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Extreme Programming Approach in E-PANJO Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home

  • Catholic University of Musi Charitas - Palembang Indonesia


In addition to carrying out elderly care services, nursing homes also carry outroutine work related to information management. This information was obtained fromvarious activities, from the elderly entering the nursing home to leaving the nursing home.This study aims to design an "E-PANJO" application as a tool to support the managementof nursing home information. So that the design can produce the proper application andaccording to the needs, the development used the Extreme Programming (XP) method. XPwas chosen because of its ability to support small-scale application development processes.XP is a method consisting of an exploration phase, planning phase, iteration to releasephase, production phase, and death phase. The results of this study indicate that XP iseffective in supporting the design of E-PANJO as evidenced by a black box functionality testthat can accommodate the needs of nursing home information management such asmanaging information on monitoring health history, elderly mutations, family visits,receiving donations and monthly fees for the elderly.
Wibagso, Extreme Programming Approach in E-Panjo Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home 93
Extreme Programming Approach in E-PANJO Design to Support
Information Management at Nursing Home
Stefanus Setyo Wibagso1, Ivana Celesta2
Information System Department, Faculty of Science & Technology, Musi Charitas Catholic University
Jl.Bangau No.60, Palembang 30114, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
Abstrak. Selain melaksanakan pelayanan perawatan lansia, panti jompo juga
melaksanakan pekerjaan rutin terkait pengelolaan informasi. Informasi ini didapat
dari berbagai kegiatan, mulai dari lansia yang masuk ke panti jompo hingga keluar
dari panti jompo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah aplikasi “E-
PANJO” yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk mendukung pengelolaan
informasi panti jompo. Agar perancangan dapat menghasilkan aplikasi yang tepat
dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan maka pengembangannya akan menggunakan metode
Extreme Programming (XP). XP dipilih karena kemampuannya untuk mendukung
proses pengembangan aplikasi skala kecil. XP merupakan metode yang terdiri dari
fase eksplorasi, fase perencanaan, fase iterasi hingga fase rilis, fase produksi, dan
fase kematian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa XP efektif dalam
mendukung perancangan E-PANJO dibuktikan dengan uji fungsionalitas black box
yang dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan pengelolaan informasi panti jompo seperti
pengelolaan informasi pemantauan riwayat kesehatan, mutasi lansia, kunjungan
keluarga , menerima sumbangan dan biaya bulanan untuk orang tua
Kata Kunci: E-PANJO, Extreme Programming, Panti Werdha
Abstract. In addition to carrying out elderly care services, nursing homes also carry out
routine work related to information management. This information was obtained from
various activities, from the elderly entering the nursing home to leaving the nursing home.
This study aims to design an "E-PANJO" application as a tool to support the management
of nursing home information. So that the design can produce the proper application and
according to the needs, the development used the Extreme Programming (XP) method. XP
was chosen because of its ability to support small-scale application development processes.
XP is a method consisting of an exploration phase, planning phase, iteration to release
phase, production phase, and death phase. The results of this study indicate that XP is
effective in supporting the design of E-PANJO as evidenced by a black box functionality test
that can accommodate the needs of nursing home information management such as
managing information on monitoring health history, elderly mutations, family visits,
receiving donations and monthly fees for the elderly.
Keywords: E-PANJO, Extreme Programming, Nursing Home
1. Introduction
Slowly but surely, everyone will grow old. The inevitability of facing old age (elderly) is
a role that will be encountered by everyone. At that time, the quality of life will decrease and
experience many changes, both a decrease in the ability to work tissues, organs and body systems
[1], mental and social [2]. The elderly will be increasingly dependent on their families because of
the aging process. For some of the elderly, the opportunity to get attention, assistance, and
togetherness with the core family can be rare because their children already have busy lives. The
families entrust their parents to a nursing home for the better.
A nursing home is an organization that has the function of caring for the elderly. A
nursing home is where the elderly find happiness because they provide all their daily needs. The
elderly have time to do their favorite activities, such as worship, sports, and handy crafts, and
have many friends [3]. In addition to receiving and caring for the elderly who were entrusted by
their families, a nursing home also accepts the elderly who are neglected or who have no family
94 Jurnal Buana Informatika, Volume 13, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022: 93-104
anymore. Nursing homes that accept neglected older adults are generally managed by local
governments, namely through the social office. Through the social office, the government is
responsible for handling social welfare problems, one of which is the neglected older adults [4].
