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Optimising the sampling window for moth indicator communities

  • Council for Agricultural Research and Economics

Abstract and Figures

In this paper we establish the best period for sampling moth communities within the first half of the night. We stress the importance of sampling duration in ecological studies that use moths as an indicator taxon, because sample composition changes throughout the night due to individual species flight behaviour. A total of 20,744 individuals belonging to 562 species were analysed using diversity and similarity indices. Between-site sub sample comparisons were found to have low discriminant ability when they included the first hour of the night. Moreover, the moth community sampled at this time showed a low identity with other sampled portions of the same community, probably because generalist species were present in all the four surveyed sites at this time. In order to minimise sampling bias, we suggest using three hour-long surveys when the first hour after dusk is included in the sample, using Fisher’s α for diversity ranking when different sampling durations are used at different sites.
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Optimising the sampling window for moth indicator communities
Stefano Scalercio ÆMarco Infusino Æ
Ian P. Woiwod
Received: 1 October 2008 / Accepted: 4 December 2008
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008
Abstract In this paper we establish the best period for
sampling moth communities within the first half of the
night. We stress the importance of sampling duration in
ecological studies that use moths as an indicator taxon,
because sample composition changes throughout the night
due to individual species flight behaviour. A total of 20,744
individuals belonging to 562 species were analysed using
diversity and similarity indices. Between-site sub sample
comparisons were found to have low discriminant ability
when they included the first hour of the night. Moreover,
the moth community sampled at this time showed a low
identity with other sampled portions of the same commu-
nity, probably because generalist species were present in all
the four surveyed sites at this time. In order to minimise
sampling bias, we suggest using three hour-long surveys
when the first hour after dusk is included in the sample,
using Fisher’s afor diversity ranking when different
sampling durations are used at different sites.
Keywords Diversity indices Flight behaviour
Light trapping Moth sampling Similarity indices
Species assemblage
Moth communities are receiving increasing conservation
interest as a species rich, taxonomically tractable group
sensitive to environmental change (Luff and Woiwod
1995), so attaining a high value as an important indicator
group (New 2004). For example, Usher and Keiller (1998)
utilised moth communities in a survey of small woodlands
imbedded within agricultural landscapes, in order to test
their importance as wildlife refuges. In Kitching et al.
(2000) and Summerville et al. (2004) moths proved to be
powerful indicators of forest disturbance. Ricketts et al.
(2001) compared moth communities to assess biodiversity
in native and agricultural habitats in a fragmented land-
scape. Luque et al. (2007) evaluated the impact of forestry
on biodiversity by utilising moth communities. Scalercio
et al. (2007) assessed the role of semi-natural vegetation
patches in sustaining lepidopteran diversity in an agricul-
tural landscape. Also, Conrad et al. (2004,2006) used a
network of permanent light traps to establish long-term
trends of moths over a large area. In all these studies moths
were sampled by light traps. Unfortunately, these were
usually of different design, using different light sources and
were run for different sampling durations making between
study comparisons problematical. The duration of sampling
periods in these studies were 1.5 (Luque et al. 2007), 2
(Ricketts et al. 2001), 3 (Brehm and Fiedler 2005;
Scalercio et al. 2007) and 4 h after sunset (Kitching et al.
2000,2004), or for the entire night (Usher and Keiller
1998; Summerville and Crist 2003; Conrad et al. 2004,
2006). A sampling duration shorter than the entire night
was also applied in a study utilising attractants other than
light (Su
¨ssenbach and Fiedler 1999).
The choice of restricting the sampling to a period during
the first part of the night can be justified by the principle of
S. Scalercio (&)
CRA Centro di Ricerca per l’Olivicoltura e l’Industria Olearia,
Rende, Italy
M. Infusino
Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti e dell’Ambiente
‘Prof. G. Stagno d’Alcontres’’, Universita
`degli Studi, Messina,
I. P. Woiwod
Plant and Invertebrate Ecology Department, Rothamsted
Research, Harpenden, UK
J Insect Conserv
DOI 10.1007/s10841-008-9206-x
minimising effort while maximising results, and follows
directly from the practical constraints involved in most
monitoring projects. This is facilitated by the usual
behaviour of moths, which tend to come to light in larger
numbers of more species during the first half of the night
(Mikkola 1972; Intachat and Woiwod 1999). While many
papers have been devoted to the effect of different light
sources (e.g. Mikkola 1972; Taylor and French 1974;
Bowden 1982; Intachat and Woiwod 1999) and trap type
(e.g. Taylor and French 1974; Waring 1994; Intachat and
Woiwod 1999; Brehm and Axmacher 2006), there is little
published literature on the effect of trapping period and
duration on the quality of data collected. Nonetheless, it is
known that results are strongly influenced by the flying
behaviour of the studied species, perhaps resulting in the
overestimation of populations of those flying early in the
night and the underestimation of those flying later, partic-
ularly when trapping is restricted to only part of the night.
The few available papers on flight behaviour of moths
mainly concern individual species or a few species
belonging to the same genus or family (but see Williams
1935 ; Lewis and Taylor 1965). Many of the species
studied are pests and have often been observed only under
laboratory conditions (e.g. Edwards 1962; Delisle et al.
1998; Fay and Halfpapp 1999; Saito 2000a,2000b). As
Janzen (1984) argued from field evidence in regard to
Saturniidae and Sphingidae, the pattern of appearance of
species at light may depend on several factors. For exam-
ple, he noticed that males and females or young and old
individuals behave differently, and individual species are
prone to confounding factors such as migratory events,
availability of virgin females, weather conditions and dis-
tance between larval host plant and light sources. Available
data on individual species show a great variability in
diurnal flight patterns, for example: Hepialus fusconebul-
osa (DeGeer 1778) (Hepialidae) flew at dusk, and 80% of
individuals were caught during the first 90 min of the night
(Mikkola 1972); both sexes of Creatonotos transiens
(Walker 1855) (Arctiidae) started their activity rather
abruptly at twilight and flew more or less exclusively
during the first 3 h after dusk (Wunderer and De Kramer
1989); Lambdina fiscellaria (Guene
´e 1858) (Geometridae)
flew mainly in the middle of the night, but differences were
detected between sexes and among nights at different
temperatures (Delisle et al. 1998); Eudocima fullonia
(Clerck 1874) (Noctuidae) occurred at light traps differ-
entially between sexes, males occurring mainly before
midnight while females occurred uniformly throughout the
entire night (Fay and Halfpapp 1999).
