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PolyShard: Coded Sharding Achieves Linearly Scaling Efficiency and Security Simultaneously


Abstract and Figures

Today’s blockchain designs suffer from a trilemma claiming that no blockchain system can simultaneously achieve decentralization, security, and performance scalability. For current blockchain systems, as more nodes join the network, the efficiency of the system (computation, communication, and storage) stays constant at best. A leading idea for enabling blockchains to scale efficiency is the notion of sharding: different subsets of nodes handle different portions of the blockchain, thereby reducing the load for each individual node. However, existing sharding proposals achieve efficiency scaling by compromising on trust - corrupting the nodes in a given shard will lead to the permanent loss of the corresponding portion of data. In this paper, we settle the trilemma by demonstrating a new protocol for coded storage and computation in blockchains. In particular, we propose PolyShard : “polynomially coded sharding” scheme that achieves information-theoretic upper bounds on the efficiency of the storage, system throughput, as well as on trust, thus enabling a truly scalable system. We provide simulation results that numerically demonstrate the performance improvement over state of the arts, and the scalability of the PolyShard system. Finally, we discuss potential enhancements, and highlight practical considerations in building such a system.
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PolyShard: Coded Sharding Achieves Linearly
Scaling Efficiency and Security Simultaneously
Songze Li, Mingchao Yu, Chien-Sheng Yang, A. Salman Avestimehr, Sreeram Kannan and Pramod Viswanath
Abstract—Today’s blockchain designs suffer from a trilemma
claiming that no blockchain system can simultaneously achieve
decentralization, security, and performance scalability. For cur-
rent blockchain systems, as more nodes join the network, the effi-
ciency of the system (computation, communication, and storage)
stays constant at best. A leading idea for enabling blockchains
to scale efficiency is the notion of sharding: different subsets
of nodes handle different portions of the blockchain, thereby
reducing the load for each individual node. However, existing
sharding proposals achieve efficiency scaling by compromising
on trust - corrupting the nodes in a given shard will lead
to the permanent loss of the corresponding portion of data.
In this paper, we settle the trilemma by demonstrating a new
protocol for coded storage and computation in blockchains. In
particular, we propose PolyShard: “polynomially coded shard-
ing” scheme that achieves information-theoretic upper bounds
on the efficiency of the storage, system throughput, as well as
on trust, thus enabling a truly scalable system. We provide
simulation results that numerically demonstrate the performance
improvement over state of the arts, and the scalability of the
PolyShard system. Finally, we discuss potential enhancements,
and highlight practical considerations in building such a system.
Index Terms—Scalability; Blockchain; Security and Trust;
Decentralized networks; Coded Sharding; Information Theory.
While Blockchain systems promise a host of new and excit-
ing applications, such as digital cryptocurrency [1], industrial
IoT [2], and healthcare management [3], their scalability re-
mains a critical challenge [4]. In fact, a well-known blockchain
trilemma (see Figure 1) has been raised [5] claiming that
no decentralized ledger system can simultaneously achieve
1) security (against adversarial attacks), 2) decentralization
(of computation and storage resources), and 3) scalability
This material is based upon work supported by the Distributed Technology
Research Foundation, Input-Output Hong Kong, the National Science Foun-
dation under grants CCF-1705007, CCF-1763673 and CCF-1703575, and the
Army Research Office under grant W911NF1810332. This material is also
based upon work supported by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) under Contract No. HR001117C0053. The views, opinions, and/or
findings expressed are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as
representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or
the U.S. Government. A part of this paper was submitted to IEEE ISIT 2020.
(Corresponding author: Chien-Sheng Yang.)
S. Li, M. Yu, C.-S. Yang and A. S. Avestimehr are with the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA (e-mail:;;;
S. Kannan is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA (e-mail:
P. Viswanath is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
ing Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61820, USA
(of throughput with the network size). All existing major
blockchains either achieve decentralization at the cost of
efficiency, or efficiency at the cost of decentralization and/or
Full replication
Fig. 1: Blockchain trilemma. No current blockchain system can
simultaneously achieve decentralization, security, and scalability.
The focus of this paper is to formalize and study a version
of the blockchain trilemma, in order to understand whether it
is fundamental to blockchain systems. Corresponding to the
three traits in the trilemma, we study the following perfor-
mances measures of blockchain systems: security - measured
as the number of malicious nodes the system can tolerate,
decentralization - measured as the fraction of the block chain
(or ledger) that is stored and processed by each node (we
denote its inverse by storage efficiency), and scalability -
measured as the total throughput of the system that is the
number of computations performed in the system (e.g., number
of transactions verified) in a unit period of time.
Within this context, let us first examine the current
blockchain systems. Bitcoin [1] and Ethereum [6] are designed
based on a full replication system, in which each network
node stores the entire blockchain and replicates all the com-
putations (e.g., transaction verifications), as demonstrated in
Figure 2(a). This feature enables high security (of tolerating
49% adversarial nodes), however drastically limits the storage
efficiency and throughput of the system: they stay constant
regardless of the number of nodes N. For example, Bitcoin
currently restricts its block size to 1 MB, and processing rate
to 7 transactions/sec [7]. In practice, the computational burden
even increases with N(e.g., mining puzzles get harder as time
progresses and more users participate), causing the throughput
to drop.
To scale out throughput and storage efficiency, the leading
solution being discussed in the blockchain literature is via
sharding [8]–[10]. The key idea is to partition the blockchain
into Kindependent sub-chains, which are then replicated
arXiv:1809.10361v2 [cs.CR] 24 Jan 2020
(a) Full replication. 3 transactions
verified per epoch. Can tolerate
1 = 14 malicious nodes.
(b) Sharding with 3 shards. 9 transac-
tions verified per epoch. Can tolerate
1=4malicious nodes.
Fig. 2: A blockchain system with 30 nodes, each of which is capable
of verifying 3 transactions per epoch. With 3-sharding, the ledger
is partitioned into 3 sub-ledgers, and transactions are limited to
between the accounts within the same sub-ledger. Sharding improves
the storage and throughput efficiency by 3 time, at the cost of
compromising security by about 3 times.
separately at q=N/K nodes to yield Ksmaller full-
replication systems, a.k.a., shards (Figure 2(b)). This way, both
storage efficiency and throughput are improved by a factor of
K. However, to scale this improvement with network size,
Kmust increase linearly with N. Consequently, the number
of nodes qper shard has to be held constant, which allows
an attacker to corrupt as few as q/2nodes to compromise a
shard. This yields a security level of q/2, which approaches
zero as Ngrows. Although various efforts have been made to
alleviate this security issue (e.g., by periodically shuffling the
nodes [9]), they are susceptible to powerful adversaries (e.g.,
who can corrupt the nodes after the shuffling), yet none scale
In summary, both full replication and sharding based
blockchain systems make trade-offs between the scalability
of throughput, storage efficiency, and security. However, such
a trade-off is far from optimal from information theoretical
point of view. Given the N×computation and N×storage
resources across all the Nnetwork nodes, the following
information-theoretic upper bounds hold: security Θ(N);
throughput Θ(N); storage efficiency Θ(N). It is intuitive
that these bounds can be simultaneously achieved by a central-
ized system, allowing all the three metrics to scale. However,
as pointed out by the trilemma, this has not been achieved by
any existing decentralized system. This raises the following
fundamental open problem:
Is there a blockchain design that simultaneously scales
storage efficiency, security, and throughput?
We answer this question affirmatively by introducing
the concept of coded sharding. In particular, we propose
PolyShard (polynomially coded sharding), a scheme that
simultaneously achieves linear scaling in throughput, storage
efficiency, and security (i.e., Θ(N)). We show mathematically
that Polyshard achieves all three information-theoretic up-
Fig. 3: The proposed PolyShard system with 30 nodes. Each node
computes a verification function on a coded sub-ledger and a coded
block, which are created by a distinct linear combination of the origi-
nal sub-ledgers, and the proposed blocks respectively. Since encoding
does not change the size of the sub-ledger, PolyShard achieves the
same storage and throughput efficiency (i.e., 9 transactions per epoch)
as the conventional sharding solution. Additionally, PolyShard
improves the security guarantee to protect against (NK)/2 = 13
malicious nodes, for degree-1verification functions.
per bounds and enables a truly scalable blockchain system (see
Table I).