Nowadays, many activities produce a variety of information in each institution, so it is
appropriate that information and communication technology (ICT) is involved in its management.
Many positive impacts can be obtained because ICT can improve the quality of information
services, whether it refers to processing speed, enhancing the quality of information, or using
relatively more efficient costs. The technology survey reports that technological sophistication
has a large share in the administrative support of nursing homes [5]. ICT can enable
communication between departments in an organization, ultimately resulting in higher-quality
organizational systems [6]. One part of ICT that functions to process information is a software
application. Software applications are used to process information based on input provided by the
user and produce output according to needs.
Panti Werdha Darma Bakti is one of the nursing homes in the city of Palembang. In
managing their information, a nursing home has used software applications to record and
document activities in a nursing home. These activities include the elderly health monitoring,
nursing actions, periodic treatment history report to the family, the elderly food intake menu
management, elderly families and orphanages visitation records, elderly mutations records,
monthly contributions, and goods or money donations [7]. Although the records and
documentation of the software application can be used, there are obstacles faced by nursing home
staff. The barriers that often occur are that the information is recorded using different applications
and stored or documented on different devices, making it difficult for other parties to access the
required information. In addition, the nurses still recorded nursing actions for each elderly
ineffectively because they carried out two activities: recording on paper forms when traveling to
each elderly room and copying them back into the software application on the computer.
This research aims to develop E-PANJO to facilitate nursing homes in managing
information. E-PANJO is an innovation in the form of a web-based software application with
centralized data storage designed to assist the operation of nursing homes related to information
management. The benefits are not only limited to making the work of a nursing home staff easier
but further providing benefits in improving services to the patient's family, facilitating the
provision of more detailed information for nursing home management and related parties such as
orphanage donors and social services. So that the applications built later can run optimally and
according to needs, this research will adopt the extreme programming (XP) system development
method. The XP method was chosen because it is suitable and work well in small-scale
application development project [8]. Besides, it is agile and accommodates fast application
development [9]. In addition, it can improve software quality by using the standards of software
engineering [10].
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Nursing Home
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary [11], a nursing home is a house where the elderly are
taken care of and given care. The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia defines
a nursing home as a place or institution for elderly social services with a boarding system. Nursing
home services include the provision of adequate housing; life insurance such as food, clothing,
and health care; recreation; mental, social, skills, and religious guidance; and funeral
management. This service is provided with the aim of protecting the elderly to improve their
quality of life and welfare of the elderly [12]. A nursing home provides health care services that
provide a sense of security so that the elderly do not need to feel anxious or anxious in facing
their old age [7]. The support facilities provided help the elderly to be more flexible in their
activities and socializing so that the elderly achieve greater prosperity and happiness.
Wibagso, Extreme Programming Approach in E-Panjo Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home 95
2.2. Information Management
Information management is managing information from one or many sources and
managing that information for one or many people [13]. Information management includes the
organizational operation, technology, people, and those that create, acquire, integrate, organize,
store, disseminate, get admission to, and eliminate information. [14].
2.3. Extreme Programming
Extreme programming (XP) is one of the many software development methods that adopt
the concept of agile. Apart from XP, several other methods adopt agile concepts, including the
Test-Driven Development (TDD) method, the Feature Driven Development (FDD) method, the
Scrum method, the Dynamic System Development Model (DSDM) method, and the Crystal
method [15]. Each method carries out different practices and has characteristics adapted to the
project being worked on [16]. Each method has a difference in choosing the set of terminology as
well as the appropriateness of the required practice [17]. Agile methods provide a fast
development path to deliver high-quality software [18]. Agile methods are conceptual
frameworks for engineering software with iterative and incremental interactions throughout the
development life cycle. This concept aims to adopt change without risking the process or
minimizing redundant rework [15]. Agile development methods focus on customer satisfaction,
team collaboration, software functionality [9], and the ability to accommodate changing
requirements even in later development phases [19].
XP has five basic principles suggested by Kent Beck to assist the development of high-
quality software within a predetermined time limit: communication, simplicity, feedback, respect,
and courage [16]. These principles serve as a guide for developers to focus more on
communicating with clients and teams, keep designs simple and clean, regularly get customer
feedback from the start on each test, deliver and implement as early as a possible working software
module and consistently implement changes in a timely manner when requests arise [20].
XP is one method that is widely used, especially for a small software development project [21].
