakeriana in the mid-elevation forest questions the hypothesis that not only plants with specific bird pollination syndromes but also those with general bird pollination syndromes can be learned by birds and that the birds can easily recognize even unfamiliar plants with such a syndrome (Grant, 1966;Schiestl & Johnson, 2013). ...
In recent decades, the tight mutual specialization between nectarivorous birds and ornithophilous plants has been questioned, and instead, high degrees of generalization and interaction asymmetry have been highlighted. Here, we studied interactions among two sunbirds and four plant species in two Mount Cameroon forests, with two plant species from each forest. First, we investigated whether sunbirds differ in frequencies of visitation to target plant species in natural conditions. Second, using a cage experiment, we investigated whether sunbirds prefer various plant species, plants with which they are more familiar and that occur in the habitat where they were caught and/or the only studied ornithophilous plant, Impatiens sakeriana. In natural conditions, the short-billed sunbird, Cinnyris reichenowi, fed more on flowers with shorter tubes than the long-billed sunbird, Cyanomitra oritis. Likewise, sunbirds differed in their experimental preferences. Local plants were generally preferred. This was most obvious in the case of I. sakeriana, which was often visited by both sunbirds, but only in the habitat where it grows naturally. This study supports the importance of associative learning. Together with other studies, we suggest that the signalling traits of flowers with bird pollination syndromes evolved to filter out other visitors rather than to attract bird pollinators.
... This makes them an opportunity to study the spatiotemporal variability in the importance of individual floral traits in plantpollinator interactions. Elevational gradients allow us to observe substantial changes in abiotic and biotic features (McCain & Grytnes, 2010), including taxonomical and functional diversities of plants and pollinators (Albrecht et al., 2018;Janeček et al., 2015), as well as their interactions Olesen & Jordano, 2002;Ramos-Jiliberto et al., 2010). Seasonal differences in communities and interactions are also known (Abrahamczyk et al., 2011;Maicher et al., 2018;Mertens et al., 2021). ...
... Spatiotemporal variation in the role, importance and diversity of pollinators has been observed (Abrahamczyk et al., 2011;Fenster & Dudash, 2001;Mertens et al., 2021), although little is known on the related variation in floral traits, except for floral resource availability. Pollinators have greater energetic requirements at higher elevations due to lower temperatures, or lower air pressure which hinders flight (Feinsinger et al., 1979), or during the wet season in humid tropical forests (Janeček et al., 2015;Maicher et al., 2018). Consequently, such conditions can increase the importance of floral traits related to energetic rewards (e.g. ...
... nectar production or concentrations), causing a higher specialisation of endothermic bird pollinators for floral resources during wet season (Janeček, Chmel, Mlíkovský, et al., 2021). The unfavourable conditions might also cause the increasing prevalence of larger pollinators during wet seasons, such as nectarivorous birds whose flight is less affected by rainy conditions compared with insects (Cruden, 1972;Janeček et al., 2015;Maicher et al., 2018). Nevertheless, some relationships remain stable, independent of seasonal changes, as was confirmed for the relationship between corolla tube length and bill length in hummingbird-plant interactions (Weinstein & Graham, 2017). ...
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The pollination syndrome hypothesis predicts that plants pollinated by the same pollinator group bear convergent combinations of specific floral functional traits. Nevertheless, some studies have shown that these combinations predict pollinators with relatively low accuracy. This discrepancy may be caused by changes in the importance of specific floral traits for different pollinator groups and under different environmental conditions. To explore this, we studied pollination systems and floral traits along an elevational gradient on Mount Cameroon during wet and dry seasons. Using Random Forest (Machine Learning) models, allowing the ranking of traits by their relative importance, we demonstrated that some floral traits are more important than others for pollinators. However, the distribution and importance of traits vary under different environmental conditions. Our results imply the need to improve our trait-based understanding of plant-pollinator interactions to better inform the debate surrounding the pollination syndrome hypothesis.
... Besides the presence of distinct pollination syndromes, species which share the same pollinator also vary in floral architecture. In particular, floral variation among these species is associated with precise placement of pollen on the pollinator bodies, as was confirmed independently among co-flowering bee-pollinated species in Asia and bird-pollinated species in Africa (Janeček et al., 2015;Ruchisansakun et al., 2016). In several cases, differential pollen placement on bees is achieved by a highly unusual mechanism of floral asymmetry in which the lower lateral petals are asymmetrical (Kato et al., 1991;Ruchisansakun et al., 2016). ...