Storage efficiency Security Throughput
Full replication O(1) Θ(N)O(1)
Sharding Θ(N)O(1) Θ(N)
Information-theoretic limit Θ(N) Θ(N) Θ(N)
PolyShard (this paper) Θ(N) Θ(N) Θ(N)
TABLE I: Performance comparison of the proposed PolyShard
verification scheme with other benchmarks and the information-
theoretic limits.
PolyShard is inspired by recent developments in coded
computing [11]–[19], in particular Lagrange Coded Comput-
ing [19], which provides a transformative framework for in-
jecting computation redundancy in unorthodox coded forms in
order to deal with failures and errors in distributed computing.
The key idea behind PolyShard is that instead of storing and
processing a single uncoded shard as done conventionally, each
node stores and computes on a coded shard of the same size
that is generated by linearly mixing uncoded shards (Figure
3), using the well-known Lagrange polynomial. This coding
provides computation redundancy to simultaneously provide
security against erroneous results from malicious nodes, which
is enabled by noisy polynomial interpolation techniques (e.g.,
Reed-Solomon decoding).
While coding is generally applicable in many distributed
computing scenarios, the following two salient features make
PolyShard particularly suitable for blockchain systems.
Oblivious: The coding strategy applied to generate coded
shards is oblivious of the verification function. That means,
the same coded data can be simultaneously used for multiple
verification items (examples: digital signature verification
and balance checking in a payment system);
Incremental:PolyShard allows each node to grow its
local coded shard by coding over the newest verified blocks,
without needing to access the previous ones. This helps to
maintain a constant coding overhead as the chain grows.
As a proof of concept, we simulate a payment blockchain
system, which keeps records of balance transfers between ac-
Fig. 4: Measured throughput of verification schemes; here number of
epochs t=1000.
counts, and verifies new blocks by checking the senders’ fund
sufficiency. We run experiments on this system for various
combinations of network size and chain length, and mea-
sure/evaluate the throughput, storage, and security achieved by
the full replication, sharding, and the PolyShard schemes.
As we can see from the measurements plotted in Figure 4,
PolyShard indeed achieves the throughput scaling with
network size as the uncoded sharding scheme, improving sig-
nificantly over the full replication scheme. These experiments
provide an empirical verification of the theoretical guarantees
of PolyShard in simultaneously scaling storage efficiency,
security, and throughput.
To improve the number of supported shards, we also present
iterative Polyshard in Appendix B. The key idea is to
first represent verification functions as low-depth arithmetic
circuits and then apply Polyshard iteratively to each layer
of circuits.
In summary, the main contributions of this paper are as
Formalizing and resolving a version of the blockchain
trilemma by proposing a radically different design method-
ology called PolyShard that for the first time leverages
coding in both storage and computation of blockchain
Demonstrating that PolyShard simultaneously achieves
linear scaling in throughput, storage efficiency, and security;
hence meeting the information-theoretic limits.
Numerical evaluation of PolyShard in a payment
blockchain system and demonstrating its scalaibility in terms
of throughput, storage efficiency, and security.
Other related works. Prominent sharding proposals in the
literature are [8]–[10], [20]–[31]. As an example, ELASTICO
[8] partitions the incoming transactions into shards, and each
shard is verified by a disjoint committee of nodes in parallel.
OmniLedger [9] improved upon ELASTICO in multiple av-
enues, including new methods to assign nodes into shards with
a higher security guarantee, an atomic protocol for cross-shard
transactions, and further optimization on the communication
and storage designs.
A blockchain system manages a decentralized ledger of its
clients’ transactions, over a large number of untrusted network
nodes. The clients submit their transactions to the network
nodes, who group the transactions into blocks that to be
included in the system. The accepted blocks are organized
into a chain where each block contains a hash pointer to
its predecessor. The chain structure provides high security
guarantee since for an adversary to tamper the contents of any
block, it has to re-grow the entire chain afterwards, which is
extremely expensive in computation power. Here we consider
asharded blockchain system whose grand ledger is partitioned
into Kindependent shards, each of which maintains a disjoint
sub-chain that records the transactions between the accounts
associated with the same shard. 1At a high level, at each
time epoch, every shard proposes one block of transactions,
and verifies it over the current state of its sub-chain. Once
the block passes the verification, it will be appended to the
corresponding sub-chain. We now define the system in more
A. Computation model
Each shard k(k[1, K]) maintains its own sub-chain.
We denote the state of the k-th sub-chain before epoch tby
k= (Yk(1), . . . , Yk(t1)), where Yk(t)Udenotes the
block accepted to shard kat epoch t, and Uis a vector space
over a field F. When a new block Xk(t)Uis proposed
for shard kin epoch t(using some consensus algorithm like
proof-of-work (PoW)), the blockchain system needs to verify
its legitimacy (e.g., sender accounts have sufficient fund, no
double-spending) over the current state Yt1
k. We abstract out
the mechanism which generates the proposals and focus on
verifying the proposed blocks.
We denote the verification function by ft:UtV, over
Xk(t)and the sub-chain Yt1
k, for some vector space Vover
F. For instance, for a cryptocurrency blockchain that keeps
records of balance transfers between accounts (e.g., Bitcoin),
typical verification functions include
Balance checking: to check each transaction has more input
values than those spent in its outputs; and also check that
the transactions in a block contain sufficient funds to pay
the transaction fees/mining rewards.
Signature checking: to verify that a payment transaction
spending some funds in an account is indeed submitted by
the owner of that account. This often involves computing
cryptographic hashes using the account’s public key, and
verifying the results with the digital signature.
Having obtained ht
k=ft(Xk(t), Y t1
k), shard kcomputes
an indicator variable et
k∈ W), where W ⊆ V
denotes the set of function outputs that affirm Xk(t). Finally,
the verified block Yk(t)is computed as Yk(t) = et
kXk(t), and
added to the sub-chain of shard k. We note that if the block
is invalid, an all-zero block will be added at epoch t.
1We focus on transactions that are verifiable intra-shard for the sake of
clarity. Extensions such as cross-shard transactions and their verification is an
added complexity yet complementary to the contributions of this paper. For
instance, the atomic payment and locking mechanisms of [9] can be naturally
incorporated with the ideas in this paper.
B. Networking model
The above blockchain system is implemented distributedly
over Nuntrusted nodes. We consider a homogeneous and
synchronous network, i.e., all nodes have similar process
power, and the delay of communication between any pair of
nodes is bounded by some known constant. A subset M ⊂
{1, . . . , N }of the nodes may be corrupted, and are subject
to Byzantine faults, i.e., they may compute and communicate
arbitrary erroneous results during block verification. We aim
to design secure verification schemes against the following
strong adversary model:
The adversaries can corrupt a fixed fraction of the network
node, i.e., the number of malicious nodes grows linearly
with N.2
If a conventional sharding solution were employed, the
adversaries know the allocation of nodes to the shards, and
are able to adaptively select the subset Mof nodes to attack.
We note that under this adversary model, the random shard
rotation approach [8], [9] is no longer secure since the ad-
versaries can focus their power to attack a single shard after
knowing which nodes are assigned into this shard. Next, we
present the networking protocol that will be followed by the
honest nodes. Note that adversarial nodes are not required to
follow this protocol.
Storage. At epoch t, each node i,i= 1, . . . , N , locally stores
some data, denoted by Zt1
i= (Zi(1), . . . , Zi(t1)), where
Zi(j)Wfor some vector space Wover F. The locally stored
data Zt1
iis generated from all shards of the blockchain using
some function φt1
i, i.e., Zt1
1, . . . , Y t1
Verification. Given the Kproposed blocks {Xk(t)}K
k=1, one
for each shard, the goal of block verification is to compute
{ft(Xk(t), Y t1
k=1 distributedly over untrusted nodes. We
implement this verification process in two steps. In the first
step, each node icomputes an intermediate result gt
some function ρt
ion the proposed blocks and its local storage,
such that gt
i(X1(t), . . . , XK(t), Zt1
i), and then broad-
casts the result gt
ito all other nodes.
