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Fiber up-sampling and quality assessment of tractograms - towards quantitative brain connectivity

Brain and Behavior
  • Siemens Healthineers and Balgrist Campus

Abstract and Figures

Background and purpose: Diffusion MRI tractography enables to investigate white matter pathways noninvasively by reconstructing estimated fiber pathways. However, such tractograms remain biased and nonquantitative. Several techniques have been proposed to reestablish the link between tractography and tissue microstructure by modeling the diffusion signal or fiber orientation distribution (FOD) with the given tractogram and optimizing each fiber or compartment contribution according to the diffusion signal or FOD. Nevertheless, deriving a reliable quantification of connectivity strength between different brain areas is still a challenge. Moreover, evaluating the quality of a tractogram and measuring the possible error sources contained in a specific reconstructed fiber bundle also remains difficult. Lastly, all of these optimization techniques fail if specific fiber populations within a tractogram are underrepresented, for example, due to algorithmic constraints, anatomical properties, fiber geometry or seeding patterns. Methods: In this work, we propose an approach which enables the inspection of the quality of a tractogram optimization by evaluating the residual error signal and its FOD representation. The automated fiber quantification (AFQ) is applied, whereby the framework is extended to reflect not only scalar diffusion metrics along a fiber bundle, but also directionally dependent FOD amplitudes along and perpendicular to the fiber direction. Furthermore, we also present an up-sampling procedure to increase the number of streamlines of a given fiber population. The introduced error metrics and fiber up-sampling method are tested and evaluated on single-shell diffusion data sets of 16 healthy volunteers. Results and conclusion: Analyzing the introduced error measures on specific fiber bundles shows a considerable improvement in applying the up-sampling method. Additionally, the error metrics provide a useful tool to spot and identify potential error sources in tractograms.
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Brain and Behavior 2016; e00588
© 2016 The Authors. Brain and Behavior
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Received: 3 May 2016 
Revised: 17 August 2016 
Accepted: 23 August 2016
DOI: 10.1002/brb3.588
Background and Purpose: Diusion MRI tractography enables to invesgate white mat-
ter pathways noninvasively by reconstrucng esmated ber pathways. However, such
tractograms remain biased and nonquantave. Several techniques have been proposed
to reestablish the link between tractography and ssue microstructure by modeling the
diusion signal or ber orientaon distribuon (FOD) with the given tractogram and
opmizing each ber or compartment contribuon according to the diusion signal or
FOD. Nevertheless, deriving a reliable quancaon of connecvity strength between
dierent brain areas is sll a challenge. Moreover, evaluang the quality of a tractogram
and measuring the possible error sources contained in a specic reconstructed ber bun-
dle also remains dicult. Lastly, all of these opmizaon techniques fail if specic ber
populaons within a tractogram are underrepresented, for example, due to algorithmic
constraints, anatomical properes, ber geometry or seeding paerns.
Methods: In this work, we propose an approach which enables the inspecon of the
quality of a tractogram opmizaon by evaluang the residual error signal and its FOD
representaon. The automated ber quancaon (AFQ) is applied, whereby the
framework is extended to reect not only scalar diusion metrics along a ber bundle,
but also direconally dependent FOD amplitudes along and perpendicular to the ber
direcon. Furthermore, we also present an up- sampling procedure to increase the
number of streamlines of a given ber populaon. The introduced error metrics and
ber up- sampling method are tested and evaluated on single- shell diusion data sets
of 16 healthy volunteers.
Results and Conclusion: Analyzing the introduced error measures on specic ber
bundles shows a considerable improvement in applying the up- sampling method.
Addionally, the error metrics provide a useful tool to spot and idenfy potenal error
sources in tractograms.
diusion, error FA, error maps, ber up-sampling ber opmizaon, tractography
1Instute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
2MR-Center of the Psychiatric Hospital and
the Department of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, University of Zurich, Zurich,
3Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy
and Psychosomacs, Hospital of
Psychiatry, University of Zurich, Zurich,
Stefan Sommer, Department of Psychiatry,
Psychotherapy and Psychosomacs,
Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland.
Fiber up- sampling and quality assessment of
tractograms – towards quantave brain connecvity
Stefan Sommer1,2| Sebasan Kozerke1| Erich Seifritz3| Philipp Staempi2,3
Diusion magnec resonance imaging (Le Bihan et al., 1986) is a com-
pelling tool for probing microscopic ssue properes and diusion
tensor imaging (DTI) has become a popular model to inspect white
maer architecture.
Tractography algorithms are able to reveal global fiber struc-
tures by estimating continuous streamline connections based
This is an open access arcle under the terms of the Creave Commons Aribuon License, which permits use, distribuon and reproducon in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
e00588 (2 of 13) 
on the local diffusion information throughout the brain (Basser,
Mattiello, & LeBihan, 1994a,b). The performance of tracking al-
gorithms has significantly improved by considering the infor-
mation contained in orientation distribution functions (ODF) or
fiber orientation distribution (FOD), especially in regions with
complex fiber configurations (Behrens, Berg, Jbabdi, Rushworth,
& Woolrich, 2007; Fillard et al., 2011; Tournier, Mori, & Leemans,
2011). However, tractograms remain biased by algorithmic- specific
parameters, that is, stopping criteria, curvature thresholds, seed
point distribution, and the choice of the tracking algorithm itself,
as well as partial volume effects of different fiber populations or
various tissue types within the acquired data voxels. This compli-
cates the estimation of reliable tractograms and thus the extraction
of biologically meaningful connectivity measures between brain
areas which are a crucial requirement for an accurate, quantitative
connectome across different populations (Jbabdi & Johansen- Berg,
2011; Jones, 2010; Jones, Knösche, & Turner, 2012). Lastly, be-
sides validation of diffusion pipelines with dedicated phantom data
mainly focusing on geometrical metrics of fiber tracts (Côté et al.,
2013), there is currently no objective way to inspect the quality of
tractograms in vivo, especially with respect to accurate quantifica-
tion of tracking errors.
The quancaon of white maer properes based on diusion
data also remains challenging. Fiber- specic metrics are quaned by
the generally unreliable ber- count (Jones et al., 2012) or ROI- based
approaches. The evaluaon of diusion metrics along segmented trac-
tography bundles was introduced by (Colby et al., 2012) and (Yeatman,
Dougherty, Myall, Wandell, & Feldman, 2012). The Automated Fiber
Quancaon (AFQ) framework allows the automac idencaon
and segmentaon of major white maer tracts and evaluates scalar
diusion measures such as fraconal anisotropy (FA) along these
trajectories to quanfy changes within the tract diusion proles
among dierent subjects or groups (Yeatman et al., 2012). A rst at-
tempt to correct for tractography biases by esmang an actual
contribuon for each tract was introduced by Sherbondy et al. using
a stochasc algorithm on a supercomputer architecture (Sherbondy,
Dougherty, Ananthanarayanan, Modha, & Wandell, 2009; Sherbondy,
Rowe, & Alexander, 2010). Another method introduced by Smith et al.
is based on a nonlinear gradient descent method called spherical-
deconvoluon informed ltering of tractograms (SIFT). This approach
removes bers of an inially large ber populaon to improve the t
between the streamline distribuon in each voxel and the ber ODF
(Smith, Tournier, Calamante, & Connelly, 2013). Thereby, a cost func-
on describing the deviaon between ber densies and FOD lobe
integrals is minimized by iteravely removing bers. Fiber densies are
calculated by incorporang the length and tangent of reconstructed
bers within a voxel and compared to the corresponding ber ODF
lobes. However, the SIFT approach requires a large amount of inial
bers to determine an opmized subset of included and excluded ber
Its successor, SIFT 2 (Smith, Tournier, Calamante, & Connelly,
2015) reduces this requirement, as it determines an eecve cross-
seconal area for each streamline, represented by a oang- point
weighng factor for each ber, instead of a binary keeping or removing
of bers in comparison to the inial SIFT.
