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Iron status in athletic females, a shift in perspective on an old paradigm Iron status in athletic females, a shift in perspective on an old paradigm

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Sports Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Iron deficiency is a common nutrient deficiency within athletes, with sport scientists and medical professionals recognizing that athletes require regular monitoring of their iron status during intense training periods. Revised considerations for athlete iron screening and monitoring have suggested that males get screened biannually during heavy training periods and females require screening biannually or quarterly, depending on their previous history of iron deficiency. The prevalence of iron deficiency in female athletes is higher than their male counterparts and is often cited as being a result of the presence of a menstrual cycle in the premenopausal years. This review has sought to revise our current understanding of female physiology and the interaction between primary reproductive hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) and iron homoeostasis in females. The review highlights an apparent symbiotic relationship between iron metabolism and the menstrual cycle that requires additional research as well as identifying areas of the menstrual cycle that may be primed for nutritional iron supplementation. ARTICLE HISTORY
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Iron status in athletic females, a shift in
perspective on an old paradigm
Claire E. Badenhorst , Kazushige Goto , Wendy J. O’Brien & Stacy Sims
To cite this article: Claire E. Badenhorst , Kazushige Goto , Wendy J. O’Brien & Stacy Sims
(2021): Iron status in athletic females, a shift in perspective on an old paradigm, Journal of Sports
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Published online: 14 Feb 2021.
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Iron status in athletic females, a shift in perspective on an old paradigm
Claire E. Badenhorst
, Kazushige Goto
, Wendy J. O’Brien
and Stacy Sims
School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, College of Health, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand;
Graduate School of Sport and Health Science,
Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Japan;
Te Huataki Waiora - School of Health, the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Iron deciency is a common nutrient deciency within athletes, with sport scientists and medical
professionals recognizing that athletes require regular monitoring of their iron status during intense
training periods. Revised considerations for athlete iron screening and monitoring have suggested that
males get screened biannually during heavy training periods and females require screening biannually or
quarterly, depending on their previous history of iron deciency. The prevalence of iron deciency in
female athletes is higher than their male counterparts and is often cited as being a result of the presence
of a menstrual cycle in the premenopausal years. This review has sought to revise our current under-
standing of female physiology and the interaction between primary reproductive hormones (oestrogen
and progesterone) and iron homoeostasis in females. The review highlights an apparent symbiotic
relationship between iron metabolism and the menstrual cycle that requires additional research as well
as identifying areas of the menstrual cycle that may be primed for nutritional iron supplementation.
Accepted 1 February 2021
Hepcidin; oestrogen;
progesterone; iron stores;
iron regulation; iron
Iron is considered an essential mineral for athletic performance,
supporting the processes of oxygen delivery and energy pro-
duction at a cellular level (Beard, 2001). Symptoms of iron
deciency include lethargy, fatigue, negative mood, and in
cases of iron deciency anaemia, a reduced work capacity
(Pasricha et al., 2010; Sim et al., 2019). This cumulative list of
symptoms is likely to impact an athlete’s training and compe-
titive performances (Sim et al., 2019). As such, researchers in
sport physiology and medicine frequently suggest that iron
status in athletes be routinely measured with appropriate
actions taken to correct deciencies if, and when, required
(Sim et al., 2019). Female athletes are encouraged to undergo
quarterly or biannual iron screenings (dependent of history of
iron deciency) due to higher incidence rates of iron deciency
which, in previous and current literature has largely been
attributed to increased iron loss through menses (Bruinvels
et al., 2016; Mayer et al., 2019; Pedlar et al., 2018). Of note,
female athletes presenting with menorrhagia may have an
exacerbated risk of iron deciency as compared to eumenor-
rheic females with regular or normal blood loss (Bruinvels et al.,
2016; Clancy et al., 2006). Research has demonstrated declines
in iron status in female athletes over prolonged training periods
(Auersperger et al., 2013; Mielgo-Ayuso et al., 2018), with
changes being the result of increased exercise-induced iron
loss. Research on the changes in iron status within the men-
strual cycle of female athletes is limited; therefore, researchers
with an interest in female athletes’ health may have to draw
conclusions from studies in non-athletic populations. Within
the non-athletic populations there is variability in the results
for the change in iron status within the menstrual cycle, with
two studies demonstrating a change in iron status (Heath et al.,
2001; Kim et al., 1993), while others report no change at all
(Belza et al., 2005; Puolakka, 1980). However, as will be dis-
cussed throughout this review, there is evidence from previous
research to suggest that in healthy eumenorrheic females,
changes in iron status will likely occur throughout the men-
strual cycle and this should be a consideration for future
research in female athletes. It should be noted that exercise-
associated menstrual disturbances are well documented in
female athlete health research, with regular menstruation con-
sidered a marker of endocrine and metabolic health. Thus, the
question is raised as to how a marker of female athletic health
may negatively impact an essential mineral required to main-
tain athletic performance and physiological processes such as
energy metabolism and immune function. This article aims to
review and critique the current understanding of iron regula-
tion in females and proposes and challenges the paradigm that
menstrual blood loss increases the risk of iron deciency.
Brief overview of iron and exercise
The adult human body contains approximately 3000–4000 mg
of iron, obtained through dietary intake and recycling of senes-
cent red blood cells. Majority of iron within the body is found in
red blood cells (haemoglobin) and in muscles (myoglobin),
intrinsically linking iron status with oxygen delivery and energy
metabolism (Williams, 2005). Approximately 25% of iron in the
body is stored as ferritin and 5% is bound to transferrin, which
facilitates iron movement into cells (Beard et al., 1996). Daily
iron losses are estimated to be ~1 mg per day due to small
blood losses from gastrointestinal bleeding (Beard et al., 1996).
As there is no specic physiological method for eliminating
CONTACT Claire E. Badenhorst School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, College of Health, Massey University, Level 3, Sir Neil
Waters Extension Building, Fernhill Road, Auckland, New Zealand
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
excess iron from the human body (Sharp & Srai, 2007), iron
levels are tightly regulated, typically favouring iron conserva-
tion and recycling (Nemeth & Ganz, 2006). The regulation of
iron is dependent on hepcidin, a 25-amino-acid peptide hor-
mone (Nemeth, Tuttle et al., 2004), and iron stores are shown to
be the strongest determinant of hepcidin activity in athletes
(Peeling et al., 2017, 2014). Athletes are at a higher risk for the
development of iron deciency due to the cumulative eects of
exercise-associated causal mechanisms for increased daily iron
loss, including haemolysis with foot strike, eccentric muscle
contraction, gastrointestinal bleeding and sweating (Peeling
et al., 2008). However, over the last decade, research into
exercise-associated iron loss in athletes has primarily been
focused on exercise-induced elevation in hepcidin (~3-6 hours
post-exercise), which likely results in a period of altered iron
metabolism during the post-exercise period (Sim et al., 2019).
