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Fuzzy Interpretation of Word Polarity Scores for Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis



Sentiment or Opinion Mining aims to determine the polarity of people's opinions, feeling towards any product, service, event or any individual. One of the most popular technique applied in sentiment analysis of textual content is natural language processing. Sentiment can be evaluated using numerous methodologies like machine learning algorithms and statistical tools but the use of the fuzzy concept is not common. In this paper, we analyze the effect of fuzzification of word polarity sentiment scores. These word scores are obtained by deploying two lexicons: SentiWordNet and AFINN. Experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets: polarity movie dataset by Pang-Lee, IMDB and hotel reviews dataset. The key highlights are: i) proposed an unsupervised fuzzy logic-based approach for sentiment analysis of textual reviews, ii) the proposed model formulated fuzzy cardinality as the measure for the evaluation of word polarity scores, iii) our model has two versions based on the sentiment lexicon deployed in the model, iv) comparison of our fuzzy cardinality approach with other non-fuzzy state-of-the-art methods reveals the superiority of our fuzzy approach.
Fuzzy Interpretation of Word Polarity Scores for
Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis
Srishti Vashishtha
Information Technology
Delhi Technological University
Delhi, India
Seba Susan
Information Technology
Delhi Technological University
Delhi, India
Abstract Sentiment or Opinion Mining aims to determine
the polarity of people’s opinions, feeling towards any product,
service, event or any individual. One of the most popular
technique applied in sentiment analysis of textual content is
natural language processing. Sentiment can be evaluated using
numerous methodologies like machine learning algorithms and
statistical tools but the use of the fuzzy concept is not common. In
this paper, we analyze the effect of fuzzification of word polarity
sentiment scores. These word scores are obtained by deploying
two lexicons: SentiWordNet and AFINN. Experiments are
conducted on three benchmark datasets: polarity movie dataset
by Pang-Lee, IMDB and hotel reviews dataset. The key
highlights are: i) proposed an unsupervised fuzzy logic-based
approach for sentiment analysis of textual reviews, ii) the
proposed model formulated fuzzy cardinality as the measure for
the evaluation of word polarity scores, iii) our model has two
versions based on the sentiment lexicon deployed in the model,
iv) comparison of our fuzzy cardinality approach with other non-
fuzzy state-of-the-art methods reveals the superiority of our
fuzzy approach.
Keywordssentiment analysis, natural language processing,
fuzzy, sentiment score, SentiWordNet, AFINN.
Sentiment Analysis (SA) is the interpretation and study of
people’s opinions, attitudes, and emotions toward an entity.
The entity can represent individuals, events, or topics. It is a
way to analyze written or spoken language to determine if the
expression is favorable, unfavorable, or neutral, and to what
extent [1]. Nowadays, SA is in demand in several areas of
application: marketing, e-commerce, movies [2], news [3],
politics [4], hotels [5-7], restaurants, social media platforms
[8], etc. In current days the internet has created a boom. The
digital universe is estimated to consist of 44 zettabytes of data
at the beginning of 2020. In 2019, Google processed 3.7
million queries, Facebook saw one million logins, and
YouTube recorded 4.5 million videos viewed every 60
seconds. The number of internet users has risen from 3.7
billion in 2018 to 4.5 billion in 2019. Data production is high;
it is being produced every minute by internet applications like
emails, google apps, WhatsApp, music apps, etc and social
websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This vast
amount of data can be used as input to the SA process for
prediction, marketing, research purpose, data mining, and
many other purposes. In marketing, it is required to analyze the
mindset of customers; what the customers need from a product
or service can be analyzed by conducting a survey or by
collecting reviews about a product or service [9-11]. The
application areas of SA are shown in Fig.1. Online and social
media platforms are the reservoir of reviews. These reviews
can be fed as input to the SA process, the output is the
sentiment: positive or negative, for binary sentiment
classification. Public sentiments regarding any social issue can
be analyzed easily using SA. Basic steps of this process include
collection of data (input), text preparation (pre-processing),
feature extraction, feature selection, detection of sentiment,
classification of sentiment, and presentation of output.
Sentiment Analysis can be carried out using Natural
Language Processing (NLP). NLP is an area of research and
application that explores how, with the help of computers, we
can understand and manipulate natural language for further
analysis. The researchers use NLP to collect information and
knowledge on how humans understand and use language that
develop models, tools and techniques [12].
Most of the data in SA is related to real-world problems.
These problems are complex so they require smart and
intelligent systems to integrate knowledge, techniques and
methodologies from various sources. These systems are
supposed to have such power that they think like human, and
are expert within a specific domain; adapt themselves and learn
to do better things in changing environment [13]. To deal with
such real-world problems the concept of fuzziness was
evolved. A fuzzy set consists of such elements which don’t
have any crisp boundary [14].
