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Secondary metabolism in root and callus cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus L.: The relationship between morphological organisation and response to methyl jasmonate

  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

Abstract and Figures

Production of acid-soluble conjugated di- and polyamines, like that of other secondary metabolites, is enhanced by exposure to methyl jasmonate (MJ). We investigated this metabolic response, and activities of enzymes involved in putrescine (Put) and tropane alkaloid biosynthesis, in root cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus and compared it with that of callus cultures. In root cultures, free Put and N-methylputrescine (mPut) increased upon treatment with MJ, whereas in callus cultures mPut levels were not affected. Differently from roots, conjugated amines were scarce or absent in callus cultures, and accumulated only transiently upon treatment with MJ. Arginine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities in root cultures were strongly stimulated by treatment with MJ, but were inhibited in callus cultures. Exposure to MJ also enhanced putrescine N-methyltransferase activity in root cultures more than in callus cultures. These results are discussed in relation to the different capacity for tropane alkaloid production in the two culture systems.
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Secondary metabolism in root and callus cultures of Hyoscyamus
muticus L.: the relationship between morphological organisation and
response to methyl jasmonate
Stefania Biondi
*, Sonia Scaramagli
, Kirsi-Marja Oksman-Caldentey
Ferruccio Poli
Dipartimento di Biologia e.s., Universita` di Bologna, Via Irnerio 42, I-40126 Bologna, Italy
VTT Biotechnology, P.O. Box 1500, FIN-02044 VTT Espoo, Finland
Received 20 March 2002; received in revised form 6 June 2002; accepted 6 June 2002
Production of acid-soluble conjugated di- and polyamines, like that of other secondary metabolites, is enhanced by exposure to
methyl jasmonate (MJ). We investigated this metabolic response, and activities of enzymes involved in putrescine (Put) and tropane
alkaloid biosynthesis, in root cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus and compared it with that of callus cultures. In root cultures, free Put
and N-methylputrescine (mPut) increased upon treatment with MJ, whereas in callus cultures mPut levels were not affected.
Differently from roots, conjugated amines were scarce or absent in callus cultures, and accumulated only transiently upon treatment
with MJ. Arginine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities in root cultures were strongly stimulated
by treatment with MJ, but were inhibited in callus cultures. Exposure to MJ also enhanced putrescine N-methyltransferase activity
in root cultures more than in callus cultures. These results are discussed in relation to the different capacity for tropane alkaloid
production in the two culture systems. #2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Hyoscyamus muticus ; Methyl jasmonate; Polyamine metabolism; Tissue culture; Tropane alkaloids
1. Introduction
The diamine putrescine (Put) and the higher poly-
amines derived from it, i.e. spermidine (Spd) and
spermine (Spm), are regarded as plant growth regulators
involved in many aspects of growth, morphogenesis and
response to stress [1], and as such belong to the primary
metabolism. In many plants, and particularly in Sola-
naceae, di- and polyamines covalently bound to pheno-
lic compounds (particularly hydroxycinnamic acids) are
also very abundant. These hydroxycinnamic acid amides
(HCAs), also known as acid-soluble conjugated di-/
poly-amines, accumulate during flowering and pathogen
attack in tobacco plants [2];ininvitro-cultured explants
([3] and references therein), including root cultures of
Hyoscyamus [4,5] and Datura [6], they often come to
represent a large proportion of the total di-/poly-amine
pool. Although the precise role of HCAs remains to be
elucidated, their endogenous concentrations, their phe-
nolic partners and the fact that conjugation appears to
be an irreversible process suggest that they are likely to
be secondary metabolites.
Hyoscyamus muticus L. (Egyptian henbane) is an
important medicinal plant belonging to the Solanaceae
which produces tropane alkaloids; of these, the main
constituent is hyoscyamine with small quantities of
scopolamine. Together with nicotine, tropane alkaloids
are derived from Put which is, in turn, synthesised from
ornithine or arginine via ornithine- (ODC) and arginine-
decarboxylase (ADC) activities, respectively. The first
specific precursor of the tropane alkaloid pathway is N-
methylputrescine (mPut), whose formation from Put is
catalysed by putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT),
and hence represents the first committed step in tropane
alkaloid biosynthesis [7]. Thus, Put plays a pivotal role
between two biosynthetic pathways, i.e. tropane alka-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /39-51-2091291; fax: /39-51-
E-mail address: (S. Biondi).
Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569
0168-9452/02/$ - see front matter #2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 9 4 5 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 6 1 - 9
loids vs. polyamines, and occupies a crucial position at
the interface between primary and secondary metabo-
Jasmonates are lipid-derived compounds regarded as
‘non traditional’ plant hormones [8] which exert numer-
ous effects on plant growth and development. In recent
years, however, the most studied aspect of jasmonates is
their role in plant defense. The action of jasmonic acid
(JA) or methyl jasmonate (MJ) as elicitors of secondary
metabolites in plants is well known. Indeed upon
exposure of plant cells, tissues or organs to jasmonates,
the production of several classes of alkaloids [9 /11],
phenolics [12] and coumarins [13], as well as HCAs
[5,14,15], is strongly stimulated.
Differently from morphologically intact root cultures,
unorganised tissue or cell cultures often lose the capacity
to produce alkaloids [16]. In fact, hyoscyamine is present
only in trace amounts in callus [17] or cell [18] cultures
of Hyoscyamus . In order to shed some light on the
interplay between MJ-induced changes and develop-
mental control of the interface between primary and
secondary metabolism, two morphologically different in
vitro culture systems, callus vs. roots, the former
spontaneously derived from the latter and both growing
on hormone-free medium, were comparatively analysed.
