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Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain


Abstract and Figures

Andhra Pradesh is one of the leading agricultural states in India, with a diverse range of crops, including rice, cotton, sugarcane, and fruits and vegetables. However, like many other regions, Andhra Pradesh faces several challenges related to the agricultural supply chain, like fragmentation of land, a lack of storage and processing facilities, an inefficient supply chain, and a lack of transparency. As a result, we proposed using consensus algorithms to create a blockchain-based query processing system that will provide a secure supply chain for smart agriculture. Can provide transparency, accountability, improved traceability and food safety, a reduction of fraud and counterfeiting, and improved efficiency and cost reduction. Which can help make sure that agricultural products are safe, secure, and of high quality. It has the potential to bring about significant positive outcomes in terms of transparency, traceability, market access, and efficiency, among others. It can change how we grow and eat food and help us build a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system. Introduction: Precision agriculture, sometimes known as "smart agriculture," makes use of cutting-edge instruments like sensors, drones, and artificial intelligence to increase productivity, decrease waste, and lengthen the lifespan of crops. However, it is becoming more difficult to ensure the safety and quality of food produced today due to the increasing complexity of the agricultural supply chain. There has been a rise in demand for transparent and safe methods of tracing the provenance and authenticity of such goods. One potential solution to this issue is blockchain technology, which enables transparent and secure item tracking from the farm to the customer. In smart agriculture, a blockchain-based query processing system allows farmers and other parties in the supply chain to confirm the authenticity and origin of their products. Productivity and efficiency are increased, and the possibility of fraud and counterfeiting is reduced. The use of blockchain technology in agriculture has the potential to increase safety, reduce negative impacts on the environment, and boost profits for everyone involved. Using consensus methods, many parties can confirm that the data and transactions recorded in a blockchain are legitimate. Stakeholders can trust that data seen or added to the blockchain has been verified by the network of participants via a consensus method. The query processing system allows stakeholders to access transaction data from the blockchain based on a set of criteria. This can make keeping tabs on the flow of goods from manufacturer to consumer easy and safe. By recording transactions and storing them in a distributed ledger using blockchain technology, the risk of a centralized server failing or an unauthorized third party getting access to the ledger's contents is eliminated. By making the supply chain more open and secure, the system can, among other things, boost consumer confidence, reduce food waste, and enhance food safety. It's important to remember that many factors-such as the consensual approach taken, the level of buy-in from
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Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply
M.Srikanth1, R.N.V.Jagan Mohan2, M.Chandra Naik3
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering1,2,3, GIET University, Odisha1,3, S.R.K.R.Engineering College2,
Abstract: Andhra Pradesh is one of the leading agricultural states in India, with a diverse range
of crops, including rice, cotton, sugarcane, and fruits and vegetables. However, like many other
regions, Andhra Pradesh faces several challenges related to the agricultural supply chain, like
fragmentation of land, a lack of storage and processing facilities, an inefficient supply chain, and
a lack of transparency. As a result, we proposed using consensus algorithms to create a
blockchain-based query processing system that will provide a secure supply chain for smart
agriculture. Can provide transparency, accountability, improved traceability and food safety, a
reduction of fraud and counterfeiting, and improved efficiency and cost reduction. Which can help
make sure that agricultural products are safe, secure, and of high quality. It has the potential to
bring about significant positive outcomes in terms of transparency, traceability, market access,
and efficiency, among others. It can change how we grow and eat food and help us build a more
resilient and sustainable agricultural system.