The nodes exploit the received computation results to reduce
the final verification results in the second step. Specifically,
each node idecodes the verification results for all Kshards
Ki , using some function ψt
i, i.e., (ˆ
Ki ) =
1, . . . , gt
N). Using these decoded results, node icom-
putes the indicator variables ˆeki = (ˆ
hki ∈ W), and
then the verified blocks ˆ
Yki(t) = ˆet
kiXk(t), for all k=
1, . . . , K. Finally, each node iutilizes the verified blocks
to update its local storage using some function χt
i, i.e.,
Y1i(t),..., ˆ
YKi (t), Zt1
i) = φt
1i,..., ˆ
Ki ). Here
ki is the sequence of blocks in shard kverified at node i
up to time t. To update the local storage Zt
i, while node i
can always apply φt
ion the uncoded shards ˆ
1i,..., ˆ
Ki , it
is highly desirable for χt
ito be incremental: we only need to
create a coded block from ˆ
Y1i(t),..., ˆ
YKi (t), and append it to
2While here the adversary model is defined in a permissioned setting, the
model and the proposed solution can directly extend to a permissionless setting
where e.g., in a PoW system, the adversaries can control a fixed fraction of
the entire hashing power.
i. This helps to significantly reduce the compational and
storage complexities.
C. Performance metrics
We denote a block verification scheme by S, defined
as a sequence of collections of the functions, i.e., S=
i, ρt
i, ψt
i, χt
i=1. We are interested in the following
three performance metrics of S.
Storage efficiency. Denoted by γS, it is defined as the ratio
between the size of the entire block chain and the size of the
data stored at each node, i.e.,
γS,Klog |U|
log |W|.(1)
The above definition also applies to a probabilistic formu-
lation where the blockchain elements Yk(j)s and the storage
elements Zi(j)s are modelled as i.i.d. random variables with
uniform distribution in their respective fields, where the stor-
age efficiency is defined using the entropy of the random
Security. We say Sis b-secure if the honest nodes can
recover all the correct verification results under the presence
of up to bmalicious nodes. More precisely, for any subset
M⊂{1, . . . , N }of malicious nodes with |M| ≤ b, and
each node i /∈ M, a b-secure scheme will guarantee that
Ki )=(ht
1, . . . , ht
K), for all t= 1,2, . . .. We define
the security of S, denoted by βS, as the maximum bit could
βS,sup{b:Sis b-secure}.(2)
Throughput. We measure throughput of the system by taking
into account the number of blocks verified per epoch and
the associated computational cost. We denoted by c(f)the
computational complexity of a function f, which is the number
of additions and multiplications performed in the domain of
fto evaluate f.
We define the throughput of S, denoted by λS, as the
average number of blocks that are correctly verified per unit
discrete round, which includes all the computations performed
at all Nnodes to verify the incoming Kblocks. That is,
λS,lim inf
i) + c(ψt
i) + c(χt
i))/(Nc(ft)) .(3)
The above three metrics correspond to the three traits in the
blockchain trilemma, and all current blockchain systems have
to trade off one for another. The goal of this paper is to un-
derstand the information-theoretic limits on these metrics, and
design verification schemes that can simultaneously achieve
the limits, hence settling the trilemma.
We first present the information-theoretic upper bounds
on the three performance metrics for any blockchain. We
then study the performance of two state-of-the-art blockchain
schemes and comment on the gaps with respect to the upper
Information-theoretic upper bounds. In terms of security,
the maximum number of adversaries any verification scheme
can tolerate cannot exceed half of the number of network
nodes N. Thus, the security βN
2. In terms of storage,
for the verification to be successful, the size of the chain
should not exceed the aggregated storage resources of the N
nodes. Otherwise, the chain cannot be fully stored. We thus
have γN. Finally, to verify the Kincoming blocks, the
verification function ftmust be executed at least Ktimes in
total. Hence, the system throughput λK
K/N =N. Therefore,
the information-theoretic upper bounds of security, storage
efficiency, and throughput all scale linearly with the network
size N.
Full replication. In terms of storage efficiency, since each
node stores all the Kshards of the entire blockchain, full
replication scheme yields γfull = 1. Since every node verifies
all the Kblocks, the throughput of the full replication scheme
is λfull =K
NK c(ft)/(N c(ft)) = 1. Thus the full replication
scheme does not scale with the network size, as both the
storage and the throughput remain constant as Nincreases.
The advantage is that the simple majority-rule will allow the
correct verification and update of every block as long as there
are less than N/2malicious nodes. Thus, βfull =N/2.
Uncoded sharding scheme. In conventional sharding, the
blockchain consists of Kdisjoint sub-chains known as shards.
The Nnodes are partitioned into Kgroups of equal size
q=N/K, and each group of nodes manage a single shard;
this is a full replication system with K0= 1 shard and N0=q
nodes. Since each node stores and verifies a single shard, the
storage efficiency and throughput become γsharding =Kand
λsharding =K
Nct/(N ct)=K, respectively. For these two metrics
to scale linearly with N, it must be true that K= Θ(N).
Consequently, the group size qbecomes a constant. Hence,
compromising as few as q/2nodes will corrupt one shard
and the chain. Thus, this scheme only has a constant security
of βsharding =q/2 = O(1). Although system solutions such
as shard rotations can help achieve linearly scaling security
guarantees, they are only secure when the adversary is non-
adaptive (or very slowly adaptive). When the adversary is
dynamic, it can corrupt all nodes belonging to a particular
shard instantaneously after the shard assignment has been
made. Under this model, the security reduces to a constant.
In summary, neither full replication nor the above sharding
scheme exempts from the blockchain trilemma, and has to
make tradeoff in scaling towards the information-theoretic
limits. Motivated by the recent advances on leveraging coding
theory to optimize the performance of distributed computa-
tion (see, i.e., [11]–[13], [15], [16], [18], [19]), we propose
PolyShard (polynomially coded sharding) to achieve all of
the three upper bounds simultaneously. Using PolyShard,
each node stores coded data of the blockchain, and computes
verification functions directly on the coded data.
We consider a simple cryptocurrency blockchain system
that records balance transfers between accounts. We assume
that there are Maccounts (or addresses) associated with each
shard, for some constant Mthat does not scale with t. For the
purpose of balance checking, we can compactly represent the
block of transactions submitted to shard kat epoch t,Xk(t),
as a pair of real vectors Xk(t)=(Xsend
k(t), Xreceive
RM×RM. Given a transaction in the block that reads “Account
psends sunits to account q”, we will have Xsend
k(t)[p] = s,
and Xreceive
k(t)[q] = s. Accounts that do no send/receive
funds will have their entries in the send/receive vectors set
to zeros. To verify Xk(t), we need to check that all the
sender accounts in Xk(t)have accumulated enough unspent
funds from previous transactions. This naturally leads to the
following verification function.
ft(Xk(t), Y t1
k) = Xsend
k(t) +
k(i) + Yreceive
This function is linear in its input, and has computational
complexity c(ft) = O(t). We claim the block Xk(t)valid
(i.e., et
k= 1) if no entry in the function’s output vector is neg-
ative, and invalid (i.e., et
k= 0) otherwise. After computation,
we have the verified block Yk(t) = (Ysend
k(t), Y receive
k(t)) =
kXk(t). We note that this balance checking can be alter-
natively implemented by having each shard simply store a
dimension-Mvector that records the aggregated balances of
all associated accounts, and the storage and the verification
complexity will stay constant as time progresses. However,
important transaction statistics including how many transac-
tions occur in each block, and the input/output values in each
transaction, and how these statistics evolve over time will
be lost in this simplified implementation. Moreover, storing
a single block in each shard without the protection of a long
chain makes the shard more vulnerable to malicious tampering,
compromising the security guarantee. Therefore, we stick to
the chain structure where all past transactions are kept in the
We consider operating this sharded payment blockchain
over a network of Nnodes, with a maximum µfraction of
which are corrupted by quickly-adaptive adversaries. For this
system, we propose a coded transaction verification scheme,
named PolyShard, which simultaneously scales the storage
efficiency, security, and throughput with the network size.
A. Coded sub-chain
In PolyShard, at epoch t, each node istores a coded
sub-chain ˜
i= ( ˜
Yi(1),..., ˜
Yi(t)) where each component
Yi(m)is a coded block generated by the verified blocks
Y1(m), . . . , YK(m)from all Kshards in epoch m. The coding
is through evaluation of the well-known Lagrange interpolation
polynomial. Specifically, we pick Karbitrarily distinct real
numbers ω1, . . . , ωKR, each corresponding to a shard k.