The aim of the research reported here is to assess the
effectiveness of moth sampling when restricted to only the
first few hours of the night and to determine an optimal
sampling period for maximising the information on moth
communities when the sampling period needs to be con-
strained. This information should improve the methods
currently used by minimising effort and impact on moth
communities, whilst maximising the information obtained.
We limited this study to the first half of the night because:
(1) this period is easiest to sample from a practical per-
spective, (2) most species are active, (3) most moth
communities studies have been restricted to this period. We
define the ideal times for sampling moths as being those
when communities are most different in between-site
comparisons and yet most similar in within-site compari-
sons. In other words, the larger the differences between
sites, the stronger the discriminant potential of moth
community samples and, at the same time, the smaller the
differences in samples from a given community at different
periods of the night the better the community is
Materials and methods
Datasets are from four localities whose moth communities
had been studied previously using the same trapping
method (Scalercio and Infusino 2003,2006; Scalercio
2004; Scalercio et al. 2008). Data were collected in Cala-
bria, southern Italy, from 1999 to 2003. Two samples were
from high altitude communities, a deciduous and a conifer
forest, respectively, and two from low altitude communi-
ties, a dry (xeric) and a wet habitat, respectively (Table 1).
A total of 20,744 individuals belonging to 562 species were
used in our analysis.
Table 1 Study areas
Location Altitude
(m a.s.l.)
Dominant vegetation cover Sampling nights Sampling period
Lago Angitola 44 95 Salix alba L., Populus sp. pl.,
Phragmites communis Trin.
48 March 2001–February 2003
Fiumara Trionto 90 70 Nerium oleander L., Tamarix sp. pl.,
Helichrysum italicum (Roth) Don
48 March 1999–January 2001
Monte Cocuzzo 1,150 75 Pinus laricio Poiret, Abies alba L. 48 January 2000–January 2002
Monte Curcio 1,690 83 Fagus sylvatica L. and pastureland 32 April 2002–October 2003
J Insect Conserv
Moths were collected by using a 160 W mercury-vapour
lamp as light source reflecting onto a white vertical screen.
Manual sampling was chosen instead of automatic col-
lecting because the latter method may be biassed against
smaller moths with this type of light source (Brehm and
Axmacher 2006). Two or three operators were assigned to
collect the moths on the screen surface and on the ground
around the lamp. Samples were collected for a 4-h period
starting from sunset and sampling was repeated at a ten, or
more, day interval. This discontinuous sampling was
deliberately chosen to prevent any carry-over effect on
subsequent samples (White 1991). Two years of sampling
was done in each site to minimise any effect of annual
species turnover within communities (Summerville and
Crist 2005). The sampling sessions were chosen, with very
few exceptions, as those nights with the most favourable
conditions for moth collecting and where the weather did
not deteriorate significantly as the night progressed, i.e.
with no or small new moon, temperatures near the mean of
the study area for a given period, and a light wind. Each
site provided four data subsets; one for each hour of a
night’s sampling session, obtained by partitioning the
moths according to their arrival time at the light. All
specimens were released at the end of each sampling ses-
sion with the exception of the taxonomically uncertain
In order to establish the most informative period for
moth sampling, similarity and diversity analyses were
carried out on subsets of data obtained from each study site
during (1) one out of the four surveyed hours, (2) two
successive hours, i.e. from the first to the second, from the
second to the third and from the third to the fourth, (3)
three successive hours, i.e. from the first to the third and
from the second to the fourth, and (4) the whole 4-h
sampling session. Although often important in studies
devoted to individual species (Janzen 1984; Delisle et al.
1998; Fay and Halfpapp 1999), the sex ratio was not used
in the present work because of difficulty in assessing this in
the field on live caught individuals before release.
Sampling efficiency attained by each hourly subset of
data was assessed by using the incidence-based coverage
species richness estimator (ICE), a robust non-parametric
estimator (Chazdon et al. 1998), to compute the sampled
fraction of estimated total diversity.
We used four similarity indices: Jaccard Classic (J
) and
Sørensen Classic (S
), Morisita-Horn (M-H) and Bray-
Curtis (B-C). The former pair is qualitative indices, which
only take into account species occurrence; the latter pair is
quantitative indices which also take into account species
abundance. Although qualitative indices are simple and
may appear to be easy to interpret, quantitative indices are
often more satisfactory because they use more of the
available information by considering the individual
abundances of species, i.e. the relative dominance of a
particular species in a community (Magurran 2004). All the
indices used have values that range between one (maxi-
mum similarity) and zero (minimum similarity).
The sampling period during the night which best char-
acterised a local community was obtained by performing a
within-site analysis that compared the four hourly subsets
of data at a site. The hour with the highest mean similarity
was chosen as the most characteristic. For between-site
comparison, the subset of data showing the lowest mean
similarity was chosen as the most powerful to discriminate
among communities. In order to obtain more homogeneous
data and because altitude is the main parameter influencing
species composition and abundance of insects communities
(Hodkinson 2005), comparisons were carried out sepa-
rately for pairs of sites with similar altitude (Fiumara
Trionto/Lago Angitola and Monte Cocuzzo/Monte Curcio)
and for pairs of sites with different altitude (Fiumara Tri-
onto/Monte Cocuzzo, Fiumara Trionto/Monte Curcio,
Lago Angitola/Monte Cocuzzo and Lago Angitola/Monte
Diversity indices have often been used for ranking
communities according to their naturalness or their con-
servation priority. Here, we assessed the surrogate power of
the various data subsets in providing diversity indicators
for moth communities by finding those subsets which
ranked the sites in the most similar way to the entire
sampled community. Four diversity indices were used:
species richness (S), Fisher’s alpha (a), Simpson inverse (1/
D) and Shannon (H0). These indices are widely used but
have different characteristics and hence provide a good
range of insights into the surrogate power of the tested sub-
samples. Species richness has good discriminant ability
although it is highly sensitive to sample size, Shannon
index has moderate discriminant ability and a moderate
sensitivity to sample size, Simpson inverse index has a
moderate discriminant ability and has low sensitivity to
sample size (Magurran 2004). Fisher’s alpha has a good
discriminant ability, a low sensitivity to sample size and is
particularly suited to the description of moth communities,
at least in temperate regions (Kempton and Taylor 1974;
Taylor et al. 1976; Hayek and Buzas 1997).