In this comparative analysis between an unorganised
(callus) and an organised (roots) system, we tried to
answer the following questions: (1) Is callus unable to
produce secondary metabolites other than hyoscyamine/
scopolamine (e.g. HCAs) and, if so, can MJ overcome
this inhibition? (2) What are the responses to MJ in
terms of diamine (Put, mPut) and polyamine (Spd, Spm)
biosynthesis and accumulation? (3) How are the activ-
ities of two enzymes, PMT and diamine oxidase (DAO),
the latter also involved in diamine and tropane alkaloid
metabolism, affected by treatment with MJ?
Results show that root cultures exhibited MJ-induced
overproduction of free and/or conjugated di- and
polyamines, whereas callus cultures exhibited only a
transient accumulation of amine conjugates in response
to MJ. Elicitor-induced effects on enzyme activities were
also attenuated or opposite in callus as compared to
root cultures.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant material and tissue culture
Root cultures of H. muticus were established and
maintained on agar-solidified hormone-free B5 [19]
medium as described by Biondi et al. [5]. They were
routinely subcultured every 10 /15 days by transferring
1-cm long apices to fresh medium. Root-derived callus
cultures were maintained on the same hormone-free B5
medium and were subcultured at monthly intervals.
Both types of cultures were grown in the dark at 239
2.2. Elicitor treatments
Roots and calli were transferred to liquid B5 medium
in Erlenmeyer flasks placed on a shaker 7 days before
initiating treatment with MJ as described previously [5].
Roots and calli were harvested at different times after
addition of 1 or 100 mM MJ, and stored at
/80 8C until
2.3. Di- and poly-amine analysis
For the TLC analysis of free and conjugated di- and
polyamines, aliquots of the supernatant and hydrolysed
supernatant, respectively were dansylated and extracted
in toluene following the method described in Biondi et
al. [15]. Chromatograms were run with cyclohexane /
ethylacetate (3:2) to separate the polyamines, and with
cyclohexane/ethylacetate/diethylamine (14:5:1) to se-
parate the diamines Put and mPut. Spots co-migrating
with standard Put, mPut, Spd and Spm were scraped off
and the powder eluted in 2 ml acetone to measure the
fluorescence using a Jasco FP-770 spectrofluorimeter.
2.4. ADC and ODC activity assays
Samples (:/1 g FW) were homogenised on ice in 5
volumes of 100 mM Tris /HCl, pH 8.5, containing 50
mM pyridoxalphosphate and 5 mM dithiothreitol, and
centrifuged at 18 000 /gfor 30 min at 4 8C. ODC and
ADC activity assays were performed essentially as
described in Biondi et al. [15]. They consisted in
measuring the
evolution from 7.4 kBq of
C]ornithine (sp. act. 2.11 TBq mol
, Amersham,
Milano, Italy) or 22.2 kBq of
C]arginine (sp.
act. 11 TBq mol
, Amersham), respectively after a 2-h
incubation at 37 8C of aliquots of the supernatant or
resuspended pellet, and in the presence of unlabelled
substrate (1 mM arginine or ornithine).
2.5. Putrescine N-methyltransferase activity assay
PMT activity was evaluated using the method of Feth
et al. [20] with some modifications. Tissue ( :/0.5/1g
FW) was extracted on ice with 3 volumes of 100 mM
potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, containing 5 mM
EDTA, 10 mM mercaptoethanol, 0.5% sodium ascor-
bate and 2% polyethyleneglycol 400 (buffer A), and the
homogenate centrifuged at 27 000 /gfor 30 min. The
supernatant was loaded onto a Sephadex G25 pre-
packed PD-10 column (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech
Italia) equilibrated and eluted with 50 mM potassium
phosphate buffer containing 1 mM EDTA and 5 mM
mercaptoethanol, pH 8 (buffer B). The reaction was
S. Biondi et al. / Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569564
performed by incubating 100 ml of the purified super-
natant with 20 ml 25 mM Put (final concentration 3.6
mM), 8 ml10mMS-adenosylmethionine (final concen-
tration 0.6 mM) and 12 ml buffer B at 37 8C for 30 min.
After stopping the reaction by heating in boiling water,
65 mM borate/KOH buffer and a solution of dan-
sylchloride (5.4 mg ml
acetonitrile) was added to the
incubation mixture. After heating at 60 8C for 15 min,
the dansylated amines were extracted by adding 0.5 ml
toluene and mixing on a Vortex for 30 s. An aliquot (400
ml) of the toluene was then removed, taken to dryness
and the dry residue resuspended in a fixed volume of
acetonitrile which was then injected into the HPLC. The
chromatographic conditions for the separation of dan-
sylated mPut were as described by Feth et al. [20]. The
retention time of mPut was 24 min.
2.6. Diamine oxidase activity assay
Oxidative activity was assayed by a radiometric
method [21] that measures [
-pyrroline formation
from [
C]Put. Roots were homogenised in 3 volumes of
100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 8, containing
2 mM dithiothreitol, and centrifuged at 18 000 /gfor
30 min. Aliquots of the supernatant and resuspended
pellet were pre-incubated separately at room tempera-
ture for 45 min and then incubated at 37 8C for 30 min
with 7.4 kBq [1,4-
C]Put (sp. act. 4.37 TBq mol
Amersham) and 22.5 mg catalase. Unlabelled substrate
(Put or mPut) was also added at a final concentration of
100 mM. After stopping the reaction, the [
products were extracted in 2 ml toluene, and radio-
activity was measured in a scintillation counter (LS
7800, Beckman).
2.7. Protein determination
Protein content of extracts used for the enzyme assays
was determined according to Bradford [22], using BSA
as standard.
3. Results
When left undisturbed for several months, roots
spontaneously formed callus at the distal (cut) end.