In our work, fuzzy logic is applied to online reviews to
compute the fuzzy sentiment score. Sentiment lexicons-
SentiWordNet [15] and AFINN [16] are deployed to compute
the sentiment score of words. These are lexical resources that
contain a list of words and their polarity scores. The proposed
model uses fuzzy cardinality as the measure for the evaluation
of word polarity scores. Our model has two versions based on
the sentiment lexicon deployed in the model. The application
of fuzzy logic with NLP provides us results that match human
interpretation for sentiment analysis. The rest of the paper is
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11th ICCCNT 2020
July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, India
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 08:47:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
organized as follows. Section II discusses different papers on
SA and fuzzy applied on SA. The proposed fuzzy approach is
described in Section III. Section IV is about experimental setup
of our approach. The results are presented in Section V and the
conclusions are drawn in Section VI.
Fig.1. Application Areas of Sentiment Analysis
In this section we give an overview of past research works
on Sentiment Analysis and fuzzy logic-based SA approaches.
SA is one of the most recent and upcoming research areas.
The easiest way to assign sentiment is by classifying it as
either positive or negative. Several papers have discussed how
we can perform SA on different entities and classify them
according to our requirements. Users post their opinions about
different products on various online websites, these product
reviews are analyzed for SA [9-11]. In [9], the SA process has
been classified in five ways. First of all, the SA process can be
divided according to levels: Document Level, Sentence Level,
and Aspect Level. The second way is polarity-based sentiment
classification: Binary approach, Multi-level approach and
Contextual or Fuzzy approach. In [17], users of mobile
handsets give their thoughts about mobile handsets based on
mobile features. There are numerous features but only those
features that are crucial and essential for the performance of
mobile handset are selected for determining the sentiments.
Another paper discusses overall perspectives related to SA
based on text and emotions [18]. The number of hotel review
websites and blogs are increasing rapidly. These reviews help
people from these websites and blogs when they plan their
next vacation. A number of studies have proposed different
approaches to compute sentiment [5-7] and ratings [19] for
these hotel reviews. In a recent work, the reactions and
sentiments of people on a public platform during the natural
calamity like Kerala floods are analyzed using the Naïve
Bayes classifier [20]. In [21-22], the authors have explored the
effect of the demonetization on public and Indian financial
market using SA. The public opinions about demonetization
are collected from tweets across the whole country.
Many SA approaches use classifiers like Naïve Bayes
[2,19,23], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [3,23] and
Maximum Entropy [23]. But there has been little use of
classifiers based on fuzzy sets. The importance of fuzziness
comes into play while dealing with natural language due to the
presence of ambiguity in language. The concept of fuzzy sets
was formulated by Zadeh [14]. Fuzzy sets can be applied to
decide the degree of a positive or negative word, with the help
of fuzzy memberships, for evaluating sentiments [24]. In [25],
the proposed model for SA shows that not all positive or
negative words can be treated as equal; some words are more
positive or negative compared to other words. The concept of
fuzzy helps us to deal with real-world problems. SA is
performed for product reviews to classify them as positive,
negative or neutral with the help of a fuzzy model [10,11]. In
[10], intuitionistic fuzzy set theory is applied to convert the
sentiment orientations into fuzzy numbers. There are SA
approaches that incorporate the effect of different linguistic
hedges with fuzzy logic to compute the sentiment [8,10].
While the SentiWordNet lexicon is used in [8], Feature
Orientation dictionary is used in [10] to calculate the fuzzy
value of each word, and further, these values are used to
evaluate the results. Triangular fuzzy sets can be applied to
hotel reviews with the help of three quantifiers: “most”, “half
of” and “few”. Short sentiment summaries are created from
these fuzzy quantified sentences [5]. Fuzzy rule-based systems
for SA [26-29] have shown better results than commonly used
Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and SVM. The aim is to provide
polarity classification degree values. There exist fuzzy logic-
based systems for sentiment classification of online customer
reviews [30,31] using fuzzy inference systems based on rules.