The similarity, diversity and species richness estimator
indices were all calculated using the free software Esti-
mateS 7.5 (Colwell 2005).
Within the Lago Angitola site, the sampling efficiency of
total diversity was lower during the fourth hour of sam-
pling (66.0% of the estimated total diversity) than during
the remaining ones, which showed a coverage ranging from
J Insect Conserv
74.7 (first hour) to 73.2% (second hour). A similar pattern
was observed within the other study sites.
Along the temporal sequence during the first half of the
night we observed a decrease in abundance (Fig. 1) and
diversity (Fig. 2) of moth communities. Abundance
decreased most steeply. During the first hour a total of
6,590 individuals were collected across the four study sites,
decreasing during the following 3 h by 16.98, 32.34 and
35.90%, respectively in comparison with the first hour
sample. When considering communities separately, at the
fourth sampling hour the largest abundance decrease was
registered at Trionto (42.40%), the smallest at Cocuzzo
(29.83%). Species richness decreased more slowly than
abundance. During the first hour a total of 432 species were
collected across the four study sites, decreasing during the
following 3 h by 6.25, 9.72 and 12.50%, respectively in
comparison with the first hour sample. When communities
were considered separately, the largest diversity decrease
for the fourth sampling hour was registered at Trionto
(25.00%), the smallest at Angitola (12.09%).
All the studied communities showed a similar pattern for
within-site similarity comparisons (Table 2). Sub-samples
of the first and fourth hours had the lowest similarity, while
second and third hour sub-samples attained the highest
similarity, whatever index used. Qualitative indices indi-
cated the first hour of Angitola and Trionto, and the fourth
hour of Cocuzzo and Curcio as the least similar to the
others. Quantitative indices indicated the first hour as the
least similar to the others in all the studied sites except
Angitola where the least similar hour was the fourth. The
most similar hour was often the second and only in few
cases the third one for both qualitative and quantitative
similarity indices (Table 2). The smallest difference
between the largest and the smallest similarity values
within each site was always the qualitative Sorensen
Classic index, whilst the largest difference was given by
the quantitative Morisita-Horn index, with the exception of
the Angitola site.
The between-sites comparison showed a strongly con-
sistent pattern. For those sites located at similar altitude,
sub-samples including the first hour always gave larger
similarity values than sub-samples excluding it (Table 3).
Fig. 1 Number of individuals collected in study sites for each hour of
Fig. 2 Diversity values obtained for each hour of sampling
J Insect Conserv
This pattern occurred whatever index was used. Qualitative
indices increased when the sample duration was increased,
whilst quantitative indices were not linearly related to the
sampling duration. In fact, the mean of the Bray-Curtis
index for the first-hour sample and the mean of the Mori-
sita-Horn index for the sub-samples that excluded the
fourth hour showed higher similarity than those obtained
by the 4-h samples, with the exception of the 3-h sub-
samples. On the other hand, sub-samples including the
fourth hour always had smaller similarity values than those
attained by sub-samples that excluded it (Table 3). Simi-
larity between sub-samples of the same duration varied
from 0.028 (1st/4th, Jaccard Classic) to 0.042 (1st/4th,
Bray-Curtis) for 1-h samples, from 0.026 (1st to 2nd/3rd to
4th, quantitative indices) to 0.042 (1st to 2nd/3rd to 4th,
Sorensen Classic) for 2-h samples, from 0.011 (1st to 3rd/
2nd to 4th, Morisita-Horn) to 0.020 (1st to 3rd/2nd to 4th,
Sorensen Classic) for 3-h samples (Table 3). The longer
the duration of the samples the smaller the variation of
similarity values among samples. In all cases except two
cases, Morisita-Horn index returned a similarity index that
was larger in the sub samples than in the entire sample
(Table 3).
The comparison between sites at different altitudes
showed slightly different patterns (Table 4). The only
difference was displayed by the fourth hour for qualitative
comparison. In fact, the sub-samples including the third
hour always attained smaller similarity values than sub-
samples that excluded it. Similarity between sub-samples
with the same duration varied from 0.034 (1st/3rd, Bray-
Curtis) to 0.053 (1st/4th, Sorensen Classic) for 1-h sam-
ples, from 0.025 (1st to 2nd/2nd to 3rd, Jaccard Classic) to
0.036 (1st to 2nd/2nd to 3rd, Sorensen Classic) for 2-h
samples, from 0.015 (1st to 3rd/2nd to 4th, quantitative
Table 2 Values of similarity (n=3) (mean ±SD), obtained from the within-site comparisons to compare each hour sub-sample
Study site Sampling hour Sorensen Classic Jaccard Classic Bray-Curtis Morisita-Horn
Angitola 1st 0.724 ±0.030 0.568 ±0.038 0.646 ±0.110 0.803 ±0.121
2nd 0.768 ±0.024 0.624 ±0.031 0.696 ±0.083 0.847 ±0.103
3rd 0.751 ±0.040 0.602 ±0.052 0.690 ±0.053 0.854 ±0.040
4th 0.730 ±0.028 0.575 ±0.035 0.623 ±0.089 0.748 ±0.086
