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Accurate vehicle position estimation using a Kalman filter and neural network-based approach



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Accurate Vehicle Position Estimation Using a
Kalman Filter and Neural Network-based Approach
Stanley Baek, Chang Liu, Paul Watta, and Yi Lu Murphey
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Michigan - Dearborn
Dearborn, MI 48128
{stanbaek, liuchan, watta, yilu}
AbstractAccurate detection of vehicle position plays an
important role in many intelligent transportation systems,
especially vehicle-to-vehicle applications. In this paper, we
propose an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based method to detect
Global Positioning System (GPS) errors for such vehicle-based
applications. A machine learning methodology is presented for
Kalman filter parameter tuning with application to GPS error
correction in vehicle positioning. We also present a model free
neural network that is trained on past vehicle GPS trajectories to
predict the current vehicle position. Experimental results on real-
world data show that the proposed system is effective for detecting
and reducing GPS errors. The machine learning algorithm for
EKF parameter tuning can be implemented through in-vehicle
learning, and the proposed GPS error detection method can be
implemented for in-vehicle applications.
KeywordsKalman filter; Global Positioning System (GPS);
GPS error
online detection; neural network
Accurate detection of vehicle position plays an important
role in many intelligent transportation systems (ITS), especially
in applications involving vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-
pedestrian (V2P) and vehicle-to-other vulnerable road users
(V2X), such as pre-crash detection, collision avoidance and
autonomous driving. V2V, V2P and V2X communications all
require a vehicle on-board communication unit, such as
dedicated short-range radio communication (DSRC) devices or
cellular networks, or other means of communication, to transmit
messages about a vehicle’s position, speed, heading, brake
status, and other information to other vehicles (and receive such
information, as well). According to the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, V2V applications have the
potential to address 80% of unimpaired crashes. However, most
GPS devices used in such V2V systems are low-cost grade, and
therefore, prone to errors resulting from a number of sources,
such as receiver error, satellite error, multi-path error, and
random error. Studies have shown that typical GPS errors range
between 1 - 10 meters [1, 17, 18], which is not acceptable in
applications related to driving safety systems.
GPS error is caused by a number of factors, including:
time delays (troposphere and ionosphere), orbital errors due to
inaccuracies in satellite position, multipath signal errors
resulting from the GPS signal reflecting off structures in the
environment, such as buildings and other vehicles, and timing
errors due to the receiver clock inaccuracies [1, 3, 17].
A large amount of research has been conducted in correcting
GPS errors. One type of approach is to use other sensors in the
vehicle or roadside units as reference to estimate vehicle true
position and compare it with the GPS measured position [17,
19]. In [17], Bhawiyuga, Nguyen, and Jeong presented a
vehicular positioning accuracy enhancement (VITAE)
algorithm that reduces the vehicle position error by taking into
account GPS estimates, as well as estimates of nearby vehicles
using a vehicular radar sensor. They first used a greedy data-
association (GDA) method to find a minimal-weight matching
between a GPS estimate and a sensing estimate based on a
Euclidian distance. The algorithm then constructs two polygons
of position estimates: a GPS polygon and a radar sensing
polygon. The GPS polygon is constructed by connecting the
GPS measures for remote vehicles provided by V2V
communications. The sensing polygon is constructed by
connecting the relative locations of remote vehicles provided by
the radar sensor mounted on the host vehicle. The position of the
host vehicle is adjusted by the difference between the mass
center of the GPS polygon and that of the sensing polygon.
The most popular approach to correcting GPS errors is to
formulate a system model of the vehicle dynamics, which
involves not only GPS position, but also velocity and heading,
and then use a Kalman Filter (KF) to smooth the trajectory [1, 6,
8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16].
Xu et al used an improved Kalman filter approach to correct
GPS errors in map-matching a vehicle location to the underlying
road map [1]. Their method consists of a Kalman filter with a
novel method to minimize the biased error of GPS after the
vehicles makes a turn. The authors used real-world driving trips
to evaluate their method. The result shows that it handles the
biased error and the random error of the GPS signals reasonably
well in both the along-road and cross-road directions. The
authors showed that the raw GPS data along-track have a mean
error of 21 meters, and the corrected GPS data along the same
track have a mean error of 1.6 m.
Considerable research has been conducted on selecting
proper Kalman Filter tuning parameters. Although the Kalman
filter and the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) are well established
techniques for state estimation, the choice of the filter tuning
parameters still poses a major challenge [11, 12, 16]. Saha et al.
recently presented two new metrics for determining the filter
tuning parameters on the basis of the innovation covariance [11].
Among all the tuning parameters, they identified the tuning of
the process noise covariance matrix Q as being the most critical,
since all the model uncertainties and inaccuracies as well as the
noise affecting the process are incorporated quantitatively into
Q. They presented a metric based offline method usable for
predicting the actual filter RMSE performance for a particular
application. The metric can be used to find the proper
combination of filter tuning parameters.
