Stefan Andreas

Stefan Andreas
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen · Department of Cardiology and Pneumology

Prof. Dr. med.


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Stefan Andreas currently works at the Lungenfachklinik Immenhausen, Kr. Kassel and the Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. Stefan is Fellow of the Deutsche Zentrum für Lungenforschung and does research in Respiratory Medicine, COPD and Clinical Trials. Their most recent publication is 'Decline of COPD exacerbations in clinical trials over two decades – a systematic review and meta-regression'.


Publications (296)
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COPD is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. Treatment of COPD improves lung function but is unlikely to slow the steady downhill course of the disease or reduce mortality. In COPD, numerous abnormalities can be found outside the lung. These include systemic inflammation, cachexia, and skeletal muscle dysfunction. Thus, COPD has been ca...
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Background Systemic effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) significantly contribute to severity and mortality of the disease. We aimed to develop a COPD/emphysema model exhibiting systemic manifestations of the disease. Methods Female NMRI mice were treated 5 times intratracheally with porcine pancreatic elastase (emphysema) or ph...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis are common pulmonary diseases that are caused or worsened by tobacco smoking. Growing observational evidence suggests that symptoms and prognosis of these conditions improve upon smoking cessation. Despite increasing numbers of (small) randomised controlled...
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Background: An important goal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treatment is to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Some observations suggest a decline in exacerbation rates in clinical trials over time. A more systematic understanding would help to improve the design and interpretation of COPD trials. Methods: We performed a sy...
Background Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) are associated with changes in the sputum microbiome, including an increased prevalence of pathogenic bacteria. Vaccination against the most frequent bacteria identified in AECOPD might reduce exacerbation frequency. We assessed the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity...
Zusammenfassung Der Prozess zur Implementierung der Lungenkrebsfrüherkennung mit Niedrigdosis-CT (LDCT) in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich an Dynamik gewonnen. Es wird erwartet, dass der von den Fachgesellschaften kommentierte Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz...
Zusammenfassung Der Prozess zur Implementierung der Lungenkrebsfrüherkennung mit Niedrigdosis-CT (LDCT) in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich an Dynamik gewonnen. Es wird erwartet, dass der von den Fachgesellschaften kommentierte Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz...
Zusammenfassung Der Prozess zur Implementierung der Lungenkrebsfrüherkennung mit Niedrigdosis-CT (LDCT) in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich an Dynamik gewonnen. Es wird erwartet, dass der von den Fachgesellschaften kommentierte Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz...
Was ist neu? Tabakentwöhnung in Deutschland. Nachdem der Tabakkonsum über mehrere Jahre rückläufig war, zeigt sich aktuell eine Stagnation bzw. ein Wiederanstieg der Rauchenden in Deutschland. Die Ursachen erscheinen vielfältig, wie z. B. Belastungen durch die Pandemie mit der sozialen Isolation, steigende Lebenshaltungskosten und Krieg in Europa....
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Airway mucociliary regeneration and function are key players for airway defense and are impaired in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Using transcriptome analysis in COPD-derived bronchial biopsies, we observed a positive correlation between cilia-related genes and microRNA-449 (miR449). In vitro, miR449 was strongly increased during ai...
Tobacco control, psychosocial and medical assistance regarding tobacco cessation is still a hidden potential within the German health care system. So far doctors rarely talk to their patients about their smoking status and physical and psychological benefits of quitting. This paper focusses on recommended current diagnostic and treatment standards,...
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We studied whether in patients with COPD the use of metformin for diabetes treatment was linked to a pattern of lung function decline consistent with the hypothesis of anti-aging effects of metformin. Patients of GOLD grades 1–4 of the COSYCONET cohort with follow-up data of up to 4.5 y were included. The annual decline in lung function (FEV1, FVC)...
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Introduction As incidence rates for lung cancer are still very high and lung cancer remains the most deadly cancer since the turn of the millennium, efforts have been made to find new approaches in cancer research. This systematic review highlights how therapeutic options were extended and how the development of new drugs has picked up speed during...