Trionto 1st 0.601 ±0.025 0.430 ±0.026 0.590 ±0.080 0.780 ±0.073
2nd 0.653 ±0.025 0.485 ±0.028 0.667 ±0.021 0.884 ±0.027
3rd 0.643 ±0.058 0.476 ±0.061 0.648 ±0.100 0.863 ±0.094
4th 0.645 ±0.039 0.477 ±0.042 0.641 ±0.090 0.839 ±0.103
Cocuzzo 1st 0.698 ±0.032 0.537 ±0.038 0.654 ±0.063 0.789 ±0.030
2nd 0.704 ±0.031 0.544 ±0.037 0.710 ±0.036 0.855 ±0.050
3rd 0.713 ±0.008 0.555 ±0.009 0.704 ±0.058 0.860 ±0.077
4th 0.683 ±0.030 0.519 ±0.035 0.669 ±0.067 0.832 ±0.062
Curcio 1st 0.660 ±0.063 0.495 ±0.071 0.477 ±0.081 0.495 ±0.131
2nd 0.688 ±0.040 0.526 ±0.046 0.629 ±0.067 0.778 ±0.124
3rd 0.662 ±0.021 0.495 ±0.023 0.634 ±0.154 0.761 ±0.270
4th 0.640 ±0.027 0.471 ±0.029 0.590 ±0.169 0.714 ±0.289
Table 3 Values of similarity (n=2) (mean ±SD), obtained by comparing sites at similar altitude
Sub-sample Sorensen Classic Jaccard Classic Bray-Curtis Morisita-Horn
1st 0.380 ±0.053 0.235 ±0.041 0.159 ±0.007 0.136 ±0.008
2nd 0.375 ±0.020 0.231 ±0.015 0.131 ±0.001 0.132 ±0.057
3rd 0.349 ±0.008 0.211 ±0.006 0.119 ±0.016 0.122 ±0.068
4th 0.343 ±0.060 0.207 ±0.044 0.117 ±0.049 0.095 ±0.008
From 1st to 2nd 0.440 ±0.027 0.283 ±0.022 0.152 ±0.002 0.137 ±0.016
From 2nd to 3rd 0.414 ±0.023 0.261 ±0.018 0.132 ±0.007 0.133 ±0.064
From 3rd to 4th 0.398 ±0.023 0.249 ±0.018 0.126 ±0.034 0.111 ±0.032
From 1st to 3rd 0.458 ±0.035 0.297 ±0.030 0.148 ±0.007 0.137 ±0.026
From 2nd to 4th 0.438 ±0.023 0.280 ±0.018 0.134 ±0.023 0.126 ±0.043
From 1st to 4th 0.490 ±0.009 0.324 ±0.008 0.154 ±0.007 0.114 ±0.008
J Insect Conserv
indices) to 0.027 (1st to 3rd/2nd to 4th, Sorensen Classic)
for 3-h samples (Table 4). When the 1st hour was included
in the analysis, quantitative indices returned a similarity
that attained larger values in the sub samples than in the
entire sample (Table 4).
The surrogate power of each sub-sample for ranking
sites according to their diversity was evaluated by com-
paring them to results obtained for the entire sample.
When the 4-h sample was taken into account, all chosen
indices ranked all the samples in the same way according
to the sequence Cocuzzo-Angitola-Curcio-Trionto from
the most to the least diverse (Table 5). Sub-samples of
individual hours showed a different behaviour among
diversity indices. In fact, only Fisher’s aranked sites
according to the diversity shown by all the samples,
whatever the examined hour (Fig. 2). Sub-samples longer
than one hour ranked site diversity similarly to the entire
samples only when 3-h samples were used (Table 5). The
most effective index was Fisher’s a, because it ranked
sites wrongly only for the sub-sample from the first to
Table 4 Values of similarity (n=4) (mean ±SD), obtained by comparing sites at different altitudes
Sub-sample Sorensen Classic Jaccard Classic Bray-Curtis Morisita-Horn
1st 0.260 ±0.080 0.151 ±0.056 0.098 ±0.021 0.070 ±0.023
2nd 0.234 ±0.066 0.134 ±0.043 0.086 ±0.022 0.054 ±0.018
3rd 0.207 ±0.067 0.116 ±0.043 0.064 ±0.032 0.038 ±0.028
4th 0.221 ±0.057 0.125 ±0.036 0.066 ±0.024 0.034 ±0.026
From 1st to 2nd 0.291 ±0.075 0.172 ±0.054 0.100 ±0.023 0.066 ±0.020
From 2nd to 3rd 0.255 ±0.067 0.147 ±0.045 0.080 ±0.026 0.048 ±0.022
From 3rd to 4th 0.259 ±0.072 0.150 ±0.048 0.069 ±0.031 0.037 ±0.028
From 1st to 3rd 0.307 ±0.078 0.183 ±0.057 0.094 ±0.025 0.060 ±0.021
From 2nd to 4th 0.280 ±0.074 0.164 ±0.052 0.079 ±0.027 0.045 ±0.025
From 1st to 4th 0.322 ±0.093 0.195 ±0.068 0.088 ±0.028 0.053 ±0.025
Table 5 Diversity values of
sub-samples longer than 1 h for
each site
Sampling period Study site Species richness Shannon index Fisher’s aSimpson inverse
From 1st to 2nd Cocuzzo 249 4.44 63.27 48.42
Angitola 254 4.25 55.22 35.41
Curcio 160 4.10 40.88 37.94
Trionto 149 3.90 41.08 27.35
From 2nd to 3rd Cocuzzo 232 4.40 60.92 47.90
Angitola 224 4.17 49.46 31.89
Curcio 154 3.95 42.10 25.77
Trionto 133 3.95 39.26 29.09
From 3rd to 4th Cocuzzo 223 4.41 59.91 49.16
Angitola 231 4.13 53.69 30.27
Curcio 144 3.79 40.17 20.57
Trionto 119 3.83 35.99 26.83
From 1st to 3rd Cocuzzo 275 4.48 65.21 50.41
Angitola 273 4.27 55.65 36.04
Curcio 185 4.12 44.79 35.38
Trionto 170 3.95 44.66 28.58
From 2nd to 4th Cocuzzo 262 4.45 63.55 49.53
Angitola 257 4.20 53.60 32.17
Curcio 174 3.96 43.92 24.87
Trionto 146 3.94 39.01 28.55
From 1st to 4th Cocuzzo 298 4.51 67.43 51.36
Angitola 294 4.29 57.71 35.98
Curcio 202 4.12 46.98 33.8
Trionto 177 3.97 43.79 28.96
J Insect Conserv
second hour. The worst index was the Simpson inverse,
because it ranked sites correctly only for the sub-sample
from the first to third hour.
In this paper we have attempted to establish the optimum
sampling period during the first 4 h of the night to maxi-
mise information about moth communities whilst at the
same time minimising sampling effort (i.e. cost). We
stressed the importance of sampling duration in ecological
studies using moths as an indicator taxon by highlighting
the changes that occur in light-trap samples during the
early hours of the night. Our field sampling was over
several trapping nights, in very different habitats and
throughout the season. For this reason biases due to cli-
matic and seasonal changes were reduced, although the
results may still be limited to temperate regions.