These calli could continue indefinite growth after being
separated from the roots and subcultured on the same
hormone-free medium. Thus, roots and their morpho-
logically disorganised counterparts (calli) were perfectly
comparable from the point of view of external growth
3.1. Free and conjugated amines
The most represented free amine in root cultures was
Put, followed by mPut, Spd and Spm (Fig. 1A and B). A
short-term exposure (24 h) to 1 mM MJ did not affect
endogenous levels of the free polyamines Spd and Spm,
but strongly enhanced those of the diamines Put and
mPut (Fig. 1A). The conjugated di-/poly-amine pool in
roots was not much larger than that of free amines, and
conjugated mPut was not detectable at 24 h (Fig. 1C).
Soluble conjugates, especially of Spd, increased after a
24-h exposure to the elicitor (Fig. 1C). After 3 days in
the presence of MJ, free di-/poly-amines were unaffected
(Fig. 1B) but conjugated amines were still higher than in
controls (Fig. 1D).
In callus cultures grown in the absence of MJ, free
mPut was undetectable at 24 h (Fig. 2A), whereas a
rather high level of free mPut, comparable to that of
roots, appeared on day 3 (Fig. 2B). A short-term
treatment (24 h) of callus with the higher (100 mM)
concentration of MJ slightly enhanced free Put levels;
free Spd and Spm increased with both concentrations of
the elicitor, and by about 2-fold with the higher
concentration (Fig. 2A). After 3 days in the presence
of either concentration of MJ, free Put increased several-
fold, while mPut levels remained unchanged relativeto
controls (Fig. 2B); polyamines increased slightly (by
about 50/60%). A long-term exposure (7 days) to MJ
either did not significantly alter (1 mM) or caused a
marked decline (100 mM) in the cellular content of all
free di-/poly-amines, with Spm falling below detectable
levels (data not shown).
The main difference between root and callus cultures
was the scarcity of PCA-soluble conjugated amines in
the latter, with conjugated mPut and Spm below
detection levels. MJ, however, induced a marked but
Fig. 1. Free (A, B) and PCA-soluble conjugated (C, D) diamine and
polyamine content in roots of H. muticus treated (MJ) or not (control)
with 1 mM MJ for 24 h (A, C) or 3 days (B, D).
S. Biondi et al. / Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569 565
transient accumulation of conjugated Put and Spd after
a 24-h exposure (Fig. 2C), but after 3 and 7 days
conjugates were again undetectable both in controls and
MJ-treated callus cultures (data not shown).
3.2. ADC and ODC activities
In root extracts, Put biosynthetic enzyme activities
were detected both in the soluble and precipitable
fraction. In both cases, a 6-day treatment with 1 mM
MJ enhanced activity by about 2-fold for both enzymes
and in both fractions (Table 1). Under our assay
conditions, ADC activity in callus extracts was below
detection level, while ODC activity was present both in
the supernatant and pellet. After exposure to MJ,
soluble ODC activity in callus was lower than in
controls, and no longer detectable in the particulate
fraction (Table 1).
3.3. Putrescine N-methyltransferase activity
Root and callus cultures displayed comparable levels
of PMT activity in the absence of elicitor (Fig. 3). In
roots, exposure to either 1 or 100 mM MJ-induced an
approximately 5-fold increase in PMT activity. In callus
cultures, the lower concentration of MJ enhanced
enzyme activity about 3-fold, and the higher concentra-
tion caused only a 60% increase in activity. Conse-
quently, in the presence of 100 mM MJ, PMT activity in
roots was five times higher than in calli.
3.4. Diamine oxidase activity
In control roots, oxidative activity in the presence of
added unlabelled mPut was slightly higher (67 and 30%
in the supernatant and pellet, respectively) than with Put
(Fig. 4A and C). Upon treatment with 1 mM MJ, roots
displayed about 4- to over 10-fold increases in soluble
DAO activity (Fig. 4A). While in control roots activity
in the pellet was similar to or only slightly higher than in
the supernatant, in MJ-treated ones activity was mark-
edly higher in the former fraction. In fact, the most
dramatic enhancement (almost 25 times) of DAO
activity occurred in the pellet fraction and in the
presence of Put (Fig. 4C). In callus cultures, DAO
activity was higher when unlabelled Put was supplied
rather than mPut (Fig. 4B and D). In contrast with root
cultures, soluble activity in callus was higher (about
twice) than the pelletable one, and 1 mM MJ inhibited
activity in both fractions (Fig. 4B and D).
4. Discussion
In an earlier study using a hairy root clone of H.
muticus obtained by transformation with Agrobacterium
tumefaciens carrying the T-DNA from A. rhizogenes ,JA
was shown to cause only a small increase in hyoscya-
mine tissue content compared with untreated controls
[5]. In the same study, a marked accumulation of the
Fig. 2. Free (A, B) and PCA-soluble conjugated (C) diamine and
polyamine content in callus cultures of H. muticus treated or not
(control) with 1 or 100 mM MJ for 24 h (A, C) or 3 days (B).
Table 1
Soluble (SN) and precipitable (PT) ADC and ODC activities in roots
and calli of H. muticus exposed or not (control) for 6 days with 1 mM
pmol (mg protein)
nmol (mg protein)
Control 229914 7492 18.690.6 3.790.5
MJ 434913 179940 36.794.8 6.490.9
Control n.d. n.d. 3.391.8 7.593.1
MJ n.d. n.d. 1.890.5 n.d.
n.d., Not detectable.
Fig. 3. PMT activity in roots and calli of H. muticus treated or not
(control) for 7 days with 1 or 100 mM MJ.