In this paper we present a machine learning methodology for
Kalman filter parameter tuning with application to GPS error
correction in vehicle positioning, and a model free neural
network that is trained on past vehicle GPS trajectories to predict
the current vehicle position. This paper is organized as follows.
Section II gives an overview of the EKF approach for detecting
vehicle positioning error. Section III presents the machine
learning approaches we proposed for vehicle positioning error
detection. Section IV presents experimental results conducted
on real world driving trips and Section V concludes the paper.
The displacement of a ground vehicle during the duration of
time, , can be written as
where and are, respectively, the lateral and longitudinal
displacement of the vehicle, is the speed of the vehicle, is
the heading of the vehicle, and is the constant acceleration of
the vehicle during , the sampling step size. In the discrete-
time domain with  and , we can
rewrite these equations as
where and are, respectively, the lateral and longitudinal
position of the vehicle at time ,  and  are,
respectively, the lateral and longitudinal predicted position of
the vehicle at time based on the position (, ), speed
, acceleration, heading , and angular velocity of the
vehicle at time .
The state variables of interest in this work are the position,
heading, and speed of the vehicle. Thus, the state vector at time
is defined by
For the optimal estimate of the states, we have formulated an
extended Kalman filter as follows
where is the state transition matrix at time , is the
observation matrix, is the sensor measurements,
 is a zero mean Gaussian random vector with
covariance , representing system uncertainty, and
 is a zero mean Gaussian random vector with
covariance , and which represents sensor noise The state
transition matrix can be obtained from (1) - (4) and is given
  
  
 
 
The acceleration and angular velocity of the system
in (1) - (4) are unknown, and therefore we consider them as
unmodeled system parameters (or model uncertainty). Thus, the
system uncertainty can be defined by
where and are uncorrelated zero mean Gaussian random
variables with variance of and
, respectively. The system
uncertainty covariance  can be formulated by
where  denotes expectation of a random variable, and the
elements of are shown below:
Since we directly measure the state contaminated with
sensor noise, the observation matrix becomes the identity
matrix independent of time, i.e.,  . The
measurement noise covariance matrix is defined by
 
 
 
 
 
where ,
are the variances of sensor noise of the
lateral position, longitudinal position, speed, and heading,
With this formulation, the Kalman prediction and update
steps are 
 
where  is the estimate of
given the observations , the quantity 
is the estimate of given the
observations  the matrix 
 is the a posteriori covariance
matrix (a measure of uncertainty of state estimate
 is the a priori
covariance matrix (a measure of uncertainty of state estimate
, and is the optimal Kalman gain.
The most arduous step in the implementation of a Kalman
filter is finding the elements in the and matrices, which are
the most influential in the estimation performance. The
variances of sensor noise in (5) can be measured from GPS and
an inertial measurement unit (IMU) whereas the variances of
system noise (
in the matrix are not easy to
determine. In the next section, we develop a robust method to
compute these tuning parameters to correct GPS errors.
In this paper, we assume that the following vehicle data are
: Latitude : Longitude : Vehicle speed
: Vehicle acceleration : Vehicle heading
These measures are commonly available on GPS and On-board
Diagnostics (OBD) devices. Note that these are time-based
signals with a sampling period of . Angular velocity can be
computed from the vehicle heading as follows:
The UTM coordinate system was used to covert latitude and
longitude (in degrees) to Cartesian coordinates:  and 
(in meters).
The EKF outlined in the previous section requires that we
choose two important parameters: angular velocity variance
and acceleration variance: . The most straightforward
approach to computing the needed parameters is to use an
available data set of recorded trips and simply compute each
using the standard variance formula; for example:
 (6)
where are the recorded angular velocities. Note
that angular velocity is a zero mean signal, so the term can be
Fig. 1. Calculation of
. The histogram shown in red represents normalized
count values:  of the measured angular velocity, while the blue curve
shows the best fit Gassian, with samples: . To determine the best fit
Gaussian, we minimize or
 over . A similar historam and
optimization problem are formulated to determine the variance of acceleration:
, as well.
We propose a machine learning approach that is based on
tuning parameters to get a best-fit Gaussian curve to the data.
The algorithm consists of the following steps. First, we compute
a histogram of the tuning parameter values from training trip
data. Figure 1 shows such a (normalized) histogram for the
angular velocity (in red). Let  represent the normalized
count (y-axis) from the histogram for the given value of .
Next, we want to find the best fitting Gaussian curve, of the
For a given value of and , we can compute the
corresponding value of the Gaussian curve: . Hence, we
can formulate the following optimization problem:
where the objective function is the sum-squared error
between the f and h samples:
In the next section, we will show that the following weighted
objective function yields slightly better results:
This objective function puts more weight on fitting the tails of
the distribution.
Similar fitting functions: , , and objective
functions: , and  were formulated to compute the
variance of acceleration , as well.