We emphasise that this paper does not assess the
effectiveness of sampling to detect the field presence of
species, but is concerned with species periodic respon-
siveness to light traps at different times of night. It is
known that the activity of particular species change
according to several factors. For example, under laboratory
conditions the flight activity pattern can change with the
age and between sexes (Edwards 1962; Saito 2000a).
Otherwise, only their positive phototaxis would be assessed
in the field. Janzen (1984) also emphasised that light
attraction changes during a moth’s lifetime, as does the
flight pattern, even though these changes may not be
related for a given species.
Some researchers have limited moth data collection to
only the first hours of the night (e.g. Ricketts et al. 2001;
Luque et al. 2007), but our results have shown that this
sampling strategy is biassed by the changes in the com-
munity members that come to the light source at different
times. In fact, in between-site comparisons we found a low
discriminant ability of sub-samples which include the first
hour after sunset, and a low similarity of this community
portion compared to later samples of the same community.
The first hour of sampling after dusk seems to be less
informative because the sub-community then is the least
characteristic for within-site comparisons also the least
characteristic for between-sites comparisons, i.e. with low
discriminating potential. As a consequence, a short sam-
pling period could produce an overestimation of similarity
between communities whilst at the same time providing an
underestimation of the most characteristic part of the
community. This implies that species flying during the first
part of the night are frequently shared among sites whilst
those flying later seem to be more rarely shared. Probably,
generalist and more mobile, or even migratory, species are
mainly responsible of such patterns. The 24-species set that
is common to all the four surveyed sites is composed of
species such as the noctuids Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel
1766), Autographa gamma (Linnaeus 1758), Hoplodrina
ambigua (Denis and Schiffermu
¨ller 1775), Mythimna uni-
puncta (Haworth 1909), Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus 1758),
Peridroma saucia (Hu
¨bner 1808), Spodoptera exigua
¨bner 1808), and the geometrids Gymnoscelis rufifasci-
ata (Haworth, 1809), Idaea filicata (Hu
¨bner 1799),
Menophra abruptaria (Thunberg 1792), Peribatodes
rhomboidaria (Denis and Schiffermu
¨ller 1775). Our results
suggest that these species tend to arrive at light traps at, or
shortly after dusk, but further studies are needed to assess
their detailed temporal patterns of occurrence at light
throughout the night.
Mikkola (1972) reported that the abundance and diver-
sity of moth communities decreased throughout the night.
In contrast, our data showed that diversity is only slightly
affected by a shortened period of moth sampling as only a
small decrease of species richness was detected throughout
the first half of the night. Among the tested indices, Fish-
er’s a(Fisher et al. 1943) was the most suitable for ranking
sub-samples in the same order as the whole samples. The
reliability of this index for measuring moth diversity has
been emphasised also by many other authors in temperate
regions (e.g. Kempton and Taylor 1974; Hayek and Buzas
1997; Usher and Keiller 1998; Brehm and Fiedler 2005),
while in tropical regions the related Qstatistic may be
more appropriate because of the poor fit of such data to the
log-series distribution (Barlow and Woiwod 1989).
Moth abundance showed a stronger decrease than spe-
cies richness, at least until the middle of the night. Several
parameters co-occur to determine such patterns. Tempera-
ture decrease through the night could strongly influence
moth activity pattern of individual species, but evidence is
available only for a few species (Delisle et al. 1998). The
flight activity of moths could also be reduced at the
beginning of the night by bat predation. In fact, when moth
species flying at several metres from the ground were sub-
mitted to bat predation it was found that they could adapt
their activity to minimise the threat (Fullard et al. 2004).
There are several theories about the reason for insect’s
attraction to light, with Janzen (1984) suggesting that it is
probably due to the use of light sources by moths as land-
marks. Clearly, more studies concerning the nocturnal flight
behaviour of individual species are needed in order to refine
and simplify strategies for moth sampling and to understand
exactly why moth communities are more similar during the
first hours of darkness, rather than later on.
For good practical reasons, minimising sampling effort
is a common practise in many field studies, but there is a
lack of related literature about the consequences, particu-
larly for studies on moth communities. Up till now, the
J Insect Conserv
sampling duration has varied considerably among authors
and between studies, producing data which is difficult to
compare. Maximising the potential information on a given
taxon should be one of the main goals when a sampling
protocol is designed. Following the results presented here,
we suggest 3-h surveys are optimal for reducing sampling
bias when the first hour after dusk is included in the
sample, and that Fisher’s aindex should be used for
diversity ranking, particularly when different sampling
duration is used at different sites.
Acknowledgments The critical comments of two anonymous
reviewers helped us improve this manuscript. Work was supported
financially by the Museo di Storia Naturale della Calabria e Orto
Botanico, Italy, president prof. P. Brandmayr. Rothamsted Research
receives grant-aided support from the UK Biotechnology and Bio-
logical Sciences Research Council.
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J Insect Conserv
... Unlike traditional monitoring systems, where sampling is strongly limited by human resources [6], automated systems can operate perpetually given power, storage or bandwidth and basic maintenance. This is a major strength; continuous imaging makes it easier to derive the diel activity of different moth species, something previously achieved only through intensive manual sampling [23,24]. However, the potential for continuous imaging raises dilemmas related to trap scheduling. ...
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Automated sensors have potential to standardize and expand the monitoring of insects across the globe. As one of the most scalable and fastest developing sensor technologies, we describe a framework for automated, image-based monitoring of nocturnal insects—from sensor development and field deployment to workflows for data processing and publishing. Sensors comprise a light to attract insects, a camera for collecting images and a computer for scheduling, data storage and processing. Metadata is important to describe sampling schedules that balance the capture of relevant ecological information against power and data storage limitations. Large data volumes of images from automated systems necessitate scalable and effective data processing. We describe computer vision approaches for the detection, tracking and classification of insects, including models built from existing aggregations of labelled insect images. Data from automated camera systems necessitate approaches that account for inherent biases. We advocate models that explicitly correct for bias in species occurrence or abundance estimates resulting from the imperfect detection of species or individuals present during sampling occasions. We propose ten priorities towards a step-change in automated monitoring of nocturnal insects, a vital task in the face of rapid biodiversity loss from global threats. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Towards a toolkit for global insect biodiversity monitoring’.