Keywords: supply chain, query processing, block chain, Consensus algorithm, Smart Contract
Introduction: Precision agriculture, sometimes known as "smart agriculture," makes use of
cutting-edge instruments like sensors, drones, and artificial intelligence to increase
productivity, decrease waste, and lengthen the lifespan of crops. However, it is becoming
more difficult to ensure the safety and quality of food produced today due to the increasing
complexity of the agricultural supply chain. There has been a rise in demand for transparent
and safe methods of tracing the provenance and authenticity of such goods. One potential
solution to this issue is blockchain technology, which enables transparent and secure item
tracking from the farm to the customer. In smart agriculture, a blockchain-based query
processing system allows farmers and other parties in the supply chain to confirm the
authenticity and origin of their products. Productivity and efficiency are increased, and the
possibility of fraud and counterfeiting is reduced. The use of blockchain technology in
agriculture has the potential to increase safety, reduce negative impacts on the environment,
and boost profits for everyone involved. Using consensus methods, many parties can confirm
that the data and transactions recorded in a blockchain are legitimate. Stakeholders can trust
that data seen or added to the blockchain has been verified by the network of participants via
a consensus method. The query processing system allows stakeholders to access transaction
data from the blockchain based on a set of criteria. This can make keeping tabs on the flow of
goods from manufacturer to consumer easy and safe. By recording transactions and storing
them in a distributed ledger using blockchain technology, the risk of a centralized server
failing or an unauthorized third party getting access to the ledger's contents is eliminated. By
making the supply chain more open and secure, the system can, among other things, boost
consumer confidence, reduce food waste, and enhance food safety. It's important to remember
that many factorssuch as the consensual approach taken, the level of buy-in from
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
stakeholders, and the existence or lack of protections against, for instance, cyberattackswill
determine the system's efficacy.
1. Related Work: With consensus algorithms and a blockchain-based query processing system,
smart agriculture can have a safe and open supply chain. Using a blockchain makes sure that
all transactions are permanent and can be checked, which builds trust and confidence among
stakeholders and customers. The consensus method is the only way to make sure that no
malicious or fraudulent activity happens. It does this by requiring many network participants
to validate each transaction. This contributes to the system's integrity and adds another degree
of protection. An efficient method for creating a safe and transparent supply chain in smart
agriculture is to use consensus algorithms in a blockchain-based query processing system. It
has the ability to enhance supply chain effectiveness, boost stakeholder and customer
confidence, and advance sustainable and ethical farming methods.
Figure: Using Blockchain and the Internet of Things to Control the Food Supply Chain: A Case Study
in Interoperability in Enterprise Blockchain
2. Proposed Work: A secure supply chain in smart agriculture based on a blockchain-based
query processing system offers several benefits that justify its implementation.
A. Transparency and accountability: A blockchain-based system provides a transparent and
secure record of all transactions, from the farmer to the end consumer. Each stakeholder
in the supply chain has visibility into the movement of goods and can track the product's
journey from farm to table. Because the blockchain can't be changed, it leaves an audit
trail that can be used to find out who is responsible for any problems or mistakes.
B. Improved traceability and food safety: A secure supply chain based on blockchain
technology can enable stakeholders to quickly and accurately trace the origin and
movement of agricultural products. In the event of a food safety concern, the supply chain
can be traced back to the farm of origin, allowing for targeted recalls and reducing the risk
of widespread outbreaks.
C. Reduction of fraud and counterfeiting: Counterfeit agricultural products are a significant
issue in many parts of the world, resulting in economic losses and potential health risks
to consumers. By using a blockchain-based system, stakeholders can ensure that products
are authentic and the supply chain is secure, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.
D. In order to cut costs and increase productivity, a blockchain-based system should be
used in the supply chain. When blockchain technology is used to manage the supply
chain, for example, it can get rid of the need for middlemen, which saves money and
makes things run more smoothly.
2.1 Using blockchain technology, a secure supply chain in smart agriculture can offer
transparency and accountability: There is complete visibility into the supply chain thanks
to the blockchain, from seed to shelf. This creates an immutable record of the procedure that
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
is accessible to all parties in the supply chain. Everyone in the supply chain has access to the
same information thanks to the transparency of the blockchain, reducing the likelihood of
arguments and misunderstandings. When everyone understands what's expected of them, it's
much simpler to establish mutual trust. A culture of responsibility and accountability can
flourish when everyone in the system is held accountable for their own actions, as is the case
with blockchain technology. The blockchain can be used to pinpoint the source of a supply
chain problem and put effective, efficient solutions in place. Because of their distributed
nature and high level of security, blockchains make it very difficult for unauthorized users to
alter data or perpetrate fraud. This makes it a reliable means of protecting against
counterfeiting and other forms of supply chain fraud. Thanks to the blockchain, everyone
involved in the supply chain can access real-time data on its health. We can increase output
and cut down on wait times if we do this. Transparency, accountability, security, and
traceability are just some of the benefits that blockchain technology may bring to the
agricultural supply chain. Farmers and customers alike will reap the rewards of enhanced
food safety, decreased food waste, and more efficient chain management.