Then for each m= 1, . . . , t, we create a Lagrange polynomial
in variable zas follows.
um(z) =
We note that this polynomial is designed such that um(ωk) =
Yk(m)for all k= 1, . . . , K.
node 1
shard 1
shard 2
shard K
Lagrange encoder
coded shards
verification results
incremental update
Lagrange encoder
node 2
verification results
incremental update
Lagrange encoder
node N
verification results
incremental update
Lagrange encoder
Fig. 5: Illustration of PolyShard scheme.
Next, as shown in Figure 5, we pick Narbitrarily distinct
numbers α1, . . . , αNR, one for each node. For each i=
1, . . . , N , we create a coded block ˜
Yi(m)that is stored at
node i, by evaluating the above um(z)at the point αi. That
Yi(m) = um(αi) =
We note that ˜
Yi(m)is a linear combination of the un-
coded blocks Y1(m), . . . , YK(m), and the coefficients `ik =
ωkωjdo not depend on the time index m. Therefore,
one can think of each node ias having a fixed vector `ik
by which it mixes the different shards to create ˜
i, and
stores it locally. The size of each coded sub-chain is Ktimes
smaller than the size of the entire blockchain, and the storage
efficiency of PolyShard is γPolyShard =K.
Remark 1.The above data encoding is oblivious of the
verification function, i.e., the coefficients `ik are independent
of ft. Therefore, the block encoding of PolyShard can
be carried out independent of the verification, and the same
coded sub-chain can be simultaneously used for all other types
of verification items, which could include verifying digital
signatures and checking smart contracts.
B. Coded verification
At epoch t, each shard kproposes and broadcasts a new
block Xk(t)to be added to the sub-chain after balance
checking. PolyShard scheme verifies these blocks in three
Step 1: block encoding. Upon receiving the Kproposed
blocks, each node icomputes a coded block ˜
Xi(t)as a linear
combination using the same set of coefficients in (6). That
is, ˜
i(t)) = PK
k=1 `ikXk(t). We note
that this encoding operation can also be viewed as evaluating
the polynomial vt(z) = PK
k=1 Xk(t)Qj6=k
ωkωjat the point
αi. This step incurs O(NK)operations across the network,
since each of the Nnodes computes a linear combination of
Step 2: coded computation. Each node iapplies the verifi-
cation function ftin (4) directly to the coded block ˜
and its locally stored coded sub-chain ˜
ito compute an
intermediate vector
i(t) +
i(m) + ˜
Each node icarries out Θ(t)operations to compute gt
i, and
broadcasts it to all other nodes.
Step 3: decoding. It is easy to see that
ft(vt(z), u1(z), . . . , ut1(z)) is a univariate polynomial
of degree K1, and gt
ican be viewed as evaluating
this polynomial at αi. Given the evaluations at N
distinct points gt
1, . . . , gt
N, each node can recover the
coefficients of ft(vt(z), u1(z), . . . , ut1(z)) following
the process of decoding a Reed-Solomon code with
dimension Kand length N(see, e.g., [32]). In order
for this decoding to be robust to µN erroneous results
(i.e., achieving security βPolyShard =µN), we must have
2µN NK. In other words, a node can successfully
decode ft(vt(z), u1(z), . . . , ut1(z)) only if the number of
shards Kis upper bounded by K(12µ)N. Based on this
constraint, we set the number of shards of the PolyShard
scheme, KPolyShard =b(1 2µ)Nc, which scales linearly
with network size N.
The complexity of decoding a length-NReed-Solomon
code at each node is O(Nlog2Nlog log N), and the total
complexity of the decoding step is O(N2log2Nlog log N).
Having decoded ft(vt(z), u1(z), . . . , ut1(z)), each node
evaluates it at ω1, . . . , ωKto recover {ft(Xk(t), Y t1
to obtain the verification results {et
k=1 and the verified
blocks {Yk(t) = et
k=1. Finally, each node icomputes
Yi(t)following (6), and appends it to its local coded sub-
chain. Updating the sub-chains has the same computational
complexity with the block encoding step, which is O(NK).
Remark 2.The sub-chain update process in PolyShard
is incremental, i.e., appending a coded block to a coded
sub-chain is equivalent to appending uncoded blocks to the
uncoded sub-chains, and then encoding from the updated sub-
chains. This commutativity between sub-chain growth and
shard encoding allows each node to update its local sub-chain
incrementally by accessing only the newly verified blocks
instead of the entire block history.
C. Performance of PolyShard
So far, we have shown that PolyShard achieves a
storage efficiency γPolyShard =KPolyShard = Θ(N),
and it is also robust against µN = Θ(N)quickly-
adaptive adversaries. The total number of operations dur-
ing the verification and the sub-chain update processes is
O(NK) + NΘ(t) + O(N2log2Nlog log N), where the term
O(NK) + O(N2log2Nlog log N)is the additional cod-
ing overhead compared with the uncoded sharding scheme.
Since KPolyShard N, the coding overhead reduces to
O(N2log2Nlog log N). The throughput of PolyShard for
balance checking is computed as
λPolyShard = lim inf
NΘ(t) + O(N2log2Nlog log N)(8)
= lim inf
1 + O(Nlog2Nlog log N)
= Θ(N).(9)
We can see that since the complexities of the encoding and
decoding operations of PolyShard do not scale with t, the
coding overhead becomes irrelevant as the chain grows. The
PolyShard scheme simultaneously achieves information-
theoretically optimal scaling on security, storage efficiency,
and throughput.
We note that when the verification function is linear with
the block data, codes designed for distributed storage (see,
e.g., [33], [34]) can be used to achieve similar scaling as
PolyShard. However, PolyShard is designed for a much
more general class of verification functions including arbitrary
multivariate polynomials, which cannot be handled by state-
of-the-art storage codes.
In this section, we describe the PolyShard scheme for a
more general class of verification functions ftthat can be rep-
resented as a multivariate polynomial with maximum degree
of d. Cryptographic hash functions, which are extensively used
in computing account addresses, validating transaction Merkle
trees, and verifying digital signatures, are often evaluated as
polynomials of its input data. For example, the Zémor-Tillich
hash function is computed by multiplying 2×2matrices in
a finite field of characteristic 2, whose degree is proportional
to the number of input bits [35]. On the other hand, for hash
functions that are based on bit mixing, and often lack algebraic
structures (e.g., SHA-2, and Keccak [36]), we can represent
the corresponding Boolean verification functions (indicating
whether the block is valid or not) as polynomials using the
following result [37]: any Boolean function {0,1}n→ {0,1}
can be represented by a polynomial of degree nwith at
most 2n1terms. The explicit construction of this polynomial
is described in Appendix A.
As one of the main advantages of PolyShard, the system
design is almost independent of the verification functions, and
the PolyShard scheme for high-degree (d1) polynomials
is almost identical to that of balance checking. In particular,
at epoch t, the latest block stored at node i, i.e., ˜
Yi(t1), is
generated as in (6). In contrast to the case of balance checking
that operates over real numbers, when the underlying field F
is finite, we will need the field size |F|to be at least Nfor
this block encoding to be viable. For small field (e.g., binary
field), we can overcome this issue by using field extension
and applying PolyShard on the extended field (see details
in Appendix A).
The block verification process is similar to that of the
balance checking example. Having created the coded block
Xi(t), node idirectly applies the verification function
to compute gt
i), and broadcasts it to
all other nodes. Since ftis a polynomial of degree d,
ft(vt(z), u1(z), . . . , ut1(z)) becomes a polynomial of degree
(K1)d. Now to decode ft(vt(z), u1(z), . . . , ut1(z)) from
1, . . . , gt
N, each node needs to decode a Reed-Solomon code
with dimension (K1)d+ 1 and length N. Successful
decoding would require the number of errors µN (N(K
1)d1)/2. That is, the maximum number of shards Kthat
can be securely supported is KPolyShard =b(12µ)N1
d+ 1c.
While it is fairly clear that PolyShard achieves storage
efficiency γPolyShard =KPolyShard = Θ(N)and security
βPolyShard =µN = Θ(N)for a dergee-dverification
function, the throughput of PolyShard is
λPolyShard = lim inf
1 + O(Nlog2Nlog log N)
When c(ft)grows with t, (e.g., c(ft) = Θ(t)for the above
balance checking function that scans the entire sub-chain to
find sufficient funds), the throughput of PolyShard becomes
λPolyShard =KPolyShard = Θ(N). We summarize the scaling
results of the PolyShard scheme in the following theorem.