... However, the detection in insect can notably vary between species according to their visual appearance (color, size ...), their behavior (height of flight ...) , their occupation of space during the day or the life stage considered during surveys (Alliberti Lubertazzi & Ginsberg, 2009;Bried et al., 2012a). The heterogeneity of the detection of insects is also governed by survey conditions, in particular by the date of the visits , the number of visits and their duration (Bried et al. 2012b), the period of the day at which they are performed (Scalercio et al., 2009), the weather conditions during the visit (Bried & Pellet, 2012), the experience of the observers (Lewandowski & Specht, 2015) or the spatial distribution of survey locations on a site . Given the large proportion of species characterized by low densities or low probability of detection (Driscoll, 2010;New, 2010), the actual entomological richness of a ...
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Insects are still poorly considered in biodiversity conservation programs, despite their major role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Because of their great diversity, and a great lack of knowledge of community structuring patterns, the conservation of these organisms faces major challenges related to the evaluation and prioritization of issues as well as the estimation of the species richness of communities. Because they constitute two groups of insects particularly impacted by environmental changes, butterflies and dragonflies are an important part of protected insects in Europe. In this context of low consideration of entomological diversity in conservation biology, this thesis aims to (1) measure the recent dynamics (decline, stability or expansion) of these two taxa in France, and to identify the climatic and ecological factors likely to condition them, (2) for butterflies, to use a fine description of the interactions network between the larvae and their hostplants to question the conservation status according to a systemic approach (3) and finally, with a clearly operational objective, to evaluate the links between the information gains and the efforts / sampling costs mobilized during environmental impact assessments. The comparative study of the temporal dynamics of the populations of these two taxa was carried out at the scale of three countries of Western Europe through a diachronic analysis of the species distribution patterns on a time step of 35 years. This work has highlighted a strong correlation between the artificialisation of landscapes (urbanization, agricultural intensification, regression of wetlands) and the decline of many species, mainly characterized by strict ecological requirements and currently unprotected. On this same scale, the analysis of the architecture of the interactions network between butterfly larvae and their food plants revealed a modular structure in relation to the taxonomy of the partners, as well as a link between the degree specialization and species vulnerability (although the similarity of the species' diet did not seem to condition their conservation status). A final part was focused on the evaluation of the completeness of entomological surveys carried out during environmental impact assessments. A systematic and calibrated return procedure, on sites sampled in Mediterranean scrublands, allowed highlighting the limits of the current protocols in the estimation of species richness and the detection of protected or vulnerable species. This thesis contributes to the articulation between fundamental issues and operational needs, by allowing both a better understanding of the structuring mechanisms of insect communities and the formulation of recommendations for a better local application of conservation policies
... The distinctive features of moths are two pair of wings, two pairs of legs, widely separated feathery antenna, thick body and chiefly nocturnal. Moths play a key role in providing ecosystem services such as food for small mammals (Vaughan, 1997), pollinators (Le Croy et al., 2013), agricultural pests (Sharma, 2011) and ecological health markers (Scalercio et al., 2009) Add the citation and sentence after (Scalerio et al., 2009;Dar and Jamal, 2021a). The dramatic increase in decline of moths constitutes a great threat to ecosystem, leads to biodiversity crisis of moths (Dar and Jamal, 2021b). ...
This checklist presents moth fauna (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) of Rajasthan, India. An extensive collection survey was carried out to report the moth fauna of Sariska Tiger Reserve (Protected area) Alwar, Rajasthan from May to November, 2019. During the survey, 16 species were recorded comprising of 15 genera, belonging to 5 families. In the present study, 12 species namely Eudocima materna, Eudocima phalonia, Dysgonia stuposa, Euproctis divisia, Achaea janata, Acherontia styx, Daphnis nerii, Hippotion rosetta, Agrius convolvuli, Nephele hespera, Theretra silthensis, Saturnia cidosa were reported for the first time from the state. In addition, these collected 16 species were first time records from Sariska Tiger Reserve of Rajasthan. After the present study, moth fauna of Rajasthan amounts till date to 79 species belonging to 63 genera and 12 families.
... Hence, it is unknown if variation in evasive flight occurs within a single individual, between individuals from the same species, or between different species. As many different moths occur in the same habitat [157][158][159][160], any given bat will encounter many different moth species while hunting. Interspecific variation in evasive flight would increase the variation experienced by each bat and should therefore provide increased protection against predatory bats for each single moth individual. ...
... Thus, it is important to search for the hours of activity of the interest taxa to improve the chances of sampling a higher quantity of individuals and species. If our effort was to sample only in the first hours of the night (Scalercio et al. 2008 ) and insects in general (Silva et al. 2011). The temperature is one of the main abiotic factors that influence insects in a direct (i.e. ...
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The main goal of this work was to investigate how the abundance and richness of Arctiinae moths varies over time, during the night. Specifically, we analyzed the following questions: (1) Is there a relationship between Arctiinae abundance and richness with the temperature and relative humidity? (2) What are the hours of activity of each species of moth? (3) Does the species composition differ over night? (4) Is it necessary to sample this group of moths throughout the night to have a representative sample of the species? We sampled the moths in Emas National Park (17°49’-18°28’S and 52°39’-53°10’W), Brazil. We selected seven sampling points in an area of savanna. At each sampling point, we collected the Arctiinae moths with a light trap (with a 15-W black light fluorescent light bulb), reflected in a white cloth (2 x 3 m) extended vertically. We sampled the moths in seven consecutive nights (one night in each sampling point, from December 13 to December 19, 2012, from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m.). We divided the samplings in twelve periods over the night, with an hour each. At each period of time, we measured the temperature and the relative humidity with a digital termohygrometer. We sampled 149 individuals belonging to 17 species of Arctiinae moths. Most species (70.5%) were active only for one or two hours at night. The species differed in terms of time activity. The higher abundance occurred at 8 p. m. (44 individuals), followed by 38 individuals at 9 p. m. and 23 at 10 p. m. The species richness was also higher in the early hours of the night. The temperature was the only variable that showed a positive and significative relationship with the Arctiinae moth abundance. The species richness was not influenced neither by the temperature nor by the relative air humidity. The possible causes of the peak of abundance and species richness in specific hours of the night are discussed.