S. Biondi et al. / Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569566
precursors Put and mPut, and of soluble di- and poly-
amine conjugates was observed in another hairy root
clone (A4) of H. muticus after a 7-day exposure to
exogenous jasmonates. Similar results were obtained
with a hairy root clone (KB7) transformed with the
hyoscyamine-6b-hydroxylase gene, and thus exhibiting
detectable levels of scoplamine as well as hyoscyamine.
Upon exposure to 100 mM MJ for variable periods of
time (2 to 7 days), free and conjugated amine titres
increased several-fold while only a slight increase in
tissue content of the two alkaloids was observed
(unpublished data). Previous results therefore indicate
that increased precursor availability does not lead to
enhanced end product formation while another second-
ary metabolic route is induced, namely the one leading
to HCA formation, suggesting that further research is
still needed to identify the critical points in the tropane
alkaloid pathway, and to understand what triggers one
secondary metabolic pathway rather than another.
In order to begin to address these questions, the
capacity of hyoscyamine-producing (roots) and -non
producing (calli) tissues to respond to elicitation by MJ
was compared in terms of free and conjugated di-/poly-
amine formation, and activities of enzymes involved in
Put and tropane alkaloid biosynthesis.
Present results show that the short-term response (24
h) of roots to 1 mM MJ resulted in several-fold increases
in free Put/mPut and in conjugated Spd, and a
consistent but less marked increase in conjugated Put
levels. The stimulatory effect of MJ on conjugate
formation was still activeonday3.
In callus cultures, the free Put pool size was markedly
enhanced by the same concentration of elicitor only
after 3 days. This may be because at 24 h much of the
available free Put was conjugated. Later on (day 7),
neither free nor conjugated Put accumulation, nor that
of other conjugates, was stimulated by MJ; this is in
marked contrast with the response observed in hairy
root clone KB7, and in other transformed or non-
transformed root clones [5]. Results also show that,
contrary to root cultures, mPut levels in callus were not
enhanced by MJ. This indirectly indicates that alkaloid
production is also not inducible by the elicitor in these
The fact that treatment with MJ failed to induce Put/
mPut accumulation in callus is in accord with its lower
Put biosynthetic activities (ADC, ODC) compared with
root cultures, and with the fact that, in the former, these
activities were not enhanced by the elicitor. Robins et al.
[23] reported that ADC was the more important activity
for hyoscyamine biosynthesis in Datura root cultures,
but the relative contribution of ADC and ODC to HCA
formation is still uncertain [6,24]. Furthermore, Robins
et al. [6] used specific inhibitors to show that the
formation of polyamines was favoured over that of
tropane alkaloids. Our results indicating that in tissues
producing little or no alkaloids, ADC activity is
undetectable, while free Put, Spd and Spm are present
are in keeping with these notions.
MJ has been previously shown to upregulate gene
expression and/or activity of ADC and ODC in a hairy
root clone of H. muticus [5] and in shoot-forming
tobacco thin layer explants [15]. Imanishi et al. [25]
reported induction by MJ of ODC mRNA levels in
tobacco cell cultures, while Lee et al. [26] reported
increased activity of ADC in rice seedlings during MJ-
induced chilling tolerance. Thus, the inhibitory effect of
MJ on these activities in H. muticus callus cultures is
remarkable, and shows that morphologically disorga-
nised tissues have a distinctly different behaviour from
nicotine- or alkaloid-producing cultures.
An interesting feature reported here and previously
observed in tobacco thin layers [15] was the marked MJ-
induced increase in ADC and ODC activities associated
with the pellet fraction of root extracts. This suggests
that MJ acts preferentially on organelle-associated
activity whose occurrence has been documented (re-
viewed by Cohen [1]). Callus cultures differed from roots
also with respect to this particular response whose
significance remains to be established.
Another striking difference between root and callus
cultures was the fact that conjugated amines were scarce
(24 h) or absent (3 and 7 days) in the latter. Thus,
morphologically disorganised cultures of H. muticus
lose the capacity to synthesise hyoscyamine [17,18] as
well as HCAs. Put and Spd conjugates were nevertheless
transiently induced by MJ also in callus cultures. This
again is in contrast with root cultures where both a rapid
and long-term response to MJ is possible.
Conjugate over-accumulation means that MJ stimu-
lated the amounts of the free amine and/or of the
phenolic partners. Indeed, MJ has been shown to induce
phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity in tobacco
Fig. 4. DAO activity in the supernatant (A, B) and pellet (C, D) of
root (A, C) and callus cultures (B, D) of H. muticus treated or not with
1mM MJ for 7 days. Activity was assayed in the presence of 100 mM
Put or mPut.
S. Biondi et al. / Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569 567
[13], and PAL poly(A)/RNA in soybean [9] cell
cultures. Thus, enhanced conjugate levels in MJ-treated
tissues may either serve to detoxify cells from excess
phenolics and/or to buffer major alterations in free
amines since these have a role as plant growth regula-
tors. Alternatively, they may have a function in protect-
ing plant cells exposed to stress, wounding or infection
[27], in this case mimicked by exogenous MJ. The
generally low-/short-lasting response of callus to MJ in
terms of HCA accumulation may reflect an inability to
up-regulate not only ADC/ODC but also PAL activity,
a typical secondary metabolic pathway which, together
with that of tropane alkaloids, callus cultures probably
From studies on in vitro cultures of various Solana-
ceae [4,7,23], a good correlation between PMT activity
and the capacity to produce nicotine and tropane
alkaloids has been demonstrated. In addition, exogen-
ous application of MJ-induced pmt gene expression in
N. sylvestris [28] and tobacco cell suspension cultures
[25]. Somewhat unexpectedly our results show that, in
the absence of elicitor, PMT activity levels were
comparable in tropane alkaloid-producing and non-
producing cultures (i.e. roots and calli, respectively). It
must be noted, however, that activity was assayed in the
presence of a saturating concentration of substrate.