In addition, XP is flexible in the modeling process and primarily aims to reduce costs if
requirements change during the development process [22]. There are several advantages provided
by this method [21], among others are:
- Can produce high-quality software in a shorter time and at a lower cost.
- Able to adapt quickly to changing needs, it helps small companies to implement strategies in
the software improvement process.
- This method covers several best practices, including pair programming, on-premises clients,
collective code ownership, integration, and continuous testing.
- Being able to increase productivity through rapid feedback through extreme levels of practice
leads to more responsive software; multiple versions can be created each day and only accept
tests if they pass [23].
- Improve software quality through test development before integrating features into the system
- Maintains simplicity through constant code refactoring and supports incremental development
through small and frequent system releases [24].
On the other side, XP also has limitations, including:
- XP uses user stories as a document written to detail the need of the system [25]. This is
important for the developer to store each user's story as a project's particular requirement.
- Regular meetings between the developer and customer are held to speak about numerous vital
adjustments [25]. It is effective but time-consuming.
- Test-driven development practices require additional technical training for relevant team
members [24].
- XP cannot support distributed teams because it focuses on communities and shared locations
96 Jurnal Buana Informatika, Volume 13, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022: 93-104
In the XP method, there are six phases [24] the stages to be followed, these phases consist of:
1. Exploration Phase
In this phase, the client will be positioned as an essential part of the team responsible for
making decisions about requirements and features based on user stories about what should be in
the first release. Clients are asked to provide a short list of business needs and priorities in written
form on a story card [16]. The project team will be introduced along with available resources,
such as tools and technology, so the client is familiar with them during the project process. The
next stage is to make a sample system prototype to test the technology and discover possible
system architectures.
2. Planning Phase
In this phase, the calculation of the estimated effort and the making of a schedule based
on an agreement with the programmer is carried out. User stories will be a priority for a realistic
plan and its subsequent iteration activities [16].
3. Iteration to Release Phase
In this phase, development tasks are carried out on a peer-to-peer basis, including design,
coding, testing (unit testing), and integration [16]. Several iterations will occur in this phase; the
first iteration aims to create the overall system architecture by selecting the appropriate story. The
next stage is the testing and functional development of the user, which is then run at the end of
each iteration. Testing is a fundamental part of troubleshooting to determine the software's
strengths and weaknesses. In addition, testing can also be used to project the new XP framework
[26]. The results of the last iteration will be used as a system ready to be released and used. The
primary practice in this phase is pair programming and refactoring. Developers (pair
programming) work together to write, observe, develop, and review code. Refactoring is used to
improve the software, making it simple and maintainable by reconstructing the code without
changing its functionality [27]. Refactoring is used to eliminate duplication, add flexibility [24],
or rename code variables and functions for better understanding.
4. Production Phase
In this phase, the first released product will be sent to the client by conducting additional testing
and evaluating product performance. The client is asked to provide feedback on the work done.
The team will be restructured for the development project in the next iteration [16].
5. Maintenance Phase
Changes from previous product releases were made in software to exceed client expectations [16].
In this phase, the latest product releases are carried out for the changes that have been made.
6. Death Phase
In this phase, the final release of the product is carried out because no more changes are requested
because the final software is in accordance with the wishes of the client [16].
An explanation of the stages of XP is shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Extreme Programming (XP) Method
Wibagso, Extreme Programming Approach in E-Panjo Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home 97
3. Methodology
This study aims to design the E-PANJO application, which will adopt several stages of
the XP method in the design process. The description of these stages is shown in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Adoption of the XP method in the design of E-PANJO
1. Exploration Stage
At this stage, the requirements of nursing home users are determined and followed by
recording the user story, which is summarized in three parts: the title, description, and acceptance
criteria [28].
2. Planning Stage
At this stage, priority scale activities are carried out based on user stories obtained from
users. After that, it continued by making application development design documents using
Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams consisting of Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams,
and Activity Diagrams and modelling database structures using Relationship Diagrams (ERD).
Use Case Diagrams are used to describe the needs of each actor/user involved in the application,
Class Diagrams are used to define class structures and their relationships, and Activity Diagrams
to describe application activities designed based on Use Case Diagrams.
3. Iteration to Release Stage
At this stage, the programming language coding process, interface design, refactoring,
and program unit testing are carried out at the end of each iteration. The final test output from the
last iteration will be used as an application to be produced.