We propose a model free neural network-based method for
vehicle position error detection based on the past trajectory of
vehicle positions (measured GPS coordinates). We used a
multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with architecture shown in Figure
2. We found that this simple structure with one hidden layer was
sufficiently powerful for the present error detection problem.
The inputs to the neural network are measurements of four
variables: vehicle position, speed, and heading, over the time
period: , where w is a parameter which
specifies the size of the temporal sliding window. The outputs of
the network:  and occur at time and represent the
amount of error in position. A data set of inputs and target
outputs is needed to train the neural network.
Fig. 2. Architecture of GPS error-correcting neural network.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches,
we used real GPS data collected over several trips, each about
50 km long in Dearborn, MI, and contains both city and highway
driving. Figure 3 shows a map of the route (a roundtrip) taken
by the driver. GPS data was collected from 17 such trips with 5
different drivers. The vehicle position, velocity, heading, and
acceleration were collected at a sampling rate of 100 Hz.
We are interested in how the parameter values and prediction
accuracy are affected by road/traffic conditions. From the entire
trip, 5 different segments: through were identified as
having interesting traffic characteristics. The 5 segments are also
shown in Figure 3, and the associated traffic characteristics are
listed below:
: Intersection and left turn
: Straight section
: Curve
: Stop sign and U-turn 
: Slight turn
Fig. 3. The 50km route (roundtrip) taken by each driver. Five different
segments of the trip are indicated.
In the following subsections, we will corrupt the recorded
GPS data with various amounts of additive white Gaussian
noise. Figure 4 shows a short segment of the trip along with the
original GPS data (in red) and then with added noise set to 0.5m,
1.5m, and 2.5m.
Fig. 4. Illustration of the trip data along with added noise. (a) Original GPS
data. (b) The trip with 0.5m additive white Gassuian noise (c) 1.5m noise and
(d) 2.5 m noise.
A. Computation of Kalman Filter Parameters
To study the computation of the parameters and
needed by the Kalman filter, we performed a preliminary
experiment of computing both parameters using the data from
Trip #1. Three different methods were used to compute the
variances: equation 6, and the two curve fitting methods outlined
in (7) (9). To test the performance of each variance setting,
Trips #1 - #3 were corrupted with 1.5m GPS noise, and the
Kalman filter was applied to the noisy trip data. A mean-squared
error measure was used to assess performance:
where   is a ground truth position vector
taken from the original (noiseless) positions and  is the
corresponsing position vector after the Kalman filter has been
applied to the noisy signal.
Figure 5 shows a plot of the two curve fitting error functions:
 Also shown are the minimizers of the
respective functions:
 which give the best
Gaussian fit.
Fig. 5. A plot of the curve fitting errors: , and
 as a function of
. In each case, we choose the value of which minimizes the error.
The three values of : (i) the one computed from Equation
5, (ii)
and (iii)  were used to filter the noisy
signal. Table I shows the mean-squared error tested over Trips
#1 ˗ #3. The best performance was with the curve fitting
approach using the weighted objective function. In the
experiments that follow, this is the method that will be used to
compute and .
The variance values, of course, depend on the data set used
to compute them. Figure 6 shows a scatter plot of vs.
computed over all 12 trips (shown in blue).
Fig. 6. A scatter pot of vs. from the first 7 trips (shown in blue). The
average values: and (averaged sigmas over the first 7 trips) are shown in
red. The sigmas resulting from using the data from all 7 trips:
 and  are
shown in green.
In light of Figure 6, there are two different ways to obtain a
reasonable estimate of the variance. The first is to compute the
center of mass of individual
and from the various trips
This will be denoted by
 and
and shown in red in Figure 6. The second method is to compute
the variance of measured data (including all trips) which will be
denoted by
 and  and they are shown in green in Figure
B. Evaluation of Performance on Fixed Route
In the following experiments, data from the first 12 trips
were used to compute the parameters: and . Several
different ways of computing these statistical measures were
explored. In the first approach, the standard deviations were
computed over each trip separately:
and , .
With these values, the Kalman filter was used to filter the noisy
data on the corresponding trip data with 3 levels of additive
white noise: 0.5m, 1.5m, and 2.5m. So, for example,
were used to filter the noisy Trip #1 data. The results are shown
in Figure 7.
Next, to determine how robust the standard deviation is, we
and and evaluated the Kalman filter on all the other
11 noisy trips (2 through 12). The process was repeated for
and through
 and . The results are shown in Figure 8.
Kalman Filter
Error (m)
Trip 1
Trip 2
Trip 3
Variance Formula
Curve Fitting
Weighted Curve Fit
Note that the results here represent the average error over the 11
other trips.
Next, we tested system performance using the average
parameters: and . The results of this experiment are shown
in Figure 9.
Fig. 7.
and were computed on trip i and evelauted on trip i.
Fig. 8.
and were computed on trip i and evelauted against all 11 other
Fig. 9. and were computed by averaging the 12 individual and
and evaluated on all 12 trips.