Consequently, it does not reflect the physiological
situation, but does indicate that both culture types
probably have comparable levels of enzyme protein. It
is also noteworthy that the response to elicitor treatment
was quite different: in roots, MJ enhanced activity about
5-fold at both concentrations tested, whereas in callus
cultures the lower concentration of MJ was much more
effective than the higher one, and maximum stimulation
was only 3-fold. This differential dose /response effect of
the elicitor on the two culture types deserves further
investigation. Again, the fact that PMT activity was
measured in vitro with a high exogenous supply of
substrate may explain why MJ-stimulated activity in
callus was not reflected in increased endogenous mPut
DAO from cultured roots of H. niger displayed a
marked preference for mPut as substrate compared with
cadaverine or Put [29]. In our comparative analysis of
root and callus cultures, we noted that oxidative activity
in the former was higher when unlabelled mPut was
supplied compared with Put; the opposite was true for
callus. This seems to be in accord with the different
capacity for alkaloid biosynthesis. Another major dif-
ference between the two culture types was the fact that
in callus cultures soluble activity was higher than the
pelletable one, and that activity in both fractions was
inhibited, rather than enhanced, by MJ. In the cyto-
plasm, the DAO-catalysed oxidative deamination of Put
may serve to regulate cellular levels of this important
plant growth regulator. In addition, immunohistochem-
ical studies haveprovided evidence for a cell wall-
associated DAO where the H
generated by diamine
oxidation could be utilised by peroxidases in the
polymerisation and cross-linking of cell wall compo-
nents [30]. Indeed, reactive oxygen species (ROS), such
as H
, are a central component of the plant’s defense
machinery in that they also act as direct toxicants to
pathogens, and signal later defense reactions such as
phytoalexin synthesis ([31] and references therein). It is
therefore not unlikely that DAO activity, which is
stimulated by application of MJ also in tobacco explants
[15],isinvolved in defense reactions through its ROS
)-producing function. In addition, a DAO (also
known as N-methylputrescine oxidase) is responsible for
the formation of N-methyl-D
-pyrrolinium cation from
mPut, the second step along the biosynthetic pathway
from Put towards tropane alkaloids. Thus, in our root
cultures, MJ-stimulated DAO activity in both soluble
and precipitable fractions can be interpreted as a means
to (a) control Put levels whose biosynthesis was en-
hanced by the elicitor; (b) favour cell wall stiffening; (c)
stimulate the production of defense compounds (i.e.
alkaloids). Callus cells are apparently unable to respond
to the elicitor also with respect to this defense process.
Plant tissue cultures have long been proposed as
useful systems for the large-scale production of phyto-
chemicals. In cultures which produce the desired com-
pound(s), a number of approaches have been adopted to
increase yield: selection of high-producing lines, culture
medium composition, treatment with elicitors. Genetic
transformation with genes encoding enzymes involved in
biosynthetic pathways remains a possibility [32] but is
presently limited by our lack of understanding of the
regulation of these pathways. Another important aspect
concerns the fact that secondary metabolism represents
one facet of plant differentiation; consequently, mor-
phologically undifferentiated cultures of many species
fail to produce secondary metabolites. Results of the
present work indicate that the combined use of elicita-
tion by MJ, and the comparison between root and callus
cultures provides a useful system to investigate elicitor
perception, intracellular signalling and the regulation of
secondary metabolism.
The experimental work performed by A. Golinelli, M.
Macrı` and L. Guerra is gratefully acknowledged. Many
thanks to P. Torrigiani and F. Antognoni for critical
revision of the manuscript. This research was supported
by funds from the Italian MURST (ex-60%) to S.B. and
S. Biondi et al. / Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569568
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S. Biondi et al. / Plant Science 163 (2002) 563 /569 569
... This is despite the fact that the production of bioactive components is typically higher in differentiated plant tissues. 4 Because of the difficulties in meeting the global demand for vinca alkaloids and the low yields obtained from the plants themselves, scientists have turned to in-vitro methods like hairy root culture, callus culture, shoot culture, metabolic engineering, and regulation studies to boost vinca alkaloid production. 5 There is a general consensus that plant life poses no health risks to people. ...
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This study was carried out to boost Catharanthus vinca secondary metabolites (Alkaloids) production. NiO NPs were tested at 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg/l in callus media in-vitro. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses of the alkaloids components and compare them to their levels in the plant. Significant variations were seen at the higher (400 mg/l) concentration of NiO NPs for boosting alkaloids molecules.
... Consequently, cell cultures fail to produce significant amounts of hyoscyamine and scopolamine (Koul et al. 1983;Medina-Bolivar and Flores 1995;Oksman-Caldentey and Strauss 1986;Yamada and Hashimoto 1982) and for that reason are very limited as systems to study or engineer TA metabolism (Palazón et al. 2008). Alternatively, hairy root cultures (induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes) have been developed and used as a reliable system to study the synthesis of TA (Biondi et al. 2002;Hashimoto et al. 1993;Moyano et al. 2003;Oksman-Caldentey et al. 1991;Vanhala et al. 1998;Zhang et al. 2004). The hairy root culture developed as a reliable system for production of TAs has been particularly important because it has provided the basis for the metabolic engineering of TA metabolism (Moyano et al. 2003;Richter et al. 2005;Rothe et al. 2003). ...