... Moth sampling was avoided in humid and cold nights to avoid any weather-related moth capture bias. Light traps were activated at dusk for four hours coinciding with the first activity peak of both moths (Scalercio, Infusino, & Woiwod, 2008) and bats (Goiti et al., 2006). Moths were captured alive using a clothing-bag located inside the light trap. ...
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The degree of trophic specialization determines the ability of predators to cope with changing foraging conditions, but in predators that prey on hundreds of species it is challenging to assess, especially when prey identity varies among predator individuals and across space and time. Here, we test the hypothesis that a bat species foraging on flying insects like moths will show ample flexibility in trophic niche, and this irrespective of phylogenetic relationships among moths, so as to cope with a high diversity of prey types that vary across seasons. We predict that individual bats will show functional dietary differences consistent with energetic requirements and hunting skills. We used DNA metabarcoding to determine the diet of 126 Mediterranean horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus euryale) from two different sites during three seasons. Simultaneously, we measured moth availability and characterized the traits of 290 moth taxa. Next, we explored the relationship between phylogeny and traits of all consumed and available moth taxa. Finally, we assessed the relationship between individual traits of bats and traits related to prey profitability, for which we used the RLQ and fourth‐corner statistical techniques. Seasonality was the main factor explaining the functional dietary variation in adult bats, with moths consumed irrespective of their phylogenetic relationships. While adults consumed moths with a broad range in wing loading, body mass and echolocation detection ability, juveniles consumed slower, smaller and lighter moths, which suggests that young individuals may undergo some fitness gain and/or psychomotor learning process during which they would acquire more effective foraging skills. Our approach revealed a degree of functional flexibility in the trophic niche previously unknown for an insectivorous bat. Rhinolophus euryale consumed a wide variety of moth taxa differing in profitability throughout seasons and between ontogenetic stages. We showed the validity of trait‐based approaches to gain new insights in the trophic specialization of predators consuming hundreds of species of prey.
... Hence, it is unknown whether variation in evasive flight occurs within a single individual, between individuals from the same species or between different species. As many different moths occur in the same habitat (Conrad, Woiwod, Parsons, Fox, & Warren, 2004;Scalercio, Infusino, & Woiwod, 2008;Summerville & Crist, 2004;Truxa & Fiedler, 2012), any given bat will encounter many different moth species while hunting. Interspecific variation in evasive flight would increase the variation experienced by each bat and should therefore provide increased protection against predatory bats for each single moth individual. ...
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Many prey species overlap in time and space and are hunted by the same predators. A common anti‐predator behaviour is using evasive manoeuvres to escape an attacking predator. The escape‐tactic diversity hypothesis postulates that species‐specific differences in evasive behaviour will increase the overall unpredictability experienced by predators within a predator–prey community. Evolutionary, escape‐tactic diversity would be driven by the enhanced predator protection for each prey individual in the community. However, escape‐tactic diversity could also be a functional consequence of morphological differences that correlate with evasive capabilities. Echolocating bats and eared moths are a textbook example of predator–prey interactions. Moths exhibit evasive flight with diverse tactics; however, the variability of their evasive flight within and between species and individuals has never been quantified systematically. In addition, moth species show variation in size, which correlates with their flight capability. We recorded flight strength during tethered flight of eight sympatric moth species in response to the same level of simulated bat predation. Our method allowed us to record kinematic parameters that are correlated with evasive flight in a controlled way to investigate species‐specific differences in escape tactics. We show species‐specific and size‐independent differences in both overall flight strength and change of flight strength over time, supporting the escape‐tactic diversity hypothesis for eared moths. Additionally, we show strong interindividual differences in evasive flight within some species. This diversity in escape tactic between eared moths increases the overall unpredictability of evasive flight experienced by bat predators, likely providing increased protection against predatory bats for the single individual.
... Moths and butterflies are strongly associated with vegetation structure and composition, which makes them a suitable indicator taxon for various ecological studies (Lomov et al., 2006). Because of high sensitivity to the environmental change (Luff and Woiwod, 1995) and proved to be powerful indicator of forest disturbance Summerville et al., 2004) moth communities are receiving increasing conservation interest (Scalercio et al., 2009). ...
... Tomando lo anterior en consideración, se recomienda restringir el muestreo con trampas de atracción luminosa a un solo periodo de la noche, para maximizar el esfuerzo de colecta (e.g. Scalercio et al., 2009). Si el muestreo se diseña de esta manera, el consumo de energía es menor y la recolecta puede concentrarse en los periodos con mayor probabilidad de obtener la mayor diversidad de especies. ...
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RESUMEN. Se evaluó el uso de trampas de caída con luz portables (“pitlight”) con diodos emisores de luz (LED) para la captura de Coleoptera nocturnos en una selva tropical, con la finalidad de proveer herramientas eficientes para el monitoreo de insectos. Se comparó la diversidad de familias y morfoespecies recolectada con trampas de caída pasivas (“pitfall”) y con trampas de caída con luz (“pitlight”) de tresdistintas longitudes de onda (azul, blanca y amarilla), bajo la hipótesis de que las trampas pitlight son más eficientes, y que los insectos serán más atraídos por las longitudes de onda más cortas y de alta frecuencia. Además, el muestreo se dividió en dos períodos nocturnos de cinco horas, con el objetivo de analizar el tiempo necesario para obtener una colecta significativa. Las recolectas con trampas pitlight fueron notablemente superiores a las pitfall pasivas, y aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los valores de riqueza, abundancia y diversidad de coleópteros obtenidos con tres colores de LED (azul, blanco, amarillo), ni entre los horarios nocturnos de recolecta, sí se observó una alta disimilitud en la composición de morfoespecies entre los distintos tratamientos. Las trampas pitlight con LED son un método sencillo, portátil y económico que es capaz de obtener una captura eficiente y representativa en periodos de tiempo muy cortos, por lo quese recomienda su uso para el inventario de comunidades de insectos.