Figure: Using blockchain technology, a secure supply chain in smart agriculture can offer
transparency and accountability
2.2 Using blockchain technology, a secure supply chain in smart agriculture can improve
traceability and food safety: Complete visibility into the supply chain thanks to the
blockchain's recording of each step, from sowing to harvesting, packaging, and shipment.
There will be a permanent record of the process's history that can be accessed by all parties
involved in the supply chain. This information makes it much easier to trace the origin of a
product and identify any bottlenecks in the production process. Using blockchain technology,
a digital ledger may be constructed to record data like storage conditions, pesticide and
fertilizer use, and more to ensure the safety and quality of food. By storing this information
on the distributed ledger, we can more easily separate potentially hazardous foods and
prevent widespread food poisoning. Due to the immutability of the blockchain, supply chain
participants may be confident that they are viewing the same information. When everyone is
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
on the same page, trusting relationships may be formed more easily. Blockchain technology
encourages a culture of responsibility and accountability because it makes everyone in the
system responsible for their own actions. The blockchain can be used to determine where a
problem occurred in the supply chain and how to fix it rapidly and effectively. The
blockchain facilitates the instantaneous sharing of supply chain data among all involved
parties. Doing so will increase output and cut down on waiting times. By increasing visibility,
improving food safety, minimizing waste, and increasing production, blockchain technology
has the potential to significantly impact the agricultural supply chain. The public's health and
the quality of the food we consume will greatly benefit from blockchain technology's
potential to build a more transparent and responsible supply chain.
Figure: Using blockchain technology, a secure supply chain in smart agriculture can improve
traceability and food safety
2.3 Using blockchain technology, a secure supply chain in smart agriculture can reduce
fraud and counterfeiting: Data on agricultural products is collected using high-tech sensors
and equipment, from the farm to the supermarket. Information on everything from production
to shipping, warehousing, and retail availability is here. An immutable, transparent, and
unalterable ledger may now be used to record and verify all of these supply chain transactions
and activities. Members of the supply chain can view this file. Each link in the supply chain
will be able to independently confirm the legitimacy of the products and transactions. The
blockchain ledger's data cannot be altered or deleted since it is encrypted. Due to the
impossibility of forging or manipulating data stored on the blockchain, fraud and
counterfeiting are less likely to occur. Due to the immutable and immutably secure nature of
the blockchain ledger, problems in the supply chain can be isolated to their root cause. By
identifying issues before they cause major interruptions, we can keep our supply chain
operating smoothly. Smart farming can benefit from blockchain technology since it provides
an immutable record of all supply chain transactions and operations. Because of this, forgery
and fraud are less likely to occur. All participants in the ecosystem will be able to confirm the
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
legality of the goods and transactions being conducted. The agricultural supply chain might
benefit from this as it could improve efficiency, security, and dependability.
Figure: Using blockchain technology, a secure supply chain in smart agriculture can reduce fraud
and counterfeiting
2.4 A secure supply chain in smart agriculture can improve efficiency and reduce costs by
utilising blockchain technology: Smart sensors and IoT devices are used to automatically
collect data about agricultural products from the farm to the store. Information on everything
from production to shipping, warehousing, and retail availability is here. By eliminating the
need to manually enter in information, these gadgets automate the data collection process,
reducing both time spent and the likelihood of human error. By implementing blockchain
technology, supply chains may become more transparent and accountable. Errors and
miscommunication can be reduced if all members of the supply chain have access to the same
data. This may allow for quicker decision-making and better communication between
stakeholders, both of which have the potential to boost output while cutting costs. Inventory
management can benefit substantially from blockchain technology's real-time supply chain
transparency. Time and money spent on inventory tracking can be dramatically reduced if
everyone has access to the same information. Savings might accrue over time as less money
is spent on stockpiling and other contingency plans. Blockchain technology has the potential
to increase productivity in the supply chain. Through the use of smart contracts, for instance,
human intervention in the form of payment and verification is rendered unnecessary. The use
of technology may increase output while minimizing overhead. Through the application of
blockchain technology, provenance and traceability in the supply chain may be established.