Machine learning methods [32-34] and Deep learning methods
[35,36] along with a fuzzy approach for SA on textual reviews
have proved to yield good results. In [36], fuzzy entropy
measure and k-means clustering are used to shortlist important
words from reviews that carry high sentiment quotient. The
fuzzy scores of these shortlisted words are computed using the
SentiWordNet lexicon [15]; further these scores are sent into
the LSTM neural network for sentiment classification. A
previous work by authors has used supervised machine
learning method- SVM for SA of video reviews posted on
social media [37]. This method uses a fusion of acoustic and
linguistic features for sentiment classification in multimodal
There are millions of online reviews on internet for various
topics, events, products or services. These reviews have been
analysed by numerous researchers by applying SA but they
have failed to unveil correct results for the uncertain or
ambiguous data present in the language. SA is the process of
determining and computing the opinions, attitudes, feelings
expressed using natural language by people. Words are the
fundamental building block of language. Every human
language spoken or written, is composed of words. Word-level
approaches to NLP are the first step towards understanding the
natural language. The computer needs to comprehend how
things work in real-world domain; this effort although very
progressive, has a limitation. There is an intelligence gap
between a human and a machine. Fuzzy logic can be used to
make the machine understand this intelligence gap in a better
way, because it deals with uncertainty, vagueness or
impreciseness factors that are present in human language.
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Kharagpur, India
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 08:47:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Thus, this motivated us to incorporate fuzzy logic in SA to
improve classification. In this paper, we have applied a fuzzy
logic word-level approach for determining and classifying the
sentiment of online reviews. Most of the existing works in
field of SA employ supervised learning algorithms. We have
implemented an unsupervised approach because unlike
supervised learning, unsupervised learning processes do not
need any labeled data; hence training time and computational
complexity is saved. The next section describes the proposed
Our proposed unsupervised approach for sentiment
analysis of textual reviews has four major steps. The steps
include tokenization, formulation of a bag of words model,
formulation of fuzzy sentiment score and assigning polarity.
We have two versions depending on the type of lexicon being
applied. The two lexicons are SentiWordNet [15] and AFINN
[16]. Following is the description of steps:
A. Tokenization & Lemmatization
Reviews are stored in a document. To work on documents,
we need to first break down the document into sentences.
Splitting up of paragraphs into sentences is termed as Sentence
Tokenization [38]. Tokenizing a sentence is a process of
splitting a sentence into a list of words. In other words, a
tokenizer parses a sentence into a list of tokens (words). The
output of the tokenization process will be stored in a dynamic
list. Each word of the sentence is lemmatized.
B. Bag of Words
Bag of words term in SA refers to those keywords which
are important for mining reviews, opinions, etc. Technically it
is a model that transforms documents into vector (numerical)
form, where each word in the document is assigned some
score in the range of 0 to 1. This can be interpreted as a fuzzy
membership pertaining to the fuzzy sets Pos and Neg. In our
proposed model we have used NLTK Part of Speech (POS)
Tagger [38] to extract words which are nouns, adjectives,
verbs or adverbs. A fuzzy set A can be represented as
{( , ( )},AA x x x U
where x is the element from the
universal set and
is the membership of element x. The
fuzzy sets Pos and Neg are represented as:
{( , ( )},Pos iPos a a a X
{( , ( )},Neg iNeg a a a X
where a is the word, Xi is ith set of Bag of words. If the total
number of reviews is n; then a bag of words is created for each
review. The membership functions
renamed as
for SentiWordNet
lexicon[15] and;
for AFINN lexicon[16].
[ . _ ()]
() ()
syn pos score
alength synsets
[ . _ ()]
() ()
syn neg score
alength synsets
Eqs. (3) and (4) represent the fuzzy membership functions
of a word for SentiWordNet lexicon where syn.pos_score()
and syn.neg_score () are the scores obtained from
SentiWordNet; synsets is the set of synonyms of each word
present in SentiWordNet. The second version uses AFINN
lexicon. In eq. (5), the score, µaf, of each word is computed
using AFINN and divided by five because the score by
AFINN is between -5 and +5. Then the range of score is
checked, if it is greater than or equal to zero it is a positive
score, µafPos, otherwise it is a negative score, µafNeg. In eq. (6)
and eq. (7) the computation of fuzzy membership functions of
a word for AFINN lexicon are represented.
. ( )
() 5
af af score a
( ( ) 0) ( ( ) ( ))af afPos afif a then a a
 
= =
( ( ) 0) ( ( ) ( )af afNeg afif a then a a
 
= −
C. Formulation of proposed Fuzzy Cardinality measure
The fuzzy interpretation of word polarity scores for textual
reviews using both lexicons is computed in the last section. We
have proposed the Fuzzy Cardinality [13] measure for
evaluating the sentiment score of each review. The fuzzy
sets Pos and Neg contains the positive and negative score of
words in a review. The positive cardinality of the Pos set and
negative cardinality of Neg set is calculated by summing all the
elements in respective sets. This measure shows the strength of
fuzzy sets. Following are the definitions of positive and
negative Cardinality:
_ ( ),
Pos i
Pos cardinality a a X
_ ( ),
Neg i
Neg cardinality a a X
where l is the length of a review, a is the word, X is the set of
Bag of Words and it belongs to the ith Bag of words.