Theorem 1. Consider a sharded blockchain whose blocks
in each shard are verified by computing a multivariate
polynomial of degree don the blocks in that shard. When
implementing this blockchain over Nnetwork nodes, up to
µ(for some constant 0µ < 1
2) fraction of which may
be corrupted by quickly-adptive adversaries, the proposed
PolyShard scheme supports secure block verification from
up to KPolyShard =b(12µ)N1
d+ 1c= Θ(N)shards, and
simultaneously achieves the following performance metrics,
Storage efficiency γPolyShard =KPolyShard = Θ(N),
Security βPolyShard =µN = Θ(N),
Throughput λPolyShard =KPolyShard = Θ(N),
when computational complexity of the verification function
grows with the length of the sub-chain in each shard. There-
fore, PolyShard simultaneously achieves the information-
theoretically optimal storage efficiency, security, and through-
put to within constant multiplicative gaps.
The number of shards supported by Polyshard decreases
as degree of polynomial increases. One can remove such
limitation by using Polyshard iteratively. The main idea of
iterative Polyshard is to represent the verification function
as a low-depth arithmetic circuit which can be implemented
iteratively by computing low-degree polynomials, and then ap-
ply Polyshard to the low-degree polynomial iteratively. We
show that the number of supported shards can be independent
of the degree of function by the following theorem. (see details
in Appendix B).
Theorem 2. Consider a sharded blockchain whose blocks
in each shard are verified by computing a multivariate
polynomial of degree don the blocks in that shard. When
implementing this blockchain over Nnetwork nodes, up to
µ(for some constant 0µ < 1
2) fraction of which may
be corrupted by quickly-adptive adversaries, the proposed
iterative PolyShard scheme supports secure block verification
from up to KIterative =b(12µ)N+1
Remark 3.The shard encoding and computation decoding
schemes of PolyShard are developed based on the coded
computation techniques proposed in [19], which are used
for distributed computing multivariate polynomials subject to
arbitrary computation errors. Speficically, it is proposed in [19]
to create coded data batches using Lagrange polynomial in-
terpolation, and perform computations directly on coded data.
However, in contrast to the scenario of one-shot computation
on static data in [19], the locally stored data at each node
is growing in a blockchain system, as more verified blocks
are appended to the chain. The requirement of dynamically
updating the local coded sub-chain that is compatible with
the upcoming coded verification poses new challenges on the
design of the PolyShard scheme. Utilizing the data structure
of the blockchain, and the algebraic properties of the encoding
strategy, we propose a simple incremental sub-chain update
policy for PolyShard that requires accessing the minimum
amount of data.
Remark 4.The additional coding overhead, including the
operations required to encode the incoming blocks, decode
verification results, and update the coded shards, does not scale
with the length of the sub-chain t. When the complexity of
computing ft, i.e., c(ft), grows with t, the coding overhead
becomes negligible as the chain grows, and the throughput of
PolyShard scales linearly with the network size. However,
on the other hand, when c(ft)is independent of chain length
(e.g., verifying digital signature that only requires data from
the current block), the coding overhead will dominate the local
computation. In this case, while PolyShard still achieves
scalability on storage and security, its throughput remains
constant as the network grows.
We perform detailed simulations to assess the performance
of PolyShard for balance checking described in Section IV.
The blockchain system keeps records of all the balance trans-
fers between accounts, and verifies new blocks by comparing
them with the sum of the previously verified blocks (i.e.,
computing the verification function in (4)). More specifically,
the system contains Kshards, each managing Maccounts.
At each time epoch t, each shard kproposes a block of
transactions for verification. On a single computer, we simulate
this blockchain system over Nnetwork nodes, using full
replication, uncoded sharding, and PolyShard schemes re-
spectively. During the simulation, we execute a serial program
that performs the local computations of the nodes one after
another, and measure each of these computation times in
serial. All node instances share the same memory, so the
communication delay between nodes is negligible.
We compute the throughput of each scheme under different
values of Nand tto understand its scalability. Throughput is
defined as the number of blocks verified per time unit, and
is computed by dividing K(the number of blocks proposed
per epoch) by the average computation time (measured during
simulation) of the Nnodes. For PolyShard, the computation
time also includes the time each node spends on encoding
the blocks. However, since the encoding time is a constant,
(a) Full replication. (b) Uncoded sharding.
(c) PolyShard.
Fig. 6: Throughput of the three schemes with respect to time and
number of nodes.
whilst the balance summation time increases with tas the
chain becomes longer, it is expected that the encoding time
is becoming negligible. We note that the storage efficiency
and security level of each scheme are decided by system
parameters and, thus, do not need measurements.
We simulate this system for t= 1000 epochs, using
different number of shards K[5,50]. Each shard manages
M= 2000 accounts. We fix the ratio N/K = 3. Thus, the
number of nodes is N[15,150]. We plot the complete
relationship between N,t, and throughput of the three schemes
in Figure 6. For a closer look, We plot the relationship between
the sub-chain length tand throughput when N= 150 in
Figure 7, and the relationship between the network size N
and throughput when t= 1000 in Figure 4 in Section I.
Results and discussions
1) Throughput: As expected, PolyShard provides the same
throughput as uncoded sharding, which is about Ktimes
of the throughput of full replication. From Figure 7, we
observe that the throughput of all three schemes drops as
the time progresses. This is because that the computational
complexity of verifying a block increases as more blocks
are appended to each shard. In terms of scalability, Fig. 4
indicates that the throughput of PolyShard and uncoded
sharding both increases linearly with the network size N
(and K), whilst the throughput of full replication almost
stays the same.
2) Storage: It is straightforward to see that PolyShard
provides the same storage gain over full replication as
uncoded sharding, with a factor of K. Thus, PolyShard
and uncoded sharding are scalable in storage, but full
replication is not (Table IIa).
3) Security: As we have analyzed, full replication can tolerate
up to 50% of malicious nodes, achieving the maximum
security level βfull =N
2. The error-correcting process of
PolyShard provides robustness to βPolyShard =NK
3malicious nodes. In contrast, under uncoded
Fig. 7: Throughput of the three schemes when number of nodes
sharding, each shard is only managed by 3nodes. Thus,
its security level is only 1regardless of N, which is not
scalable (Table IIb).
N15 30 60 90 120 150
γfull 1 1 1 1 1 1
γsharding 5 10 20 30 40 50
γPolyShard 5 10 20 30 40 50
(a) Storage efficiency.
N15 30 60 90 120 150
βfull 7 15 30 45 60 75
βsharding 1 1 1 1 1 1
βPolyShard 5 10 20 30 40 50
(b) Security.
TABLE II: Storage efficiency and security of the three schemes under
different network size N.
In summary, PolyShard outperforms both full replica-
tion and uncoded sharding because it is the only scheme that
can simultaneously 1) alleviate the storage load at each node;
and 2) boost the verification throughput by scaling out the
system, and 3) without sacrificing the safety requirement even
when the number of adversaries also grows with network size.
In this section, we discuss how PolyShard fits into the
overall architecture of a contemporary blockchain system.
Integration into blockchain systems. We note that
Polyshard has so far been described in a simple set-
ting where each shard produces one block in lock-step. We
highlight one instantiation of how Polyshard could fit
into the architecture of an existing blockchain system, which
combines a standard sharding method for proposal followed
by Polyshard for finalization. The Kshards are obtained
by assigning users to shards via a user-assignment algorithm.
The Nnodes are partitioned into Kshards using a standard
sharding system (see [9]). Inside of the shard, the nodes run a
standard blockchain along with a finalization algorithm to get
alocally finalized version of the block.
Each node is also assigned a coded shard via a coded-shard-
assignment algorithm, which assigns a random field element
αiFto a node so that the node can compute which linear
combination it will use for coding. We point out here that in a
permissionless setting, it is easy to handle churn (users joining
and leaving) by this method if the size of the finite field Fis
much larger than N- since at this point, the probability of
collision (two users getting assigned the same field element)
becomes negligible. Thus each node plays a role in both an
uncoded shard as well as a coded shard, thus its storage
requirement will be doubled; however, our system still has
storage efficiency scaling with N. The Polyshard algorithm
now gets the locally finalized blocks from the different shards
at regular intervals and it acts as a global finalization step
performing coded validation at the level of the locally finalized
blocks. We point out that users requiring high trust should wait
for this global finalization stamp before confirming a payment,
whereas users requiring short latency can immediately utilize
the local-finalization for confirmation.