4. Production Stage
The product will be sent to the user at this stage by first testing the program's functions,
interfaces, and database access through black box testing. After testing, users are asked to provide
feedback about the app. This user assessment will be the basis for the next stage, whether it is in
accordance with all their needs or whether it is still necessary to add additional functions or
application features.
5. Final Release Stage
At this stage, the final product release will be carried out because no more user
requirements need to be added to the application.
4. Result and Discussion
1. Exploration Stage
From the results of direct observations and interviews, information was obtained that the
users in a nursing home consisted of nurses, administrative staff, financial staff, and leaders. Each
has different duties and responsibilities. The following are the results of determining the needs
obtained from recording user stories shown in Table 1.
98 Jurnal Buana Informatika, Volume 13, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022: 93-104
Table 1. Nursing Home User Story Summary
Admission Criteria
Nursing actions for
the elderly by nurses.
As a user, i want to be able to
record data on nursing actions
for the elderly so that families
can receive these reports
The application provides features for recording,
storing and reporting nursing actions that contain
information on time, complaints, actions and the
officers who handle them.
Administrative management
by administrative staff.
As a user, i want to be able to
manage administrative activities
to make it easier to do, such as
ease of recording and compiling
orphanage information.
The application provides features for recording,
storing, and reporting data related to elderly entry
data, elderly mutations, employee data, donor
information, elderly family visit data, and elderly
food intake menus.
Financial recording by
financial staff.
System registration by the
leader or system admin.
As a user, i want to be able to
record financial transactions
related to elderly contributions
and donations to make it easier
to manage the financial data of
the orphanage.
As a user, i
want to be able to
manage information on the
orphanage and register users into
the application so that they have
access according to their duties
and authorities.
The application provides a feature of recording
information regarding monthly contributions by
elderly families which includes the date of payment,
the amount of payment and the method of payment.
In addition, there is also a feature of recording the
receipt of donations in the form of money or goods.
The application provides user management features
that function to access features according to their
respective duties and authorities. The feature must
have the ability to reset the password if one day the
user forgets the password.
2. Planning Stage
Based on the user story obtained in the previous stage, the system needs and the actors or users
involved can be described through the use case diagram. Figure 3 shows an example of a use case
diagram for administration service by administrative staff actors.
Wibagso, Extreme Programming Approach in E-Panjo Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home 99
Figure 3. Use Case Diagram of Administrative Staff
Class diagrams are part of the structure diagram. Class diagrams describe the structure of the
system in terms of defining classes (class names, attributes, and operations) and the relationships
between classes that will be created to build the system. The class diagram display can be seen in
Figure 4.
100 Jurnal Buana Informatika, Volume 13, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022: 93-104
Figure 4. Class Diagram E-PANJO
To explain the description of the behavior of the system, an activity diagram is needed which is
made based on a use case diagram that has been designed previously. Figure 5 shows user
activities in managing elderly data such as adding, changing, deleting to printing elderly data.
Figure 5. Activity Diagram of Managing Eldery Data
Wibagso, Extreme Programming Approach in E-Panjo Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home 101
From the results of the needs analysis that has been done, a relational entity design is made in the
database shown in Figure 6 Entity Relationship Diagram below.
Figure 6. ERD Diagram
3. Iteration to Release Stage
At this stage, the coding process is carried out using the PHP programming language (CodeIgniter
framework) and MySQL database. In addition, the interface design process is carried out through
a mockup which is then followed by unit testing of the program through a prototype. The test
results from the last iteration will later be used as an application to be produced. The mockup
design details from the last iteration are shown in the following images. Figure 7 shows a mockup
design for the dashboard.
102 Jurnal Buana Informatika, Volume 13, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022: 93-104
Figure 7. Mockup Dashboard Design
4. Production
At this stage, black box testing is carried out with the aim of seeing program functions, interfaces
and database access. The results are shown in Figure 8 and Table 2.
Figure 8. Dashboard Design
Table 2. Dashboard and Main Menu Functionality Test (Black Box Testing)
Expected realization
Test result Conclusion
The main dashboard
page displays a
summary of nursing
home information.
The application displays a
summary of information
on the number of elderly
data, visits, donors, and
donations of goods.
Selecting menus and
sub menus to display
the desired web page.
Displays the page
based on the selected
menu or sub menu.
According to Purpose
5. Release
After reviewing all the features based on the suitability of the functionality of the user's
request and seeing that there are no more errors, the process will end, and the application ready
to release. The released application is named "e-Panjo", an abbreviation of “Eletkronic Panti
Jompo” which means electronic information management in nursing homes.