D. Assigning Polarity
The binary polarity classification of a review is either
positive or negative. Comparison of positive and negative
IEEE - 49239
11th ICCCNT 2020
July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, India
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 08:47:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
cardinality (eq. (8) and (9)) is performed to assign polarity to
each textual review. If positive cardinality of a review is
greater than or equal to negative cardinality, it implies it is a
positive review; otherwise it is a negative review.
, _ _
() ,
P Pos Cardinality Neg Cardinality
Polarity i N otherwise
In eq. (10), Polarity(i) is the polarity of ith review and the
labels for positive and negative polarity is P and N. Thereby
using above comparison all the reviews are divided into two
classes: Positive (P) and Negative (N). The process flow of
proposed fuzzy approach is depicted in Fig.2.
Fig.2. Process Flow of Proposed Fuzzy Approach
The proposed unsupervised methodology for SA has been
implemented in Python. The experiments are conducted on
three datasets that contain online reviews by users. There are
two movie datasets: polarity dataset v2.0 by Pang and Lee1
[39] and IMDB2. The third dataset provides reviews of a single
hotel3. These reviews were provided by the travellers who
stayed in this hotel. All the datasets are freely accessible via the
internet. The first dataset contains 2000 reviews, IMDB dataset
contains 50,000 reviews and the hotel review dataset has 38932
reviews. The dataset distribution of all the datasets according to
each sentiment class is represented in Table I.
In this paper, two sentiment lexicons: SentiWordNet [15]
and AFINN [16] are applied to compute the word polarity
scores. Table II shows the positive and negative score of few
words using the SentiWordNet lexicon. The positive words
have a positive score higher than the negative score and it is
vice-versa for negative words. There are some words that have
zero value for both positive and negative scores, these are
neutral words containing no sentiment, for example: Hotel
and Staff. Nice”, “Helpful”, “Clean” and “Beautiful” are
positive words while “Filthy”, “Difficult”, “Disgusting” and
“Accident” are negative words.
Pang-Lee Movie
IMDB Movie
Hotel Reviews
Table III depicts the scores of these same words computed
using the AFINN lexicon. The words Hotel and Staff are
neutral words in both the lexicons. Since the scores of Nice”,
Helpful”, “Clean” and “Beautiful” are greater than zero their
polarity is positive. Whereas the words “Filthy”, “Difficult”,
“Disgusting” and Accident are negative words because their
scores are less than zero. The positive and negative words have
different scores in both lexicons, for example, the word Nice
has a 0.15 positive score and 0 negative scores in the
SentiWordNet lexicon while in the AFINN lexicon it has 3.0
score. Hence, both lexicons can be interpreted in different ways
to compute the polarity of a word and the score for the same
word is different.
Pos Score
Neg Score
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11th ICCCNT 2020
July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, India
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 08:47:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
We have compared our two versions of fuzzy approach
with two non-fuzzy approaches for SA. The first comparison
method is the Cavalcanti et al. approach [40], where the
sentiment score of each review is calculated by summing up
the sentiment score of each word, a, and dividing it by length
of each review, l, as shown in eq. (11). Here the sentiment
score of each word is the difference of positive and negative
score of each word computed using the SentiWordNet lexicon,
as given in eq. (3) and (4).
[ ( ) ( )]
( ) ,
Pos Neg
score X a X
In Cavalcanti et al. approach, the scores greater than or equal
to zero denote the positive sentiment (P) and negative scores
denote the negative sentiment (N). The second comparison
method is Gilbert et al. approach [41], this approach had
created a VADER lexicon and its tool. This method computes
various scores for the given input textual sentence. We apply
the VADER approach to a review; the compound score is
generated. The range of compound score is checked for
different polarity classes: positive and negative. The
implementation of our proposed approach is available here4.
An unsupervised fuzzy approach has been presented to
evaluate the sentiment of online textual reviews. There are two
versions of our fuzzy cardinality approach: SentiWordNet and
AFINN. These versions are compared with two unsupervised
non-fuzzy approaches: Cavalcanti et al. approach [40] and
Gilbert et al. approach [41]. All the experiments are conducted
on the three datasets of online reviews. The comparison of our
versions of fuzzy cardinality versions with other methods, in
terms of accuracy, are presented in Table IV.
et al.
Gilbert et
Our Fuzzy
Our Fuzzy
Experiments on Pang-Lee movie datasets reveal that our
fuzzy cardinality AFINN version has achieved the highest
accuracy of 65.45%, followed by SentiWordNet version
63.5%; comparable accuracy of 63% is gained by Gilbert et
al. s approach [41] and Cavalcanti et al. s approach [40]
has acquired the least accuracy of 54.8%. For the IMDB
movie dataset our fuzzy cardinality AFINN version has
achieved the highest accuracy of 70.06% and Gilbert et
al.s approach achieved the second-highest accuracy of
69.43%. Our fuzzy cardinality AFINN version has gained
the highest accuracy of 76.2% in the Hotel reviews dataset,
which is comparable to that of Gilbert et al.s approach.