Was ist neu? Tabakentwöhnung in der Klinik – OPS 9–501 Tabakentwöhnung Im Krankenhaus kann durch Gespräche, pharmakologische Hilfen und vor allem eine Weiterbetreuung in ambulanten Strukturen eine effektive Entwöhnung organisiert werden. Medizinische Fachgesellschaften bemühen sich um eine adäquate Finanzierung im DRG-System. Pharmakologische Unter...
Tobacco smoking is associated with severe health risks. In 2020, the WHO estimated that 8 million people have died due to smoking. Furthermore, smoking tobacco is a well-known risk factor for various infectious pulmonary diseases. The question raised, whether smoking is facilitating SARS-CoV-2-infections and increases adverse outcomes of COVID-19....
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Zusammenfassung. Einleitung: Neben der Prävention des Tabakkonsums bleibt die Herstellung und Sicherung eines hohen Niveaus der Behandlungsqualität bei schädlichem Gebrauch und Abhängigkeit von Tabakprodukten eine wichtige gesundheitsbezogene Aufgabe in Deutschland. Eine regelmäßige Aktualisierung der AWMF-S3-Leitlinie „Rauchen und Tabakabhängigkei...
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Bronchiectasis is a chronic pulmonary disease affecting the conducting air ways of the lung, which may result from congenital disorders that affect ciliary motility. The disease is being recognised with increasing frequency around the world. Patients with bronchiectasis show permanent enlargement of peripheral bronchi accompanied by repeated respir...
Zusammenfassung Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (DGP) wendet sich gegen die E-Zigarette als Mittel zur harm-reduction wegen potenzieller Gesundheitsgefahren und Gefährdungen Jugendlicher. Das Aerosol von E-Zigaretten enthält toxische Inhaltsstoffe, die nachweislich schädigend auf die Lunge, das Herz-Kreislauf-System u...
Zusammenfassung Die Langzeit-Sauerstofftherapie hat einen hohen Stellenwert sowohl zur Verminderung der Letalität als auch zur Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit bei Patienten mit chronischen Lungenerkrankungen. Die Grundvoraussetzung für die Langzeit-Sauerstofftherapie ist die adäquate Diagnostik und Indikationsstellung. Sinnvoll ist eine kausale...
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Plotting exacerbation rate versus mortality rate for the treatment groups in two recent controlled trials investigating triple therapy in COPD, there is a significant positive correlation supporting a positive impact of inhaled therapy on mortality
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Introduction: In recent years, the number of patients requiring mechanical ventilation has increased steadily. In some cases, weaning is not successful. These patients depend on home mechanical ventilation and intensive outpatient care. Surprisingly, most of these patients were never treated in a weaning center. Thus, weaning might still be possib...
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Background Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias and elevated heart rate. A theoretical mechanistic association based on the interaction of long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) with adrenoreceptors in the heart and vasculature is assumed as a potential class-related risk. Therefore, we p...
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Introduction Long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) and long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) are established maintenance bronchodilator treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with the potential to increase heart rate (HR) and impact blood pressure (BP). While previous studies indicate that HR and BP are not negatively influenced...
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Stefan Andreas 1, 2 1Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, University Medical Centre Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany; 2LungClinic Immenhausen, Immenhausen, Germany, Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) Correspondence: Stefan AndreasDepartment of Cardiology and Pneumology, Herzzentrum Gottingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 40, Göttingen, German...
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Background Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular comorbidities may have an increased risk of medication-related cardiac arrhythmias. We therefore performed an analysis of Holter electrocardiogram (ECG) data from two large, long-term, controlled clinical COPD trials to investigate whether tiotropium/olodaterol...
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High resting heart rate (RHR) is associated with higher mortality in the general population and in cardiovascular disease. Less is known about the association of RHR with outcome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In particular, the time-updated RHR (most recent value before the event) appears informative. This is the first study to i...
Rationale There is a paucity of observational data on antifibrotic therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Objective We aimed to assess the course of disease of IPF patients with and without antifibrotic therapy under real-life conditions. Methods We analysed data from a non-interventional, prospective cohort study of consecutively enrol...