Peslli, Yeatman, Rokem, Kay, & Wandell (2014) introduced a sim-
ilar method, that is, linear fascicle evaluaon (LiFE), which is based on
the diusion signal, predicted from the connectome, instead of the
FOD. The default forward model is a degenerated tensor represent-
ing a sck with zero radial diusivity. To deal with isotropic com-
partments, the signal mean is subtracted in each voxel prior to the
opmizaon. Daducci, Dal Palu, Lemkaddem, & Thiran (2015) pursued
a similar approach introducing the Convex Opmizaon Modeling
for Microstructure Informed Tractography (COMMIT) framework,
though using a more complex forward model by describing both the
intracellular sck model, and the extracellular compartment by a ten-
sor. Furthermore, gray maer and cerebrospinal uid (CSF) are also
represented with two disnct isotropic components. It is tempng
to interpret the resulng ber weights as quantave connecvity
measures between brain regions, however, the described opmizaon
methods have their own pialls. For example, in voxels with poor or
incorrect ber representaons due to tracking errors, noise or paral
volume contaminaons, compartments are typically overcompensated
by increasing the weights of the few present bers, isotropic or ex-
tracellular compartments in order to decrease the global t error. An
overview of pialls and open challenges is given in (Daducci, Dal Palu,
Descoteaux, & Thiran, 2016).
Here, we propose a novel approach which enables the inspecon
of the quality and validaon of a tractogram opmizaon such as
COMMIT by evaluang FOD characteriscs of the error signal along
and perpendicular to ber bundles by ulizing the AFQ framework.
The quality metrics proposed allow for a beer understanding of the
accuracy and error sources of tractograms and help idenfying regions
with poorly ed data. We further show that these metrics, combined
with a newly introduced error FA, allow a beer interpretaon of the
direconal error distribuon. These are important steps toward in-
terpreng ber weights from a tractogram opmizaon in a quan-
tave way to, for example, construct a more meaningful connecvity
measure in a connectome. Furthermore, we also present a ber up-
sampling procedure: It allows to increase the number of streamlines
of a given ber bundle, in case of, for example, underrepresentaon
of a certain structure due to anatomical properes, ber geometry,
seeding paern or algorithmic constraints. Analyzing the introduced
error measures on specic ber bundles shows the benet of using
up- sampled ber bundles.
The major steps of a typical connectome generaon process is shown
in a simplied form in Figure 1. It is crucial to perform the opmiza-
on aer the segmentaon and up- sampling steps in order to avoid
the paral ber problemac discussed in (Daducci et al., 2016). In this
work, in contrast to a connectome pipeline, the segmentaon step
is not based on corcal parcellaon, but performed using the AFQ
framework (AFQ: RRID:SCR_014546). This choice was movated by
 e00588 (3 of 13)
the ability of the AFQ framework to reliably quanfy measures along
The method secon is organized as follows. First, the acquision
protocol, preprocessing steps and tractography algorithm is described.
However, these parameters can easily be swapped with other proto-
cols or tractography algorithms. Thereaer, the AFQ segmentaon,
ber up- sampling, COMMIT opmizaon and error quancaons,
including the introduced error measures are described in more detail.
2.1 | In- vivo diusion data acquision
Diusion MRI data were acquired on a Philips Achieva 3T TX system
(Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands), equipped with 80 mT/m
gradients and a 32- element receive head coil array, using a diusion-
weighted single- shot spin echo EPI sequence. The study was ap-
proved by the local ethics commiee and meets the guidelines of the
declaraon of Helsinki. Wrien informed consent was obtained from
all subjects.
Data sets from 16 healthy volunteers (age: 31.6 ± 8.6, gender: 12
male, 4 female) were acquired with the following diusion scan parame-
ters: TR: 11.85 s, TE: 66 ms, FOV: 220 × 220 mm2, with 40 conguous
slices, slice thickness: 2.3 mm, acquision and reconstrucon matrix:
96 × 96, SENSE factor: 2, paral Fourier encoding: 60%. Diusion-
weighted images were acquired along 64 direcons distributed uni-
formly on a half- sphere with a b- value of 3000 s/mm2 in addion to
a b = 0 s/mm2 scan, resulng in a scan me of approximately 13 min.
Addionally, 1 mm isotropic T1-weighted structural images were re-
corded with a 3D MP- RAGE sequence (FOV: 240 × 240 × 160 mm3,
sagial orientaon, 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 voxel size, TR: 8.14 ms, TE: 3.7 ms,
ip angle: 8°).
2.2 | Preprocessing and tractography
For each data set, the diusion data was corrected for eddy- currents
and subject moon by FSL: RRID:SCR_002823 (EDDY) (Jenkinson,
Beckmann, Behrens, Woolrich, & Smith, 2012). The white maer
mask was esmated from the T1- weighted data set using the ssue
segmentaon in SPM8: RRID:SCR_007037 (www.
spm) and transformed back to diusion space using SPMs coregister
funcon based on normalized mutual informaon. A Fiber Assignment
by Connuous Tracking (FACT) inspired determinisc algorithm gen-
eralized to the Orientaon Distribuon Funcon (ODF) was used in
the tractography step. The ODF was reconstructed using the FRACT
method (Haldar & Leahy, 2013). The tracking direcon was selected
according to the local diusion maximum of the ODF. Ten seeds were
started in each white maer voxel, resulng in approximately 700,000
bers per subject. The esmated white maer mask was only used
for seeding purposes and was not ulized as a tractography stopping
2.3 | Fiber segmentaon and up- sampling
The segmentaon of the tractograms was performed using the AFQ
framework (Yeatman et al., 2012), which is based on a waypoint ROI
procedure as described in (Wakana et al., 2007). Addionally, a re-
nement step was applied, which compares each candidate ber to
tract probability maps (Hua et al., 2008). To avoid conicng start and
endpoints of bers running through the two ROIs of the target ber
structure, a ip was performed on all tracts which rst passed through
the second ROI, resulng in consistent ber alignment in each bundle.
These segmentaon steps resulted in the selecon of 20 major white
maer ber tracts (Yeatman et al., 2012) out of all white maer b-
ers contained in the whole- brain tractogram (18 bundles as described
in (Yeatman et al., 2012), and two addional tracts as dened in the
online version: hps://
Next, to increase the number of bers of potenally underrepre-
sented ber populaons in the dierent AFQ segmented bundles, for
example, due to tractography algorithm biases, the following method
was applied: The segmented bers were equidistantly resampled using
80 interpolaon points per ber and principal component analysis
(PCA) was applied to all classied and resampled bers (Parker et al.,
2013). The space was truncated to the rst 80 dimensions (from the
240 point descriptors), whereby more than 99% of the explained vari-
ance was sll captured. In the PCA space, for each bundle separately,
new bers were randomly generated according to the point distribu-
on of the transformed bers, assuming a bundle- specic mulvariate
Gaussian distribuon. The newly generated bers were transformed
back by inverng the linear PCA transformaon.
In a further step, potenal outliers were idened based on the
calculaon of a populaon- mean ber, that is, the mean value of all
corresponding resampled points of the inial bers within one ber
bundle. The distance of each randomly generated ber to the original
populaon- mean ber was derived by summing up the distances to
the nearest points on the mean ber. New bers were only accepted if
FIGURE1 A schematic connectome
pipeline is depicted including the positions
for proposed up- sampling and validation
e00588 (4 of 13) 
the distance- threshold to the inial populaon was met. This thresh-
old was set to the maximum ber distance of all bers within the inial
populaon relave to its mean ber. Newly generated tracts leaving
the white- maer mask were also rejected. Based on these ber pop-
ulaon up- sampling steps, addional 10,000 bers per bundle were
generated for each data set.
Finally, the up- sampled bers were again segmented using the
AFQ framework to apply the same classicaon criteria to the newly
generated bers as to the inial tractogram. Around 75% of the up-
sampled bers were successfully classied and therefore kept for the
further analysis. With the procedure described above, a total of four
tractography sets were generated:
AFQ Classied AFQ bers based on the inial tractogram
AFQUP AFQ set combined with the up- sampled AFQ bers
WB Inial whole- brain tractogram
WBUP WB combined with the up- sampled AFQ bers
2.4 | Fiber opmizaon, opmized tractogram
The opmizaon of the dierent tractogram sets was performed
using the COMMIT framework (Daducci et al., 2015) by apply-
ing the Sck- Zeppelin- Ball model (Panagiotaki et al., 2012) for
modeling the ber signal. The intracellular sck model was gener-
ated with a longitudinal diusivity of d = 1.7 × 10−3 mm2/s. In addi-
on, in each voxel, a hindered contribuon was included for every
unique FOD peak using the Zeppelin model assuming a perpen-
dicular diusivity d = 0.5 × 10−3 mm2/s and longitudinal diusivity
d = 1.7 × 10−3 mm2/s. Lastly, two isotropic compartments account-
ing for paral volume with gray maer and cerebrospinal uid were
modeled with diusivity
. The nondiusion
weighted b = 0 image was used to normalize the diusion data. The
convex opmizaon problem of the following form
where y is the vector containing the normalized diusion signal, A is
the linear operator or diconary and x is the vector of the contribu-
ons, was solved using a forward- backward, fast iterave shrinkage-
threshold algorithm (hps://, resulng
in a soluon
. Stopping criteria for the opmizaon were either a
maximum number of 500 iteraons or a minimum relave change of
the objecve funcon of 1e- 4.