Customers will have more faith in the products they purchase, and the likelihood of fraud and
counterfeiting will decrease. As a result, product prices may rise, and supply chain efficiency
may suffer. By using blockchain technology to establish a trustworthy supply chain, smart
agriculture can increase output while decreasing overhead costs. By automating data
collection, making processes more transparent and responsible, enhancing inventory
management, speeding up operations, and facilitating traceability, blockchain technology can
help make the supply chain more efficient and cost-effective.
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
Figure: A secure supply chain in smart agriculture can improve efficiency and reduce costs by
utilising blockchain technology
2.5 Secure supply chain in smart agriculture based on a blockchain-based query
processing system using consensus algorithms:
We can use the following equations to model a safe supply chain in smart agriculture that is based
on a blockchain-based query processing system and uses consensus algorithms:
1. Transaction model:
Each transaction in the system can be shown as a tuple T = (s, r, a, t), where:
s is the sender of the transaction (a smart agriculture stakeholder).
r is the receiver of the transaction (another stakeholder in the supply chain).
a is the amount of the transaction (in a specified currency or other agreed-upon unit).
This is the timestamp of the transaction (when it was created).
2. Blockchain model:
The blockchain can be represented as a linked list of blocks, where each block B_i is defined by
the following tuple: B_i = (Tx_i, h_i, N_i), where:
Tx_i is the list of transactions in the block.
h_i is the hash of the previous block B_(i-1).
N_i is the nonce value used to validate the block (in the case of a PoW consensus
3. Consensus algorithm:
The consensus algorithm can be represented by an equation that describes the difficulty of the
mining process required to validate a block. For example, in a PoW consensus algorithm, the
difficulty D of mining a block can be modelled as:
D = 2^(n - b)
n is the number of bits in the hash value.
b is the target number of leading zeros in the hash value (set by the network).
This equation shows that as the target number of leading zeros b increases, the difficulty D of
mining a block increases exponentially. This makes it harder for bad actors to change the
blockchain because they have to use more computing power to verify blocks.
4. Query processing system:
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
The query processing system can be modelled as a set of functions that allow stakeholders to
retrieve transaction data from the blockchain based on specific search criteria. For example, the
function GetTransactions(s, r, a) could be defined to return a list of all transactions that match the
specified sender s, receiver r, and amount a.
These mathematical models can be used to design and analyse the performance, security, and
scalability of a blockchain-based query processing system for a secure supply chain in smart
agriculture. However, it is important to note that the specific equations used will depend on the
consensus algorithm, data model, and other design choices made for the system.
3. Experimental results: The blockchain is used to record and oversee transactions in smart
agriculture, guaranteeing the integrity of the supply chain. Each agricultural product recorded
in the blockchain will have a data structure conforming to the product structure. Each item's
supply chain data is kept in its own row of the product array. A farmer can update the supply
chain with details about a new product, including its amount, origin, and quality, using the
addProduct function. The getProduct operation allows you to request product details from the
logistics network. This revision The owner of a product has the ability to change the available
stock through the use of the ProductQuantity function. By consulting the product's provenance
and quality records stored on the blockchain, the verifyProductAuthenticity function may
ensure the genuineness of a product. You can query the supply chain for all items originating
from a specific location using the getProductsByOrigin API function. Secure supply chains in
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
smart agriculture can be implemented with the use of a blockchain-based query processing
system. Increase openness and responsibility to better monitor the flow of agricultural goods
and spot any problems that may arise.
Predicted probabilities for the positive class are shown as predicted probabilities, and predicted
binary labels are shown as predicted labels using a 0.5 threshold for accuracy. The code then
uses the confusion_matrix() method to compute the confusion matrix and display the results.
The functions precision_score() and recall_score() are utilized to compute and display the
accuracy and recall, respectively. The ROC curve is plotted with matplotlib and the roc_curve()
and roc_auc_score() tools from Scikit-Learn.