Background and Aims Floral diversity as a result of plant-pollinator interactions can evolve by two distinct processes: shifts between pollination systems, or divergent use of the same pollinator. Although both pollinator-driven, the mode, relative importance, and inter-dependence of these different processes are rarely studied simultaneously. Here we apply a phylogenetic approach using the Balsaminaceae (including the species rich genus Impatiens), to simultaneously quantify shifts in pollination syndromes (as inferred from the shape and colour of the corolla), as well as divergent use of the same pollinator (inferred from corolla symmetry). Methods For 282 species we coded pollination syndromes based on associations between floral traits and known pollination systems, and assessed corolla symmetry. The evolution of these traits was reconstructed using parsimony and model-based approaches, using phylogenetic trees derived from phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequence data. Key Results 71% of studied species have a bee-pollination syndrome, 22% a bimodal syndrome (Lepidoptera and bees), 3% a bird-pollination syndrome, and 5% a syndrome of autogamy, while 19% of species has an asymmetrical corolla. Although floral symmetry and pollination syndromes are both evolutionarily labile, the latter shifts more frequently. Shifts in floral symmetry occurred mainly in the direction towards asymmetry, but there was considerable uncertainty in the pattern of shift direction for pollination syndrome. Shifts towards asymmetrical flowers were associated with a bee-pollination syndrome. Conclusion Floral evolution in Impatiens has occurred through both pollination syndrome shifts and divergent use of the same pollinator. Although the former appears more frequent, the latter is likely underestimated. Shifts in floral symmetry and pollination syndromes depend on each other but also partly on the region in which these shifts take place, suggesting that the occurrence of pollinator-driven evolution may be determined by the availability of pollinator species at large geographical scales.
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Competition for nectar is expected to result in feeding niche differentiation. Here, we targeted the sexually size-dimorphic Volcano Sunbird ( Cinnyris preussi ) on Mount Cameroon. We investigated whether males and females feed on different plant species, whether females with shorter bills than males prefer shorter flowers, and whether larger dominant males visit more energetic flowers that produce higher amounts of nectar sugars. We also asked whether feeding niches were spatially separated along the elevation gradient and whether this separation varied between the two contrasting seasons. We collected data on the frequency of visits to individual plant species and analyzed the male-to-female ratios in the mist-netted dataset. In addition, we estimated production of nectar sugar in individual habitats and seasons. Despite the large dataset collected, encompassing 6476 bird–plant interactions, our findings did not provide evidence of differences in the spectra of the visited plant species. In addition, females did not visit flowers with shorter tubes, nor did males visit flowers that produced higher amounts of sugars. However, we observed a sex-specific dispersion of sunbirds during the wet season. During the dry breeding season, both males and females feed mainly in nectar-rich montane and submontane forests. In the wet season, the production of nectar sugar in these habitats decreased dramatically, and females largely disappeared. In contrast, female activity increased in the lowest and highest parts of the altitudinal range. Our findings on elevational movements are important in the current context, in which species face potential threats from habitat destruction and climate change.
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Abiotic factors (e.g., temperature, precipitation) vary markedly along elevational gradients and differentially affect major groups of pollinators. Ectothermic bees, for example, are impeded in visiting flowers by cold and rainy conditions common at high elevations, while endothermic hummingbirds may continue foraging under such conditions. Despite the possibly far-reaching effects of the abiotic environment on plant-pollinator interactions, we know little about how these factors play out at broad ecogeographic scales. We address this knowledge gap by investigating how pollination systems vary across elevations in 26 plant clades from the Americas. Specifically, we explore Cruden's 1972 hypothesis that the harsh montane environment drives a turnover from insect to vertebrate pollination at higher elevations. We compared the elevational distribution and bioclimatic attributes for a total of 2,232 flowering plants and found that Cruden's hypothesis holds only in the tropics. Above 30°N and below 30°S, plants pollinated by vertebrates (mostly hummingbirds) tend to occur at lower elevations than those pollinated by insects. We hypothesize that this latitudinal transition is due to the distribution of moist, forested habitats favored by vertebrate pollinators, which are common at high elevations in the tropics but not in the temperate Americas.
Plant-bird interaction is directly related to the food habit, foraging and nesting behaviour of birds and pollination, seed dispersal in plants. Ornithophilous plants are pollinated by birds, who are specialized to collect nectar and pollen. Thus both plants and birds developed their adaptive characters, making pollination a success. However, such adaptive characters are variable in different plants and bird pollinators. Pollination syndrome has provided an understanding of the evolution and adaptation of birds and the floral traits. Present review contains general and specific pollination characteristics of both plants and their pollinator bird species. Observations by different workers on 89 species of plants and 108 species of pollinating/ flower visiting birds could be noted of which 58 species of plants and 84 species of associated birds were recorded from India. Gap areas in research on ornithophily in India have been discussed.