In iron sucient athletes (serum ferritin >30 ug·L
et al., 2015)), the post-exercise increase in hepcidin levels
appears to occur in response to inammation from the exercise
session, demonstrating the evolution of iron physiology to
respond appropriately to selective internal pressures of infec-
tion. Bacteria rely on iron from the host for their development
(Ratledge & Dover, 2000); therefore, an increase in hepcidin
promotes “iron withholding” within the body and can limit
bacterial growth (Nemeth, Rivera et al., 2004). The iron with-
holding process instigated by hepcidin eectively binds free
iron to storage and transport proteins including ferritin, trans-
ferrin and lactoferrin, preventing the growth of bacteria that
initiate infections (Jurado, 1997). Inammation is the signal to
commence iron withholding within the body, a result that has
been shown in chronic disease in response to C-reactive pro-
tein (Ganz & Nemeth, 2009; Thurnham et al., 2010) and exercise
(Peeling et al., 2009). With multiple factors, including exercise,
inammation and diet, all likely aecting an athlete’s iron
status, this eld of exercise physiology and sport nutrition is
still investigating appropriate methods to support athlete iron
status (Sim et al., 2019) during regular training and
Moreover, as a consequence of high training loads, endur-
ance athletes are considered an at-risk population for develop-
ing iron deciency. Research suggests that the prevalence of
iron deciency is exacerbated in athletic populations, ranging
from 15% to 35% in female and 3–11% in male athletes (Fallon,
2004, 2008; Malczewska-Lenczowska et al., 2009; Nabhan et al.,
2019; Parks et al., 2017; Sinclair & Hinton, 2005), compared to
females (10–14%) and males (1–4%) in industrialized countries
(Marx, 1997; WHO, 2019). Evidence-based practices primarily
promote increased daily iron intake, via food or supplementa-
tion, as a key intervention for athletes to oset the increased
daily loss of iron through exercise-associated mechanisms
(Nielsen & Nachtigall, 1998; Ponorac et al., 2020). The recom-
mended daily iron intakes for males and pre-menopausal
females of 8 mg and 18 mg per day, respectively, allow for
10% absorption rates, reecting the relatively poor absorption
of iron from food (Monsen et al., 1978). A concern for female
athletes is the lack of total daily intake of iron (Kokubo et al.,
2016; Nielsen & Nachtigall, 1998) that may be driven from
a sociocultural context of specic dietary practices such as
ketogenic (McKay et al., 2019) or plant-based diets (Venderley
& Campbell, 2006). However, recent research suggests that the
original concept of low iron bioavailability in plant-based diets
increases the risk of low iron status, is unsupported (Nebl et al.,
2019). Low energy availability, a precursor to Relative Energy
Deciency in Sport (RED-S), is a dietary concern for athletes,
both female and male (Mountjoy et al., 2014), and may be
a contributing factor to the low iron intake in an athlete’s diet
(Kokubo et al., 2016; Mountjoy et al., 2014). Interestingly, ath-
letes participating in regular and high training loads can lower
their iron stores by 25–40% despite meeting the recommended
daily iron intake through food (13–18 mg·day
) (McKay et al.,
2019). Thus, one may conclude that the current recommenda-
tions for iron intake are insucient for athletes, and that elite
level athletes or individuals undertaking regular high volume
training may require higher intakes of iron to support their
training and adaptation (Thomas et al., 2016). Caution should
be applied when interpreting the decline in iron stores within
a training block, especially if, within the training period,
improvements in performance are observed. In these instances,
the decline in iron status may serve as a marker for physiologi-
cal adaptation to the training stimulus which has been applied.
Therefore, regular monitoring of iron status as a biomarker of
training adaptation and physiological health could be bene-
cial (Pedlar et al., 2019). Regardless, during prolonged training
period, regular monitoring of iron status could assist in appro-
priate nutritional interventions for athletes to ensure that
depletion of iron status does not aect physical performance
(Pedlar et al., 2019). For an in-depth and updated review on iron
regulation in athletes please refer to Sim et al. (2019).
Female athletes and iron status
Only a small proportion of placental mammals present with
menstruation, a process of shedding the endometrial lining in
response to declines in reproductive steroid hormones, indicat-
ing the end of the fertility cycle (Maybin & Critchley, 2011). The
history and evolutionary explanation of menstruation of
women is rich in context and theory (Clancy, 2009; Miller,
2016). Briey, in 1993, it was rst suggested that menstruation
existed to prevent the growth of infectious pathogens in the
uterus (Profet, 1993); however, this theory was quickly dispro-
ven from a lack of evidence (Strassmann, 1996). Strassmann
(1996) proposed that maintaining an endometrium was ener-
getically costly; thus, menstruation could be viewed as a cost-
eective mechanism of the female physiology. Both of the
aforementioned hypotheses however failed to account for
why menstruation has evolved. Recent research has proposed
that menstruation is an evolutionary and mechanistic conse-
quence of spontaneous decidualisation (a hormone-induced
dierentiation of the endometrium) (Emera et al., 2012). This
more recent hypothesis appears to be supported by the corre-
lation between this phenomenon of spontaneous decidualisa-
tion and menstruation patterns across species (Emera et al.,
2012), with evidence that dierentiated endometrial stromal
cells are committed to apoptosis upon progesterone withdra-
wal (Alvergne & Högqvist Tabor, 2018). What should be con-
sidered is that the benets of regularly losing the endometrial
lining as a result of spontaneous decidualisation outweigh the
cost for mothers in the presence of invasive foetus or increased
incidence of impaired embryos, thus selective pressures may
have promoted the genetic assimilation of regular spontaneous
decidualisation in the human reproductive system. As this arti-
cle does not seek to discuss the evolution of menstruation, we
can direct readers to in-depth reviews on the topic (Emera et al.,
Given the proposal that the female reproductive system
likely evolved in line with the cost/benet for the mother,
then the regular loss of iron through menstruation may be
considered to be a substantial cost to female physiology.
Therefore, a review on iron regulation throughout the men-
strual cycle is considered to align with the current evolutionary
view on the development of the menstrual cycle and iron
homoeostasis in females.
At the onset of puberty, there is a divergence in male and
female haemoglobin and red cell mass levels, which is sug-
gested to be due to the onset of menstruation in females and
increased in androgen levels in males (Bhasin, 2003; Miller,
2016). However, there is conicting research evidence in
females for menstruation as a causal mechanism of iron de-
ciency, among both athletes (Petkus et al., 2019) and the gen-
eral population (Belza et al., 2005; Kim et al., 1993; Jukka
Puolakka, 1980). Research indicates that ~1 mg of iron is lost
per day during menstruation (Pedlar et al., 2018). The decline in
iron levels in females as a result of menstruation would theore-
tically provide a causative positive feedback mechanism for the
increase in production of erythropoietin. This would suggest
that there may be sex-specic dierences in erythropoietin and
an increased drive for the production of red blood cell mass in
females throughout the menstrual cycle. However, the refer-
ence ranges for erythropoietin do not vary between the sexes
(Beverborg et al., 2015), and as stated previously, males have
higher red blood cell mass compared to females. In the absence
of hormonal dierences to stimulate increases in red blood cell
production, inference from previous research would suggest
that there are physiological modulations of the Fahraeus eect
that enables more ecient delivery of red blood cells to capil-
lary circulation in females (Murphy et al., 2010). The sex-specic
dierences in the Fahraeus appear to be the result of dier-
ences in blood ow speeds, changes in blood viscosity, eNOS
regulation and vasodilation of vessels that are governed by
changes in female reproductive hormones (Hayashi et al.,
1995; Murphy et al., 2010). Within eumenorrheic females, no
dierence was observed for oxygen-carrying components
including haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit and red
blood cell indices within the menstrual cycle (Mullen et al.,
2020). As such, research indicates that despite having lower
levels of haemoglobin and red cell mass compared to males,
a female can maintain haemoglobin levels and eective tissue
oxygen delivery throughout the menstrual cycle.
Of note, limitations are recognized with haemoglobin mea-
surement in athletes, as the concentration of haemoglobin may
be aected by shifts in plasma volume. Hypovolemia resulting
from training or heat adaptation may result in the decline in
haemoglobin without aecting declines in ferritin or transferrin
saturation, a physiological change known as sports anaemia
(pseudo-dilution of haemoglobin due to training) (Sim et al.,
2019). The degree of hypovolemia in response to training
appears to be dependent on training intensity and duration;
however, research has suggested that training over 10 hours
per week is adequate to induce this pseudo-dilution in some
athletes (Clénin et al., 2015). Interestingly, while hypovolemia
and the inuence on haemoglobin concentration from training
and environmental conditions is well recognized in athletes,
there is currently no discussion on the inuence of menstrual
hormones on haemoglobin concentration when determining
iron status in females. Changes in reproductive hormones
throughout the menstrual cycle are known to inuence body
uid and sodium retention and the distribution of body water
in the extracellular space (Stachenfeld, 2008). In young eume-
norrheic females, cyclical changes in oestrogen and progester-
one shift osmoregulation throughout the cycle, often resulting
in higher rates of uid retention in the luteal phase (Sladek &
Somponpun, 2008). Increased uid retention is also reported as
a unpleasant side eect of the oral contraceptive pill use, with
research demonstrating that active components of the pill
encourage the increase in plasma volume and maintenance
of extracellular uid within the vascular space (Stachenfeld,
2008). In research investigating biological parameter uctua-
tions within the menstrual cycle for the athlete biological pass-
port, one female participant did produce an atypical uctuation
in haemoglobin; this result was attributed to the increase in
plasma volume in the luteal phase (Mullen et al., 2020).
Therefore, it should be noted that increases in progesterone
may be associated with increases in plasma volume retention.
Thus, recognition of the menstrual cycle phase females are in
may be required to accurately interpret haemoglobin concen-
tration and subsequently iron status (Miller, 2016; Sims &
Heather, 2018).
Regular clinical assessment of iron status in athletes
encourages the use of multiple biological markers.
A minimum of ferritin, haemoglobin and transferrin saturation
are required to appropriately determine the progressive stages
of iron deciency (Clénin et al., 2015). While current practice
emphasizes the importance of rest and hydration for accurate
haematological results, there is currently no consideration for
the phase of the menstrual cycle of female athletes and how
this will inuence the presentation of results. The current sport
medicine clinical denition for iron deciency has improved
over the last decade and now recognizes higher levels for
athletes, and also attempts to identify iron depletion (stage 1)
prior to the development of iron deciency anaemia (stage 3).