2.5 | Error quancaon
In addion to the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) of the
opmizaon t, an actual signal esmator
was calculated using
, by reverng the b = 0 normalizaon. To further examine the dier-
ences and similaries between this signal esmator
and the acquired
diusion data s, a direconal error FOD of the signal esmator
the original diusion data s was calculated. Remaining signal contribu-
ons from under- or overrepresented bers are assumed to remain
in the error signal. The FOD for the diusion signal esmator was
reconstructed by applying the constrained spherical deconvoluon
(Tournier, Calamante, & Connelly, 2007) to the error signal, which is
dened by the element wise dierence between the measured and
esmated diusion signals:
In order to use a meaningful deconvoluon kernel and to be com-
parable to the FOD derived from the measured signal s, the response
funcon was not re- esmated on the error signal; instead the ber
response from s was used. A maximum spherical harmonics order of
lmax = 8 was used. Furthermore, a tradional tensor t of the signal
error serr was derived in order to calculate the fraconal anisotropy
(FA) of serr.
To quanfy the dierent error measures along the segmented and
opmized AFQ ber bundles, we extended the tract prole genera-
on of the AFQ framework. In (Yeatman et al., 2012), the locaons
of the used waypoint ROIs from the segmentaon step (2.3) isolate
the central trajectories of the fascicles. Next, dierent scalar diu-
sion measures (FA, RD, etc.) are evaluated along the central poron
of the ber bundle by clipping and resampling each ber according
to the main segment between the ROIs. Bundle properes are then
summarized at each node by taking a weighted average according
to the Mahalanobis distance of each ber tract core as described in
(Yeatman et al., 2012).
In this work, instead of invesgang tradional scalar diusion
quanes as proposed in the AFQ framework, we examined scalar
measures such as the t NRMSE and the introduced error FA along
the segmented AFQ tracts. Furthermore, the three- dimensional error
FOD was also evaluated by calculang longitudinal and perpendicu-
lar error FOD amplitudes for each segmented AFQ ber. These mea-
sures depend on the ber direconality and are not scalar maps. The
maximum peak- amplitude along a ber tract is dened by the maxi-
mum FOD amplitude in a cone around the ber orientaon with an
opening angle of π/6. The maximum peak- amplitude perpendicular
to the ber is the maximum of all sampling points outside this cone
(Figure 2).
For every tractogram set (n = 4), following parameters were an-
alyzed along each of the 20 segmented fiber bundles: NRMSE, error
FIGURE2 Schematics showing the fiber orientation distribution
(FOD) evaluation along a fiber tract: longitudinal maxima are marked
by stars (within the cone), perpendicular maxima are marked with
circles (outside of the cone)
 e00588 (5 of 13)
FOD along, error FOD perpendicular, and error FA. These measures
were tested for statistical significance between the initial and up-
sampled tractogram sets and were corrected for multiple com-
parison, using the nonparametric permutation test implemented
in FSL (Winkler, Ridgway, Webster, Smith, & Nichols, 2014). The
number of permutations were set to 5000 with a significance level
of p < .05.
Furthermore, the up- sampling method was also compared with
an increase of seed points during the tractography step. Therefore,
the number of seed points was increased incrementally up to a
factor of eight in a single subject. The resulng tractogram sets
were segmented using the AFQ framework and either opmized
or up- sampled and opmized for the comparison. The up- sampled
tractogram sets were also segmented a second me prior to the
In Figure 3, the mean NRMSE of all four tractogram sets are shown
for every subject (N = 16) aer the opmizaon with the COMMIT
framework. The error in the up- sampled populaons (AFQUP and
WBUP) is decreased compared to the inial sets (AFQ and WB) for
each subject, and comparison at the group level shows a highly sig-
nicant decrease in the mean NRMSE between AFQ and AFQUP and
between WB and WBUP (paired samples, p < .001). Furthermore, the
whole- brain tractograms (WB and WBUP) also showed lower errors
compared to the AFQ and AFQUP.
The dierent segmented AFQ ber bundles that are discussed
in further detail in the following secons are illustrated in Figure 4.
Figures 5–8 show the tract prole of the NRMSE, error FA, longitudinal
and perpendicular FOD error in selected bundles to illustrate dierent
distribuons of the error signal and performance of the up- sampling
Figure 5 shows the NRMSE along three major bundles (le and
right hemisphere) in the four tractograms sets (AFQ, AFQUP, WB,
WBUP). The colored secon of the depicted bundles describe the
core of the bundle, whereas the x- axis in the subplots shows the 100
parameterized points between ROI 1 and ROI 2. In Figures 5–8, the
ROIs are marked with 1 and 2 to emphasize the start and end region
of the parameterizaon.
The lower error in the up- sampled tractograms (AFQUP, red
line, WBUP, black line) compared to AFQ and WB (blue, green line)
achieved a beer t compared to the inial sets (AFQ, WB). In most
parts, the t error signicantly decreased (p < .05) aer mulple com-
parison correcon using FSL’s randomize. Regions of stascal signif-
icance are highlighted with a transparent overlay in the color of the
tractogram set with a higher value (e.g., blue for AFQ).
The FA of the error signal gives further insight into the opmiza-
on results. In Figure 6, three dierent types of error FA behavior are
shown as an example. The Corcospinal Tract showed a stascally
signicant reducon of the error FA in the up- sampled populaons
(AFQUP vs. AFQ and WBUP vs. WB), which is desirable in order to
reduce a direconal bias in the residual diusion signal. Nevertheless,
structural tendencies along the bundle are sll visible, especially in the
second quarter of the bundle, where the error FA is clearly increased
in all of the tractogram sets. The error FA in the Callosum Forceps
Major could not be reduced by applying the up- sampling method, and
especially in the middle part of the bundle, direconal biases in the
residual diusion signal remain clearly visible. In contrast, the Inferior
Longitudinal Fasciculus (ILF) revealed a relavely isotropic error signal,
expressed by low FA values, and no disnct structure in the error FA,
FIGURE3 Optimization results
showing the mean normalized root mean
square error (NRMSE) for each subject
between (a) automated fiber quantification
(AFQ) and AFQUP, and (b) WB and WBUP;
(c) group average for the four tractogram
sets, the error bars depict one standard
e00588 (6 of 13) 
that is, no direconal bias in the residual diusion signal along the
bundle was observed.
In Figure 7, the longitudinal FOD error is evaluated along the
disnct ber bundles. The Corcospinal Tract showed a signicantly
(p < .05) reduced longitudinal error in both up- sampled sets compared
to the inial tractograms. In the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (SLF),
the up- sampling reduced the error in the AFQ populaon (AFQ vs.
AFQUP,). The longitudinal error was already low in the WB tracto-
gram set for the SLF, and could not be further reduced in a stascally
signicant manner by up- sampling the bundle (WBUP). The Arcuate
Fasciculus showed a similar behavior, whereas the up- sampling signi-
cantly reduced the longitudinal error in the AFQ cases. Addionally,
in the WB sets, the up- sampling sll signicantly reduced the longitu-
dinal error in the temporal part of the bundle (WBUP) but the overall
dierence is drascally reduced.
Figure 8 depicts the perpendicular FOD error in the segmented
ber bundles of the right Thalamic Radiaon, Callosum Forceps Minor
and the le Arcuate Fasciculus. For the AFQ case, the up- sampled sets
showed a signicantly higher error in the Thalamic Radiaon and the
Arcuate Fasciculus in some parts, even though the overall mean t
error (NRMSE) was reduced. If all the bers are taken into account
(WB, WBUP), the up- sampled populaon (WBUP) does not show a
signicant increase of the perpendicular error anymore.