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The Moths of “fosso” Scuotrapiti, Angitola’a Lake (Calabria, Southern Italy) (Lepidoptera). The aim of this research, caried out from 2001 to 2003, was to know the species of moths inhabiting the wetland of fosso Scuotrapiti, near Lago Angitola, Southern Italy. For collecting data a light source and a vertical screen have been used. Forty-eight samples four hours long starting from the sunset have been made. 9,349 individuals belonging to 294 species, of which 21 new ones for calabrian fauna, have been collected. Very interesting is the presence of Areopteron ecphaea (Hampson, 1914), knew in Italy fist time for this site. More abundant species were Eilema caniola (n = 921), Lomaspilis marginata (n = 447), Pelosia muscerda (n = 443), Peribatodes rhomboidaria (n = 402), and Earias clorana (n = 347). Species linked by the trophic point of view to wet biotopes (i.e.: Cabera exanthemata, Cerastis faceta, Zanclognata tarsipennalis) were very abundant. The phenology of species, with only one summer maximum, is influenced by the wet microclimate of the area oblitering the effects of summer dryness. The refuge character of wetlands is evident in the chorology too; the fauna is more continental than in typical Mediterranean biotopes. This situation, found inside an area reduced to a thin strip of wetland immersed in a strong perturbed landscape, underlines the importance of this area from a conservation point of view. Phytophaga 13, 2003
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The species assemblage of nocturnal Macrolepidoptera of the Fiumara del Trionto (Calabria, southern Italy) (Lepidoptera, Heterocera) Very little is known about lepidopteran species assemblages of "fiumare", type of geomorphologic feature very characteristic of the Ionian coast of Calabria, southern Italy. The aim of this paper is to characterise the species assemblage of nocturnal Macrolepidoptera of the study area. We used a white vertical sheet as reflecting screen and a lamp of 160W as light source. 48 samplings that ended four hours after sunset were carried out from March 1999 to March 2001. 4,623 individuals belonging to 207 species, were collected. Among them Cilix hispanica, Pseudozarba bipartita, Metachrostis velox, Protoschinia scutosa, Cosmia diffinis and Agrochola blidaensis are new for Calabrian fauna. The most abundant species were Clytie illunaris (n = 455), Agrotis puta (n = 413), Spodoptera exigua (n = 341), Eublemma pulchralis (n = 265) and other strictly thermophilous species. The Fiumara del Trionto is the only locality in continental Europe hosting Calamodes subscudularia and one of the few hosting Aplasta ononaria in southern Italy. The phenology of the species assemblage is strongly influenced by the summer aridity, showing the maximum of activity at the beginning and end of this season. Species linked by trophic relations to vegetation cover were very common and abundant (e.g. C. illunaris, E. pulchralis, Microloxia herbaria, Amephana aurita). Quad. Staz. Ecol. civ. Mus. St. nat. Ferrara, 16: pp. 181-204, 2006 ISSN 0394-5782
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The species assemblage of nocturnal Macrolepidoptera of Monte Curcio Beech Forest, Sila Grande (Calabria, Southern Italy) (Lepidoptera). The aim of this research, carried out from 2002 to 2003, was to increase the knowledge on species assemblages of moth inhabiting Sila beech forests. Data have been collected at the hedge of a pastureland located within a Fagus sylvatica (L.) forest, at an altitude of 1690 m a.s.l. on the southern slope of Monte Curcio (Southern Italy). A 160W lamp as light source and a vertical sheet as reflecting screen have been used for moth collecting. Thirty samples of four hours starting from the sunset, have been carried out. 3,414 individuals belonging to 201 species have been sampled. Eupithecia spissilineata (Metzner, 1846) is new for the fauna of Calabria. The most abundant species are Agrotis cinerea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (n = 297), Hada plebeja (Linnaeus, 1761) (n = 240), Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus, 1758) (n = 225), Agrochola macilenta (Hübner, 1809) (n = 154) and Operophtera fagata Scharfenberg, 1805) (n = 144). The species assemblages seems to be the result of the landscape element. In fact, from the trophic point of view, among the dominant species some are linked to beech forest, some other to pastureland. The phenology of species shows a maximum in the summer, linked to the relatively warmer temperature. Another maximum, smaller than the former one, was registered in autumn, due to the presence of numerous individuals of migrant species. The Sila Massif is confirmed as the southern border for a lot of Eurasian species. Quad. Staz. Ecol. civ. Mus. St. nat. Ferrara, 18: pp. 5-19, 2008 ISSN 0394-5782
Species-rich moth faunas at two sites in a montane tussock grassland at Cass show major declines in the abundance of many common species between 1961-63 and 1987-89, furthering a 50- to 70-yr trend. The recent faunal record (202 species) is quantified. There has been a major decline in endemic herb species with the advances of an adventive grass, Agrostis capillaris. At the site with the greater loss of herbs and the 93% grass cover (a doubling in 26 yr), the respective abundances of common herb- and grass-feeding moth species have declined 88% and 74% since 1961-63. A greater residual floral diversity at the other site (13% herb cover, 71% grasses) has to date favoured a lesser decline in grass-feeders (56%). Few common endemic grassland moths can survive as oligophages, most depending on feeding diversity. In the face of reducing diversity, the thrust of faunal conservation in induced Agrostis associations should be to manage the vegetation using adventive animals as allies. -from Author
The Farm Woodland Scheme, which provided incentives to convert agricultural land to timber production, contained an implicit assumption that farm woodlands produce important benefits for wildlife. The moth fauna of 18 farm woodlands in the Vale of York was surveyed between May and November 1991. The aims were twofold. The first was to determine if there were benefits for moth species diversity. The second was to ascertain whether concepts of island biogeography and the plant species richness of the woods were related to the moth species composition. Eleven families, 214 species and over 16 000 individuals of moths were recorded. Classification of the species presence/absence matrix indicated that small woods (less than 1ha) did not have characteristic woodland moth communities. Woods larger than 5ha were judged to be more valuable for the long-term conservation of woodland moth diversity. The best predictor of moth species richness was the herbaceous plant species richness within woodlands. Species richness of the family Geometridae was positively related to woodland area, as well as to woodland shape (compact shapes being preferable to elongated shapes). Characteristic woodland species are influenced by isolation (less isolated woods being richer in species). The implications of different powers of dispersal between moth families are discussed. Farm woodlands will be of more value for the conservation of the Macrolepidoptera if they are large, compact and incorporate remnants of existing woodland with extant herbaceous vegetation. These should be factors which are taken into consideration when providing incentives to establish and manage farm woodlands.
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