Beyond the aforementioned issues, there may be cross-
shard transactions present in the system, which are payments
or smart contracts with inputs and outputs distributed across
multiple shards. In such a case, we will use a locking-based
method, which locks the payment at the source shard and
produces a certificate to the destination shard so that the
amount can be spent; this idea has been proposed as well
as implemented in Elastico [8] and Omniledger [9].
Relationship to verifiable computing. An alternative
paradigm for accelerating computing in blockchain is veri-
fiable computing [38]–[42], where a single node executes a
set of computations (for example, payment validation) and in-
tegrity of these computations are then cryptographically certi-
fied. A major difference between our framework and verifiable
computing is that our scheme is information-theoretically se-
cure against a computationally unbounded adversary as against
the computational security offered by verifiable computing
schemes. However, verifiable computing schemes can provide
zero-knowledge proofs, whereas our scheme does not offer
zero-knowledge capability. Finally, verifiable computing is
relevant in an asymmetric setting, where one computer is much
more powerful than the others, unlike Polyshard that is
designed for a symmetric setup comprising of equally powerful
and decentralized nodes.
Future research directions. Polyshard currently works
with polynomials whose degree scales sub-linearly with the
number of nodes. An interesting direction of future work
is to remove this limitation. In particular, computations that
can be represented as low-depth arithmetic circuits can be
implemented iteratively using low-degree polynomials. An-
other important direction of future research is the design
of validation schemes that can be represented as low-degree
polynomials or low-depth arithmetic circuits.
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For general blockchain systems that verify incoming blocks
based on the most recent 0Pt1verified blocks, we
can generally model each incoming block Xk(t), and each
verified block Yk(m)as a binary bit stream of length T, and
the verification function ft:{0,1}T(P+1) → {0,1}as a
Boolean function that indicates whether Xk(t)is valid or not.
Using the construction of [37, Theorem 2], we can represent
any arbitrary Boolean function f:{0,1}n→ {0,1}whose
inputs are nbinary variables as a multivariate polynomial p
of degree nas follows. For each vector a= (a1, . . . , an)
{0,1}n, we define ha=z1z2· · · zn, where zi=xiif ai= 1,
and zi=yiif ai= 0. Next, we partition {0,1}ninto two
disjoint subsets S0and S1as follows.
S0={a∈ {0,1}n:f(a)=0},(11)
S1={a∈ {0,1}n:f(a)=1}.(12)
The polynomial pis then constructed as
f(x1, . . . , xn) = p(x1, . . . , xn, y1, . . . , yn)
ha= 1 + X
where yi=xi+ 1.
We note that this model applies to verifying the digital
signatures, where the verification does not depend on past
blocks, i.e., P= 0. Utilizing the above technique, we can
transfer any non-polynomial computations like inversions and
cryptographic hash functions (e.g., SHA-2) into polynomial
For Boolean verification polynomials over binary field as
in (13), the PolyShard data encoding (6) does not directly
apply since it requires the underlying field size |F|to be at
least the network size N. To use PolyShard in this case, we
can embed each element yk[i]∈ {0,1}of a verified block Yk
(time index omitted) into a binary extension field F2mwith
2mN. Specifically, the embedding ¯yk[i]F2mof the
element yk[i]is generated such that
¯yk[i] =
00 · · · 0
| {z }
, yk[i] = 0,
00 · · · 0
| {z }
1, yk[i] = 1.(14)
Then we can select distinct elements α1, . . . , αNF2mto
apply the encoding strategy in (6) on the block elements in
the extension field.
Verification over extension field still generates the correct
result. To see that, we can easily verify that the value of the
verification polynomial pas constructed in (13) is invariant
with the embedding operation in (14). That is, since the
polynomial pis the summation of monomials in F2, when we
replace each input bit with its embedding, the value of pequals
00 · · · 0
| {z }
if the verification result is 0, and equals 00 · · · 0
| {z }
the result is 1.
In Section V, we show that the number of shards can be sup-
ported by Polyshard is up to KPolyShard =b(12µ)N1
1c, which decreases as the degree of polynomial increases.
To remove this limitation, we propose iterative Polyshard
which can work with polynomials whose degree is high.
The main idea of iterative Polyshard is to represent the
verification function as a low-depth arithmetic circuit which
can be implemented iteratively by computing low-degree poly-
nomials, and then apply the Polyshard scheme to the low-
degree polynomial of each iteration.
A. Arithmetic circuit modeling for verification functions
Before applying iterative Polyshard to the verification
functions, we model functions to some arithmetic circuits. An
arithmetic circuit is a directed acyclic graph that can be used to
compute a polynomial of inputs over certain field. Nodes of the
graph are referred to as gates. Every node with zero indegree is
an input gate and is labeled by either a variable or an element
of the underlying field. Every other node is either a addition
gate or a multiplication gate labeled by +and ×, respectively.
Gate uis a child of gate vif there is a directed edge from vto
uin the graph. Each addition (multiplication) gate computes
Fig. 8: An arithmetic circuit that computes the polynomial f=
the sum (product) of the polynomials computed by their parent
gates. See Figure 8 for an example of an arithmetic circuit that
computes the polynomial f(x1, x2) = x2
1x2+x1x2. To model
verification functions, we consider the class of arithmetic
circuits in which each layer satisfies the following conditions:
1) Each multiplication gate has two inputs.
2) Each addition gate has arbitrary number of inputs.
3) Each layer consists of addition gates followed by multipli-
cation gates.
4) Edges within each layer are only from addition gates to
multiplication gates.
5) The outputs of multiplication gates are the inputs of addi-
tion gates in the following layer.
Remark 5.For any polynomial with degree d, there exists
an arithmetic circuit satisfying the above conditions with
dlog de+ 1 layers. It implies that the arithmetic circuits of
verification function can be low-depth.
For the arithmetic function of verification function ft, we
define the following terms. For each layer l[1 : L]
(Lis the number of layers), we denote the number of
multiplication gates by Al. In layer l, there are Alinter-
mediate polynomials (outputs of multiplication gates) de-
noted by ft
(l,1), . . . , f t
(l,Al). The inputs of layer lare denoted
by (Xl
1(t), . . . , Xl
K(t)). For layer 1, we have X1
k(t) =
{Xk(t), Y t1
k}. Because of the structure of arithmetic cir-
cuits we consider, for each layer l[2 : L], we
have Xl
k(t) = {ft
k(t)), . . . , f t
Then, the outputs of multiplication gates in layer Lis the
computation of verification function, i.e., ft(Xk(t), Y t1
k) =
k(t)), . . . , f t
Let’s illustrate the arithmetic circuits through the following
Example. We consider verification function
ft(x1, . . . , x5)=(x2+x3)×(x3+x4)×(x1+x2+x3+x4)
An arithmetic circuit satisfying the above conditions that
computes ftis depicted in Figure 9. The arithmetic cir-
cuit for function ftconsists two layers. The input of
the first layer is (X1
1(t), . . . , X1
K(t)), where X1
k(t) =
Xk= (xk1, . . . , xk5), for each k[1 : K]. At
the end of the first layer, ft
(1,1)(Xk), f t
(1,2)(Xk), f t
for each k[1 : K]are computed. The in-
puts of layer 2is (X2
1(t), . . . , X2
K(t)), where X2
k(t) =
(1,1)(Xk), f t
(1,2)(Xk), f t
(1,3)(Xk)). At the end of the layer 2,
(1,1) ft
(1,2) ft
+ +
Fig. 9: An arithmetic circuit that computes the verification function
ft= (x2+x3)×(x3+x4)×(x1+x2+x3+x4)×(x2+x3+x4+x5).
k(t)) = ft
(1,1)(Xk), f t
(1,2)(Xk), f t
(1,3)(Xk)) =
f(Xk), for each k[1 : K]are computed.
B. Iterative coded verification
The block verification process of iterative PolyShard has
Literations. Each iteration l[1 : L]has the following three
Step 1: block encoding. Each node igenerates a coded block
i(t) = vl
t(αi)where vl
t(z) = PK
k=1 Xl
a linear combination using the same set of coefficients in
(6), i.e., ˜
i(t) = vl
t(αi) = PK
k=1 `ikXl
k(t). This step incurs
O(NK)operations across the network, since each of the N
nodes computes a linear combination of Kblocks.