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(1) We studied the ecological organization of a four-species hummingbird community in the highlands of Costa Rica, Central America. (2) Three of the four bird species (Colibri, Eugenes, Selasphorus) have marked seasonal cycles of abundance while one species (Panterpe) is a year-long resident. Panterpe breeds during the rainy season when an important food plant blooms before the arrival of most of the migratory bird populations. These arrive and breed in relation to blooming of other plant species. (3) The greatest diversity and density of hummingbirds occurs during the dry season which is also the time of peak bloom of the flowers visited by the hummingbirds. (4) Two of the four species (Colibri, Eugenes) tend to visit few plant species while two (Panterpe, Selasphorus) visit more plant species during a year. (5) When the bird species co-occur the principal division of the nectar resource involves: (a) a bill-corolla size interaction; (b) efficiency differences in exploiting the nectar; (c) dominance interactions among the bird species; and (d) the availability of alternative resources. (6) The efficiency of foraging is influenced by co-evolutionary selective forces. (7) The availability of several pollinator species has apparently led to co-evolutionary relationships that further tend to restrict the resource range used by a bird species. (8) Panterpe, the dominant species, is viewed as the organizer member of the guild. Its population size in relation to nectar availability effectively determines the ability of individuals of other species to maintain a position in the guild.
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Nine hummingbird-pollinated species of Heliconia occur together at Finca La Selva, in the wet Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. In forest habitats, Heliconia clumps (clones) are typically small; in more open areas, many clumps attain large size. This probably reflects differences in light intensity and degree of vegetative competition in these habitats. Nine species of hummingbirds regularly visit Heliconia flowers at La Selva. The four hermits are nonterritorial, traplining foragers with long, curved bills. Non-hermits frequently hold territories at Heliconia clumps, and have short, straight bills. Pollination by hermits tends to produce more cross-pollination; territorial hummingbirds increase self-pollination. Different Heliconia species appear to be specialized for pollination by either hermits on non-hermits, largely through components of the caloric phenotype: amount and timing of nectar production, rate of inflorescene and flower production, and morphological paramerters that affect the energetic efficiency of nectar-harvesting hummingbirds. Habitat may influence pollination systems through its effects on clump size and thus on the number of flowers a clump can have at any one time. Ultimately, specialization for hermits or non-hermits may depend on the degree of self-compatibility of the different Heliconia species. Hermit-pollinated Heliconia mostly show sequential and nonoverlapping flowering peaks, probably resulting from competition for pollinators and/or selection against hybridization. Two hermit-pollinated species bloom simultanesoulsy, thereby inducing the birds to utilize an other-wise little-used microhabitat. Heliconia species pollinated by non-hermits bloom in the early to middle rainy season, and are mostly separated by habitat. Isolating mechanisms among sympatric Heliconia species involve both spatial and temporal patterns of partioning available pollinators. Floral parameters include mechanical (different site of pollen deposition on the bird) and ethological (caloric and visual factors affecting flower choice) mechanisms. Selection for pollinator specificity may result in convergence of blooming peaks, provided that other isolating mechanisms are present. Human activity has broken down some habitat barriers by producing large areas of second growth.
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Recognizes three distinct components of flower function: attraction, reward, and filtering mechanisms, and discusses their functioning in an ecological context, and as they relate to the genetic system or 'pollination unit' of the plant. Discusses nectar-feeding birds (not only morphological, but ecological and behavioral specializations to flowers as a food source). Different bird groups vary widely in their degrees of specialization for flower-feeding; bird-flower coevolution has followed very different courses, and has led to widely divergent ecological systems in different geographical areas. The hummingbirds are the most specialized avian nectarivores, although they are approached in this regard by some members of certain passerine groups, notably among the sunbirds. Several groups of passerine nectarivores also occur with the hummingbirds in many New World areas. Patterns of ornithophily and nectarivory are examined in detail for this area, concentrating on Southern Central America, especially Costa Rica. The altitudinal and geographical distributions of the two main groups of hummingbirds, the hermits and nonhermits, differ, as are the taxonomic and ecological affinities of their primary foodplants. Hermits are most numerous in wet lowlands and the adjacent foothills, and are primarily associated with large monocotyledonous herbs, notably Heliconia. Nonhermits reach their greatest taxonomic and ecological diversity in the lower middle elevations, and are the only group present at high elevations; they seem to have coevolved with the flowers of a variety of dicot families, and the bromeliads among the monocots. Passerine nectarivores occur primarily as parasites on the hummingbird-flower system (Coerebidae) and are important as pollinators only in seasonally dry areas when the hummingbirds are poorly represented.-from Author nectar feeding birds Costa Rica hummingbirds hermits Heliconia Coerebidae
Pollination and Floral Ecologyis the most comprehensive single-volume reference to all aspects of pollination biology--and the first fully up-to-date resource of its kind to appear in decades. This beautifully illustrated book describes how flowers use colors, shapes, and scents to advertise themselves; how they offer pollen and nectar as rewards; and how they share complex interactions with beetles, birds, bats, bees, and other creatures. The ecology of these interactions is covered in depth, including the timing and patterning of flowering, competition among flowering plants to attract certain visitors and deter others, and the many ways plants and animals can cheat each other.Pollination and Floral Ecologypays special attention to the prevalence of specialization and generalization in animal-flower interactions, and examines how a lack of distinction between casual visitors and true pollinators can produce misleading conclusions about flower evolution and animal-flower mutualism. This one-of-a-kind reference also gives insights into the vital pollination services that animals provide to crops and native flora, and sets these issues in the context of today's global pollination crisis.Provides the most up-to-date resource on pollination and floral ecologyDescribes flower advertising features and rewards, foraging and learning by flower-visiting animals, behaviors of generalist and specialist pollinators--and moreExamines the ecology and evolution of animal-flower interactions, from the molecular to macroevolutionary scaleFeatures hundreds of color and black-and-white illustrations.