Finally, we tested system performance using the parameters
fitted by all 12 trip data:
 and . The results are shown in
Figure 10. A summary of the average errors (averaged over all
the test trips) for each approach is given in Table II.
Fig. 10.
 and  were computed by using all of the data in the 12 trips.
and evaluated on all 12 trips.
Kalman Filter Error
Input Noise
Input Noise
Input Noise
and computed
and tested on same trip
and computed
on one trip and tested
on all 11 others
From the results of this set of experiments we observe the
following properties:
(1) the EKF using the parameters fitted on the same trip data
as the test data gives the best performance. However, this can
only serve as a measure of performance upper bound. It cannot
be used for online error prediction.
(2) The performances given by the EKF that uses
 and
 and the EKF that uses and are very close. However,
 and  and can be updated when new trip
data are available for learning without referring to the previous
training data. Therefore, we recommend use of and.
Next, we investigate how road/traffic features affect system
performance. Figure 11 shows GPS data for several trips (with
different drivers) over segments and . The variance
parameters were computed on each segment of the 12 trips and
then tested on the same 12 trips. Table III shows a comparison
of the average Kalman filter error. The results in the table are in
the format: Error from using
 and  / error from using
and . From the table, we see that the two methods give
very similar values. This is important because it indicates that it
is possible to use our algorithm in an online learning mode. That
is, and can be continually updated online, as more trips
are made by the driver.
Fig. 11. Illustration of a few trips over segments: (a) (b) .
 AND  / AND
KF Error
Input Noise
Input Noise
Input Noise
0.2536 / 0.2587
0.6281 / 0.6456
1.7809 / 1.7845
0.2190 / 0.2165
0.5892 / 0.5859
1.3315 / 1.3278
0.3981 / 0.4007
1.1244 / 1.1287
2.0993 / 2.1019
0.4136 / 0.4029
1.2331 / 1.2245
2.1898 / 2.1697
0.5009 / 0.4891
1.4895 / 1.4710
2.4076 / 2.4031
C. Comparison of EKF and Neural Network
A neural network with 10 hidden nodes and architecture
shown in Figure 2 was trained using data from the first 12 trips
and tested the other 5 trips. Figure 12 shows the error of the
neural network approach, as well as the two EKF methods with
two parameters settings:
 and  , and and .
Fig. 12. Performance comparisons between the EKF-based approach and the
neural network-based approach using five test trips.
The neural network gives the best performance. The two
EKF based methods show almost identical performance.
However, we want to point out that the neural network requires
supervised learning (with known target values), which is not
easy to implement for in-vehicle applications.
D. Testing on a New Route
In the above experiments, the system was trained and tested
on data collected over a fixed route, but with multiple drivers. In
this section, we utilize the same Kalman filter parameters as
computed in Section IV.B, but we test on an entirely new route.
The route was local driving for approximately 9 miles and 12
minutes as shown in Figure 13. Two data acquisition systems
were used. The first provided high quality GPS measurements
with 100 Hz sampling rate. The signals captured with this device
were considered ground truth for the trip. The second was a low
quality device with a sampling rate of 1 Hz. The signals in this
device were considered the noisy input signal that was sent to
the Kalman filter.
Fig. 13. A new route consisting of 9 miles of city driving and approximately 12
Fig. 14. A plot of Kalman filter error vs. time when tested on the new route.
A plot of the Kalman filter estimation error as a function of
time is shown in Figure 14. Notice that there is a large amount
of error at the beginning of the trip, but then after some time, the
Kalman filter is very effective in removing noise. Figure 15
shows what was occurring at the beginning of the trip: the driver
was exiting a parking lot and making several starts and stops.
Figure 16 show a later portion of the trip where the Kalman filter
provides effective error correction even with a low cost sensor.
Fig. 15. At the beginning of the trip, the driver was in a parking lot and the input
signal (red dots) is very noisy. The blue line is the ground truth.
Fig. 16. A section of the trip which shows the the effect of Kalman filtering.
The red dots are the noisy signal, the green dots are the Kalman-filtered signal,
and the blue line is the ground truth.
In this paper, we proposed several methods for improving
vehicle position estimation. A curve fitting approach was
proposed for tuning important Kalman filter parameters. A
neural network was proposed for estimating position errors. The
results show that the neural network can give slightly better
results that the Kalman filter. However, the neural network
requires a training set containing ground truth, which makes it
less appealing for in-vehicle applications. The Kalman filter
approach is more amenable to an online and in-vehicle
implementation, where the tuning parameters can be continually
updated as new data is obtained. In future work, we will apply
these approaches to larger data sets, consisting of many drivers
and different driving scenarios. In addition, we will explore its
use as a component in other intelligent vehicle systems design
problems, such as autonomous vehicle design.
This work is support in part by grants from Mobility
Transformation Center and Michigan Institution for Data
Science at the University of Michigan.
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vol. 51, pp. 2529-2553, May 2009.