Figure 9 shows a coronal cross secon through the Corona Radiata
of a single subject. The reconstructed FODs from the measured diu-
sion signal are depicted in gray, with the colored error FODs derived
from the WB set shown on top. Most voxels exhibit a small error FOD
compared to the signal FOD, implicang a good agreement between
the signal esmator from the opmizaon and the measured signal.
Nevertheless, in some voxels, the error FOD is relavely large compared
to the signal FOD. Three of those voxels are highlighted in a, b and c.
Figure 10 depicts the comparison between increasing the num-
ber of seed points during the tractography and up- sampling the
segmented ber bundles in a single subject. Each tractogram set is
ploed with the number of bers on the x- axis in order to compare
the same number of bers. The up- sampling method clearly outper-
forms the increase in seed points, whereby the largest improvement is
achieved by the rst up- sampling step.
We have introduced a tool to invesgate the quality of a tractogram
by further inspecng the direconally dependent error signal be-
tween the signal predicon and the measured diusion signal along
reconstructed ber bundles. Addionally, we presented a method to
up- sample a given ber populaon in order to achieve beer opmi-
zaon results, that is, a decreased t error.
The overall mean t error averaged over all the white- maer
voxels and all subjects showed only small, but nevertheless signi-
cant changes comparing the inial (AFQ, WB) with the up- sampled
(AFQUP, WBUP) ber tractograms. These small changes at the group
level could be aributed to large intersubject variability; however, the
up- sampled sets achieved a reduced t error in each single subject
(Figure 3a and b). The improved signal t achieved by the up- sampling
method was highly stascally signicant for both the AFQ vs. AFQUP
and WB vs. WBUP tractogram sets. Further inspecon of the NRMSE
along the major segmented ber bundles showed high similarity be-
tween the matched le and right structures. However, dierences
were found between various structures, for example, the superior part
of the Corcospinal Tract was highly improved by the up- sampling
method, whereas the frontal part of the Thalamic Radiaon was mostly
unaected by the up- sampling procedure. Variable performance of the
up- sampling method across structures might be caused by the qual-
ity of the inial bundle representaon and also by voxels surround-
ing these bundles. Systemic errors were expected and observed in
FIGURE4 A selection of the discussed
segmented fiber bundles of a single
representative subject are shown in
different colors. In the sagittal view, the
right Corticospinal Tract, right Arcuate
Fasciculus, right Inferior Longitudinal
Fasciculus (ILF), the Callosum Forceps
Minor, and the right Uncinate Fasciculus
are illustrated. The axial slice depicts the
left and right Thalamic Radiation, left and
right Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (SLF)
and the Callosum Forceps Major
 e00588 (7 of 13)
FIGURE5 Mean normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) of the optimization over all subjects for the left and right Corticospinal Tract,
Thalamic Radiation, and Arcuate Fasciculus. Subplots 1–6 shows the mean NRMSE of the automated fiber quantification (AFQ) fiber set (blue,)
and of the up- sampled tractogram set AFQUP (red). The dashed red and blue lines indicate one standard error. Subplots 7–12 shows the mean
NRMSE of the WB fiber set (green), and of the WBUP- tractogram set (black). The dashed green and black lines indicate one standard error.
Areas with a significant error reduction (according to FSL’s randomize, p < .05) in AFQUP compared to AFQ are overlaid in transparent blue
(AFQ > AFQUP) or green (WB > WBUP), respectively
e00588 (8 of 13) 
the AFQ tractogram sets (AFQ, AFQUP) due to the fact that many
bers are not covered by the 20 major bundles and therefore excluded
from the opmizaon. The signal of crossing, nonsegmented struc-
tures are missing in regions with high NRMSE in the AFQ and the
AFQUP tractograms. While the AFQUP set showed a reduced error
in almost all structures compared to the AFQ set, a compensaon of
nonsegmented crossing structures remains unachievable by merely
up- sampling the segmented bundles without the introducon of miss-
ing crossing structures. Segmenng the AFQ bundles introduces an
addional source of error due to predened ROIs and registraon
steps during the AFQ bundle classicaon. Fibers, which pass through
the disnct bundles but, for example, not through the two ROIs are
consequently unclassied, and therefore missed in the opmizaon.
In the whole- brain sets (WB and WBUP, Figure 5) no ber populaons
were purposely omied, and therefore a much more homogeneous
NRMSE distribuon was found in the brain.
In a next step, we further explored the error distribuon across
the diusion direcons in each voxel. Therefore, the error FA was cal-
culated and evaluated to reveal potenal anisotropy in the error sig-
nal (Figure 6). In voxels with a good t, a low anisotropy is expected,
that is, a homogeneous distribuon of the error across all diusion
direcons. In comparison to the NRMSE, the error FA appears to be
a sensive measure for recognizing badly represented regions, even if
all the bers are taken into account (WB, WBUP). A bad ber repre-
sentaon or an inaccurate forward model can cause a high error FA as,
for example, observed in the middle secon of the corpus callosum
FIGURE6 The fractional anisotropy (FA) of the error signal is shown along three selected bundles (Corticospinal Tract, Callosum Forceps
Major, and Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus). The mean error FA over all subjects derived from the initial optimized, nonup- sampled sets are
depicted in blue (automated fiber quantification [AFQ]) and green (WB), the error FA derived from the up- sampled sets are displayed in red
(AFQUP) and black (WBUP). The dashed lines indicate one standard error
 e00588 (9 of 13)
and parts of the Corcospinal Tract. These bundle segments also have
a high signal FA, which might indicate that the chosen forward model
underperforms in high FA voxels. Despite the clear disncon of high
error FA regions in the graphs, it is rather dicult to dene an accurate
baseline for the residual error signal in order to disnguish structurally
related residuals from pure noise. An accurate signal- to- noise rao es-
maon of the diusion signal would be needed which is typically also
spaally varying due to mulple acceleraon methods.
Complex ssue architecture of crossing ber populaons within a
single voxel cannot be fully modeled by tensor based metrics, there-
fore the FOD of the error signal was also evaluated along and perpen-
dicular to the major ber bundles (Figures 7 and 8). By disentangling
the error signal into a perpendicular and longitudinal error, the exact
source of the tractogram error can be observed. Poorly represented
structures can therefore be discriminated from over- or underes-
mated crossing structures. The longitudinal error in the Superior
Longitudinal Fasciculi and in the Arcuate Fasciculi diers strongly in
the inial populaons (AFQ, WB), which is most plausibly caused by
segmentaon dicules. However, in case of the Arcuate Fasciculus,
applying the up- sampling method in the WB set further signicantly
reduced the longitudinal error. By further invesgang the perpendic-
ular error, a signicantly higher error in the AFQUP set was idened
for the rst me. In the WB sets, this eect diminishes and can there-
fore be explained by missing ber populaons not embodied in the
segmented AFQ bundles.
These ber- dependent direconal measures combined with the
error FA enable to detect and disnguish possible error sources,
namely bad ber bundle representaon, missing crossing structures or
a poor forward- model t.
Missing crossing structures in the AFQ sets can be found for ex-
ample, in the lower part of the Corcospinal Tract. The Cerebellar
Peduncles, are passing superior to the rst Corcospinal ROI and might
FIGURE7 Longitudinal error fiber orientation distribution (FOD) peak amplitudes along three representative bundles are shown (Left
Corticospinal, Right Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus and Right Arcuate Fasciculus). The mean across all subjects using the initial tractograms
are shown in blue (automated fiber quantification [AFQ]) and green (WB), the mean longitudinal FOD error in the up- sampled sets are depicted
in red (AFQUP) and black (WBUP). The dashed lines indicate one standard error, statistically significant regions (p < .05) are highlighted with
transparent surfaces (blue: AFQ > AFQUP, green: WB > WBUP)
e00588 (10 of 13) 
be the reason for an increased error FA and NRMSE. Another example
is along the middle part of the Arcuate Fasciculus next to the supe-
rior region of the Corona Radiata. Besides The Superior Longitudinal
Fasciculus, which is also included in the major AFQ bundles, the
Posterior Vercal Arcuate and the Vercal Occipital Fasciculus also
populate this area and are not segmented, using the AFQ framework.