Our fuzzy cardinality SentiWordNet version has scored
higher accuracy compared to Cavalcanti et al. s approach
in all datasets.
From the results in Table IV, we can conclude that our
fuzzy approach based on AFINN lexicon has scored the
highest accuracy in all the datasets, Cavalcanti et al. s
approach has gained the lowest accuracy in all the datasets.
Whereas the results of Gilbert et al.s approach are
comparable to our fuzzy cardinality versions.
In this research work, a fuzzy logic-based technique
is applied to online reviews to compute the fuzzy sentiment
score. Two sentiment lexicons- SentiWordNet and AFINN
are used to compute the sentiment score of words. The key
highlights are: i) proposed an unsupervised approach based
on fuzzy logic for sentiment analysis of textual reviews, ii)
the proposed model uses fuzzy cardinality as the measure
for the evaluation of word polarity scores, iii) our model
has two versions based on the sentiment lexicon deployed
in the model, iv) our fuzzy cardinality approach is
compared to non-fuzzy state-of-the-art methods.
Our proposed fuzzy methodology is better than non-
fuzzy methods. This is because of fuzzy deals with
ambiguity in real-world problems. Our approach calculates
the strength of average positive and negative scores of each
word in each review and these scores are fuzzy. Thus, the
strength of fuzzy sets gives better results than simple
average scores. The application of fuzzy logic with NLP
provides us results that match human interpretation for
sentiment analysis. Our approach can be applied to any
textual dataset that is based on online or social media
content, like twitter datasets, product reviews dataset, any
other customer review datasets, etc. The limitation of our
work is that the scores of words are dependent on lexicons;
some words which do not exist in lexicons cannot be
processed further. In this work, we have applied word-level
fuzzy logic approach; we can extend our work by working
on phrases in future.
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July 1-3, 2020 - IIT - Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, India
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 08:47:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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... Vanishta and Suzan [45] proposed an unsupervised method based on fuzzy logic that includes four major steps: tokenization, formulation of a bag of words model, formulation of fuzzy sentiment score, and assigning polarity. They have calculated the cardinality of positive and negative words using SentiWordNet [42] and AFINN [46] dictionaries separately. ...
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Sentiment Analysis (SA) is a domain or context-oriented task since the sentiment words convey different sentiments in various domains. As a result, the domain-independent lexicons cannot correctly recognize the sentiment of domain-dependent words. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel self-supervised SA method based on semantic similarity, contextual embedding, and Deep Learning Techniques. It introduces a new Pseudo-label generator that estimates the pseudo-labels of samples using semantic similarity between the samples and their sentiment words. It proposes two new concepts to calculate semantic similarity: The Soft-Cosine Similarity of a sample with its Positive words (SCSP) and the Soft-Cosine Similarity of a document with its Negative words (SCSN). Then, the Pseudo-label generator uses these concepts and the number of sentiment words to estimate the label of each sample. Later on, a novel method is proposed to find the samples with highly accurate pseudo-labels. Finally, a hybrid classifier, composed of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), is trained using these highly accurate pseudo-labeled data to predict the label of unseen data. The comparison of the proposed method with the lexicons and other similar existing methods demonstrates that the proposed method outperforms them in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
... Natural language processing and machine learning are two essential technologies enabling the development of job recommendation systems. Natural language processing techniques analyze and understand human language [43][44], while machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and learn patterns and relationships [3]. By using these technologies together, job recommendation engines can interpret and comprehend job descriptions and candidate profiles, resulting in accurate recommendations. ...
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The widespread availability of online job portals has made it easier for job seekers to locate suitable employment opportunities. However, due to the vast number of job postings available, finding the right job that matches their skills and preferences can be a time-consuming task. To address this challenge, the author proposes a machine learning and natural language processing-based system that recommends relevant job list-ings to students. The dataset used in this study has not had any prior interaction between user data and job listing data. The proposed system utilizes a hybrid approach that combines collaborative filtering and content-based filtering to generate accurate suggestions. To provide the most relevant job recommendations, the system considers the student's resume, requirements, and posting. Additionally, the system suggests top jobs to the user by comparing and measuring the similarity between the user's preferences and explicit job listing features. The Recommender System is evaluated using precision, recall, and F1 score.