However, while these cut o ranges would appear accurate in
determining the stages of iron depletion, consideration of their
interpretation for eumenorrheic females should be recognized
(Figure 1).
Menstrual cycle and inuence on iron metabolism
Research has demonstrated the inuence of female-specic
gonadal hormones in red blood cell production, haematocrit
and tissue oxygenation for the given cell mass in females
(Crawford et al., 2006; Hayashi et al., 1995; Murphy et al.,
2010). However, the impact of gonadal sex hormones and
their inuence on iron metabolism, and the subsequent
changes throughout the menstrual cycle, have not been thor-
oughly deliberated. Inference from current research may indi-
cate that females have evolved a mechanism to withhold or
retain iron throughout their premenopausal years, therefore
aligning with the evolution of menstruation.
It is well known that testosterone plays a specic role in
erythropoiesis, particularly in males (Bhasin, 2003), primarily
through increased secretion of erythropoietin or the stimula-
tion of erythroid progenitor cells (Moriyama & Fisher, 1975). As
mentioned previously, haemoglobin levels prior to puberty are
similar between boys and girls, yet the steady rise in testoster-
one levels in boys from age 13 years is reected in the increase
in haemoglobin levels from this age (Krabbe et al., 1978). In
boys who experience delayed puberty (resulting from delayed
testosterone production), haemoglobin levels do not reect
chronological age and have been associated with the develop-
ment of anaemia (Hero et al., 2005; Krabbe et al., 1978). Higher
baseline testosterone concentrations in males has been attrib-
uted to the sex dierence in absolute haemoglobin levels.
(Ferrucci et al., 2006). Male testosterone concentrations sit
within a constant range of 10.41–34.70 nmol·L
, whereas in
premenopausal females, concentrations range from
0.9 nmol·L
in the low hormone phase, peak at 1.34 nmol·L
around ovulation, then fall again to 1.05 nmol·L
in the luteal
phase (Nóbrega et al., 2009). Of importance, the uctuation of
testosterone in women and the eect on hepcidin and iron
regulation has not been examined and may inuence iron
status over the course of the menstrual cycle.
In cell culture and animal studies, and in females receiving
IVF treatment, oestrogen appeared to markedly suppress hep-
cidin, whereas progesterone increases hepcidin (Bachman
et al., 2010; Hou et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2012),
suggesting that eumenorrheic females will also experience
natural uctuations in hepcidin throughout their menstrual
cycle. To date, there has been only two studies that have
investigated hepcidin uctuations over the menstrual cycle
(Angeli et al., 2016; Lainé et al., 2016) with congruent ndings
of a decline in hepcidin during menses, and a rebound in the
later stages of the cycle (Lainé et al., 2016). Therefore, during
the early follicular phase (days 0–5), the decline in sex and iron
regulatory hormonal activity may facilitate increased iron
absorption and recycling. During this phase, the female body
may be primed to increase its uptake of iron. In the late folli-
cular phase (days 6–14), the gradual rise in oestrogen maintains
low hepcidin activity, enabling iron absorption and recycling in
the days following menses. At ovulation, oestrogen and testos-
terone peak, which may align with increased iron uptake and
erythropoiesis. Therefore, the female physiology may be more
receptive and responsive to nutritional and supplemental iron
treatment in the follicular phase (Figure 2).
Following ovulation, increases in progesterone may increase
hepcidin expression, thus limiting iron utilization (Li et al., 2015)
(Figure 2). The increase in inammatory markers prior to
menses (Sims & Heather, 2018) may exacerbate hepcidin activ-
ity and further limit iron utilization. Previous research results
align with this proposal, demonstrating a rebound in hepcidin,
serum iron and transferrin saturation post-ovulation that stabi-
lizes during the luteal phase (Lainé et al., 2016). Therefore, we
could suggest that the female physiology may not be highly
responsive to iron supplementation in the luteal phase, as
compared to the follicular phase. In addition, higher levels of
Figure 1. Considerations on test set-up and serum markers that should be collected for the accurate determination of iron status in female athletes. This framework is
an extension of the considerations outlined by Sim et al., 2019.
serum iron, transferrin saturation and inammation, could be
associated with elevated ferritin in the luteal phase and may
aect iron status interpretation from blood tests. These sugges-
tions further emphasize the importance of recognizing the
phase of the menstrual cycle in iron status monitoring (Figure
1). However, the authors recognize that there is high inter- and
intra-variability in menstrual cycles within females, and as such
it is suggested that a minimum of 3 months of menstrual
tracking be conducted to establish the average cycle length
for a female participant (Sims & Heather, 2018). Since only two
research investigations have considered the menstrual cycle
changes on iron status and neither tracked or established
female menstrual cycle length prior to data collection, the
proposal put forward by this review remains an area in dire
need of further research to clarify the physiological observa-
tions made in this review.
Angeli et al. (2016) indicated that serum iron modied the
release of hepcidin throughout the menstrual cycle; however,
the authors were unable to identify the modulating eect on
hepcidin itself. In two-thirds of the female participants serum
iron did not predict the evolution of hepcidin, and it is possible
that variability in menstrual cycle status (i.e. regular length but
either ovulatory or anovulatory or contraceptive type and
regimes) will inevitably determine the concentrations of endo-
genous hormones within regular cycles (Brown & Thomas,
2011) and as such may be a underlying contributor to the
between-subject variability in the hepcidin production and
elimination. Markers of iron status, ferritin and transferrin
saturation were examined in their model, but showed little
variation throughout the menstrual cycle; however, the partici-
pants were considered a homogenous group based on their
iron status. Several covariates including, biological and demo-
graphic factors were found to inuence both hepcidin and iron
variability throughout the menstrual cycle. Contraception was
associated with higher serum iron levels (Angeli et al., 2016);
however, the type of contraception and length of prescription
regimes was not noted by the researchers, and these two
variables are considered to be key factors in determining the
level of ovarian suppression in females utilizing this form of
contraception (Elliott-Sale et al., 2013; Spona et al., 1996).
Typically, the monophasic pill contains consistent concentra-
tions of oestrogen and progestin, which is then ingested daily
until the placebo pills (Burrows & Peters, 2007). However, the
progestogen component is the active component and depend-
ing on the generation of contraceptive pill, has weak andro-
genic and oestrogenic activity or high androgenic and weak
oestrogenic activity. These factors are rarely considered in
investigations that have assessed iron status and regulation in
females (Angeli et al., 2016; Sim et al., 2015). During the sugar or
placebo pill week, a rebound in endogenous hormones occurs,
raising luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and
particularly oestradiol levels to those that are equivalent to the
early follicular phase in naturally menstruating women (Reape
et al., 2008; Rechichi et al., 2009; Schla et al., 2004; Spona et al.,
1996; Sullivan et al., 1999). With previous research demonstrat-
ing that oestrogen is positively correlated with serum iron
levels in females (Bajbouj et al., 2018), the elevations of serum
iron with contraceptive use (Angeli et al., 2016) during the
withdrawal bleed period is likely to be associated with the
increase in endogenous oestrogen levels. Angeli et al. (2016)
noted that female participants taking the contraceptive pill
maintained higher serum iron concentrations throughout the
cycle (or during the active pill phase), a result that may be due
to several undocumented factors including; dose of ethinyles-
tradiol based on the brand of pill ingested and hepatic meta-
bolism of ethinylestradiol by the individual. The current
Figure 2. Changes in reproductive hormones and hepcidin throughout the menstrual cycle. During menses the decline in hepcidin enables the female physiology to be
more receptive to increasing iron intake during the period of blood loss. During the late follicular phase, increase in oestrogen may facilitate lower levels of hepcidin
thus allowing the female body to recover iron from food and supplement sources following menstrual bleeding. The rebound in the luteal phase aligns with increase in
progesterone, allowing for the stabilization of hepcidin and markers of iron stats in females. In the luteal phase the ability to uptake iron from nutritional and
supplement sources may be lower relative to the follicular phase in eumenorrheic females.
understanding of the daily combined oral contraceptive pill
hormonal environment is that a surge occurs in synthetic oes-
trogen and progestin, peaking within ~1 hour post ingestion
(~2-6 pg·ml
), then falling rapidly for 6 hours before declining
more slowly. Thereafter, baseline oestrogen accumulates to
reach 2–3 pg·ml
over the 21 day period (Elliott-Sale et al.,
2020, 2013; Reape et al., 2008; Rechichi et al., 2009; Spona et al.,
1996). Samples from Angeli et al. (2016) were collected in the
morning (8–9am) and as such may have occurred within
a period of time where there was a peak in synthetic oestrogen
levels after pill ingestion, that may have elevated serum iron
levels during sample withdrawal. However, the timing and dose
of various and commonly used oral contraceptives on serum
iron measurements was not reported and as such is unknown.