... In order to overcome CVS performance degradation caused by non-ideal communication, methods for tracking and predicting information have been proposed [30][31][32][33][34]. The constant speed or acceleration model is the most frequently accepted assumption for prediction by conventional vehicle manufacturers. ...
... Nevertheless, because of the limitations of communication technology, the assumption is not always valid in real scenarios, particularly in heavily congested situations [35]. Kalman filters have been also used widely for tracking position and velocity [31,32]. This is likely due to the relative simplicity and robust nature of the filter itself. ...
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Vehicle‐to‐Everything (V2X) communication has been proposed as a potential solution to improve the robustness and safety of autonomous vehicles by improving coordination and removing the barrier of non‐line‐of‐sight sensing. Cooperative Vehicle Safety (CVS) applications are tightly dependent on the reliability of the underneath data system, which can suffer from loss of information due to the inherent issues of their different components, such as sensors' failures or the poor performance of V2X technologies under dense communication channel load. Particularly, information loss affects the target classification module and, subsequently, the safety application performance. To enable reliable and robust CVS systems that mitigate the effect of information loss, a Context‐Aware Target Classification (CA‐TC) module coupled with a hybrid learning‐based predictive modeling technique for CVS systems is proposed. The CA‐TC consists of two modules: a Context‐Aware Map (CAM), and a Hybrid Gaussian Process (HGP) prediction system. Consequently, the vehicle safety applications use the information from the CA‐TC, making them more robust and reliable. The CAM leverages vehicles' path history, road geometry, tracking, and prediction; and the HGP is utilized to provide accurate vehicles' trajectory predictions to compensate for data loss (due to communication congestion) or sensor measurements' inaccuracies. Based on offline real‐world data, a finite bank of driver models that represent the joint dynamics of the vehicle and the drivers' behavior is learned. Offline training and online model updates are combined with on‐the‐fly forecasting to account for new possible driver behaviors. Finally, the framework is validated using simulation and realistic driving scenarios to confirm its potential in enhancing the robustness and reliability of CVS systems.
... The Kalman filter (KF) is widely used for vehicle tracking tasks [1]- [8] and vehicle trajectory smoothing [4], [9]- [12]. One of the challenges to consider when applying a KF for tracking applications is the modeling of the vehicle trajectory, as expressed by the system matrix and associated process noise covariance. ...
... Yet, the resulting time to converge is too long, as the entire history of the tracking process is considered. In [9], a curve-fitting approach was proposed for tuning trajectory uncertainty noise matrix using a neural network. However, the method demands a training set with ground truth for the entire trajectory, which makes it unrealistic for real-time tracking when considering a new environment, for example. ...
A novel approach for vehicle tracking using a hybrid adaptive Kalman filter is proposed. The filter utilizes recurrent neural networks to learn the vehicle’s geometrical and kinematic features, which are then used in a supervised learning model to determine the actual process noise covariance in the Kalman framework. This approach addresses the limitations of traditional linear Kalman filters, which can suffer from degraded performance due to uncertainty in the vehicle kinematic trajectory modeling. Our method is evaluated and compared to other adaptive filters using the Oxford RobotCar dataset, and has shown to be effective in accurately determining the process noise covariance in real-time scenarios. Overall, this approach can be implemented in other estimation problems to improve performance.
... Addressing availability and mobility challenges in vehicular networks requires robust strategies that account for the dynamic nature of vehicle movements and ensure reliable connectivity and service availability [27]. In [28], the authors propose a novel system that combines positioning and vehicle direction to provide a predictive evaluation. Their approach utilizes a combination of Machine Learning (ML) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) techniques to estimate the location and driving direction of nearby vehicles. ...
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The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a powerful application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). It enables device connectivity, and interaction with the environment, and improves efficiency in utilizing sensor data. Leveraging the capabilities of vehicle sensors to provide virtual sensor service presents an opportunity to make the most of underutilized sensor resources and offer on-demand sensor services. However, challenges remain in ensuring spatio-temporal sensor availability due to the high mobility of vehicles and frequent changes in the IoV network topology. Furthermore, providing sensor services in the dynamic IoV-Cloud market, while balancing cost-effectiveness for consumers and profitability for service providers, poses a significant challenge. To address these challenges, we develop an IoV-Cloud architecture tailored for vehicle virtual sensor provisioning, integrating interactive functional layers and components for a comprehensive solution. This architecture supports vehicle sensor virtualization and management, facilitating the intelligent provisioning of on-demand, elastic, and scalable vehicle virtual sensors from existing physical sensors within mobile vehicles. To address vehicle mobility and enhance sensor availability, our design permits virtual sensors to maintain data provision even when switched to different physical sensors. Further optimizing sensor utilization, our system allows multiple virtual vehicle sensors to share a single physical sensor by employing a configuration mapping mechanism. At the heart of our strategy is a reinforcement learning model that dynamically selects the most suitable vehicle physical sensor for each time slot throughout the service period, considering both physical availability and cost-effectiveness for the Sensor Cloud Service Provider (SCSP). We simulate the proposed intelligent sensor selection model using both Q-learning and SARSA algorithms, demonstrating its effectiveness in intelligent and dynamic sensor provisioning.