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The abscopal effect describes the ability of locally administered radiotherapy to induce systemic antitumor effects. Over the past 40 years, reports on the abscopal effect following conventional radiation have been relatively rare, especially in less immunogenic tumors such as lung cancer. However, with the continued development and use of immunoth...
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Background A substantial prevalence of cardiovascular disease is known for COPD, but detection of its presence, relationship to functional findings and contribution to symptoms remains challenging. The present analysis focusses on the cardiovascular contribution to COPD symptoms and their relationship to the patients’ diagnostic status, medication...
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BACKGROUND: An important goal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treatment is to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Some observations suggest a decline in exacerbation rates in clinical trials over time. A more systematic understanding would help to improve the design and interpretation of COPD trials. METHODS: We performed a syste...
Aim: Radiological criteria alone do not reflect the entire population benefitting from checkpoint inhibitor therapy (CIT). This study aimed to detect patterns to assess CIT efficacy in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Materials & methods: We evaluated clinical, radiological and laboratory parameters in a retrospective cohort of NSCLC pa...
Study objectives: Aim of the study was to investigate the association between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a cohort of patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: In this prospective study, 378 patients of the DIAST-CHF cohort were screened for OSA by home polygraphy. Inclusion criteria wer...
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Motile cilia serve vital functions in development, homeostasis, and regeneration. We recently demonstrated that TAp73 is an essential transcriptional regulator of respiratory multiciliogenesis. Here, we show that TAp73 is expressed in multiciliated cells (MCCs) of diverse tissues. Analysis of TAp73 mutant animals revealed that TAp73 regulates Foxj1...
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Background Quality of life (QoL) is profoundly impaired in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). However, data is limited regarding the course of QoL. We therefore analysed longitudinal data from the German INSIGHTS-IPF registry. Methods Clinical status and QoL were assessed at enrollment and subsequently at 6- to 12-months intervals....
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The aim of the present study was to assess the expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition biomarkers (E-cadherin and vimentin) and their potential significance as prognostic markers in patients with stage IIIB/IV non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) enrolled in the INNOVATIONS trial, receiving treatment with either erlotinib/bevaciz...
Die Lungenbeteiligung bei Herzkrankheiten ist nicht immer eine direkte Schädigung, sondern oftmals eine Folge komplexer kardiorespiratorischer Interaktionen. Anhand 5 ausgewählter Situationen – Lungenfunktion und Ventilation im Schlaf bei chronischer Linksherzinsuffizienz, alveoläre Hämorrhagie unter Antikoagulation, infektiöse Rechtsherzendokardit...
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Motile cilia serve vital functions in development, homeostasis and regeneration. We recently demonstrated that TAp73 is an essential transcriptional regulator of respiratory multiciliogenesis. Here, we show that TAp73 is expressed in multiciliated cells (MCCs) of diverse tissues. Analysis of TAp73 mutant animals revealed that TAp73 regulates Foxj1,...
Die Lungenbeteiligung bei Herzkrankheiten ist nicht immer eine direkte Schädigung, sondern oftmals eine Folge komplexer kardiorespiratorischer Interaktionen. Anhand 5 ausgewählter Situationen – Lungenfunktion und Ventilation im Schlaf bei chronischer Linksherzinsuffizienz, alveoläre Hämorrhagie unter Antikoagulation, infektiöse Rechtsherzendokardit...
Background: Cardiovascular comorbidities are common in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and elevated heart rate reflects increased cardiovascular risk over time, which is associated with unfavourable neurohumoral activation. Long-acting β2-agonists (LABAs) are established treatments in COPD, but potentially increase heart rate. We rep...
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Objectives: To inform health-technology assessments of new adjuvant treatments, we describe treatment patterns in patients with complete resection of stage IB-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom (UK). Materials and methods: Data were collected via medical record abstraction. Patients were aged ≥18 y...
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Prior studies have demonstrated an association between excision repair cross-complementation group 1 (ERCC1) expression level and outcomes in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of ERCC1 on survival for patients with stage IIIB/IV non-squa...