The metabolism of the oral contraceptive pill occurs through
the hepatic cytochrome p450 (CYPs) system, with genetic varia-
bility of these enzymes and the presence of induces or inhibi-
tors largely inuencing the rate at which oral contraceptives are
metabolized (Lynch & Price, 2007). Oestrogen is a recognized
inducer of CYPs (Choi et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2018), thus the
formulation of the contraceptive pill as noted previously, in
addition to the individual genetic expression of CYPs will likely
determine the duration of the exogenous hormones and the
subsequent impact on serum iron levels. However, to date, the
inuence of the genetic polymorphism of CYPs and rates of
disappearance of exogenous hormones from oral contraceptive
pills of dierent formulations on serum iron levels in females
has not yet been investigated and could explain the variations
that we have seen in the current literature.
Another factor possibly aecting iron availability in females
is the negative correlation between iron absorption and adip-
osity (Angeli et al., 2016); a relationship that may be attributa-
ble to elevated inammatory gene expression with increased
body mass (Engeli et al., 2003). Increased levels of haemoglobin
and ferritin were associated with higher hepcidin levels, a result
that is unsurprising considering the strong inuence of iron
status on hepcidin expression, and may explain the large var-
ibility in baseline iron and hepcidin levels in female participants
(Angeli et al., 2016; Ganz & Nemeth, 2012). Large inter-
individual variability in hepcidin elimination rates, changes in
markers of iron status and the extent of hepcidin rebound at
ovulation were reported, however, the previous studies have
failed to monitor associations to female sex hormone uctua-
tions (Angeli et al., 2016; Lainé et al., 2016). There is large inter-
and intra-individual varibility in female sex hormones between
and within menstrual cycles (Sims & Heather, 2018), as such, the
extent to which variations in sex hormones within females
contribute to the variability in iron, hepcidin and subsequent
iron regulation (absorption and recycling), is still unknown and
is an area that requires investigation.
Further areas that warrant consideration in future research
are variations in testosterone, and whether the ratio of oestro-
gen to progesterone in the luteal phase has any inuence on
hepcidin activity. In addition, a decline in sex hormones with
menopause is likely to aect hepcidin activity. Research has
demonstrated that declines in testosterone with ageing will
reduce iron status in both males and females (Ferrucci et al.,
2006). In animal models, a time-dependent relationship
between oestrogen loss and iron status (Hou et al., 2012)
demonstrated an initial increase in hepcidin followed by
a decrease in hepcidin and an increase in iron levels, which
may be similar to that occurring in menopause (Hou et al.,
2012). Despite a large body of research investigating iron reg-
ulation and supplementation strategies to assist iron balance in
females (Beck et al., 2012; Duport et al., 2003; Februhartanty
et al., 2002; Grondin et al., 2008; Heath et al., 2001; Patterson
et al., 2000) iron deciency is still highly prevalent. Given the
inuence of female sex hormones on hepcidin activity, certain
stages of the menstrual cycle may be primed for absorbing
dietary or supplemental iron. Accordingly, further research is
required to improve the ecacy of existing treatment strate-
gies to ensure that both athletic and general population
females can maintain a healthy iron status.
Changes in hepcidin and spontaneous
For spontaneous decidualisation to occur, researchers have
recognized that there are multiple signalling pathways which
are expressed in the uterus during decidualisation, including
BMP2, WNT, JAK/STAT and cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) (Emera et al., 2012). The mechanisms for spontaneous
decidualisation are still under investigation; however, it is
acknowledged that progesterone is required for the process
to occur and be maintain in the luteal phase of the cycle. While
progesterone is needed, research has suggested that cAMP is
essential for inducing the decidualisation process in endome-
trial stroma cells prior to progesterone reaching its peak in
luteal phase. Elevations in cAMP are reported from the secre-
tory phase relative to the proliferation phase of the menstrual
cycle (Tanaka et al., 1993). In response to induced endometrial
stress and gluconeogenic signalling, increases in cAMP and
cyclic AMP response element-binding protein have been
shown to bind to and transactivate the hepcidin promoter,
enabling an increase in serum hepcidin levels that occurs in
the absence of inammatory signals (Vecchi et al., 2014, 2009).
The regulation of hepcidin in response to cAMP response ele-
ment-binding protein throughout the menstrual cycle has not
yet been investigated. Such research may provide insight into
the cellular mechanism associated with iron homoeostasis
throughout the menstrual cycle. This may be of relevance,
especially when considering the associations with the com-
mencement of decidualisation via cAMP, and the uctuations
in hepcidin throughout the cycle that may be initiated by
increases in cAMP in the luteal phase and subsequently sus-
tained by increased progesterone.
Measurement of iron loss in menstrual blood
Traditional methods of determining menstrual blood loss have
relied on largely indirect measurements including pictorial
representation of sanitary napkin saturation (Wyatt et al.,
2001), weight of sanity pads (Heath et al., 1999), self-reported
menstrual disturbances (Bruinvels et al., 2016; Gerlinger et al.,
2007) and questionnaires on menstrual blood loss (Bruinvels
et al., 2016; Heath et al., 1999, 2001). Such data collection is
reliant on accurate reporting on information from participants,
and is subject to error, potentially resulting in over or under-
estimation of menstrual blood loss.
Calculations on menstrual iron loss from indirect methods
are based on the ndings from Hallbery and Nilsson (1964),
whereby they utilized blood collected from sanitary napkins
and determined haem iron content from alkaline haematin
methodologies. It is important to note that not all menstrual
blood is lost during menstruation (Strassmann, 1996), and that
the cellular processes for variations in menstrual blood resorp-
tion are still equivocal (Miller, 2016). For example, there is
evidence indicating that menstrual blood loss is sensitive to
energic conditions (Clancy, 2009). In 2010, Miller investigated
the eects of the high physical loads and poor nutritional
intake of Kenyan women, and found higher rates of blood
resorption from the endometrium with higher energy expendi-
ture (Miller, 2010). Moreover, population data on the rates of
menorrhagia and menstrual blood loss support the hypothesis
of a positive association between energetic condition and
blood loss (Miller, 2016). However, there is a lack of controlled
trials to have investigated the variations in menstrual blood
resorption, energetic condition and eects on iron status in the
athletic female population.
If female athletes are able to maintain iron status through
adequate dietary intake and an energetic condition supporting
eumenorrhea, then elevated blood loss during menses may not
increase the risk of iron deciency, but instead, may indicate
endometrial health and eective regulation of iron status
through moderation of hepcidin activity during menses. In sup-
port of this concept, research has demonstrated that at high
altitude eumenorrheic female athletes have higher relative hae-
moglobin mass compared to amenorrhoeic females (Heikura
et al., 2018), and that their physiology responded to the altitude
training camp with a 5.4% increase in relative haemoglobin
mass. Results from this study also demonstrated a strong nega-
tive trend between symptoms associated with low energy avail-
ability assessed using the Low Energy Availability in Females
Questionnaire score and percentage change in haemoglobin
mass. While not the primary ndings of the aforementioned
study, the results as discussed in the context of the current
review may provide support for the premise that the presence
of a regular menstrual cycle facilitates healthy adaptation to
training and environmental conditions (Heikura et al., 2018).
Within the athletic population a state of poor energetic con-
dition that would likely aect reproductive and endometrial
health is referred to as low energy availability (Mountjoy et al.,
2014). This low energetic state has been suggested as the aetiol-
ogy of RED-S and the female athlete triad (Mountjoy et al., 2014).
In an acute setting, research that systematically induced
a nutritional energy decit through a 3-day nutritional interven-
tion, resulted in abrupt elevations in serum hepcidin without
inammation (Hayashi et al. unpublished research). In a recent
review, elevations in hepcidin activity in response to low energy
availability has been suggested as a state of altered iron meta-
bolism (Badenhorst et al., 2019). In a state of low energy avail-
ability, elevated hepcidin activity serves to initiate an “iron
withholding” mechanism similar to that seen when inammation
is present, resulting in the shunting of iron to its storage protein,
ferritin. Female athletes presenting with chronic or persistent low
energy availability may also present with elevated ferritin stores.