... The tool used for machine learning is deep learning in which a neural network learns the features automatically [3]. Deep learning and machine learning have been in use in various areas of research like sentiment analysis [4][5][6][7][8], speech analysis [9,10], Natural Language Processing (NLP) [7], and computer vision [11]. This methodology suits the areas where analysis of large amounts of data and intelligence similar to humans is required [12]. ...
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The semantic segmentation techniques which are based on Deep Learning (DL) come up with an advanced performance for years. In particular, such techniques are used successfully in areas such as the classification of medical images, their segmentation, and identification. The deep learning technology, U-Net, is the most popular of these applications. U-Net is used for image segmentation in the field of biomedicine. It is a convolutional neural network. Several U-Net-based networks have been proposed in past such as U-Net++, 3D U-Net, multi-res U-Net, Laddernet, etc. Some of such models will be studied, compared, and analyzed in this paper based on various parameters and datasets used for these architectures. Various imaging modalities like CT Scan, MRI, X-Ray, etc., are used in medical imaging. Every architecture uses a different modality.
... These applications customarily use organized informa-tion which is hard to produce and restricted in amount [5]. Then the data produced by client audits dont have that much impediments in decision making for structured data [6]. ...
... Data yang sudah melewati tahap preprocessing, data dibagi menjadi data training sebanyak 80% dan data testing sebanyak 20% [5]. Selanjutnya, dilakukan proses pemberian nilai atau bobot terhadap setiap term menggunakan metode TF-IDF. ...
Technological developments today make it easy for people to use social media as a means of expressing opinions, including Twitter. The case study taken by the researcher is the sentiment towards the performance of the mayor of Medan. The case was taken because it was widely discussed by Indonesian people, especially the city of Medan on Twitter social media. One of the uses of this research is to find out the trend of Twitter user comments on the performance of the mayor of Medan by conducting a sentiment analysis. Sentiment will be classified as positive, negative and neutral. The algorithm used in sentiment analysis is Naïve Bayes. The stages in conducting sentiment analysis in this study are data preprocessing, data processing, classification, and evaluation. The results of this study are using the SMOTE method, the training and testing ratio is 80:20 because it has the highest accuracy, which is 78% compared to other ratios. The prediction results resulting from the classification turned out to be more dominant towards neutral labels. In addition to classifying for sentiment analysis, this study also measures the performance of the model created. The results showed that the Naïve Bayes algorithm has a precision value of 78%, a recall of 78%, and an f1-score of 77%.
... Table 6 compares five recent literature against the proposed model. (10) Logistic Regression 78% 0.78 -- (11) RVVC-BoW RVVC-TF-IDF Hybrid NB-SVM 93% 94% 87% 0.91 --0.85 --0.88 -- (12) SSentiA (SVM) 77% 0.77 0.77 0.77 (13) Hybrid-SVM Hybrid LR 92% 92% ----0.91 0.90 (14) Fuzzy The results showed that the proposed SVMS model outperforms well against the existing methods and provides better accuracy of 96%, 96% Precision, 98% Recall and 97% F1 score for aspects of different products. ...
The sentiment classification in big data is the critical prerequisite for all applications. Because handling huge data for all applications is a difficult undertaking, the execution process takes longer. Additionally, the big data of today governs the entire advanced globe through its applications and social media platforms. Therefore, some machine learning models are used to manage online services more effectively. Machine learning approach is also becoming a popular area in big data; practically all drug review datasets contain positive, negative, and neutral sentiment values. The sentiment analysis value prediction plays a significant role in the marketing system and product development areas. In order to quantify the sentiment value of online medicine reviews, and unique Ant Colony based Deep Belief Neuronal (AC-DBN) framework has been developed. Additionally, the preprocessing layer trains on the acquired datasets. As a result, the ant colony model's fitness function in the boosting strategy enhances the precision and accuracy of opinion specification while also simplifying the classification procedure. The new system's results are sequentially compared to those of the present technique in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, aspect term specification, and opinion condition, among other metrics. A higher accuracy and precision of opinion specification led to a better outcome.