4. Conclusion: A blockchain-based query processing system could help secure an immutable
and transparent supply chain for precision agriculture through the use of consensus
algorithms. With the permanence and verifiability of blockchain transactions, consumers and
other stakeholders can have more faith in a system. The consensus technique is essential
because it necessitates the validation of all transactions by a sizable number of network
nodes, which helps to prevent fraudulent or other malicious activity. Keeping the system
together in this fashion increases security. A blockchain-based query processing system
utilizing consensus algorithms can help build a reliable and transparent supply chain for smart
agriculture. It could lead to a more efficient supply chain, more support from customers and
stakeholders, and the adoption of environmentally friendly farming practices.
Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 4), 8669-8678
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Blockchain-based consensus for a secure smart agriculture supply chain
Section: Research Paper
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In densely populated urban areas, the swift propagation of infectious diseases presents formidable challenges in outbreak management and resource allocation. Traditional contact-tracing methods often falter amidst the intricate web of social connections within cities, resulting in delayed responses that exacerbate needless suffering, loss of life, and economic strain. This study proposes an innovative solution: resource allocation for network-driven disease control and outbreak prevention via targeted networks. By harnessing network analysis, this approach streamlines epidemic containment by directing resources precisely where they are most needed, thereby minimizing waste and optimizing resource utilization. Additionally, predictive modelling empowers pre-emptive measures to fortify resilience against future outbreaks. In essence, this research advocates for a proactive paradigm shift in urban public health, leveraging advanced analytics and strategic resource allocation to effectively combat infectious diseases while bolstering community preparedness. Introduction: Amidst the bustling opportunities and innovations found in cities, there is a heightened susceptibility to infectious diseases due to their dense population concentrations. Within these intricate urban landscapes, viruses and other pathogens thrive, exploiting the complex interconnections among individuals. Traditional contact tracing systems often falter in keeping pace with this dynamic choreography, resulting in delays in outbreak containment and inefficient resource allocation. Consequently, communities bear the burden of tragic economic losses, needless suffering, and loss of life. This paper seeks to address this pressing challenge by proposing a transformative strategy: Enhancing Public Health in Urban Areas through Network-Driven Resource Allocation for Disease Control and Outbreak Prevention. Our aim is to reshape the narrative surrounding urban epidemics by harnessing cutting-edge data science methodologies and social network research. We aim to eliminate the need for reactive responses by accurately predicting, containing, and averting epidemics in our envisioned world. Central to this endeavor is the exploration of the unseen structures within urban social networks. By meticulously mapping and analyzing these intricate webs of connections, we can uncover hidden pathways through which disease transmission proliferates. Armed with this profound understanding, we advocate for a proactive and targeted approach. This approach redirects testing kits, medical personnel, and critical interventions to areas of highest need and potential transmission amplification, steering away from dispersed strategies that risk resource waste. In essence, our endeavor aims to revolutionize urban public health by leveraging advanced analytics and targeted resource allocation to effectively combat infectious diseases and mitigate the risks of future outbreaks.
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Accurate diagnosis of skin lesions is crucial for early detection and effective treatment of dermatological conditions. However, blurry artifacts present in dermatological images can significantly hinder diagnostic accuracy. Existing research primarily focuses on either shape analysis or deep learning techniques individually, with limited consideration of hybrid approaches that can leverage the complementary strengths of both methodologies. To address this research gap, we propose a novel hybrid blur detection method for enhancing skin lesion diagnosis. Our approach integrates shape analysis techniques with deep learning methodologies to improve the accuracy of dermatological image analysis. Shape analysis algorithms capture intricate shape features of skin lesions, which are then utilized by a deep learning model trained on a diverse dataset of dermatological images. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our hybrid approach in accurately identifying and localizing blur regions within skin lesion images. By mitigating the impact of blurry artifacts, our method enhances image quality and facilitates accurate analysis, enabling early detection and intervention for improved patient outcomes. This research contributes to the advancement of skin lesion diagnosis by providing a robust tool for clinicians and dermatologists. The proposed hybrid blur detection method has the potential to significantly improve the precision and reliability of dermatological image analysis, leading to more accurate diagnoses and timely treatment decisions. Introduction: In dermatology, skin lesions are used for both diagnosis and treatment. In order to enhance patient outcomes through early discovery and successful treatment, prompt and accurate identification of these lesions is essential. However, difficulties in making a correct diagnosis may be exacerbated by the presence of fuzzy artifacts in dermatological photographs. Clinicians and dermatologists may have trouble analyzing and appropriately interpreting lesions if the photos are blurry. Using shape analysis and deep learning methods, scientists have made significant strides in dermatological image analysis in recent years. There are now shape analysis algorithms that can extract complex shape elements from photos of skin lesions, aiding in diagnosis. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other deep learning models, however, have shown exceptional performance in image recognition and classification tasks. While both shape analysis and deep learning techniques have demonstrated usefulness in skin lesion analysis, both approaches have been largely investigated in isolation, missing out on the possibility of combining their synergistic qualities. To fill this knowledge gap and improve the quality of dermatological image analysis, a hybrid technique that combines form analysis with deep learning methodologies is required. The purpose of this research is to present a novel hybrid blur detection method for effective diagnosis of skin lesions that combines shape analysis techniques with deep learning methodology. The suggested approach uses shape analysis algorithms to better train a deep learning model using a large and varied collection of dermatological photos by capturing complex shape properties. To reduce the effects of blurry artifacts and improve the overall picture quality, the hybrid method allows for the identification and localization of blurred regions within skin lesion images.
