Stefan Haneder

Stefan Haneder

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.


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Publications (38)
AIM To compare the quality of virtual mono-energetic (VMI) and polychromatic images reconstructed with hybrid iterative (PCIHIR) or model-based reconstruction (PCIMBR) derived from dual-layer spectral detector computed tomography (SDCT) in arterial phase images to visualise the aorta and abdominal main branches. MATERIAL AND METHODS A retrospectiv...
Clinical/methodical issue: Bipedal locomotion means high mechanical stress on the lower extremities and susceptibility to fractures. On the one hand, these can be the result of a one-time traumatic stress in the context of high speed traumas or falls, but can also result from repetitive microtraumas with subsequent stress fractures. Standard radi...
Objective: This study aimed to identify the energy level of virtual monoenergetic images (VMI) that closest represents conventional images (CI) in order to demonstrate that these images provide improved image quality in terms of noise and Signal-to-noise ratio (SD/SNR) while attenuation values (HU) remain unaltered as compared to CI. Methods: 60...
Clinical/methodical issue: Due to mechanical loading and the number of joints involved, fractures of the foot are among the most common fractures. Standard radiological methods: X-ray is basis for diagnostic workup of all foot fractures. Methodical innovations: For stress fractures, the additional use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is ind...
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Background Renal cell carcinoma is among the most prevalent malignancies. It is generally sporadic. However, genetic studies of rare familial forms have led to the identification of mutations in causative genes such as VHL and FLCN. Mutations in the FLCN gene are the cause of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome, a rare tumor syndrome which is characterized by...
Conference Paper
Purpose: Evaluation of both objective and subjective image quality of virtual monoenergetic (vME) images for assessment of arterially hypervascularized liver lesions in dual-layer CT (e.g. haemangiomas, metastases). Methods and Materials: 50 liver lesions in 20 contrast enhanced CT examinations, acquired at dual-layer CT (IQon, Philips Healthcare)...
Zur Abklärung urologischer Fragestellungen stehen CT und MRT als schnittbildgebende Verfahren zur Verfügung. In Notfallsituationen – wie bei akuten Blutungen, Trauma oder einer Nierenkolik mit vermuteter zugrunde liegender Urolithiasis – stellt die CT die Modalität der Wahl dar. Sie eignet sich zudem zur Staginguntersuchung, zur Suche und Differenz...
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Background. The femoral neck-shaft angle (NSA) is of high importance for the diagnostics and treatment of various conditions of the hip. However, rotational effects limit its precision and applicability using plain radiographs. This study introduces a novel method to measure the femoral NSA: the modified NSA (mNSA), possibly being less susceptible...
Purpose: Target-volume definition for prostate cancer in patients with bilateral metal total hip replacements (THRs) is a challenge because of metal artifacts in the planning computed tomography (CT) scans. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used for matching and prostate delineation; however, at a spatial and temporal distance from the plann...
Einleitung: Adipositas ist mit einem erhohten kardiovaskularen Risiko verbunden. Dieses Risiko ist insbesondere mit dem viszeralen Fettanteil (VF) assoziiert. Der Roux-Y-Magenbypass (RYGB) fuhrt bereits 16 Wochen nach der Operation zu einer bis zu 36-prozentigen Reduktion des Korperfetts, welches sich aus viszeralem und subkutanem Fett (SF) zusamme...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE To evaluate the clinical utility of diffusion-weighted-imaging (DWI) of the abdomen with ultra-high b-values. METHOD AND MATERIALS In this retrospective IRB approved study 46 consecutive patients (30 women, 16 men, mean age 54±17.5) who underwent abdominal MR-exams including a DWI-EPI sequence with b-values of 50, 800 and 2000 s/mm2 on a 3...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE Metallic implants lead to substantial artifacts in CT imaging , often superimposing stent as well as anatomic structures. The purpose of our study was to compare the visualization of carotid stents by Flat Detector Computed Tomography (FD-CT) versus Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MD-CT). METHOD AND MATERIALS Plastic tubes containing t...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE To retrospectively and prospectively compare diffusion-weighted (DW) images in the abdomen in 1.5T and 3.0T systems with and without two-channel functionality for B1 shimming. METHOD AND MATERIALS DW images of the abdomen were obtained on 1.5T and 3.0T (with and without two-channel functionality for B1 shimming) scanners on 150 patients an...