We studied temporal and spatial relationships among hummingbirds and their food flowers in a tropical dry forest on the western coast of Mexico. From June 1985 to July 1986 we recorded flowering phenology, nectar production, and hummingbird visits to flowers, and made morphological measurements of hummingbirds and plants. Twenty-three species of plants were studied, and ten of them were pollinated exclusively by hummingbirds. Out of the six hummingbird species we found, only two were permanent residents (Amazilia rutila and Cynanthus latirostris), two were altitudinal wanderers (Chlorostilbon canivetii and Heliomaster constantii), and two were winter visitors (Archilochus colubris and A. alexandri). The most abundant resident was A. rutila. It used clumped flowers and defended feeding territories around them. The other species in the area, subordinates to A. rutila, used less plentiful resources without the establishment of territories.
Impatiens etindensis is described as new from Mt Etinde near Mt Cameroon in southwest Cameroon. It is unusual among African Impatiens in being epiphytic, and unique in its large ellipsoidal or spherical tubers. The new species is illustrated and its ecology and taxonomic affinities are discussed.
(1) An account is presented of the feeding habits of the nine species of hummingbirds which are common in the forested lower Arima Valley in Trinidad. (2) Three `hermit' hummingbirds have long decurved bills, occur primarily in forest and feed mainly close to the ground, principally at the flowers of herbaceous plants. The six other species have more or less straight bills and mainly frequent more open areas. The two largest species of this group feed almost entirely at the flowers of large trees and vines; three of the smaller species feed on a wider variety of flowers, and the fourth feeds mainly at high trees in the open. (3) The flowers at which the hermits feed mainly have corolla-tubes which fit the hermits' beaks closely. The flowers at which the other species feed are more diverse. Within both groups, the hermits and the others, the large species feed almost entirely at large flowers, apparently because they cannot obtain enough nectar from small flowers for it to be worth their while to visit them. Small hummingbirds, on the other hand, feed at both small and large flowers providing that they can obtain nectar from them. The length of time spent at a flower appears to be a good measure of the amount of nectar available. (4) All nine species also feed on insects to some extent. Those for which there were sufficient records showed clear differences in their insect-foraging techniques. Taking into account both nectar- and insect-feeding, most of the species are well separated in their feeding habits. Three small species which appear to be most alike in feeding habits are largely separated by habitat. (5) The suggestion is advanced that in the evolution of hummingbirds there may be a critical size (which may not be the same in all areas), below which they compete with insects for the nectar of small unspecialized flowers, and above which they are able to evolve in parallel with specialized flowers which by their size and structure exclude most insects. The predominance of only one main stock of hummingbirds--the hermits--at low levels in tropical forest, and the opportunity for more rapid evolution of flower characters in herbaceous plants than in trees, may account for the close matching of the hermits' beaks to the corolla-tubes of the main flowers at which they feed.
Usually, bird-flowers are classified into New World flowers (used by hovering hummingbirds) and Old World species (adapted to perching birds). Since there are many observations which violate this classification the proposal is made to distinguish between blossoms adapted to hovering birds and those providing a well-defined perch. Characters and examples are given for both groups including the different ways a perch is provided by the plant and the distinct methods of hover-flight in birds. The diverse adaptive solutions for bird pollination within some taxa are exemplified. To understand bird-flowers the actual functioning of flowers must be in focus, and not the geographic distribution nor the systematic affiliation of their visitors.