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The semantic gap between visual data and natural language understanding poses a challenge for generating descriptive captions for images. This paper introduces a hybrid approach combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and long-short-term memory (LSTM) networks for image caption generation. CNNs extract high-level features from images, capturing their visual content effectively. LSTM networks process these features to generate coherent and contextually rich captions, addressing the semantic gap between vision and language. Training the model on a diverse dataset of image-caption pairs fine-tunes both components to understand relationships between objects in images and produce meaningful descriptions.
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This research presents a novel approach to implementing a secure smart agriculture supply chain system using the Hyperledger Fabric model and federated learning algorithm. The objective is to enhance transparency, privacy, collaboration, and decision-making in the agricultural industry by leveraging the combined capabilities of blockchain technology and federated learning. By integrating Hyperledger Fabric's blockchain capabilities, the proposed system ensures data privacy and enables secure transactions throughout the agricultural supply chain. The blockchain technology provides a distributed and immutable ledger that enhances transparency, traceability, and accountability. This helps mitigate issues such as fraud, counterfeiting, and supply chain disruptions, thereby improving efficiency and trust among stakeholders. Furthermore, the system incorporates federated learning, which allows for collaborative model training without sharing raw data. This ensures data privacy while leveraging the collective knowledge of multiple participants. Federated learning enables the secure aggregation of model updates, striking a balance between individual privacy and group knowledge. The combination of Hyperledger Fabric and federated learning in this secure smart agriculture supply chain system offers numerous benefits. It enhances transparency and traceability, enabling stakeholders to verify the origin and quality of agricultural products. It also promotes collaboration among farmers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and government agencies, leading to improved decision-making and efficiency in the supply chain.
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Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is a set of techniques and procedures that makes it possible for individuals to comprehend and trust the results generated by machine learning algorithms. Explainable AI explains AI models, their effects, and possible biases to guarantee results in AI-powered decision making that are accurate, equitable, transparent, and fair. Explainable AI systems help with soil recommendation and foster trust between the cultivation and the system when distributors are aware of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) recommenders support farmer crops. Explainable AI is a collection of goods and services that integrates machine learning models to assist people understand the connections between soil and agriculture, make sense of forecasts, and improve model performance. The study presents a model for recommending soil for rice cultivation using Explainable Artificial Intelligence.
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While there is consensus that blockchain technology can improve supply chain transparency and operational efficiency, scholars and practitioners have only recently considered how blockchain could improve the sustainability of supply chains. This article contributes to this emerging body of work by considering how to use blockchain to enable sustainable food supply chains. To advance the use of blockchain for sustainability in the food supply chain context, this study proposes a blockchain-enabled architectural framework for trustworthy communication about the sustainability attributes of food products. The blockchain-enabled architectural framework outlines a multi-layered architecture for utilising blockchain-based traceability as a way to signal to consumers the trustworthy sustainability attributes of a particular food product. This kind of sustainability communication enables the accessibility of traceable and verifiable evidence and therefore can significantly enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of sustainable claims/credentials compared to printed food labels or other digital means of communication. The study contributes to sustainability communication empowered by blockchain-based traceability and offers invaluable insights to both researchers and practitioners in the industry 4.0 landscape.