The provided tools allow an extensive inspecon of tractograms
and their opmizaon by exploring bundle- specic and direconally
dependent error measures. To the author’s knowledge, this is the rst
study that facilitates a deepened insight into the remaining local er-
rors induced by the tractogram or the opmizaon procedure itself.
This step is crucial in order to get a beer understanding of the actual
goodness of t of the tractogram.
In Figure 9, dierent cases of error FODs are highlighted. In voxel
a), the direconality of the error FOD matches the inial FOD. Most
certainly, some of the passing bers were under or over- esmated in
that parcular voxel. The error FOD in voxel b) shows a completely dif-
ferent characterisc as the inial FOD. The geometry of the recon-
structed bers do not match the measured diusion signal. The third
case (voxel c) is a combinaon of both cases, where the local weighng
deviates from the diusion signal and also the error FOD peaks are
slightly lted. Other voxels show very small error FODs and some spu-
rious peaks do occur, whereby the assumpon of an underlying ber re-
sponse was violated. Nevertheless, the amplitudes of these error FODs
are very small and will not inuence the resulng along- tract analysis.
A possibility to migate the ber assumpon of the kernel func-
on would be to apply a model- free Funk- Radon- Transformaon to
the error diusion signal instead of deconvolving the error signal with
a ber response funcon. The resulng error orientaon distribuon
funcon (ODF) would not suer from spurious peaks.
FIGURE8 Perpendicular error fiber orientation distribution (FOD) peak amplitudes across the selected automated fiber quantification (AFQ)
bundles (Right Thalamic Radiation, Callosum Forceps Minor, Left Arcuate Fasciculus): the mean over all subjects using the initial tractograms
are shown in blue (AFQ) and green (WB). The perpendicular error FOD peak amplitudes in the up- sampled sets are drawn in red (AFQUP) and
black (WBUP). The dashed lines indicate one standard error statistically significant regions (p < .05) are highlighted with transparent surfaces
(red: AFQUP > AFQ, green: WB > WBUP)
 e00588 (11 of 13)
The ulmate goal of using streamline weights to quanfy connec-
vity strength between corcal regions is sll not achievable if the
tractogram or the opmizaon is awed. The ber- dependent error
esmaon could also be used to esmate a condence of the re-
sulng ber weights aiming to verify the integrity of a quantave
connecvity matrix between corcal regions. Addionally, the di-
culty of oming bers due to any segmentaon and its inuence on
to the opmizaon was shown. In the given framework, the segmen-
taon method can easily be exchanged with a segmentaon, ,for ex-
ample, based on a corcal parcellaon. Thereby, the up- sampling can
also be applied to more ber bundles. However, other segmentaon
methods, for example, based on a corcal parcellaon scheme also
suer from unclassied bers which cannot be included in the tracto-
gram opmizaon step.
The introduced ber up- sampling method improved the tractogram
representaon, hence led to a signicantly superior opmizaon ex-
pressed by a reduced NRMSE. Even though, the introduced approach
did not enhance the opmizaon in every single structure, impairment
caused by the ber up- sampling was not observed. Addionally, the
up- sampling was performed per bundle, whereby a bundle segmenta-
on is a necessary prerequisite.
This requirement might be eliminable, if a dierent sampling strat-
egy is applied to randomly draw samples in the PCA space. The as-
sumpon of a mulvariate Gaussian distribuon is no longer valid in
a whole- brain ber populaon and would lead to many implausible
up- sampled bers.
In Figure 10, the ber up- sampling is compared with increasing
the number of seed voxels during tractography. Even an eight- fold in-
crease of bers did not improve the opmizaon result substanally.
However, the up- sampling is not only computaonally less intensive,
FIGURE9 A coronal section through
the Corona Radiata is shown in a
single subject, whereby the signal fiber
orientation distribution (FOD)s derived
from the measured diffusion signal are
depicted in transparent gray, the error
FODs derived from the WB set are
overlaid in color. Three different voxels are
highlighted where the error is significantly
larger compared to the other voxels
FIGURE10 Different number of seed voxels and the resulting
mean normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) for the automated
fiber quantification (AFQ) and AFQUP tractogram sets are shown
e00588 (12 of 13) 
it also introduces new bers with dierent features, a larger spaal
extent, and therefore novel trajectories and the up- sampled bers do
dier substanally from the inial populaon. These new bers con-
tribute signicantly to a more opmal tractogram set. Similar eects
were reported by (Takemura, Caiafa, Wandell, & Peslli, 2016) while dif-
ferent algorithm parameters were introduced instead of only increas-
ing the number of seed points. The presented framework also enables
the comparison of dierent tractogram sets from various sources and
allows a more extensive inspecon of each tractogram and its strength
and weaknesses without dening an explicit gold standard.
For a reliable ber quancaon, it is crucial to eliminate error
sources such as a bad t due to wrong choice of the forward model,
poor tractogram representaon caused by the choice of tracking
algorithm and tractography parameters or an overcompensaon
in voxels with a low number of streamlines. As discussed in (Smith
et al., 2015), FOD lobes of voxels containing very lile streamlines
compared to the actual measured ber density will result in assign-
ing high weights to those bers in order to reduce the error in that
parcular voxel, but introducing biases in all the other voxels tra-
versed by those bers. Similarly, the COMMIT model will assign
higher volume fracons to extracellular compartments in order to
compensate for missing streamlines represenng the intracellular
compartment. The presented up- sampling procedure can help to
limit voxels containing a low number of streamlines, especially in
cases where a higher track density cannot be achieved by simply
increasing the number of seed voxels. With respect to global tractog-
raphy algorithms, an increase of bers is typically computaonally
very expensive, whereas the described up- sampling method is very
ecient. The introduced error measures such as the error FA or the
error FOD itself could also be fed back into the tractography process
to inuence the placement of new seed voxels or adjust tractogra-
phy parameters in order to achieve a more representave tracto-
gram. In this study, only single shell diusion data was used for the
opmizaon, whereas the COMMIT framework clearly benets from
mulple shells, for example, in order to disnguish between dierent
isotropic compartments.
None declared.
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Yeatman, J. D., Dougherty, R. F., Myall, N. J., Wandell, B. A., & Feldman, H.
M. (2012). Tract proles of white maer properes: Automang ber-
tract quancaon. PLoS ONE, 7, e49790.
How to cite this arcle: Sommer, S., Kozerke, S., Seifritz, E. and
Staempi, P. (2016), Fiber up- sampling and quality assessment of
tractograms – towards quantave brain connecvity. Brain and
Behavior, 00: 1–13. e00588, doi: 10.1002/brb3.588
... In their follow-up study, they expanded their findings by investigating methods to remove the censored motion artifact (Power et al., 2014). There have also been efforts made for the quality assurance of post-image processing such as in the studies evaluating brain structural segmentation on sMRI (Keshavan et al., 2017) and fiber tractography extracted from DTI data (Sommer et al., 2017). However, this type of QC processing may tend to be computationally costly, requiring numerous stages of image processing prior to the image quality evaluation. ...
... Finally, a future improvement of the study is to evaluate the effects of running LONI-QC on the performance in subsequent image analysis. This can be hinted by the attempts made for the quality assurance of post-image processing such as in the studies evaluating brain structural segmentation on sMRI (Keshavan et al., 2017) and fiber tractography extracted from DTI data (Sommer et al., 2017). ...
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Quantifying, controlling, and monitoring image quality is an essential prerequisite for ensuring the validity and reproducibility of many types of neuroimaging data analyses. Implementation of quality control (QC) procedures is the key to ensuring that neuroimaging data are of high-quality and their validity in the subsequent analyses. We introduce the QC system of the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (LONI): a web-based system featuring a workflow for the assessment of various modality and contrast brain imaging data. The design allows users to anonymously upload imaging data to the LONI-QC system. It then computes an exhaustive set of QC metrics which aids users to perform a standardized QC by generating a range of scalar and vector statistics. These procedures are performed in parallel using a large compute cluster. Finally, the system offers an automated QC procedure for structural MRI, which can flag each QC metric as being ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Validation using various sets of data acquired from a single scanner and from multiple sites demonstrated the reproducibility of our QC metrics, and the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed Auto QC to ‘bad’ quality images in comparison to visual inspection. To the best of our knowledge, LONI-QC is the first online QC system that uniquely supports the variety of functionality where we compute numerous QC metrics and perform visual/automated image QC of multi-contrast and multi-modal brain imaging data. The LONI-QC system has been used to assess the quality of large neuroimaging datasets acquired as part of various multi-site studies such as the Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) Study and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). LONI-QC’s functionality is freely available to users worldwide and its adoption by imaging researchers is likely to contribute substantially to upholding high standards of brain image data quality and to implementing these standards across the neuroimaging community.