However, this is likely due to the increased hepcidin activity in
response to the low energetic condition and may reect a state
of functional iron deciency. Such athletes may be limiting the
utilization of iron and increasing their presentation of symptoms
associated with iron deciency (e.g., fatigue, increased eort,
poor mood and concentration) (Badenhorst et al., 2019; Petkus
et al., 2019). Research that focuses on iron status and utilization,
and low energy availability in athletes is still lacking and may
provide further insights into this specic relationship. This
research would be relevant to female athletes who regain men-
strual cycle function yet are reported to be at an increased risk of
iron deciency. In light of the information presented in this
article such an interpretation would be inaccurate with regards
to the expression of hepcidin activity and its impact on iron
regulation (Badenhorst et al., 2019).
This review has challenged the previous theory on menstrua-
tion as a risk factor for female athletes and their development
of iron deciency. By shifting the perspective and viewing iron
as a fundamental resource to female health, it has allowed the
authors to suggest that female reproductive physiology and
iron metabolism have evolved in a symbiotic relationship. The
proposed relationship between menstruation and iron regula-
tion would support the concept that the human body and its
physiology would not evolve to self-sabotage. In line with the
theory that regular menstruation of the endometrium results
from spontaneous decidualisation (Emera et al., 2012), the
changes in hepcidin activity in response to sex hormones and
iron status within females may provide insight into iron resorp-
tion and utilization throughout the menstrual cycle. This article
sought to provide insight into how the body has adapted to
regulate consistent levels of such a fundamental mineral in
females, especially when adequate iron is supplied through
nutritional intake or when cumulative exercise-associated
mechanisms encourage excess iron loss. The review has high-
lighted several areas of future research including association
with sex hormones and hepcidin expression in premenopausal
and menopausal females and inuence on inter- and intra-
variability in females. In addition, validated investigations on
endometrial health and correlations to iron status, hepcidin
activity and menstrual blood loss in female athletes on both
ends of the menstrual cycle function spectrum (eumenorrheic
through to amenorrhoeic) are still required. Results from this
prospective research may oer insight on sex dierences in iron
status and provide inference for nutritional and supplemental
protocols for athletes that would aid in reducing incidence of
iron deciency.
Disclosure statement
The authors report no conict of interest.
No external funding was required or provided for this project.
Claire E. Badenhorst
Stacy Sims
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... Training resulted in widespread disturbances to iron status; haemoglobin and ferritin decreased, and sTfR increased in men and women. Training also increased RDW and showing poorer iron status in athletes compared with non-athletes (29,30). There are fewer military studies directly comparing men and women, but US Army basic military training decreased ferritin and increased sTfR more in women than men (19); our study builds on these findings by exploring sex differences with a larger sample size and by providing the first data in a UK population undergoing a different military training program. ...
... The physical demands of military training are typically higher for women than men (20) and so exercise-induced iron losses could be greater for women. Basic military training may increase iron losses through gastrointestinal bleeding, sweat loss, haematuria, haemolysis from ground impact forces and eccentric muscle contraction, and increased inflammation and hepcidin (5,6,13,(29)(30)(31). ...
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This study investigated sex differences in iron status, and associations between iron status and endurance and musculoskeletal outcomes, in military training. 2,277 British Army trainees (581 women) participated. Iron markers and endurance performance (2.4 km run) were measured at the start (week 1) and end (week 13) of training. Whole-body areal body mineral density (aBMD) and markers of bone metabolism were measured at week 1. Injuries during training were recorded. Training decreased haemoglobin in men and women (mean change [95% CI], −0.1 [−0.2, −0.0] and −0.7 [−0.9, −0.6] g∙dL ⁻¹ , both p < 0.001), but more so in women (p < 0.001). Ferritin decreased in men and women (−27 [−28, −23] and −5 [−8, −1] ug∙L, both p ≤ 0.001), but more so in men (p < 0.001). sTfR increased in men and women (2.9 [2.3, 3.6] and 3.8 [2.7, 4.9] nmol∙L, both p < 0.001), with no difference between sexes (p = 0.872). RDW increased in men (0.3 [0.2, 0.4]%, p < 0.001), but not women (0.1 [−0.1, 0.2]%, p = 0.956). MCV decreased in men (−1.5 [−1.8, −1.1] fL, p < 0.001), but not women (0.4 [−0.4, 1.3] fL, p = 0.087). Lower ferritin was associated with slower 2.4 km run time (p = 0.018), sustaining a lower limb overuse injury (p = 0.048), lower aBMD (p = 0.021), and higher βCTX and P1NP (both p < 0.001) controlling for sex. Improving iron stores before training may protect haemoglobin in women and improve endurance and protect against injury.
... The same trend can be clearly seen in the Ukrainian national form of combat sport -the Cossack Fight (Lytvynenko, 2023;Lytvynenko, Mulyk, 2023). An analysis of special literature on the theory and methodology of sports training for women shows that in many works the authors study the structural features and physiological processes of the female body in connection with reproductive function (Alfaro-Magallanes, Romero-Parra, 2023;Shakhlyna et al., 2016;Badenhorst et al., 2021). A number of studies reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of the female body and psychological processes under the influence of significant physical activity in different phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC) (Vorontsov, 2020;Arenas-Pareja & López-Sierra, Ibáñez, 2023). ...
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Background. The training methods for female athletes’ special physical training are considered to be a crucial aspect of the overall preparation system for competitive activity, which requires correct planning and implementation. Objectives. The study aimed to determine the impact of special preparatory exercises on female athletes engaged in Cossack Fight, depending on the characteristics of the body’s functioning in different phases of a specific biological cycle. Materials and methods. The study involved 20 female athletes aged 17-24 years who participated in Cossack Fight, and were divided into experimental and control groups. The qualification levels of female athletes in the experimental group were as follows: 1 – Master of Sports of Ukraine; 2 – Candidates for Master of Sports of Ukraine; 7 – 1 sports category. The control group comprised: 1 – Master of Sports of Ukraine; 2 – Candidates for Master of Sports of Ukraine; 7 – 1 sports category. The training program lasted for ten weeks and took place at a special preparatory and control-preparatory stage of the preparatory period. Results. The findings showed that the variability of training loads, depending on the phase of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, had a statistically significantly greater impact on the indicators of special physical fitness in the female athletes’ experimental group compared to the control group. Thus, after ten weeks of special physical training, the experimental group demonstrated a significant increase in the number of direct punches on the punching bag in 4 seconds (t=4.07; p<0.001) and 15 seconds (t=3.62; p<0.001), throwing a medicine ball weighing 3 kg (t=2.92; p<0.05), repeated circular kicks on the punching bag to the torso level for 15 seconds (t=4.22; p<0.001), direct punches on the punching bag for 1 minute (t=4.23; p<0.001), repeated circular kicks on the punching bag for 1 minute (t=4.49; p<0.001), and jumping rope after exercise (a 3-minute punching bag workout) for 1 minute (t=3.55; p<0.001). Conclusions. The implementation of an experimental program for special physical training of female athletes, in accordance with the phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, into the general system of preparation for competitive activity, leads to a statistically reliable improvement in key indicators of physical fitness.
... In fact, women of reproductive age during EFP or active menstrual phase are more prone to reduction of Fe status. Menstrual blood loss during the EFP is noted as the main cause of a reduction in Fe, TSAT, Ferr concentrations (Sim et al. 2019;Alfaro Magallanes et al., 2022), HB concentration compared to the MFP, LFP, and MLP (Kim et al. 1993;Badenhorst et al. 2021;Alfaro-Magallanes et al. 2022). Some days later (~ 8) in the LFP, women exhibit increased serum Fe, Ferr and TSAT (Lainé et al. 2016;Alfaro-Magallanes et al. 2022). ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum iron status and its relation to hematological indexes in cyclic mares. Blood samples were taken from 40 Spanish Purebred mares on days − 5, 0, + 5 and + 16 of their cycle. Concentration of transferrin (TRF) was significantly lower on day 0 than on days + 5 and + 16, transferrin saturation (TSAT) decreased significantly on days 0 and + 16 compared to day − 5, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) on day + 16 was significantly higher than those on days − 5 and 0, and on day + 5 it was also significantly higher than that on day 0, unsaturated iron-binding capacity (UIBC) was reduced on day + 16 compared to days − 5 and 0, red blood cell (RBC) count on day + 16 was higher than that on days − 5 and 0 (p < 0.05), with no differences in the concentration of hemoglobin (HB) and packed cell volume (PCV). TRF and TIBC (r = 0.95), RBC and HB (r = 0.64), RBC and PCV (r = 0.78), and HB and PCV (r = 0.63) were positively and significantly correlated (P < 0.05). The estrous cycle in the Spanish Purebred mare is characterized by an increase in TRF and TIBC during the follicular phase and an increase in TSAT, UIBC and RBC in the luteal phase, without changes in other hematological parameters. The coordinated activity of these parameters guarantees an adequate iron (Fe) transfer and utilization during follicular development, ovulation, and the luteal period in the mare. Therefore, the estrous cycle must be considered in the evaluation of the mare’s iron status, in light of significant changes observed both in early and at late luteal phases. The magnitude of these changes and the meaning to the physiology of the mares showed that in cyclic mares, hematological parameters and indicators of iron status evolve differently depending on the phase of the cycle, and their interpretation can help to veterinarians involved in equine practice.