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The demand for agricultural goods could be affected by variables such as population growth and consumer tastes. Environmental and zoonotic risks jeopardise crop yields as well as the dependability of distribution and storage networks. Governments can aid in addressing issues of supply and demand by enacting policies like price controls and subsidies. Climate change threatens agricultural output and livestock health, while other climate variables have been polluted by outside sources. Pesticides not only endanger wildlife that isn't intended to be harmed, but they also poison the environment, killing beneficial insects and other organisms. The rising costs of agricultural goods may be mitigated, at least in part, through regional and global trade agreements. When third parties intervene in farming, farmers stand to lose money. One example is the utilisation of low-quality inputs, while another is predatory financing. So we are proposing an Auction Algorithm: peer-to-peer system based on hybrid technologies for smallholder farmers to control demand and supply. To implement an auction algorithm, you need to set up the auction platform and back-end systems. You may also need to integrate the platform with hybrid technologies such as block chain and machine learning. Together, machine learning and blockchain technology can help agriculture companies improve their forecasts of demand and supply, make it easier to keep track of inventory, and reduce risks and inefficiencies in the supply chain. Designing and constructing the blockchain, establishing the P2P network, testing and deploying the system these are the stages of bringing a peer-to-peer system to life using blockchain technology. When we implement the above technologies in the agriculture sector, they have the potential to improve efficiency, promote transparency, and eventually help farmers increase their earnings. This technology can help increase agricultural quality by enhancing industrial efficiency, transparency, and sustainability.
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Blockchain technologies have been getting a lot of attention lately, in part because of how popular Bitcoin and Ethereum have become. As more industries use blockchain technology, there is a growing need for tools that make it easier to enforce regulations, such as tools that monitor, evaluate, and make sure that the data kept by blockchain systems is compliant while still protecting privacy. Current blockchain systems don't keep track of transactions by indexing them; instead, they just add them in a way that can't be changed. Because of this, the query support is not good enough and doesn't work. Because there is currently no support for query processing that adequately protects user privacy, expanding it might be challenging. In this work, we propose a solution for smallholder farmers that uses synchronised Ethereum clients to provide auditors with efficient, scalable, and richer blockchain query processing. There is a procedure in place to register crops before they are planted. The specifics of farming are altered after planting. The technology additionally ensures the auditors' anonymity by encrypting the auditors' names, requests, and findings across servers that cannot be trusted 100% of the time.
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Traceability systems have changed the way food safety is managed and data is stored. Blockchain tracking services now provide customers with an infrastructure that allows them to easily access data online. However, there are limitations to these new capabilities, such as a lack of transparency and the existence of privacy and security challenges. Additionally, as the need for more agile, private, and traceability secure data solutions continues to grow exponentially, rethinking the current structure of blockchain agricultural traceability is mission-critical for a country. By leveraging and building upon blockchain's unique attributes, including tamper-evident, security hash crypto-data, and distributed ledger, we have proposed a prototype that allows traceability data to be reliably stored via blockchain while simultaneously being secured, with completeness auditing to enhance credibility. The result, the trusted auditing chain (TA chain), is a flexible solution that assures data security and solves challenges such as scalability and privacy-preserving. The TA chain works through Schnorr-style non-interactive Zero-knowledge proof to support security automatical choose privacy augmented. In addition, The TA chain can audit more than 1000 transactions within 1ms, and its error stabilizes below the 250 μs, which proves a security and fair traceability system to assure that data is distributed and reliably, and provably audited.
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Agriculture plays a major role for smallholder farmers in primary and secondary processing, supply chains, and infrastructure that enhance resource efficiency and marketing by decreasing market intermediaries. This paper explores the possibilities of using Blockchain technology in agriculture. The agricultural sector has a great need for information that supports traceability. Production growth could lead us to a radical change in the agriculture business. Technology can be an important pillar in this transformation. Therefore, we proposed using Blockchain with agriculture using peer-to-peer and a hash, which is a cryptographic mechanism for ensuring crop data security. Every time one is created, a new block is added to the end of the shared ledger. Blockchain technology can be used to improve outcomes in agriculture. We are able to collect crop supply chain data from farmers and store it on a distributed ledger technology network. Classification and regression, two of the most common methods used in data mining and machine learning to make predictions about crop productivity, were employed in this research. The experimental results are conducted on crop classification using decision trees and random forests, and future crop likelihood using linear regression. Finally, the estimated 99.23% cropped data accuracy is compared with others, on yield prediction for farming, and respond time is estimated for each block node in the blockchain.