... In the present study, tractography described only six groups of cranial nerves since the cisternal segment of the trochlear nerve was never seen on T2 to initiate the tracking, the olfactory and the hypoglossal nerve were often out of the acquisition box, and the In an attempt to solve these issues, news methods could be developed, such as upsampling, [87] track-density imaging, [12] length-based tracking, [10] full-brain tracking [22], multiple-ROI strategy or super selective filtering methods. [102] The would be required to assess the reproducibility by blind comparison between several users, the reliability by objective markers (quantitative anisotropy [108] or track density and distribution [27]), and the impact on patients (operative time, length of hospital stay, long-term clinical follow-up, quality of life, etc.). ...
... Cranial nerve tractography, therefore, requires new 91 post-processing methods to increase the final working resolution, and one potentially interesting method is upsampling. [87] Furthermore, a 2-mm MRI resolution means that each voxel containing cranial nerves may also be occupied by cerebrospinal fluid or tumor, and this uncertainty is addressed by probabilistic algorithms. These use repetitive sampling to extract the probability of fiber ODFs to reconstruct white matter tracts and thus yield a better delineation of cranial nerve trajectories. ...
Apparue à la fin des années 1990, la tractographie utilise le signal diffusion de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) pour détecter l’orientation préférentielle des molécules d’eau et reconstruire l’architecture des tissus biologiques, notamment celle des fibres blanches intra cérébrales. Cette technique a suscité l’engouement de la communauté scientifique en permettant, pour la première fois, l’étude in vivo non invasive des structures anatomiques, et en particulier celle du cerveau. Néanmoins, la description de la trajectoire des fibres blanches reste imprécise dans les zones de croisement de fibres et pour les structures de petite taille comme les nerfs crâniens. De multiples méthodes sont développées aux différentes étapes d’acquisition et de post-traitement mais la résolution spatiale et angulaire reste encore insuffisante. L’objectif de ce travail est l’application de la technique de tractographie aux nerfs crâniens et sa validation clinique pour la détection de leur trajectoire en cas de tumeurs de la base du crâne. Après avoir rappelé les notions fondamentales nécessaires à la compréhension de chaque étape de la tractographie, je présente l’ « état de l’art » dans le cas particulier des nerfs crâniens. A partir de 21 études de la littérature scientifique, je détaille tous les paramètres d’acquisition et de tracking, les algorithmes de reconstruction, le design des régions d’intérêt et le filtrage. Puis, je développe mon propre pipeline de tractographie et montre son impact potentiel sur la prise en charge chirurgicale à travers une série de 62 cas de tumeurs variées de la base du crâne et 2 vignettes cliniques illustratives. Enfin, je propose une nouvelle approche, la full-tractography, qui reconstruit les nerfs crâniens dans leur environnement anatomique complet avec ou sans tumeur, pour une exportation en routine clinique notamment lors du planning pré-chirurgical, dans le but d’améliorer le résultat fonctionnel pour les patients.
... Some methods remove noisy fibers by using tract probability maps (Yeatman et al., 2012;Sommer et al., 2016) or density maps (Aydogan and Shi, 2015;Yeh et al., 2018) to generate compact bundles. Others use the distance between the fiber points (Jordan et al., 2017;Wang et al., 2018;Xia and Shi, 2020), and fiber clustering to remove outliers (Cousineau et al., 2017;Wasserthal et al., 2018;Schilling et al., 2023). ...
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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in studying the Superficial White Matter (SWM). The SWM consists of short association fibers connecting near giry of the cortex, with a complex organization due to their close relationship with the cortical folding patterns. Therefore, their segmentation from dMRI tractography datasets requires dedicated methodologies to identify the main fiber bundle shape and deal with spurious fibers. This paper presents an enhanced short fiber bundle segmentation based on a SWM bundle atlas and the filtering of noisy fibers. The method was tuned and evaluated over HCP test-retest probabilistic tractography datasets (44 subjects). We propose four fiber bundle filters to remove spurious fibers. Furthermore, we include the identification of the main fiber fascicle to obtain well-defined fiber bundles. First, we identified four main bundle shapes in the SWM atlas, and performed a filter tuning in a subset of 28 subjects. The filter based on the Convex Hull provided the highest similarity between corresponding test-retest fiber bundles. Subsequently, we applied the best filter in the 16 remaining subjects for all atlas bundles, showing that filtered fiber bundles significantly improve test-retest reproducibility indices when removing between ten and twenty percent of the fibers. Additionally, we applied the bundle segmentation with and without filtering to the ABIDE-II database. The fiber bundle filtering allowed us to obtain a higher number of bundles with significant differences in fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, and radial diffusivity of Autism Spectrum Disorder patients relative to controls.
... For DTI volumes, in addition, to providing the FA, MD, and ADC images, LONI Viewer also provides the magnetic field gradient direction table for researchers to proofreading these images (Kim et al., 2019). There have also been efforts made for the quality assurance of the preprocessed neuroimaging data, such as fiber tractography extracted from DTI data (Sommer et al., 2017) and brain registration in fMRI studies (Benhajali et al., 2020). ...
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In the field of neuroscience, the core of the cohort study project consists of collection, analysis, and sharing of multi-modal data. Recent years have witnessed a host of efficient and high-quality toolkits published and employed to improve the quality of multi-modal data in the cohort study. In turn, gleaning answers to relevant questions from such a conglomeration of studies is a time-consuming task for cohort researchers. As part of our efforts to tackle this problem, we propose a hierarchical neuroscience knowledge base that consists of projects/organizations, multi-modal databases, and toolkits, so as to facilitate researchers' answer searching process. We first classified studies conducted for the topic “Frontiers in Neuroinformatics” according to the multi-modal data life cycle, and from these studies, information objects as projects/organizations, multi-modal databases, and toolkits have been extracted. Then, we map these information objects into our proposed knowledge base framework. A Python-based query tool has also been developed in tandem for quicker access to the knowledge base, (accessible at Finally, based on the constructed knowledge base, we discussed some key research issues and underlying trends in different stages of the multi-modal data life cycle.
... The resulting streamlines were optimized using the COMMIT framework 51 applying the parameters described elsewhere. 81 The derived intracellular compartment fraction of the COMMIT optimization corresponds to FD. ...
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Previous brain imaging studies with chronic cocaine users (CU) using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) mostly focused on fractional anisotropy to investigate white matter (WM) integrity. However, a quantitative interpretation of fractional anisotropy (FA) alterations is often impeded by the inherent limitations of the underlying tensor model. A more fine-grained measure of WM alterations could be achieved by measuring fibre density (FD). This study investigates this novel DTI metric comparing 23 chronic CU and 32 healthy subjects. Quantitative hair analysis was used to determine intensity of cocaine and levamisole exposure-a cocaine adulterant with putative WM neurotoxicity. We first assessed the impact of cocaine use, levamisole exposure and alcohol use on group differences in WM integrity. Compared with healthy controls, all models revealed cortical reductions of FA and FD in CU. At the within-patient group level, we found that alcohol use and levamisole exposure exhibited regionally different FA and FD alterations than cocaine use. We found mostly negative correlations of tract-based WM associated with levamisole and weekly alcohol use. Specifically, levamisole exposure was linked with stronger WM reductions in the corpus callosum than alcohol use. Cocaine use duration correlated negatively with FA and FD in some regions. Yet, most of these correlations did not survive a correction for multiple testing. Our results suggest that chronic cocaine use, levamisole exposure and alcohol use were all linked to significant WM impairments in CU. We conclude that FD could be a sensitive marker to detect the impact of the use of multiple substances on WM integrity in cocaine but also other substance use disorders.