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE To assess if the novel ultrasmall particle of iron oxide (P904) can be used to visualize ischemic acute renal failure (IARF) in a rat model. METHOD AND MATERIALS In this IRB approved study 6 Lewis-rats were subjected to 45 minutes unilateral ischemia. After 36 h the rats were injected 516 µmol/kg P904 (Guerbet) and MR-imaging was performed...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE Intraindividual comparison of the diagnostic performance of Dotarem® (0.5M)-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Gadovist® (1.0M)-enhanced MRA at 3-Tesla. METHOD AND MATERIALS Prospective, single-center, randomized, cross-over, comparative, double-blind study. 14 among 20 included patients (61.5±8.1 years) with peripheral arte...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE Different approaches exist for hybrid MRA of the calf station. So far, the order of the acquisition of the focussed calf MRA and the large field of view MRA has not been scientifically evaluated. Therefore the aim of this study was to evaluate if the quality of the combined large field-of-view MRA (CTM MR angiography) and time-resolved MRA...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE Contrast-induced nephropathy is attributed to intrarenal hypoxemia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the impact of monomeric and dimeric x-ray contrast media on renal oxygenation in a pig model using blood oxygenation-level dependent imaging (BOLD) at 1.5T. METHOD AND MATERIALS 8 anaesthetized female pigs underwent two separa...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE To assess whether renal blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging allows characterization of the renal function. METHOD AND MATERIALS In this IRB approved study 367 consecutive patients (236 @ 1.5T Avanto, 131 @ 3T TimTrio) scheduled for abdominal imaging underwent transversal BOLD-measurements with a multi-echo GRE wi...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE To evaluate if whole-body MR-imaging allows differentiating between aggressive systemic mastocytosis (ASM) and indolent systemic mastocytosis (ISM). METHOD AND MATERIALS In this IRB approved study, 43 consecutive patients (22F, 21M) with clinically proven systemic mastocytosis according to the WHO criteria underwent a whole-body (wb) MR-ex...
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Objectives: Embolization therapy is gaining importance in the treatment of malignant and even more in benign lesions. Current embolization materials are not visible in imaging modalities. However, it is assumed that directly visible embolization material may provide several advantages over current embolization agents, ranging from particle shunt an...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE The aim of this prospective study was the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the cortico-medullary concentration of 23Na in the human kidney before and after water load by magnetic resonance imaging at 3T. METHOD AND MATERIALS After IRB approval, 14 healthy volunteers (mean age: 28y) were included. For 23Na imaging a density-adapte...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE Within interventional radiology, embolization therapy is a key procedure. Current embolization materials are not visible (clinical) or solely visible either in X-ray/CT or MRI (research). Particles visible within MRI and X-ray/CT simultaneously would allow direct particle detection in multimodal setups at all times and could therefore be be...
Fragestellung: Ziel der Arbeit war einerseits eine ausführliche theoretische Aufarbeitung des Revisionsprozesses der Helsinki Deklaration (DoH) aus dem Jahr 2000. Hierzu wurden Schwerpunkte der Diskussion ausgewählt und in den aktuellen Diskurs um die Themen eingeordnet. Andererseits sollte der Bekanntheitsgrad der DoH innerhalb eines Kollektivs vo...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE/AIM The development of advanced therapeutic strategies for cartilage disorders such as matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplants has rendered MR imaging (MRI) of the articular cartilage increasingly important. Utilizing functional techniques, the ultrastructural components of cartilage can be noninvasively evaluated both before a...
Conference Paper
PURPOSE/AIM The focus of this presentation is to summarize current functional renal MR techniques focusing on technical considerations - including development of specific sodium imaging coils - the benefits and drawbacks of each approach, and perspectives for future developments. CONTENT ORGANIZATION Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI Technical Prerequ...


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