... Kalman filters have been also used widely for tracking position and velocity [31], [32]. This is likely due to the relative simplicity and robust nature of the filter itself. ...
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Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has been proposed as a potential solution to improve the robustness and safety of autonomous vehicles by improving coordination and removing the barrier of non-line-of-sight sensing. Cooperative Vehicle Safety (CVS) applications are tightly dependent on the reliability of the underneath data system, which can suffer from loss of information due to the inherent issues of their different components, such as sensors failures or the poor performance of V2X technologies under dense communication channel load. Particularly, information loss affects the target classification module and, subsequently, the safety application performance. To enable reliable and robust CVS systems that mitigate the effect of information loss, we proposed a Context-Aware Target Classification (CA-TC) module coupled with a hybrid learning-based predictive modeling technique for CVS systems. The CA-TC consists of two modules: A Context-Aware Map (CAM), and a Hybrid Gaussian Process (HGP) prediction system. Consequently, the vehicle safety applications use the information from the CA-TC, making them more robust and reliable. The CAM leverages vehicles path history, road geometry, tracking, and prediction; and the HGP is utilized to provide accurate vehicles' trajectory predictions to compensate for data loss (due to communication congestion) or sensor measurements' inaccuracies. Based on offline real-world data, we learn a finite bank of driver models that represent the joint dynamics of the vehicle and the drivers' behavior. We combine offline training and online model updates with on-the-fly forecasting to account for new possible driver behaviors. Finally, our framework is validated using simulation and realistic driving scenarios to confirm its potential in enhancing the robustness and reliability of CVS systems.
The emergence of connected vehicles (CV) and cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems (CVIS) have paved the way for new innovative prospects for improving the safety and efficiency of transportation systems. Unleashing the communication and positioning capabilities of connected vehicles and roadside units’ storage and computing capabilities, the CVIS can enhance the positioning signal coverage and help the vehicles with low positioning accuracy by sharing the positioning error correction model. This chapter introduces an improved deep neural network (DNN) to train the positioning error prediction model and introduces the method of optimizing the network in detail. In order to ensure the privacy of vehicles and the safety of roadside units a blockchain model based on consensus algorithm is further introduced to share the positioning error information. Additionally, the method's performance and effectiveness in terms of accuracy are verified in different scenarios.
Vehicular Global Positioning System (GPS) is an essential component in the advancement of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Intelligence Networking (IN). However, the low accuracy of current GPS remains a significant obstacle to achieving lane-level positioning. Although existing Cooperative Positioning (CP) approaches have managed to improve vehicle positioning accuracy to some degree, there are still obstacles to be overcome in terms of enhancing the timeliness and security. In this paper, we introduce a novel Blockchain-based Cooperative Mechanism in a Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) environment (BCM-CAV), aimed at enhancing the positioning error, timeliness, and safety of the CP. In the BCM-CAV framework, the model of trajectory positioning error is designed using multiple Traffic Signs (TS) as the reference points. This model uses a Dueling Neural Network (DNN) architecture to correct the positioning of CAVs. Furthermore, We devise a model for the average position trajectory error of multiple vehicles that aims to minimize positioning errors for common vehicles traveling within the same region and road segment. The BCM-CAV framework encompasses a blockchain subsystem and an IoV subsystem, thereby establishing a connection between common vehicles, CAVs, and Road Side Units (RSUs). We design different smart contracts that satisfy the BCM-CAV sharing mechanism to guarantee secure and efficient information exchange. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the BCM-CAV enhances the accuracy of vehicle positioning, the security of information exchange, timeliness, and reduces the computational cost.
Autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation in the presence of Human-driven vehicles (HVs) is challenging, as HVs continuously update their policies in response to AVs. In order to navigate safely in the presence of complex AV-HV social interactions, the AVs must learn to predict these changes. Humans are capable of navigating such challenging social interaction settings because of their intrinsic knowledge about other agents’ behaviors and use that to forecast what might happen in the future. Inspired by humans, we provide our AVs the capability of anticipating future states and leveraging prediction in a cooperative reinforcement learning (RL) decision-making framework, to improve safety and robustness. In this paper, we propose an integration of two essential and earlier-presented components of AVs: social navigation and prediction. We formulate the AV’s decision-making process as a RL problem and seek to obtain optimal policies that produce socially beneficial results utilizing a prediction-aware planning and social-aware optimization RL framework. We also propose a Hybrid Predictive Network (HPN) that anticipates future observations. The HPN is used in a multi-step prediction chain to compute a window of predicted future observations to be used by the value function network (VFN). Finally, a safe VFN is trained to optimize a social utility using a sequence of previous and predicted observations, and a safety prioritizer is used to leverage the interpretable kinematic predictions to mask the unsafe actions, constraining the RL policy. We compare our prediction-aware AV to state-of-the-art solutions and demonstrate performance improvements in terms of efficiency and safety in multiple simulated scenarios.