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Hyoscyamus muticus is cultivated in Egypt, India, Pakistan and USA for the production of the medicinally important tropane alkaloids (TA) hyoscyamine and scopolamine. The TA pathway provides an excellent model to test the feasibility of transgenic strategies to modify secondary metabolic flux. However, H. muticus transformation and regeneration has been proven difficult. We report a successful experience obtaining several independent fertile plant lines, genetically engineered to redirect the TA metabolic flux into alternative directions. cDNA from H. niger encoding tropinone reductase enzymes (TR1 or TR2), which catalyse the reduction of tropinone into scopolamine and hyoscyamine or calystegines, respectively, were incorporated in a silencing vector, followed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation. Most explants produced large amounts of calli. Shoot formation occurred in the majority of the calli, being ready for rooting after an average of 9 months. On average, 45% of the shoots formed roots after 4 months. However, most rooted shoots died during ex vitro acclimatization, regardless of substrate type and cultivation conditions. This problem was overcome by the development of a specialized protocol (cultivation on soil like substrate under sterile conditions) that allowed the recovery of a reasonable percentage (44%) of fertile plants per rooted shoot. In this study were obtained 11 tr2 lines (25 plants), three tr1 lines (3 plants), four empty vector lines (13 plants) and three untransformed-regenerated lines (3 plants); a significant result compared to previous attempts to stable transform H. muticus.
Conference Paper
This article aims to know the role of the growth regulator, Jasmonic Acid, in increasing the production of secondary metabolites (Atropan alkaloids): Atropine, Hyoscyamine and Scopolamine from callus leaves of Hyoscyamus albus L., which are of various medicinal importance. The data indicated that adding different concentrations of Jasmonic acid (JA) to the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium in order to stimulate the production of some Tropane Alkaloids, The medium prepared with 2 mg.L⁻¹ of JA promoted the administration of the highest amounts of Atropine alkaloid and Hyoscyamine at 465 and 585.8 micrograms dry weight⁻¹ callus, respectively ,after six weeks of culture. While the amount of Scopolamine alkaloid was increased to reach 1613 µg.g dry weight ⁻¹ callus in the treatment prepared with 1.5 mg.L⁻¹ of JA, with a significant and significant difference from the lowest amount recorded for this alkaloid by 281 µg.g dry weight ⁻¹ callus for the control treatment without any concentration of JA.
The increased demand for plant secondary metabolites by the pharmaceutical, food, flavor, beverage, and cosmetic industries has necessitated the rapid and mass production of these metabolites using in vitro plant culture systems. Bioreactors provided a suitable alternative to conventional plant culture by facilitating large-scale propagation of plants and production of secondary metabolites. Bioreactors proved to be effective plant culture systems which are genetically stable, low cost, easy to operate, and fully automated. Bioreactors play a very important role in medicinal plant industry and have evolved over time. At present, a variety of bioreactor configurations are available each customized for specific plant cell/tissue so that a stable optimum yield of bioactives is obtained. The chapter discusses briefly about the use of bioreactors in scaling up the production of secondary metabolites, different categories and designs of bioreactors available, factors on which bioreactor function depends, and the different crops in which bioreactor scaling up is attempted.KeywordsBioreactorSecondary metabolitesPlant cell cultures
We developed adventitious roots from the leaf explants of Baccharoides anthelmintica (L.) Moench (syn. Vernonia anthelmintica) cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. We tested MS and White’s media fortified with different Indole Butyric Acid concentrations for their effect on root biomass production. MS medium supplemented with 1 mg L⁻¹ IBA produced the highest biomass of adventitious roots compared to White’s medium. HPLC and LC-Q-TOF analyses confirmed the ability of the adventitious roots of B. anthelmintica to produce rhamnetin. When the 15-day old root cultures were treated with 0.6 mM methyl jasmonate, on the 6th-day, rhamnetin content was enhanced to 0.443 mg g⁻¹DW, which was 1.5 folds compared to untreated roots. Similarly, Salicylic acid also improved rhamnetin production to 0.36 mg g⁻¹ DW, which was 1.2 folds increment compared to untreated roots. Rhamnetin content in the roots of field-grown plants was 0.112 mg g⁻¹DW.
Tropane alkaloids (TAs) are valuable secondary metabolites widely distributed in plants under natural conditions. All TAs contain a unique bicyclic tropane ring system. Several tropane alkaloids have medicinal value; e.g., atropine is used to treat certain types of nerve agents, reduces rigidity in Parkinsonism, and can be used as an antidote to poisoning with parasympathomimetic agents and organophosphorus insecticides. Another TA, scopolamine, is used in preventing nausea and vomiting. Tropane alkaloids exhibit a pattern and distribution frequencies that establish them as chemotaxonomic markers in many angiospermic families. This chapter illustrates the chemotaxonomic significance of tropane alkaloids, recent achievements in understanding of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis especially at enzymatic level, and modulation of tropane alkaloids through biotechnological interventions.
The production of secondary metabolites on a large scale by plant biotechnology methods is achievable by optimizing cells, tissues, and plant organs culture techniques in bioreactors. In order to make this production economically viable, the researchers have developed several biotechnological strategies that maximize the yields of these metabolites, namely, the selection of high-performance cell or HR lines, the elicitation, the improvement of culture medium composition, the precursor feeding, the cells permeabilization, and the optimization of the environmental conditions. These strategies are often used simultaneously and depend on a large number of factors which renders the physiological response of plant cells very complex. Mathematical modeling simplifies the study and the optimization of the secondary metabolite production. Indeed, the mathematical model fitted to the experimental data describes the relationships between the factors involved in an experiment and their influence on biomass and secondary metabolite yield; this makes it easy to predict optimal conditions for production. This chapter will review the theory of some modeling approaches used in plant biotechnology, namely, Response Surface Method (RSM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Kriging and the ANN-RSM combined approach, as well as the main studies for these modeling approaches.