... The dimeric E 2 -ERα complex binds to an ERE site within the promoter of the hepcidin gene (Hamp) to inhibit its expression (Hou et al., 2012). Hence, E 2 elevates circulating iron to compensate for blood loss during menstruation (Badenhorst et al., 2021). However, E 2 declines by >90% after menopause, while systemic iron content increases slowly by steady iron uptake over the years. ...
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Postmenopausal atherosclerosis (AS) has been attributed to estrogen deficiency. However, the beneficial effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is lost in late postmenopausal women with atherogenesis. We asked whether aging-related iron accumulation affects estrogen receptor α (ERα) expression, thus explaining HRT inefficacy. A negative correlation has been observed between aging-related systemic iron deposition and ERα expression in postmenopausal AS patients. In an ovariectomized Apoe-/- mouse model, estradiol treatment had contrasting effects on ERα expression in early versus late postmenopausal mice. ERα expression was inhibited by iron treatment in cell culture and iron-overloaded mice. Combined treatment with estradiol and iron further decreased ERα expression, and the latter effect was mediated by iron-regulated E3 ligase Mdm2. In line with these observations, cellular cholesterol efflux was reduced, and endothelial homeostasis was disrupted. Consequently, AS was aggravated. Accordingly, systemic iron chelation attenuated estradiol-triggered progressive AS in late postmenopausal mice. Thus, iron and estradiol together downregulate ERα through Mdm2-mediated proteolysis, providing a potential explanation for failures of HRT in late postmenopausal subjects with aging-related iron accumulation. This study suggests that immediate HRT after menopause, along with appropriate iron chelation, might provide benefits from AS.
... In fact, only one of the studies included in this meta-analysis measured 17β-estradiol and progesterone to account for phase of the menstrual cycle [24]. Measurement of female sex steroid hormones may be particularly relevant to iron-related research, with sex hormone concentrations possibly affecting hepcidin activity [53]. Clearly, the influence of menstrual cycle on iron metabolism requires further research, which is focused on improved definitions and characterization of the menstrual cycle in line with best practice guidelines [52]. ...
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Background Hepcidin, the master iron regulatory hormone, has been shown to peak 3–6 h postexercise, and is likely a major contributor to the prevalence of iron deficiency in athletes. Although multiple studies have investigated the hepcidin response to exercise, small sample sizes preclude the generalizability of current research findings. Objective The aim of this individual participant data meta-analysis was to identify key factors influencing the hepcidin–exercise response. Methods Following a systematic review of the literature, a one-stage meta-analysis with mixed-effects linear regression, using a stepwise approach to select the best-fit model, was employed. Results We show that exercise is associated with a 1.5–2.5-fold increase in hepcidin concentrations, with pre-exercise hepcidin concentration accounting for ~ 44% of the variance in 3 h postexercise hepcidin concentration. Although collectively accounting for only a further ~ 3% of the variance, absolute 3 h postexercise hepcidin concentrations appear higher in males with lower cardiorespiratory fitness and higher pre-exercise ferritin levels. On the other hand, a greater magnitude of change between the pre- and 3 h postexercise hepcidin concentration was largely attributable to exercise duration (~ 44% variance) with a much smaller contribution from VO2max, pre-exercise ferritin, sex, and postexercise interleukin-6 (~ 6% combined). Although females tended to have a lower absolute 3 h postexercise hepcidin concentration [1.4 nmol·L⁻¹, (95% CI [− 2.6, − 0.3]), p = 0.02] and 30% less change (95% CI [–54.4, – 5.1]), p = 0.02) than males, with different explanatory variables being significant between sexes, sample size discrepancies and individual study design biases preclude definitive conclusions. Conclusion Our analysis reveals the complex interplay of characteristics of both athlete and exercise session in the hepcidin response to exercise and highlights the need for further investigation into unaccounted-for mediating factors.
Postmenopausal atherosclerosis (AS) has been attributed to estrogen deficiency. However, the beneficial effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is lost in late postmenopausal women with atherogenesis. We asked whether aging-related iron accumulation affects estrogen receptor α (ERα) expression, thus explaining HRT inefficacy. A negative correlation has been observed between aging-related systemic iron deposition and ERα expression in postmenopausal AS patients. In an ovariectomized Apoe-/- mouse model, estradiol treatment had contrasting effects on ERα expression in early versus late postmenopausal mice. ERα expression was inhibited by iron treatment in cell culture and iron-overloaded mice. Combined treatment with estradiol and iron further decreased ERα expression, and the latter effect was mediated by iron-regulated E3 ligase Mdm2. In line with these observations, cellular cholesterol efflux was reduced, and endothelial homeostasis was disrupted. Consequently, AS was aggravated. Accordingly, systemic iron chelation attenuated estradiol-triggered progressive AS in late postmenopausal mice. Thus, iron and estradiol together downregulate ERα through Mdm2-mediated proteolysis, providing a potential explanation for failures of HRT in late postmenopausal subjects with aging-related iron accumulation. This study suggests that immediate HRT after menopause, along with appropriate iron chelation, might provide benefits from AS.
Postmenopausal atherosclerosis (AS) has been attributed to estrogen deficiency. However, the beneficial effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is lost in late postmenopausal women with atherogenesis. We asked whether aging-related iron accumulation affects estrogen receptor α (ERα) expression, thus explaining HRT inefficacy. A negative correlation has been observed between aging-related systemic iron deposition and ERα expression in postmenopausal AS patients. In an ovariectomized Apoe-/- mouse model, estradiol treatment had contrasting effects on ERα expression in early versus late postmenopausal mice. ERα expression was inhibited by iron treatment in cell culture and iron-overloaded mice. Combined treatment with estradiol and iron further decreased ERα expression, and the latter effect was mediated by iron-regulated E3 ligase Mdm2. In line with these observations, cellular cholesterol efflux was reduced, and endothelial homeostasis was disrupted. Consequently, AS was aggravated. Accordingly, systemic iron chelation attenuated estradiol-triggered progressive AS in late postmenopausal mice. Thus, iron and estradiol together downregulate ERα through Mdm2-mediated proteolysis, providing a potential explanation for failures of HRT in late postmenopausal subjects with aging-related iron accumulation. This study suggests that immediate HRT after menopause, along with appropriate iron chelation, might provide benefits from AS.
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Purpose: Exercise-induced hemolysis, which is caused by metabolic and/or mechanical stress during exercise, is considered a potential factor for upregulating hepcidin. Intramuscular carnosine has multiple effects including antioxidant activity. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether long-term carnosine/anserine supplementation modulates exercise-induced hemolysis and subsequent hepcidin elevation. Methods: Seventeen healthy male participants were allocated to two different groups: participants consuming 1,500 mg/day of carnosine/anserine supplements (n = 9, C+A group) and participants consuming placebo powder supplements (n = 8, PLA group). The participants consumed carnosine/anserine or placebo supplements daily for 30.7 ± 0.4 days. They performed an 80-running session at 70% VO2peak pre-and post-supplementation. Iron regulation and inflammation in response to exercise were evaluated. Results: Serum iron concentrations significantly increased after exercise (p < 0.01) and serum haptoglobin concentrations decreased after exercise in both groups (p < 0.01). No significant differences in these variables were observed between pre-and post-supplementation. Serum hepcidin concentration significantly increased 180 min after exercise in both groups (p < 0.01). The integrated area under the curve of hepcidin significantly decreased after supplementation (p = 0.011) but did not vary between the C+A and PLA groups. Conclusion: Long-term carnosine/anserine supplementation does not affect iron metabolism after a single endurance exercise session.