... A total of five million fibers were generated per subject. The resulting streamlines were optimized using the COMMIT framework (25) and parameters described previously by Sommer et al., to derive the FD for every subject (38). The derived intracellular compartment fraction corresponds to the FD. ...
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Remote neurodegenerative changes in supraspinal white matter (WM) can manifest after central lesions such as spinal cord injury (SCI). The majority of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies use traditional metrics such as fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) to investigate microstructural changes in cerebral WM after SCI. However, interpretation of FA readouts is often challenged by inherent limitations of the tensor model. Recent developments in novel diffusion markers, such as fiber density (FD), allows more accurate depictions of WM pathways and has shown more reliable quantification of WM alterations compared to FA in recent studies of neurological diseases. This study investigated if FD provides useful characterization of supraspinal WM integrity after SCI in addition to the traditional DTI readouts. FA, MD, and FD maps were derived from diffusion datasets of 20 patients with chronic SCI and compared with 19 healthy controls (HC). Group differences were investigated across whole brain WM using tract-based spatial statistics and averaged diffusion values of the corticospinal tract (CST) and thalamic radiation (TR) were extracted for comparisons between HC and SCI subgroups. We also related diffusion readouts of the CST and TR with clinical scores of sensorimotor function. To investigate which diffusion markers of the CST and TR delineate HC and patients with SCI a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed. Overall, patients with an SCI showed decreased FA of the TR and CST. ROC analysis differentiated HC and SCI based on diffusion markers of large WM tracts including FD of the TR. Furthermore, patients' motor function was positively correlated with greater microstructural integrity of the CST. While FD showed the strongest correlation, motor function was also associated with FA and MD of the CST. In summary, microstructural changes of supraspinal WM in patients with SCI can be detected using FD as a complementary marker to traditional DTI readouts and correlates with their clinical characteristics. Future DTI studies may benefit from utilizing this novel marker to investigate complex large WM tracts in patient cohorts with varying presentations of SCI or neurodegenerative diseases.
... fiber cross-sectional area to ascribe to each individual reconstructed streamline, in order to achieve this concordance between tractogram and image data (Figs. 21.16C and 21.18) [160][161][162]174]. Importantly, by utilizing such a method prior to the extraction of the connectivity measure of interest, this connectivity measure is informed by both the physical constraints imposed on the biological system, and the underlying fiber intracellular volumes inferred from the image data, providing biological relevance to the experimental outcomes [148]. ...
“Tractography” refers to the process of digitally reconstructing the spatial trajectories of elongated thin structures based on a continuous field of local orientation data; most commonly in reference to white matter axons within the central nervous system based on a diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) model. This technology provides a unique capacity to investigate the long-distance connectional structure of such biology both in vivo and noninvasively. This chapter describes the basic principles behind the near-ubiquitous “streamlines” approach to tractography (which has remained relatively unchanged for 20 years) as well as some modern advancements to such, with a particular emphasis on the quantitative capabilities of this technology.
... In total, five million fibers were generated for every tractogram. The resulting streamlines were optimized using the COMMIT framework 42 and the parameters previously described in 78 to get a weight for every reconstructed fiber. By modelling and optimizing the contribution of each compartment accordingly and summing up the fiber weights in each voxel, FD maps-which correspond to the resulting intracellular compartment fraction-were derived. ...
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Premature-born adults exhibit lasting white matter alterations as demonstrated by widespread reduction in fractional anisotropy (FA) based on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). FA reduction, however, is non-specific for microscopic underpinnings such as aberrant myelination or fiber density (FD). Using recent advances in DWI, we tested the hypothesis of reduced FD in premature-born adults and investigated its link with the degree of prematurity and cognition. 73 premature- and 89 mature-born adults aged 25–27 years underwent single-shell DWI, from which a FD measure was derived using convex optimization modeling for microstructure informed tractography (COMMIT). Premature-born adults exhibited lower FD in numerous tracts including the corpus callosum and corona radiata compared to mature-born adults. These FD alterations were associated with both the degree of prematurity, as assessed via gestational age and birth weight, as well as with reduced cognition as measured by full-scale IQ. Finally, lower FD overlapped with lower FA, suggesting lower FD underlie unspecific FA reductions. Results provide evidence that premature birth leads to lower FD in adulthood which links with lower full-scale IQ. Data suggest that lower FD partly underpins FA reductions of premature birth but that other processes such as hypomyelination might also take place.
... However, both higher angular (gradient directions) and spatial (voxel size) resolutions would require specific MRI machines and extensive acquisition and calculation times that do not fit with clinical use. Cranial nerve tractography, therefore, requires advances to increase the final working resolution, and potentially interesting method would be either upsampling 28 or multiband MRI acquisition. Furthermore, a 2-mm MRI resolution means that each voxel containing cranial nerves might also be occupied by cerebrospinal fluid or tumor, and this uncertainty would be addressed by probabilistic algorithms. ...
OBJECTIVE Diffusion imaging tractography has allowed the in vivo description of brain white matter. One of its applications is preoperative planning for brain tumor resection. Due to a limited spatial and angular resolution, it is difficult for fiber tracking to delineate fiber crossing areas and small-scale structures, in particular brainstem tracts and cranial nerves. New methods are being developed but these involve extensive multistep tractography pipelines including the patient-specific design of multiple regions of interest (ROIs). The authors propose a new practical full tractography method that could be implemented in routine presurgical planning for skull base surgery. METHODS A Philips MRI machine provided diffusion-weighted and anatomical sequences for 2 healthy volunteers and 2 skull base tumor patients. Tractography of the full brainstem, the cerebellum, and cranial nerves was performed using the software DSI Studio, generalized-q-sampling reconstruction, orientation distribution function (ODF) of fibers, and a quantitative anisotropy–based generalized deterministic algorithm. No ROI or extensive manual filtering of spurious fibers was used. Tractography rendering was displayed in a tridimensional space with directional color code. This approach was also tested on diffusion data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) database. RESULTS The brainstem, the cerebellum, and the cisternal segments of most cranial nerves were depicted in all participants. In cases of skull base tumors, the tridimensional rendering permitted the visualization of the whole anatomical environment and cranial nerve displacement, thus helping the surgical strategy. CONCLUSIONS As opposed to classical ROI-based methods, this novel full tractography approach could enable routine enhanced surgical planning or brain imaging for skull base tumors.
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Statistical models employed to test for group differences in quantized diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tracts often fail to account for the large number of data points per tract in addition to the distribution, type, and interdependence of the data. To address these issues, we propose the use of Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) and supply code and examples to aid in their implementation. Specifically, using diffusion data from 73 periadolescent clinically anxious and no-psychiatric-diagnosis control participants, we tested for group tract differences and show that a GAM allows for the identification of differences within a tract while accounting for the nature of the data as well as covariates and group factors. Further, we then used these tract differences to investigate their association with performance on a memory test. When comparing our high versus low anxiety groups, we observed a positive association between the left uncinate fasciculus and memory overgeneralization for negatively valenced stimuli. This same association was not evident in the right uncinate or anterior forceps. These findings illustrate that GAMs are well-suited for modeling diffusion data while accounting for various aspects of the data, and suggest that the adoption of GAMs will be a powerful investigatory tool for diffusion-weighted analyses.
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One of the major limitations of diffusion MRI tractography is that the fiber tracts recovered by existing algorithms are not truly quantitative. Local techniques for estimating more quantitative features of the tissue microstructure exist, but their combination with tractography has always been considered intractable. Recent advances in local and global modeling made it possible to fill this gap and a number of promising techniques for microstructure informed tractography have been suggested, opening new and exciting perspectives for the quantification of brain connectivity. The ease-of-use of the proposed solutions made it very attractive for researchers to include such advanced methods in their analyses; however, this apparent simplicity should not hide some critical open questions raised by the complexity of these very high-dimensional problems, otherwise some fundamental issues may be pushed into the background. The aim of this article is to raise awareness in the diffusion MRI community, notably researchers working on brain connectivity, about some potential pitfalls and modeling choices that make the interpretation of the outcomes from these novel techniques rather cumbersome. Through a series of experiments on synthetic and real data, we illustrate practical situations where erroneous and severely biased conclusions may be drawn about the connectivity if these pitfalls are overlooked, like the presence of partial/missing/duplicate fibers or the critical importance of the diffusion model adopted. Microstructure informed tractography is a young but very promising technology, and by acknowledging its current limitations as done in this paper, we hope our observations will trigger further research in this direction and new ideas for truly quantitative and biologically meaningful analyses of the connectivity.
