Stefan J. Koch

Stefan J. Koch
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | KFU Graz · Research Group "Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance"

Doctor of Philosophy
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


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I am Stefan Koch, I am a Romance linguist. My current research is focused on adverbials in the Romance languages, specifically in Southern Italian Dialects and Varieties. I am also an expert in Spanish historical linguistics, working on grapheme-phoneme correspondences, verbal morphology and conditional and relative clauses. Additionally I conduct research on on Pre-Roman languages (Sabellic) in Italy and the language contact between Spanish and Italian (Neapolitan) in Naples.
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March 2021 - October 2032
ARQUS European University Alliance
  • Co-Founder and Board Member of AIFRS


Publications (13)
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This paper focuses on adverbs with an adjectival lexical base in Modern Brazilian Portuguese (=BP). We compare the frequencies of three different types of adverbials: adverbs in -mente (e.g. absolutamente), adjective adverbs (e.g. alto in falar alto ‘speak loudly’) and prepositional phrases of the type “Preposition + Adjective” (e.g. de novo), as t...
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The present book is concerned with the Medieval Leonese language, as documented in written documents from the monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza in the 13th–15th century (1241–1414). On the one hand, it treats exponents of its assimilation (at least in written language) to Castilian in the time period of concern, such as a change from Leon. grapheme...
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The paper provides a state of the art in research on prepositional adverbials in Romance that combine a preposition with an adjective, e.g., Sp. en breve ‘in short’ (= PA-pattern ). It therefore reviews the existing bibliography on Romance in general, Latin, Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. The theoretical background is...
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The present paper studies castilianization processes in Leonese scriptae from the monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza and it’s surroundings between 1241 and 1399 focussing on Romance writings for the respective sounds originating in lat. -li-. We will show, that the process is not only relatively abrupt, but also follows a lexical diffusion depending...
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In this chapter, we present the main elements necessary for understanding how disciplines as distinct as nineteenth-century folkloristics, narratology, bioinformatics, automatic text processing and linguistics use the term “motif.” Although their specifics differ, all are concerned with defining what is a motif, cognizing what it represents (is it...
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El presente artículo sostiene que el paradigma del futuro de subjuntivo español únicamente procede del paradigma latino del futuro perfecto. Primero, se muestran algunas incongruencias de otras hipótesis en cuanto al supuesto origen del futuro de subjuntivo; después, se demues-tra que en oraciones condicionales, temporales y relativas contingentes...


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