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Based on a comprehensive review and critical analysis of the literature regarding the nutritional concerns of female athletes, conducted by experts in the field and selected members of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), the following conclusions represent the official Position of the Society: 1. Female athletes have unique and unpredictable hormone profiles, which influence their physiology and nutritional needs across their lifespan. To understand how perturbations in these hormones affect the individual, we recommend that female athletes of reproductive age should track their hormonal status (natural, hormone driven) against training and recovery to determine their individual patterns and needs and peri and post-menopausal athletes should track against training and recovery metrics to determine the individuals' unique patterns. 2. The primary nutritional consideration for all athletes, and in particular, female athletes, should be achieving adequate energy intake to meet their energy requirements and to achieve an optimal energy availability (EA); with a focus on the timing of meals in relation to exercise to improve training adaptations, performance, and athlete health. 3. Significant sex differences and sex hormone influences on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism are apparent, therefore we recommend first ensuring athletes meet their carbohydrate needs across all phases of the menstrual cycle. Secondly, tailoring carbohydrate intake to hormonal status with an emphasis on greater carbohydrate intake and availability during the active pill weeks of oral contraceptive users and during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle where there is a greater effect of sex hormone suppression on gluconogenesis output during exercise. 4. Based upon the limited research available, we recommend that pre-menopausal, eumenorrheic, and oral contraceptives using female athletes should aim to consume a source of high-quality protein as close to beginning and/or after completion of exercise as possible to reduce exercise-induced amino acid oxidative losses and initiate muscle protein remodeling and repair at a dose of 0.32-0.38 g·kg-1. For eumenorrheic women, ingestion during the luteal phase should aim for the upper end of the range due to the catabolic actions of progesterone and greater need for amino acids. 5. Close to the beginning and/or after completion of exercise, peri- and post-menopausal athletes should aim for a bolus of high EAA-containing (~10 g) intact protein sources or supplements to overcome anabolic resistance. 6. Daily protein intake should fall within the mid- to upper ranges of current sport nutrition guidelines (1.4-2.2 g·kg-1·day-1) for women at all stages of menstrual function (pre-, peri-, post-menopausal, and contraceptive users) with protein doses evenly distributed, every 3-4 h, across the day. Eumenorrheic athletes in the luteal phase and peri/post-menopausal athletes, regardless of sport, should aim for the upper end of the range. 7. Female sex hormones affect fluid dynamics and electrolyte handling. A greater predisposition to hyponatremia occurs in times of elevated progesterone, and in menopausal women, who are slower to excrete water. Additionally, females have less absolute and relative fluid available to lose via sweating than males, making the physiological consequences of fluid loss more severe, particularly in the luteal phase. 8. Evidence for sex-specific supplementation is lacking due to the paucity of female-specific research and any differential effects in females. Caffeine, iron, and creatine have the most evidence for use in females. Both iron and creatine are highly efficacious for female athletes. Creatine supplementation of 3 to 5 g per day is recommended for the mechanistic support of creatine supplementation with regard to muscle protein kinetics, growth factors, satellite cells, myogenic transcription factors, glycogen and calcium regulation, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Post-menopausal females benefit from bone health, mental health, and skeletal muscle size and function when consuming higher doses of creatine (0.3 g·kg-1·d-1). 9. To foster and promote high-quality research investigations involving female athletes, researchers are first encouraged to stop excluding females unless the primary endpoints are directly influenced by sex-specific mechanisms. In all investigative scenarios, researchers across the globe are encouraged to inquire and report upon more detailed information surrounding the athlete's hormonal status, including menstrual status (days since menses, length of period, duration of cycle, etc.) and/or hormonal contraceptive details and/or menopausal status.
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Due to the increasing global population and climate change, new sustainable food sources are being intensively sought to replace less favorable livestock production. Especially new protein sources and their food applications are being focused on. In this paper, several selected protein sources that may have potential application in future functional foods, such as fermented foods, were examined and compared. These sources include single cell protein (SCP), Arthrospira platensis (Algae), Acheta domesticus (edible insect), potato, and rice protein. The above sources were compared to whey proteins. The parameters studied were total nutritional value, amino acid profile, fatty acid profile, the content of some elements, and the presence of toxins.
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Background Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) are double agents, which downregulate endogenous concentrations of oestradiol and progesterone whilst simultaneously providing daily supplementation of exogenous oestrogen and progestin during the OCP-taking days. This altered hormonal milieu differs significantly from that of eumenorrheic women and might impact exercise performance, due to changes in ovarian hormone-mediated physiological processes.Objective To explore the effects of OCPs on exercise performance in women and to provide evidence-based performance recommendations to users.Methods This review complied with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A between-group analysis was performed, wherein performance of OCP users was compared with naturally menstruating women, and a within-group analysis was conducted, wherein performance during OCP consumption was compared with OCP withdrawal. For the between-group analysis, women were phase matched in two ways: (1) OCP withdrawal versus the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle and (2) OCP consumption versus all phases of the menstrual cycle except for the early follicular phase. Study quality was assessed using a modified Downs and Black Checklist and a strategy based on the recommendations of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation working group. All meta-analyses were conducted within a Bayesian framework to facilitate probabilistic interpretations.Results42 studies and 590 participants were included. Most studies (83%) were graded as moderate, low or very low quality, with 17% achieving high quality. For the between-group meta-analysis comparing OCP users with naturally menstruating women, posterior estimates of the pooled effect were used to calculate the probability of at least a small effect (d ≥ 0.2). Across the two between-group comparison methods, the probability of a small effect on performance favouring habitual OCP users was effectually zero (p < 0.001). In contrast, the probability of a small effect on performance favouring naturally menstruating women was moderate under comparison method (1) (d ≥ 0.2; p = 0.40) and small under comparison method (2) (d ≥ 0.2; p = 0.19). Relatively large between-study variance was identified for both between-group comparisons (\(\tau\)0.5 = 0.16 [95% credible interval (CrI) 0.01–0.44] and \(\tau\)0.5 = 0.22 [95% CrI 0.06–0.45]). For the within-group analysis comparing OCP consumption with withdrawal, posterior estimates of the pooled effect size identified almost zero probability of a small effect on performance in either direction (d ≥ 0.2; p ≤ 0.001).ConclusionsOCP use might result in slightly inferior exercise performance on average when compared to naturally menstruating women, although any group-level effect is most likely to be trivial. Practically, as effects tended to be trivial and variable across studies, the current evidence does not warrant general guidance on OCP use compared with non-use. Therefore, when exercise performance is a priority, an individualised approach might be more appropriate. The analysis also indicated that exercise performance was consistent across the OCP cycle.
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Blood test data were traditionally confined to the clinic for diagnostic purposes, but are now becoming more routinely used in many professional and elite high-performance settings as a physiological profiling and monitoring tool. A wealth of information based on robust research evidence can be gleaned from blood tests, including: the identification of iron, vitamin or energy deficiency; the identification of oxidative stress and inflammation; and the status of red blood cell populations. Serial blood test data can be used to monitor athletes and make inferences about the efficacy of training interventions, nutritional strategies or indeed the capacity to tolerate training load. Via a profiling and monitoring approach, blood biomarker measurement combined with contextual data has the potential to help athletes avoid injury and illness via adjustments to diet, training load and recovery strategies. Since wide inter-individual variability exists in many biomarkers, clinical population-based reference data can be of limited value in athletes, and statistical methods for longitudinal data are required to identify meaningful changes within an athlete. Data quality is often compromised by poor pre-analytic controls in sport settings. The biotechnology industry is rapidly evolving, providing new technologies and methods, some of which may be well suited to athlete applications in the future. This review provides current perspectives, limitations and recommendations for sports science and sports medicine practitioners using blood profiling and monitoring for nutrition and performance purposes.
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This study primarily aimed to quantify and compare iron status in professional female athletes and nonathletes. Furthermore, this study also aimed to identify differences in iron status according to sporting discipline and explore the relationship between ferritin concentration and weekly training volume in professional athletes. A total of 152 participants were included in this study, including 85 athletes who were members of senior teams (handball, n = 24; volleyball, n = 36; soccer, n = 19; and judo, n = 6) involved at the highest level of competition and 67 nonathletes. A significantly greater proportion ( p = .05) of athletes (27%) demonstrated iron-deficient erythropoiesis (IDE) compared with nonathletes (13%). There were nonsignificant differences ( p > .05) in the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID; 49% vs. 46%) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA; 2% vs. 4%) between athletes and nonathletes. Similarly, the prevalence of ID, IDE, and IDA was not significantly different between sports ( p > .05). Furthermore, training volume was negatively correlated with ferritin concentration in athletes ( r : −.464, moderate, p < .001). Professional female athletes are at a heightened risk of IDE compared with nonathletes; therefore, they should be periodically screened for ID to reduce the deleterious effects on training and performance. The similar prevalence of ID, IDE, and IDA found across athletes competing in different sports suggests that overlaps exist between handball, volleyball, soccer, and judo athletes regarding risk of disturbance in iron metabolism.