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Autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation in the presence of Human-driven vehicles (HVs) is challenging, as HVs continuously update their policies in response to AVs. In order to navigate safely in the presence of complex AV-HV social interactions, the AVs must learn to predict these changes. Humans are capable of navigating such challenging social interaction settings because of their intrinsic knowledge about other agents behaviors and use that to forecast what might happen in the future. Inspired by humans, we provide our AVs the capability of anticipating future states and leveraging prediction in a cooperative reinforcement learning (RL) decision-making framework, to improve safety and robustness. In this paper, we propose an integration of two essential and earlier-presented components of AVs: social navigation and prediction. We formulate the AV decision-making process as a RL problem and seek to obtain optimal policies that produce socially beneficial results utilizing a prediction-aware planning and social-aware optimization RL framework. We also propose a Hybrid Predictive Network (HPN) that anticipates future observations. The HPN is used in a multi-step prediction chain to compute a window of predicted future observations to be used by the value function network (VFN). Finally, a safe VFN is trained to optimize a social utility using a sequence of previous and predicted observations, and a safety prioritizer is used to leverage the interpretable kinematic predictions to mask the unsafe actions, constraining the RL policy. We compare our prediction-aware AV to state-of-the-art solutions and demonstrate performance improvements in terms of efficiency and safety in multiple simulated scenarios.
The emergence of connected vehicles (CV) and cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems (CVIS) have paved the way for new innovative prospects for improving the safety and efficiency of transportation systems. Unleashing the communication and positioning capabilities of connected vehicles and roadside units’ storage and computing capabilities, the CVIS can enhance the positioning signal coverage and improve the positioning accuracy of the vehicles with low positioning accuracy by sharing the positioning error correction model. In particular, based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm, we first design an improved deep neural network to train the positioning error model. Second, the selection crossover factors of the genetic algorithm are used to optimize the network. Then, based on the consensus algorithms, the positioning error model is shared and stored in the blockchain network to ensure the security of vehicles and roadside units that provide positioning correction information. Finally, the trained network is used to predict and correct the positioning errors of other vehicles with low positioning accuracy. Additionally, the proposed method’s performance and effectiveness in terms of accuracy, timeliness, and security are verified in different scenarios.
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The low cost Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) can be used to provide accurate position information of a pedestrian when it is combined with Global Positioning System(GPS). This paper investigates how the integration of IMU anf GPS can be effectively used in pedestrian localization. The position calculation is achieved in sequence by three different strategies, namely basic double integration of IMU data, Zero-velocity Update (ZUPT) and Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) based fusion of IMU and GPS data. Experiments that are conducted in two fields show that EKF based localization outperform the double integration and ZUPT methods in terms of both positioning accuracy and robustness.
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Low-cost GPS receivers provide geodetic positioning information using the NMEA protocol, usually with eight digits for latitude and nine digits for longitude. When these geodetic coordinates are converted into Cartesian coordinates, the positions fit in a quantization grid of some decimeters in size, the dimensions of which vary depending on the point of the terrestrial surface. The aim of this study is to reduce the quantization errors of some low-cost GPS receivers by using a Kalman filter. Kinematic tractor model equations were employed to particularize the filter, which was tuned by applying Monte Carlo techniques to eighteen straight trajectories, to select the covariance matrices that produced the lowest Root Mean Square Error in these trajectories. Filter performance was tested by using straight tractor paths, which were either simulated or real trajectories acquired by a GPS receiver. The results show that the filter can reduce the quantization error in distance by around 43%. Moreover, it reduces the standard deviation of the heading by 75%. Data suggest that the proposed filter can satisfactorily preprocess the low-cost GPS receiver data when used in an assistance guidance GPS system for tractors. It could also be useful to smooth tractor GPS trajectories that are sharpened when the tractor moves over rough terrain.
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Written by recognized authorities in the field, this second edition of a landmark work provides engineers, computer scientists, and others with a working familiarity with the theory and contemporary applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigational Systems (INS), and Kalman filters. Throughout, the focus is on solving real-world problems, with an emphasis on the effective use of state-of-the-art integration techniques for those systems, especially the application of Kalman filtering. To that end, the authors explore the various subtleties, common failures, and inherent limitations of the theory as it applies to real-world situations, and provide numerous detailed application examples and practice problems, including GNSS-aided INS, modeling of gyros and accelerometers, and SBAS and GBAS. Drawing upon their many years of experience with GNSS, INS, and the Kalman filter, the authors present numerous design and implementation techniques not found in other professional references. This Second Edition has been updated to include: GNSS signal integrity with SBAS Mitigation of multipath, including results Ionospheric delay estimation with Kalman filters New MATLAB programs for satellite position determination using almanac and ephemeris data and ionospheric delay calculations from single and dual frequency data New algorithms for GEO with L1 /L5 frequencies and clock steering Implementation of mechanization equations in numerically stable algorithms To enhance comprehension of the subjects covered, the authors have included software in MATLAB, demonstrating the working of the GNSS, INS, and filter algorithms. In addition to showing the Kalman filter in action, the software also demonstrates various practical aspects of finite word length arithmetic and the need for alternative algorithms to preserve result accuracy.