In addition to the primary metabolites, plants produce a vast number of chemically diversified economically valuable secondary metabolites (SMs) in specific cell types or tissue or organ of phylogenetically related family or genus or species or even to a single chemical race under tight environmental, developmental, and genetic control. Some SMs such as morphine and codeine are only synthesized in a particular organized and differentiated tissue or organ. Advancement in plant tissue culture and transcriptomic and metabolomic technologies have opened up a window to understand how the differentiation process is correlated to the secondary metabolic networks in diverse plant species. In vitro plant tissue culture provides a control artificial system for plant growth and development that nullified several other affecting factors associated with SM biosynthesis in ex vitro condition. Dedifferentiation, redifferentiation, and differentiation can be induced in in vitro culture by the exogenous application of different PGRs. Callus and cell suspension cultures represent undifferentiated or less differentiated state, and shoot or root organ cultures present more organized and differentiated state, whereas in vitro grown regenerated or micropropagated plants show fully differentiated and organized system with metabolic networks between different organs. Nowadays, differentiated and non-differentiated transformed cultures are very commonly utilized for production of SMs due to several advantages over other systems. This review attempts to highlight an overall knowledge about the role of differentiation and morphogenesis on SM production with genetic and biochemical stability of commonly used different in vitro cultures.
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Plants have been used throughout the world for its medicinal powers since ancient time. The pharmacological properties of plants are based on their phytochemical components especially the secondary metabolites which are outstanding sources of value added bioactive compounds. Secondary metabolites have complex chemical composition and are produced in response to various forms of stress to perform different physiological tasks in plants. They are used in pharmaceutical industries, cosmetics, dietary supplements, fragrances, flavors, dyes etc. Extended use of these metabolites in various industrial sectors has initiated a need to focus research on increasing the production by employing plant tissue culture (PTC) techniques and optimizing their large scale production using bioreactors. PTC techniques being independent of climatic and geographical conditions will provide an incessant, sustainable, economical and viable production of secondary metabolites. This review article intends to assess the advantages of using plant tissue culture, distribution of important secondary metabolites in plant families, strategies involved for optimal metabolite production and the industrial importance of selected secondary metabolites.
The composition of cell culture medium affects the growth, cell biomass along with production of secondary metabolites in various plant species. The culture medium basically contains micro‐ and macronutrients and organic constituents with different levels. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was considered as most suitable for the increasing the production of indole alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus cell cultures. The effects of jasmonic acid were studied in cell suspension cultures of C. roseus and found that it changes in levels of fatty acids and terpenoid indole alkaloids. Tinospora cordifolia is considered as a medicinal plant used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the improvement of the immune system and memory. The nodal parts of this plant species were cultured onto MS culture medium containing 6‐benzylaminopurine and kinetin. Maximum cell biomass was achieved with supplementation of kinetin and 1‐naphthaleneacetic acid.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
The activity of arginine decarboxylase (EC in cultured roots of Hyoscyamus albus L., which produce considerable amounts of tropane alkaloids, was twice that of ornithine decarboxylase (EC, both activities being highest during active root growth, whereas arginase (EC activity was negligible. Actively growing roots had putrescine conjugates as their major polyamines, and spermidine was the most abundant free polyamine. Putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT; EC activity was high, the peak occurring on the sixth day of culture when root growth became slower. Thereafter, the free N-methylputrescine content of the roots increased and was followed by an increase in alkaloid content (mostly hyoscyamine). The amounts of arginine and, especially, of ornithine were low. No N-methylornithine was detected. The PMT activity was present only in root, shoot and cell-suspension cultures of plants that synthesized tropane alkaloids or nicotine; no enzyme activities that methylate ornithine at the δ-amino group or that decarboxylate δ-N-methylornithine were detected in any of the cultures tested. Our data indicate that tropane alkaloids in H. albus roots are synthesized by way of the symmetrical putrescine, i.e. a pathway different from that proposed by E. Leete (1962, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 84, 55) according to which these alkaloids are synthesized by way of asymmetrical δ-N-methylornithine.
Using in combination an analysis of (i) the levels of enzyme activities present, (ii) the pool sizes of metabolic intermediates and end products and (iii) the effects of feeding metabolic intermediates, the limitations ℴ flux into tropane alkaloids in a Datura root culture have been examined. This culture, produced by transforming a Datura candida × D. aurea hybrid with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, is found to be highly competent in the biosynthesis of both hyoscyamine and scopolamine as well as a wide range of other hygrine-derived alkaloids. It has been found that, of six enzymes which are involved in this pathway, the two initial activities, ornithine decarboxylase (EC and arginine decarboxylase (EC, are present at potentially flux-limiting levels, in contrast to those other enzymes assayed which act further down the pathway. An additional limitation to flux, involving the supply of activated acids for condensation with tropine to form the identified tropoyl and tigloyl derivatives, is also indicated from the observed effect of feeding free acids. The relative contribution to flux limitation caused by these two interacting phenomena is inferred from an analysis of the changing relative levels of metabolic intermediates and end products as cultures mature.
The relative contributions made by the L-arginine/agmatine/N-carbamoylputrescine/putrescine and the L-ornithine/putrescine pathways to hyoscyamine formation have been investigated in a transformed root culture of Datura stramonium. The activity of either arginine decarboxylase (EC or ornithine decarboxylase (EC was suppressed in vivo by using the specific irreversible inhibitors of these activities, DL-α-difluoromethylarginine or DL-α-difluoromethylornithine, respectively. It was found that suppression of arginine decarboxylase resulted in a severe decrease in free and conjugated putrescine and in the putrescine-derived intermediates of hyoscyamine biosynthesis. In contrast, the suppression of ornithine decarboxylase activity stimulated an elevation of arginine decarboxylase and minimal loss of metabolites from the amine and alkaloid pools. The stimulation of arginine decarboxylase was not, however, sufficient to maintain the same potential rate of putrescine biosynthesis as in control tissue. It is concluded that (i) in Datura the two routes by which putrescine may be formed do not act in isolation from one another, (ii) arginine decarboxylase is the more important activity for hyoscyamine formation, and (iii) the formation of polyamines is favoured over the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids. An interaction between putrescine metabolism and other amines is also indicated from a stimulation of tyramine accumulation seen at high levels of DL-α-difluoromethylornithine.