Natural language processing (NLP) and text mining methodologies are beneficial tools for utilizing from large scale service review datasets. Sentiment analysis (SA) is among them and it is used to label texts according to their polarity degrees. In this paper, a novel review scoring approach is introduced based on sentiment polarity scores and intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The approach is then implemented on a review dataset which is retrieved from several websites for a certain hotel service. The proposed approach presents promising results for more reliable product/service evaluation relatively to crisp rating scores.KeywordsNLPText MiningSentiment AnalysisIntuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
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Understanding and comprehending humans' views, beliefs, attitudes, or opinions toward a particular entity is sentiment analysis (SA). Advancements in e‐commerce platforms has led to an abundance of the real‐time and free forms of opinions floating on social media platforms. This real‐world data are imprecise and vague hence fuzzy logic is required to deal with such subjective data. Since opinions can be fuzzy in nature and definitions of opinion words can be elucidated differently; fuzzy logic has witnessed itself as an effective method to capture the expression of opinions. The study presents an elaborate review of the around 170 published research works for SA using fuzzy logic. The primary emphasis is focused on text‐based SA, audio‐based SA, and fusion of text‐audio features‐based SA. This article discusses the various novel ways of classifying fuzzy logic‐based SA research articles, which have not been accomplished by any other review article till date. The article puts forward the importance of SA tasks and identifies how fuzzy logic adds to this importance. Finally, the article outlines a taxonomy for sentiment classification based on the technique‐supervised and unsupervised in the SA models and comprehensively reviews the SA approaches specific to their task. Prominently, this study highlights the suitability of fuzzy‐based SA approaches into five different classes vis‐a‐vis (a) Sentiment Cognition from Words using fuzzy logic, (b) Sentiment Cognition from Phrases using fuzzy logic, (c) Fuzzy‐rule based SA, (d) Neuro‐fuzzy network‐based SA, and (e) Fuzzy Emotion Recognition. This article is categorized under: Algorithmic Development > Text Mining Fundamental Concepts of Data and Knowledge > Motivation and Emergence of Data Mining
Businesses must be aware of customer sentiment in order to provide the best customer service. Instead of using cash or a credit card, a user can use a payment app on a mobile device to pay for a variety of services and digital or physical goods, which is becoming increasingly popular around the world. The goal of this study is to evaluate and predict user sentiment for payment apps using supervised and un-supervised machine learning (ML) approaches. For the study's data, Google Play Store reviews of the PayPal and Google Pay apps were gathered. Following cleaning, the filtered summary sentences were assessed for positive, neutral, or negative feelings using two unsupervised and five supervised machine learning approaches. According to the findings of the current study, the majority of customer reviews for payment apps were positive, with the average number of words with negative sentiment being higher. Furthermore, recent research found that, while all ML approaches can correctly classify review text into sentiment classes, logistic regression outperforms them in terms of accuracy.
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In last half decade an increasing number of works published has manifested the tremendous progress in multimodal sentiment analysis. In real-life communication, people are spontaneously modulating their tone to accentuate specific points or to express their sentiments. This research work introduces a supervised fuzzy rule-based system for multimodal sentiment classification, that can identify the sentiment expressed in video reviews on social media platform. It has been demonstrated that multimodal sentiment analysis can be effectively performed by the joint use of linguistic and acoustic modalities. In this paper computation of the sentiment using an ingenious set of fuzzy rules has been applied to label the review into: positive or negative sentiment. The confidence score from supervised Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification of text and speech cues is considered as the input variable for the fuzzy rules. The fusion of fuzzy logic with acoustic and linguistic features for classifying sentiment contributes a new exemplar in multimodal sentiment analysis. Our fuzzy approach has been compared with eight state-of-the-art techniques for supervised machine learning. The experiments on benchmark datasets yield 82.5 % accuracy for our approach which is higher in contrast to the state-of-the-art.
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Tourism affects the economy of any country; actually, it is the foundation of the country on the economic side. Egyptian Government is giving a big concern in developing the tourism sector. Hotel companies are using E-commerce technology for online booking and online reviewing. Travelers choose hotels based on their prices, facilities and other traveler’s review. Sentiment analysis is a very important topic that can be used to analyze the opinion of online users. Different websites are classifying the traveler reviews such as Tripadvisor, Expedia. The research aims to propose a Traveler Review Sentiment Classifier that will analyze the traveler’s reviews on Egyptian Hotels and provide a classification of each sentiment based on hotel features. Travelers Sentiment about five hotels located in Aswan in Egypt with a total of 11458 reviews were collected and analyzed. Sentiment model uses three classification techniques: Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes and Decision Tree. Results had shown that Naïve Bayes has the highest accuracy level.
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In twenty-first century, Twitter has been a very influential social media platform, be it in election or gathering aids for a disaster. In this work, we propose to study about the effect of natural calamities like the recent Kerala flood, their effect on the people and reactions of people from different stratus of society. The direction of our research will be towards sentimental analysis using RStudio and the Twitter app. This research highlights the reactions of people on a public platform during the calamity. Word cloud and other data visualization techniques are used for our study. The research also highlights on how the government reacts and how aid is provided in the dire time of need. We predict that our research will be useful to human society as it showcases a lot about human behaviour, its goodness and shortcomings. The paper also throws light on the Hurricane Michael calamity and gives a comparative study on relations like the differences of opinion among the people as well as their similarities during and after a calamity.