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The demand for civil navigation systems in harsh environments has been growing over the last several years. The Global Positioning System (GPS) has been the backbone of most current navigation systems, but its usefulness in downtown urban environments or under heavily treed terrain is limited due to signal blockages. To help bridge these signal gaps inertial navigation systems (INS) have been suggested. An integrated INS/GPS system can provide a continuous navigation solution regardless of the environment. For civil applications the use of MEMS sensors are needed due to cost, size and regulatory restrictions of higher grade inertial units. The Kalman Filter has traditionally been used to optimally weight the GPS and INS measurements, but when using MEMS grade sensors the tuned parameters are not always the optimal ones. In these cases, the position errors during loss of the GPS signals accumulate faster than the ideally tuned case. To help correct imperfect tuning, a reinforcement learning algorithm was used to tune the Kalman filter parameters as navigation data was collected. Tuning any Kalman filter is a difficult task and is often done before navigation with the aid of the filter designer. This process often entails much iteration using the expertise of the designer, and is in no way guaranteed to result in optimal parameters. Reinforcement learning is an intelligent solution to this problem which uses a combination of dynamic programming and trial and error exploration to develop a set of optimal parameters. In comparison to a typical iterative approach, it was found that using reinforcement learning led to slightly better estimates of the tuning parameter values; furthermore, the tuning process was performed with significantly less iteration, in comparison to an exhaustive search, due to the learning capability of the method. This benefits both static parameters as well as time varying parameters since the method is capable of constantly adapting the tuning based on collected navigation data.
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Map-matching, which reconciles a vehicle's location with the underlying road map, is a fundamental function of a land vehicle navigation system. This article presents an improved Kalman filter approach whose state-space model is different from the conventional ones. The main objective of the research is to develop and apply a proper Kalman filter–based model for effectively correcting Global Positioning System (GPS) errors in map-matching. Based on the in-depth investigation of the characteristics of GPS errors, the authors presents a novel approach to update the state vector and other related parameters of the Kalman filter using both the historical tracks and road map information. The performance of the proposed approach is thoroughly examined by sample applications with real field data. The result shows that it handles the biased error and the random error of the GPS signals reasonably well in both the along-road and cross-road directions.
This letter proposes a map-matching method for automotive navigation systems. The proposed method utilizes the innovation of the Kalman filter algorithm and can achieve more accurate positioning than the correlation method which is generally used for the navigation systems. In this letter, the performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by some simulations.
In this study, we estimated the accuracy and precision of a simple GPS receiver and community base station system. We found that, under ideal conditions, 95 percent of the locations we derived were within 73 m of true without differential correction and within 6 m of true with correction. Taking the average of repetitive fixes at a single location increases accuracy and precision, especially if more than 50 sequential fixes are used. There is little correlation of positional accuracies obtained at different stations or between raw and differentially corrected data. There can be measurable day-to-day variation in accuracy that may not be related to PDOP (positional dilution of precision) conditions.
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In vehicular safety applications, a vehicular positioning algorithm plays a crucial role in preventing road accidents through the perception of a dangerous situation in advance. However, most of vehicular positioning devices, e.g. a low-cost GPS receiver, have too large position error to be used for these applications. To reduce this error, we present the vehicular positioning accuracy enhancement (VITAE) algorithm which reduces the position error of a vehicle by taking into account the GPS estimate and the sensing estimate of each nearby vehicle; A GPS estimate is obtained from vehicle-to-vehicle communications, whereas a sensing estimate is measured at local sensors, e.g. vehicular radar. We first present a greedy data-association (GDA) algorithm to find a minimal-weight matching between a GPS estimate and a sensing estimate based on an Euclidian distance. We next adjust the position estimate of the vehicle by using the difference in the mass center of GPS estimates and that of sensing estimates. From the law of large numbers, this adjustment leads to the reduction of the position error by 1/√N times, where N is the number of nearby vehicles. To further reduce the position error, we combine our positioning algorithm with the Kalman filter. From the numerical results, we demonstrate that our positioning algorithm can reduce the position error by 81.8% on average.
Autonomous robotic weed control systems hold promise toward the automation of one of agriculture's few remaining unmechanized and drudging tasks, hand weed control. Robotic technology may also provide a means of reducing agriculture's current dependency on herbicides, improving its sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. This review describes the current status of the four core technologies (guidance, detection and identification, precision in-row weed control, and mapping) required for the successful development of a general-purpose robotic system for weed control. Of the four, detection and identification of weeds under the wide range of conditions common to agricultural fields remains the greatest challenge. A few complete robotic weed control systems have demonstrated the potential of the technology in the field. Additional research and development is needed to fully realize this potential.