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Objectives: New adjuvant treatments are being developed for patients with resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Due to scarcity of real-world data available for treatment costs and resource utilization, health technology and cost-effectiveness assessments can be limited. We estimated the burden and cost-of-illness associated with completely...
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Advance care planning should be part of our clinical routine in severe COPD
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Aims Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular diseases are thought to be linked through various factors. We aimed to assess the relationship between airway obstruction, lung hyperinflation and diastolic filling in COPD. Methods The study population was a subset of the COPD cohort COSYCONET. Echocardiographic parameters inclu...
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Background The INSIGHTS-IPF registry provides one of the largest data sets of clinical data and self-reported patient related outcomes including health related quality of life (QoL) on patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We aimed to describe associations of various QoL instruments between each other and with patient characteristics a...
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Purpose: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with elevated sympathetic nerve activity, which is probably linked to an increased cardiovascular risk, and may contribute to muscle dysfunction by heightened muscle vasoconstrictor drive. We hypothesized that resistive unloading of respiratory muscles by intermittent non-invasive...
The complexity of central breathing disturbances during sleep has become increasingly obvious. They present as central sleep apnoeas (CSAs) and hypopnoeas, periodic breathing with apnoeas, or irregular breathing in patients with cardiovascular, other internal or neurological disorders, and can emerge under positive airway pressure treatment or opio...
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Background Varenicline is an effective smoking cessation medication. Some concern has been raised that its use may precipitate adverse cardiovascular events although no patho-physiological mechanism potentially underlying such an effect has been reported. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that varenicline impacts on sympatho-vagal ba...
We describe the association between comorbidities and lung function with quality of life (QoL) in IPF patients treated under real-life conditions. 572 patients with available QoL data were analysed: 77.1% males; mean age 69.4±8.8 years, disease duration 2.1±3.3 years, % predicted forced vital capacity (FVC) 72.6±19.2%, % pred DLCO 36.1±17.1. QoL at...
Introduction: Checkpointinhibition has become a new paradigm in second-line treatment of metastatic NSCLC. Response rates in Phase II and III trials ranged from 15-20%. In clinical practice it is hard to distinguish pseudoprogression due to an inflammatory increase of tumor volume from really progressive cancer. Aims and objectives: We tried to de...
Background: Aclidinium bromide 400 µg (AB) is known to improve lung function and symptoms in moderate to severe COPD; however, sleep disturbances are common in patients with COPD. Aim: This study investigated the effects of AB on symptoms and sleep quality. Methods: This was a Phase IV, 21-day, randomized, double-blind, placebo (PBO)-controlled, tw...
Batra, A., Petersen, K.U., Hoch, E., Andreas, S., Bartsch, G., Gohlke, H., Jähne, A., Kröger, C., Lindinger, P., Mühlig, S., Neumann, T., Pötschke-Langer, M., Ratje, U., Rüther, T., Schweizer, C., Thürauf, N., Ulbricht, S. & Mann, K.
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SUMMIT supports the efficiency and cardiovascular safety of LABA and ICS in COPD patients at cardiovascular risk
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This study aimed to gain insight into the impact of lung conditions on smoking behaviour and smoking cessation, and identify recommendations for smoking cessation and professional-patient communications. The study was led by the European Lung Foundation in collaboration with the European Respiratory Society Task Force on “Statement on smoking cessa...
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Background Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is considered standard for inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Consolidation chemotherapy (CC) following CRT is intended to further improve outcomes, yet studies have shown discordant results. This phase III study assessed CRT followed by best supportive care (BSC) or consolidation...
A joint statement by the professional cardiological and pneumological societies, the German Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine as well as the German Heart Foundation and the German Lung Foundation welcomes the regulation that identification and treatment of risk factors according to scientific guidelines by physicians will be suppo...
Das Auftreten eines Pleuraergusses kann sowohl im Verlauf von mehreren Erkrankungen der Atemwege als auch anderer Organe beobachtet werden. Die zytologische Untersuchung spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Diagnose von malignen Ergussen und der Planung weiterer therapeutischer Masnahmen. Das Ziel der Studie ist ein Vergleich der zytologischen Befunde...


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