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Vegetarian diets have gained popularity in sports. However, few data exist on the status of micronutrients and related biomarkers for vegetarian and vegan athletes. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to compare the micronutrient status of omnivorous (OMN, n = 27), lacto-ovo-vegetarian (LOV, n = 26), and vegan (VEG, n = 28) recreational runners. Biomarkers of vitamin B12, folate, vitamin D, and iron were assessed. Additionally, serum levels of calcium, magnesium, and zinc were examined. Lifestyle factors and supplement intake were recorded via questionnaires. About 80% of each group showed vitamin B12 adequacy with higher levels in supplement users. Mean red blood cell folate exceeded the reference range (>340 nmol/L) in all three groups (OMN: 2213 ± 444, LOV: 2236 ± 596, and VEG: 2354 ± 639 nmol/L; not significant, n.s.). Furthermore, vitamin D levels were comparable (OMN: 90.6 ± 32.1, LOV: 76.8 ± 33.7, and VEG: 86.2 ± 39.5 nmol/L; n.s.), and we found low prevalence (<20%) of vitamin D inadequacy in all three groups. Less than 30% of each group had depleted iron stores, however, iron deficiency anemia was not found in any subject. Our findings suggest that a well-planned, health-conscious lacto-ovo-vegetarian and vegan diet, including supplements, can meet the athlete’s requirements of vitamin B12, vitamin D and iron.
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Iron plays a significant role in the body, and is specifically important to athletes, since it is a dominant feature in processes such as oxygen transport and energy metabolism. Despite its importance, athlete populations, especially females and endur-ance athletes, are commonly diagnosed with iron deficiency, suggesting an association between sport performance and iron regulation. Although iron deficiency is most common in female athletes (~ 15–35% athlete cohorts deficient), approximately 5–11% of male athlete cohorts also present with this issue. Furthermore, interest has grown in the mechanisms that influ-ence iron absorption in athletes over the last decade, with the link between iron regulation and exercise becoming a research focus. Specifically, exercise-induced increases in the master iron regulatory hormone, hepcidin, has been highlighted as a contributing factor towards altered iron metabolism in athletes. To date, a plethora of research has been conducted, including investigation into the impact that sex hormones, diet (e.g. macronutrient manipulation), training and environmental stress (e.g. hypoxia due to altitude training) have on an athlete’s iron status, with numerous recommendations proposed for considera-tion. This review summarises the current state of research with respect to the aforementioned factors, drawing conclusions and recommendations for future work.
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Hepcidin, a peptide hormone with an acknowledged evolutionary function in iron homeostasis, was discovered at the turn of the 21st century. Since then, the implications of increased hepcidin activity have been investigated as a potential advocate for the increased risk of iron deficiency in various health settings. Such implications are particularly relevant in the sporting community where peaks in hepcidin postexercise (∼3-6 hr) are suggested to reduce iron absorption and recycling, and contribute to the development of exercise-induced iron deficiency in athletes. Over the last decade, hepcidin research in sport has focused on acute and chronic hepcidin activity following single and repeated training blocks. This research has led to investigations examining possible methods to attenuate postexercise hepcidin expression through dietary interventions. The majority of macronutrient dietary interventions have focused on manipulating the carbohydrate content of the diet in an attempt to determine the health of athletes adopting the low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diets, a practice that is a growing trend among endurance athletes. During the process of these macronutrient dietary intervention studies, an observable coincidence of increased cumulative hepcidin activity to low energy availability has emerged. Therefore, this review aims to summarize the existing literature on nutritional interventions on hepcidin activity, thus, highlighting the link of hepcidin to energy availability, while also making a case for the use of hepcidin as an individualized biomarker for low energy availability in males and females.
The interpretation of athlete biological passport (ABP) is strengthened by understanding the natural fluctuations of its biological parameters. Here we have assessed the influence of the menstrual cycle on the hematological module of the ABP. Seventeen women with regular menses were included. Blood samples were collected once/week for two consecutive cycles and analyzed for hematological parameters. Menstrual phases were hormonally determined. The intra‐individual variation of the hematological parameters was similar between the two cycles. Reticulocyte percentage was significantly lower in the follicle phase (median 0.95 %) than in the ovulatory (median 1.10 %) and luteal phases (median 1.16 %), p=0.006, whereas no differences were found in hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, red blood cell count, or red blood cell indices. When the values were entered into the ABP model, findings outside the program calculated individual thresholds were identified in two of the participants. One woman showed an atypical low OFF‐score in the last sample collected, mainly due to increased reticulocyte percentage. This was likely a response to treated insufficient iron stores. One woman displayed an atypical hemoglobin value at the lower limit two weeks after ovulation, which was likely due to fluctuations in plasma volume. In conclusion, the ABP parameters in general are stable throughout the menstrual cycle. Significant differences between the menstrual phases were found in reticulocytes, however the variation was not related to findings outside the individual thresholds, except in one individual. Moreover, our results highlight the importance of having information about iron supplementation available when evaluating hematological passports.
Objectives: It is not uncommon for athletes to be diagnosed with iron deficiency, yet there remains uncertainty whether the prevalence of suboptimal iron status in elite athletes differs from the normal population or warrants routine screening. The purpose of this study is to describe the distribution of serum ferritin (SF) in a cohort of elite athletes. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Methods: Electronic health records of 1085 elite adult athletes (570 women, 515 men) from 2012-2017 were examined retrospectively. SF values were compared to published normal population data. The proportion of athletes meeting criterion values for iron deficiency or initiation of treatment was examined. Results: SF distributions in male athletes were significantly lower than normal males aged 20 to <24yrs. (χ2 28.8, p<0.001) and aged 24 to <28yrs. (χ2 91.9, p<0.001). SF status was similar in female athletes and normal women aged 20 to <24yrs. (χ2 9.5, p>0.05) or aged 24 to <28yrs. (χ2 11.5, p>0.05). Using 35ng/ml as the criterion value for stage one iron deficiency, 15% of male athletes and 52% of female athletes displayed suboptimal iron status. Conclusions: Male athletes have a significantly lower population distribution of SF values as compared to normative data on healthy males, with 15% of male athletes having suboptimal SF status. The distribution of SF values in elite female athletes did not differ from population values, however approximately half women athletes were iron deficient. These data suggest that iron screening should be considered in both male and female athlete populations.
Preventing and treating iron deficiency are important components in the nutritional care of female varsity athletes, as these interventions may improve aerobic endurance and athletic performance. We examined the factors associated with ferritin concentration in 30 female varsity athletes (18–30 years) at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Biochemical indicators of iron and inflammation status, dietary intake, supplementation practices, weight, height, and menstrual blood losses were assessed. Iron deficiency prevalence was 20% (n = 6/30; inflammation-adjusted ferritin <15 μg/L). Multiple linear regression was used to assess the associations of a number of independent explanatory variables with log-transformed serum ferritin (μg/L) as the continuous outcome variable. A 1-unit increase in body mass index (BMI; kg/m ² ) was associated with 22% (95% CI: 9%–37%) higher mean ferritin concentrations, and a 1-point increase in menstrual loss score was associated with 1% (95% CI: 1%–2%) lower ferritin concentrations. Hemoglobin and hepcidin concentrations, inflammation biomarkers, consumption of iron supplements in any form or dose for ≥3 days/week, and age were not significantly associated with ferritin concentrations in the final adjusted model. Novelty Estimated monthly menstrual losses and BMI were associated with serum ferritin concentrations in female athletes in our study. These are easy-to-measure, noninvasive measurements that should be considered in the assessment of risk of iron deficiency in female athletes.
The effects of testosterone and erythropoietin (ESF) on erythroid colony formation in normal human bone marrow cultures were studied in vitro using a methyl cellulose gel system. Testosterone was found to produce a significant increase in erythroid colony formation at concentrations of 10–4–10-4M in vitro. In this system, the numbers of erythroid colonies formed per plate increased in direct proportion to the increase in the number of erythroid precursors inoculated as well as to the increase in the dose of ESF in vitro. In addition, a synergistic effect of a combination of testosterone and ESF on erythroid colony formation was seen when ESF was present at high concentrations. These data suggest that a greater number of erythropoietin-responsive cells are available for ESF to differentiate into the nucleated erythroid cell line in the presence of testosterone, indicating that the effect of a combination of testosterone and ESF is greater in enhancing erythropoiesis than the additive effects of either agent alone.