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One of the major limitations of diffusion MRI tractography is that the fiber tracts recovered by existing algorithms are not truly quantitative. Local techniques for estimating more quantitative features of the tissue microstructure exist, but their combination with tractography has always been considered intractable. Recent advances in local and global modeling made it possible to fill this gap and a number of promising techniques for microstructure informed tractography have been suggested, opening new and exciting perspectives for the quantification of brain connectivity. The ease-of-use of the proposed solutions made it very attractive for researchers to include such advanced methods in their analyses; however, this apparent simplicity should not hide some critical open questions raised by the complexity of these very high-dimensional problems, otherwise some fundamental issues may be pushed into the background. The aim of this article is to raise awareness in the diffusion MRI community, notably researchers working on brain connectivity, about some potential pitfalls and modeling choices that make the interpretation of the outcomes from these novel techniques rather cumbersome. Through a series of experiments on synthetic and real data, we illustrate practical situations where erroneous and severely biased conclusions may be drawn about the connectivity if these pitfalls are overlooked, like the presence of partial/missing/duplicate fibers or the critical importance of the diffusion model adopted. Microstructure informed tractography is a young but very promising technology, and by acknowledging its current limitations as done in this paper, we hope our observations will trigger further research in this direction and new ideas for truly quantitative and biologically meaningful analyses of the connectivity.
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Tractography uses diffusion MRI to estimate the trajectory and cortical projection zones of white matter fascicles in the living human brain. There are many different tractography algorithms and each requires the user to set several parameters, such as curvature threshold. Choosing a single algorithm with specific parameters poses two challenges. First, different algorithms and parameter values produce different results. Second, the optimal choice of algorithm and parameter value may differ between different white matter regions or different fascicles, subjects, and acquisition parameters. We propose using ensemble methods to reduce algorithm and parameter dependencies. To do so we separate the processes of fascicle generation and evaluation. Specifically, we analyze the value of creating optimized connectomes by systematically combining candidate streamlines from an ensemble of algorithms (deterministic and probabilistic) and systematically varying parameters (curvature and stopping criterion). The ensemble approach leads to optimized connectomes that provide better cross-validated prediction error of the diffusion MRI data than optimized connectomes generated using a single-algorithm or parameter set. Furthermore, the ensemble approach produces connectomes that contain both short- and long-range fascicles, whereas single-parameter connectomes are biased towards one or the other. In summary, a systematic ensemble tractography approach can produce connectomes that are superior to standard single parameter estimates both for predicting the diffusion measurements and estimating white matter fascicles.
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Diffusion-weighted imaging coupled with tractography is currently the only method for in vivo mapping of human white-matter fascicles. Tractography takes diffusion measurements as input and produces the connectome, a large collection of white-matter fascicles, as output. We introduce a method to evaluate the evidence supporting connectomes. Linear fascicle evaluation (LiFE) takes any connectome as input and predicts diffusion measurements as output, using the difference between the measured and predicted diffusion signals to quantify the prediction error. We use the prediction error to evaluate the evidence that supports the properties of the connectome, to compare tractography algorithms and to test hypotheses about tracts and connections.
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Permutation methods can provide exact control of false positives and allow the use of non-standard statistics, making only weak assumptions about the data. With the availability of fast and inexpensive computing, their main limitation would be some lack of flexibility to work with arbitrary experimental designs. In this paper we report on results on approximate permutation methods that are more flexible with respect to the experimental design and nuisance variables, and conduct detailed simulations to identify the best method for settings that are typical for imaging research scenarios. We present a generic framework for permutation inference for complex general linear models (glms) when the errors are exchangeable and/or have a symmetric distribution, and show that, even in the presence of nuisance effects, these permutation inferences are powerful while providing excellent control of false positives in a wide range of common and relevant imaging research scenarios. We also demonstrate how the inference on glm parameters, originally intended for independent data, can be used in certain special but useful cases in which independence is violated. Detailed examples of common neuroimaging applications are provided, as well as a complete algorithm - the "randomise" algorithm - for permutation inference with the glm.
Tractography is a class of algorithms aiming at in-vivo mapping the major neuronal pathways in the white matter from diffusion MRI data. These techniques offer a powerful tool to non-invasively investigate at the macroscopic scale the architecture of the neuronal connections of the brain. However, unfortunately, the reconstructions recovered with existing tractography algorithms are not really quantitative even though diffusion MRI is a quantitative modality by nature. As a matter of fact, several techniques have been proposed in recent years to estimate, at the voxel level, intrinsic micro-structural features of the tissue, such as axonal density and diameter, by using multi-compartment models. In this article, we present a novel framework to re-establish the link between tractography and tissue micro-structure. Starting from an input set of candidate fiber-tracts, which are estimated from the data using standard fiber-tracking techniques, we model the diffusion MRI signal in each voxel of the image as a linear combination of the restricted and hindered contributions generated in every location of the brain by these candidate tracts. Then, we seek for the global weight of each of them, i.e. the effective contribution or volume, such that they globally fit the measured signal at best. We demonstrate that these weights can be easily recovered by solving a global convex optimization problem and using efficient algorithms. The effectiveness of our approach has been evaluated both on a realistic phantom with known ground-truth and in-vivo brain data. Results clearly demonstrate the benefits of the proposed formulation, opening new perspectives for a more quantitative and biologically-plausible assessment of the structural connectivity of the brain.
This article addresses whether or not diffusion MRI, a noninvasive technique that probes the microstructural aspects of tissue, can be used to quantify the white matter connectivity of the human brain in vivo. It begins by studying the motivation, that is, the increasing trend to look at 'functional connectivity in the brain, which implies that the brain operates as a distributed network of active locations. A brief summary of diffusion MRI and fiber tracking is given and the early applications of diffusion MRI to study connectivity are reviewed. A close and critical inspection is then made of the limitations inherent in these different approaches, challenging the notion that it is possible to quantify brain connectivity in vivo with diffusion MRI. Finally, steps toward improving quantification of connectivity, by integrating information from other techniques, are suggested.
We have developed the Tractometer: an online evaluation and validation system for tractography processing pipelines. One can now evaluate the results of more than 57,000 fiber tracking outputs using different acquisition settings (b-value, averaging), different local estimation techniques (tensor, q-ball, spherical deconvolution) and different tracking parameters (masking, seeding, maximum curvature, step size). At this stage, the system is solely based on a revised FiberCup analysis, but we hope that the community will get involved and provide us with new phantoms, new algorithms, third party libraries and new geometrical metrics, to name a few. We believe that the new connectivity analysis and tractography characteristics proposed can highlight limits of the algorithms and contribute in solving open questions in fiber tracking: from raw data to connectivity analysis. Overall, we show that (i) averaging improves quality of tractography, (ii) sharp angular ODF profiles helps tractography, (iii) seeding and multi-seeding has a large impact on tractography outputs and must be used with care, and (iv) deterministic tractography produces less invalid tracts which leads to better connectivity results than probabilistic tractography.
This paper presents a novel family of linear transforms that can be applied to data collected from the surface of a 2-sphere in three-dimensional Fourier space. This family of transforms generalizes the previously-proposed Funk-Radon Transform (FRT), which was originally developed for estimating the orientations of white matter fibers in the central nervous system from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data. The new family of transforms is characterized theoretically, and efficient numerical implementations of the transforms are presented for the case when the measured data is represented in a basis of spherical harmonics. After these general discussions, attention is focused on a particular new transform from this family that we name the Funk-Radon and Cosine Transform (FRACT). Based on theoretical arguments, it is expected that FRACT-based analysis should yield significantly better orientation information (e.g., improved accuracy and higher angular resolution) than FRT-based analysis,while maintaining the strong characterizability and computational efficiency of the FRT. Simulations are used to confirm these theoretical characteristics, and the practical significance of the proposed approach is illustrated with real diffusion weighted MRI brain data. These experiments demonstrate that, in addition to having strong theoretical characteristics, the proposed approach can outperform existing state-of-the-art orientation estimation methods with respect to measures such as angularresolution and robustness to noise and modeling errors.