Wibagso, Extreme Programming Approach in E-Panjo Design to Support Information Management at Nursing Home 103
5. Conclusion
The Extreme Programming (XP) method is a structured method that is effective in
supporting the design of applications with small scalabilities, such as the E-PANJO Application.
From the adoption of the XP method, an excellent result was obtained where the E-PANJO
application was able to accommodate every information management need of a nursing home
through the iteration stages. E-PANJO provides information management functions in terms of
organizing information that occurs in nursing homes, such as making it easier for nurses to
monitor the health history of the elderly, making it easier for administrative officers to record and
monitor family visits and elderly mutation, and making it easier for financial officers to record
receipts of donations and monthly fees for the elderly. This can be seen from the user's acceptance
of the application’s function, which is shown through the results of black box testing. Tests show
that the application functions in accordance with the expected goals.
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Since the advent of start-ups and old companies starting to shift to e-business, it has become troublesome to choose the right methods for projects that’s where extreme programming came to use. In this paper, we tried to compile different applications of the same. Extreme programming is a well-known agile method for software development. Extreme programming ensures customer satisfaction, better software quality and efficient project management. The team size is usually small but the group is team-oriented. It is a dynamic software development model, i.e., continuous discussion and integration of new features and ideas is the cornerstone of this model.
Full-text available
A nursing home is a place where the elderly get care services to live out their parenthood. In the management of nursing homes, many activities are carried out such as nursing services for the elderly, family visit activities, receiving donor assistance, managing elderly contributions, and transferring the elderly. Most of the information about these activities is still referred to manually and some of it is processed using separate applications. The aim of this research is to design the database model needed by the nursing home. The database model design can later be used as a reference for software developers in building an integrated nursing home information system. The form of research carried out is in the form of case studies with data collection methods through interview techniques and documentation studies. Meanwhile, for the analysis and design of the database model itself, it uses Database Life Cycle (DBLC) method which focuses on conceptual database design, logical database design, and physical database design. The result of this design is a relational database consisting of 11 tables and 12 relations. This research is a development from previous research with the same type where the previous research produced 7 tables with 6 relations. Keywords-Database; Nursing Home; Database Life Cycle.
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Extreme programming (XP) is one of the widely used software process model for the development of small scale projects from agile family. XP is widely accepted by software industry due to various features it provides such as: handling frequent changing requirements, customer satisfaction, rapid feedback, iterative structure, team collaboration, and small releases. On the other hand, XP also holds some drawbacks, including: less documentation, less focus on design, and poor architecture. Due to all of these limitations, XP is only suitable for small scale projects and doesn't work well for medium and large scale projects. To resolve this issue many researchers have proposed its customized versions, particularly for medium and large scale projects. The real issue arises when XP is selected for the development of small scale and low risk project but gradually due to requirement change, the scope of the project changes from small scale to medium or large scale project. At that stage its structure and practices which works well for small project cannot handle the extended scope. To resolve this issue, this paper contributes by proposing a scaled version of XP process model called SXP. The proposed model can effectively handle such situation and can be used for small as well as for medium and large scale project with same efficiency. Furthermore, this paper also evaluates the proposed model empirically in order to reflect its effectiveness and efficiency. A small scale client oriented project is developed by using proposed SXP and empirical results are collected. For an effective evaluation, the collected results are compared with a published case study of XP process model. It is reflected by detailed empirical analysis that the proposed SXP performed well as compared to traditional XP.