Step 2: coded computation. Each node iapplies interme-
diate functions ft
(l,1), . . . , f t
(l,Al)directly to the coded input
i(t)to compute gt
(l,i)= (ft
i(t)), . . . , f t
and broadcasts it to all other nodes. We note that the total
computational complexity of one node incurred in this step
is the complexity of computing arithmetic circuit of ft. We
assume that the computational complexity of arithmetic circuit
of function ftc(ft).
Step 3: decoding. Since each intermediate function ft
(l,a)is a
polynomial of degree 2over the inputs of layer l. To decode
(l,1), . . . , f t
(l,Al)from gt
(l,1), . . . , gt
(l,N), each node needs to
decode a Reed-Solomon code with dimension 2(K1) + 1
and length N. To successfully decode the results, it requires
the number of errors µN (N2(K1)1)/2. That is, the
maximum number of shards Kthat can be securely supported
is KIterative =b(12µ)N+1
After computation of Literations, each node evaluates
t(z)), . . . , f t
t(z)) at ω1, . . . , ωKto
recover {(ft
k(t)), . . . , f t
k=1 =
{ft(Xk(t), Y t1
k=1, to obtain the verification results
k=1 and the verified blocks {Yk(t) = et
Finally, each node icomputes ˜
Yi(t)following (6), and
appends it to its local coded sub-chain which incurs the
computational complexity which is O(NK).
C. Performance of iterative Polyshard
As shown in Theorem 2, we have that the maximum number
of shards supported by iterative Polyshard is independent
of the degree of verification function. Moreover, iterative
PolyShard achieves a storage efficiency γIterative =
γPolyshard = Θ(N), and it is also robust against µN =
Θ(N)quickly-adaptive adversaries. Then, the total number of
operations during the verification and the sub-chain update
processes is O(NK) + Nc(ft) + O(N2log2Nlog log N).
The coding overhead reduces to O(N2log2Nlog log N)since
KIterative N. The throughput of iterative PolyShard is
computed as
λIterative = lim inf
1 + O(Nlog2Nlog log N)
When c(ft)grows with t, the throughput of iterative
PolyShard becomes λIterative = Θ(N), i.e., itera-
tive PolyShard simultaneously achieves the information-
theoretically optimal storage efficiency, security, and through-
put to within constant multiplicative gaps.
... PolyShard [25] uses coded sharding for scaling and security simultaneously. It is based on Lagrange coded computing which provides transformation for injecting computation redundancy in unorthodox coded forms to deal with distributed failures and errors. ...
Distributed ledger technology such as blockchain is considered essential for supporting large numbers of micro-transactions in the Machine Economy, which is envisioned to involve billions of connected heterogeneous and decentralized cyber-physical systems. This stresses the need for performance and scalability of distributed ledger technologies. Sharding divides the blockchain network into multiple committees and is a common approach to improve scalability. However, with current sharding approaches, costly cross-shard verification is needed to prevent double-spending. This paper proposes a novel and more scalable distributed ledger method named ScaleGraph that implements dynamic sharding by using routing and logical proximity concepts from distributed hash tables. ScaleGraph addresses cyber security in terms of integrity, availability, and trust, to support frequent micro-transactions between autonomous devices. Benefits of ScaleGraph include a total storage space complexity of O(t), where t is the global number of transactions (assuming a constant replication degree). This space is sharded over n nodes so that each node needs O(t/n) storage, which provides a high level of concurrency and data localization as compared to other delegated consensus proposals. ScaleGraph allows for a dynamic grouping of validators which are selected based on a distance metric. We analyze the consensus requirements in such a dynamic setting and show that a synchronous consensus protocol allows shards to be smaller than an asynchronous one, and likely yields better performance. Moreover, we provide an experimental analysis of security aspects regarding the required size of the consensus groups with ScaleGraph. Our analysis shows that dynamic sharding based on proximity concepts brings attractive scalability properties in general, especially when the fraction of corrupt nodes is small.
... Sharding is a popular technique for improving blockchain scalability while preserving the decentralization property of blockchains [1]- [13]. The basic idea of blockchain sharding is to divide all blockchain nodes into several groups, each called a network shard. ...
Conference Paper
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Sharding is one of the most promising techniques for improving blockchain scalability. In blockchain state sharding, account migration across shards is crucial to the low ratio of cross-shard transactions and cross-shard workload balance. Through reviewing state-of-the-art protocols proposed to reconfigure blockchain shards via account shuffling, we find that account migration plays a significant role. From the literature, we only find a related work that utilizes the lock mechanism to realize account migration. We call this method the SOTA Lock, in which both the target account’s state and its associated transactions need to be locked when migrating this account between shards. Thereby, SOTA Lock causes a high makespan to the associated transactions. To address these challenges of account migration, we propose a dedicated Fine-tuned Lock protocol. Unlike SOTA Lock, Fine-tuned Lock enables real-time processing of the affected transactions during account migration. Thus, the makespan of associated transactions can be lowered. We implement Fine-tuned Lock protocol using an open-sourced blockchain testbed (i.e., BlockEmulator) and deploy it in Tencent cloud. The experimental results show that the proposed Fine-tuned Lock outperforms the SOTA Lock in terms of transaction makespan. For example, the transaction makespan of Fine-tuned Lock achieves around 30% of the makespan of SOTA Lock.
... PolyShard [33] applies coded computing to sharding for linear scalability and security. It splits data into coded shards, enabling parallel processing and resilience to compromised shards. ...
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Recent advances in cryptocurrencies have sparked significant interest in blockchain technology. However, scalability issues remain a major challenge for wide adoption of blockchains. Sharding is a promising approach to scale blockchains, but existing sharding-based blockchains fail to achieve expected performance gains due to limitations in cross-shard transaction processing. In this paper, we propose X-shard, a blockchain system that optimizes cross-shard transaction processing, achieving high effective throughput and low processing latency. First, we allocate transactions to shards based on historical transaction patterns to minimize cross-shard transactions. Second, we take an optimistic strategy to process cross-shard transactions in parallel as sub-transactions within input shards, thereby accelerating transaction processing. Finally, we employ a cross-shard commit protocol with threshold signatures to reduce communication overhead. We implement and deploy X-shard on Amazon EC2 clusters. Experimental results validate our theoretical analysis and show that as the number of shards increases, X-shard achieves nearly linear scaling in effective throughput and decreases in transaction processing latency.
... However, some more sharding-based techniques include PolyShard, 65 which is a "polynomially programmed sharding" technique that establishes information-theoretic upper constraints on storage efficiency, system throughput and trust, allowing for a genuinely scalable system. ...
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The accelerated development of information and communication technologies has generated a demand for data storage that is effective, transparent, immutable, and secure. Distributed ledger technology and encryption techniques such as hashing and blockchain technology revolutionised the landscape by meeting these requirements. However, blockchain must overcome obstacles such as low latency, throughput, and scalability for its full potential. Investigating blockchain's structure, types, challenges, promises, and variants is necessary to understand blockchain and its capabilities comprehensively. This paper overviews various aspects, such as emergent blockchain protocols, models, concepts, and trends. We classify blockchain variants into five essential categories, DAG, TDAG, Sharding, Consensus, and Combining methods, based on the structure each follows, and conduct a comparative analysis. In addition, we explore current research tendencies. As technology progresses, it is essential to comprehend the fundamental requirements for blockchain development.
Sharding technologies allow the Internet of Things (IoT) to deploy blockchains in large-scale applications with good scalability. However, conventional sharding strategies in IoT blockchain are highly restricted because most IoT devices are dynamic and heterogeneous. They fail to partition and reconfigure shards with a fine-balanced tradeoff between throughput and security. Therefore, we propose SmartChain, which is a dynamic and self-adaptive sharding framework devised for making sharding decisions on the IoT blockchain featured with dynamics and heterogeneity. Specifically, we elaborate on how SmartChain performs reconfiguration and provide a quantitative analysis of shard performance. We then formulate the long-term tradeoff of throughput and security as a Markov decision process. Considering the nature of time-varying devices (e.g., amount of computing power, location), we develop a Transferable Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with Demonstrations algorithm, namely TPPOD, to help quickly reconfigure shards when the environment changes. Thus, based on current state, SmartChain can adaptively and dynamically select shard number, partition structure, and primary selection mode. Evaluations show that SmartChain enables high throughput and low risk of security, and reduces 70% of the training time averaged over baselines. Our implementation of TPPOD is 8.3 times of average system reward compared with the PPO-based sharding strategy with uniform sampling.