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The increase in the volume of user-generated content on Twitter has resulted in tweet sentiment analysis becoming an essential tool for the extraction of information about Twitter users’ emotional state. Consequently, there has been a rapid growth of tweet sentiment analysis in the area of natural language processing. Tweet sentiment analysis is increasingly applied in many areas, such as decision support systems and recommendation systems. Therefore, improving the accuracy of tweet sentiment analysis has become practical and an area of interest for many researchers. Many approaches have tried to improve the performance of tweet sentiment analysis methods by using the feature ensemble method. However, most of the previous methods attempted to model the syntactic information of words without considering the sentiment context of these words. Besides, the positioning of words and the impact of phrases containing fuzzy sentiment have not been mentioned in many studies. This study proposed a new approach based on a feature ensemble model related to tweets containing fuzzy sentiment by taking into account elements such as lexical, word-type, semantic, position, and sentiment polarity of words. The proposed method has been experimented on with real data, and the result proves effective in improving the performance of tweet sentiment analysis in terms of the $F_{1}$ score.
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Sentiment analysis (SA) is the process of evaluating human emotions, opinions and reviews expressed in text to detect the writer’s mental outlook towards a particular event, topic, product, service, etc. and assign a relevant sentiment. In SA, to highlight the correct words which contribute towards sentiment cognition is very difficult. Simulating this task of shortlisting of words by human observers is challenging due to complexity of human mind’s processing. The use of fuzzy entropy is proposed in our work as an innovative step to tap sentiment quotients of online movie reviews. We have proposed a novel approach of shortlisting of words that help in sentiment cognition using a combination of fuzzy entropy, k-means clustering and sentiment lexicon SentiWordNet. We have addressed this challenging task of simulating the human cognition of words by developing a model that recognizes sentiment based on fuzzy scores derived from SentiWordNet in an automatic manner. Experiments on two benchmark movie review datasets-IMDB and polarity dataset by Pang and Lee, with training by LSTM neural networks, yields high accuracy for our approach as compared to other state-of-the-art-methods of SA.
Conference Paper
In twenty-first century, Twitter has been a very influential social media platform, be it in election or gathering aids for a disaster. In this work, we propose to study about the effect of natural calamities like the recent Kerala flood, their effect on the people and reactions of people from different stratus of society. The direction of our research will be towards sentimental analysis using RStudio and the Twitter app. This research highlights the reactions of people on a public platform during the calamity.Word cloud and other data visualization techniques are used for our study. The research also highlights on how the government reacts and how aid is provided in the dire time of need.We predict that our research will be useful to human society as it showcases a lot about human behaviour, its goodness and shortcomings. The paper also throws light on the Hurricane Michael calamity and gives a comparative study on relations like the differences of opinion among the people as well as their similarities during and after a calamity.
Recently, sentiment analysis of social media has become a hot topic because of the huge amount of information that is provided in these networks. Twitter is a popular social media application offers businesses and government the opportunities to share and acquire information. This article proposes a technique that aims at measuring customers' satisfaction with cloud service providers, based on their tweets. Existing techniques focused on classifying sentimental text as either positive or negative, while the proposed technique classifies the tweets into five categories to provide better information. A hybrid approach of dictionary-based and Fuzzy Inference Process (FIP) is developed for this purpose. This direction was selected for its advantages and flexibility in addressing complex problems, using terms that reflect on human behaviors and experiences. The proposed hybrid-based technique used fuzzy systems in order to accurately identify the sentiment of the input text while addressing the challenges that are facing sentiment analysis using various fuzzy parameters.
Sentiment Analysis also termed as opinion mining is a classification process which is used to determine the polarity associated with user reviews in the form of text or images or speech. Due to the rapid growth in usage of social media such as forums, social networks, micro blogs etc., the need for sentiment analysis has simultaneously increased. Sentiment analysis can be helpful in improving marketing strategy for a product or customer services, providing information about in general public sentiment for a political party or candidate etc. Over the years, various techniques have been developed to provide user with better sentiment classification. These techniques have evolved from lexicon based to machine learning and now to deep learning. But there is an inherent uncertainty in natural language which could not be handled even by the most advanced deep learning techniques. Deep learning networks perform automatic feature extraction from given data. But, fuzzy logic helps us to deal with this uncertainty by providing us with decision making capabilities in the presence of ambiguity. Our aim is to improve sentiment analysis prediction for textual data by incorporating fuzziness with deep learning. So, in this paper we have combined the learning capabilities of deep learning and uncertainty handling abilities of fuzzy logic to provide more appropriate sentiment prediction to the user. We have used LSTM, a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for sentiment prediction. These networks have helped us to improve prediction accuracy as they are capable of dealing with long-term dependencies in the data.