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p>Software engineering is a discipline that undergone many improvements that aims to keep up with the new advancements in technologies and the modern business requirements through developing effective approaches to reach the final software product, agile software development is one of these successful approaches. Agile software development is a lightweight approach that was proposed to overcome the convolutional development methods’ limitations and to reduce the overhead and the cost while providing flexibility to adopt the changes in requirements at any stage, this is done by managing the tasks and their coordination through a certain set of values and principles. In this work, a comprehensive review that outlines the main agile values and principles, and states the key differences that distinguish agile methods over the traditional ones are presented. Then a discussion of the most popular agile methodologies; their life cycles, their roles, and their advantages and disadvantages are outlined. The recent state of art trends that adopts agile development especially in cloud computing, big data, and coordination are also explored. And finally, this work highlights how to choose the best suitable agile methodology that must be selected according to the task at hand, how sensitive the product is and the organization structure.</p
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p> Aplikasi layanan pengaduan yang diberikan oleh PT umumnya hanya berfokus terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa sebagai pengguna langsung terhadap jasa yang ditawarkan PT. Aplikasi tidak memberikan fasilitas terhadap pengaduan yang diberikan oleh pengguna jasa lainnya, misalnya oleh pengguna lulusan yang ingin memberikan pengaduan mengenai kompetensi lulusan yang dihasilkan agar dapat dijadikan masukan dalam memperbaiki kualitas mahasiswa yang dihasilkan maupun oleh masyarakat sasaran pengabdian masyarakat yang ingin memberikan saran mengenai materi pengabdian yang tidak sesuai dengan proposal kegiatan yang ditawarkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat digunakan seluruh pengguna jasa PT untuk melakukan pengaduan. Pembangunan aplikasi menerapkan metodologi rekayasa perangkat lunak agar dapat menghasilkan perangkat lunak tepat waktu. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Extreme Programming. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Extreme Programming pada pengembangan aplikasi mengakibatkan pengembangan dapat dilakukan secara cepat dengan jumlah anggota tim yang minimal. Hasil pengujian menggunakan metode black box aplikasi dapat dijalankan sebagaimana mestinya dan memenuhi acceptance criteria pada user story. Abstract The complaint service system owned by College generally only focuses on the students in the improvement of services, this is because students are the direct users of the services offered by the College. Complaints service did not facilitate the complaints which may be given by other service users, such as graduates' user or community targeted in the society devotion activities undertaken by the College lecturer. This research aims to build a web-based application that can be used throughout the service users of the College to conduct complaints. Application development applying software engineering methodologies in order to provide the software on time. The methodology used is Extreme Programming. The result of the research shows that the application of the Extreme Programming in the development of applications resulted in development can be done quickly with a minimal number of the team member. The development can be done quickly because the application development started by building the simplest component in advance, i.e. account verification component, followed by other components. The results of the testing using black box method was the application can be run properly and meets the acceptance criteria on a user story. </p
Information management is the management of organizational processes, technologies, and people which collectively create, acquire, integrate, organize, process, store, disseminate, access, and dispose of the information. Information management is a vast, multi-disciplinary domain that syndicates various subdomains and perfectly intermingles with other domains. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the information management domain from 1970 to 2019. Drawing upon the methodology from statistical text analysis research, this study summarizes the evolution of knowledge in this domain by examining the publication trends as per authors, institutions, countries, etc. Further, this study proposes a probabilistic generative model based on structural topic modeling to understand and extract the latent themes from the research articles related to information management. Furthermore, this study graphically visualizes the variations in the topic prevalences over the period of 1970 to 2019. The results highlight that the most common themes are data management, knowledge management, environmental management, project management, service management, and mobile and web management. The findings also identify themes such as knowledge management, environmental management, project management, and social communication as academic hotspots for future research.
In Indonesia, there are currently around 21 million elderly people or about 9.6% of the entire population of Indonesia. This shows that the Indonesian state has begun to belong to the aging population group. This research is motivated by the motivation of how to work for the elderly in building the independence of life. The purpose of the research is to describe and analyze the psychological impacts that affect the readiness to enter retirement, as well as how to build life independence and self-acceptance towards readiness to retire. The research design is qualitative descriptive. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Sources of data are obtained from informants, places, events and documents. Data collection techniques through participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis is carried out through stages, namely the data reduction stage, data presentation stage, and conclusions. Data validity, with technical triangulation, is by checking data to the same source with different techniques. The results of the study indicate that the independence of life of the elderly is relative. Psychological impacts that arise in the readiness to enter retirement for the elderly include aspects of health, economic aspects and social aspects. Understanding and building self-reliance and self-acceptance of readiness to retire in the Ngawi Cempaka Posyandu Family Elderly through Elderly Counseling.
This book explores how agile development practices, in particular pair programming, code review and automated testing, help software development teams to perform better. Agile software engineering has become the standard software development paradigm over the last decade, and the insights provided here are taken from a large-scale survey of 80 professional software development teams working at SAP SE in Germany. In addition, the book introduces a novel measurement tool for assessing the performance of software development teams. No previous study has researched this topic with a similar data set comprising insights from more than 450 professional software engineers.
Tingkat Aktivitas Fisik Pada Lansiadi Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • H Purnama
  • T Suahda
H. Purnama, T. Suahda, "Tingkat Aktivitas Fisik Pada Lansiadi Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia", Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif, vol.5, no.2, pp.102-106, Juli 2019.