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Facilities based on the Internet of Things and embedded systems along with the application of ambient intelligence paradigms offer new scenarios for optimization services in agronomic processes, specifically in the hemp industry. The traceability of products and activities demonstrates the scope of these technologies. However, the technologies themselves introduce integration-related problems that can affect the planned benefits. This article proposes a model that balances agricultural expert knowledge (user-centered design), value chain planning (through blockchain implementation), and digital technology (Internet of Things protocols) for providing tamper proof, transparent, and secure traceability in this agricultural sector. The proposed approach is backed by a proof-of-concept implementation in a realist scenario, using embedded devices and a permissioned blockchain. The model and its deployment fully integrate a set of services that other proposals only partially integrate. On one hand, the design creates a permissioned blockchain that contemplates the different actors in the value chain, and on the other hand, it develops services that use applications with human-machine interfaces. Finally, it deploys a network of embedded devices with Internet of Things protocols and control algorithms with automated access to the blockchain for traceability services. Combining digital systems with interoperable human tasks it has been possible to deploy a model that provides a new approach for the development of value-added services.
As Ethiopia's population grows, crop yield predictions are becoming increasingly important for national food security. Accurate, easy-to-implement, and computationally efficient forecast approaches are desirable for broad applications in emerging regimes like Ethiopia. In this study, we develop and test an analog approach for pre-season crop yield prediction conditioned on antecedent precipitation and planting time soil moisture content indices to guide cultivation decision making. Historical planting time soil moisture at four selected sites were simulated using the Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) hydrological model and classified into five levels. Likewise, a historical crop yield database for each of the five classes of planting time soil moisture were constructed using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) agricultural model. Adopting maize as a representative crop, analog models based on different indexes or predictors with various lead times were constructed and used to conduct hindcasts during 1979-2014 and real-time forecast in 2018 and 2019. Both the hindcast and real-time forecasts were then evaluated against yield observations. To verify the applicability at locations with various environments, the analog models were then applied in different Agro-ecological Zones. The analog models were shown to be accurate and easy to implement, which may incentivize adoption by local extension agents and regional agricultural agencies to inform farmers' crop choices.
Forecasting crop variety yield, selecting suitable ecological regions for designated crop varieties, and finding high-yield crop varieties for designated ecological regions are all critical aspects of crop variety popularization. A crop variety yield prediction system based on variety yield data compensation (CVYPS-VYDC) is described in this paper. This novel system is used to predict the yield of designated crop varieties using the large amount of breeding data stored in the Golden Seed Breeding Cloud Platform and meteorological data from the National Meteorological Science Data Center. The prediction system was devised to (a) forecast the yield of designated crop varieties in the target ecological regions, (b) calculate the effects of different environmental factors on the yield of different crop varieties, (c) identify the key growth periods affecting crop yield, and (d) promote crop varieties according to a comprehensive analysis of the promoted variety yield, preferences for different meteorological factors, and climatic characteristics of the target ecological regions. In addition to meteorological factors, soil factors affect crop yield. However, large-scale measurements of soil composition require a large number of sensors and considerable human resources. By using the yield data compensation method, the yield data of predicted varieties across different regions were expanded and corrected, which reduces the yield prediction error caused by soil differences among regions to some extent. In addition, the coefficient of determination (R²) between actual and predicted yield was improved to 0.82. In addition to predicting the yield of 90 maize varieties in the Huang-Huai-Hai area of China, the preferences of different maize varieties for different environmental factors were analyzed at the same time. CVYPS-VYDC identified the key environmental factors greatly impacting the maize yield, and the proportion by which different factors affected the yield prediction of different maize varieties was determined. Moreover, the growth periods that have great impact on maize yield were identified by analyzing 39 cultivation sites of various maize varieties in the Huang-Huai-Hai area of China.