Transformed root cultures of Datura stramonium, competent in tropane-alkaloid biosynthesis, have been treated with exogenous plant growth regulators. It was found that combinations of α-naphthalene-acetic acid, kinetin (N(6)-furfurylaminopurine) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid induced de-differentiation, causing both the rooty phenotype and the hyoscyamine-biosynthetic capacity to be lost. Alkaloid biosynthesis disappeared rapidly and prior to the loss of morphological integrity. It was observed that the enzymes ornithine decarboxylase (EC, arginine decarboxylase (EC and N-methylputrescine oxidase did not show the increase in level normally associated with subculturing the roots. The level of putrescine N-methyltransferase (EC activity, the first enzyme fully committed to hyoscyamine biosynthesis, rapidly declined, about 80% being lost from the roots within 12h. This activity, although showing some temporary restoration, declined further after a few days, and was totally absent from fully dispersed cultures. N-Methylputrescine oxidase persisted at a low level. Following sub-culture of established de-differentiated lines to plant-growth-regulator-free medium, limited root regeneration occurred. The roots formed showed renewed competence in alkaloid biosynthesis and putrescine N-methyltransferase and N-methylputrescine oxidase activities were restored to their normal levels. The relationship between the morphological state and alkaloid-biosynthetic capacity of the cultures is discussed in relation to the overall control of alkaloid biosynthesis.
Effects of jasmonic acid on the levels of free and conjugated polyamines (PAs) were investigated in Solanum tuberosum in vitro. To test for involvement of ethylene and phenolic acids, inhibitors were used: silver ions to block ethylene action and L-a-aminooxy-R-phenylpropionic acid (AOPP) to inhibit the phenylpropanoid pathway. Effects on root and shoot anatomy were examined by light microscopopy. The silver treatment inhibited tuberization, increased leaf size, elongation and greening of roots and reduced shoot height and hairiness of shoots and roots. Except for tuberization, jasmonic acid induced morphological changes opposite to that of inhibition of ethylene action. Jasmonic acid-induced shoot and root thickening was due to increased cell division. AOPP promoted shoot and root growth and reduced root hair formation and tuberization. In roots, the profile of free PAs in controls was putrescine (PUT)>spermidine (SPD)>spermine (SPM). PUT accounted for about 90 % of conjugated PAs. Jasmonic acid, alone and with the inhibitors, greatly increased conjugated SPD and SPM relative to conjugated PUT: conjugated SPD+SPM rose from about 10 % up to 50–80 %. Silver and/or AOPP had small effects on the relative proportions of conjugated PAs. The relative abundance of free PAs in roots was not influenced fundamentally by jasmonic acid, silver, AOPP or any combination of these. In contrast to roots, SPD dominated the free and SPM the conjugated PAs in shoots. Nevertheless, effects of jasmonic acid and AOPP on conjugated PAs (increase and decrease, respectively, in particular of SPD and SPM) were similar to those in roots. However, silver caused a contrasting response: levels of free PUT increased to make it most abundant. Conjugated SPD and SPM increased by up to 10-fold. As AOPP partly counteracted this effect, conjugation is apparently dependent on newly synthesized phenolic acids. The results provide a strong indication that both ethylene and PAL are involved in the effect of jasmonic acid on PA levels in plant tissues. Differential effects of jasmonic acid treatment on individual PAs suggest that additional modes of action also participate.
A novel procedure is described for the chemical synthesis of N-methylputrescine, the product of the title enzyme. This is obtained from putrescine by formylation followed by the reduction of the monoformylputrescine intermediate with LiA1H4. An assay method for putrescine N-methyltransferase was developed which depends on the determination of N-methylputrescine in the presence of an excess of putrescine. This method, which makes use of a radiolabeled substrate unnecessary, is based on dansylation of the product followed by HPLC separation on a reversed-phase column. The enzyme activity of the protein peak extracted from plant material was measured after treatment by gel filtration on prepacked disposable PD 10 columns. The specific enzyme activities determined in the extract from the roots of Nicotiana tabacum and Datura stramonium plants, and from a root culture of D. stramonium, are reported. With an enzyme preparation from the last root culture, Km values for putrescine and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) were determined as 0.88 mM and 0.15 mM, respectively.
Enzyme preparations from cultured roots of Hyoscyamus niger converted 6β-hydroxyhyoscyamine to scopolamine in the presence of the co-factors required by 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases, i.e. 2-oxoglutarate, ferrous ion and ascorbate. The epoxidase, a soluble enzyme, requires molecular oxygen for the reaction. Incubations with 6β-[6-18O]hydroxyhyoscyamine and 6β-hydroxy[7β-2H]hyoscyamine as substrates demonstrated that the epoxidation reaction proceeds with retention of the 6β-hydroxy oxygen and with loss of the 7β-hydrogen. The epoxidase activity found under the optimal reaction conditions studied was considerably lower than the activity of hyoscyamine 6β-hydroxylase in cultured roots, and the two activities could not be separated during partial purification. The function of this epoxidase in scopolamine biosynthesis is discussed in relation to hyoscyamine 6β-hydroxylase.