Sharding has shown great potential to scale out blockchains. It divides nodes into smaller groups which allow for partial transaction processing, relaying and storage. Hence, instead of running one blockchain, we will run multiple blockchains in parallel, and call each one a shard. Sharding can be applied to address shortcomings due to compulsory duplication of three resources in blockchains, i.e., computation, communication and storage. The most pressing issue in blockchains today is throughput. In this paper, we propose new queueing-theoretic models to derive the maximum throughput of sharded blockchains. We consider two cases, a fully sharded blockchain and a computation sharding. We model each with a queueing network that exploits signals to account for block production as well as multi-destination cross-shard transactions. We make sure quasi-reversibility for every queue in our models is satisfied so that they fall into the category of product-form queueing networks. We then obtain a closed-form solution for the maximum stable throughput of these systems with respect to block size, block rate, number of destinations in transactions and the number of shards. Comparing the results obtained from the two introduced sharding systems, we conclude that the extent of sharding in different domains plays a significant role in scalability.
Mobile edge computing (MEC) technology is widely used for real‐time and bandwidth‐intensive services, but its underlying heterogeneous architecture may lead to a variety of security and privacy issues. Blockchain provides novel solutions for data security and privacy protection in MEC. However, the scalability of traditional blockchain is difficult to meet the requirements of real‐time data processing, and the consensus mechanism is not suitable for resource‐constrained devices. Moreover, the access control of MEC data needs to be further improved. Given the above problems, a data privacy protection model based on sharding blockchain and access control is designed in this paper. First, a privacy‐preserving platform based on a sharding blockchain is designed. Reputation calculation and improved Proof‐of‐Work (PoW) consensus mechanism are proposed to accommodate resource‐constrained edge devices. The incentive mechanism with rewards and punishments is designed to constrain node behavior. A reward allocation algorithm is proposed to encourage nodes to actively contribute to obtaining more rewards. Second, an access control strategy using ciphertext policy attribute‐based encryption (CP‐ABE) and RSA is designed. A smart contract is deployed to implement the automatic access control function. The InterPlanetary File System is introduced to alleviate the blockchain storage burden. Finally, we analyze the security of the proposed privacy protection model and statistics of the GAS consumed by the access control policy. The experimental results show that the proposed data privacy protection model achieves fine‐grained control of access rights, and has higher throughput and security than traditional blockchain.
A fundamental issue in blockchain systems is their scalability in terms of data storage, computation, communication, and security. To resolve this issue, a promising research direction is coding theory, which is widely used for distributed storage, recovery from erasures or channel errors and/or to reduce communication cost. To this end, this paper provides the first comprehensive survey of approaches that employ coding theory to scale blockchain systems. It shows how the use of coded symbols or shards allow participants to only store a fraction of the total blockchain, protect against malicious nodes or erasures, ensure data availability in order to promote transparency, and scale the security of sharded blockchains. Further, coded symbols help reduce communication cost when disseminating blocks, which help bootstrap new nodes and speed up consensus of blocks. For each category of solutions, we highlight problems and issues that motivated their designs and use of coding. Moreover, we provide a qualitative analysis of their storage, communication and computation cost.
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Cloud computing platforms have created the possibility for computationally limited users to delegate demanding tasks to strong but untrusted servers. Verifiable computing algorithms help build trust in such interactions by enabling the server to provide a proof of correctness of his results which the user can check very efficiently. In this paper, we present a doubly-efficient interactive algorithm for verifiable polynomial evaluation. Unlike the mainstream literature on verifiable computing, the soundness of our algorithm is information-theoretic and cannot be broken by a computationally unbounded server. By relying on basic properties of error correcting codes, our algorithm enforces a dishonest server to provide false results to problems which become progressively easier to verify. After roughly $\log d$ rounds, the user can verify the response of the server against a look-up table that has been pre-computed during an initialization phase. For a polynomial of degree $d$, we achieve a user complexity of $O(d^{\epsilon})$, a server complexity of $O(d^{1+\epsilon})$, a round complexity of $O(\log d)$ and an initialization complexity of $O(d^{1+\epsilon})$.
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Low transaction throughput and poor scalability are significant issues in public blockchain consensus protocols such as Bitcoins. Recent research efforts in this direction have proposed shard-based consensus protocols where the key idea is to split the transactions among multiple committees (or shards), which then process these shards or set of transactions in parallel. Such a parallel processing of disjoint sets of transactions or shards by multiple committees significantly improves the overall scalability and transaction throughout of the system. However, one significant research gap is a lack of understanding of the strategic behavior of rational processors within committees in such shard-based consensus protocols. Such an understanding is critical for designing appropriate incentives that will foster cooperation within committees and prevent free-riding. In this paper, we address this research gap by analyzing the behavior of processors using a game-theoretic model, where each processor aims at maximizing its reward at a minimum cost of participating in the protocol. We first analyze the Nash equilibria in an N-player static game model of the sharding protocol. We show that depending on the reward sharing approach employed, processors can potentially increase their payoff by unilaterally behaving in a defective fashion, thus resulting in a social dilemma. In order to overcome this social dilemma, we propose a novel incentive-compatible reward sharing mechanism to promote cooperation among processors. Our numerical results show that achieving a majority of cooperating processors (required to ensure a healthy state of the blockchain network) is easier to achieve with the proposed incentive-compatible reward sharing mechanism than with other reward sharing mechanisms.
In this paper, we propose coded Merkle tree (CMT), a novel hash accumulator that offers a constant-cost protection against data availability attacks in blockchains, even if the majority of the network nodes are malicious. A CMT is constructed using a family of sparse erasure codes on each layer, and is recovered by iteratively applying a peeling-decoding technique that enables a compact proof for data availability attack on any layer. Our algorithm enables any node to verify the full availability of any data block generated by the system by just downloading a \(\varTheta (1)\) byte block hash commitment and randomly sampling \(\varTheta (\log b)\) bytes, where b is the size of the data block. With the help of only one connected honest node in the system, our method also allows any node to verify any tampering of the coded Merkle tree by just downloading \(\varTheta (\log b)\) bytes. We provide a modular library for CMT in Rust and Python and demonstrate its efficacy inside the Parity Bitcoin client.
Conference Paper
We consider a scenario involving computations over a massive dataset stored distributedly across multiple workers, which is at the core of distributed learning algorithms. We propose Lagrange Coded Computing (LCC), a new framework to simultaneously provide (1) resiliency against stragglers that may prolong computations; (2) security against Byzantine (or malicious) workers that deliberately modify the computation for their benefit; and (3) (information-theoretic) privacy of the dataset amidst possible collusion of workers. LCC, which leverages the well-known Lagrange polynomial to create computation redundancy in a novel coded form across workers, can be applied to any computation scenario in which the function of interest is an arbitrary multivariate polynomial of the input dataset, hence covering many computations of interest in machine learning. LCC significantly generalizes prior works to go beyond linear computations. It also enables secure and private computing in distributed settings, improving the computation and communication efficiency of the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we prove the optimality of LCC by showing that it achieves the optimal tradeoff between resiliency, security, and privacy, i.e., in terms of tolerating the maximum number of stragglers and adversaries, and providing data privacy against the maximum number of colluding workers. Finally, we show via experiments on Amazon EC2 that LCC speeds up the conventional uncoded implementation of distributed least-squares linear regression by up to 13.43×, and also achieves a 2.36×-12.65× speedup over the state-of-the-art straggler mitigation strategies.
Blockchain – a distributed and public database of transactions – has become a platform for decentralized applications. Despite its increasing popularity, blockchain technology faces a scalability problem: the throughput does not scale with the increasing network size. Thus, in this paper, we propose a scalable blockchain protocol to solve the scalability problem. The proposed method was designed based on a proof of stake (PoS) consensus protocol and a sharding protocol. Instead of transactions being processed by the whole network, the sharding protocol is employed to divide unconfirmed transactions into transaction shards and to divide the network into network shards. The network shards process the transaction shards in parallel to produce middle blocks. Middle blocks are then combined into a final BLOCK in a timestamp recorded on the blockchain. Experiments were performed in a simulation network consisting of 100 Amazon EC2 instances. The latency of the proposed method was approximately 27 s and the maximum throughput achieved was 36 transactions per second for a network containing 100 nodes. The results of the experiments indicate that the throughput of the proposed protocol increases with the network size. This confirms the scalability of the proposed protocol.